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[GitHub] [arrow] assignUser commented on a diff in pull request #12849: ARROW-15092: [R] Support create_package_with_all_dependencies() on non-linux systems

assignUser commented on code in PR #12849:

@@ -137,6 +137,262 @@ reload_arrow <- function() {
+# Substitute like the bash shell
+# @param one_string A length-1 character vector
+# @param possible_values A dictionary-ish set of variables that could provide
+#   values to substitute in.
+# @return `one_string`, with values substituted like bash would.
+# Only supports a small subset of bash substitution patterns. May have multiple
+# bash variables in `one_string`
+# Used as a helper to parse versions.txt
+..install_substitute_like_bash <- function(one_string, possible_values) {

Review Comment:
   I think it is not necessary to use the dot-prefix for internal functions as it is done nowhere else in the package. Nice job keeping a consistent naming scheme though! 👍 

@@ -137,6 +137,262 @@ reload_arrow <- function() {
+# Substitute like the bash shell
+# @param one_string A length-1 character vector
+# @param possible_values A dictionary-ish set of variables that could provide
+#   values to substitute in.
+# @return `one_string`, with values substituted like bash would.
+# Only supports a small subset of bash substitution patterns. May have multiple
+# bash variables in `one_string`
+# Used as a helper to parse versions.txt
+..install_substitute_like_bash <- function(one_string, possible_values) {
+  stopifnot(
+    !is.null(names(possible_values)),
+    !any(names(possible_values) == ""),
+    anyDuplicated(names(possible_values)) == 0,
+    length(one_string) == 1,
+    !anyNA(possible_values)
+  )
+  # Find the name of the version we want, something like
+  # The `(//./_|:1)` is a special case to handle some bash fanciness.
+  version_regex <- "\\$\\{(ARROW_[A-Z0-9_]+?_VERSION)(//./_|:1)?\\}"
+  # Extract the matched groups. If the pattern occurs multiple times, we need
+  # all (non-overlapping) matches. stringr::str_extract_all() or
+  # base::gregexec() would be useful here, but gregexec was only introduced in
+  # R 4.1.
+  matched_substrings <- regmatches(
+    one_string,
+    gregexpr(version_regex, one_string, perl = TRUE)
+  )[[1]] # Subset [[1]] because one_string has length 1
+  # `matched_substrings` is a character vector with length equal to the number
+  # of non-overlapping matches of `version_regex` in `one_string`. `match_list`
+  # is a list (same length as `matched_substrings`), where each list element is
+  # a length-3 character vector. The first element of the vector is the value
+  # from `matched_substrings` (e.g. "${ARROW_ZZZ_VERSION//./_}"). The following
+  #  two values are the captured groups specified in `version_regex` e.g.
+  # "ARROW_ZZZ_VERSION" and "//./_".
+  match_list <- regmatches(
+    matched_substrings,
+    regexec(version_regex, matched_substrings, perl = TRUE)
+  )
+  # Small helper to take slices of match_list
+  extract_chr_by_idx <- function(lst, idx) {
+    vapply(lst, function(x) x[idx], FUN.VALUE = character(1L))
+  }
+  string_to_sub <- extract_chr_by_idx(match_list, 1L)
+  version_varnames <- extract_chr_by_idx(match_list, 2L)
+  bash_special_cases <- extract_chr_by_idx(match_list, 3L)
+  version_values <- possible_values[version_varnames]
+  version_values <- ifelse(
+    bash_special_cases == "", version_values, ifelse(
+      bash_special_cases == ":1", substring(version_values, 2), ifelse(
+        bash_special_cases == "//./_", gsub(".", "_", version_values, fixed = TRUE),
+        NA_character_ # otherwise
+      )
+    )
+  )
+  num_to_sub <- length(string_to_sub)
+  stopifnot(
+    all(version_varnames %in% names(possible_values)),
+    !anyNA(version_values),
+    num_to_sub >= 1,
+    num_to_sub < 10 # Something has gone wrong if we're doing 10+
+  )
+  out <- one_string
+  for (idx in seq_len(num_to_sub)) {
+    # not gsub in case there are duplicates
+    out <- sub(string_to_sub[idx], version_values[idx], out, fixed = TRUE)
+  }
+  out
+# Substitute all values in the filenames and URLs of versions.txt
+# @param deps_unsubstituted A list with two elements, `filenames` and `urls`
+# @param possible_values A dictionary-ish set of variables that could provide
+#   values to substitute in.
+# @return A list with two elements, `filenames` and `urls`, with values
+#   substituted into the strings like bash would.
+# Used as a helper to parse versions.txt
+..install_substitute_all <- function(deps_unsubstituted, possible_values) {
+  file_substituted <- vapply(
+    deps_unsubstituted$filenames,
+    ..install_substitute_like_bash,
+    FUN.VALUE = character(1),
+    possible_values = possible_values
+  )
+  url_substituted <- vapply(
+    deps_unsubstituted$urls,
+    ..install_substitute_like_bash,
+    FUN.VALUE = character(1),
+    possible_values = possible_values
+  )
+  list(
+    filenames = unname(file_substituted),
+    urls = unname(url_substituted)
+  )
+# Parse the version lines portion of versions.txt
+# @param version_lines A character vector of lines read from versions.txt
+# @return The parsed and bash-substiuted version values
+# Used as a helper to parse versions.txt
+..install_parse_version_lines <- function(version_lines) {
+  version_lines <- trimws(version_lines)
+  version_regex <- "^(ARROW_[A-Z0-9_]+_)(VERSION|SHA256_CHECKSUM)=([^=]+)$"
+  if (!all(grepl(version_regex, version_lines, perl = TRUE))) {
+    stop("Failed to parse version lines")
+  }
+  match_list <- regmatches(
+    version_lines,
+    regexec(version_regex, version_lines, perl = TRUE)
+  )
+  # Find the lines where the second regex match group is that are "VERSION" (as
+  # opposed to "SHA256_CHECKSUM")
+  version_idx <- vapply(
+    match_list,
+    function(m) m[[3]] == "VERSION",
+    FUN.VALUE = logical(1)
+  )
+  version_matches <- match_list[version_idx]
+  # Fancy indexing here is just to pull the first and second regex match out,
+  version_varnames <- vapply(
+    version_matches,
+    function(m) paste0(m[[2]], m[[3]]),
+    FUN.VALUE = character(1)
+  )
+  version_values <- vapply(version_matches,
+    function(m) m[[4]],
+    FUN.VALUE = character(1)
+  )
+  names(version_values) <- version_varnames
+  return(version_values)
+# Parse the URL + filename array portion of versions.txt
+# @param array_lines Characer vector of lines from the versions.txt file with
+#   the filename and URL array
+# @return A list with two character vectors, with names `filenames` and `urls`
+# The output of this function has split out the filename and URL components,
+# but has not yet substituted in the version numbers. The output is next passed
+# to `..install_substitute_all()`
+# Used as a helper to parse versions.txt
+..install_parse_dependency_array <- function(array_lines) {
+  stopifnot(
+    length(array_lines) >= 1,
+    is.character(array_lines),
+    !anyNA(array_lines)
+  )
+  array_lines <- trimws(array_lines)
+  # Parse the array_lines with a regex. Each line of the array is a different
+  # component, with a format like `"<component name> <filename> <url>"` (quotes
+  # included). The filename and URL include some version string that's defined
+  # earlier in the file.
+  # Regex in words:
+  # Start with `"ARROW_`, then any capital ASCII letter, number, or underscore.
+  # After a space, find anything except a space, colon, or forward slash. (No
+  # space is essential, and would be essential to parsing the array in bash.
+  # The colon and slash are just basic guards that this is a filename.) Next, a
+  # space. Then a URL, starting with https://, and including anything except a
+  # space. (This is the URL before substituting in the version sting, so normal
+  # URL parsing rules don't apply.)
+  dep_array_regex <- '^"(ARROW_[A-Z0-9_]+_URL) ([^ :/"]+) (https://[^ "]+)"$'
+  if (!all(grepl(dep_array_regex, array_lines, perl = TRUE))) {
+    stop("Cannot parse thirdparty dependency array in expected format.")
+  }
+  list(
+    filenames = gsub(dep_array_regex, "\\2", array_lines, perl = TRUE),
+    urls      = gsub(dep_array_regex, "\\3", array_lines, perl = TRUE)
+  )
+# Parse the versions.txt file
+# @param versions_file Filename pointing to versions.txt
+# @return The parsed and ready-to-use values, as a named list of vectors
+# The versions.txt file is included as part of the R tar file, and is here:
+# Used as a helper to parse versions.txt
+..install_parse_lines <- function(versions_file) {
+  orig_lines <- readLines(versions_file)
+  lines <- gsub("#.*", "", orig_lines, perl = TRUE)
+  lines <- lines[lines != ""]
+  dep_array_start_idx <- grep("^DEPENDENCIES=\\($", lines, perl = TRUE)
+  dep_array_lines <- lines[
+ = dep_array_start_idx + 1, to = length(lines) - 1, by = 1)
+  ]
+  version_lines <- lines[, dep_array_start_idx - 1, by = 1)]
+  version_info <- ..install_parse_version_lines(version_lines)
+  failed_to_parse <- c(
+    anyNA(orig_lines),
+    length(orig_lines) > 1000,
+    length(lines) == 0,
+    length(dep_array_start_idx) != 1,
+    dep_array_start_idx <= 1,
+    dep_array_start_idx >= length(lines) - 3,
+    lines[length(lines)] != ")",
+    length(dep_array_lines) == 0,
+    anyNA(version_info)
+  )
+  if (any(failed_to_parse)) {
+    stop(

Review Comment:
   You could use `rlang::abort` here but that is very heterogenous in the package so 🤷 (and you aimed for base R which is good!) 

@@ -137,6 +137,262 @@ reload_arrow <- function() {
+# Substitute like the bash shell
+# @param one_string A length-1 character vector
+# @param possible_values A dictionary-ish set of variables that could provide
+#   values to substitute in.
+# @return `one_string`, with values substituted like bash would.
+# Only supports a small subset of bash substitution patterns. May have multiple
+# bash variables in `one_string`
+# Used as a helper to parse versions.txt
+..install_substitute_like_bash <- function(one_string, possible_values) {
+  stopifnot(
+    !is.null(names(possible_values)),
+    !any(names(possible_values) == ""),
+    anyDuplicated(names(possible_values)) == 0,
+    length(one_string) == 1,
+    !anyNA(possible_values)
+  )
+  # Find the name of the version we want, something like
+  # The `(//./_|:1)` is a special case to handle some bash fanciness.
+  version_regex <- "\\$\\{(ARROW_[A-Z0-9_]+?_VERSION)(//./_|:1)?\\}"
+  # Extract the matched groups. If the pattern occurs multiple times, we need
+  # all (non-overlapping) matches. stringr::str_extract_all() or
+  # base::gregexec() would be useful here, but gregexec was only introduced in
+  # R 4.1.
+  matched_substrings <- regmatches(
+    one_string,
+    gregexpr(version_regex, one_string, perl = TRUE)
+  )[[1]] # Subset [[1]] because one_string has length 1
+  # `matched_substrings` is a character vector with length equal to the number
+  # of non-overlapping matches of `version_regex` in `one_string`. `match_list`
+  # is a list (same length as `matched_substrings`), where each list element is
+  # a length-3 character vector. The first element of the vector is the value
+  # from `matched_substrings` (e.g. "${ARROW_ZZZ_VERSION//./_}"). The following
+  #  two values are the captured groups specified in `version_regex` e.g.
+  # "ARROW_ZZZ_VERSION" and "//./_".

Review Comment:

@@ -137,6 +137,262 @@ reload_arrow <- function() {
+# Substitute like the bash shell
+# @param one_string A length-1 character vector
+# @param possible_values A dictionary-ish set of variables that could provide
+#   values to substitute in.
+# @return `one_string`, with values substituted like bash would.
+# Only supports a small subset of bash substitution patterns. May have multiple
+# bash variables in `one_string`
+# Used as a helper to parse versions.txt
+..install_substitute_like_bash <- function(one_string, possible_values) {

Review Comment:
   > I wrote some roxygen-like documentation, but didn't actually want to generate the `*.Rd` files, so just started the lines with `#` instead of `#'`.
   You can prevent the creation of an Rd file by using `@noRd` .

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