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[14/51] [partial] Rename twitter* and com.twitter to apache and org.apache directories to preserve all file history before the refactor.
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/cli/BUILD b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/cli/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a44a21..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/cli/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-  name='client',
-  entry_point = 'twitter.aurora.cli:main',
-  dependencies = [ pants(':cli') ],
-  )
-  name='cli',
-  sources = [ '', '', '', '' ],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/python'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/api:command_runner'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/api:disambiguator'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/api:job_monitor'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/api:updater'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/hooks'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client:base'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client:config'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client:factory'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client:options'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common'),
-    pants('src/main/thrift/com/twitter/aurora/gen:py-thrift'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora:argparse')
-    ]
-  )
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/cli/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/cli/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c08cf9..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/cli/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-'''Command-line tooling infrastructure for aurora client v2.
-This provides a framework for a noun/verb command-line application. The application is structured
-around a collection of basic objects (nouns) that can be manipulated by the command line, where
-each type of object provides a collection of operations (verbs). Every command invocation
-consists of the name of the noun, followed by one of the verbs for that noun, followed by other
-arguments needed by the verb.
-For example:
-- To create a job, the noun is "job", the verb is "create":
-  $ aurora job create us-west/www/prod/server server.aurora
-- To find out the resource quota for a specific user, the noun is "user" and the verb is
-  "get_quota":
-  $ aurora user get_quota mchucarroll
-from __future__ import print_function
-from abc import abstractmethod
-import argparse
-import sys
-# Constants for standard return codes.
-EXIT_OK = 0
-class Context(object):
-  class Error(Exception): pass
-  class ArgumentException(Error): pass
-  class CommandError(Error):
-    def __init__(self, code, msg):
-      super(Context.CommandError, self).__init__(msg)
-      self.msg = msg
-      self.code = code
-  def set_options(self, options):
-    """Add the options object to a context.
-    This is separated from the constructor to make patching tests easier.
-    """
-    self.options = options
-class CommandOption(object):
-  """A lightweight encapsulation of an argparse option specification, which can be used to
-  define options that can be reused by multiple commands."""
-  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-    self.args = args
-    self.kwargs = kwargs
-  def add_to_parser(self, parser):
-    parser.add_argument(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
-class AuroraCommand(object):
-  def setup_options_parser(self, argparser):
-    """Set up command line options parsing for this command.
-    This is a thin veneer over the standard python argparse system.
-    :param argparser: the argument parser where this command can add its arguments.
-    """
-    pass
-  def add_option(self, argparser, option):
-    """Add a predefined argument encapsulated an a CommandOption to an argument parser."""
-    if not isinstance(option, CommandOption):
-      raise TypeError('Command option object must be an instance of CommandOption')
-    option.add_to_parser(argparser)
-  @property
-  def help(self):
-    """The help message for a command that will be used in the argparse help message"""
-  @property
-  def name(self):
-    """The command name"""
-class CommandLine(object):
-  """The top-level object implementing a command-line application."""
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.nouns = {}
-    self.parser = None
-  def register_noun(self, noun):
-    """Add a noun to the application"""
-    if not isinstance(noun, Noun):
-      raise TypeError('register_noun requires a Noun argument')
-    self.nouns[] = noun
-  def setup_options_parser(self):
-    """ Build the options parsing for the application."""
-    self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    subparser = self.parser.add_subparsers(dest='noun')
-    for (name, noun) in self.nouns.items():
-      noun_parser = subparser.add_parser(name,
-      noun.internal_setup_options_parser(noun_parser)
-  def register_nouns(self):
-    """This method should overridden by applications to register the collection of nouns
-    that they can manipulate.
-    """
-    pass
-  def execute(self, args):
-    """Execute a command.
-    :param args: the command-line arguments for the command. This only includes arguments
-        that should be parsed by the application; it does not include sys.argv[0].
-    """
-    self.register_nouns()
-    self.setup_options_parser()
-    options = self.parser.parse_args(args)
-    if options.noun not in self.nouns:
-      raise ValueError('Unknown command: %s' % options.noun)
-    noun = self.nouns[options.noun]
-    context = noun.create_context()
-    context.set_options(options)
-    try:
-      return noun.execute(context)
-    except Context.CommandError as c:
-      print('Error executing command: %s' % c.msg, file=sys.stderr)
-      return c.code
-class Noun(AuroraCommand):
-  """A type of object manipulated by a command line application"""
-  class InvalidVerbException(Exception): pass
-  def __init__(self):
-    super(Noun, self).__init__()
-    self.verbs = {}
-  def register_verb(self, verb):
-    """Add an operation supported for this noun."""
-    if not isinstance(verb, Verb):
-      raise TypeError('register_verb requires a Verb argument')
-    self.verbs[] = verb
-    verb._register(self)
-  def internal_setup_options_parser(self, argparser):
-    """Internal driver for the options processing framework."""
-    self.setup_options_parser(argparser)
-    subparser = argparser.add_subparsers(dest='verb')
-    for (name, verb) in self.verbs.items():
-      vparser = subparser.add_parser(name,
-      verb.setup_options_parser(vparser)
-  @classmethod
-  def create_context(cls):
-    """Commands access state through a context object. The noun specifies what kind
-    of context should be created for this noun's required state.
-    """
-    pass
-  @abstractmethod
-  def setup_options_parser(self, argparser):
-    pass
-  def execute(self, context):
-    if context.options.verb not in self.verbs:
-      raise self.InvalidVerbException('Noun %s does not have a verb %s' %
-          (, context.options.verb))
-    self.verbs[context.options.verb].execute(context)
-class Verb(AuroraCommand):
-  """An operation for a noun. Most application logic will live in verbs."""
-  def _register(self, noun):
-    """Create a link from a verb to its noun."""
-    self.noun = noun
-  @abstractmethod
-  def setup_options_parser(self, argparser):
-    pass
-  def execute(self, context):
-    pass
-class AuroraCommandLine(CommandLine):
-  """ An example implementation of a command line application using this framework.
-  This should probably eventually get moved in to its own source file.
-  """
-  @classmethod
-  def get_description(cls):
-    return 'Aurora client command line'
-  def register_nouns(self):
-    from .jobs import Job
-    self.register_noun(Job())
-def main():
-  cmd = AuroraCommandLine()
-  cmd.execute(sys.argv[1:])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/cli/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/cli/
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index 2ae92ec..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/cli/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-from twitter.aurora.client.base import synthesize_url
-from twitter.aurora.client.cli import Context, EXIT_NETWORK_ERROR
-from twitter.aurora.client.config import get_config
-from twitter.aurora.client.factory import make_client
-from twitter.common import log
-from gen.twitter.aurora.ttypes import ResponseCode
-class AuroraCommandContext(Context):
-  """A context object used by Aurora commands to manage command processing state
-  and common operations.
-  """
-  def get_api(self, cluster):
-    """Creates an API object for a specified cluster"""
-    return make_client(cluster)
-  def get_job_config(self, job_key, config_file):
-    """Loads a job configuration from a config file"""
-    jobname =
-    return get_config(
-      jobname,
-      config_file,
-      self.options.json,
-      self.options.bindings,
-      select_cluster=job_key.cluster,
-      select_role=job_key.role,
-      select_env=job_key.env)
-  def open_page(self, url):
-    import webbrowser
-    webbrowser.open_new_tab(url)
-  def open_job_page(self, api, config):
-    self.open_page(synthesize_url(api.scheduler.scheduler().url, config.role(),
-        config.environment(),
-  def handle_open(self, api):
-    if self.options.open_browser:
-      self.open_page(synthesize_url(api.scheduler.scheduler().url,
-          self.options.jobspec.role, self.options.jobspec.env,
-  def check_and_log_response(self, resp):
-'Response from scheduler: %s (message: %s)'
-        % (ResponseCode._VALUES_TO_NAMES[resp.responseCode], resp.message))
-    if resp.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK:
-      raise self.CommandError(EXIT_NETWORK_ERROR, resp.message)
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deleted file mode 100644
index e66f181..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/cli/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-from twitter.aurora.client.api.job_monitor import JobMonitor
-from twitter.aurora.client.cli import (
-    Noun,
-    Verb
-from twitter.aurora.client.cli.context import AuroraCommandContext
-from twitter.aurora.client.cli.options import (
-from twitter.aurora.common.aurora_job_key import AuroraJobKey
-from pystachio.config import Config
-def parse_instances(instances):
-  """Parse lists of instances or instance ranges into a set().
-     Examples:
-       0-2
-       0,1-3,5
-       1,3,5
-  """
-  if instances is None or instances == '':
-    return None
-  result = set()
-  for part in instances.split(','):
-    x = part.split('-')
-    result.update(range(int(x[0]), int(x[-1]) + 1))
-  return sorted(result)
-class CreateJobCommand(Verb):
-  @property
-  def name(self):
-    return 'create'
-  @property
-  def help(self):
-    return 'Create a job using aurora'
-  def setup_options_parser(self, parser):
-    self.add_option(parser, BIND_OPTION)
-    self.add_option(parser, BROWSER_OPTION)
-    self.add_option(parser, JSON_OPTION)
-    parser.add_argument('--wait_until', choices=self.CREATE_STATES,
-        default='PENDING',
-        help=('Block the client until all the tasks have transitioned into the requested state. '
-                        'Default: PENDING'))
-    self.add_option(parser, JOBSPEC_OPTION)
-    self.add_option(parser, CONFIG_OPTION)
-  def execute(self, context):
-    try:
-      config = context.get_job_config(context.options.jobspec, context.options.config_file)
-    except Config.InvalidConfigError as e:
-      raise context.CommandError(EXIT_INVALID_CONFIGURATION,
-          'Error loading job configuration: %s' % e)
-    api = context.get_api(config.cluster())
-    monitor = JobMonitor(api, config.role(), config.environment(),
-    resp = api.create_job(config)
-    context.check_and_log_response(resp)
-    if context.options.open_browser:
-      context.open_job_page(api, config)
-    if context.options.wait_until == 'RUNNING':
-      monitor.wait_until(monitor.running_or_finished)
-    elif context.options.wait_until == 'FINISHED':
-      monitor.wait_until(monitor.terminal)
-class KillJobCommand(Verb):
-  @property
-  def name(self):
-    return 'kill'
-  def setup_options_parser(self, parser):
-    self.add_option(parser, BROWSER_OPTION)
-    parser.add_argument('--instances', type=parse_instances, dest='instances', default=None,
-        help='A list of instance ids to act on. Can either be a comma-separated list (e.g. 0,1,2) '
-            'or a range (e.g. 0-2) or any combination of the two (e.g. 0-2,5,7-9). If not set, '
-            'all instances will be acted on.')
-    parser.add_argument('--config', type=str, default=None, dest='config',
-         help='Config file for the job, possibly containing hooks')
-    self.add_option(parser, JOBSPEC_OPTION)
-  def execute(self, context):
-    api = context.get_api(context.options.jobspec.cluster)
-    resp = api.kill_job(context.options.jobspec, context.options.instances)
-    context.check_and_log_response(resp)
-    context.handle_open(api)
-class Job(Noun):
-  @property
-  def name(self):
-    return 'job'
-  @property
-  def help(self):
-    return "Work with an aurora job"
-  @classmethod
-  def create_context(cls):
-    return AuroraCommandContext()
-  def __init__(self):
-    super(Job, self).__init__()
-    self.register_verb(CreateJobCommand())
-    self.register_verb(KillJobCommand())
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/cli/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/cli/
deleted file mode 100644
index 64a58f8..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/cli/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-from twitter.aurora.client.cli import CommandOption
-from twitter.aurora.common.aurora_job_key import AuroraJobKey
-BIND_OPTION = CommandOption('--bind', type=str, default=[], dest='bindings',
-    action='append',
-    help='Bind a thermos mustache variable name to a value. '
-    'Multiple flags may be used to specify multiple values.')
-BROWSER_OPTION = CommandOption('--open-browser', default=False, dest='open_browser',
-    action='store_true',
-    help='open browser to view job page after job is created')
-CONFIG_OPTION = CommandOption('config_file', type='str', dest='config_file',
-    help='pathname of the aurora configuration file contain the job specification')
-JOBSPEC_OPTION = CommandOption('jobspec', type=AuroraJobKey.from_path,
-    help='Fully specified job key, in CLUSTER/ROLE/ENV/NAME format')
-JSON_OPTION = CommandOption('--json', default=False, dest='json', action='store_true',
-    help='Read job configuration in json format')
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/commands/BUILD b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/commands/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bcb6fd..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/commands/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-  name = 'all',
-  dependencies = [
-    pants(':core'),
-    pants(':help'),
-    pants(':run'),
-    pants(':ssh'),
-  ]
-  name = 'admin',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/app'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/quantity'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/admin:mesos_maintenance'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/api'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client:base'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common:clusters'),
-    pants('src/main/thrift/com/twitter/aurora/gen:py-thrift'),
-  ]
-  name = 'core',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/app'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/python'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/api:command_runner'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/api:disambiguator'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/api:job_monitor'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/api:updater'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/hooks'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client:base'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client:config'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client:factory'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client:options'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common'),
-    pants('src/main/thrift/com/twitter/aurora/gen:py-thrift'),
-  ]
-  name = 'help',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/app'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client:base'),
-  ]
-  name = 'run',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/app'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/api:command_runner'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client:base'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client:options'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common:aurora_job_key'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common:clusters'),
-  ]
-  name = 'ssh',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/app'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/api:command_runner'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client:base'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client:factory'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client:options'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common:aurora_job_key'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common:clusters'),
-  ]
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/commands/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/commands/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/commands/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/commands/
deleted file mode 100644
index c1c9c42..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/commands/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-"""Command-line client for managing admin-only interactions with the aurora scheduler.
-import os
-import optparse
-import subprocess
-from twitter.aurora.admin.mesos_maintenance import MesosMaintenance
-from twitter.aurora.client.api import AuroraClientAPI
-from twitter.aurora.client.base import check_and_log_response, die, requires
-from twitter.aurora.common.clusters import CLUSTERS
-from twitter.common import app, log
-from twitter.common.quantity import Amount, Data
-from twitter.common.quantity.parse_simple import parse_data
-from gen.twitter.aurora.constants import ACTIVE_STATES, TERMINAL_STATES
-from gen.twitter.aurora.ttypes import (
-    ResponseCode,
-    ScheduleStatus,
-    TaskQuery,
-GROUPING_OPTION = optparse.Option(
-    '--grouping',
-    type='choice',
-    choices=MesosMaintenance.GROUPING_FUNCTIONS.keys(),
-    metavar='GROUPING',
-    default=MesosMaintenance.DEFAULT_GROUPING,
-    dest='grouping',
-    help='Grouping function to use to group hosts.  Options: %s.  Default: %%default' % (
-        ', '.join(MesosMaintenance.GROUPING_FUNCTIONS.keys())))
-def parse_hosts(options):
-  if not (options.filename or options.hosts):
-    die('Please specify either --filename or --hosts')
-  if options.filename:
-    with open(options.filename, 'r') as hosts:
-      hosts = [hostname.strip() for hostname in hosts]
-  elif options.hosts:
-    hosts = [hostname.strip() for hostname in options.hosts.split(",")]
-  if not hosts:
-    die('No valid hosts found.')
-  return hosts
-@app.command_option('--force', dest='force', default=False, action='store_true',
-    help='Force expensive queries to run.')
-@app.command_option('--shards', dest='shards', default=None,
-    help='Only match given shards of a job.')
-@app.command_option('--states', dest='states', default='RUNNING',
-    help='Only match tasks with given state(s).')
-@app.command_option('-l', '--listformat', dest='listformat',
-    default="%role%/%jobName%/%instanceId% %status%",
-    help='Format string of job/task items to print out.')
-# TODO(ksweeney): Allow query by environment here.
-def query(args, options):
-  """usage: query [--shards=N[,N,...]]
-                  [--states=State[,State,...]]
-                  cluster [role [job]]
-  Query Mesos about jobs and tasks.
-  """
-  def _convert_fmt_string(fmtstr):
-    import re
-    def convert(match):
-      return "%%(%s)s" %
-    return re.sub(r'%(\w+)%', convert, fmtstr)
-  def flatten_task(t, d={}):
-    for key in t.__dict__.keys():
-      val = getattr(t, key)
-      try:
-        val.__dict__.keys()
-      except AttributeError:
-        d[key] = val
-      else:
-        flatten_task(val, d)
-    return d
-  def map_values(d):
-    default_value = lambda v: v
-    mapping = {
-      'status': lambda v: ScheduleStatus._VALUES_TO_NAMES[v],
-    }
-    return dict(
-      (k, mapping.get(k, default_value)(v)) for (k, v) in d.items()
-    )
-  for state in options.states.split(','):
-    if state not in ScheduleStatus._NAMES_TO_VALUES:
-      msg = "Unknown state '%s' specified.  Valid states are:\n" % state
-      msg += ','.join(ScheduleStatus._NAMES_TO_VALUES.keys())
-      die(msg)
-  # Role, Job, Instances, States, and the listformat
-  if len(args) == 0:
-    die('Must specify at least cluster.')
-  cluster = args[0]
-  role = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None
-  job = args[2] if len(args) > 2 else None
-  instances = set(map(int, options.shards.split(','))) if options.shards else set()
-  if options.states:
-    states = set(map(ScheduleStatus._NAMES_TO_VALUES.get, options.states.split(',')))
-  else:
-  listformat = _convert_fmt_string(options.listformat)
-  #  Figure out "expensive" queries here and bone if they do not have --force
-  #  - Does not specify role
-  if role is None and not options.force:
-    die('--force is required for expensive queries (no role specified)')
-  #  - Does not specify job
-  if job is None and not options.force:
-    die('--force is required for expensive queries (no job specified)')
-  #  - Specifies status outside of ACTIVE_STATES
-  if not (states <= ACTIVE_STATES) and not options.force:
-    die('--force is required for expensive queries (states outside ACTIVE states')
-  api = AuroraClientAPI(CLUSTERS[cluster], options.verbosity)
-  query_info = api.query(api.build_query(role, job, instances=instances, statuses=states))
-  tasks = query_info.result.scheduleStatusResult.tasks
-  if query_info.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK:
-    die('Failed to query scheduler: %s' % query_info.message)
-  if tasks is None:
-    return
-  try:
-    for task in tasks:
-      d = flatten_task(task)
-      print(listformat % map_values(d))
-  except KeyError:
-    msg = "Unknown key in format string.  Valid keys are:\n"
-    msg += ','.join(d.keys())
-    die(msg)
-@requires.exactly('cluster', 'role', 'cpu', 'ramMb', 'diskMb')
-def set_quota(cluster, role, cpu_str, ram_mb_str, disk_mb_str):
-  """usage: set_quota cluster role cpu ramMb diskMb
-  Alters the amount of production quota allocated to a user.
-  """
-  try:
-    cpu = float(cpu_str)
-    ram_mb = int(ram_mb_str)
-    disk_mb = int(disk_mb_str)
-  except ValueError:
-    log.error('Invalid value')
-  options = app.get_options()
-  resp = AuroraClientAPI(CLUSTERS[cluster], options.verbosity).set_quota(role, cpu, ram_mb, disk_mb)
-  check_and_log_response(resp)
-@app.command_option('--filename', dest='filename', default=None,
-    help='Name of the file with hostnames')
-@app.command_option('--hosts', dest='hosts', default=None,
-    help='Comma separated list of hosts')
-def start_maintenance_hosts(cluster):
-  """usage: start_maintenance_hosts cluster [--filename=filename]
-                                            [--hosts=hosts]
-  """
-  options = app.get_options()
-  MesosMaintenance(CLUSTERS[cluster], options.verbosity).start_maintenance(parse_hosts(options))
-@app.command_option('--filename', dest='filename', default=None,
-    help='Name of the file with hostnames')
-@app.command_option('--hosts', dest='hosts', default=None,
-    help='Comma separated list of hosts')
-def end_maintenance_hosts(cluster):
-  """usage: end_maintenance_hosts cluster [--filename=filename]
-                                          [--hosts=hosts]
-  """
-  options = app.get_options()
-  MesosMaintenance(CLUSTERS[cluster], options.verbosity).end_maintenance(parse_hosts(options))
-@app.command_option('--filename', dest='filename', default=None,
-    help='Name of the file with hostnames')
-@app.command_option('--hosts', dest='hosts', default=None,
-    help='Comma separated list of hosts')
-@app.command_option('--batch_size', dest='batch_size', default=1,
-    help='Number of groups to operate on at a time.')
-@app.command_option('--post_drain_script', dest='post_drain_script', default=None,
-    help='Path to a script to run for each host.')
-def perform_maintenance_hosts(cluster):
-  """usage: perform_maintenance cluster [--filename=filename]
-                                        [--hosts=hosts]
-                                        [--batch_size=num]
-                                        [--post_drain_script=path]
-                                        [--grouping=function]
-  Asks the scheduler to remove any running tasks from the machine and remove it
-  from service temporarily, perform some action on them, then return the machines
-  to service.
-  """
-  options = app.get_options()
-  drainable_hosts = parse_hosts(options)
-  if options.post_drain_script:
-    if not os.path.exists(options.post_drain_script):
-      die("No such file: %s" % options.post_drain_script)
-    cmd = os.path.abspath(options.post_drain_script)
-    drained_callback = lambda host: subprocess.Popen([cmd, host])
-  else:
-    drained_callback = None
-  MesosMaintenance(CLUSTERS[cluster], options.verbosity).perform_maintenance(
-      drainable_hosts,
-      batch_size=int(options.batch_size),
-      callback=drained_callback,
-      grouping_function=options.grouping)
-@app.command_option('--filename', dest='filename', default=None,
-    help='Name of the file with hostnames')
-@app.command_option('--hosts', dest='hosts', default=None,
-    help='Comma separated list of hosts')
-def host_maintenance_status(cluster):
-  """usage: host_maintenance_status cluster [--filename=filename]
-                                            [--hosts=hosts]
-  Check on the schedulers maintenance status for a list of hosts in the cluster.
-  """
-  options = app.get_options()
-  checkable_hosts = parse_hosts(options)
-  statuses = MesosMaintenance(CLUSTERS[cluster], options.verbosity).check_status(checkable_hosts)
-  for pair in statuses:
-"%s is in state: %s" % pair)
-@requires.exactly('cluster', 'role', 'cpu', 'ram', 'disk')
-def increase_quota(cluster, role, cpu_str, ram_str, disk_str):
-  """usage: increase_quota cluster role cpu ram[unit] disk[unit]
-  Increases the amount of production quota allocated to a user.
-  """
-  cpu = float(cpu_str)
-  ram = parse_data(ram_str)
-  disk = parse_data(disk_str)
-  options = app.get_options()
-  client = AuroraClientAPI(CLUSTERS[cluster], options.verbosity == 'verbose')
-  resp = client.get_quota(role)
-  quota = resp.result.getQuotaResult.quota
-'Current quota for %s:\n\tCPU\t%s\n\tRAM\t%s MB\n\tDisk\t%s MB' %
-           (role, quota.numCpus, quota.ramMb, quota.diskMb))
-  new_cpu = cpu + quota.numCpus
-  new_ram = ram + Amount(quota.ramMb, Data.MB)
-  new_disk = disk + Amount(quota.diskMb, Data.MB)
-'Attempting to update quota for %s to\n\tCPU\t%s\n\tRAM\t%s MB\n\tDisk\t%s MB' %
-           (role, new_cpu, new_ram.as_(Data.MB), new_disk.as_(Data.MB)))
-  resp = client.set_quota(role, new_cpu, new_ram.as_(Data.MB), new_disk.as_(Data.MB))
-  check_and_log_response(resp)
-def scheduler_backup_now(cluster):
-  """usage: scheduler_backup_now cluster
-  Immediately initiates a full storage backup.
-  """
-  options = app.get_options()
-  check_and_log_response(AuroraClientAPI(CLUSTERS[cluster], options.verbosity).perform_backup())
-def scheduler_list_backups(cluster):
-  """usage: scheduler_list_backups cluster
-  Lists backups available for recovery.
-  """
-  options = app.get_options()
-  resp = AuroraClientAPI(CLUSTERS[cluster], options.verbosity).list_backups()
-  check_and_log_response(resp)
-  backups = resp.result.listBackupsResult.backups
-  print('%s available backups:' % len(backups))
-  for backup in backups:
-    print(backup)
-@requires.exactly('cluster', 'backup_id')
-def scheduler_stage_recovery(cluster, backup_id):
-  """usage: scheduler_stage_recovery cluster backup_id
-  Stages a backup for recovery.
-  """
-  options = app.get_options()
-  check_and_log_response(
-      AuroraClientAPI(CLUSTERS[cluster], options.verbosity).stage_recovery(backup_id))
-def scheduler_print_recovery_tasks(cluster):
-  """usage: scheduler_print_recovery_tasks cluster
-  Prints all active tasks in a staged recovery.
-  """
-  options = app.get_options()
-  resp = AuroraClientAPI(CLUSTERS[cluster], options.verbosity).query_recovery(
-      TaskQuery(statuses=ACTIVE_STATES))
-  check_and_log_response(resp)
-'Role\tJob\tShard\tStatus\tTask ID')
-  for task in resp.tasks:
-    assigned = task.assignedTask
-    conf = assigned.task
-                        conf.jobName,
-                        str(assigned.instanceId),
-                        ScheduleStatus._VALUES_TO_NAMES[task.status],
-                        assigned.taskId)))
-@requires.exactly('cluster', 'task_ids')
-def scheduler_delete_recovery_tasks(cluster, task_ids):
-  """usage: scheduler_delete_recovery_tasks cluster task_ids
-  Deletes a comma-separated list of task IDs from a staged recovery.
-  """
-  ids = set(task_ids.split(','))
-  options = app.get_options()
-  check_and_log_response(AuroraClientAPI(CLUSTERS[cluster], options.verbosity)
-      .delete_recovery_tasks(TaskQuery(taskIds=ids)))
-def scheduler_commit_recovery(cluster):
-  """usage: scheduler_commit_recovery cluster
-  Commits a staged recovery.
-  """
-  options = app.get_options()
-  check_and_log_response(AuroraClientAPI(CLUSTERS[cluster], options.verbosity)
-      .commit_recovery())
-def scheduler_unload_recovery(cluster):
-  """usage: scheduler_unload_recovery cluster
-  Unloads a staged recovery.
-  """
-  options = app.get_options()
-  check_and_log_response(AuroraClientAPI(CLUSTERS[cluster], options.verbosity)
-      .unload_recovery())
-def scheduler_list_job_updates(cluster):
-  """usage: scheduler_list_job_updates cluster
-  Lists in-flight job updates.
-  """
-  options = app.get_options()
-  resp = AuroraClientAPI(CLUSTERS[cluster], options.verbosity).get_job_updates()
-  check_and_log_response(resp)
-  print('Role\tEnv\tJob')
-  for update in resp.jobUpdates:
-    print('%s\t%s\t%s' % (
-      update.jobKey.role if update.jobKey else update.roleDeprecated,
-      update.jobKey.environment if update.jobKey else None,
- if update.jobKey else update.jobDeprecated))
-def scheduler_snapshot(cluster):
-  """usage: scheduler_snapshot cluster
-  Request that the scheduler perform a storage snapshot and block until complete.
-  """
-  options = app.get_options()
-  check_and_log_response(AuroraClientAPI(CLUSTERS['cluster'], options.verbosity).snapshot())
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/commands/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/commands/
deleted file mode 100644
index 712c7ea..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/commands/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,600 +0,0 @@
-"""Command-line client for managing jobs with the Aurora scheduler.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import collections
-from datetime import datetime
-import json
-import os
-import pprint
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import time
-from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
-from twitter.common import app, log
-from twitter.common.python.pex import PexInfo
-from twitter.common.python.dirwrapper import PythonDirectoryWrapper
-from twitter.aurora.client.base import (
-    check_and_log_response,
-    deprecation_warning,
-    die,
-    handle_open,
-    requires,
-    synthesize_url)
-from twitter.aurora.client.api.disambiguator import LiveJobDisambiguator
-from twitter.aurora.client.api.job_monitor import JobMonitor
-from twitter.aurora.client.api.updater_util import UpdaterConfig
-from twitter.aurora.client.config import get_config
-from twitter.aurora.client.factory import make_client, make_client_factory
-from twitter.aurora.client.options import (
-from twitter.aurora.common.aurora_job_key import AuroraJobKey
-from gen.twitter.aurora.constants import ACTIVE_STATES, CURRENT_API_VERSION, AURORA_EXECUTOR_NAME
-from gen.twitter.aurora.ttypes import ExecutorConfig, ResponseCode, ScheduleStatus
-def get_job_config(job_spec, config_file, options):
-  try:
-    job_key = AuroraJobKey.from_path(job_spec)
-    select_cluster = job_key.cluster
-    select_env = job_key.env
-    select_role = job_key.role
-    jobname =
-  except AuroraJobKey.Error:
-    deprecation_warning('Please refer to your job in CLUSTER/ROLE/ENV/NAME format.')
-    select_cluster = options.cluster if options.cluster else None
-    select_env = options.env
-    select_role = None
-    jobname = job_spec
-  try:
-    json_option = options.json
-  except AttributeError:
-    json_option = False
-  try:
-    bindings = options.bindings
-  except AttributeError:
-    bindings = ()
-  return get_config(
-      jobname,
-      config_file,
-      json_option,
-      bindings,
-      select_cluster=select_cluster,
-      select_role=select_role,
-      select_env=select_env)
-def version(args):
-  """usage: version
-  Prints information about the version of the aurora client being run.
-  """
-  try:
-    pexpath = sys.argv[0]
-    pex_info = PexInfo.from_pex(PythonDirectoryWrapper.get(pexpath))
-    print("Aurora client build info:")
-    print("\tsha: %s" % pex_info.build_properties['sha'])
-    print("\tdate: %s" % pex_info.build_properties['date'])
-  except (IOError, PythonDirectoryWrapper.Error):
-    print("Aurora client build info not available")
-  print("Aurora API version: %s" % CURRENT_API_VERSION)
-@requires.exactly('cluster/role/env/job', 'config')
-def create(job_spec, config_file):
-  """usage: create cluster/role/env/job config
-  Creates a job based on a configuration file.
-  """
-  options = app.get_options()
-  try:
-    config = get_job_config(job_spec, config_file, options)
-  except ValueError as v:
-    print("Error: %s" % v)
-    sys.exit(1)
-  api = make_client(config.cluster())
-  monitor = JobMonitor(api, config.role(), config.environment(),
-  resp = api.create_job(config)
-  check_and_log_response(resp)
-  handle_open(api.scheduler.scheduler().url, config.role(), config.environment(),
-  if options.wait_until == 'RUNNING':
-    monitor.wait_until(monitor.running_or_finished)
-  elif options.wait_until == 'FINISHED':
-    monitor.wait_until(monitor.terminal)
-@requires.exactly('cluster/role/env/job', 'config')
-def diff(job_spec, config_file):
-  """usage: diff cluster/role/env/job config
-  Compares a job configuration against a running job.
-  By default the diff will be displayed using 'diff', though you may choose an alternate
-  diff program by specifying the DIFF_VIEWER environment variable."""
-  options = app.get_options()
-  config = get_job_config(job_spec, config_file, options)
-  if options.rename_from:
-    cluster, role, env, name = options.rename_from
-  else:
-    cluster = config.cluster()
-    role = config.role()
-    env = config.environment()
-    name =
-  api = make_client(cluster)
-  resp = api.query(api.build_query(role, name, statuses=ACTIVE_STATES, env=env))
-  if resp.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK:
-    die('Request failed, server responded with "%s"' % resp.message)
-  remote_tasks = [t.assignedTask.task for t in resp.result.scheduleStatusResult.tasks]
-  resp = api.populate_job_config(config)
-  if resp.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK:
-    die('Request failed, server responded with "%s"' % resp.message)
-  local_tasks = resp.result.populateJobResult.populated
-  pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
-  def pretty_print_task(task):
-    # The raw configuration is not interesting - we only care about what gets parsed.
-    task.configuration = None
-    task.executorConfig = ExecutorConfig(
-        data=json.loads(
-    return pp.pformat(vars(task))
-  def pretty_print_tasks(tasks):
-    return ',\n'.join([pretty_print_task(t) for t in tasks])
-  def dump_tasks(tasks, out_file):
-    out_file.write(pretty_print_tasks(tasks))
-    out_file.write('\n')
-    out_file.flush()
-  diff_program = os.environ.get('DIFF_VIEWER', 'diff')
-  with NamedTemporaryFile() as local:
-    dump_tasks(local_tasks, local)
-    with NamedTemporaryFile() as remote:
-      dump_tasks(remote_tasks, remote)
-      result =[diff_program,,])
-      # Unlike most commands, diff doesn't return zero on success; it returns
-      # 1 when a successful diff is non-empty.
-      if result != 0 and result != 1:
-        return result
-      else:
-        return 0
-def do_open(args, _):
-  """usage: open cluster[/role[/env/job]]
-  Opens the scheduler page for a cluster, role or job in the default web browser.
-  """
-  cluster_name = role = env = job = None
-  args = args[0].split("/")
-  if len(args) > 0:
-    cluster_name = args[0]
-    if len(args) > 1:
-      role = args[1]
-      if len(args) > 2:
-        env = args[2]
-        if len(args) > 3:
-          job = args[3]
-        else:
-          # TODO(ksweeney): Remove this after MESOS-2945 is completed.
-          die('env scheduler pages are not yet implemented, please specify job')
-  if not cluster_name:
-    die('cluster is required')
-  api = make_client(cluster_name)
-  import webbrowser
-  webbrowser.open_new_tab(synthesize_url(api.scheduler.scheduler().url, role, env, job))
-@app.command_option('--local', dest='local', default=False, action='store_true',
-    help='Inspect the configuration as would be created by the "spawn" command.')
-@app.command_option('--raw', dest='raw', default=False, action='store_true',
-    help='Show the raw configuration.')
-@requires.exactly('cluster/role/env/job', 'config')
-def inspect(job_spec, config_file):
-  """usage: inspect cluster/role/env/job config
-  Verifies that a job can be parsed from a configuration file, and displays
-  the parsed configuration.
-  """
-  options = app.get_options()
-  config = get_job_config(job_spec, config_file, options)
-  if options.raw:
-    print('Parsed job config: %s' % config.job())
-    return
-  job_thrift = config.job()
-  job = config.raw()
-  job_thrift = config.job()
-  print('Job level information')
-  print('  name:       %s' %
-  print('  role:       %s' % job.role())
-  print('  contact:    %s' %
-  print('  cluster:    %s' % job.cluster())
-  print('  instances:  %s' % job.instances())
-  if job.has_cron_schedule():
-    print('  cron:')
-    print('     schedule: %s' % job.cron_schedule())
-    print('     policy:   %s' % job.cron_collision_policy())
-  if job.has_constraints():
-    print('  constraints:')
-    for constraint, value in job.constraints().get().items():
-      print('    %s: %s' % (constraint, value))
-  print('  service:    %s' % job_thrift.taskConfig.isService)
-  print('  production: %s' % bool(job.production().get()))
-  print()
-  task = job.task()
-  print('Task level information')
-  print('  name: %s' %
-  if len(task.constraints().get()) > 0:
-    print('  constraints:')
-    for constraint in task.constraints():
-      print('    %s' % (' < '.join(st.get() for st in constraint.order())))
-  print()
-  processes = task.processes()
-  for process in processes:
-    print('Process %s:' %
-    if process.daemon().get():
-      print('  daemon')
-    if process.ephemeral().get():
-      print('  ephemeral')
-    if
-      print('  final')
-    print('  cmdline:')
-    for line in process.cmdline().get().splitlines():
-      print('    ' + line)
-    print()
-def start_cron(args, options):
-  """usage: start_cron cluster/role/env/job
-  Invokes a cron job immediately, out of its normal cron cycle.
-  This does not affect the cron cycle in any way.
-  """
-  api, job_key, config_file = LiveJobDisambiguator.disambiguate_args_or_die(
-      args, options, make_client_factory())
-  config = get_job_config(job_key.to_path(), config_file, options) if config_file else None
-  resp = api.start_cronjob(job_key, config=config)
-  check_and_log_response(resp)
-  handle_open(api.scheduler.scheduler().url, job_key.role, job_key.env,
-    '--pretty',
-    dest='pretty',
-    default=False,
-    action='store_true',
-    help='Show job information in prettyprinted format')
-    '--show-cron',
-    '-c',
-    dest='show_cron_schedule',
-    default=False,
-    action='store_true',
-    help='List jobs registered with the Aurora scheduler')
-def list_jobs(cluster_and_role):
-  """usage: list_jobs [--show-cron] cluster/role/env/job
-  Shows all jobs that match the job-spec known by the scheduler.
-  If --show-cron is specified, then also shows the registered cron schedule.
-  """
-  def show_job_simple(job):
-    if options.show_cron_schedule:
-      print(('{0}/{1.key.role}/{1.key.environment}/{}' +
-          '\t\'{1.cronSchedule}\'\t{1.cronCollisionPolicy}').format(cluster, job))
-    else:
-      print('{0}/{1.key.role}/{1.key.environment}/{}'.format(cluster, job))
-  def show_job_pretty(job):
-    print("Job %s/%s/%s/%s:" %
-        (cluster, job.key.role, job.key.environment,
-    print('\tcron schedule: %s' % job.cronSchedule)
-    print('\tcron policy:   %s' % job.cronCollisionPolicy)
-  options = app.get_options()
-  if options.show_cron_schedule and options.pretty:
-    print_fn = show_job_pretty
-  else:
-    print_fn = show_job_simple
-  # Take the cluster_and_role parameter, and split it into its two components.
-  if cluster_and_role.count('/') != 1:
-    die('list_jobs parameter must be in cluster/role format')
-  (cluster,role) = cluster_and_role.split('/')
-  api = make_client(cluster)
-  resp = api.get_jobs(role)
-  check_and_log_response(resp)
-  for job in resp.result.getJobsResult.configs:
-    print_fn(job)
-def kill(args, options):
-  """usage: kill cluster/role/env/job
-  Kills a running job, blocking until all tasks have terminated.
-  Default behaviour is to kill all shards in the job, but the kill
-  can be limited to specific shards with the --shards option
-  """
-  api, job_key, config_file = LiveJobDisambiguator.disambiguate_args_or_die(
-      args, options, make_client_factory())
-  options = app.get_options()
-  config = get_job_config(job_key.to_path(), config_file, options) if config_file else None
-  resp = api.kill_job(job_key, options.shards, config=config)
-  check_and_log_response(resp)
-  handle_open(api.scheduler.scheduler().url, job_key.role, job_key.env,
-def status(args, options):
-  """usage: status cluster/role/env/job
-  Fetches and prints information about the active tasks in a job.
-  """
-  def is_active(task):
-    return task.status in ACTIVE_STATES
-  def print_task(scheduled_task):
-    assigned_task = scheduled_task.assignedTask
-    taskInfo = assigned_task.task
-    taskString = ''
-    if taskInfo:
-      taskString += '''cpus: %s, ram: %s MB, disk: %s MB''' % (taskInfo.numCpus,
-                                                               taskInfo.ramMb,
-                                                               taskInfo.diskMb)
-    if assigned_task.assignedPorts:
-      taskString += '\n\tports: %s' % assigned_task.assignedPorts
-    taskString += '\n\tfailure count: %s (max %s)' % (scheduled_task.failureCount,
-                                                      taskInfo.maxTaskFailures)
-    taskString += '\n\tevents:'
-    for event in scheduled_task.taskEvents:
-      taskString += '\n\t\t %s %s: %s' % (datetime.fromtimestamp(event.timestamp / 1000),
-                                          ScheduleStatus._VALUES_TO_NAMES[event.status],
-                                          event.message)
-    taskString += '\n\tpackages:'
-    for pkg in assigned_task.task.packages:
-      taskString += ('\n\t\trole: %s, package: %s, version: %s' % (pkg.role,, pkg.version))
-    return taskString
-  def print_tasks(tasks):
-    for task in tasks:
-      taskString = print_task(task)
-'role: %s, env: %s, name: %s, shard: %s, status: %s on %s\n%s' %
-             (task.assignedTask.task.owner.role,
-              task.assignedTask.task.environment,
-              task.assignedTask.task.jobName,
-              task.assignedTask.instanceId,
-              ScheduleStatus._VALUES_TO_NAMES[task.status],
-              task.assignedTask.slaveHost,
-              taskString))
-      for pkg in task.assignedTask.task.packages:
-'\tpackage %s/%s/%s' % (pkg.role,, pkg.version))
-  api, job_key, _ = LiveJobDisambiguator.disambiguate_args_or_die(
-      args, options, make_client_factory())
-  resp = api.check_status(job_key)
-  check_and_log_response(resp)
-  tasks = resp.result.scheduleStatusResult.tasks
-  if tasks:
-    active_tasks = filter(is_active, tasks)
-'Active Tasks (%s)' % len(active_tasks))
-    print_tasks(active_tasks)
-    inactive_tasks = filter(lambda x: not is_active(x), tasks)
-'Inactive Tasks (%s)' % len(inactive_tasks))
-    print_tasks(inactive_tasks)
-  else:
-'No tasks found.')
-    '--force',
-    dest='force',
-    default=True,  # TODO(maximk): Temporary bandaid for MESOS-4310 until a better fix is available.
-    action='store_true',
-    help='Turn off warning message that the update looks large enough to be disruptive.')
-@requires.exactly('cluster/role/env/job', 'config')
-def update(job_spec, config_file):
-  """usage: update cluster/role/env/job config
-  Performs a rolling upgrade on a running job, using the update configuration
-  within the config file as a control for update velocity and failure tolerance.
-  Updates are fully controlled client-side, so aborting an update halts the
-  update and leaves the job in a 'locked' state on the scheduler.
-  Subsequent update attempts will fail until the update is 'unlocked' using the
-  'cancel_update' command.
-  The updater only takes action on shards in a job that have changed, meaning
-  that changing a single shard will only induce a restart on the changed shard.
-  You may want to consider using the 'diff' subcommand before updating,
-  to preview what changes will take effect.
-  """
-  def warn_if_dangerous_change(api, job_spec, config):
-    # Get the current job status, so that we can check if there's anything
-    # dangerous about this update.
-    job_key = AuroraJobKey(config.cluster(), config.role(), config.environment(),
-    resp = api.query(api.build_query(config.role(),,
-        statuses=ACTIVE_STATES, env=config.environment()))
-    if resp.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK:
-      die('Could not get job status from server for comparison: %s' % resp.message)
-    remote_tasks = [t.assignedTask.task for t in resp.result.scheduleStatusResult.tasks]
-    resp = api.populate_job_config(config)
-    if resp.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK:
-      die('Server could not populate job config for comparison: %s' % resp.message)
-    local_task_count = len(resp.result.populateJobResult.populated)
-    remote_task_count = len(remote_tasks)
-    if (local_task_count >= 4 * remote_task_count or local_task_count <= 4 * remote_task_count
-        or local_task_count == 0):
-      print('Warning: this update is a large change. Press ^c within 5 seconds to abort')
-      time.sleep(5)
-  options = app.get_options()
-  config = get_job_config(job_spec, config_file, options)
-  api = make_client(config.cluster())
-  if not options.force:
-    warn_if_dangerous_change(api, job_spec, config)
-  resp = api.update_job(config, options.health_check_interval_seconds, options.shards)
-  check_and_log_response(resp)
-    '--batch_size',
-    dest='batch_size',
-    type=int,
-    default=1,
-    help='Number of shards to be restarted in one iteration.')
-    '--max_per_shard_failures',
-    dest='max_per_shard_failures',
-    type=int,
-    default=0,
-    help='Maximum number of restarts per shard during restart. Increments total failure count when '
-         'this limit is exceeded.')
-    '--max_total_failures',
-    dest='max_total_failures',
-    type=int,
-    default=0,
-    help='Maximum number of shard failures to be tolerated in total during restart.')
-    '--restart_threshold',
-    dest='restart_threshold',
-    type=int,
-    default=60,
-    help='Maximum number of seconds before a shard must move into the RUNNING state before '
-         'considered a failure.')
-    '--watch_secs',
-    dest='watch_secs',
-    type=int,
-    default=30,
-    help='Minimum number of seconds a shard must remain in RUNNING state before considered a '
-         'success.')
-def restart(args, options):
-  """usage: restart cluster/role/env/job
-               [--shards=SHARDS]
-               [--batch_size=INT]
-               [--updater_health_check_interval_seconds=SECONDS]
-               [--max_per_shard_failures=INT]
-               [--max_total_failures=INT]
-               [--restart_threshold=INT]
-               [--watch_secs=SECONDS]
-  Performs a rolling restart of shards within a job.
-  Restarts are fully controlled client-side, so aborting halts the restart.
-  """
-  api, job_key, config_file = LiveJobDisambiguator.disambiguate_args_or_die(
-      args, options, make_client_factory())
-  config = get_job_config(job_key.to_path(), config_file, options) if config_file else None
-  updater_config = UpdaterConfig(
-      options.batch_size,
-      options.restart_threshold,
-      options.watch_secs,
-      options.max_per_shard_failures,
-      options.max_total_failures)
-  resp = api.restart(job_key, options.shards, updater_config,
-      options.health_check_interval_seconds, config=config)
-  check_and_log_response(resp)
-  handle_open(api.scheduler.scheduler().url, job_key.role, job_key.env,
-def cancel_update(args, options):
-  """usage: cancel_update cluster/role/env/job
-  Unlocks a job for updates.
-  A job may be locked if a client's update session terminated abnormally,
-  or if another user is actively updating the job.  This command should only
-  be used when the user is confident that they are not conflicting with another user.
-  """
-  api, job_key, config_file = LiveJobDisambiguator.disambiguate_args_or_die(
-      args, options, make_client_factory())
-  config = get_job_config(job_key.to_path(), config_file, options) if config_file else None
-  resp = api.cancel_update(job_key, config=config)
-  check_and_log_response(resp)
-def get_quota(role):
-  """usage: get_quota --cluster=CLUSTER role
-  Prints the production quota that has been allocated to a user.
-  """
-  options = app.get_options()
-  resp = make_client(options.cluster).get_quota(role)
-  quota = resp.result.getQuotaResult.quota
-  quota_fields = [
-    ('CPU', quota.numCpus),
-    ('RAM', '%f GB' % (float(quota.ramMb) / 1024)),
-    ('Disk', '%f GB' % (float(quota.diskMb) / 1024))
-  ]
-'Quota for %s:\n\t%s' %
-           (role, '\n\t'.join(['%s\t%s' % (k, v) for (k, v) in quota_fields])))
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index a74c607..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/commands/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import collections
-import sys
-from twitter.aurora.client.base import die
-from twitter.common import app
-def make_commands_str(commands):
-  commands.sort()
-  if len(commands) == 1:
-    return str(commands[0])
-  elif len(commands) == 2:
-    return '%s (or %s)' % (str(commands[0]), str(commands[1]))
-  else:
-    return '%s (or any of: %s)' % (str(commands[0]), ' '.join(map(str, commands[1:])))
-def generate_full_usage():
-  docs_to_commands = collections.defaultdict(list)
-  for (command, doc) in app.get_commands_and_docstrings():
-    if doc is not None:
-      docs_to_commands[doc].append(command)
-  def make_docstring(item):
-    (doc_text, commands) = item
-    def format_line(line):
-      return '    %s\n' % line.lstrip()
-    stripped = ''.join(map(format_line, doc_text.splitlines()))
-    return '%s\n%s' % (make_commands_str(commands), stripped)
-  usage = sorted(map(make_docstring, docs_to_commands.items()))
-  return 'Available commands:\n\n' + '\n'.join(usage)
-def help(args):
-  """usage: help [subcommand]
-  Prints help for using the aurora client, or one of its specific subcommands.
-  """
-  if not args:
-    print(generate_full_usage())
-    sys.exit(0)
-  if len(args) > 1:
-    die('Please specify at most one subcommand.')
-  subcmd = args[0]
-  if subcmd in app.get_commands():
-    app.command_parser(subcmd).print_help()
-  else:
-    print('Subcommand %s not found.' % subcmd)
-    sys.exit(1)
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index 494ce47..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/commands/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-from twitter.common import app
-from twitter.aurora.client.base import die
-from twitter.aurora.client.options import (
-from twitter.aurora.common.aurora_job_key import AuroraJobKey
-from twitter.aurora.common.clusters import CLUSTERS
-from twitter.aurora.client.api.command_runner import DistributedCommandRunner
-@app.command_option('-t', '--threads', type=int, default=1, dest='num_threads',
-    help='The number of threads to use.')
-def run(args, options):
-  """usage: run cluster/role/env/job cmd
-  Runs a shell command on all machines currently hosting shards of a single job.
-  This feature supports the same command line wildcards that are used to
-  populate a job's commands.
-  This means anything in the {{mesos.*}} and {{thermos.*}} namespaces.
-  """
-  # TODO(William Farner): Add support for invoking on individual shards.
-  # TODO(Kevin Sweeney): Restore the ability to run across jobs with globs (See MESOS-3010).
-  if not args:
-    die('job path is required')
-  job_path = args.pop(0)
-  try:
-    cluster_name, role, env, name = AuroraJobKey.from_path(job_path)
-  except AuroraJobKey.Error as e:
-    die('Invalid job path "%s": %s' % (job_path, e))
-  command = ' '.join(args)
-  cluster = CLUSTERS[cluster_name]
-  dcr = DistributedCommandRunner(cluster, role, env, [name], options.ssh_user)
-, parallelism=options.num_threads, executor_sandbox=options.executor_sandbox)
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index 109229f..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/commands/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-import subprocess
-from twitter.common import app
-from twitter.aurora.client.base import check_and_log_response, die
-from twitter.aurora.client.factory import make_client
-from twitter.aurora.client.options import (
-from twitter.aurora.common.aurora_job_key import AuroraJobKey
-from twitter.aurora.client.api.command_runner import DistributedCommandRunner
-@app.command_option('-L', dest='tunnels', action='append', metavar='PORT:NAME',
-                    default=[],
-                    help="Add tunnel from local port PORT to remote named port NAME.")
-def ssh(args, options):
-  """usage: ssh cluster/role/env/job shard [args...]
-  Initiate an SSH session on the machine that a shard is running on.
-  """
-  if not args:
-    die('Job path is required')
-  job_path = args.pop(0)
-  try:
-    cluster_name, role, env, name = AuroraJobKey.from_path(job_path)
-  except AuroraJobKey.Error as e:
-    die('Invalid job path "%s": %s' % (job_path, e))
-  if not args:
-    die('Shard is required')
-  try:
-    shard = int(args.pop(0))
-  except ValueError:
-    die('Shard must be an integer')
-  api = make_client(cluster_name)
-  resp = api.query(api.build_query(role, name, set([int(shard)]), env=env))
-  check_and_log_response(resp)
-  first_task = resp.result.scheduleStatusResult.tasks[0]
-  remote_cmd = 'bash' if not args else ' '.join(args)
-  command = DistributedCommandRunner.substitute(remote_cmd, first_task,
-      api.cluster, executor_sandbox=options.executor_sandbox)
-  ssh_command = ['ssh', '-t']
-  role = first_task.assignedTask.task.owner.role
-  slave_host = first_task.assignedTask.slaveHost
-  for tunnel in options.tunnels:
-    try:
-      port, name = tunnel.split(':')
-      port = int(port)
-    except ValueError:
-      die('Could not parse tunnel: %s.  Must be of form PORT:NAME' % tunnel)
-    if name not in first_task.assignedTask.assignedPorts:
-      die('Task %s has no port named %s' % (first_task.assignedTask.taskId, name))
-    ssh_command += [
-        '-L', '%d:%s:%d' % (port, slave_host, first_task.assignedTask.assignedPorts[name])]
-  ssh_command += ['%s@%s' % (options.ssh_user or role, slave_host), command]
-  return
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index 32df4eb..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-'''Library of utilities called by the mesos client binary
-from __future__ import print_function
-import functools
-import math
-import posixpath
-import re
-import sys
-from twitter.common import app, log
-from twitter.aurora.client import binding_helper
-from twitter.aurora.client.base import deprecation_warning, die
-from twitter.aurora.config import AuroraConfig
-from twitter.thermos.config.schema_helpers import Tasks
-from gen.twitter.aurora.constants import DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT
-from pystachio import Empty, Ref
-The use of app-app is deprecated. Please reach out to for advice on
-migrating your application away from app-app layouts to an alternative packaging solution.
-def _warn_on_appapp_layouts(config):
-  if config.raw().has_layout():
-    deprecation_warning(APPAPP_DEPRECATION_WARNING)
-The "cron_policy" parameter to Jobs has been renamed to "cron_collision_policy".
-Please update your Jobs accordingly.
-def _warn_on_deprecated_cron_policy(config):
-  if config.raw().cron_policy() is not Empty:
-    deprecation_warning(CRON_DEPRECATION_WARNING)
-The "daemon" parameter to Jobs is deprecated in favor of the "service" parameter.
-Please update your Job to set "service = True" instead of "daemon = True", or use
-the top-level Service() instead of Job().
-def _warn_on_deprecated_daemon_job(config):
-  if config.raw().daemon() is not Empty:
-    deprecation_warning(DAEMON_DEPRECATION_WARNING)
-The "health_check_interval_secs" parameter to Jobs is deprecated in favor of the
-"health_check_config" parameter. Please update your Job to set the parameter by creating a new
-See the HealthCheckConfig section of the Configuration Reference page for more information:
-def _warn_on_deprecated_health_check_interval_secs(config):
-  if config.raw().health_check_interval_secs() is not Empty:
-Announcer specified primary port as '%(primary_port)s' but no processes have bound that port.
-If you would like to utilize this port, you should listen on {{thermos.ports[%(primary_port)s]}}
-from some Process bound to your task.
-def _validate_announce_configuration(config):
-  if not config.raw().has_announce():
-    return
-  primary_port = config.raw().announce().primary_port().get()
-  if primary_port not in config.ports():
-    print(ANNOUNCE_WARNING % {'primary_port': primary_port}, file=sys.stderr)
-  if config.raw().has_announce() and not config.raw().has_constraints() or (
-      'dedicated' not in config.raw().constraints()):
-    for port in config.raw().announce().portmap().get().values():
-      try:
-        port = int(port)
-      except ValueError:
-        continue
-      raise ValueError('Job must be dedicated in order to specify static ports!')
-STAGING_RE = re.compile(r'^staging\d*$')
-def _validate_environment_name(config):
-  env_name = str(config.raw().environment())
-  if STAGING_RE.match(env_name):
-    return
-  if env_name not in ('prod', 'devel', 'test'):
-    raise ValueError('Environment name should be one of "prod", "devel", "test" or '
-                     'staging<number>!  Got %s' % env_name)
-max_total_failures in update_config must be lesser than the job size.
-Based on your job size (%s) you should use max_total_failures <= %s.
-See http://go/auroraconfig for details.
-Since this is a dedicated job, you must set your max_total_failures in
-your update configuration to no less than 2%% of your job size.
-Based on your job size (%s) you should use max_total_failures >= %s.
-See http://go/auroraconfig for details.
-def _validate_update_config(config):
-  job_size = config.instances()
-  max_failures = config.update_config().max_total_failures().get()
-  if max_failures >= job_size:
-    die(UPDATE_CONFIG_MAX_FAILURES_ERROR % (job_size, job_size - 1))
-  if config.is_dedicated():
-    min_failure_threshold = int(math.floor(job_size * 0.02))
-    if max_failures < min_failure_threshold:
-      die(UPDATE_CONFIG_DEDICATED_THRESHOLD_ERROR % (job_size, min_failure_threshold))
-health_check_interval_secs paramater to Job has been deprecated. Please specify health_check_config
-See http://go/auroraconfig/#Aurora%2BThermosConfigurationReference-HealthCheckConfig
-def _validate_health_check_config(config):
-  # TODO(Sathya): Remove this check after health_check_interval_secs deprecation cycle is complete.
-  if config.raw().has_health_check_interval_secs() and config.raw().has_health_check_config():
-Job did not specify environment, auto-populating to "%s".
-def _inject_default_environment(config):
-  if not config.raw().has_environment():
-    config.update_job(config.raw()(environment=DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT))
-def validate_config(config, env=None):
-  _validate_update_config(config)
-  _validate_health_check_config(config)
-  _validate_announce_configuration(config)
-  _validate_environment_name(config)
-def populate_namespaces(config, env=None):
-  _inject_default_environment(config)
-  _warn_on_deprecated_cron_policy(config)
-  _warn_on_deprecated_daemon_job(config)
-  _warn_on_deprecated_health_check_interval_secs(config)
-  _warn_on_appapp_layouts(config)
-  return config
-def inject_hooks(config, env=None):
-  config.hooks = (env or {}).get('hooks', [])
-class AnnotatedAuroraConfig(AuroraConfig):
-  @classmethod
-  def plugins(cls):
-    return (inject_hooks,
-            functools.partial(binding_helper.apply_all),
-            functools.partial(populate_namespaces),
-            validate_config)
-def get_config(jobname,
-               config_file,
-               json=False,
-               bindings=(),
-               select_cluster=None,
-               select_role=None,
-               select_env=None):
-  """Creates and returns a config object contained in the provided file."""
-  loader = AnnotatedAuroraConfig.load_json if json else AnnotatedAuroraConfig.load
-  return loader(config_file,
-                jobname,
-                bindings,
-                select_cluster=select_cluster,
-                select_role=select_role,
-                select_env=select_env)
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a44e3b..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-import functools
-from twitter.aurora.client.hooks.hooked_api import HookedAuroraClientAPI
-from twitter.aurora.common.cluster import Cluster
-from twitter.aurora.common.clusters import CLUSTERS
-from twitter.common import app
-from .base import die
-# TODO(wickman) Kill make_client and make_client_factory as part of MESOS-3801.
-# These are currently necessary indirections for the LiveJobDisambiguator among
-# other things but can go away once those are scrubbed.
-def make_client_factory():
-  verbose = getattr(app.get_options(), 'verbosity', 'normal') == 'verbose'
-  class TwitterAuroraClientAPI(HookedAuroraClientAPI):
-    def __init__(self, cluster, *args, **kw):
-      if cluster not in CLUSTERS:
-        die('Unknown cluster: %s' % cluster)
-      super(TwitterAuroraClientAPI, self).__init__(CLUSTERS[cluster], *args, **kw)
-  return functools.partial(TwitterAuroraClientAPI, verbose=verbose)
-def make_client(cluster):
-  factory = make_client_factory()
-  return factory( if isinstance(cluster, Cluster) else cluster)
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/hooks/BUILD b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/hooks/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index c3d0a1a..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/hooks/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-  name = 'hooks',
-  sources = ['', ''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client:api'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common:aurora_job_key'),
-    pants('src/main/thrift/com/twitter/aurora/gen:py-thrift'),
-  ]
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/hooks/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/hooks/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3091f67..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/hooks/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-A hooks implementation for the Aurora client.
-The Hook protocol is the following:
-  Any object may be passed in as a hook.
-  If the object has pre_<api method name> defined that is callable, it will be called with:
-    method(*args, **kw)
-  where *args and **kw are the arguments and keyword arguments passed into
-  the original APi call.  This is done prior to the invocation of the API
-  call.  If this method returns Falsy, the API call will be aborted.
-  If the object has an err_<api method name> defined that is callable, it will be called with:
-    method(exc, *args, **kw)
-  If the object has a post_<api method name> defined that is callable, it will be called with:
-    method(result, *args, **kw)
-  These methods are called after the respective API call has been made.  The
-  return codes of err and post methods are ignored.
-If the object does not have any of these attributes, it will instead delegate to the
-'generic_hook' method, if available.  The method signature for generic_hook is:
-  generic_hook(hook_config, event, method_name, result_or_err, args, kw)
-Where hook_config is a namedtuple of 'config' and 'job_key', event is one of
-'pre', 'err', 'post', method_name is the API method name, and args, kw are
-the arguments / keyword arguments.  result_or_err is a tri_state:
-  - None for pre hooks
-  - result for post hooks
-  - exc for err hooks
-  class Logger(object):
-    '''Just logs every at all point for all API calls'''
-    def generic_hook(self, hook_config, event, method_name, result_or_err, *args, **kw)
-'%s: %s_%s of %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, event, method_name, job_key))
-  class KillConfirmer(object):
-    def confirm(self, msg):
-      return True if raw_input(msg).lower() == 'yes' else False
-    def pre_kill(self, job_key, shards=None):
-      shards = ('shards %s' % shards) if shards is not None else 'all shards'
-      return self.confirm('Are you sure you want to kill %s? (yes/no): ' % (job_key, shards))
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deleted file mode 100644
index cc4d3db..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/hooks/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-import functools
-import traceback
-from twitter.common import log
-from twitter.aurora.client.api import AuroraClientAPI
-from twitter.aurora.common.aurora_job_key import AuroraJobKey
-from gen.twitter.aurora.ttypes import ResponseCode
-def _partial(function, *args, **kw):
-  """Returns a partial function __name__ inherited from parent function."""
-  partial = functools.partial(function, *args, **kw)
-  return functools.update_wrapper(partial, function)
-class HookConfig(object):
-  def __init__(self, config, job_key):
-    self.config = config
-    self.job_key = job_key or (config.job_key() if config is not None else None)
-  def __iter__(self):
-    yield self.config
-    yield self.job_key
-class NonHookedAuroraClientAPI(AuroraClientAPI):
-  """
-    This wraps those AuroraClientAPI methods that don't have an AuroraConfig 'config' param
-    to take an optional 'config' param which:
-    * contains the configured hooks (config.hooks)
-    * is dropped before the call is proxied to AuroraClientAPI
-    * is thus available to API methods in subclasses
-  """
-  def cancel_update(self, job_key, config=None):
-    return super(NonHookedAuroraClientAPI, self).cancel_update(job_key)
-  def kill_job(self, job_key, instances=None, lock=None, config=None):
-    return super(NonHookedAuroraClientAPI, self).kill_job(job_key, instances=instances, lock=lock)
-  def restart(self, job_key, shards, updater_config, health_check_interval_seconds, config=None):
-    return super(NonHookedAuroraClientAPI, self).restart(job_key, shards, updater_config,
-        health_check_interval_seconds)
-  def start_cronjob(self, job_key, config=None):
-    return super(NonHookedAuroraClientAPI, self).start_cronjob(job_key)
-class HookedAuroraClientAPI(NonHookedAuroraClientAPI):
-  """
-    Adds a hooking aspect/behaviour to the lifecycle of Mesos Client API methods
-    by injecting hooks (instances of twitter.aurora.client.hooks.Hooks)
-    * Hooks are available in the 'config' (AuroraConfig) param that each API call receives
-    * Each Hook is run around each API call:
-      * 'pre' hook before the call
-      * 'post' hook if the call succeeds
-      * 'err' hook if the call fails
-    * If the hook itself fails, then it is treated as a WARN rather than an ERROR
-  """
-  class Error(Exception): pass
-  class PreHooksStoppedCall(Error): pass
-  class APIError(Error):
-    def __init__(self, response):
-      self.response = response
-    def __str__(self):
-      return '%s: %s: %s' % (self.__class__.__name__,
-          ResponseCode._VALUES_TO_NAMES.get(self.response.responseCode, 'UNKNOWN'),
-          self.response.message)
-  @classmethod
-  def _meta_hook(cls, hook, hook_method):
-    def callback():
-      if hook_method is None:
-        return True
-      log.debug('Running %s in %s' % (hook_method.__name__, hook.__class__.__name__))
-      hook_result = False
-      try:
-        hook_result = hook_method()
-        if not hook_result:
-          log.debug('%s in %s returned False' % (hook_method.__name__,
-              hook.__class__.__name__))
-      except Exception:
-        log.warn('Error in %s in %s' %
-            (hook_method.__name__, hook.__class__.__name__))
-        log.warn(traceback.format_exc())
-      return hook_result
-    return callback
-  @classmethod
-  def _generate_method(cls, hook, config, job_key, event, method, extra_argument=None):
-    method_name, args, kw = method.__name__, method.args, method.keywords
-    kw = kw or {}
-    hook_method = getattr(hook, '%s_%s' % (event, method_name), None)
-    if callable(hook_method):
-      if extra_argument is not None:
-        hook_method = _partial(hook_method, extra_argument)
-      return _partial(hook_method, *args, **kw)
-    else:
-      hook_method = getattr(hook, 'generic_hook', None)
-      if hook_method is None:
-        return None
-      hook_method = _partial(hook_method, HookConfig(config, job_key),
-          event, method_name, extra_argument)
-      return _partial(hook_method, args, kw)
-  @classmethod
-  def _yield_hooks(cls, event, config, job_key, api_call, extra_argument=None):
-    hooks = config.hooks if config and config.raw().enable_hooks().get() else ()
-    for hook in hooks:
-      yield cls._meta_hook(hook,
-          cls._generate_method(hook, config, job_key, event, api_call, extra_argument))
-  @classmethod
-  def _invoke_hooks(cls, event, config, job_key, api_call, extra_argument=None):
-    hooks_passed = [hook() for hook in cls._yield_hooks(event, config, job_key, api_call,
-        extra_argument)]
-    return all(hooks_passed)
-  def _hooked_call(self, config, job_key, api_call):
-    if not self._invoke_hooks('pre', config, job_key, api_call):
-      raise self.PreHooksStoppedCall('Pre hooks stopped call to %s' % api_call.__name__)
-    try:
-      resp = api_call()
-    except Exception as e:
-      self._invoke_hooks('err', config, job_key, api_call, e)
-      raise  # propagate since the API method call failed for unknown reasons
-    if resp.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK:
-      self._invoke_hooks('err', config, job_key, api_call, self.APIError(resp))
-    else:
-      self._invoke_hooks('post', config, job_key, api_call, resp)
-    return resp
-  def create_job(self, config, lock=None):
-    return self._hooked_call(config, None,
-        _partial(super(HookedAuroraClientAPI, self).create_job, config, lock))
-  def cancel_update(self, job_key, config=None):
-    return self._hooked_call(config, job_key,
-        _partial(super(HookedAuroraClientAPI, self).cancel_update,
-            job_key, config=config))
-  def kill_job(self, job_key, instances=None, lock=None, config=None):
-    return self._hooked_call(config, job_key,
-        _partial(super(HookedAuroraClientAPI, self).kill_job,
-            job_key, instances=instances, lock=lock, config=config))
-  def restart(self, job_key, shards, updater_config, health_check_interval_seconds, config=None):
-    return self._hooked_call(config, job_key,
-        _partial(super(HookedAuroraClientAPI, self).restart,
-            job_key, shards, updater_config, health_check_interval_seconds, config=config))
-  def start_cronjob(self, job_key, config=None):
-    return self._hooked_call(config, job_key,
-        _partial(super(HookedAuroraClientAPI, self).start_cronjob,
-            job_key, config=config))
-  def update_job(self, config, health_check_interval_seconds=3, instances=None):
-    return self._hooked_call(config, None,
-        _partial(super(HookedAuroraClientAPI, self).update_job,
-            config, health_check_interval_seconds=health_check_interval_seconds, instances=instances))
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ced961..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/client/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-import optparse
-from twitter.aurora.common.aurora_job_key import AuroraJobKey
-from twitter.thermos.common.options import add_binding_to
-__all__ = (
-def add_verbosity_options():
-  from twitter.common import app
-  from twitter.common.log.options import LogOptions
-  def set_quiet(option, _1, _2, parser):
-    setattr(parser.values, option.dest, 'quiet')
-    LogOptions.set_stderr_log_level('NONE')
-  def set_verbose(option, _1, _2, parser):
-    setattr(parser.values, option.dest, 'verbose')
-    LogOptions.set_stderr_log_level('DEBUG')
-  app.add_option('-v',
-                 dest='verbosity',
-                 default='normal',
-                 action='callback',
-                 callback=set_verbose,
-                 help='Verbose logging. (default: %default)')
-  app.add_option('-q',
-                 dest='verbosity',
-                 default='normal',
-                 action='callback',
-                 callback=set_quiet,
-                 help='Quiet logging. (default: %default)')
-def parse_shards_into(option, opt, value, parser):
-  """Parse lists of shard or shard ranges into a set().
-     Examples:
-       0-2
-       0,1-3,5
-       1,3,5
-  """
-  def shard_range_parser(shards):
-    result = set()
-    for part in shards.split(','):
-      x = part.split('-')
-      result.update(range(int(x[0]), int(x[-1]) + 1))
-    return sorted(result)
-  try:
-    setattr(parser.values, option.dest, shard_range_parser(value))
-  except ValueError as e:
-    raise optparse.OptionValueError('Failed to parse: %s' % e)
-def parse_aurora_job_key_into(option, opt, value, parser):
-  try:
-    setattr(parser.values, option.dest, AuroraJobKey.from_path(value))
-  except AuroraJobKey.Error as e:
-    raise optparse.OptionValueError('Failed to parse: %s' % e)
-def make_env_option(explanation):
-  return optparse.Option(
-    '--env',
-    dest='env',
-    default=None,
-    help=explanation)
-OPEN_BROWSER_OPTION = optparse.Option(
-    '-o',
-    '--open_browser',
-    dest='open_browser',
-    action='store_true',
-    default=False,
-    help='Open a browser window to the job page after a job mutation.')
-SHARDS_OPTION = optparse.Option(
-    '--shards',
-    type='string',
-    dest='shards',
-    default=None,
-    action='callback',
-    callback=parse_shards_into,
-    help='A list of shard ids to act on. Can either be a comma-separated list (e.g. 0,1,2) '
-    'or a range (e.g. 0-2) or any combination of the two (e.g. 0-2,5,7-9). If not set, '
-    'all shards will be acted on.')
-FROM_JOBKEY_OPTION = optparse.Option('--from', dest='rename_from', type='string', default=None,
-    metavar='CLUSTER/ROLE/ENV/JOB', action='callback', callback=parse_aurora_job_key_into,
-    help='Job key to diff against.')
-JSON_OPTION = optparse.Option(
-    '-j',
-    '--json',
-    dest='json',
-    default=False,
-    action='store_true',
-    help='If specified, configuration is read in JSON format.')
-CLUSTER_CONFIG_OPTION = optparse.Option(
-  '--cluster',
-  dest='cluster',
-  default=None,
-  type='string',
-  help='Cluster to match when selecting a job from a configuration. Optional if only one job '
-       'matching the given job name exists in the config.')
-CLUSTER_INVOKE_OPTION = optparse.Option(
-  '--cluster',
-  dest='cluster',
-  default=None,
-  type='string',
-  help='Cluster to invoke this command against. Deprecated in favor of the CLUSTER/ROLE/ENV/NAME '
-       'syntax.')
-ENV_CONFIG_OPTION = make_env_option(
-  'Environment to match when selecting a job from a configuration.')
-# This is for binding arbitrary points in the Thermos namespace to specific strings, e.g.
-# if a Thermos configuration has {{jvm.version}}, it can be bound explicitly from the
-# command-line with, for example, -E jvm.version=7
-    '-E',
-    type='string',
-    nargs=1,
-    action='callback',
-    default=[],
-    metavar='NAME=VALUE',
-    callback=add_binding_to('bindings'),
-    dest='bindings',
-    help='Bind a thermos mustache variable name to a value. '
-         'Multiple flags may be used to specify multiple values.')
-    '-e',
-    '--executor_sandbox',
-    action='store_true',
-    default=False,
-    dest='executor_sandbox',
-    help='Run the command in the executor sandbox instead of the task sandbox.')
-SSH_USER_OPTION = optparse.Option(
-    '--user',
-    dest='ssh_user',
-    default=None,
-    help="ssh as this user instead of the role.")
-WAIT_UNTIL_OPTION = optparse.Option(
-    '--wait_until',
-    default='PENDING',
-    type='choice',
-    choices=('PENDING', 'RUNNING', 'FINISHED'),
-    metavar='STATE',
-    dest='wait_until',
-    help='Block the client until all the tasks have transitioned into the '
-         'requested state.  Options: %s.  Default: %%default' % (', '.join(CREATE_STATES)))
-    '--updater_health_check_interval_seconds',
-    dest='health_check_interval_seconds',
-    type=int,
-    default=3,
-    help='Time interval between subsequent shard status checks.'