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Posted to by Apache Jenkins Server <> on 2019/10/29 15:51:48 UTC

Build failed in Jenkins: torque4-test-project-hsqldb #372

See <>


[gk] - update owasp
- more custom log
- debug info in datetime / mysql, still error: call function time in mysql (query) or generate time in java.

[gk] - fix for error parsing XML source file: cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'enumName' is not allowed to appear in element 'column'.
Torque Templates:
- renamed enumName to enumType, which seemed to be the indented name. 
- in database-4-1.xsd schema added enumType to complex Type viewColumType (not exact an extension of columType, else would extend it).
- added missing to control.xml (like the other control.xml elements)
Torque Test
- name change tested with hsqldb

[gk] - add license 
- clean up inline comment

[gk] - use more robust path resolver

[gk] - fix some issues in torque-test for hsqldb, mysql 
- add info about debugging, and in torque-test.

[gk] torque templates: 
- add hasUniqueConstraintSize (column size in unique constraint) into Platform (allow sizing in mysql and probably postgresql)
- add test table for this case (and test for multiple unique columns as well)

[gk] - fix issue delete directory deadlock in TestProcessing

[gk] - use xml in torque-runtime test component configuration

[gk] - hsqldb profile:
- fix required useDatabaseDefaultValue in schema to avoid java om default handling  + test check
- fix hsqldb varbinary, binary size, 
- add sql /if exists/ to dropTable template

- improve test output

[tv] Fix several problems
- Velocity 2.x #set overwrites variable in any case
- $saveMethodsInDbObjects=false generated code needs to care for insert/update

[tv] Silence INFO messages from Beanutils for now. See BEANUTILS-477

[tv] Fix initalization sequence. isInit=true is required by startIdBrokers()

[tv] Deprecate DBCP1 adapters, DBCP2 is the default now

[tv] Adjust for commons-dbcp2

[tv] Adjust for commons-configuration2

[tv] Use JDK7 native methods

[tv] Fix license header

[tv] Organize imports

[tv] Encourage unicode enoding

[tv] Encourage unicode enoding

[gk] - narrow down auto commit check, i.e. set committed flag, if commit method is called or auto-commit set.

[gk] - update dependency dbcp2 to 2.7.0
Torque Templates:
- update static package refs ObjectUtils to lang3 instead of lang.
- fix reference bug of velocity variable foreignPrimaryKeyColumnElement, which is already a column.
- fix method call from save to toupdate if saveMethodsInDbObjects is not true

[gk] - added and updated changes.xml

[gk] - fix deprecated dependency (using log4j-1.2-api from parent)

[gk] - Use Commons Configuration, which allows for overriding.. TODO use ReloadingCombinedConfigurationBuilder?
- Update Beanutils 1.9.4

[gk] Generator
- update to velocity 2.0
- fix junit 5
- remove
- use native eol in sql resources
- Update info

[gk] - add removed Apache license header

[gk] - ignore eol

[gk] - fix: set eol to unix for sql (as vm generated files)

[gk] - extracted java related transformer class from OMColumnTransformer
- fixed not generated enum imports in vm-templates 
- add not generated, expected test classes (schema.xml)
- removed not allowed empty scale attribute
- add enum JavaType, but this is not yet generated correctly, cf. OMColumnJavaTransformer#setFieldJavaType
- add missing dependency
- set eol to native to test expected sql

[gk] - try to fix jenkins: ERROR StatusLogger No Log4j 2 configuration file found.

[painter] FindBugs and PMD report cleanup

[painter] Enable PMD and FindBug reports

[gk] -add parameterized test in junit test class TestProcessing
- preliminarily comment html/xdoc tests in junit test class TestProcessing, more info in TORQUE-358
- add timestamp test field in schema
- add scale handling in type mapping, transformer and platform

[gk] - fix owasp guava 8may be not needed)

[gk] - Updated Owasp to 5.0.0-M2, due to checks updated guava and suppressions of groovy
- Upgraded to log4j2 with log4j 1.2 and commons adapters
- Use now commons-lang3 instead of commons.lang
- Replace commons-logging with log4j2-jcl
- NOT yet upgraded velocity from 1.7 to  2.0 - attribute inheritance issue in torque-templates TestProcessing html, xdoc
- Update Jdbc2SchemaTest test with timestamps.

[gk] - JUnit 5 cleanup and fix (remove testng from groovy conflicts, remove explicit junit 4) of poms
- Update commons-io to 2.6, mockito 2.23.0, surefire 3.0.0.-M3, profile java 8 fix update
- Updating some test packages in Torque template and generate, - Updated Test in ant and maven-plugin
- Use of commons.FileUtils and xmlunit 2 file compare tools instead of junitx.framework

[tv] Use method references

[tv] Replace parameter array with varargs

[tv] Organize imports, fix deprecations

[...truncated 1.13 MB...]
[ERROR] <>:[151,41] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseNonPkOIntegerFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseNonPkOIntegerFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[151,41] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BasePIntegerFkToOPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BasePIntegerFkToOPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[157,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[163,41] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[189,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[221,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[227,49] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[253,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[120,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkOtherFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[148,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkOtherFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[176,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkOtherFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[182,41] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkOtherFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[208,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkOtherFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[117,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkContainsFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[123,41] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkContainsFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[149,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkContainsFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkContainsFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[238,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BasePIntegerPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseNullablePIntegerFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseRequiredPIntegerFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BasePIntegerFkWithDefaultBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseNonPkPIntegerFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[117,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseOIntegerFkToPPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[145,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseOIntegerFkToPPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseOIntegerFkToPPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[142,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseBinaryTypeBean
[ERROR] <>:[170,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseBinaryTypeBean
[ERROR] <>:[152,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseEnumTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[180,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseEnumTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[208,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseEnumTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[142,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseInheritanceClassnameTestBean
[ERROR] <>:[170,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseInheritanceClassnameTestBean
[ERROR] <>:[139,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseLocalIfcTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[110,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseBaseTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[138,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseBaseTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[180,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCurrentTimeTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[137,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseAutoincrementNativeBean
[ERROR] <>:[110,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatePkBean
[ERROR] <>:[138,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatePkBean
[ERROR] <>:[232,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatabaseDefaultValuesBean
[ERROR] <>:[288,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatabaseDefaultValuesBean
[ERROR] <>:[316,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatabaseDefaultValuesBean
[ERROR] <>:[344,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatabaseDefaultValuesBean
[ERROR] <>:[372,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatabaseDefaultValuesBean
[ERROR] <>:[179,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[207,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[235,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[263,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[291,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[319,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[347,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[375,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[403,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[431,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[459,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[487,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[515,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[543,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[571,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[599,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[627,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[655,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[683,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[711,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[739,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[767,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[795,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[823,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[128,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompIntegerVarcharPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[164,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompIntegerVarcharPkBean
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :torque-test
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-maven-plugin/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-maven-plugin-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-maven-plugin/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-maven-plugin-4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-site/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-site-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-site/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-site-4.1-SNAPSHOT-site.xml
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-generator/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-generator-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-generator/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-generator-4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-templates/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-templates-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-templates/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-templates-4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-test/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-test-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-runtime/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-runtime-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-runtime/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-runtime-4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-ant-tasks/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-ant-tasks-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-ant-tasks/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-ant-tasks-4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Generator Maven 2 Plugin #372' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Maven Parent #372' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Site #372' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Generator #372' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Templates #372' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
Sending e-mails to:
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Runtime #372' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Generator Ant tasks #372' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
channel stopped

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Jenkins build is back to normal : torque4-test-project-hsqldb #376

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>

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Build failed in Jenkins: torque4-test-project-hsqldb #375

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[gk] - fix apidocs location, move javadoc plugin into reports 
- define surefire version in pluginManagement to set consistent version
- lower output to console
- add some docker hints in

[...truncated 638.51 KB...]
[ERROR] <>:[151,41] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseNonPkOIntegerFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseNonPkOIntegerFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[151,41] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BasePIntegerFkToOPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BasePIntegerFkToOPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[157,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[163,41] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[189,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[221,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[227,49] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[253,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[120,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkOtherFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[148,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkOtherFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[176,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkOtherFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[182,41] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkOtherFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[208,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkOtherFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[117,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkContainsFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[123,41] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkContainsFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[149,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkContainsFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkContainsFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[238,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BasePIntegerPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseNullablePIntegerFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseRequiredPIntegerFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BasePIntegerFkWithDefaultBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseNonPkPIntegerFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[117,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseOIntegerFkToPPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[145,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseOIntegerFkToPPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseOIntegerFkToPPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[142,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseBinaryTypeBean
[ERROR] <>:[170,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseBinaryTypeBean
[ERROR] <>:[152,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseEnumTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[180,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseEnumTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[208,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseEnumTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[142,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseInheritanceClassnameTestBean
[ERROR] <>:[170,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseInheritanceClassnameTestBean
[ERROR] <>:[139,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseLocalIfcTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[110,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseBaseTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[138,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseBaseTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[180,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCurrentTimeTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[137,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseAutoincrementNativeBean
[ERROR] <>:[110,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatePkBean
[ERROR] <>:[138,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatePkBean
[ERROR] <>:[232,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatabaseDefaultValuesBean
[ERROR] <>:[288,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatabaseDefaultValuesBean
[ERROR] <>:[316,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatabaseDefaultValuesBean
[ERROR] <>:[344,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatabaseDefaultValuesBean
[ERROR] <>:[372,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatabaseDefaultValuesBean
[ERROR] <>:[179,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[207,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[235,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[263,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[291,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[319,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[347,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[375,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[403,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[431,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[459,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[487,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[515,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[543,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[571,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[599,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[627,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[655,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[683,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[711,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[739,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[767,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[795,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[823,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[128,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompIntegerVarcharPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[164,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompIntegerVarcharPkBean
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :torque-test
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-maven-plugin/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-maven-plugin-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-maven-plugin/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-maven-plugin-4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-site/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-site-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-site/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-site-4.1-SNAPSHOT-site.xml
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-generator/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-generator-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-generator/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-generator-4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-templates/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-templates-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-templates/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-templates-4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-test/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-test-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-runtime/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-runtime-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-runtime/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-runtime-4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-ant-tasks/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-ant-tasks-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-ant-tasks/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-ant-tasks-4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Generator Maven 2 Plugin #375' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Maven Parent #375' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Site #375' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Generator #375' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Templates #375' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
Sending e-mails to:
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Runtime #375' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Generator Ant tasks #375' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
channel stopped

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Build failed in Jenkins: torque4-test-project-hsqldb #374

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[gk] - - add missing license header

[gk] - add more missing templates for mysql: *globalSettings*.groovy + vm

[gk] - add templates for mysql: globalSettings.groovy + vm

[gk] - cleanup generated file content and add license header

[gk] Showcase Java Testcontainer
- in profile mysql/docker-resources
- used for mysql adapter + just one test class: (from
- no need for a running mysql database installed locally
- still support pre-installed database and docker containerized test (cft. pom.xml)

- generation: need to use docker-maven-plugin to init a temporary database image to generate sql (in maven torque-maven-plugin), stopping it after this is done
- separate id-table generation and pass on insert into dockerfile (may use some shell script indirection later)

- remove not used

- TODO use torque.wrapper.configuration.file instead of hard-coded configuration file path, add tests, add adapters

[gk] - tab fix in dbObjectFieldGetter.vm
- remove alter table drop foreign key and use new globalSettings outlet for mysql to SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;
- correct logging target folder

[gk] - correct logging behaviour
- remove log4j configuration (src/test/resources/log4j-test.xml still there)

[...truncated 474.97 KB...]
[ERROR] <>:[151,41] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseNonPkOIntegerFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseNonPkOIntegerFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[151,41] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BasePIntegerFkToOPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BasePIntegerFkToOPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[157,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[163,41] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[189,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[221,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[227,49] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[253,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[120,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkOtherFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[148,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkOtherFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[176,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkOtherFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[182,41] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkOtherFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[208,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkOtherFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[117,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkContainsFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[123,41] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkContainsFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[149,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkContainsFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkContainsFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[238,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BasePIntegerPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseNullablePIntegerFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseRequiredPIntegerFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BasePIntegerFkWithDefaultBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseNonPkPIntegerFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[117,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseOIntegerFkToPPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[145,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseOIntegerFkToPPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseOIntegerFkToPPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[142,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseBinaryTypeBean
[ERROR] <>:[170,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseBinaryTypeBean
[ERROR] <>:[152,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseEnumTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[180,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseEnumTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[208,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseEnumTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[142,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseInheritanceClassnameTestBean
[ERROR] <>:[170,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseInheritanceClassnameTestBean
[ERROR] <>:[139,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseLocalIfcTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[110,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseBaseTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[138,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseBaseTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[180,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCurrentTimeTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[137,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseAutoincrementNativeBean
[ERROR] <>:[110,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatePkBean
[ERROR] <>:[138,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatePkBean
[ERROR] <>:[232,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatabaseDefaultValuesBean
[ERROR] <>:[288,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatabaseDefaultValuesBean
[ERROR] <>:[316,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatabaseDefaultValuesBean
[ERROR] <>:[344,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatabaseDefaultValuesBean
[ERROR] <>:[372,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatabaseDefaultValuesBean
[ERROR] <>:[179,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[207,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[235,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[263,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[291,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[319,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[347,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[375,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[403,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[431,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[459,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[487,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[515,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[543,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[571,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[599,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[627,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[655,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[683,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[711,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[739,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[767,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[795,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[823,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[128,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompIntegerVarcharPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[164,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompIntegerVarcharPkBean
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :torque-test
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-maven-plugin/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-maven-plugin-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-maven-plugin/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-maven-plugin-4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-site/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-site-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-site/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-site-4.1-SNAPSHOT-site.xml
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-generator/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-generator-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-generator/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-generator-4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-templates/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-templates-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-templates/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-templates-4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-test/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-test-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-runtime/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-runtime-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-runtime/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-runtime-4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-ant-tasks/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-ant-tasks-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-ant-tasks/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-ant-tasks-4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Generator Maven 2 Plugin #374' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Maven Parent #374' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Site #374' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Generator #374' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Templates #374' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
Sending e-mails to:
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Runtime #374' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'torque4-test-project-hsqldb » Torque Generator Ant tasks #374' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
channel stopped

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Build failed in Jenkins: torque4-test-project-hsqldb #373

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[gk] - fix time mapping in peer and torque-test (hsqldb, mysql tested)
- update mysql connector v8.0.18

[...truncated 970.56 KB...]
[ERROR] <>:[151,41] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseNonPkOIntegerFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseNonPkOIntegerFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[151,41] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BasePIntegerFkToOPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BasePIntegerFkToOPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[157,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[163,41] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[189,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[221,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[227,49] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[253,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseMultiRefBean
[ERROR] <>:[120,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkOtherFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[148,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkOtherFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[176,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkOtherFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[182,41] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkOtherFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[208,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkOtherFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[117,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkContainsFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[123,41] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkContainsFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[149,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkContainsFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompPkContainsFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[238,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BasePIntegerPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseNullablePIntegerFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseRequiredPIntegerFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BasePIntegerFkWithDefaultBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseNonPkPIntegerFkBean
[ERROR] <>:[117,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseOIntegerFkToPPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[145,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseOIntegerFkToPPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[177,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseOIntegerFkToPPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[142,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseBinaryTypeBean
[ERROR] <>:[170,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseBinaryTypeBean
[ERROR] <>:[152,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseEnumTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[180,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseEnumTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[208,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseEnumTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[142,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseInheritanceClassnameTestBean
[ERROR] <>:[170,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseInheritanceClassnameTestBean
[ERROR] <>:[139,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseLocalIfcTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[110,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseBaseTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[138,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseBaseTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[180,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCurrentTimeTableBean
[ERROR] <>:[137,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseAutoincrementNativeBean
[ERROR] <>:[110,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatePkBean
[ERROR] <>:[138,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatePkBean
[ERROR] <>:[232,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatabaseDefaultValuesBean
[ERROR] <>:[288,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatabaseDefaultValuesBean
[ERROR] <>:[316,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatabaseDefaultValuesBean
[ERROR] <>:[344,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatabaseDefaultValuesBean
[ERROR] <>:[372,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseDatabaseDefaultValuesBean
[ERROR] <>:[179,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[207,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[235,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[263,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[291,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[319,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[347,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[375,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[403,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[431,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[459,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[487,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[515,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[543,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[571,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[599,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[627,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[655,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[683,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[711,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[739,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[767,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[795,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[823,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseTypesObjectBean
[ERROR] <>:[128,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompIntegerVarcharPkBean
[ERROR] <>:[164,14] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   variable Objects
[ERROR] location: class org.apache.torque.test.bean.BaseCompIntegerVarcharPkBean
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :torque-test
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-maven-plugin/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-maven-plugin-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-maven-plugin/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-maven-plugin-4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-site/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-site-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-site/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-site-4.1-SNAPSHOT-site.xml
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-generator/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-generator-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-generator/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-generator-4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-templates/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-templates-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-templates/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-templates-4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-test/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-test-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-runtime/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-runtime-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-runtime/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-runtime-4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-ant-tasks/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-ant-tasks-4.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving <> to org.apache.torque/torque-ant-tasks/4.1-SNAPSHOT/torque-ant-tasks-4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
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