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Posted to by "jorisvandenbossche (via GitHub)" <> on 2023/02/15 16:49:29 UTC

[GitHub] [arrow] jorisvandenbossche commented on a diff in pull request #34102: GH-33976: [Python] Initial bindings for acero Declaration and ExecNodeOptions classes

jorisvandenbossche commented on code in PR #34102:

@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Low-level Acero bindings
+# cython: profile=False
+# distutils: language = c++
+# cython: language_level = 3
+from pyarrow.includes.common cimport *
+from pyarrow.includes.libarrow cimport *
+from pyarrow.includes.libarrow_dataset cimport *
+from pyarrow.lib cimport (Table, check_status, pyarrow_unwrap_table, pyarrow_wrap_table,
+                          RecordBatchReader)
+from pyarrow.lib import frombytes, tobytes
+from pyarrow._compute cimport Expression, FunctionOptions, _ensure_field_ref, _true
+from pyarrow.compute import field
+# Initialize()  # Initialise support for Datasets in ExecPlan
+cdef class ExecNodeOptions(_Weakrefable):
+    __slots__ = ()  # avoid mistakingly creating attributes
+    cdef const CExecNodeOptions* get_options(self) except NULL:
+        return self.wrapped.get()
+    cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CExecNodeOptions]& sp):
+        self.wrapped = sp
+    cdef inline shared_ptr[CExecNodeOptions] unwrap(self):
+        return self.wrapped
+    # def __repr__(self):
+    #     type_name = self.__class__.__name__
+    #     # Remove {} so we can use our own braces
+    #     string_repr = frombytes(self.get_options().ToString())[1:-1]
+    #     return f"{type_name}({string_repr})"
+    # def __eq__(self, FunctionOptions other):
+    #     return self.get_options().Equals(deref(other.get_options()))
+cdef class _TableSourceNodeOptions(ExecNodeOptions):
+    def _set_options(self, Table table):
+        cdef:
+            shared_ptr[CTable] c_table
+        c_table = pyarrow_unwrap_table(table)
+        self.wrapped.reset(
+            new CTableSourceNodeOptions(c_table)
+        )
+class TableSourceNodeOptions(_TableSourceNodeOptions):
+    """
+    A Source node which accepts a table.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    table : pyarrow.Table
+        The table which acts as the data source.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, Table table):
+        self._set_options(table)
+cdef class _FilterNodeOptions(ExecNodeOptions):
+    def _set_options(self, Expression filter_expression not None):
+        self.wrapped.reset(
+            new CFilterNodeOptions(<CExpression>filter_expression.unwrap())
+        )
+class FilterNodeOptions(_FilterNodeOptions):
+    """
+    Make a node which excludes some rows from batches passed through it.
+    The "filter" operation provides an option to define data filtering
+    criteria. It selects rows matching a given expression. Filters can
+    be written using pyarrow.compute.Expression.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    filter_expression : pyarrow.compute.Expression
+    """
+    def __init__(self, Expression filter_expression):
+        self._set_options(filter_expression)
+cdef class _ProjectNodeOptions(ExecNodeOptions):
+    def _set_options(self, expressions, names=None):
+        cdef:
+            Expression expr
+            vector[CExpression] c_expressions
+            vector[c_string] c_names
+        for expr in expressions:
+            c_expressions.push_back(expr.unwrap())
+        if names is not None:
+            if len(names) != len(expressions):
+                raise ValueError("dd")
+            for name in names:
+                c_names.push_back(<c_string>tobytes(name))
+            self.wrapped.reset(
+                new CProjectNodeOptions(c_expressions, c_names)
+            )
+        else:
+            self.wrapped.reset(
+                new CProjectNodeOptions(c_expressions)
+            )
+class ProjectNodeOptions(_ProjectNodeOptions):
+    """
+    Make a node which executes expressions on input batches,
+    producing new batches.
+    The "project" operation rearranges, deletes, transforms, and
+    creates columns. Each output column is computed by evaluating
+    an expression against the source record batch.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    expressions : list of pyarrow.compute.Expression
+        List of expressions to evaluate against the source batch.
+    names : list of str
+        List of names for each of the ouptut columns (same length as
+        `expressions`). If `names` is not provided, the string
+        representations of exprs will be used.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, expressions, names=None):
+        self._set_options(expressions, names)
+cdef class _AggregateNodeOptions(ExecNodeOptions):
+    def _set_options(self, aggregates, keys=None):
+        cdef:
+            CAggregate c_aggr
+            vector[CAggregate] c_aggregations
+            vector[CFieldRef] c_keys
+        for arg_names, func_name, opts, name in aggregates:
+            c_aggr.function = tobytes(func_name)
+            if opts is not None:
+                c_aggr.options = (<FunctionOptions?>opts).wrapped
+            else:
+                c_aggr.options = <shared_ptr[CFunctionOptions]>nullptr
+            for arg in arg_names:
+   = tobytes(name)
+            c_aggregations.push_back(move(c_aggr))
+        if keys is None:
+            keys = []
+        for name in keys:
+            c_keys.push_back(_ensure_field_ref(name))
+        self.wrapped.reset(
+            new CAggregateNodeOptions(c_aggregations, c_keys)
+        )
+class AggregateNodeOptions(_AggregateNodeOptions):
+    """
+    Make a node which aggregates input batches, optionally grouped by keys.
+    Acero supports two types of aggregates: "scalar" aggregates,
+    and "hash" aggregates. Scalar aggregates reduce an array or scalar
+    input to a single scalar output (e.g. computing the mean of a column).
+    Hash aggregates act like GROUP BY in SQL and first partition data
+    based on one or more key columns, then reduce the data in each partition.
+    The aggregate node supports both types of computation, and can compute
+    any number of aggregations at once.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    aggregates : list of tuples
+        Aggregations which will be applied to the targetted fields.
+        Specified as a list of tuples, where each tuple is one aggregation
+        specification and consists of: aggregation column name followed
+        by function name, aggregation function options object and the
+        output field name.
+        The column name can be a string, an empty list or a list of
+        column names, for unary, nullary and n-ary aggregation functions
+        respectively.
+    keys : list, optional
+        Keys by which aggregations will be grouped.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, aggregates, keys=None):
+        self._set_options(aggregates, keys)
+cdef class _HashJoinNodeOptions(ExecNodeOptions):
+    # _join_type_map = {
+    #     "left semi": CJoinType_LEFT_SEMI,
+    #     "right semi": CJoinType_RIGHT_SEMI,
+    #     "left anti": CJoinType_LEFT_ANTI,
+    #     "right anti": CJoinType_RIGHT_ANTI,
+    #     "inner": CJoinType_INNER,
+    #     "left outer": CJoinType_LEFT_OUTER,
+    #     "right outer": CJoinType_RIGHT_OUTER,
+    #     "full outer": CJoinType_FULL_OUTER,
+    # }
+    def _set_options(
+        self, join_type, left_keys, right_keys, left_output=None, right_output=None,
+        output_suffix_for_left="", output_suffix_for_right="",
+    ):
+        cdef:
+            CJoinType c_join_type
+            vector[CFieldRef] c_left_keys
+            vector[CFieldRef] c_right_keys
+            vector[CFieldRef] c_left_output
+            vector[CFieldRef] c_right_output
+        # join type
+        # try:
+        #     c_join_type = self._join_type_map[join_type]
+        # except KeyError:
+        #     raise ValueError("Unsupported join type")
+        if join_type == "left semi":
+            c_join_type = CJoinType_LEFT_SEMI
+        elif join_type == "right semi":
+            c_join_type = CJoinType_RIGHT_SEMI
+        elif join_type == "left anti":
+            c_join_type = CJoinType_LEFT_ANTI
+        elif join_type == "right anti":
+            c_join_type = CJoinType_RIGHT_ANTI
+        elif join_type == "inner":
+            c_join_type = CJoinType_INNER
+        elif join_type == "left outer":
+            c_join_type = CJoinType_LEFT_OUTER
+        elif join_type == "right outer":
+            c_join_type = CJoinType_RIGHT_OUTER
+        elif join_type == "full outer":
+            c_join_type = CJoinType_FULL_OUTER
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Unsupported join type")
+        # left/right keys
+        if isinstance(left_keys, str):
+            left_keys = [left_keys]
+        for key in left_keys:
+            c_left_keys.push_back(_ensure_field_ref(key))
+        if isinstance(right_keys, str):
+            right_keys = [right_keys]
+        for key in right_keys:
+            c_right_keys.push_back(_ensure_field_ref(key))
+        # left/right output fields
+        if left_output is not None and right_output is not None:
+            for colname in left_output:
+                c_left_output.push_back(_ensure_field_ref(colname))
+            for colname in right_output:
+                c_right_output.push_back(_ensure_field_ref(colname))
+            self.wrapped.reset(
+                new CHashJoinNodeOptions(
+                    c_join_type, c_left_keys, c_right_keys,
+                    c_left_output, c_right_output,
+                    _true,
+                    <c_string>tobytes(output_suffix_for_left),
+                    <c_string>tobytes(output_suffix_for_right)
+                )
+            )
+        else:
+            self.wrapped.reset(
+                new CHashJoinNodeOptions(
+                    c_join_type, c_left_keys, c_right_keys,
+                    _true,
+                    <c_string>tobytes(output_suffix_for_left),
+                    <c_string>tobytes(output_suffix_for_right)
+                )
+            )
+class HashJoinNodeOptions(_HashJoinNodeOptions):
+    """
+    Make a node which implements join operation using hash join strategy.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    join_type : str
+        Type of join. One of "left semi", "right semi", "left anti",
+        "right anti", "inner", "left outer", "right outer", "full outer".
+    left_keys
+        Key fields from left input.
+    right_keys
+        key fields from right input.
+    left_output
+        Output fields passed from left input. If left and right output
+        fields are not specified, all valid fields from both left and
+        right input will be output
+    right_output
+        Output fields passed from right input. If left and right output
+        fields are not specified, all valid fields from both left and
+        right input will be output
+    output_suffix_for_left : str
+        Suffix added to names of output fields coming from left input
+        (used to distinguish, if necessary, between fields of the same
+        name in left and right input and can be left empty if there are
+        no name collisions).
+    output_suffix_for_right : str
+        Suffix added to names of output fields coming from right input,
+        see `output_suffix_for_left`.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self, join_type, left_keys, right_keys, left_output=None, right_output=None,
+        output_suffix_for_left="", output_suffix_for_right=""
+    ):
+        self._set_options(
+            join_type, left_keys, right_keys, left_output, right_output,
+            output_suffix_for_left, output_suffix_for_right
+        )
+cdef class Declaration(_Weakrefable):
+    """
+    Helper class for declaring the nodes of an ExecPlan.
+    A Declaration represents an unconstructed ExecNode, and potentially
+    more since its inputs may also be Declarations or when constructed
+    with ``from_sequence``.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    factory_name : str
+        The ExecNode factory name, such as "table_source", "filter",
+        "project" etc.
+    options : ExecNodeOptions
+        Corresponding ExecNodeOptions subclass (matching the factory name).
+    inputs : list of Declaration, optional
+        Input nodes for this declaration. Optional if the node is a source
+        node, or when the declaration gets combined later with
+        `from_sequence`.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    Declaration
+    """
+    cdef void init(self, const CDeclaration& c_decl):
+        self.decl = c_decl
+    @staticmethod
+    cdef wrap(const CDeclaration& c_decl):
+        cdef Declaration self = Declaration.__new__(Declaration)
+        self.init(c_decl)
+        return self
+    cdef inline CDeclaration unwrap(self) nogil:
+        return self.decl
+    def __init__(self, factory_name, ExecNodeOptions options, inputs=None):
+        cdef:
+            c_string c_factory_name
+            CDeclaration c_decl
+            vector[CDeclaration.Input] c_inputs
+        c_factory_name = tobytes(factory_name)
+        if inputs is not None:
+            for ipt in inputs:
+                c_inputs.push_back(
+                    CDeclaration.Input((<Declaration>ipt).unwrap())
+                )
+        c_decl = CDeclaration(c_factory_name, c_inputs, options.unwrap())
+        self.init(c_decl)
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_sequence(decls):
+        """
+        Convenience factory for the common case of a simple sequence of nodes.
+        Each of the declarations will be appended to the inputs of the
+        subsequent declaration, and the final modified declaration will
+        be returned.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        decls : list of Declaration
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Declaration
+        """
+        cdef:
+            vector[CDeclaration] c_decls
+            CDeclaration c_decl
+        for decl in decls:
+            c_decls.push_back((<Declaration> decl).unwrap())
+        c_decl = CDeclaration.Sequence(c_decls)
+        return Declaration.wrap(c_decl)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return frombytes(GetResultValue(DeclarationToString(self.decl)))
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<pyarrow.acero.Declaration>\n{0}".format(str(self))
+    def to_table(self, use_threads=True):
+        """
+        Run the declaration and collect the results into a table.
+        This method will implicitly add a sink node to the declaration
+        to collect results into a table. It will then create an ExecPlan
+        from the declaration, start the exec plan, block until the plan
+        has finished, and return the created table.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        use_threads : bool, default True
+            If set to False, then all CPU work will be done on the calling
+            thread. I/O tasks will still happen on the I/O executor
+            and may be multi-threaded (but should not use significant CPU
+            resources).
+        Returns
+        -------
+        pyarrow.Table
+        """
+        cdef:
+            shared_ptr[CTable] c_table
+        c_table = GetResultValue(DeclarationToTable(self.decl, use_threads))

Review Comment:
   Should I use `DeclarationToTable` or `DeclarationToTableAsync` here?

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