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Posted to by on 2016/04/26 05:47:14 UTC

[2/3] sentry git commit: SENTRY-1216: disable sentry ha tests for now; add time out for each test class/method; fix trainsient junit time out issue. (Anne Yu, reviewed by HaoHao).
diff --git a/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hive/ b/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hive/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b474484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hive/
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hive;
+import java.sql.Connection;
+import java.sql.SQLException;
+import java.sql.Statement;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.sentry.provider.file.PolicyFile;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+ * Test all operations that require index on table alone (part 1)
+ 1. Create index : HiveOperation.CREATEINDEX
+ 2. Drop index : HiveOperation.DROPINDEX
+ */
+public class TestOperationsPart1 extends AbstractTestWithStaticConfiguration {
+  private PolicyFile policyFile;
+  final String tableName = "tb1";
+  static Map<String, String> privileges = new HashMap<String, String>();
+  static {
+    privileges.put("all_server", "server=server1->action=all");
+    privileges.put("create_server", "server=server1->action=create");
+    privileges.put("all_db1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->action=all");
+    privileges.put("select_db1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->action=select");
+    privileges.put("insert_db1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->action=insert");
+    privileges.put("create_db1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->action=create");
+    privileges.put("drop_db1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->action=drop");
+    privileges.put("alter_db1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->action=alter");
+    privileges.put("create_db2", "server=server1->db=" + DB2 + "->action=create");
+    privileges.put("all_db1_tb1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=tb1->action=all");
+    privileges.put("select_db1_tb1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=tb1->action=select");
+    privileges.put("insert_db1_tb1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=tb1->action=insert");
+    privileges.put("alter_db1_tb1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=tb1->action=alter");
+    privileges.put("alter_db1_ptab", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=ptab->action=alter");
+    privileges.put("index_db1_tb1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=tb1->action=index");
+    privileges.put("lock_db1_tb1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=tb1->action=lock");
+    privileges.put("drop_db1_tb1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=tb1->action=drop");
+    privileges.put("insert_db2_tb2", "server=server1->db=" + DB2 + "->table=tb2->action=insert");
+    privileges.put("select_db1_view1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=view1->action=select");
+  }
+  @Before
+  public void setup() throws Exception{
+    policyFile = PolicyFile.setAdminOnServer1(ADMINGROUP)
+        .setUserGroupMapping(StaticUserGroup.getStaticMapping());
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+  }
+  private void adminCreate(String db, String table) throws Exception{
+    adminCreate(db, table, false);
+  }
+  private void adminCreate(String db, String table, boolean partitioned) throws Exception{
+    Connection connection = context.createConnection(ADMIN1);
+    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " + db + " CASCADE");
+    statement.execute("CREATE DATABASE " + db);
+    if(table !=null) {
+      if (partitioned) {
+        statement.execute("CREATE table  " + db + "." + table + " (a string) PARTITIONED BY (b string)");
+      } else{
+        statement.execute("CREATE table  " + db + "." + table + " (a string)");
+      }
+    }
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  private void adminCreatePartition() throws Exception{
+    Connection connection = context.createConnection(ADMIN1);
+    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION (b = '1') ");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  /* Test all operations that require create on Server
+  1. Create database : HiveOperation.CREATEDATABASE
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testCreateOnServer() throws Exception{
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("create_server", privileges.get("create_server"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "create_server");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Create database " + DB2);
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    //Negative case
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("create_db1", privileges.get("create_db1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP2, "create_db1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER2_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    context.assertSentrySemanticException(statement, "CREATE database " + DB1, semanticException);
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testInsertInto() throws Exception{
+    File dataFile;
+    dataFile = new File(dataDir, SINGLE_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME);
+    FileOutputStream to = new FileOutputStream(dataFile);
+    Resources.copy(Resources.getResource(SINGLE_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME), to);
+    to.close();
+    adminCreate(DB1, null);
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("all_db1", privileges.get("all_db1"))
+        .addPermissionsToRole("all_uri", "server=server1->uri=file://" + dataDir)
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "all_db1", "all_uri");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    statement.execute("create table bar (key int)");
+    statement.execute("load data local inpath '" + dataFile.getPath() + "' into table bar");
+    statement.execute("create table foo (key int) partitioned by (part int) stored as parquet");
+    statement.execute("insert into table foo PARTITION(part=1) select key from bar");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  /* Test all operations that require create on Database alone
+  1. Create table : HiveOperation.CREATETABLE
+  */
+  @Test
+  public void testCreateOnDatabase() throws Exception{
+    adminCreate(DB1, null);
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("create_db1", privileges.get("create_db1"))
+        .addPermissionsToRole("all_db1", privileges.get("all_db1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "create_db1")
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP2, "all_db1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("CREATE TABLE " + DB1 + ".tb2(a int)");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER2_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("CREATE TABLE " + DB1 + ".tb3(a int)");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    //Negative case
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("all_db1_tb1", privileges.get("select_db1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP3, "all_db1_tb1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER3_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    context.assertSentrySemanticException(statement, "CREATE TABLE " + DB1 + ".tb1(a int)", semanticException);
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  /* Test all operations that require drop on Database alone
+  1. Drop database : HiveOperation.DROPDATABASE
+  */
+  @Test
+  public void testDropOnDatabase() throws Exception{
+    adminCreate(DB1, null);
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("drop_db1", privileges.get("drop_db1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "drop_db1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("DROP DATABASE " + DB1);
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    adminCreate(DB1, null);
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("all_db1", privileges.get("all_db1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP2, "all_db1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER2_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("DROP DATABASE " + DB1);
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    //Negative case
+    adminCreate(DB1, null);
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("select_db1", privileges.get("select_db1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP3, "select_db1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER3_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    context.assertSentrySemanticException(statement, "drop database " + DB1, semanticException);
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  /* Test all operations that require alter on Database alone
+  1. Alter database : HiveOperation.ALTERDATABASE
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testAlterOnDatabase() throws Exception{
+    adminCreate(DB1, null);
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("alter_db1", privileges.get("alter_db1"))
+        .addPermissionsToRole("all_db1", privileges.get("all_db1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP2, "all_db1")
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "alter_db1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("ALTER DATABASE " + DB1 + " SET DBPROPERTIES ('comment'='comment')");
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER2_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("ALTER DATABASE " + DB1 + " SET DBPROPERTIES ('comment'='comment')");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    //Negative case
+    adminCreate(DB1, null);
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("select_db1", privileges.get("select_db1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP3, "select_db1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER3_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    context.assertSentrySemanticException(statement, "ALTER DATABASE " + DB1 + " SET DBPROPERTIES ('comment'='comment')", semanticException);
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+   1. HiveOperation.DESCDATABASE
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testDescDB() throws Exception {
+    adminCreate(DB1, tableName);
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("select_db1", privileges.get("select_db1"))
+        .addPermissionsToRole("insert_db1", privileges.get("insert_db1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "select_db1")
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP2, "insert_db1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("describe database " + DB1);
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER2_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("describe database " + DB1);
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    //Negative case
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("all_db1_tb1", privileges.get("all_db1_tb1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP3, "all_db1_tb1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER3_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    context.assertSentrySemanticException(statement, "describe database " + DB1, semanticException);
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  private void assertSemanticException(Statement stmt, String command) throws SQLException{
+    context.assertSentrySemanticException(stmt, command, semanticException);
+  }
+  /*
+  1. Analyze table (HiveOperation.QUERY) : select + insert on table
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testSelectAndInsertOnTable() throws Exception {
+    adminCreate(DB1, tableName, true);
+    adminCreatePartition();
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("select_db1_tb1", privileges.get("select_db1_tb1"))
+        .addPermissionsToRole("insert_db1_tb1", privileges.get("insert_db1_tb1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "select_db1_tb1", "insert_db1_tb1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    statement.execute("ANALYZE TABLE tb1 PARTITION (b='1' ) COMPUTE STATISTICS");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  /* Operations which require select on table alone
+  1. HiveOperation.QUERY
+  2. HiveOperation.SHOW_TBLPROPERTIES
+  3. HiveOperation.SHOW_CREATETABLE
+  4. HiveOperation.SHOWINDEXES
+  5. HiveOperation.SHOWCOLUMNS
+  6. Describe tb1 : HiveOperation.DESCTABLE5.
+  7. HiveOperation.SHOWPARTITIONS
+  8. TODO: show functions?
+  9. HiveOperation.SHOW_TABLESTATUS
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testSelectOnTable() throws Exception {
+    adminCreate(DB1, tableName, true);
+    adminCreatePartition();
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("select_db1_tb1", privileges.get("select_db1_tb1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "select_db1_tb1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    statement.execute("select * from tb1");
+    statement.executeQuery("SHOW Partitions tb1");
+    statement.executeQuery("SHOW TBLPROPERTIES tb1");
+    statement.executeQuery("SHOW CREATE TABLE tb1");
+    statement.executeQuery("SHOW indexes on tb1");
+    statement.executeQuery("SHOW COLUMNS from tb1");
+    statement.executeQuery("SHOW functions '.*'");
+    statement.executeQuery("SHOW TABLE EXTENDED IN " + DB1 + " LIKE 'tb*'");
+    statement.executeQuery("DESCRIBE tb1");
+    statement.executeQuery("DESCRIBE tb1 PARTITION (b=1)");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    //Negative case
+    adminCreate(DB2, tableName);
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("insert_db1_tb1", privileges.get("insert_db1_tb1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP3, "insert_db1_tb1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER3_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    context.assertSentrySemanticException(statement, "select * from tb1", semanticException);
+    context.assertSentrySemanticException(statement,
+        "SHOW TABLE EXTENDED IN " + DB2 + " LIKE 'tb*'", semanticException);
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  /* Operations which require insert on table alone
+  1. HiveOperation.SHOW_TBLPROPERTIES
+  2. HiveOperation.SHOW_CREATETABLE
+  3. HiveOperation.SHOWINDEXES
+  4. HiveOperation.SHOWCOLUMNS
+  5. HiveOperation.DESCTABLE
+  6. HiveOperation.SHOWPARTITIONS
+  7. TODO: show functions?
+  8. TODO: lock, unlock, Show locks
+  9. HiveOperation.SHOW_TABLESTATUS
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testInsertOnTable() throws Exception {
+    adminCreate(DB1, tableName, true);
+    adminCreatePartition();
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("insert_db1_tb1", privileges.get("insert_db1_tb1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "insert_db1_tb1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    /*statement.execute("LOCK TABLE tb1 EXCLUSIVE");
+    statement.execute("UNLOCK TABLE tb1");
+    */
+    statement.executeQuery("SHOW TBLPROPERTIES tb1");
+    statement.executeQuery("SHOW CREATE TABLE tb1");
+    statement.executeQuery("SHOW indexes on tb1");
+    statement.executeQuery("SHOW COLUMNS from tb1");
+    statement.executeQuery("SHOW functions '.*'");
+    //statement.executeQuery("SHOW LOCKS tb1");
+    statement.executeQuery("SHOW TABLE EXTENDED IN " + DB1 + " LIKE 'tb*'");
+    //NoViableAltException
+    //statement.executeQuery("SHOW transactions");
+    //statement.executeQuery("SHOW compactions");
+    statement.executeQuery("DESCRIBE tb1");
+    statement.executeQuery("DESCRIBE tb1 PARTITION (b=1)");
+    statement.executeQuery("SHOW Partitions tb1");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  /* Test all operations that require alter on table
+  4. HiveOperation.ALTERTABLE_TOUCH
+  9. TODO: archive partition
+  10. TODO: unarchive partition
+  12. TODO: partition touch (is it same as  HiveOperation.ALTERTABLE_TOUCH?)
+  15. HiveOperation.ALTERTABLE_ADDCOLS
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testAlterTable() throws Exception {
+    adminCreate(DB1, tableName, true);
+    Connection connection;
+    Statement statement;
+    //Setup
+    connection = context.createConnection(ADMIN1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION (b = '10') ");
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION (b = '1') ");
+    statement.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ptab");
+    statement.execute("CREATE TABLE ptab (a int) STORED AS PARQUET");
+    policyFile
+      .addPermissionsToRole("alter_db1_tb1", privileges.get("alter_db1_tb1"))
+      .addPermissionsToRole("alter_db1_ptab", privileges.get("alter_db1_ptab"))
+      .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "alter_db1_tb1", "alter_db1_ptab")
+      .addPermissionsToRole("insert_db1_tb1", privileges.get("insert_db1_tb1"))
+      .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP2, "insert_db1_tb1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    //Negative test cases
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER2_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 SET TBLPROPERTIES ('comment' = 'new_comment')");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 SET SERDEPROPERTIES ('field.delim' = ',')");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 CLUSTERED BY (a) SORTED BY (a) INTO 1 BUCKETS");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 TOUCH");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 ENABLE NO_DROP");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 DISABLE OFFLINE");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 SET FILEFORMAT RCFILE");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 PARTITION (b = 10) RENAME TO PARTITION (b = 2)");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 PARTITION (b = 10) SET SERDEPROPERTIES ('field.delim' = ',')");
+    //assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 ARCHIVE PARTITION (b = 2)");
+    //assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 UNARCHIVE PARTITION (b = 2)");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 PARTITION (b = 10) SET FILEFORMAT RCFILE");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 TOUCH PARTITION (b = 10)");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 PARTITION (b = 10) DISABLE NO_DROP");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 PARTITION (b = 10) DISABLE OFFLINE");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 CHANGE COLUMN a c int");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 ADD COLUMNS (a int)");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE ptab REPLACE COLUMNS (a int, c int)");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "MSCK REPAIR TABLE tb1");
+    //assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER VIEW view1 SET TBLPROPERTIES ('comment' = 'new_comment')");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    //Positive cases
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 SET TBLPROPERTIES ('comment' = 'new_comment')");
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 SET SERDEPROPERTIES ('field.delim' = ',')");
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 CLUSTERED BY (a) SORTED BY (a) INTO 1 BUCKETS");
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 TOUCH");
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 ENABLE NO_DROP");
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 DISABLE OFFLINE");
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 SET FILEFORMAT RCFILE");
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 PARTITION (b = 1) RENAME TO PARTITION (b = 2)");
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 PARTITION (b = 2) SET SERDEPROPERTIES ('field.delim' = ',')");
+    //statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 ARCHIVE PARTITION (b = 2)");
+    //statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 UNARCHIVE PARTITION (b = 2)");
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 PARTITION (b = 2) SET FILEFORMAT RCFILE");
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 TOUCH PARTITION (b = 2)");
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 PARTITION (b = 2) DISABLE NO_DROP");
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 PARTITION (b = 2) DISABLE OFFLINE");
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 CHANGE COLUMN a c int");
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 ADD COLUMNS (a int)");
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE ptab REPLACE COLUMNS (a int, c int)");
+    statement.execute("MSCK REPAIR TABLE tb1");
+    //statement.execute("ALTER VIEW view1 SET TBLPROPERTIES ('comment' = 'new_comment')");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
diff --git a/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hive/ b/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hive/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eb2851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hive/
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hive;
+import java.sql.Connection;
+import java.sql.SQLException;
+import java.sql.Statement;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf;
+import org.apache.sentry.provider.file.PolicyFile;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+ * Test all operations that require index on table alone (part 2)
+ 1. Create index : HiveOperation.CREATEINDEX
+ 2. Drop index : HiveOperation.DROPINDEX
+ */
+public class TestOperationsPart2 extends AbstractTestWithStaticConfiguration {
+  private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory
+      .getLogger(TestOperationsPart2.class);
+  private PolicyFile policyFile;
+  final String tableName = "tb1";
+  static Map<String, String> privileges = new HashMap<String, String>();
+  static {
+    privileges.put("all_server", "server=server1->action=all");
+    privileges.put("create_server", "server=server1->action=create");
+    privileges.put("all_db1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->action=all");
+    privileges.put("select_db1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->action=select");
+    privileges.put("insert_db1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->action=insert");
+    privileges.put("create_db1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->action=create");
+    privileges.put("drop_db1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->action=drop");
+    privileges.put("alter_db1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->action=alter");
+    privileges.put("create_db2", "server=server1->db=" + DB2 + "->action=create");
+    privileges.put("all_db1_tb1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=tb1->action=all");
+    privileges.put("select_db1_tb1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=tb1->action=select");
+    privileges.put("insert_db1_tb1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=tb1->action=insert");
+    privileges.put("alter_db1_tb1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=tb1->action=alter");
+    privileges.put("alter_db1_ptab", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=ptab->action=alter");
+    privileges.put("index_db1_tb1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=tb1->action=index");
+    privileges.put("lock_db1_tb1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=tb1->action=lock");
+    privileges.put("drop_db1_tb1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=tb1->action=drop");
+    privileges.put("insert_db2_tb2", "server=server1->db=" + DB2 + "->table=tb2->action=insert");
+    privileges.put("select_db1_view1", "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=view1->action=select");
+  }
+  @Before
+  public void setup() throws Exception{
+    policyFile = PolicyFile.setAdminOnServer1(ADMINGROUP)
+        .setUserGroupMapping(StaticUserGroup.getStaticMapping());
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+  }
+  private void adminCreate(String db, String table) throws Exception{
+    adminCreate(db, table, false);
+  }
+  private void adminCreate(String db, String table, boolean partitioned) throws Exception{
+    Connection connection = context.createConnection(ADMIN1);
+    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " + db + " CASCADE");
+    statement.execute("CREATE DATABASE " + db);
+    if(table !=null) {
+      if (partitioned) {
+        statement.execute("CREATE table  " + db + "." + table + " (a string) PARTITIONED BY (b string)");
+      } else{
+        statement.execute("CREATE table  " + db + "." + table + " (a string)");
+      }
+    }
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  private void assertSemanticException(Statement stmt, String command) throws SQLException{
+    context.assertSentrySemanticException(stmt, command, semanticException);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testIndexTable() throws Exception {
+    adminCreate(DB1, tableName, true);
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("index_db1_tb1", privileges.get("index_db1_tb1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "index_db1_tb1")
+        .addPermissionsToRole("insert_db1_tb1", privileges.get("insert_db1_tb1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP2, "insert_db1_tb1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    Connection connection;
+    Statement statement;
+    //Positive cases
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    statement.execute("CREATE INDEX table01_index ON TABLE tb1 (a) AS 'COMPACT' WITH DEFERRED REBUILD");
+    statement.execute("ALTER INDEX table01_index ON tb1 REBUILD");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    //Negative case
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER2_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "CREATE INDEX table02_index ON TABLE tb1 (a) AS 'COMPACT' WITH DEFERRED REBUILD");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER INDEX table01_index ON tb1 REBUILD");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "DROP INDEX table01_index ON tb1");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    //Positive cases
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    statement.execute("DROP INDEX table01_index ON tb1");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  /* Test all operations that require drop on table alone
+  1. Create index : HiveOperation.DROPTABLE
+  */
+  @Test
+  public void testDropTable() throws Exception {
+    adminCreate(DB1, tableName, true);
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("drop_db1_tb1", privileges.get("drop_db1_tb1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "drop_db1_tb1")
+        .addPermissionsToRole("insert_db1_tb1", privileges.get("insert_db1_tb1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP2, "insert_db1_tb1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    Connection connection;
+    Statement statement;
+    //Negative case
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER2_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "drop table " + tableName);
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    //Positive cases
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    statement.execute("drop table " + tableName);
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  @Ignore
+  @Test
+  public void testLockTable() throws Exception {
+    //TODO
+  }
+  /* Operations that require alter + drop on table
+    1. HiveOperation.ALTERTABLE_DROPPARTS
+  */
+  @Test
+  public void dropPartition() throws Exception {
+    adminCreate(DB1, tableName, true);
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("alter_db1_tb1", privileges.get("alter_db1_tb1"))
+        .addPermissionsToRole("drop_db1_tb1", privileges.get("drop_db1_tb1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "alter_db1_tb1", "drop_db1_tb1")
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP2, "alter_db1_tb1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    Connection connection;
+    Statement statement;
+    //Setup
+    connection = context.createConnection(ADMIN1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION (b = '10') ");
+    //Negative case
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER2_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 DROP PARTITION (b = 10)");
+    //Positive case
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 DROP PARTITION (b = 10)");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  /*
+   1. HiveOperation.ALTERTABLE_RENAME
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void renameTable() throws Exception {
+    adminCreate(DB1, tableName);
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("alter_db1_tb1", privileges.get("alter_db1_tb1"))
+        .addPermissionsToRole("create_db1", privileges.get("create_db1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "alter_db1_tb1", "create_db1")
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP2, "create_db1")
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP3, "alter_db1_tb1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    Connection connection;
+    Statement statement;
+    //Negative cases
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER2_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 RENAME TO tb2");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER3_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 RENAME TO tb2");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    //Positive case
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 RENAME TO tb2");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  /* Test all operations which require alter on table (+ all on URI)
+   1. HiveOperation.ALTERTABLE_LOCATION
+   2. HiveOperation.ALTERTABLE_ADDPARTS
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testAlterOnTableAndURI() throws Exception {
+    adminCreate(DB1, tableName, true);
+    String tabLocation = dfs.getBaseDir() + "/" + Math.random();
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("alter_db1_tb1", privileges.get("alter_db1_tb1"))
+        .addPermissionsToRole("all_uri", "server=server1->uri=" + tabLocation)
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "alter_db1_tb1", "all_uri")
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP2, "alter_db1_tb1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    //Case with out uri
+    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER2_1);
+    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 SET LOCATION '" + tabLocation + "'");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION (b = '3') LOCATION '" + tabLocation + "/part'");
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION (b = '1') ");
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 SET LOCATION '" + tabLocation + "'");
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION (b = '3') LOCATION '" + tabLocation + "/part'");
+    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tb1 ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION (b = '10') ");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    //Negative case: User2_1 has privileges on table but on on uri
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER2_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    context.assertSentrySemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 SET LOCATION '" + tabLocation + "'",
+        semanticException);
+    context.assertSentrySemanticException(statement,
+        "ALTER TABLE tb1 ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION (b = '3') LOCATION '" + tabLocation + "/part'",
+        semanticException);
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    //Negative case: User3_1 has only insert privileges on table
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("insert_db1_tb1", privileges.get("insert_db1_tb1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP3, "insert_db1_tb1", "all_uri");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER3_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION (b = '2') ");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 SET LOCATION '" + tabLocation + "'");
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "ALTER TABLE tb1 ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION (b = '3') LOCATION '"
+        + tabLocation + "/part'");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  /* Create on Database and select on table
+  1. Create view :  HiveOperation.CREATEVIEW
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testCreateView() throws Exception {
+    adminCreate(DB1, tableName);
+    adminCreate(DB2, null);
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("select_db1_tb1", privileges.get("select_db1_tb1"))
+        .addPermissionsToRole("create_db2", privileges.get("create_db2"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "select_db1_tb1", "create_db2");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("use " + DB2);
+    statement.execute("create view view1 as select a from " + DB1 + ".tb1");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    //Negative case
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("insert_db1_tb1", privileges.get("insert_db1_tb1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP3, "insert_db1_tb1", "create_db2");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER3_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB2);
+    context.assertSentrySemanticException(statement, "create view view1 as select a from " + DB1 + ".tb1",
+        semanticException);
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  /*
+   1. HiveOperation.IMPORT : Create on db + all on URI
+   2. HiveOperation.EXPORT : SELECT on table + all on uri
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testExportImport() throws Exception {
+    File dataFile;
+    dataFile = new File(dataDir, SINGLE_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME);
+    FileOutputStream to = new FileOutputStream(dataFile);
+    Resources.copy(Resources.getResource(SINGLE_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME), to);
+    to.close();
+    dropDb(ADMIN1, DB1);
+    createDb(ADMIN1, DB1);
+    createTable(ADMIN1, DB1, dataFile, tableName);
+    String location = dfs.getBaseDir() + "/" + Math.random();
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("create_db1", privileges.get("create_db1"))
+        .addPermissionsToRole("all_uri", "server=server1->uri="+ location)
+        .addPermissionsToRole("select_db1_tb1", privileges.get("select_db1_tb1"))
+        .addPermissionsToRole("insert_db1", privileges.get("insert_db1"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "select_db1_tb1", "all_uri")
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP2, "create_db1", "all_uri")
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP3, "insert_db1", "all_uri");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    Connection connection;
+    Statement statement;
+    //Negative case
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER3_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    context.assertSentrySemanticException(statement, "export table tb1 to '" + location + "'",
+        semanticException);
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    //Positive
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    statement.execute("export table tb1 to '" + location + "'" );
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    //Negative
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER3_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    context.assertSentrySemanticException(statement, "import table tb2 from '" + location + "'",
+        semanticException);
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    //Positive
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER2_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    statement.execute("import table tb2 from '" + location + "'");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  /*
+  1. HiveOperation.LOAD: INSERT on table + all on uri
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testLoad() throws Exception {
+    File dataFile;
+    dataFile = new File(dataDir, SINGLE_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME);
+    FileOutputStream to = new FileOutputStream(dataFile);
+    Resources.copy(Resources.getResource(SINGLE_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME), to);
+    to.close();
+    adminCreate(DB1, tableName);
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("insert_db1_tb1", privileges.get("insert_db1_tb1"))
+        .addPermissionsToRole("all_uri", "server=server1->uri=file://" + dataDir)
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "insert_db1_tb1", "all_uri");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    statement.execute("load data local inpath '" + dataFile.getPath() + "' into table tb1" );
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  /*
+  1. HiveOperation.CREATETABLE_AS_SELECT : Create on db + select on table
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testCTAS() throws Exception {
+    adminCreate(DB1, tableName);
+    adminCreate(DB2, null);
+    String location = dfs.getBaseDir() + "/" + Math.random();
+    Connection connection = context.createConnection(ADMIN1);
+    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB1);
+    statement.execute("create view view1 as select a from " + DB1 + ".tb1");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("select_db1_tb1", privileges.get("select_db1_tb1"))
+        .addPermissionsToRole("select_db1_view1", privileges.get("select_db1_view1"))
+        .addPermissionsToRole("create_db2", privileges.get("create_db2"))
+        .addPermissionsToRole("all_uri", "server=server1->uri=" + location)
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "select_db1_tb1", "create_db2")
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP2, "select_db1_view1", "create_db2")
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP3, "select_db1_tb1", "create_db2,all_uri");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB2);
+    statement.execute("create table tb2 as select a from " + DB1 + ".tb1");
+    //Ensure CTAS fails without URI
+    context.assertSentrySemanticException(statement, "create table tb3 location '" + location +
+            "' as select a from " + DB1 + ".tb1",
+        semanticException);
+    context.assertSentrySemanticException(statement, "create table tb3 as select a from " + DB1 + ".view1",
+        semanticException);
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER2_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB2);
+    statement.execute("create table tb3 as select a from " + DB1 + ".view1" );
+    context.assertSentrySemanticException(statement, "create table tb4 as select a from " + DB1 + ".tb1",
+        semanticException);
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER3_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    //CTAS is valid with URI
+    statement.execute("Use " + DB2);
+    statement.execute("create table tb4 location '" + location +
+        "' as select a from " + DB1 + ".tb1");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  /*
+  1. INSERT : IP: select on table, OP: insert on table + all on uri(optional)
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testInsert() throws Exception {
+    File dataFile;
+    dataFile = new File(dataDir, SINGLE_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME);
+    FileOutputStream to = new FileOutputStream(dataFile);
+    Resources.copy(Resources.getResource(SINGLE_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME), to);
+    to.close();
+    dropDb(ADMIN1, DB1);
+    dropDb(ADMIN1, DB2);
+    createDb(ADMIN1, DB1);
+    createDb(ADMIN1, DB2);
+    createTable(ADMIN1, DB1, dataFile, tableName);
+    createTable(ADMIN1, DB2, null, "tb2");
+    String location = dfs.getBaseDir() + "/" + Math.random();
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("select_db1_tb1", privileges.get("select_db1_tb1"))
+        .addPermissionsToRole("insert_db2_tb2", privileges.get("insert_db2_tb2"))
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "select_db1_tb1", "insert_db2_tb2")
+        .addPermissionsToRole("all_uri", "server=server1->uri=" + location)
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP2, "select_db1_tb1", "all_uri");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "insert overwrite directory '" + location + "' select * from " + DB1 + ".tb1");
+    statement.execute("insert overwrite table " + DB2 + ".tb2 select * from " + DB1 + ".tb1");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER2_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("insert overwrite directory '" + location + "' select * from " + DB1 + ".tb1" );
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "insert overwrite table " + DB2 + ".tb2 select * from " + DB1 + ".tb1");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testFullyQualifiedTableName() throws Exception{
+    Connection connection;
+    Statement statement;
+    connection = context.createConnection(ADMIN1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("create database " + DB1);
+    statement.execute("create table " + DB1 + ".tb1(a int)");
+    statement.execute("DROP table " + DB1 + ".tb1");
+    statement.execute("create table " + DB1 + ".tb1(a int)");
+    statement.execute("use " + DB1);
+    statement.execute("drop table tb1");
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testExternalTables() throws Exception{
+    createDb(ADMIN1, DB1);
+    File externalTblDir = new File(dataDir, "exttab");
+    assertTrue("Unable to create directory for external table test" , externalTblDir.mkdir());
+    policyFile
+        .addPermissionsToRole("create_db1", privileges.get("create_db1"))
+        .addPermissionsToRole("all_uri", "server=server1->uri=file://" + dataDir.getPath())
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "create_db1", "all_uri")
+        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP2, "create_db1");
+    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER2_1);
+    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "create external table " + DB1 + ".tb1(a int) stored as " +
+        "textfile location 'file:" + externalTblDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
+    //Create external table on HDFS
+    assertSemanticException(statement, "create external table " + DB1 + ".tb2(a int) location '/user/hive/warehouse/blah'");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+    connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+    statement.execute("create external table " + DB1 + ".tb1(a int) stored as " +
+        "textfile location 'file:" + externalTblDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
+    statement.close();
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testCaseSensitivity() throws Exception {
+    Statement statement = null;
+    Connection connection = null;
+    try {
+      createDb(ADMIN1, DB1);
+      String scratchLikeDir = context.getProperty(HiveConf.ConfVars.SCRATCHDIR.varname);
+"scratch like dir = " + scratchLikeDir);
+      String extParentDir = scratchLikeDir + "/ABC/hhh";
+      String extTableDir = scratchLikeDir + "/abc/hhh";
+"Creating extParentDir = " + extParentDir + ", extTableDir = " + extTableDir);
+      dfs.assertCreateDir(extParentDir);
+      dfs.assertCreateDir(extTableDir);
+      if (! (extParentDir.toLowerCase().startsWith("hdfs://")
+          || extParentDir.toLowerCase().startsWith("s3://")
+          || extParentDir.contains("://"))) {
+        String scheme = fileSystem.getUri().toString();
+"scheme = " + scheme);
+        extParentDir = scheme + extParentDir;
+        extTableDir = scheme + extTableDir;
+"Add scheme in extParentDir = " + extParentDir + ", extTableDir = " + extTableDir);
+      }
+      policyFile
+          .addPermissionsToRole("all_db1", privileges.get("all_db1"))
+          .addPermissionsToRole("all_uri", "server=server1->uri=" + extParentDir)
+          .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "all_db1", "all_uri");
+      writePolicyFile(policyFile);
+      connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
+      statement = context.createStatement(connection);
+      assertSemanticException(statement,
+          "create external table " + DB1 + ".tb1(a int) location '" + extTableDir + "'");
+    } finally {
+      if (statement != null) {
+        statement.close();
+      }
+      if (connection != null) {
+        connection.close();
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hive/ b/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hive/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c1cd8e..0000000
--- a/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hive/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,662 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hive;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-import java.sql.Connection;
-import java.sql.ResultSet;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import java.sql.Statement;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.apache.sentry.provider.file.PolicyFile;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-/* Tests privileges at table scope within a single database.
- */
-public class TestPrivilegesAtTableScope extends AbstractTestWithStaticConfiguration {
-  private static PolicyFile policyFile;
-  private final static String MULTI_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME = "emp.dat";
-  @Before
-  public void setup() throws Exception {
-    policyFile = super.setupPolicy();
-    super.setup();
-    prepareDBDataForTest();
-  }
-  @BeforeClass
-  public static void setupTestStaticConfiguration() throws Exception {
-    AbstractTestWithStaticConfiguration.setupTestStaticConfiguration();
-  }
-  protected static void prepareDBDataForTest() throws Exception {
-    // copy data file to test dir
-    File dataDir = context.getDataDir();
-    File dataFile = new File(dataDir, MULTI_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME);
-    FileOutputStream to = new FileOutputStream(dataFile);
-    Resources.copy(Resources.getResource(MULTI_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME), to);
-    to.close();
-    // setup db objects needed by the test
-    Connection connection = context.createConnection(ADMIN1);
-    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
-    statement.execute("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS DB_1 CASCADE");
-    statement.execute("CREATE DATABASE DB_1");
-    statement.execute("USE DB_1");
-    statement.execute("CREATE TABLE " + TBL1 + "(B INT, A STRING) "
-        + " row format delimited fields terminated by '|'  stored as textfile");
-    statement.execute("LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '" + dataFile.getPath() + "' INTO TABLE " + TBL1);
-    statement.execute("CREATE TABLE " + TBL2 + "(B INT, A STRING) "
-        + " row format delimited fields terminated by '|'  stored as textfile");
-    statement.execute("LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '" + dataFile.getPath() + "' INTO TABLE " + TBL2);
-    statement.execute("CREATE VIEW VIEW_1 AS SELECT A, B FROM " + TBL1);
-    statement.close();
-    connection.close();
-  }
-  /*
-   * Admin creates database DB_1, table TBL1, TBL2 in DB_1, loads data into
-   * TBL1, TBL2 Admin grants SELECT on TBL1, TBL2, INSERT on TBL1 to
-   * USER_GROUP of which user1 is a member.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testInsertAndSelect() throws Exception {
-    policyFile
-        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "select_tab1", "insert_tab1", "select_tab2")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("select_tab1", "server=server1->db=DB_1->table=" + TBL1 + "->action=select")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("insert_tab1", "server=server1->db=DB_1->table=" + TBL1 + "->action=insert")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("select_tab2", "server=server1->db=DB_1->table=" + TBL2 + "->action=select")
-        .setUserGroupMapping(StaticUserGroup.getStaticMapping());
-    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
-    // test execution
-    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
-    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
-    statement.execute("USE DB_1");
-    // test user can insert
-    statement.execute("INSERT INTO TABLE " + TBL1 + " SELECT A, B FROM " + TBL2);
-    // test user can query table
-    statement.executeQuery("SELECT A FROM " + TBL2);
-    // negative test: test user can't drop
-    try {
-      statement.execute("DROP TABLE " + TBL1);
-"Expected SQL exception");
-    } catch (SQLException e) {
-      context.verifyAuthzException(e);
-    }
-    statement.close();
-    connection.close();
-    // connect as admin and drop TBL1
-    connection = context.createConnection(ADMIN1);
-    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
-    statement.execute("USE DB_1");
-    statement.execute("DROP TABLE " + TBL1);
-    statement.close();
-    connection.close();
-    // negative test: connect as user1 and try to recreate TBL1
-    connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
-    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
-    statement.execute("USE DB_1");
-    try {
-      statement.execute("CREATE TABLE " + TBL1 + "(A STRING)");
-"Expected SQL exception");
-    } catch (SQLException e) {
-      context.verifyAuthzException(e);
-    }
-    statement.close();
-    connection.close();
-    // connect as admin to restore the TBL1
-    connection = context.createConnection(ADMIN1);
-    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
-    statement.execute("USE DB_1");
-    statement.execute("CREATE TABLE " + TBL1 + "(B INT, A STRING) "
-        + " row format delimited fields terminated by '|'  stored as textfile");
-    statement.execute("INSERT INTO TABLE " + TBL1 + " SELECT A, B FROM " + TBL2);
-    statement.close();
-    connection.close();
-  }
-  /*
-   * Admin creates database DB_1, table TBL1, TBL2 in DB_1, loads data into
-   * TBL1, TBL2. Admin grants INSERT on TBL1, SELECT on TBL2 to USER_GROUP
-   * of which user1 is a member.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testInsert() throws Exception {
-    policyFile
-        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "insert_tab1", "select_tab2")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("insert_tab1", "server=server1->db=DB_1->table=" + TBL1 + "->action=insert")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("select_tab2", "server=server1->db=DB_1->table=" + TBL2 + "->action=select")
-        .setUserGroupMapping(StaticUserGroup.getStaticMapping());
-    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
-    // test execution
-    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
-    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
-    statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
-    // test user can execute insert on table
-    statement.execute("INSERT INTO TABLE " + TBL1 + " SELECT A, B FROM " + TBL2);
-    // negative test: user can't query table
-    try {
-      statement.executeQuery("SELECT A FROM " + TBL1);
-"Expected SQL exception");
-    } catch (SQLException e) {
-      context.verifyAuthzException(e);
-    }
-    // negative test: test user can't query view
-    try {
-      statement.executeQuery("SELECT A FROM VIEW_1");
-"Expected SQL exception");
-    } catch (SQLException e) {
-      context.verifyAuthzException(e);
-    }
-    // negative test case: show tables shouldn't list VIEW_1
-    ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SHOW TABLES");
-    while ( {
-      String tableName = resultSet.getString(1);
-      assertNotNull("table name is null in result set", tableName);
-      assertFalse("Found VIEW_1 in the result set",
-          "VIEW_1".equalsIgnoreCase(tableName));
-    }
-    // negative test: test user can't create a new view
-    try {
-      statement.executeQuery("CREATE VIEW VIEW_2(A) AS SELECT A FROM " + TBL1);
-"Expected SQL Exception");
-    } catch (SQLException e) {
-      context.verifyAuthzException(e);
-    }
-    statement.close();
-    connection.close();
-  }
-  /*
-   * Admin creates database DB_1, table TBL1, TBL2 in DB_1, loads data into
-   * TBL1, TBL2. Admin grants SELECT on TBL1, TBL2 to USER_GROUP of which
-   * user1 is a member.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testSelect() throws Exception {
-    policyFile
-        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "select_tab1", "select_tab2")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("select_tab1", "server=server1->db=DB_1->table=" + TBL1 + "->action=select")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("insert_tab1", "server=server1->db=DB_1->table=" + TBL1 + "->action=insert")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("select_tab2", "server=server1->db=DB_1->table=" + TBL2 + "->action=select")
-        .setUserGroupMapping(StaticUserGroup.getStaticMapping());
-    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
-    // test execution
-    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
-    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
-    statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
-    // test user can execute query on table
-    statement.executeQuery("SELECT A FROM " + TBL1);
-    // negative test: test insert into table
-    try {
-      statement.executeQuery("INSERT INTO TABLE " + TBL1 + " SELECT A, B FROM " + TBL2);
-"Expected SQL exception");
-    } catch (SQLException e) {
-      context.verifyAuthzException(e);
-    }
-    // negative test: test user can't query view
-    try {
-      statement.executeQuery("SELECT A FROM VIEW_1");
-"Expected SQL exception");
-    } catch (SQLException e) {
-      context.verifyAuthzException(e);
-    }
-    // negative test: test user can't create a new view
-    try {
-      statement.executeQuery("CREATE VIEW VIEW_2(A) AS SELECT A FROM " + TBL1);
-"Expected SQL Exception");
-    } catch (SQLException e) {
-      context.verifyAuthzException(e);
-    }
-    statement.close();
-    connection.close();
-  }
-  /*
-   * Admin creates database DB_1, table TBL1, TBL2 in DB_1, VIEW_1 on TBL1
-   * loads data into TBL1, TBL2. Admin grants SELECT on TBL1,TBL2 to
-   * USER_GROUP of which user1 is a member.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testTableViewJoin() throws Exception {
-    policyFile
-        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "select_tab1", "select_tab2")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("select_tab1", "server=server1->db=DB_1->table=" + TBL1 + "->action=select")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("select_tab2", "server=server1->db=DB_1->table=" + TBL2 + "->action=select")
-        .setUserGroupMapping(StaticUserGroup.getStaticMapping());
-    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
-    // test execution
-    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
-    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
-    statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
-    // test user can execute query TBL1 JOIN TBL2
-    statement.executeQuery("SELECT T1.B FROM " + TBL1 + " T1 JOIN " + TBL2 + " T2 ON (T1.B = T2.B)");
-    // negative test: test user can't execute query VIEW_1 JOIN TBL2
-    try {
-      statement.executeQuery("SELECT V1.B FROM VIEW_1 V1 JOIN " + TBL2 + " T2 ON (V1.B = T2.B)");
-"Expected SQL exception");
-    } catch (SQLException e) {
-      context.verifyAuthzException(e);
-    }
-    statement.close();
-    connection.close();
-  }
-  /*
-   * Admin creates database DB_1, table TBL1, TBL2 in DB_1, VIEW_1 on TBL1
-   * loads data into TBL1, TBL2. Admin grants SELECT on TBL2 to USER_GROUP of
-   * which user1 is a member.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testTableViewJoin2() throws Exception {
-    policyFile
-        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "select_tab2")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("select_tab1", "server=server1->db=DB_1->table=" + TBL1 + "->action=select")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("select_tab2", "server=server1->db=DB_1->table=" + TBL2 + "->action=select")
-        .setUserGroupMapping(StaticUserGroup.getStaticMapping());
-    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
-    // test execution
-    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
-    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
-    statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
-    // test user can execute query on TBL2
-    statement.executeQuery("SELECT A FROM " + TBL2);
-    // negative test: test user can't execute query VIEW_1 JOIN TBL2
-    try {
-      statement.executeQuery("SELECT VIEW_1.B FROM VIEW_1 JOIN " + TBL2 + " ON (VIEW_1.B = " + TBL2 + ".B)");
-"Expected SQL exception");
-    } catch (SQLException e) {
-      context.verifyAuthzException(e);
-    }
-    // negative test: test user can't execute query TBL1 JOIN TBL2
-    try {
-      statement.executeQuery("SELECT " + TBL1 + ".B FROM " + TBL1 + " JOIN " + TBL2 + " ON (" + TBL1 + ".B = " + TBL2 + ".B)");
-"Expected SQL exception");
-    } catch (SQLException e) {
-      context.verifyAuthzException(e);
-    }
-    statement.close();
-    connection.close();
-  }
-  /*
-   * Admin creates database DB_1, table TBL1, TBL2 in DB_1, VIEW_1 on TBL1
-   * loads data into TBL1, TBL2. Admin grants SELECT on TBL2, VIEW_1 to
-   * USER_GROUP of which user1 is a member.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testTableViewJoin3() throws Exception {
-    policyFile
-        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "select_tab2", "select_view1")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("select_view1", "server=server1->db=DB_1->table=VIEW_1->action=select")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("select_tab2", "server=server1->db=DB_1->table=" + TBL2 + "->action=select")
-        .setUserGroupMapping(StaticUserGroup.getStaticMapping());
-    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
-    // test execution
-    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
-    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
-    statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
-    // test user can execute query on TBL2
-    statement.executeQuery("SELECT A FROM " + TBL2);
-    // test user can execute query VIEW_1 JOIN TBL2
-    statement.executeQuery("SELECT V1.B FROM VIEW_1 V1 JOIN " + TBL2 + " T2 ON (V1.B = T2.B)");
-    // test user can execute query on VIEW_1
-    statement.executeQuery("SELECT A FROM VIEW_1");
-    // negative test: test user can't execute query TBL1 JOIN TBL2
-    try {
-      statement.executeQuery("SELECT T1.B FROM " + TBL1 + " T1 JOIN " + TBL2 + " T2 ON (T1.B = T2.B)");
-"Expected SQL exception");
-    } catch (SQLException e) {
-      context.verifyAuthzException(e);
-    }
-    statement.close();
-    connection.close();
-  }
-  /*
-   * Admin creates database DB_1, table TBL1, TBL2 in DB_1, VIEW_1 on TBL1
-   * loads data into TBL1, TBL2. Admin grants SELECT on TBL1, VIEW_1 to
-   * USER_GROUP of which user1 is a member.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testTableViewJoin4() throws Exception {
-    policyFile
-        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "select_tab1", "select_view1")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("select_view1", "server=server1->db=DB_1->table=VIEW_1->action=select")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("select_tab1", "server=server1->db=DB_1->table=" + TBL1 + "->action=select")
-        .setUserGroupMapping(StaticUserGroup.getStaticMapping());
-    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
-    // test execution
-    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
-    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
-    statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
-    // test user can execute query VIEW_1 JOIN TBL1
-    statement.executeQuery("SELECT VIEW_1.B FROM VIEW_1 JOIN " + TBL1 + " ON (VIEW_1.B = " + TBL1 + ".B)");
-    // negative test: test user can't execute query TBL1 JOIN TBL2
-    try {
-      statement.executeQuery("SELECT " + TBL1 + ".B FROM " + TBL1 + " JOIN " + TBL2 + " ON (" + TBL1 + ".B = " + TBL2 + ".B)");
-"Expected SQL exception");
-    } catch (SQLException e) {
-      context.verifyAuthzException(e);
-    }
-    statement.close();
-    connection.close();
-  }
-  /***
-   * Verify truncate table permissions for different users with different
-   * privileges
-   * @throws Exception
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testTruncateTable() throws Exception {
-    File dataDir = context.getDataDir();
-    // copy data file to test dir
-    File dataFile = new File(dataDir, MULTI_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME);
-    FileOutputStream to = new FileOutputStream(dataFile);
-    Resources.copy(Resources.getResource(MULTI_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME), to);
-    to.close();
-    policyFile.setUserGroupMapping(StaticUserGroup.getStaticMapping());
-    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
-    // setup db objects needed by the test
-    Connection connection = context.createConnection(ADMIN1);
-    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
-    statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
-    statement.execute("DROP TABLE if exists " + TBL1);
-    statement.execute("DROP TABLE if exists " + TBL2);
-    statement.execute("DROP TABLE if exists " + TBL3);
-    statement.execute("CREATE TABLE " + TBL1 + "(B INT, A STRING) "
-        + " row format delimited fields terminated by '|'  stored as textfile");
-    statement.execute("CREATE TABLE " + TBL2 + "(B INT, A STRING) "
-        + " row format delimited fields terminated by '|'  stored as textfile");
-    statement.execute("CREATE TABLE " + TBL3 + "(B INT, A STRING) "
-        + " row format delimited fields terminated by '|'  stored as textfile");
-    statement.execute("LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '" + dataFile.getPath()
-        + "' INTO TABLE " + TBL1);
-    statement.execute("LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '" + dataFile.getPath()
-        + "' INTO TABLE " + TBL2);
-    statement.execute("LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '" + dataFile.getPath()
-        + "' INTO TABLE " + TBL3);
-    // verify admin can execute truncate table
-    statement.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE " + TBL1);
-    assertFalse(hasData(statement, TBL1));
-    statement.close();
-    connection.close();
-    // add roles and grant permissions
-    updatePolicyFile();
-    // test truncate table without partitions
-    truncateTableTests(false);
-  }
-  /***
-   * Verify truncate partitioned permissions for different users with different
-   * privileges
-   * @throws Exception
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testTruncatePartitionedTable() throws Exception {
-    File dataDir = context.getDataDir();
-    // copy data file to test dir
-    File dataFile = new File(dataDir, MULTI_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME);
-    FileOutputStream to = new FileOutputStream(dataFile);
-    Resources.copy(Resources.getResource(MULTI_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME), to);
-    to.close();
-    policyFile.setUserGroupMapping(StaticUserGroup.getStaticMapping());
-    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
-    // create partitioned tables
-    Connection connection = context.createConnection(ADMIN1);
-    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
-    statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
-    statement.execute("DROP TABLE if exists " + TBL1);
-    statement.execute("CREATE TABLE " + TBL1 + " (i int) PARTITIONED BY (j int)");
-    statement.execute("DROP TABLE if exists " + TBL2);
-    statement.execute("CREATE TABLE " + TBL2 + " (i int) PARTITIONED BY (j int)");
-    statement.execute("DROP TABLE if exists " + TBL3);
-    statement.execute("CREATE TABLE " + TBL3 + " (i int) PARTITIONED BY (j int)");
-    // verify admin can execute truncate empty partitioned table
-    statement.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE " + TBL1);
-    assertFalse(hasData(statement, TBL1));
-    statement.close();
-    connection.close();
-    // add roles and grant permissions
-    updatePolicyFile();
-    // test truncate empty partitioned tables
-    truncateTableTests(false);
-    // add partitions to tables
-    connection = context.createConnection(ADMIN1);
-    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
-    statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
-    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE " + TBL1 + " ADD PARTITION (j=1) PARTITION (j=2)");
-    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE " + TBL2 + " ADD PARTITION (j=1) PARTITION (j=2)");
-    statement.execute("ALTER TABLE " + TBL3 + " ADD PARTITION (j=1) PARTITION (j=2)");
-    // verify admin can execute truncate NOT empty partitioned table
-    statement.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE " + TBL1 + " partition (j=1)");
-    statement.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE " + TBL1);
-    assertFalse(hasData(statement, TBL1));
-    statement.close();
-    connection.close();
-    // test truncate NOT empty partitioned tables
-    truncateTableTests(true);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Test queries without from clause. Hive rewrites the queries with dummy db and table
-   * entities which should not trip authorization check.
-   * @throws Exception
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testSelectWithoutFrom() throws Exception {
-    policyFile
-        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "all_tab1")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("all_tab1",
-            "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=" + TBL1)
-        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP2, "select_tab1")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("select_tab1",
-            "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=" + TBL1)
-        .setUserGroupMapping(StaticUserGroup.getStaticMapping());
-    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
-    Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
-    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
-    // test with implicit default database
-    assertTrue(statement.executeQuery("SELECT 1 ").next());
-    assertTrue(statement.executeQuery("SELECT current_database()").next());
-    // test after switching database
-    statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
-    assertTrue(statement.executeQuery("SELECT 1 ").next());
-    assertTrue(statement.executeQuery("SELECT current_database() ").next());
-    statement.close();
-    connection.close();
-  }
-  // verify that the given table has data
-  private boolean hasData(Statement stmt, String tableName) throws Exception {
-    ResultSet rs1 = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + tableName);
-    boolean hasResults =;
-    rs1.close();
-    return hasResults;
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testDummyPartition() throws Exception {
-    policyFile.setUserGroupMapping(StaticUserGroup.getStaticMapping());
-    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
-    // setup db objects needed by the test
-    Connection connection = context.createConnection(ADMIN1);
-    Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
-    statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
-    statement.execute("DROP TABLE if exists " + TBL1);
-    statement.execute("CREATE table " + TBL1 + " (a int) PARTITIONED BY (b string, c string)");
-    statement.execute("DROP TABLE if exists " + TBL3);
-    statement.execute("CREATE table " + TBL3 + " (a2 int) PARTITIONED BY (b2 string, c2 string)");
-    statement.close();
-    connection.close();
-    policyFile
-        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "select_tab1", "select_tab2")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("select_tab1", "server=server1->db=DB_1->table=" + TBL1 + "->action=select")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("select_tab2", "server=server1->db=DB_1->table=" + TBL3 + "->action=insert");
-    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
-    connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
-    statement = context.createStatement(connection);
-    statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
-    statement.execute("INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE " + TBL3 + " PARTITION(b2='abc', c2) select a, b as c2 from " + TBL1);
-    statement.close();
-    connection.close();
-  }
-  /**
-   * update policy file for truncate table tests
-   */
-  private void updatePolicyFile() throws Exception{
-    policyFile
-        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "all_tab1")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("all_tab1",
-            "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=" + TBL2)
-        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP2, "drop_tab1")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("drop_tab1",
-            "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=" + TBL3 + "->action=drop",
-            "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=" + TBL3 + "->action=select")
-        .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP3, "select_tab1")
-        .addPermissionsToRole("select_tab1",
-            "server=server1->db=" + DB1 + "->table=" + TBL1 + "->action=select");
-    writePolicyFile(policyFile);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Test truncate table with or without partitions for users with different privileges.
-   * Only test truncate table partition if truncPartition is true.
-   */
-  private void truncateTableTests(boolean truncPartition) throws Exception{
-    Connection connection = null;
-    Statement statement = null;
-    try {
-      connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1);
-      statement = context.createStatement(connection);
-      statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
-      // verify all privileges on table can truncate table
-      if (truncPartition) {
-        statement.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE " + TBL2 + " PARTITION (j=1)");
-      }
-      statement.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE " + TBL2);
-      assertFalse(hasData(statement, TBL2));
-      statement.close();
-      connection.close();
-      connection = context.createConnection(USER2_1);
-      statement = context.createStatement(connection);
-      statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
-      // verify drop privilege on table can truncate table
-      if (truncPartition) {
-        statement.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE " + TBL3 + " partition (j=1)");
-      }
-      statement.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE " + TBL3);
-      assertFalse(hasData(statement, TBL3));
-      statement.close();
-      connection.close();
-      connection = context.createConnection(USER3_1);
-      statement = context.createStatement(connection);
-      statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
-      // verify select privilege on table can NOT truncate table
-      if (truncPartition) {
-        context.assertAuthzException(
-            statement, "TRUNCATE TABLE " + TBL1 + " PARTITION (j=1)");
-      }
-      context.assertAuthzException(statement, "TRUNCATE TABLE " + TBL1);
-    } finally {
-      if (statement != null) {
-        statement.close();
-      }
-      if (connection != null) {
-        connection.close();
-      }
-    }
-  }