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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2020/12/11 01:04:08 UTC

[GitHub] [arrow] kou commented on a change in pull request #8890: ARROW-10796: [C++] Implement optimized RecordBatch sorting

kou commented on a change in pull request #8890:

File path: cpp/src/arrow/compute/kernels/
@@ -834,6 +1355,10 @@ class TableRadixSorter {
 // Sort a table using a single sort and multiple-key comparisons.
 class MultipleKeyTableSorter : public TypeVisitor {
+  // TODO instead of resolving chunks for each column independently, we could
+  // split the table into RecordBatches and pay the cost of chunked indexing
+  // at the first column only.

Review comment:
       Can we always do it?
   My understanding that each chunked array in a table can have different number of chunks. For example, the table is valid:
   a: [[0, 1], [2, 3, 4]]
   b: [[10], [11, 12], [13], [14]]
   I'm not sure we can split the table into record batches efficiently.

File path: cpp/src/arrow/compute/kernels/
@@ -804,6 +814,517 @@ class ChunkedArraySorter : public TypeVisitor {
   ExecContext* ctx_;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Record batch sorting implementation(s)
+// Visit contiguous ranges of equal values.  All entries are assumed
+// to be non-null.
+template <typename ArrayType, typename Visitor>
+void VisitConstantRanges(const ArrayType& array, uint64_t* indices_begin,
+                         uint64_t* indices_end, Visitor&& visit) {
+  if (indices_begin == indices_end) {
+    return;
+  }
+  auto range_start = indices_begin;
+  auto range_cur = range_start;
+  auto last_value = array.GetView(*range_cur);
+  while (++range_cur != indices_end) {
+    auto v = array.GetView(*range_cur);
+    if (v != last_value) {
+      visit(range_start, range_cur);
+      range_start = range_cur;
+      last_value = v;
+    }
+  }
+  if (range_start != range_cur) {
+    visit(range_start, range_cur);
+  }
+// A sorter for a single column of a RecordBatch, deferring to the next column
+// for ranges of equal values.
+class RecordBatchColumnSorter {
+ public:
+  explicit RecordBatchColumnSorter(RecordBatchColumnSorter* next_column = nullptr)
+      : next_column_(next_column) {}
+  virtual ~RecordBatchColumnSorter() {}
+  virtual void SortRange(uint64_t* indices_begin, uint64_t* indices_end) = 0;
+ protected:
+  RecordBatchColumnSorter* next_column_;
+template <typename Type>
+class ConcreteRecordBatchColumnSorter : public RecordBatchColumnSorter {
+ public:
+  using ArrayType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ArrayType;
+  ConcreteRecordBatchColumnSorter(std::shared_ptr<Array> array, SortOrder order,
+                                  RecordBatchColumnSorter* next_column = nullptr)
+      : RecordBatchColumnSorter(next_column),
+        owned_array_(std::move(array)),
+        array_(checked_cast<const ArrayType&>(*owned_array_)),
+        order_(order),
+        null_count_(array_.null_count()) {}
+  void SortRange(uint64_t* indices_begin, uint64_t* indices_end) {
+    constexpr int64_t offset = 0;
+    uint64_t* nulls_begin;
+    if (null_count_ == 0) {
+      nulls_begin = indices_end;
+    } else {
+      // NOTE that null_count_ is merely an upper bound on the number of nulls
+      // in this particular range.
+      nulls_begin = PartitionNullsOnly<StablePartitioner>(indices_begin, indices_end,
+                                                          array_, offset);
+      DCHECK_LE(indices_end - nulls_begin, null_count_);
+    }
+    uint64_t* null_likes_begin = PartitionNullLikes<ArrayType, StablePartitioner>(
+        indices_begin, nulls_begin, array_, offset);
+    // TODO This is roughly the same as ArrayCompareSorter.
+    // Also, we would like to use a counting sort if possible.  This requires
+    // a counting sort compatible with indirect indexing.
+    if (order_ == SortOrder::Ascending) {
+      std::stable_sort(
+          indices_begin, null_likes_begin, [&](uint64_t left, uint64_t right) {
+            return array_.GetView(left - offset) < array_.GetView(right - offset);
+          });
+    } else {
+      std::stable_sort(
+          indices_begin, null_likes_begin, [&](uint64_t left, uint64_t right) {
+            // We don't use 'left > right' here to reduce required operator.
+            // If we use 'right < left' here, '<' is only required.
+            return array_.GetView(right - offset) < array_.GetView(left - offset);
+          });
+    }
+    if (next_column_ != nullptr) {
+      // Visit all ranges of equal values in this column and sort them on
+      // the next column.
+      SortNextColumn(null_likes_begin, nulls_begin);
+      SortNextColumn(nulls_begin, indices_end);
+      VisitConstantRanges(array_, indices_begin, null_likes_begin,
+                          [&](uint64_t* range_start, uint64_t* range_end) {
+                            SortNextColumn(range_start, range_end);
+                          });
+    }
+  }
+  void SortNextColumn(uint64_t* indices_begin, uint64_t* indices_end) {
+    // Avoid the cost of a virtual method call in trivial cases
+    if (indices_end - indices_begin > 1) {
+      next_column_->SortRange(indices_begin, indices_end);
+    }
+  }
+ protected:
+  const std::shared_ptr<Array> owned_array_;
+  const ArrayType& array_;
+  const SortOrder order_;
+  const int64_t null_count_;
+// Sort a batch using a single-pass left-to-right radix sort.
+class RadixRecordBatchSorter {
+ public:
+  RadixRecordBatchSorter(uint64_t* indices_begin, uint64_t* indices_end,
+                         const RecordBatch& batch, const SortOptions& options)
+      : batch_(batch),
+        options_(options),
+        indices_begin_(indices_begin),
+        indices_end_(indices_end) {}
+  Status Sort() {
+    ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(const auto sort_keys,
+                          ResolveSortKeys(batch_, options_.sort_keys));
+    // Create column sorters from right to left
+    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RecordBatchColumnSorter>> column_sorts(sort_keys.size());
+    RecordBatchColumnSorter* next_column = nullptr;
+    for (int64_t i = static_cast<int64_t>(sort_keys.size() - 1); i >= 0; --i) {
+      ColumnSortFactory factory(sort_keys[i], next_column);
+      ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(column_sorts[i], factory.MakeColumnSort());
+      next_column = column_sorts[i].get();
+    }
+    // Sort from left to right
+    column_sorts.front()->SortRange(indices_begin_, indices_end_);
+    return Status::OK();
+  }
+ protected:
+  struct ResolvedSortKey {
+    std::shared_ptr<Array> array;
+    SortOrder order;
+  };
+  struct ColumnSortFactory {
+    ColumnSortFactory(const ResolvedSortKey& sort_key,
+                      RecordBatchColumnSorter* next_column)
+        : physical_type(GetPhysicalType(sort_key.array->type())),
+          array(GetPhysicalArray(*sort_key.array, physical_type)),
+          order(sort_key.order),
+          next_column(next_column) {}
+    Result<std::unique_ptr<RecordBatchColumnSorter>> MakeColumnSort() {
+      RETURN_NOT_OK(VisitTypeInline(*physical_type, this));
+      DCHECK_NE(result, nullptr);
+      return std::move(result);
+    }
+#define VISIT(TYPE) \
+  Status Visit(const TYPE& type) { return VisitGeneric(type); }
+#undef VISIT
+    Status Visit(const DataType& type) {
+      return Status::TypeError("Unsupported type for RecordBatch sorting: ",
+                               type.ToString());
+    }
+    template <typename Type>
+    Status VisitGeneric(const Type&) {
+      result.reset(new ConcreteRecordBatchColumnSorter<Type>(array, order, next_column));
+      return Status::OK();
+    }
+    std::shared_ptr<DataType> physical_type;
+    std::shared_ptr<Array> array;
+    SortOrder order;
+    RecordBatchColumnSorter* next_column;
+    std::unique_ptr<RecordBatchColumnSorter> result;
+  };
+  static Result<std::vector<ResolvedSortKey>> ResolveSortKeys(
+      const RecordBatch& batch, const std::vector<SortKey>& sort_keys) {
+    std::vector<ResolvedSortKey> resolved;
+    resolved.reserve(sort_keys.size());
+    for (const auto& sort_key : sort_keys) {
+      auto array = batch.GetColumnByName(;
+      if (!array) {
+        return Status::Invalid("Nonexistent sort key column: ",;
+      }
+      resolved.push_back({std::move(array), sort_key.order});
+    }
+    return resolved;
+  }
+  const RecordBatch& batch_;
+  const SortOptions& options_;
+  uint64_t* indices_begin_;
+  uint64_t* indices_end_;
+// Compare two records in the same RecordBatch or Table
+// (indexing is handled through ResolvedSortKey)
+template <typename ResolvedSortKey>
+class MultipleKeyComparator {
+ public:
+  explicit MultipleKeyComparator(const std::vector<ResolvedSortKey>& sort_keys)
+      : sort_keys_(sort_keys) {}
+  Status status() const { return status_; }
+  // Returns true if the left-th value should be ordered before the
+  // right-th value, false otherwise. The start_sort_key_index-th
+  // sort key and subsequent sort keys are used for comparison.
+  bool Compare(uint64_t left, uint64_t right, size_t start_sort_key_index) {
+    current_left_ = left;
+    current_right_ = right;
+    current_compared_ = 0;
+    auto num_sort_keys = sort_keys_.size();
+    for (size_t i = start_sort_key_index; i < num_sort_keys; ++i) {
+      current_sort_key_index_ = i;
+      status_ = VisitTypeInline(*sort_keys_[i].type, this);
+      // If the left value equals to the right value, we need to
+      // continue to sort.
+      if (current_compared_ != 0) {
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    return current_compared_ < 0;
+  }
+#define VISIT(TYPE)                          \
+  Status Visit(const TYPE& type) {           \
+    current_compared_ = CompareType<TYPE>(); \
+    return Status::OK();                     \
+  }
+#undef VISIT
+  Status Visit(const DataType& type) {
+    return Status::TypeError("Unsupported type for RecordBatch sorting: ",
+                             type.ToString());
+  }
+ private:
+  // Compares two records in the same table and returns -1, 0 or 1.
+  //
+  // -1: The left is less than the right.
+  // 0: The left equals to the right.
+  // 1: The left is greater than the right.
+  //
+  // This supports null and NaN. Null is processed in this and NaN
+  // is processed in CompareTypeValue().
+  template <typename Type>
+  int32_t CompareType() {
+    using ArrayType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ArrayType;
+    const auto& sort_key = sort_keys_[current_sort_key_index_];
+    auto order = sort_key.order;
+    const auto chunk_left = sort_key.template GetChunk<ArrayType>(current_left_);
+    const auto chunk_right = sort_key.template GetChunk<ArrayType>(current_right_);
+    if (sort_key.null_count > 0) {
+      auto is_null_left = chunk_left.IsNull();
+      auto is_null_right = chunk_right.IsNull();
+      if (is_null_left && is_null_right) {
+        return 0;
+      } else if (is_null_left) {
+        return 1;
+      } else if (is_null_right) {
+        return -1;
+      }
+    }
+    return CompareTypeValue<Type>(chunk_left, chunk_right, order);
+  }
+  // For non-float types. Value is never NaN.
+  template <typename Type>
+  enable_if_t<!is_floating_type<Type>::value, int32_t> CompareTypeValue(
+      const ResolvedChunk<typename TypeTraits<Type>::ArrayType>& chunk_left,
+      const ResolvedChunk<typename TypeTraits<Type>::ArrayType>& chunk_right,
+      const SortOrder order) {
+    const auto left = chunk_left.GetView();
+    const auto right = chunk_right.GetView();
+    int32_t compared;
+    if (left == right) {
+      compared = 0;
+    } else if (left > right) {
+      compared = 1;
+    } else {
+      compared = -1;
+    }
+    if (order == SortOrder::Descending) {
+      compared = -compared;
+    }
+    return compared;
+  }
+  // For float types. Value may be NaN.
+  template <typename Type>
+  enable_if_t<is_floating_type<Type>::value, int32_t> CompareTypeValue(
+      const ResolvedChunk<typename TypeTraits<Type>::ArrayType>& chunk_left,
+      const ResolvedChunk<typename TypeTraits<Type>::ArrayType>& chunk_right,
+      const SortOrder order) {
+    const auto left = chunk_left.GetView();
+    const auto right = chunk_right.GetView();
+    auto is_nan_left = std::isnan(left);
+    auto is_nan_right = std::isnan(right);
+    if (is_nan_left && is_nan_right) {
+      return 0;
+    } else if (is_nan_left) {
+      return 1;
+    } else if (is_nan_right) {
+      return -1;
+    }
+    int32_t compared;
+    if (left == right) {
+      compared = 0;
+    } else if (left > right) {
+      compared = 1;
+    } else {
+      compared = -1;
+    }
+    if (order == SortOrder::Descending) {
+      compared = -compared;
+    }
+    return compared;
+  }
+  const std::vector<ResolvedSortKey>& sort_keys_;
+  Status status_;
+  int64_t current_left_;
+  int64_t current_right_;
+  size_t current_sort_key_index_;
+  int32_t current_compared_;
+// Sort a batch using a single sort and multiple-key comparisons.
+class MultipleKeyRecordBatchSorter : public TypeVisitor {
+ private:
+  // Preprocessed sort key.
+  struct ResolvedSortKey {
+    ResolvedSortKey(const std::shared_ptr<Array>& array, const SortOrder order)
+        : type(GetPhysicalType(array->type())),
+          owned_array(GetPhysicalArray(*array, type)),
+          array(*owned_array),
+          order(order),
+          null_count(array->null_count()) {}
+    template <typename ArrayType>
+    ResolvedChunk<ArrayType> GetChunk(int64_t index) const {
+      return {&checked_cast<const ArrayType&>(array), index};
+    }
+    const std::shared_ptr<DataType> type;
+    std::shared_ptr<Array> owned_array;
+    const Array& array;
+    SortOrder order;
+    int64_t null_count;
+  };
+  using Comparator = MultipleKeyComparator<ResolvedSortKey>;
+ public:
+  MultipleKeyRecordBatchSorter(uint64_t* indices_begin, uint64_t* indices_end,
+                               const RecordBatch& batch, const SortOptions& options)
+      : indices_begin_(indices_begin),
+        indices_end_(indices_end),
+        sort_keys_(ResolveSortKeys(batch, options.sort_keys, &status_)),
+        comparator_(sort_keys_) {}
+  // This is optimized for the first sort key. The first sort key sort
+  // is processed in this class. The second and following sort keys
+  // are processed in Comparator.
+  Status Sort() {
+    RETURN_NOT_OK(status_);
+    return sort_keys_[0].type->Accept(this);
+  }
+#define VISIT(TYPE) \
+  Status Visit(const TYPE& type) override { return SortInternal<TYPE>(); }
+#undef VISIT
+ private:
+  static std::vector<ResolvedSortKey> ResolveSortKeys(
+      const RecordBatch& batch, const std::vector<SortKey>& sort_keys, Status* status) {
+    std::vector<ResolvedSortKey> resolved;
+    for (const auto& sort_key : sort_keys) {
+      auto array = batch.GetColumnByName(;
+      if (!array) {
+        *status = Status::Invalid("Nonexistent sort key column: ",;
+        break;
+      }
+      resolved.emplace_back(array, sort_key.order);
+    }
+    return resolved;
+  }
+  template <typename Type>
+  Status SortInternal() {
+    using ArrayType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ArrayType;
+    auto& comparator = comparator_;
+    const auto& first_sort_key = sort_keys_[0];
+    const ArrayType& array = checked_cast<const ArrayType&>(first_sort_key.array);
+    auto nulls_begin = indices_end_;
+    nulls_begin = PartitionNullsInternal<Type>(first_sort_key);
+    // Sort first-key non-nulls
+    std::stable_sort(indices_begin_, nulls_begin, [&](uint64_t left, uint64_t right) {
+      // Both values are never null nor NaN
+      // (otherwise they've been partitioned away above).
+      const auto value_left = array.GetView(left);
+      const auto value_right = array.GetView(right);
+      if (value_left != value_right) {
+        bool compared = value_left < value_right;
+        if (first_sort_key.order == SortOrder::Ascending) {
+          return compared;
+        } else {
+          return !compared;
+        }
+      }
+      // If the left value equals to the right value,
+      // we need to compare the second and following
+      // sort keys.
+      return comparator.Compare(left, right, 1);
+    });
+    return comparator_.status();
+  }
+  // Behaves like PatitionNulls() but this supports multiple sort keys.
+  //
+  // For non-float types.
+  template <typename Type>
+  enable_if_t<!is_floating_type<Type>::value, uint64_t*> PartitionNullsInternal(
+      const ResolvedSortKey& first_sort_key) {
+    using ArrayType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ArrayType;
+    if (first_sort_key.null_count == 0) {
+      return indices_end_;
+    }
+    const ArrayType& array = checked_cast<const ArrayType&>(first_sort_key.array);
+    StablePartitioner partitioner;
+    auto nulls_begin = partitioner(indices_begin_, indices_end_,
+                                   [&](uint64_t index) { return !array.IsNull(index); });
+    // Sort all nulls by second and following sort keys
+    // TODO: could we instead run an independent sort from the second key on
+    // this slice?

Review comment:
       Like `ConcreteRecordBatchColumnSorter`'s `next_column_`?
   It would work.

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