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Posted to by Henri Yandell <> on 2004/07/01 04:47:09 UTC

Jakarta Report - June 2004

== June ==

=== Status ===

As might be becoming clear now, Geir has handed the position of PMC chair
over to Henri Yandell (writing this). The following is a (somewhat bare)
report on the month of June to the Jakarta community. One of the chair's
roles is to provide a report to the ASF board on the current state of
things. These monthly reports will help form that report.

Prior to his departure, Geir started some discussion (PMC list) concerning
Jakarta charter revisions and the various documents describing the
governance of Jakarta. The current documents are quite out of date in
places - "The number of PMC seats is set at seven". Expect more on this.

The PMC resolved a lack of oversight issue concerning the tomcat-security
list, and two committers have stepped up to moderate it. Equally, the
General list turned out to be lacking many moderators, so one of the
themes for the next month may be to double-check our moderation coverage.

Dion Gillard has volunteered to be a Junior Apmail Apprentice (I presume
this makes him our target for mail-list problems) to try and take some of
common workload off of infrastructure.

=== Releases ===

 * Commons Betwixt 0.5
 * Commons Collections 2.1.1, 3.1
 * Commons DBCP 1.2, 1.2.1
 * Commons Logging 1.0.4
 * Commons Net 1.2.2
 * Commons Pool 1.2
 * Tomcat 5.0.27 Beta

=== Community changes ===

 * Emmanuel Bourg joins as a committer to Commons.
 * Matthew Inger joins as a committer, though has no cvs access yet
    (which is how I'm working out these destinations).
 * Knut Wannheden joins as a committer to HiveMind.
 * Roy Winston joins as a committer to Commons.
 * Geir resigning as PMC Chair, Henri taking over.

=== Subproject news ===

In the future, subproject news will appear here, but being skipped for
this issue.

These issues are all available/editable on the Jakarta Wiki page

(All information in this report is to the best of my (Hen's) knowledge,
but I'm entirely fallable so corrections are welcomed. )


Feel free to provide feedback on the worth of this email. It's largely my
itch (to build content for a quarterly report), but anyway it can benefit
others will be embraced.


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