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cvs commit: jakarta-taglibs/random build.xml

catlett     01/08/13 16:51:48

  Modified:    random   build.xml
  updated to the new build process
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.6       +19 -218   jakarta-taglibs/random/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-taglibs/random/build.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision 1.6
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
  --- build.xml	2001/07/01 20:08:26	1.5
  +++ build.xml	2001/08/13 23:51:47	1.6
  @@ -1,220 +1,21 @@
  -<!-- ANT Build Script for the "random" Custom Tag Library -->
  -<!-- $Id: build.xml,v 1.5 2001/07/01 20:08:26 glenn Exp $ -->
  -<project name="random" default="main" basedir=".">
  -    <!-- ******************** Adjustable Properties *********************** -->
  -    <!--
  -        The following property values should be examined and customized
  -        for each custom tag library subproject.
  -        ant.home                    Home directory for the ANT build tool
  -                                    This is normally defaulted from the
  -                                    ANT_HOME environment variable in the
  -                                    build script.
  -        servlet.jar                 Pathname of the servlet API classes
  -                                    you are using to compile, such as the
  -                                    one that comes with Tomcat.  This is
  -                                    normally defaulted from the SERVLET_JAR
  -                                    environment variable in the build script.
  -                 Base name of this tag library subproject.
  -    -->
  -    <property name=""    value="random"/>
  -    <property name="ant.home"       value="../../jakarta-ant"/>
  -    <property name="servlet.jar"    value="../../jakarta-servletapi/lib/servlet.jar"/>
  -    <!-- ****************** Project Standard Properties ******************* -->
  -    <!--
  -        The following property values reflect the standard directory
  -        organization for the jakarta-taglibs project, and should not
  -        be changed or overridden.
  -        build.dir                   Base directory for build targets
  -        dist.dir                    Base directory for distribution targets
  -    -->
  -    <property name="build.dir"      value="../build"/>
  -    <property name="dist.dir"       value="../dist"/>
  -    <property name="taglibs.xsl"    value="../src/doc/stylesheets/taglibs.xsl"/>
  -    <!-- *********************** Default Properties ********************** -->
  -    <!--
  -        The following property values reflect the recommended directory
  -        structure for each custom tag library subproject.  You should only
  -        need to adjust or override them if you use a different organization.
  -        conf.src                    Library configuration source directory
  -        doc.src                     Documentation app source directory
  -        examples.src                Examples app source directory
  -        library.src                 Library Java source directory
  -    -->
  -    <property name="conf.src"       value="conf"/>
  -    <property name="doc.src"        value="doc"/>
  -    <property name="examples.src"   value="examples"/>
  -    <property name="library.src"    value="src"/>
  -    <!-- ********************* Derived Properties ************************* -->
  -    <!--
  -        These property values are derived from the previously defined values,
  -        and should not normally be overridden from the command line.
  -        build.doc                   Target directory for documentation app
  -        build.examples              Target directory for examples app
  -        build.library               Target directory for tag library
  -        dist.doc                    Destination WAR for documentation app
  -        dist.examples               Destination WAR for examples app
  -        dist.library                Destination JAR for tag library
  -        dist.tld                    Destination TLD file for tag library
  -    -->
  -    <property name="build.doc"      value="${build.dir}/${}/${}-doc"/>
  -    <property name="build.examples" value="${build.dir}/${}/${}-examples"/>
  -    <property name="build.library"  value="${build.dir}/${}/${}"/>
  -    <property name="dist.doc"       value="${dist.dir}/${}/${}-doc.war"/>
  -    <property name="dist.examples"  value="${dist.dir}/${}/${}-examples.war"/>
  -    <property name="dist.library"   value="${dist.dir}/${}/${}.jar"/>
  -    <property name="dist.tld"       value="${dist.dir}/${}/${}.tld"/>
  -    <property name="taglibs.doc"    value="${dist.dir}/doc/doc/${}-doc"/>
  -  <!-- ********************** Destination Preparation ********************* -->
  -  <target name="prepare">
  -    <!-- Set up build directories -->
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.doc}"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.doc}/javadoc"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.doc}/WEB-INF"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.doc}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.doc}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.examples}"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.examples}/WEB-INF"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.examples}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.examples}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.library}"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.library}/META-INF"/>
  -    <!-- Set up distribution directory -->
  -    <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/${}"/>
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- **************** Compile Tag Library Components ******************** -->
  -  <!-- Compile the documentation application -->
  -  <target name="documentation" depends="prepare">
  -    <copy todir="${build.doc}/WEB-INF">
  -	<fileset dir="${doc.src}/conf"/>
  -    </copy>
  -    <!-- intro.xml isn't part of the documentation application,
  -         this is just a handy place to build it for the web site. -->
  -    <style in="xml/intro.xml"
  -           destdir="${build.doc}"
  -           out="${build.doc}/intro.html"
  -           style="${taglibs.xsl}">
  -      <param name="prefix" expression="../../"/>
  -    </style>
  -    <copy todir="${build.doc}">
  -	<fileset dir="${doc.src}/web">
  -            <include name="**/*.html"/>
  -        </fileset>
  -    </copy>
  -    <javadoc packagenames="org.apache.taglibs.random.*"
  -	     classpath="${servlet.jar}"
  -             sourcepath="src"
  -             destdir="${build.doc}/javadoc"
  -             author="true"   
  -             version="true"
  -	     use="true"
  -             windowtitle="Jakarta Apache RANDOM custom tag library API"
  -             doctitle="Jakarta Apache RANDOM custom tag library"
  -             bottom="Copyright &#169; 2000 Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved."
  -    />
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- Compile the examples application -->
  -  <target name="examples" depends="library-dist">
  -    <copy todir="${build.examples}/WEB-INF">
  -	<fileset dir="${examples.src}/conf"/>
  -    </copy>
  -    <copy todir="${build.examples}">
  -	<fileset dir="${examples.src}/web"/>
  -    </copy>
  -    <copy file="${conf.src}/random.tld" tofile="${dist.tld}"/>
  -    <copy file="${dist.tld}"
  -          tofile="${build.examples}/WEB-INF/${}.tld"/>
  -    <copy file="${dist.library}"
  -          tofile="${build.examples}/WEB-INF/lib/${}.jar"/>
  -    <copy file="${examples.src}/web/random.jsp"
  -	  tofile="${build.examples}/random.txt"/>
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- Compile the tag library itself -->
  -  <target name="library" depends="prepare">
  -    <copy file="${conf.src}/random.tld"
  -          tofile="${build.library}/META-INF/taglib.tld"/>
  -    <javac srcdir="${library.src}/org" destdir="${build.library}"
  -           classpath="${servlet.jar}"
  -           debug="on"/>
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- Compile the library as well as the associated applications -->
  -  <target name="main" depends="library,examples,documentation"/>
  -  <!-- ******************* Create Distribution Files ********************** -->
  -  <!-- Create the documentation application WAR file -->
  -  <target name="documentation-dist" depends="documentation">
  -    <jar jarfile="${dist.doc}" basedir="${build.doc}" excludes="intro.html"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${taglibs.doc}"/>
  -    <copy todir="${taglibs.doc}">
  -      <fileset dir="${build.doc}">
  -        <exclude name="WEB-INF"/>     
  -      </fileset>
  -    </copy>
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- Create the examples application WAR file -->
  -  <target name="examples-dist" depends="examples">
  -    <jar jarfile="${dist.examples}" basedir="${build.examples}"/>
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- Create the library distribution files -->
  -  <target name="library-dist" depends="library">
  -    <jar jarfile="${dist.library}" basedir="${build.library}"/>
  -    <copy file="${conf.src}/${}.tld" tofile="${dist.tld}"/>
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- Create the entire set of distribution files -->
  -  <target name="dist" depends="library-dist,examples-dist,documentation-dist"/>
  -  <!-- ************************ Utility Commands ************************** -->
  -  <!-- Delete output directories and files so we can build from scratch -->
  -  <target name="clean">
  -    <delete dir="${build.dir}/${}"/>
  -    <delete dir="${dist.dir}/${}"/>
  -  </target>
  +<?xml version="1.0"?>
  +<!-- Define and use the common.xml ant build file for building
  +	your taglib -->
  +<!DOCTYPE project [
  +    <!ENTITY common SYSTEM "file:../common.xml">
  +<!-- Your main ant build declaration -->
  +<project name="random" default="main">
  +  <property file="../"/>
  +  <property name="classpath" value="${servlet.jar}"/>
  +  <!-- Include the common.xml ant build declarations -->
  +  &common;