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Posted to by brandizi <> on 2001/01/03 19:09:51 UTC

A tag library for Web-DB applications

I'm new to tag libraries, quite expert of JSP underlining technology.

I'd like to know if already exists something about an idea of mine: I
think it would be nice to develop a library useful to deliver Web-DB
applications, i.e.: Web applications where there are frequent accesses
to a db and pages are 

 - lists, mapping rows of a table
 - forms, mapping single record in a table and delivering updates when
 - forms more complicated, mapping a record in a table (ex: Manager) and
some other records in one-to-many joined table    (ex.: Managed

I'm thinking to tags useful to represent a single table (functionality
examples: show an html table), a single record (show the standard
presentation form, manage updates submitting), a single editable field
in a table (show the INPUT tag or something).

Thanks for the help
Please, answer me directly, I haven't still subscribed...

Marco Brandizi <>