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[1/5] spark git commit: [SPARK-19810][BUILD][CORE] Remove support for Scala 2.10

Repository: spark
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master e08d06b37 -> 425c4ada4
diff --git a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/DatasetSuite.scala b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/DatasetSuite.scala
index 8258407..69d110e 100644
--- a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/DatasetSuite.scala
+++ b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/DatasetSuite.scala
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ class DatasetSuite extends QueryTest with SharedSQLContext {
   test("reduce") {
     val ds = Seq(("a", 1), ("b", 2), ("c", 3)).toDS()
-    assert(ds.reduce((a, b) => ("sum", a._2 + b._2)) == ("sum", 6))
+    assert(ds.reduce((a, b) => ("sum", a._2 + b._2)) == (("sum", 6)))
   test("joinWith, flat schema") {
@@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ class DatasetSuite extends QueryTest with SharedSQLContext {
   test("SPARK-14000: case class with tuple type field") {
       Seq(TupleClass((1, "a"))).toDS(),
-      TupleClass(1, "a")
+      TupleClass((1, "a"))
diff --git a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/StatisticsCollectionSuite.scala b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/StatisticsCollectionSuite.scala
index b80bd80..9e459ed 100644
--- a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/StatisticsCollectionSuite.scala
+++ b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/StatisticsCollectionSuite.scala
@@ -176,16 +176,16 @@ class StatisticsCollectionSuite extends StatisticsCollectionTestBase with Shared
   test("number format in statistics") {
     val numbers = Seq(
-      BigInt(0) -> ("0.0 B", "0"),
-      BigInt(100) -> ("100.0 B", "100"),
-      BigInt(2047) -> ("2047.0 B", "2.05E+3"),
-      BigInt(2048) -> ("2.0 KB", "2.05E+3"),
-      BigInt(3333333) -> ("3.2 MB", "3.33E+6"),
-      BigInt(4444444444L) -> ("4.1 GB", "4.44E+9"),
-      BigInt(5555555555555L) -> ("5.1 TB", "5.56E+12"),
-      BigInt(6666666666666666L) -> ("5.9 PB", "6.67E+15"),
-      BigInt(1L << 10 ) * (1L << 60) -> ("1024.0 EB", "1.18E+21"),
-      BigInt(1L << 11) * (1L << 60) -> ("2.36E+21 B", "2.36E+21")
+      BigInt(0) -> (("0.0 B", "0")),
+      BigInt(100) -> (("100.0 B", "100")),
+      BigInt(2047) -> (("2047.0 B", "2.05E+3")),
+      BigInt(2048) -> (("2.0 KB", "2.05E+3")),
+      BigInt(3333333) -> (("3.2 MB", "3.33E+6")),
+      BigInt(4444444444L) -> (("4.1 GB", "4.44E+9")),
+      BigInt(5555555555555L) -> (("5.1 TB", "5.56E+12")),
+      BigInt(6666666666666666L) -> (("5.9 PB", "6.67E+15")),
+      BigInt(1L << 10 ) * (1L << 60) -> (("1024.0 EB", "1.18E+21")),
+      BigInt(1L << 11) * (1L << 60) -> (("2.36E+21 B", "2.36E+21"))
     numbers.foreach { case (input, (expectedSize, expectedRows)) =>
       val stats = Statistics(sizeInBytes = input, rowCount = Some(input))
diff --git a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SubquerySuite.scala b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SubquerySuite.scala
index 7bcb419..274694b 100644
--- a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SubquerySuite.scala
+++ b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SubquerySuite.scala
@@ -27,23 +27,23 @@ class SubquerySuite extends QueryTest with SharedSQLContext {
   val row = identity[(java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Double)](_)
   lazy val l = Seq(
-    row(1, 2.0),
-    row(1, 2.0),
-    row(2, 1.0),
-    row(2, 1.0),
-    row(3, 3.0),
-    row(null, null),
-    row(null, 5.0),
-    row(6, null)).toDF("a", "b")
+    row((1, 2.0)),
+    row((1, 2.0)),
+    row((2, 1.0)),
+    row((2, 1.0)),
+    row((3, 3.0)),
+    row((null, null)),
+    row((null, 5.0)),
+    row((6, null))).toDF("a", "b")
   lazy val r = Seq(
-    row(2, 3.0),
-    row(2, 3.0),
-    row(3, 2.0),
-    row(4, 1.0),
-    row(null, null),
-    row(null, 5.0),
-    row(6, null)).toDF("c", "d")
+    row((2, 3.0)),
+    row((2, 3.0)),
+    row((3, 2.0)),
+    row((4, 1.0)),
+    row((null, null)),
+    row((null, 5.0)),
+    row((6, null))).toDF("c", "d")
   lazy val t = r.filter($"c".isNotNull && $"d".isNotNull)
diff --git a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/datasources/parquet/ParquetIOSuite.scala b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/datasources/parquet/ParquetIOSuite.scala
index 94a2f9a..d76990b 100644
--- a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/datasources/parquet/ParquetIOSuite.scala
+++ b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/datasources/parquet/ParquetIOSuite.scala
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ class ParquetIOSuite extends QueryTest with ParquetTest with SharedSQLContext {
   testStandardAndLegacyModes("nested map with struct as value type") {
-    val data = (1 to 4).map(i => Tuple1(Map(i -> (i, s"val_$i"))))
+    val data = (1 to 4).map(i => Tuple1(Map(i -> ((i, s"val_$i")))))
     withParquetDataFrame(data) { df =>
       checkAnswer(df, { case Tuple1(m) =>
         Row(m.mapValues(struct => Row(struct.productIterator.toSeq: _*)))
diff --git a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/metric/SQLMetricsSuite.scala b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/metric/SQLMetricsSuite.scala
index 2911cbb..fd79323 100644
--- a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/metric/SQLMetricsSuite.scala
+++ b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/metric/SQLMetricsSuite.scala
@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ class SQLMetricsSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSQLContext {
     // PhysicalRDD(nodeId = 1) -> Filter(nodeId = 0)
     val df = person.filter('age < 25)
     testSparkPlanMetrics(df, 1, Map(
-      0L -> ("Filter", Map(
-        "number of output rows" -> 1L)))
+      0L -> (("Filter", Map(
+        "number of output rows" -> 1L))))
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ class SQLMetricsSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSQLContext {
       Map("number of output rows" -> 1L,
         "avg hash probe (min, med, max)" -> "\n(1, 1, 1)"))
     testSparkPlanMetrics(df, 1, Map(
-      2L -> ("HashAggregate", expected1(0)),
-      0L -> ("HashAggregate", expected1(1)))
+      2L -> (("HashAggregate", expected1(0))),
+      0L -> (("HashAggregate", expected1(1))))
     // 2 partitions and each partition contains 2 keys
@@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ class SQLMetricsSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSQLContext {
       Map("number of output rows" -> 3L,
         "avg hash probe (min, med, max)" -> "\n(1, 1, 1)"))
     testSparkPlanMetrics(df2, 1, Map(
-      2L -> ("HashAggregate", expected2(0)),
-      0L -> ("HashAggregate", expected2(1)))
+      2L -> (("HashAggregate", expected2(0))),
+      0L -> (("HashAggregate", expected2(1))))
@@ -234,15 +234,15 @@ class SQLMetricsSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSQLContext {
     // -> ObjectHashAggregate(nodeId = 0)
     val df = testData2.groupBy().agg(collect_set('a)) // 2 partitions
     testSparkPlanMetrics(df, 1, Map(
-      2L -> ("ObjectHashAggregate", Map("number of output rows" -> 2L)),
-      0L -> ("ObjectHashAggregate", Map("number of output rows" -> 1L)))
+      2L -> (("ObjectHashAggregate", Map("number of output rows" -> 2L))),
+      0L -> (("ObjectHashAggregate", Map("number of output rows" -> 1L))))
     // 2 partitions and each partition contains 2 keys
     val df2 = testData2.groupBy('a).agg(collect_set('a))
     testSparkPlanMetrics(df2, 1, Map(
-      2L -> ("ObjectHashAggregate", Map("number of output rows" -> 4L)),
-      0L -> ("ObjectHashAggregate", Map("number of output rows" -> 3L)))
+      2L -> (("ObjectHashAggregate", Map("number of output rows" -> 4L))),
+      0L -> (("ObjectHashAggregate", Map("number of output rows" -> 3L))))
@@ -264,9 +264,9 @@ class SQLMetricsSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSQLContext {
       val df = spark.sql(
         "SELECT * FROM testData2 JOIN testDataForJoin ON testData2.a = testDataForJoin.a")
       testSparkPlanMetrics(df, 1, Map(
-        0L -> ("SortMergeJoin", Map(
+        0L -> (("SortMergeJoin", Map(
           // It's 4 because we only read 3 rows in the first partition and 1 row in the second one
-          "number of output rows" -> 4L)))
+          "number of output rows" -> 4L))))
@@ -282,17 +282,17 @@ class SQLMetricsSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSQLContext {
       val df = spark.sql(
         "SELECT * FROM testData2 left JOIN testDataForJoin ON testData2.a = testDataForJoin.a")
       testSparkPlanMetrics(df, 1, Map(
-        0L -> ("SortMergeJoin", Map(
+        0L -> (("SortMergeJoin", Map(
           // It's 4 because we only read 3 rows in the first partition and 1 row in the second one
-          "number of output rows" -> 8L)))
+          "number of output rows" -> 8L))))
       val df2 = spark.sql(
         "SELECT * FROM testDataForJoin right JOIN testData2 ON testData2.a = testDataForJoin.a")
       testSparkPlanMetrics(df2, 1, Map(
-        0L -> ("SortMergeJoin", Map(
+        0L -> (("SortMergeJoin", Map(
           // It's 4 because we only read 3 rows in the first partition and 1 row in the second one
-          "number of output rows" -> 8L)))
+          "number of output rows" -> 8L))))
@@ -304,9 +304,9 @@ class SQLMetricsSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSQLContext {
     // ... -> BroadcastHashJoin(nodeId = 1) -> TungstenProject(nodeId = 0)
     val df = df1.join(broadcast(df2), "key")
     testSparkPlanMetrics(df, 2, Map(
-      1L -> ("BroadcastHashJoin", Map(
+      1L -> (("BroadcastHashJoin", Map(
         "number of output rows" -> 2L,
-        "avg hash probe (min, med, max)" -> "\n(1, 1, 1)")))
+        "avg hash probe (min, med, max)" -> "\n(1, 1, 1)"))))
@@ -365,9 +365,9 @@ class SQLMetricsSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSQLContext {
       val df = df1.join(df2, "key")
       val metrics = getSparkPlanMetrics(df, 1, Set(1L))
       testSparkPlanMetrics(df, 1, Map(
-        1L -> ("ShuffledHashJoin", Map(
+        1L -> (("ShuffledHashJoin", Map(
           "number of output rows" -> 2L,
-          "avg hash probe (min, med, max)" -> "\n(1, 1, 1)")))
+          "avg hash probe (min, med, max)" -> "\n(1, 1, 1)"))))
@@ -426,14 +426,14 @@ class SQLMetricsSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSQLContext {
     // ... -> BroadcastHashJoin(nodeId = 0)
     val df = df1.join(broadcast(df2), $"key" === $"key2", "left_outer")
     testSparkPlanMetrics(df, 2, Map(
-      0L -> ("BroadcastHashJoin", Map(
-        "number of output rows" -> 5L)))
+      0L -> (("BroadcastHashJoin", Map(
+        "number of output rows" -> 5L))))
     val df3 = df1.join(broadcast(df2), $"key" === $"key2", "right_outer")
     testSparkPlanMetrics(df3, 2, Map(
-      0L -> ("BroadcastHashJoin", Map(
-        "number of output rows" -> 6L)))
+      0L -> (("BroadcastHashJoin", Map(
+        "number of output rows" -> 6L))))
@@ -448,8 +448,8 @@ class SQLMetricsSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSQLContext {
           "SELECT * FROM testData2 left JOIN testDataForJoin ON " +
             "testData2.a * testDataForJoin.a != testData2.a + testDataForJoin.a")
         testSparkPlanMetrics(df, 3, Map(
-          1L -> ("BroadcastNestedLoopJoin", Map(
-            "number of output rows" -> 12L)))
+          1L -> (("BroadcastNestedLoopJoin", Map(
+            "number of output rows" -> 12L))))
@@ -462,8 +462,8 @@ class SQLMetricsSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSQLContext {
     // ... -> BroadcastHashJoin(nodeId = 0)
     val df = df1.join(broadcast(df2), $"key" === $"key2", "leftsemi")
     testSparkPlanMetrics(df, 2, Map(
-      0L -> ("BroadcastHashJoin", Map(
-        "number of output rows" -> 2L)))
+      0L -> (("BroadcastHashJoin", Map(
+        "number of output rows" -> 2L))))
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ class SQLMetricsSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSQLContext {
         val df = spark.sql(
           "SELECT * FROM testData2 JOIN testDataForJoin")
         testSparkPlanMetrics(df, 1, Map(
-          0L -> ("CartesianProduct", Map("number of output rows" -> 12L)))
+          0L -> (("CartesianProduct", Map("number of output rows" -> 12L))))
@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ class SQLMetricsSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSQLContext {
       val df = spark.sql(
         "SELECT * FROM testData2 ANTI JOIN antiData ON testData2.a = antiData.a")
       testSparkPlanMetrics(df, 1, Map(
-        0L -> ("SortMergeJoin", Map("number of output rows" -> 4L)))
+        0L -> (("SortMergeJoin", Map("number of output rows" -> 4L))))
diff --git a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/ui/SQLListenerSuite.scala b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/ui/SQLListenerSuite.scala
index 82eff5e..2c6763e 100644
--- a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/ui/SQLListenerSuite.scala
+++ b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/ui/SQLListenerSuite.scala
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ class SQLListenerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSQLContext with JsonTest
     // Listener tracks only SQL metrics, not other accumulators
     assert(trackedAccums.size === 1)
-    assert(trackedAccums.head === (, sqlMetricInfo.update.get))
+    assert(trackedAccums.head === ((, sqlMetricInfo.update.get)))
   test("driver side SQL metrics") {
diff --git a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/expressions/ReduceAggregatorSuite.scala b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/expressions/ReduceAggregatorSuite.scala
index d826d3f..f65dcdf 100644
--- a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/expressions/ReduceAggregatorSuite.scala
+++ b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/expressions/ReduceAggregatorSuite.scala
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class ReduceAggregatorSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
     val encoder: ExpressionEncoder[Int] = ExpressionEncoder()
     val func = (v1: Int, v2: Int) => v1 + v2
     val aggregator: ReduceAggregator[Int] = new ReduceAggregator(func)(Encoders.scalaInt)
-    assert( == (false, null))
+    assert( == (false, null).asInstanceOf[(Boolean, Int)])
   test("reduce, merge and finish") {
@@ -36,22 +36,22 @@ class ReduceAggregatorSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
     val aggregator: ReduceAggregator[Int] = new ReduceAggregator(func)(Encoders.scalaInt)
     val firstReduce = aggregator.reduce(, 1)
-    assert(firstReduce == (true, 1))
+    assert(firstReduce == ((true, 1)))
     val secondReduce = aggregator.reduce(firstReduce, 2)
-    assert(secondReduce == (true, 3))
+    assert(secondReduce == ((true, 3)))
     val thirdReduce = aggregator.reduce(secondReduce, 3)
-    assert(thirdReduce == (true, 6))
+    assert(thirdReduce == ((true, 6)))
     val mergeWithZero1 = aggregator.merge(, firstReduce)
-    assert(mergeWithZero1 == (true, 1))
+    assert(mergeWithZero1 == ((true, 1)))
     val mergeWithZero2 = aggregator.merge(secondReduce,
-    assert(mergeWithZero2 == (true, 3))
+    assert(mergeWithZero2 == ((true, 3)))
     val mergeTwoReduced = aggregator.merge(firstReduce, secondReduce)
-    assert(mergeTwoReduced == (true, 4))
+    assert(mergeTwoReduced == ((true, 4)))
     assert(aggregator.finish(firstReduce)== 1)
     assert(aggregator.finish(secondReduce) == 3)
diff --git a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/streaming/StreamingQueryListenerSuite.scala b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/streaming/StreamingQueryListenerSuite.scala
index 59c6a6f..d21d1f1 100644
--- a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/streaming/StreamingQueryListenerSuite.scala
+++ b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/streaming/StreamingQueryListenerSuite.scala
@@ -20,12 +20,10 @@ package org.apache.spark.sql.streaming
 import java.util.UUID
 import scala.collection.mutable
-import scala.concurrent.duration._
 import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
 import org.scalactic.TolerantNumerics
 import org.scalatest.concurrent.AsyncAssertions.Waiter
-import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually._
 import org.scalatest.concurrent.PatienceConfiguration.Timeout
 import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter
 import org.scalatest.PrivateMethodTester._
diff --git a/sql/hive/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/HiveUtils.scala b/sql/hive/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/HiveUtils.scala
index 3de60c7..a29d7a7 100644
--- a/sql/hive/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/HiveUtils.scala
+++ b/sql/hive/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/HiveUtils.scala
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ private[spark] object HiveUtils extends Logging {
   protected[sql] def toHiveString(a: (Any, DataType)): String = a match {
     case (struct: Row, StructType(fields)) => {
-        case (v, t) => s""""${}":${toHiveStructString(v, t.dataType)}"""
+        case (v, t) => s""""${}":${toHiveStructString((v, t.dataType))}"""
       }.mkString("{", ",", "}")
     case (seq: Seq[_], ArrayType(typ, _)) => => (v, typ)).map(toHiveStructString).mkString("[", ",", "]")
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ private[spark] object HiveUtils extends Logging {
   protected def toHiveStructString(a: (Any, DataType)): String = a match {
     case (struct: Row, StructType(fields)) => {
-        case (v, t) => s""""${}":${toHiveStructString(v, t.dataType)}"""
+        case (v, t) => s""""${}":${toHiveStructString((v, t.dataType))}"""
       }.mkString("{", ",", "}")
     case (seq: Seq[_], ArrayType(typ, _)) => => (v, typ)).map(toHiveStructString).mkString("[", ",", "]")
diff --git a/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/HiveMetastoreCatalogSuite.scala b/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/HiveMetastoreCatalogSuite.scala
index d8fd68b..8140f88 100644
--- a/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/HiveMetastoreCatalogSuite.scala
+++ b/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/HiveMetastoreCatalogSuite.scala
@@ -80,17 +80,17 @@ class DataSourceWithHiveMetastoreCatalogSuite
-    "parquet" -> (
+    "parquet" -> ((
-    ),
+    )),
-    "orc" -> (
+    "orc" -> ((
-    )
+    ))
   ).foreach { case (provider, (inputFormat, outputFormat, serde)) =>
     test(s"Persist non-partitioned $provider relation into metastore as managed table") {
       withTable("t") {
diff --git a/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/HiveSparkSubmitSuite.scala b/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/HiveSparkSubmitSuite.scala
index 5f15a70..1771546 100644
--- a/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/HiveSparkSubmitSuite.scala
+++ b/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/HiveSparkSubmitSuite.scala
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class HiveSparkSubmitSuite
     // the HiveContext code mistakenly overrides the class loader that contains user classes.
     // For more detail, see sql/hive/src/test/resources/regression-test-SPARK-8489/*scala.
     val version = Properties.versionNumberString match {
-      case v if v.startsWith("2.10") || v.startsWith("2.11") => v.substring(0, 4)
+      case v if v.startsWith("2.12") || v.startsWith("2.11") => v.substring(0, 4)
       case x => throw new Exception(s"Unsupported Scala Version: $x")
     val jarDir = getTestResourcePath("regression-test-SPARK-8489")
diff --git a/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/execution/HiveDDLSuite.scala b/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/execution/HiveDDLSuite.scala
index 12daf3a..5b62e37 100644
--- a/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/execution/HiveDDLSuite.scala
+++ b/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/execution/HiveDDLSuite.scala
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution
+import scala.language.existentials
 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
 import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach
diff --git a/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/execution/HiveQuerySuite.scala b/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/execution/HiveQuerySuite.scala
index cf33760..799abc1 100644
--- a/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/execution/HiveQuerySuite.scala
+++ b/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/execution/HiveQuerySuite.scala
@@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ class HiveQuerySuite extends HiveComparisonTest with SQLTestUtils with BeforeAnd
     sql("SELECT * FROM m").collect().zip(sql("SELECT * FROM src LIMIT 10").collect()).foreach {
       case (Row(map: Map[_, _]), Row(key: Int, value: String)) =>
         assert(map.size === 1)
-        assert(map.head === (key, value))
+        assert(map.head === ((key, value)))

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[5/5] spark git commit: [SPARK-19810][BUILD][CORE] Remove support for Scala 2.10

Posted by
[SPARK-19810][BUILD][CORE] Remove support for Scala 2.10

## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

- Remove Scala 2.10 build profiles and support
- Replace some 2.10 support in scripts with commented placeholders for 2.12 later
- Remove deprecated API calls from 2.10 support
- Remove usages of deprecated context bounds where possible
- Remove Scala 2.10 workarounds like ScalaReflectionLock
- Other minor Scala warning fixes

## How was this patch tested?

Existing tests

Author: Sean Owen <>

Closes #17150 from srowen/SPARK-19810.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 425c4ada4c24e338b45d0e9987071f05c5766fa5
Parents: e08d06b
Author: Sean Owen <>
Authored: Thu Jul 13 17:06:24 2017 +0800
Committer: Wenchen Fan <>
Committed: Thu Jul 13 17:06:24 2017 +0800

 R/pkg/R/sparkR.R                                |    4 +-
 R/pkg/tests/fulltests/test_client.R             |    4 +-
 bin/load-spark-env.cmd                          |   22 +-
 bin/                           |   22 +-
 build/mvn                                       |    6 +-
 .../scala/org/apache/spark/Accumulable.scala    |    3 +-
 .../scala/org/apache/spark/SparkContext.scala   |   15 +-
 .../spark/rdd/SequenceFileRDDFunctions.scala    |   54 +-
 .../scala/org/apache/spark/rpc/RpcTimeout.scala |    4 +-
 .../scala/org/apache/spark/ui/JettyUtils.scala  |    6 +-
 .../spark/util/logging/FileAppender.scala       |    8 +-
 .../test/scala/org/apache/spark/FileSuite.scala |    4 +-
 .../spark/deploy/SparkSubmitUtilsSuite.scala    |    6 +-
 .../spark/deploy/master/MasterSuite.scala       |    3 +-
 .../apache/spark/executor/ExecutorSuite.scala   |    1 +
 .../apache/spark/rdd/LocalCheckpointSuite.scala |    1 +
 .../OutputCommitCoordinatorSuite.scala          |    2 +-
 .../spark/scheduler/SparkListenerSuite.scala    |    2 +-
 .../spark/scheduler/TaskSetBlacklistSuite.scala |    4 +-
 .../spark/serializer/KryoSerializerSuite.scala  |    4 +-
 .../spark/util/TimeStampedHashMapSuite.scala    |    2 +-
 .../apache/spark/util/VersionUtilsSuite.scala   |    8 +-
 .../util/collection/AppendOnlyMapSuite.scala    |    4 +-
 .../util/collection/ExternalSorterSuite.scala   |   14 +-
 .../util/collection/OpenHashMapSuite.scala      |    5 +-
 dev/                     |    4 +-
 dev/                   |   23 -
 dev/                   |   23 -
 dev/create-release/             |   23 +-
 docs/                          |    8 -
 docs/                                   |    3 +-
 .../graphx/AggregateMessagesExample.scala       |    2 +-
 .../spark/examples/mllib/AbstractParams.scala   |    2 +-
 .../spark/examples/sql/SparkSQLExample.scala    |    2 -
 .../apache/spark/streaming/kafka/KafkaRDD.scala |    4 +-
 .../org/apache/spark/graphx/EdgeContext.scala   |    2 +-
 .../spark/launcher/  |   20 +-
 .../org/apache/spark/ml/linalg/Matrices.scala   |    2 +-
 .../apache/spark/ml/linalg/MatricesSuite.scala  |   20 +-
 .../org/apache/spark/ml/tree/treeModels.scala   |    2 +-
 .../apache/spark/mllib/linalg/Matrices.scala    |    2 +-
 .../mllib/linalg/distributed/BlockMatrix.scala  |    4 +-
 .../spark/ml/recommendation/ALSSuite.scala      |    2 +-
 .../spark/mllib/clustering/LDASuite.scala       |    2 +-
 .../spark/mllib/linalg/MatricesSuite.scala      |   20 +-
 pom.xml                                         |   68 +-
 project/SparkBuild.scala                        |   23 +-
 python/                             |    3 +-
 repl/pom.xml                                    |   26 +-
 .../main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/Main.scala |   37 -
 .../apache/spark/repl/SparkCommandLine.scala    |   46 -
 .../org/apache/spark/repl/SparkExprTyper.scala  |  114 --
 .../org/apache/spark/repl/SparkHelper.scala     |   39 -
 .../org/apache/spark/repl/SparkILoop.scala      | 1145 -----------
 .../org/apache/spark/repl/SparkILoopInit.scala  |  168 --
 .../org/apache/spark/repl/SparkIMain.scala      | 1808 ------------------
 .../org/apache/spark/repl/SparkImports.scala    |  239 ---
 .../spark/repl/SparkJLineCompletion.scala       |  403 ----
 .../apache/spark/repl/SparkJLineReader.scala    |   90 -
 .../apache/spark/repl/SparkMemberHandlers.scala |  232 ---
 .../apache/spark/repl/SparkRunnerSettings.scala |   31 -
 .../scala/org/apache/spark/repl/ReplSuite.scala |  366 ----
 .../sql/execution/  |    4 +-
 .../spark/sql/catalyst/ScalaReflection.scala    |   36 +-
 .../spark/sql/catalyst/analysis/Analyzer.scala  |    4 +-
 .../catalyst/expressions/codegen/package.scala  |    4 +-
 .../catalyst/expressions/namedExpressions.scala |    2 +-
 .../org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/package.scala |    6 -
 .../util/AbstractScalaRowIterator.scala         |   30 -
 .../org/apache/spark/sql/types/BinaryType.scala |    3 +-
 .../apache/spark/sql/types/BooleanType.scala    |    3 +-
 .../org/apache/spark/sql/types/ByteType.scala   |    3 +-
 .../org/apache/spark/sql/types/DateType.scala   |    4 +-
 .../apache/spark/sql/types/DecimalType.scala    |    3 +-
 .../org/apache/spark/sql/types/DoubleType.scala |    3 +-
 .../org/apache/spark/sql/types/FloatType.scala  |    3 +-
 .../apache/spark/sql/types/HiveStringType.scala |    5 +-
 .../apache/spark/sql/types/IntegerType.scala    |    4 +-
 .../org/apache/spark/sql/types/LongType.scala   |    3 +-
 .../org/apache/spark/sql/types/ShortType.scala  |    3 +-
 .../org/apache/spark/sql/types/StringType.scala |    3 +-
 .../apache/spark/sql/types/TimestampType.scala  |    4 +-
 .../optimizer/JoinOptimizationSuite.scala       |   24 +-
 .../optimizer/OptimizeCodegenSuite.scala        |    4 +-
 .../scala/org/apache/spark/sql/Column.scala     |    2 +-
 .../execution/OptimizeMetadataOnlyQuery.scala   |    8 +-
 .../spark/sql/execution/QueryExecution.scala    |    4 +-
 .../execution/python/ExtractPythonUDFs.scala    |    2 +-
 .../org/apache/spark/sql/DatasetSuite.scala     |    4 +-
 .../spark/sql/StatisticsCollectionSuite.scala   |   20 +-
 .../org/apache/spark/sql/SubquerySuite.scala    |   30 +-
 .../datasources/parquet/ParquetIOSuite.scala    |    2 +-
 .../sql/execution/metric/SQLMetricsSuite.scala  |   60 +-
 .../sql/execution/ui/SQLListenerSuite.scala     |    2 +-
 .../sql/expressions/ReduceAggregatorSuite.scala |   14 +-
 .../streaming/StreamingQueryListenerSuite.scala |    2 -
 .../org/apache/spark/sql/hive/HiveUtils.scala   |    4 +-
 .../sql/hive/HiveMetastoreCatalogSuite.scala    |    8 +-
 .../spark/sql/hive/HiveSparkSubmitSuite.scala   |    2 +-
 .../spark/sql/hive/execution/HiveDDLSuite.scala |    2 +
 .../sql/hive/execution/HiveQuerySuite.scala     |    2 +-
 101 files changed, 311 insertions(+), 5231 deletions(-)
diff --git a/R/pkg/R/sparkR.R b/R/pkg/R/sparkR.R
index f2d2620..81507ea 100644
--- a/R/pkg/R/sparkR.R
+++ b/R/pkg/R/sparkR.R
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ sparkR.stop <- function() {
 #'                  list(spark.executor.memory="4g"),
 #'                  list(LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/directory of JVM libraries ( on workers/"),
 #'                  c("one.jar", "two.jar", "three.jar"),
-#'                  c("com.databricks:spark-avro_2.10:2.0.1"))
+#'                  c("com.databricks:spark-avro_2.11:2.0.1"))
 #' @note sparkR.init since 1.4.0
 sparkR.init <- function(
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ sparkRHive.init <- function(jsc = NULL) {
 #' sparkR.session("yarn-client", "SparkR", "/home/spark",
 #'                list(spark.executor.memory="4g"),
 #'                c("one.jar", "two.jar", "three.jar"),
-#'                c("com.databricks:spark-avro_2.10:2.0.1"))
+#'                c("com.databricks:spark-avro_2.11:2.0.1"))
 #' sparkR.session(spark.master = "yarn-client", spark.executor.memory = "4g")
 #' @note sparkR.session since 2.0.0
diff --git a/R/pkg/tests/fulltests/test_client.R b/R/pkg/tests/fulltests/test_client.R
index 0cf25fe..de624b5 100644
--- a/R/pkg/tests/fulltests/test_client.R
+++ b/R/pkg/tests/fulltests/test_client.R
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ test_that("multiple packages don't produce a warning", {
 test_that("sparkJars sparkPackages as character vectors", {
   args <- generateSparkSubmitArgs("", "", c("one.jar", "two.jar", "three.jar"), "",
-                                  c("com.databricks:spark-avro_2.10:2.0.1"))
+                                  c("com.databricks:spark-avro_2.11:2.0.1"))
   expect_match(args, "--jars one.jar,two.jar,three.jar")
-  expect_match(args, "--packages com.databricks:spark-avro_2.10:2.0.1")
+  expect_match(args, "--packages com.databricks:spark-avro_2.11:2.0.1")
diff --git a/bin/load-spark-env.cmd b/bin/load-spark-env.cmd
index 0977025..993aa31 100644
--- a/bin/load-spark-env.cmd
+++ b/bin/load-spark-env.cmd
@@ -35,21 +35,21 @@ if [%SPARK_ENV_LOADED%] == [] (
 rem Setting SPARK_SCALA_VERSION if not already set.
-set ASSEMBLY_DIR2="%SPARK_HOME%\assembly\target\scala-2.11"
-set ASSEMBLY_DIR1="%SPARK_HOME%\assembly\target\scala-2.10"
+rem set ASSEMBLY_DIR2="%SPARK_HOME%\assembly\target\scala-2.11"
+rem set ASSEMBLY_DIR1="%SPARK_HOME%\assembly\target\scala-2.12"
 if [%SPARK_SCALA_VERSION%] == [] (
-  if exist %ASSEMBLY_DIR2% if exist %ASSEMBLY_DIR1% (
-    echo "Presence of build for both scala versions(SCALA 2.10 and SCALA 2.11) detected."
-    echo "Either clean one of them or, set SPARK_SCALA_VERSION=2.11 in spark-env.cmd."
-    exit 1
-  )
-  if exist %ASSEMBLY_DIR2% (
+  rem if exist %ASSEMBLY_DIR2% if exist %ASSEMBLY_DIR1% (
+  rem   echo "Presence of build for multiple Scala versions detected."
+  rem   echo "Either clean one of them or, set SPARK_SCALA_VERSION=2.11 in spark-env.cmd."
+  rem   exit 1
+  rem )
+  rem if exist %ASSEMBLY_DIR2% (
-  ) else (
-  )
+  rem ) else (
+  rem   set SPARK_SCALA_VERSION=2.12
+  rem )
 exit /b 0
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 8a2f709..9de6203 100644
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -46,18 +46,18 @@ fi
 if [ -z "$SPARK_SCALA_VERSION" ]; then
-  ASSEMBLY_DIR2="${SPARK_HOME}/assembly/target/scala-2.11"
-  ASSEMBLY_DIR1="${SPARK_HOME}/assembly/target/scala-2.10"
+  #ASSEMBLY_DIR2="${SPARK_HOME}/assembly/target/scala-2.11"
+  #ASSEMBLY_DIR1="${SPARK_HOME}/assembly/target/scala-2.12"
-  if [[ -d "$ASSEMBLY_DIR2" && -d "$ASSEMBLY_DIR1" ]]; then
-    echo -e "Presence of build for both scala versions(SCALA 2.10 and SCALA 2.11) detected." 1>&2
-    echo -e 'Either clean one of them or, export SPARK_SCALA_VERSION=2.11 in' 1>&2
-    exit 1
-  fi
+  #if [[ -d "$ASSEMBLY_DIR2" && -d "$ASSEMBLY_DIR1" ]]; then
+  #  echo -e "Presence of build for multiple Scala versions detected." 1>&2
+  #  echo -e 'Either clean one of them or, export SPARK_SCALA_VERSION=2.11 in' 1>&2
+  #  exit 1
+  #fi
-  if [ -d "$ASSEMBLY_DIR2" ]; then
+  #if [ -d "$ASSEMBLY_DIR2" ]; then
     export SPARK_SCALA_VERSION="2.11"
-  else
-    export SPARK_SCALA_VERSION="2.10"
-  fi
+  #else
+  #  export SPARK_SCALA_VERSION="2.12"
+  #fi
diff --git a/build/mvn b/build/mvn
index 1e393c3..efa4f93 100755
--- a/build/mvn
+++ b/build/mvn
@@ -91,13 +91,13 @@ install_mvn() {
 # Install zinc under the build/ folder
 install_zinc() {
-  local zinc_path="zinc-0.3.11/bin/zinc"
+  local zinc_path="zinc-0.3.15/bin/zinc"
   [ ! -f "${_DIR}/${zinc_path}" ] && ZINC_INSTALL_FLAG=1
   install_app \
-    "${TYPESAFE_MIRROR}/zinc/0.3.11" \
-    "zinc-0.3.11.tgz" \
+    "${TYPESAFE_MIRROR}/zinc/0.3.15" \
+    "zinc-0.3.15.tgz" \
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/Accumulable.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/Accumulable.scala
index 5532931..3092074 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/Accumulable.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/Accumulable.scala
@@ -201,7 +201,8 @@ trait AccumulableParam[R, T] extends Serializable {
 @deprecated("use AccumulatorV2", "2.0.0")
 private[spark] class
-GrowableAccumulableParam[R <% Growable[T] with TraversableOnce[T] with Serializable: ClassTag, T]
+GrowableAccumulableParam[R : ClassTag, T]
+  (implicit rg: R => Growable[T] with TraversableOnce[T] with Serializable)
   extends AccumulableParam[R, T] {
   def addAccumulator(growable: R, elem: T): R = {
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/SparkContext.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/SparkContext.scala
index b2a26c5..e1ce66a 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/SparkContext.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/SparkContext.scala
@@ -183,8 +183,6 @@ class SparkContext(config: SparkConf) extends Logging {
   // log out Spark Version in Spark driver log
   logInfo(s"Running Spark version $SPARK_VERSION")
-  warnDeprecatedVersions()
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
    | Private variables. These variables keep the internal state of the context, and are    |
    | not accessible by the outside world. They're mutable since we want to initialize all  |
@@ -349,13 +347,6 @@ class SparkContext(config: SparkConf) extends Logging {
-  private def warnDeprecatedVersions(): Unit = {
-    val javaVersion = System.getProperty("java.version").split("[+.\\-]+", 3)
-    if (scala.util.Properties.releaseVersion.exists(_.startsWith("2.10"))) {
-      logWarning("Support for Scala 2.10 is deprecated as of Spark 2.1.0")
-    }
-  }
   /** Control our logLevel. This overrides any user-defined log settings.
    * @param logLevel The desired log level as a string.
    * Valid log levels include: ALL, DEBUG, ERROR, FATAL, INFO, OFF, TRACE, WARN
@@ -1396,6 +1387,8 @@ class SparkContext(config: SparkConf) extends Logging {
   @deprecated("use AccumulatorV2", "2.0.0")
   def accumulableCollection[R <% Growable[T] with TraversableOnce[T] with Serializable: ClassTag, T]
       (initialValue: R): Accumulable[R, T] = {
+    // TODO the context bound (<%) above should be replaced with simple type bound and implicit
+    // conversion but is a breaking change. This should be fixed in Spark 3.x.
     val param = new GrowableAccumulableParam[R, T]
     val acc = new Accumulable(initialValue, param)
@@ -2605,9 +2598,9 @@ object SparkContext extends Logging {
   private[spark] val LEGACY_DRIVER_IDENTIFIER = "<driver>"
-  private implicit def arrayToArrayWritable[T <% Writable: ClassTag](arr: Traversable[T])
+  private implicit def arrayToArrayWritable[T <: Writable : ClassTag](arr: Traversable[T])
     : ArrayWritable = {
-    def anyToWritable[U <% Writable](u: U): Writable = u
+    def anyToWritable[U <: Writable](u: U): Writable = u
     new ArrayWritable(classTag[T].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[Writable]], => anyToWritable(x)).toArray)
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/rdd/SequenceFileRDDFunctions.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/rdd/SequenceFileRDDFunctions.scala
index 86a3327..02def89 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/rdd/SequenceFileRDDFunctions.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/rdd/SequenceFileRDDFunctions.scala
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 package org.apache.spark.rdd
-import scala.reflect.{classTag, ClassTag}
+import scala.reflect.ClassTag
@@ -39,40 +39,8 @@ class SequenceFileRDDFunctions[K <% Writable: ClassTag, V <% Writable : ClassTag
   extends Logging
   with Serializable {
-  private val keyWritableClass =
-    if (_keyWritableClass == null) {
-      // pre 1.3.0, we need to use Reflection to get the Writable class
-      getWritableClass[K]()
-    } else {
-      _keyWritableClass
-    }
-  private val valueWritableClass =
-    if (_valueWritableClass == null) {
-      // pre 1.3.0, we need to use Reflection to get the Writable class
-      getWritableClass[V]()
-    } else {
-      _valueWritableClass
-    }
-  private def getWritableClass[T <% Writable: ClassTag](): Class[_ <: Writable] = {
-    val c = {
-      if (classOf[Writable].isAssignableFrom(classTag[T].runtimeClass)) {
-        classTag[T].runtimeClass
-      } else {
-        // We get the type of the Writable class by looking at the apply method which converts
-        // from T to Writable. Since we have two apply methods we filter out the one which
-        // is not of the form "java.lang.Object apply(java.lang.Object)"
-        implicitly[T => Writable].getClass.getDeclaredMethods().filter(
-            m => m.getReturnType().toString != "class java.lang.Object" &&
-                 m.getName() == "apply")(0).getReturnType
-      }
-       // TODO: use something like WritableConverter to avoid reflection
-    }
-    c.asInstanceOf[Class[_ <: Writable]]
-  }
+  // TODO the context bound (<%) above should be replaced with simple type bound and implicit
+  // conversion but is a breaking change. This should be fixed in Spark 3.x.
    * Output the RDD as a Hadoop SequenceFile using the Writable types we infer from the RDD's key
@@ -90,24 +58,24 @@ class SequenceFileRDDFunctions[K <% Writable: ClassTag, V <% Writable : ClassTag
     // valueWritableClass at the compile time. To implement that, we need to add type parameters to
     // SequenceFileRDDFunctions. however, SequenceFileRDDFunctions is a public class so it will be a
     // breaking change.
-    val convertKey = self.keyClass != keyWritableClass
-    val convertValue = self.valueClass != valueWritableClass
+    val convertKey = self.keyClass != _keyWritableClass
+    val convertValue = self.valueClass != _valueWritableClass
-    logInfo("Saving as sequence file of type (" + keyWritableClass.getSimpleName + "," +
-      valueWritableClass.getSimpleName + ")" )
+    logInfo("Saving as sequence file of type " +
+      s"(${_keyWritableClass.getSimpleName},${_valueWritableClass.getSimpleName})" )
     val format = classOf[SequenceFileOutputFormat[Writable, Writable]]
     val jobConf = new JobConf(self.context.hadoopConfiguration)
     if (!convertKey && !convertValue) {
-      self.saveAsHadoopFile(path, keyWritableClass, valueWritableClass, format, jobConf, codec)
+      self.saveAsHadoopFile(path, _keyWritableClass, _valueWritableClass, format, jobConf, codec)
     } else if (!convertKey && convertValue) { => (x._1, anyToWritable(x._2))).saveAsHadoopFile(
-        path, keyWritableClass, valueWritableClass, format, jobConf, codec)
+        path, _keyWritableClass, _valueWritableClass, format, jobConf, codec)
     } else if (convertKey && !convertValue) { => (anyToWritable(x._1), x._2)).saveAsHadoopFile(
-        path, keyWritableClass, valueWritableClass, format, jobConf, codec)
+        path, _keyWritableClass, _valueWritableClass, format, jobConf, codec)
     } else if (convertKey && convertValue) { => (anyToWritable(x._1), anyToWritable(x._2))).saveAsHadoopFile(
-        path, keyWritableClass, valueWritableClass, format, jobConf, codec)
+        path, _keyWritableClass, _valueWritableClass, format, jobConf, codec)
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/rpc/RpcTimeout.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/rpc/RpcTimeout.scala
index 0557b7a..3dc41f7 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/rpc/RpcTimeout.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/rpc/RpcTimeout.scala
@@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ private[spark] object RpcTimeout {
     var foundProp: Option[(String, String)] = None
     while (itr.hasNext && foundProp.isEmpty) {
       val propKey =
-      conf.getOption(propKey).foreach { prop => foundProp = Some(propKey, prop) }
+      conf.getOption(propKey).foreach { prop => foundProp = Some((propKey, prop)) }
-    val finalProp = foundProp.getOrElse(timeoutPropList.head, defaultValue)
+    val finalProp = foundProp.getOrElse((timeoutPropList.head, defaultValue))
     val timeout = { Utils.timeStringAsSeconds(finalProp._2).seconds }
     new RpcTimeout(timeout, finalProp._1)
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ui/JettyUtils.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ui/JettyUtils.scala
index b9371c7..0fa9671 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ui/JettyUtils.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ui/JettyUtils.scala
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ private[spark] object JettyUtils extends Logging {
   // implicit conversion from many types of functions to jetty Handlers.
   type Responder[T] = HttpServletRequest => T
-  class ServletParams[T <% AnyRef](val responder: Responder[T],
+  class ServletParams[T <: AnyRef](val responder: Responder[T],
     val contentType: String,
     val extractFn: T => String = (in: Any) => in.toString) {}
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ private[spark] object JettyUtils extends Logging {
   implicit def textResponderToServlet(responder: Responder[String]): ServletParams[String] =
     new ServletParams(responder, "text/plain")
-  def createServlet[T <% AnyRef](
+  def createServlet[T <: AnyRef](
       servletParams: ServletParams[T],
       securityMgr: SecurityManager,
       conf: SparkConf): HttpServlet = {
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ private[spark] object JettyUtils extends Logging {
   /** Create a context handler that responds to a request with the given path prefix */
-  def createServletHandler[T <% AnyRef](
+  def createServletHandler[T <: AnyRef](
       path: String,
       servletParams: ServletParams[T],
       securityMgr: SecurityManager,
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/util/logging/FileAppender.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/util/logging/FileAppender.scala
index 8a0cc70..2f9ad4c 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/util/logging/FileAppender.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/util/logging/FileAppender.scala
@@ -125,16 +125,16 @@ private[spark] object FileAppender extends Logging {
       val validatedParams: Option[(Long, String)] = rollingInterval match {
         case "daily" =>
           logInfo(s"Rolling executor logs enabled for $file with daily rolling")
-          Some(24 * 60 * 60 * 1000L, "--yyyy-MM-dd")
+          Some((24 * 60 * 60 * 1000L, "--yyyy-MM-dd"))
         case "hourly" =>
           logInfo(s"Rolling executor logs enabled for $file with hourly rolling")
-          Some(60 * 60 * 1000L, "--yyyy-MM-dd--HH")
+          Some((60 * 60 * 1000L, "--yyyy-MM-dd--HH"))
         case "minutely" =>
           logInfo(s"Rolling executor logs enabled for $file with rolling every minute")
-          Some(60 * 1000L, "--yyyy-MM-dd--HH-mm")
+          Some((60 * 1000L, "--yyyy-MM-dd--HH-mm"))
         case IntParam(seconds) =>
           logInfo(s"Rolling executor logs enabled for $file with rolling $seconds seconds")
-          Some(seconds * 1000L, "--yyyy-MM-dd--HH-mm-ss")
+          Some((seconds * 1000L, "--yyyy-MM-dd--HH-mm-ss"))
         case _ =>
           logWarning(s"Illegal interval for rolling executor logs [$rollingInterval], " +
               s"rolling logs not enabled")
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/FileSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/FileSuite.scala
index 5be0121..0272818 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/FileSuite.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/FileSuite.scala
@@ -113,11 +113,11 @@ class FileSuite extends SparkFunSuite with LocalSparkContext {
     val normalFile = new File(normalDir, "part-00000")
     val normalContent = sc.sequenceFile[String, String](normalDir).collect
-    assert(normalContent === Array.fill(100)("abc", "abc"))
+    assert(normalContent === Array.fill(100)(("abc", "abc")))
     val compressedFile = new File(compressedOutputDir, "part-00000" + codec.getDefaultExtension)
     val compressedContent = sc.sequenceFile[String, String](compressedOutputDir).collect
-    assert(compressedContent === Array.fill(100)("abc", "abc"))
+    assert(compressedContent === Array.fill(100)(("abc", "abc")))
     assert(compressedFile.length < normalFile.length)
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/SparkSubmitUtilsSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/SparkSubmitUtilsSuite.scala
index 5702478..88b77e5 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/SparkSubmitUtilsSuite.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/SparkSubmitUtilsSuite.scala
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ class SparkSubmitUtilsSuite extends SparkFunSuite with BeforeAndAfterAll {
   test("add dependencies works correctly") {
     val md = SparkSubmitUtils.getModuleDescriptor
-    val artifacts = SparkSubmitUtils.extractMavenCoordinates("com.databricks:spark-csv_2.10:0.1," +
-      "com.databricks:spark-avro_2.10:0.1")
+    val artifacts = SparkSubmitUtils.extractMavenCoordinates("com.databricks:spark-csv_2.11:0.1," +
+      "com.databricks:spark-avro_2.11:0.1")
     SparkSubmitUtils.addDependenciesToIvy(md, artifacts, "default")
     assert(md.getDependencies.length === 2)
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class SparkSubmitUtilsSuite extends SparkFunSuite with BeforeAndAfterAll {
       SparkSubmitUtils.buildIvySettings(None, None),
       isTest = true)
     assert(path === "", "should return empty path")
-    val main = MavenCoordinate("org.apache.spark", "spark-streaming-kafka-assembly_2.10", "1.2.0")
+    val main = MavenCoordinate("org.apache.spark", "spark-streaming-kafka-assembly_2.11", "1.2.0")
     IvyTestUtils.withRepository(main, None, None) { repo =>
       val files = SparkSubmitUtils.resolveMavenCoordinates(
         coordinates + "," + main.toString,
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/master/MasterSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/master/MasterSuite.scala
index a223212..84b3a29 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/master/MasterSuite.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/master/MasterSuite.scala
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ class MockWorker(master: RpcEndpointRef, conf: SparkConf = new SparkConf) extend
         case Some(appId) =>
+        case None =>
@@ -575,7 +576,7 @@ class MasterSuite extends SparkFunSuite
       override val rpcEnv: RpcEnv = master.rpcEnv
       override def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
-        case KillExecutor(_, appId, execId) => killedExecutors.add(appId, execId)
+        case KillExecutor(_, appId, execId) => killedExecutors.add((appId, execId))
         case KillDriver(driverId) => killedDrivers.add(driverId)
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/executor/ExecutorSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/executor/ExecutorSuite.scala
index efcad14..601dde6 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/executor/ExecutorSuite.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/executor/ExecutorSuite.scala
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import java.util.concurrent.{CountDownLatch, TimeUnit}
 import scala.collection.mutable.Map
 import scala.concurrent.duration._
+import scala.language.postfixOps
 import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor
 import org.mockito.Matchers.{any, eq => meq}
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/rdd/LocalCheckpointSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/rdd/LocalCheckpointSuite.scala
index 9e204f5..478f069 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/rdd/LocalCheckpointSuite.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/rdd/LocalCheckpointSuite.scala
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 package org.apache.spark.rdd
 import scala.concurrent.duration._
+import scala.language.postfixOps
 import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually.{eventually, interval, timeout}
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/OutputCommitCoordinatorSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/OutputCommitCoordinatorSuite.scala
index 1579b61..60b5955 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/OutputCommitCoordinatorSuite.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/OutputCommitCoordinatorSuite.scala
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class OutputCommitCoordinatorSuite extends SparkFunSuite with BeforeAndAfter {
               locality: TaskLocality.Value): Option[(Int, TaskLocality.Value)] = {
             if (!hasDequeuedSpeculatedTask) {
               hasDequeuedSpeculatedTask = true
-              Some(0, TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL)
+              Some((0, TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL))
             } else {
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/SparkListenerSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/SparkListenerSuite.scala
index f3d0bc1..481603b 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/SparkListenerSuite.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/SparkListenerSuite.scala
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ class SparkListenerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with LocalSparkContext with Match
     val d2 = { i => w(i) -> i * 2 }.setName("shuffle input 1")
     val d3 = { i => w(i) -> (0 to (i % 5)) }.setName("shuffle input 2")
     val d4 = d2.cogroup(d3, numSlices).map { case (k, (v1, v2)) =>
-      w(k) -> (v1.size, v2.size)
+      (w(k), (v1.size, v2.size))
     d4.setName("A Cogroup")
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/TaskSetBlacklistSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/TaskSetBlacklistSuite.scala
index 6b52c10..f1392e9 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/TaskSetBlacklistSuite.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/TaskSetBlacklistSuite.scala
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ class TaskSetBlacklistSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
     Seq("exec1", "exec2").foreach { exec =>
         execToFailures(exec).taskToFailureCountAndFailureTime === Map(
-          0 -> (1, 0),
-          1 -> (1, 0)
+          0 -> ((1, 0)),
+          1 -> ((1, 0))
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/serializer/KryoSerializerSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/serializer/KryoSerializerSuite.scala
index 7c3922e..eaec098 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/serializer/KryoSerializerSuite.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/serializer/KryoSerializerSuite.scala
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ class KryoSerializerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSparkContext {
   test("kryo with collect for specialized tuples") {
-    assert (sc.parallelize( Array((1, 11), (2, 22), (3, 33)) ).collect().head === (1, 11))
+    assert (sc.parallelize( Array((1, 11), (2, 22), (3, 33)) ).collect().head === ((1, 11)))
   test("kryo with SerializableHyperLogLog") {
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ class KryoSerializerAutoResetDisabledSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSpar
     val deserializationStream = serInstance.deserializeStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(worldWorld))
     assert(deserializationStream.readValue[Any]() === world)
-    assert(serInstance.deserialize[Any](helloHello) === (hello, hello))
+    assert(serInstance.deserialize[Any](helloHello) === ((hello, hello)))
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/TimeStampedHashMapSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/TimeStampedHashMapSuite.scala
index fd9add7..dcae789 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/TimeStampedHashMapSuite.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/TimeStampedHashMapSuite.scala
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class TimeStampedHashMapSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
       testMap2("k1") = "v1"
       testMap2 --= keys
       assert(testMap2.size === 1)
-      assert(testMap2.iterator.toSeq.head === ("k1", "v1"))
+      assert(testMap2.iterator.toSeq.head === (("k1", "v1")))
       // +
       val testMap3 = testMap2 + (("k0", "v0"))
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/VersionUtilsSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/VersionUtilsSuite.scala
index aaf79eb..b36d6be 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/VersionUtilsSuite.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/VersionUtilsSuite.scala
@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ class VersionUtilsSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
   test("Parse Spark major and minor versions") {
-    assert(majorMinorVersion("2.0") === (2, 0))
-    assert(majorMinorVersion("12.10.11") === (12, 10))
-    assert(majorMinorVersion("2.0.1-SNAPSHOT") === (2, 0))
-    assert(majorMinorVersion("2.0.x") === (2, 0))
+    assert(majorMinorVersion("2.0") === ((2, 0)))
+    assert(majorMinorVersion("12.10.11") === ((12, 10)))
+    assert(majorMinorVersion("2.0.1-SNAPSHOT") === ((2, 0)))
+    assert(majorMinorVersion("2.0.x") === ((2, 0)))
     withClue("majorMinorVersion parsing should fail for invalid major version number") {
       intercept[IllegalArgumentException] {
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/collection/AppendOnlyMapSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/collection/AppendOnlyMapSuite.scala
index a2a6d70..6b4e928 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/collection/AppendOnlyMapSuite.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/collection/AppendOnlyMapSuite.scala
@@ -181,9 +181,9 @@ class AppendOnlyMapSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
     // Should be sorted by key
     var previous =
-    assert(previous == (null, "happy new year!"))
+    assert(previous == ((null, "happy new year!")))
     previous =
-    assert(previous == ("1", "2014"))
+    assert(previous == (("1", "2014")))
     while (it.hasNext) {
       val kv =
       assert(kv._1.toInt > previous._1.toInt)
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/collection/ExternalSorterSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/collection/ExternalSorterSuite.scala
index 6bcc601..47173b8 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/collection/ExternalSorterSuite.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/collection/ExternalSorterSuite.scala
@@ -388,13 +388,13 @@ class ExternalSorterSuite extends SparkFunSuite with LocalSparkContext {
     assert(sorter.numSpills > 0, "sorter did not spill")
     val iter = => (p._1, p._2.toList))
-    assert( === (0, Nil))
-    assert( === (1, List((1, 1))))
-    assert( === (2, (0 until 1000).map(x => (2, 2)).toList))
-    assert( === (3, Nil))
-    assert( === (4, Nil))
-    assert( === (5, List((5, 5))))
-    assert( === (6, Nil))
+    assert( === ((0, Nil)))
+    assert( === ((1, List((1, 1)))))
+    assert( === ((2, (0 until 1000).map(x => (2, 2)).toList)))
+    assert( === ((3, Nil)))
+    assert( === ((4, Nil)))
+    assert( === ((5, List((5, 5)))))
+    assert( === ((6, Nil)))
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/collection/OpenHashMapSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/collection/OpenHashMapSuite.scala
index 335ecb9..08a3200 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/collection/OpenHashMapSuite.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/collection/OpenHashMapSuite.scala
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class OpenHashMapSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Matchers {
     for ((k, v) <- map) {
       set.add((k, v))
-    val expected = (1 to 1000).map(x => (x.toString, x)) :+ (null.asInstanceOf[String], -1)
+    val expected = (1 to 1000).map(x => (x.toString, x)) :+ ((null.asInstanceOf[String], -1))
     assert(set === expected.toSet)
@@ -103,7 +103,8 @@ class OpenHashMapSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Matchers {
     for ((k, v) <- map) {
       set.add((k, v))
-    val expected = (1 to 1000).map(_.toString).map(x => (x, x)) :+ (null.asInstanceOf[String], "-1")
+    val expected =
+      (1 to 1000).map(_.toString).map(x => (x, x)) :+ ((null.asInstanceOf[String], "-1"))
     assert(set === expected.toSet)
diff --git a/dev/ b/dev/
index d7975df..022e68c 100755
--- a/dev/
+++ b/dev/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 set -e
-VALID_VERSIONS=( 2.10 2.11 )
+VALID_VERSIONS=( 2.11 2.12 )
 usage() {
   echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [-h|--help] <version>
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ check_scala_version() {
 check_scala_version "$TO_VERSION"
 if [ $TO_VERSION = "2.11" ]; then
-  FROM_VERSION="2.10"
+  FROM_VERSION="2.12"
diff --git a/dev/ b/dev/
deleted file mode 100755
index b718d94..0000000
--- a/dev/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# This script exists for backwards compatibility. Use instead.
-echo "This script is deprecated. Please instead run: 2.10"
-$(dirname $0)/ 2.10
diff --git a/dev/ b/dev/
deleted file mode 100755
index 9308795..0000000
--- a/dev/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# This script exists for backwards compatibility. Use instead.
-echo "This script is deprecated. Please instead run: 2.11"
-$(dirname $0)/ 2.11
diff --git a/dev/create-release/ b/dev/create-release/
index a72307a..9bf2899 100755
--- a/dev/create-release/
+++ b/dev/create-release/
@@ -155,10 +155,10 @@ if [[ "$1" == "package" ]]; then
     cd spark-$SPARK_VERSION-bin-$NAME
-    # TODO There should probably be a flag to make-distribution to allow 2.10 support
-    if [[ $FLAGS == *scala-2.10* ]]; then
-      ./dev/ 2.10
-    fi
+    # TODO There should probably be a flag to make-distribution to allow 2.12 support
+    #if [[ $FLAGS == *scala-2.12* ]]; then
+    #  ./dev/ 2.12
+    #fi
     export ZINC_PORT=$ZINC_PORT
     echo "Creating distribution: $NAME ($FLAGS)"
@@ -305,9 +305,9 @@ if [[ "$1" == "publish-snapshot" ]]; then
   export ZINC_PORT=$(python -S -c "import random; print random.randrange(3030,4030)")
   $MVN -DzincPort=$ZINC_PORT --settings $tmp_settings -DskipTests $PUBLISH_PROFILES deploy
-  ./dev/ 2.10
-  $MVN -DzincPort=$ZINC_PORT -Dscala-2.10 --settings $tmp_settings \
-    -DskipTests $PUBLISH_PROFILES clean deploy
+  #./dev/ 2.12
+  #$MVN -DzincPort=$ZINC_PORT -Pscala-2.12 --settings $tmp_settings \
+  #  -DskipTests $PUBLISH_PROFILES clean deploy
   # Clean-up Zinc nailgun process
   /usr/sbin/lsof -P |grep $ZINC_PORT | grep LISTEN | awk '{ print $2; }' | xargs kill
@@ -342,16 +342,13 @@ if [[ "$1" == "publish-release" ]]; then
   $MVN -DzincPort=$ZINC_PORT -Dmaven.repo.local=$tmp_repo -DskipTests $PUBLISH_PROFILES clean install
-  ./dev/ 2.10
-  $MVN -DzincPort=$ZINC_PORT -Dmaven.repo.local=$tmp_repo -Dscala-2.10 \
-    -DskipTests $PUBLISH_PROFILES clean install
+  #./dev/ 2.12
+  #$MVN -DzincPort=$ZINC_PORT -Dmaven.repo.local=$tmp_repo -Pscala-2.12 \
+  #  -DskipTests $PUBLISH_PROFILES clean install
   # Clean-up Zinc nailgun process
   /usr/sbin/lsof -P |grep $ZINC_PORT | grep LISTEN | awk '{ print $2; }' | xargs kill
-  ./dev/
   pushd $tmp_repo/org/apache/spark
   # Remove any extra files generated during install
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 815843c..69d8302 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -91,14 +91,6 @@ like ZooKeeper and Hadoop itself.
     ./build/mvn -Pmesos -DskipTests clean package
-## Building for Scala 2.10
-To produce a Spark package compiled with Scala 2.10, use the `-Dscala-2.10` property:
-    ./dev/ 2.10
-    ./build/mvn -Pyarn -Dscala-2.10 -DskipTests clean package
-Note that support for Scala 2.10 is deprecated as of Spark 2.1.0 and may be removed in Spark 2.3.0.
 ## Building submodules individually
 It's possible to build Spark sub-modules using the `mvn -pl` option.
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 81ed465..07b6b17 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ uses Scala {{site.SCALA_BINARY_VERSION}}. You will need to use a compatible Scal
 Note that support for Java 7, Python 2.6 and old Hadoop versions before 2.6.5 were removed as of Spark 2.2.0.
-Note that support for Scala 2.10 is deprecated as of Spark 2.1.0, and may be removed in Spark 2.3.0.
+Support for Scala 2.10 was removed as of 2.3.0.
 # Running the Examples and Shell
diff --git a/examples/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/examples/graphx/AggregateMessagesExample.scala b/examples/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/examples/graphx/AggregateMessagesExample.scala
index 8f8262d..8441b5a 100644
--- a/examples/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/examples/graphx/AggregateMessagesExample.scala
+++ b/examples/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/examples/graphx/AggregateMessagesExample.scala
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ object AggregateMessagesExample {
       triplet => { // Map Function
         if (triplet.srcAttr > triplet.dstAttr) {
           // Send message to destination vertex containing counter and age
-          triplet.sendToDst(1, triplet.srcAttr)
+          triplet.sendToDst((1, triplet.srcAttr))
       // Add counter and age
diff --git a/examples/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/examples/mllib/AbstractParams.scala b/examples/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/examples/mllib/AbstractParams.scala
index ae60577..8985c85 100644
--- a/examples/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/examples/mllib/AbstractParams.scala
+++ b/examples/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/examples/mllib/AbstractParams.scala
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ abstract class AbstractParams[T: TypeTag] {
   override def toString: String = {
     val tpe = tag.tpe
-    val allAccessors = tpe.declarations.collect {
+    val allAccessors = tpe.decls.collect {
       case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor => m
     val mirror = runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
diff --git a/examples/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/examples/sql/SparkSQLExample.scala b/examples/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/examples/sql/SparkSQLExample.scala
index b9a612d..958361a 100644
--- a/examples/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/examples/sql/SparkSQLExample.scala
+++ b/examples/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/examples/sql/SparkSQLExample.scala
@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
 object SparkSQLExample {
   // $example on:create_ds$
-  // Note: Case classes in Scala 2.10 can support only up to 22 fields. To work around this limit,
-  // you can use custom classes that implement the Product interface
   case class Person(name: String, age: Long)
   // $example off:create_ds$
diff --git a/external/kafka-0-8/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/kafka/KafkaRDD.scala b/external/kafka-0-8/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/kafka/KafkaRDD.scala
index 2b92577..5ea52b6 100644
--- a/external/kafka-0-8/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/kafka/KafkaRDD.scala
+++ b/external/kafka-0-8/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/kafka/KafkaRDD.scala
@@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ object KafkaRDD {
       messageHandler: MessageAndMetadata[K, V] => R
     ): KafkaRDD[K, V, U, T, R] = {
     val leaders = { case (tp, lo) =>
-        tp -> (, lo.port)
-    }.toMap
+        tp -> ((, lo.port))
+    }
     val offsetRanges = { case (tp, fo) =>
         val uo = untilOffsets(tp)
diff --git a/graphx/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/graphx/EdgeContext.scala b/graphx/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/graphx/EdgeContext.scala
index 2343017..3b96a42 100644
--- a/graphx/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/graphx/EdgeContext.scala
+++ b/graphx/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/graphx/EdgeContext.scala
@@ -63,5 +63,5 @@ object EdgeContext {
    * }}}
   def unapply[VD, ED, A](edge: EdgeContext[VD, ED, A]): Some[(VertexId, VertexId, VD, VD, ED)] =
-    Some(edge.srcId, edge.dstId, edge.srcAttr, edge.dstAttr, edge.attr)
+    Some((edge.srcId, edge.dstId, edge.srcAttr, edge.dstAttr, edge.attr))
diff --git a/launcher/src/main/java/org/apache/spark/launcher/ b/launcher/src/main/java/org/apache/spark/launcher/
index 6c0c3eb..481ff20 100644
--- a/launcher/src/main/java/org/apache/spark/launcher/
+++ b/launcher/src/main/java/org/apache/spark/launcher/
@@ -229,17 +229,17 @@ abstract class AbstractCommandBuilder {
       return scala;
     String sparkHome = getSparkHome();
-    File scala210 = new File(sparkHome, "launcher/target/scala-2.10");
+    //File scala212 = new File(sparkHome, "launcher/target/scala-2.12");
     File scala211 = new File(sparkHome, "launcher/target/scala-2.11");
-    checkState(!scala210.isDirectory() || !scala211.isDirectory(),
-      "Presence of build for both scala versions (2.10 and 2.11) detected.\n" +
-      "Either clean one of them or set SPARK_SCALA_VERSION in your environment.");
-    if (scala210.isDirectory()) {
-      return "2.10";
-    } else {
-      checkState(scala211.isDirectory(), "Cannot find any build directories.");
-      return "2.11";
-    }
+    //checkState(!scala210.isDirectory() || !scala211.isDirectory(),
+    //  "Presence of build for multiple Scala versions detected.\n" +
+    //  "Either clean one of them or set SPARK_SCALA_VERSION in your environment.");
+    //if (scala212.isDirectory()) {
+    //  return "2.12";
+    //} else {
+    checkState(scala211.isDirectory(), "Cannot find any build directories.");
+    return "2.11";
+    //}
   String getSparkHome() {
diff --git a/mllib-local/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/linalg/Matrices.scala b/mllib-local/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/linalg/Matrices.scala
index 07f3bc2..66c5362 100644
--- a/mllib-local/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/linalg/Matrices.scala
+++ b/mllib-local/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/linalg/Matrices.scala
@@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ object SparseMatrix {
     var prevRow = -1
     var prevVal = 0.0
     // Append a dummy entry to include the last one at the end of the loop.
-    (sortedEntries.view :+ (numRows, numCols, 1.0)).foreach { case (i, j, v) =>
+    (sortedEntries.view :+ ((numRows, numCols, 1.0))).foreach { case (i, j, v) =>
       if (v != 0) {
         if (i == prevRow && j == prevCol) {
           prevVal += v
diff --git a/mllib-local/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/linalg/MatricesSuite.scala b/mllib-local/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/linalg/MatricesSuite.scala
index 9f82020..7fb9034 100644
--- a/mllib-local/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/linalg/MatricesSuite.scala
+++ b/mllib-local/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/linalg/MatricesSuite.scala
@@ -633,22 +633,22 @@ class MatricesSuite extends SparkMLFunSuite {
       dnMap.put((i, j), value)
     assert(dnMap.size === 6)
-    assert(dnMap(0, 0) === 1.0)
-    assert(dnMap(1, 0) === 2.0)
-    assert(dnMap(2, 0) === 0.0)
-    assert(dnMap(0, 1) === 0.0)
-    assert(dnMap(1, 1) === 4.0)
-    assert(dnMap(2, 1) === 5.0)
+    assert(dnMap((0, 0)) === 1.0)
+    assert(dnMap((1, 0)) === 2.0)
+    assert(dnMap((2, 0)) === 0.0)
+    assert(dnMap((0, 1)) === 0.0)
+    assert(dnMap((1, 1)) === 4.0)
+    assert(dnMap((2, 1)) === 5.0)
     val spMap = MutableMap[(Int, Int), Double]()
     sp.foreachActive { (i, j, value) =>
       spMap.put((i, j), value)
     assert(spMap.size === 4)
-    assert(spMap(0, 0) === 1.0)
-    assert(spMap(1, 0) === 2.0)
-    assert(spMap(1, 1) === 4.0)
-    assert(spMap(2, 1) === 5.0)
+    assert(spMap((0, 0)) === 1.0)
+    assert(spMap((1, 0)) === 2.0)
+    assert(spMap((1, 1)) === 4.0)
+    assert(spMap((2, 1)) === 5.0)
   test("horzcat, vertcat, eye, speye") {
diff --git a/mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/tree/treeModels.scala b/mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/tree/treeModels.scala
index 0d6e903..4aa4c36 100644
--- a/mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/tree/treeModels.scala
+++ b/mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/tree/treeModels.scala
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ private[ml] object EnsembleModelReadWrite {
     val treesMetadataRDD: RDD[(Int, (Metadata, Double))] =
       .select("treeID", "metadata", "weights").as[(Int, String, Double)] {
       case (treeID: Int, json: String, weights: Double) =>
-        treeID -> (DefaultParamsReader.parseMetadata(json, treeClassName), weights)
+        treeID -> ((DefaultParamsReader.parseMetadata(json, treeClassName), weights))
     val treesMetadataWeights = treesMetadataRDD.sortByKey().values.collect()
diff --git a/mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/linalg/Matrices.scala b/mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/linalg/Matrices.scala
index 2b2b5fe..bf9b4cf 100644
--- a/mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/linalg/Matrices.scala
+++ b/mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/linalg/Matrices.scala
@@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ object SparseMatrix {
     var prevRow = -1
     var prevVal = 0.0
     // Append a dummy entry to include the last one at the end of the loop.
-    (sortedEntries.view :+ (numRows, numCols, 1.0)).foreach { case (i, j, v) =>
+    (sortedEntries.view :+ ((numRows, numCols, 1.0))).foreach { case (i, j, v) =>
       if (v != 0) {
         if (i == prevRow && j == prevCol) {
           prevVal += v
diff --git a/mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/linalg/distributed/BlockMatrix.scala b/mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/linalg/distributed/BlockMatrix.scala
index 20d68a3..7caacd1 100644
--- a/mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/linalg/distributed/BlockMatrix.scala
+++ b/mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/linalg/distributed/BlockMatrix.scala
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ class BlockMatrix @Since("1.3.0") (
     val rows = blocks.flatMap { case ((blockRowIdx, blockColIdx), mat) => {
         case (vector, rowIdx) =>
-          blockRowIdx * rowsPerBlock + rowIdx -> (blockColIdx, vector.asBreeze)
+          blockRowIdx * rowsPerBlock + rowIdx -> ((blockColIdx, vector.asBreeze))
     }.groupByKey().map { case (rowIdx, vectors) =>
       val numberNonZeroPerRow = / cols.toDouble
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ class BlockMatrix @Since("1.3.0") (
-      vectors.foreach { case (blockColIdx: Int, vec: BV[Double]) =>
+      vectors.foreach { case (blockColIdx: Int, vec: BV[_]) =>
         val offset = colsPerBlock * blockColIdx
         wholeVector(offset until Math.min(cols, offset + colsPerBlock)) := vec
diff --git a/mllib/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/recommendation/ALSSuite.scala b/mllib/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/recommendation/ALSSuite.scala
index 0a0fea2..45d3f9b 100644
--- a/mllib/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/recommendation/ALSSuite.scala
+++ b/mllib/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/recommendation/ALSSuite.scala
@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ class ALSStorageSuite
     // check final factor RDD default storage levels
     val defaultFactorRDDs = sc.getPersistentRDDs.collect {
       case (id, rdd) if == "userFactors" || == "itemFactors" =>
- -> (id, rdd.getStorageLevel)
+ -> ((id, rdd.getStorageLevel))
     defaultFactorRDDs.foreach { case (_, (id, level)) =>
       assert(level == StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK)
diff --git a/mllib/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/clustering/LDASuite.scala b/mllib/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/clustering/LDASuite.scala
index 086bb21..8906e52 100644
--- a/mllib/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/clustering/LDASuite.scala
+++ b/mllib/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/clustering/LDASuite.scala
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class LDASuite extends SparkFunSuite with MLlibTestSparkContext {
     // Check: topTopicAssignments
     // Make sure it assigns a topic to each term appearing in each doc.
     val topTopicAssignments: Map[Long, (Array[Int], Array[Int])] =
-      model.topicAssignments.collect().map(x => x._1 -> (x._2, x._3)).toMap
+      model.topicAssignments.collect().map(x => x._1 -> ((x._2, x._3))).toMap
     assert(topTopicAssignments.keys.max < tinyCorpus.length)
     tinyCorpus.foreach { case (docID: Long, doc: Vector) =>
       if (topTopicAssignments.contains(docID)) {
diff --git a/mllib/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/linalg/MatricesSuite.scala b/mllib/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/linalg/MatricesSuite.scala
index 93c00d8..6736e7d 100644
--- a/mllib/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/linalg/MatricesSuite.scala
+++ b/mllib/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/linalg/MatricesSuite.scala
@@ -241,22 +241,22 @@ class MatricesSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
       dnMap.put((i, j), value)
     assert(dnMap.size === 6)
-    assert(dnMap(0, 0) === 1.0)
-    assert(dnMap(1, 0) === 2.0)
-    assert(dnMap(2, 0) === 0.0)
-    assert(dnMap(0, 1) === 0.0)
-    assert(dnMap(1, 1) === 4.0)
-    assert(dnMap(2, 1) === 5.0)
+    assert(dnMap((0, 0)) === 1.0)
+    assert(dnMap((1, 0)) === 2.0)
+    assert(dnMap((2, 0)) === 0.0)
+    assert(dnMap((0, 1)) === 0.0)
+    assert(dnMap((1, 1)) === 4.0)
+    assert(dnMap((2, 1)) === 5.0)
     val spMap = MutableMap[(Int, Int), Double]()
     sp.foreachActive { (i, j, value) =>
       spMap.put((i, j), value)
     assert(spMap.size === 4)
-    assert(spMap(0, 0) === 1.0)
-    assert(spMap(1, 0) === 2.0)
-    assert(spMap(1, 1) === 4.0)
-    assert(spMap(2, 1) === 5.0)
+    assert(spMap((0, 0)) === 1.0)
+    assert(spMap((1, 0)) === 2.0)
+    assert(spMap((1, 1)) === 4.0)
+    assert(spMap((2, 1)) === 5.0)
   test("horzcat, vertcat, eye, speye") {
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index f124ba4..bea2798 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@
-        <!-- <scope>runtime</scope> --> <!-- more correct, but scalac 2.10.3 doesn't like it -->
+        <scope>runtime</scope>
@@ -1859,9 +1859,9 @@
-        <groupId>${jline.groupid}</groupId>
+        <groupId>jline</groupId>
-        <version>${jline.version}</version>
+        <version>2.12.1</version>
@@ -1933,6 +1933,7 @@
+                      <exclude>*:*_2.10</exclude>
@@ -1987,6 +1988,8 @@
+              <arg>-explaintypes</arg>
+              <arg>-Yno-adapted-args</arg>
@@ -2586,44 +2589,6 @@
-      <id>scala-2.10</id>
-      <activation>
-        <property><name>scala-2.10</name></property>
-      </activation>
-      <properties>
-        <scala.version>2.10.6</scala.version>
-        <scala.binary.version>2.10</scala.binary.version>
-        <jline.version>${scala.version}</jline.version>
-        <jline.groupid>org.scala-lang</jline.groupid>
-      </properties>
-      <build>
-        <plugins>
-          <plugin>
-            <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-            <artifactId>maven-enforcer-plugin</artifactId>
-            <executions>
-              <execution>
-                <id>enforce-versions</id>
-                <goals>
-                  <goal>enforce</goal>
-                </goals>
-                <configuration>
-                  <rules>
-                    <bannedDependencies>
-                      <excludes combine.children="append">
-                        <exclude>*:*_2.11</exclude>
-                      </excludes>
-                    </bannedDependencies>
-                  </rules>
-                </configuration>
-              </execution>
-            </executions>
-          </plugin>
-        </plugins>
-      </build>
-    </profile>
-    <profile>
@@ -2633,16 +2598,18 @@
+    <!-- Exists for backwards compatibility; profile doesn't do anything -->
-      <activation>
-        <property><name>!scala-2.10</name></property>
-      </activation>
+    </profile>
+    <!-- Draft of Scala 2.12 profile for later -->
+    <!--
+    <profile>
+      <id>scala-2.12</id>
-        <scala.version>2.11.8</scala.version>
-        <scala.binary.version>2.11</scala.binary.version>
-        <jline.version>2.12.1</jline.version>
-        <jline.groupid>jline</jline.groupid>
+        <scala.version>2.12.1</scala.version>
+        <scala.binary.version>2.12</scala.binary.version>
@@ -2659,7 +2626,7 @@
                       <excludes combine.children="append">
-                        <exclude>*:*_2.10</exclude>
+                        <exclude>*:*_2.11</exclude>
@@ -2670,10 +2637,11 @@
+    -->
      This is a profile to enable the use of the ASF snapshot and staging repositories
-     during a build. It is useful when testing againt nightly or RC releases of dependencies.
+     during a build. It is useful when testing against nightly or RC releases of dependencies.
      It MUST NOT be used when building copies of Spark to use in production of for distribution,
diff --git a/project/SparkBuild.scala b/project/SparkBuild.scala
index 89b0c7a..41f3a04 100644
--- a/project/SparkBuild.scala
+++ b/project/SparkBuild.scala
@@ -87,19 +87,11 @@ object SparkBuild extends PomBuild {
   val projectsMap: Map[String, Seq[Setting[_]]] = Map.empty
   override val profiles = {
-    val profiles = Properties.envOrNone("SBT_MAVEN_PROFILES") match {
+    Properties.envOrNone("SBT_MAVEN_PROFILES") match {
       case None => Seq("sbt")
       case Some(v) =>
         v.split("(\\s+|,)").filterNot(_.isEmpty).map(_.trim.replaceAll("-P", "")).toSeq
-    if (System.getProperty("scala-2.10") == "") {
-      // To activate scala-2.10 profile, replace empty property value to non-empty value
-      // in the same way as Maven which handles -Dname as -Dname=true before executes build process.
-      // see:
-      System.setProperty("scala-2.10", "true")
-    }
-    profiles
   Properties.envOrNone("SBT_MAVEN_PROPERTIES") match {
@@ -234,9 +226,7 @@ object SparkBuild extends PomBuild {
     javacJVMVersion := "1.8",
-    // SBT Scala 2.10 build still doesn't support Java 8, because scalac 2.10 doesn't, but,
-    // it also doesn't touch Java 8 code and it's OK to emit Java 7 bytecode in this case
-    scalacJVMVersion := (if (System.getProperty("scala-2.10") == "true") "1.7" else "1.8"),
+    scalacJVMVersion := "1.8",
     javacOptions in Compile ++= Seq(
       "-encoding", "UTF-8",
@@ -477,7 +467,6 @@ object OldDeps {
   def oldDepsSettings() = Defaults.coreDefaultSettings ++ Seq(
     name := "old-deps",
-    scalaVersion := "2.10.5",
     libraryDependencies := allPreviousArtifactKeys.value.flatten
@@ -756,13 +745,7 @@ object CopyDependencies {
 object TestSettings {
   import BuildCommons._
-  private val scalaBinaryVersion =
-    if (System.getProperty("scala-2.10") == "true") {
-      "2.10"
-    } else {
-      "2.11"
-    }
+  private val scalaBinaryVersion = "2.11"
   lazy val settings = Seq (
     // Fork new JVMs for tests and set Java options for those
     fork := true,
diff --git a/python/ b/python/
index b2e5043..afd3d29 100755
--- a/python/
+++ b/python/
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ FAILURE_REPORTING_LOCK = Lock()
 LOGGER = logging.getLogger()
 # Find out where the assembly jars are located.
-for scala in ["2.11", "2.10"]:
+# Later, add back 2.12 to this list:
+for scala in ["2.11"]:
     build_dir = os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "assembly", "target", "scala-" + scala)
     if os.path.isdir(build_dir):
         SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH = os.path.join(build_dir, "jars", "*")
diff --git a/repl/pom.xml b/repl/pom.xml
index 6d133a3..51eb9b6 100644
--- a/repl/pom.xml
+++ b/repl/pom.xml
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
-    <extra.source.dir>scala-2.10/src/main/scala</extra.source.dir>
-    <extra.testsource.dir>scala-2.10/src/test/scala</extra.testsource.dir>
+    <extra.source.dir>scala-2.11/src/main/scala</extra.source.dir>
+    <extra.testsource.dir>scala-2.11/src/test/scala</extra.testsource.dir>
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
-      <groupId>${jline.groupid}</groupId>
+      <groupId>jline</groupId>
@@ -170,23 +170,17 @@
+  <!--
-      <id>scala-2.10</id>
-      <activation>
-        <property><name>scala-2.10</name></property>
-      </activation>
-    </profile>
-    <profile>
-      <id>scala-2.11</id>
-      <activation>
-        <property><name>!scala-2.10</name></property>
-      </activation>
+      <id>scala-2.12</id>
-        <extra.source.dir>scala-2.11/src/main/scala</extra.source.dir>
-        <extra.testsource.dir>scala-2.11/src/test/scala</extra.testsource.dir>
+        <extra.source.dir>scala-2.12/src/main/scala</extra.source.dir>
+        <extra.testsource.dir>scala-2.12/src/test/scala</extra.testsource.dir>
+  -->
diff --git a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/Main.scala b/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/Main.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index fba321b..0000000
--- a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/Main.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.spark.repl
-import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
-object Main extends Logging {
-  initializeLogIfNecessary(true)
-  Signaling.cancelOnInterrupt()
-  private var _interp: SparkILoop = _
-  def interp = _interp
-  def interp_=(i: SparkILoop) { _interp = i }
-  def main(args: Array[String]) {
-    _interp = new SparkILoop
-    _interp.process(args)
-  }
diff --git a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkCommandLine.scala b/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkCommandLine.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index be9b790..0000000
--- a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkCommandLine.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.spark.repl
-import{CompilerCommand, Settings}
-import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
- * Command class enabling Spark-specific command line options (provided by
- * <i>org.apache.spark.repl.SparkRunnerSettings</i>).
- *
- * @example new SparkCommandLine(Nil).settings
- *
- * @param args The list of command line arguments
- * @param settings The underlying settings to associate with this set of
- *                 command-line options
- */
-class SparkCommandLine(args: List[String], override val settings: Settings)
-    extends CompilerCommand(args, settings) {
-  def this(args: List[String], error: String => Unit) {
-    this(args, new SparkRunnerSettings(error))
-  }
-  def this(args: List[String]) {
-    // scalastyle:off println
-    this(args, str => Console.println("Error: " + str))
-    // scalastyle:on println
-  }
diff --git a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkExprTyper.scala b/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkExprTyper.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b5d56a..0000000
--- a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkExprTyper.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-// scalastyle:off
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author  Paul Phillips
- */
-package org.apache.spark.repl
-import scala.reflect.internal.util.BatchSourceFile
-import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
-private[repl] trait SparkExprTyper extends Logging {
-  val repl: SparkIMain
-  import repl._
-  import global.{ reporter => _, Import => _, _ }
-  import definitions._
-  import syntaxAnalyzer.{ UnitParser, UnitScanner, token2name }
-  import naming.freshInternalVarName
-  object codeParser extends { val global: = } with CodeHandlers[Tree] {
-    def applyRule[T](code: String, rule: UnitParser => T): T = {
-      reporter.reset()
-      val scanner = newUnitParser(code)
-      val result  = rule(scanner)
-      if (!reporter.hasErrors)
-        scanner.accept(EOF)
-      result
-    }
-    def defns(code: String) = stmts(code) collect { case x: DefTree => x }
-    def expr(code: String)  = applyRule(code, _.expr())
-    def stmts(code: String) = applyRule(code, _.templateStats())
-    def stmt(code: String)  = stmts(code).last  // guaranteed nonempty
-  }
-  /** Parse a line into a sequence of trees. Returns None if the input is incomplete. */
-  def parse(line: String): Option[List[Tree]] = debugging(s"""parse("$line")""")  {
-    var isIncomplete = false
-    reporter.withIncompleteHandler((_, _) => isIncomplete = true) {
-      val trees = codeParser.stmts(line)
-      if (reporter.hasErrors) {
-        Some(Nil)
-      } else if (isIncomplete) {
-        None
-      } else {
-        Some(trees)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // def parsesAsExpr(line: String) = {
-  //   import codeParser._
-  //   (opt expr line).isDefined
-  // }
-  def symbolOfLine(code: String): Symbol = {
-    def asExpr(): Symbol = {
-      val name  = freshInternalVarName()
-      // Typing it with a lazy val would give us the right type, but runs
-      // into compiler bugs with things like existentials, so we compile it
-      // behind a def and strip the NullaryMethodType which wraps the expr.
-      val line = "def " + name + " = {\n" + code + "\n}"
-      interpretSynthetic(line) match {
-        case IR.Success =>
-          val sym0 = symbolOfTerm(name)
-          // drop NullaryMethodType
-          val sym = sym0.cloneSymbol setInfo afterTyper(
-          if ( eq UnitClass) NoSymbol else sym
-        case _          => NoSymbol
-      }
-    }
-    def asDefn(): Symbol = {
-      val old = repl.definedSymbolList.toSet
-      interpretSynthetic(code) match {
-        case IR.Success =>
-          repl.definedSymbolList filterNot old match {
-            case Nil        => NoSymbol
-            case sym :: Nil => sym
-            case syms       => NoSymbol.newOverloaded(NoPrefix, syms)
-          }
-        case _ => NoSymbol
-      }
-    }
-    beQuietDuring(asExpr()) orElse beQuietDuring(asDefn())
-  }
-  private var typeOfExpressionDepth = 0
-  def typeOfExpression(expr: String, silent: Boolean = true): Type = {
-    if (typeOfExpressionDepth > 2) {
-      logDebug("Terminating typeOfExpression recursion for expression: " + expr)
-      return NoType
-    }
-    typeOfExpressionDepth += 1
-    // Don't presently have a good way to suppress undesirable success output
-    // while letting errors through, so it is first trying it silently: if there
-    // is an error, and errors are desired, then it re-evaluates non-silently
-    // to induce the error message.
-    try beSilentDuring(symbolOfLine(expr).tpe) match {
-      case NoType if !silent => symbolOfLine(expr).tpe // generate error
-      case tpe               => tpe
-    }
-    finally typeOfExpressionDepth -= 1
-  }
diff --git a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkHelper.scala b/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkHelper.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 955be17..0000000
--- a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkHelper.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
-// NOTE: Forced to be public (and in package) to access the
-//       settings "explicitParentLoader" method
- * Provides exposure for the explicitParentLoader method on settings instances.
- */
-object SparkHelper {
-  /**
-   * Retrieves the explicit parent loader for the provided settings.
-   *
-   * @param settings The settings whose explicit parent loader to retrieve
-   *
-   * @return The Optional classloader representing the explicit parent loader
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def explicitParentLoader(settings: Settings) = settings.explicitParentLoader

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[3/5] spark git commit: [SPARK-19810][BUILD][CORE] Remove support for Scala 2.10

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diff --git a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkIMain.scala b/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkIMain.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 74a04d5..0000000
--- a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkIMain.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1808 +0,0 @@
-// scalastyle:off
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author  Martin Odersky
- */
-package org.apache.spark.repl
-import Predef.{ println => _, _ }
-import{MergedClassPath, stringFromWriter, ScalaClassLoader, stackTraceString}
-import scala.reflect.internal.util._
-import scala.sys.BooleanProp
-import io.{AbstractFile, PlainFile, VirtualDirectory}
-import reporters._
-import symtab.Flags
-import scala.reflect.internal.Names
-import ScalaClassLoader.URLClassLoader
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import scala.util.control.Exception.{ ultimately }
-import SparkIMain._
-import java.util.concurrent.Future
-import typechecker.Analyzer
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-import scala.reflect.runtime.{ universe => ru }
-import scala.reflect.{ ClassTag, classTag }
-import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable
-import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
-import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
-import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
-import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
-// /** directory to save .class files to */
-// private class ReplVirtualDirectory(out: JPrintWriter) extends VirtualDirectory("((memory))", None) {
-//   private def pp(root: AbstractFile, indentLevel: Int) {
-//     val spaces = "    " * indentLevel
-//     out.println(spaces +
-//     if (root.isDirectory)
-//       root.toList sortBy ( foreach (x => pp(x, indentLevel + 1))
-//   }
-//   // print the contents hierarchically
-//   def show() = pp(this, 0)
-// }
-  /** An interpreter for Scala code.
-   *
-   *  The main public entry points are compile(), interpret(), and bind().
-   *  The compile() method loads a complete Scala file.  The interpret() method
-   *  executes one line of Scala code at the request of the user.  The bind()
-   *  method binds an object to a variable that can then be used by later
-   *  interpreted code.
-   *
-   *  The overall approach is based on compiling the requested code and then
-   *  using a Java classloader and Java reflection to run the code
-   *  and access its results.
-   *
-   *  In more detail, a single compiler instance is used
-   *  to accumulate all successfully compiled or interpreted Scala code.  To
-   *  "interpret" a line of code, the compiler generates a fresh object that
-   *  includes the line of code and which has public member(s) to export
-   *  all variables defined by that code.  To extract the result of an
-   *  interpreted line to show the user, a second "result object" is created
-   *  which imports the variables exported by the above object and then
-   *  exports members called "$eval" and "$print". To accommodate user expressions
-   *  that read from variables or methods defined in previous statements, "import"
-   *  statements are used.
-   *
-   *  This interpreter shares the strengths and weaknesses of using the
-   *  full compiler-to-Java.  The main strength is that interpreted code
-   *  behaves exactly as does compiled code, including running at full speed.
-   *  The main weakness is that redefining classes and methods is not handled
-   *  properly, because rebinding at the Java level is technically difficult.
-   *
-   *  @author Moez A. Abdel-Gawad
-   *  @author Lex Spoon
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  class SparkIMain(
-      initialSettings: Settings,
-      val out: JPrintWriter,
-      propagateExceptions: Boolean = false)
-    extends SparkImports with Logging { imain =>
-    private val conf = new SparkConf()
-    private val SPARK_DEBUG_REPL: Boolean = (System.getenv("SPARK_DEBUG_REPL") == "1")
-    /** Local directory to save .class files too */
-    private[repl] val outputDir = {
-      val rootDir = conf.getOption("spark.repl.classdir").getOrElse(Utils.getLocalDir(conf))
-      Utils.createTempDir(root = rootDir, namePrefix = "repl")
-    }
-    if (SPARK_DEBUG_REPL) {
-      echo("Output directory: " + outputDir)
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the path to the output directory containing all generated
-     * class files that will be served by the REPL class server.
-     */
-    @DeveloperApi
-    lazy val getClassOutputDirectory = outputDir
-    private val virtualDirectory                              = new PlainFile(outputDir) // "directory" for classfiles
-    /** Jetty server that will serve our classes to worker nodes */
-    private var currentSettings: Settings             = initialSettings
-    private var printResults                                  = true      // whether to print result lines
-    private var totalSilence                                  = false     // whether to print anything
-    private var _initializeComplete                   = false     // compiler is initialized
-    private var _isInitialized: Future[Boolean]       = null      // set up initialization future
-    private var bindExceptions                        = true      // whether to bind the lastException variable
-    private var _executionWrapper                     = ""        // code to be wrapped around all lines
-    /** We're going to go to some trouble to initialize the compiler asynchronously.
-     *  It's critical that nothing call into it until it's been initialized or we will
-     *  run into unrecoverable issues, but the perceived repl startup time goes
-     *  through the roof if we wait for it.  So we initialize it with a future and
-     *  use a lazy val to ensure that any attempt to use the compiler object waits
-     *  on the future.
-     */
-    private var _classLoader: AbstractFileClassLoader = null                              // active classloader
-    private val _compiler: Global                     = newCompiler(settings, reporter)   // our private compiler
-    private trait ExposeAddUrl extends URLClassLoader { def addNewUrl(url: URL) = this.addURL(url) }
-    private var _runtimeClassLoader: URLClassLoader with ExposeAddUrl = null              // wrapper exposing addURL
-    private val nextReqId = {
-      var counter = 0
-      () => { counter += 1 ; counter }
-    }
-    private def compilerClasspath: Seq[URL] = (
-      if (isInitializeComplete) global.classPath.asURLs
-      else new PathResolver(settings).result.asURLs  // the compiler's classpath
-      )
-    // NOTE: Exposed to repl package since accessed indirectly from SparkIMain
-    private[repl] def settings = currentSettings
-    private def mostRecentLine = prevRequestList match {
-      case Nil      => ""
-      case req :: _ => req.originalLine
-    }
-    // Run the code body with the given boolean settings flipped to true.
-    private def withoutWarnings[T](body: => T): T = beQuietDuring {
-      val saved = settings.nowarn.value
-      if (!saved)
-        settings.nowarn.value = true
-      try body
-      finally if (!saved) settings.nowarn.value = false
-    }
-    /** construct an interpreter that reports to Console */
-    def this(settings: Settings) = this(settings, new NewLinePrintWriter(new ConsoleWriter, true))
-    def this() = this(new Settings())
-    private lazy val repllog: Logger = new Logger {
-      val out: JPrintWriter = imain.out
-      val isInfo: Boolean  = BooleanProp keyExists ""
-      val isDebug: Boolean = BooleanProp keyExists "scala.repl.debug"
-      val isTrace: Boolean = BooleanProp keyExists "scala.repl.trace"
-    }
-    private[repl] lazy val formatting: Formatting = new Formatting {
-      val prompt = Properties.shellPromptString
-    }
-    // NOTE: Exposed to repl package since used by SparkExprTyper and SparkILoop
-    private[repl] lazy val reporter: ConsoleReporter = new SparkIMain.ReplReporter(this)
-    /**
-     * Determines if errors were reported (typically during compilation).
-     *
-     * @note This is not for runtime errors
-     *
-     * @return True if had errors, otherwise false
-     */
-    @DeveloperApi
-    def isReportingErrors = reporter.hasErrors
-    import formatting._
-    import reporter.{ printMessage, withoutTruncating }
-    // This exists mostly because using the reporter too early leads to deadlock.
-    private def echo(msg: String) { Console println msg }
-    private def _initSources = List(new BatchSourceFile("<init>", "class $repl_$init { }"))
-    private def _initialize() = {
-      try {
-        // todo. if this crashes, REPL will hang
-        new _compiler.Run() compileSources _initSources
-        _initializeComplete = true
-        true
-      }
-      catch AbstractOrMissingHandler()
-    }
-    private def tquoted(s: String) = "\"\"\"" + s + "\"\"\""
-    // argument is a thunk to execute after init is done
-    // NOTE: Exposed to repl package since used by SparkILoop
-    private[repl] def initialize(postInitSignal: => Unit) {
-      synchronized {
-        if (_isInitialized == null) {
-          _isInitialized = io.spawn {
-            try _initialize()
-            finally postInitSignal
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Initializes the underlying compiler/interpreter in a blocking fashion.
-     *
-     * @note Must be executed before using SparkIMain!
-     */
-    @DeveloperApi
-    def initializeSynchronous(): Unit = {
-      if (!isInitializeComplete) {
-        _initialize()
-        assert(global != null, global)
-      }
-    }
-    private def isInitializeComplete = _initializeComplete
-    /** the public, go through the future compiler */
-    /**
-     * The underlying compiler used to generate ASTs and execute code.
-     */
-    @DeveloperApi
-    lazy val global: Global = {
-      if (isInitializeComplete) _compiler
-      else {
-        // If init hasn't been called yet you're on your own.
-        if (_isInitialized == null) {
-          logWarning("Warning: compiler accessed before init set up.  Assuming no postInit code.")
-          initialize(())
-        }
-        //       // blocks until it is ; false means catastrophic failure
-        if (_isInitialized.get()) _compiler
-        else null
-      }
-    }
-    @deprecated("Use `global` for access to the compiler instance.", "2.9.0")
-    private lazy val compiler: global.type = global
-    import global._
-    import definitions.{ScalaPackage, JavaLangPackage, termMember, typeMember}
-    import rootMirror.{RootClass, getClassIfDefined, getModuleIfDefined, getRequiredModule, getRequiredClass}
-    private implicit class ReplTypeOps(tp: Type) {
-      def orElse(other: => Type): Type    = if (tp ne NoType) tp else other
-      def andAlso(fn: Type => Type): Type = if (tp eq NoType) tp else fn(tp)
-    }
-    // TODO: If we try to make naming a lazy val, we run into big time
-    // scalac unhappiness with what look like cycles.  It has not been easy to
-    // reduce, but name resolution clearly takes different paths.
-    // NOTE: Exposed to repl package since used by SparkExprTyper
-    private[repl] object naming extends {
-      val global: =
-    } with Naming {
-      // make sure we don't overwrite their unwisely named res3 etc.
-      def freshUserTermName(): TermName = {
-        val name = newTermName(freshUserVarName())
-        if (definedNameMap contains name) freshUserTermName()
-        else name
-      }
-      def isUserTermName(name: Name) = isUserVarName("" + name)
-      def isInternalTermName(name: Name) = isInternalVarName("" + name)
-    }
-    import naming._
-    // NOTE: Exposed to repl package since used by SparkILoop
-    private[repl] object deconstruct extends {
-      val global: =
-    } with StructuredTypeStrings
-    // NOTE: Exposed to repl package since used by SparkImports
-    private[repl] lazy val memberHandlers = new {
-      val intp: imain.type = imain
-    } with SparkMemberHandlers
-    import memberHandlers._
-    /**
-     * Suppresses overwriting print results during the operation.
-     *
-     * @param body The block to execute
-     * @tparam T The return type of the block
-     *
-     * @return The result from executing the block
-     */
-    @DeveloperApi
-    def beQuietDuring[T](body: => T): T = {
-      val saved = printResults
-      printResults = false
-      try body
-      finally printResults = saved
-    }
-    /**
-     * Completely masks all output during the operation (minus JVM standard
-     * out and error).
-     *
-     * @param operation The block to execute
-     * @tparam T The return type of the block
-     *
-     * @return The result from executing the block
-     */
-    @DeveloperApi
-    def beSilentDuring[T](operation: => T): T = {
-      val saved = totalSilence
-      totalSilence = true
-      try operation
-      finally totalSilence = saved
-    }
-    // NOTE: Exposed to repl package since used by SparkILoop
-    private[repl] def quietRun[T](code: String) = beQuietDuring(interpret(code))
-    private def logAndDiscard[T](label: String, alt: => T): PartialFunction[Throwable, T] = {
-      case t: ControlThrowable => throw t
-      case t: Throwable        =>
-        logDebug(label + ": " + unwrap(t))
-        logDebug(stackTraceString(unwrap(t)))
-      alt
-    }
-    /** takes AnyRef because it may be binding a Throwable or an Exceptional */
-    private def withLastExceptionLock[T](body: => T, alt: => T): T = {
-      assert(bindExceptions, "withLastExceptionLock called incorrectly.")
-      bindExceptions = false
-      try     beQuietDuring(body)
-      catch   logAndDiscard("withLastExceptionLock", alt)
-      finally bindExceptions = true
-    }
-    /**
-     * Contains the code (in string form) representing a wrapper around all
-     * code executed by this instance.
-     *
-     * @return The wrapper code as a string
-     */
-    @DeveloperApi
-    def executionWrapper = _executionWrapper
-    /**
-     * Sets the code to use as a wrapper around all code executed by this
-     * instance.
-     *
-     * @param code The wrapper code as a string
-     */
-    @DeveloperApi
-    def setExecutionWrapper(code: String) = _executionWrapper = code
-    /**
-     * Clears the code used as a wrapper around all code executed by
-     * this instance.
-     */
-    @DeveloperApi
-    def clearExecutionWrapper() = _executionWrapper = ""
-    /** interpreter settings */
-    private lazy val isettings = new SparkISettings(this)
-    /**
-     * Instantiates a new compiler used by SparkIMain. Overridable to provide
-     * own instance of a compiler.
-     *
-     * @param settings The settings to provide the compiler
-     * @param reporter The reporter to use for compiler output
-     *
-     * @return The compiler as a Global
-     */
-    @DeveloperApi
-    protected def newCompiler(settings: Settings, reporter: Reporter): ReplGlobal = {
-      settings.outputDirs setSingleOutput virtualDirectory
-      settings.exposeEmptyPackage.value = true
-      new Global(settings, reporter) with ReplGlobal {
-        override def toString: String = "<global>"
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Adds any specified jars to the compile and runtime classpaths.
-     *
-     * @note Currently only supports jars, not directories
-     * @param urls The list of items to add to the compile and runtime classpaths
-     */
-    @DeveloperApi
-    def addUrlsToClassPath(urls: URL*): Unit = {
-      new Run // Needed to force initialization of "something" to correctly load Scala classes from jars
-      urls.foreach(_runtimeClassLoader.addNewUrl) // Add jars/classes to runtime for execution
-      updateCompilerClassPath(urls: _*)           // Add jars/classes to compile time for compiling
-    }
-    private def updateCompilerClassPath(urls: URL*): Unit = {
-      require(!global.forMSIL) // Only support JavaPlatform
-      val platform = global.platform.asInstanceOf[JavaPlatform]
-      val newClassPath = mergeUrlsIntoClassPath(platform, urls: _*)
-      // NOTE: Must use reflection until this is exposed/fixed upstream in Scala
-      val fieldSetter = platform.getClass.getMethods
-        .find(_.getName.endsWith("currentClassPath_$eq")).get
-      fieldSetter.invoke(platform, Some(newClassPath))
-      // Reload all jars specified into our compiler
-      global.invalidateClassPathEntries( _*)
-    }
-    private def mergeUrlsIntoClassPath(platform: JavaPlatform, urls: URL*): MergedClassPath[AbstractFile] = {
-      // Collect our new jars/directories and add them to the existing set of classpaths
-      val allClassPaths = (
-        platform.classPath.asInstanceOf[MergedClassPath[AbstractFile]].entries ++
- => {
-          platform.classPath.context.newClassPath(
-            if (url.getProtocol == "file") {
-              val f = new File(url.getPath)
-              if (f.isDirectory)
-                io.AbstractFile.getDirectory(f)
-              else
-                io.AbstractFile.getFile(f)
-            } else {
-              io.AbstractFile.getURL(url)
-            }
-          )
-        })
-      ).distinct
-      // Combine all of our classpaths (old and new) into one merged classpath
-      new MergedClassPath(allClassPaths, platform.classPath.context)
-    }
-    /**
-     * Represents the parent classloader used by this instance. Can be
-     * overridden to provide alternative classloader.
-     *
-     * @return The classloader used as the parent loader of this instance
-     */
-    @DeveloperApi
-    protected def parentClassLoader: ClassLoader =
-      SparkHelper.explicitParentLoader(settings).getOrElse( this.getClass.getClassLoader() )
-    /* A single class loader is used for all commands interpreted by this Interpreter.
-     It would also be possible to create a new class loader for each command
-     to interpret.  The advantages of the current approach are:
-    - Expressions are only evaluated one time.  This is especially
-    significant for I/O, e.g. "val x = Console.readLine"
-    The main disadvantage is:
-    - Objects, classes, and methods cannot be rebound.  Instead, definitions
-    shadow the old ones, and old code objects refer to the old
-    definitions.
-    */
-    private def resetClassLoader() = {
-      logDebug("Setting new classloader: was " + _classLoader)
-      _classLoader = null
-      ensureClassLoader()
-    }
-    private final def ensureClassLoader() {
-      if (_classLoader == null)
-        _classLoader = makeClassLoader()
-    }
-    // NOTE: Exposed to repl package since used by SparkILoop
-    private[repl] def classLoader: AbstractFileClassLoader = {
-      ensureClassLoader()
-      _classLoader
-    }
-    private class TranslatingClassLoader(parent: ClassLoader) extends AbstractFileClassLoader(virtualDirectory, parent) {
-      /** Overridden here to try translating a simple name to the generated
-       *  class name if the original attempt fails.  This method is used by
-       *  getResourceAsStream as well as findClass.
-       */
-      override protected def findAbstractFile(name: String): AbstractFile = {
-        super.findAbstractFile(name) match {
-          // deadlocks on startup if we try to translate names too early
-          case null if isInitializeComplete =>
-            generatedName(name) map (x => super.findAbstractFile(x)) orNull
-          case file                         =>
-            file
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    private def makeClassLoader(): AbstractFileClassLoader =
-      new TranslatingClassLoader(parentClassLoader match {
-        case null   => ScalaClassLoader fromURLs compilerClasspath
-        case p      =>
-          _runtimeClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(compilerClasspath, p) with ExposeAddUrl
-          _runtimeClassLoader
-      })
-    private def getInterpreterClassLoader() = classLoader
-    // Set the current Java "context" class loader to this interpreter's class loader
-    // NOTE: Exposed to repl package since used by SparkILoopInit
-    private[repl] def setContextClassLoader() = classLoader.setAsContext()
-    /**
-     * Returns the real name of a class based on its repl-defined name.
-     *
-     * ==Example==
-     * Given a simple repl-defined name, returns the real name of
-     * the class representing it, e.g. for "Bippy" it may return
-     * {{{
-     *     $line19.$read$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$Bippy
-     * }}}
-     *
-     * @param simpleName The repl-defined name whose real name to retrieve
-     *
-     * @return Some real name if the simple name exists, else None
-     */
-    @DeveloperApi
-    def generatedName(simpleName: String): Option[String] = {
-      if (simpleName endsWith nme.MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING) optFlatName(simpleName.init) map (_ + nme.MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING)
-      else optFlatName(simpleName)
-    }
-    // NOTE: Exposed to repl package since used by SparkILoop
-    private[repl] def flatName(id: String)    = optFlatName(id) getOrElse id
-    // NOTE: Exposed to repl package since used by SparkILoop
-    private[repl] def optFlatName(id: String) = requestForIdent(id) map (_ fullFlatName id)
-    /**
-     * Retrieves all simple names contained in the current instance.
-     *
-     * @return A list of sorted names
-     */
-    @DeveloperApi
-    def allDefinedNames = definedNameMap.keys.toList.sorted
-    private def pathToType(id: String): String = pathToName(newTypeName(id))
-    // NOTE: Exposed to repl package since used by SparkILoop
-    private[repl] def pathToTerm(id: String): String = pathToName(newTermName(id))
-    /**
-     * Retrieves the full code path to access the specified simple name
-     * content.
-     *
-     * @param name The simple name of the target whose path to determine
-     *
-     * @return The full path used to access the specified target (name)
-     */
-    @DeveloperApi
-    def pathToName(name: Name): String = {
-      if (definedNameMap contains name)
-        definedNameMap(name) fullPath name
-      else name.toString
-    }
-    /** Most recent tree handled which wasn't wholly synthetic. */
-    private def mostRecentlyHandledTree: Option[Tree] = {
-      prevRequests.reverse foreach { req =>
-        req.handlers.reverse foreach {
-          case x: MemberDefHandler if x.definesValue && !isInternalTermName( => return Some(x.member)
-          case _ => ()
-        }
-      }
-      None
-    }
-    /** Stubs for work in progress. */
-    private def handleTypeRedefinition(name: TypeName, old: Request, req: Request) = {
-      for (t1 <- old.simpleNameOfType(name) ; t2 <- req.simpleNameOfType(name)) {
-        logDebug("Redefining type '%s'\n  %s -> %s".format(name, t1, t2))
-      }
-    }
-    private def handleTermRedefinition(name: TermName, old: Request, req: Request) = {
-      for (t1 <- old.compilerTypeOf get name ; t2 <- req.compilerTypeOf get name) {
-    //    Printing the types here has a tendency to cause assertion errors, like
-        //   assertion failed: fatal: <refinement> has owner value x, but a class owner is required
-        // so DBG is by-name now to keep it in the family.  (It also traps the assertion error,
-        // but we don't want to unnecessarily risk hosing the compiler's internal state.)
-        logDebug("Redefining term '%s'\n  %s -> %s".format(name, t1, t2))
-      }
-    }
-    private def recordRequest(req: Request) {
-      if (req == null || referencedNameMap == null)
-        return
-      prevRequests += req
-      req.referencedNames foreach (x => referencedNameMap(x) = req)
-      // warning about serially defining companions.  It'd be easy
-      // enough to just redefine them together but that may not always
-      // be what people want so I'm waiting until I can do it better.
-      for {
-        name   <- req.definedNames filterNot (x => req.definedNames contains x.companionName)
-        oldReq <- definedNameMap get name.companionName
-        newSym <- req.definedSymbols get name
-        oldSym <- oldReq.definedSymbols get name.companionName
-        if Seq(oldSym, newSym).permutations exists { case Seq(s1, s2) => s1.isClass && s2.isModule }
-      } {
-        afterTyper(replwarn(s"warning: previously defined $oldSym is not a companion to $newSym."))
-        replwarn("Companions must be defined together; you may wish to use :paste mode for this.")
-      }
-      // Updating the defined name map
-      req.definedNames foreach { name =>
-        if (definedNameMap contains name) {
-          if (name.isTypeName) handleTypeRedefinition(name.toTypeName, definedNameMap(name), req)
-          else handleTermRedefinition(name.toTermName, definedNameMap(name), req)
-        }
-         definedNameMap(name) = req
-      }
-    }
-    private def replwarn(msg: => String) {
-      if (!settings.nowarnings.value)
-        printMessage(msg)
-    }
-    private def isParseable(line: String): Boolean = {
-      beSilentDuring {
-        try parse(line) match {
-          case Some(xs) => xs.nonEmpty  // parses as-is
-          case None     => true         // incomplete
-        }
-        catch { case x: Exception =>    // crashed the compiler
-          replwarn("Exception in isParseable(\"" + line + "\"): " + x)
-           false
-         }
-      }
-    }
-    private def compileSourcesKeepingRun(sources: SourceFile*) = {
-      val run = new Run()
-      reporter.reset()
-      run compileSources sources.toList
-      (!reporter.hasErrors, run)
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles specified source files.
-     *
-     * @param sources The sequence of source files to compile
-     *
-     * @return True if successful, otherwise false
-     */
-    @DeveloperApi
-    def compileSources(sources: SourceFile*): Boolean =
-      compileSourcesKeepingRun(sources: _*)._1
-    /**
-     * Compiles a string of code.
-     *
-     * @param code The string of code to compile
-     *
-     * @return True if successful, otherwise false
-     */
-    @DeveloperApi
-    def compileString(code: String): Boolean =
-      compileSources(new BatchSourceFile("<script>", code))
-    /** Build a request from the user. `trees` is `line` after being parsed.
-     */
-    private def buildRequest(line: String, trees: List[Tree]): Request = {
-      executingRequest = new Request(line, trees)
-      executingRequest
-    }
-  // rewriting "5 // foo" to "val x = { 5 // foo }" creates broken code because
-  // the close brace is commented out.  Strip single-line comments.
-  // ... but for error message output reasons this is not used, and rather than
-  // enclosing in braces it is constructed like "val x =\n5 // foo".
-  private def removeComments(line: String): String = {
-    showCodeIfDebugging(line) // as we're about to lose our // show
-    line.lines map (s => s indexOf "//" match {
-      case -1   => s
-      case idx  => s take idx
-    }) mkString "\n"
-  }
-  private def safePos(t: Tree, alt: Int): Int =
-    try t.pos.startOrPoint
-    catch { case _: UnsupportedOperationException => alt }
-  // Given an expression like 10 * 10 * 10 we receive the parent tree positioned
-  // at a '*'.  So look at each subtree and find the earliest of all positions.
-  private def earliestPosition(tree: Tree): Int = {
-    var pos = Int.MaxValue
-    tree foreach { t =>
-      pos = math.min(pos, safePos(t, Int.MaxValue))
-    }
-    pos
-  }
-  private def requestFromLine(line: String, synthetic: Boolean): Either[IR.Result, Request] = {
-    val content = indentCode(line)
-    val trees = parse(content) match {
-      case None         => return Left(IR.Incomplete)
-      case Some(Nil)    => return Left(IR.Error) // parse error or empty input
-      case Some(trees)  => trees
-    }
-    logDebug(
-      trees map (t => {
-        // [Eugene to Paul] previously it just said `t map ...`
-        // because there was an implicit conversion from Tree to a list of Trees
-        // however Martin and I have removed the conversion
-        // (it was conflicting with the new reflection API),
-        // so I had to rewrite this a bit
-        val subs = t collect { case sub => sub }
-        subs map (t0 =>
-          "  " + safePos(t0, -1) + ": " + t0.shortClass + "\n"
-                ) mkString ""
-      }) mkString "\n"
-    )
-    // If the last tree is a bare expression, pinpoint where it begins using the
-    // AST node position and snap the line off there.  Rewrite the code embodied
-    // by the last tree as a ValDef instead, so we can access the value.
-    trees.last match {
-      case _:Assign                        => // we don't want to include assignments
-        case _:TermTree | _:Ident | _:Select => // ... but do want other unnamed terms.
-          val varName  = if (synthetic) freshInternalVarName() else freshUserVarName()
-      val rewrittenLine = (
-        // In theory this would come out the same without the 1-specific test, but
-        // it's a cushion against any more sneaky parse-tree position vs. code mismatches:
-        // this way such issues will only arise on multiple-statement repl input lines,
-        // which most people don't use.
-        if (trees.size == 1) "val " + varName + " =\n" + content
-        else {
-          // The position of the last tree
-          val lastpos0 = earliestPosition(trees.last)
-          // Oh boy, the parser throws away parens so "(2+2)" is mispositioned,
-          // with increasingly hard to decipher positions as we move on to "() => 5",
-          // (x: Int) => x + 1, and more.  So I abandon attempts to finesse and just
-          // look for semicolons and newlines, which I'm sure is also buggy.
-          val (raw1, raw2) = content splitAt lastpos0
-          logDebug("[raw] " + raw1 + "   <--->   " + raw2)
-          val adjustment = (raw1.reverse takeWhile (ch => (ch != ';') && (ch != '\n'))).size
-          val lastpos = lastpos0 - adjustment
-          // the source code split at the laboriously determined position.
-          val (l1, l2) = content splitAt lastpos
-          logDebug("[adj] " + l1 + "   <--->   " + l2)
-          val prefix   = if (l1.trim == "") "" else l1 + ";\n"
-          // Note to self: val source needs to have this precise structure so that
-          // error messages print the user-submitted part without the "val res0 = " part.
-          val combined   = prefix + "val " + varName + " =\n" + l2
-          logDebug(List(
-            "    line" -> line,
-            " content" -> content,
-            "     was" -> l2,
-            "combined" -> combined) map {
-              case (label, s) => label + ": '" + s + "'"
-            } mkString "\n"
-          )
-          combined
-        }
-      )
-        // Rewriting    "foo ; bar ; 123"
-        // to           "foo ; bar ; val resXX = 123"
-        requestFromLine(rewrittenLine, synthetic) match {
-          case Right(req) => return Right(req withOriginalLine line)
-          case x          => return x
-        }
-      case _ =>
-    }
-    Right(buildRequest(line, trees))
-  }
-  // normalize non-public types so we don't see protected aliases like Self
-  private def normalizeNonPublic(tp: Type) = tp match {
-    case TypeRef(_, sym, _) if sym.isAliasType && !sym.isPublic => tp.dealias
-    case _                                                      => tp
-  }
-  /**
-   * Interpret one line of input. All feedback, including parse errors
-   * and evaluation results, are printed via the supplied compiler's
-   * reporter. Values defined are available for future interpreted strings.
-   *
-   * @note This assigns variables with user name structure like "res0"
-   *
-   * @param line The line representing the code to interpret
-   *
-   * @return Whether the line was interpreted successfully, or failed due to
-   *         incomplete code, compilation error, or runtime error
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def interpret(line: String): IR.Result = interpret(line, false)
-  /**
-   * Interpret one line of input. All feedback, including parse errors
-   * and evaluation results, are printed via the supplied compiler's
-   * reporter. Values defined are available for future interpreted strings.
-   *
-   * @note This assigns variables with synthetic (generated) name structure
-   *       like "$ires0"
-   *
-   * @param line The line representing the code to interpret
-   *
-   * @return Whether the line was interpreted successfully, or failed due to
-   *         incomplete code, compilation error, or runtime error
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def interpretSynthetic(line: String): IR.Result = interpret(line, true)
-  private def interpret(line: String, synthetic: Boolean): IR.Result = {
-    def loadAndRunReq(req: Request) = {
-      classLoader.setAsContext()
-      val (result, succeeded) = req.loadAndRun
-      /** To our displeasure, ConsoleReporter offers only printMessage,
-       *  which tacks a newline on the end.  Since that breaks all the
-       *  output checking, we have to take one off to balance.
-       */
-      if (succeeded) {
-        if (printResults && result != "")
-          printMessage(result stripSuffix "\n")
-        else if (isReplDebug) // show quiet-mode activity
-          printMessage(result.trim.lines map ("[quiet] " + _) mkString "\n")
-        // Book-keeping.  Have to record synthetic requests too,
-        // as they may have been issued for information, e.g. :type
-        recordRequest(req)
-        IR.Success
-      }
-        else {
-          // don't truncate stack traces
-          withoutTruncating(printMessage(result))
-          IR.Error
-        }
-    }
-    if (global == null) IR.Error
-    else requestFromLine(line, synthetic) match {
-      case Left(result) => result
-      case Right(req)   =>
-        // null indicates a disallowed statement type; otherwise compile and
-        // fail if false (implying e.g. a type error)
-        if (req == null || !req.compile) IR.Error
-        else loadAndRunReq(req)
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Bind a specified name to a specified value.  The name may
-   * later be used by expressions passed to interpret.
-   *
-   * @note This binds via compilation and interpretation
-   *
-   * @param name The variable name to bind
-   * @param boundType The type of the variable, as a string
-   * @param value The object value to bind to it
-   *
-   * @return An indication of whether the binding succeeded or failed
-   *         using interpreter results
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def bind(name: String, boundType: String, value: Any, modifiers: List[String] = Nil): IR.Result = {
-    val bindRep = new ReadEvalPrint()
-    val run = bindRep.compile("""
-                              |object %s {
-                                |  var value: %s = _
-                              |  def set(x: Any) = value = x.asInstanceOf[%s]
-                              |}
-                              """.stripMargin.format(bindRep.evalName, boundType, boundType)
-                            )
-    bindRep.callEither("set", value) match {
-      case Left(ex) =>
-        logDebug("Set failed in bind(%s, %s, %s)".format(name, boundType, value))
-        logDebug(util.stackTraceString(ex))
-        IR.Error
-      case Right(_) =>
-        val line = "%sval %s = %s.value".format(modifiers map (_ + " ") mkString, name, bindRep.evalPath)
-      logDebug("Interpreting: " + line)
-      interpret(line)
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Bind a specified name to a specified value directly.
-   *
-   * @note This updates internal bound names directly
-   *
-   * @param name The variable name to bind
-   * @param boundType The type of the variable, as a string
-   * @param value The object value to bind to it
-   *
-   * @return An indication of whether the binding succeeded or failed
-   *         using interpreter results
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def directBind(name: String, boundType: String, value: Any): IR.Result = {
-    val result = bind(name, boundType, value)
-    if (result == IR.Success)
-      directlyBoundNames += newTermName(name)
-    result
-  }
-  private def directBind(p: NamedParam): IR.Result                                    = directBind(, p.tpe, p.value)
-  private def directBind[T: ru.TypeTag : ClassTag](name: String, value: T): IR.Result = directBind((name, value))
-  /**
-   * Overwrites previously-bound val with a new instance.
-   *
-   * @param p The named parameters used to provide the name, value, and type
-   *
-   * @return The results of rebinding the named val
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def rebind(p: NamedParam): IR.Result = {
-    val name     =
-    val oldType  = typeOfTerm(name) orElse { return IR.Error }
-    val newType  = p.tpe
-    val tempName = freshInternalVarName()
-    quietRun("val %s = %s".format(tempName, name))
-    quietRun("val %s = %s.asInstanceOf[%s]".format(name, tempName, newType))
-  }
-  private def quietImport(ids: String*): IR.Result = beQuietDuring(addImports(ids: _*))
-  /**
-   * Executes an import statement per "id" provided
-   *
-   * @example addImports("org.apache.spark.SparkContext")
-   *
-   * @param ids The series of "id" strings used for import statements
-   *
-   * @return The results of importing the series of "id" strings
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def addImports(ids: String*): IR.Result =
-    if (ids.isEmpty) IR.Success
-    else interpret("import " + ids.mkString(", "))
-  // NOTE: Exposed to repl package since used by SparkILoop
-  private[repl] def quietBind(p: NamedParam): IR.Result                               = beQuietDuring(bind(p))
-  private def bind(p: NamedParam): IR.Result                                    = bind(, p.tpe, p.value)
-  private def bind[T: ru.TypeTag : ClassTag](name: String, value: T): IR.Result = bind((name, value))
-  private def bindSyntheticValue(x: Any): IR.Result                             = bindValue(freshInternalVarName(), x)
-  private def bindValue(x: Any): IR.Result                                      = bindValue(freshUserVarName(), x)
-  private def bindValue(name: String, x: Any): IR.Result                        = bind(name, TypeStrings.fromValue(x), x)
-  /**
-   * Reset this interpreter, forgetting all user-specified requests.
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def reset() {
-    clearExecutionWrapper()
-    resetClassLoader()
-    resetAllCreators()
-    prevRequests.clear()
-    referencedNameMap.clear()
-    definedNameMap.clear()
-    virtualDirectory.delete()
-    virtualDirectory.create()
-  }
-  /**
-   * Stops the underlying REPL class server and flushes the reporter used
-   * for compiler output.
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def close() {
-    reporter.flush()
-  }
-  /**
-   * Captures the session names (which are set by system properties) once, instead of for each line.
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  object FixedSessionNames {
-    val lineName    = sessionNames.line
-    val readName    =
-    val evalName    = sessionNames.eval
-    val printName   = sessionNames.print
-    val resultName  = sessionNames.result
-  }
-  /** Here is where we:
-   *
-   *  1) Read some source code, and put it in the "read" object.
-   *  2) Evaluate the read object, and put the result in the "eval" object.
-   *  3) Create a String for human consumption, and put it in the "print" object.
-   *
-   *  Read! Eval! Print! Some of that not yet centralized here.
-   */
-  class ReadEvalPrint(val lineId: Int) {
-    def this() = this(freshLineId())
-    private var lastRun: Run = _
-    private var evalCaught: Option[Throwable] = None
-    private var conditionalWarnings: List[ConditionalWarning] = Nil
-    val packageName = FixedSessionNames.lineName + lineId
-    val readName    = FixedSessionNames.readName
-    val evalName    = FixedSessionNames.evalName
-    val printName   = FixedSessionNames.printName
-    val resultName  = FixedSessionNames.resultName
-    def bindError(t: Throwable) = {
-      // Immediately throw the exception if we are asked to propagate them
-      if (propagateExceptions) {
-        throw unwrap(t)
-      }
-      if (!bindExceptions) // avoid looping if already binding
-        throw t
-      val unwrapped = unwrap(t)
-      withLastExceptionLock[String]({
-        directBind[Throwable]("lastException", unwrapped)(tagOfThrowable, classTag[Throwable])
-        util.stackTraceString(unwrapped)
-      }, util.stackTraceString(unwrapped))
-    }
-    // TODO: split it out into a package object and a regular
-    // object and we can do that much less wrapping.
-    def packageDecl = "package " + packageName
-    def pathTo(name: String)   = packageName + "." + name
-    def packaged(code: String) = packageDecl + "\n\n" + code
-    def readPath  = pathTo(readName)
-    def evalPath  = pathTo(evalName)
-    def printPath = pathTo(printName)
-    def call(name: String, args: Any*): AnyRef = {
-      val m = evalMethod(name)
-      logDebug("Invoking: " + m)
-      if (args.nonEmpty)
-        logDebug("  with args: " + args.mkString(", "))
-      m.invoke(evalClass,[AnyRef]): _*)
-    }
-    def callEither(name: String, args: Any*): Either[Throwable, AnyRef] =
-      try Right(call(name, args: _*))
-    catch { case ex: Throwable => Left(ex) }
-    def callOpt(name: String, args: Any*): Option[AnyRef] =
-      try Some(call(name, args: _*))
-    catch { case ex: Throwable => bindError(ex) ; None }
-    class EvalException(msg: String, cause: Throwable) extends RuntimeException(msg, cause) { }
-    private def evalError(path: String, ex: Throwable) =
-      throw new EvalException("Failed to load '" + path + "': " + ex.getMessage, ex)
-    private def load(path: String): Class[_] = {
-      // scalastyle:off classforname
-      try Class.forName(path, true, classLoader)
-      catch { case ex: Throwable => evalError(path, unwrap(ex)) }
-      // scalastyle:on classforname
-    }
-    lazy val evalClass = load(evalPath)
-    lazy val evalValue = callEither(resultName) match {
-      case Left(ex)      => evalCaught = Some(ex) ; None
-      case Right(result) => Some(result)
-    }
-    def compile(source: String): Boolean = compileAndSaveRun("<console>", source)
-    /** The innermost object inside the wrapper, found by
-     * following accessPath into the outer one.
-     */
-    def resolvePathToSymbol(accessPath: String): Symbol = {
-      // val readRoot  = getRequiredModule(readPath)   // the outermost wrapper
-      // MATEI: Changed this to getClass because the root object is no longer a module (Scala singleton object)
-      val readRoot  = rootMirror.getClassByName(newTypeName(readPath))   // the outermost wrapper
-      (accessPath split '.').foldLeft(readRoot: Symbol) {
-        case (sym, "")    => sym
-        case (sym, name)  => afterTyper(termMember(sym, name))
-      }
-    }
-    /** We get a bunch of repeated warnings for reasons I haven't
-     *  entirely figured out yet.  For now, squash.
-     */
-    private def updateRecentWarnings(run: Run) {
-      def loop(xs: List[(Position, String)]): List[(Position, String)] = xs match {
-        case Nil                  => Nil
-        case ((pos, msg)) :: rest =>
-          val filtered = rest filter { case (pos0, msg0) =>
-            (msg != msg0) || (pos.lineContent.trim != pos0.lineContent.trim) || {
-              // same messages and same line content after whitespace removal
-              // but we want to let through multiple warnings on the same line
-              // from the same run.  The untrimmed line will be the same since
-              // there's no whitespace indenting blowing it.
-              (pos.lineContent == pos0.lineContent)
-            }
-                                    }
-        ((pos, msg)) :: loop(filtered)
-      }
-     // PRASHANT: This leads to a NoSuchMethodError for _.warnings. Yet to figure out its purpose.
-      // val warnings = loop(run.allConditionalWarnings flatMap (_.warnings))
-      // if (warnings.nonEmpty)
-      //   mostRecentWarnings = warnings
-    }
-    private def evalMethod(name: String) = evalClass.getMethods filter (_.getName == name) match {
-      case Array(method) => method
-      case xs            => sys.error("Internal error: eval object " + evalClass + ", " + xs.mkString("\n", "\n", ""))
-    }
-    private def compileAndSaveRun(label: String, code: String) = {
-      showCodeIfDebugging(code)
-      val (success, run) = compileSourcesKeepingRun(new BatchSourceFile(label, packaged(code)))
-      updateRecentWarnings(run)
-      lastRun = run
-      success
-    }
-  }
-  /** One line of code submitted by the user for interpretation */
-  // private
-  class Request(val line: String, val trees: List[Tree]) {
-    val reqId = nextReqId()
-    val lineRep = new ReadEvalPrint()
-    private var _originalLine: String = null
-    def withOriginalLine(s: String): this.type = { _originalLine = s ; this }
-    def originalLine = if (_originalLine == null) line else _originalLine
-    /** handlers for each tree in this request */
-    val handlers: List[MemberHandler] = trees map (memberHandlers chooseHandler _)
-    def defHandlers = handlers collect { case x: MemberDefHandler => x }
-    /** all (public) names defined by these statements */
-    val definedNames = handlers flatMap (_.definedNames)
-    /** list of names used by this expression */
-    val referencedNames: List[Name] = handlers flatMap (_.referencedNames)
-    /** def and val names */
-    def termNames = handlers flatMap (_.definesTerm)
-    def typeNames = handlers flatMap (_.definesType)
-    def definedOrImported = handlers flatMap (_.definedOrImported)
-    def definedSymbolList = defHandlers flatMap (_.definedSymbols)
-    def definedTypeSymbol(name: String) = definedSymbols(newTypeName(name))
-    def definedTermSymbol(name: String) = definedSymbols(newTermName(name))
-    val definedClasses = handlers.exists {
-      case _: ClassHandler => true
-      case _ => false
-    }
-    /** Code to import bound names from previous lines - accessPath is code to
-     * append to objectName to access anything bound by request.
-     */
-    val SparkComputedImports(importsPreamble, importsTrailer, accessPath) =
-      importsCode(referencedNames.toSet, definedClasses)
-    /** Code to access a variable with the specified name */
-    def fullPath(vname: String) = {
-      // lineRep.readPath + accessPath + ".`%s`".format(vname)
-      lineRep.readPath + ".INSTANCE" + accessPath + ".`%s`".format(vname)
-    }
-      /** Same as fullpath, but after it has been flattened, so:
-       *  $line5.$iw.$iw.$iw.Bippy      // fullPath
-       *  $line5.$iw$$iw$$iw$Bippy      // fullFlatName
-       */
-      def fullFlatName(name: String) =
-        // lineRep.readPath + accessPath.replace('.', '$') + nme.NAME_JOIN_STRING + name
-        lineRep.readPath + ".INSTANCE" + accessPath.replace('.', '$') + nme.NAME_JOIN_STRING + name
-    /** The unmangled symbol name, but supplemented with line info. */
-    def disambiguated(name: Name): String = name + " (in " + lineRep + ")"
-    /** Code to access a variable with the specified name */
-    def fullPath(vname: Name): String = fullPath(vname.toString)
-    /** the line of code to compute */
-    def toCompute = line
-    /** generate the source code for the object that computes this request */
-    private object ObjectSourceCode extends CodeAssembler[MemberHandler] {
-      def path = pathToTerm("$intp")
-      def envLines = {
-        if (!isReplPower) Nil // power mode only for now
-        // $intp is not bound; punt, but include the line.
-        else if (path == "$intp") List(
-          "def $line = " + tquoted(originalLine),
-          "def $trees = Nil"
-        )
-        else List(
-          "def $line  = " + tquoted(originalLine),
-          "def $req = %s.requestForReqId(%s).orNull".format(path, reqId),
-          "def $trees = if ($req eq null) Nil else $req.trees".format(lineRep.readName, path, reqId)
-        )
-      }
-      val preamble = s"""
-        |class ${lineRep.readName} extends Serializable {
-        |  ${"  " + _ + ";\n").mkString}
-        |  $importsPreamble
-        |
-        |  // If we need to construct any objects defined in the REPL on an executor we will need
-        |  // to pass the outer scope to the appropriate encoder.
-        |  org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.OuterScopes.addOuterScope(this)
-        |  ${indentCode(toCompute)}
-      """.stripMargin
-      val postamble = importsTrailer + "\n}" + "\n" +
-        "object " + lineRep.readName + " {\n" +
-        "  val INSTANCE = new " + lineRep.readName + "();\n" +
-        "}\n"
-      val generate = (m: MemberHandler) => m extraCodeToEvaluate Request.this
-      /*
-      val preamble = """
-        |object %s extends Serializable {
-        |%s%s%s
-      """.stripMargin.format(lineRep.readName,"  " + _ + ";\n").mkString, importsPreamble, indentCode(toCompute))
-      val postamble = importsTrailer + "\n}"
-      val generate = (m: MemberHandler) => m extraCodeToEvaluate Request.this
-      */
-    }
-    private object ResultObjectSourceCode extends CodeAssembler[MemberHandler] {
-      /** We only want to generate this code when the result
-       *  is a value which can be referred to as-is.
-       */
-      val evalResult =
-        if (!handlers.last.definesValue) ""
-        else handlers.last.definesTerm match {
-          case Some(vname) if typeOf contains vname =>
-            "lazy val %s = %s".format(lineRep.resultName, fullPath(vname))
-          case _  => ""
-        }
-      // first line evaluates object to make sure constructor is run
-      // initial "" so later code can uniformly be: + etc
-      val preamble = """
-      |object %s {
-      |  %s
-      |  val %s: String = %s {
-      |    %s
-      |    (""
-      """.stripMargin.format(
-        lineRep.evalName, evalResult, lineRep.printName,
-        executionWrapper, lineRep.readName + ".INSTANCE" + accessPath
-      )
-      val postamble = """
-      |    )
-      |  }
-      |}
-      """.stripMargin
-      val generate = (m: MemberHandler) => m resultExtractionCode Request.this
-    }
-    // get it
-    def getEvalTyped[T] : Option[T] = getEval map (_.asInstanceOf[T])
-    def getEval: Option[AnyRef] = {
-      // ensure it has been compiled
-      compile
-      // try to load it and call the value method
-      lineRep.evalValue filterNot (_ == null)
-    }
-    /** Compile the object file.  Returns whether the compilation succeeded.
-     *  If all goes well, the "types" map is computed. */
-    lazy val compile: Boolean = {
-      // error counting is wrong, hence interpreter may overlook failure - so we reset
-      reporter.reset()
-      // compile the object containing the user's code
-      lineRep.compile(ObjectSourceCode(handlers)) && {
-        // extract and remember types
-        typeOf
-        typesOfDefinedTerms
-        // Assign symbols to the original trees
-        // TODO - just use the new trees.
-        defHandlers foreach { dh =>
-          val name =
-          definedSymbols get name foreach { sym =>
-            dh.member setSymbol sym
-           logDebug("Set symbol of " + name + " to " + sym.defString)
-          }
-        }
-        // compile the result-extraction object
-        withoutWarnings(lineRep compile ResultObjectSourceCode(handlers))
-      }
-    }
-    lazy val resultSymbol = lineRep.resolvePathToSymbol(accessPath)
-    def applyToResultMember[T](name: Name, f: Symbol => T) = afterTyper(f(
-    /* typeOf lookup with encoding */
-    def lookupTypeOf(name: Name) = typeOf.getOrElse(name, typeOf(global.encode(name.toString)))
-    def simpleNameOfType(name: TypeName) = (compilerTypeOf get name) map (_.typeSymbol.simpleName)
-    private def typeMap[T](f: Type => T) =
-      mapFrom[Name, Name, T](termNames ++ typeNames)(x => f(cleanMemberDecl(resultSymbol, x)))
-    /** Types of variables defined by this request. */
-    lazy val compilerTypeOf = typeMap[Type](x => x) withDefaultValue NoType
-    /** String representations of same. */
-    lazy val typeOf         = typeMap[String](tp => afterTyper(tp.toString))
-    // lazy val definedTypes: Map[Name, Type] = {
-    //   typeNames map (x => x -> afterTyper( toMap
-    // }
-    lazy val definedSymbols = (
- => x -> applyToResultMember(x, x => x)) ++
- => x -> compilerTypeOf(x).typeSymbolDirect)
-    ).toMap[Name, Symbol] withDefaultValue NoSymbol
-    lazy val typesOfDefinedTerms = mapFrom[Name, Name, Type](termNames)(x => applyToResultMember(x, _.tpe))
-    /** load and run the code using reflection */
-    def loadAndRun: (String, Boolean) = {
-      try   { ("" + (lineRep call sessionNames.print), true) }
-      catch { case ex: Throwable => (lineRep.bindError(ex), false) }
-    }
-    override def toString = "Request(line=%s, %s trees)".format(line, trees.size)
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the name of the most recent interpreter result. Useful for
-   * for extracting information regarding the previous result.
-   *
-   * @return The simple name of the result (such as res0)
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def mostRecentVar: String =
-    if (mostRecentlyHandledTree.isEmpty) ""
-    else "" + (mostRecentlyHandledTree.get match {
-      case x: ValOrDefDef           =>
-      case Assign(Ident(name), _)   => name
-      case ModuleDef(_, name, _)    => name
-      case _                        => naming.mostRecentVar
-    })
-  private var mostRecentWarnings: List[(global.Position, String)] = Nil
-  /**
-   * Returns a list of recent warnings from compiler execution.
-   *
-   * @return The list of tuples (compiler position, warning)
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def lastWarnings = mostRecentWarnings
-  def treesForRequestId(id: Int): List[Tree] =
-    requestForReqId(id).toList flatMap (_.trees)
-  def requestForReqId(id: Int): Option[Request] =
-    if (executingRequest != null && executingRequest.reqId == id) Some(executingRequest)
-    else prevRequests find (_.reqId == id)
-  def requestForName(name: Name): Option[Request] = {
-    assert(definedNameMap != null, "definedNameMap is null")
-    definedNameMap get name
-  }
-  def requestForIdent(line: String): Option[Request] =
-    requestForName(newTermName(line)) orElse requestForName(newTypeName(line))
-  def requestHistoryForName(name: Name): List[Request] =
-    prevRequests.toList.reverse filter (_.definedNames contains name)
-  def definitionForName(name: Name): Option[MemberHandler] =
-    requestForName(name) flatMap { req =>
-      req.handlers find (_.definedNames contains name)
-    }
-  /**
-   * Retrieves the object representing the id (variable name, method name,
-   * class name, etc) provided.
-   *
-   * @param id The id (variable name, method name, class name, etc) whose
-   *           associated content to retrieve
-   *
-   * @return Some containing term name (id) representation if exists, else None
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def valueOfTerm(id: String): Option[AnyRef] =
-    requestForName(newTermName(id)) flatMap (_.getEval)
-  /**
-   * Retrieves the class representing the id (variable name, method name,
-   * class name, etc) provided.
-   *
-   * @param id The id (variable name, method name, class name, etc) whose
-   *           associated class to retrieve
-   *
-   * @return Some containing term name (id) class if exists, else None
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def classOfTerm(id: String): Option[JClass] =
-    valueOfTerm(id) map (_.getClass)
-  /**
-   * Retrieves the type representing the id (variable name, method name,
-   * class name, etc) provided.
-   *
-   * @param id The id (variable name, method name, class name, etc) whose
-   *           associated type to retrieve
-   *
-   * @return The Type information about the term name (id) provided
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def typeOfTerm(id: String): Type = newTermName(id) match {
-    case nme.ROOTPKG  => RootClass.tpe
-    case name         => requestForName(name).fold(NoType: Type)(_ compilerTypeOf name)
-  }
-  /**
-   * Retrieves the symbol representing the id (variable name, method name,
-   * class name, etc) provided.
-   *
-   * @param id The id (variable name, method name, class name, etc) whose
-   *           associated symbol to retrieve
-   *
-   * @return The Symbol information about the term name (id) provided
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def symbolOfTerm(id: String): Symbol =
-    requestForIdent(newTermName(id)).fold(NoSymbol: Symbol)(_ definedTermSymbol id)
-  // TODO: No use yet, but could be exposed as a DeveloperApi
-  private def symbolOfType(id: String): Symbol =
-    requestForName(newTypeName(id)).fold(NoSymbol: Symbol)(_ definedTypeSymbol id)
-  /**
-   * Retrieves the runtime class and type representing the id (variable name,
-   * method name, class name, etc) provided.
-   *
-   * @param id The id (variable name, method name, class name, etc) whose
-   *           associated runtime class and type to retrieve
-   *
-   * @return Some runtime class and Type information as a tuple for the
-   *         provided term name if it exists, else None
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def runtimeClassAndTypeOfTerm(id: String): Option[(JClass, Type)] = {
-    classOfTerm(id) flatMap { clazz =>
-      new RichClass(clazz).supers find(c => !(new RichClass(c).isScalaAnonymous)) map { nonAnon =>
-        (nonAnon, runtimeTypeOfTerm(id))
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Retrieves the runtime type representing the id (variable name,
-   * method name, class name, etc) provided.
-   *
-   * @param id The id (variable name, method name, class name, etc) whose
-   *           associated runtime type to retrieve
-   *
-   * @return The runtime Type information about the term name (id) provided
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def runtimeTypeOfTerm(id: String): Type = {
-    typeOfTerm(id) andAlso { tpe =>
-      val clazz      = classOfTerm(id) getOrElse { return NoType }
-      val staticSym  = tpe.typeSymbol
-      val runtimeSym = getClassIfDefined(clazz.getName)
-      if ((runtimeSym != NoSymbol) && (runtimeSym != staticSym) && (runtimeSym isSubClass staticSym))
-      else NoType
-    }
-  }
-  private def cleanMemberDecl(owner: Symbol, member: Name): Type = afterTyper {
-    normalizeNonPublic {
- match {
-        case NullaryMethodType(tp) => tp
-        case tp                    => tp
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  private object exprTyper extends {
-    val repl: SparkIMain.this.type = imain
-  } with SparkExprTyper { }
-  /**
-   * Constructs a list of abstract syntax trees representing the provided code.
-   *
-   * @param line The line of code to parse and construct into ASTs
-   *
-   * @return Some list of ASTs if the line is valid, else None
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def parse(line: String): Option[List[Tree]] = exprTyper.parse(line)
-  /**
-   * Constructs a Symbol representing the final result of the expression
-   * provided or representing the definition provided.
-   *
-   * @param code The line of code
-   *
-   * @return The Symbol or NoSymbol (found under scala.reflect.internal)
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def symbolOfLine(code: String): Symbol =
-    exprTyper.symbolOfLine(code)
-  /**
-   * Constructs type information based on the provided expression's final
-   * result or the definition provided.
-   *
-   * @param expr The expression or definition
-   *
-   * @param silent Whether to output information while constructing the type
-   *
-   * @return The type information or an error
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def typeOfExpression(expr: String, silent: Boolean = true): Type =
-    exprTyper.typeOfExpression(expr, silent)
-  protected def onlyTerms(xs: List[Name]) = xs collect { case x: TermName => x }
-  protected def onlyTypes(xs: List[Name]) = xs collect { case x: TypeName => x }
-  /**
-   * Retrieves the defined, public names in the compiler.
-   *
-   * @return The list of matching "term" names
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def definedTerms      = onlyTerms(allDefinedNames) filterNot isInternalTermName
-  /**
-   * Retrieves the defined type names in the compiler.
-   *
-   * @return The list of matching type names
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def definedTypes      = onlyTypes(allDefinedNames)
-  /**
-   * Retrieves the defined symbols in the compiler.
-   *
-   * @return The set of matching Symbol instances
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def definedSymbols    = prevRequestList.flatMap(_.definedSymbols.values).toSet[Symbol]
-  /**
-   * Retrieves the list of public symbols in the compiler.
-   *
-   * @return The list of public Symbol instances
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def definedSymbolList = prevRequestList flatMap (_.definedSymbolList) filterNot (s => isInternalTermName(
-  // Terms with user-given names (i.e. not res0 and not synthetic)
-  /**
-   * Retrieves defined, public names that are not res0 or the result of a direct bind.
-   *
-   * @return The list of matching "term" names
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def namedDefinedTerms = definedTerms filterNot (x => isUserVarName("" + x) || directlyBoundNames(x))
-  private def findName(name: Name) = definedSymbols find ( == name) getOrElse NoSymbol
-  /** Translate a repl-defined identifier into a Symbol.
-   */
-  private def apply(name: String): Symbol =
-    types(name) orElse terms(name)
-  private def types(name: String): Symbol = {
-    val tpname = newTypeName(name)
-    findName(tpname) orElse getClassIfDefined(tpname)
-  }
-  private def terms(name: String): Symbol = {
-    val termname = newTypeName(name)
-    findName(termname) orElse getModuleIfDefined(termname)
-  }
-  // [Eugene to Paul] possibly you could make use of TypeTags here
-  private def types[T: ClassTag] : Symbol = types(classTag[T].runtimeClass.getName)
-  private def terms[T: ClassTag] : Symbol = terms(classTag[T].runtimeClass.getName)
-  private def apply[T: ClassTag] : Symbol = apply(classTag[T].runtimeClass.getName)
-  /**
-   * Retrieves the Symbols representing classes in the compiler.
-   *
-   * @return The list of matching ClassSymbol instances
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def classSymbols  = allDefSymbols collect { case x: ClassSymbol => x }
-  /**
-   * Retrieves the Symbols representing methods in the compiler.
-   *
-   * @return The list of matching MethodSymbol instances
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def methodSymbols = allDefSymbols collect { case x: MethodSymbol => x }
-  /** the previous requests this interpreter has processed */
-  private var executingRequest: Request = _
-  private val prevRequests       = mutable.ListBuffer[Request]()
-  private val referencedNameMap  = mutable.Map[Name, Request]()
-  private val definedNameMap     = mutable.Map[Name, Request]()
-  private val directlyBoundNames = mutable.Set[Name]()
-  private def allHandlers    = prevRequestList flatMap (_.handlers)
-  private def allDefHandlers = allHandlers collect { case x: MemberDefHandler => x }
-  private def allDefSymbols  = allDefHandlers map (_.symbol) filter (_ ne NoSymbol)
-  private def lastRequest         = if (prevRequests.isEmpty) null else prevRequests.last
-  // NOTE: Exposed to repl package since used by SparkImports
-  private[repl] def prevRequestList     = prevRequests.toList
-  private def allSeenTypes        = prevRequestList flatMap (_.typeOf.values.toList) distinct
-  private def allImplicits        = allHandlers filter (_.definesImplicit) flatMap (_.definedNames)
-  // NOTE: Exposed to repl package since used by SparkILoop and SparkImports
-  private[repl] def importHandlers      = allHandlers collect { case x: ImportHandler => x }
-  /**
-   * Retrieves a list of unique defined and imported names in the compiler.
-   *
-   * @return The list of "term" names
-   */
-  def visibleTermNames: List[Name] = definedTerms ++ importedTerms distinct
-  /** Another entry point for tab-completion, ids in scope */
-  // NOTE: Exposed to repl package since used by SparkJLineCompletion
-  private[repl] def unqualifiedIds = visibleTermNames map (_.toString) filterNot (_ contains "$") sorted
-  /** Parse the ScalaSig to find type aliases */
-  private def aliasForType(path: String) = ByteCode.aliasForType(path)
-  private def withoutUnwrapping(op: => Unit): Unit = {
-    val saved = isettings.unwrapStrings
-    isettings.unwrapStrings = false
-    try op
-    finally isettings.unwrapStrings = saved
-  }
-  // NOTE: Exposed to repl package since used by SparkILoop
-  private[repl] def symbolDefString(sym: Symbol) = {
-    TypeStrings.quieter(
-      afterTyper(sym.defString),
- + ".this.",
-      sym.owner.fullName + "."
-    )
-  }
-  private def showCodeIfDebugging(code: String) {
-    /** Secret bookcase entrance for repl debuggers: end the line
-     *  with "// show" and see what's going on.
-     */
-    def isShow    = code.lines exists (_.trim endsWith "// show")
-    def isShowRaw = code.lines exists (_.trim endsWith "// raw")
-    // old style
-    beSilentDuring(parse(code)) foreach { ts =>
-      ts foreach { t =>
-        if (isShow || isShowRaw)
-          withoutUnwrapping(echo(asCompactString(t)))
-        else
-          withoutUnwrapping(logDebug(asCompactString(t)))
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // debugging
-  // NOTE: Exposed to repl package since accessed indirectly from SparkIMain
-  //       and SparkJLineCompletion
-  private[repl] def debugging[T](msg: String)(res: T) = {
-    logDebug(msg + " " + res)
-    res
-  }
-/** Utility methods for the Interpreter. */
-object SparkIMain {
-  // The two name forms this is catching are the two sides of this assignment:
-  //
-  // $line3.$read.$iw.$iw.Bippy =
-  //   $line3.$read$$iw$$iw$Bippy@4a6a00ca
-  private def removeLineWrapper(s: String) = s.replaceAll("""\$line\d+[./]\$(read|eval|print)[$.]""", "")
-  private def removeIWPackages(s: String)  = s.replaceAll("""\$(iw|iwC|read|eval|print)[$.]""", "")
-  private def removeSparkVals(s: String)   = s.replaceAll("""\$VAL[0-9]+[$.]""", "")
-  def stripString(s: String)               = removeSparkVals(removeIWPackages(removeLineWrapper(s)))
-  trait CodeAssembler[T] {
-    def preamble: String
-    def generate: T => String
-    def postamble: String
-    def apply(contributors: List[T]): String = stringFromWriter { code =>
-      code println preamble
-      contributors map generate foreach (code println _)
-      code println postamble
-    }
-  }
-  trait StrippingWriter {
-    def isStripping: Boolean
-    def stripImpl(str: String): String
-    def strip(str: String): String = if (isStripping) stripImpl(str) else str
-  }
-  trait TruncatingWriter {
-    def maxStringLength: Int
-    def isTruncating: Boolean
-    def truncate(str: String): String = {
-      if (isTruncating && (maxStringLength != 0 && str.length > maxStringLength))
-        (str take maxStringLength - 3) + "..."
-      else str
-    }
-  }
-  abstract class StrippingTruncatingWriter(out: JPrintWriter)
-          extends JPrintWriter(out)
-             with StrippingWriter
-             with TruncatingWriter {
-    self =>
-    def clean(str: String): String = truncate(strip(str))
-    override def write(str: String) = super.write(clean(str))
-  }
-  class ReplStrippingWriter(intp: SparkIMain) extends StrippingTruncatingWriter(intp.out) {
-    import intp._
-    def maxStringLength    = isettings.maxPrintString
-    def isStripping        = isettings.unwrapStrings
-    def isTruncating       = reporter.truncationOK
-    def stripImpl(str: String): String = naming.unmangle(str)
-  }
-  class ReplReporter(intp: SparkIMain) extends ConsoleReporter(intp.settings, null, new ReplStrippingWriter(intp)) {
-    override def printMessage(msg: String) {
-      // Avoiding deadlock when the compiler starts logging before
-      // the lazy val is done.
-      if (intp.isInitializeComplete) {
-        if (intp.totalSilence) ()
-        else super.printMessage(msg)
-      }
-      // scalastyle:off println
-      else Console.println(msg)
-      // scalastyle:on println
-    }
-  }
-class SparkISettings(intp: SparkIMain) extends Logging {
-  /** A list of paths where :load should look */
-  var loadPath = List(".")
-  /** Set this to true to see repl machinery under -Yrich-exceptions.
-   */
-  var showInternalStackTraces = false
-  /** The maximum length of toString to use when printing the result
-   *  of an evaluation.  0 means no maximum.  If a printout requires
-   *  more than this number of characters, then the printout is
-   *  truncated.
-   */
-  var maxPrintString = 800
-  /** The maximum number of completion candidates to print for tab
-   *  completion without requiring confirmation.
-   */
-  var maxAutoprintCompletion = 250
-  /** String unwrapping can be disabled if it is causing issues.
-   *  Settings this to false means you will see Strings like "$iw.$iw.".
-   */
-  var unwrapStrings = true
-  def deprecation_=(x: Boolean) = {
-    val old = intp.settings.deprecation.value
-    intp.settings.deprecation.value = x
-    if (!old && x) logDebug("Enabled -deprecation output.")
-    else if (old && !x) logDebug("Disabled -deprecation output.")
-  }
-  def deprecation: Boolean = intp.settings.deprecation.value
-  def allSettings = Map(
-    "maxPrintString" -> maxPrintString,
-    "maxAutoprintCompletion" -> maxAutoprintCompletion,
-    "unwrapStrings" -> unwrapStrings,
-    "deprecation" -> deprecation
-  )
-  private def allSettingsString =
-    allSettings.toList sortBy (_._1) map { case (k, v) => "  " + k + " = " + v + "\n" } mkString
-  override def toString = """
-    | SparkISettings {
-    | %s
-    | }""".stripMargin.format(allSettingsString)
diff --git a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkImports.scala b/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkImports.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f227765..0000000
--- a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkImports.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-// scalastyle:off
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author  Paul Phillips
- */
-package org.apache.spark.repl
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-private[repl] trait SparkImports {
-  self: SparkIMain =>
-  import global._
-  import definitions.{ ScalaPackage, JavaLangPackage, PredefModule }
-  import memberHandlers._
-  def isNoImports = settings.noimports.value
-  def isNoPredef  = settings.nopredef.value
-  /** Synthetic import handlers for the language defined imports. */
-  private def makeWildcardImportHandler(sym: Symbol): ImportHandler = {
-    val hd :: tl = sym.fullName.split('.').toList map newTermName
-    val tree = Import(
-      tl.foldLeft(Ident(hd): Tree)((x, y) => Select(x, y)),
-      ImportSelector.wildList
-    )
-    tree setSymbol sym
-    new ImportHandler(tree)
-  }
-  /** Symbols whose contents are language-defined to be imported. */
-  def languageWildcardSyms: List[Symbol] = List(JavaLangPackage, ScalaPackage, PredefModule)
-  def languageWildcards: List[Type] = languageWildcardSyms map (_.tpe)
-  def languageWildcardHandlers = languageWildcardSyms map makeWildcardImportHandler
-  def allImportedNames = importHandlers flatMap (_.importedNames)
-  def importedTerms    = onlyTerms(allImportedNames)
-  def importedTypes    = onlyTypes(allImportedNames)
-  /** Types which have been wildcard imported, such as:
-   *    val x = "abc" ; import x._  // type java.lang.String
-   *    import java.lang.String._   // object java.lang.String
-   *
-   *  Used by tab completion.
-   *
-   *  XXX right now this gets import x._ and import java.lang.String._,
-   *  but doesn't figure out import String._.  There's a lot of ad hoc
-   *  scope twiddling which should be swept away in favor of digging
-   *  into the compiler scopes.
-   */
-  def sessionWildcards: List[Type] = {
-    importHandlers filter (_.importsWildcard) map (_.targetType) distinct
-  }
-  def wildcardTypes = languageWildcards ++ sessionWildcards
-  def languageSymbols        = languageWildcardSyms flatMap membersAtPickler
-  def sessionImportedSymbols = importHandlers flatMap (_.importedSymbols)
-  def importedSymbols        = languageSymbols ++ sessionImportedSymbols
-  def importedTermSymbols    = importedSymbols collect { case x: TermSymbol => x }
-  def importedTypeSymbols    = importedSymbols collect { case x: TypeSymbol => x }
-  def implicitSymbols        = importedSymbols filter (_.isImplicit)
-  def importedTermNamed(name: String): Symbol =
-    importedTermSymbols find ( == name) getOrElse NoSymbol
-  /** Tuples of (source, imported symbols) in the order they were imported.
-   */
-  def importedSymbolsBySource: List[(Symbol, List[Symbol])] = {
-    val lang    = languageWildcardSyms map (sym => (sym, membersAtPickler(sym)))
-    val session = importHandlers filter (_.targetType != NoType) map { mh =>
-      (mh.targetType.typeSymbol, mh.importedSymbols)
-    }
-    lang ++ session
-  }
-  def implicitSymbolsBySource: List[(Symbol, List[Symbol])] = {
-    importedSymbolsBySource map {
-      case (k, vs) => (k, vs filter (_.isImplicit))
-    } filterNot (_._2.isEmpty)
-  }
-  /** Compute imports that allow definitions from previous
-   *  requests to be visible in a new request.  Returns
-   *  three pieces of related code:
-   *
-   *  1. An initial code fragment that should go before
-   *  the code of the new request.
-   *
-   *  2. A code fragment that should go after the code
-   *  of the new request.
-   *
-   *  3. An access path which can be traversed to access
-   *  any bindings inside code wrapped by #1 and #2 .
-   *
-   * The argument is a set of Names that need to be imported.
-   *
-   * Limitations: This method is not as precise as it could be.
-   * (1) It does not process wildcard imports to see what exactly
-   * they import.
-   * (2) If it imports any names from a request, it imports all
-   * of them, which is not really necessary.
-   * (3) It imports multiple same-named implicits, but only the
-   * last one imported is actually usable.
-   */
-  case class SparkComputedImports(prepend: String, append: String, access: String)
-  def fallback = System.getProperty("spark.repl.fallback", "false").toBoolean
-  protected def importsCode(wanted: Set[Name], definedClass: Boolean): SparkComputedImports = {
-    /** Narrow down the list of requests from which imports
-     *  should be taken.  Removes requests which cannot contribute
-     *  useful imports for the specified set of wanted names.
-     */
-    case class ReqAndHandler(req: Request, handler: MemberHandler) { }
-    def reqsToUse: List[ReqAndHandler] = {
-      /**
-       * Loop through a list of MemberHandlers and select which ones to keep.
-       * 'wanted' is the set of names that need to be imported.
-       */
-      def select(reqs: List[ReqAndHandler], wanted: Set[Name]): List[ReqAndHandler] = {
-        // Single symbol imports might be implicits! See bug #1752.  Rather than
-        // try to finesse this, we will mimic all imports for now.
-        def keepHandler(handler: MemberHandler) = handler match {
-       /* This case clause tries to "precisely" import only what is required. And in this
-        * it may miss out on some implicits, because implicits are not known in `wanted`. Thus 
-        * it is suitable for defining classes. AFAIK while defining classes implicits are not
-        * needed.*/
-          case h: ImportHandler if definedClass && !fallback => 
-            h.importedNames.exists(x => wanted.contains(x))
-          case _: ImportHandler  => true
-          case x                 => x.definesImplicit || (x.definedNames exists wanted)
-        }
-        reqs match {
-          case Nil                                    => Nil
-          case rh :: rest if !keepHandler(rh.handler) => select(rest, wanted)
-          case rh :: rest                             =>
-            import rh.handler._
-            val newWanted = wanted ++ referencedNames -- definedNames -- importedNames
-            rh :: select(rest, newWanted)
-        }
-      }
-      /** Flatten the handlers out and pair each with the original request */
-      select(allReqAndHandlers reverseMap { case (r, h) => ReqAndHandler(r, h) }, wanted).reverse
-    }
-    val code, trailingBraces, accessPath = new StringBuilder
-    val currentImps = mutable.HashSet[Name]()
-    // add code for a new object to hold some imports
-    def addWrapper() {
-      val impname = nme.INTERPRETER_IMPORT_WRAPPER
-      code append "class %sC extends Serializable {\n".format(impname)
-      trailingBraces append "}\nval " + impname + " = new " + impname + "C;\n"
-      accessPath append ("." + impname)
-      currentImps.clear
-      // code append "object %s {\n".format(impname)
-      // trailingBraces append "}\n"
-      // accessPath append ("." + impname)
-      // currentImps.clear
-    }
-    addWrapper()
-    // loop through previous requests, adding imports for each one
-    for (ReqAndHandler(req, handler) <- reqsToUse) {
-      handler match {
-        // If the user entered an import, then just use it; add an import wrapping
-        // level if the import might conflict with some other import
-        case x: ImportHandler =>
-          if (x.importsWildcard || currentImps.exists(x.importedNames contains _))
-            addWrapper()
-          code append (x.member + "\n")
-          // give wildcard imports a import wrapper all to their own
-          if (x.importsWildcard) addWrapper()
-          else currentImps ++= x.importedNames
-        // For other requests, import each defined name.
-        // import them explicitly instead of with _, so that
-        // ambiguity errors will not be generated. Also, quote
-        // the name of the variable, so that we don't need to
-        // handle quoting keywords separately.
-        case x: ClassHandler if !fallback =>
-        // I am trying to guess if the import is a defined class
-        // This is an ugly hack, I am not 100% sure of the consequences.
-        // Here we, let everything but "defined classes" use the import with val.
-        // The reason for this is, otherwise the remote executor tries to pull the
-        // classes involved and may fail.
-          for (imv <- x.definedNames) {
-            val objName = req.lineRep.readPath
-            code.append("import " + objName + ".INSTANCE" + req.accessPath + ".`" + imv + "`\n")
-          }
-        case x =>
-          for (imv <- x.definedNames) {
-            if (currentImps contains imv) addWrapper()
-            val objName = req.lineRep.readPath
-            val valName = "$VAL" + newValId()
-            if(!code.toString.endsWith(".`" + imv + "`;\n")) { // Which means already imported
-                code.append("val " + valName + " = " + objName + ".INSTANCE;\n")
-                code.append("import " + valName + req.accessPath + ".`" + imv + "`;\n")
-            }
-            // code.append("val " + valName + " = " + objName + ".INSTANCE;\n")
-            // code.append("import " + valName + req.accessPath + ".`" + imv + "`;\n")
-            // code append ("import " + (req fullPath imv) + "\n")
-            currentImps += imv
-          }
-      }
-    }
-    // add one extra wrapper, to prevent warnings in the common case of
-    // redefining the value bound in the last interpreter request.
-    addWrapper()
-    SparkComputedImports(code.toString, trailingBraces.toString, accessPath.toString)
-  }
-  private def allReqAndHandlers =
-    prevRequestList flatMap (req => req.handlers map (req -> _))
-  private def membersAtPickler(sym: Symbol): List[Symbol] =
-    beforePickler(
-  private var curValId = 0
-  private def newValId(): Int = {
-    curValId += 1
-    curValId
-  }

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[2/5] spark git commit: [SPARK-19810][BUILD][CORE] Remove support for Scala 2.10

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diff --git a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkJLineCompletion.scala b/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkJLineCompletion.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ba17df..0000000
--- a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkJLineCompletion.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-// scalastyle:off
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package org.apache.spark.repl
-import Completion._
-import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
-import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
-import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
- * Represents an auto-completion tool for the supplied interpreter that
- * utilizes supplied queries for valid completions based on the current
- * contents of the internal buffer.
- *
- * @param intp The interpreter to use for information retrieval to do with
- *             auto completion
- */
-class SparkJLineCompletion(val intp: SparkIMain) extends Completion with CompletionOutput with Logging {
-  // NOTE: Exposed in package as used in quite a few classes
-  // NOTE: Must be public to override the global found in CompletionOutput
-  val global: =
-  import global._
-  import definitions.{ PredefModule, AnyClass, AnyRefClass, ScalaPackage, JavaLangPackage }
-  import rootMirror.{ RootClass, getModuleIfDefined }
-  type ExecResult = Any
-  import intp.{ debugging }
-  /**
-   * Represents the level of verbosity. Increments with consecutive tabs.
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  var verbosity: Int = 0
-  /**
-   * Resets the level of verbosity to zero.
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def resetVerbosity() = verbosity = 0
-  private def getSymbol(name: String, isModule: Boolean) = (
-    if (isModule) getModuleIfDefined(name)
-    else getModuleIfDefined(name)
-  )
-  private def getType(name: String, isModule: Boolean) = getSymbol(name, isModule).tpe
-  private def typeOf(name: String)                     = getType(name, false)
-  private def moduleOf(name: String)                   = getType(name, true)
-  trait CompilerCompletion {
-    def tp: Type
-    def effectiveTp = tp match {
-      case MethodType(Nil, resType)   => resType
-      case NullaryMethodType(resType) => resType
-      case _                          => tp
-    }
-    // for some reason any's members don't show up in subclasses, which
-    // we need so 5.<tab> offers asInstanceOf etc.
-    private def anyMembers = AnyClass.tpe.nonPrivateMembers
-    def anyRefMethodsToShow = Set("isInstanceOf", "asInstanceOf", "toString")
-    def tos(sym: Symbol): String = sym.decodedName
-    def memberNamed(s: String) = afterTyper(effectiveTp member newTermName(s))
-    def hasMethod(s: String) = memberNamed(s).isMethod
-    // XXX we'd like to say "filterNot (_.isDeprecated)" but this causes the
-    // compiler to crash for reasons not yet known.
-    def members     = afterTyper((effectiveTp.nonPrivateMembers.toList ++ anyMembers) filter (_.isPublic))
-    def methods     = members.toList filter (_.isMethod)
-    def packages    = members.toList filter (_.isPackage)
-    def aliases     = members.toList filter (_.isAliasType)
-    def memberNames   = members map tos
-    def methodNames   = methods map tos
-    def packageNames  = packages map tos
-    def aliasNames    = aliases map tos
-  }
-  object NoTypeCompletion extends TypeMemberCompletion(NoType) {
-    override def memberNamed(s: String) = NoSymbol
-    override def members = Nil
-    override def follow(s: String) = None
-    override def alternativesFor(id: String) = Nil
-  }
-  object TypeMemberCompletion {
-    def apply(tp: Type, runtimeType: Type, param: NamedParam): TypeMemberCompletion = {
-      new TypeMemberCompletion(tp) {
-        var upgraded = false
-        lazy val upgrade = {
-          intp rebind param
-          intp.reporter.printMessage("\nRebinding stable value %s from %s to %s".format(, tp, param.tpe))
-          upgraded = true
-          new TypeMemberCompletion(runtimeType)
-        }
-        override def completions(verbosity: Int) = {
-          super.completions(verbosity) ++ (
-            if (verbosity == 0) Nil
-            else upgrade.completions(verbosity)
-          )
-        }
-        override def follow(s: String) = super.follow(s) orElse {
-          if (upgraded) upgrade.follow(s)
-          else None
-        }
-        override def alternativesFor(id: String) = super.alternativesFor(id) ++ (
-          if (upgraded) upgrade.alternativesFor(id)
-          else Nil
-        ) distinct
-      }
-    }
-    def apply(tp: Type): TypeMemberCompletion = {
-      if (tp eq NoType) NoTypeCompletion
-      else if (tp.typeSymbol.isPackageClass) new PackageCompletion(tp)
-      else new TypeMemberCompletion(tp)
-    }
-    def imported(tp: Type) = new ImportCompletion(tp)
-  }
-  class TypeMemberCompletion(val tp: Type) extends CompletionAware
-                                              with CompilerCompletion {
-    def excludeEndsWith: List[String] = Nil
-    def excludeStartsWith: List[String] = List("<") // <byname>, <repeated>, etc.
-    def excludeNames: List[String] = (anyref.methodNames filterNot anyRefMethodsToShow) :+ "_root_"
-    def methodSignatureString(sym: Symbol) = {
-      IMain stripString afterTyper(new MethodSymbolOutput(sym).methodString())
-    }
-    def exclude(name: String): Boolean = (
-      (name contains "$") ||
-      (excludeNames contains name) ||
-      (excludeEndsWith exists (name endsWith _)) ||
-      (excludeStartsWith exists (name startsWith _))
-    )
-    def filtered(xs: List[String]) = xs filterNot exclude distinct
-    def completions(verbosity: Int) =
-      debugging(tp + " completions ==> ")(filtered(memberNames))
-    override def follow(s: String): Option[CompletionAware] =
-      debugging(tp + " -> '" + s + "' ==> ")(Some(TypeMemberCompletion(memberNamed(s).tpe)) filterNot (_ eq NoTypeCompletion))
-    override def alternativesFor(id: String): List[String] =
-      debugging(id + " alternatives ==> ") {
-        val alts = members filter (x => x.isMethod && tos(x) == id) map methodSignatureString
-        if (alts.nonEmpty) "" :: alts else Nil
-      }
-    override def toString = "%s (%d members)".format(tp, members.size)
-  }
-  class PackageCompletion(tp: Type) extends TypeMemberCompletion(tp) {
-    override def excludeNames = anyref.methodNames
-  }
-  class LiteralCompletion(lit: Literal) extends TypeMemberCompletion(lit.value.tpe) {
-    override def completions(verbosity: Int) = verbosity match {
-      case 0    => filtered(memberNames)
-      case _    => memberNames
-    }
-  }
-  class ImportCompletion(tp: Type) extends TypeMemberCompletion(tp) {
-    override def completions(verbosity: Int) = verbosity match {
-      case 0    => filtered(members filterNot (_.isSetter) map tos)
-      case _    => super.completions(verbosity)
-    }
-  }
-  // not for completion but for excluding
-  object anyref extends TypeMemberCompletion(AnyRefClass.tpe) { }
-  // the unqualified vals/defs/etc visible in the repl
-  object ids extends CompletionAware {
-    override def completions(verbosity: Int) = intp.unqualifiedIds ++ List("classOf") //, "_root_")
-    // now we use the compiler for everything.
-    override def follow(id: String): Option[CompletionAware] = {
-      if (!completions(0).contains(id))
-        return None
-      val tpe = intp typeOfExpression id
-      if (tpe == NoType)
-        return None
-      def default = Some(TypeMemberCompletion(tpe))
-      // only rebinding vals in power mode for now.
-      if (!isReplPower) default
-      else intp runtimeClassAndTypeOfTerm id match {
-        case Some((clazz, runtimeType)) =>
-          val sym = intp.symbolOfTerm(id)
-          if (sym.isStable) {
-            val param = new NamedParam.Untyped(id, intp valueOfTerm id getOrElse null)
-            Some(TypeMemberCompletion(tpe, runtimeType, param))
-          }
-          else default
-        case _        =>
-          default
-      }
-    }
-    override def toString = "<repl ids> (%s)".format(completions(0).size)
-  }
-  // user-issued wildcard imports like "import global._" or "import String._"
-  private def imported = intp.sessionWildcards map TypeMemberCompletion.imported
-  // literal Ints, Strings, etc.
-  object literals extends CompletionAware {
-    def simpleParse(code: String): Tree = newUnitParser(code).templateStats().last
-    def completions(verbosity: Int) = Nil
-    override def follow(id: String) = simpleParse(id) match {
-      case x: Literal   => Some(new LiteralCompletion(x))
-      case _            => None
-    }
-  }
-  // top level packages
-  object rootClass extends TypeMemberCompletion(RootClass.tpe) {
-    override def completions(verbosity: Int) = super.completions(verbosity) :+ "_root_"
-    override def follow(id: String) = id match {
-      case "_root_" => Some(this)
-      case _        => super.follow(id)
-    }
-  }
-  // members of Predef
-  object predef extends TypeMemberCompletion(PredefModule.tpe) {
-    override def excludeEndsWith    = super.excludeEndsWith ++ List("Wrapper", "ArrayOps")
-    override def excludeStartsWith  = super.excludeStartsWith ++ List("wrap")
-    override def excludeNames       = anyref.methodNames
-    override def exclude(name: String) = super.exclude(name) || (
-      (name contains "2")
-    )
-    override def completions(verbosity: Int) = verbosity match {
-      case 0    => Nil
-      case _    => super.completions(verbosity)
-    }
-  }
-  // members of scala.*
-  object scalalang extends PackageCompletion(ScalaPackage.tpe) {
-    def arityClasses = List("Product", "Tuple", "Function")
-    def skipArity(name: String) = arityClasses exists (x => name != x && (name startsWith x))
-    override def exclude(name: String) = super.exclude(name) || (
-      skipArity(name)
-    )
-    override def completions(verbosity: Int) = verbosity match {
-      case 0    => filtered(packageNames ++ aliasNames)
-      case _    => super.completions(verbosity)
-    }
-  }
-  // members of java.lang.*
-  object javalang extends PackageCompletion(JavaLangPackage.tpe) {
-    override lazy val excludeEndsWith   = super.excludeEndsWith ++ List("Exception", "Error")
-    override lazy val excludeStartsWith = super.excludeStartsWith ++ List("CharacterData")
-    override def completions(verbosity: Int) = verbosity match {
-      case 0    => filtered(packageNames)
-      case _    => super.completions(verbosity)
-    }
-  }
-  // the list of completion aware objects which should be consulted
-  // for top level unqualified, it's too noisy to let much in.
-  private lazy val topLevelBase: List[CompletionAware] = List(ids, rootClass, predef, scalalang, javalang, literals)
-  private def topLevel = topLevelBase ++ imported
-  private def topLevelThreshold = 50
-  // the first tier of top level objects (doesn't include file completion)
-  private def topLevelFor(parsed: Parsed): List[String] = {
-    val buf = new ListBuffer[String]
-    topLevel foreach { ca =>
-      buf ++= (ca completionsFor parsed)
-      if (buf.size > topLevelThreshold)
-        return buf.toList.sorted
-    }
-    buf.toList
-  }
-  // the most recent result
-  private def lastResult = Forwarder(() => ids follow intp.mostRecentVar)
-  private def lastResultFor(parsed: Parsed) = {
-    /** The logic is a little tortured right now because normally '.' is
-     *  ignored as a delimiter, but on .<tab> it needs to be propagated.
-     */
-    val xs = lastResult completionsFor parsed
-    if (parsed.isEmpty) xs map ("." + _) else xs
-  }
-  // generic interface for querying (e.g. interpreter loop, testing)
-  private def completions(buf: String): List[String] =
-    topLevelFor(Parsed.dotted(buf + ".", buf.length + 1))
-  /**
-   * Constructs a new ScalaCompleter for auto completion.
-   *
-   * @return The new JLineTabCompletion instance
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def completer(): ScalaCompleter = new JLineTabCompletion
-  /** This gets a little bit hairy.  It's no small feat delegating everything
-   *  and also keeping track of exactly where the cursor is and where it's supposed
-   *  to end up.  The alternatives mechanism is a little hacky: if there is an empty
-   *  string in the list of completions, that means we are expanding a unique
-   *  completion, so don't update the "last" buffer because it'll be wrong.
-   */
-  class JLineTabCompletion extends ScalaCompleter {
-    // For recording the buffer on the last tab hit
-    private var lastBuf: String = ""
-    private var lastCursor: Int = -1
-    // Does this represent two consecutive tabs?
-    def isConsecutiveTabs(buf: String, cursor: Int) =
-      cursor == lastCursor && buf == lastBuf
-    // Longest common prefix
-    def commonPrefix(xs: List[String]): String = {
-      if (xs.isEmpty || xs.contains("")) ""
-      else xs.head.head match {
-        case ch =>
-          if (xs.tail forall (_.head == ch)) "" + ch + commonPrefix(xs map (_.tail))
-          else ""
-      }
-    }
-    // This is jline's entry point for completion.
-    override def complete(buf: String, cursor: Int): Candidates = {
-      verbosity = if (isConsecutiveTabs(buf, cursor)) verbosity + 1 else 0
-      logDebug("\ncomplete(%s, %d) last = (%s, %d), verbosity: %s".format(buf, cursor, lastBuf, lastCursor, verbosity))
-      // we don't try lower priority completions unless higher ones return no results.
-      def tryCompletion(p: Parsed, completionFunction: Parsed => List[String]): Option[Candidates] = {
-        val winners = completionFunction(p)
-        if (winners.isEmpty)
-          return None
-        val newCursor =
-          if (winners contains "") p.cursor
-          else {
-            val advance = commonPrefix(winners)
-            lastCursor = p.position + advance.length
-            lastBuf = (buf take p.position) + advance
-            logDebug("tryCompletion(%s, _) lastBuf = %s, lastCursor = %s, p.position = %s".format(
-              p, lastBuf, lastCursor, p.position))
-            p.position
-          }
-        Some(Candidates(newCursor, winners))
-      }
-      def mkDotted      = Parsed.dotted(buf, cursor) withVerbosity verbosity
-      def mkUndelimited = Parsed.undelimited(buf, cursor) withVerbosity verbosity
-      // a single dot is special cased to completion on the previous result
-      def lastResultCompletion =
-        if (!looksLikeInvocation(buf)) None
-        else tryCompletion(Parsed.dotted(buf drop 1, cursor), lastResultFor)
-      def tryAll = (
-                  lastResultCompletion
-           orElse tryCompletion(mkDotted, topLevelFor)
-        getOrElse Candidates(cursor, Nil)
-      )
-      /**
-       *  This is the kickoff point for all manner of theoretically
-       *  possible compiler unhappiness. The fault may be here or
-       *  elsewhere, but we don't want to crash the repl regardless.
-       *  The compiler makes it impossible to avoid catching Throwable
-       *  with its unfortunate tendency to throw java.lang.Errors and
-       *  AssertionErrors as the hats drop. We take two swings at it
-       *  because there are some spots which like to throw an assertion
-       *  once, then work after that. Yeah, what can I say.
-       */
-      try tryAll
-      catch { case ex: Throwable =>
-        logWarning("Error: complete(%s, %s) provoked".format(buf, cursor) + ex)
-        Candidates(cursor,
-          if (isReplDebug) List("<error:" + ex + ">")
-          else Nil
-        )
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkJLineReader.scala b/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkJLineReader.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 016e0f0..0000000
--- a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkJLineReader.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-// scalastyle:off
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Stepan Koltsov
- */
-package org.apache.spark.repl
-import{Path, File}
-import session._
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import Completion._
-import io.Streamable.slurp
- *  Reads from the console using JLine.
- */
-private[repl] class SparkJLineReader(_completion: => Completion) extends InteractiveReader {
-  val interactive = true
-  val consoleReader = new JLineConsoleReader()
-  lazy val completion = _completion
-  lazy val history: JLineHistory = new SparkJLineHistory
-  private def term = consoleReader.getTerminal()
-  def reset() = term.reset()
-  def init()  = term.init()
-  def scalaToJline(tc: ScalaCompleter): Completer = new Completer {
-    def complete(_buf: String, cursor: Int, candidates: JList[CharSequence]): Int = {
-      val buf   = if (_buf == null) "" else _buf
-      val Candidates(newCursor, newCandidates) = tc.complete(buf, cursor)
-      newCandidates foreach (candidates add _)
-      newCursor
-    }
-  }
-  class JLineConsoleReader extends ConsoleReader with ConsoleReaderHelper {
-    if ((history: History) ne NoHistory)
-      this setHistory history
-    // working around protected/trait/java insufficiencies.
-    def goBack(num: Int): Unit = back(num)
-    def readOneKey(prompt: String) = {
-      this.print(prompt)
-      this.flush()
-      this.readVirtualKey()
-    }
-    def eraseLine() = consoleReader.resetPromptLine("", "", 0)
-    def redrawLineAndFlush(): Unit = { flush() ; drawLine() ; flush() }
-    // override def readLine(prompt: String): String
-    // A hook for running code after the repl is done initializing.
-    lazy val postInit: Unit = {
-      this setBellEnabled false
-      if (completion ne NoCompletion) {
-        val argCompletor: ArgumentCompleter =
-          new ArgumentCompleter(new JLineDelimiter, scalaToJline(completion.completer()))
-        argCompletor setStrict false
-        this addCompleter argCompletor
-        this setAutoprintThreshold 400 // max completion candidates without warning
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  def currentLine = consoleReader.getCursorBuffer.buffer.toString
-  def redrawLine() = consoleReader.redrawLineAndFlush()
-  def eraseLine() = consoleReader.eraseLine()
-  // Alternate implementation, not sure if/when I need this.
-  // def eraseLine() = while (consoleReader.delete()) { }
-  def readOneLine(prompt: String) = consoleReader readLine prompt
-  def readOneKey(prompt: String)  = consoleReader readOneKey prompt
-/** Changes the default history file to not collide with the scala repl's. */
-private[repl] class SparkJLineHistory extends JLineFileHistory {
-  import Properties.userHome
-  def defaultFileName = ".spark_history"
-  override protected lazy val historyFile = File(Path(userHome) / defaultFileName)
diff --git a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkMemberHandlers.scala b/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkMemberHandlers.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4de9714..0000000
--- a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkMemberHandlers.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-// scalastyle:off
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author  Martin Odersky
- */
-package org.apache.spark.repl
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import scala.PartialFunction.cond
-import scala.reflect.internal.Chars
-import scala.reflect.internal.Flags._
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-private[repl] trait SparkMemberHandlers {
-  val intp: SparkIMain
-  import intp.{ Request, global, naming }
-  import global._
-  import naming._
-  private def codegenln(leadingPlus: Boolean, xs: String*): String = codegen(leadingPlus, (xs ++ Array("\n")): _*)
-  private def codegenln(xs: String*): String = codegenln(true, xs: _*)
-  private def codegen(xs: String*): String = codegen(true, xs: _*)
-  private def codegen(leadingPlus: Boolean, xs: String*): String = {
-    val front = if (leadingPlus) "+ " else ""
-    front + (xs map string2codeQuoted mkString " + ")
-  }
-  private implicit def name2string(name: Name) = name.toString
-  /** A traverser that finds all mentioned identifiers, i.e. things
-   *  that need to be imported.  It might return extra names.
-   */
-  private class ImportVarsTraverser extends Traverser {
-    val importVars = new mutable.HashSet[Name]()
-    override def traverse(ast: Tree) = ast match {
-      case Ident(name) =>
-        // XXX this is obviously inadequate but it's going to require some effort
-        // to get right.
-        if (name.toString startsWith "x$") ()
-        else importVars += name
-      case _        => super.traverse(ast)
-    }
-  }
-  private object ImportVarsTraverser {
-    def apply(member: Tree) = {
-      val ivt = new ImportVarsTraverser()
-      ivt traverse member
-      ivt.importVars.toList
-    }
-  }
-  def chooseHandler(member: Tree): MemberHandler = member match {
-    case member: DefDef        => new DefHandler(member)
-    case member: ValDef        => new ValHandler(member)
-    case member: Assign        => new AssignHandler(member)
-    case member: ModuleDef     => new ModuleHandler(member)
-    case member: ClassDef      => new ClassHandler(member)
-    case member: TypeDef       => new TypeAliasHandler(member)
-    case member: Import        => new ImportHandler(member)
-    case DocDef(_, documented) => chooseHandler(documented)
-    case member                => new GenericHandler(member)
-  }
-  sealed abstract class MemberDefHandler(override val member: MemberDef) extends MemberHandler(member) {
-    def symbol          = if (member.symbol eq null) NoSymbol else member.symbol
-    def name: Name      =
-    def mods: Modifiers = member.mods
-    def keyword         = member.keyword
-    def prettyName      = name.decode
-    override def definesImplicit = member.mods.isImplicit
-    override def definesTerm: Option[TermName] = Some(name.toTermName) filter (_ => name.isTermName)
-    override def definesType: Option[TypeName] = Some(name.toTypeName) filter (_ => name.isTypeName)
-    override def definedSymbols = if (symbol eq NoSymbol) Nil else List(symbol)
-  }
-  /** Class to handle one member among all the members included
-   *  in a single interpreter request.
-   */
-  sealed abstract class MemberHandler(val member: Tree) {
-    def definesImplicit = false
-    def definesValue    = false
-    def isLegalTopLevel = false
-    def definesTerm     = Option.empty[TermName]
-    def definesType     = Option.empty[TypeName]
-    lazy val referencedNames = ImportVarsTraverser(member)
-    def importedNames        = List[Name]()
-    def definedNames         = definesTerm.toList ++ definesType.toList
-    def definedOrImported    = definedNames ++ importedNames
-    def definedSymbols       = List[Symbol]()
-    def extraCodeToEvaluate(req: Request): String = ""
-    def resultExtractionCode(req: Request): String = ""
-    private def shortName = this.getClass.toString split '.' last
-    override def toString = shortName + referencedNames.mkString(" (refs: ", ", ", ")")
-  }
-  class GenericHandler(member: Tree) extends MemberHandler(member)
-  class ValHandler(member: ValDef) extends MemberDefHandler(member) {
-    val maxStringElements = 1000  // no need to mkString billions of elements
-    override def definesValue = true
-    override def resultExtractionCode(req: Request): String = {
-      val isInternal = isUserVarName(name) && req.lookupTypeOf(name) == "Unit"
-      if (!mods.isPublic || isInternal) ""
-      else {
-        // if this is a lazy val we avoid evaluating it here
-        val resultString =
-          if (mods.isLazy) codegenln(false, "<lazy>")
-          else any2stringOf(req fullPath name, maxStringElements)
-        val vidString =
-          if (replProps.vids) """" + " @ " + "%%8x".format(System.identityHashCode(%s)) + " """.trim.format(req fullPath name)
-          else ""
-        """ + "%s%s: %s = " + %s""".format(string2code(prettyName), vidString, string2code(req typeOf name), resultString)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  class DefHandler(member: DefDef) extends MemberDefHandler(member) {
-    private def vparamss = member.vparamss
-    private def isMacro = member.symbol hasFlag MACRO
-    // true if not a macro and 0-arity
-    override def definesValue = !isMacro && flattensToEmpty(vparamss)
-    override def resultExtractionCode(req: Request) =
-      if (mods.isPublic) codegenln(name, ": ", req.typeOf(name)) else ""
-  }
-  class AssignHandler(member: Assign) extends MemberHandler(member) {
-    val Assign(lhs, rhs) = member
-    val name = newTermName(freshInternalVarName())
-    override def definesTerm = Some(name)
-    override def definesValue = true
-    override def extraCodeToEvaluate(req: Request) =
-      """val %s = %s""".format(name, lhs)
-    /** Print out lhs instead of the generated varName */
-    override def resultExtractionCode(req: Request) = {
-      val lhsType = string2code(req lookupTypeOf name)
-      val res     = string2code(req fullPath name)
-      """ + "%s: %s = " + %s + "\n" """.format(string2code(lhs.toString), lhsType, res) + "\n"
-    }
-  }
-  class ModuleHandler(module: ModuleDef) extends MemberDefHandler(module) {
-    override def definesTerm = Some(name)
-    override def definesValue = true
-    override def isLegalTopLevel = true
-    override def resultExtractionCode(req: Request) = codegenln("defined module ", name)
-  }
-  class ClassHandler(member: ClassDef) extends MemberDefHandler(member) {
-    override def definesType = Some(name.toTypeName)
-    override def definesTerm = Some(name.toTermName) filter (_ => mods.isCase)
-    override def isLegalTopLevel = true
-    override def resultExtractionCode(req: Request) =
-      codegenln("defined %s %s".format(keyword, name))
-  }
-  class TypeAliasHandler(member: TypeDef) extends MemberDefHandler(member) {
-    private def isAlias = mods.isPublic && treeInfo.isAliasTypeDef(member)
-    override def definesType = Some(name.toTypeName) filter (_ => isAlias)
-    override def resultExtractionCode(req: Request) =
-      codegenln("defined type alias ", name) + "\n"
-  }
-  class ImportHandler(imp: Import) extends MemberHandler(imp) {
-    val Import(expr, selectors) = imp
-    def targetType: Type = intp.typeOfExpression("" + expr)
-    override def isLegalTopLevel = true
-    def createImportForName(name: Name): String = {
-      selectors foreach {
-        case sel @ ImportSelector(old, _, `name`, _)  => return "import %s.{ %s }".format(expr, sel)
-        case _ => ()
-      }
-      "import %s.%s".format(expr, name)
-    }
-    // TODO: Need to track these specially to honor Predef masking attempts,
-    // because they must be the leading imports in the code generated for each
-    // line.  We can use the same machinery as Contexts now, anyway.
-    def isPredefImport = isReferenceToPredef(expr)
-    // wildcard imports, e.g. import foo._
-    private def selectorWild    = selectors filter ( == nme.USCOREkw)
-    // renamed imports, e.g. import foo.{ bar => baz }
-    private def selectorRenames = selectors map (_.rename) filterNot (_ == null)
-    /** Whether this import includes a wildcard import */
-    val importsWildcard = selectorWild.nonEmpty
-    /** Whether anything imported is implicit .*/
-    def importsImplicit = implicitSymbols.nonEmpty
-    def implicitSymbols = importedSymbols filter (_.isImplicit)
-    def importedSymbols = individualSymbols ++ wildcardSymbols
-    lazy val individualSymbols: List[Symbol] =
-      beforePickler(individualNames map (targetType nonPrivateMember _))
-    lazy val wildcardSymbols: List[Symbol] =
-      if (importsWildcard) beforePickler(targetType.nonPrivateMembers.toList)
-      else Nil
-    /** Complete list of names imported by a wildcard */
-    lazy val wildcardNames: List[Name]   = wildcardSymbols map (
-    lazy val individualNames: List[Name] = selectorRenames filterNot (_ == nme.USCOREkw) flatMap (_.bothNames)
-    /** The names imported by this statement */
-    override lazy val importedNames: List[Name] = wildcardNames ++ individualNames
-    lazy val importsSymbolNamed: Set[String] = importedNames map (_.toString) toSet
-    def importString = imp.toString
-    override def resultExtractionCode(req: Request) = codegenln(importString) + "\n"
-  }
diff --git a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkRunnerSettings.scala b/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkRunnerSettings.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 94c801e..0000000
--- a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkRunnerSettings.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.spark.repl
- * <i></i> implementation adding Spark-specific REPL
- * command line options.
- */
-private[repl] class SparkRunnerSettings(error: String => Unit) extends Settings(error) {
-  val loadfiles = MultiStringSetting(
-      "-i",
-      "file",
-      "load a file (assumes the code is given interactively)")
diff --git a/repl/scala-2.10/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/ReplSuite.scala b/repl/scala-2.10/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/ReplSuite.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b3688c9..0000000
--- a/repl/scala-2.10/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/ReplSuite.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.spark.repl
-import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
-import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkFunSuite}
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils
-import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
-class ReplSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
-  def runInterpreter(master: String, input: String): String = {
-    val CONF_EXECUTOR_CLASSPATH = "spark.executor.extraClassPath"
-    val in = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(input + "\n"))
-    val out = new StringWriter()
-    val cl = getClass.getClassLoader
-    var paths = new ArrayBuffer[String]
-    if (cl.isInstanceOf[URLClassLoader]) {
-      val urlLoader = cl.asInstanceOf[URLClassLoader]
-      for (url <- urlLoader.getURLs) {
-        if (url.getProtocol == "file") {
-          paths += url.getFile
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    val classpath = File(_).getAbsolutePath).mkString(File.pathSeparator)
-    val oldExecutorClasspath = System.getProperty(CONF_EXECUTOR_CLASSPATH)
-    System.setProperty(CONF_EXECUTOR_CLASSPATH, classpath)
-    val interp = new SparkILoop(in, new PrintWriter(out), master)
-    org.apache.spark.repl.Main.interp = interp
-    interp.process(Array("-classpath", classpath))
-    org.apache.spark.repl.Main.interp = null
-    if (interp.sparkContext != null) {
-      interp.sparkContext.stop()
-    }
-    if (oldExecutorClasspath != null) {
-      System.setProperty(CONF_EXECUTOR_CLASSPATH, oldExecutorClasspath)
-    } else {
-      System.clearProperty(CONF_EXECUTOR_CLASSPATH)
-    }
-    return out.toString
-  }
-  def assertContains(message: String, output: String) {
-    val isContain = output.contains(message)
-    assert(isContain,
-      "Interpreter output did not contain '" + message + "':\n" + output)
-  }
-  def assertDoesNotContain(message: String, output: String) {
-    val isContain = output.contains(message)
-    assert(!isContain,
-      "Interpreter output contained '" + message + "':\n" + output)
-  }
-  test("propagation of local properties") {
-    // A mock ILoop that doesn't install the SIGINT handler.
-    class ILoop(out: PrintWriter) extends SparkILoop(None, out, None) {
-      settings = new
-      settings.usejavacp.value = true
-      org.apache.spark.repl.Main.interp = this
-      override def createInterpreter() {
-        intp = new SparkILoopInterpreter
-        intp.setContextClassLoader()
-      }
-    }
-    val out = new StringWriter()
-    val interp = new ILoop(new PrintWriter(out))
-    interp.sparkContext = new SparkContext("local", "repl-test")
-    interp.createInterpreter()
-    interp.intp.initialize()
-    interp.sparkContext.setLocalProperty("someKey", "someValue")
-    // Make sure the value we set in the caller to interpret is propagated in the thread that
-    // interprets the command.
-    interp.interpret("org.apache.spark.repl.Main.interp.sparkContext.getLocalProperty(\"someKey\")")
-    assert(out.toString.contains("someValue"))
-    interp.sparkContext.stop()
-    System.clearProperty("spark.driver.port")
-  }
-  test("simple foreach with accumulator") {
-    val output = runInterpreter("local",
-      """
-        |val accum = sc.longAccumulator
-        |sc.parallelize(1 to 10).foreach(x => accum.add(x))
-        |accum.value
-      """.stripMargin)
-    assertDoesNotContain("error:", output)
-    assertDoesNotContain("Exception", output)
-    assertContains("res1: Long = 55", output)
-  }
-  test("external vars") {
-    val output = runInterpreter("local",
-      """
-        |var v = 7
-        |sc.parallelize(1 to 10).map(x => v).collect().reduceLeft(_+_)
-        |v = 10
-        |sc.parallelize(1 to 10).map(x => v).collect().reduceLeft(_+_)
-      """.stripMargin)
-    assertDoesNotContain("error:", output)
-    assertDoesNotContain("Exception", output)
-    assertContains("res0: Int = 70", output)
-    assertContains("res1: Int = 100", output)
-  }
-  test("external classes") {
-    val output = runInterpreter("local",
-      """
-        |class C {
-        |def foo = 5
-        |}
-        |sc.parallelize(1 to 10).map(x => (new C).foo).collect().reduceLeft(_+_)
-      """.stripMargin)
-    assertDoesNotContain("error:", output)
-    assertDoesNotContain("Exception", output)
-    assertContains("res0: Int = 50", output)
-  }
-  test("external functions") {
-    val output = runInterpreter("local",
-      """
-        |def double(x: Int) = x + x
-        |sc.parallelize(1 to 10).map(x => double(x)).collect().reduceLeft(_+_)
-      """.stripMargin)
-    assertDoesNotContain("error:", output)
-    assertDoesNotContain("Exception", output)
-    assertContains("res0: Int = 110", output)
-  }
-  test("external functions that access vars") {
-    val output = runInterpreter("local",
-      """
-        |var v = 7
-        |def getV() = v
-        |sc.parallelize(1 to 10).map(x => getV()).collect().reduceLeft(_+_)
-        |v = 10
-        |sc.parallelize(1 to 10).map(x => getV()).collect().reduceLeft(_+_)
-      """.stripMargin)
-    assertDoesNotContain("error:", output)
-    assertDoesNotContain("Exception", output)
-    assertContains("res0: Int = 70", output)
-    assertContains("res1: Int = 100", output)
-  }
-  test("broadcast vars") {
-    // Test that the value that a broadcast var had when it was created is used,
-    // even if that variable is then modified in the driver program
-    // TODO: This doesn't actually work for arrays when we run in local mode!
-    val output = runInterpreter("local",
-      """
-        |var array = new Array[Int](5)
-        |val broadcastArray = sc.broadcast(array)
-        |sc.parallelize(0 to 4).map(x => broadcastArray.value(x)).collect()
-        |array(0) = 5
-        |sc.parallelize(0 to 4).map(x => broadcastArray.value(x)).collect()
-      """.stripMargin)
-    assertDoesNotContain("error:", output)
-    assertDoesNotContain("Exception", output)
-    assertContains("res0: Array[Int] = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)", output)
-    assertContains("res2: Array[Int] = Array(5, 0, 0, 0, 0)", output)
-  }
-  test("interacting with files") {
-    val tempDir = Utils.createTempDir()
-    val out = new FileWriter(tempDir + "/input")
-    out.write("Hello world!\n")
-    out.write("What's up?\n")
-    out.write("Goodbye\n")
-    out.close()
-    val output = runInterpreter("local",
-      """
-        |var file = sc.textFile("%s").cache()
-        |file.count()
-        |file.count()
-        |file.count()
-      """.stripMargin.format(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(
-        tempDir.getAbsolutePath + File.separator + "input")))
-    assertDoesNotContain("error:", output)
-    assertDoesNotContain("Exception", output)
-    assertContains("res0: Long = 3", output)
-    assertContains("res1: Long = 3", output)
-    assertContains("res2: Long = 3", output)
-    Utils.deleteRecursively(tempDir)
-  }
-  test("local-cluster mode") {
-    val output = runInterpreter("local-cluster[1,1,1024]",
-      """
-        |var v = 7
-        |def getV() = v
-        |sc.parallelize(1 to 10).map(x => getV()).collect().reduceLeft(_+_)
-        |v = 10
-        |sc.parallelize(1 to 10).map(x => getV()).collect().reduceLeft(_+_)
-        |var array = new Array[Int](5)
-        |val broadcastArray = sc.broadcast(array)
-        |sc.parallelize(0 to 4).map(x => broadcastArray.value(x)).collect()
-        |array(0) = 5
-        |sc.parallelize(0 to 4).map(x => broadcastArray.value(x)).collect()
-      """.stripMargin)
-    assertDoesNotContain("error:", output)
-    assertDoesNotContain("Exception", output)
-    assertContains("res0: Int = 70", output)
-    assertContains("res1: Int = 100", output)
-    assertContains("res2: Array[Int] = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)", output)
-    assertContains("res4: Array[Int] = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)", output)
-  }
-  test("SPARK-1199 two instances of same class don't type check.") {
-    val output = runInterpreter("local",
-      """
-        |case class Sum(exp: String, exp2: String)
-        |val a = Sum("A", "B")
-        |def b(a: Sum): String = a match { case Sum(_, _) => "Found Sum" }
-        |b(a)
-      """.stripMargin)
-    assertDoesNotContain("error:", output)
-    assertDoesNotContain("Exception", output)
-  }
-  test("SPARK-2452 compound statements.") {
-    val output = runInterpreter("local",
-      """
-        |val x = 4 ; def f() = x
-        |f()
-      """.stripMargin)
-    assertDoesNotContain("error:", output)
-    assertDoesNotContain("Exception", output)
-  }
-  test("SPARK-2576 importing SQLContext.implicits._") {
-    // We need to use local-cluster to test this case.
-    val output = runInterpreter("local-cluster[1,1,1024]",
-      """
-        |val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
-        |import sqlContext.implicits._
-        |case class TestCaseClass(value: Int)
-        |sc.parallelize(1 to 10).map(x => TestCaseClass(x)).toDF().collect()
-        |
-        |// Test Dataset Serialization in the REPL
-        |Seq(TestCaseClass(1)).toDS().collect()
-      """.stripMargin)
-    assertDoesNotContain("error:", output)
-    assertDoesNotContain("Exception", output)
-  }
-  test("SPARK-8461 SQL with codegen") {
-    val output = runInterpreter("local",
-    """
-      |val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
-      |sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.codegen", "true")
-      |sqlContext.range(0, 100).filter('id > 50).count()
-    """.stripMargin)
-    assertContains("Long = 49", output)
-    assertDoesNotContain("java.lang.ClassNotFoundException", output)
-  }
-  test("Datasets and encoders") {
-    val output = runInterpreter("local",
-      """
-        |import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
-        |import org.apache.spark.sql.{Encoder, Encoders}
-        |import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Aggregator
-        |import org.apache.spark.sql.TypedColumn
-        |val simpleSum = new Aggregator[Int, Int, Int] {
-        |  def zero: Int = 0                     // The initial value.
-        |  def reduce(b: Int, a: Int) = b + a    // Add an element to the running total
-        |  def merge(b1: Int, b2: Int) = b1 + b2 // Merge intermediate values.
-        |  def finish(b: Int) = b                // Return the final result.
-        |  def bufferEncoder: Encoder[Int] = Encoders.scalaInt
-        |  def outputEncoder: Encoder[Int] = Encoders.scalaInt
-        |}.toColumn
-        |
-        |val ds = Seq(1, 2, 3, 4).toDS()
-        |
-      """.stripMargin)
-    assertDoesNotContain("error:", output)
-    assertDoesNotContain("Exception", output)
-  }
-  test("SPARK-2632 importing a method from non serializable class and not using it.") {
-    val output = runInterpreter("local-cluster[1,1,1024]",
-    """
-      |class TestClass() { def testMethod = 3 }
-      |val t = new TestClass
-      |import t.testMethod
-      |case class TestCaseClass(value: Int)
-      |sc.parallelize(1 to 10).map(x => TestCaseClass(x)).collect()
-    """.stripMargin)
-    assertDoesNotContain("error:", output)
-    assertDoesNotContain("Exception", output)
-  }
-  if (System.getenv("MESOS_NATIVE_JAVA_LIBRARY") != null) {
-    test("running on Mesos") {
-      val output = runInterpreter("localquiet",
-        """
-          |var v = 7
-          |def getV() = v
-          |sc.parallelize(1 to 10).map(x => getV()).collect().reduceLeft(_+_)
-          |v = 10
-          |sc.parallelize(1 to 10).map(x => getV()).collect().reduceLeft(_+_)
-          |var array = new Array[Int](5)
-          |val broadcastArray = sc.broadcast(array)
-          |sc.parallelize(0 to 4).map(x => broadcastArray.value(x)).collect()
-          |array(0) = 5
-          |sc.parallelize(0 to 4).map(x => broadcastArray.value(x)).collect()
-        """.stripMargin)
-      assertDoesNotContain("error:", output)
-      assertDoesNotContain("Exception", output)
-      assertContains("res0: Int = 70", output)
-      assertContains("res1: Int = 100", output)
-      assertContains("res2: Array[Int] = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)", output)
-      assertContains("res4: Array[Int] = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)", output)
-    }
-  }
-  test("collecting objects of class defined in repl") {
-    val output = runInterpreter("local[2]",
-      """
-        |case class Foo(i: Int)
-        |val ret = sc.parallelize((1 to 100).map(Foo), 10).collect()
-      """.stripMargin)
-    assertDoesNotContain("error:", output)
-    assertDoesNotContain("Exception", output)
-    assertContains("ret: Array[Foo] = Array(Foo(1),", output)
-  }
-  test("collecting objects of class defined in repl - shuffling") {
-    val output = runInterpreter("local-cluster[1,1,1024]",
-      """
-        |case class Foo(i: Int)
-        |val list = List((1, Foo(1)), (1, Foo(2)))
-        |val ret = sc.parallelize(list).groupByKey().collect()
-      """.stripMargin)
-    assertDoesNotContain("error:", output)
-    assertDoesNotContain("Exception", output)
-    assertContains("ret: Array[(Int, Iterable[Foo])] = Array((1,", output)
-  }
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/java/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/java/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/
index c29b002..aadfcaa 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/java/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/java/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ package org.apache.spark.sql.execution;
+import scala.collection.AbstractIterator;
 import scala.collection.Iterator;
 import scala.math.Ordering;
@@ -28,7 +29,6 @@ import org.apache.spark.SparkEnv;
 import org.apache.spark.TaskContext;
 import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow;
 import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.UnsafeRow;
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.AbstractScalaRowIterator;
 import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType;
 import org.apache.spark.unsafe.Platform;
 import org.apache.spark.util.collection.unsafe.sort.PrefixComparator;
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ public final class UnsafeExternalRowSorter {
         // here in order to prevent memory leaks.
-      return new AbstractScalaRowIterator<UnsafeRow>() {
+      return new AbstractIterator<UnsafeRow>() {
         private final int numFields = schema.length();
         private UnsafeRow row = new UnsafeRow(numFields);
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/ScalaReflection.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/ScalaReflection.scala
index 4d5401f..004b4ef 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/ScalaReflection.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/ScalaReflection.scala
@@ -41,8 +41,7 @@ object ScalaReflection extends ScalaReflection {
   // Since we are creating a runtime mirror using the class loader of current thread,
   // we need to use def at here. So, every time we call mirror, it is using the
   // class loader of the current thread.
-  // SPARK-13640: Synchronize this because universe.runtimeMirror is not thread-safe in Scala 2.10.
-  override def mirror: universe.Mirror = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized {
+  override def mirror: universe.Mirror = {
@@ -62,7 +61,7 @@ object ScalaReflection extends ScalaReflection {
   def dataTypeFor[T : TypeTag]: DataType = dataTypeFor(localTypeOf[T])
-  private def dataTypeFor(tpe: `Type`): DataType = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized {
+  private def dataTypeFor(tpe: `Type`): DataType = {
     tpe match {
       case t if t <:< definitions.IntTpe => IntegerType
       case t if t <:< definitions.LongTpe => LongType
@@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ object ScalaReflection extends ScalaReflection {
    * Special handling is performed for primitive types to map them back to their raw
    * JVM form instead of the Scala Array that handles auto boxing.
-  private def arrayClassFor(tpe: `Type`): ObjectType = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized {
+  private def arrayClassFor(tpe: `Type`): ObjectType = {
     val cls = tpe match {
       case t if t <:< definitions.IntTpe => classOf[Array[Int]]
       case t if t <:< definitions.LongTpe => classOf[Array[Long]]
@@ -141,7 +140,7 @@ object ScalaReflection extends ScalaReflection {
   private def deserializerFor(
       tpe: `Type`,
       path: Option[Expression],
-      walkedTypePath: Seq[String]): Expression = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized {
+      walkedTypePath: Seq[String]): Expression = {
     /** Returns the current path with a sub-field extracted. */
     def addToPath(part: String, dataType: DataType, walkedTypePath: Seq[String]): Expression = {
@@ -329,8 +328,8 @@ object ScalaReflection extends ScalaReflection {
-        val companion = t.normalize.typeSymbol.companionSymbol.typeSignature
-        val cls = companion.member(newTermName("newBuilder")) match {
+        val companion = t.dealias.typeSymbol.companion.typeSignature
+        val cls = companion.member(TermName("newBuilder")) match {
           case NoSymbol if t <:< localTypeOf[Seq[_]] => classOf[Seq[_]]
           case NoSymbol if t <:< localTypeOf[scala.collection.Set[_]] =>
@@ -349,7 +348,7 @@ object ScalaReflection extends ScalaReflection {
-      case t if t.typeSymbol.annotations.exists(_.tpe =:= typeOf[SQLUserDefinedType]) =>
+      case t if t.typeSymbol.annotations.exists(_.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[SQLUserDefinedType]) =>
         val udt = getClassFromType(t).getAnnotation(classOf[SQLUserDefinedType]).udt().newInstance()
         val obj = NewInstance(
@@ -436,7 +435,7 @@ object ScalaReflection extends ScalaReflection {
       inputObject: Expression,
       tpe: `Type`,
       walkedTypePath: Seq[String],
-      seenTypeSet: Set[`Type`] = Set.empty): Expression = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized {
+      seenTypeSet: Set[`Type`] = Set.empty): Expression = {
     def toCatalystArray(input: Expression, elementType: `Type`): Expression = {
       dataTypeFor(elementType) match {
@@ -591,7 +590,7 @@ object ScalaReflection extends ScalaReflection {
       case t if t <:< localTypeOf[java.lang.Boolean] =>
         Invoke(inputObject, "booleanValue", BooleanType)
-      case t if t.typeSymbol.annotations.exists(_.tpe =:= typeOf[SQLUserDefinedType]) =>
+      case t if t.typeSymbol.annotations.exists(_.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[SQLUserDefinedType]) =>
         val udt = getClassFromType(t)
         val obj = NewInstance(
@@ -643,7 +642,7 @@ object ScalaReflection extends ScalaReflection {
    * Returns true if the given type is option of product type, e.g. `Option[Tuple2]`. Note that,
    * we also treat [[DefinedByConstructorParams]] as product type.
-  def optionOfProductType(tpe: `Type`): Boolean = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized {
+  def optionOfProductType(tpe: `Type`): Boolean = {
     tpe match {
       case t if t <:< localTypeOf[Option[_]] =>
         val TypeRef(_, _, Seq(optType)) = t
@@ -705,9 +704,9 @@ object ScalaReflection extends ScalaReflection {
   def schemaFor[T: TypeTag]: Schema = schemaFor(localTypeOf[T])
   /** Returns a catalyst DataType and its nullability for the given Scala Type using reflection. */
-  def schemaFor(tpe: `Type`): Schema = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized {
+  def schemaFor(tpe: `Type`): Schema = {
     tpe match {
-      case t if t.typeSymbol.annotations.exists(_.tpe =:= typeOf[SQLUserDefinedType]) =>
+      case t if t.typeSymbol.annotations.exists(_.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[SQLUserDefinedType]) =>
         val udt = getClassFromType(t).getAnnotation(classOf[SQLUserDefinedType]).udt().newInstance()
         Schema(udt, nullable = true)
       case t if UDTRegistration.exists(getClassNameFromType(t)) =>
@@ -814,10 +813,9 @@ trait ScalaReflection {
    * @see SPARK-5281
-  // SPARK-13640: Synchronize this because TypeTag.tpe is not thread-safe in Scala 2.10.
-  def localTypeOf[T: TypeTag]: `Type` = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized {
+  def localTypeOf[T: TypeTag]: `Type` = {
     val tag = implicitly[TypeTag[T]]
@@ -866,9 +864,9 @@ trait ScalaReflection {
   protected def constructParams(tpe: Type): Seq[Symbol] = {
-    val constructorSymbol = tpe.member(nme.CONSTRUCTOR)
+    val constructorSymbol = tpe.member(termNames.CONSTRUCTOR)
     val params = if (constructorSymbol.isMethod) {
-      constructorSymbol.asMethod.paramss
+      constructorSymbol.asMethod.paramLists
     } else {
       // Find the primary constructor, and use its parameter ordering.
       val primaryConstructorSymbol: Option[Symbol] = constructorSymbol.asTerm.alternatives.find(
@@ -876,7 +874,7 @@ trait ScalaReflection {
       if (primaryConstructorSymbol.isEmpty) {
         sys.error("Internal SQL error: Product object did not have a primary constructor.")
       } else {
-        primaryConstructorSymbol.get.asMethod.paramss
+        primaryConstructorSymbol.get.asMethod.paramLists
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/analysis/Analyzer.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/analysis/Analyzer.scala
index 5353649..7745709 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/analysis/Analyzer.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/analysis/Analyzer.scala
@@ -1518,9 +1518,9 @@ class Analyzer(
       def unapply(e: Expression): Option[(Generator, Seq[String], Boolean)] = e match {
         case Alias(GeneratorOuter(g: Generator), name) if g.resolved => Some((g, name :: Nil, true))
-        case MultiAlias(GeneratorOuter(g: Generator), names) if g.resolved => Some(g, names, true)
+        case MultiAlias(GeneratorOuter(g: Generator), names) if g.resolved => Some((g, names, true))
         case Alias(g: Generator, name) if g.resolved => Some((g, name :: Nil, false))
-        case MultiAlias(g: Generator, names) if g.resolved => Some(g, names, false)
+        case MultiAlias(g: Generator, names) if g.resolved => Some((g, names, false))
         case _ => None
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/codegen/package.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/codegen/package.scala
index 41128fe..9ff5b87 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/codegen/package.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/codegen/package.scala
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions
+import scala.reflect.internal.util.AbstractFileClassLoader
 import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules
 import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ package object codegen {
       val classLoader =
-          .asInstanceOf[]
+          .asInstanceOf[AbstractFileClassLoader]
       val generatedBytes = classLoader.classBytes(generatedClass.getName)
       val packageDir = new, generatedClass.getPackage.getName)
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/namedExpressions.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/namedExpressions.scala
index 29c3380..b898484 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/namedExpressions.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/namedExpressions.scala
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ object NamedExpression {
   private val curId = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong()
   private[expressions] val jvmId = UUID.randomUUID()
   def newExprId: ExprId = ExprId(curId.getAndIncrement(), jvmId)
-  def unapply(expr: NamedExpression): Option[(String, DataType)] = Some(, expr.dataType)
+  def unapply(expr: NamedExpression): Option[(String, DataType)] = Some((, expr.dataType))
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/package.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/package.scala
index f9c88d4..a6b10cf 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/package.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/package.scala
@@ -22,10 +22,4 @@ package org.apache.spark.sql
  * considered an internal API to Spark SQL and are subject to change between minor releases.
 package object catalyst {
-  /**
-   * A JVM-global lock that should be used to prevent thread safety issues when using things in
-   * scala.reflect.*.  Note that Scala Reflection API is made thread-safe in 2.11, but not yet for
-   * 2.10.* builds.  See SI-6240 for more details.
-   */
-  protected[sql] object ScalaReflectionLock
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/util/AbstractScalaRowIterator.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/util/AbstractScalaRowIterator.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c7205b..0000000
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/util/AbstractScalaRowIterator.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util
- * Shim to allow us to implement [[scala.Iterator]] in Java. Scala 2.11+ has an AbstractIterator
- * class for this, but that class is `private[scala]` in 2.10. We need to explicitly fix this to
- * `Row` in order to work around a spurious IntelliJ compiler error. This cannot be an abstract
- * class because that leads to compilation errors under Scala 2.11.
- */
-class AbstractScalaRowIterator[T] extends Iterator[T] {
-  override def hasNext: Boolean = throw new NotImplementedError
-  override def next(): T = throw new NotImplementedError
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/BinaryType.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/BinaryType.scala
index 02c8318..032d6b5 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/BinaryType.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/BinaryType.scala
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import scala.math.Ordering
 import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.typeTag
 import org.apache.spark.annotation.InterfaceStability
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflectionLock
 import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.TypeUtils
@@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ class BinaryType private() extends AtomicType {
   private[sql] type InternalType = Array[Byte]
-  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized { typeTag[InternalType] }
+  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = typeTag[InternalType]
   private[sql] val ordering = new Ordering[InternalType] {
     def compare(x: Array[Byte], y: Array[Byte]): Int = {
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/BooleanType.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/BooleanType.scala
index cee78f4..63f354d 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/BooleanType.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/BooleanType.scala
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import scala.math.Ordering
 import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.typeTag
 import org.apache.spark.annotation.InterfaceStability
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflectionLock
@@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ class BooleanType private() extends AtomicType {
   // this type. Otherwise, the companion object would be of type "BooleanType$" in byte code.
   // Defined with a private constructor so the companion object is the only possible instantiation.
   private[sql] type InternalType = Boolean
-  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized { typeTag[InternalType] }
+  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = typeTag[InternalType]
   private[sql] val ordering = implicitly[Ordering[InternalType]]
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/ByteType.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/ByteType.scala
index b1dd5ed..5854c3f 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/ByteType.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/ByteType.scala
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import scala.math.{Integral, Numeric, Ordering}
 import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.typeTag
 import org.apache.spark.annotation.InterfaceStability
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflectionLock
  * The data type representing `Byte` values. Please use the singleton `DataTypes.ByteType`.
@@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ class ByteType private() extends IntegralType {
   // this type. Otherwise, the companion object would be of type "ByteType$" in byte code.
   // Defined with a private constructor so the companion object is the only possible instantiation.
   private[sql] type InternalType = Byte
-  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized { typeTag[InternalType] }
+  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = typeTag[InternalType]
   private[sql] val numeric = implicitly[Numeric[Byte]]
   private[sql] val integral = implicitly[Integral[Byte]]
   private[sql] val ordering = implicitly[Ordering[InternalType]]
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/DateType.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/DateType.scala
index 0c0574b..9e70dd4 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/DateType.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/DateType.scala
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ import scala.math.Ordering
 import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.typeTag
 import org.apache.spark.annotation.InterfaceStability
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflectionLock
  * A date type, supporting "0001-01-01" through "9999-12-31".
@@ -40,7 +38,7 @@ class DateType private() extends AtomicType {
   // Defined with a private constructor so the companion object is the only possible instantiation.
   private[sql] type InternalType = Int
-  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized { typeTag[InternalType] }
+  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = typeTag[InternalType]
   private[sql] val ordering = implicitly[Ordering[InternalType]]
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/DecimalType.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/DecimalType.scala
index 5c4bc5e..6e050c1 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/DecimalType.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/DecimalType.scala
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.typeTag
 import org.apache.spark.annotation.InterfaceStability
 import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflectionLock
 import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression
@@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ case class DecimalType(precision: Int, scale: Int) extends FractionalType {
   def this() = this(10)
   private[sql] type InternalType = Decimal
-  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized { typeTag[InternalType] }
+  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = typeTag[InternalType]
   private[sql] val numeric = Decimal.DecimalIsFractional
   private[sql] val fractional = Decimal.DecimalIsFractional
   private[sql] val ordering = Decimal.DecimalIsFractional
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/DoubleType.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/DoubleType.scala
index 400f7ae..a5c79ff 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/DoubleType.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/DoubleType.scala
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import scala.math.Numeric.DoubleAsIfIntegral
 import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.typeTag
 import org.apache.spark.annotation.InterfaceStability
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflectionLock
 import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
@@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ class DoubleType private() extends FractionalType {
   // this type. Otherwise, the companion object would be of type "DoubleType$" in byte code.
   // Defined with a private constructor so the companion object is the only possible instantiation.
   private[sql] type InternalType = Double
-  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized { typeTag[InternalType] }
+  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = typeTag[InternalType]
   private[sql] val numeric = implicitly[Numeric[Double]]
   private[sql] val fractional = implicitly[Fractional[Double]]
   private[sql] val ordering = new Ordering[Double] {
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/FloatType.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/FloatType.scala
index b9812b2..352147e 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/FloatType.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/FloatType.scala
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import scala.math.Numeric.FloatAsIfIntegral
 import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.typeTag
 import org.apache.spark.annotation.InterfaceStability
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflectionLock
 import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
@@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ class FloatType private() extends FractionalType {
   // this type. Otherwise, the companion object would be of type "FloatType$" in byte code.
   // Defined with a private constructor so the companion object is the only possible instantiation.
   private[sql] type InternalType = Float
-  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized { typeTag[InternalType] }
+  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = typeTag[InternalType]
   private[sql] val numeric = implicitly[Numeric[Float]]
   private[sql] val fractional = implicitly[Fractional[Float]]
   private[sql] val ordering = new Ordering[Float] {
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/HiveStringType.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/HiveStringType.scala
index b319eb7..e0bca93 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/HiveStringType.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/HiveStringType.scala
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ package org.apache.spark.sql.types
 import scala.math.Ordering
 import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.typeTag
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflectionLock
 import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
@@ -32,9 +31,7 @@ sealed abstract class HiveStringType extends AtomicType {
   private[sql] val ordering = implicitly[Ordering[InternalType]]
-  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized {
-    typeTag[InternalType]
-  }
+  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = typeTag[InternalType]
   override def defaultSize: Int = length
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/IntegerType.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/IntegerType.scala
index dca612e..a85e372 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/IntegerType.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/IntegerType.scala
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ import scala.math.{Integral, Numeric, Ordering}
 import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.typeTag
 import org.apache.spark.annotation.InterfaceStability
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflectionLock
  * The data type representing `Int` values. Please use the singleton `DataTypes.IntegerType`.
@@ -35,7 +33,7 @@ class IntegerType private() extends IntegralType {
   // this type. Otherwise, the companion object would be of type "IntegerType$" in byte code.
   // Defined with a private constructor so the companion object is the only possible instantiation.
   private[sql] type InternalType = Int
-  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized { typeTag[InternalType] }
+  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = typeTag[InternalType]
   private[sql] val numeric = implicitly[Numeric[Int]]
   private[sql] val integral = implicitly[Integral[Int]]
   private[sql] val ordering = implicitly[Ordering[InternalType]]
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/LongType.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/LongType.scala
index 396c335..0997028 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/LongType.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/LongType.scala
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import scala.math.{Integral, Numeric, Ordering}
 import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.typeTag
 import org.apache.spark.annotation.InterfaceStability
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflectionLock
  * The data type representing `Long` values. Please use the singleton `DataTypes.LongType`.
@@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ class LongType private() extends IntegralType {
   // this type. Otherwise, the companion object would be of type "LongType$" in byte code.
   // Defined with a private constructor so the companion object is the only possible instantiation.
   private[sql] type InternalType = Long
-  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized { typeTag[InternalType] }
+  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = typeTag[InternalType]
   private[sql] val numeric = implicitly[Numeric[Long]]
   private[sql] val integral = implicitly[Integral[Long]]
   private[sql] val ordering = implicitly[Ordering[InternalType]]
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/ShortType.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/ShortType.scala
index 1410d5b..ee655c3 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/ShortType.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/ShortType.scala
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import scala.math.{Integral, Numeric, Ordering}
 import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.typeTag
 import org.apache.spark.annotation.InterfaceStability
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflectionLock
  * The data type representing `Short` values. Please use the singleton `DataTypes.ShortType`.
@@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ class ShortType private() extends IntegralType {
   // this type. Otherwise, the companion object would be of type "ShortType$" in byte code.
   // Defined with a private constructor so the companion object is the only possible instantiation.
   private[sql] type InternalType = Short
-  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized { typeTag[InternalType] }
+  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = typeTag[InternalType]
   private[sql] val numeric = implicitly[Numeric[Short]]
   private[sql] val integral = implicitly[Integral[Short]]
   private[sql] val ordering = implicitly[Ordering[InternalType]]
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/StringType.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/StringType.scala
index d1c0da3..59b124c 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/StringType.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/StringType.scala
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import scala.math.Ordering
 import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.typeTag
 import org.apache.spark.annotation.InterfaceStability
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflectionLock
 import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
@@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ class StringType private() extends AtomicType {
   // this type. Otherwise, the companion object would be of type "StringType$" in byte code.
   // Defined with a private constructor so the companion object is the only possible instantiation.
   private[sql] type InternalType = UTF8String
-  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized { typeTag[InternalType] }
+  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = typeTag[InternalType]
   private[sql] val ordering = implicitly[Ordering[InternalType]]
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/TimestampType.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/TimestampType.scala
index 2875995..fdb91e0 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/TimestampType.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/types/TimestampType.scala
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ import scala.math.Ordering
 import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.typeTag
 import org.apache.spark.annotation.InterfaceStability
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflectionLock
  * The data type representing `java.sql.Timestamp` values.
@@ -37,7 +35,7 @@ class TimestampType private() extends AtomicType {
   // Defined with a private constructor so the companion object is the only possible instantiation.
   private[sql] type InternalType = Long
-  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = ScalaReflectionLock.synchronized { typeTag[InternalType] }
+  @transient private[sql] lazy val tag = typeTag[InternalType]
   private[sql] val ordering = implicitly[Ordering[InternalType]]
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/optimizer/JoinOptimizationSuite.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/optimizer/JoinOptimizationSuite.scala
index 2f30a78..97733a75 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/optimizer/JoinOptimizationSuite.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/optimizer/JoinOptimizationSuite.scala
@@ -70,27 +70,27 @@ class JoinOptimizationSuite extends PlanTest {
     testExtract(x, None)
     testExtract(x.where("x.b".attr === 1), None)
-    testExtract(x.join(y), Some(Seq(x, y), Seq()))
+    testExtract(x.join(y), Some((Seq(x, y), Seq())))
     testExtract(x.join(y, condition = Some("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr)),
-      Some(Seq(x, y), Seq("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr)))
+      Some((Seq(x, y), Seq("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr))))
     testExtract(x.join(y).where("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr),
-      Some(Seq(x, y), Seq("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr)))
-    testExtract(x.join(y).join(z), Some(Seq(x, y, z), Seq()))
+      Some((Seq(x, y), Seq("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr))))
+    testExtract(x.join(y).join(z), Some((Seq(x, y, z), Seq())))
     testExtract(x.join(y).where("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr).join(z),
-      Some(Seq(x, y, z), Seq("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr)))
-    testExtract(x.join(y).join(x.join(z)), Some(Seq(x, y, x.join(z)), Seq()))
+      Some((Seq(x, y, z), Seq("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr))))
+    testExtract(x.join(y).join(x.join(z)), Some((Seq(x, y, x.join(z)), Seq())))
     testExtract(x.join(y).join(x.join(z)).where("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr),
-      Some(Seq(x, y, x.join(z)), Seq("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr)))
+      Some((Seq(x, y, x.join(z)), Seq("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr))))
-    testExtractCheckCross(x.join(y, Cross), Some(Seq((x, Cross), (y, Cross)), Seq()))
+    testExtractCheckCross(x.join(y, Cross), Some((Seq((x, Cross), (y, Cross)), Seq())))
     testExtractCheckCross(x.join(y, Cross).join(z, Cross),
-      Some(Seq((x, Cross), (y, Cross), (z, Cross)), Seq()))
+      Some((Seq((x, Cross), (y, Cross), (z, Cross)), Seq())))
     testExtractCheckCross(x.join(y, Cross, Some("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr)).join(z, Cross),
-      Some(Seq((x, Cross), (y, Cross), (z, Cross)), Seq("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr)))
+      Some((Seq((x, Cross), (y, Cross), (z, Cross)), Seq("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr))))
     testExtractCheckCross(x.join(y, Inner, Some("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr)).join(z, Cross),
-      Some(Seq((x, Inner), (y, Inner), (z, Cross)), Seq("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr)))
+      Some((Seq((x, Inner), (y, Inner), (z, Cross)), Seq("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr))))
     testExtractCheckCross(x.join(y, Cross, Some("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr)).join(z, Inner),
-      Some(Seq((x, Cross), (y, Cross), (z, Inner)), Seq("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr)))
+      Some((Seq((x, Cross), (y, Cross), (z, Inner)), Seq("x.b".attr === "y.d".attr))))
   test("reorder inner joins") {
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/optimizer/OptimizeCodegenSuite.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/optimizer/OptimizeCodegenSuite.scala
index b71067c..2abf9fe 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/optimizer/OptimizeCodegenSuite.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/optimizer/OptimizeCodegenSuite.scala
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ class OptimizeCodegenSuite extends PlanTest {
       CaseWhen(Seq((TrueLiteral, Literal(1))), Literal(2)).toCodegen())
-      CaseWhen(List.fill(100)(TrueLiteral, Literal(1)), Literal(2)),
-      CaseWhen(List.fill(100)(TrueLiteral, Literal(1)), Literal(2)))
+      CaseWhen(List.fill(100)((TrueLiteral, Literal(1))), Literal(2)),
+      CaseWhen(List.fill(100)((TrueLiteral, Literal(1))), Literal(2)))
   test("Nested CaseWhen Codegen.") {
diff --git a/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/Column.scala b/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/Column.scala
index bd1669b..b546ccc 100644
--- a/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/Column.scala
+++ b/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/Column.scala
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ class Column(val expr: Expression) extends Logging {
   def when(condition: Column, value: Any): Column = this.expr match {
     case CaseWhen(branches, None) =>
-      withExpr { CaseWhen(branches :+ (condition.expr, lit(value).expr)) }
+      withExpr { CaseWhen(branches :+ ((condition.expr, lit(value).expr))) }
     case CaseWhen(branches, Some(_)) =>
       throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "when() cannot be applied once otherwise() is applied")
diff --git a/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/OptimizeMetadataOnlyQuery.scala b/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/OptimizeMetadataOnlyQuery.scala
index 5cfad91..02f45ab 100644
--- a/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/OptimizeMetadataOnlyQuery.scala
+++ b/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/OptimizeMetadataOnlyQuery.scala
@@ -133,20 +133,20 @@ case class OptimizeMetadataOnlyQuery(catalog: SessionCatalog) extends Rule[Logic
       case l @ LogicalRelation(fsRelation: HadoopFsRelation, _, _)
         if fsRelation.partitionSchema.nonEmpty =>
         val partAttrs = getPartitionAttrs(, l)
-        Some(AttributeSet(partAttrs), l)
+        Some((AttributeSet(partAttrs), l))
       case relation: CatalogRelation if relation.tableMeta.partitionColumnNames.nonEmpty =>
         val partAttrs = getPartitionAttrs(relation.tableMeta.partitionColumnNames, relation)
-        Some(AttributeSet(partAttrs), relation)
+        Some((AttributeSet(partAttrs), relation))
       case p @ Project(projectList, child) if projectList.forall(_.deterministic) =>
         unapply(child).flatMap { case (partAttrs, relation) =>
-          if (p.references.subsetOf(partAttrs)) Some(p.outputSet, relation) else None
+          if (p.references.subsetOf(partAttrs)) Some((p.outputSet, relation)) else None
       case f @ Filter(condition, child) if condition.deterministic =>
         unapply(child).flatMap { case (partAttrs, relation) =>
-          if (f.references.subsetOf(partAttrs)) Some(partAttrs, relation) else None
+          if (f.references.subsetOf(partAttrs)) Some((partAttrs, relation)) else None
       case _ => None
diff --git a/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/QueryExecution.scala b/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/QueryExecution.scala
index 9533144..b56fbd4 100644
--- a/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/QueryExecution.scala
+++ b/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/QueryExecution.scala
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class QueryExecution(val sparkSession: SparkSession, val logical: LogicalPlan) {
     def toHiveStructString(a: (Any, DataType)): String = a match {
       case (struct: Row, StructType(fields)) => {
-          case (v, t) => s""""${}":${toHiveStructString(v, t.dataType)}"""
+          case (v, t) => s""""${}":${toHiveStructString((v, t.dataType))}"""
         }.mkString("{", ",", "}")
       case (seq: Seq[_], ArrayType(typ, _)) => => (v, typ)).map(toHiveStructString).mkString("[", ",", "]")
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ class QueryExecution(val sparkSession: SparkSession, val logical: LogicalPlan) {
     a match {
       case (struct: Row, StructType(fields)) => {
-          case (v, t) => s""""${}":${toHiveStructString(v, t.dataType)}"""
+          case (v, t) => s""""${}":${toHiveStructString((v, t.dataType))}"""
         }.mkString("{", ",", "}")
       case (seq: Seq[_], ArrayType(typ, _)) => => (v, typ)).map(toHiveStructString).mkString("[", ",", "]")
diff --git a/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/python/ExtractPythonUDFs.scala b/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/python/ExtractPythonUDFs.scala
index 69b4b7b..2b3c5f0 100644
--- a/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/python/ExtractPythonUDFs.scala
+++ b/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/python/ExtractPythonUDFs.scala
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ object ExtractPythonUDFs extends Rule[SparkPlan] with PredicateHelper {
         val validUdfs = udfs.filter { udf =>
           // Check to make sure that the UDF can be evaluated with only the input of this child.
-        }.toArray  // Turn it into an array since iterators cannot be serialized in Scala 2.10
+        }.toArray
         if (validUdfs.nonEmpty) {
           val resultAttrs = { case (u, i) =>
             AttributeReference(s"pythonUDF$i", u.dataType)()

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[4/5] spark git commit: [SPARK-19810][BUILD][CORE] Remove support for Scala 2.10

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diff --git a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkILoop.scala b/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkILoop.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b7237a6..0000000
--- a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkILoop.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1145 +0,0 @@
-// scalastyle:off
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Alexander Spoon
- */
-package org.apache.spark.repl
-import{Results => IR}
-import Predef.{println => _, _}
-import{BufferedReader, FileReader}
-import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
-import scala.sys.process.Process
-import scala.util.Properties.{jdkHome, javaVersion}
-import scala.annotation.tailrec
-import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
-import scala.concurrent.ops
-import{File, Directory}
-import scala.reflect.NameTransformer._
-import scala.language.{implicitConversions, existentials, postfixOps}
-import scala.reflect.{ClassTag, classTag}
-import java.lang.{Class => jClass}
-import scala.reflect.api.{Mirror, TypeCreator, Universe => ApiUniverse}
-import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
-import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
-import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
-import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
-import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
-import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
-/** The Scala interactive shell.  It provides a read-eval-print loop
- *  around the Interpreter class.
- *  After instantiation, clients should call the main() method.
- *
- *  If no in0 is specified, then input will come from the console, and
- *  the class will attempt to provide input editing feature such as
- *  input history.
- *
- *  @author Moez A. Abdel-Gawad
- *  @author  Lex Spoon
- *  @version 1.2
- */
-class SparkILoop(
-    private val in0: Option[BufferedReader],
-    protected val out: JPrintWriter,
-    val master: Option[String]
-) extends AnyRef with LoopCommands with SparkILoopInit with Logging {
-  def this(in0: BufferedReader, out: JPrintWriter, master: String) = this(Some(in0), out, Some(master))
-  def this(in0: BufferedReader, out: JPrintWriter) = this(Some(in0), out, None)
-  def this() = this(None, new JPrintWriter(Console.out, true), None)
-  private var in: InteractiveReader = _   // the input stream from which commands come
-  // NOTE: Exposed in package for testing
-  private[repl] var settings: Settings = _
-  private[repl] var intp: SparkIMain = _
-  @deprecated("Use `intp` instead.", "2.9.0") def interpreter = intp
-  @deprecated("Use `intp` instead.", "2.9.0") def interpreter_= (i: SparkIMain): Unit = intp = i
-  /** Having inherited the difficult "var-ness" of the repl instance,
-   *  I'm trying to work around it by moving operations into a class from
-   *  which it will appear a stable prefix.
-   */
-  private def onIntp[T](f: SparkIMain => T): T = f(intp)
-  class IMainOps[T <: SparkIMain](val intp: T) {
-    import intp._
-    import global._
-    def printAfterTyper(msg: => String) =
-      intp.reporter printMessage afterTyper(msg)
-    /** Strip NullaryMethodType artifacts. */
-    private def replInfo(sym: Symbol) = {
- match {
-        case NullaryMethodType(restpe) if sym.isAccessor  => restpe
-        case info                                         => info
-      }
-    }
-    def echoTypeStructure(sym: Symbol) =
-      printAfterTyper("" +
-    def echoTypeSignature(sym: Symbol, verbose: Boolean) = {
-      if (verbose) SparkILoop.this.echo("// Type signature")
-      printAfterTyper("" + replInfo(sym))
-      if (verbose) {
-        SparkILoop.this.echo("\n// Internal Type structure")
-        echoTypeStructure(sym)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  implicit def stabilizeIMain(intp: SparkIMain) = new IMainOps[intp.type](intp)
-  /** TODO -
-   *  -n normalize
-   *  -l label with case class parameter names
-   *  -c complete - leave nothing out
-   */
-  private def typeCommandInternal(expr: String, verbose: Boolean): Result = {
-    onIntp { intp =>
-      val sym = intp.symbolOfLine(expr)
-      if (sym.exists) intp.echoTypeSignature(sym, verbose)
-      else ""
-    }
-  }
-  // NOTE: Must be public for visibility
-  @DeveloperApi
-  var sparkContext: SparkContext = _
-  override def echoCommandMessage(msg: String) {
-    intp.reporter printMessage msg
-  }
-  // def isAsync = !settings.Yreplsync.value
-  private[repl] def isAsync = false
-  // lazy val power = new Power(intp, new StdReplVals(this))(tagOfStdReplVals, classTag[StdReplVals])
-  private def history = in.history
-  /** The context class loader at the time this object was created */
-  protected val originalClassLoader = Utils.getContextOrSparkClassLoader
-  // classpath entries added via :cp
-  private var addedClasspath: String = ""
-  /** A reverse list of commands to replay if the user requests a :replay */
-  private var replayCommandStack: List[String] = Nil
-  /** A list of commands to replay if the user requests a :replay */
-  private def replayCommands = replayCommandStack.reverse
-  /** Record a command for replay should the user request a :replay */
-  private def addReplay(cmd: String) = replayCommandStack ::= cmd
-  private def savingReplayStack[T](body: => T): T = {
-    val saved = replayCommandStack
-    try body
-    finally replayCommandStack = saved
-  }
-  private def savingReader[T](body: => T): T = {
-    val saved = in
-    try body
-    finally in = saved
-  }
-  private def sparkCleanUp() {
-    echo("Stopping spark context.")
-    intp.beQuietDuring {
-      command("sc.stop()")
-    }
-  }
-  /** Close the interpreter and set the var to null. */
-  private def closeInterpreter() {
-    if (intp ne null) {
-      sparkCleanUp()
-      intp.close()
-      intp = null
-    }
-  }
-  class SparkILoopInterpreter extends SparkIMain(settings, out) {
-    outer =>
-    override private[repl] lazy val formatting = new Formatting {
-      def prompt = SparkILoop.this.prompt
-    }
-    override protected def parentClassLoader = SparkHelper.explicitParentLoader(settings).getOrElse(classOf[SparkILoop].getClassLoader)
-  }
-  /**
-   * Constructs a new interpreter.
-   */
-  protected def createInterpreter() {
-    require(settings != null)
-    if (addedClasspath != "") settings.classpath.append(addedClasspath)
-    val addedJars =
-      if (Utils.isWindows) {
-        // Strip any URI scheme prefix so we can add the correct path to the classpath
-        // e.g. file:/C:/my/path.jar -> C:/my/path.jar
-        getAddedJars().map { jar => new URI(jar).getPath.stripPrefix("/") }
-      } else {
-        // We need new URI(jar).getPath here for the case that `jar` includes encoded white space (%20).
-        getAddedJars().map { jar => new URI(jar).getPath }
-      }
-    // work around for Scala bug
-    val totalClassPath = addedJars.foldLeft(
-      settings.classpath.value)((l, r) => ClassPath.join(l, r))
-    this.settings.classpath.value = totalClassPath
-    intp = new SparkILoopInterpreter
-  }
-  /** print a friendly help message */
-  private def helpCommand(line: String): Result = {
-    if (line == "") helpSummary()
-    else uniqueCommand(line) match {
-      case Some(lc) => echo("\n" + lc.longHelp)
-      case _        => ambiguousError(line)
-    }
-  }
-  private def helpSummary() = {
-    val usageWidth  = commands map (_.usageMsg.length) max
-    val formatStr   = "%-" + usageWidth + "s %s %s"
-    echo("All commands can be abbreviated, e.g. :he instead of :help.")
-    echo("Those marked with a * have more detailed help, e.g. :help imports.\n")
-    commands foreach { cmd =>
-      val star = if (cmd.hasLongHelp) "*" else " "
-      echo(formatStr.format(cmd.usageMsg, star,
-    }
-  }
-  private def ambiguousError(cmd: String): Result = {
-    matchingCommands(cmd) match {
-      case Nil  => echo(cmd + ": no such command.  Type :help for help.")
-      case xs   => echo(cmd + " is ambiguous: did you mean " +":" +" or ") + "?")
-    }
-    Result(true, None)
-  }
-  private def matchingCommands(cmd: String) = commands filter ( startsWith cmd)
-  private def uniqueCommand(cmd: String): Option[LoopCommand] = {
-    // this lets us add commands willy-nilly and only requires enough command to disambiguate
-    matchingCommands(cmd) match {
-      case List(x)  => Some(x)
-      // exact match OK even if otherwise appears ambiguous
-      case xs       => xs find ( == cmd)
-    }
-  }
-  private var fallbackMode = false
-  private def toggleFallbackMode() {
-    val old = fallbackMode
-    fallbackMode = !old
-    System.setProperty("spark.repl.fallback", fallbackMode.toString)
-    echo(s"""
-      |Switched ${if (old) "off" else "on"} fallback mode without restarting.
-      |       If you have defined classes in the repl, it would
-      |be good to redefine them incase you plan to use them. If you still run
-      |into issues it would be good to restart the repl and turn on `:fallback`
-      |mode as first command.
-      """.stripMargin)
-  }
-  /** Show the history */
-  private lazy val historyCommand = new LoopCommand("history", "show the history (optional num is commands to show)") {
-    override def usage = "[num]"
-    def defaultLines = 20
-    def apply(line: String): Result = {
-      if (history eq NoHistory)
-        return "No history available."
-      val xs      = words(line)
-      val current = history.index
-      val count   = try xs.head.toInt catch { case _: Exception => defaultLines }
-      val lines   = history.asStrings takeRight count
-      val offset  = current - lines.size + 1
-      for ((line, index) <- lines.zipWithIndex)
-        echo("%3d  %s".format(index + offset, line))
-    }
-  }
-  // When you know you are most likely breaking into the middle
-  // of a line being typed.  This softens the blow.
-  private[repl] def echoAndRefresh(msg: String) = {
-    echo("\n" + msg)
-    in.redrawLine()
-  }
-  private[repl] def echo(msg: String) = {
-    out println msg
-    out.flush()
-  }
-  private def echoNoNL(msg: String) = {
-    out print msg
-    out.flush()
-  }
-  /** Search the history */
-  private def searchHistory(_cmdline: String) {
-    val cmdline = _cmdline.toLowerCase
-    val offset  = history.index - history.size + 1
-    for ((line, index) <- history.asStrings.zipWithIndex ; if line.toLowerCase contains cmdline)
-      echo("%d %s".format(index + offset, line))
-  }
-  private var currentPrompt = Properties.shellPromptString
-  /**
-   * Sets the prompt string used by the REPL.
-   *
-   * @param prompt The new prompt string
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def setPrompt(prompt: String) = currentPrompt = prompt
-  /**
-   * Represents the current prompt string used by the REPL.
-   *
-   * @return The current prompt string
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def prompt = currentPrompt
-  import LoopCommand.{ cmd, nullary }
-  /** Standard commands */
-  private lazy val standardCommands = List(
-    cmd("cp", "<path>", "add a jar or directory to the classpath", addClasspath),
-    cmd("help", "[command]", "print this summary or command-specific help", helpCommand),
-    historyCommand,
-    cmd("h?", "<string>", "search the history", searchHistory),
-    cmd("imports", "[name name ...]", "show import history, identifying sources of names", importsCommand),
-    cmd("implicits", "[-v]", "show the implicits in scope", implicitsCommand),
-    cmd("javap", "<path|class>", "disassemble a file or class name", javapCommand),
-    cmd("load", "<path>", "load and interpret a Scala file", loadCommand),
-    nullary("paste", "enter paste mode: all input up to ctrl-D compiled together", pasteCommand),
-//    nullary("power", "enable power user mode", powerCmd),
-    nullary("quit", "exit the repl", () => Result(false, None)),
-    nullary("replay", "reset execution and replay all previous commands", replay),
-    nullary("reset", "reset the repl to its initial state, forgetting all session entries", resetCommand),
-    shCommand,
-    nullary("silent", "disable/enable automatic printing of results", verbosity),
-    nullary("fallback", """
-                           |disable/enable advanced repl changes, these fix some issues but may introduce others.
-                           |This mode will be removed once these fixes stablize""".stripMargin, toggleFallbackMode),
-    cmd("type", "[-v] <expr>", "display the type of an expression without evaluating it", typeCommand),
-    nullary("warnings", "show the suppressed warnings from the most recent line which had any", warningsCommand)
-  )
-  /** Power user commands */
-  private lazy val powerCommands: List[LoopCommand] = List(
-    // cmd("phase", "<phase>", "set the implicit phase for power commands", phaseCommand)
-  )
-  // private def dumpCommand(): Result = {
-  //   echo("" + power)
-  //   history.asStrings takeRight 30 foreach echo
-  //   in.redrawLine()
-  // }
-  // private def valsCommand(): Result = power.valsDescription
-  private val typeTransforms = List(
-    "scala.collection.immutable." -> "immutable.",
-    "scala.collection.mutable."   -> "mutable.",
-    "scala.collection.generic."   -> "generic.",
-    "java.lang."                  -> "jl.",
-    "scala.runtime."              -> "runtime."
-  )
-  private def importsCommand(line: String): Result = {
-    val tokens    = words(line)
-    val handlers  = intp.languageWildcardHandlers ++ intp.importHandlers
-    val isVerbose = tokens contains "-v"
-    handlers.filterNot(_.importedSymbols.isEmpty).zipWithIndex foreach {
-      case (handler, idx) =>
-        val (types, terms) = handler.importedSymbols partition (
-        val imps           = handler.implicitSymbols
-        val found          = tokens filter (handler importsSymbolNamed _)
-        val typeMsg        = if (types.isEmpty) "" else types.size + " types"
-        val termMsg        = if (terms.isEmpty) "" else terms.size + " terms"
-        val implicitMsg    = if (imps.isEmpty) "" else imps.size + " are implicit"
-        val foundMsg       = if (found.isEmpty) "" else found.mkString(" // imports: ", ", ", "")
-        val statsMsg       = List(typeMsg, termMsg, implicitMsg) filterNot (_ == "") mkString ("(", ", ", ")")
-        intp.reporter.printMessage("%2d) %-30s %s%s".format(
-          idx + 1,
-          handler.importString,
-          statsMsg,
-          foundMsg
-        ))
-    }
-  }
-  private def implicitsCommand(line: String): Result = onIntp { intp =>
-    import intp._
-    import global._
-    def p(x: Any) = intp.reporter.printMessage("" + x)
-    // If an argument is given, only show a source with that
-    // in its name somewhere.
-    val args     = line split "\\s+"
-    val filtered = intp.implicitSymbolsBySource filter {
-      case (source, syms) =>
-        (args contains "-v") || {
-          if (line == "") (source.fullName.toString != "scala.Predef")
-          else (args exists ( contains _))
-        }
-    }
-    if (filtered.isEmpty)
-      return "No implicits have been imported other than those in Predef."
-    filtered foreach {
-      case (source, syms) =>
-        p("/* " + syms.size + " implicit members imported from " + source.fullName + " */")
-        // This groups the members by where the symbol is defined
-        val byOwner = syms groupBy (_.owner)
-        val sortedOwners = byOwner.toList sortBy { case (owner, _) => afterTyper( indexOf owner) }
-        sortedOwners foreach {
-          case (owner, members) =>
-            // Within each owner, we cluster results based on the final result type
-            // if there are more than a couple, and sort each cluster based on name.
-            // This is really just trying to make the 100 or so implicits imported
-            // by default into something readable.
-            val memberGroups: List[List[Symbol]] = {
-              val groups = members groupBy (_.tpe.finalResultType) toList
-              val (big, small) = groups partition (_._2.size > 3)
-              val xss = (
-                (big sortBy (_._1.toString) map (_._2)) :+
-                (small flatMap (_._2))
-              )
-              xss map (xs => xs sortBy (
-            }
-            val ownerMessage = if (owner == source) " defined in " else " inherited from "
-            p("  /* " + members.size + ownerMessage + owner.fullName + " */")
-            memberGroups foreach { group =>
-              group foreach (s => p("  " + intp.symbolDefString(s)))
-              p("")
-            }
-        }
-        p("")
-    }
-  }
-  private def findToolsJar() = {
-    val jdkPath = Directory(jdkHome)
-    val jar     = jdkPath / "lib" / "tools.jar" toFile;
-    if (jar isFile)
-      Some(jar)
-    else if (jdkPath.isDirectory)
-      jdkPath.deepFiles find ( == "tools.jar")
-    else None
-  }
-  private def addToolsJarToLoader() = {
-    val cl = findToolsJar match {
-      case Some(tools) => ScalaClassLoader.fromURLs(Seq(tools.toURL), intp.classLoader)
-      case _           => intp.classLoader
-    }
-    if (Javap.isAvailable(cl)) {
-      logDebug(":javap available.")
-      cl
-    }
-    else {
-      logDebug(":javap unavailable: no tools.jar at " + jdkHome)
-      intp.classLoader
-    }
-  }
-  private def newJavap() = new JavapClass(addToolsJarToLoader(), new SparkIMain.ReplStrippingWriter(intp)) {
-    override def tryClass(path: String): Array[Byte] = {
-      val hd :: rest = path split '.' toList;
-      // If there are dots in the name, the first segment is the
-      // key to finding it.
-      if (rest.nonEmpty) {
-        intp optFlatName hd match {
-          case Some(flat) =>
-            val clazz = flat :: rest mkString NAME_JOIN_STRING
-            val bytes = super.tryClass(clazz)
-            if (bytes.nonEmpty) bytes
-            else super.tryClass(clazz + MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING)
-          case _          => super.tryClass(path)
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        // Look for Foo first, then Foo$, but if Foo$ is given explicitly,
-        // we have to drop the $ to find object Foo, then tack it back onto
-        // the end of the flattened name.
-        def className  = intp flatName path
-        def moduleName = (intp flatName path.stripSuffix(MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING)) + MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING
-        val bytes = super.tryClass(className)
-        if (bytes.nonEmpty) bytes
-        else super.tryClass(moduleName)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // private lazy val javap = substituteAndLog[Javap]("javap", NoJavap)(newJavap())
-  private lazy val javap =
-    try newJavap()
-    catch { case _: Exception => null }
-  // Still todo: modules.
-  private def typeCommand(line0: String): Result = {
-    line0.trim match {
-      case ""                      => ":type [-v] <expression>"
-      case s if s startsWith "-v " => typeCommandInternal(s stripPrefix "-v " trim, true)
-      case s                       => typeCommandInternal(s, false)
-    }
-  }
-  private def warningsCommand(): Result = {
-    if (intp.lastWarnings.isEmpty)
-      "Can't find any cached warnings."
-    else
-      intp.lastWarnings foreach { case (pos, msg) => intp.reporter.warning(pos, msg) }
-  }
-  private def javapCommand(line: String): Result = {
-    if (javap == null)
-      ":javap unavailable, no tools.jar at %s.  Set JDK_HOME.".format(jdkHome)
-    else if (javaVersion startsWith "1.7")
-      ":javap not yet working with java 1.7"
-    else if (line == "")
-      ":javap [-lcsvp] [path1 path2 ...]"
-    else
-      javap(words(line)) foreach { res =>
-        if (res.isError) return "Failed: " + res.value
-        else
-      }
-  }
-  private def wrapCommand(line: String): Result = {
-    def failMsg = "Argument to :wrap must be the name of a method with signature [T](=> T): T"
-    onIntp { intp =>
-      import intp._
-      import global._
-      words(line) match {
-        case Nil            =>
-          intp.executionWrapper match {
-            case ""   => "No execution wrapper is set."
-            case s    => "Current execution wrapper: " + s
-          }
-        case "clear" :: Nil =>
-          intp.executionWrapper match {
-            case ""   => "No execution wrapper is set."
-            case s    => intp.clearExecutionWrapper() ; "Cleared execution wrapper."
-          }
-        case wrapper :: Nil =>
-          intp.typeOfExpression(wrapper) match {
-            case PolyType(List(targ), MethodType(List(arg), restpe)) =>
-              intp setExecutionWrapper intp.pathToTerm(wrapper)
-              "Set wrapper to '" + wrapper + "'"
-            case tp =>
-              failMsg + "\nFound: <unknown>"
-          }
-        case _ => failMsg
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  private def pathToPhaseWrapper = intp.pathToTerm("$r") + ".phased.atCurrent"
-  // private def phaseCommand(name: String): Result = {
-  //   val phased: Phased = power.phased
-  //   import phased.NoPhaseName
-  //   if (name == "clear") {
-  //     phased.set(NoPhaseName)
-  //     intp.clearExecutionWrapper()
-  //     "Cleared active phase."
-  //   }
-  //   else if (name == "") phased.get match {
-  //     case NoPhaseName => "Usage: :phase <expr> (e.g. typer,, erasure+3)"
-  //     case ph          => "Active phase is '%s'.  (To clear, :phase clear)".format(phased.get)
-  //   }
-  //   else {
-  //     val what = phased.parse(name)
-  //     if (what.isEmpty || !phased.set(what))
-  //       "'" + name + "' does not appear to represent a valid phase."
-  //     else {
-  //       intp.setExecutionWrapper(pathToPhaseWrapper)
-  //       val activeMessage =
-  //         if (what.toString.length == name.length) "" + what
-  //         else "%s (%s)".format(what, name)
-  //       "Active phase is now: " + activeMessage
-  //     }
-  //   }
-  // }
-  /**
-   * Provides a list of available commands.
-   *
-   * @return The list of commands
-   */
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def commands: List[LoopCommand] = standardCommands /*++ (
-    if (isReplPower) powerCommands else Nil
-  )*/
-  private val replayQuestionMessage =
-    """|That entry seems to have slain the compiler.  Shall I replay
-       |your session? I can re-run each line except the last one.
-       |[y/n]
-    """.trim.stripMargin
-  private def crashRecovery(ex: Throwable): Boolean = {
-    echo(ex.toString)
-    ex match {
-      case _: NoSuchMethodError | _: NoClassDefFoundError =>
-        echo("\nUnrecoverable error.")
-        throw ex
-      case _  =>
-        def fn(): Boolean =
-          try in.readYesOrNo(replayQuestionMessage, { echo("\nYou must enter y or n.") ; fn() })
-          catch { case _: RuntimeException => false }
-        if (fn()) replay()
-        else echo("\nAbandoning crashed session.")
-    }
-    true
-  }
-  /** The main read-eval-print loop for the repl.  It calls
-   *  command() for each line of input, and stops when
-   *  command() returns false.
-   */
-  private def loop() {
-    def readOneLine() = {
-      out.flush()
-      in readLine prompt
-    }
-    // return false if repl should exit
-    def processLine(line: String): Boolean = {
-      if (isAsync) {
-        if (!awaitInitialized()) return false
-        runThunks()
-      }
-      if (line eq null) false               // assume null means EOF
-      else command(line) match {
-        case Result(false, _)           => false
-        case Result(_, Some(finalLine)) => addReplay(finalLine) ; true
-        case _                          => true
-      }
-    }
-    def innerLoop() {
-      val shouldContinue = try {
-        processLine(readOneLine())
-      } catch {case t: Throwable => crashRecovery(t)}
-      if (shouldContinue)
-        innerLoop()
-    }
-    innerLoop()
-  }
-  /** interpret all lines from a specified file */
-  private def interpretAllFrom(file: File) {
-    savingReader {
-      savingReplayStack {
-        file applyReader { reader =>
-          in = SimpleReader(reader, out, false)
-          echo("Loading " + file + "...")
-          loop()
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /** create a new interpreter and replay the given commands */
-  private def replay() {
-    reset()
-    if (replayCommandStack.isEmpty)
-      echo("Nothing to replay.")
-    else for (cmd <- replayCommands) {
-      echo("Replaying: " + cmd)  // flush because maybe cmd will have its own output
-      command(cmd)
-      echo("")
-    }
-  }
-  private def resetCommand() {
-    echo("Resetting repl state.")
-    if (replayCommandStack.nonEmpty) {
-      echo("Forgetting this session history:\n")
-      replayCommands foreach echo
-      echo("")
-      replayCommandStack = Nil
-    }
-    if (intp.namedDefinedTerms.nonEmpty)
-      echo("Forgetting all expression results and named terms: " + intp.namedDefinedTerms.mkString(", "))
-    if (intp.definedTypes.nonEmpty)
-      echo("Forgetting defined types: " + intp.definedTypes.mkString(", "))
-    reset()
-  }
-  private def reset() {
-    intp.reset()
-    // unleashAndSetPhase()
-  }
-  /** fork a shell and run a command */
-  private lazy val shCommand = new LoopCommand("sh", "run a shell command (result is implicitly => List[String])") {
-    override def usage = "<command line>"
-    def apply(line: String): Result = line match {
-      case ""   => showUsage()
-      case _    =>
-        val toRun = classOf[ProcessResult].getName + "(" + string2codeQuoted(line) + ")"
-        intp interpret toRun
-        ()
-    }
-  }
-  private def withFile(filename: String)(action: File => Unit) {
-    val f = File(filename)
-    if (f.exists) action(f)
-    else echo("That file does not exist")
-  }
-  private def loadCommand(arg: String) = {
-    var shouldReplay: Option[String] = None
-    withFile(arg)(f => {
-      interpretAllFrom(f)
-      shouldReplay = Some(":load " + arg)
-    })
-    Result(true, shouldReplay)
-  }
-  private def addAllClasspath(args: Seq[String]): Unit = {
-    var added = false
-    var totalClasspath = ""
-    for (arg <- args) {
-      val f = File(arg).normalize
-      if (f.exists) {
-        added = true
-        addedClasspath = ClassPath.join(addedClasspath, f.path)
-        totalClasspath = ClassPath.join(settings.classpath.value, addedClasspath)
-        intp.addUrlsToClassPath(f.toURI.toURL)
-        sparkContext.addJar(f.toURI.toURL.getPath)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  private def addClasspath(arg: String): Unit = {
-    val f = File(arg).normalize
-    if (f.exists) {
-      addedClasspath = ClassPath.join(addedClasspath, f.path)
-      intp.addUrlsToClassPath(f.toURI.toURL)
-      sparkContext.addJar(f.toURI.toURL.getPath)
-      echo("Added '%s'.  Your new classpath is:\n\"%s\"".format(f.path,
-    }
-    else echo("The path '" + f + "' doesn't seem to exist.")
-  }
-  private def powerCmd(): Result = {
-    if (isReplPower) "Already in power mode."
-    else enablePowerMode(false)
-  }
-  private[repl] def enablePowerMode(isDuringInit: Boolean) = {
-    // replProps.power setValue true
-    // unleashAndSetPhase()
-    // asyncEcho(isDuringInit, power.banner)
-  }
-  // private def unleashAndSetPhase() {
-//     if (isReplPower) {
-// //      power.unleash()
-//       // Set the phase to "typer"
-//       intp beSilentDuring phaseCommand("typer")
-//     }
-//   }
-  private def asyncEcho(async: Boolean, msg: => String) {
-    if (async) asyncMessage(msg)
-    else echo(msg)
-  }
-  private def verbosity() = {
-    // val old = intp.printResults
-    // intp.printResults = !old
-    // echo("Switched " + (if (old) "off" else "on") + " result printing.")
-  }
-  /**
-   * Run one command submitted by the user.  Two values are returned:
-   * (1) whether to keep running, (2) the line to record for replay,
-   * if any.
-   */
-  private[repl] def command(line: String): Result = {
-    if (line startsWith ":") {
-      val cmd = line.tail takeWhile (x => !x.isWhitespace)
-      uniqueCommand(cmd) match {
-        case Some(lc) => lc(line.tail stripPrefix cmd dropWhile (_.isWhitespace))
-        case _        => ambiguousError(cmd)
-      }
-    }
-    else if ( == null) Result(false, None)  // Notice failure to create compiler
-    else Result(true, interpretStartingWith(line))
-  }
-  private def readWhile(cond: String => Boolean) = {
-    Iterator continually in.readLine("") takeWhile (x => x != null && cond(x))
-  }
-  private def pasteCommand(): Result = {
-    echo("// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)\n")
-    val code = readWhile(_ => true) mkString "\n"
-    echo("\n// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.\n")
-    intp interpret code
-    ()
-  }
-  private object paste extends Pasted {
-    val ContinueString = "     | "
-    val PromptString   = "scala> "
-    def interpret(line: String): Unit = {
-      echo(line.trim)
-      intp interpret line
-      echo("")
-    }
-    def transcript(start: String) = {
-      echo("\n// Detected repl transcript paste: ctrl-D to finish.\n")
-      apply(Iterator(start) ++ readWhile(_.trim != PromptString.trim))
-    }
-  }
-  import paste.{ ContinueString, PromptString }
-  /**
-   * Interpret expressions starting with the first line.
-   * Read lines until a complete compilation unit is available
-   * or until a syntax error has been seen.  If a full unit is
-   * read, go ahead and interpret it.  Return the full string
-   * to be recorded for replay, if any.
-   */
-  private def interpretStartingWith(code: String): Option[String] = {
-    // signal completion non-completion input has been received
-    in.completion.resetVerbosity()
-    def reallyInterpret = {
-      val reallyResult = intp.interpret(code)
-      (reallyResult, reallyResult match {
-        case IR.Error       => None
-        case IR.Success     => Some(code)
-        case IR.Incomplete  =>
-          if (in.interactive && code.endsWith("\n\n")) {
-            echo("You typed two blank lines.  Starting a new command.")
-            None
-          }
-          else in.readLine(ContinueString) match {
-            case null =>
-              // we know compilation is going to fail since we're at EOF and the
-              // parser thinks the input is still incomplete, but since this is
-              // a file being read non-interactively we want to fail.  So we send
-              // it straight to the compiler for the nice error message.
-              intp.compileString(code)
-              None
-            case line => interpretStartingWith(code + "\n" + line)
-          }
-      })
-    }
-    /** Here we place ourselves between the user and the interpreter and examine
-     *  the input they are ostensibly submitting.  We intervene in several cases:
-     *
-     *  1) If the line starts with "scala> " it is assumed to be an interpreter paste.
-     *  2) If the line starts with "." (but not ".." or "./") it is treated as an invocation
-     *     on the previous result.
-     *  3) If the Completion object's execute returns Some(_), we inject that value
-     *     and avoid the interpreter, as it's likely not valid scala code.
-     */
-    if (code == "") None
-    else if (!paste.running && code.trim.startsWith(PromptString)) {
-      paste.transcript(code)
-      None
-    }
-    else if (Completion.looksLikeInvocation(code) && intp.mostRecentVar != "") {
-      interpretStartingWith(intp.mostRecentVar + code)
-    }
-    else if (code.trim startsWith "//") {
-      // line comment, do nothing
-      None
-    }
-    else
-      reallyInterpret._2
-  }
-  // runs :load `file` on any files passed via -i
-  private def loadFiles(settings: Settings) = settings match {
-    case settings: SparkRunnerSettings =>
-      for (filename <- settings.loadfiles.value) {
-        val cmd = ":load " + filename
-        command(cmd)
-        addReplay(cmd)
-        echo("")
-      }
-    case _ =>
-  }
-  /** Tries to create a JLineReader, falling back to SimpleReader:
-   *  unless settings or properties are such that it should start
-   *  with SimpleReader.
-   */
-  private def chooseReader(settings: Settings): InteractiveReader = {
-    if (settings.Xnojline.value || Properties.isEmacsShell)
-      SimpleReader()
-    else try new SparkJLineReader(
-      if (settings.noCompletion.value) NoCompletion
-      else new SparkJLineCompletion(intp)
-    )
-    catch {
-      case ex @ (_: Exception | _: NoClassDefFoundError) =>
-        echo("Failed to created SparkJLineReader: " + ex + "\nFalling back to SimpleReader.")
-        SimpleReader()
-    }
-  }
-  private val u: scala.reflect.runtime.universe.type = scala.reflect.runtime.universe
-  private val m = u.runtimeMirror(Utils.getSparkClassLoader)
-  private def tagOfStaticClass[T: ClassTag]: u.TypeTag[T] =
-    u.TypeTag[T](
-      m,
-      new TypeCreator {
-        def apply[U <: ApiUniverse with Singleton](m: Mirror[U]): U # Type =
-          m.staticClass(classTag[T].runtimeClass.getName).toTypeConstructor.asInstanceOf[U # Type]
-      })
-  private def process(settings: Settings): Boolean = savingContextLoader {
-    this.settings = settings
-    createInterpreter()
-    // sets in to some kind of reader depending on environmental cues
-    in = in0 match {
-      case Some(reader) => SimpleReader(reader, out, true)
-      case None         =>
-        // some post-initialization
-        chooseReader(settings) match {
-          case x: SparkJLineReader => addThunk(x.consoleReader.postInit) ; x
-          case x                   => x
-        }
-    }
-    lazy val tagOfSparkIMain = tagOfStaticClass[org.apache.spark.repl.SparkIMain]
-    // Bind intp somewhere out of the regular namespace where
-    // we can get at it in generated code.
-    addThunk(intp.quietBind(NamedParam[SparkIMain]("$intp", intp)(tagOfSparkIMain, classTag[SparkIMain])))
-    addThunk({
-      import
-      import Properties.userHome
-      import scala.compat.Platform.EOL
-      val autorun = replProps.replAutorunCode.option flatMap (f => io.File(f).safeSlurp())
-      if (autorun.isDefined) intp.quietRun(autorun.get)
-    })
-    addThunk(printWelcome())
-    addThunk(initializeSpark())
-    // it is broken on startup; go ahead and exit
-    if (intp.reporter.hasErrors)
-      return false
-    // This is about the illusion of snappiness.  We call initialize()
-    // which spins off a separate thread, then print the prompt and try
-    // our best to look ready.  The interlocking lazy vals tend to
-    // inter-deadlock, so we break the cycle with a single asynchronous
-    // message to an rpcEndpoint.
-    if (isAsync) {
-      intp initialize initializedCallback()
-      createAsyncListener() // listens for signal to run postInitialization
-    }
-    else {
-      intp.initializeSynchronous()
-      postInitialization()
-    }
-    // printWelcome()
-    loadFiles(settings)
-    try loop()
-    catch AbstractOrMissingHandler()
-    finally closeInterpreter()
-    true
-  }
-  // NOTE: Must be public for visibility
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def createSparkSession(): SparkSession = {
-    val execUri = System.getenv("SPARK_EXECUTOR_URI")
-    val jars = getAddedJars()
-    val conf = new SparkConf()
-      .setMaster(getMaster())
-      .setJars(jars)
-      .setIfMissing("", "Spark shell")
-      // SparkContext will detect this configuration and register it with the RpcEnv's
-      // file server, setting spark.repl.class.uri to the actual URI for executors to
-      // use. This is sort of ugly but since executors are started as part of SparkContext
-      // initialization in certain cases, there's an initialization order issue that prevents
-      // this from being set after SparkContext is instantiated.
-      .set("spark.repl.class.outputDir", intp.outputDir.getAbsolutePath())
-    if (execUri != null) {
-      conf.set("spark.executor.uri", execUri)
-    }
-    val builder = SparkSession.builder.config(conf)
-    val sparkSession = if (SparkSession.hiveClassesArePresent) {
-      logInfo("Creating Spark session with Hive support")
-      builder.enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate()
-    } else {
-      logInfo("Creating Spark session")
-      builder.getOrCreate()
-    }
-    sparkContext = sparkSession.sparkContext
-    sparkSession
-  }
-  private def getMaster(): String = {
-    val master = this.master match {
-      case Some(m) => m
-      case None =>
-        val envMaster = sys.env.get("MASTER")
-        val propMaster = sys.props.get("spark.master")
-        propMaster.orElse(envMaster).getOrElse("local[*]")
-    }
-    master
-  }
-  /** process command-line arguments and do as they request */
-  def process(args: Array[String]): Boolean = {
-    val command = new SparkCommandLine(args.toList, msg => echo(msg))
-    def neededHelp(): String =
-      (if ( command.usageMsg + "\n" else "") +
-      (if (command.settings.Xhelp.value) command.xusageMsg + "\n" else "")
-    // if they asked for no help and command is valid, we call the real main
-    neededHelp() match {
-      case ""     => command.ok && process(command.settings)
-      case help   => echoNoNL(help) ; true
-    }
-  }
-  @deprecated("Use `process` instead", "2.9.0")
-  private def main(settings: Settings): Unit = process(settings)
-  @DeveloperApi
-  def getAddedJars(): Array[String] = {
-    val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster(getMaster())
-    val envJars = sys.env.get("ADD_JARS")
-    if (envJars.isDefined) {
-      logWarning("ADD_JARS environment variable is deprecated, use --jar spark submit argument instead")
-    }
-    val jars = {
-      val userJars = Utils.getUserJars(conf, isShell = true)
-      if (userJars.isEmpty) {
-        envJars.getOrElse("")
-      } else {
-        userJars.mkString(",")
-      }
-    }
-    Utils.resolveURIs(jars).split(",").filter(_.nonEmpty)
-  }
-object SparkILoop extends Logging {
-  implicit def loopToInterpreter(repl: SparkILoop): SparkIMain = repl.intp
-  private def echo(msg: String) = Console println msg
-  // Designed primarily for use by test code: take a String with a
-  // bunch of code, and prints out a transcript of what it would look
-  // like if you'd just typed it into the repl.
-  private[repl] def runForTranscript(code: String, settings: Settings): String = {
-    import{ BufferedReader, StringReader, OutputStreamWriter }
-    stringFromStream { ostream =>
-      Console.withOut(ostream) {
-        val output = new JPrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(ostream), true) {
-          override def write(str: String) = {
-            // completely skip continuation lines
-            if (str forall (ch => ch.isWhitespace || ch == '|')) ()
-            // print a newline on empty scala prompts
-            else if ((str contains '\n') && (str.trim == "scala> ")) super.write("\n")
-            else super.write(str)
-          }
-        }
-        val input = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(code)) {
-          override def readLine(): String = {
-            val s = super.readLine()
-            // helping out by printing the line being interpreted.
-            if (s != null)
-              // scalastyle:off println
-              output.println(s)
-              // scalastyle:on println
-            s
-          }
-        }
-        val repl = new SparkILoop(input, output)
-        if (settings.classpath.isDefault)
-          settings.classpath.value = sys.props("java.class.path")
-        repl.getAddedJars().map(jar => new URI(jar).getPath).foreach(settings.classpath.append(_))
-        repl process settings
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /** Creates an interpreter loop with default settings and feeds
-   *  the given code to it as input.
-   */
-  private[repl] def run(code: String, sets: Settings = new Settings): String = {
-    import{ BufferedReader, StringReader, OutputStreamWriter }
-    stringFromStream { ostream =>
-      Console.withOut(ostream) {
-        val input    = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(code))
-        val output   = new JPrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(ostream), true)
-        val repl     = new ILoop(input, output)
-        if (sets.classpath.isDefault)
-          sets.classpath.value = sys.props("java.class.path")
-        repl process sets
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  private[repl] def run(lines: List[String]): String = run(lines map (_ + "\n") mkString)
diff --git a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkILoopInit.scala b/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkILoopInit.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f0d92b..0000000
--- a/repl/scala-2.10/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkILoopInit.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-// scalastyle:off
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package org.apache.spark.repl
-import org.apache.spark.SPARK_VERSION
- *  Machinery for the asynchronous initialization of the repl.
- */
-private[repl] trait SparkILoopInit {
-  self: SparkILoop =>
-  /** Print a welcome message */
-  def printWelcome() {
-    echo("""Welcome to
-      ____              __
-     / __/__  ___ _____/ /__
-    _\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/  '_/
-   /___/ .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\   version %s
-      /_/
-    import Properties._
-    val welcomeMsg = "Using Scala %s (%s, Java %s)".format(
-      versionString, javaVmName, javaVersion)
-    echo(welcomeMsg)
-    echo("Type in expressions to have them evaluated.")
-    echo("Type :help for more information.")
-   }
-  protected def asyncMessage(msg: String) {
-    if (isReplInfo || isReplPower)
-      echoAndRefresh(msg)
-  }
-  private val initLock = new java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock()
-  private val initCompilerCondition = initLock.newCondition() // signal the compiler is initialized
-  private val initLoopCondition = initLock.newCondition()     // signal the whole repl is initialized
-  private val initStart = System.nanoTime
-  private def withLock[T](body: => T): T = {
-    initLock.lock()
-    try body
-    finally initLock.unlock()
-  }
-  // a condition used to ensure serial access to the compiler.
-  @volatile private var initIsComplete = false
-  @volatile private var initError: String = null
-  private def elapsed() = "%.3f".format((System.nanoTime - initStart).toDouble / 1000000000L)
-  // the method to be called when the interpreter is initialized.
-  // Very important this method does nothing synchronous (i.e. do
-  // not try to use the interpreter) because until it returns, the
-  // repl's lazy val `global` is still locked.
-  protected def initializedCallback() = withLock(initCompilerCondition.signal())
-  // Spins off a thread which awaits a single message once the interpreter
-  // has been initialized.
-  protected def createAsyncListener() = {
-    io.spawn {
-      withLock(initCompilerCondition.await())
-      asyncMessage("[info] compiler init time: " + elapsed() + " s.")
-      postInitialization()
-    }
-  }
-  // called from main repl loop
-  protected def awaitInitialized(): Boolean = {
-    if (!initIsComplete)
-      withLock { while (!initIsComplete) initLoopCondition.await() }
-    if (initError != null) {
-      // scalastyle:off println
-      println("""
-        |Failed to initialize the REPL due to an unexpected error.
-        |This is a bug, please, report it along with the error diagnostics printed below.
-        |%s.""".stripMargin.format(initError)
-      )
-      // scalastyle:on println
-      false
-    } else true
-  }
-  // private def warningsThunks = List(
-  //   () => intp.bind("lastWarnings", "" + typeTag[List[(Position, String)]], intp.lastWarnings _),
-  // )
-  protected def postInitThunks = List[Option[() => Unit]](
-    Some(intp.setContextClassLoader _),
-    if (isReplPower) Some(() => enablePowerMode(true)) else None
-  ).flatten
-  // ++ (
-  //   warningsThunks
-  // )
-  // called once after init condition is signalled
-  protected def postInitialization() {
-    try {
-      postInitThunks foreach (f => addThunk(f()))
-      runThunks()
-    } catch {
-      case ex: Throwable =>
-        initError = stackTraceString(ex)
-        throw ex
-    } finally {
-      initIsComplete = true
-      if (isAsync) {
-        asyncMessage("[info] total init time: " + elapsed() + " s.")
-        withLock(initLoopCondition.signal())
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  def initializeSpark() {
-    intp.beQuietDuring {
-      command("""
-        @transient val spark = org.apache.spark.repl.Main.interp.createSparkSession()
-        @transient val sc = {
-          val _sc = spark.sparkContext
-          if (_sc.getConf.getBoolean("spark.ui.reverseProxy", false)) {
-            val proxyUrl = _sc.getConf.get("spark.ui.reverseProxyUrl", null)
-            if (proxyUrl != null) {
-              println(s"Spark Context Web UI is available at ${proxyUrl}/proxy/${_sc.applicationId}")
-            } else {
-              println(s"Spark Context Web UI is available at Spark Master Public URL")
-            }
-          } else {
-            _sc.uiWebUrl.foreach {
-              webUrl => println(s"Spark context Web UI available at ${webUrl}")
-            }
-          }
-          println("Spark context available as 'sc' " +
-            s"(master = ${_sc.master}, app id = ${_sc.applicationId}).")
-          println("Spark session available as 'spark'.")
-          _sc
-        }
-        """)
-      command("import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._")
-      command("import spark.implicits._")
-      command("import spark.sql")
-      command("import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._")
-    }
-  }
-  // code to be executed only after the interpreter is initialized
-  // and the lazy val `global` can be accessed without risk of deadlock.
-  private var pendingThunks: List[() => Unit] = Nil
-  protected def addThunk(body: => Unit) = synchronized {
-    pendingThunks :+= (() => body)
-  }
-  protected def runThunks(): Unit = synchronized {
-    if (pendingThunks.nonEmpty)
-      logDebug("Clearing " + pendingThunks.size + " thunks.")
-    while (pendingThunks.nonEmpty) {
-      val thunk = pendingThunks.head
-      pendingThunks = pendingThunks.tail
-      thunk()
-    }
-  }

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