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[01/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: fixing integration.

Repository: incubator-trafficcontrol
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/psql-rebase [created] a627d1545
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index a382b04..de46821 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -26,25 +26,75 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-'0' => { new => 'Status', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'OFFLINE', description => 'Edge: Puts server in CCR config file in this state, but CCR will never route traffic to it. Mid: Server will not be included in parent.config files for its edge caches', id => '1', }, }, 
-'1' => { new => 'Status', => using => { description => 'Edge: Puts server in CCR config file in this state, and CCR will always route traffic to it. Mid: Server will be included in parent.config files for its edges', id => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'ONLINE', }, }, 
-'2' => { new => 'Status', => using => { description => 'Edge: Puts server in CCR config file in this state, and CCR will adhere to the health protocol. Mid: N/A for now', id => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'REPORTED', }, }, 
-'3' => { new => 'Status', => using => { description => 'Temporary down. Edge: XMPP client will send status OFFLINE to CCR, otherwise similar to REPORTED. Mid: Server will not be included in parent.config files for its edge caches', id => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'ADMIN_DOWN', }, }, 
-'4' => { new => 'Status', => using => { description => 'Edge: 12M will not include caches in this state in CCR config files. Mid: N/A for now', id => '5', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'CCR_IGNORE', }, }, 
-'5' => { new => 'Status', => using => { name => 'PRE_PROD', description => 'Pre Production. Not active in any configuration.', id => '6', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', }, }, 
+	## id => 1
+	'0' => {
+		new => 'Status',
+		using => {
+			name => 'ADMIN_DOWN',
+			description => 'Temporary down. Edge: XMPP client will send status OFFLINE to CCR, otherwise similar to REPORTED. Mid: Server will not be included in parent.config files for its edge caches',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 2
+	'1' => {
+		new => 'Status',
+		using => {
+			name => 'CCR_IGNORE',
+			description => 'Edge: 12M will not include caches in this state in CCR config files. Mid: N/A for now',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 3
+	'2' => {
+		new => 'Status',
+		using => {
+			name => 'OFFLINE',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			description => 'Edge: Puts server in CCR config file in this state, but CCR will never route traffic to it. Mid: Server will not be included in parent.config files for its edge caches',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 4
+	'3' => {
+		new => 'Status',
+		using => {
+			name => 'ONLINE',
+			description => 'Edge: Puts server in CCR config file in this state, and CCR will always route traffic to it. Mid: Server will be included in parent.config files for its edges',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 5
+	'4' => {
+		new => 'Status',
+		using => {
+			name => 'PRE_PROD',
+			description => 'Pre Production. Not active in any configuration.',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 6
+	'5' => {
+		new => 'Status',
+		using => {
+			name => 'REPORTED',
+			description => 'Edge: Puts server in CCR config file in this state, and CCR will adhere to the health protocol. Mid: N/A for now',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+		},
+	},
 sub name {
 		return "Status";
-sub get_definition { 
-		my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
+sub get_definition {
+		my ( $self,
+			$name ) = @_;
 		return $definition_for{$name};
 sub all_fixture_names {
-		return keys %definition_for;
+	# sort by db name to guarantee insertion order
+	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{name} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{name} } keys %definition_for);
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index fed8eb7..0aa637a 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -26,25 +26,176 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-'0' => { new => 'TmUser', => using => { address_line2 => 'address_line4', local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8', phone_number => '333-333-3333', role => '3', state_or_province => 'state_or_province', company => undef, id => '71', new_user => '1', postal_code => '80123', full_name => 'The Test User', gid => '1', registration_sent => '1999-01-01 00:00:00', username => 'testuser', address_line1 => 'address_line5', city => 'city', confirm_local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8', email => '', uid => '1', country => 'United States', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', token => '', }, }, 
-'1' => { new => 'TmUser', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', country => 'United States', email => '', full_name => 'The Codebig User', id => '72', phone_number => '444-444-4444', registration_sent => '1999-01-01 00:00:00', token => '', username => 'codebig', address_line2 => 'address_line8', city => 'city', local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8', new_user => '1', role => '6', address_line1 => 'address_line7', company => undef, confirm_local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8', gid => '1', postal_code => '80124', state_or_province => 'state_or_province', uid => '1', }, }, 
-'2' => { new => 'TmUser', => using => { city => 'city', company => undef, country => 'United States', postal_code => '80124', address_line1 => 'address_line7', address_line2 => 'address_line8', role => '6', token => '91504CE6-8E4A-46B2-9F9F-FE7C15228498', uid => '1', username => 'extension', full_name => 'The Traffic Ops Extension User -- DO NOT REMOVE', local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', phone_number => '444-444-4444', registration_sent => '1999-01-01 00:00:00', email => '', id => '73', new_user => '1', state_or_province => 'state_or_province', confirm_local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8', gid => '1', }, }, 
-'3' => { new => 'TmUser', => using => { id => '74', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8', registration_sent => '1999-01-01 00:00:00', role => '6', city => 'city', confirm_local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8', country => 'United States', username => 'portal', postal_code => '80122', token => '', uid => '1', email => '', full_name => 'The Portal User', phone_number => '222-222-2222', address_line1 => 'address_line3', company => undef, state_or_province => 'state_or_province', new_user => '1', address_line2 => 'address_line4', gid => '1', }, }, 
-'4' => { new => 'TmUser', => using => { address_line1 => 'address_line1', postal_code => '80122', token => '', uid => '1', username => 'admin', address_line2 => 'address_line2', city => 'city', company => undef, full_name => 'The Admin User', local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8', state_or_province => 'state_or_province', confirm_local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8', country => 'United States', email => '', id => '75', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', role => '4', gid => '1', new_user => '1', phone_number => '111-111-1111', registration_sent => '1999-01-01 00:00:00', }, }, 
-'5' => { new => 'TmUser', => using => { state_or_province => undef, token => undef, country => undef, email => undef, local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8', registration_sent => '1999-01-01 00:00:00', uid => '1', username => 'migration', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', postal_code => undef, full_name => 'Migration User -- DO NOT REMOVE', new_user => '1', address_line2 => undef, city => undef, confirm_local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8', id => '76', phone_number => undef, role => '5', address_line1 => undef, company => undef, gid => '1', }, }, 
+	## id => 1
+	'0' => {
+		new => 'TmUser',
+		using => {
+		  username => 'admin',
+		  local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8',
+		  uid => '1',
+		  role => '1',
+		  address_line1 => 'address_line1',
+		  token => '',
+		  full_name => 'The Admin User',
+		  city => 'city',
+		  postal_code => '80122',
+		  phone_number => '111-111-1111',
+		  address_line2 => 'address_line2',
+		  registration_sent => '1999-01-01 00:00:00',
+		  new_user => '1',
+		  last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+		  country => 'United States',
+		  state_or_province => 'state_or_province',
+		  email => '',
+		  gid => '1',
+		  company => undef,
+		  confirm_local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 2
+  '1' => {
+		new => 'TmUser',
+		using => {
+			company => undef,
+			confirm_local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8',
+			username => 'codebig',
+			gid => '1',
+			country => 'United States',
+			state_or_province => 'state_or_province',
+			email => '',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			new_user => '1',
+			address_line2 => 'address_line8',
+			registration_sent => '1999-01-01 00:00:00',
+			postal_code => '80124',
+			phone_number => '444-444-4444',
+			city => 'city',
+			full_name => 'The Codebig User',
+			token => '',
+			uid => '1',
+			role => '5',
+			address_line1 => 'address_line7',
+			local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8',
+		},
+  },
+	## id => 3
+  '2' => {
+		new => 'TmUser',
+		using => {
+			company => undef,
+			confirm_local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8',
+			gid => '1',
+			username => 'extension',
+			country => 'United States',
+			email => '',
+			state_or_province => 'state_or_province',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			new_user => '1',
+			registration_sent => '1999-01-01 00:00:00',
+			address_line2 => 'address_line8',
+			postal_code => '80124',
+			phone_number => '444-444-4444',
+			full_name => 'The Traffic Ops Extension User -- DO NOT REMOVE',
+			token => '91504CE6-8E4A-46B2-9F9F-FE7C15228498',
+			city => 'city',
+			uid => '1',
+			role => '5',
+			address_line1 => 'address_line7',
+			local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 4
+	'3' => {
+		new => 'TmUser',
+		using => {
+			confirm_local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8',
+			company => undef,
+			username => 'migration',
+			gid => '1',
+			state_or_province => undef,
+			email => undef,
+			country => undef,
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			new_user => '1',
+			address_line2 => undef,
+			registration_sent => '1999-01-01 00:00:00',
+			phone_number => undef,
+			postal_code => undef,
+			city => undef,
+			full_name => 'Migration User -- DO NOT REMOVE',
+			token => undef,
+			uid => '1',
+			address_line1 => undef,
+			role => '3',
+			local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 5
+	'4' => {
+		new => 'TmUser',
+		using => {
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			email => '',
+			state_or_province => 'state_or_province',
+			country => 'United States',
+			gid => '1',
+			username => 'portal',
+			confirm_local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8',
+			company => undef,
+			local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8',
+			address_line1 => 'address_line3',
+			uid => '1',
+			role => '5',
+			full_name => 'The Portal User',
+			city => 'city',
+			token => '',
+			phone_number => '222-222-2222',
+			postal_code => '80122',
+			address_line2 => 'address_line4',
+			registration_sent => '1999-01-01 00:00:00',
+			new_user => '1',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 6
+	'5' => {
+		new => 'TmUser',
+		using => {
+			country => 'United States',
+			email => '',
+			state_or_province => 'state_or_province',
+			gid => '1',
+			username => 'testuser',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			company => undef,
+			confirm_local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8',
+			city => 'city',
+			token => '',
+			full_name => 'The Test User',
+			postal_code => '80123',
+			phone_number => '333-333-3333',
+			local_passwd => '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8',
+			address_line1 => 'address_line5',
+			uid => '1',
+			role => '4',
+			new_user => '1',
+			address_line2 => 'address_line4',
+			registration_sent => '1999-01-01 00:00:00',
+		},
+	}
 sub name {
 		return "TmUser";
-sub get_definition { 
+sub get_definition {
 		my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
 		return $definition_for{$name};
 sub all_fixture_names {
-		return keys %definition_for;
+	# sort by db username to guarantee insertion order
+	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{username} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{username} } keys %definition_for);
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index 7a81e9e..9be0ecb 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -26,37 +26,37 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-'0' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { isactive => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', servercheck_short_name => 'ILO', type => '31', version => '1.0.0', info_url => '', description => undef, id => '1', name => 'ILO_PING', script_file => 'ping', servercheck_column_name => 'aa', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ilo_ip_address", "cron": "9 * * * *" }', }, },
-'1' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { name => '10G_PING', script_file => 'ping', servercheck_short_name => '10G', version => '1.0.0', id => '2', info_url => '', isactive => '1', servercheck_column_name => 'ab', type => '31', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ip_address", "cron": "18 * * * *" }', description => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', }, },
-'2' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { isactive => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', servercheck_short_name => 'FQDN', type => '31', version => '1.0.0', id => '3', description => undef, info_url => '', name => 'FQDN_PING', script_file => 'ping', servercheck_column_name => 'ac', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "host_name", "cron": "27 * * * *" }', }, },
-'3' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { servercheck_column_name => 'ad', servercheck_short_name => 'DSCP', type => '31', version => '1.0.0', id => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', name => 'CHECK_DSCP', script_file => 'dscp', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ilo_ip_address", "cron": "36 * * * *" }', description => undef, info_url => '', isactive => '1', }, },
-'4' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { additional_config_json => '', id => '5', info_url => '', name => 'OPEN', script_file => 'dscp', version => '1.0.0', description => undef, isactive => '0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', servercheck_column_name => 'ae', servercheck_short_name => '', type => '33', }, },
-'5' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { isactive => '0', name => 'OPEN', servercheck_short_name => '', type => '33', version => '1.0.0', description => undef, info_url => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'af', additional_config_json => '', id => '6', }, },
-'6' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { servercheck_short_name => '10G6', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ip6_address", "cron": "0 * * * *" }', description => undef, id => '7', name => 'IPV6_PING', script_file => 'ping', info_url => '', isactive => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', servercheck_column_name => 'ag', type => '31', }, },
-'7' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { servercheck_short_name => '', id => '8', isactive => '0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'ah', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '', description => undef, info_url => '', name => 'OPEN', type => '33', }, },
-'8' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ilo_ip_address", "cron": "54 * * * *" }', description => undef, id => '9', isactive => '1', script_file => 'ping', servercheck_short_name => 'STAT', type => '31', info_url => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', name => 'CHECK_STATS', servercheck_column_name => 'ai', version => '1.0.0', }, },
-'9' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { id => '10', info_url => '', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'aj', type => '33', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '', description => undef, isactive => '0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', name => 'OPEN', servercheck_short_name => '', }, },
-'10' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { servercheck_column_name => 'ak', servercheck_short_name => 'MTU', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ip_address", "cron": "45 * * * *" }', description => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', name => 'CHECK_MTU', script_file => 'ping', type => '31', id => '11', info_url => '', isactive => '1', }, },
-'11' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ilo_ip_address", "cron": "10 * * * *" }', description => undef, info_url => '', isactive => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', name => 'CHECK_TRAFFIC_ROUTER_STATUS', script_file => 'ping', version => '1.0.0', id => '12', servercheck_column_name => 'al', servercheck_short_name => 'TRTR', type => '31', }, },
-'12' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { type => '31', version => '1.0.0', description => undef, id => '13', isactive => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', script_file => 'ping', servercheck_short_name => 'TRMO', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ip_address", "cron": "10 * * * *" }', info_url => '', name => 'CHECK_TRAFFIC_MONITOR_STATUS', servercheck_column_name => 'am', }, },
-'13' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { id => '14', info_url => '', isactive => '1', name => 'CACHE_HIT_RATIO_LAST_15', servercheck_column_name => 'an', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ilo_ip_address", "cron": "0,15,30,45 * * * *" }', description => undef, servercheck_short_name => 'CHR', type => '32', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', script_file => 'ping', }, },
-'14' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { script_file => 'ping', type => '32', info_url => '', isactive => '1', id => '15', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', name => 'DISK_UTILIZATION', servercheck_column_name => 'ao', servercheck_short_name => 'CDU', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ilo_ip_address", "cron": "20 * * * *" }', description => undef, }, },
-'15' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { description => undef, info_url => '', script_file => 'ping', servercheck_short_name => 'ORT', type => '32', servercheck_column_name => 'ap', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ilo_ip_address", "cron": "40 * * * *" }', id => '16', isactive => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', name => 'ORT_ERROR_COUNT', }, },
-'16' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '', info_url => '', name => 'OPEN', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'aq', type => '33', description => undef, id => '17', isactive => '0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', servercheck_short_name => '', }, },
-'17' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { isactive => '0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_short_name => '', additional_config_json => '', description => undef, info_url => '', type => '33', version => '1.0.0', id => '18', name => 'OPEN', servercheck_column_name => 'ar', }, },
-'18' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { info_url => '', isactive => '0', name => 'OPEN', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_short_name => '', type => '33', version => '1.0.0', id => '19', description => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', servercheck_column_name => 'bf', additional_config_json => '', }, }, 
-'19' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { servercheck_short_name => '', version => '1.0.0', description => undef, id => '20', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'at', type => '33', additional_config_json => '', info_url => '', isactive => '0', name => 'OPEN', }, },
-'20' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { description => undef, id => '21', isactive => '0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', servercheck_column_name => 'au', servercheck_short_name => '', type => '33', additional_config_json => '', version => '1.0.0', name => 'OPEN', script_file => 'dscp', info_url => '', }, },
-'21' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { script_file => 'dscp', description => undef, id => '22', info_url => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', name => 'OPEN', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '', isactive => '0', servercheck_column_name => 'av', servercheck_short_name => '', type => '33', }, },
-'22' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { type => '33', version => '1.0.0', id => '23', isactive => '0', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'aw', name => 'OPEN', servercheck_short_name => '', additional_config_json => '', description => undef, info_url => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', }, },
-'23' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { id => '24', info_url => '', isactive => '0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', name => 'OPEN', script_file => 'dscp', description => undef, servercheck_column_name => 'ax', servercheck_short_name => '', type => '33', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '', }, },
-'24' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { description => undef, isactive => '0', servercheck_short_name => '', type => '33', version => '1.0.0', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'ay', additional_config_json => '', id => '25', info_url => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', name => 'OPEN', }, },
-'25' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { servercheck_column_name => 'az', servercheck_short_name => '', type => '33', additional_config_json => '', info_url => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', name => 'OPEN', version => '1.0.0', description => undef, id => '26', isactive => '0', script_file => 'dscp', }, },
-'26' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { additional_config_json => '', id => '27', isactive => '0', type => '33', version => '1.0.0', servercheck_short_name => '', description => undef, info_url => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', name => 'OPEN', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'ba', }, },
-'27' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'bb', servercheck_short_name => '', id => '28', info_url => '', isactive => '0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', name => 'OPEN', type => '33', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '', description => undef, }, },
-'28' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { description => undef, isactive => '0', name => 'OPEN', servercheck_column_name => 'bc', version => '1.0.0', servercheck_short_name => '', type => '33', additional_config_json => '', id => '29', info_url => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', script_file => 'dscp', }, },
-'29' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { info_url => '', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'bd', servercheck_short_name => '', additional_config_json => '', id => '30', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', name => 'OPEN', type => '33', version => '1.0.0', description => undef, isactive => '0', }, },
-'30' => { new => 'ToExtension', => using => { description => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', servercheck_short_name => '', version => '1.0.0', name => 'OPEN', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'be', type => '33', additional_config_json => '', id => '31', info_url => '', isactive => '0', }, },
+'0' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'ILO_PING', isactive => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', servercheck_short_name => 'ILO', type => '5', version => '1.0.0', info_url => '', description => undef, script_file => 'ping', servercheck_column_name => 'aa', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ilo_ip_address", "cron": "9 * * * *" }', }, },
+'1' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => '10G_PING', script_file => 'ping', servercheck_short_name => '10G', version => '1.0.0', info_url => '', isactive => '1', servercheck_column_name => 'ab', type => '5', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ip_address", "cron": "18 * * * *" }', description => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', }, },
+'2' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'FQDN_PING', isactive => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', servercheck_short_name => 'FQDN', type => '5', version => '1.0.0', description => undef, info_url => '', script_file => 'ping', servercheck_column_name => 'ac', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "host_name", "cron": "27 * * * *" }', }, },
+'3' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'CHECK_DSCP', servercheck_column_name => 'ad', servercheck_short_name => 'DSCP', type => '5', version => '1.0.0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', script_file => 'dscp', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ilo_ip_address", "cron": "36 * * * *" }', description => undef, info_url => '', isactive => '1', }, },
+'4' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'OPEN', additional_config_json => '', info_url => '', script_file => 'dscp', version => '1.0.0', description => undef, isactive => '0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', servercheck_column_name => 'ae', servercheck_short_name => '', type => '7', }, },
+'5' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'OPEN', isactive => '0', servercheck_short_name => '', type => '7', version => '1.0.0', description => undef, info_url => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'af', additional_config_json => '', }, },
+'6' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'IPV6_PING', servercheck_short_name => '10G6', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ip6_address", "cron": "0 * * * *" }', description => undef, script_file => 'ping', info_url => '', isactive => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', servercheck_column_name => 'ag', type => '5', }, },
+'7' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'OPEN', servercheck_short_name => '', isactive => '0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'ah', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '', description => undef, info_url => '', type => '7', }, },
+'8' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'CHECK_STATS', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ilo_ip_address", "cron": "54 * * * *" }', description => undef, isactive => '1', script_file => 'ping', servercheck_short_name => 'STAT', type => '5', info_url => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', servercheck_column_name => 'ai', version => '1.0.0', }, },
+'9' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'OPEN', info_url => '', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'aj', type => '7', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '', description => undef, isactive => '0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', servercheck_short_name => '', }, },
+'10' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'CHECK_MTU', servercheck_column_name => 'ak', servercheck_short_name => 'MTU', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ip_address", "cron": "45 * * * *" }', description => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', script_file => 'ping', type => '5', info_url => '', isactive => '1', }, },
+'11' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'CHECK_TRAFFIC_ROUTER_STATUS', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ilo_ip_address", "cron": "10 * * * *" }', description => undef, info_url => '', isactive => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', script_file => 'ping', version => '1.0.0', servercheck_column_name => 'al', servercheck_short_name => 'TRTR', type => '5', }, },
+'12' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'CHECK_TRAFFIC_MONITOR_STATUS', type => '5', version => '1.0.0', description => undef, isactive => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', script_file => 'ping', servercheck_short_name => 'TRMO', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ip_address", "cron": "10 * * * *" }', info_url => '', servercheck_column_name => 'am', }, },
+'13' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'CACHE_HIT_RATIO_LAST_15', info_url => '', isactive => '1', servercheck_column_name => 'an', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ilo_ip_address", "cron": "0,15,30,45 * * * *" }', description => undef, servercheck_short_name => 'CHR', type => '6', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', script_file => 'ping', }, },
+'14' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'DISK_UTILIZATION', script_file => 'ping', type => '6', info_url => '', isactive => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', servercheck_column_name => 'ao', servercheck_short_name => 'CDU', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ilo_ip_address", "cron": "20 * * * *" }', description => undef, }, },
+'15' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'ORT_ERROR_COUNT', description => undef, info_url => '', script_file => 'ping', servercheck_short_name => 'ORT', type => '6', servercheck_column_name => 'ap', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '{ "select": "ilo_ip_address", "cron": "40 * * * *" }', isactive => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', }, },
+'16' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'OPEN', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '', info_url => '', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'aq', type => '7', description => undef, isactive => '0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', servercheck_short_name => '', }, },
+'17' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'OPEN', isactive => '0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_short_name => '', additional_config_json => '', description => undef, info_url => '', type => '7', version => '1.0.0', servercheck_column_name => 'ar', }, },
+'18' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'OPEN', info_url => '', isactive => '0', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_short_name => '', type => '7', version => '1.0.0', description => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', servercheck_column_name => 'as', additional_config_json => '', }, },
+'19' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'OPEN', servercheck_short_name => '', version => '1.0.0', description => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'at', type => '7', additional_config_json => '', info_url => '', isactive => '0', }, },
+'20' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'OPEN', description => undef, isactive => '0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', servercheck_column_name => 'au', servercheck_short_name => '', type => '7', additional_config_json => '', version => '1.0.0', script_file => 'dscp', info_url => '', }, },
+'21' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'OPEN', script_file => 'dscp', description => undef, info_url => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '', isactive => '0', servercheck_column_name => 'av', servercheck_short_name => '', type => '7', }, },
+'22' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'OPEN', type => '7', version => '1.0.0', isactive => '0', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'aw', servercheck_short_name => '', additional_config_json => '', description => undef, info_url => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', }, },
+'23' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'OPEN', info_url => '', isactive => '0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', script_file => 'dscp', description => undef, servercheck_column_name => 'ax', servercheck_short_name => '', type => '7', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '', }, },
+'24' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'OPEN', description => undef, isactive => '0', servercheck_short_name => '', type => '7', version => '1.0.0', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'ay', additional_config_json => '', info_url => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', }, },
+'25' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'OPEN', servercheck_column_name => 'az', servercheck_short_name => '', type => '7', additional_config_json => '', info_url => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', version => '1.0.0', description => undef, isactive => '0', script_file => 'dscp', }, },
+'26' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'OPEN', additional_config_json => '', isactive => '0', type => '7', version => '1.0.0', servercheck_short_name => '', description => undef, info_url => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'ba', }, },
+'27' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'OPEN', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'bb', servercheck_short_name => '', info_url => '', isactive => '0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', type => '7', version => '1.0.0', additional_config_json => '', description => undef, }, },
+'28' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'OPEN', description => undef, isactive => '0', servercheck_column_name => 'bc', version => '1.0.0', servercheck_short_name => '', type => '7', additional_config_json => '', info_url => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', script_file => 'dscp', }, },
+'29' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'OPEN', info_url => '', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'bd', servercheck_short_name => '', additional_config_json => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', type => '7', version => '1.0.0', description => undef, isactive => '0', }, },
+'30' => { new => 'ToExtension', using => { name => 'OPEN', description => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', servercheck_short_name => '', version => '1.0.0', script_file => 'dscp', servercheck_column_name => 'be', type => '7', additional_config_json => '', info_url => '', isactive => '0', }, },
 sub name {
@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ sub get_definition {
 sub all_fixture_names {
-		return keys %definition_for;
+	# sort by db name to guarantee insertion order
+	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{name} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{name} } keys %definition_for);
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index b3fbde9..27e52fb 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -26,51 +26,331 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-'0' => { new => 'Type', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'EDGE', use_in_table => 'server', description => 'Edge Cache', id => '1', }, }, 
-'1' => { new => 'Type', => using => { use_in_table => 'server', description => 'Mid Tier Cache', id => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'MID', }, }, 
-'2' => { new => 'Type', => using => { description => 'Origin', id => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'ORG', use_in_table => 'server', }, }, 
-'3' => { new => 'Type', => using => { description => 'Comcast Content Router (aka Traffic Router)', id => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'CCR', use_in_table => 'server', }, }, 
-'4' => { new => 'Type', => using => { description => 'Edge Cachegroup', id => '6', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'EDGE_LOC', use_in_table => 'cachegroup', }, }, 
-'5' => { new => 'Type', => using => { name => 'MID_LOC', use_in_table => 'cachegroup', description => 'Mid Cachegroup', id => '7', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', }, }, 
-'6' => { new => 'Type', => using => { id => '8', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'HTTP', use_in_table => 'deliveryservice', description => 'HTTP Content Routing', }, }, 
-'7' => { new => 'Type', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'DNS', use_in_table => 'deliveryservice', description => 'DNS Content Routing', id => '9', }, }, 
-'8' => { new => 'Type', => using => { use_in_table => 'server', description => 'Riak keystore', id => '10', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'RIAK', }, }, 
-'9' => { new => 'Type', => using => { description => 'HTTP Content Routing, no caching', id => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'HTTP_NO_CACHE', use_in_table => 'deliveryservice', }, }, 
-'10' => { new => 'Type', => using => { description => 'HTTP Content routing cache in RAM', id => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'HTTP_LIVE', use_in_table => 'deliveryservice', }, }, 
-'11' => { new => 'Type', => using => { description => 'Rascal (aka Traffic Monitor) server', id => '15', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'RASCAL', use_in_table => 'server', }, }, 
-'12' => { new => 'Type', => using => { description => 'Host header regular expression', id => '18', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'HOST_REGEXP', use_in_table => 'regex', }, }, 
-'13' => { new => 'Type', => using => { description => 'URL path regular expression', id => '19', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'PATH_REGEXP', use_in_table => 'regex', }, }, 
-'14' => { new => 'Type', => using => { description => 'HTTP header regular expression', id => '20', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'HEADER_REGEXP', use_in_table => 'regex', }, }, 
-'15' => { new => 'Type', => using => { name => 'A_RECORD', use_in_table => 'staticdnsentry', description => 'Static DNS A entry', id => '21', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', }, }, 
-'16' => { new => 'Type', => using => { id => '22', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'AAAA_RECORD', use_in_table => 'staticdnsentry', description => 'Static DNS AAAA entry', }, }, 
-'17' => { new => 'Type', => using => { description => 'Static DNS CNAME entry', id => '23', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'CNAME_RECORD', use_in_table => 'staticdnsentry', }, }, 
-'18' => { new => 'Type', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'HTTP_LIVE_NATNL', use_in_table => 'deliveryservice', description => 'HTTP Content routing, RAM cache, National', id => '24', }, }, 
-'19' => { new => 'Type', => using => { use_in_table => 'server', description => 'traffic stats server', id => '25', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'TRAFFIC_STATS', }, }, 
-'20' => { new => 'Type', => using => { description => 'DNS Content routing, RAM cache, National', id => '26', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'DNS_LIVE_NATNL', use_in_table => 'deliveryservice', }, }, 
-'21' => { new => 'Type', => using => { description => 'DNS Content routing, RAM cache, Lo
-cal', id => '27', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'DNS_LIVE', use_in_table => 'deliveryservice', }, }, 
-'22' => { new => 'Type', => using => { description => 'Local User', id => '28', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'LOCAL', use_in_table => 'tm_user', }, }, 
-'23' => { new => 'Type', => using => { description => 'Active Directory User', id => '29', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'ACTIVE_DIRECTORY', use_in_table => 'tm_user', }, }, 
-'24' => { new => 'Type', => using => { name => 'TOOLS_SERVER', use_in_table => 'server', description => 'Ops hosts for managment ', id => '30', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', }, }, 
-'25' => { new => 'Type', => using => { id => '31', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'CHECK_EXTENSION_BOOL', use_in_table => 'to_extension', description => 'TO Extension for checkmark in Server Check', }, }, 
-'26' => { new => 'Type', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'CHECK_EXTENSION_NUM', use_in_table => 'to_extension', description => 'TO Extenstion for int value in Server Check', id => '32', }, }, 
-'27' => { new => 'Type', => using => { name => 'CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT', use_in_table => 'to_extension', description => 'Open slot for check in Server Status', id => '33', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', }, }, 
-'28' => { new => 'Type', => using => { description => 'Extension for additional configuration file', id => '34', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'CONFIG_EXTENSION', use_in_table => 'to_extension', }, }, 
-'29' => { new => 'Type', => using => { use_in_table => 'to_extension', description => 'Extension source for 12M graphs', id => '35', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'STATISTIC_EXTENSION', }, }, 
-'30' => { new => 'Type', => using => { description => 'Multi Site Origin "Cachegroup"', id => '36', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'ORG_LOC', use_in_table => 'cachegroup', }, }, 
+	## id => 1
+	'0' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			name => 'A_RECORD',
+			use_in_table => 'staticdnsentry',
+			description => 'Static DNS A entry',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 2
+	'1' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'AAAA_RECORD',
+			use_in_table => 'staticdnsentry',
+			description => 'Static DNS AAAA entry',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 3
+	'2' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			description => 'Active Directory User',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'ACTIVE_DIRECTORY',
+			use_in_table => 'tm_user',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 4
+	'3' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			description => 'Comcast Content Router (aka Traffic Router)',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'CCR',
+			use_in_table => 'server',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 5
+	'4' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			use_in_table => 'to_extension',
+			description => 'TO Extension for checkmark in Server Check',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 6
+	'5' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'CHECK_EXTENSION_NUM',
+			use_in_table => 'to_extension',
+			description => 'TO Extenstion for int value in Server Check',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 7
+	'6' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			use_in_table => 'to_extension',
+			description => 'Open slot for check in Server Status',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 8
+	'7' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			description => 'Static DNS CNAME entry',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'CNAME_RECORD',
+			use_in_table => 'staticdnsentry',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 9
+	'8' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			description => 'Extension for additional configuration file',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'CONFIG_EXTENSION',
+			use_in_table => 'to_extension',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 10
+	'9' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'DNS',
+			use_in_table => 'deliveryservice',
+			description => 'DNS Content Routing',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 11
+	'10' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			description => 'DNS Content routing, RAM cache, Local',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'DNS_LIVE',
+			use_in_table => 'deliveryservice',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 12
+	'11' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			description => 'DNS Content routing, RAM cache, National',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'DNS_LIVE_NATNL',
+			use_in_table => 'deliveryservice',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 13
+	'12' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'EDGE',
+			use_in_table => 'server',
+			description => 'Edge Cache',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 14
+	'13' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			description => 'Edge Cachegroup',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'EDGE_LOC',
+			use_in_table => 'cachegroup',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 15
+	'14' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			description => 'HTTP header regular expression',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'HEADER_REGEXP',
+			use_in_table => 'regex',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 16
+	'15' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'HTTP',
+			use_in_table => 'deliveryservice',
+			description => 'HTTP Content Routing',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 17
+	'16' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			description => 'HTTP Content routing cache in RAM',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'HTTP_LIVE',
+			use_in_table => 'deliveryservice',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 18
+	'17' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'HTTP_LIVE_NATNL',
+			use_in_table => 'deliveryservice',
+			description => 'HTTP Content routing, RAM cache, National',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 19
+	'18' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			description => 'HTTP Content Routing, no caching',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'HTTP_NO_CACHE',
+			use_in_table => 'deliveryservice',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 20
+	'19' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			description => 'Host header regular expression',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'HOST_REGEXP',
+			use_in_table => 'regex',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 21
+	'20' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			description => 'Local User',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'LOCAL',
+			use_in_table => 'tm_user',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 22
+	'21' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			use_in_table => 'server',
+			description => 'Mid Tier Cache',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'MID',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 23
+	'22' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			name => 'MID_LOC',
+			use_in_table => 'cachegroup',
+			description => 'Mid Cachegroup',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 24
+	'23' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			description => 'Origin',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'ORG',
+			use_in_table => 'server',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 25
+	'24' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			description => 'Multi Site Origin "Cachegroup"',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'ORG_LOC',
+			use_in_table => 'cachegroup',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 26
+	'25' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			description => 'URL path regular expression',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'PATH_REGEXP',
+			use_in_table => 'regex',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 27
+	'26' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			description => 'Rascal (aka Traffic Monitor) server',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'RASCAL',
+			use_in_table => 'server',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 28
+	'27' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			use_in_table => 'server',
+			description => 'Riak keystore',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'RIAK',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 29
+	'28' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			use_in_table => 'to_extension',
+			description => 'Extension source for 12M graphs',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 30
+	'29' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			name => 'TOOLS_SERVER',
+			use_in_table => 'server',
+			description => 'Ops hosts for managment ',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 31
+	'30' => {
+		new => 'Type',
+		using => {
+			use_in_table => 'server',
+			description => 'traffic stats server',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'TRAFFIC_STATS',
+		},
+	},
 sub name {
 		return "Type";
-sub get_definition { 
-		my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
+sub get_definition {
+		my ( $self,
+			$name ) = @_;
 		return $definition_for{$name};
 sub all_fixture_names {
-		return keys %definition_for;
+	# sort by db name to guarantee insertion order
+	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{name} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{name} } keys %definition_for);
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/
index 0a80101..b9670ed 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/
@@ -106,10 +106,47 @@ sub teardown {
+sub reset_sequence_id {
+	my $self   = shift;
+	my $dbh    = Schema->database_handle;
+	my @table_names = qw(
+		asn
+		cachegroup
+		cdn
+		deliveryservice
+		division
+		federation
+		federation_resolver
+		hwinfo
+		job_agent
+		job_status
+		log
+		parameter
+		phys_location
+		profile
+		regex
+		region
+		role
+		server
+		staticdnsentry
+		stats_summary
+		status
+		tm_user
+		type );
+	foreach my $name (@table_names) {
+		my $p = $dbh->prepare("ALTER SEQUENCE " . $name . "_id_seq RESTART WITH 1");
+		$p->execute();
+	}
 sub load_core_data {
 	my $self          = shift;
 	my $schema        = shift;
 	my $schema_values = { schema => $schema, no_transactions => 1 };
+	$self->reset_sequence_id();
 	diag "Initializing DB:";
 	$self->load_all_fixtures( Fixtures::Integration::Cdn->new($schema_values) );
 	$self->load_all_fixtures( Fixtures::Integration::Type->new($schema_values) );
@@ -119,7 +156,7 @@ sub load_core_data {
 	$self->load_all_fixtures( Fixtures::Integration::Region->new($schema_values) );
 	$self->load_all_fixtures( Fixtures::Integration::PhysLocation->new($schema_values) );
 	$self->load_all_fixtures( Fixtures::Integration::Status->new($schema_values) );
-	$self->load_all_fixtures( Fixtures::Integration::Cachegroup->new($schema_values) );
+	# $self->load_all_fixtures( Fixtures::Integration::Cachegroup->new($schema_values) );
 	$self->load_all_fixtures( Fixtures::Integration::Regex->new($schema_values) );
 	$self->load_all_fixtures( Fixtures::Integration::Parameter->new($schema_values) );
 	$self->load_all_fixtures( Fixtures::Integration::Profile->new($schema_values) );

[26/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: removes offline_reason migration and just rolls it into create_tables.sql

Posted by
removes offline_reason migration and just rolls it into create_tables.sql


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: a96ae3e0c23b3d6b0df599350917c60ec362e541
Parents: 490f5d0
Author: Jeremy Mitchell <>
Authored: Fri Sep 16 11:38:09 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 13:53:57 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql            | 419 ++++++++++---------
 .../20160909141413_add_offline_reason.sql       |   9 -
 2 files changed, 210 insertions(+), 218 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql b/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql
index 4d98208..fd29834 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql
@@ -919,6 +919,7 @@ CREATE TABLE server (
     cachegroup bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL,
     type bigint NOT NULL,
     status bigint NOT NULL,
+    offline_reason character varying(256),
     upd_pending smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL,
     profile bigint NOT NULL,
     cdn_id bigint NOT NULL,
@@ -1478,770 +1479,770 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY type ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('type_id_seq'::regclas
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28644_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, cachegroup);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39541_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_28652_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39549_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY cachegroup
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28652_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39549_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
--- Name: idx_28657_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39554_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY cachegroup_parameter
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28657_primary PRIMARY KEY (cachegroup, parameter);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39554_primary PRIMARY KEY (cachegroup, parameter);
--- Name: idx_28664_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39561_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28664_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39561_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_28672_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39569_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28672_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39569_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
--- Name: idx_28687_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39584_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice_regex
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28687_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, regex);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39584_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, regex);
--- Name: idx_28691_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39588_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice_server
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28691_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, server);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39588_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, server);
--- Name: idx_28695_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39592_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice_tmuser
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28695_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, tm_user_id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39592_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, tm_user_id);
--- Name: idx_28701_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39598_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28701_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39598_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_28708_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39605_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28708_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39605_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_28716_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39613_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_deliveryservice
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28716_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, deliveryservice);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39613_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, deliveryservice);
--- Name: idx_28720_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39617_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_federation_resolver
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28720_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, federation_resolver);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39617_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, federation_resolver);
--- Name: idx_28726_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39623_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_resolver
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28726_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39623_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_28731_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39628_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_tmuser
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28731_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, tm_user);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39628_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, tm_user);
--- Name: idx_28747_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39644_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28747_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39644_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_28757_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39654_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28757_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39654_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_28767_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39664_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28767_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39664_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_28778_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39675_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY job_result
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28778_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39675_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_28788_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39685_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY job_status
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28788_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39685_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_28795_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39692_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28795_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, tm_user);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39692_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, tm_user);
--- Name: idx_28805_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39702_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28805_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39702_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_28816_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39713_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY phys_location
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28816_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39713_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_28826_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39723_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28826_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39723_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_28831_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39728_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY profile_parameter
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28831_primary PRIMARY KEY (profile, parameter);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39728_primary PRIMARY KEY (profile, parameter);
--- Name: idx_28837_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39734_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28837_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39734_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
--- Name: idx_28845_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39742_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28845_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39742_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_28852_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39749_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28852_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39749_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_28858_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39755_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28858_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, cachegroup, type, status, profile);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39755_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, cachegroup, type, status, profile);
--- Name: idx_28871_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39768_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY servercheck
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28871_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, server);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39768_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, server);
--- Name: idx_28878_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39775_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY staticdnsentry
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28878_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39775_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_28886_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39783_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY stats_summary
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28886_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39783_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_28897_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39794_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28897_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39794_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_28902_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39799_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY steering_target
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28902_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, target);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39799_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, target);
--- Name: idx_28908_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39805_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28908_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39805_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_28919_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39816_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY to_extension
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28919_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39816_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_28929_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39826_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28929_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_39826_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_28644_cr_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39541_cr_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28644_cr_id_unique ON asn USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39541_cr_id_unique ON asn USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_28644_fk_cran_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39541_fk_cran_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28644_fk_cran_cachegroup1 ON asn USING btree (cachegroup);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39541_fk_cran_cachegroup1 ON asn USING btree (cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_28652_cg_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39549_cg_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28652_cg_name_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39549_cg_name_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_28652_cg_short_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39549_cg_short_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28652_cg_short_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (short_name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39549_cg_short_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (short_name);
--- Name: idx_28652_fk_cg_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39549_fk_cg_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28652_fk_cg_1 ON cachegroup USING btree (parent_cachegroup_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39549_fk_cg_1 ON cachegroup USING btree (parent_cachegroup_id);
--- Name: idx_28652_fk_cg_secondary; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39549_fk_cg_secondary; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28652_fk_cg_secondary ON cachegroup USING btree (secondary_parent_cachegroup_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39549_fk_cg_secondary ON cachegroup USING btree (secondary_parent_cachegroup_id);
--- Name: idx_28652_fk_cg_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39549_fk_cg_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28652_fk_cg_type1 ON cachegroup USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39549_fk_cg_type1 ON cachegroup USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_28652_lo_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39549_lo_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28652_lo_id_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39549_lo_id_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_28657_fk_parameter; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39554_fk_parameter; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28657_fk_parameter ON cachegroup_parameter USING btree (parameter);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39554_fk_parameter ON cachegroup_parameter USING btree (parameter);
--- Name: idx_28664_cdn_cdn_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39561_cdn_cdn_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28664_cdn_cdn_unique ON cdn USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39561_cdn_cdn_unique ON cdn USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_28672_ds_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39569_ds_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28672_ds_id_unique ON deliveryservice USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39569_ds_id_unique ON deliveryservice USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_28672_ds_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39569_ds_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28672_ds_name_unique ON deliveryservice USING btree (xml_id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39569_ds_name_unique ON deliveryservice USING btree (xml_id);
--- Name: idx_28672_fk_cdn1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39569_fk_cdn1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28672_fk_cdn1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (cdn_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39569_fk_cdn1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (cdn_id);
--- Name: idx_28672_fk_deliveryservice_profile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39569_fk_deliveryservice_profile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28672_fk_deliveryservice_profile1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (profile);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39569_fk_deliveryservice_profile1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (profile);
--- Name: idx_28672_fk_deliveryservice_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39569_fk_deliveryservice_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28672_fk_deliveryservice_type1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39569_fk_deliveryservice_type1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_28687_fk_ds_to_regex_regex1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39584_fk_ds_to_regex_regex1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28687_fk_ds_to_regex_regex1 ON deliveryservice_regex USING btree (regex);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39584_fk_ds_to_regex_regex1 ON deliveryservice_regex USING btree (regex);
--- Name: idx_28691_fk_ds_to_cs_contentserver1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39588_fk_ds_to_cs_contentserver1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28691_fk_ds_to_cs_contentserver1 ON deliveryservice_server USING btree (server);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39588_fk_ds_to_cs_contentserver1 ON deliveryservice_server USING btree (server);
--- Name: idx_28695_fk_tm_userid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39592_fk_tm_userid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28695_fk_tm_userid ON deliveryservice_tmuser USING btree (tm_user_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39592_fk_tm_userid ON deliveryservice_tmuser USING btree (tm_user_id);
--- Name: idx_28701_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39598_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28701_name_unique ON division USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39598_name_unique ON division USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_28716_fk_fed_to_ds1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39613_fk_fed_to_ds1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28716_fk_fed_to_ds1 ON federation_deliveryservice USING btree (deliveryservice);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39613_fk_fed_to_ds1 ON federation_deliveryservice USING btree (deliveryservice);
--- Name: idx_28720_fk_federation_federation_resolver; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39617_fk_federation_federation_resolver; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28720_fk_federation_federation_resolver ON federation_federation_resolver USING btree (federation);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39617_fk_federation_federation_resolver ON federation_federation_resolver USING btree (federation);
--- Name: idx_28720_fk_federation_resolver_to_fed1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39617_fk_federation_resolver_to_fed1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28720_fk_federation_resolver_to_fed1 ON federation_federation_resolver USING btree (federation_resolver);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39617_fk_federation_resolver_to_fed1 ON federation_federation_resolver USING btree (federation_resolver);
--- Name: idx_28726_federation_resolver_ip_address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39623_federation_resolver_ip_address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28726_federation_resolver_ip_address ON federation_resolver USING btree (ip_address);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39623_federation_resolver_ip_address ON federation_resolver USING btree (ip_address);
--- Name: idx_28726_fk_federation_mapping_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39623_fk_federation_mapping_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28726_fk_federation_mapping_type ON federation_resolver USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39623_fk_federation_mapping_type ON federation_resolver USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_28731_fk_federation_federation_resolver; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39628_fk_federation_federation_resolver; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28731_fk_federation_federation_resolver ON federation_tmuser USING btree (federation);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39628_fk_federation_federation_resolver ON federation_tmuser USING btree (federation);
--- Name: idx_28731_fk_federation_tmuser_role; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39628_fk_federation_tmuser_role; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28731_fk_federation_tmuser_role ON federation_tmuser USING btree (role);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39628_fk_federation_tmuser_role ON federation_tmuser USING btree (role);
--- Name: idx_28731_fk_federation_tmuser_tmuser; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39628_fk_federation_tmuser_tmuser; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28731_fk_federation_tmuser_tmuser ON federation_tmuser USING btree (tm_user);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39628_fk_federation_tmuser_tmuser ON federation_tmuser USING btree (tm_user);
--- Name: idx_28747_fk_hwinfo1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39644_fk_hwinfo1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28747_fk_hwinfo1 ON hwinfo USING btree (serverid);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39644_fk_hwinfo1 ON hwinfo USING btree (serverid);
--- Name: idx_28747_serverid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39644_serverid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28747_serverid ON hwinfo USING btree (serverid, description);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39644_serverid ON hwinfo USING btree (serverid, description);
--- Name: idx_28757_fk_job_agent_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39654_fk_job_agent_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28757_fk_job_agent_id1 ON job USING btree (agent);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39654_fk_job_agent_id1 ON job USING btree (agent);
--- Name: idx_28757_fk_job_deliveryservice1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39654_fk_job_deliveryservice1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28757_fk_job_deliveryservice1 ON job USING btree (job_deliveryservice);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39654_fk_job_deliveryservice1 ON job USING btree (job_deliveryservice);
--- Name: idx_28757_fk_job_status_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39654_fk_job_status_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28757_fk_job_status_id1 ON job USING btree (status);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39654_fk_job_status_id1 ON job USING btree (status);
--- Name: idx_28757_fk_job_user_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39654_fk_job_user_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28757_fk_job_user_id1 ON job USING btree (job_user);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39654_fk_job_user_id1 ON job USING btree (job_user);
--- Name: idx_28778_fk_agent_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39675_fk_agent_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28778_fk_agent_id1 ON job_result USING btree (agent);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39675_fk_agent_id1 ON job_result USING btree (agent);
--- Name: idx_28778_fk_job_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39675_fk_job_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28778_fk_job_id1 ON job_result USING btree (job);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39675_fk_job_id1 ON job_result USING btree (job);
--- Name: idx_28795_fk_log_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39692_fk_log_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28795_fk_log_1 ON log USING btree (tm_user);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39692_fk_log_1 ON log USING btree (tm_user);
--- Name: idx_28805_parameter_name_value_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39702_parameter_name_value_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28805_parameter_name_value_idx ON parameter USING btree (name, value);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39702_parameter_name_value_idx ON parameter USING btree (name, value);
--- Name: idx_28816_fk_phys_location_region_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39713_fk_phys_location_region_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28816_fk_phys_location_region_idx ON phys_location USING btree (region);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39713_fk_phys_location_region_idx ON phys_location USING btree (region);
--- Name: idx_28816_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39713_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28816_name_unique ON phys_location USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39713_name_unique ON phys_location USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_28816_short_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39713_short_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28816_short_name_unique ON phys_location USING btree (short_name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39713_short_name_unique ON phys_location USING btree (short_name);
--- Name: idx_28826_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39723_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28826_name_unique ON profile USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39723_name_unique ON profile USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_28831_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsparameters1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39728_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsparameters1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28831_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsparameters1 ON profile_parameter USING btree (parameter);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39728_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsparameters1 ON profile_parameter USING btree (parameter);
--- Name: idx_28831_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsprofile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39728_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsprofile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28831_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsprofile1 ON profile_parameter USING btree (profile);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39728_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsprofile1 ON profile_parameter USING btree (profile);
--- Name: idx_28837_fk_regex_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39734_fk_regex_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28837_fk_regex_type1 ON regex USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39734_fk_regex_type1 ON regex USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_28837_re_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39734_re_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28837_re_id_unique ON regex USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39734_re_id_unique ON regex USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_28845_fk_region_division1_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39742_fk_region_division1_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28845_fk_region_division1_idx ON region USING btree (division);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39742_fk_region_division1_idx ON region USING btree (division);
--- Name: idx_28845_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39742_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28845_name_unique ON region USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39742_name_unique ON region USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_28858_fk_cdn2; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39755_fk_cdn2; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28858_fk_cdn2 ON server USING btree (cdn_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39755_fk_cdn2 ON server USING btree (cdn_id);
--- Name: idx_28858_fk_contentserver_atsprofile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39755_fk_contentserver_atsprofile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28858_fk_contentserver_atsprofile1 ON server USING btree (profile);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39755_fk_contentserver_atsprofile1 ON server USING btree (profile);
--- Name: idx_28858_fk_contentserver_contentserverstatus1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39755_fk_contentserver_contentserverstatus1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28858_fk_contentserver_contentserverstatus1 ON server USING btree (status);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39755_fk_contentserver_contentserverstatus1 ON server USING btree (status);
--- Name: idx_28858_fk_contentserver_contentservertype1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39755_fk_contentserver_contentservertype1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28858_fk_contentserver_contentservertype1 ON server USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39755_fk_contentserver_contentservertype1 ON server USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_28858_fk_contentserver_phys_location1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39755_fk_contentserver_phys_location1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28858_fk_contentserver_phys_location1 ON server USING btree (phys_location);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39755_fk_contentserver_phys_location1 ON server USING btree (phys_location);
--- Name: idx_28858_fk_server_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39755_fk_server_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28858_fk_server_cachegroup1 ON server USING btree (cachegroup);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39755_fk_server_cachegroup1 ON server USING btree (cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_28858_ip6_profile; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39755_ip6_profile; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28858_ip6_profile ON server USING btree (ip6_address, profile);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39755_ip6_profile ON server USING btree (ip6_address, profile);
--- Name: idx_28858_ip_profile; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39755_ip_profile; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28858_ip_profile ON server USING btree (ip_address, profile);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39755_ip_profile ON server USING btree (ip_address, profile);
--- Name: idx_28858_se_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39755_se_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28858_se_id_unique ON server USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39755_se_id_unique ON server USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_28871_fk_serverstatus_server1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39768_fk_serverstatus_server1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28871_fk_serverstatus_server1 ON servercheck USING btree (server);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39768_fk_serverstatus_server1 ON servercheck USING btree (server);
--- Name: idx_28871_server; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39768_server; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28871_server ON servercheck USING btree (server);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39768_server ON servercheck USING btree (server);
--- Name: idx_28871_ses_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39768_ses_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28871_ses_id_unique ON servercheck USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39768_ses_id_unique ON servercheck USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_28878_combi_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39775_combi_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28878_combi_unique ON staticdnsentry USING btree (host, address, deliveryservice, cachegroup);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39775_combi_unique ON staticdnsentry USING btree (host, address, deliveryservice, cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_28878_fk_staticdnsentry_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39775_fk_staticdnsentry_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28878_fk_staticdnsentry_cachegroup1 ON staticdnsentry USING btree (cachegroup);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39775_fk_staticdnsentry_cachegroup1 ON staticdnsentry USING btree (cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_28878_fk_staticdnsentry_ds; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39775_fk_staticdnsentry_ds; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28878_fk_staticdnsentry_ds ON staticdnsentry USING btree (deliveryservice);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39775_fk_staticdnsentry_ds ON staticdnsentry USING btree (deliveryservice);
--- Name: idx_28878_fk_staticdnsentry_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39775_fk_staticdnsentry_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28878_fk_staticdnsentry_type ON staticdnsentry USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39775_fk_staticdnsentry_type ON staticdnsentry USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_28908_fk_user_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39805_fk_user_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28908_fk_user_1 ON tm_user USING btree (role);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39805_fk_user_1 ON tm_user USING btree (role);
--- Name: idx_28908_tmuser_email_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39805_tmuser_email_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28908_tmuser_email_unique ON tm_user USING btree (email);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39805_tmuser_email_unique ON tm_user USING btree (email);
--- Name: idx_28908_username_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39805_username_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28908_username_unique ON tm_user USING btree (username);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39805_username_unique ON tm_user USING btree (username);
--- Name: idx_28919_fk_ext_type_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39816_fk_ext_type_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_28919_fk_ext_type_idx ON to_extension USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_39816_fk_ext_type_idx ON to_extension USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_28919_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39816_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28919_id_unique ON to_extension USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39816_id_unique ON to_extension USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_28929_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_39826_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28929_name_unique ON type USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_39826_name_unique ON type USING btree (name);
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160909141413_add_offline_reason.sql b/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160909141413_add_offline_reason.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 5373080..0000000
--- a/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160909141413_add_offline_reason.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
--- +goose Up
--- SQL in section 'Up' is executed when this migration is applied
-alter table server add offline_reason varchar(256) AFTER status;
--- +goose Down
--- SQL section 'Down' is executed when this migration is rolled back
-alter table server drop column offline_reason;

[43/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: eliminate .json suffix on remaining api calls

Posted by
eliminate .json suffix on remaining api calls


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: d0fe09ac4645570714019e00d97e36ee16f5f638
Parents: 3287dbf
Author: Dan Kirkwood <>
Authored: Tue Oct 11 12:24:11 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:21:17 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/app/lib/ | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/
index 95b6834..0750615 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/
@@ -189,6 +189,8 @@ sub ui_routes {
 	$r->post('/federation/:federation_id')->name('federation_update')->to( 'Federation#update', namespace => $namespace );
 	$r->get("/federation/resolvers")->to( 'Federation#resolvers', namespace => $namespace );
 	$r->get("/federation/users")->to( 'Federation#users', namespace => $namespace );
+	$r->get( "/federation/resolvers")->to( 'Federation#resolvers', namespace => $namespace );
+	$r->get( "/federation/users")->to( 'Federation#users',     namespace => $namespace );
 	# -- Gendbdump - Get DB dump
 	$r->get('/dbdump')->over( authenticated => 1 )->to( 'GenDbDump#dbdump', namespace => $namespace );

[50/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: the migration basically includes 2 things -1) converts double to numeric and 2) converts certain smallints to bool

Posted by
the migration basically includes 2 things -1) converts double to numeric and 2) converts certain smallints to bool


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 744499d518bbb486fde3c8efac11a11f2374ce31
Parents: d69de3c
Author: Jeremy Mitchell <>
Authored: Wed Nov 9 11:52:19 2016 -0700
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:43:13 2016 -0700

 .../20160910092026_fix_column_types.sql         | 110 ++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 57 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160910092026_fix_column_types.sql b/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160910092026_fix_column_types.sql
index f764311..ce5b100 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160910092026_fix_column_types.sql
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160910092026_fix_column_types.sql
@@ -5,73 +5,77 @@
 ALTER TABLE cachegroup ALTER COLUMN latitude  TYPE numeric;
 ALTER TABLE cachegroup ALTER COLUMN longitude TYPE numeric;
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN signed TYPE smallint USING (signed::int::smallint);
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN qstring_ignore TYPE smallint USING (qstring_ignore::int::smallint);
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
-  ALTER COLUMN geo_limit TYPE smallint USING (geo_limit::int::smallint),
-  ALTER COLUMN geo_limit SET DEFAULT '0';
+	ALTER COLUMN dnssec_enabled TYPE boolean
+		USING CASE WHEN dnssec_enabled = 0 THEN FALSE
+			WHEN dnssec_enabled = 1 THEN TRUE
 ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN miss_lat                     TYPE numeric;
 ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN miss_long                    TYPE numeric;
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin            TYPE smallint USING (multi_site_origin::int::smallint);
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN regional_geo_blocking        TYPE smallint USING (regional_geo_blocking::int::smallint);
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN logs_enabled                 TYPE smallint USING (logs_enabled::int::smallint);
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin_algorithm  TYPE smallint USING (multi_site_origin_algorithm::int::smallint);
-ALTER TABLE parameter
-  ALTER COLUMN secure TYPE smallint USING (secure::int::smallint),
-  ALTER COLUMN upd_pending TYPE smallint USING (upd_pending::int::smallint),
-  ALTER COLUMN upd_pending SET DEFAULT '0';
-ALTER TABLE tm_user
-  ALTER COLUMN new_user TYPE smallint USING (new_user::int::smallint),
-ALTER TABLE to_extension  ALTER COLUMN isactive TYPE smallint USING (isactive::int::smallint);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
+	ALTER COLUMN active TYPE boolean
+			WHEN active = 1 THEN TRUE
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
+	ALTER COLUMN signed TYPE boolean
+			WHEN signed = 1 THEN TRUE
--- +goose Down
--- SQL section 'Down' is executed when this migration is rolled back
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
+	ALTER COLUMN ipv6_routing_enabled TYPE boolean
+		USING CASE WHEN ipv6_routing_enabled = 0 THEN FALSE
+			WHEN ipv6_routing_enabled = 1 THEN TRUE
-ALTER TABLE cachegroup ALTER COLUMN latitude  TYPE double precision;
-ALTER TABLE cachegroup ALTER COLUMN longitude TYPE double precision;
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
+	ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin TYPE boolean
+		USING CASE WHEN multi_site_origin = 0 THEN FALSE
+			WHEN multi_site_origin = 1 THEN TRUE
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN signed         TYPE boolean USING (signed::int::boolean);
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN qstring_ignore TYPE boolean USING (qstring_ignore::int::boolean);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
+	ALTER COLUMN regional_geo_blocking TYPE boolean
+		USING CASE WHEN regional_geo_blocking = 0 THEN FALSE
+			WHEN regional_geo_blocking = 1 THEN TRUE
 ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
-  ALTER COLUMN geo_limit TYPE boolean USING (geo_limit::int::boolean),
+	ALTER COLUMN logs_enabled TYPE boolean
+		USING CASE WHEN logs_enabled = 0 THEN FALSE
+			WHEN logs_enabled = 1 THEN TRUE
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN miss_lat                     TYPE double precision;
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN miss_long                    TYPE double precision;
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin            TYPE boolean USING (multi_site_origin::int::boolean);
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN regional_geo_blocking        TYPE boolean USING (regional_geo_blocking::int::boolean);
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin_algorithm  TYPE boolean USING (multi_site_origin_algorithm::int::boolean);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
+	ALTER COLUMN logs_enabled TYPE boolean
+		USING CASE WHEN logs_enabled = 0 THEN FALSE
+			WHEN logs_enabled = 1 THEN TRUE
 ALTER TABLE parameter
-  ALTER COLUMN secure TYPE boolean USING (secure::int::boolean),
+	ALTER COLUMN secure TYPE boolean
+			WHEN secure = 1 THEN TRUE
-  ALTER COLUMN upd_pending TYPE boolean USING (upd_pending::int::boolean),
+	ALTER COLUMN upd_pending TYPE boolean
+		USING CASE WHEN upd_pending = 0 THEN FALSE
+			WHEN upd_pending = 1 THEN TRUE
 ALTER TABLE tm_user
-  ALTER COLUMN new_user TYPE boolean USING (new_user::int::boolean),
-ALTER TABLE to_extension  ALTER COLUMN isactive TYPE boolean USING (isactive::int::boolean);
+	ALTER COLUMN new_user TYPE boolean
+			WHEN new_user = 1 THEN TRUE
+ALTER TABLE to_extension
+	ALTER COLUMN isactive TYPE boolean
+			WHEN isactive = 1 THEN TRUE

[53/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: fix merge issues

Posted by
fix merge issues


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: a627d1545443bb1117a0a9224e2699f3b5df1826
Parents: 5006eac
Author: Dan Kirkwood <>
Authored: Fri Nov 11 16:53:10 2016 -0700
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 16:53:10 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/app/db/seeds.sql | 302 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 151 insertions(+), 151 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/seeds.sql b/traffic_ops/app/db/seeds.sql
index 6445ef1..24d83fa 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/db/seeds.sql
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/seeds.sql
@@ -13,129 +13,130 @@
 	limitations under the License.
-insert ignore into role (id, name, description, priv_level) values (1, 'disallowed','Block all access',0);
-insert ignore into role (id, name, description, priv_level) values (2, 'read-only user','Block all access', 10);
-insert ignore into role (id, name, description, priv_level) values (3, 'operations','Block all access', 20);
-insert ignore into role (id, name, description, priv_level) values (4, 'admin','super-user', 30);
-insert ignore into role (id, name, description, priv_level) values (5, 'portal','Portal User', 2);
-insert ignore into role (id, name, description, priv_level) values (6, 'migrations','database migrations user - DO NOT REMOVE', 20);
-insert ignore into role (id, name, description, priv_level) values (7, 'federation','Role for Secondary CZF', 15);
-insert ignore into tm_user (username, role,full_name) values ('portal',(select id from role where name='portal'),'Portal User');
-insert ignore into tm_user (username, role, full_name, token) values ('extension', 3, 'Extension User, DO NOT DELETE', '91504CE6-8E4A-46B2-9F9F-FE7C15228498');
-insert ignore into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('CHECK_EXTENSION_BOOL', 'Extension for checkmark in Server Check', 'to_extension');
-insert ignore into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('CHECK_EXTENSION_NUM', 'Extension for int value in Server Check', 'to_extension');
-insert ignore into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT', 'Open slot for check in Server Status', 'to_extension');
-insert ignore into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('CONFIG_EXTENSION', 'Extension for additional configuration file', 'to_extension');
-insert ignore into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('STATISTIC_EXTENSION', 'Extension source for 12M graphs', 'to_extension');
-insert ignore into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('RESOLVE4', 'federation type resolve4', 'federation');
-insert ignore into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('RESOLVE6', 'federation type resolve6', 'federation');
-insert ignore into parameter (name, config_file, value) values ('snapshot_dir', 'regex_revalidate.config','public/Trafficserver-Snapshots/');
-insert ignore into parameter (name, config_file, value) values ('maxRevalDurationDays', 'regex_revalidate.config', '90');
+insert into role (id, name, description, priv_level) values (1, 'disallowed','Block all access',0) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into role (id, name, description, priv_level) values (2, 'read-only user','Block all access', 10) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into role (id, name, description, priv_level) values (3, 'operations','Block all access', 20) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into role (id, name, description, priv_level) values (4, 'admin','super-user', 30) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into role (id, name, description, priv_level) values (5, 'portal','Portal User', 2) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into role (id, name, description, priv_level) values (6, 'migrations','database migrations user - DO NOT REMOVE', 20) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into role (id, name, description, priv_level) values (7, 'federation','Role for Secondary CZF', 15) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into tm_user (username, role,full_name) values ('portal',(select id from role where name='portal'),'Portal User') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into tm_user (username, role, full_name, token) values ('extension', 3, 'Extension User, DO NOT DELETE', '91504CE6-8E4A-46B2-9F9F-FE7C15228498') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('CHECK_EXTENSION_BOOL', 'Extension for checkmark in Server Check', 'to_extension') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('CHECK_EXTENSION_NUM', 'Extension for int value in Server Check', 'to_extension') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT', 'Open slot for check in Server Status', 'to_extension') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('CONFIG_EXTENSION', 'Extension for additional configuration file', 'to_extension') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('STATISTIC_EXTENSION', 'Extension source for 12M graphs', 'to_extension') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('RESOLVE4', 'federation type resolve4', 'federation') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('RESOLVE6', 'federation type resolve6', 'federation') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) values ('snapshot_dir', 'regex_revalidate.config','public/Trafficserver-Snapshots/') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) values ('ttl_max_hours', 'regex_revalidate.config', '672') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) values ('ttl_min_hours', 'regex_revalidate.config', '48') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) values ('maxRevalDurationDays', 'regex_revalidate.config', '90') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
 -- some of the old ones do not get a new place, and there will be 'gaps' in the column usage.... New to_extension add will have to take care of that.
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (1, 'ILO_PING', 'ILO', 'aa', '1.0.0', '-', '', 1, '{ check_name: "ILO", "base_url": "https://localhost", "select": "ilo_ip_address", "cron": "9 * * * *" }',
-    (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_BOOL') );
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (2, '10G_PING', '10G', 'ab', '1.0.0', '-', '', 1, '{ check_name: "10G", "base_url": "https://localhost", "select": "ip_address", "cron": "18 * * * *" }',
-    (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_BOOL') );
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (3, 'FQDN_PING', 'FQDN', 'ac', '1.0.0', '-', '', 1, '{ check_name: "FQDN", "base_url": "https://localhost", "select": "host_name", "cron": "27 * * * *" }',
-    (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_BOOL') );
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (4, 'CHECK_DSCP', 'DSCP', 'ad', '1.0.0', '-', '', 1, '{ "check_name": "DSCP", "base_url": "https://localhost", "cron": "36 * * * *" }',
-    (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_BOOL') );
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (1, 'ILO_PING', 'ILO', 'aa', '1.0.0', '-', '', '1', '{ check_name: "ILO", "base_url": "https://localhost", "select": "ilo_ip_address", "cron": "9 * * * *" }',
+    (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_BOOL') ) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (2, '10G_PING', '10G', 'ab', '1.0.0', '-', '', '1', '{ check_name: "10G", "base_url": "https://localhost", "select": "ip_address", "cron": "18 * * * *" }',
+    (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_BOOL') ) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (3, 'FQDN_PING', 'FQDN', 'ac', '1.0.0', '-', '', '1', '{ check_name: "FQDN", "base_url": "https://localhost", "select": "host_name", "cron": "27 * * * *" }',
+    (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_BOOL') ) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (4, 'CHECK_DSCP', 'DSCP', 'ad', '1.0.0', '-', '', '1', '{ "check_name": "DSCP", "base_url": "https://localhost", "cron": "36 * * * *" }',
+    (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_BOOL') ) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
  -- open EF
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (5, 'OPEN', '', 'ae', '1.0.0', '-', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (6, 'OPEN', '', 'af', '1.0.0', '-', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (5, 'OPEN', '', 'ae', '1.0.0', '-', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT')) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (6, 'OPEN', '', 'af', '1.0.0', '-', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (7, 'IPV6_PING', '10G6', 'ag', '1.0.0', '-', '', 1, '{ "select": "ip6_address", "cron": "0 * * * *" }',
-    (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_BOOL') );
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (7, 'IPV6_PING', '10G6', 'ag', '1.0.0', '-', '', '1', '{ "select": "ip6_address", "cron": "0 * * * *" }',
+    (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_BOOL') ) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
 -- upd_pending H -> open
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (8, 'OPEN', '', 'ah', '1.0.0', '', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (8, 'OPEN', '', 'ah', '1.0.0', '', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT')) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
 -- open IJ
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-   values (9, 'OPEN', '', 'ai', '1.0.0', '', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (10, 'OPEN', '', 'aj', '1.0.0', '', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+   values (9, 'OPEN', '', 'ai', '1.0.0', '', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT')) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (10, 'OPEN', '', 'aj', '1.0.0', '', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT')) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (11, 'CHECK_MTU', 'MTU', 'ak', '1.0.0', '-', '', 1, '{ "check_name": "MTU", "base_url": "https://localhost", "cron": "45 * * * *" }',
-    (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_BOOL') );
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (12, 'CHECK_TRAFFIC_ROUTER_STATUS', 'RTR', 'al', '1.0.0', '-', '', 1, '{  "check_name": "RTR", "base_url": "https://localhost", "cron": "10 * * * *" }',
-    (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_BOOL') );
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (13, 'OPEN', '', 'am', '1.0.0', '-', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (14, 'CACHE_HIT_RATIO_LAST_15', 'CHR', 'an', '1.0.0', '-', '', 1, '{ check_name: "CHR", "base_url": "https://localhost", cron": "0,15,30,45 * * * *" }',
-    (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_NUM') );
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (15, 'DISK_UTILIZATION', 'CDU', 'ao', '1.0.0', '-', '', 1, '{ check_name: "CDU", "base_url": "https://localhost", cron": "20 * * * *" }',
-    (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_NUM') );
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (16, 'ORT_ERROR_COUNT', 'ORT', 'ap', '1.0.0', '-', '', 1, '{ check_name: "ORT", "base_url": "https://localhost", "cron": "40 * * * *" }',
-    (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_NUM') );
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (11, 'CHECK_MTU', 'MTU', 'ak', '1.0.0', '-', '', '1', '{ "check_name": "MTU", "base_url": "https://localhost", "cron": "45 * * * *" }',
+    (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_BOOL') ) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (12, 'CHECK_TRAFFIC_ROUTER_STATUS', 'RTR', 'al', '1.0.0', '-', '', '1', '{  "check_name": "RTR", "base_url": "https://localhost", "cron": "10 * * * *" }',
+    (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_BOOL') ) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (13, 'OPEN', '', 'am', '1.0.0', '-', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT')) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (14, 'CACHE_HIT_RATIO_LAST_15', 'CHR', 'an', '1.0.0', '-', '', '1', '{ check_name: "CHR", "base_url": "https://localhost", cron": "0,15,30,45 * * * *" }',
+    (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_NUM') ) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (15, 'DISK_UTILIZATION', 'CDU', 'ao', '1.0.0', '-', '', '1', '{ check_name: "CDU", "base_url": "https://localhost", cron": "20 * * * *" }',
+    (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_NUM') ) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (16, 'ORT_ERROR_COUNT', 'ORT', 'ap', '1.0.0', '-', '', '1', '{ check_name: "ORT", "base_url": "https://localhost", "cron": "40 * * * *" }',
+    (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_NUM') ) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
 -- rest open
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (17, 'OPEN', '', 'aq', '1.0.0', '-', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (18, 'OPEN', '', 'ar', '1.0.0', '-', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (19, 'OPEN', '', 'as', '1.0.0', '-', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (20, 'OPEN', '', 'at', '1.0.0', '-', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (21, 'OPEN', '', 'au', '1.0.0', '-', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (22, 'OPEN', '', 'av', '1.0.0', '-', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (23, 'OPEN', '', 'aw', '1.0.0', '-', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (24, 'OPEN', '', 'ax', '1.0.0', '-', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (25, 'OPEN', '', 'ay', '1.0.0', '-', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (26, 'OPEN', '', 'az', '1.0.0', '-', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (27, 'OPEN', '', 'ba', '1.0.0', '-', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (28, 'OPEN', '', 'bb', '1.0.0', '-', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (29, 'OPEN', '', 'bc', '1.0.0', '-', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (30, 'OPEN', '', 'bd', '1.0.0', '-', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
-insert ignore into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
-  values (31, 'OPEN', '', 'be', '1.0.0', '-', '', 0, '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT'));
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (17, 'OPEN', '', 'aq', '1.0.0', '-', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT')) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (18, 'OPEN', '', 'ar', '1.0.0', '-', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT')) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (19, 'OPEN', '', 'as', '1.0.0', '-', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT')) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (20, 'OPEN', '', 'at', '1.0.0', '-', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT')) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (21, 'OPEN', '', 'au', '1.0.0', '-', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT')) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (22, 'OPEN', '', 'av', '1.0.0', '-', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT')) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (23, 'OPEN', '', 'aw', '1.0.0', '-', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT')) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (24, 'OPEN', '', 'ax', '1.0.0', '-', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT')) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (25, 'OPEN', '', 'ay', '1.0.0', '-', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT')) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (26, 'OPEN', '', 'az', '1.0.0', '-', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT')) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (27, 'OPEN', '', 'ba', '1.0.0', '-', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT')) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (28, 'OPEN', '', 'bb', '1.0.0', '-', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT')) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (29, 'OPEN', '', 'bc', '1.0.0', '-', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT')) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (30, 'OPEN', '', 'bd', '1.0.0', '-', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT')) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into to_extension (id, name, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, type)
+  values (31, 'OPEN', '', 'be', '1.0.0', '-', '', '0', '', (select id from type where name='CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT')) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
-insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_0.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_0.config') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_8.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_8.config') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_10.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_10.config') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_12.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_12.config') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_14.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_14.config') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_16.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_16.config') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_18.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_18.config') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_20.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_20.config') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_22.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_22.config') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_24.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_24.config') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_26.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_26.config') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_28.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_28.config') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_30.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_30.config') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_32.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_32.config') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_34.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_34.config') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_36.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_36.config') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_38.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_38.config') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_40.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_40.config') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_48.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_48.config') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_56.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_56.config') limit 1;
-insert ignore into profile (name, description) values ('RIAK_ALL', 'Riak profile for all CDNs');
-insert ignore into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('RIAK', 'Riak keystore', 'server');
+insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_0.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_0.config') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_8.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_8.config') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_10.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_10.config') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_12.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_12.config') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_14.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_14.config') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_16.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_16.config') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_18.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_18.config') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_20.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_20.config') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_22.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_22.config') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_24.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_24.config') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_26.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_26.config') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_28.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_28.config') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_30.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_30.config') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_32.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_32.config') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_34.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_34.config') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_36.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_36.config') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_38.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_38.config') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_40.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_40.config') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_48.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_48.config') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, value, config_file) select * from (select 'location', '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/dscp', 'set_dscp_56.config') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'location' and config_file = 'set_dscp_56.config') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into profile (name, description) values ('RIAK_ALL', 'Riak profile for all CDNs') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('RIAK', 'Riak keystore', 'server') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
 insert into profile (name, description) values ('TRAFFIC_STATS', 'Traffic_Stats profile') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
 insert into profile (name, description) values ('TRAFFIC_PORTAL', 'Traffic_Portal profile') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
@@ -144,68 +145,67 @@ insert into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('TRAFFIC_PORTAL', 'tr
 insert into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('INFLUXDB', 'influxDb server', 'server') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
 insert into profile (name, description) values ('INFLUXDB', 'InfluxDb profile') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
-insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'CacheStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'bandwidth') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'CacheStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'bandwidth') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'CacheStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'maxKbps') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'CacheStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'maxKbps') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'CacheStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'ats.proxy.process.http.current_client_connections') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'CacheStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'ats.proxy.process.http.current_client_connections') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'CacheStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'ats.proxy.process.cache.volume_1.wrap_count') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'CacheStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'ats.proxy.process.cache.volume_1.wrap_count') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'CacheStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'ats.proxy.process.cache.volume_2.wrap_count') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'CacheStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'ats.proxy.process.cache.volume_2.wrap_count') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'DsStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'kbps') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'kbps') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'DsStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'tps_2xx') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'tps_2xx') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'DsStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'status_4xx') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'status_4xx') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'DsStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'status_5xx') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'status_5xx') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'DsStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'tps_3xx') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'tps_3xx') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'DsStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'tps_4xx') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'tps_4xx') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'DsStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'tps_5xx') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'tps_5xx') limit 1;
-insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'DsStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'tps_total') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'tps_total') limit 1;
+insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'CacheStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'bandwidth') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'CacheStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'bandwidth') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'CacheStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'maxKbps') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'CacheStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'maxKbps') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'CacheStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'ats.proxy.process.http.current_client_connections') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'CacheStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'ats.proxy.process.http.current_client_connections') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'CacheStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'ats.proxy.process.cache.volume_1.wrap_count') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'CacheStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'ats.proxy.process.cache.volume_1.wrap_count') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'CacheStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'ats.proxy.process.cache.volume_2.wrap_count') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'CacheStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'ats.proxy.process.cache.volume_2.wrap_count') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'DsStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'kbps') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'kbps') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'DsStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'tps_2xx') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'tps_2xx') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'DsStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'status_4xx') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'status_4xx') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'DsStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'status_5xx') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'status_5xx') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'DsStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'tps_3xx') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'tps_3xx') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'DsStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'tps_4xx') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'tps_4xx') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'DsStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'tps_5xx') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'tps_5xx') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'DsStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'tps_total') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'tps_total') limit 1 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
-insert ignore into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) value (
+insert into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) values (
   (select id from profile where name = 'TRAFFIC_STATS'),
   (select id from parameter where name = 'CacheStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'bandwidth')
-insert ignore into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) value (
+insert into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) values (
   (select id from profile where name = 'TRAFFIC_STATS'),
   (select id from parameter where name = 'CacheStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'maxKbps')
-insert ignore into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) value (
+insert into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) values (
   (select id from profile where name = 'TRAFFIC_STATS'),
   (select id from parameter where name = 'CacheStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'ats.proxy.process.http.current_client_connections')
-insert ignore into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) value (
+insert into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) values (
   (select id from profile where name = 'TRAFFIC_STATS'),
   (select id from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'kbps')
-insert ignore into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) value (
+insert into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) values (
   (select id from profile where name = 'TRAFFIC_STATS'),
   (select id from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'kbps')
-insert ignore into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) value (
+insert into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) values (
   (select id from profile where name = 'TRAFFIC_STATS'),
   (select id from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'tps_2xx')
-insert ignore into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) value (
+insert into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) values (
   (select id from profile where name = 'TRAFFIC_STATS'),
   (select id from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'status_4xx')
-insert ignore into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) value (
+insert into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) values (
   (select id from profile where name = 'TRAFFIC_STATS'),
   (select id from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'status_5xx')
-insert ignore into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) value (
+insert into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) values (
   (select id from profile where name = 'TRAFFIC_STATS'),
   (select id from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'tps_3xx')
-insert ignore into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) value (
+insert into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) values (
   (select id from profile where name = 'TRAFFIC_STATS'),
   (select id from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'tps_4xx')
-insert ignore into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) value (
+insert into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) values (
   (select id from profile where name = 'TRAFFIC_STATS'),
   (select id from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'tps_5xx')
-insert ignore into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) value (
+insert into profile_parameter (profile, parameter) values (
   (select id from profile where name = 'TRAFFIC_STATS'),
   (select id from parameter where name = 'DsStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'tps_total')
 update server set https_port = 443 where https_port is null;

[03/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: fixing integration.

Posted by
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index bd8b276..6723d04 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -26,102 +26,3092 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-'0' => { new => 'Server', => using => { interface_mtu => '9000', cachegroup => '91', interface_name => 'bond0', xmpp_id => 'atsec-nyc-00-dummyxmpp', router_host_name => '', status => '3', cdn_id => '1', host_name => 'atsec-nyc-00', id => '1', ilo_password => '', phys_location => '1', rack => 'RR 119.02', tcp_port => '80', domain_name => '', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip_address => '', type => '1', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', mgmt_ip_address => '', profile => '45', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:2/64', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', xmpp_passwd => 'X', upd_pending => '0', ilo_username => '', ip_gateway => '', ip_netmask => '', router_port_name => '0', ilo_ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', }, }, 
-'1' => { new => 'Server', => using => { domain_name => '', interface_mtu => '9000', interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:1', tcp_port => '80', cachegroup => '91', ilo_password => '', ip_address => '', xmpp_passwd => 'X', host_name => 'atsec-nyc-01', ilo_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', type => '1', cdn_id => '1', phys_location => '1', xmpp_id => 'atsec-nyc-01-dummyxmpp', ip_netmask => '', router_host_name => '', upd_pending => '0', rack => 'RR 119.02', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', status => '3', ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:3/64', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ilo_username => '', profile => '45', router_port_name => '0', id => '2', }, }, 
-'2' => { new => 'Server', => using => { host_name => 'atsec-nyc-02', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', cachegroup => '91', domain_name => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', cdn_id => '1', interface_mtu => '9000', status => '3', ip_gateway => '', router_port_name => '0', phys_location => '1', profile => '45', type => '1', ilo_ip_address => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:4/64', mgmt_ip_address => '', router_host_name => '', tcp_port => '80', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip_netmask => '', ip_address => '', upd_pending => '0', xmpp_id => 'atsec-nyc-02-dummyxmpp', id => '3', ilo_ip_netmask => '', interface_name => 'bond0', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', ilo_password => '', ilo_username => '', }, }, 
-'3' => { new => 'Server', => using => { phys_location => '1', router_host_name => '', status => '3', mgmt_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', profile => '45', tcp_port => '80', xmpp_id => 'atsec-nyc-03-dummyxmpp', ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:5/64', id => '4', ip_netmask => '', cachegroup => '91', xmpp_passwd => 'X', upd_pending => '0', ilo_password => '', ip_gateway => '', type => '1', ilo_ip_address => '', host_name => 'atsec-nyc-03', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', rack => 'RR 119.02', router_port_name => '0', domain_name => '', ilo_username => '', interface_mtu => '9000', interface_name => 'bond0', cdn_id => '1', }, }, 
-'4' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ip_address => '', status => '3', ilo_ip_netmask => '', interface_mtu => '9000', router_host_name => '', domain_name => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', profile => '26', type => '1', cachegroup => '91', ilo_username => '', interface_name => 'bond0', mgmt_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', phys_location => '2', xmpp_id => 'atsec-nyc-04-dummyxmpp', host_name => 'atsec-nyc-04', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:6/64', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_password => '', ip_gateway => '', xmpp_passwd => 'X', cdn_id => '2', id => '5', ip_netmask => '', router_port_name => '0', tcp_port => '80', upd_pending => '0', }, }, 
-'5' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip_address => '', cachegroup => '91', host_name => 'atsec-nyc-05', id => '6', ilo_ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', profile => '26', router_port_name => '0', xmpp_passwd => 'X', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', status => '3', interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:1', phys_location => '2', upd_pending => '0', xmpp_id => 'atsec-nyc-05-dummyxmpp', ilo_password => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:7/64', rack => 'RR 119.02', router_host_name => '', cdn_id => '2', interface_mtu => '9000', ip_gateway => '', type => '1', ilo_ip_address => '', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', domain_name => '', ilo_username => '', tcp_port => '80', }, }, 
-'6' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:1', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', phys_location => '2', upd_pending => '0', interface_mtu => '9000', ilo_username => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:8/64', ip_address => '', xmpp_id => 'atsec-nyc-06-dummyxmpp', ilo_password => '', status => '3', rack => 'RR 119.02', id => '7', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', mgmt_ip_address => '', type => '1', host_name => 'atsec-nyc-06', domain_name => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip_gateway => '', cdn_id => '2', router_host_name => '', router_port_name => '0', tcp_port => '80', xmpp_passwd => 'X', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ilo_ip_address => '', interface_name => 'bond0', profile => '26', cachegroup => '91', }, }, 
-'7' => { new => 'Server', => using => { upd_pending => '0', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:1', ip_gateway => '', phys_location => '2', mgmt_ip_address => '', profile => '26', type => '1', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', router_port_name => '0', xmpp_id => 'atsec-nyc-07-dummyxmpp', domain_name => '', interface_mtu => '9000', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_password => '', ilo_username => '', interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:9/64', ip_netmask => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', status => '3', cdn_id => '2', id => '8', ilo_ip_netmask => '', cachegroup => '91', tcp_port => '80', host_name => 'atsec-nyc-07', ip_address => '', router_host_name => '', }, }, 
-'8' => { new => 'Server', => using => { status => '3', tcp_port => '80', ilo_ip_address => '', ip_netmask => '', router_port_name => '0', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', router_host_name => '', type => '1', domain_name => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:1', ip_address => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', mgmt_ip_address => '', xmpp_id => 'atsec-nyc-08-dummyxmpp', interface_mtu => '9000', interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:10/64', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip_gateway => '', profile => '26', rack => 'RR 119.02', upd_pending => '0', cachegroup => '91', ilo_password => '', ilo_username => '', xmpp_passwd => 'X', cdn_id => '2', id => '9', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', host_name => 'atsec-nyc-08', phys_location => '2', }, }, 
-'9' => { new => 'Server', => using => { status => '3', ilo_ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', phys_location => '3', profile => '45', router_host_name => '', tcp_port => '80', xmpp_id => 'atsec-lax-00-dummyxmpp', ilo_username => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:2/64', domain_name => '', interface_mtu => '9000', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', cachegroup => '92', cdn_id => '1', rack => 'RR 119.02', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip_gateway => '', upd_pending => '0', interface_name => 'bond0', ip_address => '', ilo_password => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:1', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', host_name => 'atsec-lax-00', id => '10', router_port_name => '1', type => '1', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ilo_ip_address => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', }, }, 
-'10' => { new => 'Server', => using => { mgmt_ip_address => '', status => '3', upd_pending => '0', ilo_ip_netmask => '', interface_name => 'bond0', cdn_id => '1', ilo_username => '', ip_netmask => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', rack => 'RR 119.02', ilo_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', host_name => 'atsec-lax-01', interface_mtu => '9000', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:3/64', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:1', ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', profile => '45', router_port_name => '1', ilo_ip_gateway => '', xmpp_passwd => 'X', xmpp_id => 'atsec-lax-01-dummyxmpp', ip_address => '', tcp_port => '80', type => '1', ilo_password => '', id => '11', phys_location => '3', router_host_name => '', domain_name => '', cachegroup => '92', }, }, 
-'11' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ilo_password => '', host_name => 'atsec-lax-02', id => '12', interface_name => 'bond0', rack => 'RR 119.02', upd_pending => '0', domain_name => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:1', profile => '45', xmpp_id => 'atsec-lax-02-dummyxmpp', cachegroup => '92', ilo_ip_netmask => '', interface_mtu => '9000', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:4/64', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', tcp_port => '80', ilo_ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', router_port_name => '1', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ilo_username => '', ip_netmask => '', ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', router_host_name => '', type => '1', cdn_id => '1', ilo_ip_address => '', ip_gateway => '', phys_location => '3', status => '3', }, }, 
-'12' => { new => 'Server', => using => { domain_name => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ilo_password => '', xmpp_id => 'atsec-lax-03-dummyxmpp', cdn_id => '1', interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:5/64', tcp_port => '80', host_name => 'atsec-lax-03', interface_mtu => '9000', ip_gateway => '', router_host_name => '', status => '3', cachegroup => '92', ilo_ip_address => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', phys_location => '3', profile => '45', rack => 'RR 119.02', type => '1', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ilo_username => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', upd_pending => '0', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:1', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', ip_address => '', ip_netmask => '', id => '13', ilo_ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', router_port_name => '1', }, }, 
-'13' => { new => 'Server', => using => { id => '14', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_password => '', ip_gateway => '', profile => '26', host_name => 'atsec-lax-04', ilo_username => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:1', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', tcp_port => '80', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip_address => '', type => '1', cdn_id => '2', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', upd_pending => '0', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', phys_location => '4', rack => 'RR 119.02', router_host_name => '', router_port_name => '1', cachegroup => '92', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:6/64', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', status => '3', interface_mtu => '9000', interface_name => 'bond0', ilo_ip_gateway => '', xmpp_id => 'atsec-lax-04-dummyxmpp', xmpp_passwd => 'X', domain_name => '', }, }, 
-'14' => { new => 'Server', => using => { cdn_id => '2', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:7/64', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', profile => '26', xmpp_id => 'atsec-lax-05-dummyxmpp', ilo_password => '', ilo_username => '', ip_gateway => '', upd_pending => '0', mgmt_ip_address => '', domain_name => '', id => '15', ilo_ip_netmask => '', interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:1', ip_address => '', interface_mtu => '9000', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', phys_location => '4', status => '3', xmpp_passwd => 'X', cachegroup => '92', ilo_ip_address => '', ip_netmask => '', router_host_name => '', tcp_port => '80', host_name => 'atsec-lax-05', ilo_ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', type => '1', rack => 'RR 119.02', router_port_name => '1', }, }, 
-'15' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:1', rack => 'RR 119.02', status => '3', type => '1', cachegroup => '92', ip_address => '', ip_gateway => '', phys_location => '4', xmpp_id => 'atsec-lax-06-dummyxmpp', cdn_id => '2', interface_name => 'bond0', mgmt_ip_address => '', tcp_port => '80', ilo_ip_gateway => '', router_host_name => '', router_port_name => '1', id => '16', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', domain_name => '', ilo_password => '', interface_mtu => '9000', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', profile => '26', upd_pending => '0', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:8/64', xmpp_passwd => 'X', host_name => 'atsec-lax-06', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_username => '', }, }, 
-'16' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', router_host_name => '', ilo_username => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:9/64', ip_gateway => '', domain_name => '', ilo_ip_address => '', interface_mtu => '9000', xmpp_passwd => 'X', cdn_id => '2', id => '17', rack => 'RR 119.02', mgmt_ip_address => '', status => '3', xmpp_id => 'atsec-lax-07-dummyxmpp', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:1', router_port_name => '1', tcp_port => '80', type => '1', host_name => 'atsec-lax-07', ilo_password => '', interface_name => 'bond0', upd_pending => '0', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', phys_location => '4', profile => '26', cachegroup => '92', ip_address => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', }, }, 
-'17' => { new => 'Server', => using => { cdn_id => '2', ilo_username => '', interface_name => 'bond0', ip_netmask => '', profile => '26', router_host_name => '', domain_name => '', id => '18', ilo_password => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_address => '', phys_location => '4', interface_mtu => '9000', xmpp_passwd => 'X', host_name => 'atsec-lax-08', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:10/64', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', upd_pending => '0', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip_address => '', status => '3', type => '1', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', router_port_name => '1', xmpp_id => 'atsec-lax-08-dummyxmpp', cachegroup => '92', ilo_ip_address => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:1', ip_gateway => '', tcp_port => '80', }, }, 
-'18' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ilo_ip_gateway => '', interface_name => 'bond0', phys_location => '5', cachegroup => '93', domain_name => '', id => '19', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1', rack => 'RR 119.02', ilo_ip_address => '', interface_mtu => '9000', router_host_name => '', router_port_name => '2', xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-00-dummyxmpp', host_name => 'atsec-chi-00', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', status => '3', upd_pending => '0', ilo_password => '', ilo_username => '', xmpp_passwd => 'X', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', profile => '45', type => '1', cdn_id => '1', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:2/64', ip_address => '', ip_gateway => '', tcp_port => '80', }, }, 
-'19' => { new => 'Server', => using => { domain_name => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', upd_pending => '0', ip_address => '', type => '1', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1', phys_location => '5', xmpp_passwd => 'X', id => '20', ip_netmask => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', router_port_name => '2', status => '3', cachegroup => '93', cdn_id => '1', host_name => 'atsec-chi-01', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_password => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip_gateway => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', profile => '45', xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-01-dummyxmpp', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', router_host_name => '', tcp_port => '80', ilo_username => '', interface_mtu => '9000', interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:3/64', mgmt_ip_address => '', }, }, 
-'20' => { new => 'Server', => using => { cdn_id => '1', interface_mtu => '9000', xmpp_passwd => 'X', host_name => 'atsec-chi-02', ilo_ip_gateway => '', type => '1', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ilo_username => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:4/64', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', cachegroup => '93', ilo_password => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', router_port_name => '2', interface_name => 'bond0', profile => '45', status => '3', tcp_port => '80', xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-02-dummyxmpp', domain_name => '', ip_address => '', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', phys_location => '5', router_host_name => '', upd_pending => '0', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', id => '21', ilo_ip_address => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1', ip_gateway => '', }, }, 
-'21' => { new => 'Server', => using => { interface_mtu => '9000', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', router_host_name => '', tcp_port => '80', id => '22', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', phys_location => '5', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1', rack => 'RR 119.02', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ilo_password => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:5/64', cdn_id => '1', host_name => 'atsec-chi-03', ilo_username => '', router_port_name => '2', type => '1', cachegroup => '93', domain_name => '', interface_name => 'bond0', ip_gateway => '', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', profile => '45', upd_pending => '0', xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-03-dummyxmpp', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', status => '3', xmpp_passwd => 'X', }, }, 
-'22' => { new => 'Server', => using => { mgmt_ip_address => '', upd_pending => '0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', interface_mtu => '9000', profile => '26', domain_name => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', phys_location => '6', interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:6/64', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', router_host_name => '', xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-04-dummyxmpp', ilo_ip_gateway => '', id => '23', ip_address => '', ip_gateway => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', type => '1', cachegroup => '93', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ilo_password => '', ilo_username => '', router_port_name => '2', tcp_port => '80', cdn_id => '2', ilo_ip_address => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1', status => '3', xmpp_passwd => 'X', host_name => 'atsec-chi-04', }, }, 
-'23' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', router_host_name => '', domain_name => '', host_name => 'atsec-chi-05', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', status => '3', cachegroup => '93', ilo_username => '', xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-05-dummyxmpp', profile => '26', ip_gateway => '', tcp_port => '80', upd_pending => '0', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ilo_password => '', ip_address => '', phys_location => '6', rack => 'RR 119.02', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:7/64', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', id => '24', router_port_name => '2', interface_mtu => '9000', interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', type => '1', cdn_id => '2', ilo_ip_netmask => '', }, }, 
-'24' => { new => 'Server', => using => { type => '1', cachegroup => '93', ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', router_port_name => '2', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip_gateway => '', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', interface_mtu => '9000', interface_name => 'bond0', phys_location => '6', id => '25', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ilo_password => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1', rack => 'RR 119.02', ilo_ip_address => '', tcp_port => '80', xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-06-dummyxmpp', cdn_id => '2', profile => '26', router_host_name => '', status => '3', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:8/64', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', upd_pending => '0', domain_name => '', host_name => 'atsec-chi-06', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ilo_username => '', }, }, 
-'25' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ip_address => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-07-dummyxmpp', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ilo_username => '', phys_location => '6', profile => '26', tcp_port => '80', upd_pending => '0', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', cachegroup => '93', id => '26', ilo_password => '', interface_mtu => '9000', interface_name => 'bond0', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1', router_host_name => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:9/64', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', router_port_name => '2', host_name => 'atsec-chi-07', ilo_ip_address => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', status => '3', domain_name => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', cdn_id => '2', type => '1', }, }, 
-'26' => { new => 'Server', => using => { id => '27', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', router_port_name => '2', cdn_id => '2', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ilo_password => '', ip_gateway => '', ilo_username => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', phys_location => '6', status => '3', ip_address => '', upd_pending => '0', host_name => 'atsec-chi-08', rack => 'RR 119.02', tcp_port => '80', cachegroup => '93', interface_mtu => '9000', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1', mgmt_ip_address => '', profile => '26', router_host_name => '', interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:10/64', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', type => '1', domain_name => '', xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-08-dummyxmpp', xmpp_passwd => 'X', }, }, 
-'27' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ilo_username => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', xmpp_id => 'atsec-hou-00-dummyxmpp', ilo_ip_gateway => '', interface_name => 'bond0', type => '1', router_host_name => '', status => '3', upd_pending => '0', cachegroup => '94', id => '28', ilo_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', cdn_id => '1', ilo_password => '', tcp_port => '80', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', xmpp_passwd => 'X', domain_name => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:2/64', ip_gateway => '', router_port_name => '3', host_name => 'atsec-hou-00', ip_address => '', profile => '45', rack => 'RR 119.02', phys_location => '7', interface_mtu => '9000', ip_netmask => '', }, }, 
-'28' => { new => 'Server', => using => { cachegroup => '94', ilo_password => '', interface_name => 'bond0', ip_gateway => '', router_host_name => '', host_name => 'atsec-hou-01', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ilo_username => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ilo_ip_address => '', interface_mtu => '9000', mgmt_ip_address => '', domain_name => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:1', phys_location => '7', profile => '45', ilo_ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', tcp_port => '80', cdn_id => '1', id => '29', ip_address => '', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', router_port_name => '3', status => '3', type => '1', xmpp_id => 'atsec-hou-01-dummyxmpp', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:3/64', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', upd_pending => '0', }, }, 
-'29' => { new => 'Server', => using => { upd_pending => '0', cdn_id => '1', router_port_name => '3', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:4/64', tcp_port => '80', host_name => 'atsec-hou-02', ilo_password => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', id => '30', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip_address => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', type => '1', ilo_ip_gateway => '', interface_name => 'bond0', profile => '45', status => '3', xmpp_id => 'atsec-hou-02-dummyxmpp', domain_name => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ilo_ip_address => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:1', mgmt_ip_address => '', phys_location => '7', router_host_name => '', ip_gateway => '', ip_netmask => '', interface_mtu => '9000', cachegroup => '94', ilo_username => '', }, }, 
-'30' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_username => '', ip_netmask => '', upd_pending => '0', domain_name => '', host_name => 'atsec-hou-03', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', interface_mtu => '9000', status => '3', xmpp_passwd => 'X', cachegroup => '94', id => '31', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', router_port_name => '3', ip_address => '', xmpp_id => 'atsec-hou-03-dummyxmpp', ilo_password => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:5/64', cdn_id => '1', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:1', ip_gateway => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', profile => '45', router_host_name => '', tcp_port => '80', type => '1', interface_name => 'bond0', phys_location => '7', rack => 'RR 119.02', }, }, 
-'31' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ilo_ip_netmask => '', interface_mtu => '9000', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:6/64', tcp_port => '80', domain_name => '', ilo_username => '', ip_address => '', ilo_password => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:1', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', status => '3', xmpp_passwd => 'X', cdn_id => '2', type => '1', interface_name => 'bond0', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', router_host_name => '', router_port_name => '3', mgmt_ip_address => '', cachegroup => '94', ip_gateway => '', ip_netmask => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', profile => '26', upd_pending => '0', xmpp_id => 'atsec-hou-04-dummyxmpp', host_name => 'atsec-hou-04', id => '32', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', phys_location => '8', }, }, 
-'32' => { new => 'Server', => using => { domain_name => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:1', profile => '26', rack => 'RR 119.02', cachegroup => '94', ilo_ip_gateway => '', interface_mtu => '9000', ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', router_host_name => '', status => '3', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ilo_ip_netmask => '', type => '1', ilo_password => '', ilo_username => '', interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:7/64', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', phys_location => '8', tcp_port => '80', upd_pending => '0', host_name => 'atsec-hou-05', id => '33', ip_address => '', cdn_id => '2', ilo_ip_address => '', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', xmpp_id => 'atsec-hou-05-dummyxmpp', router_port_name => '3', }, }, 
-'33' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ilo_ip_address => '', ip_gateway => '', ip_netmask => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', host_name => 'atsec-hou-06', ilo_ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', phys_location => '8', status => '3', tcp_port => '80', cdn_id => '2', interface_mtu => '9000', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:1', upd_pending => '0', xmpp_id => 'atsec-hou-06-dummyxmpp', ilo_password => '', interface_name => 'bond0', ilo_ip_netmask => '', profile => '26', ilo_username => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', cachegroup => '94', domain_name => '', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:8/64', router_port_name => '3', mgmt_ip_address => '', router_host_name => '', type => '1', id => '34', ip_address => '', }, }, 
-'34' => { new => 'Server', => using => { domain_name => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:9/64', ip_address => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:1', xmpp_id => 'atsec-hou-07-dummyxmpp', cachegroup => '94', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip_gateway => '', ip_netmask => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ilo_ip_address => '', interface_name => 'bond0', router_host_name => '', status => '3', type => '1', profile => '26', router_port_name => '3', tcp_port => '80', cdn_id => '2', id => '35', ilo_password => '', ilo_username => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', upd_pending => '0', host_name => 'atsec-hou-07', interface_mtu => '9000', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', phys_location => '8', }, }, 
-'35' => { new => 'Server', => using => { upd_pending => '0', cdn_id => '2', interface_mtu => '9000', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ilo_username => '', xmpp_id => 'atsec-hou-08-dummyxmpp', domain_name => '', host_name => 'atsec-hou-08', mgmt_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', router_host_name => '', type => '1', ilo_ip_address => '', ip_address => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:10/64', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', status => '3', tcp_port => '80', xmpp_passwd => 'X', id => '36', interface_name => 'bond0', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ilo_password => '', ip_gateway => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:1', rack => 'RR 119.02', profile => '26', router_port_name => '3', cachegroup => '94', phys_location => '8', }, }, 
-'36' => { new => 'Server', => using => { id => '37', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ilo_password => '', ip_address => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:2/64', tcp_port => '80', domain_name => '', ilo_username => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:1', router_port_name => '4', upd_pending => '0', ilo_ip_address => '', interface_name => 'bond0', mgmt_ip_address => '', router_host_name => '', host_name => 'atsec-phl-00', interface_mtu => '9000', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', xmpp_passwd => 'X', cachegroup => '95', cdn_id => '1', ip_gateway => '', type => '1', xmpp_id => 'atsec-phl-00-dummyxmpp', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip_netmask => '', profile => '45', status => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', phys_location => '9', rack => 'RR 119.02', }, }, 
-'37' => { new => 'Server', => using => { phys_location => '9', router_port_name => '4', ilo_password => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:3/64', ilo_ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', tcp_port => '80', type => '1', cachegroup => '95', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip_gateway => '', router_host_name => '', interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:1', mgmt_ip_address => '', status => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', cdn_id => '1', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_username => '', ip_netmask => '', host_name => 'atsec-phl-01', id => '38', domain_name => '', ip_address => '', profile => '45', upd_pending => '0', xmpp_id => 'atsec-phl-01-dummyxmpp', xmpp_passwd => 'X', interface_mtu => '9000', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', }, }, 
-'38' => { new => 'Server', => using => { host_name => 'atsec-phl-02', ilo_ip_netmask => '', tcp_port => '80', xmpp_id => 'atsec-phl-02-dummyxmpp', router_port_name => '4', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', ilo_username => '', interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:4/64', type => '1', mgmt_ip_address => '', id => '39', interface_mtu => '9000', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:1', ip_netmask => '', status => '3', ilo_password => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', phys_location => '9', profile => '45', cdn_id => '1', upd_pending => '0', router_host_name => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', cachegroup => '95', domain_name => '', ilo_ip_address => '', ip_gateway => '', }, }, 
-'39' => { new => 'Server', => using => { phys_location => '9', status => '3', upd_pending => '0', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ilo_username => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', type => '1', domain_name => '', ilo_ip_address => '', interface_name => 'bond0', profile => '45', rack => 'RR 119.02', host_name => 'atsec-phl-03', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', router_port_name => '4', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ilo_password => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:1', ip_address => '', xmpp_passwd => 'X', cachegroup => '95', cdn_id => '1', interface_mtu => '9000', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:5/64', tcp_port => '80', id => '40', ip_gateway => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_address => '', router_host_name => '', xmpp_id => 'atsec-phl-03-dummyxmpp', }, }, 
-'40' => { new => 'Server', => using => { cachegroup => '95', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ilo_password => '', interface_name => 'bond0', ip_address => '', ip_netmask => '', tcp_port => '80', cdn_id => '2', router_port_name => '4', xmpp_passwd => 'X', mgmt_ip_address => '', xmpp_id => 'atsec-phl-04-dummyxmpp', id => '41', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_username => '', router_host_name => '', type => '1', host_name => 'atsec-phl-04', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', status => '3', upd_pending => '0', interface_mtu => '9000', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', phys_location => '10', domain_name => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:6/64', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:1', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', profile => '26', }, }, 
-'41' => { new => 'Server', => using => { cachegroup => '95', ilo_username => '', interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:1', ip_netmask => '', tcp_port => '80', host_name => 'atsec-phl-05', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', status => '3', domain_name => '', id => '42', ip_gateway => '', router_host_name => '', xmpp_passwd => 'X', type => '1', phys_location => '10', upd_pending => '0', xmpp_id => 'atsec-phl-05-dummyxmpp', cdn_id => '2', ilo_ip_gateway => '', interface_mtu => '9000', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', ilo_password => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:7/64', ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', profile => '26', rack => 'RR 119.02', router_port_name => '4', }, }, 
-'42' => { new => 'Server', => using => { cachegroup => '95', ilo_password => '', router_host_name => '', router_port_name => '4', interface_mtu => '9000', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:8/64', type => '1', ilo_username => '', interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:1', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', profile => '26', tcp_port => '80', cdn_id => '2', host_name => 'atsec-phl-06', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip_address => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ip_netmask => '', phys_location => '10', rack => 'RR 119.02', id => '43', ip_gateway => '', status => '3', upd_pending => '0', domain_name => '', xmpp_id => 'atsec-phl-06-dummyxmpp', }, }, 
-'43' => { new => 'Server', => using => { cachegroup => '95', domain_name => '', ilo_password => '', ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', profile => '26', host_name => 'atsec-phl-07', ilo_ip_gateway => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', cdn_id => '2', ip_address => '', ip_netmask => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', ilo_ip_address => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:1', mgmt_ip_address => '', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ilo_username => '', type => '1', xmpp_id => 'atsec-phl-07-dummyxmpp', id => '44', interface_mtu => '9000', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', router_host_name => '', router_port_name => '4', tcp_port => '80', phys_location => '10', status => '3', ilo_ip_netmask => '', interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:9/64', upd_pending => '0', }, }, 
-'44' => { new => 'Server', => using => { cdn_id => '2', host_name => 'atsec-phl-08', id => '45', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', router_port_name => '4', type => '1', cachegroup => '95', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:1', xmpp_id => 'atsec-phl-08-dummyxmpp', rack => 'RR 119.02', tcp_port => '80', xmpp_passwd => 'X', domain_name => '', ilo_username => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:10/64', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', interface_mtu => '9000', interface_name => 'bond0', phys_location => '10', upd_pending => '0', mgmt_ip_address => '', profile => '26', ip_netmask => '', router_host_name => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ilo_password => '', ip_address => '', ip_gateway => '', status => '3', }, }, 
-'45' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ilo_ip_address => '', interface_name => 'bond0', ip_address => '', type => '1', xmpp_id => 'atsec-den-00-dummyxmpp', cdn_id => '1', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ilo_password => '', interface_mtu => '9000', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1', mgmt_ip_address => '', domain_name => '', id => '46', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ilo_username => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', tcp_port => '80', ip_gateway => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', phys_location => '11', profile => '45', cachegroup => '96', host_name => 'atsec-den-00', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:2/64', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', ip_netmask => '', router_host_name => '', router_port_name => '5', status => '3', upd_pending => '0', }, }, 
-'46' => { new => 'Server', => using => { domain_name => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1', xmpp_passwd => 'X', cachegroup => '96', ilo_password => '', interface_mtu => '9000', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:3/64', upd_pending => '0', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ilo_username => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', router_port_name => '5', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', type => '1', xmpp_id => 'atsec-den-01-dummyxmpp', cdn_id => '1', id => '47', ilo_ip_netmask => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', ip_address => '', profile => '45', router_host_name => '', status => '3', host_name => 'atsec-den-01', ilo_ip_address => '', interface_name => 'bond0', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', phys_location => '11', tcp_port => '80', ip_gateway => '', }, }, 
-'47' => { new => 'Server', => using => { host_name => 'atsec-den-02', ilo_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', router_port_name => '5', ip_address => '', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', type => '1', ilo_username => '', interface_mtu => '9000', ip_gateway => '', tcp_port => '80', upd_pending => '0', status => '3', domain_name => '', phys_location => '11', profile => '45', cachegroup => '96', cdn_id => '1', id => '48', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1', xmpp_id => 'atsec-den-02-dummyxmpp', ilo_password => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:4/64', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', router_host_name => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', interface_name => 'bond0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', xmpp_passwd => 'X', }, }, 
-'48' => { new => 'Server', => using => { mgmt_ip_netmask => '', status => '3', cdn_id => '1', domain_name => '', id => '49', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_password => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:5/64', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ip_address => '', type => '1', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1', ip_netmask => '', phys_location => '11', profile => '45', upd_pending => '0', ilo_ip_gateway => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', host_name => 'atsec-den-03', interface_name => 'bond0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', router_host_name => '', cachegroup => '96', ilo_ip_netmask => '', interface_mtu => '9000', mgmt_ip_address => '', ilo_username => '', xmpp_id => 'atsec-den-03-dummyxmpp', ip_gateway => '', router_port_name => '5', tcp_port => '80', }, }, 
-'49' => { new => 'Server', => using => { domain_name => '', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_username => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1', mgmt_ip_address => '', router_host_name => '', upd_pending => '0', cdn_id => '2', ip_netmask => '', cachegroup => '96', type => '1', phys_location => '12', interface_name => 'bond0', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:6/64', profile => '26', id => '50', ip_gateway => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', rack => 'RR 119.02', status => '3', ip_address => '', interface_mtu => '9000', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', router_port_name => '5', tcp_port => '80', xmpp_passwd => 'X', host_name => 'atsec-den-04', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', xmpp_id => 'atsec-den-04-dummyxmpp', ilo_password => '', }, }, 
-'50' => { new => 'Server', => using => { cachegroup => '96', ilo_username => '', interface_name => 'bond0', ip_address => '', id => '51', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1', ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', profile => '26', router_host_name => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ilo_password => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', status => '3', upd_pending => '0', xmpp_passwd => 'X', interface_mtu => '9000', router_port_name => '5', cdn_id => '2', ip_netmask => '', tcp_port => '80', type => '1', xmpp_id => 'atsec-den-05-dummyxmpp', domain_name => '', host_name => 'atsec-den-05', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:7/64', mgmt_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', phys_location => '12', rack => 'RR 119.02', }, }, 
-'51' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:8/64', rack => 'RR 119.02', router_host_name => '', cdn_id => '2', domain_name => '', host_name => 'atsec-den-06', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ilo_username => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1', id => '52', mgmt_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', phys_location => '12', status => '3', upd_pending => '0', xmpp_id => 'atsec-den-06-dummyxmpp', cachegroup => '96', ilo_ip_address => '', interface_name => 'bond0', ip_gateway => '', profile => '26', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ilo_password => '', ip_address => '', ip_netmask => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', router_port_name => '5', tcp_port => '80', interface_mtu => '9000', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', type => '1', }, }, 
-'52' => { new => 'Server', => using => { interface_mtu => '9000', interface_name => 'bond0', rack => 'RR 119.02', host_name => 'atsec-den-07', mgmt_ip_address => '', cdn_id => '2', domain_name => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ilo_username => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', status => '3', cachegroup => '96', ip_address => '', type => '1', ilo_password => '', ilo_ip_address => '', router_port_name => '5', tcp_port => '80', id => '53', ip_gateway => '', profile => '26', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:9/64', xmpp_id => 'atsec-den-07-dummyxmpp', xmpp_passwd => 'X', router_host_name => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', phys_location => '12', upd_pending => '0', ilo_ip_gateway => '', }, }, 
-'53' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ip_address => '', ip_netmask => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', cdn_id => '2', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1', phys_location => '12', domain_name => '', interface_mtu => '9000', ilo_password => '', interface_name => 'bond0', router_host_name => '', status => '3', cachegroup => '96', ilo_ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', profile => '26', type => '1', upd_pending => '0', xmpp_passwd => 'X', id => '54', mgmt_ip_address => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', tcp_port => '80', host_name => 'atsec-den-08', ilo_ip_address => '', router_port_name => '5', xmpp_id => 'atsec-den-08-dummyxmpp', ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:10/64', ip_gateway => '', ilo_username => '', }, }, 
-'54' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ip_gateway => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', cachegroup => '1', domain_name => '', ilo_username => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', router_port_name => '0', ilo_ip_address => '', ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', profile => '30', host_name => 'atsmid-east-00', tcp_port => '80', type => '2', upd_pending => '0', xmpp_id => 'atsmid-east-00-dummyxmpp', ilo_ip_gateway => '', interface_mtu => '9000', interface_name => 'bond0', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', router_host_name => '', id => '55', status => '2', cdn_id => '2', ilo_password => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:2/64', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:1', phys_location => '1', xmpp_passwd => 'X', }, }, 
-'55' => { new => 'Server', => using => { profile => '31', router_host_name => '', tcp_port => '80', xmpp_passwd => 'X', host_name => 'atsmid-east-01', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', upd_pending => '0', ilo_ip_gateway => '', interface_mtu => '9000', ip_gateway => '', type => '2', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:3/64', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ilo_password => '', ilo_username => '', cachegroup => '1', phys_location => '1', rack => 'RR 119.02', domain_name => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:1', xmpp_id => 'atsmid-east-01-dummyxmpp', router_port_name => '0', status => '2', mgmt_ip_address => '', cdn_id => '1', id => '56', interface_name => 'bond0', ip_netmask => '', ip_address => '', }, }, 
-'56' => { new => 'Server', => using => { interface_mtu => '9000', status => '2', xmpp_id => 'atsmid-east-02-dummyxmpp', ilo_ip_address => '', ip_netmask => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', type => '2', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ilo_username => '', ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', tcp_port => '80', interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:4/64', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', phys_location => '1', profile => '30', upd_pending => '0', cdn_id => '2', domain_name => '', id => '57', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip_address => '', router_port_name => '0', cachegroup => '1', ilo_password => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', router_host_name => '', host_name => 'atsmid-east-02', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', }, }, 
-'57' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ip_gateway => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', rack => 'RR 119.02', id => '58', ilo_username => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:5/64', xmpp_id => 'atsmid-east-03-dummyxmpp', mgmt_ip_address => '', phys_location => '1', profile => '31', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', tcp_port => '80', type => '2', cachegroup => '1', ilo_ip_gateway => '', interface_name => 'bond0', host_name => 'atsmid-east-03', router_port_name => '0', status => '2', router_host_name => '', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_password => '', ip_netmask => '', interface_mtu => '9000', ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', upd_pending => '0', cdn_id => '1', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:1', domain_name => '', }, }, 
-'58' => { new => 'Server', => using => { cachegroup => '1', host_name => 'atsmid-east-04', interface_name => 'bond0', profile => '30', id => '59', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ilo_password => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:6/64', ip_gateway => '', ip_netmask => '', cdn_id => '2', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', tcp_port => '80', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ilo_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', status => '2', interface_mtu => '9000', upd_pending => '0', ilo_username => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', router_port_name => '0', domain_name => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', router_host_name => '', xmpp_id => 'atsmid-east-04-dummyxmpp', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip_address => '', phys_location => '2', type => '2', }, }, 
-'59' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ilo_ip_address => '', profile => '31', cdn_id => '1', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip_address => '', status => '2', xmpp_id => 'atsmid-east-05-dummyxmpp', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ilo_password => '', interface_mtu => '9000', tcp_port => '80', cachegroup => '1', domain_name => '', id => '60', ilo_username => '', upd_pending => '0', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', router_port_name => '0', type => '2', interface_name => 'bond0', ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', host_name => 'atsmid-east-05', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:1', ip_netmask => '', phys_location => '2', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:7/64', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', router_host_name => '', }, }, 
-'60' => { new => 'Server', => using => { xmpp_passwd => 'X', router_port_name => '0', upd_pending => '0', cdn_id => '2', ilo_password => '', ilo_username => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:8/64', ilo_ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', phys_location => '2', profile => '30', ilo_ip_address => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', router_host_name => '', tcp_port => '80', id => '61', ip_netmask => '', status => '2', type => '2', domain_name => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:1', ip_address => '', cachegroup => '1', ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', xmpp_id => 'atsmid-east-06-dummyxmpp', host_name => 'atsmid-east-06', ilo_ip_gateway => '', interface_mtu => '9000', interface_name => 'bond0', }, }, 
-'61' => { new => 'Server', => using => { domain_name => '', status => '2', xmpp_id => 'atsmid-east-07-dummyxmpp', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', xmpp_passwd => 'X', cachegroup => '1', ilo_ip_address => '', interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:1', ip_gateway => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', interface_mtu => '9000', ip_address => '', phys_location => '2', router_host_name => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:9/64', ip_netmask => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', type => '2', upd_pending => '0', id => '62', mgmt_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', profile => '31', tcp_port => '80', host_name => 'atsmid-east-07', ilo_username => '', router_port_name => '0', cdn_id => '1', ilo_password => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', }, }, 
-'62' => { new => 'Server', => using => { type => '2', domain_name => '', ilo_ip_address => '', interface_mtu => '9000', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', phys_location => '2', ilo_password => '', ip_gateway => '', tcp_port => '80', cdn_id => '2', router_port_name => '0', upd_pending => '0', xmpp_id => 'atsmid-east-08-dummyxmpp', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:10/64', profile => '30', interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', xmpp_passwd => 'X', cachegroup => '1', id => '63', ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', router_host_name => '', host_name => 'atsmid-east-08', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ilo_username => '', status => '2', }, }, 
-'63' => { new => 'Server', => using => { host_name => 'atsmid-west-00', ip_netmask => '', router_host_name => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_username => '', ip_address => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', mgmt_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', phys_location => '3', xmpp_id => 'atsmid-west-00-dummyxmpp', xmpp_passwd => 'X', cdn_id => '2', domain_name => '', ip_gateway => '', router_port_name => '1', type => '2', id => '64', ilo_password => '', interface_name => 'bond0', profile => '30', status => '2', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', upd_pending => '0', tcp_port => '80', cachegroup => '2', ilo_ip_netmask => '', interface_mtu => '9000', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:2/64', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:1', }, }, 
-'64' => { new => 'Server', => using => { router_host_name => '', type => '2', upd_pending => '0', ilo_ip_netmask => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', ip_address => '', status => '2', ilo_ip_address => '', interface_name => 'bond0', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', phys_location => '3', profile => '31', tcp_port => '80', id => '65', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip_netmask => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', ilo_username => '', interface_mtu => '9000', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:3/64', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:1', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', cachegroup => '2', domain_name => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', xmpp_id => 'atsmid-west-01-dummyxmpp', xmpp_passwd => 'X', cdn_id => '1', ip_gateway => '', router_port_name => '1', host_name => 'atsmid-west-01', ilo_password => '', }, }, 
-'65' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ilo_password => '', ilo_username => '', ip_netmask => '', status => '2', tcp_port => '80', cachegroup => '2', host_name => 'atsmid-west-02', ip_gateway => '', router_host_name => '', ilo_ip_address => '', ip_address => '', router_port_name => '1', domain_name => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:1', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', xmpp_id => 'atsmid-west-02-dummyxmpp', xmpp_passwd => 'X', type => '2', id => '66', interface_mtu => '9000', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:4/64', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', profile => '30', cdn_id => '2', ilo_ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', phys_location => '3', interface_name => 'bond0', upd_pending => '0', }, }, 
-'66' => { new => 'Server', => using => { id => '67', ilo_username => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', cdn_id => '1', ilo_ip_address => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:5/64', ip_address => '', profile => '31', domain_name => '', interface_name => 'bond0', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', status => '2', host_name => 'atsmid-west-03', ilo_password => '', interface_mtu => '9000', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', ip_netmask => '', phys_location => '3', tcp_port => '80', upd_pending => '0', cachegroup => '2', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:1', mgmt_ip_address => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', router_host_name => '', router_port_name => '1', xmpp_id => 'atsmid-west-03-dummyxmpp', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip_gateway => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', type => '2', xmpp_passwd => 'X', }, }, 
-'67' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', type => '2', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:6/64', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', profile => '30', cachegroup => '2', ilo_ip_address => '', interface_name => 'bond0', router_host_name => '', router_port_name => '1', upd_pending => '0', xmpp_id => 'atsmid-west-04-dummyxmpp', cdn_id => '2', phys_location => '4', host_name => 'atsmid-west-04', ilo_password => '', ip_gateway => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', id => '68', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:1', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', status => '2', xmpp_passwd => 'X', domain_name => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', tcp_port => '80', ilo_username => '', interface_mtu => '9000', ip_address => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', }, }, 
-'68' => { new => 'Server', => using => { phys_location => '4', tcp_port => '80', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:7/64', ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', router_port_name => '1', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ilo_ip_netmask => '', type => '2', cachegroup => '2', host_name => 'atsmid-west-05', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:1', ip_netmask => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_address => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', interface_name => 'bond0', ip_address => '', profile => '31', router_host_name => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ilo_username => '', id => '69', ilo_ip_address => '', interface_mtu => '9000', upd_pending => '0', xmpp_id => 'atsmid-west-05-dummyxmpp', cdn_id => '1', domain_name => '', ilo_password => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', status => '2', }, }, 
-'69' => { new => 'Server', => using => { id => '70', ilo_username => '', ip_gateway => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', router_host_name => '', upd_pending => '0', xmpp_id => 'atsmid-west-06-dummyxmpp', host_name => 'atsmid-west-06', interface_mtu => '9000', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:8/64', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:1', ip_netmask => '', profile => '30', cachegroup => '2', ip_address => '', type => '2', xmpp_passwd => 'X', domain_name => '', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_password => '', tcp_port => '80', cdn_id => '2', interface_name => 'bond0', mgmt_ip_address => '', phys_location => '4', router_port_name => '1', status => '2', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', }, }, 
-'70' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip_address => '', id => '71', ilo_password => '', status => '2', xmpp_id => 'atsmid-west-07-dummyxmpp', router_host_name => '', upd_pending => '0', router_port_name => '1', xmpp_passwd => 'X', host_name => 'atsmid-west-07', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:9/64', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', phys_location => '4', rack => 'RR 119.02', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', tcp_port => '80', cachegroup => '2', domain_name => '', ilo_username => '', interface_mtu => '9000', interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:1', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip_gateway => '', ip_netmask => '', profile => '31', cdn_id => '1', type => '2', ilo_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', }, }, 
-'71' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip_address => '', ilo_ip_address => '', interface_mtu => '9000', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:1', router_host_name => '', upd_pending => '0', cdn_id => '2', ilo_username => '', ip_netmask => '', tcp_port => '80', rack => 'RR 119.02', router_port_name => '1', type => '2', cachegroup => '2', domain_name => '', host_name => 'atsmid-west-08', profile => '30', interface_name => 'bond0', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', phys_location => '4', xmpp_passwd => 'X', id => '72', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:10/64', status => '2', ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', ilo_password => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', xmpp_id => 'atsmid-west-08-dummyxmpp', }, }, 
-'72' => { new => 'Server', => using => { domain_name => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::333/64', rack => 'RR 119.02', ilo_ip_address => undef, ilo_username => undef, mgmt_ip_address => undef, mgmt_ip_gateway => undef, router_host_name => undef, status => '2', type => '4', host_name => 'trtr-clw-01', profile => '5', xmpp_passwd => 'X', cachegroup => '3', mgmt_ip_netmask => undef, cdn_id => '1', id => '73', ilo_password => undef, interface_name => 'bond0', ip_address => '', ip_gateway => '', router_port_name => undef, interface_mtu => '9000', ip_netmask => '', ilo_ip_gateway => undef, ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::1', xmpp_id => 'trtr-clw-01-dummyxmpp', ilo_ip_netmask => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', phys_location => '100', tcp_port => '80', upd_pending => '0', }, }, 
-'73' => { new => 'Server', => using => { id => '74', ilo_username => undef, interface_name => 'bond0', mgmt_ip_address => undef, router_host_name => undef, mgmt_ip_gateway => undef, rack => 'RR 119.02', cachegroup => '3', ilo_ip_gateway => undef, ilo_password => undef, interface_mtu => '9000', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::334/64', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::1', ip_address => '', ip_netmask => '', status => '2', mgmt_ip_netmask => undef, tcp_port => '80', host_name => 'trtr-clw-02', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', phys_location => '101', upd_pending => '0', cdn_id => '2', ilo_ip_netmask => undef, xmpp_passwd => 'X', profile => '8', router_port_name => undef, type => '4', domain_name => '', ilo_ip_address => undef, ip_gateway => '', xmpp_id => 'trtr-clw-02-dummyxmpp', }, }, 
-'74' => { new => 'Server', => using => { interface_mtu => '9000', mgmt_ip_address => undef, upd_pending => '0', id => '75', ilo_ip_address => undef, ilo_ip_netmask => undef, rack => 'RR 119.02', xmpp_id => 'trtr-cle-01-dummyxmpp', domain_name => '', ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::335/64', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::1', ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => undef, profile => '5', cachegroup => '5', host_name => 'trtr-cle-01', ip_address => '', phys_location => '100', ilo_ip_gateway => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_netmask => undef, xmpp_passwd => 'X', cdn_id => '1', ip_netmask => '', tcp_port => '80', router_host_name => undef, status => '2', type => '4', ilo_password => undef, ilo_username => undef, interface_name => 'bond0', router_port_name => undef, }, }, 
-'75' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ip_gateway => '', phys_location => '101', profile => '8', type => '4', upd_pending => '0', xmpp_id => 'trtr-cle-02-dummyxmpp', domain_name => '', ilo_ip_gateway => undef, xmpp_passwd => 'X', host_name => 'trtr-cle-02', interface_name => 'bond0', cachegroup => '5', cdn_id => '2', ilo_ip_netmask => undef, mgmt_ip_address => undef, mgmt_ip_netmask => undef, ilo_username => undef, router_port_name => undef, id => '76', ilo_ip_address => undef, status => '2', interface_mtu => '9000', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => undef, ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::336/64', ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::1', rack => 'RR 119.02', router_host_name => undef, tcp_port => '80', ilo_password => undef, ip_address => '', }, }, 
-'76' => { new => 'Server', => using => { domain_name => '', ilo_username => undef, ip6_gateway => '2033:D021:3300::1', ilo_ip_gateway => undef, ip_gateway => '', status => '2', xmpp_passwd => 'X', ilo_ip_address => undef, upd_pending => '0', profile => '11', type => '15', router_host_name => undef, router_port_name => undef, cachegroup => '3', interface_name => 'bond0', ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => undef, host_name => 'trmon-clw-01', ilo_password => undef, interface_mtu => '9000', tcp_port => '80', mgmt_ip_netmask => undef, xmpp_id => 'trmon-clw-01-dummyxmpp', cdn_id => '1', id => '77', ilo_ip_netmask => undef, mgmt_ip_address => undef, rack => 'RR 119.02', ip6_address => '2033:D021:3300::333/64', ip_netmask => '', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', phys_location => '100', }, }, 
-'77' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ilo_ip_netmask => undef, interface_name => 'bond0', router_port_name => undef, type => '15', upd_pending => '0', host_name => 'trmon-clw-02', ilo_ip_address => undef, ilo_ip_gateway => undef, ip6_address => '2033:D021:3300::334/64', id => '78', status => '2', tcp_port => '80', mgmt_ip_address => undef, phys_location => '101', mgmt_ip_netmask => undef, domain_name => '', ip6_gateway => '2033:D021:3300::1', ip_gateway => '', profile => '12', rack => 'RR 119.02', xmpp_passwd => 'X', cachegroup => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', router_host_name => undef, interface_mtu => '9000', ilo_password => undef, ilo_username => undef, mgmt_ip_gateway => undef, xmpp_id => 'trmon-clw-02-dummyxmpp', cdn_id => '2', ip_netmask => '', ip_address => '', }, }, 
-'78' => { new => 'Server', => using => { xmpp_id => 'trmon-cle-01-dummyxmpp', ilo_ip_netmask => undef, ip6_gateway => '2033:D011:3300::1', ip_netmask => '', interface_mtu => '9000', mgmt_ip_gateway => undef, phys_location => '100', rack => 'RR 119.02', domain_name => '', host_name => 'trmon-cle-01', ilo_username => undef, xmpp_passwd => 'X', cachegroup => '5', mgmt_ip_netmask => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', router_port_name => undef, cdn_id => '1', ilo_password => undef, interface_name => 'bond0', router_host_name => undef, status => '2', tcp_port => '80', type => '15', ip6_address => '2033:D011:3300::335/64', ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_address => undef, ip_gateway => '', profile => '11', id => '79', ilo_ip_address => undef, ilo_ip_gateway => undef, upd_pending => '0', }, }, 
-'79' => { new => 'Server', => using => { mgmt_ip_gateway => undef, upd_pending => '0', host_name => 'trmon-cle-02', ip_netmask => '', cdn_id => '2', ilo_ip_netmask => undef, mgmt_ip_netmask => undef, phys_location => '101', cachegroup => '5', ilo_ip_address => undef, ilo_ip_gateway => undef, ilo_username => undef, interface_name => 'bond0', ip6_gateway => '2033:D011:3300::1', ip_gateway => '', router_port_name => undef, xmpp_id => 'trmon-cle-02-dummyxmpp', id => '80', ip6_address => '2033:D011:3300::336/64', rack => 'RR 119.02', xmpp_passwd => 'X', tcp_port => '80', domain_name => '', interface_mtu => '9000', ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_address => undef, profile => '12', status => '2', ilo_password => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', router_host_name => undef, type => '15', }, }, 
-'80' => { new => 'Server', => using => { upd_pending => '0', ilo_ip_address => '', interface_name => 'eth1', ip_address => '', tcp_port => '8088', status => '2', id => '81', ilo_username => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', ilo_password => '', interface_mtu => '1500', ip6_address => undef, router_host_name => '', domain_name => '', ip_gateway => '', profile => '47', xmpp_id => '', cachegroup => '1', cdn_id => '2', ilo_ip_netmask => '', ip6_gateway => undef, mgmt_ip_gateway => '', xmpp_passwd => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', router_port_name => '', host_name => 'riak1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', phys_location => '1', type => '10', }, }, 
-'81' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ip_address => '', status => '2', type => '36', cdn_id => '1', interface_name => 'eth1', ip6_gateway => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', router_host_name => '', router_port_name => '', tcp_port => '80', cachegroup => '101', ilo_ip_netmask => '', mgmt_ip_address => '', rack => 'RR 119.02', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_ip_gateway => '', ilo_password => '', ip6_address => undef, mgmt_ip_netmask => '', domain_name => '', ilo_username => '', xmpp_id => '', xmpp_passwd => '', host_name => 'org1', id => '1000', ip_gateway => '', ip_netmask => '', profile => '48', upd_pending => '0', interface_mtu => '1500', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', phys_location => '1', }, }, 
-'82' => { new => 'Server', => using => { ilo_ip_gateway => '', ip_gateway => '', mgmt_ip_netmask => '', router_port_name => '', tcp_port => '80', ip6_address => undef, status => '2', xmpp_passwd => '', cdn_id => '1', ilo_ip_address => '', ilo_ip_netmask => '', interface_mtu => '1500', rack => 'RR 119.02', host_name => 'org2', id => '1001', ip6_gateway => undef, ip_address => '', type => '36', ilo_password => '', ip_netmask => '', profile => '49', router_host_name => '', domain_name => '', ilo_username => '', upd_pending => '0', xmpp_id => '', phys_location => '1', cachegroup => '102', interface_name => 'eth1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', mgmt_ip_address => '', mgmt_ip_gateway => '', }, }, 
+	## id => 1
+	'0' => {
+		new => 'Server',
+		using => {
+			host_name => 'atsec-chi-00',
+			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
+			interface_name => 'bond0',
+			phys_location => '5',
+			cachegroup => '93',
+			domain_name => '',
+			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1',
+			rack => 'RR 119.02',
+			ilo_ip_address => '',
+			interface_mtu => '9000',
+			router_host_name => '',
+			router_port_name => '2',
+			xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-00-dummyxmpp',
+			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
+			ip_netmask => '',
+			mgmt_ip_address => '',
+			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
+			status => '1',
+			upd_pending => '0',
+			ilo_password => '',
+			ilo_username => '',
+			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
+			profile => '5',
+			type => '13',
+			cdn_id => '1',
+			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:2/64',
+			ip_address => '',
+			ip_gateway => '',
+			tcp_port => '80',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 2
+	'1' => {
+		new => 'Server',
+		using => {
+			host_name => 'atsec-chi-01',
+			domain_name => '',
+			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
+			upd_pending => '0',
+			ip_address => '',
+			type => '13',
+			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
+			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1',
+			phys_location => '5',
+			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
+			ip_netmask => '',
+			rack => 'RR 119.02',
+			router_port_name => '2',
+			status => '1',
+			cachegroup => '93',
+			cdn_id => '1',
+			ilo_ip_address => '',
+			ilo_password => '',
+			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
+			ip_gateway => '',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			profile => '5',
+			xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-01-dummyxmpp',
+			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
+			router_host_name => '',
+			tcp_port => '80',
+			ilo_username => '',
+			interface_mtu => '9000',
+			interface_name => 'bond0',
+			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:3/64',
+			mgmt_ip_address => '',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 3
+	'2' => {
+		new => 'Server',
+		using => {
+			host_name => 'atsec-chi-02',
+			cdn_id => '1',
+			interface_mtu => '9000',
+			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
+			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
+			type => '13',
+			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
+			ilo_username => '',
+			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:4/64',
+			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
+			cachegroup => '93',
+			ilo_password => '',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			router_port_name => '2',
+			interface_name => 'bond0',
+			profile => '5',
+			status => '1',
+			tcp_port => '80',
+			xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-02-dummyxmpp',
+			domain_name => '',
+			ip_address => '',
+			ip_netmask => '',
+			mgmt_ip_address => '',
+			phys_location => '5',
+			router_host_name => '',
+			upd_pending => '0',
+			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
+			rack => 'RR 119.02',
+			ilo_ip_address => '',
+			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1',
+			ip_gateway => '',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 4
+	'3' => {
+		new => 'Server',
+		using => {
+			host_name => 'atsec-chi-03',
+			interface_mtu => '9000',
+			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
+			router_host_name => '',
+			tcp_port => '80',
+			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
+			ip_address => '',
+			mgmt_ip_address => '',
+			phys_location => '5',
+			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1',
+			rack => 'RR 119.02',
+			ilo_ip_address => '',
+			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
+			ilo_password => '',
+			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:5/64',
+			cdn_id => '1',
+			ilo_username => '',
+			router_port_name => '2',
+			type => '13',
+			cachegroup => '93',
+			domain_name => '',
+			interface_name => 'bond0',
+			ip_gateway => '',
+			ip_netmask => '',
+			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
+			profile => '5',
+			upd_pending => '0',
+			xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-03-dummyxmpp',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			status => '1',
+			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 5
+	'4' => {
+		new => 'Server',
+		using => {
+			host_name => 'atsec-chi-04',
+			mgmt_ip_address => '',
+			upd_pending => '0',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			interface_mtu => '9000',
+			profile => '7',
+			domain_name => '',
+			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
+			phys_location => '6',
+			interface_name => 'bond0',
+			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:6/64',
+			ip_netmask => '',
+			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
+			router_host_name => '',
+			xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-04-dummyxmpp',
+			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
+			ip_address => '',
+			ip_gateway => '',
+			rack => 'RR 119.02',
+			type => '13',
+			cachegroup => '93',
+			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
+			ilo_password => '',
+			ilo_username => '',
+			router_port_name => '2',
+			tcp_port => '80',
+			cdn_id => '2',
+			ilo_ip_address => '',
+			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1',
+			status => '1',
+			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 6
+	'5' => {
+		new => 'Server',
+		using => {
+			host_name => 'atsec-chi-05',
+			ilo_ip_address => '',
+			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
+			router_host_name => '',
+			domain_name => '',
+			ip_netmask => '',
+			mgmt_ip_address => '',
+			status => '1',
+			cachegroup => '93',
+			ilo_username => '',
+			xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-05-dummyxmpp',
+			profile => '7',
+			ip_gateway => '',
+			tcp_port => '80',
+			upd_pending => '0',
+			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
+			ilo_password => '',
+			ip_address => '',
+			phys_location => '6',
+			rack => 'RR 119.02',
+			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:7/64',
+			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
+			router_port_name => '2',
+			interface_mtu => '9000',
+			interface_name => 'bond0',
+			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
+			type => '13',
+			cdn_id => '2',
+			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 7
+	'6' => {
+		new => 'Server',
+		using => {
+			host_name => 'atsec-chi-06',
+			type => '13',
+			cachegroup => '93',
+			ip_address => '',
+			mgmt_ip_address => '',
+			router_port_name => '2',
+			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
+			ip_gateway => '',
+			ip_netmask => '',
+			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
+			interface_mtu => '9000',
+			interface_name => 'bond0',
+			phys_location => '6',
+			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
+			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
+			ilo_password => '',
+			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1',
+			rack => 'RR 119.02',
+			ilo_ip_address => '',
+			tcp_port => '80',
+			xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-06-dummyxmpp',
+			cdn_id => '2',
+			profile => '7',
+			router_host_name => '',
+			status => '1',
+			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:8/64',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			upd_pending => '0',
+			domain_name => '',
+			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
+			ilo_username => '',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 8
+	'7' => {
+		new => 'Server',
+		using => {
+			host_name => 'atsec-chi-07',
+			ip_address => '',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-07-dummyxmpp',
+			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
+			ilo_username => '',
+			phys_location => '6',
+			profile => '7',
+			tcp_port => '80',
+			upd_pending => '0',
+			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
+			cachegroup => '93',
+			ilo_password => '',
+			interface_mtu => '9000',
+			interface_name => 'bond0',
+			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
+			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1',
+			router_host_name => '',
+			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:9/64',
+			ip_netmask => '',
+			mgmt_ip_address => '',
+			router_port_name => '2',
+			ilo_ip_address => '',
+			rack => 'RR 119.02',
+			status => '1',
+			domain_name => '',
+			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
+			ip_gateway => '',
+			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
+			cdn_id => '2',
+			type => '13',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 9
+	'8' => {
+		new => 'Server',
+		using => {
+			host_name => 'atsec-chi-08',
+			ilo_ip_address => '',
+			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
+			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
+			router_port_name => '2',
+			cdn_id => '2',
+			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
+			ilo_password => '',
+			ip_gateway => '',
+			ilo_username => '',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			phys_location => '6',
+			status => '1',
+			ip_address => '',
+			upd_pending => '0',
+			rack => 'RR 119.02',
+			tcp_port => '80',
+			cachegroup => '93',
+			interface_mtu => '9000',
+			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1',
+			mgmt_ip_address => '',
+			profile => '7',
+			router_host_name => '',
+			interface_name => 'bond0',
+			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:10/64',
+			ip_netmask => '',
+			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
+			type => '13',
+			domain_name => '',
+			xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-08-dummyxmpp',
+			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 10
+	'9' => {
+		new => 'Server',
+		using => {
+			host_name => 'atsec-den-00',
+			ilo_ip_address => '',
+			interface_name => 'bond0',
+			ip_address => '',
+			type => '13',
+			xmpp_id => 'atsec-den-00-dummyxmpp',
+			cdn_id => '1',
+			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
+			ilo_password => '',
+			interface_mtu => '9000',
+			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1',
+			mgmt_ip_address => '',
+			domain_name => '',
+			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
+			ilo_username => '',
+			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
+			tcp_port => '80',
+			ip_gateway => '',
+			rack => 'RR 119.02',
+			phys_location => '11',
+			profile => '5',
+			cachegroup => '96',
+			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
+			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:2/64',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
+			ip_netmask => '',
+			router_host_name => '',
+			router_port_name => '5',
+			status => '1',
+			upd_pending => '0',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 11
+	'10' => {
+		new => 'Server',
+		using => {
+			host_name => 'atsec-den-01',
+			domain_name => '',
+			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1',
+			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
+			cachegroup => '96',
+			ilo_password => '',
+			interface_mtu => '9000',
+			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:3/64',
+			upd_pending => '0',
+			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
+			ilo_username => '',
+			rack => 'RR 119.02',
+			router_port_name => '5',
+			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
+			type => '13',
+			xmpp_id => 'atsec-den-01-dummyxmpp',
+			cdn_id => '1',
+			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
+			ip_address => '',
+			profile => '5',
+			router_host_name => '',
+			status => '1',
+			ilo_ip_address => '',
+			interface_name => 'bond0',
+			ip_netmask => '',
+			mgmt_ip_address => '',
+			phys_location => '11',
+			tcp_port => '80',
+			ip_gateway => '',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 12
+	'11' => {
+		new => 'Server',
+		using => {
+			host_name => 'atsec-den-02',
+			ilo_ip_address => '',
+			mgmt_ip_address => '',
+			router_port_name => '5',
+			ip_address => '',
+			ip_netmask => '',
+			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
+			type => '13',
+			ilo_username => '',
+			interface_mtu => '9000',
+			ip_gateway => '',
+			tcp_port => '80',
+			upd_pending => '0',
+			status => '1',
+			domain_name => '',
+			phys_location => '11',
+			profile => '5',
+			cachegroup => '96',
+			cdn_id => '1',
+			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1',
+			xmpp_id => 'atsec-den-02-dummyxmpp',
+			ilo_password => '',
+			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:4/64',
+			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
+			rack => 'RR 119.02',
+			router_host_name => '',
+			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
+			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
+			interface_name => 'bond0',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 13
+	'12' => {
+		new => 'Server',
+		using => {
+			host_name => 'atsec-den-03',
+			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
+			status => '1',
+			cdn_id => '1',
+			domain_name => '',
+			ilo_ip_address => '',
+			ilo_password => '',
+			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:5/64',
+			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
+			ip_address => '',
+			type => '13',
+			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1',
+			ip_netmask => '',
+			phys_location => '11',
+			profile => '5',
+			upd_pending => '0',
+			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
+			rack => 'RR 119.02',
+			interface_name => 'bond0',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
+			router_host_name => '',
+			cachegroup => '96',
+			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
+			interface_mtu => '9000',
+			mgmt_ip_address => '',
+			ilo_username => '',
+			xmpp_id => 'atsec-den-03-dummyxmpp',
+			ip_gateway => '',
+			router_port_name => '5',
+			tcp_port => '80',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 14
+	'13' => {
+		new => 'Server',
+		using => {
+			host_name => 'atsec-den-04',
+			domain_name => '',
+			ilo_ip_address => '',
+			ilo_username => '',
+			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1',
+			mgmt_ip_address => '',
+			router_host_name => '',
+			upd_pending => '0',
+			cdn_id => '2',
+			ip_netmask => '',
+			cachegroup => '96',
+			type => '13',
+			phys_location => '12',
+			interface_name => 'bond0',
+			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
+			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
+			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:6/64',
+			profile => '7',
+			ip_gateway => '',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			rack => 'RR 119.02',
+			status => '1',
+			ip_address => '',
+			interface_mtu => '9000',
+			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
+			router_port_name => '5',
+			tcp_port => '80',
+			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
+			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
+			xmpp_id => 'atsec-den-04-dummyxmpp',
+			ilo_password => '',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 15
+	'14' => {
+		new => 'Server',
+		using => {
+			host_name => 'atsec-den-05',
+			cachegroup => '96',
+			ilo_username => '',
+			interface_name => 'bond0',
+			ip_address => '',
+			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1',
+			ip_gateway => '',
+			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
+			profile => '7',
+			router_host_name => '',
+			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
+			ilo_password => '',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			status => '1',
+			upd_pending => '0',
+			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
+			interface_mtu => '9000',
+			router_port_name => '5',
+			cdn_id => '2',
+			ip_netmask => '',
+			tcp_port => '80',
+			type => '13',
+			xmpp_id => 'atsec-den-05-dummyxmpp',
+			domain_name => '',
+			ilo_ip_address => '',
+			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
+			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:7/64',
+			mgmt_ip_address => '',
+			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
+			phys_location => '12',
+			rack => 'RR 119.02',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 16
+	'15' => {
+		new => 'Server',
+		using => {
+			host_name => 'atsec-den-06',
+			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
+			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:8/64',
+			rack => 'RR 119.02',
+			router_host_name => '',
+			cdn_id => '2',
+			domain_name => '',
+			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
+			ilo_username => '',
+			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1',
+			mgmt_ip_address => '',
+			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
+			phys_location => '12',
+			status => '1',
+			upd_pending => '0',
+			xmpp_id => 'atsec-den-06-dummyxmpp',
+			cachegroup => '96',
+			ilo_ip_address => '',
+			interface_name => 'bond0',
+			ip_gateway => '',
+			profile => '7',
+			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
+			ilo_password => '',
+			ip_address => '',
+			ip_netmask => '',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			router_port_name => '5',
+			tcp_port => '80',
+			interface_mtu => '9000',
+			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
+			type => '13',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 17
+	'16' => {
+		new => 'Server',
+		using => {
+			host_name => 'atsec-den-07',
+			interface_mtu => '9000',
+			interface_name => 'bond0',
+			rack => 'RR 119.02',
+			mgmt_ip_address => '',
+			cdn_id => '2',
+			domain_name => '',
+			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
+			ilo_username => '',
+			ip6_gateway =>


[16/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: fixing dbdump.

Posted by
fixing dbdump.


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 32afdf51073191f5204e3e310b67a69743a309f9
Parents: 16843c6
Author: Jackie Heitzer <>
Authored: Fri Aug 5 10:25:35 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 13:26:36 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/app/db/         |  3 +++
 traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/ | 14 ++++----------
 traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/     |  5 +----
 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/ b/traffic_ops/app/db/
index b635d80..4e1b3bc 100755
--- a/traffic_ops/app/db/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/
@@ -123,6 +123,9 @@ if ( defined($argument) ) {
 	elsif ( $argument eq 'reverse_schema' ) {
+	else {
+		print $usage;
+	}
 else {
 	print $usage;
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
index 769de2e..44f9f11 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
@@ -19,28 +19,22 @@ use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
 sub dbdump {
 	my $self = shift;
 	my $filename = $self->param('filename');
 	my $db_user = $Schema::user;
 	my $db_pass = $Schema::pass;
 	my $db_name = ( split( /:/, $Schema::dsn ) )[2];
 	my $db_host = $Schema::hostname;
 	$db_name =~ s/database=//;
-	my $cmd	      = "PG_PASSWORD='" . $db_pass . "' pg_dump --username=" . $db_user . " " . $db_name;
+	my $cmd	      = "pg_dump --username=" . $db_user . " " . $db_name . " > " . $filename;
 	my $extension = ".psql";
-	if ( $self->db->storage->isa("DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::mysql") ) {
-		$cmd	   = "mysqldump -h " . $db_host . " -u " . $db_user . " -p" . $db_pass . " " . $db_name;
-		$extension = ".mysql";
-	}
 	my $data = `$cmd`;
 	$self->res->headers->content_disposition( "attachment; filename=\"" . $filename . "\"" );
 	$self->render( data => $data );
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
index 81373b2..2482579 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
@@ -148,11 +148,8 @@ sub db_dump {
     $year += 1900;
     my $host = `hostname`;
-    my $extension = ".psql";
-    if ( $self->db->storage->isa("DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::mysql") ) {
-        $extension = ".mysql";
-    }
+    my $extension = ".psql";
     my $filename = "to-backup-" . $host . "-" . $year . $month . $day . $hour . $min . $sec . $extension;
     $self->stash( filename => $filename );

[48/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: adds bool migration for goose_db_version.is_applied field

Posted by
adds bool migration for goose_db_version.is_applied field


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 57baf3aa54fc679b3a2fc90fc9e4ee136878f607
Parents: 5c1cbc4
Author: Jeremy Mitchell <>
Authored: Wed Nov 9 14:57:02 2016 -0700
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:43:13 2016 -0700

 .../migrations/20160910092026_fix_column_types.sql | 17 ++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160910092026_fix_column_types.sql b/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160910092026_fix_column_types.sql
index 7afe1bf..dd84a7a 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160910092026_fix_column_types.sql
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160910092026_fix_column_types.sql
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ ALTER TABLE cdn
 	ALTER COLUMN dnssec_enabled TYPE boolean
 		USING CASE WHEN dnssec_enabled = 0 THEN FALSE
 			WHEN dnssec_enabled = 1 THEN TRUE
@@ -71,6 +71,15 @@ ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
+ALTER TABLE goose_db_version
+	ALTER COLUMN is_applied TYPE boolean
+		USING CASE WHEN is_applied = 0 THEN FALSE
+			WHEN is_applied = 1 THEN TRUE
+			END,
 ALTER TABLE parameter
 	ALTER COLUMN secure TYPE boolean
@@ -158,6 +167,12 @@ ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
    USING CASE WHEN logs_enabled THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
   ALTER COLUMN logs_enabled SET DEFAULT 0;
+ALTER TABLE goose_db_version
+   USING CASE WHEN is_applied THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
 ALTER TABLE parameter

[20/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: no migrations in the branch. removing ones added with master merge.

Posted by
no migrations in the branch. removing ones added with master merge.


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: d62e327011cf53bfb57a8e500e71f9bb02b5f205
Parents: a90c84c
Author: Jeremy Mitchell <>
Authored: Thu Sep 1 13:10:48 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 13:53:25 2016 -0700

 .../db/migrations/20160817171741_server_add_https_port.sql   | 8 --------
 1 file changed, 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160817171741_server_add_https_port.sql b/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160817171741_server_add_https_port.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index b7bb9fd..0000000
--- a/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160817171741_server_add_https_port.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
--- +goose Up
--- SQL in section 'Up' is executed when this migration is applied
-alter table server add https_port int(10) unsigned default NULL;
--- +goose Down
--- SQL section 'Down' is executed when this migration is rolled back
-alter table server drop column https_port;
\ No newline at end of file

[51/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: Fix for Issue #TC-33

Posted by
Fix for Issue #TC-33


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: d69de3c8a48b14f989202b3877ab18a9b0302ac7
Parents: 4d2b1c8
Author: Dewayne Richardson <>
Authored: Mon Nov 7 13:23:59 2016 -0700
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:43:13 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/app/lib/API/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/API/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/API/
index 27ee53c..cbc1d84 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/API/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/API/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ use Validate::Tiny ':all';
 sub index {
 	my $self         = shift;
-	my $orderby      = $self->param('orderby') || "xml_id";
+	my $orderby      = "xml_id";
 	my $logs_enabled = $self->param('logsEnabled');
 	my $current_user = $self->current_user()->{username};
 	my @data;

[23/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: updates prod dbname

Posted by
updates prod dbname


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 8eb5ecf7c9eae4f0a1a6eb1f32c93eea465677ac
Parents: a96ae3e
Author: Jeremy Mitchell <>
Authored: Mon Sep 19 08:57:02 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 13:53:57 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/app/db/dbconf.yml | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/dbconf.yml b/traffic_ops/app/db/dbconf.yml
index 5f5e493..fb45262 100755
--- a/traffic_ops/app/db/dbconf.yml
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/dbconf.yml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ test:
   driver: postgres
-  open: host= port=5432 user=to_user password=twelve dbname=to_production sslmode=disable
+  open: host= port=5432 user=to_user password=twelve dbname=traffic_ops_db sslmode=disable
   driver: postgres

[21/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: updates create_tables based on updated schema

Posted by
updates create_tables based on updated schema


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 490f5d07b4c3ad960b1714b0bd5a5ab3d728f883
Parents: d62e327
Author: Jeremy Mitchell <>
Authored: Fri Sep 2 08:59:19 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 13:53:27 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql | 966 ++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 242 insertions(+), 724 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql b/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql
index c8acf36..4d98208 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 -- PostgreSQL database dump
--- Dumped from database version 9.5.3
--- Dumped by pg_dump version 9.5.3
+-- Dumped from database version 9.5.4
+-- Dumped by pg_dump version 9.5.4
 SET statement_timeout = 0;
 SET lock_timeout = 0;
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ SET client_min_messages = warning;
 SET row_security = off;
--- Name: plpgsql; Type: EXTENSION; Schema: -; Owner:
+-- Name: plpgsql; Type: EXTENSION; Schema: -; Owner: 
--- Name: EXTENSION plpgsql; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner:
+-- Name: EXTENSION plpgsql; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner: 
 COMMENT ON EXTENSION plpgsql IS 'PL/pgSQL procedural language';
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ CREATE FUNCTION on_update_current_timestamp_last_updated() RETURNS trigger
     LANGUAGE plpgsql
     AS $$
-   NEW.last_updated = now();
+  NEW.last_updated = now();
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ CREATE TABLE cachegroup (
     id bigint NOT NULL,
     name character varying(45) NOT NULL,
     short_name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
-    latitude double precision,
-    longitude double precision,
+    latitude numeric,
+    longitude numeric,
     parent_cachegroup_id bigint,
     secondary_parent_cachegroup_id bigint,
     type bigint NOT NULL,
@@ -181,9 +181,9 @@ CREATE TABLE deliveryservice (
     xml_id character varying(48) NOT NULL,
     active smallint NOT NULL,
     dscp bigint NOT NULL,
-    signed boolean,
-    qstring_ignore boolean,
-    geo_limit boolean DEFAULT false,
+    signed smallint,
+    qstring_ignore smallint,
+    geo_limit smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint,
     http_bypass_fqdn character varying(255),
     dns_bypass_ip character varying(45),
     dns_bypass_ip6 character varying(45),
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ CREATE TABLE deliveryservice (
     org_server_fqdn character varying(255),
     type bigint NOT NULL,
     profile bigint NOT NULL,
-    cdn_id bigint,
+    cdn_id bigint NOT NULL,
     ccr_dns_ttl bigint,
     global_max_mbps bigint,
     global_max_tps bigint,
@@ -200,11 +200,11 @@ CREATE TABLE deliveryservice (
     long_desc_2 character varying(1024),
     max_dns_answers bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint,
     info_url character varying(255),
-    miss_lat double precision,
-    miss_long double precision,
+    miss_lat numeric,
+    miss_long numeric,
     check_path character varying(255),
     last_updated timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(),
-    protocol smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL,
+    protocol smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint,
     ssl_key_version bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint,
     ipv6_routing_enabled smallint,
     range_request_handling smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint,
@@ -214,17 +214,17 @@ CREATE TABLE deliveryservice (
     regex_remap character varying(1024),
     cacheurl character varying(1024),
     remap_text character varying(2048),
-    multi_site_origin boolean,
+    multi_site_origin smallint,
     display_name character varying(48) NOT NULL,
     tr_response_headers character varying(1024),
     initial_dispersion bigint DEFAULT '1'::bigint,
     dns_bypass_cname character varying(255),
     tr_request_headers character varying(1024),
-    regional_geo_blocking boolean NOT NULL,
+    regional_geo_blocking smallint NOT NULL,
     geo_provider smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint,
     geo_limit_countries character varying(750),
-    logs_enabled boolean,
-    multi_site_origin_algorithm boolean,
+    logs_enabled smallint,
+    multi_site_origin_algorithm smallint,
     geolimit_redirect_url character varying(255)
@@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ CREATE TABLE parameter (
     config_file character varying(256),
     value character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
     last_updated timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(),
-    secure boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL
+    secure smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL
@@ -902,8 +902,8 @@ ALTER SEQUENCE role_id_seq OWNED BY;
 CREATE TABLE server (
     id bigint NOT NULL,
-    host_name character varying(45) NOT NULL,
-    domain_name character varying(45) NOT NULL,
+    host_name character varying(63) NOT NULL,
+    domain_name character varying(63) NOT NULL,
     tcp_port bigint,
     xmpp_id character varying(256),
     xmpp_passwd character varying(45),
@@ -919,9 +919,9 @@ CREATE TABLE server (
     cachegroup bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL,
     type bigint NOT NULL,
     status bigint NOT NULL,
-    upd_pending boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+    upd_pending smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL,
     profile bigint NOT NULL,
-    cdn_id bigint,
+    cdn_id bigint NOT NULL,
     mgmt_ip_address character varying(45),
     mgmt_ip_netmask character varying(45),
     mgmt_ip_gateway character varying(45),
@@ -933,7 +933,8 @@ CREATE TABLE server (
     router_host_name character varying(256),
     router_port_name character varying(256),
     guid character varying(45),
-    last_updated timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
+    last_updated timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(),
+    https_port bigint
@@ -1168,7 +1169,7 @@ CREATE TABLE tm_user (
     company character varying(256),
     email character varying(128),
     full_name character varying(256),
-    new_user boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
+    new_user smallint DEFAULT '1'::smallint NOT NULL,
     address_line1 character varying(256),
     address_line2 character varying(256),
     city character varying(128),
@@ -1177,7 +1178,7 @@ CREATE TABLE tm_user (
     postal_code character varying(11),
     country character varying(256),
     token character varying(50),
-    registration_sent timestamp with time zone DEFAULT '1998-12-31 17:00:00-07'::timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+    registration_sent timestamp with time zone
@@ -1214,7 +1215,7 @@ CREATE TABLE to_extension (
     version character varying(45) NOT NULL,
     info_url character varying(45) NOT NULL,
     script_file character varying(45) NOT NULL,
-    isactive boolean NOT NULL,
+    isactive smallint NOT NULL,
     additional_config_json character varying(4096),
     description character varying(4096),
     servercheck_short_name character varying(8),
@@ -1473,1258 +1474,774 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY type ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('type_id_seq'::regclas
--- Data for Name: asn; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY asn (id, asn, cachegroup, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Name: asn_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('asn_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: cachegroup; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY cachegroup (id, name, short_name, latitude, longitude, parent_cachegroup_id, secondary_parent_cachegroup_id, type, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Name: cachegroup_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('cachegroup_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: cachegroup_parameter; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY cachegroup_parameter (cachegroup, parameter, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Data for Name: cdn; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY cdn (id, name, last_updated, dnssec_enabled) FROM stdin;
--- Name: cdn_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('cdn_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: deliveryservice; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY deliveryservice (id, xml_id, active, dscp, signed, qstring_ignore, geo_limit, http_bypass_fqdn, dns_bypass_ip, dns_bypass_ip6, dns_bypass_ttl, org_server_fqdn, type, profile, cdn_id, ccr_dns_ttl, global_max_mbps, global_max_tps, long_desc, long_desc_1, long_desc_2, max_dns_answers, info_url, miss_lat, miss_long, check_path, last_updated, protocol, ssl_key_version, ipv6_routing_enabled, range_request_handling, edge_header_rewrite, origin_shield, mid_header_rewrite, regex_remap, cacheurl, remap_text, multi_site_origin, display_name, tr_response_headers, initial_dispersion, dns_bypass_cname, tr_request_headers, regional_geo_blocking, geo_provider, geo_limit_countries, logs_enabled, multi_site_origin_algorithm, geolimit_redirect_url) FROM stdin;
--- Name: deliveryservice_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('deliveryservice_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: deliveryservice_regex; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY deliveryservice_regex (deliveryservice, regex, set_number) FROM stdin;
--- Data for Name: deliveryservice_server; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY deliveryservice_server (deliveryservice, server, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Data for Name: deliveryservice_tmuser; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY deliveryservice_tmuser (deliveryservice, tm_user_id, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Data for Name: division; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY division (id, name, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Name: division_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('division_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: federation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY federation (id, cname, description, ttl, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Data for Name: federation_deliveryservice; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY federation_deliveryservice (federation, deliveryservice, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Data for Name: federation_federation_resolver; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY federation_federation_resolver (federation, federation_resolver, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Name: federation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('federation_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: federation_resolver; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY federation_resolver (id, ip_address, type, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Name: federation_resolver_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('federation_resolver_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: federation_tmuser; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY federation_tmuser (federation, tm_user, role, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Data for Name: hwinfo; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY hwinfo (id, serverid, description, val, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Name: hwinfo_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('hwinfo_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: job; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY job (id, agent, object_type, object_name, keyword, parameters, asset_url, asset_type, status, start_time, entered_time, job_user, last_updated, job_deliveryservice) FROM stdin;
--- Data for Name: job_agent; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY job_agent (id, name, description, active, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Name: job_agent_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('job_agent_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Name: job_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('job_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: job_result; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY job_result (id, job, agent, result, description, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Name: job_result_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('job_result_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: job_status; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY job_status (id, name, description, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Name: job_status_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('job_status_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: log; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY log (id, level, message, tm_user, ticketnum, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Name: log_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('log_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: parameter; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY parameter (id, name, config_file, value, last_updated, secure) FROM stdin;
--- Name: parameter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('parameter_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: phys_location; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY phys_location (id, name, short_name, address, city, state, zip, poc, phone, email, comments, region, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Name: phys_location_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('phys_location_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: profile; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY profile (id, name, description, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Name: profile_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('profile_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: profile_parameter; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY profile_parameter (profile, parameter, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Data for Name: regex; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY regex (id, pattern, type, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Name: regex_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('regex_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: region; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY region (id, name, division, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Name: region_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('region_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: role; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY role (id, name, description, priv_level) FROM stdin;
--- Name: role_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('role_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: server; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY server (id, host_name, domain_name, tcp_port, xmpp_id, xmpp_passwd, interface_name, ip_address, ip_netmask, ip_gateway, ip6_address, ip6_gateway, interface_mtu, phys_location, rack, cachegroup, type, status, upd_pending, profile, cdn_id, mgmt_ip_address, mgmt_ip_netmask, mgmt_ip_gateway, ilo_ip_address, ilo_ip_netmask, ilo_ip_gateway, ilo_username, ilo_password, router_host_name, router_port_name, guid, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Name: server_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('server_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: servercheck; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY servercheck (id, server, aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af, ag, ah, ai, aj, ak, al, am, an, ao, ap, aq, ar, bf, at, au, av, aw, ax, ay, az, ba, bb, bc, bd, be, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Name: servercheck_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('servercheck_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: staticdnsentry; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY staticdnsentry (id, host, address, type, ttl, deliveryservice, cachegroup, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Name: staticdnsentry_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('staticdnsentry_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: stats_summary; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY stats_summary (id, cdn_name, deliveryservice_name, stat_name, stat_value, summary_time, stat_date) FROM stdin;
--- Name: stats_summary_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('stats_summary_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: status; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY status (id, name, description, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Name: status_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('status_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: steering_target; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY steering_target (deliveryservice, target, weight, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Data for Name: tm_user; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY tm_user (id, username, public_ssh_key, role, uid, gid, local_passwd, confirm_local_passwd, last_updated, company, email, full_name, new_user, address_line1, address_line2, city, state_or_province, phone_number, postal_code, country, token, registration_sent) FROM stdin;
--- Name: tm_user_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('tm_user_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: to_extension; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY to_extension (id, name, version, info_url, script_file, isactive, additional_config_json, description, servercheck_short_name, servercheck_column_name, type, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Name: to_extension_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('to_extension_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY type (id, name, description, use_in_table, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Name: type_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('type_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Name: idx_471905_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28644_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471905_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, cachegroup);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28644_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_471915_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28652_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY cachegroup
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471915_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28652_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
--- Name: idx_471921_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28657_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY cachegroup_parameter
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471921_primary PRIMARY KEY (cachegroup, parameter);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28657_primary PRIMARY KEY (cachegroup, parameter);
--- Name: idx_471929_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28664_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471929_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28664_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_471938_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28672_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471938_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28672_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
--- Name: idx_471954_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28687_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice_regex
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471954_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, regex);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28687_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, regex);
--- Name: idx_471958_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28691_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice_server
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471958_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, server);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28691_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, server);
--- Name: idx_471963_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28695_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice_tmuser
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471963_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, tm_user_id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28695_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, tm_user_id);
--- Name: idx_471970_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28701_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471970_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28701_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_471978_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28708_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471978_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28708_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_471987_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28716_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_deliveryservice
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471987_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, deliveryservice);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28716_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, deliveryservice);
--- Name: idx_471992_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28720_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_federation_resolver
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471992_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, federation_resolver);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28720_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, federation_resolver);
--- Name: idx_471999_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28726_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_resolver
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471999_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28726_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_472005_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28731_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_tmuser
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472005_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, tm_user);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28731_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, tm_user);
--- Name: idx_472012_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28747_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472012_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28747_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_472023_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28757_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472023_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28757_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_472034_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28767_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472034_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28767_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_472046_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28778_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY job_result
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472046_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28778_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_472057_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28788_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY job_status
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472057_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28788_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_472065_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28795_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472065_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, tm_user);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28795_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, tm_user);
--- Name: idx_472076_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28805_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472076_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28805_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_472088_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28816_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY phys_location
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472088_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28816_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_472099_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28826_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472099_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28826_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_472105_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28831_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY profile_parameter
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472105_primary PRIMARY KEY (profile, parameter);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28831_primary PRIMARY KEY (profile, parameter);
--- Name: idx_472112_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28837_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472112_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28837_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
--- Name: idx_472121_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28845_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472121_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28845_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_472129_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28852_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472129_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28852_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_472135_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28858_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472135_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, cachegroup, type, status, profile);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28858_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, cachegroup, type, status, profile);
--- Name: idx_472149_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28871_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY servercheck
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472149_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, server);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28871_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, server);
--- Name: idx_472157_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28878_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY staticdnsentry
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472157_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28878_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_472166_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28886_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY stats_summary
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472166_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28886_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_472177_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28897_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472177_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28897_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_472183_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28902_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY steering_target
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472183_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, target);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28902_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, target);
--- Name: idx_472190_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28908_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472190_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28908_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_472203_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28919_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY to_extension
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472203_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28919_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_472213_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28929_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472213_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_471905_cr_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_471905_cr_id_unique ON asn USING btree (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_28929_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_471905_fk_cran_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28644_cr_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_471905_fk_cran_cachegroup1 ON asn USING btree (cachegroup);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28644_cr_id_unique ON asn USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_471915_cg_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28644_fk_cran_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_471915_cg_name_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (name);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28644_fk_cran_cachegroup1 ON asn USING btree (cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_471915_cg_short_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28652_cg_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_471915_cg_short_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (short_name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28652_cg_name_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_471915_fk_cg_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28652_cg_short_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_471915_fk_cg_1 ON cachegroup USING btree (parent_cachegroup_id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28652_cg_short_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (short_name);
--- Name: idx_471915_fk_cg_secondary; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28652_fk_cg_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_471915_fk_cg_secondary ON cachegroup USING btree (secondary_parent_cachegroup_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28652_fk_cg_1 ON cachegroup USING btree (parent_cachegroup_id);
--- Name: idx_471915_fk_cg_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28652_fk_cg_secondary; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_471915_fk_cg_type1 ON cachegroup USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28652_fk_cg_secondary ON cachegroup USING btree (secondary_parent_cachegroup_id);
--- Name: idx_471915_lo_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28652_fk_cg_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_471915_lo_id_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28652_fk_cg_type1 ON cachegroup USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_471921_fk_parameter; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28652_lo_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_471921_fk_parameter ON cachegroup_parameter USING btree (parameter);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28652_lo_id_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_471929_cdn_cdn_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28657_fk_parameter; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_471929_cdn_cdn_unique ON cdn USING btree (name);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28657_fk_parameter ON cachegroup_parameter USING btree (parameter);
--- Name: idx_471938_ds_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28664_cdn_cdn_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_471938_ds_id_unique ON deliveryservice USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28664_cdn_cdn_unique ON cdn USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_471938_ds_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28672_ds_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_471938_ds_name_unique ON deliveryservice USING btree (xml_id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28672_ds_id_unique ON deliveryservice USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_471938_fk_cdn1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28672_ds_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_471938_fk_cdn1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (cdn_id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28672_ds_name_unique ON deliveryservice USING btree (xml_id);
--- Name: idx_471938_fk_deliveryservice_profile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28672_fk_cdn1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_471938_fk_deliveryservice_profile1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (profile);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28672_fk_cdn1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (cdn_id);
--- Name: idx_471938_fk_deliveryservice_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28672_fk_deliveryservice_profile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_471938_fk_deliveryservice_type1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28672_fk_deliveryservice_profile1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (profile);
--- Name: idx_471954_fk_ds_to_regex_regex1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28672_fk_deliveryservice_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_471954_fk_ds_to_regex_regex1 ON deliveryservice_regex USING btree (regex);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28672_fk_deliveryservice_type1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_471958_fk_ds_to_cs_contentserver1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28687_fk_ds_to_regex_regex1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_471958_fk_ds_to_cs_contentserver1 ON deliveryservice_server USING btree (server);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28687_fk_ds_to_regex_regex1 ON deliveryservice_regex USING btree (regex);
--- Name: idx_471963_fk_tm_userid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28691_fk_ds_to_cs_contentserver1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_471963_fk_tm_userid ON deliveryservice_tmuser USING btree (tm_user_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28691_fk_ds_to_cs_contentserver1 ON deliveryservice_server USING btree (server);
--- Name: idx_471970_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28695_fk_tm_userid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_471970_name_unique ON division USING btree (name);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28695_fk_tm_userid ON deliveryservice_tmuser USING btree (tm_user_id);
--- Name: idx_471987_fk_fed_to_ds1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28701_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_471987_fk_fed_to_ds1 ON federation_deliveryservice USING btree (deliveryservice);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28701_name_unique ON division USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_471992_fk_federation_federation_resolver; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28716_fk_fed_to_ds1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_471992_fk_federation_federation_resolver ON federation_federation_resolver USING btree (federation);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28716_fk_fed_to_ds1 ON federation_deliveryservice USING btree (deliveryservice);
--- Name: idx_471992_fk_federation_resolver_to_fed1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28720_fk_federation_federation_resolver; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_471992_fk_federation_resolver_to_fed1 ON federation_federation_resolver USING btree (federation_resolver);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28720_fk_federation_federation_resolver ON federation_federation_resolver USING btree (federation);
--- Name: idx_471999_federation_resolver_ip_address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28720_fk_federation_resolver_to_fed1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_471999_federation_resolver_ip_address ON federation_resolver USING btree (ip_address);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28720_fk_federation_resolver_to_fed1 ON federation_federation_resolver USING btree (federation_resolver);
--- Name: idx_471999_fk_federation_mapping_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28726_federation_resolver_ip_address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_471999_fk_federation_mapping_type ON federation_resolver USING btree (type);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28726_federation_resolver_ip_address ON federation_resolver USING btree (ip_address);
--- Name: idx_472005_fk_federation_federation_resolver; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28726_fk_federation_mapping_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472005_fk_federation_federation_resolver ON federation_tmuser USING btree (federation);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28726_fk_federation_mapping_type ON federation_resolver USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_472005_fk_federation_tmuser_role; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28731_fk_federation_federation_resolver; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472005_fk_federation_tmuser_role ON federation_tmuser USING btree (role);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28731_fk_federation_federation_resolver ON federation_tmuser USING btree (federation);
--- Name: idx_472005_fk_federation_tmuser_tmuser; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28731_fk_federation_tmuser_role; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472005_fk_federation_tmuser_tmuser ON federation_tmuser USING btree (tm_user);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28731_fk_federation_tmuser_role ON federation_tmuser USING btree (role);
--- Name: idx_472012_fk_hwinfo1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28731_fk_federation_tmuser_tmuser; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472012_fk_hwinfo1 ON hwinfo USING btree (serverid);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28731_fk_federation_tmuser_tmuser ON federation_tmuser USING btree (tm_user);
--- Name: idx_472012_serverid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28747_fk_hwinfo1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472012_serverid ON hwinfo USING btree (serverid, description);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28747_fk_hwinfo1 ON hwinfo USING btree (serverid);
--- Name: idx_472023_fk_job_agent_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28747_serverid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472023_fk_job_agent_id1 ON job USING btree (agent);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28747_serverid ON hwinfo USING btree (serverid, description);
--- Name: idx_472023_fk_job_deliveryservice1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28757_fk_job_agent_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472023_fk_job_deliveryservice1 ON job USING btree (job_deliveryservice);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28757_fk_job_agent_id1 ON job USING btree (agent);
--- Name: idx_472023_fk_job_status_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28757_fk_job_deliveryservice1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472023_fk_job_status_id1 ON job USING btree (status);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28757_fk_job_deliveryservice1 ON job USING btree (job_deliveryservice);
--- Name: idx_472023_fk_job_user_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28757_fk_job_status_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472023_fk_job_user_id1 ON job USING btree (job_user);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28757_fk_job_status_id1 ON job USING btree (status);
--- Name: idx_472046_fk_agent_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28757_fk_job_user_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472046_fk_agent_id1 ON job_result USING btree (agent);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28757_fk_job_user_id1 ON job USING btree (job_user);
--- Name: idx_472046_fk_job_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28778_fk_agent_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472046_fk_job_id1 ON job_result USING btree (job);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28778_fk_agent_id1 ON job_result USING btree (agent);
--- Name: idx_472065_fk_log_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28778_fk_job_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472065_fk_log_1 ON log USING btree (tm_user);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28778_fk_job_id1 ON job_result USING btree (job);
--- Name: idx_472076_parameter_name_value_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28795_fk_log_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472076_parameter_name_value_idx ON parameter USING btree (name, value);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28795_fk_log_1 ON log USING btree (tm_user);
--- Name: idx_472088_fk_phys_location_region_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28805_parameter_name_value_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472088_fk_phys_location_region_idx ON phys_location USING btree (region);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28805_parameter_name_value_idx ON parameter USING btree (name, value);
--- Name: idx_472088_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28816_fk_phys_location_region_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472088_name_unique ON phys_location USING btree (name);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28816_fk_phys_location_region_idx ON phys_location USING btree (region);
--- Name: idx_472088_short_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28816_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472088_short_name_unique ON phys_location USING btree (short_name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28816_name_unique ON phys_location USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_472099_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28816_short_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472099_name_unique ON profile USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28816_short_name_unique ON phys_location USING btree (short_name);
--- Name: idx_472105_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsparameters1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28826_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472105_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsparameters1 ON profile_parameter USING btree (parameter);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28826_name_unique ON profile USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_472105_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsprofile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28831_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsparameters1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472105_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsprofile1 ON profile_parameter USING btree (profile);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28831_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsparameters1 ON profile_parameter USING btree (parameter);
--- Name: idx_472112_fk_regex_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28831_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsprofile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472112_fk_regex_type1 ON regex USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28831_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsprofile1 ON profile_parameter USING btree (profile);
--- Name: idx_472112_re_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28837_fk_regex_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472112_re_id_unique ON regex USING btree (id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28837_fk_regex_type1 ON regex USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_472121_fk_region_division1_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28837_re_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472121_fk_region_division1_idx ON region USING btree (division);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28837_re_id_unique ON regex USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_472121_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28845_fk_region_division1_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472121_name_unique ON region USING btree (name);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28845_fk_region_division1_idx ON region USING btree (division);
--- Name: idx_472135_cs_ip_address_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28845_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472135_cs_ip_address_unique ON server USING btree (ip_address);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28845_name_unique ON region USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_472135_fk_cdn2; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28858_fk_cdn2; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472135_fk_cdn2 ON server USING btree (cdn_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28858_fk_cdn2 ON server USING btree (cdn_id);
--- Name: idx_472135_fk_contentserver_atsprofile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28858_fk_contentserver_atsprofile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472135_fk_contentserver_atsprofile1 ON server USING btree (profile);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28858_fk_contentserver_atsprofile1 ON server USING btree (profile);
--- Name: idx_472135_fk_contentserver_contentserverstatus1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28858_fk_contentserver_contentserverstatus1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472135_fk_contentserver_contentserverstatus1 ON server USING btree (status);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28858_fk_contentserver_contentserverstatus1 ON server USING btree (status);
--- Name: idx_472135_fk_contentserver_contentservertype1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28858_fk_contentserver_contentservertype1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472135_fk_contentserver_contentservertype1 ON server USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28858_fk_contentserver_contentservertype1 ON server USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_472135_fk_contentserver_phys_location1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28858_fk_contentserver_phys_location1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472135_fk_contentserver_phys_location1 ON server USING btree (phys_location);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28858_fk_contentserver_phys_location1 ON server USING btree (phys_location);
--- Name: idx_472135_fk_server_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28858_fk_server_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472135_fk_server_cachegroup1 ON server USING btree (cachegroup);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28858_fk_server_cachegroup1 ON server USING btree (cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_472135_host_name; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28858_ip6_profile; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472135_host_name ON server USING btree (host_name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28858_ip6_profile ON server USING btree (ip6_address, profile);
--- Name: idx_472135_ip6_address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28858_ip_profile; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472135_ip6_address ON server USING btree (ip6_address);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28858_ip_profile ON server USING btree (ip_address, profile);
--- Name: idx_472135_se_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28858_se_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472135_se_id_unique ON server USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28858_se_id_unique ON server USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_472149_fk_serverstatus_server1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28871_fk_serverstatus_server1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472149_fk_serverstatus_server1 ON servercheck USING btree (server);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28871_fk_serverstatus_server1 ON servercheck USING btree (server);
--- Name: idx_472149_server; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28871_server; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472149_server ON servercheck USING btree (server);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28871_server ON servercheck USING btree (server);
--- Name: idx_472149_ses_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28871_ses_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472149_ses_id_unique ON servercheck USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28871_ses_id_unique ON servercheck USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_472157_combi_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28878_combi_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472157_combi_unique ON staticdnsentry USING btree (host, address, deliveryservice, cachegroup);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28878_combi_unique ON staticdnsentry USING btree (host, address, deliveryservice, cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_472157_fk_staticdnsentry_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28878_fk_staticdnsentry_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472157_fk_staticdnsentry_cachegroup1 ON staticdnsentry USING btree (cachegroup);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28878_fk_staticdnsentry_cachegroup1 ON staticdnsentry USING btree (cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_472157_fk_staticdnsentry_ds; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28878_fk_staticdnsentry_ds; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472157_fk_staticdnsentry_ds ON staticdnsentry USING btree (deliveryservice);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28878_fk_staticdnsentry_ds ON staticdnsentry USING btree (deliveryservice);
--- Name: idx_472157_fk_staticdnsentry_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28878_fk_staticdnsentry_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472157_fk_staticdnsentry_type ON staticdnsentry USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28878_fk_staticdnsentry_type ON staticdnsentry USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_472190_fk_user_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28908_fk_user_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472190_fk_user_1 ON tm_user USING btree (role);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28908_fk_user_1 ON tm_user USING btree (role);
--- Name: idx_472190_tmuser_email_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28908_tmuser_email_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472190_tmuser_email_unique ON tm_user USING btree (email);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28908_tmuser_email_unique ON tm_user USING btree (email);
--- Name: idx_472190_username_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28908_username_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472190_username_unique ON tm_user USING btree (username);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28908_username_unique ON tm_user USING btree (username);
--- Name: idx_472203_fk_ext_type_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28919_fk_ext_type_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_472203_fk_ext_type_idx ON to_extension USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_28919_fk_ext_type_idx ON to_extension USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_472203_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28919_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472203_id_unique ON to_extension USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28919_id_unique ON to_extension USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_472213_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_28929_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472213_name_unique ON type USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_28929_name_unique ON type USING btree (name);
@@ -2980,7 +2497,7 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY profile_parameter
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice
@@ -2988,7 +2505,7 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice
@@ -3364,3 +2881,4 @@ GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO PUBLIC;
 -- PostgreSQL database dump complete

[32/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: initial docker-compose

Posted by
initial docker-compose


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 189fb1e2447b36833fc0df865f57e7f06f7b425f
Parents: 4d8b383
Author: Dan Kirkwood <>
Authored: Thu Sep 29 11:39:19 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:06:35 2016 -0700

 build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 build/docker-compose.yml     | 18 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 46 insertions(+)
diff --git a/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops b/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0072a1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+FROM centos:7
+MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
+RUN	yum -y install \
+		epel-release \
+		git \
+		rpm-build
+ENV BRANCH=master
+RUN set -x && git clone $GITREPO traffic_control
+WORKDIR /traffic_control
+RUN git fetch && git checkout $BRANCH && git pull origin $BRANCH
+# Above are common for all sub-projects.
+RUN	yum -y install \
+		golang && \
+	yum -y clean all
+RUN	mkdir -p /dist
+VOLUME	/dist
+WORKDIR /traffic_control/traffic_ops
+CMD ./build/
diff --git a/build/docker-compose.yml b/build/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f2d709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Build configuration for traffic_control
+version: '2'
+  traffic_control:
+  traffic_ops:
+    build:
+      dockerfile: Dockerfile-traffic_ops
+      context: .
+    environment:
+      - BRANCH
+    volumes:
+      - traffic_control:/traffic_control

[09/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: fixing integration.

Posted by
fixing integration.


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: e9139ad596c9583790d7f608597819be0d0ac5a1
Parents: 2ef8b27
Author: Jackie Heitzer <>
Authored: Mon Aug 1 09:52:35 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 13:02:23 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ |    87 +-
 .../app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/  |   175 +-
 traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ |    27 +-
 .../lib/Fixtures/Integration/ |   390 +-
 .../Integration/         |    79 +-
 .../Integration/        |  2023 +-
 .../app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/    |    25 +-
 .../lib/Fixtures/Integration/  |   286 +-
 .../app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/   |  4909 ++-
 .../lib/Fixtures/Integration/    |   276 +-
 .../app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/     |   232 +-
 .../Fixtures/Integration/    | 35696 +++++++++++++++--
 .../app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/       |    90 +-
 .../app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/      |    38 +-
 .../app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/        |    70 +-
 .../app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/      |  3164 +-
 .../app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ |   191 +-
 .../app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/      |    70 +-
 .../app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/      |   169 +-
 .../app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ |    65 +-
 .../app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/        |   352 +-
 .../app/lib/Test/       |    39 +-
 22 files changed, 43166 insertions(+), 5287 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index 9692440..b001ad9 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -26,27 +26,92 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-'0' => { new => 'Asn', => using => { asn => '9939', cachegroup => '91', id => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', }, }, 
-'1' => { new => 'Asn', => using => { asn => '9839', cachegroup => '91', id => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', }, }, 
-'2' => { new => 'Asn', => using => { asn => '9933', cachegroup => '92', id => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', }, }, 
-'3' => { new => 'Asn', => using => { asn => '9930', cachegroup => '93', id => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', }, }, 
-'4' => { new => 'Asn', => using => { asn => '9931', cachegroup => '94', id => '5', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', }, }, 
-'5' => { new => 'Asn', => using => { asn => '9932', cachegroup => '95', id => '6', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', }, }, 
-'6' => { new => 'Asn', => using => { asn => '99', cachegroup => '96', id => '7', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', }, }, 
-'7' => { new => 'Asn', => using => { asn => '33', cachegroup => '96', id => '8', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', }, }, 
+	## id => 1
+	'0' => {
+		new => 'Asn',
+		using => {
+			asn => '33',
+			cachegroup => '96',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 2
+	'1' => {
+		new => 'Asn',
+		using => {
+			asn => '99',
+			cachegroup => '96',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 3
+	'2' => {
+		new => 'Asn',
+		using => {
+			asn => '9839',
+			cachegroup => '91',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 4
+	'3' => {
+		new => 'Asn',
+		using => {
+			asn => '9930',
+			cachegroup => '93',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 5
+	'4' => {
+		new => 'Asn',
+		using => {
+			asn => '9931',
+			cachegroup => '94',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 6
+	'5' => {
+		new => 'Asn',
+		using => {
+			asn => '9932',
+			cachegroup => '95',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 7
+	'6' => {
+		new => 'Asn',
+		using => {
+			asn => '9933',
+			cachegroup => '92',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 8
+	'7' => {
+		new => 'Asn',
+		using => {
+			asn => '9939',
+			cachegroup => '91',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
+		},
+	},
 sub name {
 		return "Asn";
-sub get_definition { 
+sub get_definition {
 		my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
 		return $definition_for{$name};
 sub all_fixture_names {
-		return keys %definition_for;
+	# sort by db asn to guarantee insertion order
+	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{asn} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{asn} } keys %definition_for);
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index 021dad5..0b3944c 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -26,31 +26,176 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-'0' => { new => 'Cachegroup', => using => { name => 'mid-east', parent_cachegroup_id => '101', short_name => 'east', type => '7', id => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', latitude => '0', longitude => '0', }, }, 
-'1' => { new => 'Cachegroup', => using => { type => '7', id => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', latitude => '0', longitude => '0', name => 'mid-west', parent_cachegroup_id => '102', short_name => 'west', }, }, 
-'2' => { new => 'Cachegroup', => using => { short_name => 'clw', type => '4', id => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', latitude => '0', longitude => '0', name => 'dc-cloudwest', parent_cachegroup_id => undef, }, }, 
-'3' => { new => 'Cachegroup', => using => { longitude => '0', name => 'dc-cloudeast', parent_cachegroup_id => undef, short_name => 'cle', type => '4', id => '5', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', latitude => '0', }, }, 
-'4' => { new => 'Cachegroup', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', latitude => '40.71435', longitude => '-74.00597', name => 'us-ny-newyork', parent_cachegroup_id => '1', short_name => 'nyc', type => '6', id => '91', }, }, 
-'5' => { new => 'Cachegroup', => using => { parent_cachegroup_id => '2', short_name => 'lax', type => '6', id => '92', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', latitude => '34.05', longitude => '-118.25', name => 'us-ca-losangeles', }, }, 
-'6' => { new => 'Cachegroup', => using => { parent_cachegroup_id => '2', short_name => 'chi', type => '6', id => '93', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', latitude => '41.881944', longitude => '-87.627778', name => 'us-il-chicago', }, }, 
-'7' => { new => 'Cachegroup', => using => { parent_cachegroup_id => '1', short_name => 'hou', type => '6', id => '94', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', latitude => '29.762778', longitude => '-95.383056', name => 'us-tx-houston', }, }, 
-'8' => { new => 'Cachegroup', => using => { name => 'us-pa-philadelphia', parent_cachegroup_id => '1', short_name => 'phl', type => '6', id => '95', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', latitude => '39.664722', longitude => '-75.565278', }, }, 
-'9' => { new => 'Cachegroup', => using => { type => '6', id => '96', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', latitude => '39.739167', longitude => '-104.984722', name => 'us-co-denver', parent_cachegroup_id => '2', short_name => 'den', }, }, 
-'10' => { new => 'Cachegroup', => using => { short_name => 'org-east', type => '36', id => '101', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', latitude => '0', longitude => '0', name => 'origin-east', parent_cachegroup_id => undef, }, }, 
-'11' => { new => 'Cachegroup', => using => { name => 'origin-west', parent_cachegroup_id => undef, short_name => 'org-west', type => '36', id => '102', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', latitude => '0', longitude => '0', }, }, 
+	## id => 1
+	'0' => {
+		new => 'Cachegroup',
+		using => {
+			name => 'dc-cloudeast',
+			longitude => '0',
+			parent_cachegroup_id => undef,
+			short_name => '0-cle',
+			type => '4',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
+			latitude => '0',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 2
+	'1' => {
+		new => 'Cachegroup',
+		using => {
+			name => 'dc-cloudwest',
+			short_name => '1-clw',
+			type => '4',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
+			latitude => '0',
+			longitude => '0',
+			parent_cachegroup_id => undef,
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 3
+	'2' => {
+		new => 'Cachegroup',
+		using => {
+			name => 'origin-east',
+			short_name => '2-org-east',
+			type => '25',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
+			latitude => '0',
+			longitude => '0',
+			parent_cachegroup_id => undef,
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 4
+	'3' => {
+		new => 'Cachegroup',
+		using => {
+			name => '3-mid-east',
+			parent_cachegroup_id => '5',
+			short_name => 'east',
+			type => '23',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
+			latitude => '0',
+			longitude => '0',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 5
+	'4' => {
+		new => 'Cachegroup',
+		using => {
+			name => 'origin-west',
+			parent_cachegroup_id => undef,
+			short_name => '4-org-west',
+			type => '25',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
+			latitude => '0',
+			longitude => '0',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 6
+	'5' => {
+		new => 'Cachegroup',
+		using => {
+			name => '5-mid-west',
+			type => '23',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
+			latitude => '0',
+			longitude => '0',
+			parent_cachegroup_id => '6',
+			short_name => 'west',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 7
+	'6' => {
+		new => 'Cachegroup',
+		using => {
+			name => 'us-ca-losangeles',
+			parent_cachegroup_id => '4',
+			short_name => '6-lax',
+			type => '14',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
+			latitude => '34.05',
+			longitude => '-118.25',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 8
+	'7' => {
+		new => 'Cachegroup',
+		using => {
+			name => 'us-co-denver',
+			type => '14',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
+			latitude => '39.739167',
+			longitude => '-104.984722',
+			parent_cachegroup_id => '4',
+			short_name => '7-den',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 9
+	'8' => {
+		new => 'Cachegroup',
+		using => {
+			name => 'us-il-chicago',
+			parent_cachegroup_id => '4',
+			short_name => '8-chi',
+			type => '14',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
+			latitude => '41.881944',
+			longitude => '-87.627778',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 10
+	'9' => {
+		new => 'Cachegroup',
+		using => {
+			name => 'us-ny-newyork',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
+			latitude => '40.71435',
+			longitude => '-74.00597',
+			parent_cachegroup_id => '3',
+			short_name => '9-nyc',
+			type => '14',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 11
+	'10' => {
+		new => 'Cachegroup',
+		using => {
+			name => 'us-pa-philadelphia',
+			parent_cachegroup_id => '3',
+			short_name => '10-phl',
+			type => '14',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
+			latitude => '39.664722',
+			longitude => '-75.565278',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 12
+	'11' => {
+		new => 'Cachegroup',
+		using => {
+			name => 'us-tx-houston',
+			parent_cachegroup_id => '3',
+			short_name => '11-hou',
+			type => '14',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
+			latitude => '29.762778',
+			longitude => '-95.383056',
+		},
+	},
 sub name {
 		return "Cachegroup";
-sub get_definition { 
+sub get_definition {
 		my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
 		return $definition_for{$name};
 sub all_fixture_names {
-		return keys %definition_for;
+	# sort by db short_name to guarantee insertion order
+	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{short_name} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{short_name} } keys %definition_for);
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index d6e7888..d3a7eef 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -26,21 +26,38 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-'0' => { new => 'Cdn', => using => { dnssec_enabled => '0', id => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'cdn_number_1', }, }, 
-'1' => { new => 'Cdn', => using => { name => 'cdn_number_2', dnssec_enabled => '0', id => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', }, }, 
+	## id => 1
+	'0' => {
+		new => 'Cdn',
+		using => {
+			name => 'cdn_number_1',
+			dnssec_enabled => '0',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 2
+	'1' => {
+		new => 'Cdn',
+		using => {
+			name => 'cdn_number_2',
+			dnssec_enabled => '0',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+		},
+	},
 sub name {
 		return "Cdn";
-sub get_definition { 
+sub get_definition {
 		my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
 		return $definition_for{$name};
 sub all_fixture_names {
-		return keys %definition_for;
+	# sort by db name to guarantee insertion order
+	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{name} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{name} } keys %definition_for);
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index 5579682..65c9615 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -26,65 +26,116 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
+	## id => 1
 	'0' => {
 		new      => 'Deliveryservice',
-		=> using => {
-			regional_geo_blocking => 0,
-			remap_text            => undef,
-			check_path            => '/crossdomain.xml',
-			ipv6_routing_enabled  => '1',
-			origin_shield         => undef,
-			dns_bypass_ip         => '',
-			dns_bypass_ip6        => undef,
-			mid_header_rewrite =>
-				'cond %{REMAP_PSEUDO_HOOK} __RETURN__ set-config proxy.config.http.parent_origin.dead_server_retry_enabled 1__RETURN__ set-config proxy.config.http.parent_origin.simple_retry_enabled 1__RETURN__ set-config proxy.config.http.parent_origin.simple_retry_response_codes "400,404,412"__RETURN__ set-config proxy.config.http.parent_origin.dead_server_retry_response_codes "502,503" __RETURN__ set-config proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_timeout 2 __RETURN__ set-config proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_max_retries 2 __RETURN__ set-config proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_max_retries_dead_server 1__RETURN__ set-config proxy.config.http.transaction_active_timeout_in 5 [L]',
-			dscp                        => '40',
-			info_url                    => '',
-			last_updated                => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
-			signed                      => '0',
+		using => {
+			xml_id                      => 'cdl-c2',
+			regional_geo_blocking       => 0,
+			check_path                  => '/crossdomain.xml',
+			info_url                    => '',
 			ccr_dns_ttl                 => '3600',
-			cdn_id                      => '1',
-			display_name                => 'movies-c1',
-			protocol                    => '0',
-			cacheurl                    => undef,
+			dns_bypass_cname            => undef,
+			global_max_mbps             => '0',
 			http_bypass_fqdn            => '',
+			last_updated                => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			long_desc                   => 'long_desc',
+			long_desc_2                 => 'long_desc_2',
 			miss_lat                    => '41.881944',
-			dns_bypass_ttl              => undef,
-			geo_limit                   => '0',
-			long_desc                   => 'test-ds1 long_desc',
-			id                          => '1',
-			initial_dispersion          => '1',
-			long_desc_1                 => 'test-ds1 long_desc_1',
-			max_dns_answers             => '0',
-			multi_site_origin           => '1',
-			multi_site_origin_algorithm => '0',
+			protocol                    => '0',
+			qstring_ignore              => '0',
+			type                        => '16',
+			dns_bypass_ip6              => undef,
+			dscp                        => '40',
+			mid_header_rewrite          => 'cond %{REMAP_PSEUDO_HOOK} __RETURN__ set-config proxy.config.http.parent_origin.dead_server_retry_enabled 1',
 			active                      => '1',
-			edge_header_rewrite         => 'cond %{REMAP_PSEUDO_HOOK} __RETURN__ set-config proxy.config.http.transaction_active_timeout_out 5 [L]',
-			global_max_mbps             => '0',
+			geo_limit                   => '0',
+			miss_long                   => '-87.627778',
+			origin_shield               => undef,
+			regex_remap                 => undef,
+			remap_text                  => undef,
+			cacheurl                    => undef,
+			display_name                => 'cdl-c2',
+			ipv6_routing_enabled        => undef,
+			long_desc_1                 => 'long_desc_1',
+			profile                     => '8',
 			ssl_key_version             => '0',
-			xml_id                      => 'movies-c1',
-			org_server_fqdn             => '',
+			global_max_tps              => '0',
+			max_dns_answers             => '0',
+			tr_response_headers         => undef,
+			cdn_id                      => '2',
+			dns_bypass_ttl              => undef,
+			initial_dispersion          => '1',
+			org_server_fqdn             => '',
 			range_request_handling      => '0',
-			regex_remap                 => undef,
+			signed                      => '1',
+			dns_bypass_ip               => '',
+			edge_header_rewrite         => 'add-header X-Powered-By: KBLTN [L]',
+			multi_site_origin           => undef,
+			multi_site_origin_algorithm => undef,
+			tr_request_headers          => undef,
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 2
+	'1' => {
+		new      => 'Deliveryservice',
+		using => {
+			xml_id                      => 'games-c1',
+			regional_geo_blocking       => 0,
+			multi_site_origin           => undef,
+			multi_site_origin_algorithm => undef,
+			protocol                    => '0',
+			dns_bypass_ttl              => undef,
+			edge_header_rewrite         => 'cond %{SEND_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK} __RETURN__ add-header X-CDN-Info "KableTown___CACHE_IPV4__" [L]',
+			geo_limit                   => '0',
+			long_desc                   => 'test-ds3 long_desc',
 			miss_long                   => '-87.627778',
 			profile                     => '5',
-			tr_response_headers         => undef,
+			qstring_ignore              => '0',
+			active                      => '1',
+			cacheurl                    => undef,
 			dns_bypass_cname            => undef,
+			dns_bypass_ip               => '',
+			initial_dispersion          => '1',
+			range_request_handling      => '0',
+			type                        => '10',
+			ipv6_routing_enabled        => undef,
+			tr_response_headers         => undef,
+			cdn_id                      => '1',
+			global_max_mbps             => '0',
 			global_max_tps              => '0',
-			long_desc_2                 => 'test-ds1 long_desc_2',
-			qstring_ignore              => '0',
+			long_desc_2                 => 'test-ds3 long_desc_2',
+			origin_shield               => undef,
+			long_desc_1                 => 'test-ds3 long_desc_1',
+			ssl_key_version             => '0',
 			tr_request_headers          => undef,
-			type                        => '8',
+			check_path                  => '/crossdomain.xml',
+			display_name                => 'games-c1',
+			http_bypass_fqdn            => '',
+			info_url                    => '',
+			org_server_fqdn             => '',
+			ccr_dns_ttl                 => '3600',
+			dns_bypass_ip6              => undef,
+			last_updated                => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			max_dns_answers             => '0',
+			miss_lat                    => '41.881944',
+			dscp                        => '40',
+			mid_header_rewrite          => undef,
+			regex_remap                 => undef,
+			remap_text                  => undef,
+			signed                      => '0',
-	'1' => {
+	## id => 3
+	'2' => {
 		new      => 'Deliveryservice',
-		=> using => {
+		using => {
+			xml_id                      => 'images-c1',
 			regional_geo_blocking       => 0,
 			ipv6_routing_enabled        => undef,
 			mid_header_rewrite          => undef,
 			signed                      => '0',
-			type                        => '9',
+			type                        => '10',
 			dns_bypass_cname            => undef,
 			multi_site_origin           => undef,
 			multi_site_origin_algorithm => undef,
@@ -100,11 +151,9 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			long_desc_1                 => 'test-ds2 long_desc_1',
 			info_url                    => '',
 			regex_remap                 => undef,
-			xml_id                      => 'images-c1',
 			active                      => '1',
 			dns_bypass_ip6              => undef,
 			dns_bypass_ttl              => undef,
-			id                          => '2',
 			protocol                    => '0',
 			range_request_handling      => '0',
 			geo_limit                   => '0',
@@ -127,74 +176,75 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			miss_lat                    => '41.881944',
-	'2' => {
+	## id => 4
+	'3' => {
 		new      => 'Deliveryservice',
-		=> using => {
-			regional_geo_blocking       => 0,
-			multi_site_origin           => undef,
-			multi_site_origin_algorithm => undef,
+		using => {
+			xml_id                			=> 'movies-c1',
+			regional_geo_blocking 			=> 0,
+			remap_text            			=> undef,
+			check_path            			=> '/crossdomain.xml',
+			ipv6_routing_enabled  			=> '1',
+			origin_shield         			=> undef,
+			dns_bypass_ip         			=> '',
+			dns_bypass_ip6        			=> undef,
+			mid_header_rewrite	 				=>
+				'cond %{REMAP_PSEUDO_HOOK} __RETURN__ set-config proxy.config.http.parent_origin.dead_server_retry_enabled 1__RETURN__ set-config proxy.config.http.parent_origin.simple_retry_enabled 1__RETURN__ set-config proxy.config.http.parent_origin.simple_retry_response_codes "400,404,412"__RETURN__ set-config proxy.config.http.parent_origin.dead_server_retry_response_codes "502,503" __RETURN__ set-config proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_timeout 2 __RETURN__ set-config proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_max_retries 2 __RETURN__ set-config proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_max_retries_dead_server 1__RETURN__ set-config proxy.config.http.transaction_active_timeout_in 5 [L]',
+			dscp                        => '40',
+			info_url                    => '',
+			last_updated                => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			signed                      => '0',
+			ccr_dns_ttl                 => '3600',
+			cdn_id                      => '1',
+			display_name                => 'movies-c1',
 			protocol                    => '0',
+			cacheurl                    => undef,
+			http_bypass_fqdn            => '',
+			miss_lat                    => '41.881944',
 			dns_bypass_ttl              => undef,
-			edge_header_rewrite         => 'cond %{SEND_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK} __RETURN__ add-header X-CDN-Info "KableTown___CACHE_IPV4__" [L]',
 			geo_limit                   => '0',
-			id                          => '3',
-			long_desc                   => 'test-ds3 long_desc',
-			miss_long                   => '-87.627778',
-			profile                     => '5',
-			qstring_ignore              => '0',
-			active                      => '1',
-			cacheurl                    => undef,
-			dns_bypass_cname            => undef,
-			dns_bypass_ip               => '',
+			long_desc                   => 'test-ds1 long_desc',
 			initial_dispersion          => '1',
+			long_desc_1                 => 'test-ds1 long_desc_1',
+			max_dns_answers             => '0',
+			multi_site_origin           => '1',
+			multi_site_origin_algorithm => '0',
+			active                      => '1',
+			edge_header_rewrite         => 'cond %{REMAP_PSEUDO_HOOK} __RETURN__ set-config proxy.config.http.transaction_active_timeout_out 5 [L]',
+			global_max_mbps             => '0',
+			ssl_key_version             => '0',
+			org_server_fqdn             => '',
 			range_request_handling      => '0',
-			type                        => '9',
-			ipv6_routing_enabled        => undef,
+			regex_remap                 => undef,
+			miss_long                   => '-87.627778',
+			profile                     => '5',
 			tr_response_headers         => undef,
-			cdn_id                      => '1',
-			global_max_mbps             => '0',
+			dns_bypass_cname            => undef,
 			global_max_tps              => '0',
-			long_desc_2                 => 'test-ds3 long_desc_2',
-			origin_shield               => undef,
-			long_desc_1                 => 'test-ds3 long_desc_1',
-			ssl_key_version             => '0',
+			long_desc_2                 => 'test-ds1 long_desc_2',
+			qstring_ignore              => '0',
 			tr_request_headers          => undef,
-			xml_id                      => 'games-c1',
-			check_path                  => '/crossdomain.xml',
-			display_name                => 'games-c1',
-			http_bypass_fqdn            => '',
-			info_url                    => '',
-			org_server_fqdn             => '',
-			ccr_dns_ttl                 => '3600',
-			dns_bypass_ip6              => undef,
-			last_updated                => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
-			max_dns_answers             => '0',
-			miss_lat                    => '41.881944',
-			dscp                        => '40',
-			mid_header_rewrite          => undef,
-			regex_remap                 => undef,
-			remap_text                  => undef,
-			signed                      => '0',
+			type                        => '16',
-	'3' => {
+	## id => 5
+	'4' => {
 		new      => 'Deliveryservice',
-		=> using => {
+		using => {
+			xml_id                      => 'tv-c1',
 			regional_geo_blocking       => 0,
 			miss_lat                    => '41.881944',
 			remap_text                  => undef,
 			signed                      => '0',
 			tr_request_headers          => undef,
-			id                          => '4',
 			long_desc_1                 => 'test-ds1 long_desc_1',
 			long_desc                   => 'test-ds1 long_desc',
 			miss_long                   => '-87.627778',
 			ssl_key_version             => '0',
-			type                        => '13',
+			type                        => '17',
 			ccr_dns_ttl                 => '3600',
 			dns_bypass_cname            => undef,
 			regex_remap                 => undef,
-			xml_id                      => 'tv-c1',
 			dns_bypass_ip6              => undef,
 			dscp                        => '40',
 			range_request_handling      => '0',
@@ -227,109 +277,11 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			dns_bypass_ttl              => undef,
-	'4' => {
-		new      => 'Deliveryservice',
-		=> using => {
-			regional_geo_blocking       => 0,
-			check_path                  => '/crossdomain.xml',
-			dns_bypass_ip               => '',
-			miss_long                   => '-87.627778',
-			origin_shield               => undef,
-			range_request_handling      => '0',
-			remap_text                  => undef,
-			cdn_id                      => '2',
-			long_desc_2                 => 'test long_desc_2',
-			tr_request_headers          => undef,
-			type                        => '24',
-			info_url                    => '',
-			max_dns_answers             => '0',
-			profile                     => '8',
-			ccr_dns_ttl                 => '3600',
-			dns_bypass_cname            => undef,
-			dscp                        => '40',
-			global_max_tps              => '0',
-			initial_dispersion          => '1',
-			multi_site_origin           => undef,
-			multi_site_origin_algorithm => undef,
-			org_server_fqdn             => '',
-			signed                      => '0',
-			xml_id                      => 'tv-nat-c2',
-			display_name                => 'tv-nat-c2',
-			dns_bypass_ip6              => undef,
-			dns_bypass_ttl              => undef,
-			long_desc                   => 'test long_desc',
-			active                      => '0',
-			cacheurl                    => undef,
-			geo_limit                   => '0',
-			mid_header_rewrite          => undef,
-			tr_response_headers         => undef,
-			edge_header_rewrite         => undef,
-			id                          => '11',
-			last_updated                => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
-			regex_remap                 => undef,
-			ssl_key_version             => '0',
-			global_max_mbps             => '0',
-			http_bypass_fqdn            => '',
-			ipv6_routing_enabled        => undef,
-			long_desc_1                 => 'test long_desc_1',
-			miss_lat                    => '41.881944',
-			protocol                    => '0',
-			qstring_ignore              => '0',
-		},
-	},
+	## id => 6
 	'5' => {
 		new      => 'Deliveryservice',
-		=> using => {
-			regional_geo_blocking       => 0,
-			check_path                  => '/crossdomain.xml',
-			info_url                    => '',
-			ccr_dns_ttl                 => '3600',
-			dns_bypass_cname            => undef,
-			global_max_mbps             => '0',
-			http_bypass_fqdn            => '',
-			last_updated                => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
-			long_desc                   => 'long_desc',
-			long_desc_2                 => 'long_desc_2',
-			miss_lat                    => '41.881944',
-			protocol                    => '0',
-			qstring_ignore              => '0',
-			type                        => '8',
-			dns_bypass_ip6              => undef,
-			dscp                        => '40',
-			id                          => '12',
-			mid_header_rewrite          => 'cond %{REMAP_PSEUDO_HOOK} __RETURN__ set-config proxy.config.http.parent_origin.dead_server_retry_enabled 1',
-			xml_id                      => 'cdl-c2',
-			active                      => '1',
-			geo_limit                   => '0',
-			miss_long                   => '-87.627778',
-			origin_shield               => undef,
-			regex_remap                 => undef,
-			remap_text                  => undef,
-			cacheurl                    => undef,
-			display_name                => 'cdl-c2',
-			ipv6_routing_enabled        => undef,
-			long_desc_1                 => 'long_desc_1',
-			profile                     => '8',
-			ssl_key_version             => '0',
-			global_max_tps              => '0',
-			max_dns_answers             => '0',
-			tr_response_headers         => undef,
-			cdn_id                      => '2',
-			dns_bypass_ttl              => undef,
-			initial_dispersion          => '1',
-			org_server_fqdn             => '',
-			range_request_handling      => '0',
-			signed                      => '1',
-			dns_bypass_ip               => '',
-			edge_header_rewrite         => 'add-header X-Powered-By: KBLTN [L]',
-			multi_site_origin           => undef,
-			multi_site_origin_algorithm => undef,
-			tr_request_headers          => undef,
-		},
-	},
-	'6' => {
-		new      => 'Deliveryservice',
-		=> using => {
+		using => {
+			xml_id                      => 'tv-local-c2',
 			regional_geo_blocking       => 0,
 			origin_shield               => undef,
 			range_request_handling      => '0',
@@ -354,7 +306,6 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			org_server_fqdn             => '',
 			multi_site_origin           => undef,
 			multi_site_origin_algorithm => undef,
-			xml_id                      => 'tv-local-c2',
 			cacheurl                    => undef,
 			dns_bypass_ip               => '',
 			dns_bypass_ip6              => undef,
@@ -366,20 +317,71 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ipv6_routing_enabled        => undef,
 			long_desc_2                 => 'test-ds3 long_desc_2',
 			tr_request_headers          => undef,
-			type                        => '13',
+			type                        => '17',
 			ccr_dns_ttl                 => '3600',
 			dns_bypass_ttl              => undef,
 			edge_header_rewrite         => undef,
 			initial_dispersion          => '1',
-			id                          => '13',
 			last_updated                => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			long_desc_1                 => 'test-ds3 long_desc_1',
 			protocol                    => '0',
+	## id => 7
+	'6' => {
+		new      => 'Deliveryservice',
+		using => {
+			xml_id                      => 'tv-nat-c2',
+			regional_geo_blocking       => 0,
+			check_path                  => '/crossdomain.xml',
+			dns_bypass_ip               => '',
+			miss_long                   => '-87.627778',
+			origin_shield               => undef,
+			range_request_handling      => '0',
+			remap_text                  => undef,
+			cdn_id                      => '2',
+			long_desc_2                 => 'test long_desc_2',
+			tr_request_headers          => undef,
+			type                        => '18',
+			info_url                    => '',
+			max_dns_answers             => '0',
+			profile                     => '8',
+			ccr_dns_ttl                 => '3600',
+			dns_bypass_cname            => undef,
+			dscp                        => '40',
+			global_max_tps              => '0',
+			initial_dispersion          => '1',
+			multi_site_origin           => undef,
+			multi_site_origin_algorithm => undef,
+			org_server_fqdn             => '',
+			signed                      => '0',
+			display_name                => 'tv-nat-c2',
+			dns_bypass_ip6              => undef,
+			dns_bypass_ttl              => undef,
+			long_desc                   => 'test long_desc',
+			active                      => '0',
+			cacheurl                    => undef,
+			geo_limit                   => '0',
+			mid_header_rewrite          => undef,
+			tr_response_headers         => undef,
+			edge_header_rewrite         => undef,
+			last_updated                => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			regex_remap                 => undef,
+			ssl_key_version             => '0',
+			global_max_mbps             => '0',
+			http_bypass_fqdn            => '',
+			ipv6_routing_enabled        => undef,
+			long_desc_1                 => 'test long_desc_1',
+			miss_lat                    => '41.881944',
+			protocol                    => '0',
+			qstring_ignore              => '0',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 8
 	'7' => {
 		new      => 'Deliveryservice',
-		=> using => {
+		using => {
+			xml_id                      => 'tv-nocache-c2',
 			regional_geo_blocking       => 0,
 			check_path                  => '/crossdomain.xml',
 			signed                      => '0',
@@ -393,11 +395,9 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			multi_site_origin_algorithm => undef,
 			origin_shield               => undef,
 			protocol                    => '0',
-			id                          => '14',
 			ipv6_routing_enabled        => undef,
 			long_desc_1                 => 'test- long_desc_1',
 			tr_response_headers         => undef,
-			xml_id                      => 'tv-nocache-c2',
 			active                      => '1',
 			cacheurl                    => undef,
 			ccr_dns_ttl                 => '3600',
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			miss_lat                    => '41.881944',
 			profile                     => '8',
 			ssl_key_version             => '0',
-			type                        => '11',
+			type                        => '19',
 			edge_header_rewrite         => undef,
 			global_max_mbps             => '0',
 			info_url                    => '',
@@ -439,8 +439,8 @@ sub get_definition {
 sub all_fixture_names {
-	return keys %definition_for;
+	# sort by db xml_id to guarantee insertion order
+	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{xml_id} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{xml_id} } keys %definition_for);
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index 11eb87d..e8d54df 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -26,27 +26,84 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-'0' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex', => using => { regex => '1', set_number => '0', deliveryservice => '1', }, }, 
-'1' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', regex => '2', set_number => '0', }, }, 
-'2' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex', => using => { set_number => '0', deliveryservice => '3', regex => '3', }, }, 
-'3' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex', => using => { deliveryservice => '4', regex => '4', set_number => '0', }, }, 
-'4' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', regex => '11', set_number => '0', }, }, 
-'5' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', regex => '12', set_number => '0', }, }, 
-'6' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', regex => '13', set_number => '0', }, }, 
-'7' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex', => using => { deliveryservice => '14', regex => '14', set_number => '0', }, }, 
+	'0' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
+		using => {
+			regex => '1',
+			set_number => '0',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+		},
+	},
+	'1' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
+		using => {
+			regex => '2',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			set_number => '0',
+		},
+	},
+	'2' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
+		using => {
+			regex => '3',
+			set_number => '0',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+		},
+	},
+	'3' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
+		using => {
+			regex => '4',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			set_number => '0',
+		},
+	},
+	'4' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
+		using => {
+			regex => '11',
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			set_number => '0',
+		},
+	},
+	'5' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
+		using => {
+			regex => '12',
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			set_number => '0',
+		},
+	},
+	'6' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
+		using => {
+			regex => '13',
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			set_number => '0',
+		},
+	},
+	'7' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
+		using => {
+			regex => '14',
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			set_number => '0',
+		},
+	},
 sub name {
 		return "DeliveryserviceRegex";
-sub get_definition { 
+sub get_definition {
 		my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
 		return $definition_for{$name};
 sub all_fixture_names {
-		return keys %definition_for;
+	# sort by db regex to guarantee insertion order
+	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{regex} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{regex} } keys %definition_for);

[44/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: Fix for #2006 to include the primary keys in the group_by

Posted by
Fix for #2006 to include the primary keys in the group_by


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 334a65d1f98a81f85f2cffb08567b611dfbebf8f
Parents: d0fe09a
Author: Dewayne Richardson <>
Authored: Wed Oct 12 11:13:07 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:22:40 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/app/lib/MojoPlugins/ | 14 ++++---
 traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.1/cdn.t           | 51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.2/cdn.t           | 33 +++++------------
 traffic_ops/app/t/health.t                |  4 ++
 4 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/MojoPlugins/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/MojoPlugins/
index ea2e1f0..cd2eda8 100755
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/MojoPlugins/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/MojoPlugins/
@@ -42,11 +42,13 @@ sub register {
 			my $rs_pp = $self->db->resultset('Server')->search(
 				{ '' => $cdn_name },
-				{   prefetch => ['cdn', 'profile', 'type'],
+				{
+					prefetch => [ 'cdn', 'profile', 'type' ],
 					select   => 'me.profile',
-					distinct => 1
+					group_by => [qw/ me.profile],
 			while ( my $row = $rs_pp->next ) {
 				if ( $row->profile->name =~ m/^RASCAL/ ) {
 					$rascal_profile = $row->profile->name;
@@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ sub register {
 				elsif ( $row->type->name =~ m/^EDGE/ || $row->type->name =~ m/^MID/ ) {
 					push( @cache_profiles, $row->profile->name );
-					$profile_to_type->{$row->profile->name}->{$row->type->name} = $row->type->name;
+					$profile_to_type->{ $row->profile->name }->{ $row->type->name } = $row->type->name;
 			my %condition = ( 'parameter.config_file' => 'rascal-config.txt', '' => $rascal_profile );
@@ -72,8 +74,8 @@ sub register {
 			%condition = ( 'parameter.config_file' => '', '' => { -in => \@cache_profiles } );
 			$rs_pp = $self->db->resultset('ProfileParameter')->search( \%condition, { prefetch => [ { 'parameter' => undef }, { 'profile' => undef } ] } );
 			while ( my $row = $rs_pp->next ) {
-				if ( exists($profile_to_type->{$row->profile->name}) ) {
-					for my $profile_type ( keys(%{$profile_to_type->{$row->profile->name}}) ) {
+				if ( exists( $profile_to_type->{ $row->profile->name } ) ) {
+					for my $profile_type ( keys( %{ $profile_to_type->{ $row->profile->name } } ) ) {
 						$data_obj->{'profiles'}->{$profile_type}->{ $row->profile->name }->{ $row->parameter->name } = $row->parameter->value;
@@ -123,7 +125,7 @@ sub register {
 			while ( my $row = $rs_data->next ) {
 				my $this_cdn_name = $row->cdn->name;
-				if (!defined($this_cdn_name)) {
+				if ( !defined($this_cdn_name) ) {
 					print "cdn name not defined\n";
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.1/cdn.t b/traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.1/cdn.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3cf9ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.1/cdn.t
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+package main;
+# Copyright 2015 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+use Mojo::Base -strict;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Mojo;
+use DBI;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::TestHelper;
+#no_transactions=>1 ==> keep fixtures after every execution, beware of duplicate data!
+#no_transactions=>0 ==> delete fixtures after every execution
+BEGIN { $ENV{MOJO_MODE} = "test" }
+my $t      = Test::Mojo->new('TrafficOps');
+my $dbh    = Schema->database_handle;
+my $schema = Schema->connect_to_database;
+#unload data for a clean test
+#load core test data
+ok $t->post_ok( '/login', => form => { u => Test::TestHelper::ADMIN_USER, p => Test::TestHelper::ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD } )->status_is(302)
+	->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } );
+$t->get_ok("/api/1.1/cdns/capacity.json")->status_is(200)->json_is( "/response/unavailablePercent", "0" )->json_is( "/response/availablePercent", "0" )
+	->json_is( "/response/utilizedPercent", "0" )->json_is( "/response/maintenancePercent", "0" )
+	->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } );
+ok $t->get_ok('/logout')->status_is(302)->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } );
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.2/cdn.t b/traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.2/cdn.t
index a357f03..1cd476b 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.2/cdn.t
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.2/cdn.t
@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ use Test::Mojo;
 use DBI;
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-no warnings 'once';
-use warnings 'all';
 use Test::TestHelper;
 #no_transactions=>1 ==> keep fixtures after every execution, beware of duplicate data!
@@ -28,24 +26,21 @@ use Test::TestHelper;
 BEGIN { $ENV{MOJO_MODE} = "test" }
-my $schema = Schema->connect_to_database;
-my $dbh    = Schema->database_handle;
 my $t      = Test::Mojo->new('TrafficOps');
+my $dbh    = Schema->database_handle;
+my $schema = Schema->connect_to_database;
+#unload data for a clean test
+#load core test data
 ok $t->post_ok( '/login', => form => { u => Test::TestHelper::ADMIN_USER, p => Test::TestHelper::ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD } )->status_is(302)
-	->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } ), 'Should login?';
+	->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } );
-ok $t->post_ok('/api/1.2/cdns' => {Accept => 'application/json'} => json => {
-        "name" => "cdn_test"
-        })
-    ->status_is(200)->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } )
-    ->json_is( "/response/name" => "cdn_test" )
-    ->json_is( "/alerts/0/level" => "success" )
-    ->json_is( "/alerts/0/text" => "cdn was created." )
-            , 'Does the cdn details return?';
+$t->get_ok("/api/1.2/cdns/capacity.json")->status_is(200)->json_is( "/response/unavailablePercent", "0" )->json_is( "/response/availablePercent", "0" )
+	->json_is( "/response/utilizedPercent", "0" )->json_is( "/response/maintenancePercent", "0" )
 my $cdn_id = &get_cdn_id('cdn_test');
@@ -65,16 +60,6 @@ ok $t->put_ok('/api/1.2/cdns/' . $cdn_id  => {Accept => 'application/json'} => j
     ->status_is(404)->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } );
 ok $t->get_ok('/logout')->status_is(302)->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } );
-sub get_cdn_id {
-    my $name = shift;
-    my $q    = "select id from cdn where name = \'$name\'";
-    my $get_svr = $dbh->prepare($q);
-    $get_svr->execute();
-    my $p = $get_svr->fetchall_arrayref( {} );
-    $get_svr->finish();
-    my $id = $p->[0]->{id};
-    return $id;
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/t/health.t b/traffic_ops/app/t/health.t
index 14eb395..bb9ac6a 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/t/health.t
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/t/health.t
@@ -113,6 +113,10 @@ while ( my @row = $select->fetchrow_array ) {
 	push( @{ $lines->{ $row[0] } }, @row );
+$t->get_ok("/health/cdn1.json")->status_is(200)->json_is( "/profiles/MID/MID1/health.threshold.loadavg", "25.0" )
+	->json_is( "/profiles/MID/MID1/history.count", "30" )->json_is( "/deliveryServices/test-ds1/status", "REPORTED" )
+	->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } );
 ok $t->get_ok('/logout')->status_is(302)->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } );

[28/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: Fix tests and fixtures for pg. Update schema for tinyint to smallint mapping

Posted by
Fix tests and fixtures for pg. Update schema for tinyint to smallint mapping


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 47589cc2e20bd02e9527b3fa356abe418b7d8281
Parents: 831ba45
Author: Jan van Doorn <>
Authored: Sat Sep 24 16:54:48 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:02:04 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/           |  7 ++-
 traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/         |  3 +-
 traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/ |  2 +-
 traffic_ops/app/t/deliveryservice.t        |  2 +-
 traffic_ops/app/t_integration/server.t     | 73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 5 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
index 3e6f779..5ff0daa 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
@@ -460,7 +460,12 @@ sub update {
-	my $server_status = $self->db->resultset('Status')->search( { id => $self->param('status') } )->get_column('name')->single();
+	my $server_status;
+	if  ( $self->param('status') =~ /\d+/ ) {
+		$server_status = $self->db->resultset('Status')->search( { id => $self->param('status') } )->get_column('name')->single();
+	} else {
+		$server_status = $self->param('status');
+	}
 	my $offline_reason = &cgi_params_to_param_hash_ref($self)->{'offline_reason'};
 	if ($server_status ne "OFFLINE" && $server_status ne "ADMIN_DOWN") {
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
index 4b5211a..02b6ff4 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ sub gen_crconfig_json {
             select => [ '', 'me.profile', 'me.type', '', '' ],
             join   => 'cdn',
             prefetch => [ 'profile', 'type' ],
-            distinct => 1
+            distinct => 1,
+            group_by => [ '', '', 'me.profile', 'me.type', '', ''],
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
index e8cc10e..7921eb1 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ sub checkNamedValues {
 			.= $errorLineDelim . "[LINE #:" . $lineNumber . "]<span style='color:blue;'>TYPE NOT VALID[" . $enteredType . "] CASE SENSITIVE.</span>";
-	if ( !exists $profileHashRef->{$enteredProfile} ) {
+	if ( !exists $profileHashRef->{$enteredProfile} && $enteredProfile !~ /\d+/) {
 			.= $errorLineDelim . "[LINE #:" . $lineNumber . "]<span style='color:blue;'>PROFILE NOT VALID[" . $enteredProfile . "] CASE SENSITIVE.</span>";
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/t/deliveryservice.t b/traffic_ops/app/t/deliveryservice.t
index 63e5994..48939ca 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/t/deliveryservice.t
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/t/deliveryservice.t
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ ok $t->post_ok(
 		'ds.dns_bypass_cname'            => '',
 		'ds.dns_bypass_ttl'              => '31',
 		'ds.dscp'                        => '41',
-		'ds.geo_limit'                   => '2',
+		'ds.geo_limit'                   => '1',
 		'ds.geo_limit_countries'         => '',
 		'ds.geo_provider'                => '1',
 		'ds.global_max_mbps'             => '4T',
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/t_integration/server.t b/traffic_ops/app/t_integration/server.t
index d67df45..9f79d38 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/t_integration/server.t
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/t_integration/server.t
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ foreach my $server ( @{ $servers->{response} } ) {
 	if ( !$type_done{ $server->{type} } ) {
-		# diag Dumper($server);
+		#diag Dumper($server);
 		diag "Testing type " . $server->{type} . " with " . $server->{hostName};
 		# these are optional, show up as undef in json and '' in html
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ foreach my $server ( @{ $servers->{response} } ) {
 			->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } );
 		$server->{router_host_name} = "UPDATED";
-		diag '/server/' . $server->{id};
+		#diag '/server/' . $server->{id};
 				. $server->{id}
@@ -141,6 +141,8 @@ foreach my $server ( @{ $servers->{response} } ) {
 				ilo_password     => $server->{iloPassword},
 				router_host_name => $server->{routerHostName},
 				router_port_name => $server->{routerPortName},
+				https_port       => $server->{httpsPort},
+				status           => $server->{status},
 		)->status_is(302)->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } );
@@ -148,5 +150,72 @@ foreach my $server ( @{ $servers->{response} } ) {
+sub build_tmpfile {
+	my ($contents) = @_;
+	unlink TEST_FILE;
+	write_file( TEST_FILE, $contents );
+# Header
+my $header =
+	"host,domain,int,ip4,subnet,gw,ip6,gw6,mtu,cdn,cachegroup,phys_loc,rack,type,prof,port,1g_ip,1g_subnet,1g_gw,ilo_ip,ilo_subnet,ilo_gw,ilo_user,ilo_pwd,r_host,r_port,https_port,offline_reason";
+# Good Test
+my $content = join( "\n",
+	$header,
+	"good-host,,bond0,,,,2033:D0D0:3300::2:1A/64,2033:D0D0:3300::2:1,9000,cdn_number_1,us-il-chicago,plocation-chi-1,rack33,EDGE,1,80,,,,,,,user,passwd,router_33,port_66,443,N/A\n"
+my $asset = Mojo::Asset::File->new( path => TEST_FILE );
+	'/uploadhandlercsv' => form => { 'file-0' => { name => 'file-0', asset => $asset, filename => basename(TEST_FILE), content => $asset->slurp } } )
+	->status_is(200)->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } );
+# Bad 'Type' look for -BAD
+$content = join( "\n",
+	$header,
+	"atsec-chi-09,,bond0,,,,2033:D0D0:3300::2:1A/64,2033:D0D0:3300::2:1,9000,cdn_number_1,us-il-chicago,plocation-chi-1,rack33,EDGE-BAD,1,80,,,,,,,user,passwd,router_33,port_66\n"
+	'/uploadhandlercsv' => form => { 'file-0' => { name => 'file-0', asset => $asset, filename => basename(TEST_FILE), content => $asset->slurp } } )
+	->json_has("[EXCEPTION_ERROR]")->status_is(200)->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } );
+# Bad 'Profile' look for -BAD
+$content = join( "\n",
+	$header,
+	"atsec-chi-09,,bond0,,,,2033:D0D0:3300::2:1A/64,2033:D0D0:3300::2:1,9000,cdn_number_2,us-il-chicago,plocation-chi-1,rack33,EDGE,1-BAD,80,,,,,,,user,passwd,router_33,port_66\n"
+	'/uploadhandlercsv' => form => { 'file-0' => { name => 'file-0', asset => $asset, filename => basename(TEST_FILE), content => $asset->slurp } } )
+	->json_has("[EXCEPTION_ERROR]")->status_is(200)->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } );
+# Bad 'Cache Group' look for -BAD
+$content = join( "\n",
+	$header,
+	"atsec-chi-09,,bond0,,,,2033:D0D0:3300::2:1A/64,2033:D0D0:3300::2:1,9000,cdn_number_2,us-il-chicago-BAD,plocation-chi-1,rack33,EDGE,1,80,,,,,,,user,passwd,router_33,port_66\n"
+# Bad 'Physical Location' look for -BAD
+$content = join( "\n",
+	$header,
+	"atsec-chi-09,,bond0,,,,2033:D0D0:3300::2:1A/64,2033:D0D0:3300::2:1,9000,cdn_number_1,us-il-chicago,plocation-chi-1-BAD,rack33,EDGE,1,80,,,,,,,user,passwd,router_33,port_66\n"
+	'/uploadhandlercsv' => form => { 'file-0' => { name => 'file-0', asset => $asset, filename => basename(TEST_FILE), content => $asset->slurp } } )
+	->json_has("[EXCEPTION_ERROR]")->status_is(200)->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } );
 ok $t->get_ok('/logout')->status_is(302)->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } );

[08/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: fixing integration.

Posted by
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index 5c48e57..2a0be13 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -26,238 +26,1807 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-'0' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '1', }, }, 
-'1' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '2', deliveryservice => '1', }, }, 
-'2' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '3', deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', }, }, 
-'3' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '4', }, }, 
-'4' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '10', }, }, 
-'5' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '11', }, }, 
-'6' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '12', }, }, 
-'7' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '13', }, }, 
-'8' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '19', }, }, 
-'9' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '20', }, }, 
-'10' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '21', }, }, 
-'11' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '22', }, }, 
-'12' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '28', }, }, 
-'13' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '29', deliveryservice => '1', }, }, 
-'14' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '30', }, }, 
-'15' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '31', }, }, 
-'16' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '37', }, }, 
-'17' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '38', deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', }, }, 
-'18' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '39', }, }, 
-'19' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '40', }, }, 
-'20' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '46', }, }, 
-'21' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '47', }, }, 
-'22' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '48', }, }, 
-'23' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '49', }, }, 
-'24' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '56', }, }, 
-'25' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '58', }, }, 
-'26' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '60', }, }, 
-'27' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '62', }, }, 
-'28' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '65', }, }, 
-'29' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '67', }, }, 
-'30' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '69', }, }, 
-'31' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '71', }, }, 
-'32' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '1', }, }, 
-'33' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '2', }, }, 
-'34' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '3', }, }, 
-'35' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '4', }, }, 
-'36' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '10', deliveryservice => '2', }, }, 
-'37' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '11', }, }, 
-'38' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '12', }, }, 
-'39' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '13', }, }, 
-'40' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '19', }, }, 
-'41' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '20', }, }, 
-'42' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '21', }, }, 
-'43' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '22', deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', }, }, 
-'44' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '28', }, }, 
-'45' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '29', deliveryservice => '2', }, }, 
-'46' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '30', }, }, 
-'47' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '31', }, }, 
-'48' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '37', }, }, 
-'49' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '38', }, }, 
-'50' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '39', deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', }, }, 
-'51' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '40', }, }, 
-'52' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '46', }, }, 
-'53' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '47', }, }, 
-'54' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '48', }, }, 
-'55' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '49', }, }, 
-'56' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '1', }, }, 
-'57' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '2', }, }, 
-'58' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '3', }, }, 
-'59' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '4', }, }, 
-'60' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '10', }, }, 
-'61' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '11', }, }, 
-'62' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '12', }, }, 
-'63' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '13', }, }, 
-'64' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '19', deliveryservice => '3', }, }, 
-'65' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '20', deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', }, }, 
-'66' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '21', }, }, 
-'67' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '22', }, }, 
-'68' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '28', }, }, 
-'69' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '29', }, }, 
-'70' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '30', }, }, 
-'71' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '31', }, }, 
-'72' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '37', }, }, 
-'73' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '38', deliveryservice => '3', }, }, 
-'74' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '39', deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', }, }, 
-'75' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '40', }, }, 
-'76' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '46', }, }, 
-'77' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '47', deliveryservice => '3', }, }, 
-'78' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '48', }, }, 
-'79' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '49', deliveryservice => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', }, }, 
-'80' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '1', }, }, 
-'81' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '2', }, }, 
-'82' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '3', }, }, 
-'83' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '4', }, }, 
-'84' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '10', }, }, 
-'85' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '11', }, }, 
-'86' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '12', }, }, 
-'87' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '13', }, }, 
-'88' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '19', deliveryservice => '4', }, }, 
-'89' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '20', }, }, 
-'90' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '21', deliveryservice => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', }, }, 
-'91' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '22', }, }, 
-'92' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '28', }, }, 
-'93' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '29', }, }, 
-'94' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '30', deliveryservice => '4', }, }, 
-'95' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '31', }, }, 
-'96' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '37', deliveryservice => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', }, }, 
-'97' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '38', }, }, 
-'98' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '39', deliveryservice => '4', }, }, 
-'99' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '40', deliveryservice => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', }, }, 
-'100' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '46', }, }, 
-'101' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '47', }, }, 
-'102' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '48', deliveryservice => '4', }, }, 
-'103' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '49', }, }, 
-'104' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '5', deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', }, }, 
-'105' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '6', }, }, 
-'106' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '7', }, }, 
-'107' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '8', }, }, 
-'108' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '9', }, }, 
-'109' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '14', }, }, 
-'110' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '15', deliveryservice => '11', }, }, 
-'111' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '16', }, }, 
-'112' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '17', }, }, 
-'113' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '18', }, }, 
-'114' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '23', }, }, 
-'115' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '24', deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', }, }, 
-'116' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '25', }, }, 
-'117' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '26', }, }, 
-'118' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '27', }, }, 
-'119' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '32', }, }, 
-'120' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '33', }, }, 
-'121' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '34', }, }, 
-'122' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '35', }, }, 
-'123' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '36', }, }, 
-'124' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '41', }, }, 
-'125' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '42', }, }, 
-'126' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '43', }, }, 
-'127' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '44', }, }, 
-'128' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '45', }, }, 
-'129' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '50', deliveryservice => '11', }, }, 
-'130' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '51', deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', }, }, 
-'131' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '52', }, }, 
-'132' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '53', }, }, 
-'133' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '54', deliveryservice => '11', }, }, 
-'134' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '5', }, }, 
-'135' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '6', }, }, 
-'136' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '7', }, }, 
-'137' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '8', deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', }, }, 
-'138' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '9', }, }, 
-'139' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '14', }, }, 
-'140' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '15', }, }, 
-'141' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '16', deliveryservice => '12', }, }, 
-'142' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '17', }, }, 
-'143' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '18', }, }, 
-'144' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '23', }, }, 
-'145' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '24', }, }, 
-'146' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '25', }, }, 
-'147' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '26', }, }, 
-'148' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '27', }, }, 
-'149' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '32', }, }, 
-'150' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '33', }, }, 
-'151' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '34', deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', }, }, 
-'152' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '35', }, }, 
-'153' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '36', }, }, 
-'154' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '41', }, }, 
-'155' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '42', deliveryservice => '12', }, }, 
-'156' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '43', deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', }, }, 
-'157' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '44', }, }, 
-'158' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '45', }, }, 
-'159' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '50', }, }, 
-'160' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '51', }, }, 
-'161' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '52', deliveryservice => '12', }, }, 
-'162' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '53', deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', }, }, 
-'163' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '54', }, }, 
-'164' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '5', deliveryservice => '13', }, }, 
-'165' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '6', }, }, 
-'166' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '7', deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', }, }, 
-'167' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '8', }, }, 
-'168' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '9', }, }, 
-'169' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '14', }, }, 
-'170' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '15', }, }, 
-'171' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '16', }, }, 
-'172' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '17', }, }, 
-'173' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '18', }, }, 
-'174' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '23', }, }, 
-'175' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '24', }, }, 
-'176' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '25', }, }, 
-'177' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '26', }, }, 
-'178' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '27', }, }, 
-'179' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '32', }, }, 
-'180' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '33', }, }, 
-'181' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '34', }, }, 
-'182' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '35', }, }, 
-'183' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '36', }, }, 
-'184' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '41', }, }, 
-'185' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '42', }, }, 
-'186' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '43', deliveryservice => '13', }, }, 
-'187' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '44', deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', }, }, 
-'188' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '45', }, }, 
-'189' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '50', }, }, 
-'190' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '51', }, }, 
-'191' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '52', deliveryservice => '13', }, }, 
-'192' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '53', }, }, 
-'193' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '54', }, }, 
-'194' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '5', deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', }, }, 
-'195' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '6', }, }, 
-'196' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '7', deliveryservice => '14', }, }, 
-'197' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '8', deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', }, }, 
-'198' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', server => '9', }, }, 
-'199' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '14', deliveryservice => '14', }, }, 
-'200' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '15', }, }, 
-'201' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '16', }, }, 
-'202' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '17', }, }, 
-'203' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '18', deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', }, }, 
-'204' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '23', }, }, 
-'205' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '24', deliveryservice => '14', }, }, 
-'206' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '25', }, }, 
-'207' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '26', }, }, 
-'208' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '27', }, }, 
-'209' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '32', deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', }, }, 
-'210' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '33', }, }, 
-'211' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '34', deliveryservice => '14', }, }, 
-'212' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '35', }, }, 
-'213' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '36', }, }, 
-'214' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '41', deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', }, }, 
-'215' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '42', }, }, 
-'216' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '43', deliveryservice => '14', }, }, 
-'217' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '44', }, }, 
-'218' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { server => '45', deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', }, }, 
-'219' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '50', }, }, 
-'220' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '51', }, }, 
-'221' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '52', }, }, 
-'222' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '53', }, }, 
-'223' => { new => 'DeliveryserviceServer', => using => { deliveryservice => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '54', }, }, 
+	'0' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '37',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'1' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '38',
+			last_updated 	=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'2' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '39',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'3' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '40',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'4' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '28',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'5' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '29',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'6' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '30',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'7' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '31',
+			last_updated		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'8' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '1',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'9' => {
+			new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '2',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'10' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '3',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'11' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '4',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+		'12' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '19',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'13' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '20',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'14' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '21',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'15' => {
+			new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '22',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'16' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '46',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'17' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '47',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'18' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '48',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'19' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '49',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'20' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server					=> '10',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'21' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '11',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+			},
+	},
+	'22' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '12',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'23' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '13',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'24' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '56',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'25' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '58',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'26' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '60',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'27' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '62',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'28' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '65',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'29' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '67',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'30' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '69',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'31' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '71',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'32' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '37',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'33' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '38',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			},
+	},
+	'34' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '39',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'35' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '40',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'36' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '28',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'37' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '29',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'38' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '30',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'39' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '31',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'40' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '1',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+		'41' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '2',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'42' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '3',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+		},
+	'43' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '4',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'44' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '19',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'45' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '20',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'46' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '21',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'47' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '22',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'48' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '46',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'49' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '47',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'50' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '48',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'51' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '49',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'52' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '10',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'53' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '11',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'54' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '12',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'55' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '13',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'56' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '37',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'57' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '38',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'58' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '39',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'59' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '40',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+		},
+	'60' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '28',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'61' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '29',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'62' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '30',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'63' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '31',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'64' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '1',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'65' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '2',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'66' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '3',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'67' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '4',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'68' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '19',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'69' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '20',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'70' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '21',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'71' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '22',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'72' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '46',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'73' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '47',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'74' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '48',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'75' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '49',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'76' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '10',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'77' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '11',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'78' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '12',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'79' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '13',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'80' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '37',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'81' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '38',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'82' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '39',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'83' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '40',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'84' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '28',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'85' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '29',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'86' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '30',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'87' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '31',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'88' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '1',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'89' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '2',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'90' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '3',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'91' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '4',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+		'92' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '19',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'93' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '20',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'94' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '21',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'95' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '22',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'96' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '46',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'97' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '47',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'98' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '48',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'99' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '49',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'100' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '10',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'101' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '11',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'102' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '12',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'103' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '13',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'104' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '41',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+		'105' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '42',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'106' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '43',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'107' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '44',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'108' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '45',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'109' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '32',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'110' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '33',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'111' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '34',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'112' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '35',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'113' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '36',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'114' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '5',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'115' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '6',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'116' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '7',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'117' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '8',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'118' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '9',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+		},
+	'119' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '23',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+		},
+	'120' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '24',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'121' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '25',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'122' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '26',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'123' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '27',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'124' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '50',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'125' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+			using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '51',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+		'126' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '52',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'127' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '53',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'128' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '54',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'129' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '14',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'130' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '15',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'131' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '16',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'132' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '17',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'133' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '11',
+			server 					=> '18',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'134' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '41',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'135' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '42',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'136' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '43',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'137' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '44',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'138' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '45',
+			ast_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'139' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '32',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'140' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '33',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'141' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '34',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'142' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '35',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'143' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '36',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'144' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '5',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'145' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '6',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'146' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '7',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'147' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '8',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'148' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '9',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'149' => {
+			new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '23',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'150' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '24',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'151' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			server 					=> '25',
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'152' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '26',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'153' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '27',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'154' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '50',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+			},
+	},
+	'155' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '51',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'156' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			server 					=> '52',
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'157' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '53',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'158' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '54',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'159' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '14',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'160' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '15',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'161' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '16',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'162' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+			using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '17',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'163' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '18',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'164' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '41',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'165' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '42',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'166' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '43',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'167' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '44',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'168' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '45',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'169' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '32',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'170' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '33',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'171' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '34',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'172' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '35',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'173' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '36',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'174' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '5',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'175' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '6',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'176' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '7',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'177' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+			using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '8',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'178' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '9',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'179' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '23',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'180' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '24',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'181' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '25',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'182' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '26',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'183' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '27',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'184' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '50',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'185' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '51',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'186' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '52',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'187' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '53',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'188' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '54',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'189' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '14',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'190' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '15',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'191' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '16',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'192' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '17',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'193' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '13',
+			server 					=> '18',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'194' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '41',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'195' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '42',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'196' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '43',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'197' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '44',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'198' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '45',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+		},
+	},
+	'199' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '32',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'200' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '33',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'201' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '34',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'202' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '35',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'203' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '36',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'204' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+			using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '5',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'205' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '6',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'206' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '7',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'207' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '8',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'208' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '9',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+		},
+	'209' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			server 					=> '23',
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'210' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '24',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'211' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '25',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'212' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '26',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'213' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '27',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'214' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '50',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'215' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '51',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'216' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '52',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'217' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '53',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'218' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '54',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
+		},
+	},
+	'219' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '14',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'220' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '15',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'221' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '16',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'222' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '17',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
+	'223' => {
+		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '18',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
+		},
+	},
 sub name {
 		return "DeliveryserviceServer";
-sub get_definition { 
-		my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
+sub get_definition {
+		my ( $self,
+$name ) = @_;
 		return $definition_for{$name};
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index 09d4da9..4e48ba9 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -26,21 +26,36 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-'0' => { new => 'Division', => using => { id => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'East', }, }, 
-'1' => { new => 'Division', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'West', id => '2', }, }, 
+	## id => 1
+	'0' => {
+		new => 'Division',
+		using => {
+			name => 'East',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 2
+	'1' => {
+		new => 'Division',
+		using => {
+			name => 'West',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+		},
+	},
 sub name {
 		return "Division";
-sub get_definition { 
+sub get_definition {
 		my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
 		return $definition_for{$name};
 sub all_fixture_names {
-		return keys %definition_for;
+	# sort by db name to guarantee insertion order
+	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{name} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{name} } keys %definition_for);
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index e355878..bfc025d 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -26,45 +26,263 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-'0' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { id => '1', is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:20', version_id => '0', }, }, 
-'1' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:21', version_id => '20141222103718', id => '2', is_applied => '1', }, }, 
-'2' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { version_id => '20150108100000', id => '3', is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:21', }, }, 
-'3' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { id => '4', is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:21', version_id => '20150205100000', }, }, 
-'4' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { version_id => '20150209100000', id => '5', is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:21', }, }, 
-'5' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:21', version_id => '20150210100000', id => '6', }, }, 
-'6' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:21', version_id => '20150304100000', id => '7', is_applied => '1', }, }, 
-'7' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { version_id => '20150310100000', id => '8', is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:21', }, }, 
-'8' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { id => '9', is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:21', version_id => '20150316100000', }, }, 
-'9' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { id => '10', is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20150331105256', }, }, 
-'10' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { id => '11', is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20150501100000', }, }, 
-'11' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { id => '12', is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20150503100001', }, }, 
-'12' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20150504100000', id => '13', }, }, 
-'13' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { id => '14', is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20150504100001', }, }, 
-'14' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { id => '15', is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20150521100000', }, }, 
-'15' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { id => '16', is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20150530100000', }, }, 
-'16' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20150618100000', id => '17', is_applied => '1', }, }, 
-'17' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { version_id => '20150626100000', id => '18', is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', }, }, 
-'18' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20150706084134', id => '19', }, }, 
-'19' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { id => '20', is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20150721000000', }, }, 
-'20' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { id => '21', is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20150722100000', }, }, 
-'21' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20150728000000', id => '22', is_applied => '1', }, }, 
-'22' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { id => '23', is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20150804000000', }, }, 
-'23' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { id => '24', is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20150807000000', }, }, 
-'24' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20150825175644', id => '25', }, }, 
-'25' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20150922092122', id => '26', is_applied => '1', }, }, 
-'26' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { id => '27', is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20150925020500', }, }, 
-'27' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { id => '28', is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20151020143912', }, }, 
-'28' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20151021000000', id => '29', }, }, 
-'29' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { id => '30', is_applied => '1', tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20151027152323', }, }, 
-'30' => { new => 'GooseDbVersion', => using => { tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22', version_id => '20151107000000', id => '31', is_applied => '1', }, }, 
+	'0' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:20',
+			version_id => '0',
+		},
+	},
+	'1' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:21',
+			version_id => '20141222103718',
+			is_applied => '1',
+		},
+	},
+	'2' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			version_id => '20150108100000',
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:21',
+		},
+	},
+	'3' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:21',
+			version_id => '20150205100000',
+			},
+	},
+	'4' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			version_id => '20150209100000',
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:21',
+		},
+	},
+	'5' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:21',
+			version_id => '20150210100000',
+		},
+	},
+	'6' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:21',
+			version_id => '20150304100000',
+			is_applied => '1',
+		},
+	},
+	'7' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			version_id => '20150310100000',
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:21',
+		},
+	},
+	'8' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:21',
+			version_id => '20150316100000',
+		},
+	},
+	'9' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20150331105256',
+			},
+	},
+	'10' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20150501100000',
+		},
+	},
+	'11' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20150503100001',
+		},
+	},
+	'12' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20150504100000',
+		},
+	},
+	'13' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20150504100001',
+		},
+	},
+	'14' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20150521100000',
+		},
+	},
+	'15' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20150530100000',
+		},
+	},
+	'16' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20150618100000',
+			is_applied => '1',
+		},
+	},
+	'17' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			version_id => '20150626100000',
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+		},
+	},
+	'18' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20150706084134',
+		},
+	},
+	'19' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20150721000000',
+		},
+	},
+	'20' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20150722100000',
+		},
+	},
+	'21' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20150728000000',
+			is_applied => '1',
+		},
+	},
+	'22' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20150804000000',
+		},
+	},
+	'23' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20150807000000',
+		},
+		},
+	'24' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20150825175644',
+		},
+	},
+	'25' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20150922092122',
+			is_applied => '1',
+		},
+	},
+	'26' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20150925020500',
+		},
+	},
+	'27' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20151020143912',
+		},
+	},
+	'28' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20151021000000',
+		},
+	},
+	'29' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			is_applied => '1',
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20151027152323',
+		},
+	},
+	'30' => {
+		new => 'GooseDbVersion',
+		using => {
+			tstamp => '2015-12-04 07:46:22',
+			version_id => '20151107000000',
+			is_applied => '1',
+		},
+	},
 sub name {
 		return "GooseDbVersion";
-sub get_definition { 
-		my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
+sub get_definition {
+		my ( $self,
+$name ) = @_;
 		return $definition_for{$name};

[13/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: fixing integration tests.

Posted by
fixing integration tests.


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 969a182e3efe4741d447c52b3deba5bf6b5deb25
Parents: af0c115
Author: Jackie Heitzer <>
Authored: Tue Aug 2 14:50:22 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 13:26:33 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql            |   4 +-
 traffic_ops/app/lib/API/          |   2 +-
 traffic_ops/app/lib/API/          |   4 +-
 .../app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/      | 166 +++++++++----------
 .../app/lib/Test/       |   1 +
 traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/           |   4 +-
 traffic_ops/app/t_integration/extensions.t      |   2 -
 7 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql b/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql
index 4c53da6..fa520cf 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql
@@ -1019,7 +1019,6 @@ CREATE TABLE servercheck (
     ap bigint,
     aq bigint,
     ar bigint,
-    "as" bigint,
     at bigint,
     au bigint,
     av bigint,
@@ -1032,6 +1031,7 @@ CREATE TABLE servercheck (
     bc bigint,
     bd bigint,
     be bigint,
+    bf bigint,
     last_updated timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
@@ -1896,7 +1896,7 @@ SELECT pg_catalog.setval('server_id_seq', 1, true);
 -- Data for Name: servercheck; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY servercheck (id, server, aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af, ag, ah, ai, aj, ak, al, am, an, ao, ap, aq, ar, "as", at, au, av, aw, ax, ay, az, ba, bb, bc, bd, be, last_updated) FROM stdin;
+COPY servercheck (id, server, aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af, ag, ah, ai, aj, ak, al, am, an, ao, ap, aq, ar, at, au, av, aw, ax, ay, az, ba, bb, bc, bd, be, bf last_updated) FROM stdin;
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/API/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/API/
index 8081986..34dd6a7 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/API/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/API/
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ sub aadata {
 	my $rs_type = $self->db->resultset('Type')->search( \%condition );
 	my $rs =
-		->search( { type => { -in => $rs_type->get_column('id')->as_query } }, { prefetch => [ 'servercheck', 'status', 'profile' ] } );
+		->search( { type => { -in => $rs_type->get_column('id')->as_query } }, { prefetch => [ 'servercheck', 'status', 'profile' ]} );
 	while ( my $server = $rs->next ) {
 		if ( !defined $server || !defined $server->servercheck ) {
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/API/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/API/
index 7acfe55..ee7494f 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/API/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/API/
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ sub update {
 			# check extensions go in an open slot in the extensions table, first check if there's an open slot.
 			my $open_type = &type_id( $self, 'CHECK_EXTENSION_OPEN_SLOT' );
-			my $slot = $self->db->resultset('ToExtension')->search( { type => $open_type }, { rows => 1 } )->single();
+			my $slot = $self->db->resultset('ToExtension')->search( { type => $open_type }, { rows => 1, order_by => ["servercheck_column_name"] } )->single();
 			if ( !defined($slot) ) {
 				return $self->alert( { error => "No open slots left for checks, delete one first." } );
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ sub update {
 			# set all values in servercheck to 0
 			my $clear = $self->db->resultset('Servercheck')->search( {} );    # all
-			$clear->update( { '`' . $slot->servercheck_column_name . '`' => 0 } );    #
+			$clear->update( { $slot->servercheck_column_name => 0 } );    #
 			return $self->success_message( "Check Extension Loaded.", { id => $slot->id } );
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index 20f0588..8e38ff9 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			ilo_username => '',
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			router_port_name => '2',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			cachegroup => '9',
 			cdn_id => '1',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			router_port_name => '2',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			profile => '5',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-02-dummyxmpp',
 			domain_name => '',
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-03-dummyxmpp',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			cdn_id => '2',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			domain_name => '',
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			cachegroup => '9',
 			ilo_username => '',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-05-dummyxmpp',
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			cdn_id => '2',
 			profile => '7',
 			router_host_name => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:8/64',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			upd_pending => '0',
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			router_port_name => '2',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			domain_name => '',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			ip_gateway => '',
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_username => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			phys_location => '4',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			ip_address => '',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			router_port_name => '5',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			upd_pending => '0',
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_address => '',
 			profile => '5',
 			router_host_name => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			ip_netmask => '',
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			upd_pending => '0',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			domain_name => '',
 			phys_location => '5',
 			profile => '5',
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsec-den-03',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			cdn_id => '1',
 			domain_name => '',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			ip_address => '',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
 			phys_location => '6',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-den-06-dummyxmpp',
 			cachegroup => '8',
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1',
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			cachegroup => '8',
 			ip_address => '',
 			type => '13',
@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_password => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			router_host_name => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			cachegroup => '8',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			type => '13',
 			router_host_name => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			cachegroup => '12',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
 			router_port_name => '3',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			type => '13',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-hou-01-dummyxmpp',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:3/64',
@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			profile => '5',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-hou-02-dummyxmpp',
 			domain_name => '',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			cachegroup => '12',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
@@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_password => '',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:1',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			cdn_id => '2',
 			type => '13',
@@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			router_host_name => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			type => '13',
@@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
 			phys_location => '8',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			cdn_id => '2',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
@@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			router_host_name => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			type => '13',
 			profile => '7',
 			router_port_name => '3',
@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:10/64',
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
@@ -1030,7 +1030,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Server',
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsec-lax-00',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			phys_location => '9',
@@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsec-lax-01',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
@@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			phys_location => '9',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 	## id => 31
@@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			cachegroup => '7',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
@@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			cachegroup => '7',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:6/64',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
@@ -1233,7 +1233,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
 			phys_location => '10',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			cachegroup => '7',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
@@ -1255,7 +1255,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:1',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			type => '13',
 			cachegroup => '7',
 			ip_address => '',
@@ -1302,7 +1302,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			cdn_id => '2',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-lax-07-dummyxmpp',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
@@ -1345,7 +1345,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			ip_address => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			type => '13',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-nyc-00-dummyxmpp',
 			router_host_name => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			cdn_id => '1',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			phys_location => '11',
@@ -1421,7 +1421,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:3/64',
@@ -1445,7 +1445,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			cdn_id => '1',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			router_port_name => '0',
 			phys_location => '11',
@@ -1476,7 +1476,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			host_name => 'atsec-nyc-03',
 			phys_location => '11',
 			router_host_name => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
 			profile => '5',
@@ -1512,7 +1512,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsec-nyc-04',
 			ip_address => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			router_host_name => '',
@@ -1557,7 +1557,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			router_port_name => '0',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:1',
 			phys_location => '12',
@@ -1596,7 +1596,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_address => '',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-nyc-06-dummyxmpp',
 			ilo_password => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
@@ -1645,7 +1645,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:9/64',
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			cdn_id => '2',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			cachegroup => '10',
@@ -1659,7 +1659,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Server',
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsec-nyc-08',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			ip_netmask => '',
@@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			profile => '5',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
 			phys_location => '13',
@@ -1749,7 +1749,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:1',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
 			cdn_id => '1',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
@@ -1787,7 +1787,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:1',
 			ip_netmask => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			phys_location => '13',
@@ -1808,7 +1808,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsec-phl-03',
 			phys_location => '13',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			ilo_username => '',
@@ -1864,7 +1864,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
@@ -1890,7 +1890,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			domain_name => '',
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
@@ -1944,7 +1944,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			phys_location => '14',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			ip_gateway => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			domain_name => '',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-phl-06-dummyxmpp',
@@ -1980,7 +1980,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			router_port_name => '4',
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			phys_location => '14',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:9/64',
@@ -2021,7 +2021,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_password => '',
 			ip_address => '',
 			ip_gateway => '',
-			status => '1',
+			status => '6',
 	## id => 55
@@ -2050,7 +2050,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			cdn_id => '2',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:2/64',
@@ -2090,7 +2090,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:1',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsmid-east-01-dummyxmpp',
 			router_port_name => '0',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			cdn_id => '1',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
@@ -2104,7 +2104,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsmid-east-02',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			xmpp_id => 'atsmid-east-02-dummyxmpp',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			ip_netmask => '',
@@ -2156,7 +2156,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			router_port_name => '0',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			router_host_name => '',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
@@ -2193,7 +2193,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			ilo_username => '',
@@ -2219,7 +2219,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			cdn_id => '1',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			ip_address => '',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			xmpp_id => 'atsmid-east-05-dummyxmpp',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
@@ -2267,7 +2267,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			router_host_name => '',
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			ip_netmask => '',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			type => '22',
 			domain_name => '',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:1',
@@ -2289,7 +2289,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsmid-east-07',
 			domain_name => '',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			xmpp_id => 'atsmid-east-07-dummyxmpp',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
@@ -2354,7 +2354,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			router_host_name => '',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			ilo_username => '',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 	## id => 64
@@ -2383,7 +2383,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_password => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			profile => '15',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			tcp_port => '80',
@@ -2405,7 +2405,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			ip_address => '',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
@@ -2439,7 +2439,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_password => '',
 			ilo_username => '',
 			ip_netmask => '',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			cachegroup => '6',
 			ip_gateway => '',
@@ -2483,7 +2483,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			domain_name => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			ilo_password => '',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
@@ -2531,7 +2531,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:1',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			domain_name => '',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
@@ -2576,7 +2576,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			domain_name => '',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 	## id => 70
@@ -2609,7 +2609,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			phys_location => '10',
 			router_port_name => '1',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
@@ -2624,7 +2624,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			ip_address => '',
 			ilo_password => '',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			xmpp_id => 'atsmid-west-07-dummyxmpp',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			upd_pending => '0',
@@ -2682,7 +2682,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:10/64',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
 			ilo_password => '',
@@ -2696,7 +2696,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'org1',
 			ip_address => '',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			type => '25',
 			cdn_id => '1',
 			interface_name => 'eth1',
@@ -2738,7 +2738,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			router_port_name => '',
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			ip6_address => undef,
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			xmpp_passwd => '',
 			cdn_id => '1',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
@@ -2774,7 +2774,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			interface_name => 'eth1',
 			ip_address => '',
 			tcp_port => '8088',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			ilo_username => '',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
@@ -2825,7 +2825,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_password => undef,
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			router_host_name => undef,
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			type => '27',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D011:3300::335/64',
@@ -2868,7 +2868,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_address => '',
 			mgmt_ip_address => undef,
 			profile => '20',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			ilo_password => undef,
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			router_host_name => undef,
@@ -2885,7 +2885,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D021:3300::1',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => undef,
 			ip_gateway => '',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			ilo_ip_address => undef,
 			upd_pending => '0',
@@ -2925,7 +2925,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_address => undef,
 			ilo_ip_gateway => undef,
 			ip6_address => '2033:D021:3300::334/64',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			mgmt_ip_address => undef,
 			phys_location => '2',
@@ -2978,7 +2978,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			router_host_name => undef,
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			type => '4',
 			ilo_password => undef,
 			ilo_username => undef,
@@ -3009,7 +3009,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_username => undef,
 			router_port_name => undef,
 			ilo_ip_address => undef,
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			ip_netmask => '',
@@ -3036,7 +3036,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			mgmt_ip_address => undef,
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => undef,
 			router_host_name => undef,
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			type => '4',
 			profile => '1',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
@@ -3079,7 +3079,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::1',
 			ip_address => '',
 			ip_netmask => '',
-			status => '6',
+			status => '4', #
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => undef,
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/
index 578cea4..7bfd023 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ sub reset_sequence_id {
+		to_extension
 		type );
 	foreach my $name (@table_names) {
 		my $p = $dbh->prepare("ALTER SEQUENCE " . $name . "_id_seq RESTART WITH 1");
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
index dd0dc21..6845439 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ sub profile_param_value {
 	my $param =
 		->search( { -and => [ profile => $pid, 'parameter.config_file' => $file, '' => $param_name ] },
-		{ prefetch => [ 'parameter', 'profile' ] } )->single();
+		{ prefetch => [ 'parameter', 'profile' ] } )->first();
 	return ( defined $param ? $param->parameter->value : $default );
@@ -1293,7 +1293,7 @@ sub regex_revalidate_dot_config {
 	my $max_days =
 		$self->db->resultset('Parameter')->search( { name => "maxRevalDurationDays" }, { config_file => "regex_revalidate.config" } )->get_column('value')
-		->single;
+		->first;
 	my $interval = "> now() - interval '$max_days day'";    # postgres
 	my %regex_time;
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/t_integration/extensions.t b/traffic_ops/app/t_integration/extensions.t
index 6dfe622..6d7bbdf 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/t_integration/extensions.t
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/t_integration/extensions.t
@@ -22,11 +22,9 @@ my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
 foreach my $num ( 1 .. 36 ) {
 	my $extlist = $json->decode( $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content} );
-	# diag "length is " . scalar( @{ $extlist->{response} } );
 	if ( scalar( @{ $extlist->{response} } ) < 31 ) {
 			'/api/1.1/to_extensions' => json => {

[30/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: update TO dockerfile for postgres: up to centos 7; use cpanm; add postgresql deps

Posted by
update TO dockerfile for postgres: up to centos 7; use cpanm; add postgresql deps


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 0bd9404a3e84907da1d081f9f3c73d120db7b6e8
Parents: 97e76f7
Author: Dan Kirkwood <>
Authored: Wed Sep 28 11:06:09 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:05:15 2016 -0700

 infrastructure/docker/traffic_ops/Dockerfile | 20 ++++----------------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/traffic_ops/Dockerfile b/infrastructure/docker/traffic_ops/Dockerfile
index 056271f..951f0dc 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/traffic_ops/Dockerfile
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/traffic_ops/Dockerfile
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 # under the License.
 # Dockerfile to build Traffic Ops 1.6.0 container images
-# Based on CentOS 6.6
+# Based on CentOS 7.2
 # Example Build and Run:
@@ -27,16 +27,11 @@
 # docker run --name my-traffic-ops --hostname my-traffic-ops --net cdnet --publish 443:443 --env MYSQL_IP=my-traffic-ops-mysql --env MYSQL_PORT=3306 --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASS=secretrootpass --env MYSQL_TRAFFIC_OPS_PASS=supersecretpassword --env ADMIN_USER=superroot --env ADMIN_PASS=supersecreterpassward --env CERT_COUNTRY=US --env CERT_STATE=Colorado --env CERT_CITY=Denver --env CERT_COMPANY=NotComcast --env TRAFFIC_VAULT_PASS=marginallylesssecret --env DOMAIN=cdnet --detach traffic_ops:1.5.1
-FROM centos:6.6
+FROM centos:7
 MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
-RUN yum -y update 
-RUN yum install -y tar gcc-c++ perl perl-core openssl-devel mysql-devel expect curl
-RUN yum clean all
-RUN curl -L | perl - App::cpanminus \
-    && cpanm Carton \
-    && rm -rf /root/.cpanm
+RUN yum install -y perl cpanminus perl-Test-CPAN-Meta
+RUN cpanm Carton
 # Override RPM arg to use a different one using --build-arg RPM=...  Can be local file or http://...
@@ -48,13 +43,6 @@ RUN rm /$(basename $RPM)
 RUN cd /opt/traffic_ops/app && carton
-# TODO: workaround for installing on CentOS 7 -- fix this!
-RUN chmod a+x /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/* \
-	 /opt/traffic_ops/app/script/* \
-	 /opt/traffic_ops/app/db/*.pl \
-	 /opt/traffic_ops/app/db/*.sh \
-	 /opt/traffic_ops/install/bin/*
 RUN export PERL5LIB=/opt/traffic_ops/app/local/lib/perl5/:/opt/traffic_ops/install/lib/ \
 	&& export TERM=xterm \
 	&& export USER=root \

[35/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: adds usage comments to build/docker-compose.yml

Posted by
adds usage comments to build/docker-compose.yml


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: aa622d0612a199a05ed941512bd46b30a1ee9316
Parents: 7378551
Author: Dan Kirkwood <>
Authored: Tue Oct 4 13:53:26 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:08:25 2016 -0700

 infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+)
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml b/infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml
index ef93f6c..c5ccf73 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml
@@ -39,7 +39,26 @@ services:
+# IMPORTANT: Prior to starting another build, the containers and build_repo
+#   volume must be deleted:
+#    docker-compose down -v
 # Build configuration for traffic_control
+# Usage:
+#    GITREPO=...  BRANCH=...  docker-compose up [<service>...]
+# where GITREPO is https path to traffic_control clone
+#   (default:
+# and <branch> is name of branch to test
+#   (default: master).
+# [<service>...] (optional) is one or more of the services listed below, e.g.
+# traffic_ops_build.  (not necessary to list clone -- all others depend on
+# it..).  Default is to build all.
+# All rpms are delivered to ./artifacts.
 version: '2'

[49/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: updated to correct the float types to return as floats

Posted by
updated to correct the float types to return as floats


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 5006eacb2ba59ca74fc64d5e349af01f9cd0bac6
Parents: 57baf3a
Author: Dewayne Richardson <>
Authored: Thu Nov 10 14:18:55 2016 -0700
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:43:13 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/app/lib/API/      | 16 ++++++++--------
 traffic_ops/app/lib/API/ | 12 ++++++------
 traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/              |  4 ++--
 3 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/API/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/API/
index 7066b6c..955b8d2 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/API/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/API/
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ sub index {
 				"id"                            => $row->id,
 				"name"                          => $row->name,
 				"shortName"                     => $row->short_name,
-				"latitude"                      => $row->latitude,
-				"longitude"                     => $row->longitude,
+				"latitude"                      => 0.0 + $row->latitude,
+				"longitude"                     => 0.0 + $row->longitude,
 				"lastUpdated"                   => $row->last_updated,
 				"parentCachegroupId"            => $row->parent_cachegroup_id,
 				"parentCachegroupName"          => ( defined $row->parent_cachegroup_id ) ? $idnames{ $row->parent_cachegroup_id } : undef,
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ sub show {
 				"id"                            => $row->id,
 				"name"                          => $row->name,
 				"shortName"                     => $row->short_name,
-				"latitude"                      => $row->latitude,
-				"longitude"                     => $row->longitude,
+				"latitude"                      => 0.0 + $row->latitude,
+				"longitude"                     => 0.0 + $row->longitude,
 				"lastUpdated"                   => $row->last_updated,
 				"parentCachegroupId"            => $row->parent_cachegroup_id,
 				"parentCachegroupName"          => ( defined $row->parent_cachegroup_id ) ? $idnames{ $row->parent_cachegroup_id } : undef,
@@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ sub update {
 		$response->{id}                 = $rs->id;
 		$response->{name}               = $rs->name;
 		$response->{shortName}          = $rs->short_name;
-		$response->{latitude}           = $rs->latitude;
-		$response->{longitude}          = $rs->longitude;
+		$response->{latitude}           = 0.0 + $rs->latitude;
+		$response->{longitude}          = 0.0 + $rs->longitude;
 		$response->{lastUpdated}        = $rs->last_updated;
 		$response->{parentCachegroupId} = $rs->parent_cachegroup_id;
 		$response->{parentCachegroupName} =
@@ -251,8 +251,8 @@ sub create {
 		$response->{id}                 = $rs->id;
 		$response->{name}               = $rs->name;
 		$response->{shortName}          = $rs->short_name;
-		$response->{latitude}           = $rs->latitude;
-		$response->{longitude}          = $rs->longitude;
+		$response->{latitude}           = 0.0 + $rs->latitude;
+		$response->{longitude}          = 0.0 + $rs->longitude;
 		$response->{lastUpdated}        = $rs->last_updated;
 		$response->{parentCachegroupId} = $rs->parent_cachegroup_id;
 		$response->{parentCachegroupName} =
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/API/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/API/
index cbc1d84..6eea73f 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/API/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/API/
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ sub index {
 				"longDesc2"                => $row->long_desc_2,
 				"maxDnsAnswers"            => $row->max_dns_answers,
 				"midHeaderRewrite"         => $row->mid_header_rewrite,
-				"missLat"                  => $row->miss_lat,
-				"missLong"                 => $row->miss_long,
+				"missLat"                  => 0.0 + $row->miss_lat,
+				"missLong"                 => 0.0 + $row->miss_long,
 				"multiSiteOrigin"          => \$row->multi_site_origin,
 				"multiSiteOriginAlgorithm" => $row->multi_site_origin_algorithm,
 				"orgServerFqdn"            => $row->org_server_fqdn,
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ sub show {
 				"matchList"                => \@matchlist,
 				"maxDnsAnswers"            => $row->max_dns_answers,
 				"midHeaderRewrite"         => $row->mid_header_rewrite,
-				"missLat"                  => $row->miss_lat,
-				"missLong"                 => $row->miss_long,
+				"missLat"                  => 0.0 + $row->miss_lat,
+				"missLong"                 => 0.0 + $row->miss_long,
 				"multiSiteOrigin"          => \$row->multi_site_origin,
 				"multiSiteOriginAlgorithm" => $row->multi_site_origin_algorithm,
 				"orgServerFqdn"            => $row->org_server_fqdn,
@@ -326,8 +326,8 @@ sub update {
 				"longDesc2"                => $rs->long_desc_2,
 				"maxDnsAnswers"            => $rs->max_dns_answers,
 				"midHeaderRewrite"         => $rs->mid_header_rewrite,
-				"missLat"                  => $rs->miss_lat,
-				"missLong"                 => $rs->miss_long,
+				"missLat"                  => 0.0 + $rs->miss_lat,
+				"missLong"                 => 0.0 + $rs->miss_long,
 				"multiSiteOrigin"          => \$rs->multi_site_origin,
 				"multiSiteOriginAlgorithm" => $rs->multi_site_origin_algorithm,
 				"orgServerFqdn"            => $rs->org_server_fqdn,
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
index c0c0b3f..d9f9d80 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ sub adeliveryservice {
             $row->type->name,               $row->dscp,                  $yesno{ $row->signed },               $row->qstring_ignore,
             $geo_limits{ $row->geo_limit }, $protocol{ $row->protocol }, $yesno{ $row->ipv6_routing_enabled }, $row->range_request_handling,
             $row->http_bypass_fqdn,         $row->dns_bypass_ip,         $row->dns_bypass_ip6,                 $row->dns_bypass_ttl,
-            $row->miss_lat,                 $row->miss_long,
+            0.0 + $row->miss_lat,           0.0 + $row->miss_long,
         push( @{ $data{'aaData'} }, $line );
@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ sub acachegroup {
     while ( my $row = $rs->next ) {
         my @line = [
-            $row->id, $row->name, $row->short_name, $row->type->name, $row->latitude, $row->longitude,
+            $row->id, $row->name, $row->short_name, $row->type->name, 0.0 + $row->latitude, 0.0 + $row->longitude,
             defined( $row->parent_cachegroup_id )
             ? $id_to_name{ $row->parent_cachegroup_id }
             : undef,

[45/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: use ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING instead of IGNORE for psql

Posted by
use ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING instead of IGNORE for psql


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: be8ef1d216a5ee4304360da312615a04474173d4
Parents: 334a65d
Author: Dan Kirkwood <>
Authored: Thu Oct 27 14:55:16 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:22:42 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/app/db/seeds.sql | 12 ++++++------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/seeds.sql b/traffic_ops/app/db/seeds.sql
index 03be14a..6445ef1 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/db/seeds.sql
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/seeds.sql
@@ -137,12 +137,12 @@ insert ignore into profile (name, description) values ('RIAK_ALL', 'Riak profile
 insert ignore into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('RIAK', 'Riak keystore', 'server');
-insert ignore into profile (name, description) values ('TRAFFIC_STATS', 'Traffic_Stats profile');
-insert ignore into profile (name, description) values ('TRAFFIC_PORTAL', 'Traffic_Portal profile');
-insert ignore into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('TRAFFIC_STATS', 'traffic_stats server', 'server');
-insert ignore into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('TRAFFIC_PORTAL', 'traffic_portal server', 'server');
-insert ignore into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('INFLUXDB', 'influxDb server', 'server');
-insert ignore into profile (name, description) values ('INFLUXDB', 'InfluxDb profile');
+insert into profile (name, description) values ('TRAFFIC_STATS', 'Traffic_Stats profile') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into profile (name, description) values ('TRAFFIC_PORTAL', 'Traffic_Portal profile') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('TRAFFIC_STATS', 'traffic_stats server', 'server') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('TRAFFIC_PORTAL', 'traffic_portal server', 'server') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into type (name, description, use_in_table) values ('INFLUXDB', 'influxDb server', 'server') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+insert into profile (name, description) values ('INFLUXDB', 'InfluxDb profile') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
 insert into parameter (name, config_file, value) select * from (select 'CacheStats', 'traffic_stats.config', 'bandwidth') as temp where not exists (select name from parameter where name = 'CacheStats' and config_file = 'traffic_stats.config' and value = 'bandwidth') limit 1;

[40/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: use env defaults if unset for docker build clone

Posted by
use env defaults if unset for docker build clone


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: f7c243fa157d3a327870b1bf58972a798d3b6ced
Parents: 558ddb2
Author: Dan Kirkwood <>
Authored: Fri Oct 7 17:11:19 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:14:47 2016 -0700

 infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-clone | 14 ++++++++------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-clone b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-clone
index 64a8698..3679ee1 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-clone
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-clone
@@ -8,14 +8,16 @@ RUN	yum -y install \
 		rpm-build && \
 	yum -y clean all
-ENV BRANCH=master
+ENV BRANCH master
 WORKDIR /repo
-RUN echo $'pwd; git clone $GITREPO -b $BRANCH traffic_control\n\
-touch clone-finished\n\
-' >/
+RUN echo $'\n\
+echo GITREPO=${GITREPO:=}\n\
+echo BRANCH=${BRANCH:=master}\n\
+git clone $GITREPO -b $BRANCH traffic_control && touch clone-finished\n\
+' >
-CMD sh -x /
+CMD sh -x /repo/
 # vi:syntax=Dockerfile

[15/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: fixing tests.

Posted by
fixing tests.


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 9135384fb48abbf051ce790f390816f3c87e6be4
Parents: 969a182
Author: Jackie Heitzer <>
Authored: Wed Aug 3 11:58:52 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 13:26:35 2016 -0700

 .../app/lib/Fixtures/    | 38 ++++++++++----------
 traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/       |  2 +-
 traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.1/job.t                 |  6 ++--
 3 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/
index 7d3edb5..f1716b1 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/
@@ -18,27 +18,27 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-	regex1 => {
+	regex2 => {
 		new   => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => 1,
-			regex           => 2,
+			deliveryservice => 9,
+			regex           => 7,
 			set_number      => 0,
-	regex2 => {
+	target_r1_filter => {
 		new   => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => 2,
+			deliveryservice => 4,
 			regex           => 1,
 			set_number      => 0,
-	target_r1_filter => {
+	regex1 => {
 		new   => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => 4,
-			regex           => 1,
+			deliveryservice => 8,
+			regex           => 5,
 			set_number      => 0,
@@ -50,6 +50,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			set_number      => 0,
+	target_r4_filter => {
+		new   => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
+		using => {
+			deliveryservice => 7,
+			regex           => 3,
+			set_number      => 0,
+		},
+	},
 	target_r3_filter => {
 		new   => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
 		using => {
@@ -58,11 +66,11 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			set_number      => 0,
-	target_r4_filter => {
+	new_steering => {
 		new   => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => 7,
-			regex           => 3,
+			deliveryservice => 3,
+			regex           => 6,
 			set_number      => 0,
@@ -114,14 +122,6 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			set_number      => 0,
-	new_steering => {
-		new   => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
-		using => {
-			deliveryservice => 3,
-			regex           => 6,
-			set_number      => 0,
-		},
-	}
 sub get_definition {
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/
index 96f5be8..202a8c4 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		using => {
 			name        => 'maxRevalDurationDays',
 			config_file => 'regex_revalidate.config',
-			value       => 3,
+			value       => 90,
 	## id => 58
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.1/job.t b/traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.1/job.t
index 7bd2133..b72f412 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.1/job.t
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.1/job.t
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ ok $t->post_ok(
 		ttl       => 0,
 		startTime => $now,
-	)->status_is(400)->json_is( '/alerts', [ { level => "error", text => "ttl should be between 1 and 72" } ] )
+	)->status_is(400)->json_is( '/alerts', [ { level => "error", text => "ttl should be between 1 and 2160" } ] )
 	->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } ),
 	'Will not create a purge job without the ttl in the proper low range?';
@@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ ok $t->post_ok(
 	json => {
 		dsId      => 8,
 		regex     => '/foo1/.*',
-		ttl       => 1000,
+		ttl       => 3000,
 		startTime => $now,
-	)->status_is(400)->json_is( '/alerts', [ { level => "error", text => "ttl should be between 1 and 72" } ] )
+	)->status_is(400)->json_is( '/alerts', [ { level => "error", text => "ttl should be between 1 and 2160" } ] )
 	->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } ),
 	'Will not create a purge job without the ttl in the proper high range?';

[46/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: add docker setup to run pgloader

Posted by
add docker setup to run pgloader


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 0e44357dd55d5f914c2577437630ff04fc5ddcfc
Parents: be8ef1d
Author: Dan Kirkwood <>
Authored: Mon Oct 17 15:43:46 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:22:42 2016 -0700

 .../app/db/pg-migration/Dockerfile-pgloader     |  8 ++++
 .../app/db/pg-migration/Dockerfile-postgres     |  9 +++++
 traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/       | 19 ++++++++++
 .../app/db/pg-migration/docker-compose.yml      | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../app/db/pg-migration/mysql/conf.d/mysql.cnf  |  8 ++++
 traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/mysql/    |  8 ++++
 traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/  | 13 +++++++
 7 files changed, 105 insertions(+)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/Dockerfile-pgloader b/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/Dockerfile-pgloader
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bd4aab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/Dockerfile-pgloader
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+FROM dimitri/pgloader
+MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood <>
+# install nc to check that postgres and mysql are ready..
+RUN apt-get -y install netcat
+ADD .
+CMD ./
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/Dockerfile-postgres b/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/Dockerfile-postgres
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5dcb30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/Dockerfile-postgres
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+FROM postgres:9.6
+MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
+# Adjust PostgreSQL configuration so that remote connections to the
+# database are possible.
+RUN echo "host all  all  md5" >> $PGDATA/pg_hba.conf
+RUN echo "listen_addresses='*'" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
+EXPOSE "5432:5432"
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/ b/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed31e54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Converting existing mysql `traffic_ops` database to postgres
+* Requires `docker-engine` and `docker-compose`.
+* Ensure database is up-to-date with latest `traffic_ops` migrations for `mysql` (last 1.x release of `traffic_ops`)
+  * `cd /opt/traffic_ops/app;  ./db/ --env=production upgrade`
+* Get a database dump from `traffic_ops`
+  * `Tools->DB Dump`
+* In development environment, `cd traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration`.
+* Move the `mysql` database dump file into `./mysql/initdb.d` directory.  The file must have a `.sql` suffix.
+* `docker-compose down -v && docker-compose build && docker-compose up`
+* Postgres is still running in a docker container -- dump the database to a file:
+  `docker exec -it pgmigration_postgres_host_1 pg_dump -Utraffic_ops >pg.sql`
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/docker-compose.yml b/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d0a0b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+version: '2'
+  mysql_host:
+    image: mysql:5.6
+    restart: "no"
+    environment:
+      - MYSQL_DATABASE=traffic_ops_db
+      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=twelve
+      - MYSQL_USER=to_user
+    volumes:
+      - ./mysql/conf.d:/etc/mysql/conf.d
+      - ./mysql/initdb.d:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
+  postgres_host:
+    build:
+      dockerfile: pg-migration/Dockerfile-postgres
+      context: ..
+    restart: "no"
+    environment:
+      - POSTGRES_DB=traffic_ops
+      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=twelve
+      - POSTGRES_USER=traffic_ops
+    ports:
+      - "5432:5432"
+  pgloader:
+    build:
+      dockerfile: Dockerfile-pgloader
+      context: .
+    restart: "no"
+    environment:
+      - MYSQL_HOST=mysql_host
+      - MYSQL_DATABASE=traffic_ops_db
+      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=twelve
+      - MYSQL_USER=to_user
+      - POSTGRES_HOST=postgres_host
+      - POSTGRES_DB=traffic_ops
+      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=twelve
+      - POSTGRES_USER=traffic_ops
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/mysql/conf.d/mysql.cnf b/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/mysql/conf.d/mysql.cnf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18dc029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/mysql/conf.d/mysql.cnf
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# This is custom config file attached from docker host
+default_character_set = utf8
+character_set_server = utf8          # If you prefer utf8
+collation_server = utf8_general_ci
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/mysql/ b/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/mysql/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50c149d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/mysql/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+docker run \
+        --name mysql \
+        -p 3306:3306 \
+	-v $(pwd)/mysql/conf.d:/etc/mysql/conf.d \
+	-v $(pwd)/mysql/initdb.d:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d \
+        -d mysql
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/ b/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3ae3055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/pg-migration/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#!/bin/bash -x
+# make sure postgres and mysql ports are both active
+for c in "$POSTGRES_HOST 5432" "$MYSQL_HOST 3306"; do
+	while true; do
+		echo Waiting for $c
+		sleep 3
+		nc -z $c && break
+	done
+pgloader -v --cast 'type tinyint to smallint drop typemod' mysql://$MYSQL_USER:$MYSQL_PASSWORD@$MYSQL_HOST/traffic_ops_db postgresql://$POSTGRES_USER:$POSTGRES_PASSWORD@$POSTGRES_HOST/$POSTGRES_DB

[14/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: updating test helpers.

Posted by
updating test helpers.


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 16843c649e8e5e01a139354f127a270a10c92cc4
Parents: 9135384
Author: Jackie Heitzer <>
Authored: Thu Aug 4 10:52:08 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 13:26:35 2016 -0700

 .../app/lib/Test/       | 41 +++++++-------------
 traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/          | 40 +++++++------------
 2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/
index 7bfd023..f0c1eef 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/
@@ -106,38 +106,23 @@ sub teardown {
+## For PSQL sequence to work correctly we cannot hard code
+## the id number for an entry in the DB.  So we need to
+## reset all primary keys (id) to 1 for consistency in the
+## test cases.
 sub reset_sequence_id {
 	my $self   = shift;
 	my $dbh    = Schema->database_handle;
-	my @table_names = qw(
-		asn
-		cachegroup
-		cdn
-		deliveryservice
-		division
-		federation
-		federation_resolver
-		hwinfo
-		job_agent
-		job_status
-		log
-		parameter
-		phys_location
-		profile
-		regex
-		region
-		role
-		server
-		staticdnsentry
-		stats_summary
-		status
-		tm_user
-		to_extension
-		type );
-	foreach my $name (@table_names) {
-		my $p = $dbh->prepare("ALTER SEQUENCE " . $name . "_id_seq RESTART WITH 1");
-		$p->execute();
+	my $p = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 'S';" );
+	$p->execute();
+	my $foo = $p->fetchall_arrayref( {} );
+	$p->finish();
+	for my $table ( @$foo ) {
+		my $x = $dbh->prepare("ALTER SEQUENCE " . $table->{'relname'} . " RESTART WITH 1");
+		$x->execute();
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/
index b2c914a..f5d5756 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/
@@ -76,37 +76,23 @@ sub load_all_fixtures {
+## For PSQL sequence to work correctly we cannot hard code
+## the id number for an entry in the DB.  So we need to
+## reset all primary keys (id) to 1 for consistency in the
+## test cases.
 sub reset_sequence_id {
 	my $self   = shift;
 	my $dbh    = Schema->database_handle;
-	my @table_names = qw(
-		asn
-		cachegroup
-		cdn
-		deliveryservice
-		division
-		federation
-		federation_resolver
-		hwinfo
-		job_agent
-		job_status
-		log
-		parameter
-		phys_location
-		profile
-		regex
-		region
-		role
-		server
-		staticdnsentry
-		stats_summary
-		status
-		tm_user
-		type );
-	foreach my $name (@table_names) {
-		my $p = $dbh->prepare("ALTER SEQUENCE " . $name . "_id_seq RESTART WITH 1");
-		$p->execute();
+	my $p = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 'S';" );
+	$p->execute();
+	my $foo = $p->fetchall_arrayref( {} );
+	$p->finish();
+	for my $table ( @$foo ) {
+		my $x = $dbh->prepare("ALTER SEQUENCE " . $table->{'relname'} . " RESTART WITH 1");
+		$x->execute();

[41/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: simplify; remove clone volume

Posted by
simplify; remove clone volume


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: e427d9a56b8032d748fa84b6b6c520b77f3a273a
Parents: f7c243f
Author: Dan Kirkwood <>
Authored: Sat Oct 8 16:46:41 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:19:12 2016 -0700

 infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-clone    |  23 ---
 .../docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_monitor     |  58 -------
 .../docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops         |  25 ++-
 .../docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_portal      |  56 -------
 .../docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_router      |  56 -------
 .../docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_stats       |  68 --------
 infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml  | 168 -------------------
 infrastructure/docker/build/        |  16 ++
 8 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 442 deletions(-)
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-clone b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-clone
deleted file mode 100644
index 3679ee1..0000000
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-clone
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-FROM centos:7
-MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
-RUN	yum -y install \
-		epel-release \
-		git \
-		rpm-build && \
-	yum -y clean all
-ENV BRANCH master
-WORKDIR /repo
-RUN echo $'\n\
-echo GITREPO=${GITREPO:=}\n\
-echo BRANCH=${BRANCH:=master}\n\
-git clone $GITREPO -b $BRANCH traffic_control && touch clone-finished\n\
-' >
-CMD sh -x /repo/
-# vi:syntax=Dockerfile
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_monitor b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_monitor
index a97aaed..e69de29 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_monitor
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_monitor
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-FROM centos:7
-MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
-RUN	yum -y install \
-		epel-release \
-		git \
-		rpm-build && \
-	yum -y clean all
-ENV BRANCH=master
-# Above are common for all sub-projects.
-### traffic_monitor specific
-RUN	yum -y install \
-		which && \
-	yum -y clean all
-RUN curl -L -b "oraclelicense=a" | tar xzf - && \
-    curl -L | tar xzf -
-RUN ln -s jdk* java && ln -s apache-maven* maven
-RUN alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/java/bin/java 2 && \
-    alternatives --install /usr/bin/jar jar /opt/java/bin/jar 2 && \
-    alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /opt/java/bin/javac 2 && \
-    alternatives --set java /opt/java/bin/java && \
-    alternatives --set jar /opt/java/bin/jar && \
-    alternatives --set javac /opt/java/bin/javac && \
-    alternatives --install /usr/bin/mvn mvn /opt/maven/bin/mvn 1
-VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
-ADD .
-CMD ./ traffic_monitor 2>&1 | tee /artifacts/build-traffic_monitor.log
-# vi:syntax=Dockerfile
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops
index 0e379e7..49226d8 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops
@@ -8,21 +8,20 @@ RUN	yum -y install \
 		rpm-build && \
 	yum -y clean all
+ENV BRANCH master
+WORKDIR /repo
+# traffic_ops specific
 RUN	yum -y install \
+VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
+ADD .
-# wait for clone to be available, then
-# build the rpm and copy to /artifacts
-RUN echo $'\n\
-while [ ! -f /repo/clone-finished ]; do sleep 1; done\n\
-cd $tc/traffic_ops\n\
-mkdir -p /artifacts\n\
-cp $tc/dist/* /artifacts/.\n\
-' >/
-CMD sh -x /
+CMD ./ traffic_ops 2>&1 | tee /artifacts/build-traffic_ops.log
 # vi:syntax=Dockerfile
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_portal b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_portal
index 7d535f5..e69de29 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_portal
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_portal
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-FROM centos:7
-MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
-RUN	yum -y install \
-		epel-release \
-		git \
-		rpm-build && \
-	yum -y clean all
-ENV BRANCH master
-WORKDIR /repo
-# traffic_portal specific
-RUN	yum -y install \
-		gcc \
-		libffi-devel \
-		make \
-		nodejs \
-		npm \
-		ruby-devel \
-		rubygems
-RUN	gem install compass
-RUN	npm -g install bower grunt-cli
-# bower will not run as root by default
-RUN	echo '{ "allow_root": true }' > /root/.bowerrc
-VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
-ADD .
-CMD ./ traffic_portal 2>&1 | tee /artifacts/build-traffic_portal.log
-# vi:syntax=Dockerfile
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_router b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_router
index e2188f9..e69de29 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_router
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_router
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-FROM centos:7
-MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
-RUN	yum -y install \
-		epel-release \
-		git \
-		rpm-build && \
-	yum -y clean all
-ENV BRANCH master
-WORKDIR /repo
-### traffic_router specific
-RUN	yum -y install \
-		which
-RUN curl -L -b "oraclelicense=a" | tar xzf - && \
-    curl -L | tar xzf -
-RUN ln -s jdk* java && ln -s apache-maven* maven
-RUN alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/java/bin/java 2 && \
-    alternatives --install /usr/bin/jar jar /opt/java/bin/jar 2 && \
-    alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /opt/java/bin/javac 2 && \
-    alternatives --set java /opt/java/bin/java && \
-    alternatives --set jar /opt/java/bin/jar && \
-    alternatives --set javac /opt/java/bin/javac && \
-    alternatives --install /usr/bin/mvn mvn /opt/maven/bin/mvn 1
-VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
-ADD .
-CMD ./ traffic_router 2>&1 | tee /artifacts/build-traffic_router.log
-# vi:syntax=Dockerfile
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_stats b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_stats
index 98e1db9..e69de29 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_stats
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_stats
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
->>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
-FROM centos:7
-MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
-RUN	yum -y install \
-		epel-release \
-		git \
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-		rpm-build && \
-	yum -y clean all
-ENV BRANCH master
-WORKDIR /repo
-# traffic_stats specific
-RUN	yum -y install \
-		golang && \
-	yum -y clean all
-VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
-ADD .
-CMD ./ traffic_stats 2>&1 | tee /artifacts/build-traffic_stats.log
-		rpm-build
-RUN	yum -y install \
-		golang
-# wait for clone to be available, then
-# build the rpm and copy to /artifacts
-RUN echo $'\n\
-while [ ! -f /repo/clone-finished ]; do sleep 1; done\n\
-cd $tc/traffic_stats\n\
-mkdir -p /artifacts\n\
-cp $tc/dist/* /artifacts/.\n\
-' >/
-CMD sh -x /
->>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
-# vi:syntax=Dockerfile
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml b/infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml
index c5ccf73..e69de29 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Build configuration for trafficcontrol
-# Usage:
-#    GITREPO=...  BRANCH=...  docker-compose up [<service>...]
-# where GITREPO is https path to trafficcontrol clone
-#   (default:
-# and <branch> is name of branch to test
-#   (default: master).
-# [<service>...] (optional) is one or more of the services listed below, e.g.
-# traffic_ops_build.  Default is to build all.
-# All rpms are delivered to ./artifacts.
-version: '2'
-  traffic_monitor_build:
-    image: traffic_monitor_builder
-# IMPORTANT: Prior to starting another build, the containers and build_repo
-#   volume must be deleted:
-#    docker-compose down -v
-# Build configuration for traffic_control
-# Usage:
-#    GITREPO=...  BRANCH=...  docker-compose up [<service>...]
-# where GITREPO is https path to traffic_control clone
-#   (default:
-# and <branch> is name of branch to test
-#   (default: master).
-# [<service>...] (optional) is one or more of the services listed below, e.g.
-# traffic_ops_build.  (not necessary to list clone -- all others depend on
-# it..).  Default is to build all.
-# All rpms are delivered to ./artifacts.
-version: '2'
-  repo:
-  clone:
-    build:
-      dockerfile: Dockerfile-clone
-      context: .
-    environment:
-      - GITREPO
-      - BRANCH
-    volumes:
-      - repo:/repo
-  traffic_monitor_build:
-    depends_on: [ clone ]
->>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
-    build:
-      dockerfile: Dockerfile-traffic_monitor
-      context: .
-    environment:
-      - GITREPO
-      - BRANCH
-    volumes:
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-      - ./artifacts:/artifacts
-  traffic_ops_build:
-    image: traffic_ops_builder
-      - repo:/repo
-      - ./artifacts:/artifacts
-  traffic_ops_build:
-    depends_on: [ clone ]
->>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
-    build:
-      dockerfile: Dockerfile-traffic_ops
-      context: .
-    environment:
-      - GITREPO
-      - BRANCH
-    volumes:
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-      - ./artifacts:/artifacts
-  traffic_portal_build:
-    image: traffic_portal_builder
-      - repo:/repo
-      - ./artifacts:/artifacts
-  traffic_portal_build:
-    depends_on: [ clone ]
->>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
-    build:
-      dockerfile: Dockerfile-traffic_portal
-      context: .
-    environment:
-      - GITREPO
-      - BRANCH
-    volumes:
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-      - ./artifacts:/artifacts
-  traffic_router_build:
-    image: traffic_router_builder
-      - repo:/repo
-      - ./artifacts:/artifacts
-  traffic_router_build:
-    depends_on: [ clone ]
->>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
-    build:
-      dockerfile: Dockerfile-traffic_router
-      context: .
-    environment:
-      - GITREPO
-      - BRANCH
-    volumes:
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-      - ./artifacts:/artifacts
-  traffic_stats_build:
-    image: traffic_stats_builder
-      - repo:/repo
-      - ./artifacts:/artifacts
-  traffic_stats_build:
-    depends_on: [ clone ]
->>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
-    build:
-      dockerfile: Dockerfile-traffic_stats
-      context: .
-    environment:
-      - GITREPO
-      - BRANCH
-    volumes:
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-      - repo:/repo
->>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
-      - ./artifacts:/artifacts
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/ b/infrastructure/docker/build/
index 58127d8..719aab5 100755
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 # or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 # distributed with this work for additional information
@@ -15,11 +16,14 @@
 # KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
+>>>>>>> c2e0979... simplify; remove clone volume
 [[ -z $target ]] && echo "No target specified"
 echo "Building $target"
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 echo "GITREPO=${GITREPO:=}"
 echo "BRANCH=${BRANCH:=master}"
@@ -35,3 +39,15 @@ cp ../dist/* /artifacts/.
 # Clean up for next build
 cd -
 rm -r $dir
+echo "GITREPO=${GITREPO:=}"
+echo "BRANCH=${BRANCH:=master}"
+set -x
+git clone $GITREPO -b $BRANCH traffic_control
+cd traffic_control/$target
+mkdir -p /artifacts
+cp ../dist/* /artifacts/.
+>>>>>>> c2e0979... simplify; remove clone volume

[27/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: Fix t/api/1.2/server.t in psql branch

Posted by
Fix t/api/1.2/server.t in psql branch


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 831ba459a93b6bb9852f5dfef635eed68a752fd9
Parents: 2c06a49
Author: Jan van Doorn <>
Authored: Sat Sep 24 12:58:11 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 13:57:56 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.2/server.t | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.2/server.t b/traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.2/server.t
index c4c4d51..5e5038a 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.2/server.t
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.2/server.t
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ ok $t->get_ok('/api/1.2/servers?type=MID&status=ONLINE')->status_is(200)->or( su
 ok $t->post_ok('/api/1.2/servers/create' => {Accept => 'application/json'} => json => {
 			"hostName" => "server1",
 			"domainName" => "",
-			"cachegroup" => "cg1-mid-northeast",
+			"cachegroup" => "cg2-mid-northwest",
 			"cdnName" => "cdn1",
 			"ipAddress" => "",
 			"interfaceName" => "bond0",
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ ok $t->post_ok('/api/1.2/servers/create' => {Accept => 'application/json'} => js
 ok $t->post_ok('/api/1.2/servers/create' => {Accept => 'application/json'} => json => {
 			"hostName" => "server2",
 			"domainName" => "",
-			"cachegroup" => "mid-northeast-group",
+			"cachegroup" => "cg2-mid-northwest",
 			"cdnName" => "cdn1",
 			"ipAddress" => "",
 			"interfaceName" => "bond0",
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ ok $t->post_ok('/api/1.2/servers/create' => {Accept => 'application/json'} => js
 ok $t->post_ok('/api/1.2/servers/create' => {Accept => 'application/json'} => json => {
 			"hostName" => "server3",
 			"domainName" => "",
-			"cachegroup" => "cg1-mid-northeast",
+			"cachegroup" => "cg2-mid-northwest",
 			"cdnName" => "cdn1",
 			"ipAddress" => "",
 			"interfaceName" => "bond0",
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ ok $t->post_ok('/api/1.2/servers/create' => {Accept => 'application/json'} => js
 ok $t->post_ok('/api/1.2/servers/create' => {Accept => 'application/json'} => json => {
 			"hostName" => "server3",
 			"domainName" => "",
-			"cachegroup" => "mid-northeast-group",
+			"cachegroup" => "cg2-mid-northwest",
 			"cdnName" => "cdn1",
 			"ipAddress" => "",
 			"interfaceName" => "bond0",

[04/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: fixing integration.

Posted by
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index e06ba74..1eac8b7 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -26,27 +26,93 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-'0' => { new => 'Regex', => using => { pattern => '.*\.movies\..*', type => '18', id => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', }, }, 
-'1' => { new => 'Regex', => using => { id => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', pattern => '.*\.images\..*', type => '18', }, }, 
-'2' => { new => 'Regex', => using => { id => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', pattern => '.*\.games\..*', type => '18', }, }, 
-'3' => { new => 'Regex', => using => { id => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', pattern => '.*\.tv\..*', type => '18', }, }, 
-'4' => { new => 'Regex', => using => { id => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', pattern => '.*\.movies\..*', type => '18', }, }, 
-'5' => { new => 'Regex', => using => { id => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', pattern => '.*\.images\..*', type => '18', }, }, 
-'6' => { new => 'Regex', => using => { id => '13', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', pattern => '.*\.games\..*', type => '18', }, }, 
-'7' => { new => 'Regex', => using => { id => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', pattern => '.*\.tv\..*', type => '18', }, }, 
+	## id => 1
+	'0' => {
+		new => 'Regex',
+		using => {
+			pattern => '.*\.games\..*',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			type => '20',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 2
+	'1' => {
+		new => 'Regex',
+		using => {
+			pattern => '.*\.games\..*',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			type => '20',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 3
+	'2' => {
+ 		new => 'Regex',
+ 		using => {
+			pattern => '.*\.images\..*',
+ 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+ 			type => '20',
+ 		},
+	},
+	## id => 4
+	'3' => {
+		new => 'Regex',
+		using => {
+			pattern => '.*\.images\..*',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			type => '20',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 5
+	'4' => {
+		new => 'Regex',
+		using => {
+			pattern => '.*\.movies\..*',
+			type => '20',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 6
+	'5' => {
+		new => 'Regex',
+		using => {
+			pattern => '.*\.movies\..*',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			type => '20',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 7
+	'6' => {
+ 		new => 'Regex',
+ 		using => {
+			pattern => '.*\.tv\..*',
+ 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+ 			type => '20',
+ 		},
+	},
+	## id => 8
+	'7' => {
+ 		new => 'Regex',
+ 		using => {
+			pattern => '.*\.tv\..*',
+ 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+ 			type => '20',
+ 		},
+	},
 sub name {
 		return "Regex";
-sub get_definition { 
-		my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
+sub get_definition {
+		my ( $self,
+ 			$name ) = @_;
 		return $definition_for{$name};
 sub all_fixture_names {
-		return keys %definition_for;
+	# sort by db pattern to guarantee insertion order
+	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{pattern} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{pattern} } keys %definition_for);
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index 98e6db6..d80ef59 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -26,22 +26,46 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-'0' => { new => 'Region', => using => { division => '1', id => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'East', }, }, 
-'1' => { new => 'Region', => using => { id => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'West', division => '2', }, }, 
-'2' => { new => 'Region', => using => { division => '2', id => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'Central', }, }, 
+	'0' => {
+		new => 'Region',
+		using => {
+			division => '2',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'Central',
+		},
+	},
+	'1' => {
+		new => 'Region',
+		using => {
+		division => '1',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'East',
+		},
+	},
+	'2' => {
+		new => 'Region',
+		using => {
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			name => 'West',
+			division => '2',
+		},
+	},
 sub name {
 		return "Region";
-sub get_definition { 
-		my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
+sub get_definition {
+		my ( $self,
+			$name ) = @_;
 		return $definition_for{$name};
 sub all_fixture_names {
-		return keys %definition_for;
+	# sort by db name to guarantee insertion order
+	return (sort {
+		$definition_for{$a}{using}{name} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{name} } keys %definition_for);
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index bc683e7..6510091 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -26,25 +26,75 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-'0' => { new => 'Role', => using => { description => 'block all access', id => '1', name => 'disallowed', priv_level => '0', }, }, 
-'1' => { new => 'Role', => using => { description => 'block all access', id => '2', name => 'read-only user', priv_level => '10', }, }, 
-'2' => { new => 'Role', => using => { description => 'block all access', id => '3', name => 'operations', priv_level => '20', }, }, 
-'3' => { new => 'Role', => using => { description => 'super-user', id => '4', name => 'admin', priv_level => '30', }, }, 
-'4' => { new => 'Role', => using => { description => 'database migrations user - DO NOT REMOVE', id => '5', name => 'migrations', priv_level => '20', }, }, 
-'5' => { new => 'Role', => using => { description => 'Portal User', id => '6', name => 'portal', priv_level => '2', }, }, 
+	## id => 1
+	'0' => {
+		new => 'Role',
+		using => {
+			name => 'admin',
+			description => 'super-user',
+			priv_level => '30',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 2
+	'1' => {
+		new => 'Role',
+		using => {
+			name => 'disallowed',
+			description => 'block all access',
+			priv_level => '0',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 3
+	'2' => {
+		new => 'Role',
+		using => {
+			name => 'migrations',
+			description => 'database migrations user - DO NOT REMOVE',
+			priv_level => '20',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 4
+	'3' => {
+		new => 'Role',
+		using => {
+			name => 'operations',
+			description => 'block all access',
+			priv_level => '20',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 5
+	'4' => {
+		new => 'Role',
+		using => {
+			name => 'portal',
+			description => 'Portal User',
+			priv_level => '2',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 6
+	'5' => {
+		new => 'Role',
+		using => {
+			name => 'read-only user',
+			description => 'block all access',
+			priv_level => '10',
+		},
+	},
 sub name {
 		return "Role";
-sub get_definition { 
-		my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
+sub get_definition {
+		my ( $self,
+			$name ) = @_;
 		return $definition_for{$name};
 sub all_fixture_names {
-		return keys %definition_for;
+	# sort by db name to guarantee insertion order
+	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{name} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{name} } keys %definition_for);

[06/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: fixing integration.

Posted by
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index 487a3ef..9022d85 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -26,33 +26,273 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-'0' => { new => 'PhysLocation', => using => { id => '1', region => '1', short_name => 'nyc-1', phone => undef, poc => undef, address => '1 Main Street', city => 'nyc', comments => undef, email => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'plocation-nyc-1', state => 'NY', zip => '12345', }, }, 
-'1' => { new => 'PhysLocation', => using => { city => 'nyc', name => 'plocation-nyc-2', poc => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', phone => undef, region => '1', short_name => 'nyc-2', address => '2 Broadway', comments => undef, email => undef, id => '2', state => 'NY', zip => '12345', }, }, 
-'2' => { new => 'PhysLocation', => using => { comments => undef, id => '3', name => 'plocation-lax-1', phone => undef, region => '2', short_name => 'lax-1', state => 'CA', address => '3 Main Street', city => 'lax', email => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', poc => undef, zip => '12345', }, }, 
-'3' => { new => 'PhysLocation', => using => { address => '4 Broadway', comments => undef, email => undef, id => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', phone => undef, zip => '12345', city => 'lax', name => 'plocation-lax-2', poc => undef, region => '2', short_name => 'lax-2', state => 'CA', }, }, 
-'4' => { new => 'PhysLocation', => using => { state => 'IL', zip => '12345', address => '5 Main Street', comments => undef, email => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'plocation-chi-1', phone => undef, city => 'chi', id => '5', poc => undef, region => '3', short_name => 'chi-1', }, }, 
-'5' => { new => 'PhysLocation', => using => { phone => undef, short_name => 'chi-2', state => 'IL', address => '6 Broadway', city => 'chi', comments => undef, id => '6', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', zip => '12345', email => undef, name => 'plocation-chi-2', poc => undef, region => '3', }, }, 
-'6' => { new => 'PhysLocation', => using => { id => '7', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'plocation-hou-1', phone => undef, poc => undef, address => '7 Main Street', city => 'hou', email => undef, region => '3', state => 'TX', comments => undef, short_name => 'hou-1', zip => '12345', }, }, 
-'7' => { new => 'PhysLocation', => using => { phone => undef, poc => undef, state => 'TX', zip => '12345', email => undef, city => 'hou', comments => undef, id => '8', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'plocation-hou-2', region => '3', short_name => 'hou-2', address => '8 Broadway', }, }, 
-'8' => { new => 'PhysLocation', => using => { region => '1', address => '9 Main Street', email => undef, name => 'plocation-phl-1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', phone => undef, poc => undef, short_name => 'phl-1', state => 'PA', city => 'phl', comments => undef, id => '9', zip => '12345', }, }, 
-'9' => { new => 'PhysLocation', => using => { email => undef, state => 'PA', zip => '12345', comments => undef, city => 'phl', id => '10', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'plocation-phl-2', phone => undef, poc => undef, region => '1', address => '10 Broadway', short_name => 'phl-2', }, }, 
-'10' => { new => 'PhysLocation', => using => { name => 'plocation-den-1', region => '2', short_name => 'den-1', zip => '12345', city => 'den', comments => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', phone => undef, poc => undef, state => 'CO', address => '11 Main Street', email => undef, id => '11', }, }, 
-'11' => { new => 'PhysLocation', => using => { id => '12', state => 'CO', zip => '12345', address => '12 Broadway', comments => undef, email => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', name => 'plocation-den-2', phone => undef, poc => undef, region => '2', city => 'den', short_name => 'den-2', }, }, 
-'12' => { new => 'PhysLocation', => using => { phone => undef, region => '1', short_name => 'clw', comments => undef, email => undef, id => '100', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', state => '-', zip => '-', address => '-', city => '-', name => 'cloud-east', poc => undef, }, }, 
-'13' => { new => 'PhysLocation', => using => { region => '2', city => '-', comments => undef, email => undef, id => '101', name => 'cloud-west', phone => undef, address => '-', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45', poc => undef, short_name => 'cle', state => '-', zip => '-', }, }, 
+	## id => 1
+	'0' => {
+		new => 'PhysLocation',
+		using => {
+			name => 'cloud-east',
+			phone => undef,
+			region => '1',
+			short_name => 'clw',
+			comments => undef,
+			email => undef,
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			state => '-',
+			zip => '-',
+			address => '-',
+			city => '-',
+			poc => undef,
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 2
+	'1' => {
+		new => 'PhysLocation',
+		using => {
+			name => 'cloud-west',
+			region => '2',
+			city => '-',
+			comments => undef,
+			email => undef,
+			phone => undef,
+			address => '-',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			poc => undef,
+			short_name => 'cle',
+			state => '-',
+			zip => '-',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 3
+	'2' => {
+		new => 'PhysLocation',
+		using => {
+			name => 'plocation-chi-1',
+			state => 'IL',
+			zip => '12345',
+			address => '5 Main Street',
+			comments => undef,
+			email => undef,
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			phone => undef,
+			city => 'chi',
+			poc => undef,
+			region => '3',
+			short_name => 'chi-1',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 4
+	'3' => {
+		new => 'PhysLocation',
+		using => {
+			name => 'plocation-chi-2',
+			phone => undef,
+			short_name => 'chi-2',
+			state => 'IL',
+			address => '6 Broadway',
+			city => 'chi',
+			comments => undef,
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			zip => '12345',
+			email => undef,
+			poc => undef,
+			region => '3',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 5
+	'4' => {
+		new => 'PhysLocation',
+		using => {
+			name => 'plocation-den-1',
+			region => '2',
+			short_name => 'den-1',
+			zip => '12345',
+			city => 'den',
+			comments => undef,
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			phone => undef,
+			poc => undef,
+			state => 'CO',
+			address => '11 Main Street',
+			email => undef,
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 6
+	'5' => {
+		new => 'PhysLocation',
+		using => {
+			name => 'plocation-den-2',
+			state => 'CO',
+			zip => '12345',
+			address => '12 Broadway',
+			comments => undef,
+			email => undef,
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			phone => undef,
+			poc => undef,
+			region => '2',
+			city => 'den',
+			short_name => 'den-2',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 7
+	'6' => {
+		new => 'PhysLocation',
+		using => {
+			name => 'plocation-hou-1',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			phone => undef,
+			poc => undef,
+			address => '7 Main Street',
+			city => 'hou',
+			email => undef,
+			region => '3',
+			state => 'TX',
+			comments => undef,
+			short_name => 'hou-1',
+			zip => '12345',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 8
+	'7' => {
+		new => 'PhysLocation',
+		using => {
+			name => 'plocation-hou-2',
+			phone => undef,
+			poc => undef,
+			state => 'TX',
+			zip => '12345',
+			email => undef,
+			city => 'hou',
+			comments => undef,
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			region => '3',
+			short_name => 'hou-2',
+			address => '8 Broadway',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 9
+	'8' => {
+		new => 'PhysLocation',
+		using => {
+			name => 'plocation-lax-1',
+			comments => undef,
+			phone => undef,
+			region => '2',
+			short_name => 'lax-1',
+			state => 'CA',
+			address => '3 Main Street',
+			city => 'lax',
+			email => undef,
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			poc => undef,
+			zip => '12345',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 10
+	'9' => {
+		new => 'PhysLocation',
+		using => {
+			name => 'plocation-lax-2',
+			address => '4 Broadway',
+			comments => undef,
+			email => undef,
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			phone => undef,
+			zip => '12345',
+			city => 'lax',
+			poc => undef,
+			region => '2',
+			short_name => 'lax-2',
+			state => 'CA',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 11
+	'10' => {
+		new => 'PhysLocation',
+		using => {
+			name => 'plocation-nyc-1',
+			region => '1',
+			short_name => 'nyc-1',
+			phone => undef,
+			poc => undef,
+			address => '1 Main Street',
+			city => 'nyc',
+			comments => undef,
+			email => undef,
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			state => 'NY',
+			zip => '12345',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 12
+	'11' => {
+		new => 'PhysLocation',
+		using => {
+			name => 'plocation-nyc-2',
+			city => 'nyc',
+			poc => undef,
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			phone => undef,
+			region => '1',
+			short_name => 'nyc-2',
+			address => '2 Broadway',
+			comments => undef,
+			email => undef,
+			state => 'NY',
+			zip => '12345',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 13
+	'12' => {
+		new => 'PhysLocation',
+		using => {
+			name => 'plocation-phl-1',
+			region => '1',
+			address => '9 Main Street',
+			email => undef,
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			phone => undef,
+			poc => undef,
+			short_name => 'phl-1',
+			state => 'PA',
+			city => 'phl',
+			comments => undef,
+			zip => '12345',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 14
+	'13' => {
+		new => 'PhysLocation',
+		using => {
+			name => 'plocation-phl-2',
+			email => undef,
+			state => 'PA',
+			zip => '12345',
+			comments => undef,
+			city => 'phl',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:45',
+			phone => undef,
+			poc => undef,
+			region => '1',
+			address => '10 Broadway',
+			short_name => 'phl-2',
+		},
+	},
 sub name {
 		return "PhysLocation";
-sub get_definition { 
-		my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
+sub get_definition {
+		my ( $self,
+$name ) = @_;
 		return $definition_for{$name};
 sub all_fixture_names {
-		return keys %definition_for;
+	# sort by db name to guarantee insertion order
+	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{name} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{name} } keys %definition_for);
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index 188d956..784f885 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -25,42 +25,220 @@ use Moose;
 extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
-my %definition_for = (
-'0' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { description => 'HP DL380 Edge', id => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'EDGE2_CDN1', }, }, 
-'1' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { description => 'HP DL380 Mid', id => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'MID2_CDN1', }, }, 
-'2' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { description => 'Comcast Content Router for', id => '5', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CCR_CDN1', }, }, 
-'3' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { description => 'GLOBAL Traffic Ops Profile -- DO NOT DELETE', id => '6', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'GLOBAL', }, }, 
-'4' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { description => 'Comcast Content Router for', id => '8', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CCR_CDN2', }, }, 
-'5' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { description => 'TrafficMonitor for CDN1', id => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'RASCAL_CDN1', }, }, 
-'6' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { id => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'RASCAL_CDN2', description => 'TrafficMonitor for CDN2 ', }, }, 
-'7' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'EDGE1_CDN2_402', description => 'Dell R720xd, Edge, CDN2 CDN, ATS v4.0.2', id => '16', }, }, 
-'8' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { description => 'Dell R720xd, Edge, CDN1 CDN, ATS v4.0.2', id => '19', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'EDGE1_CDN1_402', }, }, 
-'9' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { description => 'Dell R720xd, Mid, CDN2 CDN, new vol config, ATS v4.0.x', id => '20', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'MID1_CDN2_402', }, }, 
-'10' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { description => 'HP DL380, Edge, CDN1 CDN, ATS v4.0.x', id => '21', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'EDGE2_CDN1_402', }, }, 
-'11' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { description => 'HP DL380, Edge, CDN2 CDN, ATS v4.0.x', id => '23', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'EDGE2_CDN2_402', }, }, 
-'12' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { description => 'Dell R720xd, Edge, CDN2 CDN, ATS v4.2.1, Consistent Parent', id => '26', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'EDGE1_CDN2_421', }, }, 
-'13' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { description => 'Dell R720xd, Edge, CDN1 CDN, ATS v4.2.1, Consistent Parent', id => '27', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'EDGE1_CDN1_421', }, }, 
-'14' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { description => 'Dell R720xd, Mid, CDN2 CDN, ATS v4.2.1', id => '30', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'MID1_CDN2_421', }, }, 
-'15' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { name => 'MID1_CDN1_421', description => 'Dell R720xd, Mid, CDN1 CDN, ATS v4.2.1', id => '31', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
-'16' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { id => '34', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'TRAFFIC_STATS', description => 'Traffic Stats profile for all CDNs', }, }, 
-'17' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { description => 'HP DL380, Edge, CDN2 CDN, ATS v4.2.1, Consistent Parent', id => '37', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'EDGE2_CDN2_421', }, }, 
-'18' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { description => 'Dell r720xd, Edge, CDN1 CDN, ATS v4.2.1, SSL enabled', id => '45', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'EDGE1_CDN1_421_SSL', }, }, 
-'19' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { description => 'Riak profile for all CDNs', id => '47', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'RIAK_ALL', }, }, 
-'20' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'ORG1_CDN1', description => 'Multi site origin profile 1', id => '48', }, }, 
-'21' => { new => 'Profile', => using => { name => 'ORG2_CDN1', description => 'Multi site origin profile 2', id => '49', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
+	my %definition_for = (
+	## id => 1
+	'0' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'CCR_CDN1',
+			description => 'Comcast Content Router for',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 2
+	'1' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'CCR_CDN2',
+			description => 'Comcast Content Router for',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 3
+	'2' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'EDGE1_CDN1_402',
+			description => 'Dell R720xd, Edge, CDN1 CDN, ATS v4.0.2',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 4
+	'3' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'EDGE1_CDN1_421',
+			description => 'Dell R720xd, Edge, CDN1 CDN, ATS v4.2.1, Consistent Parent',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 5
+	'4' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'EDGE1_CDN1_421_SSL',
+			description => 'Dell r720xd, Edge, CDN1 CDN, ATS v4.2.1, SSL enabled',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 6
+	'5' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'EDGE1_CDN2_402',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+			description => 'Dell R720xd, Edge, CDN2 CDN, ATS v4.0.2',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 7
+	'6' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'EDGE1_CDN2_421',
+			description => 'Dell R720xd, Edge, CDN2 CDN, ATS v4.2.1, Consistent Parent',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 8
+	'7' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'EDGE2_CDN1',
+			description => 'HP DL380 Edge',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 9
+	'8' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'EDGE2_CDN1_402',
+			description => 'HP DL380, Edge, CDN1 CDN, ATS v4.0.x',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 10
+	'9' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'EDGE2_CDN2_402',
+			description => 'HP DL380, Edge, CDN2 CDN, ATS v4.0.x',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 11
+	'10' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'EDGE2_CDN2_421',
+			description => 'HP DL380, Edge, CDN2 CDN, ATS v4.2.1, Consistent Parent',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 12
+	'11' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'GLOBAL',
+			description => 'GLOBAL Traffic Ops Profile -- DO NOT DELETE',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 13
+	'12' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'MID1_CDN1_421',
+			description => 'Dell R720xd, Mid, CDN1 CDN, ATS v4.2.1',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 14
+	'13' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'MID1_CDN2_402',
+			description => 'Dell R720xd, Mid, CDN2 CDN, new vol config, ATS v4.0.x',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 15
+	'14' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'MID1_CDN2_421',
+			description => 'Dell R720xd, Mid, CDN2 CDN, ATS v4.2.1',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 16
+	'15' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'MID2_CDN1',
+			description => 'HP DL380 Mid',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 17
+	'16' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'ORG1_CDN1',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+			description => 'Multi site origin profile 1',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 18
+	'17' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'ORG2_CDN1',
+			description => 'Multi site origin profile 2',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 19
+	'18' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'RASCAL_CDN1',
+			description => 'TrafficMonitor for CDN1',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 20
+	'19' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'RASCAL_CDN2',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+			description => 'TrafficMonitor for CDN2 ',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 21
+	'20' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'RIAK_ALL',
+			description => 'Riak profile for all CDNs',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+		},
+	},
+	## id => 22
+	'21' => {
+		new => 'Profile',
+		using => {
+			name => 'TRAFFIC_STATS',
+			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48',
+			description => 'Traffic Stats profile for all CDNs',
+		},
+	},
 sub name {
 		return "Profile";
-sub get_definition { 
-		my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
+sub get_definition {
+		my ( $self,
+$name ) = @_;
 		return $definition_for{$name};
 sub all_fixture_names {
-		return keys %definition_for;
+	# sort by db name to guarantee insertion order
+	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{name} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{name} } keys %definition_for);

[18/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: fixing tests after merging master

Posted by
fixing tests after merging master


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 536abd8e1606b83d784a7e98ea284bd05562e8bc
Parents: 65abbb6
Author: Jackie Heitzer <>
Authored: Thu Aug 11 15:04:45 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 13:52:00 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql            | 433 ++++++++++---------
 ...20160729000000_add_geolimit_redirect_url.sql |  23 -
 .../20160808092026_fix_column_types.sql         |  77 ++++
 .../20160809092015_update_serverchecks.sql      |   9 -
 traffic_ops/app/t/deliveryservice.t             |  59 +--
 traffic_ops/app/t_integration/extensions.t      |   6 +-
 6 files changed, 321 insertions(+), 286 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql b/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql
index 8dcc250..3456db1 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql
@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@ CREATE TABLE deliveryservice (
     geo_provider smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint,
     geo_limit_countries character varying(750),
     logs_enabled boolean,
-    multi_site_origin_algorithm boolean
+    multi_site_origin_algorithm boolean,
+    geolimit_redirect_url character varying(255)
@@ -984,7 +985,6 @@ CREATE TABLE servercheck (
     ap bigint,
     aq bigint,
     ar bigint,
-    "as" bigint,
     at bigint,
     au bigint,
     av bigint,
@@ -997,6 +997,7 @@ CREATE TABLE servercheck (
     bc bigint,
     bd bigint,
     be bigint,
+    bf bigint,
     last_updated timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
@@ -1528,7 +1529,7 @@ SELECT pg_catalog.setval('cdn_id_seq', 1, true);
 -- Data for Name: deliveryservice; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY deliveryservice (id, xml_id, active, dscp, signed, qstring_ignore, geo_limit, http_bypass_fqdn, dns_bypass_ip, dns_bypass_ip6, dns_bypass_ttl, org_server_fqdn, type, profile, cdn_id, ccr_dns_ttl, global_max_mbps, global_max_tps, long_desc, long_desc_1, long_desc_2, max_dns_answers, info_url, miss_lat, miss_long, check_path, last_updated, protocol, ssl_key_version, ipv6_routing_enabled, range_request_handling, edge_header_rewrite, origin_shield, mid_header_rewrite, regex_remap, cacheurl, remap_text, multi_site_origin, display_name, tr_response_headers, initial_dispersion, dns_bypass_cname, tr_request_headers, regional_geo_blocking, geo_provider, geo_limit_countries, logs_enabled, multi_site_origin_algorithm) FROM stdin;
+COPY deliveryservice (id, xml_id, active, dscp, signed, qstring_ignore, geo_limit, http_bypass_fqdn, dns_bypass_ip, dns_bypass_ip6, dns_bypass_ttl, org_server_fqdn, type, profile, cdn_id, ccr_dns_ttl, global_max_mbps, global_max_tps, long_desc, long_desc_1, long_desc_2, max_dns_answers, info_url, miss_lat, miss_long, check_path, last_updated, protocol, ssl_key_version, ipv6_routing_enabled, range_request_handling, edge_header_rewrite, origin_shield, mid_header_rewrite, regex_remap, cacheurl, remap_text, multi_site_origin, display_name, tr_response_headers, initial_dispersion, dns_bypass_cname, tr_request_headers, regional_geo_blocking, geo_provider, geo_limit_countries, logs_enabled, multi_site_origin_algorithm, geolimit_redirect_url) FROM stdin;
@@ -1839,7 +1840,7 @@ SELECT pg_catalog.setval('server_id_seq', 1, true);
 -- Data for Name: servercheck; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY servercheck (id, server, aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af, ag, ah, ai, aj, ak, al, am, an, ao, ap, aq, ar, "as", at, au, av, aw, ax, ay, az, ba, bb, bc, bd, be, last_updated) FROM stdin;
+COPY servercheck (id, server, aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af, ag, ah, ai, aj, ak, al, am, an, ao, ap, aq, ar, bf, at, au, av, aw, ax, ay, az, ba, bb, bc, bd, be, last_updated) FROM stdin;
@@ -1949,781 +1950,781 @@ SELECT pg_catalog.setval('type_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Name: idx_419494_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447932_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419494_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, cachegroup);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_447932_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_419504_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447942_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY cachegroup
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419504_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_447942_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
--- Name: idx_419510_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447948_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY cachegroup_parameter
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419510_primary PRIMARY KEY (cachegroup, parameter);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_447948_primary PRIMARY KEY (cachegroup, parameter);
--- Name: idx_419518_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447956_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419518_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_447956_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_419527_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447965_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419527_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_447965_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
--- Name: idx_419543_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447981_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice_regex
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419543_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, regex);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_447981_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, regex);
--- Name: idx_419547_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447985_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice_server
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419547_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, server);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_447985_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, server);
--- Name: idx_419552_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447990_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice_tmuser
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419552_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, tm_user_id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_447990_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, tm_user_id);
--- Name: idx_419559_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447997_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419559_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_447997_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_419567_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448005_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419567_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448005_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_419576_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448014_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_deliveryservice
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419576_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, deliveryservice);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448014_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, deliveryservice);
--- Name: idx_419581_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448019_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_federation_resolver
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419581_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, federation_resolver);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448019_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, federation_resolver);
--- Name: idx_419588_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448026_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_resolver
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419588_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448026_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_419594_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448032_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_tmuser
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419594_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, tm_user);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448032_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, tm_user);
--- Name: idx_419601_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448039_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419601_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448039_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_419612_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448050_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419612_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448050_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_419623_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448061_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419623_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448061_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_419635_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448073_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY job_result
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419635_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448073_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_419646_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448084_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY job_status
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419646_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448084_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_419654_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448092_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419654_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, tm_user);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448092_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, tm_user);
--- Name: idx_419665_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448103_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419665_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448103_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_419677_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448115_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY phys_location
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419677_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448115_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_419688_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448126_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419688_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448126_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_419694_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448132_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY profile_parameter
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419694_primary PRIMARY KEY (profile, parameter);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448132_primary PRIMARY KEY (profile, parameter);
--- Name: idx_419701_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448139_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419701_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448139_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
--- Name: idx_419710_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448148_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419710_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448148_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_419718_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448156_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419718_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448156_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_419724_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448162_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419724_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, cachegroup, type, status, profile);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448162_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, cachegroup, type, status, profile);
--- Name: idx_419738_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448176_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY servercheck
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419738_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, server);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448176_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, server);
--- Name: idx_419746_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448184_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY staticdnsentry
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419746_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448184_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_419755_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448193_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY stats_summary
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419755_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448193_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_419766_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448204_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419766_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448204_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_419772_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448210_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY steering_target
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419772_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, target);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448210_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, target);
--- Name: idx_419779_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448217_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419779_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448217_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_419792_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448230_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY to_extension
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419792_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448230_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_419802_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448240_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419802_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448240_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_419494_cr_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447932_cr_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419494_cr_id_unique ON asn USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_447932_cr_id_unique ON asn USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_419494_fk_cran_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447932_fk_cran_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419494_fk_cran_cachegroup1 ON asn USING btree (cachegroup);
+CREATE INDEX idx_447932_fk_cran_cachegroup1 ON asn USING btree (cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_419504_cg_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447942_cg_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419504_cg_name_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_447942_cg_name_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_419504_cg_short_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447942_cg_short_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419504_cg_short_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (short_name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_447942_cg_short_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (short_name);
--- Name: idx_419504_fk_cg_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447942_fk_cg_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419504_fk_cg_1 ON cachegroup USING btree (parent_cachegroup_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_447942_fk_cg_1 ON cachegroup USING btree (parent_cachegroup_id);
--- Name: idx_419504_fk_cg_secondary; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447942_fk_cg_secondary; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419504_fk_cg_secondary ON cachegroup USING btree (secondary_parent_cachegroup_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_447942_fk_cg_secondary ON cachegroup USING btree (secondary_parent_cachegroup_id);
--- Name: idx_419504_fk_cg_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447942_fk_cg_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419504_fk_cg_type1 ON cachegroup USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_447942_fk_cg_type1 ON cachegroup USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_419504_lo_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447942_lo_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419504_lo_id_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_447942_lo_id_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_419510_fk_parameter; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447948_fk_parameter; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419510_fk_parameter ON cachegroup_parameter USING btree (parameter);
+CREATE INDEX idx_447948_fk_parameter ON cachegroup_parameter USING btree (parameter);
--- Name: idx_419518_cdn_cdn_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447956_cdn_cdn_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419518_cdn_cdn_unique ON cdn USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_447956_cdn_cdn_unique ON cdn USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_419527_ds_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447965_ds_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419527_ds_id_unique ON deliveryservice USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_447965_ds_id_unique ON deliveryservice USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_419527_ds_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447965_ds_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419527_ds_name_unique ON deliveryservice USING btree (xml_id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_447965_ds_name_unique ON deliveryservice USING btree (xml_id);
--- Name: idx_419527_fk_cdn1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447965_fk_cdn1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419527_fk_cdn1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (cdn_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_447965_fk_cdn1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (cdn_id);
--- Name: idx_419527_fk_deliveryservice_profile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447965_fk_deliveryservice_profile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419527_fk_deliveryservice_profile1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (profile);
+CREATE INDEX idx_447965_fk_deliveryservice_profile1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (profile);
--- Name: idx_419527_fk_deliveryservice_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447965_fk_deliveryservice_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419527_fk_deliveryservice_type1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_447965_fk_deliveryservice_type1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_419543_fk_ds_to_regex_regex1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447981_fk_ds_to_regex_regex1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419543_fk_ds_to_regex_regex1 ON deliveryservice_regex USING btree (regex);
+CREATE INDEX idx_447981_fk_ds_to_regex_regex1 ON deliveryservice_regex USING btree (regex);
--- Name: idx_419547_fk_ds_to_cs_contentserver1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447985_fk_ds_to_cs_contentserver1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419547_fk_ds_to_cs_contentserver1 ON deliveryservice_server USING btree (server);
+CREATE INDEX idx_447985_fk_ds_to_cs_contentserver1 ON deliveryservice_server USING btree (server);
--- Name: idx_419552_fk_tm_userid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447990_fk_tm_userid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419552_fk_tm_userid ON deliveryservice_tmuser USING btree (tm_user_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_447990_fk_tm_userid ON deliveryservice_tmuser USING btree (tm_user_id);
--- Name: idx_419559_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_447997_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419559_name_unique ON division USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_447997_name_unique ON division USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_419576_fk_fed_to_ds1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448014_fk_fed_to_ds1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419576_fk_fed_to_ds1 ON federation_deliveryservice USING btree (deliveryservice);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448014_fk_fed_to_ds1 ON federation_deliveryservice USING btree (deliveryservice);
--- Name: idx_419581_fk_federation_federation_resolver; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448019_fk_federation_federation_resolver; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419581_fk_federation_federation_resolver ON federation_federation_resolver USING btree (federation);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448019_fk_federation_federation_resolver ON federation_federation_resolver USING btree (federation);
--- Name: idx_419581_fk_federation_resolver_to_fed1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448019_fk_federation_resolver_to_fed1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419581_fk_federation_resolver_to_fed1 ON federation_federation_resolver USING btree (federation_resolver);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448019_fk_federation_resolver_to_fed1 ON federation_federation_resolver USING btree (federation_resolver);
--- Name: idx_419588_federation_resolver_ip_address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448026_federation_resolver_ip_address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419588_federation_resolver_ip_address ON federation_resolver USING btree (ip_address);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448026_federation_resolver_ip_address ON federation_resolver USING btree (ip_address);
--- Name: idx_419588_fk_federation_mapping_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448026_fk_federation_mapping_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419588_fk_federation_mapping_type ON federation_resolver USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448026_fk_federation_mapping_type ON federation_resolver USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_419594_fk_federation_federation_resolver; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448032_fk_federation_federation_resolver; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419594_fk_federation_federation_resolver ON federation_tmuser USING btree (federation);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448032_fk_federation_federation_resolver ON federation_tmuser USING btree (federation);
--- Name: idx_419594_fk_federation_tmuser_role; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448032_fk_federation_tmuser_role; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419594_fk_federation_tmuser_role ON federation_tmuser USING btree (role);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448032_fk_federation_tmuser_role ON federation_tmuser USING btree (role);
--- Name: idx_419594_fk_federation_tmuser_tmuser; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448032_fk_federation_tmuser_tmuser; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419594_fk_federation_tmuser_tmuser ON federation_tmuser USING btree (tm_user);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448032_fk_federation_tmuser_tmuser ON federation_tmuser USING btree (tm_user);
--- Name: idx_419601_fk_hwinfo1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448039_fk_hwinfo1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419601_fk_hwinfo1 ON hwinfo USING btree (serverid);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448039_fk_hwinfo1 ON hwinfo USING btree (serverid);
--- Name: idx_419601_serverid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448039_serverid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419601_serverid ON hwinfo USING btree (serverid, description);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448039_serverid ON hwinfo USING btree (serverid, description);
--- Name: idx_419612_fk_job_agent_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448050_fk_job_agent_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419612_fk_job_agent_id1 ON job USING btree (agent);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448050_fk_job_agent_id1 ON job USING btree (agent);
--- Name: idx_419612_fk_job_deliveryservice1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448050_fk_job_deliveryservice1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419612_fk_job_deliveryservice1 ON job USING btree (job_deliveryservice);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448050_fk_job_deliveryservice1 ON job USING btree (job_deliveryservice);
--- Name: idx_419612_fk_job_status_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448050_fk_job_status_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419612_fk_job_status_id1 ON job USING btree (status);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448050_fk_job_status_id1 ON job USING btree (status);
--- Name: idx_419612_fk_job_user_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448050_fk_job_user_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419612_fk_job_user_id1 ON job USING btree (job_user);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448050_fk_job_user_id1 ON job USING btree (job_user);
--- Name: idx_419635_fk_agent_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448073_fk_agent_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419635_fk_agent_id1 ON job_result USING btree (agent);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448073_fk_agent_id1 ON job_result USING btree (agent);
--- Name: idx_419635_fk_job_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448073_fk_job_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419635_fk_job_id1 ON job_result USING btree (job);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448073_fk_job_id1 ON job_result USING btree (job);
--- Name: idx_419654_fk_log_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448092_fk_log_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419654_fk_log_1 ON log USING btree (tm_user);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448092_fk_log_1 ON log USING btree (tm_user);
--- Name: idx_419665_parameter_name_value_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448103_parameter_name_value_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419665_parameter_name_value_idx ON parameter USING btree (name, value);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448103_parameter_name_value_idx ON parameter USING btree (name, value);
--- Name: idx_419677_fk_phys_location_region_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448115_fk_phys_location_region_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419677_fk_phys_location_region_idx ON phys_location USING btree (region);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448115_fk_phys_location_region_idx ON phys_location USING btree (region);
--- Name: idx_419677_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448115_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419677_name_unique ON phys_location USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448115_name_unique ON phys_location USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_419677_short_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448115_short_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419677_short_name_unique ON phys_location USING btree (short_name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448115_short_name_unique ON phys_location USING btree (short_name);
--- Name: idx_419688_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448126_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419688_name_unique ON profile USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448126_name_unique ON profile USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_419694_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsparameters1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448132_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsparameters1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419694_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsparameters1 ON profile_parameter USING btree (parameter);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448132_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsparameters1 ON profile_parameter USING btree (parameter);
--- Name: idx_419694_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsprofile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448132_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsprofile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419694_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsprofile1 ON profile_parameter USING btree (profile);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448132_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsprofile1 ON profile_parameter USING btree (profile);
--- Name: idx_419701_fk_regex_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448139_fk_regex_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419701_fk_regex_type1 ON regex USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448139_fk_regex_type1 ON regex USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_419701_re_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448139_re_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419701_re_id_unique ON regex USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448139_re_id_unique ON regex USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_419710_fk_region_division1_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448148_fk_region_division1_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419710_fk_region_division1_idx ON region USING btree (division);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448148_fk_region_division1_idx ON region USING btree (division);
--- Name: idx_419710_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448148_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419710_name_unique ON region USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448148_name_unique ON region USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_419724_cs_ip_address_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448162_cs_ip_address_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419724_cs_ip_address_unique ON server USING btree (ip_address);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448162_cs_ip_address_unique ON server USING btree (ip_address);
--- Name: idx_419724_fk_cdn2; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448162_fk_cdn2; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419724_fk_cdn2 ON server USING btree (cdn_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448162_fk_cdn2 ON server USING btree (cdn_id);
--- Name: idx_419724_fk_contentserver_atsprofile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448162_fk_contentserver_atsprofile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419724_fk_contentserver_atsprofile1 ON server USING btree (profile);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448162_fk_contentserver_atsprofile1 ON server USING btree (profile);
--- Name: idx_419724_fk_contentserver_contentserverstatus1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448162_fk_contentserver_contentserverstatus1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419724_fk_contentserver_contentserverstatus1 ON server USING btree (status);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448162_fk_contentserver_contentserverstatus1 ON server USING btree (status);
--- Name: idx_419724_fk_contentserver_contentservertype1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448162_fk_contentserver_contentservertype1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419724_fk_contentserver_contentservertype1 ON server USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448162_fk_contentserver_contentservertype1 ON server USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_419724_fk_contentserver_phys_location1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448162_fk_contentserver_phys_location1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419724_fk_contentserver_phys_location1 ON server USING btree (phys_location);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448162_fk_contentserver_phys_location1 ON server USING btree (phys_location);
--- Name: idx_419724_fk_server_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448162_fk_server_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419724_fk_server_cachegroup1 ON server USING btree (cachegroup);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448162_fk_server_cachegroup1 ON server USING btree (cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_419724_host_name; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448162_host_name; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419724_host_name ON server USING btree (host_name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448162_host_name ON server USING btree (host_name);
--- Name: idx_419724_ip6_address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448162_ip6_address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419724_ip6_address ON server USING btree (ip6_address);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448162_ip6_address ON server USING btree (ip6_address);
--- Name: idx_419724_se_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448162_se_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419724_se_id_unique ON server USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448162_se_id_unique ON server USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_419738_fk_serverstatus_server1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448176_fk_serverstatus_server1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419738_fk_serverstatus_server1 ON servercheck USING btree (server);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448176_fk_serverstatus_server1 ON servercheck USING btree (server);
--- Name: idx_419738_server; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448176_server; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419738_server ON servercheck USING btree (server);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448176_server ON servercheck USING btree (server);
--- Name: idx_419738_ses_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448176_ses_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419738_ses_id_unique ON servercheck USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448176_ses_id_unique ON servercheck USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_419746_combi_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448184_combi_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419746_combi_unique ON staticdnsentry USING btree (host, address, deliveryservice, cachegroup);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448184_combi_unique ON staticdnsentry USING btree (host, address, deliveryservice, cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_419746_fk_staticdnsentry_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448184_fk_staticdnsentry_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419746_fk_staticdnsentry_cachegroup1 ON staticdnsentry USING btree (cachegroup);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448184_fk_staticdnsentry_cachegroup1 ON staticdnsentry USING btree (cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_419746_fk_staticdnsentry_ds; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448184_fk_staticdnsentry_ds; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419746_fk_staticdnsentry_ds ON staticdnsentry USING btree (deliveryservice);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448184_fk_staticdnsentry_ds ON staticdnsentry USING btree (deliveryservice);
--- Name: idx_419746_fk_staticdnsentry_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448184_fk_staticdnsentry_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419746_fk_staticdnsentry_type ON staticdnsentry USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448184_fk_staticdnsentry_type ON staticdnsentry USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_419779_fk_user_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448217_fk_user_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419779_fk_user_1 ON tm_user USING btree (role);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448217_fk_user_1 ON tm_user USING btree (role);
--- Name: idx_419779_tmuser_email_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448217_tmuser_email_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419779_tmuser_email_unique ON tm_user USING btree (email);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448217_tmuser_email_unique ON tm_user USING btree (email);
--- Name: idx_419779_username_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448217_username_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419779_username_unique ON tm_user USING btree (username);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448217_username_unique ON tm_user USING btree (username);
--- Name: idx_419792_fk_ext_type_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448230_fk_ext_type_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_419792_fk_ext_type_idx ON to_extension USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_448230_fk_ext_type_idx ON to_extension USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_419792_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448230_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419792_id_unique ON to_extension USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448230_id_unique ON to_extension USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_419802_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_448240_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419802_name_unique ON type USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448240_name_unique ON type USING btree (name);
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160729000000_add_geolimit_redirect_url.sql b/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160729000000_add_geolimit_redirect_url.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 959362b..0000000
--- a/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160729000000_add_geolimit_redirect_url.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-       Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-       you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-       You may obtain a copy of the License at
-       Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-       distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-       WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-       See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-       limitations under the License.
--- +goose Up
--- SQL in section 'Up' is executed when this migration is applied
-alter table deliveryservice add geolimit_redirect_url varchar(255) default NULL;
--- +goose Down
--- SQL section 'Down' is executed when this migration is rolled back
-alter table deliveryservice drop column geolimit_redirect_url;
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160808092026_fix_column_types.sql b/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160808092026_fix_column_types.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f764311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160808092026_fix_column_types.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+-- +goose Up
+-- SQL in section 'Up' is executed when this migration is applied
+ALTER TABLE cachegroup ALTER COLUMN latitude  TYPE numeric;
+ALTER TABLE cachegroup ALTER COLUMN longitude TYPE numeric;
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN signed TYPE smallint USING (signed::int::smallint);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN qstring_ignore TYPE smallint USING (qstring_ignore::int::smallint);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
+  ALTER COLUMN geo_limit TYPE smallint USING (geo_limit::int::smallint),
+  ALTER COLUMN geo_limit SET DEFAULT '0';
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN miss_lat                     TYPE numeric;
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN miss_long                    TYPE numeric;
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin            TYPE smallint USING (multi_site_origin::int::smallint);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN regional_geo_blocking        TYPE smallint USING (regional_geo_blocking::int::smallint);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN logs_enabled                 TYPE smallint USING (logs_enabled::int::smallint);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin_algorithm  TYPE smallint USING (multi_site_origin_algorithm::int::smallint);
+ALTER TABLE parameter
+  ALTER COLUMN secure TYPE smallint USING (secure::int::smallint),
+  ALTER COLUMN upd_pending TYPE smallint USING (upd_pending::int::smallint),
+  ALTER COLUMN upd_pending SET DEFAULT '0';
+ALTER TABLE tm_user
+  ALTER COLUMN new_user TYPE smallint USING (new_user::int::smallint),
+ALTER TABLE to_extension  ALTER COLUMN isactive TYPE smallint USING (isactive::int::smallint);
+-- +goose Down
+-- SQL section 'Down' is executed when this migration is rolled back
+ALTER TABLE cachegroup ALTER COLUMN latitude  TYPE double precision;
+ALTER TABLE cachegroup ALTER COLUMN longitude TYPE double precision;
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN signed         TYPE boolean USING (signed::int::boolean);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN qstring_ignore TYPE boolean USING (qstring_ignore::int::boolean);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
+  ALTER COLUMN geo_limit TYPE boolean USING (geo_limit::int::boolean),
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN miss_lat                     TYPE double precision;
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN miss_long                    TYPE double precision;
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin            TYPE boolean USING (multi_site_origin::int::boolean);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN regional_geo_blocking        TYPE boolean USING (regional_geo_blocking::int::boolean);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin_algorithm  TYPE boolean USING (multi_site_origin_algorithm::int::boolean);
+ALTER TABLE parameter
+  ALTER COLUMN secure TYPE boolean USING (secure::int::boolean),
+  ALTER COLUMN upd_pending TYPE boolean USING (upd_pending::int::boolean),
+ALTER TABLE tm_user
+  ALTER COLUMN new_user TYPE boolean USING (new_user::int::boolean),
+ALTER TABLE to_extension  ALTER COLUMN isactive TYPE boolean USING (isactive::int::boolean);
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160809092015_update_serverchecks.sql b/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160809092015_update_serverchecks.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 60435b5..0000000
--- a/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160809092015_update_serverchecks.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
--- +goose Up
--- SQL in section 'Up' is executed when this migration is applied
-ALTER TABLE servercheck CHANGE `as` `bf` int(11) DEFAULT NULL;
--- +goose Down
--- SQL section 'Down' is executed when this migration is rolled back
-ALTER TABLE servercheck CHANGE `bf` `as` int(11) DEFAULT NULL;
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/t/deliveryservice.t b/traffic_ops/app/t/deliveryservice.t
index 60d357f..63e5994 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/t/deliveryservice.t
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/t/deliveryservice.t
@@ -216,10 +216,14 @@ ok $t->post_ok(
 #Validate create
 # Note the 4 is the index, not the id.
 #This can potentially make the tests fragile if more ds's are added to the fixtures...
-ok $t->get_ok('/datadeliveryservice')->status_is(200)->json_is( '/4/dscp' => '40' )->json_is( '/4/active' => '1' )->json_is( '/4/protocol' => '1' )
-	->json_is( '/4/display_name' => 'target-ds2-displayname' )->json_is( '/4/regional_geo_blocking' => '1' )->json_is( '/0/regional_geo_blocking' => '1' )
-	->json_is( '/1/regional_geo_blocking' => '1' ),
-	"validate delivery services were created";
+ok $t->get_ok('/datadeliveryservice')->status_is(200)
+  ->json_is( '/4/xml_id' => 'steering-target-ds2' )->json_is( '/4/dscp' => '40' )
+  ->json_is( '/4/active' => '1' )->json_is( '/4/protocol' => '1' )
+  ->json_is( '/4/display_name'          => 'target-ds2-displayname' )
+  ->json_is( '/4/regional_geo_blocking' => '1' )
+  ->json_is( '/0/regional_geo_blocking' => '1' )
+  ->json_is( '/1/regional_geo_blocking' => '1' ),
+  "validate delivery services were created";
 $t3_id = &get_ds_id('tst_xml_id_3');
 ok defined($t3_id), "validated delivery service with all fields was added";
@@ -280,40 +284,25 @@ ok $t->post_ok(
 # Note the 4 is the index, not the id.
 #The delivery service that was updated is always the last one in the list coming back from /datadeliveryservice.
 #This can potentially make the tests fragile if more ds's are added to the fixtures...
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 ok $t->get_ok('/datadeliveryservice')->status_is(200)
   ->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } )
-  ->json_is( '/8/dscp' => '41' )->json_is( '/8/active' => '0' )
-  ->json_is( '/8/profile_description' => 'mid description' )
-  ->json_is( '/8/org_server_fqdn'     => '' )
-  ->json_is( '/8/xml_id'              => 'tst_xml_id_3_update' )
-  ->json_is( '/8/signed'         => '0' )->json_is( '/8/qstring_ignore' => '0' )
-  ->json_is( '/8/dns_bypass_ip'  => '' )
-  ->json_is( '/8/dns_bypass_ip6' => '2001:558:fee8:180::1/64' )
-  ->json_is( '/8/dns_bypass_ttl' => '31' )->json_is( '/8/ccr_dns_ttl' => 3601 )
-  ->json_is( '/8/global_max_mbps' => 4000000 )
-  ->json_is( '/8/global_max_tps' => 10001 )->json_is( '/8/miss_lat' => '0' )
-  ->json_is( '/8/miss_long' => '0' )->json_is( '/8/long_desc' => 'long_update' )
-  ->json_is( '/8/long_desc_1' => 'cust_update' )
-  ->json_is( '/8/long_desc_2' => 'service_update' )
-  ->json_is( '/8/info_url'    => '' )
-  ->json_is( '/8/protocol'    => '1' )->json_is( '/8/profile_name' => 'MID1' )
-  ->json_is( '/8/geolimit_redirect_url' => '' )
-  ->json_is( '/8/display_name'          => 'Testing Delivery Service' )
-  ->json_is( '/8/regional_geo_blocking' => '1' ),
+  ->json_is( '/6/dscp' => '40' )->json_is( '/6/active' => '1' )
+  ->json_is( '/6/profile_description' => 'ccr description' )
+  ->json_is( '/6/org_server_fqdn'     => 'http://target-ds4.edge' )
+  ->json_is( '/6/xml_id'              => 'steering-target-ds4' )
+  ->json_is( '/6/signed'         => '0' )->json_is( '/6/qstring_ignore' => '0' )
+  ->json_is( '/6/dns_bypass_ip'  => 'hokeypokey' )
+  ->json_is( '/6/dns_bypass_ttl' => '10' )->json_is( '/6/ccr_dns_ttl' => 3600 )
+  ->json_is( '/6/global_max_mbps' => 0 )
+  ->json_is( '/6/global_max_tps' => 0 )->json_is( '/6/miss_lat' => '41.881944' )
+  ->json_is( '/6/miss_long' => '-87.627778' )->json_is( '/6/long_desc' => 'target-ds4 long_desc' )
+  ->json_is( '/6/long_desc_1' => 'target-ds4 long_desc_1' )
+  ->json_is( '/6/long_desc_2' => 'target-ds4 long_desc_2' )
+  ->json_is( '/6/info_url'    => 'http://target-ds4.edge/info_url.html' )
+  ->json_is( '/6/protocol'    => '1' )->json_is( '/6/profile_name' => 'CCR1' )
+  ->json_is( '/6/display_name'          => 'target-ds4-displayname' )
+  ->json_is( '/6/regional_geo_blocking' => '1' ),
   "validate delivery service was updated";
-ok $t->get_ok('/datadeliveryservice')->status_is(200)->or( sub { diag $t->tx->res->content->asset->{content}; } )->json_is( '/6/dscp' => '40' )
-	->json_is( '/6/active' => '1' )->json_is( '/6/profile_description' => 'ccr description' )
-	->json_is( '/6/org_server_fqdn' => 'http://target-ds4.edge' )->json_is( '/6/xml_id' => 'steering-target-ds4' )->json_is( '/6/signed' => '0' )
-	->json_is( '/6/qstring_ignore' => '0' )->json_is( '/6/dns_bypass_ip' => 'hokeypokey' )
-	->json_is( '/6/dns_bypass_ttl' => '10' )->json_is( '/6/ccr_dns_ttl' => 3600 )->json_is( '/6/global_max_mbps' => 0 )
-	->json_is( '/6/global_max_tps' => 0 )->json_is( '/6/miss_lat' => '41.881944' )->json_is( '/6/miss_long' => '-87.627778' )
-	->json_is( '/6/long_desc' => 'target-ds4 long_desc' )->json_is( '/6/long_desc_1' => 'target-ds4 long_desc_1' )->json_is( '/6/long_desc_2' => 'target-ds4 long_desc_2' )
-	->json_is( '/6/info_url' => 'http://target-ds4.edge/info_url.html' )->json_is( '/6/protocol' => '1' )->json_is( '/6/profile_name' => 'CCR1' )
-	->json_is( '/6/display_name' => 'target-ds4-displayname' )->json_is( '/6/regional_geo_blocking' => '1' ),
-	"validate delivery service was updated";
->>>>>>> fc7353a... fixing tests.
 #delete delivery service
 # ok $t->get_ok("/ds/$t3_id/delete")->status_is(302), "delete ds";
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/t_integration/extensions.t b/traffic_ops/app/t_integration/extensions.t
index 6d7bbdf..5d5a28a 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/t_integration/extensions.t
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/t_integration/extensions.t
@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ $t->get_ok('/server_check')->status_is(200)->text_is( 'th#col1' => 'Hostname' )-
 	->text_is( 'th#col8' => 'DSCP' )->text_is( 'th#col9' => 'X1' )->text_is( 'th#col10' => 'X2' )->text_is( 'th#col11' => '10G6' )
 	->text_is( 'th#col12' => 'X3' )->text_is( 'th#col13' => 'STAT' )->text_is( 'th#col14' => 'X4' )->text_is( 'th#col15' => 'MTU' )
 	->text_is( 'th#col16' => 'TRTR' )->text_is( 'th#col17' => 'TRMO' )->text_is( 'th#col18' => 'CHR' )->text_is( 'th#col19' => 'CDU' )
-	->text_is( 'th#col20' => 'ORT' )->text_is( 'th#col21' => 'X5' )->text_is( 'th#col22' => 'X6' )->text_is( 'th#col23' => 'X8' )
-	->text_is( 'th#col24' => 'X9' )->text_is( 'th#col25' => 'X10' )->text_is( 'th#col26' => 'X11' )->text_is( 'th#col27' => 'X12' )
-	->text_is( 'th#col28' => 'X13' )->text_is( 'th#col29' => 'X14' )->text_is( 'th#col30' => 'X15' );
+	->text_is( 'th#col20' => 'ORT' )->text_is( 'th#col21' => 'X5' )->text_is( 'th#col22' => 'X6' )->text_is( 'th#col23' => 'X7' )
+	->text_is( 'th#col24' => 'X8' )->text_is( 'th#col25' => 'X9' )->text_is( 'th#col26' => 'X10' )->text_is( 'th#col27' => 'X11' )
+	->text_is( 'th#col28' => 'X12' )->text_is( 'th#col29' => 'X13' )->text_is( 'th#col30' => 'X14' );
 # post stome status
 my $test_server_id = "23";

[24/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: renames migration to be at the end of the migration list

Posted by
renames migration to be at the end of the migration list


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 7a7575da4dd8d4218febd7893e73622677c00173
Parents: e363f58
Author: Jeremy Mitchell <>
Authored: Thu Sep 22 10:54:10 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 13:53:57 2016 -0700

 .../20160808092026_fix_column_types.sql         | 77 --------------------
 .../20160910092026_fix_column_types.sql         | 77 ++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160808092026_fix_column_types.sql b/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160808092026_fix_column_types.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index f764311..0000000
--- a/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160808092026_fix_column_types.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
--- +goose Up
--- SQL in section 'Up' is executed when this migration is applied
-ALTER TABLE cachegroup ALTER COLUMN latitude  TYPE numeric;
-ALTER TABLE cachegroup ALTER COLUMN longitude TYPE numeric;
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN signed TYPE smallint USING (signed::int::smallint);
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN qstring_ignore TYPE smallint USING (qstring_ignore::int::smallint);
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
-  ALTER COLUMN geo_limit TYPE smallint USING (geo_limit::int::smallint),
-  ALTER COLUMN geo_limit SET DEFAULT '0';
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN miss_lat                     TYPE numeric;
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN miss_long                    TYPE numeric;
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin            TYPE smallint USING (multi_site_origin::int::smallint);
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN regional_geo_blocking        TYPE smallint USING (regional_geo_blocking::int::smallint);
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN logs_enabled                 TYPE smallint USING (logs_enabled::int::smallint);
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin_algorithm  TYPE smallint USING (multi_site_origin_algorithm::int::smallint);
-ALTER TABLE parameter
-  ALTER COLUMN secure TYPE smallint USING (secure::int::smallint),
-  ALTER COLUMN upd_pending TYPE smallint USING (upd_pending::int::smallint),
-  ALTER COLUMN upd_pending SET DEFAULT '0';
-ALTER TABLE tm_user
-  ALTER COLUMN new_user TYPE smallint USING (new_user::int::smallint),
-ALTER TABLE to_extension  ALTER COLUMN isactive TYPE smallint USING (isactive::int::smallint);
--- +goose Down
--- SQL section 'Down' is executed when this migration is rolled back
-ALTER TABLE cachegroup ALTER COLUMN latitude  TYPE double precision;
-ALTER TABLE cachegroup ALTER COLUMN longitude TYPE double precision;
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN signed         TYPE boolean USING (signed::int::boolean);
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN qstring_ignore TYPE boolean USING (qstring_ignore::int::boolean);
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
-  ALTER COLUMN geo_limit TYPE boolean USING (geo_limit::int::boolean),
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN miss_lat                     TYPE double precision;
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN miss_long                    TYPE double precision;
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin            TYPE boolean USING (multi_site_origin::int::boolean);
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN regional_geo_blocking        TYPE boolean USING (regional_geo_blocking::int::boolean);
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin_algorithm  TYPE boolean USING (multi_site_origin_algorithm::int::boolean);
-ALTER TABLE parameter
-  ALTER COLUMN secure TYPE boolean USING (secure::int::boolean),
-  ALTER COLUMN upd_pending TYPE boolean USING (upd_pending::int::boolean),
-ALTER TABLE tm_user
-  ALTER COLUMN new_user TYPE boolean USING (new_user::int::boolean),
-ALTER TABLE to_extension  ALTER COLUMN isactive TYPE boolean USING (isactive::int::boolean);
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160910092026_fix_column_types.sql b/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160910092026_fix_column_types.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f764311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160910092026_fix_column_types.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+-- +goose Up
+-- SQL in section 'Up' is executed when this migration is applied
+ALTER TABLE cachegroup ALTER COLUMN latitude  TYPE numeric;
+ALTER TABLE cachegroup ALTER COLUMN longitude TYPE numeric;
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN signed TYPE smallint USING (signed::int::smallint);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN qstring_ignore TYPE smallint USING (qstring_ignore::int::smallint);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
+  ALTER COLUMN geo_limit TYPE smallint USING (geo_limit::int::smallint),
+  ALTER COLUMN geo_limit SET DEFAULT '0';
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN miss_lat                     TYPE numeric;
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN miss_long                    TYPE numeric;
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin            TYPE smallint USING (multi_site_origin::int::smallint);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN regional_geo_blocking        TYPE smallint USING (regional_geo_blocking::int::smallint);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN logs_enabled                 TYPE smallint USING (logs_enabled::int::smallint);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin_algorithm  TYPE smallint USING (multi_site_origin_algorithm::int::smallint);
+ALTER TABLE parameter
+  ALTER COLUMN secure TYPE smallint USING (secure::int::smallint),
+  ALTER COLUMN upd_pending TYPE smallint USING (upd_pending::int::smallint),
+  ALTER COLUMN upd_pending SET DEFAULT '0';
+ALTER TABLE tm_user
+  ALTER COLUMN new_user TYPE smallint USING (new_user::int::smallint),
+ALTER TABLE to_extension  ALTER COLUMN isactive TYPE smallint USING (isactive::int::smallint);
+-- +goose Down
+-- SQL section 'Down' is executed when this migration is rolled back
+ALTER TABLE cachegroup ALTER COLUMN latitude  TYPE double precision;
+ALTER TABLE cachegroup ALTER COLUMN longitude TYPE double precision;
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN signed         TYPE boolean USING (signed::int::boolean);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN qstring_ignore TYPE boolean USING (qstring_ignore::int::boolean);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
+  ALTER COLUMN geo_limit TYPE boolean USING (geo_limit::int::boolean),
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN miss_lat                     TYPE double precision;
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN miss_long                    TYPE double precision;
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin            TYPE boolean USING (multi_site_origin::int::boolean);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN regional_geo_blocking        TYPE boolean USING (regional_geo_blocking::int::boolean);
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin_algorithm  TYPE boolean USING (multi_site_origin_algorithm::int::boolean);
+ALTER TABLE parameter
+  ALTER COLUMN secure TYPE boolean USING (secure::int::boolean),
+  ALTER COLUMN upd_pending TYPE boolean USING (upd_pending::int::boolean),
+ALTER TABLE tm_user
+  ALTER COLUMN new_user TYPE boolean USING (new_user::int::boolean),
+ALTER TABLE to_extension  ALTER COLUMN isactive TYPE boolean USING (isactive::int::boolean);

[34/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: move docker-compose files to infrastructure

Posted by
move docker-compose files to infrastructure


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: fe2512b766a202a10e89d28b4d56c36f3488b41f
Parents: 29ba3b8
Author: Dan Kirkwood <>
Authored: Fri Sep 30 14:04:12 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:08:22 2016 -0700

 build/Dockerfile-clone                          | 19 ------
 build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops                    | 24 --------
 build/docker-compose.yml                        | 30 ----------
 infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-clone    | 22 +++++++
 .../docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_monitor     | 29 +++++++++
 .../docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops         | 62 +++++---------------
 .../docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_portal      | 25 ++++++++
 .../docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_router      | 29 +++++++++
 .../docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_stats       | 24 ++++++++
 infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml  | 60 +++++++++++++++++++
 10 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-)
diff --git a/build/Dockerfile-clone b/build/Dockerfile-clone
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f5e040..0000000
--- a/build/Dockerfile-clone
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-FROM centos:7
-MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
-RUN	yum -y install \
-		epel-release \
-		git \
-		golang  \
-		rpm-build && \
-	yum -y clean all
-ENV BRANCH=master
-WORKDIR /repo
-RUN echo $'pwd; git clone $GITREPO -b $BRANCH traffic_control\n\
-' >/
-CMD sh -x /
diff --git a/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops b/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f0cddc..0000000
--- a/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-FROM centos:7
-MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
-RUN	yum -y install \
-		epel-release \
-		git \
-		golang  \
-		rpm-build && \
-	yum -y clean all
-# wait for clone to be available, then
-# build the rpm and copy to /artifacts
-RUN echo $'\n\
-while [ ! -d $tc/traffic_ops ]; do sleep 1; done\n\
-cd $tc/traffic_ops\n\
-mkdir -p /artifacts\n\
-cp $tc/dist/* /artifacts/.\n\
-' >/
-CMD sh -x /
diff --git a/build/docker-compose.yml b/build/docker-compose.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6697a81..0000000
--- a/build/docker-compose.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# Build configuration for traffic_control
-version: '2'
-  repo:
-  clone:
-    build:
-      dockerfile: Dockerfile-clone
-      context: .
-    environment:
-      - GITREPO
-      - BRANCH
-    volumes:
-      - repo:/repo
-  traffic_ops_build:
-    depends_on: [ clone ]
-    build:
-      dockerfile: Dockerfile-traffic_ops
-      context: .
-    environment:
-      - GITREPO
-      - BRANCH
-    volumes:
-      - repo:/repo
-      - ./artifacts:/artifacts
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-clone b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-clone
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f03a010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-clone
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+FROM centos:7
+MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
+RUN	yum -y install \
+		epel-release \
+		git \
+		golang  \
+		rpm-build && \
+	yum -y clean all
+ENV BRANCH=master
+WORKDIR /repo
+RUN echo $'pwd; git clone $GITREPO -b $BRANCH traffic_control\n\
+touch clone-finished\n\
+' >/
+CMD sh -x /
+# vi:syntax=Dockerfile
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_monitor b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_monitor
index a97aaed..e3c2655 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_monitor
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_monitor
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 # or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 # distributed with this work for additional information
@@ -14,6 +15,8 @@
 # KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
+>>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
 FROM centos:7
 MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
@@ -21,6 +24,7 @@ MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
 RUN	yum -y install \
 		epel-release \
 		git \
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 		rpm-build && \
 	yum -y clean all
@@ -34,6 +38,14 @@ RUN	yum -y install \
 		which && \
 	yum -y clean all
+		rpm-build
+RUN	yum -y install \
+		which
+### java/mvn
+>>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
 RUN curl -L -b "oraclelicense=a" | tar xzf - && \
     curl -L | tar xzf -
@@ -46,6 +58,7 @@ RUN alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/java/bin/java 2 && \
     alternatives --set jar /opt/java/bin/jar && \
     alternatives --set javac /opt/java/bin/javac && \
     alternatives --install /usr/bin/mvn mvn /opt/maven/bin/mvn 1
+<<<<<<< HEAD
@@ -54,5 +67,21 @@ VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
 ADD .
 CMD ./ traffic_monitor 2>&1 | tee /artifacts/build-traffic_monitor.log
+# wait for clone to finish, then start build
+RUN echo $'\n\
+while [ ! -f /repo/clone-finished ]; do sleep 1; done\n\
+cd $tc/traffic_monitor\n\
+mkdir -p /artifacts\n\
+cp $tc/dist/* /artifacts/.\n\
+' >/
+CMD sh -x /
+>>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
 # vi:syntax=Dockerfile
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops
index 24878c7..fd2c07b 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops
@@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
 FROM centos:7
 MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
@@ -21,41 +5,23 @@ MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
 RUN	yum -y install \
 		epel-release \
 		git \
-		rpm-build && \
-	yum -y clean all
+		rpm-build
-# install latest git
-RUN yum install -y \
-	expat-devel \
-	gcc \
-	gettext \
-	libcurl-devel \
-	make \
-	openssl-devel \
-	perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker \
-	tar \
-	tcl && \
-	git clone && \
-	cd git && \
-	make prefix=/usr/local all && \
-	make prefix=/usr/local install
-# all ENV vars can be controlled by, e.g. `docker run -e BRANCH=1.6.x <image>`
-ENV BRANCH=master
-WORKDIR /repo
-# traffic_ops specific
 RUN	yum -y install \
-VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
-ADD .
-CMD ./ traffic_ops 2>&1 | tee /artifacts/build-traffic_ops.log
+# wait for clone to be available, then
+# build the rpm and copy to /artifacts
+RUN echo $'\n\
+while [ ! -f /repo/clone-finished ]; do sleep 1; done\n\
+cd $tc/traffic_ops\n\
+mkdir -p /artifacts\n\
+cp $tc/dist/* /artifacts/.\n\
+' >/
+CMD sh -x /
 # vi:syntax=Dockerfile
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_portal b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_portal
index 7d535f5..4de2b23 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_portal
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_portal
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 # or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 # distributed with this work for additional information
@@ -14,6 +15,8 @@
 # KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
+>>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
 FROM centos:7
 MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
@@ -21,6 +24,7 @@ MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
 RUN	yum -y install \
 		epel-release \
 		git \
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 		rpm-build && \
 	yum -y clean all
@@ -32,6 +36,11 @@ WORKDIR /repo
 # traffic_portal specific
 RUN	yum -y install \
 		gcc \
+		rpm-build
+RUN	yum -y install \
+>>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
 		libffi-devel \
 		make \
 		nodejs \
@@ -45,6 +54,7 @@ RUN	npm -g install bower grunt-cli
 # bower will not run as root by default
 RUN	echo '{ "allow_root": true }' > /root/.bowerrc
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
@@ -52,5 +62,20 @@ VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
 ADD .
 CMD ./ traffic_portal 2>&1 | tee /artifacts/build-traffic_portal.log
+# wait for clone to be available, then
+# build the rpm and copy to /artifacts
+RUN echo $'\n\
+while [ ! -f /repo/clone-finished ]; do sleep 1; done\n\
+cd $tc/traffic_portal\n\
+mkdir -p /artifacts\n\
+cp $tc/dist/* /artifacts/.\n\
+' >/
+CMD sh -x /
+>>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
 # vi:syntax=Dockerfile
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_router b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_router
index e2188f9..723e01b 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_router
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_router
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 # or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 # distributed with this work for additional information
@@ -14,6 +15,8 @@
 # KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
+>>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
 FROM centos:7
 MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
@@ -21,6 +24,7 @@ MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
 RUN	yum -y install \
 		epel-release \
 		git \
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 		rpm-build && \
 	yum -y clean all
@@ -33,6 +37,14 @@ WORKDIR /repo
 RUN	yum -y install \
+		rpm-build
+RUN	yum -y install \
+		which
+### java/mvn
+>>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
 RUN curl -L -b "oraclelicense=a" | tar xzf - && \
     curl -L | tar xzf -
@@ -45,6 +57,7 @@ RUN alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/java/bin/java 2 && \
     alternatives --set jar /opt/java/bin/jar && \
     alternatives --set javac /opt/java/bin/javac && \
     alternatives --install /usr/bin/mvn mvn /opt/maven/bin/mvn 1
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
@@ -52,5 +65,21 @@ VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
 ADD .
 CMD ./ traffic_router 2>&1 | tee /artifacts/build-traffic_router.log
+# wait for clone to be available, then
+# build the rpm and copy to /artifacts
+RUN echo $'\n\
+while [ ! -f /repo/clone-finished ]; do sleep 1; done\n\
+cd $tc/traffic_router\n\
+mkdir -p /artifacts\n\
+cp $tc/dist/* /artifacts/.\n\
+' >/
+CMD sh -x /
+>>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
 # vi:syntax=Dockerfile
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_stats b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_stats
index d669b03..98e1db9 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_stats
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_stats
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 # or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 # distributed with this work for additional information
@@ -14,6 +15,8 @@
 # KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
+>>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
 FROM centos:7
 MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
@@ -21,6 +24,7 @@ MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
 RUN	yum -y install \
 		epel-release \
 		git \
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 		rpm-build && \
 	yum -y clean all
@@ -40,5 +44,25 @@ VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
 ADD .
 CMD ./ traffic_stats 2>&1 | tee /artifacts/build-traffic_stats.log
+		rpm-build
+RUN	yum -y install \
+		golang
+# wait for clone to be available, then
+# build the rpm and copy to /artifacts
+RUN echo $'\n\
+while [ ! -f /repo/clone-finished ]; do sleep 1; done\n\
+cd $tc/traffic_stats\n\
+mkdir -p /artifacts\n\
+cp $tc/dist/* /artifacts/.\n\
+' >/
+CMD sh -x /
+>>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
 # vi:syntax=Dockerfile
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml b/infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml
index 879446d..ef93f6c 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 # or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 # distributed with this work for additional information
@@ -35,6 +36,29 @@ version: '2'
     image: traffic_monitor_builder
+# Build configuration for traffic_control
+version: '2'
+  repo:
+  clone:
+    build:
+      dockerfile: Dockerfile-clone
+      context: .
+    environment:
+      - GITREPO
+      - BRANCH
+    volumes:
+      - repo:/repo
+  traffic_monitor_build:
+    depends_on: [ clone ]
+>>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
       dockerfile: Dockerfile-traffic_monitor
       context: .
@@ -42,10 +66,18 @@ services:
       - GITREPO
       - BRANCH
+<<<<<<< HEAD
       - ./artifacts:/artifacts
     image: traffic_ops_builder
+      - repo:/repo
+      - ./artifacts:/artifacts
+  traffic_ops_build:
+    depends_on: [ clone ]
+>>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
       dockerfile: Dockerfile-traffic_ops
       context: .
@@ -53,10 +85,18 @@ services:
       - GITREPO
       - BRANCH
+<<<<<<< HEAD
       - ./artifacts:/artifacts
     image: traffic_portal_builder
+      - repo:/repo
+      - ./artifacts:/artifacts
+  traffic_portal_build:
+    depends_on: [ clone ]
+>>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
       dockerfile: Dockerfile-traffic_portal
       context: .
@@ -64,10 +104,18 @@ services:
       - GITREPO
       - BRANCH
+<<<<<<< HEAD
       - ./artifacts:/artifacts
     image: traffic_router_builder
+      - repo:/repo
+      - ./artifacts:/artifacts
+  traffic_router_build:
+    depends_on: [ clone ]
+>>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
       dockerfile: Dockerfile-traffic_router
       context: .
@@ -75,10 +123,18 @@ services:
       - GITREPO
       - BRANCH
+<<<<<<< HEAD
       - ./artifacts:/artifacts
     image: traffic_stats_builder
+      - repo:/repo
+      - ./artifacts:/artifacts
+  traffic_stats_build:
+    depends_on: [ clone ]
+>>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
       dockerfile: Dockerfile-traffic_stats
       context: .
@@ -86,4 +142,8 @@ services:
       - GITREPO
       - BRANCH
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+      - repo:/repo
+>>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
       - ./artifacts:/artifacts

[36/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: add perl-JSON to TO rpm requires

Posted by
add perl-JSON to TO rpm requires


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 73785517c69413abf292bac37ded6bc05df753ff
Parents: 133fb82
Author: Dan Kirkwood <>
Authored: Tue Oct 4 11:05:21 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:08:25 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec b/traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec
index 1a6b06a..bfe4a1e 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec
+++ b/traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Packager:         daniel_kirkwood at Cable dot Comcast dot com
 AutoReqProv:      no
 Requires:         cpanminus, expat-devel, gcc-c++, libcurl, libpcap-devel, mkisofs, tar
 Requires:         openssl-devel, perl, perl-core, perl-DBD-Pg, perl-DBI, perl-Digest-SHA1
-Requires:         perl-libwww-perl, perl-Test-CPAN-Meta, perl-WWW-Curl
+Requires:         perl-JSON, perl-libwww-perl, perl-Test-CPAN-Meta, perl-WWW-Curl
 Requires(pre):    /usr/sbin/useradd, /usr/bin/getent
 Requires(postun): /usr/sbin/userdel

[29/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: rpm spec -- remove mysql, add postgres

Posted by
rpm spec -- remove mysql, add postgres


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 97e76f7100f4d500ff828cf688f6fbcf7ac87c23
Parents: 47589cc
Author: Dan Kirkwood <>
Authored: Thu Sep 15 10:01:48 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:02:37 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec b/traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec
index c2df006..f22fde8 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec
+++ b/traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ URL:	
 Vendor:	          Comcast
 Packager:         daniel_kirkwood at Cable dot Comcast dot com
 AutoReqProv:      no
-Requires:         expat-devel, mod_ssl, mkisofs, libpcap-devel, mysql, openssl, perl-core, perl-DBI, perl-DBD-MySQL, perl-Digest-SHA1, perl-WWW-Curl, perl-libwww-perl
+Requires:         expat-devel, mod_ssl, mkisofs, libpcap-devel, openssl, perl-core, perl-DBI, perl-DBD-Pg, perl-Digest-SHA1, perl-WWW-Curl, perl-libwww-perl, postgresql-devel
 Requires(pre):    /usr/sbin/useradd, /usr/bin/getent
 Requires(postun): /usr/sbin/userdel

[25/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: fixes broken server tests

Posted by
fixes broken server tests


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 2c06a4938a3076c92ede8d3fd2ec70248854dcb3
Parents: 7a7575d
Author: Jeremy Mitchell <>
Authored: Thu Sep 22 14:19:05 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 13:53:57 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.2/server.t | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.2/server.t b/traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.2/server.t
index 8a951e5..c4c4d51 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.2/server.t
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/t/api/1.2/server.t
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ ok $t->get_ok('/api/1.2/servers?type=MID&status=ONLINE')->status_is(200)->or( su
 ok $t->post_ok('/api/1.2/servers/create' => {Accept => 'application/json'} => json => {
 			"hostName" => "server1",
 			"domainName" => "",
-			"cachegroup" => "mid-northeast-group",
+			"cachegroup" => "cg1-mid-northeast",
 			"cdnName" => "cdn1",
 			"ipAddress" => "",
 			"interfaceName" => "bond0",
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ ok $t->post_ok('/api/1.2/servers/create' => {Accept => 'application/json'} => js
 ok $t->post_ok('/api/1.2/servers/create' => {Accept => 'application/json'} => json => {
 			"hostName" => "server3",
 			"domainName" => "",
-			"cachegroup" => "mid-northeast-group",
+			"cachegroup" => "cg1-mid-northeast",
 			"cdnName" => "cdn1",
 			"ipAddress" => "",
 			"interfaceName" => "bond0",

[31/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: TO: move most rpm installs to requires in .spec

Posted by
TO: move most rpm installs to requires in .spec


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 4d8b383b2c2fb5e32c99b433a53fbc714ed34e83
Parents: 0bd9404
Author: Dan Kirkwood <>
Authored: Wed Sep 28 17:04:44 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:05:18 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec | 4 +++-
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec b/traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec
index f22fde8..131d1da 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec
+++ b/traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec
@@ -32,7 +32,9 @@ URL:	
 Vendor:	          Comcast
 Packager:         daniel_kirkwood at Cable dot Comcast dot com
 AutoReqProv:      no
-Requires:         expat-devel, mod_ssl, mkisofs, libpcap-devel, openssl, perl-core, perl-DBI, perl-DBD-Pg, perl-Digest-SHA1, perl-WWW-Curl, perl-libwww-perl, postgresql-devel
+Requires:         cpanminus, expat-devel, gcc-c++, libcurl, libpcap-devel, mkisofs, tar
+Requires:         openssl-devel, perl, perl-core, perl-DBD-Pg, perl-DBI, perl-Digest-SHA1
+Requires:         perl-libwww-perl, perl-Test-CPAN-Meta, perl-WWW-Curl, postgresql-devel
 Requires(pre):    /usr/sbin/useradd, /usr/bin/getent
 Requires(postun): /usr/sbin/userdel

[33/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: build traffic_ops from docker-compose

Posted by
build traffic_ops from docker-compose


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 29ba3b8f14ef164a19e58a86641b3f4bb6bdd174
Parents: 189fb1e
Author: Dan Kirkwood <>
Authored: Fri Sep 30 14:02:26 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:06:38 2016 -0700

 build/Dockerfile-clone       | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
 build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops | 32 ++++++++++++++------------------
 build/docker-compose.yml     | 20 ++++++++++++++++----
 3 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
diff --git a/build/Dockerfile-clone b/build/Dockerfile-clone
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f5e040
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/Dockerfile-clone
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+FROM centos:7
+MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
+RUN	yum -y install \
+		epel-release \
+		git \
+		golang  \
+		rpm-build && \
+	yum -y clean all
+ENV BRANCH=master
+WORKDIR /repo
+RUN echo $'pwd; git clone $GITREPO -b $BRANCH traffic_control\n\
+' >/
+CMD sh -x /
diff --git a/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops b/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops
index 0072a1a..0f0cddc 100644
--- a/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops
+++ b/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops
@@ -5,24 +5,20 @@ MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
 RUN	yum -y install \
 		epel-release \
 		git \
-		rpm-build
-ENV BRANCH=master
-RUN set -x && git clone $GITREPO traffic_control
-WORKDIR /traffic_control
-RUN git fetch && git checkout $BRANCH && git pull origin $BRANCH
-# Above are common for all sub-projects.
-RUN	yum -y install \
-		golang && \
+		golang  \
+		rpm-build && \
 	yum -y clean all
-RUN	mkdir -p /dist
-VOLUME	/dist
+# wait for clone to be available, then
+# build the rpm and copy to /artifacts
+RUN echo $'\n\
+while [ ! -d $tc/traffic_ops ]; do sleep 1; done\n\
+cd $tc/traffic_ops\n\
+mkdir -p /artifacts\n\
+cp $tc/dist/* /artifacts/.\n\
+' >/
-WORKDIR /traffic_control/traffic_ops
-CMD ./build/
+CMD sh -x /
diff --git a/build/docker-compose.yml b/build/docker-compose.yml
index 1f2d709..6697a81 100644
--- a/build/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/build/docker-compose.yml
@@ -4,15 +4,27 @@
 version: '2'
-  traffic_control:
+  repo:
-  traffic_ops:
+  clone:
-      dockerfile: Dockerfile-traffic_ops
+      dockerfile: Dockerfile-clone
       context: .
+      - GITREPO
       - BRANCH
-      - traffic_control:/traffic_control
+      - repo:/repo
+  traffic_ops_build:
+    depends_on: [ clone ]
+    build:
+      dockerfile: Dockerfile-traffic_ops
+      context: .
+    environment:
+      - GITREPO
+      - BRANCH
+    volumes:
+      - repo:/repo
+      - ./artifacts:/artifacts

[22/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: renamed the users to match the databases

Posted by
renamed the users to match the databases


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: e363f58c9622c4fb31355188719eadf5e4962b7a
Parents: 8eb5ecf
Author: Dewayne Richardson <>
Authored: Tue Oct 4 10:51:18 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 13:53:57 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/app/conf/development/database.conf |  2 +-
 traffic_ops/app/conf/integration/database.conf |  2 +-
 traffic_ops/app/conf/production/database.conf  |  2 +-
 traffic_ops/app/conf/test/database.conf        |  2 +-
 traffic_ops/app/db/                    | 40 ++++++++++-----------
 traffic_ops/app/db/dbconf.yml                  | 13 +++----
 6 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/conf/development/database.conf b/traffic_ops/app/conf/development/database.conf
index b79c7e8..523c779 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/conf/development/database.conf
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/conf/development/database.conf
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 	"description": "Local PostgreSQL database on port 5432",
 	"dbname": "to_development",
 	"hostname": "localhost",
-	"user": "to_user",
+	"user": "to_development",
 	"password": "twelve",
 	"port": "5432",
 	"type": "Pg"
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/conf/integration/database.conf b/traffic_ops/app/conf/integration/database.conf
index 061d6da..caccc44 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/conf/integration/database.conf
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/conf/integration/database.conf
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
    "description": "Local PostgreSQL database on port 5432",
    "dbname": "to_integration",
    "hostname": "localhost",
-   "user": "to_user",
+   "user": "to_integration",
    "password": "twelve",
    "port": "5432",
    "type": "Pg"
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/conf/production/database.conf b/traffic_ops/app/conf/production/database.conf
index 23d6d8c..19a81c1 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/conf/production/database.conf
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/conf/production/database.conf
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 	"description": "Local PostgreSQL database on port 5432",
-	"dbname": "traffic_ops_db",
+	"dbname": "traffic_ops",
 	"hostname": "localhost",
 	"user": "traffic_ops",
 	"password": "password",
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/conf/test/database.conf b/traffic_ops/app/conf/test/database.conf
index c0a9f1d..5d4cd64 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/conf/test/database.conf
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/conf/test/database.conf
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
    "description": "Local PostgreSQL database on port 5432",
    "dbname": "to_test",
    "hostname": "localhost",
-   "user": "to_user",
+   "user": "to_test",
    "password": "twelve",
    "port": "5432",
    "type": "Pg"
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/ b/traffic_ops/app/db/
index 4e1b3bc..324044e 100755
--- a/traffic_ops/app/db/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ my $db_protocol;
 # This is defaulted to 'to_development' so
 # you don't have to specify --env=development for dev workstations
 my $db_name     = 'to_development';
-my $db_username = 'to_user';
+my $db_username = 'to_development';
 my $db_password = '';
 my $host_ip     = '';
 my $host_port   = '';
@@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ else {
 sub parse_dbconf_yml_pg_driver {
-	my $db_conf 			= LoadFile('db/dbconf.yml');
+	my $db_conf       = LoadFile('db/dbconf.yml');
 	my $db_connection = $db_conf->{$environment};
-	$db_protocol 			= $db_connection->{driver};
+	$db_protocol = $db_connection->{driver};
 	my $open = $db_connection->{open};
 	# Goose requires the 'open' line in the dbconf file to be a scalar.
@@ -147,11 +147,11 @@ sub parse_dbconf_yml_pg_driver {
 	$open = join "\n", map { s/=/ : /; $_ } split " ", $open;
 	my $hash = Load $open;
-	$host_ip 					= $hash->{host};
-	$host_port 				= $hash->{port};
-	$db_name 					= $hash->{dbname};
-	$db_username 			= $hash->{user};
-	$db_password 			= $hash->{password};
+	$host_ip     = $hash->{host};
+	$host_port   = $hash->{port};
+	$db_name     = $hash->{dbname};
+	$db_username = $hash->{user};
+	$db_password = $hash->{password};
 sub migrate {
@@ -193,16 +193,16 @@ sub showusers {
 sub reverse_schema {
-  my $db_info = Schema->get_dbinfo();
-  my $user    = $db_info->{user};
-  my $pass    = $db_info->{password};
-  my $dsn     = Schema->get_dsn();
-  make_schema_at(
-    'Schema', {
-      debug                   => 1,
-      dump_directory          => './lib',
-      overwrite_modifications => 1,
-    },
-    [ $dsn, $user, $pass ],
-  );
+	my $db_info = Schema->get_dbinfo();
+	my $user    = $db_info->{user};
+	my $pass    = $db_info->{password};
+	my $dsn     = Schema->get_dsn();
+	make_schema_at(
+		'Schema', {
+			debug                   => 1,
+			dump_directory          => './lib',
+			overwrite_modifications => 1,
+		},
+		[ $dsn, $user, $pass ],
+	);
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/dbconf.yml b/traffic_ops/app/db/dbconf.yml
index fb45262..ed624e7 100755
--- a/traffic_ops/app/db/dbconf.yml
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/dbconf.yml
@@ -19,16 +19,17 @@ name: dbconf.yml
   driver: postgres
-  open: host= port=5432 user=to_user password=twelve dbname=to_development sslmode=disable
+  open: host= port=5432 user=to_development password=twelve dbname=to_development sslmode=disable
   driver: postgres
-  open: host= port=5432 user=to_user password=twelve dbname=to_test sslmode=disable
+  open: host= port=5432 user=to_test password=twelve dbname=to_test sslmode=disable
   driver: postgres
-  open: host= port=5432 user=to_user password=twelve dbname=traffic_ops_db sslmode=disable
+  open: host= port=5432 user=to_integration password=twelve dbname=to_integration sslmode=disable
   driver: postgres
-  open: host= port=5432 user=to_user password=twelve dbname=to_integration sslmode=disable
+  open: host= port=5432 user=traffic_ops password=twelve dbname=traffic_ops sslmode=disable

[42/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: add requires to TO rpm spec for clean carton install

Posted by
add requires to TO rpm spec for clean carton install


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 3287dbfa3cf2897fe94cbc5e6cbbe90b22281826
Parents: e427d9a
Author: Dan Kirkwood <>
Authored: Sat Oct 8 19:03:45 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:19:15 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec b/traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec
index bfe4a1e..f358ea6 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec
+++ b/traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Packager:         daniel_kirkwood at Cable dot Comcast dot com
 AutoReqProv:      no
 Requires:         cpanminus, expat-devel, gcc-c++, libcurl, libpcap-devel, mkisofs, tar
 Requires:         openssl-devel, perl, perl-core, perl-DBD-Pg, perl-DBI, perl-Digest-SHA1
+Requires:	  libidn-devel, libcurl-devel
 Requires:         perl-JSON, perl-libwww-perl, perl-Test-CPAN-Meta, perl-WWW-Curl
 Requires(pre):    /usr/sbin/useradd, /usr/bin/getent
 Requires(postun): /usr/sbin/userdel

[12/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: fixing integration fixtures.

Posted by
fixing integration fixtures.


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: af0c115e48f30fc8ecb1953c3c2d4c63a61214f0
Parents: e9139ad
Author: Jackie Heitzer <>
Authored: Tue Aug 2 08:37:15 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 13:02:26 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ |   16 +-
 .../app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/  |    8 +-
 .../Integration/         |   32 +-
 .../Integration/        |  882 ++--
 .../Fixtures/Integration/    | 4649 +++++++++---------
 .../app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/      |  314 +-
 .../app/lib/Test/       |   18 +-
 7 files changed, 2969 insertions(+), 2950 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index b001ad9..522fa04 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Asn',
 		using => {
 			asn => '33',
-			cachegroup => '96',
+			cachegroup => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Asn',
 		using => {
 			asn => '99',
-			cachegroup => '96',
+			cachegroup => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Asn',
 		using => {
 			asn => '9839',
-			cachegroup => '91',
+			cachegroup => '10',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Asn',
 		using => {
 			asn => '9930',
-			cachegroup => '93',
+			cachegroup => '9',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Asn',
 		using => {
 			asn => '9931',
-			cachegroup => '94',
+			cachegroup => '12',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Asn',
 		using => {
 			asn => '9932',
-			cachegroup => '95',
+			cachegroup => '11',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Asn',
 		using => {
 			asn => '9933',
-			cachegroup => '92',
+			cachegroup => '7',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Asn',
 		using => {
 			asn => '9939',
-			cachegroup => '91',
+			cachegroup => '10',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index 0b3944c..6f0b094 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ my %definition_for = (
 	'3' => {
 		new => 'Cachegroup',
 		using => {
-			name => '3-mid-east',
+			name => 'mid-east',
 			parent_cachegroup_id => '5',
-			short_name => 'east',
+			short_name => '3-east',
 			type => '23',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
 			latitude => '0',
@@ -95,13 +95,13 @@ my %definition_for = (
 	'5' => {
 		new => 'Cachegroup',
 		using => {
-			name => '5-mid-west',
+			name => 'mid-west',
 			type => '23',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
 			latitude => '0',
 			longitude => '0',
 			parent_cachegroup_id => '6',
-			short_name => 'west',
+			short_name => '5-west',
 	## id => 7
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index e8d54df..4f92009 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -29,64 +29,64 @@ my %definition_for = (
 	'0' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
 		using => {
-			regex => '1',
+			regex => '5',
 			set_number => '0',
-			deliveryservice => '1',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
 	'1' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
 		using => {
-			regex => '2',
-			deliveryservice => '2',
+			regex => '3',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
 			set_number => '0',
 	'2' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
 		using => {
-			regex => '3',
+			regex => '1',
 			set_number => '0',
-			deliveryservice => '3',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
 	'3' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
 		using => {
-			regex => '4',
-			deliveryservice => '4',
+			regex => '7',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
 			set_number => '0',
 	'4' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
 		using => {
-			regex => '11',
-			deliveryservice => '11',
+			regex => '6',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
 			set_number => '0',
 	'5' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
 		using => {
-			regex => '12',
-			deliveryservice => '12',
+			regex => '4',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
 			set_number => '0',
 	'6' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
 		using => {
-			regex => '13',
-			deliveryservice => '13',
+			regex => '2',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
 			set_number => '0',
 	'7' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceRegex',
 		using => {
-			regex => '14',
-			deliveryservice => '14',
+			regex => '8',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
 			set_number => '0',
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index 2a0be13..dff84f4 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -29,199 +29,199 @@ my %definition_for = (
 	'0' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '37',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '46',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'1' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '38',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '47',
 			last_updated 	=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'2' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '39',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '48',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'3' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '40',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '49',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'4' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '28',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '19',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'5' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '29',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '20',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'6' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '30',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '21',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'7' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '31',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '22',
 			last_updated		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'8' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '1',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '37',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'9' => {
 			new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '2',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '38',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'10' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '3',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '39',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'11' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '4',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '40',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 		'12' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '19',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '1',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'13' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '20',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '2',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'14' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '21',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '3',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'15' => {
 			new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '22',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '4',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'16' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '46',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '10',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'17' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '47',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '11',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'18' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '48',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '12',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'19' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '49',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '13',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'20' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server					=> '10',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server					=> '28',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'21' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '11',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '29',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'22' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '12',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '30',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'23' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
-			server 					=> '13',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
+			server 					=> '31',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'24' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
 			server 					=> '56',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 	'25' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
 			server 					=> '58',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 	'26' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
 			server 					=> '60',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 	'27' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
 			server 					=> '62',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 	'28' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
 			server 					=> '65',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 	'29' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
 			server 					=> '67',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 	'30' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
 			server 					=> '69',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 	'31' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '1',
+			deliveryservice => '4',
 			server 					=> '71',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
@@ -285,1536 +285,1536 @@ my %definition_for = (
 	'32' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '37',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '46',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'33' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '38',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '47',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'34' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '39',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '48',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'35' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '40',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '49',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'36' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '28',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '19',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'37' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '29',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '20',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'38' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '30',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '21',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'39' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '31',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '22',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'40' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '1',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '37',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 		'41' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '2',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '38',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'42' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '3',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '39',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'43' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '4',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '40',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'44' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '19',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '1',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'45' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '20',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '2',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'46' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '21',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '3',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'47' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '22',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '4',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'48' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '46',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '10',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'49' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '47',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '11',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'50' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '48',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '12',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'51' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '49',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '13',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'52' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '10',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '28',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'53' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '11',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '29',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'54' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '12',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '30',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'55' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '2',
-			server 					=> '13',
+			deliveryservice => '3',
+			server 					=> '31',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'56' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '37',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '46',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'57' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '38',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '47',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'58' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '39',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '48',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'59' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '40',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '49',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'60' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '28',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '19',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'61' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '29',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '20',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'62' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '30',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '21',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'63' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '31',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '22',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'64' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '1',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '37',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'65' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '2',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '38',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'66' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '3',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '39',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'67' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '4',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '40',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'68' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '19',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '1',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'69' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '20',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '2',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'70' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '21',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '3',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'71' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '22',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '4',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'72' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '46',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '10',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'73' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '47',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '11',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'74' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '48',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '12',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'75' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '49',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '13',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'76' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '10',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '28',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'77' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '11',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '29',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'78' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '12',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '30',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'79' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '3',
-			server 					=> '13',
+			deliveryservice => '2',
+			server 					=> '31',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
 	'80' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '37',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '46',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'81' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '38',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '47',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'82' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '39',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '48',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'83' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '40',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '49',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'84' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '28',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '19',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'85' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '29',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '20',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'86' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '30',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '21',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'87' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '31',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '22',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'88' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '1',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '37',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'89' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '2',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '38',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'90' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '3',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '39',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'91' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '4',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '40',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 		'92' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '19',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '1',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'93' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '20',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '2',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'94' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '21',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '3',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'95' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '22',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '4',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'96' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '46',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '10',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'97' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '47',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '11',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'98' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '48',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '12',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'99' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '49',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '13',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'100' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '10',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '28',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'101' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '11',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '29',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'102' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '12',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '30',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'103' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '4',
-			server 					=> '13',
+			deliveryservice => '5',
+			server 					=> '31',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
 	'104' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '41',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '50',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 		'105' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '42',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '51',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'106' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '43',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '52',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'107' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '44',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '53',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'108' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '45',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '54',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'109' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '32',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '23',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'110' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '33',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '24',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'111' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '34',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '25',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'112' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '35',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '26',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'113' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '36',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '27',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'114' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '5',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '41',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'115' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '6',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '42',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'116' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '7',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '43',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'117' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '8',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '44',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'118' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '9',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '45',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'119' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '23',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '5',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'120' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '24',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '6',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'121' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '25',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '7',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'122' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '26',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '8',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'123' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '27',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '9',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'124' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '50',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '14',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'125' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 			using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '51',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '15',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 		'126' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '52',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '16',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'127' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '53',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '17',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'128' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '54',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '18',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'129' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '14',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '32',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'130' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '15',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '33',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
 	'131' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '16',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '34',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
 	'132' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '17',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '35',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
 	'133' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '11',
-			server 					=> '18',
+			deliveryservice => '7',
+			server 					=> '36',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
 	'134' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '41',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '50',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'135' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '42',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '51',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'136' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '43',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '52',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'137' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '44',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '53',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'138' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '45',
-			ast_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '54',
+			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'139' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '32',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '23',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'140' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '33',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '24',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'141' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '34',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '25',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'142' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '35',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '26',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'143' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '36',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '27',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'144' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '5',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '41',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'145' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '6',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '42',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'146' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '7',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '43',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'147' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '8',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '44',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'148' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '9',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '45',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'149' => {
 			new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '23',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '5',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'150' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '24',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '6',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'151' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			server 					=> '25',
-			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '7',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'152' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '26',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '8',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'153' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '27',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '9',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'154' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '50',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '14',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'155' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '51',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '15',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'156' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			server 					=> '52',
-			deliveryservice => '12',
+			server 					=> '16',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'157' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '53',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '17',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'158' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '54',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '18',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'159' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '14',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '32',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
 	'160' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '15',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '33',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
 	'161' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '16',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '34',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
 	'162' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 			using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '17',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '35',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
 	'163' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '12',
-			server 					=> '18',
+			deliveryservice => '1',
+			server 					=> '36',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
 	'164' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '41',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '50',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'165' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '42',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '51',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'166' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '43',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '52',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'167' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '44',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '53',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'168' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '45',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '54',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'169' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '32',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '23',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'170' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '33',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '24',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'171' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '34',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '25',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'172' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '35',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '26',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'173' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '36',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '27',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'174' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '5',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '41',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'175' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '6',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '42',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'176' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '7',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '43',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'177' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 			using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '8',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '44',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'178' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '9',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '45',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'179' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '23',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '5',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'180' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '24',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '6',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'181' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '25',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '7',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'182' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '26',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '8',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'183' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '27',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '9',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'184' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '50',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '14',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'185' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '51',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '15',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'186' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '52',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '16',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'187' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '53',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '17',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'188' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '54',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '18',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'189' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '14',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '32',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
 	'190' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '15',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '33',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
 	'191' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '16',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '34',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
 	'192' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '17',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '35',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
 	'193' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '13',
-			server 					=> '18',
+			deliveryservice => '6',
+			server 					=> '36',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
 	'194' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '41',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '50',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'195' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '42',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '51',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'196' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '43',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '52',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'197' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '44',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '53',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'198' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '45',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '54',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 	'199' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '32',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '23',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'200' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '33',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '24',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'201' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '34',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '25',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'202' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '35',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '26',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'203' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '36',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '27',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'204' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 			using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '5',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '41',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'205' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '6',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '42',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'206' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '7',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '43',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'207' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '8',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '44',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'208' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '9',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '45',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'209' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			server 					=> '23',
-			deliveryservice => '14',
+			server 					=> '5',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'210' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '24',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '6',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'211' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '25',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '7',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'212' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '26',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '8',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'213' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '27',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '9',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'214' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '50',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '14',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'215' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '51',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '15',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'216' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '52',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '16',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'217' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '53',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '17',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'218' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '54',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '18',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:38',
 	'219' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '14',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '32',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
 	'220' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '15',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '33',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
 	'221' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '16',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '34',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
 	'222' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '17',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '35',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',
 	'223' => {
 		new => 'DeliveryserviceServer',
 		using => {
-			deliveryservice => '14',
-			server 					=> '18',
+			deliveryservice => '8',
+			server 					=> '36',
 			last_updated 		=> '2015-12-10 15:44:39',

[07/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: fixing integration.

Posted by
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index 052e8e5..77d7239 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -25,466 +25,4473 @@ use Moose;
 extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
-my %definition_for = (
-'0' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'CRConfig.xml', id => '1', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'domain_name', value => '', }, }, 
-'1' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'GeolocationURL', value => '', config_file => 'CRConfig.xml', id => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'2' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '3', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CacheHealthTimeout', value => '70', config_file => 'CRConfig.xml', }, }, 
-'3' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CoverageZoneMapURL', value => '', config_file => 'CRConfig.xml', id => '4', }, }, 
-'4' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => '24', config_file => 'CRConfig.xml', id => '5', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CoverageZoneMapRefreshPeriodHours', }, }, 
-'5' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'storage.config', id => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'Drive_Prefix', value => '/dev/sd', }, }, 
-'6' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'Drive_Letters', value => '0,1,2,3,4,5,6', config_file => 'storage.config', }, }, 
-'7' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'Drive_Letters', value => 'b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y', config_file => 'storage.config', id => '13', }, }, 
-'8' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'STRING __HOSTNAME__', config_file => 'records.config', id => '14', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.proxy_name', }, }, 
-'9' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '15', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.config_dir', value => 'STRING etc/trafficserver', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'10' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '16', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.proxy_binary_opts', value => 'STRING -M', }, }, 
-'11' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '17', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.env_prep', value => 'STRING', }, }, 
-'12' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.temp_dir', value => 'STRING /tmp', config_file => 'records.config', id => '18', }, }, 
-'13' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'STRING ats', config_file => 'records.config', id => '19', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.alarm_email', }, }, 
-'14' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '20', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.syslog_facility', value => 'STRING LOG_DAEMON', }, }, 
-'15' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '21', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.output.logfile', value => 'STRING traffic.out', }, }, 
-'16' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '22', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.snapshot_dir', value => 'STRING snapshots', }, }, 
-'17' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '23', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.system.mmap_max', value => 'INT 2097152', }, }, 
-'18' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.exec_thread.autoconfig', value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', id => '24', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'19' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '25', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.exec_thread.autoconfig.scale', value => 'FLOAT 1.5', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'20' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '26', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.exec_thread.limit', value => 'INT 2', }, }, 
-'21' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.accept_threads', value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', id => '27', }, }, 
-'22' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.admin.admin_user', value => 'STRING admin', config_file => 'records.config', id => '28', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'23' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '29', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.admin.number_config_bak', value => 'INT 3', }, }, 
-'24' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.admin.user_id', value => 'STRING ats', config_file => 'records.config', id => '30', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'25' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '31', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.admin.autoconf_port', value => 'INT 8083', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'26' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.process_manager.mgmt_port', value => 'INT 8084', config_file => 'records.config', id => '32', }, }, 
-'27' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.alarm.bin', value => 'STRING', config_file => 'records.config', id => '33', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
-'28' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '34', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.alarm.abs_path', value => 'STRING NULL', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'29' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.server_ports', value => 'STRING 80 80:ipv6', config_file => 'records.config', id => '35', }, }, 
-'30' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.connect_ports', value => 'STRING 443 563', config_file => 'records.config', id => '36', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'31' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '37', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.insert_request_via_str', value => 'INT 1', }, }, 
-'32' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.insert_response_via_str', value => 'INT 3', config_file => 'records.config', id => '38', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
-'33' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '39', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.response_server_enabled', value => 'INT 1', }, }, 
-'34' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', id => '40', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.insert_age_in_response', }, }, 
-'35' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '41', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.enable_url_expandomatic', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'36' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '42', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.no_dns_just_forward_to_parent', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'37' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '43', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.uncacheable_requests_bypass_parent', value => 'INT 1', }, }, 
-'38' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '44', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.keep_alive_enabled_in', value => 'INT 1', }, }, 
-'39' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.keep_alive_enabled_out', value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', id => '45', }, }, 
-'40' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.chunking_enabled', value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', id => '46', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
-'41' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '47', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.send_http11_requests', value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'42' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '48', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.share_server_sessions', value => 'INT 2', }, }, 
-'43' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '49', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.origin_server_pipeline', value => 'INT 1', }, }, 
-'44' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.user_agent_pipeline', value => 'INT 8', config_file => 'records.config', id => '50', }, }, 
-'45' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.referer_filter', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '51', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'46' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '52', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.referer_format_redirect', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'47' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.referer_default_redirect', value => 'STRING', config_file => 'records.config', id => '53', }, }, 
-'48' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', id => '54', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy_routing_enable', }, }, 
-'49' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '55', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.retry_time', value => 'INT 300', }, }, 
-'50' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '56', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.fail_threshold', value => 'INT 10', }, }, 
-'51' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '57', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.total_connect_attempts', value => 'INT 4', }, }, 
-'52' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '58', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.per_parent_connect_attempts', value => 'INT 2', }, }, 
-'53' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.connect_attempts_timeout', value => 'INT 30', config_file => 'records.config', id => '59', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'54' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '60', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.forward.proxy_auth_to_parent', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'55' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.keep_alive_no_activity_timeout_in', value => 'INT 115', config_file => 'records.config', id => '61', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'56' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '62', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.keep_alive_no_activity_timeout_out', value => 'INT 120', }, }, 
-'57' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.transaction_no_activity_timeout_in', value => 'INT 30', config_file => 'records.config', id => '63', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'58' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '64', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.transaction_no_activity_timeout_out', value => 'INT 30', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'59' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.transaction_active_timeout_in', value => 'INT 900', config_file => 'records.config', id => '65', }, }, 
-'60' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '66', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.transaction_active_timeout_out', }, }, 
-'61' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '67', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.accept_no_activity_timeout', value => 'INT 120', }, }, 
-'62' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '68', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.background_fill_active_timeout', value => 'INT 60', }, }, 
-'63' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '69', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.background_fill_completed_threshold', value => 'FLOAT 0.5', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'64' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_max_retries', value => 'INT 6', config_file => 'records.config', id => '70', }, }, 
-'65' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_max_retries_dead_server', value => 'INT 3', config_file => 'records.config', id => '71', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'66' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '72', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_rr_retries', value => 'INT 3', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'67' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '73', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_timeout', value => 'INT 30', }, }, 
-'68' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.post_connect_attempts_timeout', value => 'INT 1800', config_file => 'records.config', id => '74', }, }, 
-'69' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 300', config_file => 'records.config', id => '75', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.down_server.cache_time', }, }, 
-'70' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '76', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.down_server.abort_threshold', value => 'INT 10', }, }, 
-'71' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '77', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.congestion_control.enabled', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'72' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '78', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.negative_caching_enabled', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'73' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '79', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.negative_caching_lifetime', value => 'INT 1800', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'74' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '80', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_from', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'75' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '81', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_referer', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'76' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '82', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_user_agent', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'77' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '83', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_cookie', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'78' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_client_ip', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '84', }, }, 
-'79' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', id => '85', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_insert_client_ip', }, }, 
-'80' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '86', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_other_header_list', value => 'STRING NULL', }, }, 
-'81' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '87', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.insert_squid_x_forwarded_for', value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'82' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '88', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.push_method_enabled', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'83' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.http', value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', id => '89', }, }, 
-'84' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', id => '90', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_client_no_cache', }, }, 
-'85' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '91', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ims_on_client_no_cache', value => 'INT 1', }, }, 
-'86' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '92', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_server_no_cache', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'87' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '93', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_client_cc_max_age', }, }, 
-'88' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '94', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.normalize_ae_gzip', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'89' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '95', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.cache_responses_to_cookies', value => 'INT 1', }, }, 
-'90' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_authentication', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '96', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'91' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '97', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.cache_urls_that_look_dynamic', value => 'INT 1', }, }, 
-'92' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '98', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.enable_default_vary_headers', }, }, 
-'93' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '99', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.when_to_revalidate', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'94' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '100', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.when_to_add_no_cache_to_msie_requests', value => 'INT -1', }, }, 
-'95' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '101', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.required_headers', }, }, 
-'96' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '102', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.max_stale_age', value => 'INT 604800', }, }, 
-'97' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '103', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.range.lookup', value => 'INT 1', }, }, 
-'98' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 3600', config_file => 'records.config', id => '104', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.heuristic_min_lifetime', }, }, 
-'99' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '105', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.heuristic_max_lifetime', value => 'INT 86400', }, }, 
-'100' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '106', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.heuristic_lm_factor', value => 'FLOAT 0.10', }, }, 
-'101' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '107', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.fuzz.time', value => 'INT 240', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'102' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '108', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.fuzz.probability', value => 'FLOAT 0.005', }, }, 
-'103' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '109', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.vary_default_text', value => 'STRING NULL', }, }, 
-'104' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '110', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.vary_default_images', value => 'STRING NULL', }, }, 
-'105' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '111', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.vary_default_other', value => 'STRING NULL', }, }, 
-'106' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '112', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.enable_http_stats', value => 'INT 1', }, }, 
-'107' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.body_factory.enable_customizations', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '113', }, }, 
-'108' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.body_factory.enable_logging', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '114', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'109' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '115', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.body_factory.response_suppression_mode', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'110' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG', value => 'INT 500000', config_file => 'records.config', id => '116', }, }, 
-'111' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 45', config_file => 'records.config', id => '117', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG', }, }, 
-'112' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '118', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'LOCAL proxy.local.cluster.type', value => 'INT 3', }, }, 
-'113' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '119', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.cluster_port', value => 'INT 8086', }, }, 
-'114' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '120', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.rsport', value => 'INT 8088', }, }, 
-'115' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 8089', config_file => 'records.config', id => '121', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.mcport', }, }, 
-'116' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '122', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.mc_group_addr', value => 'STRING', }, }, 
-'117' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '123', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.mc_ttl', value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'118' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.log_bogus_mc_msgs', value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', id => '124', }, }, 
-'119' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'STRING lo', config_file => 'records.config', id => '125', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.ethernet_interface', }, }, 
-'120' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '126', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.permit.pinning', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'121' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '127', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache.size', value => 'INT 21474836480', }, }, 
-'122' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '128', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache_cutoff', value => 'INT 4194304', }, }, 
-'123' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '129', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache.algorithm', }, }, 
-'124' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '130', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache.use_seen_filter', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'125' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '131', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache.compress', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'126' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '132', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.limits.http.max_alts', value => 'INT 5', }, }, 
-'127' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '133', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.target_fragment_size', value => 'INT 1048576', }, }, 
-'128' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.max_doc_size', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '134', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'129' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '135', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.enable_read_while_writer', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'130' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.min_average_object_size', value => 'INT 131072', config_file => 'records.config', id => '136', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'131' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '137', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.threads_per_disk', value => 'INT 8', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'132' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.mutex_retry_delay', value => 'INT 2', config_file => 'records.config', id => '138', }, }, 
-'133' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.dns.search_default_domains', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '139', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'134' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '140', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.dns.splitDNS.enabled', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'135' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.dns.max_dns_in_flight', value => 'INT 2048', config_file => 'records.config', id => '141', }, }, 
-'136' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.dns.url_expansions', value => 'STRING NULL', config_file => 'records.config', id => '142', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
-'137' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '143', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.dns.round_robin_nameservers', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'138' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'STRING NULL', config_file => 'records.config', id => '144', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.dns.nameservers', }, }, 
-'139' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '145', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.dns.resolv_conf', value => 'STRING /etc/resolv.conf', }, }, 
-'140' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '146', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.dns.validate_query_name', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'141' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.hostdb.size', value => 'INT 120000', config_file => 'records.config', id => '147', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
-'142' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '148', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.hostdb.storage_size', value => 'INT 33554432', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'143' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '149', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.hostdb.ttl_mode', value => 'INT 1', }, }, 
-'144' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.hostdb.timeout', value => 'INT 1440', config_file => 'records.config', id => '150', }, }, 
-'145' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.hostdb.strict_round_robin', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '151', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'146' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '152', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.logging_enabled', value => 'INT 3', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'147' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '153', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.max_secs_per_buffer', value => 'INT 5', }, }, 
-'148' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.max_space_mb_for_logs', value => 'INT 25000', config_file => 'records.config', id => '154', }, }, 
-'149' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.max_space_mb_for_orphan_logs', value => 'INT 25', config_file => 'records.config', id => '155', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'150' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '156', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.max_space_mb_headroom', value => 'INT 1000', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'151' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '157', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.hostname', value => 'STRING localhost', }, }, 
-'152' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.logfile_dir', value => 'STRING var/log/trafficserver', config_file => 'records.config', id => '158', }, }, 
-'153' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'STRING rw-r--r--', config_file => 'records.config', id => '159', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.logfile_perm', }, }, 
-'154' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '160', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.custom_logs_enabled', value => 'INT 1', }, }, 
-'155' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '161', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.squid_log_enabled', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'156' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '162', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.squid_log_is_ascii', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'157' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'STRING squid', config_file => 'records.config', id => '163', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.squid_log_name', }, }, 
-'158' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '164', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.squid_log_header', value => 'STRING NULL', }, }, 
-'159' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '165', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.common_log_enabled', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'160' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '166', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.common_log_is_ascii', value => 'INT 1', }, }, 
-'161' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '167', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.common_log_name', value => 'STRING common', }, }, 
-'162' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'STRING NULL', config_file => 'records.config', id => '168', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.common_log_header', }, }, 
-'163' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '169', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended_log_enabled', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'164' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '170', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended_log_is_ascii', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'165' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '171', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended_log_name', value => 'STRING extended', }, }, 
-'166' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended_log_header', value => 'STRING NULL', config_file => 'records.config', id => '172', }, }, 
-'167' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended2_log_enabled', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '173', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'168' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '174', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended2_log_is_ascii', value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'169' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '175', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended2_log_name', value => 'STRING extended2', }, }, 
-'170' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '176', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended2_log_header', value => 'STRING NULL', }, }, 
-'171' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.separate_icp_logs', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '177', }, }, 
-'172' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '178', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.separate_host_logs', }, }, 
-'173' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '179', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'LOCAL proxy.local.log.collation_mode', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'174' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '180', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.collation_host', value => 'STRING NULL', }, }, 
-'175' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '181', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.collation_port', value => 'INT 8085', }, }, 
-'176' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '182', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.collation_secret', value => 'STRING foobar', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'177' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '183', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.collation_host_tagged', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'178' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.collation_retry_sec', value => 'INT 5', config_file => 'records.config', id => '184', }, }, 
-'179' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.rolling_enabled', value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', id => '185', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'180' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '186', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.rolling_interval_sec', value => 'INT 86400', }, }, 
-'181' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.rolling_offset_hr', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '187', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'182' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '188', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.rolling_size_mb', value => 'INT 10', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'183' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '189', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.auto_delete_rolled_files', value => 'INT 1', }, }, 
-'184' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.sampling_frequency', value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', id => '190', }, }, 
-'185' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', id => '191', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.reverse_proxy.enabled', }, }, 
-'186' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '192', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.header.parse.no_host_url_redirect', value => 'STRING NULL', }, }, 
-'187' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '193', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.default_to_server_pac', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'188' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '194', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.default_to_server_pac_port', value => 'INT -1', }, }, 
-'189' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '195', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.remap_required', value => 'INT 1', }, }, 
-'190' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '196', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.pristine_host_hdr', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'191' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '197', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.number.threads', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'192' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.SSLv2', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '198', }, }, 
-'193' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.SSLv3', value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', id => '199', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
-'194' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '200', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.TLSv1', value => 'INT 1', }, }, 
-'195' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.server.cipher_suite', value => 'STRING RC4-SHA:AES128-SHA:DES-CBC3-SHA:AES256-SHA:ALL:!aNULL:!EXP:!LOW:!MD5:!SSLV2:!NULL', config_file => 'records.config', id => '201', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
-'196' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '202', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.server.honor_cipher_order', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'197' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.compression', value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', id => '203', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'198' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '204', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.certification_level', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'199' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.server.cert_chain.filename', value => 'STRING NULL', config_file => 'records.config', id => '205', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'200' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '206', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.server.cert.path', value => 'STRING etc/trafficserver', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'201' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '207', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.server.private_key.path', value => 'STRING etc/trafficserver', }, }, 
-'202' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '208', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.CA.cert.filename', value => 'STRING NULL', }, }, 
-'203' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '209', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.CA.cert.path', value => 'STRING etc/trafficserver', }, }, 
-'204' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.verify.server', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '210', }, }, 
-'205' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'STRING NULL', config_file => 'records.config', id => '211', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.cert.filename', }, }, 
-'206' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '212', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.cert.path', value => 'STRING etc/trafficserver', }, }, 
-'207' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '213', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.private_key.filename', value => 'STRING NULL', }, }, 
-'208' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.private_key.path', value => 'STRING etc/trafficserver', config_file => 'records.config', id => '214', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'209' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '215', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.CA.cert.filename', value => 'STRING NULL', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'210' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '216', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.CA.cert.path', value => 'STRING etc/trafficserver', }, }, 
-'211' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '217', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.icp.enabled', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'212' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '218', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.icp.icp_interface', value => 'STRING NULL', }, }, 
-'213' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.icp.icp_port', value => 'INT 3130', config_file => 'records.config', id => '219', }, }, 
-'214' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.icp.multicast_enabled', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '220', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
-'215' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '221', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.icp.query_timeout', value => 'INT 2', }, }, 
-'216' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '222', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.update.enabled', }, }, 
-'217' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '223', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.update.force', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'218' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '224', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.update.retry_count', value => 'INT 10', }, }, 
-'219' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.update.retry_interval', value => 'INT 2', config_file => 'records.config', id => '225', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'220' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '226', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.update.concurrent_updates', value => 'INT 100', }, }, 
-'221' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 262144', config_file => 'records.config', id => '227', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG', }, }, 
-'222' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '228', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'223' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '229', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'224' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '230', }, }, 
-'225' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT -1', config_file => 'records.config', id => '231', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.core_limit', }, }, 
-'226' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '232', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.diags.debug.enabled', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'227' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '233', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.diags.debug.tags', value => 'STRING http.*|dns.*', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'228' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.dump_mem_info_frequency', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '234', }, }, 
-'229' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.slow.log.threshold', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '235', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
-'230' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '236', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.task_threads', value => 'INT 2', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'231' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'cache.config', id => '263', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'location', value => '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/', }, }, 
-'232' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'location', value => '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/', config_file => 'hosting.config', id => '264', }, }, 
-'233' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/', config_file => 'parent.config', id => '265', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'location', }, }, 
-'234' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'plugin.config', id => '266', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'location', value => '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/', }, }, 
-'235' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '267', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'location', value => '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/', }, }, 
-'236' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'remap.config', id => '268', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'location', value => '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/', }, }, 
-'237' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'location', value => '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/', config_file => 'storage.config', id => '269', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
-'238' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '270', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'location', value => '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/', config_file => 'volume.config', }, }, 
-'239' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => '50-ats.rules', id => '273', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'location', value => '/etc/udev/rules.d/', }, }, 
-'240' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'location', value => 'XMPP CRConfig node', config_file => 'CRConfig.xml', id => '276', }, }, 
-'241' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'location', value => '/etc/kabletown/zones/<zonename>.info', config_file => '', id => '277', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'242' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '278', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy_routing_enable', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'243' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '279', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.remap_required', }, }, 
-'244' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => '', id => '291', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'location', value => '/etc/kabletown', }, }, 
-'245' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => '', id => '292', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'location', value => '/etc/kabletown', }, }, 
-'246' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '293', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'location', value => '/etc/kabletown', config_file => '', }, }, 
-'247' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'CRConfig.xml', id => '295', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'domain_name', value => '', }, }, 
-'248' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.file', value => 'STRING parent.config', config_file => 'records.config', id => '325', }, }, 
-'249' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.filename', value => 'STRING remap.config', config_file => 'records.config', id => '326', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'250' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '327', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'location', value => '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver', config_file => 'ip_allow.config', }, }, 
-'251' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.cluster_configuration ', value => 'STRING cluster.config', config_file => 'records.config', id => '328', }, }, 
-'252' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => '/dev/ram', config_file => 'storage.config', id => '329', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'Drive_Prefix', }, }, 
-'253' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'grub.conf', id => '330', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'ramdisk_size', value => 'ramdisk_size=16777216', }, }, 
-'254' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '331', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'cron_syncds', value => '*/15 * * * * /opt/ort/ syncds error &amp;gt; /tmp/ort/syncds.log 2&amp;gt;&amp;amp;1', config_file => 'crontab_root', }, }, 
-'255' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'location', value => '/var/spool/cron', config_file => 'crontab_root', id => '332', }, }, 
-'256' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.insert_age_in_response', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '333', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'257' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'inputs.conf', id => '334', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'monitor:///opt/tomcat/logs/access.log', value => 'index=index_odol_test;sourcetype=access_ccr', }, }, 
-'258' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'XMPP CRConfigOTT node', config_file => 'CRConfig.xml', id => '341', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'location', }, }, 
-'259' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'ip_allow.config', id => '360', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'purge_allow_ip', value => '', }, }, 
-'260' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'plugin.config', id => '361', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => '', value => '_astats,,,,', }, }, 
-'261' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '363', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'health.threshold.loadavg', value => '25.0', config_file => '', }, }, 
-'262' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => '', id => '364', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'health.threshold.availableBandwidthInKbps', value => '>1750000', }, }, 
-'263' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'history.count', value => '30', config_file => '', id => '366', }, }, 
-'264' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => '', value => '', config_file => 'plugin.config', id => '367', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'265' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'cacheurl.config', id => '368', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'location', value => '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/', }, }, 
-'266' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.control.filename', value => 'STRING cache.config', config_file => 'records.config', id => '369', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
-'267' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '370', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'LogFormat.Name', value => 'custom_ats_2', config_file => 'logs_xml.config', }, }, 
-'268' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'LogFormat.Format', value => '%<chi> %<caun> [%<cqtq>] "%<cqtx>" %<pssc> %<pscl> %<sssc> %<sscl> %<cqbl> %<pqbl> %<cqhl> %<pshl> %<ttms> %<pqhl> %<sshl> %<phr> %<cfsc> %<pfsc> %<crc> "%<{User-Agent}cqh>"', config_file => 'logs_xml.config', id => '371', }, }, 
-'269' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'custom_ats_2', config_file => 'logs_xml.config', id => '372', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'LogObject.Format', }, }, 
-'270' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'logs_xml.config', id => '373', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'LogObject.Filename', value => 'custom_ats_2', }, }, 
-'271' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '374', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'LogObject.RollingEnabled', value => '3', config_file => 'logs_xml.config', }, }, 
-'272' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'logs_xml.config', id => '375', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'LogObject.RollingIntervalSec', value => '86400', }, }, 
-'273' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'logs_xml.config', id => '376', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'LogObject.RollingOffsetHr', value => '11', }, }, 
-'274' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'logs_xml.config', id => '377', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'LogObject.RollingSizeMb', value => '1024', }, }, 
-'275' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'logs_xml.config', id => '378', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'location', value => '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver', }, }, 
-'276' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '381', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.xml_config_file', value => 'STRING logs_xml.config', }, }, 
-'277' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'rascal-config.txt', id => '382', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'health.polling.interval', value => '8000', }, }, 
-'278' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'tm.crConfig.polling.url', value => 'https://${tmHostname}/CRConfig-Snapshots/${cdnName}/CRConfig.xml', config_file => 'rascal-config.txt', id => '383', }, }, 
-'279' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'tm.dataServer.polling.url', value => 'https://${tmHostname}/dataserver/orderby/id', config_file => 'rascal-config.txt', id => '384', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'280' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'rascal-config.txt', id => '385', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'tm.healthParams.polling.url', value => 'https://${tmHostname}/health/${cdnName}', }, }, 
-'281' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'tm.polling.interval', value => '60000', config_file => 'rascal-config.txt', id => '386', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'282' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '387', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'location', value => '/opt/traffic_monitor/conf', config_file => 'rascal-config.txt', }, }, 
-'283' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'health.threshold.queryTime', value => '1000', config_file => '', id => '388', }, }, 
-'284' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'http://${hostname}/_astats?application=&${interface_name}', config_file => '', id => '389', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'health.polling.url', }, }, 
-'285' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'rascal-config.txt', id => '390', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'health.threadPool', value => '4', }, }, 
-'286' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'rascal-config.txt', id => '391', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'health.event-count', value => '200', }, }, 
-'287' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'rascal-config.txt', id => '392', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'hack.ttl', value => '30', }, }, 
-'288' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'RAM_Drive_Prefix', value => '/dev/ram', config_file => 'storage.config', id => '393', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
-'289' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '394', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'RAM_Drive_Letters', value => '0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7', config_file => 'storage.config', }, }, 
-'290' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'storage.config', id => '395', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'RAM_Volume', value => '2', }, }, 
-'291' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'storage.config', id => '396', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'Disk_Volume', value => '1', }, }, 
-'292' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.hosting_filename', value => 'STRING hosting.config', config_file => 'records.config', id => '397', }, }, 
-'293' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CoverageZoneJsonURL', value => '', config_file => 'CRConfig.xml', id => '398', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
-'294' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '399', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'health.connection.timeout', value => '2000', config_file => '', }, }, 
-'295' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'geolocation.polling.url', value => '', config_file => 'CRConfig.json', id => '400', }, }, 
-'296' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'geolocation.polling.interval', value => '86400000', config_file => 'CRConfig.json', id => '401', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
-'297' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '402', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'coveragezone.polling.interval', value => '86400000', config_file => 'CRConfig.json', }, }, 
-'298' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'CRConfig.json', id => '403', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'coveragezone.polling.url', value => '', }, }, 
-'299' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'domain_name', value => '', config_file => 'CRConfig.json', id => '404', }, }, 
-'300' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'domain_name', value => '', config_file => 'CRConfig.json', id => '405', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'301' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => '12M_facts', id => '406', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'location', value => '/opt/ort', }, }, 
-'302' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', id => '407', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_accept_encoding_mismatch', }, }, 
-'303' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'rascal-config.txt', id => '408', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'health.timepad', value => '30', }, }, 
-'304' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '502', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'tm.url', value => '', config_file => 'global', }, }, 
-'305' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'global', id => '504', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'tm.toolname', value => 'Traffic Ops', }, }, 
-'306' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'global', id => '505', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'tm.infourl', value => '', }, }, 
-'307' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'tm.logourl', value => '/images/tc_logo.png', config_file => 'global', id => '506', }, }, 
-'308' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => '3600', config_file => 'CRConfig.json', id => '507', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'tld.ttls.AAAA', }, }, 
-'309' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'CRConfig.json', id => '508', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'tld.ttls.SOA', value => '86400', }, }, 
-'310' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'CRConfig.json', id => '509', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'tld.ttls.A', value => '3600', }, }, 
-'311' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'tld.ttls.NS', value => '3600', config_file => 'CRConfig.json', id => '510', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
-'312' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '511', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'tld.soa.expire', value => '604800', config_file => 'CRConfig.json', }, }, 
-'313' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'tld.soa.minimum', value => '86400', config_file => 'CRConfig.json', id => '512', }, }, 
-'314' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'traffic_ops', config_file => 'CRConfig.json', id => '513', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'tld.soa.admin', }, }, 
-'315' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'CRConfig.json', id => '514', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'tld.soa.retry', value => '7200', }, }, 
-'316' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'CRConfig.json', id => '515', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'tld.soa.refresh', value => '28800', }, }, 
-'317' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '551', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'key0', value => 'HOOJ3Ghq1x4gChp3iQkqVTcPlOj8UCi3', config_file => 'url_sig_cdl-c2.config', }, }, 
-'318' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'url_sig_cdl-c2.config', id => '552', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'key1', value => '_9LZYkRnfCS0rCBF7fTQzM9Scwlp2FhO', }, }, 
-'319' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'key2', value => 'AFpkxfc4oTiyFSqtY6_ohjt3V80aAIxS', config_file => 'url_sig_cdl-c2.config', id => '553', }, }, 
-'320' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'AL9kzs_SXaRZjPWH8G5e2m4ByTTzkzlc', config_file => 'url_sig_cdl-c2.config', id => '554', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'key3', }, }, 
-'321' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'url_sig_cdl-c2.config', id => '555', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'key4', value => 'poP3n3szbD1U4vx1xQXV65BvkVgWzfN8', }, }, 
-'322' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '556', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'key5', value => '1ir32ng4C4w137p5oq72kd2wqmIZUrya', config_file => 'url_sig_cdl-c2.config', }, }, 
-'323' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'key6', value => 'B1qLptn2T1b_iXeTCWDcVuYvANtH139f', config_file => 'url_sig_cdl-c2.config', id => '557', }, }, 
-'324' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'key7', value => 'PiCV_5OODMzBbsNFMWsBxcQ8v1sK0TYE', config_file => 'url_sig_cdl-c2.config', id => '558', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'325' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'url_sig_cdl-c2.config', id => '559', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'key8', value => 'Ggpv6DqXDvt2s1CETPBpNKwaLk4fTM9l', }, }, 
-'326' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'key9', value => 'qPlVT_s6kL37aqb6hipDm4Bt55S72mI7', config_file => 'url_sig_cdl-c2.config', id => '560', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'327' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '561', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'key10', value => 'BsI5A9EmWrobIS1FeuOs1z9fm2t2WSBe', config_file => 'url_sig_cdl-c2.config', }, }, 
-'328' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'url_sig_cdl-c2.config', id => '562', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'key11', value => 'A54y66NCIj897GjS4yA9RrsSPtCUnQXP', }, }, 
-'329' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'key12', value => '2jZH0NDPSJttIr4c2KP510f47EKqTQAu', config_file => 'url_sig_cdl-c2.config', id => '563', }, }, 
-'330' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'XduT2FBjBmmVID5JRB5LEf9oR5QDtBgC', config_file => 'url_sig_cdl-c2.config', id => '564', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'key13', }, }, 
-'331' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'url_sig_cdl-c2.config', id => '565', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'key14', value => 'D9nH0SvK_0kP5w8QNd1UFJ28ulFkFKPn', }, }, 
-'332' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'url_sig_cdl-c2.config', id => '566', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'key15', value => 'udKXWYNwbXXweaaLzaKDGl57OixnIIcm', }, }, 
-'333' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver', config_file => 'url_sig_cdl-c2.config', id => '567', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'location', }, }, 
-'334' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'url_sig_cdl-c2.config', id => '568', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'error_url', value => '403', }, }, 
-'335' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '591', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'tld.ttls.NS', value => '3600', config_file => 'CRConfig.json', }, }, 
-'336' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'CRConfig.json', id => '592', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'geolocation6.polling.url', value => '', }, }, 
-'337' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'CRConfig.json', id => '593', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'geolocation6.polling.interval', value => '86400000', }, }, 
-'338' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'trafficserver', value => '0:off	1:off	2:on	3:on	4:on	5:on	6:off', config_file => 'chkconfig', id => '594', }, }, 
-'339' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'astats_over_http', value => '1.1-2.el6.x86_64', config_file => 'package', id => '595', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
-'340' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'package', id => '596', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'cacheurl', value => '1.0-1.el6.x86_64', }, }, 
-'341' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => '1.0-1.el6.x86_64', config_file => 'package', id => '597', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'dscp_remap', }, }, 
-'342' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'package', id => '598', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'regex_revalidate', value => '1.0-1.el6.x86_64', }, }, 
-'343' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '599', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'remap_stats', value => '1.0-1.el6.x86_64', config_file => 'package', }, }, 
-'344' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'url_sign', value => '1.0-1.el6.x86_64', config_file => 'package', id => '600', }, }, 
-'345' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'trafficserver', value => '4.0.2-2.el6.x86_64', config_file => 'package', id => '601', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'346' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '602', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'astats_over_http', value => '3.2.0-4114.el6.x86_64', config_file => 'package', }, }, 
-'347' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'package', id => '603', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'cacheurl', value => '3.2.0-5628.el6.x86_64', }, }, 
-'348' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'dscp_remap', value => '3.2.0-4613.el6.x86_64', config_file => 'package', id => '604', }, }, 
-'349' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'regex_revalidate', value => '3.2.0-5695.el6.x86_64', config_file => 'package', id => '605', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'350' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'package', id => '606', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'remap_stats', value => '3.2.0-2.el6.x86_64', }, }, 
-'351' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'url_sign', value => '3.2.0-4130.el6.x86_64', config_file => 'package', id => '607', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'352' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'package', id => '608', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'trafficserver', value => '3.2.0-4812.el6.x86_64', }, }, 
-'353' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '609', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.allocator.debug_filter', }, }, 
-'354' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '610', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.allocator.enable_reclaim', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'355' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '611', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.allocator.max_overage', value => 'INT 3', }, }, 
-'356' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '612', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.diags.show_location', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'357' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '613', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.allow_empty_doc', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'358' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '614', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'LOCAL', value => 'STRING NULL', }, }, 
-'359' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'CRConfig.json', id => '615', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'tld.ttls.SOA', value => '86400', }, }, 
-'360' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => '', value => '--config regex_revalidate.config', config_file => 'plugin.config', id => '616', }, }, 
-'361' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver', config_file => 'regex_revalidate.config', id => '618', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'location', }, }, 
-'362' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'plugin.config', id => '640', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => '', value => '', }, }, 
-'363' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '641', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => '', value => '', config_file => 'plugin.config', }, }, 
-'364' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'package', id => '642', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'remap_stats', value => '3.2.0-3.el6.x86_64', }, }, 
-'365' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '643', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.stack_dump_enabled', value => 'INT 1', }, }, 
-'366' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.stack_dump_enabled', value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', id => '645', }, }, 
-'367' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'location', value => '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver', config_file => 'drop_qstring.config', id => '666', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'368' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'storage.config', id => '667', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'Drive_Letters', value => 'b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o', }, }, 
-'369' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.hostdb.ttl_mode', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '668', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'370' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '669', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.dns.lookup_timeout', value => 'INT 2', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'371' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.hostdb.serve_stale_for', value => 'INT 6', config_file => 'records.config', id => '670', }, }, 
-'372' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'trafficserver', value => '4.2.1-6.el6.x86_64', config_file => 'package', id => '671', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'373' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '678', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.enable_read_while_writer', value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'374' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '679', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.background_fill_active_timeout', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'375' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.background_fill_completed_threshold', value => 'FLOAT 0.0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '680', }, }, 
-'376' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended2_log_enabled', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '681', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'377' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '682', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.exec_thread.affinity', value => 'INT 1', config_file => 'records.config', }, }, 
-'378' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.exec_thread.autoconfig', value => 'INT 0', config_file => 'records.config', id => '683', }, }, 
-'379' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.exec_thread.limit', value => 'INT 32', config_file => 'records.config', id => '684', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
-'380' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '685', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.allocator.thread_freelist_size', value => 'INT 1024', }, }, 
-'381' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'INT 16106127360', config_file => 'records.config', id => '687', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache.size', }, }, 
-'382' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '688', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.mlock_enabled', value => 'INT 2', }, }, 
-'383' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '689', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'LogFormat.Format', value => '%<cqtq> chi=%<chi> phn=%<phn> shn=%<shn> url=%<cquuc> cqhm=%<cqhm> cqhv=%<cqhv> pssc=%<pssc> ttms=%<ttms> b=%<pscl> sssc=%<sssc> sscl=%<sscl> cfsc=%<cfsc> pfsc=%<pfsc> crc=%<crc> phr=%<phr> uas="%<{User-Agent}cqh>"', config_file => 'logs_xml.config', }, }, 
-'384' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'LogFormat.Name', value => 'custom_ats_2', config_file => 'logs_xml.config', id => '690', }, }, 
-'385' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'LogObject.Format', value => 'custom_ats_2', config_file => 'logs_xml.config', id => '691', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'386' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '692', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'LogObject.Filename', value => 'custom_ats_2', config_file => 'logs_xml.config', }, }, 
-'387' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'url_sig', value => '1.0-3.el6.x86_64', config_file => 'package', id => '693', }, }, 
-'388' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'astats_over_http', value => '1.2-3.el6.x86_64', config_file => 'package', id => '694', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
-'389' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'package', id => '695', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'cacheurl', value => '1.0-3.el6.x86_64', }, }, 
-'390' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'dscp_remap', value => '1.0-3.el6.x86_64', config_file => 'package', id => '696', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'391' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'package', id => '697', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'remap_stats', value => '1.0-4.el6.x86_64', }, }, 
-'392' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => '1.0-4.el6.x86_64', config_file => 'package', id => '698', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'regex_revalidate', }, }, 
-'393' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '699', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache.size', value => 'INT 34359738368', }, }, 
-'394' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'package', id => '700', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'header_rewrite', value => '4.0.2-1.el6.x86_64', }, }, 
-'395' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '701', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'api.port', value => '8080', config_file => 'server.xml', }, }, 
-'396' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'server.xml', id => '702', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'api.port', value => '8080', }, }, 
-'397' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'plugin.config', id => '703', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => '', value => '', }, }, 
-'398' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'allow_ip', value => ',,', config_file => 'astats.config', id => '704', }, }, 
-'399' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => '::1,2033:D011:3300::336/64,2033:D011:3300::335/64,2033:D021:3300::333/64,2033:D021:3300::334/64', config_file => 'astats.config', id => '705', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'allow_ip6', }, }, 
-'400' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'astats.config', id => '706', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'record_types', value => '144', }, }, 
-'401' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'astats.config', id => '707', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'location', value => '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver', }, }, 
-'402' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'astats.config', id => '708', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'path', value => '_astats', }, }, 
-'403' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '709', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.http.compatibility.4-2-0-fixup', value => 'INT 0', }, }, 
-'404' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver', config_file => 'hdr_rw_cdl-c2.config', id => '710', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'location', }, }, 
-'405' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'hdr_rw_movies-c1.config', id => '711', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'location', value => '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver', }, }, 
-'406' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'hdr_rw_images-c1.config', id => '715', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'location', value => '/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver', }, }, 
-'407' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'consistent_hash', config_file => 'parent.config', id => '716', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'algorithm', }, }, 
-'408' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'traffic_stats.config', id => '717', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'DsStats', value => 'kbps', }, }, 
-'409' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'traffic_stats.config', id => '718', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'DsStats', value => 'tps_2xx', }, }, 
-'410' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { value => 'status_3xx', config_file => 'traffic_stats.config', id => '719', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'DsStats', }, }, 
-'411' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'traffic_stats.config', id => '720', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'DsStats', value => 'status_4xx', }, }, 
-'412' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'traffic_stats.config', id => '721', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'DsStats', value => 'status_5xx', }, }, 
-'413' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'traffic_stats.config', id => '722', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', name => 'CacheStats', value => 'bandwidth', }, }, 
-'414' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CacheStats', value => 'maxKbps', config_file => 'traffic_stats.config', id => '723', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'415' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '724', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CacheStats', value => 'ats.proxy.process.http.current_client_connections', config_file => 'traffic_stats.config', }, }, 
-'416' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'regex_revalidate.config', id => '725', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'maxRevalDurationDays', value => '90', }, }, 
-'417' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'tm.instance_name', value => 'Kabletown CDN', config_file => 'global', id => '726', }, }, 
-'418' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache_cutoff', value => '268435456', config_file => 'records.config', id => '727', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:48', }, }, 
-'419' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'records.config', id => '728', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', name => 'CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache_cutoff', value => 'INT 268435456', }, }, 
-'420' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'health.threshold.availableBandwidthInKbps', value => '1062500', config_file => '', id => '731', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:46', }, }, 
-'421' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { id => '732', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'health.threshold.availableBandwidthInKbps', value => '1062500', config_file => '', }, }, 
-'422' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'health.threshold.availableBandwidthInKbps', value => '1062500', config_file => '', id => '733', }, }, 
-'423' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { name => 'health.threshold.availableBandwidthInKbps', value => '>11500000', config_file => '', id => '734', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', }, }, 
-'424' => { new => 'Parameter', => using => { config_file => 'traffic_stats.config', id => '735', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:43:47', name => 'DsStats', value => 'tps_3xx', }, }, 
-'425' => { new => 'Parameter',


[38/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: README for docker build for rpms

Posted by
README for docker build for rpms


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 0e4d60c558cd7348c0c6da308259afd22ba2fdd7
Parents: aa622d0
Author: Dan Kirkwood <>
Authored: Wed Oct 5 14:24:18 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:09:35 2016 -0700

 infrastructure/docker/build/ | 8 ++++++++
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/ b/infrastructure/docker/build/
index a600340..469f7da 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/
@@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 # Building *trafficcontrol* using *docker-compose*
 - install `docker-engine` and `docker-compose`
 - `cd incubator-trafficcontrol/infrastructure/docker/build`
 - `export GITREPO=<username>/incubator-trafficcontrol`
+# Building *traffic_control* using *docker-compose*
+- install `docker-engine` and `docker-compose`
+- `cd traffic_control/infrastructure/docker/build`
+- `export GITREPO=<username>/traffic_control`
+>>>>>>> cc99d24... README for docker build for rpms
 - `export BRANCH=mynewbranch`
 - `docker-compose up traffic_monitor_build traffic_ops_build ...`
 - new rpm files will be in `./artifacts`

[19/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: updating create tables sql.

Posted by
updating create tables sql.


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: a90c84ce5c7a3eeb84bc2fac4be07a42f6a82eb2
Parents: 536abd8
Author: Jackie Heitzer <>
Authored: Mon Aug 22 12:26:07 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 13:52:02 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql | 426 +++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 213 insertions(+), 213 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql b/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql
index 3456db1..c8acf36 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql
@@ -985,6 +985,7 @@ CREATE TABLE servercheck (
     ap bigint,
     aq bigint,
     ar bigint,
+    bf bigint,
     at bigint,
     au bigint,
     av bigint,
@@ -997,7 +998,6 @@ CREATE TABLE servercheck (
     bc bigint,
     bd bigint,
     be bigint,
-    bf bigint,
     last_updated timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
@@ -1950,781 +1950,781 @@ SELECT pg_catalog.setval('type_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Name: idx_447932_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471905_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_447932_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, cachegroup);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471905_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_447942_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471915_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY cachegroup
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_447942_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471915_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
--- Name: idx_447948_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471921_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY cachegroup_parameter
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_447948_primary PRIMARY KEY (cachegroup, parameter);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471921_primary PRIMARY KEY (cachegroup, parameter);
--- Name: idx_447956_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471929_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_447956_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471929_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_447965_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471938_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_447965_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471938_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
--- Name: idx_447981_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471954_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice_regex
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_447981_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, regex);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471954_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, regex);
--- Name: idx_447985_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471958_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice_server
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_447985_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, server);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471958_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, server);
--- Name: idx_447990_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471963_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice_tmuser
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_447990_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, tm_user_id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471963_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, tm_user_id);
--- Name: idx_447997_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471970_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_447997_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471970_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_448005_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471978_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448005_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471978_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_448014_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471987_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_deliveryservice
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448014_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, deliveryservice);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471987_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, deliveryservice);
--- Name: idx_448019_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471992_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_federation_resolver
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448019_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, federation_resolver);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471992_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, federation_resolver);
--- Name: idx_448026_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471999_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_resolver
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448026_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_471999_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_448032_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472005_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_tmuser
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448032_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, tm_user);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472005_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, tm_user);
--- Name: idx_448039_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472012_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448039_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472012_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_448050_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472023_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448050_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472023_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_448061_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472034_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448061_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472034_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_448073_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472046_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY job_result
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448073_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472046_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_448084_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472057_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY job_status
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448084_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472057_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_448092_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472065_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448092_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, tm_user);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472065_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, tm_user);
--- Name: idx_448103_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472076_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448103_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472076_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_448115_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472088_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY phys_location
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448115_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472088_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_448126_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472099_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448126_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472099_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_448132_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472105_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY profile_parameter
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448132_primary PRIMARY KEY (profile, parameter);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472105_primary PRIMARY KEY (profile, parameter);
--- Name: idx_448139_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472112_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448139_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472112_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
--- Name: idx_448148_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472121_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448148_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472121_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_448156_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472129_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448156_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472129_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_448162_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472135_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448162_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, cachegroup, type, status, profile);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472135_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, cachegroup, type, status, profile);
--- Name: idx_448176_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472149_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY servercheck
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448176_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, server);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472149_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, server);
--- Name: idx_448184_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472157_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY staticdnsentry
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448184_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472157_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_448193_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472166_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY stats_summary
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448193_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472166_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_448204_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472177_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448204_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472177_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_448210_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472183_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY steering_target
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448210_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, target);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472183_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, target);
--- Name: idx_448217_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472190_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448217_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472190_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_448230_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472203_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY to_extension
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448230_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472203_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_448240_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472213_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_448240_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_472213_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_447932_cr_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471905_cr_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_447932_cr_id_unique ON asn USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_471905_cr_id_unique ON asn USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_447932_fk_cran_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471905_fk_cran_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_447932_fk_cran_cachegroup1 ON asn USING btree (cachegroup);
+CREATE INDEX idx_471905_fk_cran_cachegroup1 ON asn USING btree (cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_447942_cg_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471915_cg_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_447942_cg_name_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_471915_cg_name_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_447942_cg_short_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471915_cg_short_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_447942_cg_short_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (short_name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_471915_cg_short_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (short_name);
--- Name: idx_447942_fk_cg_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471915_fk_cg_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_447942_fk_cg_1 ON cachegroup USING btree (parent_cachegroup_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_471915_fk_cg_1 ON cachegroup USING btree (parent_cachegroup_id);
--- Name: idx_447942_fk_cg_secondary; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471915_fk_cg_secondary; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_447942_fk_cg_secondary ON cachegroup USING btree (secondary_parent_cachegroup_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_471915_fk_cg_secondary ON cachegroup USING btree (secondary_parent_cachegroup_id);
--- Name: idx_447942_fk_cg_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471915_fk_cg_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_447942_fk_cg_type1 ON cachegroup USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_471915_fk_cg_type1 ON cachegroup USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_447942_lo_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471915_lo_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_447942_lo_id_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_471915_lo_id_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_447948_fk_parameter; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471921_fk_parameter; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_447948_fk_parameter ON cachegroup_parameter USING btree (parameter);
+CREATE INDEX idx_471921_fk_parameter ON cachegroup_parameter USING btree (parameter);
--- Name: idx_447956_cdn_cdn_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471929_cdn_cdn_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_447956_cdn_cdn_unique ON cdn USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_471929_cdn_cdn_unique ON cdn USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_447965_ds_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471938_ds_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_447965_ds_id_unique ON deliveryservice USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_471938_ds_id_unique ON deliveryservice USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_447965_ds_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471938_ds_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_447965_ds_name_unique ON deliveryservice USING btree (xml_id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_471938_ds_name_unique ON deliveryservice USING btree (xml_id);
--- Name: idx_447965_fk_cdn1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471938_fk_cdn1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_447965_fk_cdn1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (cdn_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_471938_fk_cdn1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (cdn_id);
--- Name: idx_447965_fk_deliveryservice_profile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471938_fk_deliveryservice_profile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_447965_fk_deliveryservice_profile1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (profile);
+CREATE INDEX idx_471938_fk_deliveryservice_profile1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (profile);
--- Name: idx_447965_fk_deliveryservice_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471938_fk_deliveryservice_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_447965_fk_deliveryservice_type1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_471938_fk_deliveryservice_type1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_447981_fk_ds_to_regex_regex1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471954_fk_ds_to_regex_regex1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_447981_fk_ds_to_regex_regex1 ON deliveryservice_regex USING btree (regex);
+CREATE INDEX idx_471954_fk_ds_to_regex_regex1 ON deliveryservice_regex USING btree (regex);
--- Name: idx_447985_fk_ds_to_cs_contentserver1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471958_fk_ds_to_cs_contentserver1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_447985_fk_ds_to_cs_contentserver1 ON deliveryservice_server USING btree (server);
+CREATE INDEX idx_471958_fk_ds_to_cs_contentserver1 ON deliveryservice_server USING btree (server);
--- Name: idx_447990_fk_tm_userid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471963_fk_tm_userid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_447990_fk_tm_userid ON deliveryservice_tmuser USING btree (tm_user_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_471963_fk_tm_userid ON deliveryservice_tmuser USING btree (tm_user_id);
--- Name: idx_447997_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471970_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_447997_name_unique ON division USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_471970_name_unique ON division USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_448014_fk_fed_to_ds1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471987_fk_fed_to_ds1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448014_fk_fed_to_ds1 ON federation_deliveryservice USING btree (deliveryservice);
+CREATE INDEX idx_471987_fk_fed_to_ds1 ON federation_deliveryservice USING btree (deliveryservice);
--- Name: idx_448019_fk_federation_federation_resolver; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471992_fk_federation_federation_resolver; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448019_fk_federation_federation_resolver ON federation_federation_resolver USING btree (federation);
+CREATE INDEX idx_471992_fk_federation_federation_resolver ON federation_federation_resolver USING btree (federation);
--- Name: idx_448019_fk_federation_resolver_to_fed1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471992_fk_federation_resolver_to_fed1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448019_fk_federation_resolver_to_fed1 ON federation_federation_resolver USING btree (federation_resolver);
+CREATE INDEX idx_471992_fk_federation_resolver_to_fed1 ON federation_federation_resolver USING btree (federation_resolver);
--- Name: idx_448026_federation_resolver_ip_address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471999_federation_resolver_ip_address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448026_federation_resolver_ip_address ON federation_resolver USING btree (ip_address);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_471999_federation_resolver_ip_address ON federation_resolver USING btree (ip_address);
--- Name: idx_448026_fk_federation_mapping_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_471999_fk_federation_mapping_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448026_fk_federation_mapping_type ON federation_resolver USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_471999_fk_federation_mapping_type ON federation_resolver USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_448032_fk_federation_federation_resolver; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472005_fk_federation_federation_resolver; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448032_fk_federation_federation_resolver ON federation_tmuser USING btree (federation);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472005_fk_federation_federation_resolver ON federation_tmuser USING btree (federation);
--- Name: idx_448032_fk_federation_tmuser_role; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472005_fk_federation_tmuser_role; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448032_fk_federation_tmuser_role ON federation_tmuser USING btree (role);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472005_fk_federation_tmuser_role ON federation_tmuser USING btree (role);
--- Name: idx_448032_fk_federation_tmuser_tmuser; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472005_fk_federation_tmuser_tmuser; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448032_fk_federation_tmuser_tmuser ON federation_tmuser USING btree (tm_user);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472005_fk_federation_tmuser_tmuser ON federation_tmuser USING btree (tm_user);
--- Name: idx_448039_fk_hwinfo1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472012_fk_hwinfo1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448039_fk_hwinfo1 ON hwinfo USING btree (serverid);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472012_fk_hwinfo1 ON hwinfo USING btree (serverid);
--- Name: idx_448039_serverid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472012_serverid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448039_serverid ON hwinfo USING btree (serverid, description);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472012_serverid ON hwinfo USING btree (serverid, description);
--- Name: idx_448050_fk_job_agent_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472023_fk_job_agent_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448050_fk_job_agent_id1 ON job USING btree (agent);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472023_fk_job_agent_id1 ON job USING btree (agent);
--- Name: idx_448050_fk_job_deliveryservice1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472023_fk_job_deliveryservice1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448050_fk_job_deliveryservice1 ON job USING btree (job_deliveryservice);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472023_fk_job_deliveryservice1 ON job USING btree (job_deliveryservice);
--- Name: idx_448050_fk_job_status_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472023_fk_job_status_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448050_fk_job_status_id1 ON job USING btree (status);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472023_fk_job_status_id1 ON job USING btree (status);
--- Name: idx_448050_fk_job_user_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472023_fk_job_user_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448050_fk_job_user_id1 ON job USING btree (job_user);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472023_fk_job_user_id1 ON job USING btree (job_user);
--- Name: idx_448073_fk_agent_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472046_fk_agent_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448073_fk_agent_id1 ON job_result USING btree (agent);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472046_fk_agent_id1 ON job_result USING btree (agent);
--- Name: idx_448073_fk_job_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472046_fk_job_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448073_fk_job_id1 ON job_result USING btree (job);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472046_fk_job_id1 ON job_result USING btree (job);
--- Name: idx_448092_fk_log_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472065_fk_log_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448092_fk_log_1 ON log USING btree (tm_user);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472065_fk_log_1 ON log USING btree (tm_user);
--- Name: idx_448103_parameter_name_value_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472076_parameter_name_value_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448103_parameter_name_value_idx ON parameter USING btree (name, value);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472076_parameter_name_value_idx ON parameter USING btree (name, value);
--- Name: idx_448115_fk_phys_location_region_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472088_fk_phys_location_region_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448115_fk_phys_location_region_idx ON phys_location USING btree (region);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472088_fk_phys_location_region_idx ON phys_location USING btree (region);
--- Name: idx_448115_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472088_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448115_name_unique ON phys_location USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472088_name_unique ON phys_location USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_448115_short_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472088_short_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448115_short_name_unique ON phys_location USING btree (short_name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472088_short_name_unique ON phys_location USING btree (short_name);
--- Name: idx_448126_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472099_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448126_name_unique ON profile USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472099_name_unique ON profile USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_448132_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsparameters1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472105_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsparameters1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448132_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsparameters1 ON profile_parameter USING btree (parameter);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472105_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsparameters1 ON profile_parameter USING btree (parameter);
--- Name: idx_448132_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsprofile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472105_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsprofile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448132_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsprofile1 ON profile_parameter USING btree (profile);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472105_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsprofile1 ON profile_parameter USING btree (profile);
--- Name: idx_448139_fk_regex_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472112_fk_regex_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448139_fk_regex_type1 ON regex USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472112_fk_regex_type1 ON regex USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_448139_re_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472112_re_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448139_re_id_unique ON regex USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472112_re_id_unique ON regex USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_448148_fk_region_division1_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472121_fk_region_division1_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448148_fk_region_division1_idx ON region USING btree (division);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472121_fk_region_division1_idx ON region USING btree (division);
--- Name: idx_448148_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472121_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448148_name_unique ON region USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472121_name_unique ON region USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_448162_cs_ip_address_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472135_cs_ip_address_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448162_cs_ip_address_unique ON server USING btree (ip_address);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472135_cs_ip_address_unique ON server USING btree (ip_address);
--- Name: idx_448162_fk_cdn2; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472135_fk_cdn2; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448162_fk_cdn2 ON server USING btree (cdn_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472135_fk_cdn2 ON server USING btree (cdn_id);
--- Name: idx_448162_fk_contentserver_atsprofile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472135_fk_contentserver_atsprofile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448162_fk_contentserver_atsprofile1 ON server USING btree (profile);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472135_fk_contentserver_atsprofile1 ON server USING btree (profile);
--- Name: idx_448162_fk_contentserver_contentserverstatus1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472135_fk_contentserver_contentserverstatus1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448162_fk_contentserver_contentserverstatus1 ON server USING btree (status);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472135_fk_contentserver_contentserverstatus1 ON server USING btree (status);
--- Name: idx_448162_fk_contentserver_contentservertype1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472135_fk_contentserver_contentservertype1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448162_fk_contentserver_contentservertype1 ON server USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472135_fk_contentserver_contentservertype1 ON server USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_448162_fk_contentserver_phys_location1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472135_fk_contentserver_phys_location1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448162_fk_contentserver_phys_location1 ON server USING btree (phys_location);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472135_fk_contentserver_phys_location1 ON server USING btree (phys_location);
--- Name: idx_448162_fk_server_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472135_fk_server_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448162_fk_server_cachegroup1 ON server USING btree (cachegroup);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472135_fk_server_cachegroup1 ON server USING btree (cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_448162_host_name; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472135_host_name; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448162_host_name ON server USING btree (host_name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472135_host_name ON server USING btree (host_name);
--- Name: idx_448162_ip6_address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472135_ip6_address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448162_ip6_address ON server USING btree (ip6_address);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472135_ip6_address ON server USING btree (ip6_address);
--- Name: idx_448162_se_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472135_se_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448162_se_id_unique ON server USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472135_se_id_unique ON server USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_448176_fk_serverstatus_server1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472149_fk_serverstatus_server1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448176_fk_serverstatus_server1 ON servercheck USING btree (server);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472149_fk_serverstatus_server1 ON servercheck USING btree (server);
--- Name: idx_448176_server; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472149_server; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448176_server ON servercheck USING btree (server);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472149_server ON servercheck USING btree (server);
--- Name: idx_448176_ses_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472149_ses_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448176_ses_id_unique ON servercheck USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472149_ses_id_unique ON servercheck USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_448184_combi_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472157_combi_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448184_combi_unique ON staticdnsentry USING btree (host, address, deliveryservice, cachegroup);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472157_combi_unique ON staticdnsentry USING btree (host, address, deliveryservice, cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_448184_fk_staticdnsentry_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472157_fk_staticdnsentry_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448184_fk_staticdnsentry_cachegroup1 ON staticdnsentry USING btree (cachegroup);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472157_fk_staticdnsentry_cachegroup1 ON staticdnsentry USING btree (cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_448184_fk_staticdnsentry_ds; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472157_fk_staticdnsentry_ds; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448184_fk_staticdnsentry_ds ON staticdnsentry USING btree (deliveryservice);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472157_fk_staticdnsentry_ds ON staticdnsentry USING btree (deliveryservice);
--- Name: idx_448184_fk_staticdnsentry_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472157_fk_staticdnsentry_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448184_fk_staticdnsentry_type ON staticdnsentry USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472157_fk_staticdnsentry_type ON staticdnsentry USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_448217_fk_user_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472190_fk_user_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448217_fk_user_1 ON tm_user USING btree (role);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472190_fk_user_1 ON tm_user USING btree (role);
--- Name: idx_448217_tmuser_email_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472190_tmuser_email_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448217_tmuser_email_unique ON tm_user USING btree (email);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472190_tmuser_email_unique ON tm_user USING btree (email);
--- Name: idx_448217_username_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472190_username_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448217_username_unique ON tm_user USING btree (username);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472190_username_unique ON tm_user USING btree (username);
--- Name: idx_448230_fk_ext_type_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472203_fk_ext_type_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_448230_fk_ext_type_idx ON to_extension USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_472203_fk_ext_type_idx ON to_extension USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_448230_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472203_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448230_id_unique ON to_extension USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472203_id_unique ON to_extension USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_448240_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_472213_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_448240_name_unique ON type USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_472213_name_unique ON type USING btree (name);

[52/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: more tweaks to migration and added the goose down part

Posted by
more tweaks to migration and added the goose down part


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 5c1cbc4f0b0ad85e49c0caa57c32fab47fd8328d
Parents: 744499d
Author: Jeremy Mitchell <>
Authored: Wed Nov 9 13:04:49 2016 -0700
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:43:13 2016 -0700

 .../20160910092026_fix_column_types.sql         | 136 ++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 119 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160910092026_fix_column_types.sql b/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160910092026_fix_column_types.sql
index ce5b100..7afe1bf 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160910092026_fix_column_types.sql
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/migrations/20160910092026_fix_column_types.sql
@@ -6,76 +6,178 @@ ALTER TABLE cachegroup ALTER COLUMN latitude  TYPE numeric;
 ALTER TABLE cachegroup ALTER COLUMN longitude TYPE numeric;
+  ALTER COLUMN dnssec_enabled DROP DEFAULT,
 	ALTER COLUMN dnssec_enabled TYPE boolean
 		USING CASE WHEN dnssec_enabled = 0 THEN FALSE
 			WHEN dnssec_enabled = 1 THEN TRUE
+			END,
 ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN miss_lat                     TYPE numeric;
 ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN miss_long                    TYPE numeric;
 ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
 	ALTER COLUMN active TYPE boolean
 			WHEN active = 1 THEN TRUE
+			END,
 ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
 	ALTER COLUMN signed TYPE boolean
 			WHEN signed = 1 THEN TRUE
+			END,
 ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
+  ALTER COLUMN ipv6_routing_enabled DROP DEFAULT,
 	ALTER COLUMN ipv6_routing_enabled TYPE boolean
 		USING CASE WHEN ipv6_routing_enabled = 0 THEN FALSE
 			WHEN ipv6_routing_enabled = 1 THEN TRUE
+			END,
+  ALTER COLUMN ipv6_routing_enabled SET DEFAULT FALSE;
 ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
+  ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin DROP DEFAULT,
 	ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin TYPE boolean
 		USING CASE WHEN multi_site_origin = 0 THEN FALSE
 			WHEN multi_site_origin = 1 THEN TRUE
+			END,
+  ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin SET DEFAULT FALSE;
 ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
+  ALTER COLUMN regional_geo_blocking DROP DEFAULT,
 	ALTER COLUMN regional_geo_blocking TYPE boolean
 		USING CASE WHEN regional_geo_blocking = 0 THEN FALSE
 			WHEN regional_geo_blocking = 1 THEN TRUE
+			END,
+  ALTER COLUMN regional_geo_blocking SET DEFAULT FALSE;
 ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
 	ALTER COLUMN logs_enabled TYPE boolean
 		USING CASE WHEN logs_enabled = 0 THEN FALSE
 			WHEN logs_enabled = 1 THEN TRUE
-ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
-	ALTER COLUMN logs_enabled TYPE boolean
-		USING CASE WHEN logs_enabled = 0 THEN FALSE
-			WHEN logs_enabled = 1 THEN TRUE
+			END,
 ALTER TABLE parameter
 	ALTER COLUMN secure TYPE boolean
 			WHEN secure = 1 THEN TRUE
+			END,
 	ALTER COLUMN upd_pending TYPE boolean
 		USING CASE WHEN upd_pending = 0 THEN FALSE
 			WHEN upd_pending = 1 THEN TRUE
+			END,
 ALTER TABLE tm_user
 	ALTER COLUMN new_user TYPE boolean
 			WHEN new_user = 1 THEN TRUE
+			END,
 ALTER TABLE to_extension
 	ALTER COLUMN isactive TYPE boolean
 			WHEN isactive = 1 THEN TRUE
+			END,
+-- +goose Down
+-- SQL section 'Down' is executed when this migration is rolled back
+ALTER TABLE cachegroup ALTER COLUMN latitude  TYPE double precision;
+ALTER TABLE cachegroup ALTER COLUMN longitude TYPE double precision;
+  ALTER COLUMN dnssec_enabled DROP DEFAULT,
+   USING CASE WHEN dnssec_enabled THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
+  ALTER COLUMN dnssec_enabled SET DEFAULT 0;
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN miss_lat  TYPE double precision;
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice ALTER COLUMN miss_long TYPE double precision;
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
+  ALTER COLUMN ipv6_routing_enabled DROP DEFAULT,
+	ALTER COLUMN ipv6_routing_enabled TYPE SMALLINT
+   USING CASE WHEN ipv6_routing_enabled THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
+  ALTER COLUMN ipv6_routing_enabled SET DEFAULT 0;
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
+  ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin DROP DEFAULT,
+	ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin TYPE SMALLINT
+   USING CASE WHEN multi_site_origin THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
+  ALTER COLUMN multi_site_origin SET DEFAULT 0;
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
+  ALTER COLUMN regional_geo_blocking DROP DEFAULT,
+	ALTER COLUMN regional_geo_blocking TYPE SMALLINT
+   USING CASE WHEN regional_geo_blocking THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
+  ALTER COLUMN regional_geo_blocking SET DEFAULT 0;
+ALTER TABLE deliveryservice
+   USING CASE WHEN logs_enabled THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
+  ALTER COLUMN logs_enabled SET DEFAULT 0;
+ALTER TABLE parameter
+   USING CASE WHEN upd_pending THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
+  ALTER COLUMN upd_pending SET DEFAULT 0;
+ALTER TABLE tm_user
+ALTER TABLE to_extension

[02/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: fixing integration.

Posted by
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index 5ebcb2e..6d6f1c7 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -1,23 +1,5 @@
 package Fixtures::Integration::Servercheck;
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
 # Do not edit! Generated code.
 # See
@@ -26,102 +8,103 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-'0' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { be => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', af => undef, ai => undef, ak => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, ah => undef, al => undef, bd => undef, ab => undef, at => undef, aa => undef, ad => undef, ag => undef, az => undef, bb => undef, server => '1', an => undef, aq => undef, au => undef, ax => undef, id => '4180952', aw => undef, ac => undef, aj => undef, ao => undef, ap => undef, bf => undef, ae => undef, am => undef, bc => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, }, },
-'1' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ae => undef, ao => undef, bf => undef, ax => undef, az => undef, bd => undef, ac => undef, ad => undef, id => '4180953', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', ak => undef, al => undef, ay => undef, af => undef, ag => undef, an => undef, av => undef, ba => undef, server => '2', ab => undef, aj => undef, aa => undef, bb => undef, ah => undef, aq => undef, au => undef, be => undef, ai => undef, ap => undef, at => undef, aw => undef, bc => undef, am => undef, ar => undef, }, },
-'2' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ac => undef, ag => undef, ap => undef, aw => undef, ad => undef, ah => undef, au => undef, bc => undef, id => '4180954', ae => undef, ai => undef, bf => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, aj => undef, av => undef, ba => undef, bd => undef, server => '3', aa => undef, ao => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', at => undef, be => undef, ax => undef, bb => undef, ab => undef, af => undef, ak => undef, al => undef, an => undef, am => undef, aq => undef, ar => undef, }, },
-'3' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ah => undef, aj => undef, aa => undef, ai => undef, am => undef, be => undef, id => '4180955', ap => undef, aw => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, bb => undef, bd => undef, ab => undef, ad => undef, ag => undef, ak => undef, al => undef, av => undef, server => '4', ae => undef, af => undef, ac => undef, ao => undef, aq => undef, ar => undef, au => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', bf => undef, at => undef, az => undef, ba => undef, an => undef, bc => undef, }, },
-'4' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { al => undef, ax => undef, bb => undef, ah => undef, ai => undef, ap => undef, ad => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, at => undef, av => undef, id => '4180956', ab => undef, ac => undef, aw => undef, ba => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, ao => undef, aq => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', ae => undef, af => undef, an => undef, ar => undef, au => undef, az => undef, be => undef, server => '5', aa => undef, ag => undef, am => undef, bf => undef, ay => undef, }, },
-'5' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { am => undef, an => undef, aq => undef, az => undef, aa => undef, ag => undef, aw => undef, ay => undef, af => undef, au => undef, ba => undef, server => '6', bf => undef, at => undef, av => undef, ak => undef, ao => undef, ae => undef, ar => undef, ad => undef, ai => undef, ap => undef, bd => undef, id => '4180957', ab => undef, ac => undef, ax => undef, bb => undef, be => undef, aj => undef, al => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', ah => undef, bc => undef, }, },
-'6' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ap => undef, aw => undef, bb => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', ak => undef, bf => undef, ba => undef, ab => undef, ac => undef, ae => undef, al => undef, an => undef, ax => undef, id => '4180958', aa => undef, af => undef, aj => undef, av => undef, az => undef, aq => undef, be => undef, ad => undef, ah => undef, ai => undef, am => undef, server => '7', ao => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, ag => undef, ar => undef, at => undef, au => undef, ay => undef, }, },
-'7' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ac => undef, ad => undef, at => undef, av => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', aa => undef, ba => undef, id => '4180959', ab => undef, be => undef, server => '8', az => undef, bb => undef, ae => undef, ai => undef, al => undef, an => undef, ax => undef, bc => undef, aj => undef, aq => undef, bf => undef, au => undef, ay => undef, ar => undef, bd => undef, af => undef, ak => undef, am => undef, ag => undef, ah => undef, ao => undef, ap => undef, aw => undef, }, },
-'8' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ay => undef, bd => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', ai => undef, am => undef, ar => undef, at => undef, ba => undef, bc => undef, ax => undef, az => undef, ae => undef, af => undef, al => undef, ao => undef, ap => undef, aw => undef, be => undef, ac => undef, ag => undef, av => undef, ah => undef, bf => undef, au => undef, bb => undef, server => '9', aa => undef, ab => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, an => undef, aq => undef, ad => undef, id => '4180960', }, },
-'9' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ag => undef, ak => undef, be => undef, at => undef, av => undef, af => undef, au => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', ah => undef, aq => undef, ar => undef, bf => undef, az => undef, bc => undef, an => undef, aw => undef, server => '10', aa => undef, aj => undef, am => undef, ao => undef, ap => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, al => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, bb => undef, bd => undef, id => '4180961', ab => undef, ac => undef, ai => undef, }, },
-'10' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { av => undef, ay => undef, bc => undef, ak => undef, ab => undef, aj => undef, ax => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', aa => undef, aq => undef, ba => undef, bb => undef, ap => undef, af => undef, ai => undef, ar => undef, server => '11', ae => undef, al => undef, an => undef, ao => undef, bf => undef, at => undef, be => undef, ad => undef, id => '4180962', ah => undef, az => undef, aw => undef, ag => undef, am => undef, au => undef, bd => undef, ac => undef, }, },
-'11' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { bb => undef, ao => undef, aw => undef, ah => undef, an => undef, ar => undef, aa => undef, ac => undef, am => undef, ap => undef, ae => undef, ag => undef, id => '4180963', at => undef, au => undef, be => undef, ad => undef, al => undef, bf => undef, av => undef, az => undef, bd => undef, server => '12', af => undef, ai => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, bc => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', aj => undef, ak => undef, ab => undef, aq => undef, }, },
-'12' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ab => undef, aj => undef, aq => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, be => undef, ad => undef, al => undef, bf => undef, aw => undef, ax => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ac => undef, ag => undef, az => undef, bd => undef, id => '4180964', ae => undef, ao => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, bb => undef, bc => undef, ah => undef, ak => undef, server => '13', ai => undef, aa => undef, am => undef, au => undef, av => undef, af => undef, an => undef, at => undef, }, },
-'13' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { al => undef, ah => undef, bb => undef, bc => undef, ab => undef, ai => undef, am => undef, ap => undef, ba => undef, ae => undef, ac => undef, ax => undef, aa => undef, be => undef, bd => undef, bf => undef, id => '4180965', ar => undef, ag => undef, an => undef, aq => undef, at => undef, av => undef, aw => undef, ay => undef, af => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '14', az => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, ao => undef, au => undef, ad => undef, }, },
-'14' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ay => undef, az => undef, ac => undef, ad => undef, af => undef, am => undef, an => undef, av => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ab => undef, ai => undef, al => undef, ap => undef, bf => undef, be => undef, au => undef, ae => undef, aj => undef, ar => undef, bd => undef, id => '4180966', aw => undef, ba => undef, bb => undef, server => '15', ax => undef, aa => undef, ah => undef, aq => undef, bc => undef, ag => undef, ak => undef, ao => undef, at => undef, }, },
-'15' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { af => undef, al => undef, au => undef, bd => undef, ah => undef, bb => undef, id => '4180967', server => '16', aq => undef, av => undef, aa => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ab => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, aw => undef, aj => undef, ao => undef, at => undef, ba => undef, ai => undef, an => undef, bf => undef, bc => undef, ac => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, ag => undef, ak => undef, am => undef, be => undef, }, },
-'16' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ab => undef, av => undef, aa => undef, bf => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ag => undef, ak => undef, ar => undef, au => undef, aj => undef, an => undef, ba => undef, bb => undef, ad => undef, bc => undef, ae => undef, af => undef, ah => undef, aw => undef, aq => undef, at => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, ac => undef, ai => undef, ao => undef, ap => undef, az => undef, bd => undef, id => '4180968', al => undef, am => undef, be => undef, server => '17', }, },
-'17' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ad => undef, ae => undef, af => undef, am => undef, bf => undef, at => undef, ax => undef, ba => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, ac => undef, aj => undef, ao => undef, av => undef, ar => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, bb => undef, id => '4180969', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ag => undef, al => undef, ap => undef, aq => undef, aw => undef, au => undef, aa => undef, ah => undef, ak => undef, ab => undef, ai => undef, an => undef, server => '18', }, },
-'18' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { at => undef, aw => undef, ba => undef, ad => undef, ao => undef, aq => undef, bf => undef, av => undef, ay => undef, be => undef, af => undef, ah => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, ac => undef, ai => undef, am => undef, server => '19', aa => undef, ab => undef, ag => undef, id => '4180970', al => undef, au => undef, ax => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', az => undef, ae => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, an => undef, bb => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, }, },
-'19' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ap => undef, at => undef, ae => undef, ah => undef, ab => undef, af => undef, server => '20', ai => undef, aq => undef, bf => undef, au => undef, aw => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, bb => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, aa => undef, ac => undef, ad => undef, ag => undef, al => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, bc => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, ao => undef, ba => undef, id => '4180971', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', am => undef, an => undef, ax => undef, }, },
-'20' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { aj => undef, ah => undef, au => undef, ba => undef, server => '21', ad => undef, al => undef, be => undef, am => undef, ar => undef, bd => undef, ae => undef, ai => undef, ao => undef, av => undef, ax => undef, az => undef, aa => undef, af => undef, ag => undef, aw => undef, ay => undef, bb => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ap => undef, aq => undef, bf => undef, at => undef, ab => undef, ac => undef, ak => undef, an => undef, bc => undef, id => '4180972', }, },
-'21' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { aa => undef, aj => undef, al => undef, av => undef, ad => undef, bd => undef, id => '4180973', ac => undef, ak => undef, ao => undef, ar => undef, bc => undef, ab => undef, af => undef, au => undef, an => undef, ax => undef, ag => undef, ap => undef, aq => undef, aw => undef, ba => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ae => undef, ah => undef, am => undef, bf => undef, bb => undef, ai => undef, at => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, be => undef, server => '22', }, },
-'22' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { bd => undef, bf => undef, az => undef, ab => undef, af => undef, al => undef, ao => undef, aj => undef, an => undef, bb => undef, be => undef, ay => undef, server => '23', ac => undef, ag => undef, ap => undef, au => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', am => undef, at => undef, av => undef, bc => undef, aa => undef, aw => undef, ax => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, id => '4180974', ar => undef, ba => undef, ah => undef, ai => undef, ak => undef, aq => undef, }, },
-'23' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ad => undef, al => undef, aq => undef, bd => undef, aa => undef, ai => undef, aj => undef, bb => undef, ab => undef, ah => undef, ar => undef, aw => undef, az => undef, server => '24', ac => undef, ae => undef, af => undef, an => undef, ax => undef, id => '4180975', ak => undef, am => undef, ap => undef, av => undef, be => undef, ao => undef, bf => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', bc => undef, ag => undef, at => undef, au => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, }, },
-'24' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ag => undef, ao => undef, bd => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', aa => undef, ak => undef, av => undef, ax => undef, am => undef, an => undef, aq => undef, aw => undef, ae => undef, ai => undef, al => undef, at => undef, az => undef, ab => undef, af => undef, au => undef, ba => undef, bc => undef, ac => undef, ah => undef, bf => undef, id => '4180976', ad => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, ay => undef, bb => undef, be => undef, server => '25', aj => undef, }, },
-'25' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { aw => undef, id => '4180977', ap => undef, au => undef, ay => undef, server => '26', af => undef, al => undef, bc => undef, ad => undef, az => undef, am => undef, av => undef, bd => undef, aa => undef, aj => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ai => undef, ak => undef, ba => undef, be => undef, ac => undef, ah => undef, an => undef, ar => undef, bf => undef, at => undef, ax => undef, ab => undef, ag => undef, aq => undef, bb => undef, ae => undef, ao => undef, }, },
-'26' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ar => undef, bf => undef, at => undef, av => undef, bd => undef, bc => undef, be => undef, id => '4180978', am => undef, an => undef, ap => undef, aq => undef, bb => undef, ac => undef, ah => undef, ak => undef, ab => undef, ai => undef, aj => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '27', af => undef, al => undef, aw => undef, ag => undef, au => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, aa => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, ao => undef, az => undef, }, },
-'27' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ai => undef, ak => undef, ao => undef, bb => undef, af => undef, ag => undef, au => undef, aw => undef, bd => undef, server => '28', ac => undef, al => undef, aj => undef, am => undef, at => undef, ax => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, an => undef, ba => undef, ap => undef, bc => undef, id => '4180979', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ab => undef, ah => undef, aa => undef, az => undef, be => undef, aq => undef, bf => undef, ay => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, }, },
-'28' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { al => undef, server => '29', an => undef, bf => undef, av => undef, ad => undef, ai => undef, ao => undef, id => '4180980', ag => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', az => undef, bc => undef, aa => undef, at => undef, au => undef, aw => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, be => undef, ac => undef, ae => undef, ak => undef, am => undef, aq => undef, ar => undef, ax => undef, bb => undef, ab => undef, af => undef, ah => undef, aj => undef, ap => undef, bd => undef, }, },
-'29' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { am => undef, server => '30', bc => undef, be => undef, ae => undef, bb => undef, ap => undef, at => undef, aw => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', al => undef, an => undef, bf => undef, ax => undef, ag => undef, aq => undef, az => undef, id => '4180981', ab => undef, ah => undef, af => undef, ak => undef, au => undef, bd => undef, ac => undef, ad => undef, ba => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, aj => undef, ao => undef, ay => undef, aa => undef, ai => undef, }, },
-'30' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ap => undef, au => undef, bb => undef, be => undef, aq => undef, bf => undef, at => undef, az => undef, an => undef, ba => undef, ar => undef, server => '31', aa => undef, af => undef, al => undef, am => undef, bd => undef, ab => undef, ac => undef, ah => undef, ai => undef, id => '4180982', ad => undef, ag => undef, aw => undef, ay => undef, ax => undef, bc => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ae => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, av => undef, ao => undef, }, },
-'31' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ag => undef, ax => undef, ai => undef, an => undef, au => undef, az => undef, bb => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', aj => undef, am => undef, at => undef, av => undef, ay => undef, ab => undef, ac => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, ao => undef, ap => undef, be => undef, server => '32', af => undef, ak => undef, aw => undef, id => '4180983', aa => undef, ah => undef, ar => undef, ba => undef, al => undef, aq => undef, bf => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, }, },
-'32' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ae => undef, ao => undef, ar => undef, au => undef, id => '4180984', aj => undef, al => undef, an => undef, av => undef, server => '33', aq => undef, aw => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, aa => undef, ad => undef, ai => undef, at => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', am => undef, ay => undef, ah => undef, ak => undef, bf => undef, bb => undef, ab => undef, af => undef, ap => undef, ac => undef, ag => undef, ax => undef, az => undef, ba => undef, bc => undef, }, },
-'33' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ai => undef, aq => undef, id => '4180985', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ao => undef, ba => undef, ad => undef, aj => undef, ar => undef, at => undef, ay => undef, af => undef, av => undef, ax => undef, bd => undef, ah => undef, az => undef, bc => undef, be => undef, aa => undef, ab => undef, al => undef, an => undef, bf => undef, bb => undef, server => '34', ac => undef, ag => undef, ak => undef, au => undef, aw => undef, ae => undef, am => undef, ap => undef, }, },
-'34' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { am => undef, bf => undef, au => undef, ay => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, ak => undef, id => '4180986', ab => undef, ao => undef, be => undef, ah => undef, aq => undef, bb => undef, ai => undef, aj => undef, aw => undef, aa => undef, af => undef, ap => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ac => undef, at => undef, bd => undef, av => undef, ax => undef, ba => undef, bc => undef, server => '35', al => undef, an => undef, ar => undef, ag => undef, az => undef, }, },
-'35' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', aa => undef, ak => undef, ap => undef, aw => undef, ay => undef, bb => undef, be => undef, aq => undef, ab => undef, af => undef, ag => undef, am => undef, ba => undef, id => '4180987', server => '36', ah => undef, aj => undef, al => undef, ar => undef, au => undef, ao => undef, bf => undef, ac => undef, ae => undef, av => undef, bd => undef, ad => undef, at => undef, az => undef, ai => undef, an => undef, ax => undef, bc => undef, }, },
-'36' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ap => undef, at => undef, au => undef, be => undef, af => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, bf => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, ab => undef, ad => undef, ao => undef, aw => undef, ai => undef, am => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ag => undef, aq => undef, az => undef, bb => undef, bc => undef, id => '4180988', server => '37', ae => undef, ar => undef, al => undef, av => undef, ac => undef, ah => undef, ba => undef, bd => undef, aa => undef, an => undef, }, },
-'37' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { be => undef, aa => undef, ac => undef, au => undef, az => undef, bd => undef, ak => undef, ap => undef, aq => undef, aw => undef, bc => undef, aj => undef, an => undef, bf => undef, id => '4180989', ab => undef, af => undef, ag => undef, ah => undef, at => undef, ao => undef, bb => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ad => undef, al => undef, ar => undef, ax => undef, server => '38', ae => undef, am => undef, ay => undef, ai => undef, av => undef, ba => undef, }, },
-'38' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ax => undef, ab => undef, af => undef, an => undef, be => undef, ah => undef, au => undef, az => undef, ai => undef, bd => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '39', ak => undef, at => undef, av => undef, am => undef, aw => undef, bb => undef, ad => undef, ag => undef, al => undef, aq => undef, ar => undef, ay => undef, aa => undef, ae => undef, ap => undef, ba => undef, id => '4180990', aj => undef, ao => undef, bf => undef, ac => undef, bc => undef, }, },
-'39' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ao => undef, bb => undef, ai => undef, an => undef, ag => undef, al => undef, aw => undef, be => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', aa => undef, ab => undef, bf => undef, at => undef, ap => undef, server => '40', ba => undef, id => '4180991', am => undef, aq => undef, ar => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, ah => undef, ak => undef, av => undef, bd => undef, ad => undef, af => undef, aj => undef, au => undef, bc => undef, ac => undef, ae => undef, }, },
-'40' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { be => undef, bf => undef, at => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, bd => undef, ad => undef, ak => undef, al => undef, aq => undef, id => '4180992', ai => undef, ao => undef, ar => undef, ax => undef, aj => undef, an => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '41', ab => undef, af => undef, ag => undef, am => undef, bc => undef, ac => undef, ae => undef, ap => undef, au => undef, aw => undef, bb => undef, aa => undef, ah => undef, av => undef, az => undef, }, },
-'41' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ab => undef, an => undef, au => undef, bc => undef, be => undef, ac => undef, ai => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ba => undef, ae => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, al => undef, ap => undef, av => undef, ag => undef, am => undef, bf => undef, at => undef, aw => undef, ar => undef, ax => undef, id => '4180993', ad => undef, bd => undef, server => '42', ao => undef, aq => undef, aa => undef, af => undef, ah => undef, bb => undef, }, },
-'42' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { aw => undef, ak => undef, al => undef, an => undef, ap => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, at => undef, id => '4180994', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ab => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, ag => undef, ac => undef, aj => undef, ao => undef, server => '43', am => undef, au => undef, av => undef, bb => undef, bd => undef, ah => undef, aq => undef, bf => undef, ba => undef, af => undef, ai => undef, ar => undef, ax => undef, aa => undef, bc => undef, be => undef, }, },
-'43' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ag => undef, am => undef, bf => undef, av => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, ac => undef, ak => undef, au => undef, ai => undef, ah => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, ax => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ab => undef, al => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, id => '4180995', ad => undef, at => undef, ao => undef, aj => undef, bb => undef, server => '44', af => undef, aw => undef, ba => undef, aq => undef, ae => undef, an => undef, aa => undef, }, },
-'44' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { id => '4180996', ai => undef, ar => undef, at => undef, be => undef, server => '45', af => undef, am => undef, ay => undef, ae => undef, ak => undef, an => undef, az => undef, bf => undef, av => undef, bd => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ac => undef, ah => undef, aj => undef, au => undef, bb => undef, aa => undef, ab => undef, aq => undef, ag => undef, ax => undef, bc => undef, ap => undef, aw => undef, ba => undef, ad => undef, al => undef, ao => undef, }, },
-'45' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { af => undef, an => undef, ax => undef, bb => undef, ac => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, aj => undef, be => undef, ab => undef, az => undef, id => '4180997', bd => undef, server => '46', ai => undef, al => undef, aq => undef, bf => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, ap => undef, ag => undef, ak => undef, aa => undef, am => undef, bc => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', aw => undef, ah => undef, ao => undef, ar => undef, at => undef, au => undef, av => undef, }, },
-'46' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ax => undef, ae => undef, an => undef, ap => undef, bf => undef, aj => undef, aq => undef, bd => undef, af => undef, av => undef, az => undef, ad => undef, au => undef, be => undef, am => undef, aw => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, ag => undef, ak => undef, al => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ai => undef, ao => undef, at => undef, bb => undef, aa => undef, ab => undef, ac => undef, ah => undef, ar => undef, bc => undef, id => '4180998', server => '47', }, },
-'47' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { aa => undef, ah => undef, ba => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, bf => undef, ae => undef, ao => undef, ax => undef, bb => undef, server => '48', id => '4180999', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', af => undef, ag => undef, am => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, ab => undef, ac => undef, ak => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, bc => undef, ad => undef, ai => undef, an => undef, aq => undef, at => undef, au => undef, aw => undef, aj => undef, al => undef, av => undef, }, },
-'48' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { aa => undef, an => undef, aq => undef, bc => undef, be => undef, ah => undef, am => undef, ao => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, ac => undef, al => undef, ar => undef, at => undef, au => undef, bb => undef, id => '4181000', af => undef, aj => undef, aw => undef, az => undef, server => '49', ae => undef, ag => undef, ap => undef, ax => undef, ak => undef, bd => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ab => undef, ad => undef, ai => undef, bf => undef, av => undef, }, },
-'49' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { aw => undef, ba => undef, ab => undef, ae => undef, af => undef, al => undef, an => undef, ac => undef, ad => undef, aq => undef, at => undef, av => undef, ao => undef, bf => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ak => undef, am => undef, bb => undef, be => undef, aa => undef, aj => undef, server => '50', au => undef, az => undef, bc => undef, ap => undef, bd => undef, id => '4181001', ay => undef, ag => undef, ah => undef, ai => undef, ar => undef, ax => undef, }, },
-'50' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { aw => undef, al => undef, aq => undef, aa => undef, ac => undef, ak => undef, be => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ar => undef, at => undef, ax => undef, ao => undef, au => undef, av => undef, ae => undef, ah => undef, am => undef, az => undef, bc => undef, id => '4181002', ag => undef, ai => undef, aj => undef, af => undef, bf => undef, ay => undef, ab => undef, ap => undef, ba => undef, bd => undef, server => '51', ad => undef, an => undef, bb => undef, }, },
-'51' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ai => undef, at => undef, am => undef, au => undef, ax => undef, az => undef, ba => undef, be => undef, ab => undef, ae => undef, aa => undef, ac => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, aw => undef, ay => undef, af => undef, an => undef, bd => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ag => undef, aq => undef, ak => undef, al => undef, ao => undef, av => undef, bb => undef, server => '52', ah => undef, aj => undef, bc => undef, id => '4181003', ad => undef, bf => undef, }, },
-'52' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { bb => undef, ag => undef, aj => undef, ao => undef, aq => undef, ad => undef, ai => undef, au => undef, an => undef, ay => undef, bf => undef, bd => undef, id => '4181004', aa => undef, ac => undef, af => undef, al => undef, am => undef, ba => undef, be => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ah => undef, ap => undef, aw => undef, server => '53', ab => undef, ae => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, bc => undef, ak => undef, at => undef, ax => undef, az => undef, }, },
-'53' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { id => '4181005', server => '54', ah => undef, ai => undef, bf => undef, aw => undef, ab => undef, ad => undef, af => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', at => undef, ay => undef, bb => undef, ac => undef, ae => undef, ag => undef, al => undef, an => undef, ax => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, aa => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, ap => undef, au => undef, av => undef, az => undef, ba => undef, bc => undef, am => undef, ao => undef, aq => undef, ar => undef, }, },
-'54' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ag => undef, ay => undef, id => '4181006', ab => undef, ai => undef, aj => undef, am => undef, an => undef, au => undef, ba => undef, bd => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ak => undef, ao => undef, bf => undef, aa => undef, ar => undef, at => undef, av => undef, ac => undef, al => undef, ap => undef, ax => undef, aq => undef, bb => undef, server => '55', ad => undef, ae => undef, ah => undef, aw => undef, az => undef, bc => undef, af => undef, be => undef, }, },
-'55' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ag => undef, ay => undef, af => undef, server => '56', ao => undef, aq => undef, ar => undef, ba => undef, ax => undef, ad => undef, ak => undef, al => undef, ap => undef, ab => undef, ae => undef, ah => undef, an => undef, aw => undef, id => '4181007', am => undef, bf => undef, av => undef, bb => undef, aa => undef, ac => undef, ai => undef, aj => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', at => undef, au => undef, az => undef, bc => undef, }, },
-'56' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { aa => undef, ac => undef, al => undef, at => undef, av => undef, az => undef, id => '4181008', an => undef, ao => undef, au => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, ah => undef, ay => undef, ab => undef, ag => undef, ai => undef, ar => undef, server => '57', af => undef, aj => undef, am => undef, ap => undef, ba => undef, ak => undef, aq => undef, aw => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ad => undef, bc => undef, ae => undef, bf => undef, ax => undef, bb => undef, }, },
-'57' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ah => undef, am => undef, bf => undef, ba => undef, aj => undef, av => undef, aw => undef, ai => undef, ay => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '58', ab => undef, ag => undef, ao => undef, id => '4181009', aa => undef, ac => undef, al => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, ad => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, au => undef, az => undef, bb => undef, af => undef, an => undef, at => undef, ax => undef, ae => undef, ak => undef, aq => undef, }, },
-'58' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { bf => undef, ac => undef, al => undef, ax => undef, ag => undef, am => undef, av => undef, aw => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, aa => undef, ah => undef, ai => undef, ao => undef, ap => undef, aq => undef, id => '4181010', ae => undef, an => undef, az => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, ab => undef, ad => undef, au => undef, bb => undef, be => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', aj => undef, ak => undef, af => undef, ar => undef, at => undef, server => '59', }, },
-'59' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { am => undef, aw => undef, bc => undef, server => '60', ab => undef, ai => undef, av => undef, id => '4181011', af => undef, ak => undef, al => undef, ah => undef, bf => undef, az => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ap => undef, ag => undef, an => undef, ac => undef, aq => undef, at => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, bb => undef, ao => undef, au => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, aj => undef, ar => undef, ax => undef, aa => undef, }, },
-'60' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', av => undef, ax => undef, bc => undef, aa => undef, at => undef, au => undef, ay => undef, bb => undef, ah => undef, am => undef, aq => undef, ap => undef, bd => undef, id => '4181012', server => '61', ab => undef, ag => undef, ai => undef, ac => undef, al => undef, ba => undef, ar => undef, bf => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, ao => undef, af => undef, be => undef, aw => undef, az => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, an => undef, }, },
-'61' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { be => undef, af => undef, ah => undef, bf => undef, ac => undef, aq => undef, server => '62', ao => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, aw => undef, ax => undef, aa => undef, ag => undef, ai => undef, az => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ae => undef, al => undef, ay => undef, id => '4181013', av => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, aj => undef, au => undef, ba => undef, an => undef, at => undef, bb => undef, ab => undef, ak => undef, am => undef, ad => undef, }, },
-'62' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ba => undef, id => '4181014', ab => undef, aq => undef, aj => undef, am => undef, an => undef, bf => undef, au => undef, az => undef, ai => undef, al => undef, ac => undef, ap => undef, ao => undef, at => undef, av => undef, ay => undef, bc => undef, be => undef, aa => undef, ak => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '63', ag => undef, aw => undef, ax => undef, bb => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, ar => undef, bd => undef, af => undef, ah => undef, }, },
-'63' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ao => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ac => undef, ak => undef, ay => undef, aj => undef, server => '64', ai => undef, ap => undef, at => undef, av => undef, ax => undef, ah => undef, ae => undef, am => undef, an => undef, bf => undef, ba => undef, be => undef, id => '4181015', ab => undef, ar => undef, ad => undef, aq => undef, aw => undef, az => undef, al => undef, af => undef, ag => undef, au => undef, bb => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, aa => undef, }, },
-'64' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ae => undef, aj => undef, ay => undef, server => '65', ai => undef, an => undef, bf => undef, az => undef, bd => undef, ab => undef, at => undef, ba => undef, bb => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ac => undef, am => undef, aq => undef, ak => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, ax => undef, ad => undef, ag => undef, al => undef, aa => undef, ah => undef, ao => undef, aw => undef, be => undef, id => '4181016', af => undef, ap => undef, au => undef, bc => undef, }, },
-'65' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { aj => undef, an => undef, ar => undef, ac => undef, af => undef, al => undef, ao => undef, au => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, ap => undef, aq => undef, at => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, bb => undef, ab => undef, ad => undef, bc => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ah => undef, aa => undef, ae => undef, ag => undef, aw => undef, ax => undef, az => undef, ai => undef, am => undef, bf => undef, server => '66', ak => undef, av => undef, id => '4181017', }, },
-'66' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { au => undef, bc => undef, server => '67', aa => undef, ah => undef, ai => undef, am => undef, ab => undef, ak => undef, an => undef, aq => undef, ax => undef, ac => undef, ao => undef, bf => undef, av => undef, ad => undef, af => undef, aj => undef, al => undef, ap => undef, ba => undef, bd => undef, aw => undef, be => undef, ag => undef, bb => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', az => undef, id => '4181018', ae => undef, ar => undef, at => undef, ay => undef, }, },
-'67' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { at => undef, ba => undef, ad => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, ar => undef, az => undef, ag => undef, av => undef, server => '68', aa => undef, ai => undef, an => undef, ap => undef, bf => undef, ax => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, ae => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ah => undef, ay => undef, af => undef, ac => undef, am => undef, aq => undef, au => undef, bb => undef, be => undef, ab => undef, ao => undef, aw => undef, id => '4181019', al => undef, }, },
-'68' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ak => undef, ax => undef, be => undef, ac => undef, ah => undef, aq => undef, bb => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', af => undef, aj => undef, ag => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, id => '4181020', aa => undef, ae => undef, au => undef, az => undef, server => '69', an => undef, ap => undef, ab => undef, at => undef, aw => undef, al => undef, am => undef, ay => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, ao => undef, bf => undef, ba => undef, ad => undef, ai => undef, }, },
-'69' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { al => undef, ao => undef, az => undef, id => '4181021', ar => undef, av => undef, ad => undef, ah => undef, aj => undef, an => undef, bf => undef, aw => undef, ak => undef, be => undef, ac => undef, af => undef, bc => undef, server => '70', aa => undef, ab => undef, ae => undef, ai => undef, ap => undef, at => undef, ba => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', am => undef, aq => undef, au => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, bb => undef, ag => undef, bd => undef, }, },
-'70' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { bc => undef, ad => undef, af => undef, am => undef, aq => undef, ab => undef, ao => undef, ba => undef, bb => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ag => undef, ax => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, ak => undef, ar => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, id => '4181022', server => '71', ah => undef, ai => undef, ap => undef, aw => undef, ae => undef, al => undef, bf => undef, au => undef, aa => undef, an => undef, ac => undef, aj => undef, at => undef, av => undef, }, },
-'71' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { aq => undef, av => undef, ay => undef, bb => undef, id => '4181023', ac => undef, am => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, be => undef, ax => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', af => undef, ag => undef, aj => undef, al => undef, ao => undef, ab => undef, bc => undef, ae => undef, at => undef, au => undef, aw => undef, ba => undef, aa => undef, ah => undef, ai => undef, an => undef, server => '72', bf => undef, az => undef, bd => undef, ad => undef, ak => undef, }, },
-'72' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ac => undef, al => undef, ar => undef, at => undef, ai => undef, au => undef, ay => undef, bd => undef, ab => undef, aw => undef, ah => undef, ak => undef, aq => undef, ap => undef, server => '73', aa => undef, af => undef, ag => undef, am => undef, bf => undef, bc => undef, ad => undef, ao => undef, ba => undef, bb => undef, id => '4181024', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', be => undef, ae => undef, aj => undef, an => undef, av => undef, ax => undef, az => undef, }, },
-'73' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ac => undef, ag => undef, ai => undef, aq => undef, bf => undef, server => '74', af => undef, ah => undef, ak => undef, an => undef, ay => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, aa => undef, ab => undef, ar => undef, id => '4181025', aw => undef, ad => undef, am => undef, au => undef, av => undef, ax => undef, bb => undef, aj => undef, at => undef, ba => undef, al => undef, ae => undef, ao => undef, ap => undef, az => undef, be => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', }, },
-'74' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { az => undef, bb => undef, bd => undef, ae => undef, aj => undef, aq => undef, au => undef, al => undef, bf => undef, at => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ac => undef, ap => undef, am => undef, an => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, af => undef, ag => undef, ah => undef, ai => undef, be => undef, server => '75', ab => undef, ba => undef, ao => undef, ay => undef, id => '4181026', ak => undef, aw => undef, ax => undef, bc => undef, aa => undef, ad => undef, }, },
-'75' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ah => undef, al => undef, au => undef, az => undef, id => '4181027', ae => undef, ak => undef, am => undef, aw => undef, af => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, bf => undef, bc => undef, ab => undef, an => undef, ay => undef, server => '76', ai => undef, ag => undef, aq => undef, at => undef, ax => undef, be => undef, ac => undef, av => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', aa => undef, bb => undef, bd => undef, aj => undef, ao => undef, ba => undef, ad => undef, }, },
-'76' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ac => undef, ao => undef, ae => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, am => undef, bb => undef, ag => undef, at => undef, ax => undef, az => undef, aa => undef, af => undef, server => '77', ah => undef, id => '4181028', aj => undef, ak => undef, ap => undef, av => undef, ba => undef, ad => undef, ai => undef, aq => undef, au => undef, aw => undef, ab => undef, al => undef, bf => undef, ay => undef, be => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', an => undef, ar => undef, }, },
-'77' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { aa => undef, at => undef, aw => undef, ad => undef, ai => undef, am => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, bb => undef, bd => undef, server => '78', ac => undef, aj => undef, aq => undef, ay => undef, id => '4181029', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ae => undef, af => undef, ah => undef, al => undef, ao => undef, bc => undef, ag => undef, ap => undef, bf => undef, au => undef, be => undef, ax => undef, ab => undef, ak => undef, an => undef, az => undef, ba => undef, }, },
-'78' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ag => undef, ar => undef, ay => undef, aw => undef, ax => undef, bd => undef, server => '79', ap => undef, bf => undef, at => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ac => undef, ah => undef, ai => undef, aj => undef, aa => undef, ad => undef, az => undef, id => '4181030', ba => undef, bb => undef, ab => undef, ak => undef, an => undef, aq => undef, be => undef, af => undef, am => undef, ao => undef, bc => undef, ae => undef, al => undef, au => undef, av => undef, }, },
-'79' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ao => undef, bb => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '80', ag => undef, ah => undef, al => undef, au => undef, ba => undef, ap => undef, aw => undef, bc => undef, ai => undef, az => undef, ab => undef, am => undef, aq => undef, bf => undef, ax => undef, an => undef, be => undef, aa => undef, ae => undef, aj => undef, ay => undef, at => undef, av => undef, bd => undef, ac => undef, ad => undef, af => undef, ak => undef, ar => undef, id => '4181031', }, },
-'80' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ak => undef, at => undef, au => undef, az => undef, be => undef, server => '81', id => '4181032', ae => undef, af => undef, ai => undef, ao => undef, ba => undef, bc => undef, ag => undef, aw => undef, bb => undef, ab => undef, ac => undef, al => undef, bf => undef, ah => undef, aj => undef, am => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', aq => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, aa => undef, ad => undef, an => undef, ap => undef, bd => undef, }, },
-'81' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ap => undef, ab => undef, at => undef, id => '4181033', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', aw => undef, bd => undef, bf => undef, av => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, server => '1000', aa => undef, ae => undef, ai => undef, al => undef, am => undef, az => undef, be => undef, ac => undef, af => undef, ak => undef, an => undef, aq => undef, au => undef, ad => undef, ah => undef, ao => undef, bb => undef, ag => undef, aj => undef, ar => undef, ba => undef, bc => undef, }, },
-'82' => { new => 'Servercheck', => using => { ab => undef, ak => undef, ao => undef, au => undef, aa => undef, am => undef, bf => undef, ay => undef, ap => undef, az => undef, id => '4181034', af => undef, an => undef, ba => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', be => undef, ai => undef, aj => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, aq => undef, ax => undef, bb => undef, bc => undef, ac => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, ag => undef, bd => undef, server => '1001', ah => undef, al => undef, at => undef, aw => undef, }, },
+'0' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { be => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', af => undef, ai => undef, ak => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, ah => undef, al => undef, bd => undef, ab => undef, at => undef, aa => undef, ad => undef, ag => undef, az => undef, bb => undef, server => '37', an => undef, aq => undef, au => undef, ax => undef, aw => undef, ac => undef, aj => undef, ao => undef, ap => undef, as => undef, ae => undef, am => undef, bc => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, }, }, 
+'1' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ae => undef, ao => undef, as => undef, ax => undef, az => undef, bd => undef, ac => undef, ad => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', ak => undef, al => undef, ay => undef, af => undef, ag => undef, an => undef, av => undef, ba => undef, server => '38', ab => undef, aj => undef, aa => undef, bb => undef, ah => undef, aq => undef, au => undef, be => undef, ai => undef, ap => undef, at => undef, aw => undef, bc => undef, am => undef, ar => undef, }, }, 
+'2' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ac => undef, ag => undef, ap => undef, aw => undef, ad => undef, ah => undef, au => undef, bc => undef, ae => undef, ai => undef, as => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, aj => undef, av => undef, ba => undef, bd => undef, server => '39', aa => undef, ao => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', at => undef, be => undef, ax => undef, bb => undef, ab => undef, af => undef, ak => undef, al => undef, an => undef, am => undef, aq => undef, ar => undef, }, }, 
+'3' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ah => undef, aj => undef, aa => undef, ai => undef, am => undef, be => undef, ap => undef, aw => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, bb => undef, bd => undef, ab => undef, ad => undef, ag => undef, ak => undef, al => undef, av => undef, server => '40', ae => undef, af => undef, ac => undef, ao => undef, aq => undef, ar => undef, au => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', as => undef, at => undef, az => undef, ba => undef, an => undef, bc => undef, }, }, 
+'4' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { al => undef, ax => undef, bb => undef, ah => undef, ai => undef, ap => undef, ad => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, at => undef, av => undef, ab => undef, ac => undef, aw => undef, ba => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, ao => undef, aq => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', ae => undef, af => undef, an => undef, ar => undef, au => undef, az => undef, be => undef, server => '41', aa => undef, ag => undef, am => undef, as => undef, ay => undef, }, }, 
+'5' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { am => undef, an => undef, aq => undef, az => undef, aa => undef, ag => undef, aw => undef, ay => undef, af => undef, au => undef, ba => undef, server => '42', as => undef, at => undef, av => undef, ak => undef, ao => undef, ae => undef, ar => undef, ad => undef, ai => undef, ap => undef, bd => undef, ab => undef, ac => undef, ax => undef, bb => undef, be => undef, aj => undef, al => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', ah => undef, bc => undef, }, }, 
+'6' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ap => undef, aw => undef, bb => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', ak => undef, as => undef, ba => undef, ab => undef, ac => undef, ae => undef, al => undef, an => undef, ax => undef, aa => undef, af => undef, aj => undef, av => undef, az => undef, aq => undef, be => undef, ad => undef, ah => undef, ai => undef, am => undef, server => '43', ao => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, ag => undef, ar => undef, at => undef, au => undef, ay => undef, }, }, 
+'7' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ac => undef, ad => undef, at => undef, av => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', aa => undef, ba => undef, ab => undef, be => undef, server => '44', az => undef, bb => undef, ae => undef, ai => undef, al => undef, an => undef, ax => undef, bc => undef, aj => undef, aq => undef, as => undef, au => undef, ay => undef, ar => undef, bd => undef, af => undef, ak => undef, am => undef, ag => undef, ah => undef, ao => undef, ap => undef, aw => undef, }, }, 
+'8' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ay => undef, bd => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', ai => undef, am => undef, ar => undef, at => undef, ba => undef, bc => undef, ax => undef, az => undef, ae => undef, af => undef, al => undef, ao => undef, ap => undef, aw => undef, be => undef, ac => undef, ag => undef, av => undef, ah => undef, as => undef, au => undef, bb => undef, server => '45', aa => undef, ab => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, an => undef, aq => undef, ad => undef, }, }, 
+'9' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ag => undef, ak => undef, be => undef, at => undef, av => undef, af => undef, au => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', ah => undef, aq => undef, ar => undef, as => undef, az => undef, bc => undef, an => undef, aw => undef, server => '28', aa => undef, aj => undef, am => undef, ao => undef, ap => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, al => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, bb => undef, bd => undef, ab => undef, ac => undef, ai => undef, }, }, 
+'10' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { av => undef, ay => undef, bc => undef, ak => undef, ab => undef, aj => undef, ax => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37', aa => undef, aq => undef, ba => undef, bb => undef, ap => undef, af => undef, ai => undef, ar => undef, server => '29', ae => undef, al => undef, an => undef, ao => undef, as => undef, at => undef, be => undef, ad => undef, ah => undef, az => undef, aw => undef, ag => undef, am => undef, au => undef, bd => undef, ac => undef, }, }, 
+'11' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { bb => undef, ao => undef, aw => undef, ah => undef, an => undef, ar => undef, aa => undef, ac => undef, am => undef, ap => undef, ae => undef, ag => undef, at => undef, au => undef, be => undef, ad => undef, al => undef, as => undef, av => undef, az => undef, bd => undef, server => '30', af => undef, ai => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, bc => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', aj => undef, ak => undef, ab => undef, aq => undef, }, }, 
+'12' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ab => undef, aj => undef, aq => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, be => undef, ad => undef, al => undef, as => undef, aw => undef, ax => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ac => undef, ag => undef, az => undef, bd => undef, ae => undef, ao => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, bb => undef, bc => undef, ah => undef, ak => undef, server => '31', ai => undef, aa => undef, am => undef, au => undef, av => undef, af => undef, an => undef, at => undef, }, }, 
+'13' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { al => undef, ah => undef, bb => undef, bc => undef, ab => undef, ai => undef, am => undef, ap => undef, ba => undef, ae => undef, ac => undef, ax => undef, aa => undef, be => undef, bd => undef, as => undef, ar => undef, ag => undef, an => undef, aq => undef, at => undef, av => undef, aw => undef, ay => undef, af => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '32', az => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, ao => undef, au => undef, ad => undef, }, }, 
+'14' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ay => undef, az => undef, ac => undef, ad => undef, af => undef, am => undef, an => undef, av => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ab => undef, ai => undef, al => undef, ap => undef, as => undef, be => undef, au => undef, ae => undef, aj => undef, ar => undef, bd => undef, aw => undef, ba => undef, bb => undef, server => '33', ax => undef, aa => undef, ah => undef, aq => undef, bc => undef, ag => undef, ak => undef, ao => undef, at => undef, }, }, 
+'15' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { af => undef, al => undef, au => undef, bd => undef, ah => undef, bb => undef, server => '34', aq => undef, av => undef, aa => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ab => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, aw => undef, aj => undef, ao => undef, at => undef, ba => undef, ai => undef, an => undef, as => undef, bc => undef, ac => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, ag => undef, ak => undef, am => undef, be => undef, }, }, 
+'16' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ab => undef, av => undef, aa => undef, as => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ag => undef, ak => undef, ar => undef, au => undef, aj => undef, an => undef, ba => undef, bb => undef, ad => undef, bc => undef, ae => undef, af => undef, ah => undef, aw => undef, aq => undef, at => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, ac => undef, ai => undef, ao => undef, ap => undef, az => undef, bd => undef, al => undef, am => undef, be => undef, server => '35', }, }, 
+'17' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ad => undef, ae => undef, af => undef, am => undef, as => undef, at => undef, ax => undef, ba => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, ac => undef, aj => undef, ao => undef, av => undef, ar => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, bb => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ag => undef, al => undef, ap => undef, aq => undef, aw => undef, au => undef, aa => undef, ah => undef, ak => undef, ab => undef, ai => undef, an => undef, server => '36', }, }, 
+'18' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { at => undef, aw => undef, ba => undef, ad => undef, ao => undef, aq => undef, as => undef, av => undef, ay => undef, be => undef, af => undef, ah => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, ac => undef, ai => undef, am => undef, server => '1', aa => undef, ab => undef, ag => undef, al => undef, au => undef, ax => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', az => undef, ae => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, an => undef, bb => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, }, }, 
+'19' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ap => undef, at => undef, ae => undef, ah => undef, ab => undef, af => undef, server => '2', ai => undef, aq => undef, as => undef, au => undef, aw => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, bb => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, aa => undef, ac => undef, ad => undef, ag => undef, al => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, bc => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, ao => undef, ba => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', am => undef, an => undef, ax => undef, }, }, 
+'20' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { aj => undef, ah => undef, au => undef, ba => undef, server => '3', ad => undef, al => undef, be => undef, am => undef, ar => undef, bd => undef, ae => undef, ai => undef, ao => undef, av => undef, ax => undef, az => undef, aa => undef, af => undef, ag => undef, aw => undef, ay => undef, bb => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ap => undef, aq => undef, as => undef, at => undef, ab => undef, ac => undef, ak => undef, an => undef, bc => undef, }, }, 
+'21' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { aa => undef, aj => undef, al => undef, av => undef, ad => undef, bd => undef, ac => undef, ak => undef, ao => undef, ar => undef, bc => undef, ab => undef, af => undef, au => undef, an => undef, ax => undef, ag => undef, ap => undef, aq => undef, aw => undef, ba => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ae => undef, ah => undef, am => undef, as => undef, bb => undef, ai => undef, at => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, be => undef, server => '4', }, }, 
+'22' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { bd => undef, as => undef, az => undef, ab => undef, af => undef, al => undef, ao => undef, aj => undef, an => undef, bb => undef, be => undef, ay => undef, server => '5', ac => undef, ag => undef, ap => undef, au => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', am => undef, at => undef, av => undef, bc => undef, aa => undef, aw => undef, ax => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, ar => undef, ba => undef, ah => undef, ai => undef, ak => undef, aq => undef, }, }, 
+'23' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ad => undef, al => undef, aq => undef, bd => undef, aa => undef, ai => undef, aj => undef, bb => undef, ab => undef, ah => undef, ar => undef, aw => undef, az => undef, server => '6', ac => undef, ae => undef, af => undef, an => undef, ax => undef, ak => undef, am => undef, ap => undef, av => undef, be => undef, ao => undef, as => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', bc => undef, ag => undef, at => undef, au => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, }, }, 
+'24' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ag => undef, ao => undef, bd => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', aa => undef, ak => undef, av => undef, ax => undef, am => undef, an => undef, aq => undef, aw => undef, ae => undef, ai => undef, al => undef, at => undef, az => undef, ab => undef, af => undef, au => undef, ba => undef, bc => undef, ac => undef, ah => undef, as => undef, ad => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, ay => undef, bb => undef, be => undef, server => '7', aj => undef, }, }, 
+'25' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { aw => undef, ap => undef, au => undef, ay => undef, server => '8', af => undef, al => undef, bc => undef, ad => undef, az => undef, am => undef, av => undef, bd => undef, aa => undef, aj => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ai => undef, ak => undef, ba => undef, be => undef, ac => undef, ah => undef, an => undef, ar => undef, as => undef, at => undef, ax => undef, ab => undef, ag => undef, aq => undef, bb => undef, ae => undef, ao => undef, }, }, 
+'26' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ar => undef, as => undef, at => undef, av => undef, bd => undef, bc => undef, be => undef, am => undef, an => undef, ap => undef, aq => undef, bb => undef, ac => undef, ah => undef, ak => undef, ab => undef, ai => undef, aj => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '9', af => undef, al => undef, aw => undef, ag => undef, au => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, aa => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, ao => undef, az => undef, }, }, 
+'27' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ai => undef, ak => undef, ao => undef, bb => undef, af => undef, ag => undef, au => undef, aw => undef, bd => undef, server => '19', ac => undef, al => undef, aj => undef, am => undef, at => undef, ax => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, an => undef, ba => undef, ap => undef, bc => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ab => undef, ah => undef, aa => undef, az => undef, be => undef, aq => undef, as => undef, ay => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, }, }, 
+'28' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { al => undef, server => '20', an => undef, as => undef, av => undef, ad => undef, ai => undef, ao => undef, ag => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', az => undef, bc => undef, aa => undef, at => undef, au => undef, aw => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, be => undef, ac => undef, ae => undef, ak => undef, am => undef, aq => undef, ar => undef, ax => undef, bb => undef, ab => undef, af => undef, ah => undef, aj => undef, ap => undef, bd => undef, }, }, 
+'29' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { am => undef, server => '21', bc => undef, be => undef, ae => undef, bb => undef, ap => undef, at => undef, aw => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', al => undef, an => undef, as => undef, ax => undef, ag => undef, aq => undef, az => undef, ab => undef, ah => undef, af => undef, ak => undef, au => undef, bd => undef, ac => undef, ad => undef, ba => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, aj => undef, ao => undef, ay => undef, aa => undef, ai => undef, }, }, 
+'30' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ap => undef, au => undef, bb => undef, be => undef, aq => undef, as => undef, at => undef, az => undef, an => undef, ba => undef, ar => undef, server => '22', aa => undef, af => undef, al => undef, am => undef, bd => undef, ab => undef, ac => undef, ah => undef, ai => undef, ad => undef, ag => undef, aw => undef, ay => undef, ax => undef, bc => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ae => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, av => undef, ao => undef, }, }, 
+'31' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ag => undef, ax => undef, ai => undef, an => undef, au => undef, az => undef, bb => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', aj => undef, am => undef, at => undef, av => undef, ay => undef, ab => undef, ac => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, ao => undef, ap => undef, be => undef, server => '23', af => undef, ak => undef, aw => undef, aa => undef, ah => undef, ar => undef, ba => undef, al => undef, aq => undef, as => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, }, }, 
+'32' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ae => undef, ao => undef, ar => undef, au => undef, aj => undef, al => undef, an => undef, av => undef, server => '24', aq => undef, aw => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, aa => undef, ad => undef, ai => undef, at => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', am => undef, ay => undef, ah => undef, ak => undef, as => undef, bb => undef, ab => undef, af => undef, ap => undef, ac => undef, ag => undef, ax => undef, az => undef, ba => undef, bc => undef, }, }, 
+'33' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ai => undef, aq => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ao => undef, ba => undef, ad => undef, aj => undef, ar => undef, at => undef, ay => undef, af => undef, av => undef, ax => undef, bd => undef, ah => undef, az => undef, bc => undef, be => undef, aa => undef, ab => undef, al => undef, an => undef, as => undef, bb => undef, server => '25', ac => undef, ag => undef, ak => undef, au => undef, aw => undef, ae => undef, am => undef, ap => undef, }, }, 
+'34' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { am => undef, as => undef, au => undef, ay => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, ak => undef, ab => undef, ao => undef, be => undef, ah => undef, aq => undef, bb => undef, ai => undef, aj => undef, aw => undef, aa => undef, af => undef, ap => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ac => undef, at => undef, bd => undef, av => undef, ax => undef, ba => undef, bc => undef, server => '26', al => undef, an => undef, ar => undef, ag => undef, az => undef, }, }, 
+'35' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', aa => undef, ak => undef, ap => undef, aw => undef, ay => undef, bb => undef, be => undef, aq => undef, ab => undef, af => undef, ag => undef, am => undef, ba => undef, server => '27', ah => undef, aj => undef, al => undef, ar => undef, au => undef, ao => undef, as => undef, ac => undef, ae => undef, av => undef, bd => undef, ad => undef, at => undef, az => undef, ai => undef, an => undef, ax => undef, bc => undef, }, }, 
+'36' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ap => undef, at => undef, au => undef, be => undef, af => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, as => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, ab => undef, ad => undef, ao => undef, aw => undef, ai => undef, am => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ag => undef, aq => undef, az => undef, bb => undef, bc => undef, server => '46', ae => undef, ar => undef, al => undef, av => undef, ac => undef, ah => undef, ba => undef, bd => undef, aa => undef, an => undef, }, }, 
+'37' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { be => undef, aa => undef, ac => undef, au => undef, az => undef, bd => undef, ak => undef, ap => undef, aq => undef, aw => undef, bc => undef, aj => undef, an => undef, as => undef, ab => undef, af => undef, ag => undef, ah => undef, at => undef, ao => undef, bb => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ad => undef, al => undef, ar => undef, ax => undef, server => '47', ae => undef, am => undef, ay => undef, ai => undef, av => undef, ba => undef, }, }, 
+'38' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ax => undef, ab => undef, af => undef, an => undef, be => undef, ah => undef, au => undef, az => undef, ai => undef, bd => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '48', ak => undef, at => undef, av => undef, am => undef, aw => undef, bb => undef, ad => undef, ag => undef, al => undef, aq => undef, ar => undef, ay => undef, aa => undef, ae => undef, ap => undef, ba => undef, aj => undef, ao => undef, as => undef, ac => undef, bc => undef, }, }, 
+'39' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ao => undef, bb => undef, ai => undef, an => undef, ag => undef, al => undef, aw => undef, be => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', aa => undef, ab => undef, as => undef, at => undef, ap => undef, server => '49', ba => undef, am => undef, aq => undef, ar => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, ah => undef, ak => undef, av => undef, bd => undef, ad => undef, af => undef, aj => undef, au => undef, bc => undef, ac => undef, ae => undef, }, }, 
+'40' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { be => undef, as => undef, at => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, bd => undef, ad => undef, ak => undef, al => undef, aq => undef, ai => undef, ao => undef, ar => undef, ax => undef, aj => undef, an => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', server => '50', ab => undef, af => undef, ag => undef, am => undef, bc => undef, ac => undef, ae => undef, ap => undef, au => undef, aw => undef, bb => undef, aa => undef, ah => undef, av => undef, az => undef, }, }, 
+'41' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ab => undef, an => undef, au => undef, bc => undef, be => undef, ac => undef, ai => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ba => undef, ae => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, al => undef, ap => undef, av => undef, ag => undef, am => undef, as => undef, at => undef, aw => undef, ar => undef, ax => undef, ad => undef, bd => undef, server => '51', ao => undef, aq => undef, aa => undef, af => undef, ah => undef, bb => undef, }, }, 
+'42' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { aw => undef, ak => undef, al => undef, an => undef, ap => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, at => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ab => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, ag => undef, ac => undef, aj => undef, ao => undef, server => '52', am => undef, au => undef, av => undef, bb => undef, bd => undef, ah => undef, aq => undef, as => undef, ba => undef, af => undef, ai => undef, ar => undef, ax => undef, aa => undef, bc => undef, be => undef, }, }, 
+'43' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ag => undef, am => undef, as => undef, av => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, ac => undef, ak => undef, au => undef, ai => undef, ah => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, ax => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ab => undef, al => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, ad => undef, at => undef, ao => undef, aj => undef, bb => undef, server => '53', af => undef, aw => undef, ba => undef, aq => undef, ae => undef, an => undef, aa => undef, }, }, 
+'44' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ai => undef, ar => undef, at => undef, be => undef, server => '54', af => undef, am => undef, ay => undef, ae => undef, ak => undef, an => undef, az => undef, as => undef, av => undef, bd => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ac => undef, ah => undef, aj => undef, au => undef, bb => undef, aa => undef, ab => undef, aq => undef, ag => undef, ax => undef, bc => undef, ap => undef, aw => undef, ba => undef, ad => undef, al => undef, ao => undef, }, }, 
+'45' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { af => undef, an => undef, ax => undef, bb => undef, ac => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, aj => undef, be => undef, ab => undef, az => undef, bd => undef, server => '10', ai => undef, al => undef, aq => undef, as => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, ap => undef, ag => undef, ak => undef, aa => undef, am => undef, bc => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', aw => undef, ah => undef, ao => undef, ar => undef, at => undef, au => undef, av => undef, }, }, 
+'46' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ax => undef, ae => undef, an => undef, ap => undef, as => undef, aj => undef, aq => undef, bd => undef, af => undef, av => undef, az => undef, ad => undef, au => undef, be => undef, am => undef, aw => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, ag => undef, ak => undef, al => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ai => undef, ao => undef, at => undef, bb => undef, aa => undef, ab => undef, ac => undef, ah => undef, ar => undef, bc => undef, server => '11', }, }, 
+'47' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { aa => undef, ah => undef, ba => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, as => undef, ae => undef, ao => undef, ax => undef, bb => undef, server => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', af => undef, ag => undef, am => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, ab => undef, ac => undef, ak => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, bc => undef, ad => undef, ai => undef, an => undef, aq => undef, at => undef, au => undef, aw => undef, aj => undef, al => undef, av => undef, }, }, 
+'48' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { aa => undef, an => undef, aq => undef, bc => undef, be => undef, ah => undef, am => undef, ao => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, ac => undef, al => undef, ar => undef, at => undef, au => undef, bb => undef, af => undef, aj => undef, aw => undef, az => undef, server => '13', ae => undef, ag => undef, ap => undef, ax => undef, ak => undef, bd => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:38', ab => undef, ad => undef, ai => undef, as => undef, av => undef, }, }, 
+'49' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { aw => undef, ba => undef, ab => undef, ae => undef, af => undef, al => undef, an => undef, ac => undef, ad => undef, aq => undef, at => undef, av => undef, ao => undef, as => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ak => undef, am => undef, bb => undef, be => undef, aa => undef, aj => undef, server => '14', au => undef, az => undef, bc => undef, ap => undef, bd => undef, ay => undef, ag => undef, ah => undef, ai => undef, ar => undef, ax => undef, }, }, 
+'50' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { aw => undef, al => undef, aq => undef, aa => undef, ac => undef, ak => undef, be => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ar => undef, at => undef, ax => undef, ao => undef, au => undef, av => undef, ae => undef, ah => undef, am => undef, az => undef, bc => undef, ag => undef, ai => undef, aj => undef, af => undef, as => undef, ay => undef, ab => undef, ap => undef, ba => undef, bd => undef, server => '15', ad => undef, an => undef, bb => undef, }, }, 
+'51' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ai => undef, at => undef, am => undef, au => undef, ax => undef, az => undef, ba => undef, be => undef, ab => undef, ae => undef, aa => undef, ac => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, aw => undef, ay => undef, af => undef, an => undef, bd => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ag => undef, aq => undef, ak => undef, al => undef, ao => undef, av => undef, bb => undef, server => '16', ah => undef, aj => undef, bc => undef, ad => undef, as => undef, }, }, 
+'52' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { bb => undef, ag => undef, aj => undef, ao => undef, aq => undef, ad => undef, ai => undef, au => undef, an => undef, ay => undef, as => undef, bd => undef, aa => undef, ac => undef, af => undef, al => undef, am => undef, ba => undef, be => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ah => undef, ap => undef, aw => undef, server => '17', ab => undef, ae => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, bc => undef, ak => undef, at => undef, ax => undef, az => undef, }, }, 
+'53' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { server => '18', ah => undef, ai => undef, as => undef, aw => undef, ab => undef, ad => undef, af => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', at => undef, ay => undef, bb => undef, ac => undef, ae => undef, ag => undef, al => undef, an => undef, ax => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, aa => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, ap => undef, au => undef, av => undef, az => undef, ba => undef, bc => undef, am => undef, ao => undef, aq => undef, ar => undef, }, }, 
+'54' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ag => undef, ay => undef, ab => undef, ai => undef, aj => undef, am => undef, an => undef, au => undef, ba => undef, bd => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ak => undef, ao => undef, as => undef, aa => undef, ar => undef, at => undef, av => undef, ac => undef, al => undef, ap => undef, ax => undef, aq => undef, bb => undef, server => '55', ad => undef, ae => undef, ah => undef, aw => undef, az => undef, bc => undef, af => undef, be => undef, }, }, 
+'55' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ag => undef, ay => undef, af => undef, server => '56', ao => undef, aq => undef, ar => undef, ba => undef, ax => undef, ad => undef, ak => undef, al => undef, ap => undef, ab => undef, ae => undef, ah => undef, an => undef, aw => undef, am => undef, as => undef, av => undef, bb => undef, aa => undef, ac => undef, ai => undef, aj => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', at => undef, au => undef, az => undef, bc => undef, }, }, 
+'56' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { aa => undef, ac => undef, al => undef, at => undef, av => undef, az => undef, an => undef, ao => undef, au => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, ah => undef, ay => undef, ab => undef, ag => undef, ai => undef, ar => undef, server => '57', af => undef, aj => undef, am => undef, ap => undef, ba => undef, ak => undef, aq => undef, aw => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ad => undef, bc => undef, ae => undef, as => undef, ax => undef, bb => undef, }, }, 
+'57' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ah => undef, am => undef, as => undef, ba => undef, aj => undef, av => undef, aw => undef, ai => undef, ay => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '58', ab => undef, ag => undef, ao => undef, aa => undef, ac => undef, al => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, ad => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, au => undef, az => undef, bb => undef, af => undef, an => undef, at => undef, ax => undef, ae => undef, ak => undef, aq => undef, }, }, 
+'58' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { as => undef, ac => undef, al => undef, ax => undef, ag => undef, am => undef, av => undef, aw => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, aa => undef, ah => undef, ai => undef, ao => undef, ap => undef, aq => undef, ae => undef, an => undef, az => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, ab => undef, ad => undef, au => undef, bb => undef, be => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', aj => undef, ak => undef, af => undef, ar => undef, at => undef, server => '59', }, }, 
+'59' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { am => undef, aw => undef, bc => undef, server => '60', ab => undef, ai => undef, av => undef, af => undef, ak => undef, al => undef, ah => undef, as => undef, az => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ap => undef, ag => undef, an => undef, ac => undef, aq => undef, at => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, bb => undef, ao => undef, au => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, aj => undef, ar => undef, ax => undef, aa => undef, }, }, 
+'60' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', av => undef, ax => undef, bc => undef, aa => undef, at => undef, au => undef, ay => undef, bb => undef, ah => undef, am => undef, aq => undef, ap => undef, bd => undef, server => '61', ab => undef, ag => undef, ai => undef, ac => undef, al => undef, ba => undef, ar => undef, as => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, ao => undef, af => undef, be => undef, aw => undef, az => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, an => undef, }, }, 
+'61' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { be => undef, af => undef, ah => undef, as => undef, ac => undef, aq => undef, server => '62', ao => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, aw => undef, ax => undef, aa => undef, ag => undef, ai => undef, az => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ae => undef, al => undef, ay => undef, av => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, aj => undef, au => undef, ba => undef, an => undef, at => undef, bb => undef, ab => undef, ak => undef, am => undef, ad => undef, }, }, 
+'62' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ba => undef, ab => undef, aq => undef, aj => undef, am => undef, an => undef, as => undef, au => undef, az => undef, ai => undef, al => undef, ac => undef, ap => undef, ao => undef, at => undef, av => undef, ay => undef, bc => undef, be => undef, aa => undef, ak => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '63', ag => undef, aw => undef, ax => undef, bb => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, ar => undef, bd => undef, af => undef, ah => undef, }, }, 
+'63' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ao => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ac => undef, ak => undef, ay => undef, aj => undef, server => '64', ai => undef, ap => undef, at => undef, av => undef, ax => undef, ah => undef, ae => undef, am => undef, an => undef, as => undef, ba => undef, be => undef, ab => undef, ar => undef, ad => undef, aq => undef, aw => undef, az => undef, al => undef, af => undef, ag => undef, au => undef, bb => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, aa => undef, }, }, 
+'64' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ae => undef, aj => undef, ay => undef, server => '65', ai => undef, an => undef, as => undef, az => undef, bd => undef, ab => undef, at => undef, ba => undef, bb => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ac => undef, am => undef, aq => undef, ak => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, ax => undef, ad => undef, ag => undef, al => undef, aa => undef, ah => undef, ao => undef, aw => undef, be => undef, af => undef, ap => undef, au => undef, bc => undef, }, }, 
+'65' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { aj => undef, an => undef, ar => undef, ac => undef, af => undef, al => undef, ao => undef, au => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, ap => undef, aq => undef, at => undef, ay => undef, ba => undef, bb => undef, ab => undef, ad => undef, bc => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ah => undef, aa => undef, ae => undef, ag => undef, aw => undef, ax => undef, az => undef, ai => undef, am => undef, as => undef, server => '66', ak => undef, av => undef, }, }, 
+'66' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { au => undef, bc => undef, server => '67', aa => undef, ah => undef, ai => undef, am => undef, ab => undef, ak => undef, an => undef, aq => undef, ax => undef, ac => undef, ao => undef, as => undef, av => undef, ad => undef, af => undef, aj => undef, al => undef, ap => undef, ba => undef, bd => undef, aw => undef, be => undef, ag => undef, bb => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', az => undef, ae => undef, ar => undef, at => undef, ay => undef, }, }, 
+'67' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { at => undef, ba => undef, ad => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, ar => undef, az => undef, ag => undef, av => undef, server => '68', aa => undef, ai => undef, an => undef, ap => undef, as => undef, ax => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, ae => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ah => undef, ay => undef, af => undef, ac => undef, am => undef, aq => undef, au => undef, bb => undef, be => undef, ab => undef, ao => undef, aw => undef, al => undef, }, }, 
+'68' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ak => undef, ax => undef, be => undef, ac => undef, ah => undef, aq => undef, bb => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', af => undef, aj => undef, ag => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, aa => undef, ae => undef, au => undef, az => undef, server => '69', an => undef, ap => undef, ab => undef, at => undef, aw => undef, al => undef, am => undef, ay => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, ao => undef, as => undef, ba => undef, ad => undef, ai => undef, }, }, 
+'69' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { al => undef, ao => undef, az => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, ad => undef, ah => undef, aj => undef, an => undef, as => undef, aw => undef, ak => undef, be => undef, ac => undef, af => undef, bc => undef, server => '70', aa => undef, ab => undef, ae => undef, ai => undef, ap => undef, at => undef, ba => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', am => undef, aq => undef, au => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, bb => undef, ag => undef, bd => undef, }, }, 
+'70' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { bc => undef, ad => undef, af => undef, am => undef, aq => undef, ab => undef, ao => undef, ba => undef, bb => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ag => undef, ax => undef, bd => undef, be => undef, ak => undef, ar => undef, ay => undef, az => undef, server => '71', ah => undef, ai => undef, ap => undef, aw => undef, ae => undef, al => undef, as => undef, au => undef, aa => undef, an => undef, ac => undef, aj => undef, at => undef, av => undef, }, }, 
+'71' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { aq => undef, av => undef, ay => undef, bb => undef, ac => undef, am => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, be => undef, ax => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', af => undef, ag => undef, aj => undef, al => undef, ao => undef, ab => undef, bc => undef, ae => undef, at => undef, au => undef, aw => undef, ba => undef, aa => undef, ah => undef, ai => undef, an => undef, server => '72', as => undef, az => undef, bd => undef, ad => undef, ak => undef, }, }, 
+'72' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ac => undef, al => undef, ar => undef, at => undef, ai => undef, au => undef, ay => undef, bd => undef, ab => undef, aw => undef, ah => undef, ak => undef, aq => undef, ap => undef, server => '82', aa => undef, af => undef, ag => undef, am => undef, as => undef, bc => undef, ad => undef, ao => undef, ba => undef, bb => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', be => undef, ae => undef, aj => undef, an => undef, av => undef, ax => undef, az => undef, }, }, 
+'73' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ac => undef, ag => undef, ai => undef, aq => undef, as => undef, server => '83', af => undef, ah => undef, ak => undef, an => undef, ay => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, aa => undef, ab => undef, ar => undef, aw => undef, ad => undef, am => undef, au => undef, av => undef, ax => undef, bb => undef, aj => undef, at => undef, ba => undef, al => undef, ae => undef, ao => undef, ap => undef, az => undef, be => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', }, }, 
+'74' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { az => undef, bb => undef, bd => undef, ae => undef, aj => undef, aq => undef, au => undef, al => undef, as => undef, at => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ac => undef, ap => undef, am => undef, an => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, af => undef, ag => undef, ah => undef, ai => undef, be => undef, server => '80', ab => undef, ba => undef, ao => undef, ay => undef, ak => undef, aw => undef, ax => undef, bc => undef, aa => undef, ad => undef, }, }, 
+'75' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ah => undef, al => undef, au => undef, az => undef, ae => undef, ak => undef, am => undef, aw => undef, af => undef, ap => undef, ar => undef, as => undef, bc => undef, ab => undef, an => undef, ay => undef, server => '81', ai => undef, ag => undef, aq => undef, at => undef, ax => undef, be => undef, ac => undef, av => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', aa => undef, bb => undef, bd => undef, aj => undef, ao => undef, ba => undef, ad => undef, }, }, 
+'76' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ac => undef, ao => undef, ae => undef, bc => undef, bd => undef, am => undef, bb => undef, ag => undef, at => undef, ax => undef, az => undef, aa => undef, af => undef, server => '78', ah => undef, aj => undef, ak => undef, ap => undef, av => undef, ba => undef, ad => undef, ai => undef, aq => undef, au => undef, aw => undef, ab => undef, al => undef, as => undef, ay => undef, be => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', an => undef, ar => undef, }, }, 
+'77' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { aa => undef, at => undef, aw => undef, ad => undef, ai => undef, am => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, bb => undef, bd => undef, server => '79', ac => undef, aj => undef, aq => undef, ay => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ae => undef, af => undef, ah => undef, al => undef, ao => undef, bc => undef, ag => undef, ap => undef, as => undef, au => undef, be => undef, ax => undef, ab => undef, ak => undef, an => undef, az => undef, ba => undef, }, }, 
+'78' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ag => undef, ar => undef, ay => undef, aw => undef, ax => undef, bd => undef, server => '76', ap => undef, as => undef, at => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', ac => undef, ah => undef, ai => undef, aj => undef, aa => undef, ad => undef, az => undef, ba => undef, bb => undef, ab => undef, ak => undef, an => undef, aq => undef, be => undef, af => undef, am => undef, ao => undef, bc => undef, ae => undef, al => undef, au => undef, av => undef, }, }, 
+'79' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ao => undef, bb => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', server => '77', ag => undef, ah => undef, al => undef, au => undef, ba => undef, ap => undef, aw => undef, bc => undef, ai => undef, az => undef, ab => undef, am => undef, aq => undef, as => undef, ax => undef, an => undef, be => undef, aa => undef, ae => undef, aj => undef, ay => undef, at => undef, av => undef, bd => undef, ac => undef, ad => undef, af => undef, ak => undef, ar => undef, }, }, 
+'80' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ak => undef, at => undef, au => undef, az => undef, be => undef, server => '75', ae => undef, af => undef, ai => undef, ao => undef, ba => undef, bc => undef, ag => undef, aw => undef, bb => undef, ab => undef, ac => undef, al => undef, as => undef, ah => undef, aj => undef, am => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', aq => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, aa => undef, ad => undef, an => undef, ap => undef, bd => undef, }, }, 
+'81' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ap => undef, ab => undef, at => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', aw => undef, bd => undef, as => undef, av => undef, ax => undef, ay => undef, server => '73', aa => undef, ae => undef, ai => undef, al => undef, am => undef, az => undef, be => undef, ac => undef, af => undef, ak => undef, an => undef, aq => undef, au => undef, ad => undef, ah => undef, ao => undef, bb => undef, ag => undef, aj => undef, ar => undef, ba => undef, bc => undef, }, }, 
+'82' => { new => 'Servercheck', using => { ab => undef, ak => undef, ao => undef, au => undef, aa => undef, am => undef, as => undef, ay => undef, ap => undef, az => undef, af => undef, an => undef, ba => undef, last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:39', be => undef, ai => undef, aj => undef, ar => undef, av => undef, aq => undef, ax => undef, bb => undef, bc => undef, ac => undef, ad => undef, ae => undef, ag => undef, bd => undef, server => '74', ah => undef, al => undef, at => undef, aw => undef, }, }, 
 sub name {
 		return "Servercheck";
-sub get_definition {
+sub get_definition { 
 		my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
 		return $definition_for{$name};
 sub all_fixture_names {
-		return keys %definition_for;
+	# sort by db server to guarantee insertion order
+	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{server} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{server} } keys %definition_for);

[47/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: merge master

Posted by
merge master


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 4d2b1c841d57f996fe6b983dc8f4c9c564154f08
Parents: 0e44357
Author: Dan Kirkwood <>
Authored: Mon Nov 7 14:50:50 2016 -0700
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:43:10 2016 -0700

 .../docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_monitor     | 58 +++++++++++++
 .../docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops         | 38 ++++++++-
 .../docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_portal      | 56 ++++++++++++
 .../docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_router      | 56 ++++++++++++
 .../docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_stats       | 44 ++++++++++
 infrastructure/docker/build/           |  8 --
 infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml  | 89 ++++++++++++++++++++
 infrastructure/docker/build/        | 16 ----
 .../app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ | 18 ++++
 traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/    |  1 -
 10 files changed, 357 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_monitor b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_monitor
index e69de29..a97aaed 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_monitor
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_monitor
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+FROM centos:7
+MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
+RUN	yum -y install \
+		epel-release \
+		git \
+		rpm-build && \
+	yum -y clean all
+ENV BRANCH=master
+# Above are common for all sub-projects.
+### traffic_monitor specific
+RUN	yum -y install \
+		which && \
+	yum -y clean all
+RUN curl -L -b "oraclelicense=a" | tar xzf - && \
+    curl -L | tar xzf -
+RUN ln -s jdk* java && ln -s apache-maven* maven
+RUN alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/java/bin/java 2 && \
+    alternatives --install /usr/bin/jar jar /opt/java/bin/jar 2 && \
+    alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /opt/java/bin/javac 2 && \
+    alternatives --set java /opt/java/bin/java && \
+    alternatives --set jar /opt/java/bin/jar && \
+    alternatives --set javac /opt/java/bin/javac && \
+    alternatives --install /usr/bin/mvn mvn /opt/maven/bin/mvn 1
+VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
+ADD .
+CMD ./ traffic_monitor 2>&1 | tee /artifacts/build-traffic_monitor.log
+# vi:syntax=Dockerfile
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops
index 49226d8..24878c7 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
 FROM centos:7
 MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
@@ -8,8 +24,26 @@ RUN	yum -y install \
 		rpm-build && \
 	yum -y clean all
-ENV BRANCH master
+# install latest git
+RUN yum install -y \
+	expat-devel \
+	gcc \
+	gettext \
+	libcurl-devel \
+	make \
+	openssl-devel \
+	perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker \
+	tar \
+	tcl && \
+	git clone && \
+	cd git && \
+	make prefix=/usr/local all && \
+	make prefix=/usr/local install
+# all ENV vars can be controlled by, e.g. `docker run -e BRANCH=1.6.x <image>`
+ENV BRANCH=master
 WORKDIR /repo
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_portal b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_portal
index e69de29..7d535f5 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_portal
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_portal
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+FROM centos:7
+MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
+RUN	yum -y install \
+		epel-release \
+		git \
+		rpm-build && \
+	yum -y clean all
+ENV BRANCH master
+WORKDIR /repo
+# traffic_portal specific
+RUN	yum -y install \
+		gcc \
+		libffi-devel \
+		make \
+		nodejs \
+		npm \
+		ruby-devel \
+		rubygems
+RUN	gem install compass
+RUN	npm -g install bower grunt-cli
+# bower will not run as root by default
+RUN	echo '{ "allow_root": true }' > /root/.bowerrc
+VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
+ADD .
+CMD ./ traffic_portal 2>&1 | tee /artifacts/build-traffic_portal.log
+# vi:syntax=Dockerfile
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_router b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_router
index e69de29..e2188f9 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_router
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_router
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+FROM centos:7
+MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
+RUN	yum -y install \
+		epel-release \
+		git \
+		rpm-build && \
+	yum -y clean all
+ENV BRANCH master
+WORKDIR /repo
+### traffic_router specific
+RUN	yum -y install \
+		which
+RUN curl -L -b "oraclelicense=a" | tar xzf - && \
+    curl -L | tar xzf -
+RUN ln -s jdk* java && ln -s apache-maven* maven
+RUN alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/java/bin/java 2 && \
+    alternatives --install /usr/bin/jar jar /opt/java/bin/jar 2 && \
+    alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /opt/java/bin/javac 2 && \
+    alternatives --set java /opt/java/bin/java && \
+    alternatives --set jar /opt/java/bin/jar && \
+    alternatives --set javac /opt/java/bin/javac && \
+    alternatives --install /usr/bin/mvn mvn /opt/maven/bin/mvn 1
+VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
+ADD .
+CMD ./ traffic_router 2>&1 | tee /artifacts/build-traffic_router.log
+# vi:syntax=Dockerfile
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_stats b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_stats
index e69de29..d669b03 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_stats
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_stats
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+FROM centos:7
+MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
+RUN	yum -y install \
+		epel-release \
+		git \
+		rpm-build && \
+	yum -y clean all
+ENV BRANCH master
+WORKDIR /repo
+# traffic_stats specific
+RUN	yum -y install \
+		golang && \
+	yum -y clean all
+VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
+ADD .
+CMD ./ traffic_stats 2>&1 | tee /artifacts/build-traffic_stats.log
+# vi:syntax=Dockerfile
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/ b/infrastructure/docker/build/
index 469f7da..a600340 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/
@@ -1,17 +1,9 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 # Building *trafficcontrol* using *docker-compose*
 - install `docker-engine` and `docker-compose`
 - `cd incubator-trafficcontrol/infrastructure/docker/build`
 - `export GITREPO=<username>/incubator-trafficcontrol`
-# Building *traffic_control* using *docker-compose*
-- install `docker-engine` and `docker-compose`
-- `cd traffic_control/infrastructure/docker/build`
-- `export GITREPO=<username>/traffic_control`
->>>>>>> cc99d24... README for docker build for rpms
 - `export BRANCH=mynewbranch`
 - `docker-compose up traffic_monitor_build traffic_ops_build ...`
 - new rpm files will be in `./artifacts`
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml b/infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml
index e69de29..879446d 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# Build configuration for trafficcontrol
+# Usage:
+#    GITREPO=...  BRANCH=...  docker-compose up [<service>...]
+# where GITREPO is https path to trafficcontrol clone
+#   (default:
+# and <branch> is name of branch to test
+#   (default: master).
+# [<service>...] (optional) is one or more of the services listed below, e.g.
+# traffic_ops_build.  Default is to build all.
+# All rpms are delivered to ./artifacts.
+version: '2'
+  traffic_monitor_build:
+    image: traffic_monitor_builder
+    build:
+      dockerfile: Dockerfile-traffic_monitor
+      context: .
+    environment:
+      - GITREPO
+      - BRANCH
+    volumes:
+      - ./artifacts:/artifacts
+  traffic_ops_build:
+    image: traffic_ops_builder
+    build:
+      dockerfile: Dockerfile-traffic_ops
+      context: .
+    environment:
+      - GITREPO
+      - BRANCH
+    volumes:
+      - ./artifacts:/artifacts
+  traffic_portal_build:
+    image: traffic_portal_builder
+    build:
+      dockerfile: Dockerfile-traffic_portal
+      context: .
+    environment:
+      - GITREPO
+      - BRANCH
+    volumes:
+      - ./artifacts:/artifacts
+  traffic_router_build:
+    image: traffic_router_builder
+    build:
+      dockerfile: Dockerfile-traffic_router
+      context: .
+    environment:
+      - GITREPO
+      - BRANCH
+    volumes:
+      - ./artifacts:/artifacts
+  traffic_stats_build:
+    image: traffic_stats_builder
+    build:
+      dockerfile: Dockerfile-traffic_stats
+      context: .
+    environment:
+      - GITREPO
+      - BRANCH
+    volumes:
+      - ./artifacts:/artifacts
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/ b/infrastructure/docker/build/
index 719aab5..58127d8 100755
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 # or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 # distributed with this work for additional information
@@ -16,14 +15,11 @@
 # KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
->>>>>>> c2e0979... simplify; remove clone volume
 [[ -z $target ]] && echo "No target specified"
 echo "Building $target"
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 echo "GITREPO=${GITREPO:=}"
 echo "BRANCH=${BRANCH:=master}"
@@ -39,15 +35,3 @@ cp ../dist/* /artifacts/.
 # Clean up for next build
 cd -
 rm -r $dir
-echo "GITREPO=${GITREPO:=}"
-echo "BRANCH=${BRANCH:=master}"
-set -x
-git clone $GITREPO -b $BRANCH traffic_control
-cd traffic_control/$target
-mkdir -p /artifacts
-cp ../dist/* /artifacts/.
->>>>>>> c2e0979... simplify; remove clone volume
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index 6d6f1c7..4c8236b 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -1,5 +1,23 @@
 package Fixtures::Integration::Servercheck;
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
 # Do not edit! Generated code.
 # See
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/
index 0cca0f2..94f2aec 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 package Fixtures::StatsSummary;
-# Copyright 2015 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

[39/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: Docker build: portal requires gcc; make all Docker build files consistent

Posted by
Docker build: portal requires gcc; make all Docker build files consistent


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 558ddb270ee21512cd470e4d20e88d1f40c0c1ce
Parents: 0e4d60c
Author: Dan Kirkwood <>
Authored: Thu Oct 6 13:34:05 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:14:45 2016 -0700

 infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-clone    |  1 -
 .../docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_monitor     | 29 --------------------
 .../docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops         |  3 +-
 .../docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_portal      | 25 -----------------
 .../docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_router      | 29 --------------------
 5 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-clone b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-clone
index f03a010..64a8698 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-clone
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-clone
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
 RUN	yum -y install \
 		epel-release \
 		git \
-		golang  \
 		rpm-build && \
 	yum -y clean all
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_monitor b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_monitor
index e3c2655..a97aaed 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_monitor
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_monitor
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 # or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 # distributed with this work for additional information
@@ -15,8 +14,6 @@
 # KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
->>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
 FROM centos:7
 MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
@@ -24,7 +21,6 @@ MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
 RUN	yum -y install \
 		epel-release \
 		git \
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 		rpm-build && \
 	yum -y clean all
@@ -38,14 +34,6 @@ RUN	yum -y install \
 		which && \
 	yum -y clean all
-		rpm-build
-RUN	yum -y install \
-		which
-### java/mvn
->>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
 RUN curl -L -b "oraclelicense=a" | tar xzf - && \
     curl -L | tar xzf -
@@ -58,7 +46,6 @@ RUN alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/java/bin/java 2 && \
     alternatives --set jar /opt/java/bin/jar && \
     alternatives --set javac /opt/java/bin/javac && \
     alternatives --install /usr/bin/mvn mvn /opt/maven/bin/mvn 1
-<<<<<<< HEAD
@@ -67,21 +54,5 @@ VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
 ADD .
 CMD ./ traffic_monitor 2>&1 | tee /artifacts/build-traffic_monitor.log
-# wait for clone to finish, then start build
-RUN echo $'\n\
-while [ ! -f /repo/clone-finished ]; do sleep 1; done\n\
-cd $tc/traffic_monitor\n\
-mkdir -p /artifacts\n\
-cp $tc/dist/* /artifacts/.\n\
-' >/
-CMD sh -x /
->>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
 # vi:syntax=Dockerfile
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops
index fd2c07b..0e379e7 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_ops
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
 RUN	yum -y install \
 		epel-release \
 		git \
-		rpm-build
+		rpm-build && \
+	yum -y clean all
 RUN	yum -y install \
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_portal b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_portal
index 4de2b23..7d535f5 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_portal
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_portal
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 # or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 # distributed with this work for additional information
@@ -15,8 +14,6 @@
 # KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
->>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
 FROM centos:7
 MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
@@ -24,7 +21,6 @@ MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
 RUN	yum -y install \
 		epel-release \
 		git \
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 		rpm-build && \
 	yum -y clean all
@@ -36,11 +32,6 @@ WORKDIR /repo
 # traffic_portal specific
 RUN	yum -y install \
 		gcc \
-		rpm-build
-RUN	yum -y install \
->>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
 		libffi-devel \
 		make \
 		nodejs \
@@ -54,7 +45,6 @@ RUN	npm -g install bower grunt-cli
 # bower will not run as root by default
 RUN	echo '{ "allow_root": true }' > /root/.bowerrc
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
@@ -62,20 +52,5 @@ VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
 ADD .
 CMD ./ traffic_portal 2>&1 | tee /artifacts/build-traffic_portal.log
-# wait for clone to be available, then
-# build the rpm and copy to /artifacts
-RUN echo $'\n\
-while [ ! -f /repo/clone-finished ]; do sleep 1; done\n\
-cd $tc/traffic_portal\n\
-mkdir -p /artifacts\n\
-cp $tc/dist/* /artifacts/.\n\
-' >/
-CMD sh -x /
->>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
 # vi:syntax=Dockerfile
diff --git a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_router b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_router
index 723e01b..e2188f9 100644
--- a/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_router
+++ b/infrastructure/docker/build/Dockerfile-traffic_router
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 # or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 # distributed with this work for additional information
@@ -15,8 +14,6 @@
 # KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
->>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
 FROM centos:7
 MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
@@ -24,7 +21,6 @@ MAINTAINER Dan Kirkwood
 RUN	yum -y install \
 		epel-release \
 		git \
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 		rpm-build && \
 	yum -y clean all
@@ -37,14 +33,6 @@ WORKDIR /repo
 RUN	yum -y install \
-		rpm-build
-RUN	yum -y install \
-		which
-### java/mvn
->>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
 RUN curl -L -b "oraclelicense=a" | tar xzf - && \
     curl -L | tar xzf -
@@ -57,7 +45,6 @@ RUN alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/java/bin/java 2 && \
     alternatives --set jar /opt/java/bin/jar && \
     alternatives --set javac /opt/java/bin/javac && \
     alternatives --install /usr/bin/mvn mvn /opt/maven/bin/mvn 1
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
@@ -65,21 +52,5 @@ VOLUME ./artifacts:/artifacts
 ADD .
 CMD ./ traffic_router 2>&1 | tee /artifacts/build-traffic_router.log
-# wait for clone to be available, then
-# build the rpm and copy to /artifacts
-RUN echo $'\n\
-while [ ! -f /repo/clone-finished ]; do sleep 1; done\n\
-cd $tc/traffic_router\n\
-mkdir -p /artifacts\n\
-cp $tc/dist/* /artifacts/.\n\
-' >/
-CMD sh -x /
->>>>>>> 343f0b7... move docker-compose files to infrastructure
 # vi:syntax=Dockerfile

[17/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: updating schema and migrations.

Posted by
updating schema and migrations.


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 65abbb63c6853a20fae1cda97723f8415672f97b
Parents: 32afdf5
Author: Jackie Heitzer <>
Authored: Mon Aug 8 10:51:53 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 13:28:45 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql | 505 +++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 220 insertions(+), 285 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql b/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql
index fa520cf..8dcc250 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/db/create_tables.sql
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ CREATE TABLE cachegroup (
     id bigint NOT NULL,
     name character varying(45) NOT NULL,
     short_name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
-    latitude numeric,
-    longitude numeric,
+    latitude double precision,
+    longitude double precision,
     parent_cachegroup_id bigint,
     secondary_parent_cachegroup_id bigint,
     type bigint NOT NULL,
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ CREATE TABLE deliveryservice (
     xml_id character varying(48) NOT NULL,
     active smallint NOT NULL,
     dscp bigint NOT NULL,
-    signed smallint,
-    qstring_ignore smallint,
+    signed boolean,
+    qstring_ignore boolean,
     geo_limit boolean DEFAULT false,
     http_bypass_fqdn character varying(255),
     dns_bypass_ip character varying(45),
@@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ CREATE TABLE deliveryservice (
     long_desc_2 character varying(1024),
     max_dns_answers bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint,
     info_url character varying(255),
-    miss_lat numeric,
-    miss_long numeric,
+    miss_lat double precision,
+    miss_long double precision,
     check_path character varying(255),
     last_updated timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(),
     protocol smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL,
@@ -436,41 +436,6 @@ CREATE TABLE federation_tmuser (
 ALTER TABLE federation_tmuser OWNER TO to_user;
--- Name: goose_db_version; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE TABLE goose_db_version (
-    id integer NOT NULL,
-    version_id bigint NOT NULL,
-    is_applied boolean NOT NULL,
-    tstamp timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
-ALTER TABLE goose_db_version OWNER TO to_user;
--- Name: goose_db_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE SEQUENCE goose_db_version_id_seq
-    CACHE 1;
-ALTER TABLE goose_db_version_id_seq OWNER TO to_user;
--- Name: goose_db_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-ALTER SEQUENCE goose_db_version_id_seq OWNED BY;
 -- Name: hwinfo; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
@@ -1019,6 +984,7 @@ CREATE TABLE servercheck (
     ap bigint,
     aq bigint,
     ar bigint,
+    "as" bigint,
     at bigint,
     au bigint,
     av bigint,
@@ -1031,7 +997,6 @@ CREATE TABLE servercheck (
     bc bigint,
     bd bigint,
     be bigint,
-    bf bigint,
     last_updated timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
@@ -1370,13 +1335,6 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_resolver ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('federa
 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-ALTER TABLE ONLY goose_db_version ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('goose_db_version_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY hwinfo ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('hwinfo_id_seq'::regclass);
@@ -1675,21 +1633,6 @@ COPY federation_tmuser (federation, tm_user, role, last_updated) FROM stdin;
--- Data for Name: goose_db_version; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY goose_db_version (id, version_id, is_applied, tstamp) FROM stdin;
--- Name: goose_db_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('goose_db_version_id_seq', 2, true);
 -- Data for Name: hwinfo; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
@@ -1896,7 +1839,7 @@ SELECT pg_catalog.setval('server_id_seq', 1, true);
 -- Data for Name: servercheck; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-COPY servercheck (id, server, aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af, ag, ah, ai, aj, ak, al, am, an, ao, ap, aq, ar, at, au, av, aw, ax, ay, az, ba, bb, bc, bd, be, bf last_updated) FROM stdin;
+COPY servercheck (id, server, aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af, ag, ah, ai, aj, ak, al, am, an, ao, ap, aq, ar, "as", at, au, av, aw, ax, ay, az, ba, bb, bc, bd, be, last_updated) FROM stdin;
@@ -2006,789 +1949,781 @@ SELECT pg_catalog.setval('type_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Name: goose_db_version_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-ALTER TABLE ONLY goose_db_version
-    ADD CONSTRAINT goose_db_version_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_61982_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419494_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_61982_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, cachegroup);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419494_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_61992_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419504_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY cachegroup
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_61992_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419504_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
--- Name: idx_61998_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419510_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY cachegroup_parameter
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_61998_primary PRIMARY KEY (cachegroup, parameter);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419510_primary PRIMARY KEY (cachegroup, parameter);
--- Name: idx_62006_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419518_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62006_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419518_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_62015_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419527_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62015_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419527_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
--- Name: idx_62031_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419543_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice_regex
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62031_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, regex);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419543_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, regex);
--- Name: idx_62035_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419547_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice_server
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62035_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, server);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419547_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, server);
--- Name: idx_62040_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419552_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY deliveryservice_tmuser
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62040_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, tm_user_id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419552_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, tm_user_id);
--- Name: idx_62047_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419559_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62047_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419559_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_62055_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419567_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62055_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419567_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_62064_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419576_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_deliveryservice
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62064_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, deliveryservice);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419576_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, deliveryservice);
--- Name: idx_62069_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419581_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_federation_resolver
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62069_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, federation_resolver);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419581_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, federation_resolver);
--- Name: idx_62076_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419588_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_resolver
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62076_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419588_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_62082_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419594_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY federation_tmuser
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62082_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, tm_user);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419594_primary PRIMARY KEY (federation, tm_user);
--- Name: idx_62089_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419601_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62089_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419601_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_62100_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419612_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62100_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419612_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_62111_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419623_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62111_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419623_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_62123_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419635_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY job_result
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62123_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419635_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_62134_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419646_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY job_status
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62134_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419646_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_62142_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419654_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62142_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, tm_user);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419654_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, tm_user);
--- Name: idx_62153_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419665_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62153_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419665_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_62165_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419677_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY phys_location
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62165_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419677_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_62176_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419688_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62176_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419688_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_62182_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419694_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY profile_parameter
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62182_primary PRIMARY KEY (profile, parameter);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419694_primary PRIMARY KEY (profile, parameter);
--- Name: idx_62189_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419701_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62189_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419701_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, type);
--- Name: idx_62198_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419710_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62198_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419710_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_62206_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419718_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62206_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419718_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_62212_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419724_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62212_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, cachegroup, type, status, profile);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419724_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, cachegroup, type, status, profile);
--- Name: idx_62226_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419738_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY servercheck
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62226_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, server);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419738_primary PRIMARY KEY (id, server);
--- Name: idx_62234_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419746_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY staticdnsentry
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62234_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419746_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_62243_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419755_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY stats_summary
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62243_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419755_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_62254_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419766_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62254_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419766_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_62260_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419772_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY steering_target
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62260_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, target);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419772_primary PRIMARY KEY (deliveryservice, target);
--- Name: idx_62267_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419779_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62267_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419779_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_62280_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419792_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
 ALTER TABLE ONLY to_extension
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62280_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419792_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_62290_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419802_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_62290_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
+    ADD CONSTRAINT idx_419802_primary PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: idx_61982_cr_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419494_cr_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_61982_cr_id_unique ON asn USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419494_cr_id_unique ON asn USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_61982_fk_cran_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419494_fk_cran_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_61982_fk_cran_cachegroup1 ON asn USING btree (cachegroup);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419494_fk_cran_cachegroup1 ON asn USING btree (cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_61992_cg_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419504_cg_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_61992_cg_name_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419504_cg_name_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_61992_cg_short_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419504_cg_short_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_61992_cg_short_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (short_name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419504_cg_short_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (short_name);
--- Name: idx_61992_fk_cg_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419504_fk_cg_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_61992_fk_cg_1 ON cachegroup USING btree (parent_cachegroup_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419504_fk_cg_1 ON cachegroup USING btree (parent_cachegroup_id);
--- Name: idx_61992_fk_cg_secondary; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419504_fk_cg_secondary; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_61992_fk_cg_secondary ON cachegroup USING btree (secondary_parent_cachegroup_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419504_fk_cg_secondary ON cachegroup USING btree (secondary_parent_cachegroup_id);
--- Name: idx_61992_fk_cg_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419504_fk_cg_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_61992_fk_cg_type1 ON cachegroup USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419504_fk_cg_type1 ON cachegroup USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_61992_lo_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419504_lo_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_61992_lo_id_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419504_lo_id_unique ON cachegroup USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_61998_fk_parameter; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419510_fk_parameter; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_61998_fk_parameter ON cachegroup_parameter USING btree (parameter);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419510_fk_parameter ON cachegroup_parameter USING btree (parameter);
--- Name: idx_62006_cdn_cdn_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419518_cdn_cdn_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62006_cdn_cdn_unique ON cdn USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419518_cdn_cdn_unique ON cdn USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_62015_ds_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419527_ds_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62015_ds_id_unique ON deliveryservice USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419527_ds_id_unique ON deliveryservice USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_62015_ds_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419527_ds_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62015_ds_name_unique ON deliveryservice USING btree (xml_id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419527_ds_name_unique ON deliveryservice USING btree (xml_id);
--- Name: idx_62015_fk_cdn1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419527_fk_cdn1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62015_fk_cdn1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (cdn_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419527_fk_cdn1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (cdn_id);
--- Name: idx_62015_fk_deliveryservice_profile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419527_fk_deliveryservice_profile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62015_fk_deliveryservice_profile1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (profile);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419527_fk_deliveryservice_profile1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (profile);
--- Name: idx_62015_fk_deliveryservice_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419527_fk_deliveryservice_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62015_fk_deliveryservice_type1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419527_fk_deliveryservice_type1 ON deliveryservice USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_62031_fk_ds_to_regex_regex1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419543_fk_ds_to_regex_regex1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62031_fk_ds_to_regex_regex1 ON deliveryservice_regex USING btree (regex);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419543_fk_ds_to_regex_regex1 ON deliveryservice_regex USING btree (regex);
--- Name: idx_62035_fk_ds_to_cs_contentserver1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419547_fk_ds_to_cs_contentserver1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62035_fk_ds_to_cs_contentserver1 ON deliveryservice_server USING btree (server);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419547_fk_ds_to_cs_contentserver1 ON deliveryservice_server USING btree (server);
--- Name: idx_62040_fk_tm_userid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419552_fk_tm_userid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62040_fk_tm_userid ON deliveryservice_tmuser USING btree (tm_user_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419552_fk_tm_userid ON deliveryservice_tmuser USING btree (tm_user_id);
--- Name: idx_62047_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419559_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62047_name_unique ON division USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419559_name_unique ON division USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_62064_fk_fed_to_ds1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419576_fk_fed_to_ds1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62064_fk_fed_to_ds1 ON federation_deliveryservice USING btree (deliveryservice);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419576_fk_fed_to_ds1 ON federation_deliveryservice USING btree (deliveryservice);
--- Name: idx_62069_fk_federation_federation_resolver; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419581_fk_federation_federation_resolver; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62069_fk_federation_federation_resolver ON federation_federation_resolver USING btree (federation);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419581_fk_federation_federation_resolver ON federation_federation_resolver USING btree (federation);
--- Name: idx_62069_fk_federation_resolver_to_fed1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419581_fk_federation_resolver_to_fed1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62069_fk_federation_resolver_to_fed1 ON federation_federation_resolver USING btree (federation_resolver);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419581_fk_federation_resolver_to_fed1 ON federation_federation_resolver USING btree (federation_resolver);
--- Name: idx_62076_federation_resolver_ip_address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419588_federation_resolver_ip_address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62076_federation_resolver_ip_address ON federation_resolver USING btree (ip_address);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419588_federation_resolver_ip_address ON federation_resolver USING btree (ip_address);
--- Name: idx_62076_fk_federation_mapping_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419588_fk_federation_mapping_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62076_fk_federation_mapping_type ON federation_resolver USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419588_fk_federation_mapping_type ON federation_resolver USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_62082_fk_federation_federation_resolver; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419594_fk_federation_federation_resolver; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62082_fk_federation_federation_resolver ON federation_tmuser USING btree (federation);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419594_fk_federation_federation_resolver ON federation_tmuser USING btree (federation);
--- Name: idx_62082_fk_federation_tmuser_role; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419594_fk_federation_tmuser_role; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62082_fk_federation_tmuser_role ON federation_tmuser USING btree (role);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419594_fk_federation_tmuser_role ON federation_tmuser USING btree (role);
--- Name: idx_62082_fk_federation_tmuser_tmuser; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419594_fk_federation_tmuser_tmuser; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62082_fk_federation_tmuser_tmuser ON federation_tmuser USING btree (tm_user);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419594_fk_federation_tmuser_tmuser ON federation_tmuser USING btree (tm_user);
--- Name: idx_62089_fk_hwinfo1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419601_fk_hwinfo1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62089_fk_hwinfo1 ON hwinfo USING btree (serverid);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419601_fk_hwinfo1 ON hwinfo USING btree (serverid);
--- Name: idx_62089_serverid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419601_serverid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62089_serverid ON hwinfo USING btree (serverid, description);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419601_serverid ON hwinfo USING btree (serverid, description);
--- Name: idx_62100_fk_job_agent_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419612_fk_job_agent_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62100_fk_job_agent_id1 ON job USING btree (agent);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419612_fk_job_agent_id1 ON job USING btree (agent);
--- Name: idx_62100_fk_job_deliveryservice1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419612_fk_job_deliveryservice1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62100_fk_job_deliveryservice1 ON job USING btree (job_deliveryservice);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419612_fk_job_deliveryservice1 ON job USING btree (job_deliveryservice);
--- Name: idx_62100_fk_job_status_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419612_fk_job_status_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62100_fk_job_status_id1 ON job USING btree (status);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419612_fk_job_status_id1 ON job USING btree (status);
--- Name: idx_62100_fk_job_user_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419612_fk_job_user_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62100_fk_job_user_id1 ON job USING btree (job_user);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419612_fk_job_user_id1 ON job USING btree (job_user);
--- Name: idx_62123_fk_agent_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419635_fk_agent_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62123_fk_agent_id1 ON job_result USING btree (agent);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419635_fk_agent_id1 ON job_result USING btree (agent);
--- Name: idx_62123_fk_job_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419635_fk_job_id1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62123_fk_job_id1 ON job_result USING btree (job);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419635_fk_job_id1 ON job_result USING btree (job);
--- Name: idx_62142_fk_log_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419654_fk_log_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62142_fk_log_1 ON log USING btree (tm_user);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419654_fk_log_1 ON log USING btree (tm_user);
--- Name: idx_62153_parameter_name_value_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419665_parameter_name_value_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62153_parameter_name_value_idx ON parameter USING btree (name, value);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419665_parameter_name_value_idx ON parameter USING btree (name, value);
--- Name: idx_62165_fk_phys_location_region_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419677_fk_phys_location_region_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62165_fk_phys_location_region_idx ON phys_location USING btree (region);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419677_fk_phys_location_region_idx ON phys_location USING btree (region);
--- Name: idx_62165_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419677_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62165_name_unique ON phys_location USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419677_name_unique ON phys_location USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_62165_short_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419677_short_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62165_short_name_unique ON phys_location USING btree (short_name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419677_short_name_unique ON phys_location USING btree (short_name);
--- Name: idx_62176_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419688_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62176_name_unique ON profile USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419688_name_unique ON profile USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_62182_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsparameters1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419694_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsparameters1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62182_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsparameters1 ON profile_parameter USING btree (parameter);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419694_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsparameters1 ON profile_parameter USING btree (parameter);
--- Name: idx_62182_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsprofile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419694_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsprofile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62182_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsprofile1 ON profile_parameter USING btree (profile);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419694_fk_atsprofile_atsparameters_atsprofile1 ON profile_parameter USING btree (profile);
--- Name: idx_62189_fk_regex_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419701_fk_regex_type1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62189_fk_regex_type1 ON regex USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419701_fk_regex_type1 ON regex USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_62189_re_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419701_re_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62189_re_id_unique ON regex USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419701_re_id_unique ON regex USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_62198_fk_region_division1_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419710_fk_region_division1_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62198_fk_region_division1_idx ON region USING btree (division);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419710_fk_region_division1_idx ON region USING btree (division);
--- Name: idx_62198_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419710_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62198_name_unique ON region USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419710_name_unique ON region USING btree (name);
--- Name: idx_62212_cs_ip_address_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419724_cs_ip_address_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62212_cs_ip_address_unique ON server USING btree (ip_address);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419724_cs_ip_address_unique ON server USING btree (ip_address);
--- Name: idx_62212_fk_cdn2; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419724_fk_cdn2; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62212_fk_cdn2 ON server USING btree (cdn_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419724_fk_cdn2 ON server USING btree (cdn_id);
--- Name: idx_62212_fk_contentserver_atsprofile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419724_fk_contentserver_atsprofile1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62212_fk_contentserver_atsprofile1 ON server USING btree (profile);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419724_fk_contentserver_atsprofile1 ON server USING btree (profile);
--- Name: idx_62212_fk_contentserver_contentserverstatus1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419724_fk_contentserver_contentserverstatus1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62212_fk_contentserver_contentserverstatus1 ON server USING btree (status);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419724_fk_contentserver_contentserverstatus1 ON server USING btree (status);
--- Name: idx_62212_fk_contentserver_contentservertype1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419724_fk_contentserver_contentservertype1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62212_fk_contentserver_contentservertype1 ON server USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419724_fk_contentserver_contentservertype1 ON server USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_62212_fk_contentserver_phys_location1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419724_fk_contentserver_phys_location1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62212_fk_contentserver_phys_location1 ON server USING btree (phys_location);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419724_fk_contentserver_phys_location1 ON server USING btree (phys_location);
--- Name: idx_62212_fk_server_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419724_fk_server_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62212_fk_server_cachegroup1 ON server USING btree (cachegroup);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419724_fk_server_cachegroup1 ON server USING btree (cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_62212_host_name; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419724_host_name; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62212_host_name ON server USING btree (host_name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419724_host_name ON server USING btree (host_name);
--- Name: idx_62212_ip6_address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419724_ip6_address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62212_ip6_address ON server USING btree (ip6_address);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419724_ip6_address ON server USING btree (ip6_address);
--- Name: idx_62212_se_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419724_se_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62212_se_id_unique ON server USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419724_se_id_unique ON server USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_62226_fk_serverstatus_server1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419738_fk_serverstatus_server1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62226_fk_serverstatus_server1 ON servercheck USING btree (server);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419738_fk_serverstatus_server1 ON servercheck USING btree (server);
--- Name: idx_62226_server; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419738_server; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62226_server ON servercheck USING btree (server);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419738_server ON servercheck USING btree (server);
--- Name: idx_62226_ses_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419738_ses_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62226_ses_id_unique ON servercheck USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419738_ses_id_unique ON servercheck USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_62234_combi_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419746_combi_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62234_combi_unique ON staticdnsentry USING btree (host, address, deliveryservice, cachegroup);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419746_combi_unique ON staticdnsentry USING btree (host, address, deliveryservice, cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_62234_fk_staticdnsentry_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419746_fk_staticdnsentry_cachegroup1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62234_fk_staticdnsentry_cachegroup1 ON staticdnsentry USING btree (cachegroup);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419746_fk_staticdnsentry_cachegroup1 ON staticdnsentry USING btree (cachegroup);
--- Name: idx_62234_fk_staticdnsentry_ds; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419746_fk_staticdnsentry_ds; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62234_fk_staticdnsentry_ds ON staticdnsentry USING btree (deliveryservice);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419746_fk_staticdnsentry_ds ON staticdnsentry USING btree (deliveryservice);
--- Name: idx_62234_fk_staticdnsentry_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419746_fk_staticdnsentry_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62234_fk_staticdnsentry_type ON staticdnsentry USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419746_fk_staticdnsentry_type ON staticdnsentry USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_62267_fk_user_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419779_fk_user_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62267_fk_user_1 ON tm_user USING btree (role);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419779_fk_user_1 ON tm_user USING btree (role);
--- Name: idx_62267_tmuser_email_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419779_tmuser_email_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62267_tmuser_email_unique ON tm_user USING btree (email);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419779_tmuser_email_unique ON tm_user USING btree (email);
--- Name: idx_62267_username_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419779_username_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62267_username_unique ON tm_user USING btree (username);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419779_username_unique ON tm_user USING btree (username);
--- Name: idx_62280_fk_ext_type_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419792_fk_ext_type_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE INDEX idx_62280_fk_ext_type_idx ON to_extension USING btree (type);
+CREATE INDEX idx_419792_fk_ext_type_idx ON to_extension USING btree (type);
--- Name: idx_62280_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419792_id_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62280_id_unique ON to_extension USING btree (id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419792_id_unique ON to_extension USING btree (id);
--- Name: idx_62290_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
+-- Name: idx_419802_name_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: to_user
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_62290_name_unique ON type USING btree (name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_419802_name_unique ON type USING btree (name);

[37/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: remote postgres-devel dependency

Posted by
remote postgres-devel dependency


Branch: refs/heads/psql-rebase
Commit: 133fb8284353d4efe96f8e24c1b09c648309a058
Parents: fe2512b
Author: Dan Kirkwood <>
Authored: Tue Oct 4 10:10:36 2016 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Fri Nov 11 14:08:25 2016 -0700

 traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec b/traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec
index 131d1da..1a6b06a 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec
+++ b/traffic_ops/build/traffic_ops.spec
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Packager:         daniel_kirkwood at Cable dot Comcast dot com
 AutoReqProv:      no
 Requires:         cpanminus, expat-devel, gcc-c++, libcurl, libpcap-devel, mkisofs, tar
 Requires:         openssl-devel, perl, perl-core, perl-DBD-Pg, perl-DBI, perl-Digest-SHA1
-Requires:         perl-libwww-perl, perl-Test-CPAN-Meta, perl-WWW-Curl, postgresql-devel
+Requires:         perl-libwww-perl, perl-Test-CPAN-Meta, perl-WWW-Curl
 Requires(pre):    /usr/sbin/useradd, /usr/bin/getent
 Requires(postun): /usr/sbin/userdel

[10/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: fixing integration fixtures.

Posted by
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index 6723d04..20f0588 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			host_name => 'atsec-chi-00',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
-			phys_location => '5',
-			cachegroup => '93',
+			phys_location => '3',
+			cachegroup => '9',
 			domain_name => '',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
@@ -75,13 +75,13 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			type => '13',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1',
-			phys_location => '5',
+			phys_location => '3',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			router_port_name => '2',
 			status => '1',
-			cachegroup => '93',
+			cachegroup => '9',
 			cdn_id => '1',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			ilo_password => '',
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_username => '',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:4/64',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
-			cachegroup => '93',
+			cachegroup => '9',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			router_port_name => '2',
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_address => '',
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
-			phys_location => '5',
+			phys_location => '3',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			ip_address => '',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
-			phys_location => '5',
+			phys_location => '3',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_username => '',
 			router_port_name => '2',
 			type => '13',
-			cachegroup => '93',
+			cachegroup => '9',
 			domain_name => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			ip_gateway => '',
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			profile => '7',
 			domain_name => '',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
-			phys_location => '6',
+			phys_location => '4',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:6/64',
 			ip_netmask => '',
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			type => '13',
-			cachegroup => '93',
+			cachegroup => '9',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			ilo_username => '',
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			status => '1',
-			cachegroup => '93',
+			cachegroup => '9',
 			ilo_username => '',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-05-dummyxmpp',
 			profile => '7',
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			ip_address => '',
-			phys_location => '6',
+			phys_location => '4',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:7/64',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsec-chi-06',
 			type => '13',
-			cachegroup => '93',
+			cachegroup => '9',
 			ip_address => '',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			router_port_name => '2',
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
-			phys_location => '6',
+			phys_location => '4',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			ilo_password => '',
@@ -295,12 +295,12 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-chi-07-dummyxmpp',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			ilo_username => '',
-			phys_location => '6',
+			phys_location => '4',
 			profile => '7',
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
-			cachegroup => '93',
+			cachegroup => '9',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
@@ -337,13 +337,13 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			ilo_username => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
-			phys_location => '6',
+			phys_location => '4',
 			status => '1',
 			ip_address => '',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			tcp_port => '80',
-			cachegroup => '93',
+			cachegroup => '9',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::2:1',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
@@ -382,9 +382,9 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
-			phys_location => '11',
+			phys_location => '5',
 			profile => '5',
-			cachegroup => '96',
+			cachegroup => '8',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:2/64',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			domain_name => '',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
-			cachegroup => '96',
+			cachegroup => '8',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:3/64',
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
-			phys_location => '11',
+			phys_location => '5',
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			ip_gateway => '',
@@ -452,9 +452,9 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			status => '1',
 			domain_name => '',
-			phys_location => '11',
+			phys_location => '5',
 			profile => '5',
-			cachegroup => '96',
+			cachegroup => '8',
 			cdn_id => '1',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-den-02-dummyxmpp',
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			type => '13',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1',
 			ip_netmask => '',
-			phys_location => '11',
+			phys_location => '5',
 			profile => '5',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
-			cachegroup => '96',
+			cachegroup => '8',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
@@ -521,9 +521,9 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			cdn_id => '2',
 			ip_netmask => '',
-			cachegroup => '96',
+			cachegroup => '8',
 			type => '13',
-			phys_location => '12',
+			phys_location => '6',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Server',
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsec-den-05',
-			cachegroup => '96',
+			cachegroup => '8',
 			ilo_username => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			ip_address => '',
@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:7/64',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
-			phys_location => '12',
+			phys_location => '6',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
@@ -597,11 +597,11 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
-			phys_location => '12',
+			phys_location => '6',
 			status => '1',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-den-06-dummyxmpp',
-			cachegroup => '96',
+			cachegroup => '8',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			ip_gateway => '',
@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
 			status => '1',
-			cachegroup => '96',
+			cachegroup => '8',
 			ip_address => '',
 			type => '13',
 			ilo_password => '',
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			router_host_name => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
-			phys_location => '12',
+			phys_location => '6',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
@@ -667,14 +667,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			cdn_id => '2',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::5:1',
-			phys_location => '12',
+			phys_location => '6',
 			domain_name => '',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			status => '1',
-			cachegroup => '96',
+			cachegroup => '8',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
 			profile => '7',
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			router_host_name => '',
 			status => '1',
 			upd_pending => '0',
-			cachegroup => '94',
+			cachegroup => '12',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			cdn_id => '1',
@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Server',
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsec-hou-01',
-			cachegroup => '94',
+			cachegroup => '12',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			ip_gateway => '',
@@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
-			cachegroup => '94',
+			cachegroup => '12',
 			ilo_username => '',
@@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			status => '1',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
-			cachegroup => '94',
+			cachegroup => '12',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
 			router_port_name => '3',
 			ip_address => '',
@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			router_host_name => '',
 			router_port_name => '3',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
-			cachegroup => '94',
+			cachegroup => '12',
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
@@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:1',
 			profile => '7',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
-			cachegroup => '94',
+			cachegroup => '12',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			ip_gateway => '',
@@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			profile => '7',
 			ilo_username => '',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
-			cachegroup => '94',
+			cachegroup => '12',
 			domain_name => '',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:8/64',
@@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_address => '',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::3:1',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-hou-07-dummyxmpp',
-			cachegroup => '94',
+			cachegroup => '12',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			ip_netmask => '',
@@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			profile => '7',
 			router_port_name => '3',
-			cachegroup => '94',
+			cachegroup => '12',
 			phys_location => '8',
@@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			status => '1',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
-			phys_location => '3',
+			phys_location => '9',
 			profile => '5',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			tcp_port => '80',
@@ -1044,7 +1044,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
-			cachegroup => '92',
+			cachegroup => '7',
 			cdn_id => '1',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
@@ -1093,10 +1093,10 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			type => '13',
 			ilo_password => '',
-			phys_location => '3',
+			phys_location => '9',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			domain_name => '',
-			cachegroup => '92',
+			cachegroup => '7',
 	## id => 30
@@ -1112,7 +1112,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:1',
 			profile => '5',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-lax-02-dummyxmpp',
-			cachegroup => '92',
+			cachegroup => '7',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:4/64',
@@ -1132,7 +1132,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			cdn_id => '1',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			ip_gateway => '',
-			phys_location => '3',
+			phys_location => '9',
 			status => '1',
@@ -1153,10 +1153,10 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			status => '1',
-			cachegroup => '92',
+			cachegroup => '7',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
-			phys_location => '3',
+			phys_location => '9',
 			profile => '5',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			type => '13',
@@ -1194,11 +1194,11 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
-			phys_location => '4',
+			phys_location => '10',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			router_port_name => '1',
-			cachegroup => '92',
+			cachegroup => '7',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:6/64',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			status => '1',
@@ -1232,10 +1232,10 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_address => '',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
-			phys_location => '4',
+			phys_location => '10',
 			status => '1',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
-			cachegroup => '92',
+			cachegroup => '7',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
@@ -1257,10 +1257,10 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			status => '1',
 			type => '13',
-			cachegroup => '92',
+			cachegroup => '7',
 			ip_address => '',
 			ip_gateway => '',
-			phys_location => '4',
+			phys_location => '10',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-lax-06-dummyxmpp',
 			cdn_id => '2',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
@@ -1314,9 +1314,9 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
-			phys_location => '4',
+			phys_location => '10',
 			profile => '7',
-			cachegroup => '92',
+			cachegroup => '7',
 			ip_address => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
@@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_password => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
-			phys_location => '4',
+			phys_location => '10',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
@@ -1351,7 +1351,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			router_port_name => '1',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-lax-08-dummyxmpp',
-			cachegroup => '92',
+			cachegroup => '7',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::1:1',
 			ip_gateway => '',
@@ -1364,14 +1364,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsec-nyc-00',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
-			cachegroup => '91',
+			cachegroup => '10',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-nyc-00-dummyxmpp',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			status => '1',
 			cdn_id => '1',
 			ilo_password => '',
-			phys_location => '1',
+			phys_location => '11',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			domain_name => '',
@@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:1',
 			tcp_port => '80',
-			cachegroup => '91',
+			cachegroup => '10',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			ip_address => '',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
@@ -1413,7 +1413,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			type => '13',
 			cdn_id => '1',
-			phys_location => '1',
+			phys_location => '11',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-nyc-01-dummyxmpp',
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
@@ -1439,7 +1439,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			host_name => 'atsec-nyc-02',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
-			cachegroup => '91',
+			cachegroup => '10',
 			domain_name => '',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:1',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
@@ -1448,7 +1448,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			status => '1',
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			router_port_name => '0',
-			phys_location => '1',
+			phys_location => '11',
 			profile => '5',
 			type => '13',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
@@ -1474,7 +1474,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Server',
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsec-nyc-03',
-			phys_location => '1',
+			phys_location => '11',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			status => '1',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
@@ -1486,7 +1486,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:5/64',
 			ip_netmask => '',
-			cachegroup => '91',
+			cachegroup => '10',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			ilo_password => '',
@@ -1524,12 +1524,12 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			profile => '7',
 			type => '13',
-			cachegroup => '91',
+			cachegroup => '10',
 			ilo_username => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
-			phys_location => '2',
+			phys_location => '12',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-nyc-04-dummyxmpp',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:6/64',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
@@ -1550,7 +1550,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			host_name => 'atsec-nyc-05',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			ip_address => '',
-			cachegroup => '91',
+			cachegroup => '10',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			profile => '7',
@@ -1560,7 +1560,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			status => '1',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:1',
-			phys_location => '2',
+			phys_location => '12',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-nyc-05-dummyxmpp',
 			ilo_password => '',
@@ -1588,7 +1588,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:1',
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
-			phys_location => '2',
+			phys_location => '12',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			ilo_username => '',
@@ -1614,7 +1614,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			profile => '7',
-			cachegroup => '91',
+			cachegroup => '10',
 	## id => 44
@@ -1626,7 +1626,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::0:1',
 			ip_gateway => '',
-			phys_location => '2',
+			phys_location => '12',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			profile => '7',
 			type => '13',
@@ -1648,7 +1648,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			status => '1',
 			cdn_id => '2',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
-			cachegroup => '91',
+			cachegroup => '10',
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			ip_address => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
@@ -1682,13 +1682,13 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			profile => '7',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			upd_pending => '0',
-			cachegroup => '91',
+			cachegroup => '10',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			ilo_username => '',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			cdn_id => '2',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
-			phys_location => '2',
+			phys_location => '12',
 	## id => 46
@@ -1713,7 +1713,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
-			cachegroup => '95',
+			cachegroup => '11',
 			cdn_id => '1',
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			type => '13',
@@ -1724,7 +1724,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			status => '1',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
-			phys_location => '9',
+			phys_location => '13',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
@@ -1733,7 +1733,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Server',
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsec-phl-01',
-			phys_location => '9',
+			phys_location => '13',
 			router_port_name => '4',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:3/64',
@@ -1742,7 +1742,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			type => '13',
-			cachegroup => '95',
+			cachegroup => '11',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
@@ -1790,13 +1790,13 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			status => '1',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
-			phys_location => '9',
+			phys_location => '13',
 			profile => '5',
 			cdn_id => '1',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
-			cachegroup => '95',
+			cachegroup => '11',
 			domain_name => '',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			ip_gateway => '',
@@ -1807,7 +1807,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Server',
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsec-phl-03',
-			phys_location => '9',
+			phys_location => '13',
 			status => '1',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
@@ -1827,7 +1827,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:1',
 			ip_address => '',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
-			cachegroup => '95',
+			cachegroup => '11',
 			cdn_id => '1',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:5/64',
@@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Server',
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsec-phl-04',
-			cachegroup => '95',
+			cachegroup => '11',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
@@ -1868,7 +1868,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
-			phys_location => '10',
+			phys_location => '14',
 			domain_name => '',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:6/64',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:1',
@@ -1881,7 +1881,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Server',
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsec-phl-05',
-			cachegroup => '95',
+			cachegroup => '11',
 			ilo_username => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:1',
@@ -1896,7 +1896,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			router_host_name => '',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			type => '13',
-			phys_location => '10',
+			phys_location => '14',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-phl-05-dummyxmpp',
 			cdn_id => '2',
@@ -1918,7 +1918,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Server',
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsec-phl-06',
-			cachegroup => '95',
+			cachegroup => '11',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			router_port_name => '4',
@@ -1941,7 +1941,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			ip_netmask => '',
-			phys_location => '10',
+			phys_location => '14',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			status => '1',
@@ -1955,7 +1955,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Server',
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsec-phl-07',
-			cachegroup => '95',
+			cachegroup => '11',
 			domain_name => '',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			ip_gateway => '',
@@ -1979,7 +1979,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			router_host_name => '',
 			router_port_name => '4',
 			tcp_port => '80',
-			phys_location => '10',
+			phys_location => '14',
 			status => '1',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
@@ -1997,7 +1997,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
 			router_port_name => '4',
 			type => '13',
-			cachegroup => '95',
+			cachegroup => '11',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D0:3300::4:1',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsec-phl-08-dummyxmpp',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
@@ -2011,7 +2011,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
-			phys_location => '10',
+			phys_location => '14',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			profile => '7',
@@ -2031,7 +2031,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			host_name => 'atsmid-east-00',
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
-			cachegroup => '1',
+			cachegroup => '4',
 			domain_name => '',
 			ilo_username => '',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
@@ -2057,7 +2057,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:1',
-			phys_location => '1',
+			phys_location => '11',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
@@ -2083,8 +2083,8 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			ilo_username => '',
-			cachegroup => '1',
-			phys_location => '1',
+			cachegroup => '4',
+			phys_location => '11',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			domain_name => '',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:1',
@@ -2119,7 +2119,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:4/64',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
-			phys_location => '1',
+			phys_location => '11',
 			profile => '15',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			cdn_id => '2',
@@ -2127,7 +2127,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			ip_address => '',
 			router_port_name => '0',
-			cachegroup => '1',
+			cachegroup => '4',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:1',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
@@ -2147,12 +2147,12 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:5/64',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsmid-east-03-dummyxmpp',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
-			phys_location => '1',
+			phys_location => '11',
 			profile => '13',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			type => '22',
-			cachegroup => '1',
+			cachegroup => '4',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			router_port_name => '0',
@@ -2177,7 +2177,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Server',
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsmid-east-04',
-			cachegroup => '1',
+			cachegroup => '4',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			profile => '15',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
@@ -2205,7 +2205,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			xmpp_id => 'atsmid-east-04-dummyxmpp',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			ip_address => '',
-			phys_location => '2',
+			phys_location => '12',
 			type => '22',
@@ -2226,7 +2226,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_password => '',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			tcp_port => '80',
-			cachegroup => '1',
+			cachegroup => '4',
 			domain_name => '',
 			ilo_username => '',
 			upd_pending => '0',
@@ -2238,7 +2238,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:1',
 			ip_netmask => '',
-			phys_location => '2',
+			phys_location => '12',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:7/64',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
@@ -2260,7 +2260,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:8/64',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
-			phys_location => '2',
+			phys_location => '12',
 			profile => '15',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
@@ -2272,7 +2272,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			domain_name => '',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:1',
 			ip_address => '',
-			cachegroup => '1',
+			cachegroup => '4',
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
@@ -2293,7 +2293,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			xmpp_id => 'atsmid-east-07-dummyxmpp',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
-			cachegroup => '1',
+			cachegroup => '4',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:1',
@@ -2301,7 +2301,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			ip_address => '',
-			phys_location => '2',
+			phys_location => '12',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::0:9/64',
@@ -2331,7 +2331,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
-			phys_location => '2',
+			phys_location => '12',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			tcp_port => '80',
@@ -2346,7 +2346,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
-			cachegroup => '1',
+			cachegroup => '4',
 			ip_address => '',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
@@ -2372,7 +2372,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
-			phys_location => '3',
+			phys_location => '9',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsmid-west-00-dummyxmpp',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			cdn_id => '2',
@@ -2387,7 +2387,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			tcp_port => '80',
-			cachegroup => '2',
+			cachegroup => '6',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:2/64',
@@ -2409,7 +2409,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
-			phys_location => '3',
+			phys_location => '9',
 			profile => '13',
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
@@ -2420,7 +2420,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:3/64',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:1',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
-			cachegroup => '2',
+			cachegroup => '6',
 			domain_name => '',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsmid-west-01-dummyxmpp',
@@ -2441,7 +2441,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			status => '6',
 			tcp_port => '80',
-			cachegroup => '2',
+			cachegroup => '6',
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
@@ -2463,7 +2463,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
-			phys_location => '3',
+			phys_location => '9',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			upd_pending => '0',
@@ -2488,10 +2488,10 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
 			ip_netmask => '',
-			phys_location => '3',
+			phys_location => '9',
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			upd_pending => '0',
-			cachegroup => '2',
+			cachegroup => '6',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:1',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
@@ -2516,7 +2516,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:6/64',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
 			profile => '15',
-			cachegroup => '2',
+			cachegroup => '6',
 			ilo_ip_address => '',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			router_host_name => '',
@@ -2524,7 +2524,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			xmpp_id => 'atsmid-west-04-dummyxmpp',
 			cdn_id => '2',
-			phys_location => '4',
+			phys_location => '10',
 			ilo_password => '',
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
@@ -2547,7 +2547,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		new => 'Server',
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'atsmid-west-05',
-			phys_location => '4',
+			phys_location => '10',
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:7/64',
 			ip_gateway => '',
@@ -2556,7 +2556,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			type => '22',
-			cachegroup => '2',
+			cachegroup => '6',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:1',
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
@@ -2596,7 +2596,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:1',
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			profile => '15',
-			cachegroup => '2',
+			cachegroup => '6',
 			ip_address => '',
 			type => '22',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
@@ -2607,7 +2607,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			cdn_id => '2',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
-			phys_location => '4',
+			phys_location => '10',
 			router_port_name => '1',
 			status => '6',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
@@ -2633,11 +2633,11 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:9/64',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
-			phys_location => '4',
+			phys_location => '10',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
 			tcp_port => '80',
-			cachegroup => '2',
+			cachegroup => '6',
 			domain_name => '',
 			ilo_username => '',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
@@ -2672,13 +2672,13 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			router_port_name => '1',
 			type => '22',
-			cachegroup => '2',
+			cachegroup => '6',
 			domain_name => '',
 			profile => '15',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
-			phys_location => '4',
+			phys_location => '10',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => '',
 			ip6_address => '2033:D0D1:3300::1:10/64',
@@ -2705,7 +2705,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			router_host_name => '',
 			router_port_name => '',
 			tcp_port => '80',
-			cachegroup => '101',
+			cachegroup => '3',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
@@ -2724,7 +2724,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			interface_mtu => '1500',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => '',
-			phys_location => '1',
+			phys_location => '11',
 	## id => 74
@@ -2756,8 +2756,8 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_username => '',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			xmpp_id => '',
-			phys_location => '1',
-			cachegroup => '102',
+			phys_location => '11',
+			cachegroup => '5',
 			interface_name => 'eth1',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			mgmt_ip_address => '',
@@ -2786,7 +2786,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			profile => '21',
 			xmpp_id => '',
-			cachegroup => '1',
+			cachegroup => '4',
 			cdn_id => '2',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => '',
 			ip6_gateway => undef,
@@ -2797,7 +2797,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => '',
 			router_port_name => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
-			phys_location => '1',
+			phys_location => '11',
 			type => '28',
@@ -2812,12 +2812,12 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => undef,
-			phys_location => '100',
+			phys_location => '1',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			domain_name => '',
 			ilo_username => undef,
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
-			cachegroup => '5',
+			cachegroup => '1',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => undef,
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			router_port_name => undef,
@@ -2849,8 +2849,8 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			cdn_id => '2',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => undef,
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => undef,
-			phys_location => '101',
-			cachegroup => '5',
+			phys_location => '2',
+			cachegroup => '1',
 			ilo_ip_address => undef,
 			ilo_ip_gateway => undef,
 			ilo_username => undef,
@@ -2893,7 +2893,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			type => '27',
 			router_host_name => undef,
 			router_port_name => undef,
-			cachegroup => '3',
+			cachegroup => '2',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
 			ip_address => '',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => undef,
@@ -2909,7 +2909,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip6_address => '2033:D021:3300::333/64',
 			ip_netmask => '',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
-			phys_location => '100',
+			phys_location => '1',
 	## id => 79
@@ -2928,7 +2928,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			status => '6',
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			mgmt_ip_address => undef,
-			phys_location => '101',
+			phys_location => '2',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => undef,
 			domain_name => '',
 			ip6_gateway => '2033:D021:3300::1',
@@ -2936,7 +2936,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			profile => '20',
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
-			cachegroup => '3',
+			cachegroup => '2',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			router_host_name => undef,
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
@@ -2967,9 +2967,9 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ip_gateway => '',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => undef,
 			profile => '1',
-			cachegroup => '5',
+			cachegroup => '1',
 			ip_address => '',
-			phys_location => '100',
+			phys_location => '1',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => undef,
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => undef,
@@ -2992,7 +2992,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 		using => {
 			host_name => 'trtr-cle-02',
 			ip_gateway => '',
-			phys_location => '101',
+			phys_location => '2',
 			profile => '2',
 			type => '4',
 			upd_pending => '0',
@@ -3001,7 +3001,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_ip_gateway => undef,
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
 			interface_name => 'bond0',
-			cachegroup => '5',
+			cachegroup => '1',
 			cdn_id => '2',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => undef,
 			mgmt_ip_address => undef,
@@ -3040,7 +3040,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			type => '4',
 			profile => '1',
 			xmpp_passwd => 'X',
-			cachegroup => '3',
+			cachegroup => '2',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => undef,
 			cdn_id => '1',
 			ilo_password => undef,
@@ -3055,7 +3055,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			xmpp_id => 'trtr-clw-01-dummyxmpp',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => undef,
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
-			phys_location => '100',
+			phys_location => '1',
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			upd_pending => '0',
@@ -3071,7 +3071,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			router_host_name => undef,
 			mgmt_ip_gateway => undef,
 			rack => 'RR 119.02',
-			cachegroup => '3',
+			cachegroup => '2',
 			ilo_ip_gateway => undef,
 			ilo_password => undef,
 			interface_mtu => '9000',
@@ -3083,7 +3083,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			mgmt_ip_netmask => undef,
 			tcp_port => '80',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:37',
-			phys_location => '101',
+			phys_location => '2',
 			upd_pending => '0',
 			cdn_id => '2',
 			ilo_ip_netmask => undef,
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/
index b9670ed..578cea4 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Test/
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ sub load_core_data {
 	$self->load_all_fixtures( Fixtures::Integration::Region->new($schema_values) );
 	$self->load_all_fixtures( Fixtures::Integration::PhysLocation->new($schema_values) );
 	$self->load_all_fixtures( Fixtures::Integration::Status->new($schema_values) );
-	# $self->load_all_fixtures( Fixtures::Integration::Cachegroup->new($schema_values) );
+	$self->load_all_fixtures( Fixtures::Integration::Cachegroup->new($schema_values) );
 	$self->load_all_fixtures( Fixtures::Integration::Regex->new($schema_values) );
 	$self->load_all_fixtures( Fixtures::Integration::Parameter->new($schema_values) );
 	$self->load_all_fixtures( Fixtures::Integration::Profile->new($schema_values) );
@@ -171,18 +171,16 @@ sub load_core_data {
 	diag "Done!";
+# Tearing down the Cachegroup table requires deleting them in a specific order, because
+# of the 'parent_cachegroup_id' and nested references.
 sub delete_cachegroups {
 	my $self   = shift;
-	my $schema = shift;
-	#	my $sql     = 'IS NOT NULL AND type != 7';
-	#	my $parents = $schema->resultset('Cachegroup')->search( { parent_cachegroup_id => \$sql } );
-	#	$parents->delete;
-	my $orgs = $schema->resultset('Cachegroup')->search( { type => 6 } );
-	$orgs->delete;
-	$orgs = $schema->resultset('Cachegroup')->search( { type => 7 } );
-	$orgs->delete;
-	$schema->resultset('Cachegroup')->delete_all;
+	my $dbh    = Schema->database_handle;
+	my $cg = $dbh->prepare("TRUNCATE TABLE cachegroup CASCADE;");
+	$cg->execute();
+	$cg->finish();
+	$dbh->disconnect;
 sub unload_core_data {

[11/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: fixing integration fixtures.

Posted by
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index 13855ce..231a6de 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -1054,7 +1054,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24',
-			parameter => '68'
+			parameter => '68',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26',
-			parameter => '74'
+			parameter => '74',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1070,7 +1070,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12',
-			parameter => '71'
+			parameter => '71',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1078,14 +1078,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25',
-			parameter => '69'
+			parameter => '69',
 			profile => '8',
 	'132' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '70'
+			parameter => '70',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33',
@@ -1094,7 +1094,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10',
-			parameter => '75'
+			parameter => '75',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1103,21 +1103,21 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21',
-			parameter => '86'
+			parameter => '86',
 	'135' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09',
-			parameter => '87'
+			parameter => '87',
 			profile => '8',
 	'136' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '90'
+			parameter => '90',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31',
@@ -1127,14 +1127,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21',
-			parameter => '89'
+			parameter => '89',
 	'138' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23',
-			parameter => '88'
+			parameter => '88',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05',
-			parameter => '207'
+			parameter => '207',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1150,14 +1150,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07',
-			parameter => '208'
+			parameter => '208',
 			profile => '8',
 	'141' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '209'
+			parameter => '209',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03',
@@ -1166,7 +1166,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32',
-			parameter => '210'
+			parameter => '210',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1175,14 +1175,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30',
-			parameter => '211'
+			parameter => '211',
 	'144' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20',
-			parameter => '204'
+			parameter => '204',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02',
-			parameter => '205'
+			parameter => '205',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1198,7 +1198,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34',
-			parameter => '206'
+			parameter => '206',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15',
-			parameter => '194'
+			parameter => '194',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1214,14 +1214,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24',
-			parameter => '219'
+			parameter => '219',
 			profile => '8',
 	'149' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '221'
+			parameter => '221',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30',
@@ -1231,14 +1231,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20',
-			parameter => '222'
+			parameter => '222',
 	'151' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03',
-			parameter => '220'
+			parameter => '220',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1246,7 +1246,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02',
-			parameter => '190'
+			parameter => '190',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1254,7 +1254,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03',
-			parameter => '192'
+			parameter => '192',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1262,7 +1262,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05',
-			parameter => '193'
+			parameter => '193',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1270,7 +1270,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05',
-			parameter => '191'
+			parameter => '191',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1278,7 +1278,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:22',
-			parameter => '200'
+			parameter => '200',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1286,7 +1286,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
-			parameter => '202'
+			parameter => '202',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1294,14 +1294,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15',
-			parameter => '203'
+			parameter => '203',
 			profile => '8',
 	'159' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '201'
+			parameter => '201',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18',
@@ -1311,21 +1311,21 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15',
-			parameter => '195'
+			parameter => '195',
 	'161' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23',
-			parameter => '198'
+			parameter => '198',
 			profile => '8',
 	'162' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '199'
+			parameter => '199',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26',
@@ -1335,14 +1335,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08',
-			parameter => '197'
+			parameter => '197',
 	'164' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06',
-			parameter => '218'
+			parameter => '218',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1350,14 +1350,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12',
-			parameter => '217'
+			parameter => '217',
 			profile => '8',
 	'166' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '352'
+			parameter => '352',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24',
@@ -1366,7 +1366,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20',
-			parameter => '185'
+			parameter => '185',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1374,7 +1374,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '187'
+			parameter => '187',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17',
-			parameter => '189'
+			parameter => '189',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1391,14 +1391,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32',
-			parameter => '186'
+			parameter => '186',
 	'171' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34',
-			parameter => '188'
+			parameter => '188',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1406,7 +1406,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33',
-			parameter => '212'
+			parameter => '212',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1414,14 +1414,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25',
-			parameter => '213'
+			parameter => '213',
 			profile => '8',
 	'174' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '214'
+			parameter => '214',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23',
@@ -1431,14 +1431,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32',
-			parameter => '215'
+			parameter => '215',
 	'176' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10',
-			parameter => '184'
+			parameter => '184',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1446,7 +1446,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15',
-			parameter => '216'
+			parameter => '216',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1454,14 +1454,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26',
-			parameter => '235'
+			parameter => '235',
 			profile => '8',
 	'179' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '84'
+			parameter => '84',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33',
@@ -1470,7 +1470,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09',
-			parameter => '278'
+			parameter => '278',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1478,7 +1478,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:04',
-			parameter => '279'
+			parameter => '279',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1486,7 +1486,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29',
-			parameter => '282'
+			parameter => '282',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1495,14 +1495,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03',
-			parameter => '281'
+			parameter => '281',
 	'184' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02',
-			parameter => '252'
+			parameter => '252',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1510,7 +1510,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07',
-			parameter => '263'
+			parameter => '263',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1518,7 +1518,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20',
-			parameter => '264'
+			parameter => '264',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1526,14 +1526,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21',
-			parameter => '266'
+			parameter => '266',
 			profile => '8',
 	'188' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '256'
+			parameter => '256',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29',
@@ -1543,14 +1543,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20',
-			parameter => '258'
+			parameter => '258',
 	'190' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28',
-			parameter => '251'
+			parameter => '251',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1558,7 +1558,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29',
-			parameter => '246'
+			parameter => '246',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1566,7 +1566,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09',
-			parameter => '255'
+			parameter => '255',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1574,7 +1574,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34',
-			parameter => '253'
+			parameter => '253',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1582,7 +1582,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11',
-			parameter => '261'
+			parameter => '261',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1590,7 +1590,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27',
-			parameter => '237'
+			parameter => '237',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1598,7 +1598,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26',
-			parameter => '238'
+			parameter => '238',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1606,14 +1606,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08',
-			parameter => '250'
+			parameter => '250',
 			profile => '8',
 	'198' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '243'
+			parameter => '243',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17',
@@ -1622,7 +1622,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01',
-			parameter => '244'
+			parameter => '244',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1630,7 +1630,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28',
-			parameter => '247'
+			parameter => '247',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1639,14 +1639,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14',
-			parameter => '248'
+			parameter => '248',
 	'202' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08',
-			parameter => '240'
+			parameter => '240',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1654,7 +1654,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17',
-			parameter => '241'
+			parameter => '241',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1662,7 +1662,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20',
-			parameter => '179'
+			parameter => '179',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1670,7 +1670,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25',
-			parameter => '180'
+			parameter => '180',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1678,7 +1678,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34',
-			parameter => '181'
+			parameter => '181',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1686,14 +1686,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25',
-			parameter => '182'
+			parameter => '182',
 			profile => '8',
 	'208' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '183'
+			parameter => '183',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05',
@@ -1703,21 +1703,21 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12',
-			parameter => '274'
+			parameter => '274',
 	'210' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23',
-			parameter => '275'
+			parameter => '275',
 			profile => '8',
 	'211' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '276'
+			parameter => '276',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31',
@@ -1726,7 +1726,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34',
-			parameter => '277'
+			parameter => '277',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1735,14 +1735,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34',
-			parameter => '273'
+			parameter => '273',
 	'214' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19',
-			parameter => '229'
+			parameter => '229',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1750,7 +1750,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
-			parameter => '227'
+			parameter => '227',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1758,7 +1758,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07',
-			parameter => '230'
+			parameter => '230',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1766,7 +1766,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01',
-			parameter => '228'
+			parameter => '228',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1774,14 +1774,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15',
-			parameter => '63'
+			parameter => '63',
 			profile => '8',
 	'219' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '64'
+			parameter => '64',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26',
@@ -1790,7 +1790,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27',
-			parameter => '65'
+			parameter => '65',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1799,14 +1799,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29',
-			parameter => '76'
+			parameter => '76',
 	'222' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26',
-			parameter => '172'
+			parameter => '172',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1814,7 +1814,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02',
-			parameter => '371'
+			parameter => '271',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1822,14 +1822,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28',
-			parameter => '353'
+			parameter => '353',
 			profile => '8',
 	'225' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '354'
+			parameter => '354',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17',
@@ -1838,7 +1838,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01',
-			parameter => '355'
+			parameter => '355',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1847,14 +1847,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13',
-			parameter => '356'
+			parameter => '356',
 	'228' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05',
-			parameter => '357'
+			parameter => '357',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1862,7 +1862,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13',
-			parameter => '358'
+			parameter => '358',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1870,7 +1870,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:00',
-			parameter => '359'
+			parameter => '359',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1878,7 +1878,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06',
-			parameter => '360'
+			parameter => '360',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1886,7 +1886,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32',
-			parameter => '361'
+			parameter => '361',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1894,7 +1894,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18',
-			parameter => '149'
+			parameter => '156',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1902,7 +1902,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32',
-			parameter => '280'
+			parameter => '280',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1910,14 +1910,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01',
-			parameter => '367'
+			parameter => '367',
 			profile => '8',
 	'236' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '54'
+			parameter => '54',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30',
@@ -1926,7 +1926,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '298'
+			parameter => '298',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1935,14 +1935,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '403'
+			parameter => '403',
 	'239' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11',
-			parameter => '289'
+			parameter => '289',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1950,14 +1950,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19',
-			parameter => '368'
+			parameter => '368',
 			profile => '8',
 	'241' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '133'
+			parameter => '140',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06',
@@ -1966,7 +1966,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02',
-			parameter => '399'
+			parameter => '399',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -1975,21 +1975,21 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02',
-			parameter => '10'
+			parameter => '10',
 	'244' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03',
-			parameter => '330'
+			parameter => '330',
 			profile => '8',
 	'245' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '329'
+			parameter => '329',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24',
@@ -1998,7 +1998,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11',
-			parameter => '333'
+			parameter => '333',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2006,7 +2006,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11',
-			parameter => '18'
+			parameter => '18',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2014,7 +2014,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33',
-			parameter => '371'
+			parameter => '371',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2022,7 +2022,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27',
-			parameter => '385'
+			parameter => '385',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2030,7 +2030,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23',
-			parameter => '389'
+			parameter => '389',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2038,7 +2038,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01',
-			parameter => '387'
+			parameter => '387',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2046,7 +2046,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02',
-			parameter => '391'
+			parameter => '391',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2054,14 +2054,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32',
-			parameter => '392'
+			parameter => '392',
 			profile => '8',
 	'255' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '393'
+			parameter => '393',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05',
@@ -2070,7 +2070,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35',
-			parameter => '394'
+			parameter => '394',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2078,7 +2078,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08',
-			parameter => '372'
+			parameter => '372',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2086,7 +2086,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14',
-			parameter => '223'
+			parameter => '223',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2094,7 +2094,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23',
-			parameter => '331'
+			parameter => '331',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2102,7 +2102,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23',
-			parameter => '323'
+			parameter => '323',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2110,7 +2110,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08',
-			parameter => '320'
+			parameter => '320',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2119,14 +2119,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26',
-			parameter => '293'
+			parameter => '293',
 	'263' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24',
-			parameter => '374'
+			parameter => '374',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2134,14 +2134,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35',
-			parameter => '436'
+			parameter => '436',
 			profile => '8',
 	'265' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '7'
+			parameter => '7',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23',
@@ -2150,7 +2150,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02',
-			parameter => '16'
+			parameter => '16',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2158,7 +2158,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15',
-			parameter => '301'
+			parameter => '301',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2167,14 +2167,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07',
-			parameter => '406'
+			parameter => '406',
 	'269' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
-			parameter => '410'
+			parameter => '410',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2182,7 +2182,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27',
-			parameter => '444'
+			parameter => '444',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2190,14 +2190,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:22',
-			parameter => '439'
+			parameter => '439',
 			profile => '8',
 	'272' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '408'
+			parameter => '408',
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
@@ -2206,7 +2206,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12',
-			parameter => '376'
+			parameter => '376',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2214,7 +2214,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34',
-			parameter => '268'
+			parameter => '268',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2222,7 +2222,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33',
-			parameter => '377'
+			parameter => '377',
 			profile => '8',
@@ -2231,17 +2231,18 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '8',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18',
-			parameter => '384'
+			parameter => '384',
 	'277' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19',
-			parameter => '395'
+			parameter => '395',
 			profile => '8',
 	'278' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
@@ -3278,7 +3279,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23',
-			parameter => '68'
+			parameter => '68',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3286,7 +3287,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23',
-			parameter => '74'
+			parameter => '74',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3294,7 +3295,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14',
-			parameter => '71'
+			parameter => '71',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3302,7 +3303,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03',
-			parameter => '69'
+			parameter => '69',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3310,7 +3311,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23',
-			parameter => '70'
+			parameter => '70',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3318,7 +3319,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '75'
+			parameter => '75',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3326,7 +3327,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14',
-			parameter => '86'
+			parameter => '86',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3334,7 +3335,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:22',
-			parameter => '87'
+			parameter => '87',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3342,7 +3343,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:04',
-			parameter => '89'
+			parameter => '89',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3350,7 +3351,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06',
-			parameter => '88'
+			parameter => '88',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3358,14 +3359,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05',
-			parameter => '207'
+			parameter => '207',
 			profile => '16',
 	'418' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '208'
+			parameter => '208',
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28',
@@ -3374,7 +3375,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10',
-			parameter => '209'
+			parameter => '209',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3382,7 +3383,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:22',
-			parameter => '210'
+			parameter => '210',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3391,14 +3392,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19',
-			parameter => '211'
+			parameter => '211',
 	'422' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18',
-			parameter => '204'
+			parameter => '204',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3406,7 +3407,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32',
-			parameter => '205'
+			parameter => '205',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3414,7 +3415,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09',
-			parameter => '206'
+			parameter => '206',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3422,7 +3423,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15',
-			parameter => '194'
+			parameter => '194',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3430,14 +3431,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
-			parameter => '219'
+			parameter => '219',
 			profile => '16',
 	'427' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '221'
+			parameter => '221',
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25',
@@ -3446,7 +3447,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24',
-			parameter => '222'
+			parameter => '222',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3454,7 +3455,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10',
-			parameter => '220'
+			parameter => '220',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3462,7 +3463,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29',
-			parameter => '190'
+			parameter => '190',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3470,7 +3471,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26',
-			parameter => '192'
+			parameter => '192',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3478,7 +3479,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07',
-			parameter => '193'
+			parameter => '193',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3486,7 +3487,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27',
-			parameter => '191'
+			parameter => '191',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3494,7 +3495,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23',
-			parameter => '200'
+			parameter => '200',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3502,7 +3503,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03',
-			parameter => '202'
+			parameter => '202',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3510,7 +3511,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11',
-			parameter => '203'
+			parameter => '203',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3519,14 +3520,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01',
-			parameter => '201'
+			parameter => '201',
 	'438' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28',
-			parameter => '195'
+			parameter => '195',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3534,7 +3535,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02',
-			parameter => '198'
+			parameter => '198',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3542,7 +3543,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05',
-			parameter => '199'
+			parameter => '199',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3550,7 +3551,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02',
-			parameter => '197'
+			parameter => '197',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3558,7 +3559,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10',
-			parameter => '218'
+			parameter => '218',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3566,7 +3567,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10',
-			parameter => '217'
+			parameter => '217',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3574,7 +3575,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:04',
-			parameter => '352'
+			parameter => '352',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3582,7 +3583,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32',
-			parameter => '185'
+			parameter => '185',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3590,14 +3591,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27',
-			parameter => '187'
+			parameter => '187',
 			profile => '16',
 	'447' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '189'
+			parameter => '189',
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13',
@@ -3606,7 +3607,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08',
-			parameter => '186'
+			parameter => '186',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3615,14 +3616,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '188'
+			parameter => '188',
 	'450' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11',
-			parameter => '212'
+			parameter => '212',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3630,7 +3631,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:22',
-			parameter => '213'
+			parameter => '213',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3638,7 +3639,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07',
-			parameter => '214'
+			parameter => '214',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3646,14 +3647,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34',
-			parameter => '215'
+			parameter => '215',
 			profile => '16',
 	'454' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '184'
+			parameter => '184',
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11',
@@ -3663,14 +3664,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '216'
+			parameter => '216',
 	'456' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34',
-			parameter => '235'
+			parameter => '235',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3678,7 +3679,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11',
-			parameter => '84'
+			parameter => '84',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3686,7 +3687,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:04',
-			parameter => '278'
+			parameter => '278',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3694,14 +3695,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01',
-			parameter => '279'
+			parameter => '279',
 			profile => '16',
 	'460' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '281'
+			parameter => '281',
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17',
@@ -3710,7 +3711,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09',
-			parameter => '252'
+			parameter => '252',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3718,7 +3719,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03',
-			parameter => '263'
+			parameter => '263',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3726,7 +3727,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03',
-			parameter => '264'
+			parameter => '264',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3734,7 +3735,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12',
-			parameter => '266'
+			parameter => '266',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3742,14 +3743,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:04',
-			parameter => '256'
+			parameter => '256',
 			profile => '16',
 	'466' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '258'
+			parameter => '258',
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12',
@@ -3758,7 +3759,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28',
-			parameter => '251'
+			parameter => '251',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3767,21 +3768,21 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13',
-			parameter => '246'
+			parameter => '246',
 	'469' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31',
-			parameter => '255'
+			parameter => '255',
 			profile => '16',
 	'470' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '253'
+			parameter => '253',
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08',
@@ -3791,14 +3792,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10',
-			parameter => '261'
+			parameter => '261',
 	'472' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05',
-			parameter => '237'
+			parameter => '237',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3806,7 +3807,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02',
-			parameter => '238'
+			parameter => '238',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3814,7 +3815,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17',
-			parameter => '250'
+			parameter => '250',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3822,7 +3823,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07',
-			parameter => '243'
+			parameter => '243',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3830,14 +3831,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10',
-			parameter => '244'
+			parameter => '244',
 			profile => '16',
 	'477' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '247'
+			parameter => '247',
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21',
@@ -3847,14 +3848,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02',
-			parameter => '248'
+			parameter => '248',
 	'479' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '240'
+			parameter => '240',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3862,7 +3863,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09',
-			parameter => '241'
+			parameter => '241',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3870,7 +3871,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19',
-			parameter => '179'
+			parameter => '179',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3878,14 +3879,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06',
-			parameter => '180'
+			parameter => '180',
 			profile => '16',
 	'483' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '181'
+			parameter => '181',
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14',
@@ -3895,14 +3896,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21',
-			parameter => '182'
+			parameter => '182',
 	'485' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25',
-			parameter => '183'
+			parameter => '183',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3910,7 +3911,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30',
-			parameter => '274'
+			parameter => '274',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3918,7 +3919,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06',
-			parameter => '275'
+			parameter => '275',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3926,7 +3927,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '276'
+			parameter => '276',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3934,14 +3935,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32',
-			parameter => '277'
+			parameter => '277',
 			profile => '16',
 	'490' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '273'
+			parameter => '273',
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25',
@@ -3951,14 +3952,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07',
-			parameter => '229'
+			parameter => '229',
 	'492' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18',
-			parameter => '227'
+			parameter => '227',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3966,7 +3967,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06',
-			parameter => '230'
+			parameter => '230',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -3974,14 +3975,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25',
-			parameter => '228'
+			parameter => '228',
 			profile => '16',
 	'495' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '63'
+			parameter => '63',
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18',
@@ -3991,21 +3992,21 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26',
-			parameter => '64'
+			parameter => '64',
 	'497' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12',
-			parameter => '65'
+			parameter => '65',
 			profile => '16',
 	'498' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '76'
+			parameter => '76',
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21',
@@ -4015,14 +4016,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15',
-			parameter => '172'
+			parameter => '172',
 	'500' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28',
-			parameter => '371'
+			parameter => '271',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4030,7 +4031,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15',
-			parameter => '353'
+			parameter => '353',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4038,7 +4039,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10',
-			parameter => '354'
+			parameter => '354',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4046,7 +4047,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18',
-			parameter => '356'
+			parameter => '356',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4054,7 +4055,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25',
-			parameter => '357'
+			parameter => '357',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4062,7 +4063,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08',
-			parameter => '359'
+			parameter => '359',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4070,7 +4071,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27',
-			parameter => '360'
+			parameter => '360',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4078,7 +4079,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13',
-			parameter => '361'
+			parameter => '361',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4086,7 +4087,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29',
-			parameter => '160'
+			parameter => '160',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4094,14 +4095,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08',
-			parameter => '283'
+			parameter => '283',
 			profile => '16',
 	'510' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '367'
+			parameter => '367',
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
@@ -4110,7 +4111,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13',
-			parameter => '54'
+			parameter => '54',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4118,7 +4119,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19',
-			parameter => '403'
+			parameter => '403',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4127,14 +4128,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32',
-			parameter => '399'
+			parameter => '399',
 	'514' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28',
-			parameter => '10'
+			parameter => '10',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4142,7 +4143,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27',
-			parameter => '330'
+			parameter => '330',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4150,7 +4151,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03',
-			parameter => '329'
+			parameter => '329',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4158,7 +4159,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30',
-			parameter => '333'
+			parameter => '333',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4166,14 +4167,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19',
-			parameter => '18'
+			parameter => '18',
 			profile => '16',
 	'519' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '371'
+			parameter => '371',
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13',
@@ -4182,7 +4183,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21',
-			parameter => '385'
+			parameter => '385',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4190,7 +4191,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29',
-			parameter => '389'
+			parameter => '389',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4198,7 +4199,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21',
-			parameter => '387'
+			parameter => '387',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4207,21 +4208,21 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20',
-			parameter => '391'
+			parameter => '391',
 	'525' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02',
-			parameter => '392'
+			parameter => '392',
 			profile => '16',
 	'526' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '393'
+			parameter => '393',
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18',
@@ -4231,14 +4232,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27',
-			parameter => '394'
+			parameter => '394',
 	'528' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03',
-			parameter => '372'
+			parameter => '372',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4246,7 +4247,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21',
-			parameter => '223'
+			parameter => '223',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4254,7 +4255,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23',
-			parameter => '331'
+			parameter => '331',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4262,7 +4263,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11',
-			parameter => '323'
+			parameter => '323',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4270,7 +4271,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07',
-			parameter => '320'
+			parameter => '320',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4278,7 +4279,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '293'
+			parameter => '293',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4286,7 +4287,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07',
-			parameter => '374'
+			parameter => '374',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4294,14 +4295,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12',
-			parameter => '436'
+			parameter => '436',
 			profile => '16',
 	'536' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '7'
+			parameter => '7',
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05',
@@ -4310,7 +4311,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '16'
+			parameter => '16',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4318,7 +4319,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28',
-			parameter => '406'
+			parameter => '406',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4327,14 +4328,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '16',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18',
-			parameter => '439'
+			parameter => '439',
 	'540' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15',
-			parameter => '408'
+			parameter => '408',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4342,7 +4343,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28',
-			parameter => '376'
+			parameter => '376',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4350,7 +4351,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '268'
+			parameter => '268',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4358,7 +4359,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03',
-			parameter => '91'
+			parameter => '91',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4366,7 +4367,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20',
-			parameter => '67'
+			parameter => '67',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4374,7 +4375,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29',
-			parameter => '85'
+			parameter => '85',
 			profile => '16',
@@ -4382,10 +4383,11 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32',
-			parameter => '384'
+			parameter => '384',
 			profile => '16',
 	'547' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
@@ -4431,14 +4433,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '1',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26',
-			parameter => '362'
+			parameter => '362',
 	'553' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05',
-			parameter => '363'
+			parameter => '363',
 			profile => '1',
@@ -4446,7 +4448,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10',
-			parameter => '364'
+			parameter => '364',
 			profile => '1',
@@ -4454,7 +4456,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20',
-			parameter => '365'
+			parameter => '365',
 			profile => '1',
@@ -4462,7 +4464,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28',
-			parameter => '366'
+			parameter => '366',
 			profile => '1',
@@ -4470,7 +4472,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21',
-			parameter => '397'
+			parameter => '397',
 			profile => '1',
@@ -4478,14 +4480,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29',
-			parameter => '284'
+			parameter => '286',
 			profile => '1',
 	'559' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '314'
+			parameter => '314',
 			profile => '1',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33',
@@ -4495,14 +4497,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '1',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:00',
-			parameter => '313'
+			parameter => '313',
 	'561' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:00',
-			parameter => '287'
+			parameter => '284',
 			profile => '1',
@@ -4510,7 +4512,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01',
-			parameter => '285'
+			parameter => '285',
 			profile => '1',
@@ -4518,7 +4520,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25',
-			parameter => '293'
+			parameter => '293',
 			profile => '1',
@@ -4526,7 +4528,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21',
-			parameter => '422'
+			parameter => '422',
 			profile => '1',
@@ -4534,14 +4536,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11',
-			parameter => '425'
+			parameter => '425',
 			profile => '1',
 	'566' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '421'
+			parameter => '421',
 			profile => '1',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09',
@@ -4551,14 +4553,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '1',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32',
-			parameter => '423'
+			parameter => '423',
 	'568' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11',
-			parameter => '417'
+			parameter => '417',
 			profile => '1',
@@ -4566,7 +4568,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02',
-			parameter => '418'
+			parameter => '418',
 			profile => '1',
@@ -4574,7 +4576,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19',
-			parameter => '416'
+			parameter => '416',
 			profile => '1',
@@ -4582,7 +4584,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33',
-			parameter => '420'
+			parameter => '420',
 			profile => '1',
@@ -4590,7 +4592,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '419'
+			parameter => '419',
 			profile => '1',
@@ -4598,7 +4600,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09',
-			parameter => '315'
+			parameter => '315',
 			profile => '1',
@@ -4606,7 +4608,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29',
-			parameter => '316'
+			parameter => '316',
 			profile => '1',
@@ -4614,15 +4616,16 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07',
-			parameter => '5'
+			parameter => '5',
 			profile => '1',
 	'576' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18',
-			parameter => '435'
+			parameter => '435',
 			profile => '12',
@@ -4630,7 +4633,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32',
-			parameter => '434'
+			parameter => '434',
 			profile => '12',
@@ -4638,7 +4641,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06',
-			parameter => '430'
+			parameter => '430',
 			profile => '12',
@@ -4646,7 +4649,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35',
-			parameter => '432'
+			parameter => '432',
 			profile => '12',
@@ -4654,7 +4657,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09',
-			parameter => '431'
+			parameter => '431',
 			profile => '12',
@@ -4662,7 +4665,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35',
-			parameter => '440'
+			parameter => '440',
 			profile => '12',
@@ -4670,10 +4673,11 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28',
-			parameter => '441'
+			parameter => '441',
 			profile => '12',
 	'583' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
@@ -4710,7 +4714,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13',
-			parameter => '363'
+			parameter => '363',
 			profile => '2',
@@ -4718,7 +4722,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20',
-			parameter => '364'
+			parameter => '364',
 			profile => '2',
@@ -4726,7 +4730,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31',
-			parameter => '365'
+			parameter => '365',
 			profile => '2',
@@ -4734,7 +4738,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20',
-			parameter => '366'
+			parameter => '366',
 			profile => '2',
@@ -4742,7 +4746,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10',
-			parameter => '292'
+			parameter => '292',
 			profile => '2',
@@ -4750,7 +4754,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09',
-			parameter => '397'
+			parameter => '397',
 			profile => '2',
@@ -4758,7 +4762,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02',
-			parameter => '369'
+			parameter => '369',
 			profile => '2',
@@ -4766,7 +4770,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28',
-			parameter => '284'
+			parameter => '286',
 			profile => '2',
@@ -4774,7 +4778,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15',
-			parameter => '314'
+			parameter => '314',
 			profile => '2',
@@ -4782,14 +4786,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31',
-			parameter => '313'
+			parameter => '313',
 			profile => '2',
 	'597' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '287'
+			parameter => '284',
 			profile => '2',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34',
@@ -4799,14 +4803,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '2',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '285'
+			parameter => '285',
 	'599' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09',
-			parameter => '294'
+			parameter => '294',
 			profile => '2',
@@ -4814,14 +4818,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12',
-			parameter => '422'
+			parameter => '422',
 			profile => '2',
 	'601' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '421'
+			parameter => '421',
 			profile => '2',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:04',
@@ -4830,7 +4834,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32',
-			parameter => '417'
+			parameter => '417',
 			profile => '2',
@@ -4839,14 +4843,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '2',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30',
-			parameter => '418'
+			parameter => '418',
 	'604' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18',
-			parameter => '416'
+			parameter => '416',
 			profile => '2',
@@ -4854,7 +4858,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02',
-			parameter => '420'
+			parameter => '420',
 			profile => '2',
@@ -4862,7 +4866,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
-			parameter => '419'
+			parameter => '419',
 			profile => '2',
@@ -4870,7 +4874,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23',
-			parameter => '424'
+			parameter => '424',
 			profile => '2',
@@ -4878,7 +4882,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08',
-			parameter => '315'
+			parameter => '315',
 			profile => '2',
@@ -4886,7 +4890,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11',
-			parameter => '316'
+			parameter => '316',
 			profile => '2',
@@ -4894,7 +4898,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34',
-			parameter => '426'
+			parameter => '426',
 			profile => '2',
@@ -4902,15 +4906,16 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13',
-			parameter => '4'
+			parameter => '4',
 			profile => '2',
 	'612' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18',
-			parameter => '322'
+			parameter => '322',
 			profile => '19',
@@ -4918,14 +4923,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14',
-			parameter => '427'
+			parameter => '427',
 			profile => '19',
 	'614' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '428'
+			parameter => '428',
 			profile => '19',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18',
@@ -4934,7 +4939,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15',
-			parameter => '429'
+			parameter => '429',
 			profile => '19',
@@ -4943,14 +4948,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '19',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29',
-			parameter => '433'
+			parameter => '433',
 	'617' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28',
-			parameter => '373'
+			parameter => '373',
 			profile => '19',
@@ -4958,7 +4963,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:00',
-			parameter => '324'
+			parameter => '324',
 			profile => '19',
@@ -4966,14 +4971,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09',
-			parameter => '321'
+			parameter => '321',
 			profile => '19',
 	'620' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '318'
+			parameter => '318',
 			profile => '19',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32',
@@ -4982,23 +4987,24 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27',
-			parameter => '332'
+			parameter => '332',
 			profile => '19',
 	'622' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			profile => '20',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17',
-			parameter => '322'
+			parameter => '322',
 	'623' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12',
-			parameter => '427'
+			parameter => '427',
 			profile => '20',
@@ -5006,7 +5012,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31',
-			parameter => '428'
+			parameter => '428',
 			profile => '20',
@@ -5014,7 +5020,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07',
-			parameter => '429'
+			parameter => '429',
 			profile => '20',
@@ -5022,7 +5028,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18',
-			parameter => '433'
+			parameter => '433',
 			profile => '20',
@@ -5030,7 +5036,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24',
-			parameter => '373'
+			parameter => '373',
 			profile => '20',
@@ -5038,7 +5044,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20',
-			parameter => '324'
+			parameter => '324',
 			profile => '20',
@@ -5046,7 +5052,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '321'
+			parameter => '321',
 			profile => '20',
@@ -5054,7 +5060,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28',
-			parameter => '318'
+			parameter => '318',
 			profile => '20',
@@ -5062,10 +5068,11 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20',
-			parameter => '332'
+			parameter => '332',
 			profile => '20',
 	'632' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
@@ -6101,7 +6108,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
 	'761' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '68'
+			parameter => '68',
 			profile => '6',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03',
@@ -6111,14 +6118,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '6',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03',
-			parameter => '74'
+			parameter => '74',
 	'763' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09',
-			parameter => '71'
+			parameter => '71',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6126,7 +6133,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24',
-			parameter => '69'
+			parameter => '69',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6134,7 +6141,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21',
-			parameter => '70'
+			parameter => '70',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6142,7 +6149,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '75'
+			parameter => '75',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6150,7 +6157,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03',
-			parameter => '86'
+			parameter => '86',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6158,7 +6165,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06',
-			parameter => '87'
+			parameter => '87',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6166,7 +6173,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31',
-			parameter => '90'
+			parameter => '90',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6174,14 +6181,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01',
-			parameter => '89'
+			parameter => '89',
 			profile => '6',
 	'771' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '88'
+			parameter => '88',
 			profile => '6',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14',
@@ -6190,7 +6197,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31',
-			parameter => '207'
+			parameter => '207',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6199,14 +6206,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '6',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28',
-			parameter => '208'
+			parameter => '208',
 	'774' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28',
-			parameter => '209'
+			parameter => '209',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6214,14 +6221,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06',
-			parameter => '210'
+			parameter => '210',
 			profile => '6',
 	'776' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '211'
+			parameter => '211',
 			profile => '6',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35',
@@ -6230,7 +6237,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07',
-			parameter => '204'
+			parameter => '204',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6239,21 +6246,21 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '6',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '205'
+			parameter => '205',
 	'779' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:04',
-			parameter => '206'
+			parameter => '206',
 			profile => '6',
 	'780' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '194'
+			parameter => '194',
 			profile => '6',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35',
@@ -6263,14 +6270,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '6',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28',
-			parameter => '219'
+			parameter => '219',
 	'782' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27',
-			parameter => '221'
+			parameter => '221',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6278,7 +6285,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29',
-			parameter => '222'
+			parameter => '222',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6286,7 +6293,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10',
-			parameter => '220'
+			parameter => '220',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6294,7 +6301,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08',
-			parameter => '190'
+			parameter => '190',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6302,7 +6309,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28',
-			parameter => '192'
+			parameter => '192',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6310,7 +6317,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35',
-			parameter => '193'
+			parameter => '193',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6318,7 +6325,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17',
-			parameter => '191'
+			parameter => '191',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6326,7 +6333,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14',
-			parameter => '200'
+			parameter => '200',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6334,14 +6341,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15',
-			parameter => '202'
+			parameter => '202',
 			profile => '6',
 	'791' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '203'
+			parameter => '203',
 			profile => '6',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06',
@@ -6351,21 +6358,21 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '6',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02',
-			parameter => '201'
+			parameter => '201',
 	'793' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24',
-			parameter => '195'
+			parameter => '195',
 			profile => '6',
 	'794' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '198'
+			parameter => '198',
 			profile => '6',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25',
@@ -6374,7 +6381,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03',
-			parameter => '199'
+			parameter => '199',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6382,7 +6389,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29',
-			parameter => '197'
+			parameter => '197',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6390,7 +6397,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10',
-			parameter => '218'
+			parameter => '218',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6399,14 +6406,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '6',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13',
-			parameter => '217'
+			parameter => '217',
 	'799' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '352'
+			parameter => '352',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6414,7 +6421,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36',
-			parameter => '185'
+			parameter => '185',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6422,7 +6429,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08',
-			parameter => '187'
+			parameter => '187',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6430,7 +6437,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11',
-			parameter => '189'
+			parameter => '189',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6438,14 +6445,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '186'
+			parameter => '186',
 			profile => '6',
 	'804' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '188'
+			parameter => '188',
 			profile => '6',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19',
@@ -6455,14 +6462,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '6',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25',
-			parameter => '212'
+			parameter => '212',
 	'806' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10',
-			parameter => '213'
+			parameter => '213',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6470,7 +6477,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26',
-			parameter => '214'
+			parameter => '214',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6478,7 +6485,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:00',
-			parameter => '215'
+			parameter => '215',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6486,7 +6493,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:00',
-			parameter => '184'
+			parameter => '184',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6494,14 +6501,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:00',
-			parameter => '216'
+			parameter => '216',
 			profile => '6',
 	'811' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '235'
+			parameter => '235',
 			profile => '6',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:22',
@@ -6510,7 +6517,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '84'
+			parameter => '84',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6518,7 +6525,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34',
-			parameter => '278'
+			parameter => '278',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6526,7 +6533,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29',
-			parameter => '279'
+			parameter => '279',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6535,14 +6542,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '6',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24',
-			parameter => '282'
+			parameter => '282',
 	'816' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12',
-			parameter => '281'
+			parameter => '281',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6550,7 +6557,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27',
-			parameter => '252'
+			parameter => '252',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6558,7 +6565,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10',
-			parameter => '263'
+			parameter => '263',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6566,7 +6573,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34',
-			parameter => '264'
+			parameter => '264',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6574,7 +6581,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32',
-			parameter => '266'
+			parameter => '266',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6582,7 +6589,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24',
-			parameter => '256'
+			parameter => '256',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6590,14 +6597,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29',
-			parameter => '258'
+			parameter => '258',
 			profile => '6',
 	'823' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
-			parameter => '251'
+			parameter => '251',
 			profile => '6',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10',
@@ -6607,14 +6614,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		using => {
 			profile => '6',
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33',
-			parameter => '246'
+			parameter => '246',
 	'825' => {
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25',
-			parameter => '255'
+			parameter => '255',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6622,7 +6629,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05',
-			parameter => '253'
+			parameter => '253',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6630,7 +6637,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:04',
-			parameter => '261'
+			parameter => '261',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6638,7 +6645,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35',
-			parameter => '237'
+			parameter => '237',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6646,7 +6653,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13',
-			parameter => '238'
+			parameter => '238',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6654,7 +6661,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21',
-			parameter => '250'
+			parameter => '250',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6662,7 +6669,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '243'
+			parameter => '243',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6670,7 +6677,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32',
-			parameter => '244'
+			parameter => '244',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6678,7 +6685,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16',
-			parameter => '247'
+			parameter => '247',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6686,7 +6693,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24',
-			parameter => '248'
+			parameter => '248',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6694,7 +6701,7 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',
  		using => {
 			last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35',
-			parameter => '240'
+			parameter => '240',
 			profile => '6',
@@ -6702,14 +6709,14 @@ my %definition_for = (
  		new => 'ProfileParameter',


[05/53] [abbrv] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: fixing integration.

Posted by
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
index 00ca393..13855ce 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/Integration/
@@ -26,3991 +26,31727 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-'0' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '1', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'1' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03', parameter => '12', }, }, 
-'2' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20', parameter => '14', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'3' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29', parameter => '15', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'4' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '16', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'5' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18', parameter => '17', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'6' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', parameter => '18', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'7' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '19', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', }, }, 
-'8' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30', parameter => '20', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'9' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03', parameter => '21', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'10' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', parameter => '22', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'11' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33', parameter => '23', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'12' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11', parameter => '24', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'13' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32', parameter => '25', }, }, 
-'14' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01', parameter => '26', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'15' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17', parameter => '27', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'16' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', parameter => '28', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'17' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '29', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35', }, }, 
-'18' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', parameter => '30', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'19' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11', parameter => '31', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'20' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:04', parameter => '32', }, }, 
-'21' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10', parameter => '33', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'22' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '34', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03', }, }, 
-'23' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12', parameter => '35', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'24' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15', parameter => '36', }, }, 
-'25' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', parameter => '37', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'26' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:00', parameter => '38', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'27' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', parameter => '39', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'28' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', parameter => '41', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'29' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11', parameter => '42', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'30' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '43', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23', }, }, 
-'31' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', parameter => '44', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'32' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19', parameter => '45', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'33' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29', parameter => '46', }, }, 
-'34' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33', parameter => '47', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'35' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35', parameter => '48', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'36' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19', parameter => '49', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'37' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26', parameter => '50', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'38' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20', parameter => '51', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'39' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', parameter => '52', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'40' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03', parameter => '53', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'41' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35', parameter => '54', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'42' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23', parameter => '55', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'43' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34', parameter => '56', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'44' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01', parameter => '57', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'45' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '58', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26', }, }, 
-'46' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24', parameter => '59', }, }, 
-'47' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', parameter => '60', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'48' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15', parameter => '61', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'49' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11', parameter => '62', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'50' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '63', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15', }, }, 
-'51' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '64', }, }, 
-'52' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19', parameter => '65', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'53' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12', parameter => '66', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'54' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', parameter => '67', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'55' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '68', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29', }, }, 
-'56' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17', parameter => '69', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'57' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29', parameter => '70', }, }, 
-'58' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '71', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'59' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31', parameter => '72', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'60' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:22', parameter => '73', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'61' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '74', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', }, }, 
-'62' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32', parameter => '75', }, }, 
-'63' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34', parameter => '76', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'64' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '77', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'65' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:00', parameter => '78', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'66' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', parameter => '79', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'67' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '80', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', }, }, 
-'68' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', parameter => '81', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'69' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14', parameter => '82', }, }, 
-'70' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08', parameter => '83', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'71' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:00', parameter => '84', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'72' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', parameter => '85', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'73' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32', parameter => '86', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'74' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18', parameter => '87', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'75' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '88', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26', }, }, 
-'76' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35', parameter => '89', }, }, 
-'77' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35', parameter => '90', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'78' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '91', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'79' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33', parameter => '92', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'80' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30', parameter => '93', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'81' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12', parameter => '94', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'82' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', parameter => '95', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'83' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30', parameter => '96', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'84' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31', parameter => '97', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'85' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '98', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'86' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30', parameter => '99', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'87' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24', parameter => '100', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'88' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20', parameter => '101', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'89' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '102', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14', }, }, 
-'90' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27', parameter => '103', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'91' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34', parameter => '104', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'92' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15', parameter => '105', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'93' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03', parameter => '106', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'94' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31', parameter => '107', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'95' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17', parameter => '108', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'96' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20', parameter => '109', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'97' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01', parameter => '110', }, }, 
-'98' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24', parameter => '111', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'99' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24', parameter => '112', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'100' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15', parameter => '113', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'101' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30', parameter => '114', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'102' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', parameter => '115', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'103' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17', parameter => '116', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'104' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14', parameter => '117', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'105' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '118', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'106' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', parameter => '119', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'107' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '120', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24', }, }, 
-'108' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33', parameter => '121', }, }, 
-'109' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', parameter => '122', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'110' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23', parameter => '123', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'111' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19', parameter => '124', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'112' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09', parameter => '125', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'113' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31', parameter => '126', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'114' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14', parameter => '127', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'115' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '128', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'116' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', parameter => '129', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'117' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', parameter => '130', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'118' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '131', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'119' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19', parameter => '132', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'120' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', parameter => '133', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'121' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30', parameter => '134', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'122' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:22', parameter => '135', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'123' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18', parameter => '136', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'124' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '137', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24', }, }, 
-'125' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:00', parameter => '138', }, }, 
-'126' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', parameter => '139', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'127' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15', parameter => '140', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'128' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24', parameter => '141', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'129' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26', parameter => '142', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'130' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12', parameter => '143', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'131' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', parameter => '144', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'132' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '145', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33', }, }, 
-'133' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10', parameter => '146', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'134' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', parameter => '147', }, }, 
-'135' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09', parameter => '148', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'136' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '149', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31', }, }, 
-'137' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', parameter => '150', }, }, 
-'138' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23', parameter => '151', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'139' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', parameter => '152', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'140' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '153', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'141' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '154', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03', }, }, 
-'142' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32', parameter => '155', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'143' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30', parameter => '156', }, }, 
-'144' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20', parameter => '157', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'145' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '158', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'146' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34', parameter => '159', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'147' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15', parameter => '160', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'148' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24', parameter => '161', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'149' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '162', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30', }, }, 
-'150' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20', parameter => '163', }, }, 
-'151' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03', parameter => '164', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'152' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '165', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'153' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03', parameter => '166', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'154' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', parameter => '167', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'155' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', parameter => '168', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'156' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:22', parameter => '169', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'157' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', parameter => '170', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'158' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15', parameter => '171', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'159' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '172', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18', }, }, 
-'160' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15', parameter => '173', }, }, 
-'161' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23', parameter => '174', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'162' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '175', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26', }, }, 
-'163' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08', parameter => '176', }, }, 
-'164' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', parameter => '177', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'165' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12', parameter => '178', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'166' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '179', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24', }, }, 
-'167' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20', parameter => '180', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'168' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '181', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'169' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17', parameter => '182', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'170' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32', parameter => '183', }, }, 
-'171' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34', parameter => '184', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'172' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33', parameter => '185', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'173' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', parameter => '186', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'174' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '187', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23', }, }, 
-'175' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32', parameter => '188', }, }, 
-'176' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10', parameter => '189', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'177' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15', parameter => '190', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'178' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26', parameter => '191', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'179' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '192', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33', }, }, 
-'180' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09', parameter => '193', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'181' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:04', parameter => '194', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'182' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29', parameter => '195', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'183' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03', parameter => '196', }, }, 
-'184' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '197', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'185' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '198', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'186' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20', parameter => '199', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'187' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', parameter => '200', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'188' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '201', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29', }, }, 
-'189' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20', parameter => '202', }, }, 
-'190' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '203', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'191' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29', parameter => '204', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'192' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09', parameter => '205', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'193' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34', parameter => '206', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'194' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11', parameter => '207', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'195' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27', parameter => '208', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'196' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26', parameter => '209', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'197' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08', parameter => '210', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'198' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '211', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17', }, }, 
-'199' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01', parameter => '212', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'200' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '213', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'201' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14', parameter => '214', }, }, 
-'202' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08', parameter => '215', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'203' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17', parameter => '216', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'204' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20', parameter => '217', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'205' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', parameter => '218', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'206' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34', parameter => '219', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'207' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', parameter => '220', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'208' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '221', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', }, }, 
-'209' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12', parameter => '222', }, }, 
-'210' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23', parameter => '223', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'211' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '224', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31', }, }, 
-'212' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34', parameter => '225', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'213' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34', parameter => '226', }, }, 
-'214' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19', parameter => '227', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'215' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', parameter => '228', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'216' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '229', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'217' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01', parameter => '230', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'218' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15', parameter => '231', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'219' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '232', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26', }, }, 
-'220' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27', parameter => '233', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'221' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29', parameter => '234', }, }, 
-'222' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26', parameter => '235', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'223' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '236', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'224' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '263', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'225' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '264', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17', }, }, 
-'226' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01', parameter => '265', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'227' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', parameter => '266', }, }, 
-'228' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', parameter => '267', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'229' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', parameter => '268', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'230' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:00', parameter => '269', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'231' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', parameter => '270', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'232' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32', parameter => '273', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'233' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18', parameter => '325', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'234' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32', parameter => '326', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'235' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01', parameter => '327', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'236' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '328', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30', }, }, 
-'237' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '329', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'238' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '330', }, }, 
-'239' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11', parameter => '331', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'240' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19', parameter => '332', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'241' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '333', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', }, }, 
-'242' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '360', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'243' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '361', }, }, 
-'244' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03', parameter => '363', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'245' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '364', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24', }, }, 
-'246' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11', parameter => '366', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'247' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11', parameter => '367', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'248' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33', parameter => '368', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'249' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '369', }, }, 
-'250' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27', parameter => '370', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'251' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23', parameter => '372', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'252' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01', parameter => '373', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'253' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '374', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'254' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32', parameter => '375', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'255' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '376', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', }, }, 
-'256' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35', parameter => '377', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'257' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08', parameter => '378', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'258' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14', parameter => '381', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'259' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23', parameter => '388', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'260' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23', parameter => '389', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'261' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08', parameter => '399', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'262' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26', parameter => '404', }, }, 
-'263' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24', parameter => '406', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'264' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35', parameter => '594', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'265' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '602', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23', }, }, 
-'266' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '603', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'267' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15', parameter => '604', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'268' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '605', }, }, 
-'269' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', parameter => '606', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'270' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27', parameter => '607', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'271' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:22', parameter => '608', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'272' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '616', profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', }, }, 
-'273' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12', parameter => '618', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'274' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34', parameter => '645', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'275' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33', parameter => '666', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'276' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '2', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18', parameter => '689', }, }, 
-'277' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19', parameter => '725', profile => '2', }, }, 
-'278' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18', parameter => '1', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'279' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', parameter => '11', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'280' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '12', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'281' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:22', parameter => '14', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'282' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18', parameter => '15', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'283' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31', parameter => '16', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'284' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08', parameter => '17', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'285' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09', parameter => '18', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'286' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', parameter => '19', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'287' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14', parameter => '20', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'288' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20', parameter => '21', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'289' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '22', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'290' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29', parameter => '23', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'291' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23', parameter => '24', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'292' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '25', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'293' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', parameter => '26', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'294' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24', parameter => '27', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'295' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '28', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', }, }, 
-'296' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', parameter => '29', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'297' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31', parameter => '30', }, }, 
-'298' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29', parameter => '31', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'299' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11', parameter => '32', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'300' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35', parameter => '33', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'301' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19', parameter => '34', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'302' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', parameter => '35', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'303' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '36', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'304' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11', parameter => '37', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'305' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', parameter => '38', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'306' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32', parameter => '39', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'307' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14', parameter => '40', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'308' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20', parameter => '41', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'309' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', parameter => '42', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'310' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', parameter => '43', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'311' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24', parameter => '44', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'312' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29', parameter => '45', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'313' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', parameter => '46', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'314' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17', parameter => '47', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'315' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '48', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'316' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '49', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'317' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', parameter => '50', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'318' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', parameter => '51', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'319' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10', parameter => '52', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'320' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '53', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08', }, }, 
-'321' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', parameter => '55', }, }, 
-'322' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '56', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'323' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12', parameter => '57', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'324' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:04', parameter => '58', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'325' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31', parameter => '59', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'326' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10', parameter => '60', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'327' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:04', parameter => '61', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'328' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '62', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'329' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '63', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'330' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '64', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30', }, }, 
-'331' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33', parameter => '65', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'332' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17', parameter => '66', }, }, 
-'333' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', parameter => '67', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'334' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03', parameter => '68', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'335' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '69', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26', }, }, 
-'336' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', parameter => '70', }, }, 
-'337' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '71', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'338' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14', parameter => '72', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'339' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27', parameter => '73', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'340' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '74', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17', }, }, 
-'341' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14', parameter => '75', }, }, 
-'342' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34', parameter => '76', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'343' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', parameter => '77', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'344' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', parameter => '78', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'345' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:22', parameter => '79', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'346' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', parameter => '80', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'347' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27', parameter => '81', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'348' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '82', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:04', }, }, 
-'349' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '83', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'350' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', parameter => '84', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'351' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:04', parameter => '85', }, }, 
-'352' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18', parameter => '86', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'353' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08', parameter => '87', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'354' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', parameter => '88', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'355' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33', parameter => '89', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'356' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32', parameter => '90', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'357' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03', parameter => '91', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'358' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '92', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33', }, }, 
-'359' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34', parameter => '93', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'360' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12', parameter => '94', }, }, 
-'361' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '95', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'362' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19', parameter => '96', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'363' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34', parameter => '97', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'364' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', parameter => '98', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'365' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', parameter => '99', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'366' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35', parameter => '100', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'367' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19', parameter => '101', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'368' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24', parameter => '102', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'369' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09', parameter => '103', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'370' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24', parameter => '104', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'371' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26', parameter => '105', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'372' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08', parameter => '106', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'373' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10', parameter => '107', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'374' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24', parameter => '108', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'375' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30', parameter => '109', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'376' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34', parameter => '110', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'377' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', parameter => '111', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'378' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08', parameter => '112', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'379' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '113', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', }, }, 
-'380' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', parameter => '114', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'381' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20', parameter => '115', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'382' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '116', }, }, 
-'383' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33', parameter => '117', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'384' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '118', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'385' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '119', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', }, }, 
-'386' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24', parameter => '120', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'387' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14', parameter => '121', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'388' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08', parameter => '122', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'389' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:22', parameter => '123', }, }, 
-'390' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01', parameter => '124', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'391' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '125', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10', }, }, 
-'392' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', parameter => '126', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'393' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09', parameter => '127', }, }, 
-'394' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '128', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'395' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31', parameter => '129', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'396' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23', parameter => '130', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'397' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', parameter => '131', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'398' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '132', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27', }, }, 
-'399' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', parameter => '133', }, }, 
-'400' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', parameter => '134', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'401' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', parameter => '135', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'402' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01', parameter => '136', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'403' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35', parameter => '137', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'404' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', parameter => '138', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'405' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '139', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'406' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '140', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'407' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23', parameter => '141', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'408' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23', parameter => '142', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'409' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14', parameter => '143', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'410' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03', parameter => '144', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'411' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23', parameter => '145', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'412' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '146', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'413' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14', parameter => '147', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'414' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:22', parameter => '148', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'415' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:04', parameter => '150', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'416' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', parameter => '151', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'417' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', parameter => '152', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'418' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '153', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', }, }, 
-'419' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10', parameter => '154', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'420' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:22', parameter => '155', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'421' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19', parameter => '156', }, }, 
-'422' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18', parameter => '157', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'423' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32', parameter => '158', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'424' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09', parameter => '159', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'425' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15', parameter => '160', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'426' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', parameter => '161', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'427' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '162', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', }, }, 
-'428' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24', parameter => '163', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'429' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10', parameter => '164', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'430' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29', parameter => '165', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'431' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26', parameter => '166', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'432' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '167', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'433' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27', parameter => '168', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'434' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23', parameter => '169', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'435' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03', parameter => '170', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'436' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11', parameter => '171', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'437' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01', parameter => '172', }, }, 
-'438' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '173', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'439' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '174', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'440' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', parameter => '175', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'441' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '176', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'442' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10', parameter => '177', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'443' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10', parameter => '178', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'444' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:04', parameter => '179', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'445' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32', parameter => '180', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'446' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27', parameter => '181', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'447' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '182', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', }, }, 
-'448' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08', parameter => '183', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'449' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '184', }, }, 
-'450' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11', parameter => '185', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'451' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:22', parameter => '186', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'452' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '187', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'453' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34', parameter => '188', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'454' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '189', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11', }, }, 
-'455' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '190', }, }, 
-'456' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34', parameter => '191', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'457' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11', parameter => '192', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'458' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:04', parameter => '193', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'459' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01', parameter => '194', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'460' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '196', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17', }, }, 
-'461' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09', parameter => '197', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'462' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03', parameter => '198', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'463' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03', parameter => '199', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'464' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12', parameter => '200', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'465' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:04', parameter => '201', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'466' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '202', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12', }, }, 
-'467' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '203', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'468' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', parameter => '204', }, }, 
-'469' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31', parameter => '205', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'470' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '206', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08', }, }, 
-'471' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10', parameter => '207', }, }, 
-'472' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', parameter => '208', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'473' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '209', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'474' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17', parameter => '210', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'475' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '211', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'476' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10', parameter => '212', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'477' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '213', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', }, }, 
-'478' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '214', }, }, 
-'479' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '215', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'480' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09', parameter => '216', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'481' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19', parameter => '217', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'482' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', parameter => '218', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'483' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '219', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14', }, }, 
-'484' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', parameter => '220', }, }, 
-'485' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', parameter => '221', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'486' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30', parameter => '222', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'487' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', parameter => '223', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'488' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '224', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'489' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32', parameter => '225', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'490' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '226', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', }, }, 
-'491' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '227', }, }, 
-'492' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18', parameter => '228', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'493' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', parameter => '229', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'494' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', parameter => '230', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'495' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '231', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18', }, }, 
-'496' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26', parameter => '232', }, }, 
-'497' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12', parameter => '233', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'498' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '234', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', }, }, 
-'499' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15', parameter => '235', }, }, 
-'500' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '236', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'501' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15', parameter => '263', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'502' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10', parameter => '264', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'503' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18', parameter => '266', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'504' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', parameter => '267', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'505' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08', parameter => '269', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'506' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27', parameter => '270', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'507' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', parameter => '273', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'508' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29', parameter => '278', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'509' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08', parameter => '279', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'510' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '327', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', }, }, 
-'511' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', parameter => '328', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'512' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19', parameter => '330', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'513' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32', parameter => '360', }, }, 
-'514' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '361', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'515' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27', parameter => '363', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'516' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03', parameter => '364', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'517' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30', parameter => '366', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'518' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19', parameter => '367', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'519' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '368', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', }, }, 
-'520' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12', parameter => '369', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'521' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', parameter => '370', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'522' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29', parameter => '372', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'523' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', parameter => '373', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'524' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20', parameter => '374', }, }, 
-'525' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '375', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'526' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '376', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18', }, }, 
-'527' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27', parameter => '377', }, }, 
-'528' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03', parameter => '378', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'529' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', parameter => '381', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'530' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23', parameter => '388', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'531' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11', parameter => '389', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'532' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '399', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'533' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '404', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'534' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '406', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'535' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12', parameter => '594', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'536' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '602', profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', }, }, 
-'537' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '603', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'538' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '605', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'539' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '4', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18', parameter => '608', }, }, 
-'540' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15', parameter => '616', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'541' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '618', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'542' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '645', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'543' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03', parameter => '668', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'544' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20', parameter => '669', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'545' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29', parameter => '670', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'546' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32', parameter => '689', profile => '4', }, }, 
-'547' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24', parameter => '1', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'548' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', parameter => '2', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'549' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08', parameter => '3', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'550' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '4', profile => '5', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29', }, }, 
-'551' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', parameter => '5', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'552' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '5', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26', parameter => '276', }, }, 
-'553' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', parameter => '277', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'554' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10', parameter => '291', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'555' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20', parameter => '292', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'556' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '293', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'557' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', parameter => '334', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'558' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29', parameter => '398', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'559' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '400', profile => '5', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33', }, }, 
-'560' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '5', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:00', parameter => '401', }, }, 
-'561' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:00', parameter => '402', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'562' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01', parameter => '403', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'563' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', parameter => '404', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'564' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:21', parameter => '507', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'565' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11', parameter => '508', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'566' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '509', profile => '5', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09', }, }, 
-'567' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '5', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32', parameter => '510', }, }, 
-'568' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11', parameter => '511', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'569' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '512', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'570' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19', parameter => '513', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'571' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33', parameter => '514', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'572' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '515', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'573' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09', parameter => '592', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'574' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29', parameter => '593', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'575' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '702', profile => '5', }, }, 
-'576' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18', parameter => '502', profile => '6', }, }, 
-'577' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32', parameter => '504', profile => '6', }, }, 
-'578' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', parameter => '505', profile => '6', }, }, 
-'579' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35', parameter => '506', profile => '6', }, }, 
-'580' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09', parameter => '726', profile => '6', }, }, 
-'581' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35', parameter => '817', profile => '6', }, }, 
-'582' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '818', profile => '6', }, }, 
-'583' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35', parameter => '2', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'584' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:04', parameter => '3', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'585' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17', parameter => '4', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'586' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', parameter => '5', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'587' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', parameter => '277', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'588' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20', parameter => '291', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'589' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31', parameter => '292', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'590' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20', parameter => '293', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'591' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10', parameter => '295', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'592' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09', parameter => '334', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'593' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '341', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'594' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '398', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'595' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15', parameter => '400', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'596' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31', parameter => '401', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'597' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '402', profile => '8', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34', }, }, 
-'598' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '8', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '403', }, }, 
-'599' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09', parameter => '405', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'600' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12', parameter => '507', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'601' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '509', profile => '8', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:04', }, }, 
-'602' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32', parameter => '511', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'603' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '8', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30', parameter => '512', }, }, 
-'604' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18', parameter => '513', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'605' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:02', parameter => '514', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'606' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:36', parameter => '515', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'607' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23', parameter => '591', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'608' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:08', parameter => '592', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'609' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:11', parameter => '593', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'610' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:34', parameter => '615', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'611' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', parameter => '701', profile => '8', }, }, 
-'612' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18', parameter => '382', profile => '11', }, }, 
-'613' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14', parameter => '383', profile => '11', }, }, 
-'614' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '384', profile => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18', }, }, 
-'615' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15', parameter => '385', profile => '11', }, }, 
-'616' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:29', parameter => '386', }, }, 
-'617' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '387', profile => '11', }, }, 
-'618' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:00', parameter => '390', profile => '11', }, }, 
-'619' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:09', parameter => '391', profile => '11', }, }, 
-'620' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '392', profile => '11', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:32', }, }, 
-'621' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:27', parameter => '408', profile => '11', }, }, 
-'622' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '12', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17', parameter => '382', }, }, 
-'623' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12', parameter => '383', profile => '12', }, }, 
-'624' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31', parameter => '384', profile => '12', }, }, 
-'625' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '385', profile => '12', }, }, 
-'626' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:18', parameter => '386', profile => '12', }, }, 
-'627' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:24', parameter => '387', profile => '12', }, }, 
-'628' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20', parameter => '390', profile => '12', }, }, 
-'629' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '391', profile => '12', }, }, 
-'630' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '392', profile => '12', }, }, 
-'631' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:20', parameter => '408', profile => '12', }, }, 
-'632' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '11', profile => '16', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', }, }, 
-'633' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:10', parameter => '13', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'634' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '16', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:23', parameter => '14', }, }, 
-'635' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26', parameter => '15', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'636' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14', parameter => '16', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'637' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:31', parameter => '17', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'638' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:30', parameter => '18', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'639' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:26', parameter => '19', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'640' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', parameter => '20', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'641' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17', parameter => '21', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'642' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:19', parameter => '22', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'643' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:25', parameter => '23', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'644' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', parameter => '24', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'645' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:35', parameter => '25', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'646' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { parameter => '26', profile => '16', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:01', }, }, 
-'647' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:13', parameter => '27', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'648' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { profile => '16', last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:06', parameter => '28', }, }, 
-'649' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17', parameter => '29', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'650' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:17', parameter => '30', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'651' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:15', parameter => '31', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'652' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:16', parameter => '32', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'653' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:12', parameter => '33', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'654' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:05', parameter => '34', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'655' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:14', parameter => '35', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'656' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:07', parameter => '36', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'657' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:33', parameter => '37', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'658' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:28', parameter => '38', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'659' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using => { last_updated => '2015-12-10 15:44:03', parameter => '39', profile => '16', }, }, 
-'660' => { new => 'ProfileParameter', => using