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Posted to by "Andrew C. Oliver" <> on 2003/04/10 06:17:08 UTC

POI community has voted to set up a news service

Hello Infrastructure,

The POI community has voted to set up a news service.  I've set this up 
on nagoya under /opt/tomcat/webapps/poi.  I've set up an alternative 
httpd.conf as it appears to be warranted at ~acoliver/ 
Please look it over.

I've set up a data directory (the datafiles do not need to be accessible 
but it is okay if they are) at: /export/www/
(it needs to be writable by the webapp)

Could someone be kind enough to enable deployment of the /poi webapp and 
make it accessible to the outside?

Purpose: allow all the poi committers to keep our "newsletter" 
submissions real time, users will be able to subscribe to it as a 
syndicated feed and view it as html.  (All will be given a common password)



Re: POI community has voted to set up a news service

Posted by Glen Stampoultzis <>.
Andy's probably asleep at the moment so I'll answer as best I can.

This is really just a simple little app to make it easy for us to keep 
track of changes we are making to POI.  It doesn't need any particular 
up-time.  If it goes down for long periods we just revert to compiling the 
change list by hand.

The traffic should be minimal (we're talking just the poi committers 
here).   The security requirements are very simple also.

If it breaks we just nag Andy until he fixes it.  If he never fixes it well 
not a big deal.

-- Glen

At 07:29 PM 10/04/2003, Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

>On Thu, 10 Apr 2003, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> > The POI community has voted to set up a news service.  I've set this up
> > on nagoya under /opt/tomcat/webapps/poi.  I've set up an alternative
> > httpd.conf as it appears to be warranted at ~acoliver/
> > Could someone be kind enough to enable deployment of the /poi webapp and
> > make it accessible to the outside?
>Andrew - just to make sure the right thing happens here on @infrastructure
>land; could you give us some operational background - (and sorry for
>asking this so late in the game; but this was kind of dropped in our lap
>with no background - I've not followed poi-dev that closely.)
>Think about things like:
>->      Is this something long term - who maintains it ?
>->      Who has domain expertize on this code; follows it
>         for security issues, does the upgrades, documents
>         the operations stuff, checks the trouble-tickets
>         and fixes things on a day to day basis ?
>->      What IT resources will it require ?
>->      How important is this serice; is 95% uptime enough ?
>->      What traffic: Is this 100's of hits/second or neglectible.
>->      What need/should be mirrord ? Can it be mirrored ? Especially
>         important if we are talking Gbits/month traffic.
>->      What needs to happen if it is down ?
>->      Who should look after it ?
>Just some general thoughds would help to give this the right level of
>Obviously - none of this is a showstopper.
>If this service is just a 'nice to have' which is 100% maintained by (at
>least) 3/4 people in the POI world with little resource use and which can
>be down at times - then expect no issues or further questions.  Just go,
>go go and have fun :-)
>But if this is a service with complex security requirements, traffic of
>10Gbit/month and a 99.9% uptime desire.. then we need to talk a bit more
>shop ;-) and do some planning.

Glen Stampoultzis