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Posted to by on 2013/11/18 19:28:01 UTC

[1/3] GIRAPH-793

Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/trunk f7c302587 -> 82dad0a17
diff --git a/src/site/site.xml b/src/site/site.xml
index b299b59..a5931ea 100644
--- a/src/site/site.xml
+++ b/src/site/site.xml
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
       <item name="Page Rank Example" href="pagerank.html"/>
       <item name="Input/Output in Giraph" href="io.html"/>
       <item name="Hive" href="hive.html"/>
+      <item name="Gora" href="gora.html"/>
       <item name="Rexster" href="rexster.html"/>
       <item name="Aggregators" href="aggregators.html"/>
       <item name="Out-of-core" href="ooc.html"/>
diff --git a/src/site/xdoc/gora.xml b/src/site/xdoc/gora.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea8f1c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/site/xdoc/gora.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  ~ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+  ~ or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+  ~ distributed with this work for additional information
+  ~ regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+  ~ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+  ~ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+  ~ with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  ~
+  ~
+  ~
+  ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+  ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  ~ limitations under the License.
+  -->
+<document xmlns=""
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:schemaLocation="
+  <properties>
+    <title>Giraph Input/Output with Gora</title>
+  </properties>
+  <body>
+    <section name="Overview">
+      The <a class="externalLink" href="">Apache
+      Gora</a> project is an open source framework which provides an in-memory
+      data model and persistence for big data. Gora supports persisting to column
+      stores, key value stores, document stores and RDBMSs, and
+      analyzing the data with extensive Apache Hadoop MapReduce support.
+      <br />
+      The integration of these two awesome Apache projects has as main motivation 
+      the possibility of turning Gora-supported-NoSQL data stores into
+      Giraph-processable graphs, and to provide Giraph the ability to store its
+      results into different data stores, letting users focus on the processing itself.
+      <br />
+      The way Gora works is by defining the data model how our data is going to be
+      stored using a JSON-like schema inspired in
+      <a class="externalLink" href="">Apache Avro</a> and 
+      doing the physical mapping to the data store using an XML file. 
+      The former one will help us generate data beans which will be read or written
+      into different data stores, and the latter one, helps us defining which data
+      bean should go where. 
+      In this way, Giraph will be able to read/write data using three files:
+      <ul>
+      	<li>The generated data beans representing our data model.</li>
+		<li>The XML mapping file representing our physical mapping.</li>
+		<li>A file called <code></code> containing
+      configurations related to which data store Gora will use.</li>
+      </ul>
+      The image below shows how this integration works in a plain simple image:
+      <img src="images/Gora-Giraph.svg" alt="Giraph Gora integration"/>
+    </section>
+    <section name="Generating DataBeans">
+      So the first thing we have to is to define our data model using a JSON-like schema. Here it is
+      a schema resembling graphs stored inside Apache HBase through Gora. The following shows a schema
+      for a vertex:
+      <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">
+{"type": "record",
+"name": "Vertex",
+"namespace": "org.apache.giraph.gora.generated",
+"fields" : [
+           {"name": "vertexId", "type": "long"},
+           {"name": "value", "type": "float"},
+           {"name": "edges",
+            "type": {
+                     "type":"array", "items": {
+                                     "name": "Edge",
+                                     "type": "record",
+                                     "namespace": "org.apache.giraph.gora.generated",
+                                     "fields": [
+                                             {"name": "vertexId", "type": "long"},
+                                             {"name": "edgeValue", "type": "float"}
+                                            ]
+                                     }
+                    }
+          }
+          ]
+      And this other schema shows what a schema for an edge should look like.
+      <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">
+      {
+      "type": "record",
+      "name": "GEdge",
+      "namespace": "org.apache.giraph.gora.generated",
+      "fields" : [
+                 {"name": "edgeId", "type": "string"},
+                 {"name": "edgeWeight", "type": "float"},
+                 {"name": "vertexInId", "type": "string"},
+                 {"name": "vertexOutId", "type": "string"},
+                 {"name": "label", "type": "string"}
+                 ]
+      }
+      </pre></div>
+      Now we are ready to generate our data beans. To do this, we need to use gora-core.jar which
+      comes with Giraph. The gora-compiler works using three parameters:
+      <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">
+        &lt;schema file&gt; - REQUIRED -individual avsc file to be compiled or a directory path containing avsc files
+        &lt;output dir&gt; - REQUIRED -output directory for generated Java files
+        &lt;-license id&gt; - the preferred license header to add to the
+      </pre></div>
+      So by executing the gora compiler through this command, the generated data beans
+      will be created in the path set.
+      <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">
+           java -jar gora-core-0.4-SNAPSHOT.jar org.apache.gora.compiler.GoraCompiler.class vertex.avsc  gora-app/src/main/java/
+           java -jar gora-core-0.4-SNAPSHOT.jar org.apache.gora.compiler.GoraCompiler.class edge.avsc  gora-app/src/main/java/
+      </pre></div>
+      <br />
+      This will result into a java class which will look something similar to this:
+      <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">
+      /**
+      * Class for defining a Giraph-Vertex.
+      */
+     @SuppressWarnings("all")
+     public class GVertex extends PersistentBase {
+       /**
+        * Schema used for the class.
+        */
+       public static final Schema OBJ_SCHEMA = Schema.parse(
+           "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"Vertex\"," +
+           "\"namespace\":\"org.apache.giraph.gora.generated\"," +
+           "\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"vertexId\",\"type\":\"string\"}," +
+           "{\"name\":\"value\",\"type\":\"float\"},{\"name\":\"edges\"," +
+           "\"type\":{\"type\":\"map\",\"values\":\"string\"}}]}");
+       /**
+        * Vertex Id
+        */
+       private Utf8 vertexId;
+       /**
+        * Gets vertexId
+        * @return Utf8 vertexId
+        */
+       public Utf8 getVertexId() {
+         return (Utf8) get(0);
+       }
+       /**
+        * Sets vertexId
+        * @param value vertexId
+        */
+       public void setVertexId(Utf8 value) {
+         put(0, value);
+       }
+      . . .
+      </pre></div>
+      Once this logical data modeling is done, the physical mapping between this generated
+      classes and the actual data repositories have to be made. Gora does this by using a
+      xml "mapping file". 
+      <br />
+      The file below represents a <code>gora-hbase-mapping.xml</code> i.e. the necessary
+      information to map our data model into HBase tables. Within the tags <code>table</code>
+      the necessary column families will be defined. Moreover, within the tags
+      <code>class</code>, the actual generated java bean will be mapped into the column
+      families. Inside this, each field should be mapped into their respective column
+      family, and the HBase qualifier to be used for storing this field. 
+      <br />
+      This mapping file can contain as many mappings as generated data beans our application
+      uses i.e. we can redefine more <code>table</code> tags with their own <code>class</code>
+      and <code>fields</code>.
+      <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">
+        &lt;gora-orm&gt;
+          &lt;table name="graphGiraph"&gt;
+            &lt;family name="vertices"/&gt;
+          &lt;/table&gt;
+          &lt;class name="" keyClass="java.lang.String" table="graphGiraph"&gt;
+            &lt;field name="vertexId" family="vertices" qualifier="vertexId"/&gt;
+            &lt;field name="value" family="vertices" qualifier="value"/&gt;
+            &lt;field name="edges" family="vertices" qualifier="edges"/&gt;
+          &lt;/class&gt;
+        &lt;/gora-orm&gt;
+      </pre></div>
+      A more complex file can be found inside <code>giraph-gora/conf</code> folder.
+    </section>
+    <section name="Preparation">
+      Once the data beans have been generated, the <code></code> file
+      has be created. This file specifies which data store is going to be used with
+      Gora, but also contains extra information about such data store. An example of
+      such file can be found inside <code>giraph-gora/conf</code> folder. Following 
+      our example, if it has been decided to use Apache HBase so <code></code>
+      should contain such configuration, as shown below:<br />
+      <code>
+            # FOR HBASE DATASTORE
+      </code>
+      Then to be able to use the Gora API the user needs to prepare the Gora environment.
+      This is not more than having set up one of the data stores Gora support, having
+      the data beans generated and the <code></code> file set up. A more 
+      detail yet simple tutorial can be found 
+      <a href="">here</a>.
+      <br />
+      The data definition files should be available in the classpath when the 
+      Giraph job is run. But also all configuration files needed for each specific data
+      store should also be made available across the cluster. For example, if we were
+      to use HBase along Giraph and Gora, then the hbase-site.xml file should be passed
+      along as well. There are several ways to make these files available, and one common
+      way to do this is with the <code>-file</code> option. This option would look like
+      something similar to this: <br />
+      <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">
+      -files ../conf/,../conf/gora-hbase-mapping.xml,../conf/hbase-site.xml
+      </pre></div><br />
+      Gora also needs to be told which serialization types it will use. This serialization
+      types could be made across the cluster, but if that is not desired, then they can be
+      passed using the <code>-D</code> option of Hadoop. This option would look like 
+      something similar to this:<br />
+      <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">
+      </pre></div><br />
+    </section>
+    <section name="Configuration Options">
+      Now that the data beans have been generated, and Gora environment ready, 
+      the configuration options for this API have to be known in order to be specified
+      by the user. These configurations are as follow: <br />
+      <table border='0'>
+       <tr>
+        <th>label</th>
+        <th>type</th>
+        <th>description</th>
+       </tr>
+       <tr>
+         <td>giraph.gora.datastore.class</td>
+         <td>string</td>
+         <td>Gora DataStore class to access to data from - required.</td>
+       </tr>
+       <tr>
+         <td>giraph.gora.key.class</td>
+         <td>String</td>
+         <td>Gora Key class to query the datastore - required.</td>
+       </tr>
+       <tr>
+         <td>giraph.gora.persistent.class</td>
+         <td>String</td>
+         <td>Gora Persistent class to read objects from Gora - required.</td>
+       </tr>
+       <tr>
+         <td>giraph.gora.start.key</td>
+         <td>String</td>
+         <td>Gora start key to query the datastore.</td>
+       </tr>
+       <tr>
+         <td>giraph.gora.end.key</td>
+         <td>String</td>
+         <td>Gora end key to query the datastore.</td>
+       </tr>
+       <tr>
+         <td>giraph.gora.keys.factory.class</td>
+         <td>String</td>
+         <td> Keys factory to convert strings into desired keys - required. </td>
+       </tr>
+       <tr>
+         <td>giraph.gora.output.datastore.class</td>
+         <td>String</td>
+         <td>Gora DataStore class to write data to - required.</td>
+       </tr>
+       <tr>
+         <td>giraph.gora.output.key.class</td>
+         <td>String</td>
+         <td>Gora Key class to write to datastore - required.</td>
+       </tr>
+       <tr>
+         <td>giraph.gora.output.persistent.class</td>
+         <td>String</td>
+         <td>Gora Persistent class to write to Gora - required.
+         </td>
+       </tr>
+      </table>
+    </section>
+    <section name="Input/Output Example">
+      To make use of the Giraph input API available for Gora, it is required to extend the 
+      classes <code>GoraVertexInputFormat</code> or <code>GoraEdgeInputFormat</code>.
+      In the first class, the only method that has to be implemented is 
+      <code>transformVertex</code> to transform a <code>Gora Object</code> into a
+      Giraph's <code>Vertex</code> object. Likewise, for the second class the methods 
+      that have to be implemented are <code>transformEdge</code>, to convert a 
+      <code>Gora Edge Object</code> into a the Giraph's<code>Edge</code> object, and 
+      <code>getCurrentSourceId</code>. There are two Examples of such implementations 
+      which are <code>GoraGVertexVertexInputFormat</code> and
+      <code>GoraGEdgeEdgeInputFormat</code>. One other class that has to be implemented
+      here is the <code>KeyFactory</code> because this class is used to transform the keys
+      passed as strings throught the options into actual Gora key Objects used to query
+      the data store. The default one assumes your key type is a <code>String</code>.<br />
+      On the other hand, to make use of the Giraph output API available for Gora, 
+      it is required to extend the classes <code>GoraVertexOutputFormat</code> or
+      <code>GoraEdgeOutputFormat</code>.
+      In the first class, the only method that has to be implemented is 
+      <code>getGoraVertex</code> to transform a Giraph's Vertex object into a
+      Gora object, and <code>getGoraKey</code> to determine the key which will represent
+      such vertex. Likewise, for the Edge output class the methods 
+      that have to be implemented are <code>getGoraEdge</code>, to convert a Giraph's
+      Edge object into a Gora Edge object, and <code>getGoraKey</code> to determine the 
+      key which will represent such edge. There are two Examples of such implementations 
+      which are <code>GoraGVertexVertexOutputFormat</code> and 
+      <code>GoraGEdgeEdgeOutputFormat</code>.
+      <br />
+      An example command showing how to put together all these classes and configurations
+      is shown below. This command is to compute the shortest path algorithm onto the 
+      graph database shown previously is provided below.
+      <br />
+      <code>
+        export GIRAPH_CORE_JAR=$GIRAPH_CORE_TARGET_DIR/giraph-$GIRAPH_VERSION-for-$HADOOP_VERSION-jar-with-dependencies.jar<br />
+        export GIRAPH_EXAMPLES_JAR=$GIRAPH_EXAMPLES_TARGET_DIR/giraph-examples-$GIRAPH_VERSION-for-$HADOOP_VERSION-jar-with-dependencies.jar<br />
+        export GIRAPH_GORA_JAR=$GIRAPH_GORA_TARGET_DIR/giraph-gora-$GIRAPH_VERSION-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar<br />
+        export GORA_HBASE_JAR=$GORA_HBASE_TARGET_DIR/gora-cassandra-$GORA_VERSION.jar<br />
+        export HBASE_JAR=$GORA_DIR/gora-hbase/lib/hbase-0.90.4.jar
+      </code><br />
+        <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">
+           hadoop jar $GIRAPH_EXAMPLES_JAR org.apache.giraph.GiraphRunner 
+           -files ../conf/,../conf/gora-hbase-mapping.xml,../conf/hbase-site.xml
+ ,
+           -Dgiraph.gora.key.class=java.lang.String
+           -Dgiraph.gora.start.key=0
+           -Dgiraph.gora.end.key=10
+           -Dgiraph.gora.output.key.class=java.lang.String  
+           org.apache.giraph.examples.SimpleShortestPathsComputation 
+           -eif 
+           -eof 
+           -w 1
+        </pre></div><br />
+    </section>
+  </body>

[3/3] git commit: updated refs/heads/trunk to 82dad0a

Posted by


Branch: refs/heads/trunk
Commit: 82dad0a175b986ae9236c07ac14aa12824c6a7c1
Parents: f7c3025
Author: Claudio Martella <>
Authored: Mon Nov 18 19:27:27 2013 +0100
Committer: Claudio Martella <>
Committed: Mon Nov 18 19:27:27 2013 +0100

 CHANGELOG                                 |    3 +
 src/site/resources/images/Gora-Giraph.svg | 2192 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/site/site.xml                         |    1 +
 src/site/xdoc/gora.xml                    |  354 ++++
 4 files changed, 2550 insertions(+)
index e5a4a1b..5c9a733 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 Giraph Change Log
 Release 1.1.0 - unreleased
+  GIRAPH-793: Create necessary documentation for Giraph-Gora integration 
+  (enato2099 via claudio)
   GIRAPH-760: Create EdgeOutputFormat to Apache Gora (renato2099 via claudio)
   GIRAPH-759: Create EdgeInputFormat from Apache Gora (renato2099 via claudio)

[2/3] GIRAPH-793

Posted by
diff --git a/src/site/resources/images/Gora-Giraph.svg b/src/site/resources/images/Gora-Giraph.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..715f6be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/site/resources/images/Gora-Giraph.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,2192 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
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+<path fill="#ff7f27" d=" M 440.43 9.80 C 446.77 16.61 450.74 25.22 456.58 32.44 C 467.20 48.14 477.48 64.07 488.41 79.55 C 492.58 84.81 495.79 90.75 499.99 95.98 C 510.44 113.01 522.20 129.19 533.23 145.85 C 539.99 156.33 547.45 166.31 554.19 176.79 C 561.90 188.70 570.29 200.13 578.02 212.02 C 587.81 226.82 598.11 241.25 607.74 256.15 C 617.70 269.73 626.29 284.25 636.24 297.83 C 645.27 311.54 654.43 325.15 663.92 338.53 C 663.95 339.15 664.01 340.38 664.04 341.00 C 514.68 341.00 365.32 341.00 215.97 341.00 C 215.99 340.37 216.05 339.12 216.08 338.50 C 224.34 328.10 230.78 316.42 238.79 305.83 C 248.35 291.11 258.64 276.90 268.20 262.18 C 274.22 254.10 279.55 245.54 285.19 237.20 C 292.81 227.01 299.20 215.97 306.82 205.79 C 316.64 190.67 327.21 176.09 337.01 160.96 C 347.19 146.64 356.62 131.79 366.87 117.50 C 366.93 117.00 367.06 115.98 367.12 115.48 C 376.71 103.09 384.43 89.38 393.79 76.83 C 399.76 68.43 404.61 59.17 411.61 51.57 C 416.08 45.04 420.29 38.34 424.84 31.87 C 430.4
 2 24.79 434.44 16.57 440.43 9.80 Z" />
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 .37 55.41 C 417.61 48.24 422.47 40.81 427.38 33.42 C 431.55 26.86 436.62 20.90 440.39 14.07 Z" />
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+<path fill="#866acb" d=" M 775.99 18.01 L 776.96 17.92 C 776.95 21.28 776.96 24.64 776.98 28.00 L 775.99 28.02 C 775.97 24.68 775.97 21.34 775.99 18.01 Z" />
+<path fill="#4474d3" d=" M 776.96 17.92 C 778.77 18.31 781.87 17.05 782.32 19.63 C 780.73 20.06 778.68 19.76 777.70 21.37 C 779.05 21.71 780.40 22.11 781.74 22.54 C 781.81 22.84 781.95 23.42 782.02 23.71 C 780.76 23.88 779.51 24.05 778.27 24.22 C 778.30 25.48 778.33 26.74 778.37 28.01 L 776.98 28.00 C 776.96 24.64 776.95 21.28 776.96 17.92 Z" />
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 03 142.09 C 431.16 143.23 418.29 139.66 409.93 130.96 C 408.21 132.55 406.62 130.52 408.01 128.89 C 403.85 124.97 401.25 119.71 400.27 114.11 C 398.74 108.72 400.50 103.12 399.43 97.74 C 399.01 98.52 398.17 100.07 397.75 100.84 C 398.52 98.69 398.29 94.96 401.47 95.02 C 405.33 84.77 414.52 76.75 424.96 73.63 C 424.49 73.23 423.55 72.42 423.08 72.02 C 424.61 73.02 426.26 73.50 428.06 72.86 C 427.89 72.41 427.56 71.51 427.39 71.06 Z" />
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 7.11 C 423.52 98.78 423.32 100.46 423.15 102.13 C 423.81 100.55 424.08 98.75 425.32 97.46 C 425.70 99.31 426.11 101.18 426.20 103.09 C 425.22 104.08 424.16 104.98 423.19 105.97 C 422.44 104.07 422.07 101.96 420.82 100.30 C 419.10 98.91 416.80 98.58 414.87 97.58 C 414.82 98.33 414.73 99.83 414.68 100.59 C 411.31 97.83 416.78 94.90 415.08 91.80 C 415.79 91.95 417.20 92.24 417.91 92.39 C 417.31 91.80 416.10 90.64 415.50 90.05 C 416.22 87.67 418.26 86.58 420.27 88.46 C 421.26 87.08 422.21 85.68 423.18 84.28 Z" />
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  99.55 C 149.57 103.46 148.93 107.82 149.00 111.99 C 149.03 120.59 148.97 129.19 148.96 137.78 C 147.69 137.79 146.42 137.79 145.15 137.80 C 145.01 127.60 144.84 117.40 144.81 107.20 C 145.20 100.95 139.83 96.66 134.79 94.16 C 122.46 87.92 108.49 86.28 94.92 84.96 C 83.94 84.80 72.87 84.26 61.99 86.09 C 51.71 87.31 41.37 89.49 32.06 94.15 C 27.87 96.37 23.21 99.60 22.82 104.78 C 22.87 106.16 22.93 107.54 22.99 108.92 C 23.26 117.71 22.88 126.51 23.02 135.31 C 21.49 135.70 19.96 136.08 18.43 136.47 C 18.64 125.67 17.95 114.84 18.80 104.06 C 18.87 103.38 19.00 102.01 19.07 101.33 C 20.99 98.29 23.45 95.53 26.51 93.61 C 26.95 93.31 27.83 92.72 28.27 92.42 C 28.33 92.39 28.46 92.31 28.52 92.27 C 30.33 91.20 32.25 90.31 34.20 89.52 L 34.42 89.43 L 34.62 89.31 L 36.19 88.37 C 36.26 88.33 36.40 88.25 36.47 88.21 C 37.14 88.03 38.47 87.66 39.13 87.48 C 39.24 87.45 39.46 87.38 39.57 87.35 C 40.46 87.14 42.23 86.72 43.12 86.51 C 43.23 86.48 43.46 86.42 43.58 86.39 C 44.21 86.16 45.49 85.72 46
 .13 85.50 C 46.25 85.45 46.49 85.36 46.62 85.31 C 47.48 85.13 49.19 84.75 50.05 84.57 C 50.20 84.46 50.51 84.24 50.67 84.13 C 52.43 84.03 54.19 83.93 55.95 84.04 C 56.43 83.82 57.38 83.37 57.85 83.15 C 59.22 82.96 60.60 82.91 61.98 83.02 C 62.45 82.80 63.40 82.35 63.87 82.13 C 66.60 81.83 69.35 81.94 72.08 82.09 C 73.43 82.37 74.73 81.89 75.95 81.37 Z" />
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 1.38 141.09 C 207.15 141.52 207.92 136.78 207.96 134.00 C 197.10 133.91 186.22 134.17 175.36 133.89 C 175.05 133.57 174.42 132.94 174.11 132.63 C 173.90 127.55 173.89 122.45 174.11 117.38 C 175.07 115.48 177.25 116.08 178.97 115.97 C 188.63 116.03 198.30 115.99 207.97 116.00 Z" />
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