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Posted to by on 2000/03/06 13:50:10 UTC

Re: Error

You has mismatched versions... 0.19.5 is compatible with Xerces 1.0.1.  We
should be releasing xalan_0_20_0, which is the 1.0.0 gold candidate, today,
so if I was you I would just wait for that.


                    Vance Grey                                                                                     
                    <vance.grey@x        To:                                          
          >           cc:     (bcc: Scott Boag/CAM/Lotus)                                       
                                         Subject:     Error                                                        
                    09:29 AM                                                                                       
                    respond to                                                                                     

I am just beginning to look at xalan and xerces. I have downloaded
xalan_0_19_5 and xerces-1_0_2. I have tried: java SimpleTransform and
java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -IN foo.xml -XSL foo.xsl -OUT
foo.out. In both cases I get a stack trace which says
NoClassDefFoundError: org/xml/sax/misc/LexicalHandler. I notice that in
the xerces.jar file there is a LexicalHandler class but it shows a path:
org/xml/sax/ext. Is this the problem? If not, have you any ideas about
it? Thanks, Vance Grey, Auckland, New Zealand and still the home of the
Americas Cup