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Posted to by on 2011/04/01 14:08:31 UTC

svn commit: r1087671 [11/13] - in /incubator/stanbol/trunk/ontologymanager: ./ ontonet/ ontonet/.settings/ ontonet/src/ ontonet/src/main/ ontonet/src/main/java/ ontonet/src/main/java/org/ ontonet/src/main/java/org/apache/ ontonet/src/main/java/org/apac...

Added: incubator/stanbol/trunk/ontologymanager/web/src/main/resources/META-INF/static/scripts/json2.js

Added: incubator/stanbol/trunk/ontologymanager/web/src/main/resources/META-INF/static/scripts/jsonToTurtle.js
--- incubator/stanbol/trunk/ontologymanager/web/src/main/resources/META-INF/static/scripts/jsonToTurtle.js (added)
+++ incubator/stanbol/trunk/ontologymanager/web/src/main/resources/META-INF/static/scripts/jsonToTurtle.js Fri Apr  1 12:08:25 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+ * Constructor: ex) var json = new JsonTurtle;
+ */
+function JsonTurtle(){
+	this.rdfprop = 0;
+	return this;
+ * Get JSON data from a field, convert it to Turtle, and put into another field
+ * @param	jfld : id of textarea that stores JSON data
+ * @param	tfld : id of textarea to put Turtle serialization
+ */
+JsonTurtle.prototype.j2t = function(jfld, tfld){
+	var j, t;
+	j = "{'safeval':" + document.getElementById(jfld).value + "}";
+	try{
+		eval('var d = ' + j);
+		document.getElementById(tfld).value = this.parsej(d.safeval,"\n",'');
+	}catch(e){
+		alert("Error. Possibly dangerous code:\n" + e);
+	}
+ * Converts a (JSON) object to RDF/Turtle triples.
+ * @param	obj : data object
+ * @param	sep : triple separator (usually \n)
+ * @param	pre : indent string. also indicates nest level.
+ * @param	called_by : indicates whether parent 'element' is a Class.
+ * @return	RDF/Turtle triples.
+ */
+JsonTurtle.prototype.parsej = function (obj, sep, pre, called_by){
+	var res = ''; //result
+	var arg = {
+		'pfdcl' : '', // prefix decl
+		'caller': called_by,
+		's' : '', // subject of triple
+		'ctype' : '' // classtype
+	}; 
+	var s, p, o; // triple s,p,o
+	var key; // JSON object key
+	if(pre == '')
+		this.rdfprop = 0; // capture whether rdf: property is used
+	switch(typeof(obj)){
+	case "string":
+		return this.set_object(obj);
+	case "boolean":
+		return '"' + obj + '"';
+	case "number":
+		return obj;
+	case "undefined":
+		return '""';
+	}
+	// without abov switch, {"p":["abc"]} will be 
+	// [:p [rdf:_1 "a"; rdf:_2 "b"; rdf:_3 "c"]] .
+	// so, case object:
+	for(key in obj){
+		//-- skip RDF syntax vocab.
+		switch(key){
+		case 'rdf:resource':
+			return '<' + obj[key] + '>';
+		case 'rdf:parseType':
+			continue;
+		case 'rdf:RDF':
+			return this.parsej(obj[key],sep,'',key);
+		case 'rdf:Description':
+			return this.prepare_pfx(arg, sep) + this.parsej(obj[key],sep,'',key);
+		case '#text':
+			return '"' + obj[key] + '"';
+		}
+		//-- property name to QName
+		p = this.set_qname(key);
+		//-- set appropriate triple according to object type
+		switch(typeof(obj[key])){
+		case "object":
+			res += this.proc_object(obj[key], p, pre, sep, arg);
+			break;
+		case "string":
+			o = this.set_object(obj[key]);
+			res += this.set_po(key, p, o, pre, sep, arg);
+			break;
+		case "number":
+		//case "boolean":
+			res += pre + p + ' ' + obj[key] + ';' + sep;
+			break;
+		default:
+			res += pre + p + ' "' + obj[key] + '";' + sep;
+		}
+	}
+	//-- add bNode [] or collection (), or regard as continuing p-o seqence.
+	res = res ? res.slice(0,-2) : (p ? p : ":_undefined") + ' ""';
+	res = (arg.s && pre=='') ? arg.s + res :
+		(arg.ctype == 'Collection' ? 
+			'(' + sep + res + sep + pre + ')' :
+		 	((arg.caller == 'C' || (pre == '' && arg.ctype)) ? sep + res:
+			'[' + sep + res + sep + pre + ']')
+		);
+	return pre ? res : 
+		this.prepare_pfx(arg, sep) + res + ' .';
+ * processes value tyep 'object' for JSON data
+ * @param	val : JSON proprerty value (obj[key])
+ * @param	p : property QName
+ * @param	sep : triple separator (usually \n)
+ * @param	pre : indent string. also indicates nest level.
+ * @param	arg : object of pfdcl, caller, s, ctype, by reference (set val)
+ * @return	resulting triple
+ */
+JsonTurtle.prototype.proc_object = function(val, p, pre, sep, arg){
+	var res, reslist = '', triple, s, ep, pp;
+	var o = {'ctype' : ''};
+	if(val == null)
+		res = pre + p + ' "";' + sep;
+	// case Array: treat array as repeated property, not a container
+	else if(val instanceof Array){//val.constructor == Array
+		var i;
+		for(i=0; i<val.length; i++){
+			pp = (p == 'rdf:li') ? 'rdf:_' + (i+1) : p;
+			triple = this.proc_obj_cp(val[i], pp, pre, sep, ' ', arg.caller, o);
+			reslist += o.ctype ? 
+				pre + '[' + triple + '] ' + sep :
+				triple;
+		}
+		// Loop here in order to have repeated property for array
+		// rather than RDF container model. e.g. for
+		// {p1: [ {p2: "v1"}, {p2: "v2"}]}
+		// not [:p1 [ rdf:_1 [:p2 "v1"]; rdf:_2 [:p2 "v2"]]] . (1)
+		// but [:p1 [:p2 "v1"]; p1 [:p2 "v2"]] . (2)
+		// bellow commented code generates (1)
+		/*triple = this.proc_obj_cp(val, p, pre, sep, ' ', arg.caller, o);
+		reslist = o.ctype ? 
+			pre + '[' + triple + '] ' + sep :
+			triple;*/
+		// o.ctype is set 'a :Classname' by proc_obj_cp
+		if(o.ctype){// repeated Class -> Collection
+			if(pre == ''){
+				arg.s = '[]';
+				res = sep + ':has_a (' + sep + reslist + '); '
+			}else{
+				o.ctype = 'Collection';
+				//res = '(' + sep + reslist + pre + ')  ';
+				res = reslist;
+			}
+		}else
+			res = reslist;
+	// case Hash object:
+	}else{
+		if(pre == ''){
+			ep = '.';
+			arg.caller = 'Root';
+		}else
+			ep = ';';
+		res = this.proc_obj_cp(val, p, pre, sep, ep, arg.caller, o);
+		if(pre == '' && o.ctype) arg.caller = 'Root';
+	}
+	arg.ctype = o.ctype;
+	return res;
+ * Processes object type data as class or property. If the property name 
+ * starts with a capital letter, regard it as a Class
+ * @param	obj : a data object
+ * @param	p : property whose value is obj
+ * @param	pre : indent string. also indicates nest level.
+ * @param	sep : triple separator (usually \n)
+ * @param	ep : end point of a triple in case a Class (usually '.')
+ * @param	caller : indicates whether parent 'element' is a Class.
+ * @param	o : object of ctype (to return value)
+ * @return	composed Turle
+ */
+JsonTurtle.prototype.proc_obj_cp = function(obj, p, pre, sep, ep, caller, o){
+	var res;
+	if((p.split(':')[1]).match(/^[A-Z]/) && caller != 'C'){
+		// if local name starts with a capital, regard as Class
+		// and treat nested object as p/o of the same subject
+		o.ctype = ' a ' + p + ';';
+		res = pre + o.ctype + this.parsej(obj, "\n", '  ' + pre, 'C');
+		if(caller == 'Root') 
+			// list of classes called by root will be each independent
+			res = '[' + res + sep + ']' + ep + sep;
+		else
+			res += ep + sep;
+		// (only top level can have '.' for class, i.e. parallel triples)
+	}else{
+		// else treat as bNode with predicateObjectList
+		res = pre + p + ' ' + this.parsej(obj, "\n", '  ' + pre) + ';' + sep;
+	}
+	return res;
+ * set appropriate QName for property
+ * @param	key : JSON proprerty name (key in obj)
+ * @return	QName
+ */
+JsonTurtle.prototype.set_qname = function(key){
+	var p;
+	if(key.indexOf(':') > -1)
+		// if contains ':' regard it as Qname -- maybe need clean up
+		p =  key;
+	else if(key.match(/^\d+$/)){
+		// Array has 0,1,2... as key --> RDF container member prop.
+		p =  'rdf:_' + (key*1+1);
+		this.rdfprop++;
+	}else
+		// treat as default namespaced name
+		p = ':' + key; 
+	// clean up property name
+	p = p.replace(/[^-:\w\d\u00c0-\ueffff]/g,'_'); // pseudo namechar
+	p = p.replace(/:([-\d])/,':_'+RegExp.$1); // local name start char
+	return p;
+ * set appropriate object for JSON data value
+ * @param	val : JSON proprerty value (obj[key])
+ * @return	object in Turtle triple
+ */
+JsonTurtle.prototype.set_object = function(val){
+	var o;
+	// if uri ref
+	if(val.match(/^<([-_\w\n\.~\?\&\/\@=;,#%:]+)>$/))
+		o = "<" + RegExp.$1 + ">";
+	//need this ? maybe should not ?
+	else if(val.match(/^http:([-_\w\n\.~\?\&\/\@=;,#%]+)$/))
+		o = "<http:" + RegExp.$1 + ">";
+	// or bNode
+	else if(val == "[]")
+		o = "[]";
+	// or QName
+	else if(val.match(/^\w*:\w+$/))
+		o = val;
+	// or literal
+	else{
+		o = val.replace(/\n/g,"\\n");
+		o = o.replace(/\"/g,"\\\"");
+		o = '"' + o + '"';
+	}
+	return o;
+ * set property - object, or @prefix or subject, according to object value
+ * @param	key : JSON object key (key in obj)
+ * @param	p : property QName
+ * @param	o : object
+ * @param	pre : indent string. also indicates nest level.
+ * @param	sep : triple separator (usually \n)
+ * @param	arg : object of pfdcl, caller, s, ctype (set value for pfdcl, s)
+ * @return	resulting part of triple
+ */
+JsonTurtle.prototype.set_po = function(key, p, o, pre, sep, arg){
+	var res = '', pfx;
+	if(key.match(/^(\@prefix|xmlns)/)){  // ns prefix decl
+		pfx = key.split(':')[1];
+		if(pfx == undefined) pfx = '';
+		arg.pfdcl += "@prefix " + pfx + ": " + o + " ." + sep;
+	}else if(key.match(/^(\@|rdf:)about/))  // subject node
+		arg.s = o + sep;
+	else if(p == ':a') // a (rdf:type)
+		res = pre + 'a ' + o + ";" + sep;
+	else
+		res = pre + p + ' ' + o + ";" + sep;
+	return res;
+ * Prepares ns prefix declarations. If no @prefix, add an default ns.
+ * If model includes constructs from RDF ns and not ns ready, add one
+ * @param	arg : object of pfdcl, caller, s, ctype
+ * @param	sep : triple separator (usually \n)
+ * @return	prepared @prefix directives
+ */
+JsonTurtle.prototype.prepare_pfx = function(arg, sep){
+	var rdfns = '<>';
+	if(arg.pfdcl == '') /*&& arg.caller != 'Root'*/
+		arg.pfdcl= "@prefix : <> ." + sep;
+	if(this.rdfprop && arg.pfdcl.indexOf(rdfns) == -1)
+		arg.pfdcl += "@prefix rdf: " + rdfns + " ." + sep;
+	return arg.pfdcl;

Added: incubator/stanbol/trunk/ontologymanager/web/src/main/resources/META-INF/static/scripts/kres.js
--- incubator/stanbol/trunk/ontologymanager/web/src/main/resources/META-INF/static/scripts/kres.js (added)
+++ incubator/stanbol/trunk/ontologymanager/web/src/main/resources/META-INF/static/scripts/kres.js Fri Apr  1 12:08:25 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
+function showReengineer(dataSourceType){
+	var dataSourceDiv = document.getElementById("data-source-form");
+	if(dataSourceDiv != null){
+		if(dataSourceType == 1){
+			dataSourceDiv.innerHTML = "<form id=\"kres\" action=\"/kres/reengineer/db/schema\" method=\"POST\" enctype=\"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\" " +
+					"accept=\"application/rdf+xml\"> " +
+					"Base URI for schema<br/><input type=\"text\" class=\"url\" name=\"output-graph\" value=\"\" /><br/> " +
+					"Physical DB Name<br/><input type=\"text\" class=\"url\" name=\"db\" value=\"\" /><br/> " +
+					"JDBC Driver<br/><input type=\"text\" class=\"url\" name=\"jdbc\" value=\"\" /><br/> " +
+					"Protocol<br/><input type=\"text\" class=\"url\" name=\"protocol\" value=\"\" /><br/> " +
+					"Host<br/><input type=\"text\" class=\"url\" name=\"host\" value=\"\" /><br/> " +
+					"Port<br/><input type=\"text\" class=\"url\" name=\"port\" value=\"\" /><br/> " +
+					"Username<br/><input type=\"text\" class=\"url\" name=\"username\" value=\"\" /><br/> " +
+					"Password<br/><input type=\"text\" class=\"url\" name=\"password\" value=\"\" /><br/> " +
+					"<br/><br/> " +
+					"<input type=\"submit\" class=\"submit\" value=\"RDB Reengineering\"/>" +
+					"</form>";
+		}
+		else if(dataSourceType == 2){
+			dataSourceDiv.innerHTML = "<form id=\"kres\" action=\"/kres/reengineer\" method=\"POST\" " +
+					"enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" " +
+					"accept=\"application/rdf+xml\"> " +
+					"Output graph URI<br/><input type=\"text\" class=\"url\" name=\"output-graph\" value=\"\" /><br/> " +
+					"Input type<br/><select name=\"input-type\"><option value=\"xml\">XML</select><br/> " +
+					"Input<br/><input type=\"file\" class=\"url\" name=\"input\" /><br/><br/> " +
+					"<input type=\"submit\" class=\"submit\" value=\"XML Reengineering\"/>" +
+					"</form>";
+		}
+		else{
+			dataSourceDiv.innerHTML = "";
+		}
+	}
+function getXMLHttpRequest() {
+	var XHR = null,
+	userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toUpperCase();
+	if(typeof(XMLHttpRequest) === "function" || typeof(XMLHttpRequest) === "object")
+		XHR = new XMLHttpRequest();
+	else if(window.ActiveXObject && userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 4") < 0) {
+		if(userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 5") < 0)
+			XHR = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
+		else
+			XHR = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+	}
+	return XHR;
+function expandMenu(requester) {
+	var semionMenu = document.getElementById(requester);
+	var display =;
+	if(display == '' || display == 'none' || display == null){
+ = 'block';
+	}
+	else{
+ = 'none';
+	}
+function listScopes(withInactive){
+	var ajax = getXMLHttpRequest();
+	if(ajax != null){
+		if(withInactive){
+"get", "/kres/ontology?with-inactive=true", true);
+		}
+		else{
+"get", "/kres/ontology", true);
+		}
+		ajax.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/rdf+json");
+		var contentDIV = document.getElementById("content");
+		ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {
+		   	// se le operazioni sono state effettuate
+		    if(ajax.readyState == 4) {
+		    	if (ajax.status == 200) {
+		    		if(contentDIV != null){
+		    			var jsonObj = ajax.responseText;
+		    			var databank = $.rdf.databank().load(JSON.parse(jsonObj));
+		    			databank.prefix('onm', '');
+		    			databank.prefix('rdf', '');
+		    			databank.prefix('owl', '');
+		    			var rdf = $.rdf({databank:databank});
+		    			var scopes = rdf.prefix('onm', '')
+		    							.where('?scope a onm:Scope')
+		    							.select();
+		    			var text = "<h3 class=\"menuLeft\">Ontology Network scopes</h3>" +
+		    						"<a class=\"menuRight\" href=\"javascript:addScope(true)\"><img alt=\"Add a scope\" src=\"/kres/static/images/add.gif\"</a>" +
+		    						"<div><ul id=\"kresScopes\" class=\"kressList\">";
+		    			text += "<br><br>";
+		    			for(var scope in scopes){
+		    				var scopeID = scopes[scope].scope.toString().replace('<', '').replace('>', '');
+		    				text += "<li>"+scopeID +
+		    						"<a href=\"javascript:showScopeConfigurationOptions('"+scopeID+"')\"><img class=\"configure\" alt=\"Configure\" src=\"/kres/static/images/configure.gif\"></a>" +
+		    						"<div id=\""+scopeID+"\" class=\"scopeDIV\">" +
+		    							"<a href=\"javascript:deleteScope("+scopeID+")\"><img src=\"/kres/static/images/delete.gif\" alt=\"delete scope\"></a>" +
+		    						"</div>";
+		    			}
+		    			text += "</ul></div>";
+		    			if(withInactive){
+		    				text += "<input class=\"contentAlign\" type=\"checkbox\" onClick=\"javascript:listScopes(false)\" CHECKED>Show also disabled scopes"
+		    			}
+		    			else{
+		    				text += "<input class=\"contentAlign\" type=\"checkbox\" onClick=\"javascript:listScopes(true)\">Show also disabled scopes"
+		    			}
+		    			contentDIV.innerHTML = text;
+		    		}
+		        }
+		    }
+	    }
+		contentDIV.innerHTML = "<img src=\"/kres/static/images/loading.gif\">";
+		ajax.send(null);
+	}
+function showScopeConfigurationOptions(scopeID) {
+	var scopeDIV = document.getElementById(scopeID);
+	if(scopeDIV != null){
+		var d =;
+		if(d==null || d=='none' || d==''){
+ = 'block';
+		}
+		else{
+ = 'none';
+		}
+	}
+function addScope(displayModule) {
+	if(displayModule){
+		var content2 = "<div id=\"popupbox\">" +
+						"<form name=\"login\" action=\"\" method=\"post\">" +
+						"Scope ID:" +
+						"<center><input id=\"scopeid\" name=\"scopeid\" type=\"text\" size=\"34\" /></center>" +
+						"Core registry:" +
+						"<center><input id=\"corereg\" name=\"corereg\" type=\"text\" size=\"34\" /></center>" +
+						"Core ontology:" +
+						"<center><input id=\"coreont\" name=\"coreont\" type=\"text\" size=\"34\" /></center>" +
+						"Custom registry:" +
+						"<center><input id=\"customreg\" name=\"customreg\" type=\"text\" size=\"34\" /></center>" +
+						"Custom ontology:" +
+						"<center><input id=\"customont\" name=\"customont\" type=\"text\" size=\"34\" /></center>" +
+						"Activate scope:" +
+						"<center><input id=\"activate\" name=\"activate\" type=\"checkbox\" /></center>" +
+						"<center><input type=\"button\" name=\"submit\" value=\"add\" onclick=\"javascript:addScope()\"/></center></form><br />";
+	}
+	else{
+		var scopeID = document.getElementById("scopeid").value;
+		var corereg = document.getElementById("corereg").value;
+		var coreont = document.getElementById("coreont").value;
+		var customreg = document.getElementById("customreg").value;
+		var customont = document.getElementById("customont").value;
+		var activate = document.getElementById("activate");
+		var ajax = getXMLHttpRequest();
+		if(ajax != null){
+			ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {
+			   	if(ajax.readyState == 4) {
+			    	if (ajax.status == 200) {
+			    		var kresScopes = document.getElementById("kresScopes");
+			    		if(kresScopes != null){
+			    			var txt = document.createTextNode(scopeid);
+			    			var newScope = document.createElement("li");
+			    			newScope.appendChild(txt);
+			    		}
+			    	}
+			   	}
+			}
+			var parameters = "";
+			if(corereg != ''){
+				parameters += "corereg="+corereg;
+			}
+			if(coreont != ''){
+				if(parameters != ''){
+					parameters += "&";
+				}
+				parameters += "coreont="+coreont;
+			}
+			if(customreg != ''){
+				if(parameters != ''){
+					parameters += "&";
+				}
+				parameters += "customreg="+customreg;
+			}
+			if(customont != ''){
+				if(parameters != ''){
+					parameters += "&";
+				}
+				parameters += "customont="+customont;
+			}
+			if(parameters != ''){
+				parameters += "&";
+			}
+			if(activate.checked){
+				parameters += "activate=true";
+			}
+			else{
+				parameters += "activate=false";
+			}
+"put", "/kres/ontology/"+scopeID+"?"+parameters, true);
+			//alert(parameters);
+			ajax.send(null);
+		}
+	}
+function discoveryLinks(){
+	var confIn = document.getElementById("confIn")
+	if(confIn != null){
+		var ajax = getXMLHttpRequest();
+		if(ajax != null){
+"post", "/kres/link-discovery", true);
+			var parameter = "configuration="+confIn.value;
+			ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {
+				if(ajax.readyState == 4) {
+			    	if (ajax.status == 200) {
+			    	}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		ajax.send(parameter);
+	}
+function getGraphs(id, ns){
+	var content = "";
+	var ajax = getXMLHttpRequest();
+	if(ajax != null){
+"get", "/kres/graphs/resume", false);
+		ajax.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/rdf+json");
+		ajax.send(null);
+		content += "Select a graph from the store: <br>";
+		content += "<select id=\""+id+"\" class=\"refactor\" name=\""+id+"\">";
+		var jsonObj = ajax.responseText;
+		var databank = $.rdf.databank().load(JSON.parse(jsonObj));
+		var rdf = $.rdf({databank:databank});
+		var graphs = rdf.prefix('kres', ns)
+						.where('kres:Storage kres:hasGraph ?graph')
+						.select();
+		for(var graph in graphs){
+			var graphURI = graphs[graph].graph.toString();
+			var g = graphURI.replace("<", "").replace(">", "");
+			content += "<option value='"+ g +"'>"+ g;
+		}
+		content += "</select>";
+	}
+	return content;
+function getRecipies(){
+	var content = "";
+	var ajax = getXMLHttpRequest();
+	if(ajax != null){
+"get", "/kres/recipe/all", false);
+		ajax.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/rdf+json");
+		ajax.send(null);
+		content += "<br>Select a recipe from the rule store: <br>";
+		content += "<select id=\"recipe\" class=\"refactor\" name=\"recipe\">";
+		var jsonObj = ajax.responseText;
+		var databank = $.rdf.databank().load(JSON.parse(jsonObj));
+		var rdf = $.rdf({databank:databank});
+		var recipes = rdf.prefix('rmi', '')
+						.where('?recipe a rmi:Recipe')
+						.select();
+		for(var recipe in recipes){
+			var recipeURI = recipes[recipe].recipe.toString();
+			var r = recipeURI.replace("<", "").replace(">", "");
+			content += "<option value='"+ r +"'>"+ r;
+		}
+		content += "</select>";
+	}
+	return content;
+ * Refactoring
+ */
+function runRefactoringStore(graph, recipe){
+	alert("refactoring store");
+function listRecipes(){
+	var recipeListDIV = document.getElementById("recipeList");
+	if(recipeListDIV != null){
+		var ajax = getXMLHttpRequest();
+		if(ajax != null){
+"get", "/kres/recipe/all", true);
+			ajax.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/rdf+json");
+			ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {
+				if(ajax.readyState == 4) {
+			    	if (ajax.status == 200) {
+		    			var content = "<ul class=\"kressList\">";
+		    			var jsonObj = ajax.responseText;
+		    			var databank = $.rdf.databank().load(JSON.parse(jsonObj));
+		    			var rdf = $.rdf({databank:databank});
+		    			var recipes = rdf.prefix('rmi', '')
+										 .where('?recipe a rmi:Recipe')
+										 .select();
+		    			content += "<br><br>";
+		    			for(var recipe in recipes){
+		    				var recipeURI = recipes[recipe].recipe.toString();
+		    				var r = recipeURI.replace("<", "").replace(">", "");
+		    				content += "<li>"+ r;
+		    				content += "<a href=\"javascript:showScopeConfigurationOptions('"+r+"')\"><img class=\"configure\" alt=\"Configure\" src=\"/kres/static/images/configure.gif\"></a>";
+		    				content += "<div id=\""+r+"\" class=\"scopeDIV\">" +
+		    								"<a href=\"javascript:deleteRecipe("+r+")\" alt=\"delete scope\">" +
+		    										"<img src=\"/kres/static/images/delete.gif\" alt=\"delete scope\"></a>" +
+		    								"<a href=\"javascript:var rule = new Rule(); rule.displayAddBox('"+r+"');\" alt=\"add rule to scope\">" +
+		    										"<img src=\"/kres/static/images/addRule.gif\" alt=\"add rule to scope\"></a>" +
+		    								"<a id=\"listRulesA\"href=\"javascript:var rule = new Rule(); rule.listRulesOfRecipe('"+r+"');\" alt=\"list rules of recipe"+r+"\">" +
+		    										"<img src=\"/kres/static/images/rules.gif\" alt=\"list rules of recipe"+r+"\"></a>" +
+		    							"</div>";
+		    			}
+		    			content += "</ul>";
+		    			recipeListDIV.innerHTML = content;
+			    	}
+			   	}
+			}
+			ajax.send(null);
+		}
+ = 'block';
+		var addRecipeElement = document.getElementById("addRecipe");
+		if(addRecipeElement != null){
+ = 'block';
+		}
+		var action = document.getElementById("action");
+		if(action != null){
+			action.href = "javascript:hideRecipes()";
+			action.innerHTML = "hide";
+		}
+	}
+function hideRecipes(){
+	var recipeListDIV = document.getElementById("recipeList");
+	if(recipeListDIV != null){
+ = 'none';
+	}
+	var addRecipeElement = document.getElementById("addRecipe");
+	if(addRecipeElement != null){
+ = 'none';
+	}
+	var action = document.getElementById("action");
+	if(action != null){
+		action.href = "javascript:listRecipes()";
+		action.innerHTML = "view";
+	}
+function Recipe(){
+	return this;
+Recipe.prototype.addRecipe = function(){
+	var recipeIDEl = document.getElementById("recipeid");
+	var descriptionEl =	document.getElementById("description");
+	var ajax = getXMLHttpRequest();
+	if(ajax != null){
+"post", "/kres/recipe", true);
+		ajax.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
+		ajax.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/rdf+json");
+		ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {
+			if(ajax.readyState == 4) {
+		    	if (ajax.status == 200) {
+		    		listRecipes();
+		    	}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(recipeIDEl != null && descriptionEl != null){
+		var recipeID = recipeIDEl.value;
+		var description = descriptionEl.value;
+		var parameter = "recipe="+recipeID+"&description="+description;
+		ajax.send(parameter);
+	}
+Recipe.prototype.displayAddBox = function(){
+	var content2 = "<div id=\"popupbox\">" +
+	"<form name=\"login\" action=\"\" method=\"post\">" +
+	"Recipe ID:" +
+	"<center><input id=\"recipeid\" name=\"recipeid\" type=\"text\" size=\"34\" /></center>" +
+	"Recipe description:" +
+	"<center><input id=\"description\" name=\"description\" type=\"text\" size=\"34\" /></center>" +
+	"<center><input type=\"button\" name=\"submit\" value=\"add\" onclick=\"javascript:var recipe = new Recipe(); recipe.addRecipe()\"/></center></form><br />";
+function loadGraph(element, json) {
+	var ht = new $jit.Hypertree({  
+		  //id of the visualization container  
+		  injectInto: element,  
+		  //canvas width and height  
+		  width: 50,  
+		  height: 50,  
+		  //Change node and edge styles such as  
+		  //color, width and dimensions.  
+		  Node: {  
+		      dim: 9,  
+		      color: "#f00"  
+		  },  
+		  Edge: {  
+		      lineWidth: 2,  
+		      color: "#088"  
+		  },  
+		  onBeforeCompute: function(node){  
+		      Log.write("centering");  
+		  },  
+		  //Attach event handlers and add text to the  
+		  //labels. This method is only triggered on label  
+		  //creation  
+		  onCreateLabel: function(domElement, node){  
+		      domElement.innerHTML =;  
+		      $jit.util.addEvent(domElement, 'click', function () {  
+		          ht.onClick(;  
+		      });  
+		  },  
+		  //Change node styles when labels are placed  
+		  //or moved.  
+		  onPlaceLabel: function(domElement, node){  
+		      var style =;  
+		      style.display = '';  
+		      style.cursor = 'pointer';  
+		      if (node._depth <= 1) {  
+		          style.fontSize = "0.8em";  
+		          style.color = "#ddd";  
+		      } else if(node._depth == 2){  
+		          style.fontSize = "0.7em";  
+		          style.color = "#555";  
+		      } else {  
+		          style.display = 'none';  
+		      }  
+		      var left = parseInt(style.left);  
+		      var w = domElement.offsetWidth;  
+		      style.left = (left - w / 2) + 'px';  
+		  },  
+		  onAfterCompute: function(){  
+		      Log.write("done");  
+		      //Build the right column relations list.  
+		      //This is done by collecting the information (stored in the data property)   
+		      //for all the nodes adjacent to the centered node.  
+		      var node = ht.graph.getClosestNodeToOrigin("current");  
+		      var html = "<h4>" + + "</h4><b>Connections:</b>";  
+		      html += "<ul>";  
+		      node.eachAdjacency(function(adj){  
+		          var child = adj.nodeTo;  
+		          if ( {  
+		              var rel = ( == ? :;  
+		              html += "<li>" + + " " + "<div class=\"relation\">(relation: " + rel + ")</div></li>";  
+		          }  
+		      });  
+		      html += "</ul>";  
+		      $"-details").innerHTML = html;  
+		  }  
+		});  
+		//load JSON data.  
+		ht.loadJSON(json);  
+		//compute positions and plot.  
+		ht.refresh();
+function Rule(){
+	return this;
+Rule.prototype.addRule = function(){
+	var recipeIDEl = document.getElementById("recipeid");
+	var ruleIDEl = document.getElementById("ruleid");
+	var ruleEl = document.getElementById("rule");
+	var descriptionEl =	document.getElementById("description");
+	var ajax = getXMLHttpRequest();
+	if(ajax != null){
+"post", "/kres/rule", true);
+		ajax.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
+		ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {
+			if(ajax.readyState == 4) {
+		    	if (ajax.status == 200) {
+		    		listRecipes();
+		    	}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(recipeIDEl != null && ruleIDEl != null && ruleEl != null && descriptionEl != null){
+		var recipeID = recipeIDEl.value;
+		var ruleID = ruleIDEl.value;
+		var rule = ruleEl.value;
+		var description = descriptionEl.value;
+		var parameter = "recipe="+recipeID+"&rule="+ruleID+"&kres-syntax="+rule+"&description="+description;
+		ajax.send(parameter);
+	}
+Rule.prototype.displayAddBox = function(recipe){
+	var content2 = "<div id=\"popupbox\">" +
+	"<form name=\"login\" action=\"\" method=\"post\">" +
+	"Recipe ID" +
+	"<center><input id=\"recipeid\" name=\"recipeid\" type=\"text\" value=\""+recipe+"\" size=\"34\" READONLY/></center>" +
+	"Rule ID:"+
+	"<center><input id=\"ruleid\" name=\"ruleid\" type=\"text\" size=\"34\"/></center>" +
+	"Rule:"+
+	"<center><textarea id=\"rule\" name=\"rule\" cols=25 row=36/></textarea></center><br><br>" +
+	"Description:"+
+	"<center><input id=\"description\" name=\"description\" type=\"text\" size=\"34\" /></center>" +
+	"<center><input type=\"button\" name=\"submit\" value=\"add\" onclick=\"javascript:var rule = new Rule(); rule.addRule()\"/></center></form><br />";
+Rule.prototype.listRulesOfRecipe = function(recipe){
+	var div = document.getElementById("rulesOfrecipe"+recipe);
+	if(div == null){
+		var ajax = getXMLHttpRequest();
+		if(ajax != null){
+			recipe = recipe.replace("#", "%23");
+"get", "/kres/rule/of-recipe/"+recipe, true);
+			ajax.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/rdf+json");
+			ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {
+				if(ajax.readyState == 4) {
+			    	if (ajax.status == 200) {
+			    		var jsonObj = ajax.responseText;
+			    		alert(jsonObj);
+			    		var databank = $.rdf.databank().load(JSON.parse(jsonObj));
+		    			var rdf = $.rdf({databank:databank});
+		    			recipe = recipe.replace("%23", "#");
+		    			var rules = rdf.prefix('rmi', '')
+										 .where('<' + recipe + '> rmi:hasRule ?rule')
+										 .select();
+		    			var content = "<div id=\"rulesOfrecipe"+recipe+"\"><br><br>";
+		    			for(var rule in rules){
+		    				var ruleURI = rules[rule].rule.toString();
+		    				var r = ruleURI.replace("<", "").replace(">", "");
+		    				content += "<li>"+ r;
+		    				content += "<a href=\"javascript:showScopeConfigurationOptions('"+r+"')\"><img class=\"configure\" alt=\"Configure\" src=\"/kres/static/images/configure.gif\"></a>";
+		    				content += "<div id=\""+r+"\" class=\"scopeDIV\">" +
+		    								"<a href=\"javascript:deleteRecipe("+r+")\" alt=\"delete scope\">" +
+		    										"<img src=\"/kres/static/images/delete.gif\" alt=\"delete scope\"></a>" +
+		    								"<a href=\"javascript:var rule = new Rule(); rule.displayAddBox('"+r+"');\" alt=\"add rule to scope\">" +
+		    										"<img src=\"/kres/static/images/addRule.gif\" alt=\"add rule to scope\"></a>" +
+		    								"<a href=\"javascript:var rule = new Rule(); rule.listRulesOfRecipe('"+r+"');\" alt=\"list rules of recipe"+r+"\">" +
+		    										"<img src=\"/kres/static/images/rules.gif\" alt=\"list rules of recipe"+r+"\"></a>" +
+		    							"</div>";
+		    			}
+		    			content += "</ul>";
+		    			content += "<div id='\"visualization"+recipe+"\'></div>";
+		    			content += "<div id='\"visualization"+recipe+"-details\'></div>";
+		    			content += "</div>";
+		    			var ruleListDIV = document.getElementById(recipe);
+		    			if(ruleListDIV != null){
+		    				ruleListDIV.innerHTML = ruleListDIV.innerHTML + content;
+		    			}
+		    			loadGraph("visualization"+recipe, jsonObj);
+			    	}
+				}
+			}
+			ajax.send(null);
+		}
+	}
+	else{
+ = 'block';
+	}
+	var listRulesA = document.getElementById("listRulesA");
+	if(listRulesA != null){
+		listRulesA.href = "javascript: var rule = new Rule(); rule.hideRulesOfRecipe('"+recipe+"');";
+	}
+Rule.prototype.hideRulesOfRecipe = function(recipe){
+	var div = document.getElementById("rulesOfrecipe"+recipe);
+	if(div != null){
+ = 'none';
+	}
+	var listRulesA = document.getElementById("listRulesA");
+	if(listRulesA != null){
+		listRulesA.href = "javascript: var rule = new Rule(); rule.listRulesOfRecipe('"+recipe+"');";
+	}
+function Refactorer(){
+	return this;
+Refactorer.prototype.runRefactoringStoreLazy = function() {
+	var recipeEl = document.getElementById("recipe");
+	var inputGraphEl = document.getElementById("input-graph");
+	var outputGraphEl = document.getElementById("output-graph");
+	if(recipeEl!=null && inputGraphEl!=null && outputGraphEl!=null){
+		var ajax = getXMLHttpRequest();
+		if(ajax != null){
+			var recipe = recipeEl.value.replace("#", "%23");
+			var inputGraph = inputGraphEl.value.replace("#", "%23");
+			var outputGraph = outputGraphEl.value.replace("#", "%23");
+			alert(outputGraph +" - "+inputGraph+" - "+recipe);
+"get", "/kres/refactorer/lazy?recipe="+recipe+"&input-graph="+inputGraph+"&output-graph="+outputGraph, true);
+			ajax.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/rdf+json");
+			ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {
+				if(ajax.readyState == 4) {
+			    	if (ajax.status == 200) {
+			    		alert("Refactoring completed");
+			    	}
+				}
+			}
+			ajax.send(null);
+		}
+	}
+Refactorer.prototype.runRefactoringFileLazy = function() {
+	var formEl = document.getElementById("iForm");
+	if(formEl != null){
+		formEl.submit();
+	}
+	/*var recipeEl = document.getElementById("recipe");
+	var inputGraphEl = document.getElementById("graph");
+	if(recipeEl!=null && inputGraphEl!=null){
+		var ajax = getXMLHttpRequest();
+		if(ajax != null){
+			var recipe = recipeEl.value;
+			var inputGraph = inputGraphEl.value;
+			alert("recipe: "+recipe+" - input: "+inputGraph);
+"post", "/kres/refactorer/lazy", true);
+			ajax.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/rdf+json");
+			ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {
+				if(ajax.readyState == 4) {
+			    	if (ajax.status == 200) {
+			    		alert("Refactoring completed");
+			    	}
+				}
+			}
+			var parameters = "recipe='"+recipe+"'&input="+inputGraph
+			ajax.send(parameters);
+		}
+	}*/
+Refactorer.prototype.showRefactoring = function(type, ns){
+	var contentTag = document.getElementById("refactoring");
+	var content = "";
+	if(contentTag != null){
+		var submit = "";
+		if(type == 0){
+			content += getGraphs("input-graph", ns);
+			content += "Output graph ID<br><input type=\"text\" id=\"output-graph\" name=\"output-graph\">";
+			submit = "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"run refactoring\" onClick=\"javascript:var refactorer = new Refactorer(); refactorer.runRefactoringStoreLazy()\">";
+		}
+		else{
+			content += "<form id=\"iForm\" action=\"/kres/refactorer/lazy\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" onsubmit=\"alert(\"finito\")\">";
+			content += "Select a graph from file: <input id=\"graph\" type=\"file\" name=\"input\"><br>";
+			submit += "<input type=\"button\" value=\"run refactoring\" onclick=\"var refactorer=new Refactorer(); refactorer.runRefactoringFileLazy();\"></form>";
+		}
+		content += getRecipies();
+		content += submit;
+ = 'block';
+		contentTag.innerHTML = content;
+	}
+function Storage(){
+	return this;
+Storage.prototype.loadGraph = function(graphID) {
+	graphID = graphID.replace("<", "").replace(">", "").replace("#", "%23");
+	var ajax = getXMLHttpRequest();
+	if(ajax != null){
+"get", "/kres/graphs/"+graphID, true);
+		ajax.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/rdf+xml");
+		ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {
+			if(ajax.readyState == 4) {
+		    	if (ajax.status == 200) {
+		    		var response = ajax.responseText;
+		    		if(response != null){
+		    			var div = document.getElementById("graphDIV");
+		    			if(div != null){
+		    				response = response.replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;");
+		    				div.innerHTML = "<code class=\"code\">"+response+"</code>";
+ = 'block';
+		    			}
+		    		}
+		    	}
+			}
+		}
+		ajax.send(null);
+	}
+function Demo(){
+	return this;
+Demo.prototype.enhance = function(content) {
+	var ajax = getXMLHttpRequest();
+	if(ajax != null){
+"post", "/engines", true);
+		ajax.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
+		ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {
+			if(ajax.readyState == 4) {
+		    	if (ajax.status == 200) {
+		    		var jsonObj = ajax.responseText;
+	    			var databank = $.rdf.databank().load(JSON.parse(jsonObj));
+	    			var rdf = $.rdf({databank:databank});
+	    			var references = rdf.prefix('fise', '')
+									 .where('?subject fise:entity-reference ?reference')
+									 .select();
+	    			var content = "";
+	    			for(var reference in references){
+	    				var referenceURI = references[reference].reference.toString();
+	    				content += reference+"<br>";
+	    			}
+	    			var div = document.getElementById("fiseResult");
+	    			if(div != null){
+	    				div.innerHTML = content;
+ = 'block';
+	    			}
+		    	}
+			}
+		}
+		var parameter = "content="+content+"&format=application/rdf+json";
+		ajax.send(parameter);
+	}
\ No newline at end of file

Propchange: incubator/stanbol/trunk/ontologymanager/web/src/main/resources/META-INF/static/scripts/prettify/
--- svn:ignore (added)
+++ svn:ignore Fri Apr  1 12:08:25 2011
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Added: incubator/stanbol/trunk/ontologymanager/web/src/main/resources/META-INF/static/scripts/prettify/kres.css
--- incubator/stanbol/trunk/ontologymanager/web/src/main/resources/META-INF/static/scripts/prettify/kres.css (added)
+++ incubator/stanbol/trunk/ontologymanager/web/src/main/resources/META-INF/static/scripts/prettify/kres.css Fri Apr  1 12:08:25 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+div.dataSourceCheck {
+	display:none;
+	margin-left: 20px
+	display:none;
+	margin-left: 20px
\ No newline at end of file

Added: incubator/stanbol/trunk/ontologymanager/web/src/main/resources/META-INF/static/scripts/prettify/prettify.css
--- incubator/stanbol/trunk/ontologymanager/web/src/main/resources/META-INF/static/scripts/prettify/prettify.css (added)
+++ incubator/stanbol/trunk/ontologymanager/web/src/main/resources/META-INF/static/scripts/prettify/prettify.css Fri Apr  1 12:08:25 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+/* Pretty printing styles. Used with prettify.js. */
+.str { color: #080; }
+.kwd { color: #008; } { color: #800; }
+.typ { color: #606; }
+.lit { color: #066; }
+.pun { color: #660; }
+.pln { color: #000; }
+.tag { color: #008; }
+.atn { color: #606; }
+.atv { color: #080; }
+.dec { color: #606; }
+pre.prettyprint { padding: 2px; border: 1px solid #888; }
+@media print {
+  .str { color: #060; }
+  .kwd { color: #006; font-weight: bold; }
+  .com { color: #600; font-style: italic; }
+  .typ { color: #404; font-weight: bold; }
+  .lit { color: #044; }
+  .pun { color: #440; }
+  .pln { color: #000; }
+  .tag { color: #006; font-weight: bold; }
+  .atn { color: #404; }
+  .atv { color: #060; }