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[Tapestry Wiki] Update of "Tapestry5HowToCreateAPropertyEditBlock" by fanf

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= How to create and contribute Property Edit Block =

This little documentation shows how to create a custom Property editor for the [ BeanEditForm] component.

We will follow the tutorial available on [ Tapestry 5 BeanEditForm].

Our editor will be functionally equivalent to the Enum editor (a dropdown select), but we want to manage a list of value as source of option for the drop down list in place of an Enum.

In the following part of this doc, ${Tapestry5 java root} represents the tapestry root package (the one configured in your web.xml) and ${Tapestry5 resources root} represents the matching resources package.

== Process to define a new block editor ==

So, the first thing to define is the object that will represent the list of value with a selection.

This class is quite simple: it contains a list of available options (Strng) and an index that point to the selected value. We put it in a data package, apart from Tapestry monitored package.

When initialized, we just need to change the index to use it.

A more generic set of class to create drop down select from object is available [ here]

public class DropDownList {
	private List<String> options;
	private int selected;
	 * Retrieve the available options. The returned list is
	 * an unmodifiable view of internal representation
	 * of options.
	 * @return unmodifiable list of options
	public List<String> getOptions() {...}

	 * Return the index of the currently selected
	 * option, or -1 if none selected.
	 * @return the index
	public int getSelected() {...}

	 * Set the list of available options to "options".
	 * The list can't be null. The sorting order is
	 * preserved, and the selected index is reseted to
	 * -1
	 * @param List<String> a non null list of options
	public void setOptions(List<String> options) {...}

	 * Set the selected option to corresponding index.
	 * The parameter must be in the range of options.
	 * @param selected
	public void setSelected(int selected) {...}

	 * Return the currently selected option if exists,
	 * null otherwise.
	 * @return the selected option
	public String getOption() {...}
The complete code for that class is available [  here]

We have to specify a name corresponding to our class to the `DefaultDataTypeAnalyzer` of tapestry 5 in `${Tapestry5 java root}/services/`:

public static void contributeDefaultDataTypeAnalyzer(MappedConfiguration<Class, String> configuration) {
    configuration.add(DropDownList.class, "dropdown");

([  here is the code of])

Now that the easy part is done, we have to define the block that will be in charge to transform the `DropDownList` to a select input.

The block has to be defined in the page assigned to property editor block contributions (named `${tapestry5 resources root}/services/AppPropertyEditBlocks.html` as in the the tutorial):
<div xmlns:t="">
	<t:block t:id="dropdown">
		<t:label for="select"/>
		<input t:id="select"/>

([ complete code of AppPropertyEditBlocks.html])

We will explain the matching Java class (`${Tapestry5 java root}/services/`) in the next chapter, as it's the most interesting part :)

Finally, we contribute our new block editor to Tapestry in `${Tapestry5 java root}/services/`:
public void contributeBeanBlockSource(Configuration<BeanBlockContribution> configuration) {
    configuration.add(new BeanBlockContribution("dropdown", "AppPropertyEditBlocks", "dropdown", true));

== Details of `` ==

Now that the global infrastructure is in place, we have to deal with the logic of the editor in ``.
Basically, we have two things to deals with:
 * how the parameters are passed to the property editor,
 * and how we implement a drop-down select component in tapestry.
These concerns are addressed with that code:
private PropertyEditContext context;
public PropertyEditContext getContext() { return context; }

@Component(parameters =  { "value=selected",  "encoder=valueEncoderForSelected",
          "model=selectModelForDropDownList", “clientId=prop:context.propertyId" })
private Select select;

The environmental `PropertyEditContext` is the object "pushed in the context" of the block editor by the `BeanEditForm` for each properties of the edited bean. It is that object that is used as data source for the editor. So, for us, it will be a `DropDownList` object, (for this example, we don't really care own the bean editor push and pop it to environment, but you can understand it in the [ BeanEditForm code], just search for `_environment.push()` / `_environment.pop()` ).

A drop-down list is implemented by the [ select component] in tapestry 5.
This component is built with a '''model''' that is the source of available options, a '''value''' that is the bi-directional conduit to get/set the selected value, and a '''value encoder''' that translate the value in a displayable shape (a String), and reciprocally (String to value type).

So, we let '''validate''', '''label''' and '''clientId''' parameters to what the `BeanEditForm` put into the context (that's why these parameters begin by '''prop:contex''' ;) and we concentrate to '''value''', '''encoder''' and '''model'''.

=== The value and the `ValueEncoder` ===

With the way `DropDownList` works, for us the value is the index of the selected option (the ''selected'' property). It is this property that will be updated on a form submit.

So we provide a getter/setter for this property, knowing that all we have is the  `PropertyEditContext` passed by the environment:
public int getSelected() {
    return ((DropDownList)this.context.getPropertyValue()).getSelected();
public void setSelected(int value) {

Our value encoder has to translate Integer to String, it's not to hard to define:

public ValueEncoder getValueEncoderForSelected() {
    return new ValueEncoder() {
        public String toClient(Object value) { return ((Integer)value).toString();}
        public Object toValue(String clientValue) { return new Integer(clientValue);}

With that, the form is able to update the selected option.

=== The model ===

Select component need a model that provides options. We provide a really minimalist implementation that transform a list of strings to a model (again, a more generic model is exposed [ here]).

public class ValueSelectModel extends AbstractSelectModel {
    /* the list of options */
    private List<OptionModel> optionModels;

    /* we just want to create model from list of string... */
    public ValueSelectModel(DropDownList dropDownString) {
        optionModels = new ArrayList<OptionModel>();
        List<String> options = dropDownString.getOptions();
        for (int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++){
           optionModels.add(new ValueOptionModel(new Integer(i), options.get(i),false,null));

    /* we don't use that... */
    public List<OptionGroupModel> getOptionGroups() {return null;}
    /* retrieve the list of options */
    public List<OptionModel> getOptions() { return this.optionModels; }

    /* we have to define what is an option, so we must implement OptionModel */
    private class ValueOptionModel implements OptionModel {

        public ValueOptionModel(Object value, String label, boolean disabled, Map<String, String> attrs) {...}

        public Map<String, String> getAttributes() {...}
        public String getLabel() {...}
        public Object getValue() {...}
        public boolean isDisabled() {...}
    } /* end of class ValueOptionModel */

For an overview of the code, you can look at the complete code of [].

And with all that, you should be able to use your new editor to edit class with `DropDownList` properties !

You may see [ a person example, with a month selection here].

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