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Posted to by Ben Scott <> on 2005/10/13 07:40:48 UTC

[VFS] version issue using webdav


I think this is a dev versioning issue, but apologies if I'm wrong  
and it should have gone to the user list.

I'm trying to use commons-vfs to read and write files between my  
server and another using webdav. I'm using:

The latest nightly build of commons-vfs (20051012)
commons-httpclient release 3 RC4
jakarta-slide-webdavlib 2.1

Using these I get an error when I try to resolve a webdav file I get  
a invocationError error during the httpclient  
setHttpConnectionManager method:

     public synchronized void setHttpConnectionManager(
         HttpConnectionManager httpConnectionManager
     ) {
         this.httpConnectionManager = httpConnectionManager;
         if (this.httpConnectionManager != null) {

If I inspect this.httpConnectionManager.getParams() while step  
debugging I get a message 'Method "getParams" with signature"()Lorg/ 
apache/commons/httpclient/params/HttpConnectionManagerParams;" is not  
applicable on this object'. The httpConnectionManager is a  
WebdavConnectionManager. This seems to indicate the  
WebdavConnectionManager in vfs implements a different version of  
HttpConnectionManager interface than is expected.

I tried using RC3 of httpClient, and then 2.0.2. RC3 had the same  
error, however 2.0.2 worked and I could resolve the webdave file  
fine. Then however when I went to do a copyFrom I got an error:

org.apache.commons.httpclient.ProtocolException: Unbuffered entity  
enclosing request can not be repeated

Looking at the mailing list archives I found this post: http://mail-  which suggests  
upgrading to version 3 of httpClient to get around the problem,  
leaving me back with my version issues.

Is there a combination of builds of these libraries I should be using  
that will work, or is this a current bug in the system?

Thanks for your help, hope I'm not wasting anyones time too much.


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Re: [VFS] version issue using webdav

Posted by Mario Ivankovits <>.
Ben Scott wrote:
> Looking at the mailing list archives I found this post: http://mail- 
>  which suggests  
> upgrading to version 3 of httpClient to get around the problem,  
> leaving me back with my version issues.
> Is there a combination of builds of these libraries I should be using  
> that will work, or is this a current bug in the system?
VFS uses:

Upgrading one of them is very sensitive.
Once I tried to upgrade webdavlib and then VFS couldnt list webdav 
directory any longer.

I will look at it again after the 1.0 release.



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