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Posted to by Bill Winspur <> on 2003/01/04 07:04:24 UTC

refid evaluation failure

The ant task in the following build file fails, 
attempting to evaluate a nested property.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="proj-testcase" default="run-ant" basedir=".">
 <path id="javadocsPathId">
  <pathelement location="C:\jdk1.3.1_01\jre\lib\rt.jar"/>
  <pathelement location="f:\jaxb-1.0-beta"/>
 <target name="run-ant" >
  <property name="jdpath" refid="javadocsPathId"/>
  <echo message="jdpath: ${jdpath}"/>
  <ant antfile="${libJBpath}">
   <property name="jdpath5" refid="javadocsPathId"/>

The following console output shows the fail message..

F:\swd\jLibTrees\bin>ant -buildfile bug-report.xml
Buildfile: bug-report.xml
     [echo] jdpath: C:\jdk1.3.1_01\jre\lib\rt.jar;F:\jaxb-1.0-beta
F:\swd\jLibTrees\bin\bug-report.xml:11: Reference javadocsPathId not found.
Total time: 1 second

It seems that the refid attribute is not properly evaluated
in a nested property of the ant task, whereas it is properly
evaluated by the preceding, non-nested property task.  

Is this a bug, or valid behaviour for which I have not been
able to find documentation ?
