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+<h1 id="recovering-from-a-scheduler-backup">Recovering from a Scheduler Backup</h1>
+<p><strong>Be sure to read the entire page before attempting to restore from a backup, as it may have
+unintended consequences.</strong></p>
+<h1 id="summary">Summary</h1>
+<p>The restoration procedure replaces the existing (possibly corrupted) Mesos replicated log with an
+earlier, backed up, version and requires all schedulers to be taken down temporarily while
+restoring. Once completed, the scheduler state resets to what it was when the backup was created.
+This means any jobs/tasks created or updated after the backup are unknown to the scheduler and will
+be killed shortly after the cluster restarts. All other tasks continue operating as normal.</p>
+<p>Usually, it is a bad idea to restore a backup that is not extremely recent (i.e. older than a few
+hours). This is because the scheduler will expect the cluster to look exactly as the backup does,
+so any tasks that have been rescheduled since the backup was taken will be killed.</p>
+<p>Instructions below have been verified in <a href="../../getting-started/vagrant/">Vagrant environment</a> and with minor
+syntax/path changes should be applicable to any Aurora cluster.</p>
+<h1 id="preparation">Preparation</h1>
+<p>Follow these steps to prepare the cluster for restoring from a backup:</p>
+<li><p>Stop all scheduler instances</p></li>
+<li><p>Consider blocking external traffic on a port defined in <code>-http_port</code> for all schedulers to
+prevent users from interacting with the scheduler during the restoration process. This will help
+troubleshooting by reducing the scheduler log noise and prevent users from making changes that will
+be erased after the backup snapshot is restored.</p></li>
+<li><p>Configure <code>aurora_admin</code> access to run all commands listed in
+<a href="#restore-from-backup">Restore from backup</a> section locally on the leading scheduler:</p>
+<li>Make sure the <a href="../../reference/client-cluster-configuration/">clusters.json</a> file configured to
+access scheduler directly. Set <code>scheduler_uri</code> setting and remove <code>zk</code>. Since leader can get
+re-elected during the restore steps, consider doing it on all scheduler replicas.</li>
+<li><p>Depending on your particular security approach you will need to either turn off scheduler
+authorization by removing scheduler <code>-http_authentication_mechanism</code> flag or make sure the
+direct scheduler access is properly authorized. E.g.: in case of Kerberos you will need to make
+a <code>/etc/hosts</code> file change to match your local IP to the scheduler URL configured in keytabs:</p>
+<p><local_ip> <scheduler_domain_in_keytabs></p></li>
+<li><p>Next steps are required to put scheduler into a partially disabled state where it would still be
+able to accept storage recovery requests but unable to schedule or change task states. This may be
+accomplished by updating the following scheduler configuration options:</p>
+<li>Set <code>-mesos_master_address</code> to a non-existent zk address. This will prevent scheduler from
+registering with Mesos. E.g.: <code>-mesos_master_address=zk://localhost:1111/mesos/master</code></li>
+<li><code>-max_registration_delay</code> - set to sufficiently long interval to prevent registration timeout
+and as a result scheduler suicide. E.g: <code>-max_registration_delay=360mins</code></li>
+<li>Make sure <code>-reconciliation_initial_delay</code> option is set high enough (e.g.: <code>365days</code>) to
+prevent accidental task GC. This is important as scheduler will attempt to reconcile the cluster
+state and will kill all tasks when restarted with an empty Mesos replicated log.</li>
+<li><p>Restart all schedulers</p></li>
+<h1 id="cleanup-and-re-initialize-mesos-replicated-log">Cleanup and re-initialize Mesos replicated log</h1>
+<p>Get rid of the corrupted files and re-initialize Mesos replicated log:</p>
+<li>Stop schedulers</li>
+<li>Delete all files under <code>-native_log_file_path</code> on all schedulers</li>
+<li>Initialize Mesos replica&rsquo;s log file: <code>sudo mesos-log initialize --path=&lt;-native_log_file_path&gt;</code></li>
+<li>Start schedulers</li>
+<h1 id="restore-from-backup">Restore from backup</h1>
+<p>At this point the scheduler is ready to rehydrate from the backup:</p>
+<li><p>Identify the leading scheduler by:</p>
+<li>examining the <code>scheduler_lifecycle_LEADER_AWAITING_REGISTRATION</code> metric at the scheduler
+<code>/vars</code> endpoint. Leader will have 1. All other replicas - 0.</li>
+<li>examining scheduler logs</li>
+<li>or examining Zookeeper registration under the path defined by <code>-zk_endpoints</code>
+and <code>-serverset_path</code></li>
+<li><p>Locate the desired backup file, copy it to the leading scheduler&rsquo;s <code>-backup_dir</code> folder and stage
+recovery by running the following command on a leader
+<code>aurora_admin scheduler_stage_recovery --bypass-leader-redirect &lt;cluster&gt; scheduler-backup-&lt;yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm&gt;</code></p></li>
+<li><p>At this point, the recovery snapshot is staged and available for manual verification/modification
+via <code>aurora_admin scheduler_print_recovery_tasks --bypass-leader-redirect</code> and
+<code>scheduler_delete_recovery_tasks --bypass-leader-redirect</code> commands.
+See <code>aurora_admin help &lt;command&gt;</code> for usage details.</p></li>
+<li><p>Commit recovery. This instructs the scheduler to overwrite the existing Mesos replicated log with
+the provided backup snapshot and initiate a mandatory failover
+<code>aurora_admin scheduler_commit_recovery --bypass-leader-redirect  &lt;cluster&gt;</code></p></li>
+<h1 id="cleanup">Cleanup</h1>
+<p>Undo any modification done during <a href="#preparation">Preparation</a> sequence.</p>
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+<h1 id="scheduler-configuration">Scheduler Configuration</h1>
+<p>The Aurora scheduler can take a variety of configuration options through command-line arguments.
+Examples are available under <code>examples/scheduler/</code>. For a list of available Aurora flags and their
+documentation, see <a href="../../reference/scheduler-configuration/">Scheduler Configuration Reference</a>.</p>
+<h2 id="a-note-on-configuration">A Note on Configuration</h2>
+<p>Like Mesos, Aurora uses command-line flags for runtime configuration. As such the Aurora
+&ldquo;configuration file&rdquo; is typically a <code></code> shell script of the form.</p>
+<pre class="highlight shell"><code><span style="color: #999988;font-style: italic">#!/bin/bash</span>
+<span style="color: #008080">AURORA_HOME</span><span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">=</span>/usr/local/aurora-scheduler
+<span style="color: #999988;font-style: italic"># Flags controlling the JVM.</span>
+<span style="color: #008080">JAVA_OPTS</span><span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">=(</span>
+  -Xmx2g
+  -Xms2g
+  <span style="color: #999988;font-style: italic"># GC tuning, etc.</span>
+<span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">)</span>
+<span style="color: #999988;font-style: italic"># Flags controlling the scheduler.</span>
+<span style="color: #008080">AURORA_FLAGS</span><span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">=(</span>
+  <span style="color: #999988;font-style: italic"># Port for client RPCs and the web UI</span>
+  -http_port<span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">=</span>8081
+  <span style="color: #999988;font-style: italic"># Log configuration, etc.</span>
+<span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">)</span>
+<span style="color: #999988;font-style: italic"># Environment variables controlling libmesos</span>
+<span style="color: #0086B3">export </span><span style="color: #008080">JAVA_HOME</span><span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">=</span>...
+<span style="color: #0086B3">export </span><span style="color: #008080">GLOG_v</span><span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">=</span>1
+<span style="color: #999988;font-style: italic"># Port and public ip used to communicate with the Mesos master and for the replicated log</span>
+<span style="color: #0086B3">export </span><span style="color: #008080">LIBPROCESS_PORT</span><span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">=</span>8083
+<span style="color: #0086B3">export </span><span style="color: #008080">LIBPROCESS_IP</span><span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">=</span>
+<span style="color: #008080">JAVA_OPTS</span><span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">=</span><span style="color: #d14">"</span><span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">${</span><span style="color: #008080">JAVA_OPTS</span><span style="background-color: #f8f8f8">[*]</span><span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">}</span><span style="color: #d14">"</span> <span style="color: #0086B3">exec</span> <span style="color: #d14">"</span><span style="color: #008080">$AURORA_HOME</span><span style="color: #d14">/bin/aurora-scheduler"</span> <span style="color: #d14">"</span><span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">${</span><span style="color: #008080">AURORA_FLAGS</span><span style="background-color: #f8f8f8">[@]</span><span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">}</span><span style="color: #d14">"</span>
+<p>That way Aurora&rsquo;s current flags are visible in <code>ps</code> and in the <code>/vars</code> admin endpoint.</p>
+<h2 id="replicated-log-configuration">Replicated Log Configuration</h2>
+<p>Aurora schedulers use ZooKeeper to discover log replicas and elect a leader. Only one scheduler is
+leader at a given time - the other schedulers follow log writes and prepare to take over as leader
+but do not communicate with the Mesos master. Either 3 or 5 schedulers are recommended in a
+production deployment depending on failure tolerance and they must have persistent storage.</p>
+<p>Below is a summary of scheduler storage configuration flags that either don&rsquo;t have default values
+or require attention before deploying in a production environment.</p>
+<h3 id="native_log_quorum_size"><code>-native_log_quorum_size</code></h3>
+<p>Defines the Mesos replicated log quorum size. In a cluster with <code>N</code> schedulers, the flag
+<code>-native_log_quorum_size</code> should be set to <code>floor(N/2) + 1</code>. So in a cluster with 1 scheduler
+it should be set to <code>1</code>, in a cluster with 3 it should be set to <code>2</code>, and in a cluster of 5 it
+should be set to <code>3</code>.</p>
+<th>Number of schedulers (N)</th>
+<th><code>-native_log_quorum_size</code> setting (<code>floor(N/2) + 1</code>)</th>
+<p><em>Incorrectly setting this flag will cause data corruption to occur!</em></p>
+<h3 id="native_log_file_path"><code>-native_log_file_path</code></h3>
+<p>Location of the Mesos replicated log files. Consider allocating a dedicated disk (preferably SSD)
+for Mesos replicated log files to ensure optimal storage performance.</p>
+<h3 id="native_log_zk_group_path"><code>-native_log_zk_group_path</code></h3>
+<p>ZooKeeper path used for Mesos replicated log quorum discovery.</p>
+<p>See <a href="">code</a> for
+other available Mesos replicated log configuration options and default values.</p>
+<h3 id="changing-the-quorum-size">Changing the Quorum Size</h3>
+<p>Special care needs to be taken when changing the size of the Aurora scheduler quorum.
+Since Aurora uses a Mesos replicated log, similar steps need to be followed as when
+<a href="">changing the Mesos quorum size</a>.</p>
+<p>As a preparation, increase <code>-native_log_quorum_size</code> on each existing scheduler and restart them.
+When updating from 3 to 5 schedulers, the quorum size would grow from 2 to 3.</p>
+<p>When starting the new schedulers, use the <code>-native_log_quorum_size</code> set to the new value. Failing to
+first increase the quorum size on running schedulers can in some cases result in corruption
+or truncating of the replicated log used by Aurora. In that case, see the documentation on
+<a href="../backup-restore/">recovering from backup</a>.</p>
+<h2 id="backup-configuration">Backup Configuration</h2>
+<p>Configuration options for the Aurora scheduler backup manager.</p>
+<li><code>-backup_interval</code>: The interval on which the scheduler writes local storage backups.  The default is every hour.</li>
+<li><code>-backup_dir</code>: Directory to write backups to.</li>
+<li><code>-max_saved_backups</code>: Maximum number of backups to retain before deleting the oldest backup(s).</li>
+<h2 id="resource-isolation">Resource Isolation</h2>
+<p>For proper CPU, memory, and disk isolation as mentioned in our <a href="../../features/resource-isolation/">enduser documentation</a>,
+we recommend to add the following isolators to the <code>--isolation</code> flag of the Mesos agent:</p>
+<p>In addition, we recommend to set the following <a href="">agent flags</a>:</p>
+<li><code>--cgroups_limit_swap</code> to enable memory limits on both memory and swap instead of just memory.
+Alternatively, you could disable swap on your agent hosts.</li>
+<li><code>--cgroups_enable_cfs</code> to enable hard limits on CPU resources via the CFS bandwidth limiting
+<li><code>--enforce_container_disk_quota</code> to enable disk quota enforcement for containers.</li>
+<p>To enable the optional GPU support in Mesos, please see the GPU related flags in the
+<a href="">Mesos configuration</a>.
+To enable the corresponding feature in Aurora, you have to start the scheduler with the
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>-allow_gpu_resource=true
+<p>If you want to use revocable resources, first follow the
+<a href="">Mesos oversubscription documentation</a>
+and then set set this Aurora scheduler flag to allow receiving revocable Mesos offers:</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>-receive_revocable_resources=true
+<p>Both CPUs and RAM are supported as revocable resources. The former is enabled by the default,
+the latter needs to be enabled via:</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>-enable_revocable_ram=true
+<p>Unless you want to use the <a href="">default</a>
+tier configuration, you will also have to specify a file path:</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>-tier_config=path/to/tiers/config.json
+<h2 id="containers">Containers</h2>
+<p>Both the Mesos and Docker containerizers require configuration of the Mesos agent.</p>
+<h3 id="mesos-containerizer">Mesos Containerizer</h3>
+<p>The minimal agent configuration requires to enable Docker and Appc image support for the Mesos
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>--containerizers=mesos
+--isolation=filesystem/linux,docker/runtime  # as an addition to your other isolators
+<p>Further details can be found in the corresponding <a href="">Mesos documentation</a>.</p>
+<h3 id="docker-containerizer">Docker Containerizer</h3>
+<p>The <a href="">Docker containerizer</a>
+requires the Docker engine is installed on each agent host. In addition, it  must be enabled on the
+Mesos agents by launching them with the option:</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>--containerizers=mesos,docker
+<p>If you would like to run a container with a read-only filesystem, it may also be necessary to use
+the scheduler flag <code>-thermos_home_in_sandbox</code> in order to set HOME to the sandbox
+before the executor runs. This will make sure that the executor/runner PEX extractions happens
+inside of the sandbox instead of the container filesystem root.</p>
+<p>If you would like to supply your own parameters to <code>docker run</code> when launching jobs in docker
+containers, you may use the following flags:</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>-allow_docker_parameters
+<p><code>-allow_docker_parameters</code> controls whether or not users may pass their own configuration parameters
+through the job configuration files. If set to <code>false</code> (the default), the scheduler will reject
+jobs with custom parameters. <em>NOTE</em>: this setting should be used with caution as it allows any job
+owner to specify any parameters they wish, including those that may introduce security concerns
+(<code>privileged=true</code>, for example).</p>
+<p><code>-default_docker_parameters</code> allows a cluster operator to specify a universal set of parameters that
+should be used for every container that does not have parameters explicitly configured at the job
+level. The argument accepts a multimap format:</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>-default_docker_parameters="read-only=true,tmpfs=/tmp,tmpfs=/run"
+<h3 id="common-options">Common Options</h3>
+<p>The following Aurora options work for both containerizers.</p>
+<p>A scheduler flag, <code>-global_container_mounts</code> allows mounting paths from the host (i.e the agent machine)
+into all containers on that host. The format is a comma separated list of host<em>path:container</em>path[:mode]
+tuples. For example <code>-global_container_mounts=/opt/secret_keys_dir:/mnt/secret_keys_dir:ro</code> mounts
+<code>/opt/secret_keys_dir</code> from the agents into all launched containers. Valid modes are <code>ro</code> and <code>rw</code>.</p>
+<h2 id="thermos-process-logs">Thermos Process Logs</h2>
+<h3 id="log-destination">Log destination</h3>
+<p>By default, Thermos will write process stdout/stderr to log files in the sandbox. Process object
+configuration allows specifying alternate log file destinations like streamed stdout/stderr or
+suppression of all log output. Default behavior can be configured for the entire cluster with the
+following flag (through the <code>-thermos_executor_flags</code> argument to the Aurora scheduler):</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>--runner-logger-destination=both
+<p><code>both</code> configuration will send logs to files and stream to parent stdout/stderr outputs.</p>
+<p>See <a href="../../reference/configuration/#logger">Configuration Reference</a> for all destination options.</p>
+<h3 id="log-rotation">Log rotation</h3>
+<p>By default, Thermos will not rotate the stdout/stderr logs from child processes and they will grow
+without bound. An individual user may change this behavior via configuration on the Process object,
+but it may also be desirable to change the default configuration for the entire cluster.
+In order to enable rotation by default, the following flags can be applied to Thermos (through the
+<code>-thermos_executor_flags</code> argument to the Aurora scheduler):</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>--runner-logger-mode=rotate
+<p>In the above example, each instance of the Thermos runner will rotate stderr/stdout logs once they
+reach 100 MiB in size and keep a maximum of 10 backups. If a user has provided a custom setting for
+their process, it will override these default settings.</p>
+<h2 id="thermos-executor-wrapper">Thermos Executor Wrapper</h2>
+<p>If you need to do computation before starting the Thermos executor (for example, setting a different
+<code>--announcer-hostname</code> parameter for every executor), then the Thermos executor should be invoked
+inside a wrapper script. In such a case, the aurora scheduler should be started with
+<code>-thermos_executor_path</code> pointing to the wrapper script and <code>-thermos_executor_resources</code> set to a
+comma separated string of all the resources that should be copied into the sandbox (including the
+original Thermos executor). Ensure the wrapper script does not access resources outside of the
+sandbox, as when the script is run from within a Docker container those resources may not exist.</p>
+<p>For example, to wrap the executor inside a simple wrapper, the scheduler will be started like this
+<code>-thermos_executor_path=/path/to/ -thermos_executor_resources=/usr/share/aurora/bin/thermos_executor.pex</code></p>
+<h2 id="custom-executors">Custom Executors</h2>
+<p>The scheduler can be configured to utilize a custom executor by specifying the <code>-custom_executor_config</code> flag.
+The flag must be set to the path of a valid executor configuration file.</p>
+<p>For more information on this feature please see the custom executors <a href="../../features/custom-executors/">documentation</a>.</p>
+<h2 id="a-note-on-increasing-executor-overhead">A note on increasing executor overhead</h2>
+<p>Increasing executor overhead on an existing cluster, whether it be for custom executors or for Thermos,
+will result in degraded preemption performance until all task which began life with the previous
+executor configuration with less overhead are preempted/restarted.</p>
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+<h1 id="installing-aurora">Installing Aurora</h1>
+<p>Source and binary distributions can be found on our
+<a href="">downloads</a> page.  Installing from binary packages is
+recommended for most.</p>
+<li><a href="#installing-the-scheduler">Installing the scheduler</a></li>
+<li><a href="#installing-worker-components">Installing worker components</a></li>
+<li><a href="#installing-the-client">Installing the client</a></li>
+<li><a href="#installing-mesos">Installing Mesos</a></li>
+<li><a href="#troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</a></li>
+<p>If our binay packages don&rsquo;t suite you, our package build toolchain makes it easy to build your
+own packages. See the <a href="">instructions</a> to learn how.</p>
+<h2 id="machine-profiles">Machine profiles</h2>
+<p>Given that many of these components communicate over the network, there are numerous ways you could
+assemble them to create an Aurora cluster.  The simplest way is to think in terms of three machine
+<h3 id="coordinator">Coordinator</h3>
+<p><strong>Components</strong>: ZooKeeper, Aurora scheduler, Mesos master</p>
+<p>A small number of machines (typically 3 or 5) responsible for cluster orchestration.  In most cases
+it is fine to co-locate these components in anything but very large clusters (&gt; 1000 machines).
+Beyond that point, operators will likely want to manage these services on separate machines.</p>
+<p>In practice, 5 coordinators have been shown to reliably manage clusters with tens of thousands of
+<h3 id="worker">Worker</h3>
+<p><strong>Components</strong>: Aurora executor, Aurora observer, Mesos agent</p>
+<p>The bulk of the cluster, where services will actually run.</p>
+<h3 id="client">Client</h3>
+<p><strong>Components</strong>: Aurora client, Aurora admin client</p>
+<p>Any machines that users submit jobs from.</p>
+<h2 id="installing-the-scheduler">Installing the scheduler</h2>
+<h3 id="ubuntu-trusty">Ubuntu Trusty</h3>
+<li><p>Install Mesos
+Skip down to <a href="#mesos-on-ubuntu-trusty">install mesos</a>, then run:</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>sudo start mesos-master
+<li><p>Install ZooKeeper</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>sudo apt-get install -y zookeeperd
+<li><p>Install the Aurora scheduler</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jre-headless wget
+sudo update-alternatives --set java /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java
+wget -c
+sudo dpkg -i aurora-scheduler_0.17.0_amd64.deb
+<h3 id="centos-7">CentOS 7</h3>
+<li><p>Install Mesos
+Skip down to <a href="#mesos-on-centos-7">install mesos</a>, then run:</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>sudo systemctl start mesos-master
+<li><p>Install ZooKeeper</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>sudo rpm -Uvh
+sudo yum install -y java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless zookeeper-server
+sudo service zookeeper-server init
+sudo systemctl start zookeeper-server
+<li><p>Install the Aurora scheduler</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>sudo yum install -y wget
+wget -c
+sudo yum install -y aurora-scheduler-0.17.0-1.el7.centos.aurora.x86_64.rpm
+<h3 id="finalizing">Finalizing</h3>
+<p>By default, the scheduler will start in an uninitialized mode.  This is because external
+coordination is necessary to be certain operator error does not result in a quorum of schedulers
+starting up and believing their databases are empty when in fact they should be re-joining a
+<p>Because of this, a fresh install of the scheduler will need intervention to start up.  First,
+stop the scheduler service.
+Ubuntu: <code>sudo stop aurora-scheduler</code>
+CentOS: <code>sudo systemctl stop aurora</code></p>
+<p>Now initialize the database:</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>sudo -u aurora mkdir -p /var/lib/aurora/scheduler/db
+sudo -u aurora mesos-log initialize --path=/var/lib/aurora/scheduler/db
+<p>Now you can start the scheduler back up.
+Ubuntu: <code>sudo start aurora-scheduler</code>
+CentOS: <code>sudo systemctl start aurora</code></p>
+<h2 id="installing-worker-components">Installing worker components</h2>
+<h3 id="ubuntu-trusty">Ubuntu Trusty</h3>
+<li><p>Install Mesos
+Skip down to <a href="#mesos-on-ubuntu-trusty">install mesos</a>, then run:</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>start mesos-slave
+<li><p>Install Aurora executor and observer</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>sudo apt-get install -y python2.7 wget
+# NOTE: This appears to be a missing dependency of the mesos deb package and is needed
+# for the python mesos native bindings.
+sudo apt-get -y install libcurl4-nss-dev
+wget -c
+sudo dpkg -i aurora-executor_0.17.0_amd64.deb
+<h3 id="centos-7">CentOS 7</h3>
+<li><p>Install Mesos
+Skip down to <a href="#mesos-on-centos-7">install mesos</a>, then run:</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>sudo systemctl start mesos-slave
+<li><p>Install Aurora executor and observer</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>sudo yum install -y python2 wget
+wget -c
+sudo yum install -y aurora-executor-0.17.0-1.el7.centos.aurora.x86_64.rpm
+<h3 id="configuration">Configuration</h3>
+<p>The executor typically does not require configuration.  Command line arguments can
+be passed to the executor using a command line argument on the scheduler.</p>
+<p>The observer needs to be configured to look at the correct mesos directory in order to find task
+sandboxes. You should 1st find the Mesos working directory by looking for the Mesos agent
+<code>--work_dir</code> flag. You should see something like:</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>    ps -eocmd | grep "mesos-slave" | grep -v grep | tr ' ' '\n' | grep "\--work_dir"
+    --work_dir=/var/lib/mesos
+<p>If the flag is not set, you can view the default value like so:</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>    mesos-slave --help
+    Usage: mesos-slave [options]
+      ...
+      --work_dir=VALUE      Directory path to place framework work directories
+                            (default: /tmp/mesos)
+      ...
+<p>The value you find for <code>--work_dir</code>, <code>/var/lib/mesos</code> in this example, should match the Aurora
+observer value for <code>--mesos-root</code>.  You can look for that setting in a similar way on a worker
+node by grepping for <code>thermos_observer</code> and <code>--mesos-root</code>.  If the flag is not set, you can view
+the default value like so:</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>    thermos_observer -h
+    Options:
+      ...
+      --mesos-root=MESOS_ROOT
+                            The mesos root directory to search for Thermos
+                            executor sandboxes [default: /var/lib/mesos]
+      ...
+<p>In this case the default is <code>/var/lib/mesos</code> and we have a match. If there is no match, you can
+either adjust the mesos-master start script(s) and restart the master(s) or else adjust the
+Aurora observer start scripts and restart the observers.  To adjust the Aurora observer:</p>
+<h4 id="ubuntu-trusty">Ubuntu Trusty</h4>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>sudo sh -c 'echo "MESOS_ROOT=/tmp/mesos" &gt;&gt; /etc/default/thermos'
+<h4 id="centos-7">CentOS 7</h4>
+<p>Make an edit to add the <code>--mesos-root</code> flag resulting in something like:</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>grep -A5 OBSERVER_ARGS /etc/sysconfig/thermos
+  --port=1338
+  --mesos-root=/tmp/mesos
+  --log_to_disk=NONE
+  --log_to_stderr=google:INFO
+<h2 id="installing-the-client">Installing the client</h2>
+<h3 id="ubuntu-trusty">Ubuntu Trusty</h3>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>sudo apt-get install -y python2.7 wget
+wget -c
+sudo dpkg -i aurora-tools_0.17.0_amd64.deb
+<h3 id="centos-7">CentOS 7</h3>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>sudo yum install -y python2 wget
+wget -c
+sudo yum install -y aurora-tools-0.17.0-1.el7.centos.aurora.x86_64.rpm
+<h3 id="mac-os-x">Mac OS X</h3>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>brew upgrade
+brew install aurora-cli
+<h3 id="configuration">Configuration</h3>
+<p>Client configuration lives in a json file that describes the clusters available and how to reach
+them.  By default this file is at <code>/etc/aurora/clusters.json</code>.</p>
+<p>Jobs may be submitted to the scheduler using the client, and are described with
+<a href="../../reference/configuration/">job configurations</a> expressed in <code>.aurora</code> files.  Typically you will
+maintain a single job configuration file to describe one or more deployment environments (e.g.
+dev, test, prod) for a production job.</p>
+<h2 id="installing-mesos">Installing Mesos</h2>
+<p>Mesos uses a single package for the Mesos master and agent.  As a result, the package dependencies
+are identical for both.</p>
+<h3 id="mesos-on-ubuntu-trusty">Mesos on Ubuntu Trusty</h3>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv E56151BF
+DISTRO=$(lsb_release -is | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
+CODENAME=$(lsb_release -cs)
+echo "deb${DISTRO} ${CODENAME} main" | \
+  sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mesosphere.list
+sudo apt-get -y update
+# Use `apt-cache showpkg mesos | grep [version]` to find the exact version.
+sudo apt-get -y install mesos=1.1.0-2.0.107.ubuntu1404_amd64.deb
+<h3 id="mesos-on-centos-7">Mesos on CentOS 7</h3>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>sudo rpm -Uvh
+sudo yum -y install mesos-1.1.0
+<h2 id="troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</h2>
+<p>So you&rsquo;ve started your first cluster and are running into some issues? We&rsquo;ve collected some common
+stumbling blocks and solutions here to help get you moving.</p>
+<h3 id="replicated-log-not-initialized">Replicated log not initialized</h3>
+<h4 id="symptoms">Symptoms</h4>
+<li>Scheduler RPCs and web interface claim <code>Storage is not READY</code></li>
+<li>Scheduler log repeatedly prints messages like</li>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>  I1016 16:12:27.234133 26081 replica.cpp:638] Replica in EMPTY status
+  received a broadcasted recover request
+  I1016 16:12:27.234256 26084 recover.cpp:188] Received a recover response
+  from a replica in EMPTY status
+<h4 id="solution">Solution</h4>
+<p>When you create a new cluster, you need to inform a quorum of schedulers that they are safe to
+consider their database to be empty by <a href="#finalizing">initializing</a> the
+replicated log. This is done to prevent the scheduler from modifying the cluster state in the event
+of multiple simultaneous disk failures or, more likely, misconfiguration of the replicated log path.</p>
+<h3 id="scheduler-not-registered">Scheduler not registered</h3>
+<h4 id="symptoms">Symptoms</h4>
+<p>Scheduler log contains</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>Framework has not been registered within the tolerated delay.
+<h4 id="solution">Solution</h4>
+<p>Double-check that the scheduler is configured correctly to reach the Mesos master. If you are registering
+the master in ZooKeeper, make sure command line argument to the master:</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>--zk=zk://$ZK_HOST:2181/mesos/master
+<p>is the same as the one on the scheduler:</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>-mesos_master_address=zk://$ZK_HOST:2181/mesos/master
+<h3 id="scheduler-not-running">Scheduler not running</h3>
+<h3 id="symptom">Symptom</h3>
+<p>The scheduler process commits suicide regularly. This happens under error conditions, but
+also on purpose in regular intervals.</p>
+<h2 id="solution">Solution</h2>
+<p>Aurora is meant to be run under supervision. You have to configure a supervisor like
+<a href="">Monit</a> or <a href="">supervisord</a> to run the scheduler
+and restart it whenever it fails or exists on purpose.</p>
+<p>Aurora supports an active health checking protocol on its admin HTTP interface - if a <code>GET /health</code>
+times out or returns anything other than <code>200 OK</code> the scheduler process is unhealthy and should be
+<p>For example, monit can be configured with</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>if failed port 8081 send "GET /health HTTP/1.0\r\n" expect "OK\n" with timeout 2 seconds for 10 cycles then restart
+<p>assuming you set <code>-http_port=8081</code>.</p>
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+      (latest)
+  </option>
+  <option value="0.16.0"
+    >
+    0.16.0
+  </option>
+  <option value="0.15.0"
+    >
+    0.15.0
+  </option>
+  <option value="0.14.0"
+    >
+    0.14.0
+  </option>
+  <option value="0.13.0"
+    >
+    0.13.0
+  </option>
+  <option value="0.12.0"
+    >
+    0.12.0
+  </option>
+  <option value="0.11.0"
+    >
+    0.11.0
+  </option>
+  <option value="0.10.0"
+    >
+    0.10.0
+  </option>
+  <option value="0.9.0"
+    >
+    0.9.0
+  </option>
+  <option value="0.8.0"
+    >
+    0.8.0
+  </option>
+  <option value="0.7.0-incubating"
+    >
+    0.7.0-incubating
+  </option>
+  <option value="0.6.0-incubating"
+    >
+    0.6.0-incubating
+  </option>
+  <option value="0.5.0-incubating"
+    >
+    0.5.0-incubating
+  </option>
+<h1 id="monitoring-your-aurora-cluster">Monitoring your Aurora cluster</h1>
+<p>Before you start running important services in your Aurora cluster, it&rsquo;s important to set up
+monitoring and alerting of Aurora itself.  Most of your monitoring can be against the scheduler,
+since it will give you a global view of what&rsquo;s going on.</p>
+<h2 id="reading-stats">Reading stats</h2>
+<p>The scheduler exposes a <em>lot</em> of instrumentation data via its HTTP interface. You can get a quick
+peek at the first few of these in our vagrant image:</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>$ vagrant ssh -c 'curl -s localhost:8081/vars | head'
+async_tasks_completed 1004
+attribute_store_fetch_all_events 15
+attribute_store_fetch_all_events_per_sec 0.0
+attribute_store_fetch_all_nanos_per_event 0.0
+attribute_store_fetch_all_nanos_total 3048285
+attribute_store_fetch_all_nanos_total_per_sec 0.0
+attribute_store_fetch_one_events 3391
+attribute_store_fetch_one_events_per_sec 0.0
+attribute_store_fetch_one_nanos_per_event 0.0
+attribute_store_fetch_one_nanos_total 454690753
+<p>These values are served as <code>Content-Type: text/plain</code>, with each line containing a space-separated metric
+name and value. Values may be integers, doubles, or strings (note: strings are static, others
+may be dynamic).</p>
+<p>If your monitoring infrastructure prefers JSON, the scheduler exports that as well:</p>
+<pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>$ vagrant ssh -c 'curl -s localhost:8081/vars.json | python -mjson.tool | head'
+    "async_tasks_completed": 1009,
+    "attribute_store_fetch_all_events": 15,
+    "attribute_store_fetch_all_events_per_sec": 0.0,
+    "attribute_store_fetch_all_nanos_per_event": 0.0,
+    "attribute_store_fetch_all_nanos_total": 3048285,
+    "attribute_store_fetch_all_nanos_total_per_sec": 0.0,
+    "attribute_store_fetch_one_events": 3409,
+    "attribute_store_fetch_one_events_per_sec": 0.0,
+    "attribute_store_fetch_one_nanos_per_event": 0.0,
+<p>This will be the same data as above, served with <code>Content-Type: application/json</code>.</p>
+<h2 id="viewing-live-stat-samples-on-the-scheduler">Viewing live stat samples on the scheduler</h2>
+<p>The scheduler uses the Twitter commons stats library, which keeps an internal time-series database
+of exported variables - nearly everything in <code>/vars</code> is available for instant graphing.  This is
+useful for debugging, but is not a replacement for an external monitoring system.</p>
+<p>You can view these graphs on a scheduler at <code>/graphview</code>.  It supports some composition and
+aggregation of values, which can be invaluable when triaging a problem.  For example, if you have
+the scheduler running in vagrant, check out these links:
+<a href="">simple graph</a>
+<a href="">complex composition</a></p>
+<h3 id="counters-and-gauges">Counters and gauges</h3>
+<p>Among numeric stats, there are two fundamental types of stats exported: <em>counters</em> and <em>gauges</em>.
+Counters are guaranteed to be monotonically-increasing for the lifetime of a process, while gauges
+may decrease in value.  Aurora uses counters to represent things like the number of times an event
+has occurred, and gauges to capture things like the current length of a queue.  Counters are a
+natural fit for accurate composition into <a href="">rate ratios</a>
+(useful for sample-resistant latency calculation), while gauges are not.</p>
+<h1 id="alerting">Alerting</h1>
+<h2 id="quickstart">Quickstart</h2>
+<p>If you are looking for just bare-minimum alerting to get something in place quickly, set up alerting
+on <code>framework_registered</code> and <code>task_store_LOST</code>. These will give you a decent picture of overall
+<h2 id="a-note-on-thresholds">A note on thresholds</h2>
+<p>One of the most difficult things in monitoring is choosing alert thresholds. With many of these
+stats, there is no value we can offer as a threshold that will be guaranteed to work for you. It
+will depend on the size of your cluster, number of jobs, churn of tasks in the cluster, etc. We
+recommend you start with a strict value after viewing a small amount of collected data, and then
+adjust thresholds as you see fit. Feel free to ask us if you would like to validate that your alerts
+and thresholds make sense.</p>
+<h2 id="important-stats">Important stats</h2>
+<h3 id="jvm_uptime_secs"><code>jvm_uptime_secs</code></h3>
+<p>Type: integer counter</p>
+<p>The number of seconds the JVM process has been running. Comes from
+<a href="">RuntimeMXBean#getUptime()</a></p>
+<p>Detecting resets (decreasing values) on this stat will tell you that the scheduler is failing to
+stay alive.</p>
+<p>Look at the scheduler logs to identify the reason the scheduler is exiting.</p>
+<h3 id="system_load_avg"><code>system_load_avg</code></h3>
+<p>Type: double gauge</p>
+<p>The current load average of the system for the last minute. Comes from
+<a href="">OperatingSystemMXBean#getSystemLoadAverage()</a>.</p>
+<p>A high sustained value suggests that the scheduler machine may be over-utilized.</p>
+<p>Use standard unix tools like <code>top</code> and <code>ps</code> to track down the offending process(es).</p>
+<h3 id="process_cpu_cores_utilized"><code>process_cpu_cores_utilized</code></h3>
+<p>Type: double gauge</p>
+<p>The current number of CPU cores in use by the JVM process. This should not exceed the number of
+logical CPU cores on the machine. Derived from
+<a href="">OperatingSystemMXBean#getProcessCpuTime()</a></p>
+<p>A high sustained value indicates that the scheduler is overworked. Due to current internal design
+limitations, if this value is sustained at <code>1</code>, there is a good chance the scheduler is under water.</p>
+<p>There are two main inputs that tend to drive this figure: task scheduling attempts and status
+updates from Mesos.  You may see activity in the scheduler logs to give an indication of where
+time is being spent.  Beyond that, it really takes good familiarity with the code to effectively
+triage this.  We suggest engaging with an Aurora developer.</p>
+<h3 id="task_store_lost"><code>task_store_LOST</code></h3>
+<p>Type: integer gauge</p>
+<p>The number of tasks stored in the scheduler that are in the <code>LOST</code> state, and have been rescheduled.</p>
+<p>If this value is increasing at a high rate, it is a sign of trouble.</p>
+<p>There are many sources of <code>LOST</code> tasks in Mesos: the scheduler, master, agent, and executor can all
+trigger this.  The first step is to look in the scheduler logs for <code>LOST</code> to identify where the
+state changes are originating.</p>
+<h3 id="scheduler_resource_offers"><code>scheduler_resource_offers</code></h3>
+<p>Type: integer counter</p>
+<p>The number of resource offers that the scheduler has received.</p>
+<p>For a healthy scheduler, this value must be increasing over time.</p>
+<p>Assuming the scheduler is up and otherwise healthy, you will want to check if the master thinks it
+is sending offers. You should also look at the master&rsquo;s web interface to see if it has a large
+number of outstanding offers that it is waiting to be returned.</p>
+<h3 id="framework_registered"><code>framework_registered</code></h3>
+<p>Type: binary integer counter</p>
+<p>Will be <code>1</code> for the leading scheduler that is registered with the Mesos master, <code>0</code> for passive
+<p>A sustained period without a <code>1</code> (or where <code>sum() != 1</code>) warrants investigation.</p>
+<p>If there is no leading scheduler, look in the scheduler and master logs for why.  If there are
+multiple schedulers claiming leadership, this suggests a split brain and warrants filing a critical
+<h3 id="rate-scheduler_log_native_append_nanos_total-rate-scheduler_log_native_append_events"><code>rate(scheduler_log_native_append_nanos_total)/rate(scheduler_log_native_append_events)</code></h3>
+<p>Type: rate ratio of integer counters</p>
+<p>This composes two counters to compute a windowed figure for the latency of replicated log writes.</p>
+<p>A hike in this value suggests disk bandwidth contention.</p>
+<p>Look in scheduler logs for any reported oddness with saving to the replicated log. Also use
+standard tools like <code>vmstat</code> and <code>iotop</code> to identify whether the disk has become slow or
+over-utilized. We suggest using a dedicated disk for the replicated log to mitigate this.</p>
+<h3 id="timed_out_tasks"><code>timed_out_tasks</code></h3>
+<p>Type: integer counter</p>
+<p>Tracks the number of times the scheduler has given up while waiting
+(for <code>-transient_task_state_timeout</code>) to hear back about a task that is in a transient state
+(e.g. <code>ASSIGNED</code>, <code>KILLING</code>), and has moved to <code>LOST</code> before rescheduling.</p>
+<p>This value is currently known to increase occasionally when the scheduler fails over
+(<a href="">AURORA-740</a>). However, any large spike in this
+value warrants investigation.</p>
+<p>The scheduler will log when it times out a task. You should trace the task ID of the timed out
+task into the master, agent, and/or executors to determine where the message was dropped.</p>
+<h3 id="http_500_responses_events"><code>http_500_responses_events</code></h3>
+<p>Type: integer counter</p>
+<p>The total number of HTTP 500 status responses sent by the scheduler. Includes API and asset serving.</p>
+<p>An increase warrants investigation.</p>
+<p>Look in scheduler logs to identify why the scheduler returned a 500, there should be a stack trace.</p>
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