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[2/2] git commit: updated refs/heads/4.4 to 095fb09

CLOUDSTACK-6518 [Hyper-V] Efficient way of finding the empty nic in VR/VpcVR to configure VPC entities

(cherry picked from commit cf41ccaa5b6475dace0bddbe6681c98cc5149189)



Branch: refs/heads/4.4
Commit: 095fb09b7519289ab0d2ae3a880c5477d0cb52cc
Parents: 2025f35
Author: Rajesh Battala <>
Authored: Mon May 5 12:55:59 2014 +0530
Committer: Daan Hoogland <>
Committed: Mon Jul 28 23:21:37 2014 +0200

 .../HypervResource/HypervResourceController.cs  |  222 +-
 .../HypervResource/IWmiCallsV2.cs               |    8 +-
 .../ServerResource/HypervResource/WmiCallsV2.cs | 2409 ++++--------------
 3 files changed, 588 insertions(+), 2051 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/hypervisors/hyperv/DotNet/ServerResource/HypervResource/HypervResourceController.cs b/plugins/hypervisors/hyperv/DotNet/ServerResource/HypervResource/HypervResourceController.cs
index 41a3a8a..40ac159 100644
--- a/plugins/hypervisors/hyperv/DotNet/ServerResource/HypervResource/HypervResourceController.cs
+++ b/plugins/hypervisors/hyperv/DotNet/ServerResource/HypervResource/HypervResourceController.cs
@@ -857,29 +857,11 @@ namespace HypervResource
             using (log4net.NDC.Push(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()))
-                logger.Info(CloudStackTypes.MigrateVolumeCommand + Utils.CleanString(cmd.ToString()));
-                string details = null;
-                bool result = false;
-                try
-                {
-                    string vm = (string)cmd.attachedVmName;
-                    string volume = (string)cmd.volumePath;
-                    wmiCallsV2.MigrateVolume(vm, volume, GetStoragePoolPath(cmd.pool));
-                    result = true;
-                }
-                catch (Exception sysEx)
-                {
-                    details = CloudStackTypes.MigrateVolumeCommand + " failed due to " + sysEx.Message;
-                    logger.Error(details, sysEx);
-                }
+                logger.Info(CloudStackTypes.PlugNicCommand + Utils.CleanString(cmd.ToString()));
                 object ansContent = new
-                    result = result,
-                    volumePath = (string)cmd.volumePath,
-                    details = details,
+                    result = true,
+                    details = "Hot Nic plug not supported, change any empty virtual network adapter network settings",
                     contextMap = contextMap
@@ -1193,28 +1175,21 @@ namespace HypervResource
                 string details = null;
                 bool result = false;
-                List<dynamic> volumeTos = new List<dynamic>();
-                try
+                String vmName = cmd.vmName;
+                String vlan = cmd.vlan;
+                string macAddress = cmd.macAddress;
+                uint pos = cmd.index;
+                bool enable = cmd.enable;
+                string switchLableName = cmd.switchLableName;
+                if (macAddress != null)
-                    string vm = (string);
-                    string destination = (string)cmd.tgtHost;
-                    var volumeToPoolList = cmd.volumeToFilerAsList;
-                    var volumeToPool = new Dictionary<string, string>();
-                    foreach (var item in volumeToPoolList)
-                    {
-                        volumeTos.Add(item.t);
-                        string poolPath = GetStoragePoolPath(item.u);
-                        volumeToPool.Add((string)item.t.path, poolPath);
-                    }
-                    wmiCallsV2.MigrateVmWithVolume(vm, destination, volumeToPool);
+                    wmiCallsV2.ModifyVmVLan(vmName, vlan, macAddress);
                     result = true;
-                catch (Exception sysEx)
-                {
-                    details = CloudStackTypes.MigrateWithStorageCommand + " failed due to " + sysEx.Message;
-                    logger.Error(details, sysEx);
+                else if (pos >= 1)
+                {
+                    wmiCallsV2.ModifyVmVLan(vmName, vlan, pos, enable, switchLableName);
+                    result = true;
                 object ansContent = new
@@ -1259,142 +1234,45 @@ namespace HypervResource
             using (log4net.NDC.Push(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()))
-                logger.Info(cmdArray.ToString());
-                // Log agent configuration
-                logger.Info("Agent StartupRoutingCommand received " + cmdArray.ToString());
-                dynamic strtRouteCmd = cmdArray[0][CloudStackTypes.StartupRoutingCommand];
-                // Insert networking details
-                string privateIpAddress = strtRouteCmd.privateIpAddress;
-                config.PrivateIpAddress = privateIpAddress;
-                string subnet;
-                System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface privateNic = GetNicInfoFromIpAddress(privateIpAddress, out subnet);
-                strtRouteCmd.privateIpAddress = privateIpAddress;
-                strtRouteCmd.privateNetmask = subnet;
-                strtRouteCmd.privateMacAddress = privateNic.GetPhysicalAddress().ToString();
-                string storageip = strtRouteCmd.storageIpAddress;
-                System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface storageNic = GetNicInfoFromIpAddress(storageip, out subnet);
-                strtRouteCmd.storageIpAddress = storageip;
-                strtRouteCmd.storageNetmask = subnet;
-                strtRouteCmd.storageMacAddress = storageNic.GetPhysicalAddress().ToString();
-                strtRouteCmd.gatewayIpAddress = storageNic.GetPhysicalAddress().ToString();
-                strtRouteCmd.hypervisorVersion = System.Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major.ToString() + "." +
-                        System.Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor.ToString();
-                strtRouteCmd.caps = "hvm";
-                dynamic details = strtRouteCmd.hostDetails;
-                if (details != null)
-                {
-                    string productVersion = System.Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major.ToString() + "." +
-                        System.Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor.ToString();
-                    details.Add("product_version", productVersion);
-                    details.Add("rdp.server.port", 2179);
-                }
-                // Detect CPUs, speed, memory
-                uint cores;
-                uint mhz;
-                uint sockets;
-                wmiCallsV2.GetProcessorResources(out sockets, out cores, out mhz);
-                strtRouteCmd.cpus = cores;
-                strtRouteCmd.speed = mhz;
-                strtRouteCmd.cpuSockets = sockets;
-                ulong memoryKBs;
-                ulong freeMemoryKBs;
-                wmiCallsV2.GetMemoryResources(out memoryKBs, out freeMemoryKBs);
-                strtRouteCmd.memory = memoryKBs * 1024;   // Convert to bytes
-                // Need 2 Gig for DOM0, see
-                strtRouteCmd.dom0MinMemory = config.ParentPartitionMinMemoryMb * 1024 * 1024;  // Convert to bytes
-                // Insert storage pool details.
-                //
-                // Read the localStoragePath for virtual disks from the Hyper-V configuration
-                // See
-                // for discussion of Hyper-V file locations paths.
-                string localStoragePath = wmiCallsV2.GetDefaultVirtualDiskFolder();
-                if (localStoragePath != null)
+                logger.Info(CloudStackTypes.GetVmConfigCommand + Utils.CleanString(cmd.ToString()));
+                bool result = false;
+                String vmName = cmd.vmName;
+                ComputerSystem vm = wmiCallsV2.GetComputerSystem(vmName);
+                List<NicDetails> nicDetails = new List<NicDetails>();
+                var nicSettingsViaVm = wmiCallsV2.GetEthernetPortSettings(vm);
+                NicDetails nic = null;
+                int index = 0;
+                int[] nicStates = new int[8];
+                int[] nicVlan = new int[8];
+                int vlanid = 1;
+                var ethernetConnections = wmiCallsV2.GetEthernetConnections(vm);
+                foreach (EthernetPortAllocationSettingData item in ethernetConnections)
+                {
+                    EthernetSwitchPortVlanSettingData vlanSettings = wmiCallsV2.GetVlanSettings(item);
+                    if (vlanSettings == null)
+                    {
+                        vlanid = -1;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        vlanid = vlanSettings.AccessVlanId;
+                    }
+                    nicStates[index] = (Int32)(item.EnabledState);
+                    nicVlan[index] = vlanid;
+                    index++;
+                }
+                index = 0;
+                foreach (SyntheticEthernetPortSettingData item in nicSettingsViaVm)
-                    // GUID arbitrary.  Host agents deals with storage pool in terms of localStoragePath.
-                    // We use HOST guid.
-                    string poolGuid = strtRouteCmd.guid;
-                    if (poolGuid == null)
-                    {
-                        poolGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
-                        logger.InfoFormat("Setting Startup StoragePool GUID to " + poolGuid);
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        logger.InfoFormat("Setting Startup StoragePool GUID same as HOST, i.e. " + poolGuid);
-                    }
-                    long capacity;
-                    long available;
-                    GetCapacityForLocalPath(localStoragePath, out capacity, out available);
-                    logger.Debug(CloudStackTypes.StartupStorageCommand + " set available bytes to " + available);
-                    string ipAddr = strtRouteCmd.privateIpAddress;
-                    var vmStates = wmiCallsV2.GetVmSync(config.PrivateIpAddress);
-                    strtRouteCmd.vms = Utils.CreateCloudStackMapObject(vmStates);
-                    StoragePoolInfo pi = new StoragePoolInfo(
-                        poolGuid.ToString(),
-                        ipAddr,
-                        localStoragePath,
-                        localStoragePath,
-                        StoragePoolType.Filesystem.ToString(),
-                        capacity,
-                        available);
-                    // Build StartupStorageCommand using an anonymous type
-                    // See
-                    object ansContent = new
-                    {
-                        poolInfo = pi,
-                        guid = pi.uuid,
-                        dataCenter = strtRouteCmd.dataCenter,
-                        resourceType = StorageResourceType.STORAGE_POOL.ToString(),  // TODO: check encoding
-                        contextMap = contextMap
-                    };
-                    JObject ansObj = Utils.CreateCloudStackObject(CloudStackTypes.StartupStorageCommand, ansContent);
-                    cmdArray.Add(ansObj);
+                    nic = new NicDetails(item.Address, nicVlan[index], nicStates[index]);
+                    index++;
+                    nicDetails.Add(nic);
-                // Convert result to array for type correctness?
-                logger.Info(CloudStackTypes.StartupCommand + " result is " + cmdArray.ToString());
-                return cmdArray;
-            }
-        }
-        // POST api/HypervResource/GetVncPortCommand
-        [HttpPost]
-        [ActionName(CloudStackTypes.GetVncPortCommand)]
-        public JContainer GetVncPortCommand([FromBody]dynamic cmd)
-        {
-            using (log4net.NDC.Push(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()))
-            {
-                logger.Info(CloudStackTypes.GetVncPortCommand + Utils.CleanString(cmd.ToString()));
-                string details = null;
-                bool result = false;
-                string address = null;
-                int port = -9;
-                try
-                {
-                    string vmName = (string);
-                    var sys = wmiCallsV2.GetComputerSystem(vmName);
-                    address = "instanceId=" + sys.Name ;
-                    result = true;
-                }
-                catch (Exception sysEx)
-                {
-                    details = CloudStackTypes.GetVncPortAnswer + " failed due to " + sysEx.Message;
-                    logger.Error(details, sysEx);
-                }
+                result = true;
                 object ansContent = new
diff --git a/plugins/hypervisors/hyperv/DotNet/ServerResource/HypervResource/IWmiCallsV2.cs b/plugins/hypervisors/hyperv/DotNet/ServerResource/HypervResource/IWmiCallsV2.cs
index 0a64f4b..896a287 100644
--- a/plugins/hypervisors/hyperv/DotNet/ServerResource/HypervResource/IWmiCallsV2.cs
+++ b/plugins/hypervisors/hyperv/DotNet/ServerResource/HypervResource/IWmiCallsV2.cs
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ namespace HypervResource
         Dictionary<String, VmState> GetVmSync(String privateIpAddress);
         string GetVmNote(System.Management.ManagementPath sysPath);
         void ModifyVmVLan(string vmName, String vlanid, string mac);
-        void ModifyVmVLan(string vmName, String vlanid, uint pos, bool enable, string switchLabelName);
-        void DisableVmNics();
+        void ModifyVmVLan(string vmName, String vlanid, uint pos, bool enable, string switchLabelName);
+        void DisableVmNics();
         void DisableNicVlan(String mac, String vmName);
-    }
+    }