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svn commit: r1821867 - /comdev/

Author: henkp
Date: Mon Jan 22 14:03:45 2018
New Revision: 1821867

+= ; dev-version for henkp

    comdev/   (with props)

Added: comdev/
--- comdev/ (added)
+++ comdev/ Mon Jan 22 14:03:45 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+    CGI script to return data to the Javacript that renders the site (render.js)
+    It also populates various json files from JIRA if they are stale:
+    data/JIRA/jira_projects.json - list of all JIRA projects
+    data/JIRA/%.json - for each JIRA project
+    Usage:
+    Reads the following:
+        data/JIRA/jira_projects.json
+        data/JIRA/%s.json
+        data/health.json
+        data/releases/%s.json
+        data/pmcs.json
+        data/projects.json
+        data/mailinglists.json
+        data/maildata_extended.json
+        data/cache/checker.json
+    Environment variables:
+    HTTP_X_AUTHENTICATED_USER - set by Apache webserver
+    QUERY_STRING - additional group to include
+    ONLY - equivalent to ?only CGI param
+import os, sys, re, json, subprocess, time
+import base64, urllib2, cgi
+sys.path.append("../scripts") # module is in sibling directory
+import committee_info
+from urlutils import UrlCache
+# This script may be called frequently, so don't just rely on IfNewer checks
+uc = UrlCache(interval=60, silent=True)
+# Relative path to home directory from here (site)
+RAOHOME = '../'
+# Pick up environment settings
+form = cgi.FieldStorage();
+oproject = form['only'].value if ('only' in form and len(form['only'].value) > 0) else os.environ['ONLY'] if 'ONLY' in os.environ else None
+user = os.environ['HTTP_X_AUTHENTICATED_USER'] if 'HTTP_X_AUTHENTICATED_USER' in os.environ else ""
+include = os.environ['QUERY_STRING'] if 'QUERY_STRING' in os.environ else None
+jmap = {
+    'trafficserver': ['TS'],
+    'cordova': ['CB'],
+    'corinthia': ['COR']
+pmap = {# convert mailing list name to PMC name
+    'community': 'comdev',
+    'ws': 'webservices',
+    'hc': 'httpcomponents',
+    'whimsical': 'whimsy',
+    'empire': 'empire-db'
+ldapmap = {
+    'webservices': 'ws'
+jirapass = ""
+with open(RAOHOME+"data/jirapass.txt", "r") as f:
+    jirapass =
+    f.close()
+def readJson(filename, *default):
+    """Read a JSON file. If the read fails, return the default (if any) otherwise return the exception"""
+    data = {}
+    try:
+        with open(filename, "r") as f:
+            data = json.load(f)
+            f.close()
+    except:
+        if default == None:
+            raise
+        else:
+            return default[0] # only want first arg
+    return data
+def loadJson(url):
+    resp = uc.get(url, name=None, encoding='utf-8', errors=None)
+    j = json.load(resp)
+    resp.close()
+    return j
+projects = loadJson(PROJECTS)['projects']
+members = loadJson(MEMBER_INFO)['members']
+def getPMCs(uid):
+    """Returns the array of LDAP committee groups to which the uid belongs. Excludes incubator"""
+    groups = []
+    for group in projects:
+        if group != "incubator" and 'pmc' in projects[group]:
+            if uid in projects[group]['owners']:
+                groups.append(group)
+    return groups
+def isMember(uid):
+    """Determine if the uid is a member of the ASF"""
+    return uid in members
+def getJIRAProjects(project):
+    """Reads data/JIRA/jira_projects.json (re-creating it if it is stale)
+       Returns the list of JIRA projects for the project argument
+       Assumes that the project names match or the project category matches
+       (after trimming "Apache " and spaces and lower-casing)"""
+    project = project.replace("Apache ", "").strip().lower()
+    refresh = True
+    x = {}
+    jiras = []
+    try:
+        mtime = 0
+        try:
+            st=os.stat(RAOHOME+"data/JIRA/jira_projects.json")
+            mtime=st.st_mtime
+        except:
+            pass
+        if mtime >= (time.time() - 86400):
+            refresh = False
+            x = readJson(RAOHOME+"data/JIRA/jira_projects.json")
+        else:
+            base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % ('githubbot', jirapass))[:-1]
+            try:
+                req = urllib2.Request("")
+                req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)
+                x = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(req).read())
+                with open(RAOHOME+"data/JIRA/jira_projects.json", "w") as f:
+                    json.dump(x, f, indent=1)
+                    f.close()
+            except:
+                pass
+    except:
+        pass
+    for entry in x:
+        if entry['name'].replace("Apache ", "").strip().lower() == project:
+            jiras.append(entry['key'])
+        elif 'projectCategory' in entry and fixProjectCategory(entry['projectCategory']['name']) == project:
+            jiras.append(entry['key'])
+    return jiras
+def fixProjectCategory(cat):
+    return cat.replace("Apache ", "").replace(" Framework", "").strip().lower()
+def getJIRAS(project):
+    """Reads data/JIRA/%s.json % (project), re-creating it if it is stale
+       from the number of issues created and resolved in the last 91 days
+       Returns array of [created, resolved, project]
+    """
+    refresh = True
+    try:
+        st=os.stat(RAOHOME+"data/JIRA/%s.json" % project)
+        mtime=st.st_mtime
+        if mtime >= (time.time() - (2*86400)):
+            refresh = False
+            x = readJson(RAOHOME+"data/JIRA/%s.json" % project)
+            return x[0], x[1], x[2]
+    except:
+        pass
+    if refresh:
+        base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % ('githubbot', jirapass))[:-1]
+        try:
+            req = urllib2.Request("""'""" + project + """'%20AND%20created%20%3E=%20-91d""")
+            req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)
+            cdata = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(req).read())
+            req = urllib2.Request("""'""" + project + """'%20AND%20resolved%20%3E=%20-91d""")
+            req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)
+            rdata = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(req).read())
+            with open(RAOHOME+"data/JIRA/%s.json" % project, "w") as f:
+                json.dump([cdata['total'], rdata['total'], project], f, indent=1)
+                f.close()
+            return cdata['total'], rdata['total'], project
+        except Exception as err:
+            # Don't create an empty file if the request fails. The likely cause is that the project does not use JIRA,
+            # or getjson has been invoked with an invalid pmc name. Invalid files will cause the refresh script to
+            # retry the requests unnecessarily. 
+            # Furthermore, if there is a temporary issue, creating an empty file will prevent a retry for 48hours.
+#             with open(RAOHOME+"data/JIRA/%s.json" % project, "w") as f:
+#                 json.dump([0,0,None], f, indent=1)
+#                 f.close()
+            return 0,0, None
+ - committee_info.PMCsummary()
+ - data/health.json
+ - dict contains pmc name & chair extracted from committee_info.PMCsummary()
+ - list of project names
+ - health entry from data/health.json
+def getProjectData(project):
+        x = {}
+        y = []
+        z = {}
+        for xproject in pmcSummary:
+            y.append(xproject)
+            if xproject == project:
+                x['name'] = pmcSummary[project]['name']
+                x['chair'] = pmcSummary[project]['chair']
+        for entry in dataHealth:
+            if entry['group'] == project:
+                z = entry
+        return x, y, z;
+def getReleaseData(project):
+    """Reads data/releases/%s.json and returns the contents"""
+    return readJson(RAOHOME+"data/releases/%s.json" % project, {})
+if re.match(r"^[-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+$", user):
+    pmcSummary = committee_info.PMCsummary()
+    dataHealth = readJson(RAOHOME+"data/health.json", [])
+    pchanges = readJson(RAOHOME+"data/pmcs.json")
+    cchanges = readJson(RAOHOME+"data/projects.json")
+    bugzillastats = readJson(RAOHOME+"data/bugzillastats.json", {})
+    isMember = isMember(user)
+    groups = getPMCs(user)
+    if include and isMember and not include in groups and len(include) > 1:
+        groups.append(include)
+    if oproject and len(oproject) > 0 and isMember:
+        groups = [oproject]
+    groups.sort() # so tabs appear in order
+    mlstats = {}
+    ml = readJson(RAOHOME+"data/mailinglists.json")
+    for entry in ml: # e.g.,
+        tlp = entry.split(".")[0]
+        if tlp in pmap: # convert ml prefix to PMC internal name
+            tlp = pmap[tlp]
+        if tlp in groups:
+            mlstats[tlp] = mlstats[tlp] if tlp in mlstats else {}
+            mlstats[tlp][entry] = ml[entry]
+    emails = {}
+    mld = readJson(RAOHOME+"data/maildata_extended.json")
+    for entry in mld: # e.g. hc-dev, ant-users, ws-dev
+        tlp = entry.split("-")[0]
+        nentry = entry
+        if tlp == "empire":
+            tlp = "empire-db"
+            nentry = entry.replace("empire-", "empire-db-")
+        if tlp in pmap: # convert ml prefix to PMC internal name
+            tlp = pmap[tlp]
+        if tlp in groups:
+            emails[tlp] = emails[tlp] if tlp in emails else {}
+            emails[tlp][nentry] = mld[entry]
+    pmcdates = readJson(RAOHOME+"data/pmcdates.json")
+    dates = {}
+    bdata = {} # bugzilla data
+    jdata = {}
+    cdata = {}
+    ddata = {}
+    rdata = {}
+    allpmcs = []
+    keys = {}
+    count = {}
+    health = {}
+    for group in groups:
+        jiras = []
+        count[group] = [0,0]
+        xgroup = group
+        if group in ldapmap:
+            xgroup = ldapmap[group]
+        if xgroup in pchanges:
+            count[group][0] = len(pchanges[xgroup])
+        if xgroup in cchanges:
+            count[group][1] = len(cchanges[xgroup])
+        jdata[group] = [0,0, None]
+        ddata[group], allpmcs, health[group] = getProjectData(group)
+        rdata[group] = getReleaseData(group)
+        if group in bugzillastats:
+            bdata[group] = bugzillastats[group]
+        else:
+            bdata[group] = [0,0,{}]
+        # a PMC may have projects using Bugzilla *and* JIRA - e.g. Tomcat - (or neither)
+        jiraname = group.upper()
+        if group in jmap:
+            keys[group] = []
+            jdata[group][2] = []
+            for jiraname in jmap[group]:
+                x,y, p = getJIRAS(jiraname)
+                jdata[group][0] += x
+                jdata[group][1] += y
+                if x > 0 or y > 0:
+                    jdata[group][2].append(p)
+                keys[group].append(jiraname)
+        elif group in ddata and 'name' in ddata[group]:
+            jiras = getJIRAProjects(ddata[group]['name'])
+            keys[group] = jiras
+            jdata[group][2] = []
+            for jiraname in jiras:
+                x,y, p= getJIRAS(jiraname)
+                jdata[group][0] += x
+                jdata[group][1] += y
+                if x > 0 or y > 0:
+                    jdata[group][2].append(p)
+        elif jiraname:
+            keys[group]=[jiraname]
+            x,y, p= getJIRAS(jiraname)
+            jdata[group][0] += x
+            jdata[group][1] += y
+            jdata[group][2] = p
+        cdata[group] = cdata[xgroup] if xgroup in cdata else {'pmc': {}, 'committer': {}}
+        for pmc in pchanges:
+            if pmc == xgroup:
+                for member in pchanges[pmc]:
+                    if pchanges[pmc][member][1] > 0:
+                        cdata[group]['pmc'][member] = pchanges[pmc][member]
+        for pmc in cchanges:
+            if pmc == xgroup:
+                for member in cchanges[pmc]:
+                    if cchanges[pmc][member][1] > 0:
+                        cdata[group]['committer'][member] = cchanges[pmc][member]
+        if group in pmcdates: # Make sure we have this PMC in the JSON, so as to not bork
+            dates[group] = pmcdates[group] # only send the groups we want
+    if not isMember:
+        allpmcs = []
+    checker_json  = readJson(RAOHOME+"data/cache/checker.json", None)
+    checker = None ;
+    if oproject and checker_json and 'meta' in checker_json and 'projects' in checker_json:
+        meta = checker_json['meta']
+        prjs = checker_json['projects']
+        if oproject in prjs:
+           checker = { 'meta': meta, oproject: prjs[oproject] }
+        else:
+           checker = { 'meta': meta, oproject: {'errors': 0 } }
+    output = {
+        'count': count,
+        'pmcs': groups,
+        'all': sorted(allpmcs),
+        'mail': mlstats,
+        'delivery': emails,
+        'jira': jdata,
+        'bugzilla': bdata,
+        'changes': cdata,
+        'pmcdates': dates,
+        'pdata': ddata,
+        'releases': rdata,
+        'keys': keys,
+        'health': health,
+        'checker': checker
+    }
+    # AFAICT dumps always uses \n for EOL
+    # Use write rather than print so we don't get any trailing EOL added
+    dump = json.dumps(output, indent=1, sort_keys=True).replace('\n', '\r\n')
+    sys.stdout.write("Content-Type: application/json\r\nContent-Length: %u\r\n\r\n" % (len(dump)))
+    sys.stdout.write(dump)
+    sys.stdout.write("Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n")
+    sys.stdout.write("Unknown or invalid user id presented")

Propchange: comdev/
    svn:executable = *