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Posted to by "ASF GitHub Bot (JIRA)" <> on 2018/12/18 04:22:01 UTC

[jira] [Commented] (AIRFLOW-1310) Kubernetes execute operator

    [ ] 

ASF GitHub Bot commented on AIRFLOW-1310:

stale[bot] closed pull request #2456: [AIRFLOW-1310] Basic operator to run docker container on Kubernetes

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
the sake of provenance:

As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

diff --git a/airflow/contrib/hooks/ b/airflow/contrib/hooks/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbabf81966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/airflow/contrib/hooks/
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import requests
+import json
+from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
+from airflow.hooks.base_hook import BaseHook
+from kubernetes import client, config
+class KubernetesHook(BaseHook):
+    """
+    Kubernetes interaction hook
+    :param k8s_conn_id: reference to a pre-defined K8s Connection
+    :type k8s_conn_id: string
+    """
+    def __init__(self, k8s_conn_id="k8s_default"):
+        self.conn_id = k8s_conn_id
+        self.core_client = None
+    def get_conn(self):
+        """
+        Initializes the api client. Only config file or env
+        configuration supported at the moment.
+        """
+        if not self.core_client:
+            config.load_kube_config()
+            self.core_client = client.CoreV1Api()
+        return self.core_client
+    def get_env_definitions(self, env):
+        def get_env(name, definition):
+            if isinstance(definition, str):
+                return client.V1EnvVar(name=name, value=definition)
+            elif isinstance(definition, dict):
+                source = definition['source']
+                if source == 'configMap':
+                    return client.V1EnvVar(name=name,
+                            value_from=client.V1EnvVarSource(
+                                config_map_key_ref=client.V1ConfigMapKeySelector(
+                                    key=definition['key'], name=definition['name'])))
+                elif source == 'secret':
+                    return client.V1EnvVar(name=name,
+                            value_from=client.V1EnvVarSource(
+                                secret_key_ref=client.V1SecretKeySelector(
+                                    key=definition['key'], name=definition['name'])))
+                else:
+                    raise AirflowException('Creating env vars from %s not implemented',
+                            source)
+            else:
+                raise AirflowException('Environment variable definition \
+                        has to be either string or a dictionary. %s given instead',
+                        type(definition))
+        return [get_env(name, definition) for name, definition in env.items()]
+    def get_env_from_definitions(self, env_from):
+        def get_env_from(definition):
+            configmap = definition.get('configMap')
+            secret = definition.get('secret')
+            prefix = definition.get('prefix')
+            cfg_ref = client.V1ConfigMapEnvSource(name=configmap) if configmap else None
+            secret_ref = client.V1SecretEnvSource(name=secret) if secret else None
+            return client.V1EnvFromSource(
+                config_map_ref=cfg_ref,
+                secret_ref=secret_ref,
+                prefix=prefix
+            )
+        return [get_env_from(definition) for definition in env_from]
+    def get_volume_definitions(self, volumes):
+        def get_volume(name, definition):
+            if definition['type'] == 'emptyDir':
+                volume = client.V1Volume(
+                    name=name,
+                    empty_dir=client.V1EmptyDirVolumeSource()
+                )
+                volume_mount = client.V1VolumeMount(
+                    mount_path=definition['mountPath'],
+                    name=name
+                )
+            elif definition['type'] == 'hostPath':
+                volume = client.V1Volume(
+                    name=name,
+                    host_path=client.V1HostPathVolumeSource(
+                        path=definition['path']
+                    )
+                )
+                volume_mount = client.V1VolumeMount(
+                    mount_path=definition['mountPath'],
+                    name=name
+                )
+            elif definition['type'] == 'secret':
+                volume = client.V1Volume(
+                    name=name,
+                    secret=client.V1SecretVolumeSource(
+                        secret_name=definition['secret']
+                    )
+                )
+                volume_mount = client.V1VolumeMount(
+                    mount_path=definition['mountPath'],
+                    name=name
+                )
+            else:
+               raise AirflowException('Volume source %s not implemented',
+                    definition['type'])
+            return (volume, volume_mount)
+        [volume_defs, volume_mount_defs] = \
+                zip(*[get_volume(name, definition) for name, definition in volumes.items()])
+        return (list(volume_defs), list(volume_mount_defs))
+    def get_pod_definition(
+            self,
+            image,
+            name,
+            namespace=None,
+            restart_policy="Never",
+            command=None,
+            args=None,
+            env=None,
+            env_from=None,
+            volumes=None,
+            labels=None):
+        """
+            Builds pod definition based on supplied arguments
+        """
+        env_defs = self.get_env_definitions(env) if env else None
+        env_from_defs = self.get_env_from_definitions(env_from) if env_from else None
+        volume_defs, volume_mount_defs = \
+                self.get_volume_definitions(volumes) if volumes else (None, None)
+        return client.V1Pod(
+            api_version="v1",
+            kind="Pod",
+            metadata=client.V1ObjectMeta(
+                name=name,
+                namespace=namespace,
+                labels=labels
+            ),
+            spec=client.V1PodSpec(
+                restart_policy=restart_policy,
+                containers=[client.V1Container(
+                    name=name,
+                    command=command,
+                    args=args,
+                    image=image,
+                    env=env_defs,
+                    env_from=env_from_defs,
+                    volume_mounts=volume_mount_defs
+                )],
+                volumes=volume_defs
+            )
+        )
+    def create_pod(self, pod):
+        namespace = pod.metadata.namespace
+        self.get_conn().create_namespaced_pod(namespace, pod)
+    def delete_pod(
+            self,
+            pod=None,
+            name=None,
+            namespace=None):
+        """
+            Delete a pod based on pod definition or name
+        """
+        if pod:
+            name =
+            namespace = pod.metadata.namespace
+        self.get_conn().delete_namespaced_pod(name, namespace, client.V1DeleteOptions())
+    def get_pod_state(self, pod=None, name=None, namespace=None):
+        """
+            Fetches pod status and returns phase
+        """
+        if pod:
+            name =
+            namespace = pod.metadata.namespace
+        pod_status = self.get_conn().read_namespaced_pod_status(name, namespace)
+        if not pod_status:
+            raise AirflowException("Cannot find the requested pod!")
+        return pod_status.status.phase
+    def relay_pod_logs(self, pod=None, name=None, namespace=None):
+        if pod:
+            name =
+            namespace = pod.metadata.namespace
+"Start container log")
+        if not self._stream_log(name, namespace):
+            self._client_log(name, namespace)
+    def _get_authorization(self):
+        if client.configuration.api_key['authorization'] is not None:
+            return {'Authorization': client.configuration.api_key['authorization']}
+        else:
+            return None
+    def _stream_log(self, name, namespace):
+        """
+            Stream logs for pod.
+            The python-client for kubernetes does not (yet) support iterating over a
+            streaming log.
+            Only bearer authenticated requests for now.
+            (Which is enough if running the worker in kubernetes)
+        """
+        headers = self._get_authorization()
+        if not headers:
+            return False
+        try:
+            url = "%s/api/v1/namespaces/%s/pods/%s/log" % \
+                    (, namespace, name)
+            with requests.get(url,
+                             params={'follow':'true'},
+                             verify=client.configuration.ssl_ca_cert,
+                             headers=headers,
+                             stream=True) as r:
+                if r.encoding is None:
+                    r.encoding = 'utf-8'
+                for line in r.iter_lines(decode_unicode=True):
+        except Exception as e:
+  "Streaming container log terminated unexpectedly: %s", e)
+            return False
+        return True
+    def _client_log(self, name, namespace):
+        """
+            Fetch log from k8s client.
+            read_namespaced_pod_log with follow=True, only returns once the log is
+            closed.
+        """
+        try:
+            log = self.get_conn().read_namespaced_pod_log(
+                    name,
+                    namespace,
+                    follow=True)
+            log_lines = log.rstrip().split("\n")
+            for line in log_lines:
+        except Exception as e:
+  "Container log from client terminated unexpectedly: %s", e)
+    def relay_pod_events(self, pod=None, name=None, namespace=None, timeout=60):
+        """
+            Stream kubernetes events for the pod into
+            Watches the events for the specified pod, until either an event with
+            reason "Started" is encountered, or a timeout is reached. Some events
+            might be missed as the api does not necessarily return
+            events in order, however this should not be a real problem as the value
+            of these are diagnosing startup problems.
+        """
+        if pod:
+            name =
+            namespace = pod.metadata.namespace
+        headers = self._get_authorization()
+        if not headers:
+            return False
+        params = {
+            'fieldSelector': '' % name,
+            'watch': 'true',
+            'timeoutSeconds': timeout
+        }
+        url = "%s/api/v1/namespaces/%s/events/" % (
+      ,
+                namespace)
+"Start pod event log")
+        try:
+            with requests.get(url,
+                             params=params,
+                             verify=client.configuration.ssl_ca_cert,
+                             headers=headers,
+                             stream=True) as r:
+                if r.encoding is None:
+                    r.encoding = 'utf-8'
+                for line in r.iter_lines(decode_unicode=True):
+                    data = json.loads(line)
+                    ob = data['object']
+          "event: %s (component: %s, host: %s, reason: %s)",
+                            ob.get('message'),
+                            ob.get('source', {}).get('component'),
+                            ob.get('source', {}).get('host'),
+                            ob.get('reason'),
+                    )
+                    if ob.get('reason') == "Started":
+                        break
+        except Exception as e:
+  "Streaming events terminated unexpectedly: %s", e)
+            return False
+        return True
diff --git a/airflow/contrib/operators/ b/airflow/contrib/operators/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bac9163558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/airflow/contrib/operators/
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import re
+from time import sleep, time
+from random import randint
+from airflow.models import BaseOperator
+from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults
+from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
+from airflow.contrib.hooks.kubernetes_hook import KubernetesHook
+class KubernetesPodOperator(BaseOperator):
+    """
+    Deploys docker container to k8s pod and waits for its completion
+    :param name: Name of the pod, optional if not given an unique name will
+        be created automatically
+    :type name: string
+    :param namespace: Namespace the pod will be deployed to
+    :type namespace: string
+    :param image: Fully qualified name of the image in form
+        of repo/image:tag
+    :type image: string
+    :param command: Commands to execute in the image,
+        default image command will be executed if none supplied
+    :type command: string or list
+    :param op_args: Arguments for the command
+    :type op_args: list
+    :param wait: Wait for the completion. Default True. If set to false
+        the operator waits for the pod to start running to ensure
+        successful creation.
+    :type wait: boolean
+    :param unique_name: Whether the operator should ensure the uniqueness
+        of the pod's name. Default is true
+    :type unique_name: boolean
+    :param cleanup: Perform cleanup on completion.
+        Allowed values: Always, Never, OnSuccess, OnFailure.
+        Default Always. Settign wait == False forces Never,
+        as cleanup can be only performed on terminated container.
+    :param labels: Labels and presets to apply to the pod.
+    :type labels: dict
+    :param env: Environment variables defintion as a dictionary
+        of a form name:definition, where definition is a string or
+        a dictionary with following fields:
+        source (configMap|secret), name, and key
+    :type env: dict
+    :param conn_id: Id of pre-defined k8s connection. Currently not used,
+        as only preconfigured environment with kube config or env variables
+        is supported.
+    :type conn_id: string
+    :param poke_interval: Interval between checking the status in seconds
+    :type poke_interval: integer
+    :param wait_timeout: Time in seconds to wait for the pod to reach running state.
+    :type wait_timeout: integer
+    """
+    template_fields = ('name', 'command', 'op_args', 'namespace', 'env')
+    ui_color = '#f0ede4'
+    @apply_defaults
+    def __init__(
+            self,
+            image,
+            name=None,
+            namespace="default",
+            command=None,
+            op_args=None,
+            wait=True,
+            unique_name=True,
+            cleanup="Always",
+            labels=None,
+            env=None,
+            env_from=None,
+            volumes=None,
+            conn_id="k8s_default",
+            poke_interval=3,
+            wait_timeout=60,
+            *args, **kwargs):
+        super(KubernetesPodOperator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.image = image
+ = name
+        self.namespace = namespace
+        self.command = command
+        self.op_args = op_args
+        self.wait = wait
+        self.unique_name = unique_name
+        self.cleanup = cleanup if self.wait else "Never"
+        self.labels = labels
+        self.env = env
+        self.env_from = env_from
+        self.volumes = volumes
+        self.poke_interval = poke_interval
+        self.wait_timeout = wait_timeout
+        self.conn_id = conn_id
+    def _create_hook(self):
+        return KubernetesHook(self.conn_id)
+    def _base_name(self, context):
+        if is not None:
+            return
+        base_name = "%s-%s" % (context['ti'].dag_id, context['ti'].task_id)
+        r = re.compile('[^a-z0-9-]+')
+        base_name = r.sub('-', base_name)
+ = base_name
+        return base_name
+    def _unique_name(self, context):
+        name = self._base_name(context)
+        if not self.unique_name:
+            return name
+        job_id = context['ti'].job_id
+        if job_id is None:
+            # job_id is None when running "airflow test"
+            job_id = int(time()*1000)
+        return "%s-%s" % (name, job_id)
+    def should_do_cleanup(self, status):
+        return ((self.cleanup == "Always") or
+                ((self.cleanup == "OnFailure") and (status == "Failed")) or
+                ((self.cleanup == "OnSuccess") and (status == "Succeeded")))
+    def execute(self, context):
+        exit_statuses = ["Succeeded"] if self.wait else ["Running", "Succeeded"]
+        hook = self._create_hook()
+        pod_name = self._unique_name(context)
+        pod = hook.get_pod_definition(
+            image=self.image,
+            name=pod_name,
+            namespace=self.namespace,
+            restart_policy="Never",
+            command=self.command,
+            args=self.op_args,
+            env=self.env,
+            env_from=self.env_from,
+            volumes=self.volumes,
+            labels=self.labels)
+"Creating pod %s in namespace %s",
+                pod_name, self.namespace)
+        logging.debug("Pod definition: %s", pod.spec)
+        hook.create_pod(pod)
+        max_wait = time() + self.wait_timeout
+        try:
+            hook.relay_pod_events(pod, timeout=self.wait_timeout)
+            status = None
+            while hook.get_pod_state(pod) == 'Pending':
+                if time() > max_wait:
+                    raise AirflowException("Timeout while waiting for \
+                            pod to reach Running state.")
+                sleep(self.poke_interval)
+            if self.wait:
+                hook.relay_pod_logs(pod)
+            while not (status in exit_statuses):
+                status = hook.get_pod_state(pod)
+      "Checking pod status => %s", status)
+                if (status == "Failed"):
+                    raise AirflowException("Pod failed!")
+                sleep(self.poke_interval)
+        finally:
+            if (self.wait and self.should_do_cleanup(status)):
+                hook.delete_pod(pod)
diff --git a/scripts/ci/requirements.txt b/scripts/ci/requirements.txt
index 670335c8b4..cc581f195d 100644
--- a/scripts/ci/requirements.txt
+++ b/scripts/ci/requirements.txt
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ ipython
diff --git a/ b/
index dedcf76794..f2d470fcad 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ def check_previous():
 hdfs = ['snakebite>=2.7.8']
 webhdfs = ['hdfs[dataframe,avro,kerberos]>=2.0.4']
 jira = ['JIRA>1.0.7']
+kubernetes = ['kubernetes>=2.0.0']
 hive = [
@@ -202,7 +203,7 @@ def check_previous():
 devel_minreq = devel + mysql + doc + password + s3 + cgroups
 devel_hadoop = devel_minreq + hive + hdfs + webhdfs + kerberos
-devel_all = devel + all_dbs + doc + samba + s3 + slack + crypto + oracle + docker + ssh
+devel_all = devel + all_dbs + doc + samba + s3 + slack + crypto + oracle + docker + kubernetes + ssh
 def do_setup():
@@ -274,6 +275,7 @@ def do_setup():
             'hive': hive,
             'jdbc': jdbc,
             'kerberos': kerberos,
+            'kubernetes': kubernetes,
             'ldap': ldap,
             'mssql': mssql,
             'mysql': mysql,
diff --git a/tests/contrib/hooks/ b/tests/contrib/hooks/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8419464af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/contrib/hooks/
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+import mock
+from airflow import configuration, models
+from airflow.contrib.hooks.kubernetes_hook import KubernetesHook
+from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
+from airflow.utils import db
+from mock import patch, call, Mock, MagicMock
+from io import StringIO
+class TestKubernetesHook(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestKubernetesHook, self).setUp()
+        self.conn_mock = mock.MagicMock(name='coreV1Api')
+        self.get_conn_orig = KubernetesHook.get_conn
+        def _get_conn_mock(hook):
+            hook.core_client = self.conn_mock
+            return self.conn_mock
+        KubernetesHook.get_conn = _get_conn_mock
+    def tearDown(self):
+        KubernetesHook.get_conn = self.get_conn_orig
+        super(TestKubernetesHook, self).tearDown()
+    def test_get_pod_definition(self):
+        hook = KubernetesHook()
+        pod = hook.get_pod_definition(name="test_pod", namespace="test_namespace", image="image:tag")
+        self.assertTrue( == "test_pod")
+        self.assertTrue(pod.metadata.namespace == "test_namespace")
+        self.assertTrue(pod.metadata.labels is None)
+        self.assertTrue(len(pod.spec.containers) == 1)
+        self.assertTrue(pod.spec.containers[0].name == "test_pod")
+        self.assertTrue(pod.spec.containers[0].image == "image:tag")
+        self.assertTrue(pod.spec.containers[0].command is None)
+        self.assertTrue(pod.spec.containers[0].args is None)
+    def test_get_pod_definition_with_extras(self):
+        hook = KubernetesHook()
+        pod = hook.get_pod_definition(
+                name="test_pod",
+                namespace="test_namespace",
+                image="image:tag",
+                command=["python", ""],
+                args=["arg1", "arg2"],
+                env={
+                    'param1': 'string!',
+                    'param2': {'source': 'configMap', 'name': 'config1', 'key': 'key1'},
+                    'param3': {'source': 'secret', 'name': 'config1', 'key': 'key1'}},
+                labels={"label1": "true", "label2": "true"})
+        self.assertTrue( == "test_pod")
+        self.assertTrue(pod.metadata.namespace == "test_namespace")
+        self.assertTrue(pod.metadata.labels == {"label1": "true", "label2": "true"})
+        self.assertTrue(len(pod.spec.containers) == 1)
+        self.assertTrue(pod.spec.containers[0].name == "test_pod")
+        self.assertTrue(pod.spec.containers[0].image == "image:tag")
+        result = pod.spec.containers[0].env
+        result.sort(key = lambda x:
+        self.assertTrue(result[0].name == 'param1' and result[0].value == 'string!')
+        self.assertTrue(result[1].name == 'param2' and
+                result[1] == 'config1' and
+                result[1].value_from.config_map_key_ref.key == 'key1')
+        self.assertTrue(result[2].name == 'param3' and
+                result[2] == 'config1' and
+                result[2].value_from.secret_key_ref.key == 'key1')
+        self.assertTrue(pod.spec.containers[0].command == ["python", ""])
+        self.assertTrue(pod.spec.containers[0].args == ["arg1", "arg2"])
+    def test_create_pod(self):
+        hook = KubernetesHook()
+        pod = Mock()
+        hook.create_pod(pod)
+        hook.get_conn().create_namespaced_pod.assert_called_once_with(pod.metadata.namespace, pod)
+    def test_delete_pod(self):
+        hook = KubernetesHook()
+        pod = Mock()
+        hook.delete_pod(pod)
+        hook.get_conn().delete_namespaced_pod.assert_called_once_with(, pod.metadata.namespace, mock.ANY)
+    def test_delete_pod_by_name(self):
+        hook = KubernetesHook()
+        hook.delete_pod(name="test_pod", namespace="test_namespace")
+        hook.get_conn().delete_namespaced_pod.assert_called_once_with("test_pod", "test_namespace", mock.ANY)
+    def test_get_pod_status_not_found(self):
+        hook = KubernetesHook()
+        hook.get_conn().read_namespaced_pod_status.return_value = None
+        pod = Mock()
+        with self.assertRaises(AirflowException) as context:
+            hook.get_pod_state(pod)
+        hook.get_conn().read_namespaced_pod_status.assert_called_once_with(, pod.metadata.namespace)
+    def test_get_pod_status(self):
+        hook = KubernetesHook()
+        pod_mock = Mock()
+ = "test_pod"
+        pod_mock.metadata.namespace = "test_namespace"
+        pod_mock.status.phase = "Running"
+        self.conn_mock.read_namespaced_pod_status.return_value = pod_mock
+        state = hook.get_pod_state(pod_mock)
+        self.assertTrue(state == "Running")
+        hook.get_conn().read_namespaced_pod_status.assert_called_once_with(, pod_mock.metadata.namespace)
+    def test_get_pod_status_by_name(self):
+        hook = KubernetesHook()
+        pod_mock = Mock()
+ = "test_pod"
+        pod_mock.metadata.namespace = "test_namespace"
+        pod_mock.status.phase = "Running"
+        self.conn_mock.read_namespaced_pod_status.return_value = pod_mock
+        state = hook.get_pod_state(, namespace=pod_mock.metadata.namespace)
+        self.assertTrue(state == "Running")
+        hook.get_conn().read_namespaced_pod_status.assert_called_once_with(, pod_mock.metadata.namespace)
diff --git a/tests/contrib/operators/ b/tests/contrib/operators/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..505cb7db39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/contrib/operators/
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+import datetime
+import sys
+import mock
+from mock import MagicMock, Mock
+from airflow import DAG, configuration
+from airflow.models import TaskInstance
+from airflow.contrib.operators.kubernetes_operator import KubernetesPodOperator
+from airflow.contrib.hooks.kubernetes_hook import KubernetesHook
+from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
+DEFAULT_DATE = datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1)
+END_DATE = datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 2)
+INTERVAL = datetime.timedelta(hours=12)
+class TestKubernetesOperator(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestKubernetesOperator, self).setUp()
+        self._create_hook_orig = KubernetesPodOperator._create_hook
+        self.context_mock = MagicMock()
+        self.context_mock.__getitem__.side_effect = {'ti': type('', (object,), {'job_id': 1234})}.__getitem__
+        self.pod_mock = MagicMock()
+ = "pod_name-1234"
+        self.pod_mock.metadata.namespace = "pod_namespace"
+        self.hook_mock = MagicMock(spec=KubernetesHook)
+        def _create_hook_mock(sensor):
+            return self.hook_mock
+        KubernetesPodOperator._create_hook = _create_hook_mock
+    def tearDown(self):
+        TestKubernetesOperator._create_hook = self._create_hook_orig
+        super(TestKubernetesOperator, self).tearDown()
+    def test_should_do_cleanup(self):
+        def get_operator(cleanup):
+            return KubernetesPodOperator(
+                    task_id="task",
+                    name=None,
+                    namespace=None,
+                    image=None,
+                    cleanup=cleanup)
+        self.assertFalse(get_operator("Never").should_do_cleanup("Succeeded"))
+        self.assertFalse(get_operator("Never").should_do_cleanup("Failed"))
+        self.assertTrue(get_operator("Always").should_do_cleanup("Succeeded"))
+        self.assertTrue(get_operator("Always").should_do_cleanup("Failed"))
+        self.assertTrue(get_operator("OnSuccess").should_do_cleanup("Succeeded"))
+        self.assertFalse(get_operator("OnSuccess").should_do_cleanup("Failed"))
+        self.assertTrue(get_operator("OnFailure").should_do_cleanup("Failed"))
+        self.assertFalse(get_operator("OnFailure").should_do_cleanup("Succeeded"))
+    def test_execute_container_fails(self):
+        self.hook_mock.reset_mock()
+        self.context_mock.reset_mock()
+        self.pod_mock.reset_mock()
+        self.hook_mock.get_pod_definition.return_value = self.pod_mock
+        self.hook_mock.get_pod_state.side_effect = ["Pending", "Failed", "Failed"]
+        operator = KubernetesPodOperator(
+                task_id='k8s_test',
+                name="pod_name",
+                namespace="pod_namespace",
+                image="image:test",
+                poke_interval=0,
+                cleanup="Always")
+        with self.assertRaises(AirflowException):
+            operator.execute(self.context_mock)
+        self.hook_mock.delete_pod.assert_called_once_with(self.pod_mock)
+    def test_execute_container(self):
+        self.hook_mock.reset_mock()
+        self.context_mock.reset_mock()
+        self.pod_mock.reset_mock()
+        self.hook_mock.get_pod_definition.return_value = self.pod_mock
+        self.hook_mock.get_pod_state.side_effect = ["Pending", "Running", "Succeeded"]
+        operator = KubernetesPodOperator(
+                task_id='k8s_test',
+                name="pod_name",
+                namespace="pod_namespace",
+                image="image:test",
+                poke_interval=0,
+                cleanup="Always")
+        operator.execute(self.context_mock)
+        self.hook_mock.get_pod_definition.assert_called_once_with(
+                args=None,
+                command=None,
+                image='image:test',
+                labels=None,
+                env=None,
+                env_from=None,
+                name="pod_name-1234",
+                namespace='pod_namespace',
+                restart_policy='Never',
+                volumes=None)
+        self.hook_mock.create_pod.assert_called_once_with(self.pod_mock)
+        self.hook_mock.delete_pod.assert_called_once_with(self.pod_mock)
+        self.assertEqual(self.hook_mock.get_pod_state.call_count, 3)
+    def test_execute_container_no_wait(self):
+        self.hook_mock.reset_mock()
+        self.context_mock.reset_mock()
+        self.pod_mock.reset_mock()
+        self.hook_mock.get_pod_definition.return_value = self.pod_mock
+        self.hook_mock.get_pod_state.side_effect = ["Pending", "Running", "Succeeded"]
+        operator = KubernetesPodOperator(
+                task_id='k8s_test',
+                name="pod_name",
+                namespace="pod_namespace",
+                image="image:test",
+                env={'param1': 'val'},
+                poke_interval=0,
+                cleanup="Never",
+                wait=False)
+        operator.execute(self.context_mock)
+        self.hook_mock.get_pod_definition.assert_called_once_with(
+                args=None,
+                command=None,
+                image='image:test',
+                env={'param1': 'val'},
+                env_from=None,
+                labels=None,
+                name='pod_name-1234',
+                namespace='pod_namespace',
+                restart_policy='Never',
+                volumes=None)
+        self.hook_mock.create_pod.assert_called_once_with(self.pod_mock)
+        self.assertFalse(self.hook_mock.delete_pod.called)
+        self.hook_mock.get_pod_state.called_twice_with(self.pod_mock)
\ No newline at end of file


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> Kubernetes execute operator
> ---------------------------
>                 Key: AIRFLOW-1310
>                 URL:
>             Project: Apache Airflow
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: operators
>            Reporter: Yu Ishikawa
>            Assignee: Dennis Docter
>            Priority: Major
> We should support operators for Kubernetes to execute containers remotely.
> - Create a Kubernetes cluster
> - Execute PODs
> -

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