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Posted to by Hello <> on 2000/05/12 13:30:18 UTC

Re: %udat persistence problem...thank you.


it works! i commented out my EMBPERL_EXPIRES.

thank you so much.

best regards,
    [379]HDR:  Set-Cookie=EMBPERL_UID=a6d3b1e02514d81d;; path=/; expires=+1M
  Here you see that Embperl send a cookie
    [379]HDR:  Connection=Keep-Alive
    [379]HDR:  Cookie=169Net%40InnoMedia=email&root%40localhost&MAC&8a66d88fe8d8fef3ca1fac11b5203b6f&uid&1&user&panpipi
  And here you see that the cookie doesn't comes back from your browser. Instead there is another cook獯 comming back.
  So either IE5 doesn't accepts the Embperl cookie or it doesn't send it back. I am not sure if +1M is a valid value for expires. Maybe you try it without the EMBPERL_EXPIRES setting, which will cause the browser to forget about the cookie when it is closed.