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Posted to by Steinar Bang <> on 2017/08/26 21:51:56 UTC

Making karaf update snapshots from remote repositories Was: Karaf Feature vs. OBR

>>>>> Steinar Bang <>:

> Now I've done it differently (...and perhaps more correctly...?):

>  1. I've installed karaf-4.1.2 on a debian 9 "squeeze" system, using the
>     debian package created by this script:
>     The .deb package creates the user "karaf" that karaf is running as
>  2. I've used "ssh -p 8101 karaf@localhost" to log in to the console of
>     karaf and then
>     a. Changed the config to add the snapshot repository, and set the
>        globalUpdatePolicy to always:
>         config:edit org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn
>         config:property-append org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories ",,"
>         config:property-set org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.globalUpdatePolicy always
>         config:update
>     b. I've then installed my application (pulled in from the snapshot
>        repository added above):
>         feature:repo-add mvn:no.priv.bang.ukelonn/ukelonn.karaf/LATEST/xml/features
>         feature:install ukelonn-db-postgresql
>         feature:install ukelonn
>     c. I've set karaf up to listen for snapshot changes
>         bundle:watch *

> The application starts up fine, and everything is downloaded from the
> snapshot repository.  

> But as far as I can tell from the logs of the repository, there is
> nothing accessing to check if
> there are updates to the snapshots.

I added "aether.updateCheckManager.sessionState=false" to
/etc/karaf/ as outlined in [1].

Then I stopped and started the karaf service
 systemctl stop karaf
 systemctl start karaf

But as far as I can tell from the HTTP server access log, nothing is

[1] <>

Re: Making karaf update snapshots from remote repositories Was: Karaf Feature vs. OBR

Posted by Steinar Bang <>.
To summarize my experiences so far:

 1. I have a travis ci build that does maven snapshot deploys using ftp
    to a directory on the same server where karaf is running.

 2. I serve the maven repository area out with HTTP and HTTPS using

 3. I added the maven repository served out by nginx like so:
     config:edit org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn
     config:property-append org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories ",,"
     config:property-set org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.globalUpdatePolicy always

 4. After this, I could install my webapp with these commands:
     feature:repo-add mvn:no.priv.bang.ukelonn/ukelonn.karaf/LATEST/xml/features
     feature:install ukelonn-db-postgresql
     feature:install ukelonn
     bundle:watch *

 5. After this, the webapp started and run

 6. I did a new travis-ci build that deployed a new snapshot version
    into the maven repository

 7. The snapshot changes weren't picked up automatically by karaf
    (ie. "bundle:watch *" had no effect)

 8. Giving the command "bundle:update" for each bundle made the bundles
    reload from the new snapshot:
     bundle:update no.priv.bang.ukelonn.api
     bundle:update no.priv.bang.ukelonn.db.liquibase
     bundle:update no.priv.bang.ukelonn.db.postgresql
     bundle:update no.priv.bang.ukelonn

 9. I uninstalled and reinstalled karaf to start with a clean slate

10. I added the repository where travis-ci deploys the snapshots with a
    file URL (since it is on the same machine as karaf is running)
     config:edit org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn
     config:property-append org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories ", file:///usr/local/www-maven/repository/@snapshots,"
     config:property-set org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.globalUpdatePolicy always

11. I reinstalled my webapp, this time from the "file:" repository
     feature:repo-add mvn:no.priv.bang.ukelonn/ukelonn.karaf/LATEST/xml/features
     feature:install ukelonn-db-postgresql
     feature:install ukelonn
     bundle:watch *

12. I deployed a new maven snapshot version to the "file:" repository
    from a travis-ci build

13. At the time of writing its approximately 30 minutes since the
    travis-ci job completed, but karaf hasn't loaded any new snapshots
    yet, so "bundle:watch *" doesn't seem to work for snapshots that are
    loaded from a "file:" maven repository, that isn't the maven local

Re: Making karaf update snapshots from remote repositories Was: Karaf Feature vs. OBR

Posted by Steinar Bang <>.
>>>>> Steinar Bang <>:

>>>>> Steinar Bang <>:
> [snip!]

>> But the conclusion is that I'm pretty sure neither bundle:watch nor
>> bundle:update works for watching a remote repository, or update a
>> bundle installed from a remote repository.

> (But I will be very happy to be proved wrong...)

The bundle:watch command doesn't work for watching snapshots being
deployed to a remote repository.

However, the bundle:update command works just fine for updating a
snapshot installed from a remote maven repository.

Pushing changes to master, triggered a new travis build that deployed to
the maven repository at

I did "ssh -p 8101 karaf@localhost" to log into the karaf console, and
then gave the following commands to update all of my snapshot bundles:
 bundle:update no.priv.bang.ukelonn.api
 bundle:update no.priv.bang.ukelonn.db.liquibase
 bundle:update no.priv.bang.ukelonn.db.postgresql
 bundle:update no.priv.bang.ukelonn

After this I verified that the GUI of the webapp showed the new changes
I wanted deployed.

It isn't "bundle:watch *", but it is a lot simpler than doing git pull
and "mvn clean install" as user karaf (I did it by creating shell
scripts I started from the karaf console).

(After looking at the code, I have no idea why "bundle:update" works,
but I can see that it does...)

Re: Making karaf update snapshots from remote repositories Was: Karaf Feature vs. OBR

Posted by Steinar Bang <>.
>>>>> Steinar Bang <>:

> But the conclusion is that I'm pretty sure neither bundle:watch nor
> bundle:update works for watching a remote repository, or update a
> bundle installed from a remote repository.

(But I will be very happy to be proved wrong...)

Re: Making karaf update snapshots from remote repositories Was: Karaf Feature vs. OBR

Posted by Steinar Bang <>.
>>>>> Steinar Bang <>:
> But as far as I can tell from the HTTP server access log, nothing is
> polling

As far as I can tell from the source code of karaf 4.1.2[1][2],
bundle:watch only works for files in the local repository.

The bundle:update command also looks like it only works for a local
file, unless the --raw flag is used[3] (But the "--raw" flag
description looks unrelated to local vs. possibly remote, and there is
no guarantee that it works for remote locations.  It's just that I can't
be positive that it doesn't work).

I know that the bundle:install command works for a remote repository,
because I've installed my application from a remote repository (that is:
I've installed the application using feature:install, so I'm just
assuming that installing of bundles from remote repositories work), but
I can't tell how it works, because it disappears into
BundleContext.install() to do the installation[4].

But the conclusion is that I'm pretty sure neither bundle:watch nor
bundle:update works for watching a remote repository, or update a bundle
installed from a remote repository.

[1] <>
[2] <>
[3] <>
[4] <>