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airavata git commit: Fixing Release Note

Repository: airavata
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/0.14_release d314cdb4f -> 158617d23

Fixing Release Note


Branch: refs/heads/0.14_release
Commit: 158617d23a11f00c0f0a33bbf97070118e73e39e
Parents: d314cdb
Author: Chathuri Wimalasena <>
Authored: Fri Dec 12 11:18:50 2014 -0500
Committer: Chathuri Wimalasena <>
Committed: Fri Dec 12 11:18:50 2014 -0500

 RELEASE_NOTES | 110 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 55 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)
index df59a9d..8085f12 100644
@@ -9,71 +9,71 @@ Below you will find the detail list of JIRA tasks/issues resolutions incorporate
 Release Notes - Airavata - Version 0.14
 ** Tasks
-    * AIRAVATA-1063	HostAddress in ComputationalResourceScheduling is required.
-    * AIRAVATA-1471	Modify Airavata Distribution to Enable Separate Distributions for Orchestrator, Gfac and Xbaya.
-    * AIRAVATA-1467	Zookeeper Implementation to Advertise Available/up and running Airavata Services/Components
-    * AIRAVATA-1463	Remove airavata-client-api dependency from other module
-    * AIRAVATA-1511	Replace legacy application descriptors used in gfac with app-catalog
+    * [AIRAVATA-1063] - HostAddress in ComputationalResourceScheduling is required.
+    * [AIRAVATA-1463] - Remove airavata-client-api dependency from other module
+    * [AIRAVATA-1467] - Zookeeper Implementation to Advertise Available/up and running Airavata Services/Components
+    * [AIRAVATA-1471] - Modify Airavata Distribution to Enable Separate Distributions for Orchestrator, Gfac and Xbaya.
+    * [AIRAVATA-1511] - Replace legacy application descriptors used in gfac with app-catalog
 ** Sub-tasks
-    * AIRAVATA-1009	Craft the Workflow Interpreter CPI
-    * AIRAVATA-1446	Provide a way to enable and disable Job count validation
-    * AIRAVATA-1444	Implement RabbitMQ publisher
-    * AIRAVATA-1438	Add throtle-resources flag to airavata API
-    * AIRAVATA-1472	Cleanup Airavata property file for old service properties
-    * AIRAVATA-1428	Add a inmemory job count map to Orchestrator
-    * AIRAVATA-1427	Submit real time job count details to zookeeper
-    * AIRAVATA-1389	Updated Xbaya to enable execution of a single application through thrift api
-    * AIRAVATA-1510	Remove connection to Workflow service from Xbaya
-    * AIRAVATA-468	Support option with parameters for GramProvider
+    * [AIRAVATA-468] - Support option with parameters for GramProvider
+    * [AIRAVATA-1009] - Craft the Workflow Interpreter CPI
+    * [AIRAVATA-1389] - Updated Xbaya to enable execution of a single application through thrift api
+    * [AIRAVATA-1427] - Submit real time job count details to zookeeper
+    * [AIRAVATA-1428] - Add a inmemory job count map to Orchestrator
+    * [AIRAVATA-1438] - Add throtle-resources flag to airavata API
+    * [AIRAVATA-1444] - Implement RabbitMQ publisher
+    * [AIRAVATA-1446] - Provide a way to enable and disable Job count validation
+    * [AIRAVATA-1472] - Cleanup Airavata property file for old service properties
+    * [AIRAVATA-1510] - Remove connection to Workflow service from Xbaya
 ** Story
-    * AIRAVATA-965	Update Airavata JGLOBUS and Unicore jar
+    * [AIRAVATA-965] - Update Airavata JGLOBUS and Unicore jar
 ** New Feature
-    AIRAVATA-1494	Add ResourceJobManger add, update, get, delete methods to airavata-api
+    * [AIRAVATA-1494] - Add ResourceJobManger add, update, get, delete methods to airavata-api
 ** Improvement
-    * AIRAVATA-1036	ActualParameter and DataObjectType have same objective
-    * AIRAVATA-1030	Multiple Security context to run a grid job
-    * AIRAVATA-899	API need enhancement so user can set a user identifier into Context header
-    * AIRAVATA-1487	Add API methods to get job submission information
-    * AIRAVATA-1479	Change return type of jobSubmission API methods to string
-    * AIRAVATA-1474	Remove Registry.wsdl stub autogeneration
-    * AIRAVATA-1451	RabbitMQ messaging is not supported for SGE resources
-    * AIRAVATA-1449	Get partial results incase outputs are not produced.
-    * AIRAVATA-1464	XBaya doesn't support multi-app workflows with new Thrift API
-    * AIRAVATA-1462	Update log messages to track life cycle of experiments , jobs and tasks.
-    * AIRAVATA-1405	API function to get data transfer details.
-    * AIRAVATA-1404	Airavata API function to get Job details
-    * AIRAVATA-1410	Input data transfer details are not updated
-    * AIRAVATA-1419	Allow multiple client to move the data using same server
-    * AIRAVATA-1333	Can we have a way of searching for all the projects, experiments in the gateway?
-    * AIRAVATA-495	Implement logger in WorkflowInterpreter
-    * AIRAVATA-473	Support For-each for Local providers
+    * [AIRAVATA-473] - Support For-each for Local providers
+    * [AIRAVATA-495] - Implement logger in WorkflowInterpreter
+    * [AIRAVATA-899] - API need enhancement so user can set a user identifier into Context header
+    * [AIRAVATA-1030] - Multiple Security context to run a grid job
+    * [AIRAVATA-1036] - ActualParameter and DataObjectType have same objective
+    * [AIRAVATA-1333] - Can we have a way of searching for all the projects, experiments in the gateway?
+    * [AIRAVATA-1404] - Airavata API function to get Job details
+    * [AIRAVATA-1405] - API function to get data transfer details.
+    * [AIRAVATA-1410] - Input data transfer details are not updated
+    * [AIRAVATA-1419] - Allow multiple client to move the data using same server
+    * [AIRAVATA-1449] - Get partial results incase outputs are not produced.
+    * [AIRAVATA-1451] - RabbitMQ messaging is not supported for SGE resources
+    * [AIRAVATA-1462] - Update log messages to track life cycle of experiments , jobs and tasks.
+    * [AIRAVATA-1464] - XBaya doesn't support multi-app workflows with new Thrift API
+    * [AIRAVATA-1474] - Remove Registry.wsdl stub autogeneration
+    * [AIRAVATA-1479] - Change return type of jobSubmission API methods to string
+    * [AIRAVATA-1487] - Add API methods to get job submission information
 ** Bug
-    * AIRAVATA-1370	Update Client samples READMEs and INSTALL files
-    * AIRAVATA-1418	App catalog database connection timeout issue
-    * AIRAVATA-1413	Output path is not getting set to output context incase we scan output directory
-    * AIRAVATA-1091	PersistenceException while executing BES or Gram Provider
-    * AIRAVATA-986	No free ports available to run GRAM provider and GridFTP transfers
-    * AIRAVATA-1495	Experiment Status is not updated to Complete
-    * AIRAVATA-1488	AdvancedSCPInputHandler is not working if we need to transfer data to BigRed
-    * AIRAVATA-1477	Host Aliases and IpAddresses not getting saved in Compute Resource Object
-    * AIRAVATA-1435	Experiment Status is updated to completed on job complete
-    * AIRAVATA-1434	Rewrite CreateLaunchExperiment class in order to work with registerApplication method
-    * AIRAVATA-1433	NullPointerException to create a SSH connection
-    * AIRAVATA-1430	GSISSHAbstractCluster not throwing error if there is issue submitting job
-    * AIRAVATA-1423	Orchestrator context does't set initial GFac instant list correctly in one of it's constructor.
-    * AIRAVATA-1409	Error details are saved twice which adding two records in the database
-    * AIRAVATA-1402	Command for SLURM job cancel need correction
-    * AIRAVATA-1542	Error message when configuring XBaya input parameter configuration
-    * AIRAVATA-1521	SSHInputHandler cluster object is null
-    * AIRAVATA-1520	SCP to a newer version of Centos VM does not work
-    * AIRAVATA-911	Unable to set a different gateway name other than "default"
-    * AIRAVATA-767	Provide GridFTP URL incase of URL and URLArray type
-    * AIRAVATA-723	Error message not sent to Xbaya as fault
+    * [AIRAVATA-723] - Error message not sent to Xbaya as fault
+    * [AIRAVATA-767] - Provide GridFTP URL incase of URL and URLArray type
+    * [AIRAVATA-911] - Unable to set a different gateway name other than "default"
+    * [AIRAVATA-986] - No free ports available to run GRAM provider and GridFTP transfers
+    * [AIRAVATA-1091] - PersistenceException while executing BES or Gram Provider
+    * [AIRAVATA-1370] - Update Client samples READMEs and INSTALL files
+    * [AIRAVATA-1402] - Command for SLURM job cancel need correction
+    * [AIRAVATA-1409] - Error details are saved twice which adding two records in the database
+    * [AIRAVATA-1413] - Output path is not getting set to output context incase we scan output directory
+    * [AIRAVATA-1418] - App catalog database connection timeout issue
+    * [AIRAVATA-1423] - Orchestrator context does't set initial GFac instant list correctly in one of it's constructor.
+    * [AIRAVATA-1430] - GSISSHAbstractCluster not throwing error if there is issue submitting job
+    * [AIRAVATA-1433] - NullPointerException to create a SSH connection
+    * [AIRAVATA-1434] - Rewrite CreateLaunchExperiment class in order to work with registerApplication method
+    * [AIRAVATA-1435] - Experiment Status is updated to completed on job complete
+    * [AIRAVATA-1477] - Host Aliases and IpAddresses not getting saved in Compute Resource Object
+    * [AIRAVATA-1488] - AdvancedSCPInputHandler is not working if we need to transfer data to BigRed
+    * [AIRAVATA-1495] - Experiment Status is not updated to Complete
+    * [AIRAVATA-1520] - SCP to a newer version of Centos VM does not work
+    * [AIRAVATA-1521] - SSHInputHandler cluster object is null
+    * [AIRAVATA-1542] - Error message when configuring XBaya input parameter configuration
 Apache Airavata Version 0.12 Released on 2014-06-27