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Posted to by Gus Smith via Apache TVM Discuss <> on 2021/10/28 23:14:43 UTC

[Apache TVM Discuss] [Questions] Python debugger segfaults with tvm

[quote="junrushao1994, post:9, topic:843"]
set(USE_LLVM "/usr/bin/llvm-config-8 --ignore-libllvm")

FWIW, this seems to be what's needed to get this ignored test working in the Rust bindings:

(in rust/tvm/src/
    fn test_run() -> Result<()> {

This is significant. Without this fix, a large part of the Rust bindings won't work (specifically, actually compiling and running code from Rust won't work!)

I'm not sure if this is known already, or where it would be good to document this fact. cc @jroesch 

Sorry to bump an old thread, but this seems important enough to mention. THANK YOU SO MUCH @junrushao1994 !!!! Great sleuthing on this :male_detective:

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