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Posted to by on 2011/02/22 15:09:32 UTC

svn commit: r1073358 [2/6] - in /incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk: org.apache.easyant4e.releng/ org.apache.easyant4e.releng/build-files/ org.apache.easyant4e.releng/build-files/automatedTests/ org.apache.easyant4e.tests/datas/simplejavaproject/ org.ap...

Modified: incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.releng/
--- incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.releng/ (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.releng/ Tue Feb 22 15:09:30 2011
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ collectingFolder=${archivePrefix}
 #The list can only contain the configuration for which the desired format is different than zip.
 # E.g. win32,win32,x86 - antZip
 # Set to true for Jnlp generation
 # @category jnlp
 # @type Boolean
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ collectingFolder=${archivePrefix}
 # Set to ${configs} in order to filter the content of the generated jnlp files based on the configuration being built
 # @category jnlp
 # @type enum values=${configs} 
-# jnlp.configs=			
+# jnlp.configs=         
 # Check if you want to sign jars
 # @type Boolean
@@ -222,4 +222,4 @@ Repo Name
 # @category hidden
 # @category hidden
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.releng/build.xml
--- incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.releng/build.xml (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.releng/build.xml Tue Feb 22 15:09:30 2011
@@ -19,241 +19,241 @@
       If you modify this script it is likely that the build will not work on the server
 <project name="Build Facade" default="main">
-	<taskdef resource="org/pluginbuilder/anttasks/" classpath="build-files/pluginbuilder-anttasks.jar" />
-	<GetHostName />
-	<property file="build_${hostname}.properties" />
-	<property file="" />
-	<property name="eclipse.installation.dir" value="${eclipseDir}"/>
-	<import file="build-files/build_shared.xml"/>
-	<target name="-properties">		
-		<!-- versioning -->
-		<property name="build.version" value="HEAD"/>
-		<property name="releaseConfigFile" value="releases/${build.version}.properties"/>
-		<condition property="releaseConfigFile.exists">
-			<available file="${releaseConfigFile}"/>
-		</condition>
-		<fail message="Could not read release config file: ${releaseConfigFile}" unless="releaseConfigFile.exists"/>
-		<property file="${releaseConfigFile}" />
-		<tstamp>
-		      <format property="version.qualifier" pattern="yyyyMMddHHmm" timezone="GMT" unit="minute"/>
-		</tstamp>
-		<property name="buildTypePresentation" value=""/>
-		<property name="version.full" value="${version}.${version.qualifier}${buildTypePresentation}"/>
-		<!-- includes -->
-		<GetHostName />
-		<property file="build_${hostname}.properties" />
-		<property file="" />
-		<property file="pluginbuilder.config" />
-		<!-- set defaults -->
-		<property name="buildTarget" value="main"/>
-		<property name="verboseAnt" value="-Ddummy=true"/>
-		<!-- check if clean should be called -->
-		<condition property="is.clean">
-			<or>
-				<equals arg1="main" arg2="${buildTarget}" trim="true"/>
-		   		<equals arg1="fetch" arg2="${buildTarget}" trim="true"/>
-			</or>
-		</condition>
-		<condition property="" value="true">
-			<not>
-				<equals arg1="${}" arg2="true"/>
-			</not>
-		</condition>
-	</target>
-	<target name="">
-		<antcall target="unpack.eclipse"/>
-		<available type="dir" file="${eclipseDir}/plugins" property="eclipseDir.plugins.exists"/>
-		<fail message="Could not find directory ${eclipseDir}/plugins. Please check eclipseDir in" unless="eclipseDir.plugins.exists"/>
-		<!-- determine buildfiles -->
-		<BundleFileLocator eclipseInstallationRoot="${eclipseDir}" bundleId="" filePath="scripts/build.xml" property="regularbuildfile" />		
-		<dirname file="${regularbuildfile}" property="scriptdir"/>
-		<property name="productbuildfile" value="${scriptdir}/productBuild/productBuild.xml"/>
-		<!-- determine launcher -->
-		<BundleFileLocator eclipseInstallationRoot="${eclipseDir}" bundleId="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher" property="equinoxjar" />		
-	</target>
-	<target name="-clean" if="is.clean">
-		<echo level="info" message="Cleaning directory ${buildDirectory}"/>
-		<delete dir="${buildDirectory}" verbose="false"/>
-		<mkdir dir="${buildDirectory}"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="-build" depends="-properties,-clean,">
-		<condition property="" value="true">
-			<not>
-				<equals arg1="${}" arg2="true"/>
-			</not>
-		</condition>
-		<antcall target="-build.internal">
-			<param name="buildfile" value="${regularbuildfile}"/>
-	    </antcall>
-		<!-- build rcp omitting fetch -->
-		<property name="buildSystemProperty.skipFetch" value="true"/>
-		<antcall target="-build.rcp.internal"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="-build.rcp.internal" unless="">
-		<property prefix="buildSystemProperty." file="${buildHome}/build-files/"/>
-		<antcall target="-checkProductProperty"/>
-		<antcall target="-build.internal"> 
-			<param name="buildfile" value="${productbuildfile}"/>
-		</antcall>
-	</target>
-	<target name="-checkProductProperty">
-		<condition property="isProductSet">
-			<and>
-				<isset property="buildSystemProperty.product"/>
-				<not><equals arg1="${product}" arg2=""/></not>
-			</and>
-		</condition>
-		<fail message="Building an RCP application requires a Product Configuration file to be specified ('product' property)." unless="isProductSet"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="rcp" depends="-properties,-clean," description="Build RCP only">
-		<fail message="Please enable and configure an RCP build in the Plug-in Builder Editor before calling this target." if=""/>
-		<antcall target="-build.rcp.internal"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="-build.internal">
-		<property name="buildResultsDirectory" value="${buildDirectory}/results" />
-		<java classname="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main" fork="true" 
-			failonerror="true" errorproperty="build.stderr">
-			<arg value="-ws" />
-			<arg value="${ws}" />
-			<arg value="-os" />
-			<arg value="${os}" />
-			<arg value="-application" />
-			<arg value="org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner" />
-			<arg value="-buildfile" />
-			<arg value="${buildfile}" />
-			<arg value="${buildTarget}" />
-			<arg value="-data" />
-			<arg value="${buildDirectory}/workspace" />
-			<arg value="${verboseAnt}"/>
-			<jvmarg value="-Dbasews=${ws}" />
-			<jvmarg value="-Dbaseos=${os}" />
-			<jvmarg value="-Dbasearch=${arch}" />
-			<jvmarg value="-Dbuilder=${buildHome}/build-files" />
-			<jvmarg value="-DjavacFailOnError=true"/>
-			<jvmarg value="-DbuildDirectory=${buildDirectory}"/>
-			<jvmarg value="-DbuildResultsDirectory=${buildResultsDirectory}"/>
-			<jvmarg value="-DbaseLocation=${eclipseDir}"/>
-			<jvmarg value="-DbuildHome=${buildHome}"/>
-			<jvmarg value="-Dversion.full=${version.full}"/>
-			<jvmarg value="-Dversion.qualifier=${version.qualifier}${buildTypePresentation}"/>
-			<jvmarg value="-DbuildType=${buildType}"/>
-			<jvmarg value="-DfetchTag=${fetchTag}"/>
-			<jvmarg value="-DbuildProperties=${buildHome}/build-files/"/>
-			<classpath>
-				<pathelement location="${equinoxjar}" />
-			</classpath>
-			<syspropertyset>
-				<propertyset>
-					<propertyref prefix="buildSystemProperty"/>
-					<mapper type="glob" from="buildSystemProperty.*" to="*"/>
-				</propertyset>
-			</syspropertyset>
-		</java>
-		<!-- save stderr for scrutinizing later -->
-		<echo file="${buildDirectory}/stderr.txt">${build.stderr}</echo>
-		<echo taskname="stderr">${build.stderr}</echo>
-		<condition property="" value="true">
-			<contains string="${build.stderr}" substring="BUILD FAILED"/>
-		</condition>
-		<!-- Note that the fail task throws an exception which will be intercepted
-		     from calling antcalls. During that processing the status will 
-		     be lost and set to 1. Therefor ethe processing of TESTS FAILED which should 
-		     return an exit status of 2 can only take place in main targets. --> 
-		<fail message="PDE Build failed" if="" status="1"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="main-cc"
-			description="This target is suited to be run from cruisecontrol. The property 'label' is expected to be set from cruisecontrol.">
-		<!-- Note that pluginbuilder also provides an EclipseLabelIncrementer which creates Eclipse version labels.
-			see -->
-		<property name="version.full" value="${label}"/> 
-		<SetRegex input="${label}" match=".+\..+\..+\.(.*)" property="version.qualifier" value="\1" />
-		<antcall target="-build"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="main" description="Run the main target of customTargets.xml. Return status 0,1,2 for Success, Build Failure and Test Failure">
-		<property name="buildTarget" value="main"/>
-		<antcall target="-build"/>
-		<!-- this must be done in a top level target because otherwise the 
-		     status would not get throuhg. If fail is called somewhere within
-		     an antcall the created exception will be caught which would result
-		     in a return status of 1 -->
-		<loadfile srcFile="${buildDirectory}/stderr.txt" property="build.stderr"/>
-		<condition property="is.tests.failed" value="true">
-			<contains string="${build.stderr}" substring="TESTS FAILED"/>
-		</condition>
-		<fail message="Tests failed" if="is.tests.failed" status="2"/>		
-	</target>
-	<target name="fetch" description="Run the fetch target of customTargets.xml.">
-		<property name="buildTarget" value="fetch"/>
-		<antcall target="-build"/>
-	</target>	
-	<target name="generate" description="Run the generate target of customTargets.xml.">
-		<property name="buildTarget" value="generate"/>
-		<antcall target="-build"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="process" description="Run the process target of customTargets.xml.">
-		<property name="buildTarget" value="process"/>
-		<antcall target="-build"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="assemble" description="Run the assemble target of customTargets.xml.">
-		<property name="buildTarget" value="assemble"/>
-		<antcall target="-build"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="postBuild" description="Run the postBuild target of customTargets.xml.">
-		<property name="buildTarget" value="postBuild"/>
-		<antcall target="-build"/>
-		<!-- see main for a description why this must take place here. It is very ugly -->
-		<loadfile srcFile="${buildDirectory}/stderr.txt" property="build.stderr"/>
-		<condition property="is.tests.failed" value="true">
-			<contains string="${build.stderr}" substring="TESTS FAILED"/>
-		</condition>
-		<fail message="Tests failed" if="is.tests.failed" status="2"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="buildProperties" description="Print out derived properties for the current build." depends="-properties">
-		<fail message="You have to set the property 'buildPropertiesFile' if calling buildProperties" unless="buildPropertiesFile"/>
-		<condition property="subdir" value="nightly" else="releases">
-			<equals arg1="${buildType}" arg2="N"/>
-		</condition>
-		<echo file="${buildPropertiesFile}">relativeServerResultsDir: ${subdir}
+    <taskdef resource="org/pluginbuilder/anttasks/" classpath="build-files/pluginbuilder-anttasks.jar" />
+    <GetHostName />
+    <property file="build_${hostname}.properties" />
+    <property file="" />
+    <property name="eclipse.installation.dir" value="${eclipseDir}"/>
+    <import file="build-files/build_shared.xml"/>
+    <target name="-properties">     
+        <!-- versioning -->
+        <property name="build.version" value="HEAD"/>
+        <property name="releaseConfigFile" value="releases/${build.version}.properties"/>
+        <condition property="releaseConfigFile.exists">
+            <available file="${releaseConfigFile}"/>
+        </condition>
+        <fail message="Could not read release config file: ${releaseConfigFile}" unless="releaseConfigFile.exists"/>
+        <property file="${releaseConfigFile}" />
+        <tstamp>
+              <format property="version.qualifier" pattern="yyyyMMddHHmm" timezone="GMT" unit="minute"/>
+        </tstamp>
+        <property name="buildTypePresentation" value=""/>
+        <property name="version.full" value="${version}.${version.qualifier}${buildTypePresentation}"/>
+        <!-- includes -->
+        <GetHostName />
+        <property file="build_${hostname}.properties" />
+        <property file="" />
+        <property file="pluginbuilder.config" />
+        <!-- set defaults -->
+        <property name="buildTarget" value="main"/>
+        <property name="verboseAnt" value="-Ddummy=true"/>
+        <!-- check if clean should be called -->
+        <condition property="is.clean">
+            <or>
+                <equals arg1="main" arg2="${buildTarget}" trim="true"/>
+                <equals arg1="fetch" arg2="${buildTarget}" trim="true"/>
+            </or>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="" value="true">
+            <not>
+                <equals arg1="${}" arg2="true"/>
+            </not>
+        </condition>
+    </target>
+    <target name="">
+        <antcall target="unpack.eclipse"/>
+        <available type="dir" file="${eclipseDir}/plugins" property="eclipseDir.plugins.exists"/>
+        <fail message="Could not find directory ${eclipseDir}/plugins. Please check eclipseDir in" unless="eclipseDir.plugins.exists"/>
+        <!-- determine buildfiles -->
+        <BundleFileLocator eclipseInstallationRoot="${eclipseDir}" bundleId="" filePath="scripts/build.xml" property="regularbuildfile" />     
+        <dirname file="${regularbuildfile}" property="scriptdir"/>
+        <property name="productbuildfile" value="${scriptdir}/productBuild/productBuild.xml"/>
+        <!-- determine launcher -->
+        <BundleFileLocator eclipseInstallationRoot="${eclipseDir}" bundleId="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher" property="equinoxjar" />     
+    </target>
+    <target name="-clean" if="is.clean">
+        <echo level="info" message="Cleaning directory ${buildDirectory}"/>
+        <delete dir="${buildDirectory}" verbose="false"/>
+        <mkdir dir="${buildDirectory}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-build" depends="-properties,-clean,">
+        <condition property="" value="true">
+            <not>
+                <equals arg1="${}" arg2="true"/>
+            </not>
+        </condition>
+        <antcall target="-build.internal">
+            <param name="buildfile" value="${regularbuildfile}"/>
+        </antcall>
+        <!-- build rcp omitting fetch -->
+        <property name="buildSystemProperty.skipFetch" value="true"/>
+        <antcall target="-build.rcp.internal"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-build.rcp.internal" unless="">
+        <property prefix="buildSystemProperty." file="${buildHome}/build-files/"/>
+        <antcall target="-checkProductProperty"/>
+        <antcall target="-build.internal"> 
+            <param name="buildfile" value="${productbuildfile}"/>
+        </antcall>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-checkProductProperty">
+        <condition property="isProductSet">
+            <and>
+                <isset property="buildSystemProperty.product"/>
+                <not><equals arg1="${product}" arg2=""/></not>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+        <fail message="Building an RCP application requires a Product Configuration file to be specified ('product' property)." unless="isProductSet"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="rcp" depends="-properties,-clean," description="Build RCP only">
+        <fail message="Please enable and configure an RCP build in the Plug-in Builder Editor before calling this target." if=""/>
+        <antcall target="-build.rcp.internal"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-build.internal">
+        <property name="buildResultsDirectory" value="${buildDirectory}/results" />
+        <java classname="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main" fork="true" 
+            failonerror="true" errorproperty="build.stderr">
+            <arg value="-ws" />
+            <arg value="${ws}" />
+            <arg value="-os" />
+            <arg value="${os}" />
+            <arg value="-application" />
+            <arg value="org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner" />
+            <arg value="-buildfile" />
+            <arg value="${buildfile}" />
+            <arg value="${buildTarget}" />
+            <arg value="-data" />
+            <arg value="${buildDirectory}/workspace" />
+            <arg value="${verboseAnt}"/>
+            <jvmarg value="-Dbasews=${ws}" />
+            <jvmarg value="-Dbaseos=${os}" />
+            <jvmarg value="-Dbasearch=${arch}" />
+            <jvmarg value="-Dbuilder=${buildHome}/build-files" />
+            <jvmarg value="-DjavacFailOnError=true"/>
+            <jvmarg value="-DbuildDirectory=${buildDirectory}"/>
+            <jvmarg value="-DbuildResultsDirectory=${buildResultsDirectory}"/>
+            <jvmarg value="-DbaseLocation=${eclipseDir}"/>
+            <jvmarg value="-DbuildHome=${buildHome}"/>
+            <jvmarg value="-Dversion.full=${version.full}"/>
+            <jvmarg value="-Dversion.qualifier=${version.qualifier}${buildTypePresentation}"/>
+            <jvmarg value="-DbuildType=${buildType}"/>
+            <jvmarg value="-DfetchTag=${fetchTag}"/>
+            <jvmarg value="-DbuildProperties=${buildHome}/build-files/"/>
+            <classpath>
+                <pathelement location="${equinoxjar}" />
+            </classpath>
+            <syspropertyset>
+                <propertyset>
+                    <propertyref prefix="buildSystemProperty"/>
+                    <mapper type="glob" from="buildSystemProperty.*" to="*"/>
+                </propertyset>
+            </syspropertyset>
+        </java>
+        <!-- save stderr for scrutinizing later -->
+        <echo file="${buildDirectory}/stderr.txt">${build.stderr}</echo>
+        <echo taskname="stderr">${build.stderr}</echo>
+        <condition property="" value="true">
+            <contains string="${build.stderr}" substring="BUILD FAILED"/>
+        </condition>
+        <!-- Note that the fail task throws an exception which will be intercepted
+             from calling antcalls. During that processing the status will 
+             be lost and set to 1. Therefor ethe processing of TESTS FAILED which should 
+             return an exit status of 2 can only take place in main targets. --> 
+        <fail message="PDE Build failed" if="" status="1"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="main-cc"
+            description="This target is suited to be run from cruisecontrol. The property 'label' is expected to be set from cruisecontrol.">
+        <!-- Note that pluginbuilder also provides an EclipseLabelIncrementer which creates Eclipse version labels.
+            see -->
+        <property name="version.full" value="${label}"/> 
+        <SetRegex input="${label}" match=".+\..+\..+\.(.*)" property="version.qualifier" value="\1" />
+        <antcall target="-build"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="main" description="Run the main target of customTargets.xml. Return status 0,1,2 for Success, Build Failure and Test Failure">
+        <property name="buildTarget" value="main"/>
+        <antcall target="-build"/>
+        <!-- this must be done in a top level target because otherwise the 
+             status would not get throuhg. If fail is called somewhere within
+             an antcall the created exception will be caught which would result
+             in a return status of 1 -->
+        <loadfile srcFile="${buildDirectory}/stderr.txt" property="build.stderr"/>
+        <condition property="is.tests.failed" value="true">
+            <contains string="${build.stderr}" substring="TESTS FAILED"/>
+        </condition>
+        <fail message="Tests failed" if="is.tests.failed" status="2"/>      
+    </target>
+    <target name="fetch" description="Run the fetch target of customTargets.xml.">
+        <property name="buildTarget" value="fetch"/>
+        <antcall target="-build"/>
+    </target>   
+    <target name="generate" description="Run the generate target of customTargets.xml.">
+        <property name="buildTarget" value="generate"/>
+        <antcall target="-build"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="process" description="Run the process target of customTargets.xml.">
+        <property name="buildTarget" value="process"/>
+        <antcall target="-build"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="assemble" description="Run the assemble target of customTargets.xml.">
+        <property name="buildTarget" value="assemble"/>
+        <antcall target="-build"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="postBuild" description="Run the postBuild target of customTargets.xml.">
+        <property name="buildTarget" value="postBuild"/>
+        <antcall target="-build"/>
+        <!-- see main for a description why this must take place here. It is very ugly -->
+        <loadfile srcFile="${buildDirectory}/stderr.txt" property="build.stderr"/>
+        <condition property="is.tests.failed" value="true">
+            <contains string="${build.stderr}" substring="TESTS FAILED"/>
+        </condition>
+        <fail message="Tests failed" if="is.tests.failed" status="2"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="buildProperties" description="Print out derived properties for the current build." depends="-properties">
+        <fail message="You have to set the property 'buildPropertiesFile' if calling buildProperties" unless="buildPropertiesFile"/>
+        <condition property="subdir" value="nightly" else="releases">
+            <equals arg1="${buildType}" arg2="N"/>
+        </condition>
+        <echo file="${buildPropertiesFile}">relativeServerResultsDir: ${subdir}
 version.full: ${version.full}
 version.qualifier: ${version.qualifier}</echo>
-	</target>
+    </target>
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.releng/
--- incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.releng/ (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.releng/ Tue Feb 22 15:09:30 2011
@@ -38,4 +38,4 @@ ws=gtk
 # Environment for both the Eclipse build and test host. Determines basearch.
 # @category localsettings
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.releng/build_shared.xml
--- incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.releng/build_shared.xml (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.releng/build_shared.xml Tue Feb 22 15:09:30 2011
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
    limitations under the License.
 <project name="Shared build targets">
-	<!-- the following properties must be set from the calling script 
+    <!-- the following properties must be set from the calling script 
     <property name="eclipse.installation.dir" value="${buildDirectory}"/>
     <property name="eclipse.local.tar.non.server" value="${}"/>,pluginbuilder.eclipse.url
@@ -23,110 +23,110 @@
     <property name="pluginbuilder.additional.feature.urls" value="featureurl1,featureurl2"/>
-	<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/" classpath="${buildHome}/build-files/ant-contrib.jar" />
-	<target name="unpack.eclipse">
-		<condition property="unpack.eclipse">
-			<not>
-				<available type="dir" file="${eclipse.installation.dir}"/>
-			</not>
-		</condition>
-		<antcall target="-unpack.eclipse.ifnecessary"/>
-	</target>    
-	<!-- call either with or feature.url or pluginbuilder.eclipse.url
-		 sets property archive.location to the archive path in download cache.
-	 -->
-	<target name="-set.archive.location" if="">
-		<!-- set default, useful for server where pluginbuilder.eclipse.url.default can be specified in --> 
-		<property name="pluginbuilder.eclipse.url" value="${pluginbuilder.eclipse.url.default}"/>
-		<condition property="archive.url" value="${feature.url}" else="${pluginbuilder.eclipse.url}">
-				<isset property="feature.url"/>
-		</condition>
-		<mkdir dir="${}"/>
-		<tempfile destdir="${}" property="tmp.file" suffix=".txt" prefix="downloadurl"/>		
-		<echo file="${tmp.file}" message="${archive.url}"/>
-		<checksum file="${tmp.file}" property="pluginbuilder.eclipse.url.checksum"/>
-		<delete file="${tmp.file}"/>
-		<property name="archive.location" value="${}/${pluginbuilder.eclipse.url.checksum}"/>
-		<!-- <echo message="${archive.location} is archive location for ${archive.url}"/> -->
-	</target>
-	<target name="-set.eclipse.local.tar.server" if="" depends="-set.archive.location">
-		<property name="eclipse.local.tar" value="${archive.location}"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="-set.eclipse.local.tar.non.server" unless="">
-		<property name="eclipse.local.tar" value="${eclipse.local.tar.non.server}"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="-get.archive.ifnecessary" unless="">
-		<condition property="archive.url" value="${feature.url}" else="${pluginbuilder.eclipse.url}">
-				<isset property="feature.url"/>
-		</condition>
-		<get src="${archive.url}" dest="${archive.location}" />		
-	</target>
-	<target name="-get.archive" depends="-set.archive.location" if="">
-		<condition property="">
-			<available file="${archive.location}" property="${}"/>
-		</condition>		
-		<antcall target="-get.archive.ifnecessary"/> 
-	</target>
-	<target name="-get.features" if="" >
-		<property name="pluginbuilder.feature.urls" value="${pluginbuilder.feature.urls.default}"/>
-		<foreach list="${pluginbuilder.feature.urls}" param="feature.url" delimiter="," target="-get.archive" inheritall="true"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="-unpack.features" if="">
-		<property name="pluginbuilder.feature.urls" value="${pluginbuilder.feature.urls.default}"/>
-		<foreach list="${pluginbuilder.feature.urls}" param="feature.url" delimiter="," target="-unpack.feature" inheritall="true"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="-unpack.feature" depends="-set.archive.location">
-		<property name="tempunziplocation" value="${buildDirectory}/tmpunzip"/>
-		<delete dir="${tempunziplocation}" failonerror="false"/>
-		<mkdir dir="${tempunziplocation}"/>
-		<unzip src="${archive.location}" overwrite="true" dest="${tempunziplocation}"/>
-		<condition property="moveroot" value="${tempunziplocation}/eclipse" else="${tempunziplocation}">
-				<available file="${tempunziplocation}/eclipse" type="dir"/>
-		</condition>
-		<move todir="${eclipse.installation.dir}" includeemptydirs="true">
-			<fileset dir="${moveroot}" includes="**"/>
-		</move>
-	</target>
-	<target name="-unpack.eclipse.ifnecessary" if="unpack.eclipse">
-		<antcall target="-get.archive"/>
-		<condition property="">
-		  <os family="windows"/>
-		</condition>
-		<antcall target=""/>
-		<antcall target="-unpack.eclipse.linux"/>
-		<antcall target="-get.features"/>
-		<antcall target="-unpack.features"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="" if="" depends="-set.eclipse.local.tar.server,-set.eclipse.local.tar.non.server">
-		<unzip src="${eclipse.local.tar}" overwrite="true" dest="${eclipse.installation.dir}/.."/>		
-	</target>
-	<target name="-unpack.eclipse.linux" unless="" depends="-set.eclipse.local.tar.server,-set.eclipse.local.tar.non.server">
-		<untar src="${eclipse.local.tar}" overwrite="true" dest="${eclipse.installation.dir}/.." compression="gzip"/>		
-	</target>
-	<target name="test">
-		<property name="buildDirectory" value="C:/Temp/tst"/>
-		<mkdir dir="${buildDirectory}"/>
-		<property name="" value="C:/Temp/downloadcache"/>
-		<property name="" value="true"/>
-		<property name="pluginbuilder.eclipse.url" value=""/>
-		<property name="eclipse.installation.dir" value="C:/Temp/eclipse_root/eclipse"/>
-		<delete dir="${eclipse.installation.dir}" failonerror="false"/>
-		<property name="pluginbuilder.feature.urls" value=","/>
-		<antcall target="unpack.eclipse"/>
-	</target>
\ No newline at end of file
+    <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/" classpath="${buildHome}/build-files/ant-contrib.jar" />
+    <target name="unpack.eclipse">
+        <condition property="unpack.eclipse">
+            <not>
+                <available type="dir" file="${eclipse.installation.dir}"/>
+            </not>
+        </condition>
+        <antcall target="-unpack.eclipse.ifnecessary"/>
+    </target>    
+    <!-- call either with or feature.url or pluginbuilder.eclipse.url
+         sets property archive.location to the archive path in download cache.
+     -->
+    <target name="-set.archive.location" if="">
+        <!-- set default, useful for server where pluginbuilder.eclipse.url.default can be specified in --> 
+        <property name="pluginbuilder.eclipse.url" value="${pluginbuilder.eclipse.url.default}"/>
+        <condition property="archive.url" value="${feature.url}" else="${pluginbuilder.eclipse.url}">
+                <isset property="feature.url"/>
+        </condition>
+        <mkdir dir="${}"/>
+        <tempfile destdir="${}" property="tmp.file" suffix=".txt" prefix="downloadurl"/>      
+        <echo file="${tmp.file}" message="${archive.url}"/>
+        <checksum file="${tmp.file}" property="pluginbuilder.eclipse.url.checksum"/>
+        <delete file="${tmp.file}"/>
+        <property name="archive.location" value="${}/${pluginbuilder.eclipse.url.checksum}"/>
+        <!-- <echo message="${archive.location} is archive location for ${archive.url}"/> -->
+    </target>
+    <target name="-set.eclipse.local.tar.server" if="" depends="-set.archive.location">
+        <property name="eclipse.local.tar" value="${archive.location}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-set.eclipse.local.tar.non.server" unless="">
+        <property name="eclipse.local.tar" value="${eclipse.local.tar.non.server}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-get.archive.ifnecessary" unless="">
+        <condition property="archive.url" value="${feature.url}" else="${pluginbuilder.eclipse.url}">
+                <isset property="feature.url"/>
+        </condition>
+        <get src="${archive.url}" dest="${archive.location}" />     
+    </target>
+    <target name="-get.archive" depends="-set.archive.location" if="">
+        <condition property="">
+            <available file="${archive.location}" property="${}"/>
+        </condition>        
+        <antcall target="-get.archive.ifnecessary"/> 
+    </target>
+    <target name="-get.features" if="" >
+        <property name="pluginbuilder.feature.urls" value="${pluginbuilder.feature.urls.default}"/>
+        <foreach list="${pluginbuilder.feature.urls}" param="feature.url" delimiter="," target="-get.archive" inheritall="true"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-unpack.features" if="">
+        <property name="pluginbuilder.feature.urls" value="${pluginbuilder.feature.urls.default}"/>
+        <foreach list="${pluginbuilder.feature.urls}" param="feature.url" delimiter="," target="-unpack.feature" inheritall="true"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-unpack.feature" depends="-set.archive.location">
+        <property name="tempunziplocation" value="${buildDirectory}/tmpunzip"/>
+        <delete dir="${tempunziplocation}" failonerror="false"/>
+        <mkdir dir="${tempunziplocation}"/>
+        <unzip src="${archive.location}" overwrite="true" dest="${tempunziplocation}"/>
+        <condition property="moveroot" value="${tempunziplocation}/eclipse" else="${tempunziplocation}">
+                <available file="${tempunziplocation}/eclipse" type="dir"/>
+        </condition>
+        <move todir="${eclipse.installation.dir}" includeemptydirs="true">
+            <fileset dir="${moveroot}" includes="**"/>
+        </move>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-unpack.eclipse.ifnecessary" if="unpack.eclipse">
+        <antcall target="-get.archive"/>
+        <condition property="">
+          <os family="windows"/>
+        </condition>
+        <antcall target=""/>
+        <antcall target="-unpack.eclipse.linux"/>
+        <antcall target="-get.features"/>
+        <antcall target="-unpack.features"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="" if="" depends="-set.eclipse.local.tar.server,-set.eclipse.local.tar.non.server">
+        <unzip src="${eclipse.local.tar}" overwrite="true" dest="${eclipse.installation.dir}/.."/>      
+    </target>
+    <target name="-unpack.eclipse.linux" unless="" depends="-set.eclipse.local.tar.server,-set.eclipse.local.tar.non.server">
+        <untar src="${eclipse.local.tar}" overwrite="true" dest="${eclipse.installation.dir}/.." compression="gzip"/>       
+    </target>
+    <target name="test">
+        <property name="buildDirectory" value="C:/Temp/tst"/>
+        <mkdir dir="${buildDirectory}"/>
+        <property name="" value="C:/Temp/downloadcache"/>
+        <property name="" value="true"/>
+        <property name="pluginbuilder.eclipse.url" value=""/>
+        <property name="eclipse.installation.dir" value="C:/Temp/eclipse_root/eclipse"/>
+        <delete dir="${eclipse.installation.dir}" failonerror="false"/>
+        <property name="pluginbuilder.feature.urls" value=","/>
+        <antcall target="unpack.eclipse"/>
+    </target>

Modified: incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/datas/simplejavaproject/module.ivy
--- incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/datas/simplejavaproject/module.ivy (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/datas/simplejavaproject/module.ivy Tue Feb 22 15:09:30 2011
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
    limitations under the License.
 <ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea=""> 
-	<info organisation="org.apache.easyant" module="simplejavaproject" status="integration" >
-		<ea:build type="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes#build-std-java;0.2">
-			<ea:property name="run.main.classname" value="org.apache.easyant.example.Example"/>
-			<ea:plugin module="org.apache.easyant.plugins#run-java;0.1" as="run"/>
-       	</ea:build>
-	</info>
+    <info organisation="org.apache.easyant" module="simplejavaproject" status="integration" >
+        <ea:build type="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes#build-std-java;0.2">
+            <ea:property name="run.main.classname" value="org.apache.easyant.example.Example"/>
+            <ea:plugin module="org.apache.easyant.plugins#run-java;0.1" as="run"/>
+        </ea:build>
+    </info>

Modified: incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/
--- incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/ (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/ Tue Feb 22 15:09:30 2011
@@ -42,48 +42,48 @@ import org.junit.Before;
 public abstract class AbstractEasyAntTest {
-	protected IProject testProject;
-	protected IJavaProject testJavaProject;
-	@Inject
-	EasyantCoreService coreService;
-	@Inject
-	EasyantProjectService projectService;
-	@Before
-	public void setUp() throws Exception {
-		EasyAntPlugin easyAntPlugin = Activator.getEasyAntPlugin();
-		assertNotNull(easyAntPlugin);
-		easyAntPlugin.injectMembers(this);
-		assertNotNull(coreService);
-		assertNotNull(projectService);
-		//System.out.println("setUp");
-		String testProjectName = "TestProject";
-		this.testProject = EclipseProjectBuilder.createProject(testProjectName);
-	    assertNotNull(testProject);
-	    IFile testModuleDesc = EclipseProjectBuilder.createModuleDescriptorFile(testProject, "org.apache.easyant");
-	    assertNotNull(testModuleDesc);
-	    assertTrue(testModuleDesc.exists());
-	    String testJavaProjectName = "TestJavaProject";
-	    this.testJavaProject = EclipseProjectBuilder.createJavaProject(testJavaProjectName);
-	    assertNotNull(testProject);
-	    IFile testJavaModuleDesc = EclipseProjectBuilder.createModuleDescriptorFile(testJavaProject.getProject(), "org.apache.easyant");
-	    assertNotNull(testJavaModuleDesc);
-	    assertTrue(testJavaModuleDesc.exists());	   
-	}
-	@After
-	public void tearDown() throws CoreException {
-		if(this.testProject!=null){
-			EclipseProjectBuilder.deleteProject(testProject);
-			this.testProject = null;
-		}
-		if(this.testJavaProject!=null){
-			EclipseProjectBuilder.deleteProject(testJavaProject.getProject());
-			this.testJavaProject = null;			
-		}
-	}
+    protected IProject testProject;
+    protected IJavaProject testJavaProject;
+    @Inject
+    EasyantCoreService coreService;
+    @Inject
+    EasyantProjectService projectService;
+    @Before
+    public void setUp() throws Exception {
+        EasyAntPlugin easyAntPlugin = Activator.getEasyAntPlugin();
+        assertNotNull(easyAntPlugin);
+        easyAntPlugin.injectMembers(this);
+        assertNotNull(coreService);
+        assertNotNull(projectService);
+        //System.out.println("setUp");
+        String testProjectName = "TestProject";
+        this.testProject = EclipseProjectBuilder.createProject(testProjectName);
+        assertNotNull(testProject);
+        IFile testModuleDesc = EclipseProjectBuilder.createModuleDescriptorFile(testProject, "org.apache.easyant");
+        assertNotNull(testModuleDesc);
+        assertTrue(testModuleDesc.exists());
+        String testJavaProjectName = "TestJavaProject";
+        this.testJavaProject = EclipseProjectBuilder.createJavaProject(testJavaProjectName);
+        assertNotNull(testProject);
+        IFile testJavaModuleDesc = EclipseProjectBuilder.createModuleDescriptorFile(testJavaProject.getProject(), "org.apache.easyant");
+        assertNotNull(testJavaModuleDesc);
+        assertTrue(testJavaModuleDesc.exists());       
+    }
+    @After
+    public void tearDown() throws CoreException {
+        if(this.testProject!=null){
+            EclipseProjectBuilder.deleteProject(testProject);
+            this.testProject = null;
+        }
+        if(this.testJavaProject!=null){
+            EclipseProjectBuilder.deleteProject(testJavaProject.getProject());
+            this.testJavaProject = null;            
+        }
+    }

Modified: incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/
--- incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/ (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/ Tue Feb 22 15:09:30 2011
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ import org.junit.runners.Suite.SuiteClas
 @SuiteClasses(value = { 
-		ImportProjectTest.class,
-		StartupTest.class, 
-		EasyantCoreServiceTest.class,
-		EasyantProjectServiceTest.class	
+        ImportProjectTest.class,
+        StartupTest.class, 
+        EasyantCoreServiceTest.class,
+        EasyantProjectServiceTest.class 
 public class EasyAntAllTests {

Modified: incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/
--- incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/ (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/ Tue Feb 22 15:09:30 2011
@@ -32,46 +32,46 @@ import org.junit.Test;
 public class EasyantCoreServiceTest extends AbstractEasyAntTest {
-	@Test
-	public void testGetIvyInstance() {
-		Ivy ivy = coreService.getIvyInstance(testProject);
-		assertNotNull(ivy);
-	}
+    @Test
+    public void testGetIvyInstance() {
+        Ivy ivy = coreService.getIvyInstance(testProject);
+        assertNotNull(ivy);
+    }
-	@Test
-	public void testGetPluginsRepositoryPath() {
-		String pluginsRepositoryPath = coreService.getPluginsRepositoryPath();
-		assertNotNull(pluginsRepositoryPath);
-		String pluginPath = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.easyant/repository";
-		assertEquals(pluginPath, pluginsRepositoryPath);
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void testInstallPluginsRepository() {
-		String pluginsRepositoryPath = coreService.getPluginsRepositoryPath();
-		File pluginsRepositoryDir = new File(pluginsRepositoryPath);
-		assertTrue(deleteDirectory(pluginsRepositoryDir));
-		assertFalse(pluginsRepositoryDir.exists());
-		coreService.installPluginsRepository();
-		assertTrue(pluginsRepositoryDir.exists());
-	}
-	private boolean deleteDirectory(File path) {
-		boolean resultat = true;
-		if (path.exists()) {
-			File[] files = path.listFiles();
-			for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
-				if (files[i].isDirectory()) {
-					resultat &= deleteDirectory(files[i]);
-				} else {
-					resultat &= files[i].delete();
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		resultat &= path.delete();
-		return (resultat);
-	}
+    @Test
+    public void testGetPluginsRepositoryPath() {
+        String pluginsRepositoryPath = coreService.getPluginsRepositoryPath();
+        assertNotNull(pluginsRepositoryPath);
+        String pluginPath = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.easyant/repository";
+        assertEquals(pluginPath, pluginsRepositoryPath);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testInstallPluginsRepository() {
+        String pluginsRepositoryPath = coreService.getPluginsRepositoryPath();
+        File pluginsRepositoryDir = new File(pluginsRepositoryPath);
+        assertTrue(deleteDirectory(pluginsRepositoryDir));
+        assertFalse(pluginsRepositoryDir.exists());
+        coreService.installPluginsRepository();
+        assertTrue(pluginsRepositoryDir.exists());
+    }
+    private boolean deleteDirectory(File path) {
+        boolean resultat = true;
+        if (path.exists()) {
+            File[] files = path.listFiles();
+            for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
+                if (files[i].isDirectory()) {
+                    resultat &= deleteDirectory(files[i]);
+                } else {
+                    resultat &= files[i].delete();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        resultat &= path.delete();
+        return (resultat);
+    }

Modified: incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/
--- incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/ (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/ Tue Feb 22 15:09:30 2011
@@ -34,83 +34,83 @@ import org.junit.Test;
 public class EasyantProjectServiceTest extends AbstractEasyAntTest {
-	@Test
-	public void testGetIvyInstance() {
-		Ivy ivy = projectService.getIvyInstance(testProject);
-		assertNotNull(ivy);
-	}
+    @Test
+    public void testGetIvyInstance() {
+        Ivy ivy = projectService.getIvyInstance(testProject);
+        assertNotNull(ivy);
+    }
-	// @Test
-	// public void testAddNature(){
-	// assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(testProject));
-	// projectService.addNature(testProject);
-	// assertTrue(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(testProject));
-	// assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntBuilder(testProject));
-	// }
-	//	
-	// @Test
-	// public void testRemoveNature(){
-	// assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(testProject));
-	// projectService.addNature(testProject);
-	// assertTrue(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(testProject));
-	// assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntBuilder(testProject));
-	// projectService.removeNature(testProject);
-	// assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(testProject));
-	// assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntBuilder(testProject));
-	// }
-	@Test
-	public void testAddNatureOnJavaProject() {
-		IProject javaProject = testJavaProject.getProject();
-		assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(javaProject));
-		assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntBuilder(javaProject));
-		projectService.addNature(javaProject);
-		assertTrue(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(javaProject));
-		assertTrue(projectService.hasEasyAntBuilder(javaProject));
-		// TODO check classpath and source folder
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void testRemoveNatureOnJavaProject() {
-		IProject javaProject = testJavaProject.getProject();
-		assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(javaProject));
-		projectService.addNature(javaProject);
-		assertTrue(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(javaProject));
-		assertTrue(projectService.hasEasyAntBuilder(javaProject));
-		projectService.removeNature(javaProject);
-		assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(javaProject));
-		assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntBuilder(javaProject));
-		// TODO check classpath and source folder
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void testGetPhases() {
-		IProject javaProject = testJavaProject.getProject();
-		IFile ivyFile = javaProject.getFile("module.ivy");
-		assertNotNull(ivyFile);
-		List<PhaseReport> phases = projectService.getPhases(ivyFile);
-		assertNotNull(phases);		
-		assertTrue("nb phases:" + phases.size(), phases.size() > 0);
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void testGetTargets() {
-		IProject javaProject = testJavaProject.getProject();
-		IFile ivyFile = javaProject.getFile("module.ivy");
-		assertNotNull(ivyFile);
-		List<TargetReport> targets = projectService.getTargets(ivyFile);
-		assertNotNull(targets);		
-		assertTrue("nb targets:" + targets.size(), targets.size() > 0);
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void testRunBuild() {
-		try {
-			projectService.runBuild(testJavaProject.getProject(), "compile", EasyAntConstants.ANT_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, null);
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			fail(e.getMessage());
-		}
-	}
+    // @Test
+    // public void testAddNature(){
+    // assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(testProject));
+    // projectService.addNature(testProject);
+    // assertTrue(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(testProject));
+    // assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntBuilder(testProject));
+    // }
+    //  
+    // @Test
+    // public void testRemoveNature(){
+    // assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(testProject));
+    // projectService.addNature(testProject);
+    // assertTrue(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(testProject));
+    // assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntBuilder(testProject));
+    // projectService.removeNature(testProject);
+    // assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(testProject));
+    // assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntBuilder(testProject));
+    // }
+    @Test
+    public void testAddNatureOnJavaProject() {
+        IProject javaProject = testJavaProject.getProject();
+        assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(javaProject));
+        assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntBuilder(javaProject));
+        projectService.addNature(javaProject);
+        assertTrue(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(javaProject));
+        assertTrue(projectService.hasEasyAntBuilder(javaProject));
+        // TODO check classpath and source folder
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testRemoveNatureOnJavaProject() {
+        IProject javaProject = testJavaProject.getProject();
+        assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(javaProject));
+        projectService.addNature(javaProject);
+        assertTrue(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(javaProject));
+        assertTrue(projectService.hasEasyAntBuilder(javaProject));
+        projectService.removeNature(javaProject);
+        assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(javaProject));
+        assertFalse(projectService.hasEasyAntBuilder(javaProject));
+        // TODO check classpath and source folder
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testGetPhases() {
+        IProject javaProject = testJavaProject.getProject();
+        IFile ivyFile = javaProject.getFile("module.ivy");
+        assertNotNull(ivyFile);
+        List<PhaseReport> phases = projectService.getPhases(ivyFile);
+        assertNotNull(phases);      
+        assertTrue("nb phases:" + phases.size(), phases.size() > 0);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testGetTargets() {
+        IProject javaProject = testJavaProject.getProject();
+        IFile ivyFile = javaProject.getFile("module.ivy");
+        assertNotNull(ivyFile);
+        List<TargetReport> targets = projectService.getTargets(ivyFile);
+        assertNotNull(targets);     
+        assertTrue("nb targets:" + targets.size(), targets.size() > 0);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testRunBuild() {
+        try {
+            projectService.runBuild(testJavaProject.getProject(), "compile", EasyAntConstants.ANT_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, null);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            fail(e.getMessage());
+        }
+    }

Modified: incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/
--- incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/ (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/ Tue Feb 22 15:09:30 2011
@@ -43,206 +43,208 @@ import org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JavaRun
 public class EclipseProjectBuilder {
-	// private IProject project;
-	// private IJavaProject javaProject;
-	// private IPackageFragmentRoot sourceFolder;
-	public EclipseProjectBuilder() throws CoreException {
-		// IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
-		// project = root.getProject("TestProject");
-		// project.create(null);
-		//;
-		// javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
-		//
-		// IFolder binFolder = createBinFolder();
-		//
-		// setJavaNature();
-		// javaProject.setRawClasspath(new IClasspathEntry[0], null);
-		//
-		// createOutputFolder(binFolder);
-		// addSystemLibraries();
-	}
-	public static IProject createProject(String name) throws CoreException {
-		IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
-		IProject project = root.getProject(name);
-		project.create(null);
-		return project;
-	}
-	public static IJavaProject createJavaProject(String name) throws CoreException {
-		IProject project = createProject(name);
-		IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
-		addJavaNature(project);
-		javaProject.setRawClasspath(new IClasspathEntry[0], null);
-		createOutputFolder(javaProject);
-		addSystemLibraries(javaProject);
-		return javaProject;
-	}
-	private static void addJavaNature(IProject project) throws CoreException {
-		IProjectDescription description = project.getDescription();
-		description.setNatureIds(new String[] { JavaCore.NATURE_ID });
-		project.setDescription(description, null);
-	}
-	private static void createOutputFolder(IJavaProject javaProject) throws CoreException {
-		IFolder binFolder = createBinFolder(javaProject.getProject());
-		IPath outputLocation = binFolder.getFullPath();
-		javaProject.setOutputLocation(outputLocation, null);
-	}
-	private static IFolder createBinFolder(IProject project) throws CoreException {
-		IFolder binFolder = project.getFolder("bin");
-		binFolder.create(false, true, null);
-		return binFolder;
-	}
-	private static void addSystemLibraries(IJavaProject javaProject) throws JavaModelException {
-		IClasspathEntry[] oldEntries = javaProject.getRawClasspath();
-		IClasspathEntry[] newEntries = new IClasspathEntry[oldEntries.length + 1];
-		System.arraycopy(oldEntries, 0, newEntries, 0, oldEntries.length);
-		newEntries[oldEntries.length] = JavaRuntime.getDefaultJREContainerEntry();
-		javaProject.setRawClasspath(newEntries, null);
-	}
-	public static IFile createModuleDescriptorFile(IProject project, String org) throws CoreException {
-		IFile moduleDescFile = project.getFile("module.ivy");
-		String content = "" 
-				+ "<ivy-module version=\"2.0\" xmlns:ea=\"\">"
-				+ "  <info organisation=\"" + org + "\" module=\"" + project.getName() + "\" status=\"integration\" >"
-				+ "    <description>project description</description>" 
-				+ "    <ea:build type=\"org.apache.easyant.buildtypes#build-std-java;0.2\" />"
-				+ "  </info>" 
-				+ "</ivy-module>";
-		InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes());
-		moduleDescFile.create(in, true, null);
-		return moduleDescFile;
-	}
-	public static void deleteProject(IProject project) throws CoreException {
-		// waitForIndexer();
-		deleteProject(project, true);
-	}
-	public static void deleteProject(IProject project, boolean deleteContent) throws CoreException {
-		// waitForIndexer();
-		project.delete(deleteContent, true, new NullProgressMonitor());
-	}
-	// public IJavaProject getJavaProject() {
-	// return javaProject;
-	// }
-	// public void addJar(String plugin, String jar) throws
-	// MalformedURLException,
-	// IOException, JavaModelException {
-	// Path result = findFileInPlugin(plugin, jar);
-	// IClasspathEntry[] oldEntries = javaProject.getRawClasspath();
-	// IClasspathEntry[] newEntries = new IClasspathEntry[oldEntries.length +
-	// 1];
-	// System.arraycopy(oldEntries, 0, newEntries, 0, oldEntries.length);
-	// newEntries[oldEntries.length] = JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(result, null,
-	// null);
-	// javaProject.setRawClasspath(newEntries, null);
-	// }
-	//
-	// public IPackageFragment createPackage(String name) throws CoreException {
-	// if (sourceFolder == null)
-	// sourceFolder = createSourceFolder();
-	// return sourceFolder.createPackageFragment(name, false, null);
-	// }
-	//
-	// public IType createType(IPackageFragment pack, String cuName, String
-	// source)
-	// throws JavaModelException {
-	// StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-	// buf.append("package " + pack.getElementName() + ";\n");
-	// buf.append("\n");
-	// buf.append(source);
-	// ICompilationUnit cu = pack.createCompilationUnit(cuName,
-	// buf.toString(), false, null);
-	// return cu.getTypes()[0];
-	// }
-	//
-	// /**
-	// * Wait for autobuild notification to occur, that is
-	// * for the autbuild to finish.
-	// */
-	// public void waitForAutoBuild() {
-	// boolean wasInterrupted = false;
-	// do {
-	// try {
-	// Platform.getJobManager().join(
-	// ResourcesPlugin.FAMILY_AUTO_BUILD, null);
-	// wasInterrupted = false;
-	// } catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
-	// throw (e);
-	// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-	// wasInterrupted = true;
-	// }
-	// } while (wasInterrupted);
-	// }
-	//
-	// public void dispose() throws CoreException {
-	// waitForIndexer();
-	// project.delete(true, true, null);
-	// }
-	//
-	//
-	// public IFolder createXmlFolder() throws CoreException {
-	// IFolder xmlFolder = project.getFolder("xml");
-	// if (!xmlFolder.exists()) {
-	// xmlFolder.create(false, true, null);
-	// }
-	// return xmlFolder;
-	// }
-	//
-	//
-	// private IPackageFragmentRoot createSourceFolder() throws CoreException {
-	// IFolder folder = project.getFolder("src");
-	// folder.create(false, true, null);
-	// IPackageFragmentRoot root = javaProject.getPackageFragmentRoot(folder);
-	//
-	// IClasspathEntry[] oldEntries = javaProject.getRawClasspath();
-	// IClasspathEntry[] newEntries = new IClasspathEntry[oldEntries.length +
-	// 1];
-	// System.arraycopy(oldEntries, 0, newEntries, 0, oldEntries.length);
-	// newEntries[oldEntries.length] = JavaCore.newSourceEntry(root.getPath());
-	// javaProject.setRawClasspath(newEntries, null);
-	// return root;
-	// }
-	//
-	// private Path findFileInPlugin(String plugin, String file)
-	// throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
-	// IPluginRegistry registry = Platform.getPluginRegistry();
-	// IPluginDescriptor descriptor = registry.getPluginDescriptor(plugin);
-	// URL pluginURL = descriptor.getInstallURL();
-	// URL jarURL = new URL(pluginURL, file);
-	// URL localJarURL = Platform.asLocalURL(jarURL);
-	// return new Path(localJarURL.getPath());
-	// }
-	//
-	// private void waitForIndexer() throws JavaModelException {
-	// new SearchEngine().searchAllTypeNames(ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(),
-	// null, null, IJavaSearchConstants.EXACT_MATCH,
-	// IJavaSearchConstants.CASE_SENSITIVE,
-	// IJavaSearchConstants.CLASS, SearchEngine
-	// .createJavaSearchScope(new IJavaElement[0]),
-	// new ITypeNameRequestor() {
-	// public void acceptClass(char[] packageName,
-	// char[] simpleTypeName, char[][] enclosingTypeNames,
-	// String path) {
-	// }
-	//
-	// public void acceptInterface(char[] packageName,
-	// char[] simpleTypeName, char[][] enclosingTypeNames,
-	// String path) {
-	// }
-	// }, IJavaSearchConstants.WAIT_UNTIL_READY_TO_SEARCH, null);
-	// }
+    // private IProject project;
+    // private IJavaProject javaProject;
+    // private IPackageFragmentRoot sourceFolder;
+    public EclipseProjectBuilder() throws CoreException {
+        // IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
+        // project = root.getProject("TestProject");
+        // project.create(null);
+        //;
+        // javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
+        //
+        // IFolder binFolder = createBinFolder();
+        //
+        // setJavaNature();
+        // javaProject.setRawClasspath(new IClasspathEntry[0], null);
+        //
+        // createOutputFolder(binFolder);
+        // addSystemLibraries();
+    }
+    public static IProject createProject(String name) throws CoreException {
+        IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
+        IProject project = root.getProject(name);
+        project.create(null);
+        return project;
+    }
+    public static IJavaProject createJavaProject(String name) throws CoreException {
+        IProject project = createProject(name);
+        IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
+        addJavaNature(project);
+        javaProject.setRawClasspath(new IClasspathEntry[0], null);
+        createOutputFolder(javaProject);
+        addSystemLibraries(javaProject);
+        return javaProject;
+    }
+    private static void addJavaNature(IProject project) throws CoreException {
+        IProjectDescription description = project.getDescription();
+        description.setNatureIds(new String[] { JavaCore.NATURE_ID });
+        project.setDescription(description, null);
+    }
+    private static void createOutputFolder(IJavaProject javaProject) throws CoreException {
+        IFolder binFolder = createBinFolder(javaProject.getProject());
+        IPath outputLocation = binFolder.getFullPath();
+        javaProject.setOutputLocation(outputLocation, null);
+    }
+    private static IFolder createBinFolder(IProject project) throws CoreException {
+        IFolder binFolder = project.getFolder("bin");
+        binFolder.create(false, true, null);
+        return binFolder;
+    }
+    private static void addSystemLibraries(IJavaProject javaProject) throws JavaModelException {
+        IClasspathEntry[] oldEntries = javaProject.getRawClasspath();
+        IClasspathEntry[] newEntries = new IClasspathEntry[oldEntries.length + 1];
+        System.arraycopy(oldEntries, 0, newEntries, 0, oldEntries.length);
+        newEntries[oldEntries.length] = JavaRuntime.getDefaultJREContainerEntry();
+        javaProject.setRawClasspath(newEntries, null);
+    }
+    public static IFile createModuleDescriptorFile(IProject project, String org) throws CoreException {
+        IFile moduleDescFile = project.getFile("module.ivy");
+        String content = "" 
+                + "<ivy-module version=\"2.0\" xmlns:ea=\"\">"
+                + "  <info organisation=\"" + org + "\" module=\"" + project.getName() + "\" status=\"integration\" >"
+                + "    <description>project description</description>" 
+                + "    <ea:build type=\"org.apache.easyant.buildtypes#build-std-java;0.2\" />"
+                + "  </info>" 
+                + "</ivy-module>";
+        InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes());
+        moduleDescFile.create(in, true, null);
+        return moduleDescFile;
+    }
+    public static void deleteProject(IProject project) throws CoreException {
+        // waitForIndexer();
+        deleteProject(project, true);
+    }
+    public static void deleteProject(IProject project, boolean deleteContent) throws CoreException {
+        // waitForIndexer();
+        project.delete(deleteContent, true, new NullProgressMonitor());
+    }
+    // public IJavaProject getJavaProject() {
+    // return javaProject;
+    // }
+    // public void addJar(String plugin, String jar) throws
+    // MalformedURLException,
+    // IOException, JavaModelException {
+    // Path result = findFileInPlugin(plugin, jar);
+    // IClasspathEntry[] oldEntries = javaProject.getRawClasspath();
+    // IClasspathEntry[] newEntries = new IClasspathEntry[oldEntries.length +
+    // 1];
+    // System.arraycopy(oldEntries, 0, newEntries, 0, oldEntries.length);
+    // newEntries[oldEntries.length] = JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(result, null,
+    // null);
+    // javaProject.setRawClasspath(newEntries, null);
+    // }
+    //
+    // public IPackageFragment createPackage(String name) throws CoreException {
+    // if (sourceFolder == null)
+    // sourceFolder = createSourceFolder();
+    // return sourceFolder.createPackageFragment(name, false, null);
+    // }
+    //
+    // public IType createType(IPackageFragment pack, String cuName, String
+    // source)
+    // throws JavaModelException {
+    // StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
+    // buf.append("package " + pack.getElementName() + ";
+    // buf.append("
+    // buf.append(source);
+    // ICompilationUnit cu = pack.createCompilationUnit(cuName,
+    // buf.toString(), false, null);
+    // return cu.getTypes()[0];
+    // }
+    //
+    // /**
+    // * Wait for autobuild notification to occur, that is
+    // * for the autbuild to finish.
+    // */
+    // public void waitForAutoBuild() {
+    // boolean wasInterrupted = false;
+    // do {
+    // try {
+    // Platform.getJobManager().join(
+    // ResourcesPlugin.FAMILY_AUTO_BUILD, null);
+    // wasInterrupted = false;
+    // } catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
+    // throw (e);
+    // } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+    // wasInterrupted = true;
+    // }
+    // } while (wasInterrupted);
+    // }
+    //
+    // public void dispose() throws CoreException {
+    // waitForIndexer();
+    // project.delete(true, true, null);
+    // }
+    //
+    //
+    // public IFolder createXmlFolder() throws CoreException {
+    // IFolder xmlFolder = project.getFolder("xml");
+    // if (!xmlFolder.exists()) {
+    // xmlFolder.create(false, true, null);
+    // }
+    // return xmlFolder;
+    // }
+    //
+    //
+    // private IPackageFragmentRoot createSourceFolder() throws CoreException {
+    // IFolder folder = project.getFolder("src");
+    // folder.create(false, true, null);
+    // IPackageFragmentRoot root = javaProject.getPackageFragmentRoot(folder);
+    //
+    // IClasspathEntry[] oldEntries = javaProject.getRawClasspath();
+    // IClasspathEntry[] newEntries = new IClasspathEntry[oldEntries.length +
+    // 1];
+    // System.arraycopy(oldEntries, 0, newEntries, 0, oldEntries.length);
+    // newEntries[oldEntries.length] = JavaCore.newSourceEntry(root.getPath());
+    // javaProject.setRawClasspath(newEntries, null);
+    // return root;
+    // }
+    //
+    // private Path findFileInPlugin(String plugin, String file)
+    // throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
+    // IPluginRegistry registry = Platform.getPluginRegistry();
+    // IPluginDescriptor descriptor = registry.getPluginDescriptor(plugin);
+    // URL pluginURL = descriptor.getInstallURL();
+    // URL jarURL = new URL(pluginURL, file);
+    // URL localJarURL = Platform.asLocalURL(jarURL);
+    // return new Path(localJarURL.getPath());
+    // }
+    //
+    // private void waitForIndexer() throws JavaModelException {
+    // new SearchEngine().searchAllTypeNames(ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(),
+    // null, null, IJavaSearchConstants.EXACT_MATCH,
+    // IJavaSearchConstants.CASE_SENSITIVE,
+    // IJavaSearchConstants.CLASS, SearchEngine
+    // .createJavaSearchScope(new IJavaElement[0]),
+    // new ITypeNameRequestor() {
+    // public void acceptClass(char[] packageName,
+    // char[] simpleTypeName, char[][] enclosingTypeNames,
+    // String path) {
+    // }
+    //
+    // public void acceptInterface(char[] packageName,
+    // char[] simpleTypeName, char[][] enclosingTypeNames,
+    // String path) {
+    // }
+    // }, IJavaSearchConstants.WAIT_UNTIL_READY_TO_SEARCH, null);
+    // }

Modified: incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/
--- incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/ (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/ Tue Feb 22 15:09:30 2011
@@ -31,50 +31,50 @@ import org.junit.Test;
 public class ExtensionRegistryTest {
-	@Test
-	public void testRemoveExtension() {
-		IExtensionRegistry reg = RegistryFactory.getRegistry();		
-		//assertNull(reg.getExtension("org.apache.ivyde.eclipse.ui.actions.ResolveAction"));
-		//assertNull(reg.getExtension("org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus","org.apache.ivyde.eclipse.ui.actions.ResolveAction"));
-		//assertNull(reg.getExtension("org.eclipse.ui","popupMenus","org.apache.ivyde.eclipse.ui.actions.ResolveAction"));
+    @Test
+    public void testRemoveExtension() {
+        IExtensionRegistry reg = RegistryFactory.getRegistry();     
+        //assertNull(reg.getExtension("org.apache.ivyde.eclipse.ui.actions.ResolveAction"));
+        //assertNull(reg.getExtension("org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus","org.apache.ivyde.eclipse.ui.actions.ResolveAction"));
+        //assertNull(reg.getExtension("org.eclipse.ui","popupMenus","org.apache.ivyde.eclipse.ui.actions.ResolveAction"));
-		IDynamicExtensionRegistry reg2 = (IDynamicExtensionRegistry)reg;
-		for(IContributor contributor : reg2.getAllContributors()){			
-			if("org.apache.ivyde.eclipse".equals(contributor.getName())){
-				System.out.println("--> contributor "+contributor);
-				reg2.removeContributor(contributor, ((ExtensionRegistry) reg2).getTemporaryUserToken());
-				System.out.println("--> remove all extensions ");
-			}
-		}		
-//		IExtension[] extensions = reg.getExtensions("org.apache.ivyde.eclipse");
-//		assertNotNull(extensions);
-//		for(IExtension extension:extensions){
-//			if("org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus".equals(extension.getExtensionPointUniqueIdentifier())){
-//				reg.removeExtension(extension, ((ExtensionRegistry) reg).getTemporaryUserToken());
-//			}
-//			System.out.println(extension.getNamespaceIdentifier() +" - "+extension.getExtensionPointUniqueIdentifier());			
-//			final IConfigurationElement[] configElements = extension.getConfigurationElements();
-//	        for (IConfigurationElement element:configElements) {
-//	        	System.out.println("\t--> "+element.getName()+" : "+element.getAttribute("id"));		        	
-//	        }		        
-//		}
-	}
+        IDynamicExtensionRegistry reg2 = (IDynamicExtensionRegistry)reg;
+        for(IContributor contributor : reg2.getAllContributors()){          
+            if("org.apache.ivyde.eclipse".equals(contributor.getName())){
+                System.out.println("--> contributor "+contributor);
+                reg2.removeContributor(contributor, ((ExtensionRegistry) reg2).getTemporaryUserToken());
+                System.out.println("--> remove all extensions ");
+            }
+        }       
+//      IExtension[] extensions = reg.getExtensions("org.apache.ivyde.eclipse");
+//      assertNotNull(extensions);
+//      for(IExtension extension:extensions){
+//          if("org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus".equals(extension.getExtensionPointUniqueIdentifier())){
+//              reg.removeExtension(extension, ((ExtensionRegistry) reg).getTemporaryUserToken());
+//          }
+//          System.out.println(extension.getNamespaceIdentifier() +" - "+extension.getExtensionPointUniqueIdentifier());            
+//          final IConfigurationElement[] configElements = extension.getConfigurationElements();
+//          for (IConfigurationElement element:configElements) {
+//              System.out.println("\t--> "+element.getName()+" : "+element.getAttribute("id"));                    
+//          }               
+//      }
+    }
-//	private void removeExtension(String extensionPointId, String extensionId) {
-//		IExtensionRegistry reg = RegistryFactory.getRegistry();
-//		IExtension extension = reg.getExtension(extensionPointId, extensionId);
-//		if (extension != null) {
-//			reg.removeExtension(extension, getUserToken());
-//		}
-//	}
+//  private void removeExtension(String extensionPointId, String extensionId) {
+//      IExtensionRegistry reg = RegistryFactory.getRegistry();
+//      IExtension extension = reg.getExtension(extensionPointId, extensionId);
+//      if (extension != null) {
+//          reg.removeExtension(extension, getUserToken());
+//      }
+//  }
-//	private Object getUserToken() {
-//		IExtensionRegistry registry = RegistryFactory.getRegistry();
-//		// return null; // require -Declipse.registry.nulltoken=true
-//		return ((ExtensionRegistry) registry).getTemporaryUserToken();
-//	}
+//  private Object getUserToken() {
+//      IExtensionRegistry registry = RegistryFactory.getRegistry();
+//      // return null; // require -Declipse.registry.nulltoken=true
+//      return ((ExtensionRegistry) registry).getTemporaryUserToken();
+//  }

Modified: incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/
--- incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/ (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/ Tue Feb 22 15:09:30 2011
@@ -56,104 +56,104 @@ import org.junit.Test;
 public class ImportProjectTest{
-	@Inject
-	EasyantProjectService projectService;
-	@Before
-	public void setUp() throws Exception {
-		EasyAntPlugin easyAntPlugin = Activator.getEasyAntPlugin();
-		assertNotNull(easyAntPlugin);
-		easyAntPlugin.injectMembers(this);
-		assertNotNull(projectService);
-	}	
-	IProject simpleJavaProject;
-	@Test
-	public void testImportSimpleProject() throws Exception {
-		final String projectName = "simplejavaproject";
-		IProjectDescription description = Activator.getEasyAntPlugin().getPluginWorkspace().newProjectDescription(projectName);
-		assertNotNull(description);
-		URL url = getClass().getResource("/datas/"+projectName);
-		assertNotNull(url);
-		String filePath = url.getFile();
-		assertNotNull(filePath);
-		//String testWorkspacePath = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocation().toOSString();
-		IPath projectLocation = getSimpleJavaProjectLocation(filePath);
-		assertNotNull(projectLocation);
-		description.setLocation(projectLocation);
-		final String comment = projectName+ " description";
-		description.setComment(comment);
-		String[] newNatures= {};
-		description.setNatureIds(newNatures);	
-		Thread.sleep(2000);
-		Shell messageShell = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay().getActiveShell();
-		assertNotNull(messageShell);
-		simpleJavaProject = projectService.importProject(description, messageShell, new NullProgressMonitor());
-		assertNotNull(simpleJavaProject);
-		assertTrue(simpleJavaProject.exists());
-		assertTrue(simpleJavaProject.isOpen());
-		assertEquals(projectName, simpleJavaProject.getName());
-		try {
-			assertEquals(comment, simpleJavaProject.getDescription().getComment());
-		} catch (CoreException e) {
-			fail(e.getMessage());
-		}
-		assertTrue(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(simpleJavaProject));
-		//Assert source folders
-		assertTrue(simpleJavaProject.hasNature(JavaCore.NATURE_ID));	
-		IJavaProject javaProject = (IJavaProject)simpleJavaProject.getNature(JavaCore.NATURE_ID);
-		assertNotNull(javaProject);
-		List<IClasspathEntry> entries = new ArrayList<IClasspathEntry>();
-		entries.addAll(Arrays.asList(javaProject.getRawClasspath()));
-		assertTrue(entries.size()>0);
-		boolean srcMainJavaSourceFolderFound=false;
-		boolean srcTestJavaSourceFolderFound=false;
-		boolean srcMainResourcesSourceFolderFound=false;
-		boolean srcTestResourcesSourceFolderFound=false;
-		for(IClasspathEntry entry:entries){
-			if(IClasspathEntry.CPE_SOURCE==entry.getEntryKind()){
-				String path = entry.getPath().toOSString();
-				assertNotNull(path);
-				if("/simplejavaproject/src/main/java".equals(path)){
-					srcMainJavaSourceFolderFound=true;
-				}else if("/simplejavaproject/src/test/java".equals(path)){
-					srcTestJavaSourceFolderFound=true;
-				}else if("/simplejavaproject/src/main/resources".equals(path)){
-					srcMainResourcesSourceFolderFound=true;
-				}else if("/simplejavaproject/src/test/resources".equals(path)){
-					srcTestResourcesSourceFolderFound=true;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		assertTrue(srcMainJavaSourceFolderFound);
-		assertTrue(srcTestJavaSourceFolderFound);
-		assertTrue(srcMainResourcesSourceFolderFound);
-		assertTrue(srcTestResourcesSourceFolderFound);
-		//TODO assert classpath
-		//org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER
-		//org.apache.ivyde.eclipse.cpcontainer.IVYDE_CONTAINER/module.ivy/*
-	}
-	private IPath getSimpleJavaProjectLocation(String projectPath){
-		IPluginModelBase model = PluginRegistry.findModel(TestPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
-		assertNotNull(model);
-		IPath projectLocation=null;
-		if (model != null && model.getInstallLocation() != null) {
-			File modelNode = new File(model.getInstallLocation());
-			String pluginPath = modelNode.getAbsolutePath();
-			projectLocation = new Path(pluginPath + "/" + projectPath);
-		}
-		return projectLocation;
-	}
+    @Inject
+    EasyantProjectService projectService;
+    @Before
+    public void setUp() throws Exception {
+        EasyAntPlugin easyAntPlugin = Activator.getEasyAntPlugin();
+        assertNotNull(easyAntPlugin);
+        easyAntPlugin.injectMembers(this);
+        assertNotNull(projectService);
+    }   
+    IProject simpleJavaProject;
+    @Test
+    public void testImportSimpleProject() throws Exception {
+        final String projectName = "simplejavaproject";
+        IProjectDescription description = Activator.getEasyAntPlugin().getPluginWorkspace().newProjectDescription(projectName);
+        assertNotNull(description);
+        URL url = getClass().getResource("/datas/"+projectName);
+        assertNotNull(url);
+        String filePath = url.getFile();
+        assertNotNull(filePath);
+        //String testWorkspacePath = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocation().toOSString();
+        IPath projectLocation = getSimpleJavaProjectLocation(filePath);
+        assertNotNull(projectLocation);
+        description.setLocation(projectLocation);
+        final String comment = projectName+ " description";
+        description.setComment(comment);
+        String[] newNatures= {};
+        description.setNatureIds(newNatures);   
+        Thread.sleep(2000);
+        Shell messageShell = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay().getActiveShell();
+        assertNotNull(messageShell);
+        simpleJavaProject = projectService.importProject(description, messageShell, new NullProgressMonitor());
+        assertNotNull(simpleJavaProject);
+        assertTrue(simpleJavaProject.exists());
+        assertTrue(simpleJavaProject.isOpen());
+        assertEquals(projectName, simpleJavaProject.getName());
+        try {
+            assertEquals(comment, simpleJavaProject.getDescription().getComment());
+        } catch (CoreException e) {
+            fail(e.getMessage());
+        }
+        assertTrue(projectService.hasEasyAntNature(simpleJavaProject));
+        //Assert source folders
+        assertTrue(simpleJavaProject.hasNature(JavaCore.NATURE_ID));    
+        IJavaProject javaProject = (IJavaProject)simpleJavaProject.getNature(JavaCore.NATURE_ID);
+        assertNotNull(javaProject);
+        List<IClasspathEntry> entries = new ArrayList<IClasspathEntry>();
+        entries.addAll(Arrays.asList(javaProject.getRawClasspath()));
+        assertTrue(entries.size()>0);
+        boolean srcMainJavaSourceFolderFound=false;
+        boolean srcTestJavaSourceFolderFound=false;
+        boolean srcMainResourcesSourceFolderFound=false;
+        boolean srcTestResourcesSourceFolderFound=false;
+        for(IClasspathEntry entry:entries){
+            if(IClasspathEntry.CPE_SOURCE==entry.getEntryKind()){
+                String path = entry.getPath().toOSString();
+                assertNotNull(path);
+                if("/simplejavaproject/src/main/java".equals(path)){
+                    srcMainJavaSourceFolderFound=true;
+                }else if("/simplejavaproject/src/test/java".equals(path)){
+                    srcTestJavaSourceFolderFound=true;
+                }else if("/simplejavaproject/src/main/resources".equals(path)){
+                    srcMainResourcesSourceFolderFound=true;
+                }else if("/simplejavaproject/src/test/resources".equals(path)){
+                    srcTestResourcesSourceFolderFound=true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        assertTrue(srcMainJavaSourceFolderFound);
+        assertTrue(srcTestJavaSourceFolderFound);
+        assertTrue(srcMainResourcesSourceFolderFound);
+        assertTrue(srcTestResourcesSourceFolderFound);
+        //TODO assert classpath
+        //org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER
+        //org.apache.ivyde.eclipse.cpcontainer.IVYDE_CONTAINER/module.ivy/*
+    }
+    private IPath getSimpleJavaProjectLocation(String projectPath){
+        IPluginModelBase model = PluginRegistry.findModel(TestPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
+        assertNotNull(model);
+        IPath projectLocation=null;
+        if (model != null && model.getInstallLocation() != null) {
+            File modelNode = new File(model.getInstallLocation());
+            String pluginPath = modelNode.getAbsolutePath();
+            projectLocation = new Path(pluginPath + "/" + projectPath);
+        }
+        return projectLocation;
+    }
-	@After
-	public void tearDown() throws CoreException {
-		if(simpleJavaProject!=null){
-			EclipseProjectBuilder.deleteProject(simpleJavaProject,false);
-		}
-	}
+    @After
+    public void tearDown() throws CoreException {
+        if(simpleJavaProject!=null){
+            EclipseProjectBuilder.deleteProject(simpleJavaProject,false);
+        }
+    }

Modified: incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/
--- incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/ (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/easyant4e/trunk/org.apache.easyant4e.tests/src/org/apache/easyant4e/tests/ Tue Feb 22 15:09:30 2011
@@ -30,48 +30,48 @@ import org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.Re
 import org.junit.Test;
 public class StartupTest extends AbstractEasyAntTest{
-	@Test
-	public void testActivatorStartup() {
-		EasyAntPlugin easyAntPlugin = Activator.getEasyAntPlugin(); 
-		assertNotNull(easyAntPlugin);
-	}
+    @Test
+    public void testActivatorStartup() {
+        EasyAntPlugin easyAntPlugin = Activator.getEasyAntPlugin(); 
+        assertNotNull(easyAntPlugin);
+    }
-	@Test
-	public void testEasyAntCoreServiceInit() {
-		assertNotNull(coreService);			
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void testEasyAntProjectServiceInit() {
-		assertNotNull(projectService);					
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void testGetCurrentProject() {	    	
-		ResourceNavigator resourceNavigator = getResourceNavigator();
-		assertNotNull(resourceNavigator);
-		resourceNavigator.selectReveal(new StructuredSelection(testProject));
-		IProject project1 = Activator.getEasyAntPlugin().getCurrentProject();
-		assertNotNull(project1);
-		assertEquals(testProject, project1);
-		resourceNavigator.selectReveal(new StructuredSelection(testJavaProject));
-		IProject project2 = Activator.getEasyAntPlugin().getCurrentProject();
-		assertNotNull(project2);
-		assertEquals(testJavaProject.getProject(), project2);
-	}
-	private ResourceNavigator getResourceNavigator(){
-		ResourceNavigator navigator = null;
-		try {
-			navigator = (ResourceNavigator) PlatformUI.getWorkbench()
-				.getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().showView("org.eclipse.ui.views.ResourceNavigator");
-		} catch (PartInitException e) {
-			throw new RuntimeException(e);
-		}	
-		return navigator;
-	}
+    @Test
+    public void testEasyAntCoreServiceInit() {
+        assertNotNull(coreService);         
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testEasyAntProjectServiceInit() {
+        assertNotNull(projectService);                  
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testGetCurrentProject() {           
+        ResourceNavigator resourceNavigator = getResourceNavigator();
+        assertNotNull(resourceNavigator);
+        resourceNavigator.selectReveal(new StructuredSelection(testProject));
+        IProject project1 = Activator.getEasyAntPlugin().getCurrentProject();
+        assertNotNull(project1);
+        assertEquals(testProject, project1);
+        resourceNavigator.selectReveal(new StructuredSelection(testJavaProject));
+        IProject project2 = Activator.getEasyAntPlugin().getCurrentProject();
+        assertNotNull(project2);
+        assertEquals(testJavaProject.getProject(), project2);
+    }
+    private ResourceNavigator getResourceNavigator(){
+        ResourceNavigator navigator = null;
+        try {
+            navigator = (ResourceNavigator) PlatformUI.getWorkbench()
+                .getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().showView("org.eclipse.ui.views.ResourceNavigator");
+        } catch (PartInitException e) {
+            throw new RuntimeException(e);
+        }   
+        return navigator;
+    }