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Posted to by on 2013/12/31 22:20:04 UTC

[11/51] [partial] Rename twitter* and com.twitter to apache and org.apache directories to preserve all file history before the refactor.
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/tools/java/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/tools/java/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4376e85..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/tools/java/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from __future__ import print_function
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-class Type(object):
-  '''A data type.'''
-  def __init__(self, name, package=None, immutable=False):
- = name
-    self.package = package
-    self.immutable = immutable
-  def absolute_name(self):
-    return '%s.%s' % (self.package, if self.package else
-  def __str__(self):
-    return '%s (%smutable)' % (self.absolute_name(), 'im' if self.immutable else '')
-class PrimitiveType(Type):
-  '''A primitive type, with its associated typeboxed name.'''
-  def __init__(self, name, boxed_name):
-    Type.__init__(self, name, package=None, immutable=True)
-    self.boxed_name = boxed_name
-class ParameterizedType(Type):
-  '''A parameterized type, usually a collection.'''
-  def __init__(self, name, params):
-    Type.__init__(self, name, None)
-    self.params = params
-  def param_names(self):
-    def name(t):
-      if isinstance(t, StructType):
-        return t.codegen_name
-      elif isinstance(t, PrimitiveType):
-        return t.boxed_name
-      else:
-        return
-    return ', '.join([name(p) for p in self.params])
-class StructType(Type):
-  '''A thrift-defined type, which composes other types as fields.'''
-  def __init__(self, name, package, kind, fields):
-    Type.__init__(self, name, package, kind == 'enum')
-    self.codegen_name = 'I%s' % name
-    self.kind = kind
-    self.fields = fields
-  def __str__(self):
-    return '%s %s { %s }' % (self.kind,, ', '.join(map(str, self.fields)))
-class Field(object):
-  '''A field within a thrift structure.'''
-  def __init__(self, ttype, name):
-    self.ttype = ttype
- = name
-  def accessor_method(self):
-    return '%s%s' % (
-        'is' if == 'boolean' else 'get',
-[:1].capitalize() +[1:])
-  def isset_method(self):
-    return 'isSet%s' % ([0].upper() +[1:])
-  def __str__(self):
-    return '%s: %s' % (, self.ttype)
-FIELD_TEMPLATE = '''  public %(type)s %(fn_name)s() {
-    return %(field)s;
-  }'''
-# Template string for a method to access an immutable field.
-IMMUTABLE_FIELD_TEMPLATE = '''  public %(type)s %(fn_name)s() {
-    return wrapped.%(fn_name)s();
-  }'''
-STRUCT_DECLARATION = '''private final %(type)s %(field)s;'''
-STRUCT_ASSIGNMENT = '''this.%(field)s = !wrapped.%(isset)s()
-        ? null
-        : %(type)s.buildNoCopy(wrapped.%(fn_name)s());'''
-IMMUTABLE_COLLECTION_DECLARATION = '''private final Immutable%(collection)s<%(params)s> %(field)s;'''
-IMMUTABLE_COLLECTION_ASSIGNMENT = '''this.%(field)s = !wrapped.%(isset)s()
-        ? Immutable%(collection)s.<%(params)s>of()
-        : Immutable%(collection)s.copyOf(wrapped.%(fn_name)s());'''
-# Tempalte string for assignment for a collection field containing a struct.
-STRUCT_COLLECTION_FIELD_ASSIGNMENT = '''this.%(field)s = !wrapped.%(isset)s()
-        ? Immutable%(collection)s.<%(params)s>of()
-        : FluentIterable.from(wrapped.%(fn_name)s())
-              .transform(%(params)s.FROM_BUILDER)
-              .to%(collection)s();'''
- * Copyright 2013 Twitter, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package %(package)s;
- * An immutable wrapper class.
- * <p>
- * This code is auto-generated, and should not be directly modified.
- */
-public final class %(name)s {
-  private final %(wrapped)s wrapped;
-  private %(name)s(%(wrapped)s wrapped) {
-    this.wrapped = Preconditions.checkNotNull(wrapped);%(assignments)s
-  }
-  static %(name)s buildNoCopy(%(wrapped)s wrapped) {
-    return new %(name)s(wrapped);
-  }
-  public static %(name)s build(%(wrapped)s wrapped) {
-    return buildNoCopy(wrapped.deepCopy());
-  }
-  public static final Function<%(name)s, %(wrapped)s> TO_BUILDER =
-      new Function<%(name)s, %(wrapped)s>() {
-        @Override
-        public %(wrapped)s apply(%(name)s input) {
-          return input.newBuilder();
-        }
-      };
-  public static final Function<%(wrapped)s, %(name)s> FROM_BUILDER =
-      new Function<%(wrapped)s, %(name)s>() {
-        @Override
-        public %(name)s apply(%(wrapped)s input) {
-          return new %(name)s(input);
-        }
-      };
-  public static ImmutableList<%(wrapped)s> toBuildersList(Iterable<%(name)s> w) {
-    return FluentIterable.from(w).transform(TO_BUILDER).toList();
-  }
-  public static ImmutableList<%(name)s> listFromBuilders(Iterable<%(wrapped)s> b) {
-    return FluentIterable.from(b).transform(FROM_BUILDER).toList();
-  }
-  public static ImmutableSet<%(wrapped)s> toBuildersSet(Iterable<%(name)s> w) {
-    return FluentIterable.from(w).transform(TO_BUILDER).toSet();
-  }
-  public static ImmutableSet<%(name)s> setFromBuilders(Iterable<%(wrapped)s> b) {
-    return FluentIterable.from(b).transform(FROM_BUILDER).toSet();
-  }
-  public %(wrapped)s newBuilder() {
-    return wrapped.deepCopy();
-  }
-  @Override
-  public boolean equals(Object o) {
-    if (!(o instanceof %(name)s)) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    %(name)s other = (%(name)s) o;
-    return wrapped.equals(other.wrapped);
-  }
-  @Override
-  public int hashCode() {
-    return wrapped.hashCode();
-  }
-  @Override
-  public String toString() {
-    return wrapped.toString();
-  }
-class GeneratedCode(object):
-  def __init__(self, class_name, wrapped_type):
-    self._class_name = class_name
-    self._wrapped_type = wrapped_type
-    self._imports = set()
-    self._accessors = []
-    self._fields = []
-    self._assignments = []
-  def add(self, s, end='\n'):
-    print('This no longer does anything.')
-  def add_import(self, import_class):
-    self._imports.add(import_class)
-  def add_assignment(self, field, assignment):
-    self._fields.append(field)
-    self._assignments.append(assignment)
-  def add_accessor(self, accessor_method):
-    self._accessors.append(accessor_method)
-  def dump(self, f):
-    remaining_imports = list(self._imports)
-    import_groups = []
-    def remove_by_prefix(prefix):
-      group = [i for i in remaining_imports if i.startswith(prefix)]
-      remaining_imports[:] = [i for i in remaining_imports if not i.startswith(prefix)]
-      return group
-    def add_import_group(group):
-      if group:
-        import_groups.append('\n'.join(['import %s;' % i for i in sorted(group)]))
-    twitter_imports = remove_by_prefix('com.twitter')
-    add_import_group(remove_by_prefix('java'))
-    add_import_group(remove_by_prefix('com'))
-    add_import_group(remove_by_prefix('net'))
-    add_import_group(remove_by_prefix('org'))
-    add_import_group(twitter_imports)
-    print(CLASS_TEMPLATE % {
-      'package': PACKAGE_NAME,
-      'name': self._class_name,
-      'wrapped': self._wrapped_type,
-      'imports': '\n\n'.join(import_groups),
-      'accessors': '\n\n'.join(self._accessors),
-      'fields':  ('  ' + '\n  '.join(self._fields) + '\n') if self._fields else '',
-      'assignments': ('\n    ' + '\n    '.join(self._assignments)) if self._assignments else '',
-    }, file=f)
-# A namespace declaration, e.g.:
-#    namespace java com.twitter.aurora.gen
-NAMESPACE_RE = 'namespace\s+(?P<lang>\w+)\s+(?P<namespace>[^\s]+)'
-# A possibly-parameterized type name, e.g.:
-#    int
-#    TaskConfig
-#    Set<String>
-#    Map<String, TaskConfig>
-TYPE_PATTERN = '(?P<type>\w+)(?:<(?P<params>[^>]+)>)?'
-# Matches a complete struct definnition, capturing the type and body.
-STRUCT_RE = '(?P<kind>enum|struct|union)\s+(?P<name>\w+)\s+{(?P<body>[^}]+)}'
-# A field definition within a struct, e.g.:
-#     1: string name
-#     15: Map<String, TaskConfig> configs  # Configs mapped by name.
-FIELD_RE = '\s*\d+:\s+(?:(?:required|optional)\s+)?(%s)\s+(?P<name>\w+).*' % TYPE_PATTERN
-def parse_structs(thrift_defs):
-  '''Read all thrift structures found in a file.
-  This returns a list of Type objects representing the structs found
-  and the fields they contain.
-  '''
-  # Capture all namespace definitions.
-  namespaces = dict(re.findall(NAMESPACE_RE, thrift_defs))
-  def parse_field(field):
-    type_name ='type')
-    type_params ='params')
-    if type_params:
-      params = [Type(p) for p in type_params.replace(' ', '').split(',')]
-      ttype = ParameterizedType(type_name, params)
-    else:
-      ttype = Type(type_name)
-    return Field(ttype,'name'))
-  def parse_fields(field_str):
-    return map(parse_field, re.finditer(FIELD_RE, field_str))
-  return [StructType('name'),
-                     namespaces['java'],
-           'kind'),
-                     parse_fields('body')))
-          for s in re.finditer(STRUCT_RE, thrift_defs, flags=re.MULTILINE)]
-def generate_java(struct):
-  code = GeneratedCode(struct.codegen_name,
-  code.add_import('')
-  code.add_import('')
-  code.add_import('')
-  code.add_import('')
-  code.add_import('')
-  code.add_import(struct.absolute_name())
-  if struct.kind == 'union':
-    code.add_accessor(IMMUTABLE_FIELD_TEMPLATE
-                      % {'type': '%s._Fields' %, 'fn_name': 'getSetField'})
-  # Accessor for each field.
-  for field in struct.fields:
-    if not (isinstance(field.ttype, StructType) and (field.ttype.kind == 'enum' or struct.kind == 'union')):
-      code.add_accessor(IMMUTABLE_FIELD_TEMPLATE
-                        % {'type': 'boolean',
-                           'fn_name': field.isset_method()})
-    if field.ttype.immutable:
-      code.add_accessor(IMMUTABLE_FIELD_TEMPLATE % {'type':,
-                                                    'fn_name': field.accessor_method()})
-    elif not struct.kind == 'union':
-      if isinstance(field.ttype, StructType):
-        return_type = field.ttype.codegen_name
-      elif isinstance(field.ttype, ParameterizedType):
-        return_type = '%s<%s>' % (, field.ttype.param_names())
-      else:
-        return_type =
-      code.add_accessor(FIELD_TEMPLATE % {'type': return_type,
-                                          'fn_name': field.accessor_method(),
-                                          'field':})
-    if isinstance(field.ttype, StructType):
-      if field.ttype.kind == 'enum':
-        code.add_import(field.ttype.absolute_name())
-      if field.ttype.immutable:
-        # Direct accessor was already added.
-        pass
-      elif struct.kind == 'union':
-        copy_field = '' % (field.ttype.codegen_name,
-                                                 field.accessor_method())
-        code.add_accessor(FIELD_TEMPLATE % {'type': field.ttype.codegen_name,
-                                            'fn_name': field.accessor_method(),
-                                            'field': copy_field})
-      else:
-        args = {
-          'field':,
-          'fn_name': field.accessor_method(),
-          'isset': field.isset_method(),
-          'type': field.ttype.codegen_name,
-        }
-        code.add_assignment(STRUCT_DECLARATION % args, STRUCT_ASSIGNMENT % args)
-    elif isinstance(field.ttype, ParameterizedType):
-      # Add necessary imports, supporting only List, Map, Set.
-      assert in ['List', 'Map', 'Set'], 'Unrecognized type %s' %
-      code.add_import('' %
-      code.add_import('java.util.%s' %
-      params = field.ttype.params
-      if all([p.immutable for p in params]):
-        # All parameter types are immutable.
-      elif len(params) == 1:
-        # Only one non-immutable parameter.
-        # Assumes the parameter type is a struct and our code generator
-        # will make a compatible wrapper class and constructor.
-      else:
-        assert False, 'Unable to codegen accessor field for %s' %
-      args = {'collection':,
-              'field':,
-              'fn_name': field.accessor_method(),
-              'isset': field.isset_method(),
-              'params': field.ttype.param_names()}
-      code.add_assignment(IMMUTABLE_COLLECTION_DECLARATION % args, assignment % args)
-    elif not field.ttype.immutable:
-      assert False, 'Making type %s immutable is not supported.' %
-  return code
-  'bool': 'boolean',
-  'i32': 'int',
-  'i64': 'long',
-  'double': 'double',
-  'string': 'String',
-  'list': 'List',
-  'set': 'Set',
-  'map': 'Map',
-  'binary': 'byte[]',
-def main(args):
-  if len(args) != 4:
-    print('usage: %s thrift_file struct_name output_directory' % sys.argv[0])
-    sys.exit(1)
-  thrift_file, struct_name, output_directory = sys.argv[1:]
-  print('Searching for %s in %s' % (sys.argv[2], sys.argv[1]))
-  with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
-    # Load all structs found in the thrift file.
-    structs = parse_structs(
-    # The symbol table stores information about types we recognize.
-    # As new symbols are parsed, they are accumulated here.
-    # This is also seeded with JDK types.
-    # Note: byte[] is not immutable, but we'd rather accept it than copy.
-    primitives = dict((t, PrimitiveType(t, b)) for (t, b) in [('boolean', 'Boolean'),
-                                                             ('int', 'Integer'),
-                                                             ('long', 'Long'),
-                                                             ('double', 'Double')])
-    lang_symbols = dict((t, Type(t, 'java.lang', immutable=True)) for t in ['String', 'byte[]'])
-    util_symbols = dict((t, Type(t, 'java.util')) for t in ['List', 'Map', 'Set'])
-    symbol_table = dict(primitives.items() + lang_symbols.items() + util_symbols.items())
-    def load_dependencies(struct):
-      # Fill in type information for fields by searching for dependencies.
-      for field in struct.fields:
-        if isinstance(field.ttype, ParameterizedType):
- = find_symbol(
-          field.ttype.params = [find_symbol( for p in field.ttype.params]
-        else:
-          field.ttype = find_symbol(
-    def find_symbol(name):
-      name = THRIFT_ALIASES.get(name, name)
-      if name in symbol_table:
-        return symbol_table[name]
-      symbol = next((s for s in structs if == name), None)
-      assert symbol, 'Failed to find required struct %s' % name
-      load_dependencies(symbol)
-      symbol_table[name] = symbol
-      return symbol
-    find_symbol(sys.argv[2])
-    print('Symbol table:')
-    for _, symbol in symbol_table.items():
-      print('    %s' % symbol)
-    for _, symbol in symbol_table.items():
-      if isinstance(symbol, StructType):
-        if symbol.kind == 'enum':
-          print('Skipping code generation for %s, since it is immutable' %
-        else:
-          package_dir = os.path.join(sys.argv[3], PACKAGE_NAME.replace('.', os.path.sep))
-          if not os.path.isdir(package_dir):
-            os.makedirs(package_dir)
-          gen_file = os.path.join(package_dir, '' % symbol.codegen_name)
-          print('Generating %s' % gen_file)
-          with open(gen_file, 'w') as f:
-            code = generate_java(symbol)
-            code.dump(f)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/BUILD b/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 937bcf3..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-import os
-page(name = 'readme', source = '')
-  name = 'thermos',
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/core'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/monitoring'),
-  ],
-  provides = setup_py(
-    name = 'twitter.thermos',
-    version = open(os.path.join(get_buildroot(), '.auroraversion')).read().strip().lower(),
-    descripton = 'The Twitter Thermos runtime.',
-  ).with_binaries(
-    thermos = pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/bin:thermos'),
-  )
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/BUILD.thirdparty b/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/BUILD.thirdparty
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a54f4a..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/BUILD.thirdparty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-  name = 'psutil',
-  requirement = 'psutil==1.1.2',
-  name = 'pystachio',
-  requirement = 'pystachio==0.7.2',
-  name = 'mako',
-  requirement = 'mako==0.4.0',
-  name = 'cherrypy',
-  requirement = 'cherrypy==3.2.2',
-  name = 'bottle',
-  requirement = 'bottle==0.11.6',
-  name = 'thrift',
-  requirement = 'thrift==0.9.1',
-  name = 'mock',
-  requirement = 'mock==1.0.1',
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/ b/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/
deleted file mode 100644
index e456e93..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,461 +0,0 @@
-** This document is deprecated and no longer updated. **
-# Thermos manual #
-## tl;dr ##
-** You noticed the deprecation notice, right? **
-### What is Thermos? ###
-Thermos a simple process management framework used for orchestrating
-dependent processes within a single chroot.  At Twitter, it is used as a
-process manager for Mesos tasks.  In practice, there is a one-to-one
-correspondence between a Mesos task and Thermos task.  This document
-describes how to use Thermos in a local development environment and does not
-describe how to run Thermos tasks on Mesos, though once you have a valid
-Thermos configuration doing so is a small step.
-### Simplest invocation ###
-Thermos lives in `science` at Twitter and publically on GitHub in `twitter-commons` (TBD).
-#### build ####
-Build the Thermos CLI and the Thermos observer.
-$ ./pants src/python/twitter/thermos
-$ ./pants src/python/twitter/thermos/bin:thermos_observe
-You can copy `dist/thermos.pex` to `thermos` somewhere in your `$PATH` or use a la carte.
-#### simplerun ####
-You can run Thermos tasks without first writing a configuration file using `simplerun`:
-$ thermos simplerun 'echo hello world'
-Running command: 'echo hello world'
- INFO] Forking Process(simple)
- INFO] Process(simple) finished successfully [rc=0]
- INFO] Killing task id: simple-20120529-162532.018646
- INFO]     => Current user: wickman
- INFO] Kill complete.
- INFO] Task succeeded.
-#### introspection ####
-$ thermos status --verbosity=3 simple-20120529-162532.018646
-Found task simple-20120529-162532.018646
-  simple-20120529-162532.018646 [owner:  wickman]  state:  SUCCESS start:  Tue May 29 16:25:32 2012
-    user: wickman ports: None
-    sandbox: None
-    process table:
-      - simple runs: 1 last: pid=57471, rc=0, finish:Tue May 29 16:25:32 2012, state:SUCCESS
-$ thermos tail simple-20120529-162532.018646
-Tail of terminal log /Users/wickman/.thermos/logs/simple-20120529-162532.018646/simple/0/stdout
-hello world
-#### thermos observer ####
-$ dist/thermos_observe.pex --root=$HOME/.thermos
-This will fire up a webserver on `localhost:1338` that you can use as a web interface to interact with
-locally running Thermos tasks.
-## Building blocks ##
-Thermos is made of Processes and Tasks.
-### Thermos processes ###
-A Thermos process is simply a command-line that is invoked in a subshell.  A single
-run of a process may succeed (have a zero exit status) or fail (have a
-non-zero exit status.) A process is considered permanently failed after a
-maximum number of individual run failures, by default one.
-### Thermos tasks ###
-A Thermos task is a collection of processes and constraints that dictate how
-and when to run them.  By default there are no constraints between processes
-bound to a task and they run in parallel.  The simplest (and currently only)
-Task level constraint is the `order` dependency: process B should not be run
-until process A has completed successfully.  For example, process A could be
-`git clone` and process B could be `rake test`.  It doesn't make sense to
-run process B until process A is fully completed and successful.
-### Thermos configuration ###
-The easiest way to invoke Thermos is using `thermos simplerun`.  Under the
-covers, this synthesizes a Thermos task with a single Thermos process named
-`simple`.  To do the same thing via Thermos configuration, add
-the following to `simple.thermos`:
-process = Process(name = 'simple', cmdline = 'echo hello world')
-task = Task(name = 'simple', processes = [process])
-Then invoke by `thermos run simple.thermos`.
-Configuring Thermos is done through
-[pystachio]( templates.  These templates
-behave like structurally typed collections of key-value pairs.  You can
-either construct configuration through plain old Python objects (as above)
-or as Python dictionaries or JSON that is coerced into Python dictionaries.
-For example, the above configuration is equivalent to:
-  'name': 'simple',
-  'processes': [{
-    'name': 'simple',
-    'cmdline': 'echo hello world'
-  }]
-The full Thermos pystachio schema can be found at
-`src/python/twitter/thermos/config/` and is mostly described below.
-## Configuration reference ##
-### Process objects ###
-Processes fundamentally consist of a `name`, `cmdline`.  You will rarely
-need to specify anything more.
-  <tr> <td colspan=2> <b>Process schema</b> </td> </tr>
-  <tr> <td> <em>name</em> (required)    </td> <td> Process name (String) </td> </tr>
-  <tr> <td> <em>cmdline</em> (required) </td> <td> Command line (String) </td> </tr>
-  <tr> <td> <em>max_failures</em>       </td> <td> Max failures (Integer, default 1) </td> </tr>
-  <tr> <td> <em>daemon</em>             </td> <td> Daemon process? (Boolean, default False) </td> </tr>
-  <tr> <td> <em>ephemeral</em>          </td> <td> Ephemeral process? (Boolean, default False) </td> </tr>
-  <tr> <td> <em>min_duration</em>       </td> <td> Min duration between runs in seconds (Integer, default 15) </td> </tr>
-  <tr> <td> <em>final</em>              </td> <td> This is a finalizing process that should run last (Boolean, default False) </td> </tr>
-#### name ####
-The name is any string that is a valid UNIX filename (specifically no
-slashes, NULLs or leading periods.) Each process name within a task must be
-#### cmdline ####
-The command line is invoked in a bash subshell, so can be full-blown bash
-scripts, though no command-line arguments are supplied.
-#### max_failures ####
-The maximum number of failures (non-zero exit statuses) this process can
-sustain before being marked permanently failed and not retried.  If a
-process becomes permanently failed, Thermos looks to the task failure limit
-(usually 1) to determine whether or not the Thermos task should be failed.
-Setting max_failures to 0 means that this process will be retried
-indefinitely until a successful (zero) exit status is achieved.  It will be retried
-at most once every `min_duration` seconds in order to prevent DoSing the
-coordinating thermos scheduler.
-#### daemon ####
-By default Thermos processes are non-daemon.  If `daemon` is set to True, a
-successful (zero) exit status will not prevent future process runs. 
-Instead, the process will be reinvoked after min_duration seconds.  However,
-the maximum failure limit will still apply.  A combination of `daemon=True`
-and `max_failures=0` will cause a process to be retried indefinitely
-regardless of exit status.  This should generally be avoided for very
-short-lived processes because of the accumulation of checkpointed state for
-each process run.
-#### ephemeral ####
-By default Thermos processes are non-ephemeral.  If `ephemeral` is set to
-True, the status of the process is not used to determine whether the task in
-which it is bound has completed.  Take for example a Thermos task with a
-non-ephemeral webserver process and an ephemeral logsaver process that
-periodically checkpoints its log files to a centralized data store.  The
-task is considered finished once the webserver process has completed,
-regardless of the current status of the logsaver.
-#### min_duration ####
-Processes may succeed or fail multiple times throughout the duration of a
-single task.  Each of these is called a "process run."  The `min_duration` is the minimum
-number of seconds the scheduler waits between running the same process.
-#### final ####
-Processes can be grouped into two classes: ordinary processes and finalizing
-processes.  By default, Thermos processes are ordinary.  They run as long as
-the Thermos Task is considered healthy (i.e., no failure limits have been
-reached.) But once all regular Thermos processes have either finished or the
-Task has reached a certain failure threshold, it moves into a "finalization"
-stage and then runs all finalizing processes.  These are typically processes
-necessary for cleaning up the task, such as log checkpointers, or perhaps
-e-mail notifications that the task has completed.
-Finalizing processes may not depend upon ordinary processes or vice-versa, however
-finalizing processes may depend upon other finalizing processes and will otherwise run as
-a typical process schedule.
-### Task objects ###
-Tasks fundamentally consist of a `name` and a list of processes `processes`.
-Processes can be further constrained with `constraints`
-  <tr> <td colspan=2> <b>Task schema</b> </td> </tr>
-  <tr> <td> <em>name</em> (required)       </td> <td> Task name (String) </td> </tr>
-  <tr> <td> <em>processes</em> (required)  </td> <td> List of processes (List of Process objects) </td> </tr>
-  <tr> <td> <em>constraints</em>           </td> <td> Constraints (List of Constraint objects, default []) </td> </tr>
-  <tr> <td> <em>resources</em>             </td> <td> Resource footprint (Resource, optional) </td> </tr>
-  <tr> <td> <em>max_failures</em>          </td> <td> Max failures (Integer, default 1) </td> </tr>
-  <tr> <td> <em>max_concurrency</em>       </td> <td> Max concurrency (Integer, default 0 = unlimited concurrency) </td> </tr>
-  <tr> <td> <em>finalization_wait</em>     </td> <td> Amount of time allocated to run finalizing processes (Integer in seconds, default 30) </td> </tr>
-  <tr> <td colspan=2> <b>Constraint schema</b> </td> </tr>
-  <tr> <td> <em>order</em> </td> <td> List of process names that should run in order (List of Strings)</td> </tr>
-  <tr> <td colspan=2> <b>Resource schema</b> </td> </tr>
-  <tr> <td> <em>cpu</em> (required) </td> <td> Number of cores (Float) </td> </tr>
-  <tr> <td> <em>ram</em> (required) </td> <td> Bytes of RAM (Integer) </td> </tr>
-  <tr> <td> <em>disk</em> (required) </td> <td> Bytes of disk (Integer) </td> </tr>
-#### name ####
-The name is used to label the task and is used for reporting in the observer UI and for
-management in the thermos CLI.
-#### processes ####
-Processes is an unordered list of `Process` objects.  In order to place temporal constraints upon
-them, you must use `constraints`.
-#### constraints ####
-A list of `Constraint` objects.  Currently only one type of constraint is supported, the `order` constraint.
-`order` is a list of process names that should run in order.  For example,
-process = Process(cmdline = "echo hello world")
-task = Task(name = "echoes", processes = [process(name = "first"), process(name = "second")],
-            constraints = [Constraint(order = ["first", "second"]))
-Constraints can be supplied ad-hoc and in duplicate and not all processes need be constrained, however
-tasks with cycles will be rejected by the Thermos scheduler.
-#### resources ####
-`resources` is a `Resource` object described by `cpu`, `ram`, and `disk`.  It is currently unused by
-Thermos but reserved for future use in constraining the resource consumption of a task.
-#### max_failures ####
-`max_failures` is the number of failed processes in order for this task to be marked as failed.  A single
-process run does not consistute a failure.  For example:
-template = Process(max_failures=10)
-task = Task(name = "fail", processes = [template(name = "failing", cmdline = "exit 1"),
-                                        template(name = "succeeding", cmdline = "exit 0")],
-            max_failures=2)
-The `failing` process would fail 10 times before being marked as permanently
-failed, and the `succeeding` process would succeed on the first run.  The
-task would succeed despite only allowing for two failed processes.  To be
-more specific, there would be 10 failed process runs yet 1 failed process.
-#### max_concurrency ####
-For tasks with a number of expensive but otherwise independent processes, it
-may be desirable to limit the amount of concurrency provided by the Thermos
-scheduler rather than artificially constraining them through `order`
-constraints.  For example, a test framework may generate a task with 100
-test run processes, but would like to run it on a machine with only 4 cores.
-You can limit the amount of parallelism to 4 by setting `max_concurrency=4`
-in your task configuration.
-For example, the following Thermos task spawns 180 processes ("mappers") to compute
-individual elements of a 180 degree sine table, all dependent upon one final process ("reducer")
-to tabulate the results:
-def make_mapper(id):
-  return Process(
-    name = "mapper%03d" % id,
-    cmdline = "echo 'scale=50;s(%d*4*a(1)/180)' | bc -l > temp.sine_table.%03d" % (id, id))
-def make_reducer():
-  return Process(name = "reducer",
-                 cmdline = "cat temp.* | nl > sine_table.txt && rm -f temp.*")
-processes = map(make_mapper, range(180))
-task = Task(
-  name = "mapreduce",
-  processes = processes + [make_reducer()],
-  constraints = [Constraint(order = [, 'reducer']) for mapper in processes],
-  max_concurrency = 8)
-#### finalization_wait ####
-Tasks have three active stages: ACTIVE, CLEANING and FINALIZING.  The ACTIVE stage is when
-ordinary processes run.  This stage will last as long as processes are running and the
-task is healthy.  The moment either all processes have finished successfully or the task
-has reached a maximum process failure limit, it will go into CLEANING stage and send SIGTERMs
-to all currently running processes and their process trees.  Once all processes have
-terminated, the task goes into FINALIZING stage and invokes the schedule of all processes
-with the "final" bit set.
-This whole process from the end of ACTIVE stage to the end of FINALIZING must take place within
-"finalization_wait" seconds.  If it does not complete within that time, all remaining
-processes will be sent SIGKILLs (or if they depend upon processes that have not yet completed,
-will never be invoked.)
-Client applications with higher priority may be able to force a shorter
-finalization wait (e.g. through parameters to `thermos kill`), so this is
-mostly a best-effort signal.
-## REPL ##
-You can interactively experiment with the Thermos configuration REPL via the
-`src/python/twitter/thermos/config:repl` target:
-$ ./pants py src/python/twitter/thermos/config:repl
-Build operating on target: PythonBinary(src/python/twitter/thermos/config/BUILD:repl)
-Thermos Config REPL
->>> boilerplate = Process(cmdline = "echo hello world")
->>> boilerplate
-Process(cmdline=echo hello world, daemon=0, max_failures=1, ephemeral=0, min_duration=5)
->>> boilerplate.check()
-TypeCheck(FAILED): Process[name] is required.
->>> boilerplate(name = "hello world").check()
-## Thermos templating ##
-The Thermos DSL is implemented in [pystachio]( which means that
-a simple Mustache-like templating layer is available for use when configuring tasks.
-### Ordinary templates ###
-By using Mustache style templates in your job, you can do allow some amount of runtime configuration
-of your tasks:
->>> process = Process(name = "hello", cmdline = "echo hello {{first}}")
->>> process
-Process(cmdline=echo hello {{first}}, daemon=0, name=hello, max_failures=1, ephemeral=0, min_duration=5)
->>> process.check()
-TypeCheck(FAILED): Process[cmdline] failed: Uninterpolated variables: {{first}}
-This process leaves `{{first}}` as a free variable.  It can be filled elsewhere in the configuration, e.g. via
-`%` or `bind`:
->>> process % {'first': 'brian'}
-Process(cmdline=echo hello brian, daemon=0, name=hello, max_failures=1, ephemeral=0, min_duration=5)
->>> process.bind(first = 'brian')
-Process(cmdline=echo hello brian, daemon=0, name=hello, max_failures=1, ephemeral=0, min_duration=5)
-If this is left unbound, the thermos CLI will complain:
-$ thermos run thermos/examples/tutorial/unbound.thermos
-twitter.thermos.config.loader.InvalidTask: Task[processes] failed: Element in ProcessList failed check: Process[cmdline] failed: Uninterpolated variables: {{first}}
-But free variables can be populated at runtime using the `-E` parameter:
-$ thermos run -E first=brian thermos/examples/tutorial/unbound.thermos
-Writing log files to disk in /var/tmp
- INFO] Forking Process(hello)
- INFO] Process(hello) finished successfully [rc=0]
- INFO] Killing task id: unbound-20120530-124903.934384
- INFO]     => Current user: wickman
- INFO] Kill complete.
- INFO] Task succeeded.
-### Special templates ###
-Each Thermos task when run has a special `ThermosContext` template bound to the `thermos` variable.
-Currently this provides three things: `thermos.task_id`, `thermos.user` and `thermos.ports`.  The
-`task_id` is the id generated (or supplied at runtime, in the case of the thermos CLI) for the task
-and the `thermos.user` is the real user the task runs as.  `thermos.ports` is a mapping of named ports
-supplied by the user and exposed through the user interface.  For example, to run (and background)
-the observer on port 1338:
-$ thermos simplerun --daemon -P http:1338 'dist/thermos_observe.pex --http_port={{thermos.ports[http]}} --root=$HOME/.thermos'
-If you go to http://localhost:1338, this bound port `http` will be exposed
-via the UI on both the main and task pages.
-To kill the background daemon:
-$ thermos kill simple.*
-### Includes ###
-It is possible to include other Thermos configurations via the `include` parameter.  For example,
-bc = Process(cmdline = "echo 'scale={{precision}};{{command}}' | bc -l")
-pi = bc(name = "pi").bind(command = "4*a(1)")
-e  = bc(name = "e").bind(command = "e(1)")
-and `thermos/examples/tutorial/pi.thermos`:
-export(Task(name = "compute_pi", processes = [pi]))
-can then be executed with the free `precision` variable:
-$ thermos run -E precision=500 thermos/examples/tutorial/pi.thermos
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/ b/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/
deleted file mode 100644
index de40ea7..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/bin/BUILD b/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/bin/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 5aa41a2..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/bin/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-  name = 'thermos_ckpt',
-  source = '',
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/app'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/recordio:recordio-thrift'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/common'),
-    pants('src/main/thrift/com/twitter/thermos:py-thrift')
-  ]
-  name = 'thermos',
-  source = '',
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/app'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/common'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/config:schema'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/core'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/monitoring'),
-    pants('src/main/thrift/com/twitter/thermos:py-thrift'),
-  ],
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/bin/ b/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/bin/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/bin/ b/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/bin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e695b4..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/bin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,653 +0,0 @@
-# TODO(wickman)  This needs some usage/help refactoring.
-from __future__ import print_function
-from collections import namedtuple
-import getpass
-import os
-import pprint
-import pwd
-import re
-import sys
-import time
-from twitter.common import app, log
-from twitter.common.log.options import LogOptions
-from twitter.common.dirutil import du, tail_f
-from twitter.common.dirutil.tail import tail as tail_closed
-from twitter.common.quantity import Amount, Time, Data
-from twitter.common.quantity.parse_simple import parse_time, parse_data
-from twitter.common.recordio import RecordIO, ThriftRecordReader
-from twitter.thermos.common.path import TkPath
-from twitter.thermos.common.ckpt import CheckpointDispatcher
-from twitter.thermos.common.options import add_port_to, add_binding_to
-from twitter.thermos.config.loader import ThermosConfigLoader, ThermosTaskWrapper
-from twitter.thermos.config.schema import (
-  Process,
-  Resources,
-  Task)
-from twitter.thermos.core.helper import TaskRunnerHelper
-from twitter.thermos.core.runner import TaskRunner
-from twitter.thermos.monitoring.detector import TaskDetector
-from twitter.thermos.monitoring.garbage import TaskGarbageCollector, DefaultCollector
-from twitter.thermos.monitoring.monitor import TaskMonitor
-from gen.twitter.thermos.ttypes import (
-  ProcessState,
-  RunnerCkpt,
-  RunnerState,
-  TaskState)
-from pystachio import Ref
-from pystachio.naming import frozendict
-app.add_option("--root", dest="root", metavar="PATH",
-               default=TaskPath.DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_ROOT,
-               help="the thermos config root")
-def set_keep(option, opt_str, value, parser):
-  setattr(parser.values, option.dest, opt_str.startswith('--keep'))
-def get_task_from_options(args, opts, **kw):
-  loader = ThermosConfigLoader.load_json if opts.json else ThermosConfigLoader.load
-  if len(args) != 1:
-    app.error('Should specify precisely one config, instead got: %s' % args)
-  tasks = loader(args[0], bindings=opts.bindings, **kw)
-  task_list = list(tasks.tasks())
-  if len(task_list) == 0:
-    app.error("No tasks specified!")
-  if opts.task is None and len(task_list) > 1:
-    app.error("Multiple tasks in config but no task name specified!")
-  task = None
-  if opts.task is not None:
-    for t in task_list:
-      if t.task().name().get() == opts.task:
-        task = t
-        break
-    if task is None:
-      app.error("Could not find task %s!" % opts.task)
-  else:
-    task = task_list[0]
-  if kw.get('strict', False):
-    if not task.task.check().ok():
-      app.error(task.task.check().message())
-  return task
-def daemonize():
-  def daemon_fork():
-    try:
-      if os.fork() > 0:
-        os._exit(0)
-    except OSError as e:
-      sys.stderr.write('[pid:%s] Failed to fork: %s\n' % (os.getpid(), e))
-      sys.exit(1)
-  daemon_fork()
-  os.setsid()
-  daemon_fork()
-  sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr = (open('/dev/null', 'r'),
-                                       open('/dev/null', 'a+'),
-                                       open('/dev/null', 'a+', 0))
-def tasks_from_re(expressions, root, state=None):
-  task_ids = [t_id for _, t_id in TaskDetector(root=root).get_task_ids(state=state)]
-  matched_tasks = set()
-  for task_expr in map(re.compile, expressions):
-    for task_id in task_ids:
-      if task_expr.match(task_id):
-        matched_tasks.add(task_id)
-  return matched_tasks
-def _really_run(task, root, sandbox, task_id=None, user=None, prebound_ports=None, chroot=None,
-                daemon=False):
-  prebound_ports = prebound_ports or {}
-  missing_ports = set(task.ports()) - set(prebound_ports.keys())
-  if missing_ports:
-    app.error('ERROR!  Unbound ports: %s' % ' '.join(port for port in missing_ports))
-  task_runner = TaskRunner(task.task, root, sandbox, task_id=task_id,
-                           user=user, portmap=prebound_ports, chroot=chroot)
-  if daemon:
-    print('Daemonizing and starting runner.')
-    try:
-      log.teardown_stderr_logging()
-      daemonize()
-    except Exception as e:
-      print("Failed to daemonize: %s" % e)
-      sys.exit(1)
-  try:
-  except KeyboardInterrupt:
-    print('Got keyboard interrupt, killing job!')
-    task_runner.close_ckpt()
-    task_runner.kill()
-@app.command_option("--user", metavar="USER", default=getpass.getuser(), dest='user',
-                    help="run as this user.  if not $USER, must have setuid privilege.")
-@app.command_option("--enable_chroot", dest="chroot", default=False, action='store_true',
-                    help="chroot tasks to the sandbox before executing them, requires "
-                    "root privileges.")
-@app.command_option("--task", metavar="TASKNAME", default=None, dest='task',
-                    help="The thermos task within the config that should be run. Only required if "
-                    "there are multiple tasks exported from the thermos configuration.")
-@app.command_option("--task_id", metavar="STRING", default=None, dest='task_id',
-                    help="The id to which this task should be bound, synthesized from the task "
-                    "name if none provided.")
-@app.command_option("--json", default=False, action='store_true', dest='json',
-                    help="Read the source file in json format.")
-@app.command_option("--sandbox", metavar="PATH", default="/var/lib/thermos/sandbox", dest='sandbox',
-                    help="The sandbox in which to run the task.")
-@app.command_option("-P", "--port", type="string", nargs=1, action="callback",
-                    callback=add_port_to('prebound_ports'), dest="prebound_ports", default=[],
-                    metavar="NAME:PORT", help="bind named PORT to NAME.")
-@app.command_option("-E", "--environment", type="string", nargs=1, action="callback",
-                    callback=add_binding_to('bindings'), default=[], dest="bindings",
-                    metavar="NAME=VALUE",
-                    help="bind the configuration environment variable NAME to VALUE.")
-@app.command_option("--daemon", default=False, action='store_true', dest='daemon',
-                    help="fork and daemonize the thermos runner.")
-def run(args, options):
-  """Run a thermos task.
-    Usage: thermos run [options] config
-    Options:
-      --user=USER		   run as this user.  if not $USER, must have setuid privilege.
-      --enable_chroot		   chroot into the sandbox for this task, requires superuser
-                                   privilege
-      --task=TASKNAME		   the thermos task within the config that should be run.  only
-                                   required if there are multiple tasks exported from the thermos
-                                   configuration.
-      --task_id=STRING		   the id to which this task should be bound, synthesized from the
-                                   task name if none provided.
-      --json			   specify that the config is in json format instead of pystachio
-      --sandbox=PATH		   the sandbox in which to run the task
-                                   [default: /var/lib/thermos/sandbox]
-      -P/--port=NAME:PORT	   bind the named port NAME to port number PORT (may be specified
-                                   multiple times to bind multiple names.)
-      -E/--environment=NAME=VALUE  bind the configuration environment variable NAME to
-                                   VALUE.
-      --daemon			   Fork and daemonize the task.
-  """
-  thermos_task = get_task_from_options(args, options)
-  _really_run(thermos_task,
-              options.root,
-              options.sandbox,
-              task_id=options.task_id,
-              user=options.user,
-              prebound_ports=options.prebound_ports,
-              chroot=options.chroot,
-              daemon=options.daemon)
-def inspect_unwrap(obj):
-  if isinstance(obj, frozendict):
-    return dict((key, inspect_unwrap(val)) for (key, val) in obj.items())
-  if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, set)):
-    return tuple(inspect_unwrap(val) for val in obj)
-  return obj
-@app.command_option("--task", metavar="TASKNAME", default=None, dest='task',
-                    help="The thermos task within the config that should be inspected. Only "
-                    "required if there are multiple tasks exported from the thermos "
-                    "configuration.")
-@app.command_option("--json", default=False, action='store_true', dest='json',
-                    help="Read the source file in json format instead of pystachio.")
-@app.command_option("-P", "--port", type="string", nargs=1, action="callback",
-                    callback=add_port_to('prebound_ports'), dest="prebound_ports", default=[],
-                    metavar="NAME:PORT", help="bind named PORT to NAME.")
-@app.command_option("-E", "--environment", type="string", nargs=1, action="callback",
-                    callback=add_binding_to('bindings'), default=[], dest="bindings",
-                    metavar="NAME=VALUE",
-                    help="bind the configuration environment variable NAME to VALUE.")
-def inspect(args, options):
-  """Inspect a thermos config and display the evaluated task
-    Usage: thermos inspect [options] config
-    Options:
-      --task=TASKNAME		   the thermos task within the config that should be inspected. Only
-                                   required if there are multiple tasks exported from the thermos
-                                   configuration.
-      --json			   specify that the config is in json format instead of pystachio
-      -P/--port=NAME:PORT	   bind the named port NAME to port number PORT (may be specified
-                                   multiple times to bind multiple names.)
-      -E/--environment=NAME=VALUE  bind the configuration environment variable NAME to
-                                   VALUE.
-  """
-  thermos_task = get_task_from_options(args, options)
-  ti, _ = thermos_task.task().interpolate()
-  pprint.pprint(inspect_unwrap(ti.get()), indent=4)
-@app.command_option("--user", metavar="USER", default=getpass.getuser(), dest='user',
-                    help="run as this user.  if not $USER, must have setuid privilege.")
-@app.command_option("--name", metavar="STRING", default='simple', dest='name',
-                    help="The name to give this task.")
-@app.command_option("--task_id", metavar="STRING", default=None, dest='task_id',
-                    help="The id to which this task should be bound, synthesized from the task "
-                    "name if none provided.")
-@app.command_option("-P", "--port", type="string", nargs=1, action="callback",
-                    callback=add_port_to('prebound_ports'), dest="prebound_ports", default=[],
-                    metavar="NAME:PORT", help="bind named PORT to NAME.")
-@app.command_option("-E", "--environment", type="string", nargs=1, action="callback",
-                    callback=add_binding_to('bindings'), default=[], dest="bindings",
-                    metavar="NAME=VALUE",
-                    help="bind the configuration environment variable NAME to VALUE.")
-@app.command_option("--daemon", default=False, action='store_true', dest='daemon',
-                    help="fork and daemonize the thermos runner.")
-def simplerun(args, options):
-  """Run a simple command line as a thermos task.
-    Usage: thermos simplerun [options] [--] commandline
-    Options:
-      --user=USER		   run as this user.  if not $USER, must have setuid privilege.
-      --name=STRING		   the name to give this task. ('simple' by default)
-      --task_id=STRING		   the id to which this task should be bound, synthesized from the
-                                   task name if none provided.
-      -P/--port=NAME:PORT	   bind the named port NAME to port number PORT (may be specified
-                                   multiple times to bind multiple names.)
-      -E/--environment=NAME=VALUE  bind the configuration environment variable NAME to
-                                   VALUE.
-      --daemon			   Fork and daemonize the task.
-  """
-  try:
-    cutoff = args.index('--')
-    cmdline = ' '.join(args[cutoff+1:])
-  except ValueError:
-    cmdline = ' '.join(args)
-  print("Running command: '%s'" % cmdline)
-  thermos_task = ThermosTaskWrapper(Task(
-    name =,
-    resources = Resources(cpu = 1.0, ram = 256 * 1024 * 1024, disk = 0),
-    processes = [Process(name =, cmdline = cmdline)]))
-  _really_run(thermos_task,
-              options.root,
-              None,
-              task_id=options.task_id,
-              user=options.user,
-              prebound_ports=options.prebound_ports,
-              chroot=False,
-              daemon=options.daemon)
-@app.command_option("--simple", default=False, dest='simple', action='store_true',
-                    help="Only print the checkpoint records, do not replay them.")
-def read(args, options):
-  """Replay a thermos checkpoint.
-  Usage: thermos read [options] checkpoint_filename
-  Options:
-    --simple	Do not replay the full task state machine.  Only print out the contents of
-                each checkpoint log message.
-  """
-  if len(args) != 1:
-    app.error('Expected one checkpoint file, got %s' % len(args))
-  if not os.path.exists(args[0]):
-    app.error('Could not find %s' % args[0])
-  dispatcher = CheckpointDispatcher()
-  state = RunnerState(processes={})
-  with open(args[0], 'r') as fp:
-    try:
-      for record in ThriftRecordReader(fp, RunnerCkpt):
-        if not options.simple:
-          dispatcher.dispatch(state, record)
-        else:
-          print('CKPT: %s' % record)
-    except RecordIO.Error as err:
-      print("Failed to recover from %s: %s" % (, err))
-      return
-  if not options.simple:
-    if state is None or state.header is None:
-      print('Checkpoint stream CORRUPT or outdated format')
-      return
-    print('Recovered Task Header:')
-    print('  id:      %s' % state.header.task_id)
-    print('  user:    %s' % state.header.user)
-    print('  host:    %s' % state.header.hostname)
-    print('  sandbox: %s' % state.header.sandbox)
-    if state.header.ports:
-      print('  ports:   %s' % ' '.join(
-        '%s->%s' % (name, port) for (name, port) in state.header.ports.items()))
-    print('Recovered Task States:')
-    for task_status in state.statuses:
-      print('  %s [pid: %d] => %s' % (
-        time.asctime(time.localtime(task_status.timestamp_ms/1000.0)),
-        task_status.runner_pid,
-        TaskState._VALUES_TO_NAMES[task_status.state]))
-    print('Recovered Processes:')
-    for process, process_history in state.processes.items():
-      print('  %s   runs: %s' % (process, len(process_history)))
-      for k in reversed(range(len(process_history))):
-        run = process_history[k]
-        print('    %2d: pid=%d, rc=%s, finish:%s, state:%s' % (
-          k,
-          run.return_code if run.return_code is not None else '',
-          time.asctime(time.localtime(run.stop_time)) if run.stop_time else 'None',
-          ProcessState._VALUES_TO_NAMES.get(run.state, 'Unknown')))
-def kill(args, options):
-  """Kill task(s)
-  Usage: thermos kill task_id1 [task_id2 ...]
-  Regular expressions may be used to match multiple tasks.
-  """
-  if not args:
-    print('Must specify tasks!', file=sys.stderr)
-    return
-  matched_tasks = tasks_from_re(args, options.root, state='active')
-  if not matched_tasks:
-    print('No active tasks matched.')
-    return
-  for task_id in matched_tasks:
-    print('Killing %s...' % task_id, end='')
-    TaskRunnerHelper.kill(task_id, options.root, force=True)
-    print('done.')
-@app.command_option("--max_age", metavar="AGE", default=None, dest='max_age',
-                    help="Max age in human readable form, e.g. 2d5h or 7200s")
-@app.command_option("--max_tasks", metavar="NUM", default=None, dest='max_tasks',
-                    help="Max number of tasks to keep.")
-@app.command_option("--max_space", metavar="SPACE", default=None, dest='max_space',
-                    help="Max space to allow for tasks, e.g. 20G.")
-@app.command_option("--keep-data", "--delete-data",
-                    metavar="PATH", default=True,
-                    action='callback', callback=set_keep, dest='keep_data',
-                    help="Keep data.")
-@app.command_option("--keep-logs", "--delete-logs",
-                    metavar="PATH", default=True,
-                    action='callback', callback=set_keep, dest='keep_logs',
-                    help="Keep logs.")
-@app.command_option("--keep-metadata", "--delete-metadata",
-                    metavar="PATH", default=True,
-                    action='callback', callback=set_keep, dest='keep_metadata',
-                    help="Keep metadata.")
-@app.command_option("--force", default=False, action='store_true', dest='force',
-                    help="Perform garbage collection without confirmation")
-@app.command_option("--dryrun", default=False, action='store_true', dest='dryrun',
-                    help="Don't actually run garbage collection.")
-def gc(args, options):
-  """Garbage collect task(s) and task metadata.
-    Usage: thermos gc [options] [task_id1 task_id2 ...]
-    If tasks specified, restrict garbage collection to only those tasks,
-    otherwise all tasks are considered.  The optional constraints are still
-    honored.
-    Options:
-      --max_age=AGE		Max age in quasi-human readable form, e.g. --max_age=2d5h,
-                                format *d*h*m*s [default: skip]
-      --max_tasks=NUM		Max number of tasks to keep [default: skip]
-      --max_space=SPACE		Max space to allow for tasks [default: skip]
-      --[keep/delete-]metadata	Garbage collect metadata [default: keep]
-      --[keep/delete-]logs	Garbage collect logs [default: keep]
-      --[keep/delete-]data	Garbage collect data [default: keep]
-                                WARNING: Do NOT do this if your sandbox is $HOME.
-      --force			Perform garbage collection without confirmation [default: false]
-      --dryrun			Don't actually run garbage collection [default: false]
-  """
-  print('Analyzing root at %s' % options.root)
-  gc_options = {}
-  if options.max_age is not None:
-    gc_options['max_age'] = parse_time(options.max_age)
-  if options.max_space is not None:
-    gc_options['max_space'] = parse_data(options.max_space)
-  if options.max_tasks is not None:
-    gc_options['max_tasks'] = int(options.max_tasks)
-  gc_options.update(include_data = not options.keep_data,
-                    include_metadata = not options.keep_metadata,
-                    include_logs = not options.keep_logs,
-                    verbose = True, logger = print)
-  tgc = TaskGarbageCollector(root=options.root)
-  if args:
-    gc_tasks = tasks_from_re(args, options.root, state='finished')
-  else:
-    print('No task ids specified, using default collector.')
-    gc_tasks = [task.task_id for task in DefaultCollector(tgc, **gc_options).run()]
-  if not gc_tasks:
-    print('No tasks to garbage collect.  Exiting')
-    return
-  def maybe(function, *args):
-    if options.dryrun:
-      print('    would run %s%r' % (function.__name__, args))
-    else:
-      function(*args)
-  value = 'y'
-  if not options.force:
-    value = raw_input("Continue [y/N]? ") or 'N'
-  if value.lower() == 'y':
-    print('Running gc...')
-    tgc = TaskGarbageCollector(root=options.root)
-    for task in gc_tasks:
-      print('  Task %s ' % task, end='')
-      print('data (%s) ' % ('keeping' if options.keep_data else 'deleting'), end='')
-      print('logs (%s) ' % ('keeping' if options.keep_logs else 'deleting'), end='')
-      print('metadata (%s) ' % ('keeping' if options.keep_metadata else 'deleting'))
-      if not options.keep_data:
-        maybe(tgc.erase_data, task)
-      if not options.keep_logs:
-        maybe(tgc.erase_logs, task)
-      if not options.keep_metadata:
-        maybe(tgc.erase_metadata, task)
-      print('done.')
-  else:
-    print('Cancelling gc.')
-@app.command_option("--verbosity", default=0, dest='verbose', type='int',
-                    help="Display more verbosity")
-@app.command_option("--only", default=None, dest='only', type='choice',
-                    choices=('active', 'finished'), help="Display only tasks of this type.")
-def status(args, options):
-  """Get the status of task(s).
-    Usage: thermos status [options] [task_name(s) or task_regexp(s)]
-    Options:
-      --verbosity=LEVEL     Verbosity level for logging. [default: 0]
-      --only=TYPE	    Only print tasks of TYPE (options: active finished)
-  """
-  detector = TaskDetector(root=options.root)
-  def format_task(task_id):
-    checkpoint_filename = detector.get_checkpoint(task_id)
-    checkpoint_stat = os.stat(checkpoint_filename)
-    try:
-      checkpoint_owner = pwd.getpwuid(checkpoint_stat.st_uid).pw_name
-    except:
-      checkpoint_owner = 'uid:%s' % checkpoint_stat.st_uid
-    print('  %-20s [owner: %8s]' % (task_id, checkpoint_owner), end='')
-    if options.verbose == 0:
-      print()
-    if options.verbose > 0:
-      state = CheckpointDispatcher.from_file(checkpoint_filename)
-      if state is None or state.header is None:
-        print(' - checkpoint stream CORRUPT or outdated format')
-        return
-      print('  state: %8s' % TaskState._VALUES_TO_NAMES.get(state.statuses[-1].state, 'Unknown'),
-        end='')
-      print(' start: %25s' % time.asctime(time.localtime(state.header.launch_time_ms/1000.0)))
-    if options.verbose > 1:
-      print('    user: %s' % state.header.user, end='')
-      if state.header.ports:
-        print(' ports: %s' % ' '.join('%s -> %s' % (key, val)
-                                         for key, val in state.header.ports.items()))
-      else:
-        print(' ports: None')
-      print('    sandbox: %s' % state.header.sandbox)
-    if options.verbose > 2:
-      print('    process table:')
-      for process, process_history in state.processes.items():
-        print('      - %s runs: %s' % (process, len(process_history)), end='')
-        last_run = process_history[-1]
-        print(' last: pid=%s, rc=%s, finish:%s, state:%s' % (
- or 'None',
-          last_run.return_code if last_run.return_code is not None else '',
-          time.asctime(time.localtime(last_run.stop_time)) if last_run.stop_time else 'None',
-          ProcessState._VALUES_TO_NAMES.get(last_run.state, 'Unknown')))
-      print()
-  matchers = map(re.compile, args or ['.*'])
-  active = [t_id for _, t_id in detector.get_task_ids(state='active')
-            if any(pattern.match(t_id) for pattern in matchers)]
-  finished = [t_id for _, t_id in detector.get_task_ids(state='finished')
-              if any(pattern.match(t_id) for pattern in matchers)]
-  found = False
-  if options.only is None or options.only == 'active':
-    if active:
-      print('Active tasks:')
-      found = True
-      for task_id in active:
-        format_task(task_id)
-      print()
-  if options.only is None or options.only == 'finished':
-    if finished:
-      print('Finished tasks:')
-      found = True
-      for task_id in finished:
-        format_task(task_id)
-      print()
-  if not found:
-    print('No tasks found in root [%s]' % options.root)
-    sys.exit(1)
-@app.command_option("--stderr", default=False, dest='use_stderr', action='store_true',
-                    help="Tail stderr instead of stdout")
-def tail(args, options):
-  """Tail the logs of a task process.
-    Usage: thermos tail task_name [process_name]
-  """
-  if len(args) == 0:
-    app.error('Expected a task to tail, got nothing!')
-  if len(args) not in (1, 2):
-    app.error('Expected at most two arguments (task and optional process), got %d' % len(args))
-  task_id = args[0]
-  detector = TaskDetector(root=options.root)
-  checkpoint = CheckpointDispatcher.from_file(detector.get_checkpoint(task_id))
-  log_dir = checkpoint.header.log_dir
-  process_runs = [(process, run) for (process, run) in detector.get_process_runs(task_id, log_dir)]
-  if len(args) == 2:
-    process_runs = [(process, run) for (process, run) in process_runs if process == args[1]]
-  if len(process_runs) == 0:
-    print('ERROR: No processes found.', file=sys.stderr)
-    sys.exit(1)
-  processes = set([process for process, _ in process_runs])
-  if len(processes) != 1:
-    print('ERROR: More than one process matches query.', file=sys.stderr)
-    sys.exit(1)
-  process = processes.pop()
-  run = max([run for _, run in process_runs])
-  logdir = TaskPath(root=options.root, task_id=args[0], process=process,
-     run=run, log_dir=log_dir).getpath('process_logdir')
-  logfile = os.path.join(logdir, 'stderr' if options.use_stderr else 'stdout')
-  monitor = TaskMonitor(TaskPath(root = options.root), args[0])
-  def log_is_active():
-    active_processes = monitor.get_active_processes()
-    for process_status, process_run in active_processes:
-      if process_status.process == process and process_run == run:
-        return True
-    return False
-  if not log_is_active():
-    print('Tail of terminal log %s' % logfile)
-    for line in tail_closed(logfile):
-      print(line.rstrip())
-    return
-  now = time.time()
-  next_check = now + 5.0
-  print('Tail of active log %s' % logfile)
-  for line in tail_f(logfile, include_last=True, forever=False):
-    print(line.rstrip())
-    if time.time() > next_check:
-      if not log_is_active():
-        break
-      else:
-        next_check = time.time() + 5.0
-def help(args, options):
-  """Get help about a specific command.
-  """
-  if len(args) == 0:
-  for (command, doc) in app.get_commands_and_docstrings():
-    if args[0] == command:
-      print('command %s:' % command)
-      print(doc)
-      app.quit(0)
-  print('unknown command: %s' % args[0], file=sys.stderr)
-def generate_usage():
-  usage = """
-  for (command, doc) in app.get_commands_and_docstrings():
-    usage += '    ' + '%-10s' % command + '\t' + doc.split('\n')[0].strip() + '\n'
-  app.set_usage(usage)
-proxy_main = app.main
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/bin/ b/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/bin/
deleted file mode 100755
index 36fd419..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/bin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import sys
-import pprint
-import time
-from gen.twitter.thermos.ttypes import RunnerState, RunnerCkpt, TaskState
-from twitter.common import app
-from twitter.common.recordio import RecordIO, ThriftRecordReader
-from twitter.thermos.common.ckpt import CheckpointDispatcher
-app.add_option("--checkpoint", dest = "ckpt", metavar = "CKPT",
-               help = "read checkpoint from CKPT")
-app.add_option("--assemble", dest = "assemble", metavar = "CKPT", default=True,
-               help = "read checkpoint from CKPT")
-def main(args):
-  values = app.get_options()
-  if len(args) > 0:
-    print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: unrecognized arguments: %s\n" % (" ".join(args))
-    sys.exit(1)
-  if not values.ckpt:
-    print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: must supply --checkpoint"
-    sys.exit(1)
-  fp = file(values.ckpt, "r")
-  rr = ThriftRecordReader(fp, RunnerCkpt)
-  wrs = RunnerState(processes = {})
-  dispatcher = CheckpointDispatcher()
-  try:
-    for wts in rr:
-      print 'Recovering: ', wts
-      if values.assemble is True:
-         dispatcher.dispatch(wrs, wts)
-  except RecordIO.Error as err:
-    print 'Error recovering checkpoint stream: %s' % err
-    return
-  print '\n\n\n'
-  if values.assemble:
-    print 'Recovered Task Header'
-    pprint.pprint(wrs.header, indent=4)
-    print '\nRecovered Task States'
-    for task_status in wrs.statuses:
-      print '  %s [pid: %d] => %s' % (time.asctime(time.localtime(task_status.timestamp_ms/1000.0)),
-        task_status.runner_pid, TaskState._VALUES_TO_NAMES[task_status.state])
-    print '\nRecovered Processes'
-    pprint.pprint(wrs.processes, indent=4)
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/common/BUILD b/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/common/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index d97c771..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/common/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-import os
-  name = 'ckpt',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/recordio:recordio-thrift'),
-    pants('src/main/thrift/com/twitter/thermos:py-thrift')
-  ]
-  name = 'path',
-  sources = [''],
-  name = 'planner',
-  sources = [''],
-  name = 'options',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos:pystachio'),
-    pants('src/main/thrift/com/twitter/thermos:py-thrift'),
-  ]
-  name = 'common',
-  dependencies = [
-    pants(':ckpt'),
-    pants(':options'),
-    pants(':path'),
-    pants(':planner'),
-  ],
-  provides = setup_py(
-    name = 'twitter.thermos.common',
-    version = open(os.path.join(get_buildroot(), '.auroraversion')).read().strip().lower(),
-    description = 'Thermos common libraries.',
-  )
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/common/ b/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/common/ b/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c5a949..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
-"""Read checkpoint streams for the Thermos runner, and dispatch events on state transitions
-This module contains the CheckpointDispatcher, which reconstructs checkpoint streams containing the
-state of the Thermos runner and its constituent processes.
-It also defines several Handler interfaces to define behaviour on transitions in the Process and
-Task state machines.
-import os
-from twitter.common import log
-from twitter.common.recordio import RecordIO, ThriftRecordReader
-from gen.twitter.thermos.ttypes import (
-  ProcessState,
-  ProcessStatus,
-  RunnerCkpt,
-  RunnerState,
-  TaskState,
-class UniversalStateHandler(object):
-  """
-    Generic interface for a handler to be called on any process/state transition, and at task
-    initialization
-  """
-  def on_process_transition(self, state, process_update):
-    pass
-  def on_task_transition(self, state, task_update):
-    pass
-  def on_initialization(self, header):
-    pass
-class ProcessStateHandler(object):
-  """
-    Interface for handlers for the Process state machine, called on process transitions
-    () - starting state, [] - terminal state
-                             [FAILED]
-                                ^
-                                |
-  (WAITING) ----> FORKED ----> RUNNING -----> [KILLED]
-                    |          |    |
-                    v          |    `---> [SUCCESS]
-                 [LOST] <------'
-  """
-  def on_waiting(self, process_update):
-    pass
-  def on_forked(self, process_update):
-    pass
-  def on_running(self, process_update):
-    pass
-  def on_success(self, process_update):
-    pass
-  def on_failed(self, process_update):
-    pass
-  def on_lost(self, process_update):
-    pass
-  def on_killed(self, process_update):
-    pass
-class TaskStateHandler(object):
-  """
-    Interface for handlers for the Task state machine, called on task transitions
-    () - starting state, [] - terminal state
-       .--------------------------------------------+----.
-       |                                            |    |
-       |                   .----------> [SUCCESS]   |    |
-       |                   |                        |    |
-       |                   | .--------> [FAILED]    |    |
-       |                   | |                      |    |
-    (ACTIVE)           FINALIZING ---> [KILLED] <---'    |
-       |                 ^    |    .------^              |
-       |                 |    |    |                     |
-       `---> CLEANING ---'    `----)--> [LOST] <---------'
-                | |                |      ^
-                | `----------------'      |
-                `-------------------------'
-    ACTIVE -> KILLED/LOST only happens under garbage collection situations.
-    Ordinary task preemption/kill still goes through CLEANING/FINALIZING before
-    reaching a terminal state.
-  """
-  def on_active(self, task_update):
-    pass
-  def on_cleaning(self, task_update):
-    pass
-  def on_finalizing(self, task_update):
-    pass
-  def on_success(self, task_update):
-    pass
-  def on_failed(self, task_update):
-    pass
-  def on_killed(self, task_update):
-    pass
-  def on_lost(self, task_update):
-    pass
-def assert_nonempty(state, fields):
-  for field in fields:
-    assert getattr(state, field, None) is not None, "Missing field %s from %s!" % (field, state)
-def copy_fields(state, state_update, fields):
-  assert_nonempty(state_update, fields)
-  for field in fields:
-    setattr(state, field, getattr(state_update, field))
-class CheckpointDispatcher(object):
-  """
-    The reconstruction/dispatching mechanism for logic triggered on task/process state transitions.
-    Most applications should build an event-loop around the CheckpointDispatcher.
-  """
-  class Error(Exception): pass
-  class ErrorRecoveringState(Error): pass
-  class InvalidSequenceNumber(Error): pass
-  class InvalidHandler(Error): pass
-  @classmethod
-  def iter_updates(cls, filename):
-    try:
-      with open(filename) as fp:
-        rr = ThriftRecordReader(fp, RunnerCkpt)
-        for update in rr:
-          yield update
-    except (IOError, OSError, RecordIO.Error) as err:
-      raise cls.ErrorRecoveringState(err)
-  @classmethod
-  def iter_statuses(cls, filename):
-    for update in cls.iter_updates(filename):
-      if update.task_status:
-        yield update.task_status
-  @classmethod
-  def from_file(cls, filename, truncate=False):
-    """Reconstruct a RunnerState from a checkpoint stream contained in a file
-      Returns a hydrated RunnerState, or None on any failures.
-    """
-    state = RunnerState(processes={})
-    builder = cls()
-    try:
-      for update in cls.iter_updates(filename):
-        builder.dispatch(state, update, truncate=truncate)
-      return state
-    except cls.Error as e:
-      log.error('Failed to recover from %s: %s' % (filename, e))
-  def __init__(self):
-    self._task_handlers = []
-    self._process_handlers = []
-    self._universal_handlers = []
-  def register_handler(self, handler):
-    HANDLER_MAP = {
-      TaskStateHandler: self._task_handlers,
-      ProcessStateHandler: self._process_handlers,
-      UniversalStateHandler: self._universal_handlers
-    }
-    for handler_type, handler_list in HANDLER_MAP.items():
-      if isinstance(handler, handler_type):
-        handler_list.append(handler)
-        break
-    else:
-      raise self.InvalidHandler("Unknown handler type %s" % type(handler))
-  def _run_process_dispatch(self, state, process_update):
-    for handler in self._universal_handlers:
-      handler.on_process_transition(state, process_update)
-    for handler in self._process_handlers:
-      handler_function = 'on_' + ProcessState._VALUES_TO_NAMES[state].lower()
-      getattr(handler, handler_function)(process_update)
-  def _run_task_dispatch(self, state, task_update):
-    for handler in self._universal_handlers:
-      handler.on_task_transition(state, task_update)
-    for handler in self._task_handlers:
-      handler_function = 'on_' + TaskState._VALUES_TO_NAMES[state].lower()
-      getattr(handler, handler_function)(task_update)
-  def _run_header_dispatch(self, header):
-    for handler in self._universal_handlers:
-      handler.on_initialization(header)
-  @staticmethod
-  def is_terminal(process_state_update):
-      ProcessState.SUCCESS,
-      ProcessState.FAILED,
-      ProcessState.KILLED,
-      ProcessState.LOST]
-    return process_state_update.state in TERMINAL_STATES
-  @classmethod
-  def _update_process_state(cls, process_state, process_state_update):
-    """
-      Apply process_state_update against process_state.
-      Raises ErrorRecoveringState on failure.
-    """
-    def assert_process_state_in(*expected_states):
-      if process_state.state not in expected_states:
-        raise cls.ErrorRecoveringState(
-            'Detected invalid state transition %s => %s' % (
-              ProcessState._VALUES_TO_NAMES.get(process_state.state),
-              ProcessState._VALUES_TO_NAMES.get(process_state_update.state)))
-    if process_state_update.state == ProcessState.WAITING:
-      assert_process_state_in(None)
-      required_fields = ['seq', 'state', 'process']
-      copy_fields(process_state, process_state_update, required_fields)
-    elif process_state_update.state == ProcessState.FORKED:
-      assert_process_state_in(ProcessState.WAITING)
-      required_fields = ['seq', 'state', 'fork_time', 'coordinator_pid']
-      copy_fields(process_state, process_state_update, required_fields)
-    elif process_state_update.state == ProcessState.RUNNING:
-      assert_process_state_in(ProcessState.FORKED)
-      required_fields = ['seq', 'state', 'start_time', 'pid']
-      copy_fields(process_state, process_state_update, required_fields)
-    elif process_state_update.state == ProcessState.SUCCESS:
-      assert_process_state_in(ProcessState.RUNNING)
-      required_fields = ['seq', 'state', 'stop_time', 'return_code']
-      copy_fields(process_state, process_state_update, required_fields)
-    elif process_state_update.state == ProcessState.FAILED:
-      assert_process_state_in(ProcessState.RUNNING)
-      required_fields = ['seq', 'state', 'stop_time', 'return_code']
-      copy_fields(process_state, process_state_update, required_fields)
-    elif process_state_update.state == ProcessState.KILLED:
-      assert_process_state_in(ProcessState.FORKED, ProcessState.RUNNING)
-      required_fields = ['seq', 'state', 'stop_time', 'return_code']
-      copy_fields(process_state, process_state_update, required_fields)
-    elif process_state_update.state == ProcessState.LOST:
-      assert_process_state_in(ProcessState.FORKED, ProcessState.RUNNING)
-      required_fields = ['seq', 'state']
-      copy_fields(process_state, process_state_update, required_fields)
-    else:
-      raise cls.ErrorRecoveringState(
-        "Unknown state = %s" % process_state_update.state)
-  def would_update(self, state, runner_ckpt):
-    """
-      Provided a ProcessStatus, would this perform a transition and update state?
-    """
-    process_update = runner_ckpt.process_status
-    if process_update is None:
-      return False
-    process = process_update.process
-    if process not in state.processes: # never seen before
-      return True
-    else:
-      # if this sequence number is ahead of the current high water mark, it would
-      # produce a transition
-      return state.processes[process][-1].seq < process_update.seq
-  def dispatch(self, state, runner_ckpt, recovery=False, truncate=False):
-    """
-      Given a RunnerState and a RunnerCkpt to apply to it, determine the appropriate action and
-      dispatch to the appropriate handlers.
-      state          = RunnerState to be updated
-      runner_ckpt    = RunnerCkpt update to apply
-      recovery       = if true, enable recovery mode (accept out-of-order sequence updates)
-      truncate       = if true, store only the latest task/process states, instead of
-                       history for all runs.
-      Raises ErrorRecoveringState on failure.
-    """
-    # case 1: runner_header
-    #   -> Initialization of the task stream.
-    if runner_ckpt.runner_header is not None:
-      if state.header is not None:
-        raise self.ErrorRecoveringState(
-          "Attempting to rebind task with different parameters!")
-      else:
-        log.debug('Initializing TaskRunner header to %s' % runner_ckpt.runner_header)
-        state.header = runner_ckpt.runner_header
-        self._run_header_dispatch(runner_ckpt.runner_header)
-      return
-    # case 2: task_status
-    #   -> State transition on the task (ACTIVE, FAILED, SUCCESS, LOST)
-    if runner_ckpt.task_status is not None:
-      if state.statuses is None:
-        state.statuses = []
-        old_state = None
-      else:
-        old_state = state.statuses[-1].state
-      if not truncate:
-        state.statuses.append(runner_ckpt.task_status)
-      else:
-        state.statuses = [runner_ckpt.task_status]
-      new_state = runner_ckpt.task_status.state
-      log.debug('Flipping task state from %s to %s' % (
-        TaskState._VALUES_TO_NAMES.get(old_state, '(undefined)'),
-        TaskState._VALUES_TO_NAMES.get(new_state, '(undefined)')))
-      self._run_task_dispatch(new_state, runner_ckpt.task_status)
-      return
-    # case 3: process_status
-    #   -> State transition on a process itself
-    if runner_ckpt.process_status is not None:
-      process_update = runner_ckpt.process_status
-      name = process_update.process
-      current_run = state.processes[name][-1] if name in state.processes else None
-      if current_run and process_update.seq != current_run.seq + 1:
-        if recovery:
-          log.debug('Skipping replayed out-of-order update: %s' % process_update)
-          return
-        else:
-          raise self.InvalidSequenceNumber(
-            "Out of order sequence number! %s => %s" % (current_run, process_update))
-      # One special case for WAITING: Initialize a new target ProcessState.
-      if process_update.state == ProcessState.WAITING:
-        assert current_run is None or self.is_terminal(current_run)
-        if name not in state.processes:
-          state.processes[name] = [ProcessStatus(seq=-1)]
-        else:
-          if not truncate:
-            state.processes[name].append(ProcessStatus(seq=current_run.seq))
-          else:
-            state.processes[name] = [ProcessStatus(seq=current_run.seq)]
-      # Run the process state machine.
-      log.debug('Running state machine for process=%s/seq=%s' % (name, process_update.seq))
-      if not state.processes or name not in state.processes:
-        raise self.ErrorRecoveringState("Encountered potentially out of order "
-          "process update.  Are you sure this is a full checkpoint stream?")
-      self._update_process_state(state.processes[name][-1], process_update)
-      self._run_process_dispatch(process_update.state, process_update)
-      return
-    raise self.ErrorRecoveringState("Empty RunnerCkpt encountered!")
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/common/ b/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9948d03..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/thermos/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-from pystachio import Ref
-class ParseError(Exception):
-  pass
-def add_port_to(option_name):
-  def add_port_callback(option, opt, value, parser):
-    if not getattr(parser.values, option_name, None):
-      setattr(parser.values, option_name, {})
-    try:
-      name, port = value.split(':')
-    except (ValueError, TypeError):
-      raise ParseError('Invalid value for %s: %s should be of form NAME:PORT' % (
-        opt, value))
-    try:
-      port = int(port)
-    except ValueError:
-      raise ParseError('Port does not appear to be an integer: %s' % port)
-    getattr(parser.values, option_name)[name] = port
-  return add_port_callback
-def add_binding_to(option_name):
-  def add_binding_callback(option, opt, value, parser):
-    if not getattr(parser.values, option_name, None):
-      setattr(parser.values, option_name, [])
-    if len(value.split('=')) != 2:
-      raise ParseError('Binding must be of the form NAME=VALUE')
-    name, value = value.split('=')
-    try:
-      ref = Ref.from_address(name)
-    except Ref.InvalidRefError as e:
-      raise ParseError('Could not parse ref %s: %s' % (name, e))
-    getattr(parser.values, option_name).append({ref: value})
-  return add_binding_callback