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Posted to by Jeff Turner <> on 2003/01/24 15:24:30 UTC

DTD versioning again

The charming topic of DTD versioning needs resolving before 0.3..

See thread:

How about adopting the 'catalog symlink' technique:

Where on each Forrest release, we keep the last digit in synch with the
Forrest version.

So people who explicitly want the Forrest 0.2 DTD would use:

-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1.2//EN

Forrest 0.3 (which might have <acronym> added):

-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1.3//EN

And for 99% of people who don't care as long as the versions aren't
backwards-incompatible, we have:

-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN

which maps to the latest in the 1.1.x DTD series.

This system has the virtue of not requiring effort between releases.
Only after a release (say 0.3) do we need to create a
document-v11-4.{mod,dtd}, and map V1.1.4 and V1.1 to it in the catalog
