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Posted to by on 2001/05/16 07:49:59 UTC

Proposed release plan for DTM, & question about Stree usage

First, a question.  How many people are directly accessing the Stree APIs?
We will need to depricate them.  But how would people feel if we removed
the stree package outright?

Second, here is a proposed release plan for the DTM work:

May 21 :    Xalan DTM code complete (really feature freeze), (SAX2DTM,
DOM2DTM, Threaded and direct Xerces support for parseNext, XMLString,
ExtendedTypeID, full smoke test passing [includes API tests] and all
flavors of conformance suite passes [dom2dom, sax2sax, as well as
stream2stream], maybe MatchIterators).

May 21-30  Xalan benchmark testing, micro-tuning.

May 24  Apache smoke-test release (quick release for people to smoke-test).

May 24 -30 main branch integration.

May 30, serious QE effort begins.

June 4-8 Release 2.2.0 to Apache.

Target  date for reference release of  2.2.1 Xalan: third week of June.

The next week and our ability to feature freeze by next Monday is obviously
critical.  If we can do this, I think we can still do OK for the reference

I should give a full status of where we are at, but I just don't have the
energy right now.

Looking forward to your comments.
