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Posted to by Ling Kok Choon <> on 2001/06/28 08:26:11 UTC

[C2]problems with Javascript & Flash5


First Problem : Javascript, CSS and Flash

  I have built a web application with Cocoon2, which include Javascript, CSS and Flash. But the 
Javascript, CSS and flash do not run well. I am not sure where is the problem, so i have 
included some of the code here, and please me to point out my mistakes.

the sitemap.xmap

<map:match pattern="pic/**.swf">
   <map:read src="pic/{1}.swf" mime-type="application/futuresplash"/>
<map:match pattern="style/**.css">
   <map:read src="courses/full_time/diploma_bioie/style/{1}.css" mime-type="text/css"/>
<map:match pattern="style/**.js">
   <map:read src="style/{1}.js" mime-type="text/js"/>


Q1 : Is it the right way to match the Flash, CSS and Javascript file ?
Q2 : What is the different between  match pattern "pic/**.jpg" and "pic/*.jpg" and "pic/*.jpg*"?

XSL file

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"


<xsl:template match="/">

<xsl:processing-instruction name="cocoon-format">type="text/html"</xsl:processing-instruction>
	<HEAD><TITLE>Home of the Engineer</TITLE>

<!-- Here is how i call the CSS file -->
	<Link href="style/thefont.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

<!-- Here is how i call the Javascript file -->		
	<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript" src="../style/menuStyle.js">

        <SCRIPT language="JavaScript1.2" src="../style/HM_Loader.js">

<!-- Here is how i call the Flash file -->		 

        <OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"        		   
        		ID="biomedical" WIDTH="780" HEIGHT="69">
        		<PARAM NAME="movie" VALUE="../pic/biomedical(flash).swf"/>
        		<PARAM NAME="loop" VALUE="false"/>
        		<PARAM NAME="quality" VALUE="autohigh"/>
        		<PARAM NAME="bgcolor" VALUE="#FFFFFF"/>

Q3 : Is it the right way to call the Flash, CSS and Javascript file in a xsl file?

Second Problem : Batch Processing with Cocoon2

The objective is to pre-compile / pre-generate the html file and save it to the web server, the 
purpose is to reduce the responce time.

Q4: How to capture and store the generated html file ?

Thank you.

From, Kok Choon.
Name: Ling Kok Choon
E-mail: Ling Kok Choon <>
Date: 06/28/01
Time: 14:26:11

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