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Posted to by on 2013/10/01 11:39:25 UTC

[3/3] git commit: updated refs/heads/master to 6f31ffd

Add configuration domain.

:config:section:`httpd` to point on specific section.
:config:option:`httpd/port` to point on specific option.
You have to use section-option pair for that due to clash of option
names (ssl and replicator for example).

As bonus provides complete configuration reference by section names.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 6f31ffd97c443e3d7712eaaa7b06353600f4eb95
Parents: b144050
Author: Alexander Shorin <>
Authored: Tue Oct 1 13:38:45 2013 +0400
Committer: Alexander Shorin <>
Committed: Tue Oct 1 13:38:45 2013 +0400

 share/doc/build/                |   2 +
 share/doc/ext/              | 127 +++++
 share/doc/src/api/database/bulk-api.rst    |   2 +-
 share/doc/src/api/database/changes.rst     |   2 +-
 share/doc/src/api/database/common.rst      |   2 +-
 share/doc/src/api/ddoc/common.rst          |   2 +-
 share/doc/src/api/document/attachments.rst |  14 +-
 share/doc/src/api/document/common.rst      |  10 +-
 share/doc/src/api/server/authn.rst         |  21 +-
 share/doc/src/api/server/common.rst        |   4 +-
 share/doc/src/                      |   3 +-
 share/doc/src/config/auth.rst              | 469 +++++++--------
 share/doc/src/config/compaction.rst        | 199 ++++---
 share/doc/src/config/couchdb.rst           | 253 ++++-----
 share/doc/src/config/externals.rst         | 190 +++----
 share/doc/src/config/http-handlers.rst     | 310 +++++-----
 share/doc/src/config/http.rst              | 725 +++++++++++-------------
 share/doc/src/config/intro.rst             |  20 +-
 share/doc/src/config/logging.rst           |  94 +--
 share/doc/src/config/misc.rst              | 364 ++++++------
 share/doc/src/config/query-servers.rst     | 187 +++---
 share/doc/src/config/replicator.rst        | 172 +++---
 share/doc/src/config/services.rst          | 151 ++---
 share/doc/src/cve/2012-5641.rst            |   4 +-
 share/doc/src/externals.rst                |  12 +-
 share/doc/src/intro/security.rst           |  18 +-
 share/doc/src/maintenance/compaction.rst   |   8 +-
 share/doc/src/maintenance/performance.rst  |   8 +-
 share/doc/src/query-server/protocol.rst    |   2 +-
 share/doc/src/whatsnew/0.11.rst            |   4 +-
 share/doc/src/whatsnew/1.4.rst             |   2 +-
 31 files changed, 1624 insertions(+), 1757 deletions(-)
diff --git a/share/doc/build/ b/share/doc/build/
index ef98bde..fab82a6 100644
--- a/share/doc/build/
+++ b/share/doc/build/
@@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ html_files = \
     html/whatsnew/1.5.html \
     html/whatsnew/index.html \
     html/about.html \
+    html/config-ref.html \
     html/contents.html \
     html/externals.html \
     html/json-structure.html \
@@ -422,6 +423,7 @@ src_files_html = \
 sphinx_extensions = \
+    ../ext/ \
     ../ext/ \
     ../ext/ \
diff --git a/share/doc/ext/ b/share/doc/ext/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a02938b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/ext/
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+## use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+## the License at
+## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+## WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+## License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+## the License.
+from sphinx import addnodes
+from sphinx.roles import XRefRole
+from import Domain, ObjType, Index
+from sphinx.directives import ObjectDescription
+from sphinx.util.nodes import make_refnode
+class ConfigObject(ObjectDescription):
+    def handle_signature(self, sig, signode):
+        if '::' in sig:
+            name, descr = map(lambda i: i.strip(), sig.split('::'))
+        else:
+            name, descr = sig.strip(), ''
+        signode['name'] = name
+        signode['descr'] = descr
+        domain, objtype =':')
+        if objtype == 'section':
+            self.env.temp_data['section'] = signode['name']
+            name = '[%s]' % signode['name']
+        signode += addnodes.desc_name(name, name)
+        return signode['name']
+    def needs_arglist(self):
+        return False
+    def add_target_and_index(self, name, sig, signode):
+        section = self.env.temp_data['section']
+        domain, objtype =':')
+        data = self.env.domaindata[domain][objtype]
+        if objtype == 'section':
+            data[name] = (self.env.docname, signode['descr'])
+            signode['ids'].append(signode['name'])
+        elif objtype == 'option':
+            idx = '%s/%s' % (section, signode['name'])
+            data[idx] = (self.env.docname, signode['descr'])
+            signode['ids'].append(idx)
+        else:
+            assert 'unknown object type %r' % objtype
+class ConfigIndex(Index):
+    name = 'ref'
+    localname = 'Configuration Reference'
+    shortname = 'Config Reference'
+    def generate(self, docnames=None):
+        content = dict(
+            (name, [(name, 1, info[0], name, '', '', info[1])])
+            for name, info in['section'].items()
+        )
+        options =['option']
+        for idx, info in sorted(options.items()):
+            path, descr = info
+            section, name = idx.split('/', 1)
+            content[section].append((
+                name, 2, path,
+                '%s/%s' % (section, name),
+                '', '', descr
+            ))
+        return (sorted(content.items()), False)
+class ConfigDomain(Domain):
+    name = 'config'
+    label = 'CONFIG'
+    object_types = {
+        'section': ObjType('section', 'section', 'obj'),
+        'option': ObjType('option', 'option', 'obj'),
+    }
+    directives = {
+        'section': ConfigObject,
+        'option': ConfigObject,
+    }
+    roles = {
+        'section': XRefRole(),
+        'option': XRefRole(),
+    }
+    initial_data = {
+        'section': {},
+        'option': {}
+    }
+    indices = [ConfigIndex]
+    def resolve_xref(self, env, fromdocname, builder, typ, target,
+                     node, contnode):
+        if typ == 'section':
+            info =[typ][target]
+            title = '[%s]' % target
+        elif typ == 'option':
+            assert '/' in target, 'option without section: %r' % target
+            section, option = target.split('/', 1)
+            info =[typ][target]
+            title = option
+        else:
+            assert 'unknown role %r for target %r' % (typ, target)
+        return make_refnode(builder, fromdocname, info[0], target, contnode,
+                            title)
+def setup(app):
+    app.add_domain(ConfigDomain)
diff --git a/share/doc/src/api/database/bulk-api.rst b/share/doc/src/api/database/bulk-api.rst
index 87233df..1c88fbf 100644
--- a/share/doc/src/api/database/bulk-api.rst
+++ b/share/doc/src/api/database/bulk-api.rst
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
                    - :mimetype:`text/plain`
   :<header Content-Type: :mimetype:`application/json`
   :<header X-Couch-Full-Commit: Overrides server's
-    :ref:`commit policy <config/couchdb/delayed_commits>`. Possible values
+    :config:option:`commit policy <couchdb/delayed_commits>`. Possible values
     are: ``false`` and ``true``. *Optional*.
   :<json boolean all_or_nothing: Sets the database commit mode to use
     `all-or-nothing` semantics. Default is ``false``. *Optional*.
diff --git a/share/doc/src/api/database/changes.rst b/share/doc/src/api/database/changes.rst
index f2ad9b7..db6af63 100644
--- a/share/doc/src/api/database/changes.rst
+++ b/share/doc/src/api/database/changes.rst
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
     before the response is sent, even if there are no results. Only applicable
     for :ref:`longpoll <changes/longpoll>` or :ref:`continuous
     <changes/continuous>` feeds. Default value is specified by
-    :ref:`changes_timeout <config/httpd/changes_timeout>` configuration option.
+    :config:option:`httpd/changes_timeout` configuration option.
     Note that ``60000`` value is also the default maximum timeout to prevent
     undetected dead connections.
   :query string view: Allows to use view functions as filters. Documents
diff --git a/share/doc/src/api/database/common.rst b/share/doc/src/api/database/common.rst
index c374625..4d4d24c 100644
--- a/share/doc/src/api/database/common.rst
+++ b/share/doc/src/api/database/common.rst
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
                    - :mimetype:`text/plain`
   :<header Content-Type: :mimetype:`application/json`
   :<header X-Couch-Full-Commit: Overrides server's
-    :ref:`commit policy <config/couchdb/delayed_commits>`. Possible values
+    :config:option:`commit policy <couchdb/delayed_commits>`. Possible values
     are: ``false`` and ``true``. *Optional*.
   :query string batch: Stores document in :ref:`batch mode
     <api/doc/batch-writes>` Possible values: ``ok``. *Optional*
diff --git a/share/doc/src/api/ddoc/common.rst b/share/doc/src/api/ddoc/common.rst
index 16cfffc..af37e61 100644
--- a/share/doc/src/api/ddoc/common.rst
+++ b/share/doc/src/api/ddoc/common.rst
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
   Currently it is the next:
   * **language** (*string*): Defines :ref:`Query Server <query-server>`
-    :ref:`key <config/query_servers>` to process design document functions
+    :config:section:`key <query_servers>` to process design document functions
   * **options** (*object*): View's default options
   * **filters** (*object*): :ref:`Filter functions <filterfun>` definition
   * **lists** (*object*): :ref:`List functions <listfun>` definition
diff --git a/share/doc/src/api/document/attachments.rst b/share/doc/src/api/document/attachments.rst
index c26b561..8514993 100644
--- a/share/doc/src/api/document/attachments.rst
+++ b/share/doc/src/api/document/attachments.rst
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
   :>header Accept-Ranges: :ref:`Range request aware <api/doc/attachment/range>`.
     Used for attachments with :mimetype:`application/octet-stream` content type
   :>header Content-Encoding: Used compression codec. Available if attachment's
-    ``content_type`` is in :ref:`list of compressiable types
-    <config/attachments/compressible_types>`
+    ``content_type`` is in :config:option:`list of compressiable types
+    <attachments/compressible_types>`
   :>header Content-Length: Attachment size. If compression codec was used,
     this value is about compressed size, not actual
   :>header Content-MD5: Base64 encoded MD5 binary digest
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@
   :>header Accept-Ranges: :ref:`Range request aware <api/doc/attachment/range>`.
     Used for attachments with :mimetype:`application/octet-stream`
   :>header Content-Encoding: Used compression codec. Available if attachment's
-    ``content_type`` is in :ref:`list of compressiable types
-    <config/attachments/compressible_types>`
+    ``content_type`` is in :config:option:`list of compressiable types
+    <attachments/compressible_types>`
   :>header Content-Length: Attachment size. If compression codec is used,
     this value is about compressed size, not actual
   :>header Content-MD5: Base64 encoded MD5 binary digest
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@
   :>header Accept-Ranges: :ref:`Range request aware <api/doc/attachment/range>`.
     Used for attachments with :mimetype:`application/octet-stream`
   :>header Content-Encoding: Used compression codec. Available if attachment's
-    ``content_type`` is in :ref:`list of compressiable types
-    <config/attachments/compressible_types>`
+    ``content_type`` is in :config:option:`list of compressiable types
+    <attachments/compressible_types>`
   :>header Content-Length: Attachment size. If compression codec is used,
     this value is about compressed size, not actual
   :>header Content-MD5: Base64 encoded MD5 binary digest
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
                    - :mimetype:`text/plain`
   :<header If-Match: Document revision. Alternative to `rev` query parameter
   :<header X-Couch-Full-Commit: Overrides server's
-    :ref:`commit policy <config/couchdb/delayed_commits>`. Possible values
+    :config:option:`commit policy <couchdb/delayed_commits>`. Possible values
     are: ``false`` and ``true``. *Optional*
   :query string rev: Document revision. *Required*
   :query string batch: Store changes in :ref:`batch mode
diff --git a/share/doc/src/api/document/common.rst b/share/doc/src/api/document/common.rst
index 6687ebc..49ffe42 100644
--- a/share/doc/src/api/document/common.rst
+++ b/share/doc/src/api/document/common.rst
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
   :<header Content-Type: :mimetype:`application/json`
   :<header If-Match: Document's revision. Alternative to `rev` query parameter
   :<header X-Couch-Full-Commit: Overrides server's
-    :ref:`commit policy <config/couchdb/delayed_commits>`. Possible values
+    :config:option:`commit policy <couchdb/delayed_commits>`. Possible values
     are: ``false`` and ``true``. *Optional*
   :query string batch: Stores document in :ref:`batch mode
     <api/doc/batch-writes>` Possible values: ``ok``. *Optional*
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
                    - :mimetype:`text/plain`
   :<header If-Match: Document's revision. Alternative to `rev` query parameter
   :<header X-Couch-Full-Commit: Overrides server's
-    :ref:`commit policy <config/couchdb/delayed_commits>`. Possible values
+    :config:option:`commit policy <couchdb/delayed_commits>`. Possible values
     are: ``false`` and ``true``. *Optional*
   :query string rev: Actual document's revision
   :query string batch: Stores document in :ref:`batch mode
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
   :<header If-Match: Source document's revision. Alternative to `rev` query
   :<header X-Couch-Full-Commit: Overrides server's
-    :ref:`commit policy <config/couchdb/delayed_commits>`. Possible values
+    :config:option:`commit policy <couchdb/delayed_commits>`. Possible values
     are: ``false`` and ``true``. *Optional*
   :query string rev: Revision to copy from. *Optional*
   :query string batch: Stores document in :ref:`batch mode
@@ -397,8 +397,8 @@ information objects with next structure:
   Base64-encoded hash digest
 - **encoded_length** (*number*): Compressed attachment size in bytes
   Available when query parameter ``att_encoding_info=true`` was specified and
-  ``content_type`` is in :ref:`list of compressiable types
-  <config/attachments/compressible_types>`
+  ``content_type`` is in :config:option:`list of compressiable types
+  <attachments/compressible_types>`
 - **encoding** (*string*): Compression codec. Available when query parameter
   ``att_encoding_info=true`` was specified
 - **length** (*number*): Real attachment size in bytes. Not available if attachment
diff --git a/share/doc/src/api/server/authn.rst b/share/doc/src/api/server/authn.rst
index ce08277..a3ac3ea 100644
--- a/share/doc/src/api/server/authn.rst
+++ b/share/doc/src/api/server/authn.rst
@@ -75,13 +75,13 @@ For cookie authentication (:rfc:`2109`) CouchDB generates a token that the
 client can use for the next few requests to CouchDB. Tokens are valid until
 a timeout. When CouchDB sees a valid token in a subsequent request, it will
 authenticate user by this token without requesting the password again. By
-default, cookies are valid for 10 minutes, but it's :ref:`adjustable
-<config/couch_httpd_auth/timeout>`. Also it's possible to make cookies
-:ref:`persistent <config/couch_httpd_auth/allow_persistent_cookies>`
+default, cookies are valid for 10 minutes, but it's :config:option:`adjustable
+<couch_httpd_auth/timeout>`. Also it's possible to make cookies
+:config:option:`persistent <couch_httpd_auth/allow_persistent_cookies>`
 To obtain the first token and thus authenticate a user for the first time, the
-`username` and `password` must be sent to the
-:ref:`_session API <api/auth/session>`.
+`username` and `password` must be sent to the :ref:`_session API
 .. _api/auth/session:
@@ -271,8 +271,7 @@ Proxy Authentication
 .. note::
    To use this authentication method make sure that the
    ``{couch_httpd_auth, proxy_authentication_handler}`` value in added to
-   the list of the active
-   :ref:`authentication handlers <config/httpd/authentication_handlers>`:
+   the list of the active :config:option:`httpd/authentication_handlers`:
    .. code-block:: ini
@@ -288,13 +287,13 @@ This authentication method allows creation of a :ref:`userctx_object` for
 remotely authenticated user. By default, the client just need to pass specific
 headers to CouchDB with related request:
-- :ref:`X-Auth-CouchDB-UserName <config/couch_httpd_auth/x_auth_username>`:
+- :config:option:`X-Auth-CouchDB-UserName <couch_httpd_auth/x_auth_username>`:
-- :ref:`X-Auth-CouchDB-Roles <config/couch_httpd_auth/x_auth_roles>`:
+- :config:option:`X-Auth-CouchDB-Roles <couch_httpd_auth/x_auth_roles>`:
   list of user roles separated by a comma (``,``);
-- :ref:`X-Auth-CouchDB-Token <config/couch_httpd_auth/x_auth_token>`:
+- :config:option:`X-Auth-CouchDB-Token <couch_httpd_auth/x_auth_token>`:
   authentication token. Optional, but strongly recommended to
-  :ref:`force token be required <config/couch_httpd_auth/proxy_use_secret>`
+  :config:option:`force token be required <couch_httpd_auth/proxy_use_secret>`
   to prevent requests from untrusted sources.
diff --git a/share/doc/src/api/server/common.rst b/share/doc/src/api/server/common.rst
index fda74f5..2c14fee 100644
--- a/share/doc/src/api/server/common.rst
+++ b/share/doc/src/api/server/common.rst
@@ -956,8 +956,8 @@ structure is as follows:
-The UUID type is determined by the :ref:`UUID algorithm <config/uuids/algorithm>`
-setting in the CouchDB configuration.
+The UUID type is determined by the :config:option:`UUID algorithm
+<uuids/algorithm>` setting in the CouchDB configuration.
 The UUID type may be changed at any time through the
 :ref:`Configuration API <api/config/section/key>`. For example, the UUID type
diff --git a/share/doc/src/ b/share/doc/src/
index 805f87d..b3f8325 100644
--- a/share/doc/src/
+++ b/share/doc/src/
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ import sys
 sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../ext'))
-extensions = ["sphinx.ext.todo", "sphinx.ext.extlinks", 'github', 'httpdomain']
+extensions = ["sphinx.ext.todo", "sphinx.ext.extlinks", 'github',
+              'httpdomain', 'configdomain']
 _info = {}
 _regex = re.compile('m4_define\(\[(.+)\],\s+\[(.+)\]\)')
diff --git a/share/doc/src/config/auth.rst b/share/doc/src/config/auth.rst
index 85d0dbb..4127288 100644
--- a/share/doc/src/config/auth.rst
+++ b/share/doc/src/config/auth.rst
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
 .. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 .. the License.
-.. highlight:: ini
+.. default-domain:: config
+.. highlight:: ini
 Authentication and Authorization
@@ -19,383 +20,341 @@ Authentication and Authorization
 .. _config/admins:
-``[admins]`` :: Server Administrators
+Server Administrators
-A default CouchDB install provides admin-level access to all connecting users.
-This configuration is known as `Admin Party`, and is not recommended for
-in-production usage. You can crash the party simply by creating the first
-admin account. CouchDB server administrators and passwords are not stored
-in the ``_users`` database, but in the ``local.ini`` file, which should be
-appropriately secured and readable only by system administrators::
+.. config:section:: admins :: Server Administrators
-  [admins]
-  ;admin = mysecretpassword
-  admin = -hashed-6d3c30241ba0aaa4e16c6ea99224f915687ed8cd,7f4a3e05e0cbc6f48a0035e3508eef90
-  architect = -pbkdf2-43ecbd256a70a3a2f7de40d2374b6c3002918834,921a12f74df0c1052b3e562a23cd227f,10000
+  A default CouchDB install provides admin-level access to all connecting users.
+  This configuration is known as `Admin Party`, and is not recommended for
+  in-production usage. You can crash the party simply by creating the first
+  admin account. CouchDB server administrators and passwords are not stored
+  in the ``_users`` database, but in the ``local.ini`` file, which should be
+  appropriately secured and readable only by system administrators::
-Administrators can be added directly to the ``[admins]`` section, and when
-CouchDB is restarted, the passwords will be salted and encrypted. You may
-also use the HTTP interface to create administrator accounts; this way,
-you don't need to restart CouchDB, and there's no need to temporarily store
-or transmit passwords in plaintext. The HTTP ``_config/admins`` endpoint
-supports querying, deleting or creating new admin accounts:
+    [admins]
+    ;admin = mysecretpassword
+    admin = -hashed-6d3c30241ba0aaa4e16c6ea99224f915687ed8cd,7f4a3e05e0cbc6f48a0035e3508eef90
+    architect = -pbkdf2-43ecbd256a70a3a2f7de40d2374b6c3002918834,921a12f74df0c1052b3e562a23cd227f,10000
-.. code-block:: http
+  Administrators can be added directly to the ``[admins]`` section, and when
+  CouchDB is restarted, the passwords will be salted and encrypted. You may
+  also use the HTTP interface to create administrator accounts; this way,
+  you don't need to restart CouchDB, and there's no need to temporarily store
+  or transmit passwords in plaintext. The HTTP ``_config/admins`` endpoint
+  supports querying, deleting or creating new admin accounts:
-   GET /_config/admins HTTP/1.1
-   Accept: application/json
-   Host: localhost:5984
+  .. code-block:: http
-.. code-block:: http
+     GET /_config/admins HTTP/1.1
+     Accept: application/json
+     Host: localhost:5984
-   HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-   Cache-Control: must-revalidate
-   Content-Length: 196
-   Content-Type: application/json
-   Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 11:37:18 GMT
-   Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
+  .. code-block:: http
-.. code-block:: json
+     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+     Cache-Control: must-revalidate
+     Content-Length: 196
+     Content-Type: application/json
+     Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 11:37:18 GMT
+     Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
-   {
-     "admin": "-hashed-6d3c30241ba0aaa4e16c6ea99224f915687ed8cd,7f4a3e05e0cbc6f48a0035e3508eef90",
-     "architect": "-pbkdf2-43ecbd256a70a3a2f7de40d2374b6c3002918834,921a12f74df0c1052b3e562a23cd227f,10000"
-   }
+  .. code-block:: json
-If you already have a salted, encrypted password string (for example,
-from an old ``local.ini`` file, or from a different CouchDB server), then
-you can store the "raw" encrypted string, without having CouchDB doubly
-encrypt it.
+     {
+       "admin": "-hashed-6d3c30241ba0aaa4e16c6ea99224f915687ed8cd,7f4a3e05e0cbc6f48a0035e3508eef90",
+       "architect": "-pbkdf2-43ecbd256a70a3a2f7de40d2374b6c3002918834,921a12f74df0c1052b3e562a23cd227f,10000"
+     }
-.. code-block:: http
+  If you already have a salted, encrypted password string (for example,
+  from an old ``local.ini`` file, or from a different CouchDB server), then
+  you can store the "raw" encrypted string, without having CouchDB doubly
+  encrypt it.
-   PUT /_config/admins/architect?raw=true HTTP/1.1
-   Accept: application/json
-   Content-Type: application/json
-   Content-Length: 89
-   Host: localhost:5984
+  .. code-block:: http
-   "-pbkdf2-43ecbd256a70a3a2f7de40d2374b6c3002918834,921a12f74df0c1052b3e562a23cd227f,10000"
+     PUT /_config/admins/architect?raw=true HTTP/1.1
+     Accept: application/json
+     Content-Type: application/json
+     Content-Length: 89
+     Host: localhost:5984
-.. code-block:: http
+     "-pbkdf2-43ecbd256a70a3a2f7de40d2374b6c3002918834,921a12f74df0c1052b3e562a23cd227f,10000"
-   HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-   Cache-Control: must-revalidate
-   Content-Length: 89
-   Content-Type: application/json
-   Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 11:39:18 GMT
-   Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
+  .. code-block:: http
-   "-pbkdf2-43ecbd256a70a3a2f7de40d2374b6c3002918834,921a12f74df0c1052b3e562a23cd227f,10000"
+     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+     Cache-Control: must-revalidate
+     Content-Length: 89
+     Content-Type: application/json
+     Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 11:39:18 GMT
+     Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
-Further details are available in `security`, including configuring the
-work factor for ``PBKDF2``, and the algorithm itself at
-`PBKDF2 (RFC-2898) <>`_.
+     "-pbkdf2-43ecbd256a70a3a2f7de40d2374b6c3002918834,921a12f74df0c1052b3e562a23cd227f,10000"
-.. versionchanged:: 1.4 `PBKDF2` server-side hashed salted password support
-   added, now as a synchronous call for the ``_config/admins`` API.
+  Further details are available in `security`, including configuring the
+  work factor for ``PBKDF2``, and the algorithm itself at
+  `PBKDF2 (RFC-2898) <>`_.
+  .. versionchanged:: 1.4 `PBKDF2` server-side hashed salted password support
+     added, now as a synchronous call for the ``_config/admins`` API.
 .. _config/couch_httpd_auth:
-``[couch_httpd_auth]`` :: Authentication Configuration
-.. _config/couch_httpd_auth/allow_persistent_cookies:
+Authentication Configuration
-``allow_persistent_cookies`` :: Persistent cookies
+.. config:section:: couch_httpd_auth :: Authentication Configuration
-Makes cookies persistent if ``true``.
+  .. config:option:: allow_persistent_cookies :: Persistent cookies
-  [couch_httpd_auth]
-  allow_persistent_cookies = false
+    Makes cookies persistent if ``true``.
+    ::
-.. _config/couch_httpd_auth/auth_cache_size:
+      [couch_httpd_auth]
+      allow_persistent_cookies = false
-``auth_cache_size`` :: Authentication cache
-Number of :ref:`userctx_object` to cache in memory, to reduce disk lookups.
+  .. config:option:: auth_cache_size :: Authentication cache
+    Number of :ref:`userctx_object` to cache in memory, to reduce disk lookups.
-  [couch_httpd_auth]
-  auth_cache_size = 50
+    ::
+      [couch_httpd_auth]
+      auth_cache_size = 50
-.. _config/couch_httpd_auth/authentication_db:
-``authentication_db`` :: Users database
+  .. config:option:: authentication_db :: Users database
-Specifies the name of the system database for storing CouchDB users.
+    Specifies the name of the system database for storing CouchDB users.
+    ::
-  [couch_httpd_auth]
-  authentication_db = _users
+      [couch_httpd_auth]
+      authentication_db = _users
-.. warning:: If you change the database name, do not forget to remove or clean
-   up the old database, since it will no longer be protected by CouchDB.
+    .. warning::
+       If you change the database name, do not forget to remove or clean
+       up the old database, since it will no longer be protected by CouchDB.
-.. _config/couch_httpd_auth/authentication_redirect:
+  .. config:option:: authentication_redirect :: Default redirect for authentication requests
-``authentication_redirect`` :: Default redirect for authentication requests
+    Specifies the location for redirection on successful authentication if a
+    ``text/html`` response is accepted by the client (via an ``Accept`` header).
-Specifies the location for redirection on successful authentication if a
-``text/html`` response is accepted by the client (via an ``Accept`` header).
+    ::
+      [couch_httpd_auth]
+      authentication_redirect = /_utils/session.html
-  [couch_httpd_auth]
-  authentication_redirect = /_utils/session.html
+  .. config:option:: iterations :: PBKDF2 iterations count
-.. _config/couch_httpd_auth/iterations:
+    .. versionadded:: 1.3
-``iterations`` :: PBKDF2 iterations count
+    The number of iterations for password hashing by the PBKDF2 algorithm.
+    A higher  number provides better hash durability, but comes at a cost in
+    performance for each request that requires authentication.
-.. versionadded:: 1.3
+    ::
-The number of iterations for password hashing by the PBKDF2 algorithm. A higher 
-number provides better hash durability, but comes at a cost in performance for
-each request that requires authentication.
+      [couch_httpd_auth]
+      iterations = 10000
-  [couch_httpd_auth]
-  iterations = 10000
+  .. config:option:: proxy_use_secret :: Force proxy auth use secret token
+    When this option is set to ``true``,  the :option:`couch_httpd_auth/secret`
+    option is required for :ref:`api/auth/proxy`.
-.. _config/couch_httpd_auth/proxy_use_secret:
+    ::
-``proxy_use_secret`` :: Force proxy auth use secret token
+      [couch_httpd_auth]
+      proxy_use_secret = false
-When this option is set to ``true``, the
-:ref:`secret <config/couch_httpd_auth/secret>` option is required for
+  .. config:option:: public_fields :: User documents public fields
-  [couch_httpd_auth]
-  proxy_use_secret = false
+    .. versionadded:: 1.4
+    A comma-separated list of field names in user documents (in
+    :option:`couch_httpd_auth/authentication_db`) that can
+    be read by any user. If unset or not specified, authenticated users can only
+    retrieve their own document.
-.. _config/couch_httpd_auth/public_fields:
+    ::
-``public_fields`` :: User documents public fields
+      [couch_httpd_auth]
+      public_fields = first_name, last_name, contacts, url
-.. versionadded:: 1.4
+    .. note::
+       Using the ``public_fields`` whitelist for user document properties
+       requires setting the :option:`couch_httpd_auth/users_db_public`
+       option to ``true`` (the latter option has no other purpose)::
-A comma-separated list of field names in user documents (in
-:ref:`authentication_db <config/couch_httpd_auth/authentication_db>`) that can
-be read by any user. If unset or not specified, authenticated users can only
-retrieve their own document.
+         [couch_httpd_auth]
+         users_db_public = true
-  [couch_httpd_auth]
-  public_fields = first_name, last_name, contacts, url
+  .. config:option:: require_valid_user :: Force user authentication
-.. note::
-   Using the ``public_fields`` whitelist for user document properties requires
-   setting the :ref:`users_db_public <config/couch_httpd_auth/users_db_public>`
-   option to ``true`` (the latter option has no other purpose)::
+    When this option is set to ``true``, no requests are allowed from anonymous
+    users. Everyone must be authenticated.
-     [couch_httpd_auth]
-     users_db_public = true
+    ::
-.. _config/couch_httpd_auth/require_valid_user:
+      [couch_httpd_auth]
+      require_valid_user = false
-``require_valid_user`` :: Force user authentication
-When this option is set to ``true``, no requests are allowed from anonymous
-users. Everyone must be authenticated.
+  .. config:option:: secret :: Proxy Auth secret token
+    The secret token used for :ref:`api/auth/proxy` method.
-  [couch_httpd_auth]
-  require_valid_user = false
+    ::
+      [couch_httpd_auth]
+      secret = 92de07df7e7a3fe14808cef90a7cc0d91
-.. _config/couch_httpd_auth/secret:
-``secret`` :: Proxy Auth secret token
+  .. config:option:: timeout :: Session timeout
-The secret token used for :ref:`api/auth/proxy` method.
+    Number of seconds since the last request before sessions will be expired.
+    ::
-  [couch_httpd_auth]
-  secret = 92de07df7e7a3fe14808cef90a7cc0d91
+      [couch_httpd_auth]
+      timeout = 600
-.. _config/couch_httpd_auth/timeout:
+  .. config:option:: users_db_public :: Publish user documents
-``timeout`` :: Session timeout
+    .. versionadded:: 1.4
-Number of seconds since the last request before sessions will be expired.
+    Allow all users to view user documents. By default, only admins may browse
+    all users documents, while users may browse only their own document.
+    ::
-  [couch_httpd_auth]
-  timeout = 600
+      [couch_httpd_auth]
+      users_db_public = false
+  .. config:option:: x_auth_roles :: Proxy Auth roles header
-.. _config/couch_httpd_auth/users_db_public:
+    The HTTP header name (``X-Auth-CouchDB-Roles`` by default) that contains the
+    list of a user's roles, separated by a comma. Used for
+    :ref:`api/auth/proxy`.
-``users_db_public`` :: Publish user documents
+    ::
-.. versionadded:: 1.4
+      [couch_httpd_auth]
+      x_auth_roles = X-Auth-CouchDB-Roles
-Allow all users to view user documents. By default, only admins may browse
-all users documents, while users may browse only their own document.
+  .. config:option:: x_auth_token :: Proxy Auth token header
-  [couch_httpd_auth]
-  users_db_public = false
+    The HTTP header name (``X-Auth-CouchDB-Token`` by default) containing the
+    token used to authenticate the authorization. This token is an `HMAC-SHA1`
+    created from the :option:`couch_httpd_auth/secret` and
+    :option:`couch_httpd_auth/x_auth_username`. The secret key should be
+    the same on the client and the CouchDB node. This token is optional if
+    the value of the :option:`couch_httpd_auth/proxy_use_secret` option is not
+    ``true``. Used for :ref:`api/auth/proxy`.
+    ::
-.. _config/couch_httpd_auth/x_auth_roles:
+      [couch_httpd_auth]
+      x_auth_roles = X-Auth-CouchDB-Token
-``x_auth_roles`` :: Proxy Auth roles header
-The HTTP header name (``X-Auth-CouchDB-Roles`` by default) that contains the
-list of a user's roles, separated by a comma. Used for :ref:`api/auth/proxy`.
+  .. config:option:: x_auth_username :: Proxy Auth username header
+    The HTTP header name (``X-Auth-CouchDB-UserName`` by default) containing the
+    username. Used for :ref:`api/auth/proxy`.
-  [couch_httpd_auth]
-  x_auth_roles = X-Auth-CouchDB-Roles
+    ::
+      [couch_httpd_auth]
+      x_auth_username = X-Auth-CouchDB-UserName
-.. _config/couch_httpd_auth/x_auth_token:
-``x_auth_token`` :: Proxy Auth token header
-The HTTP header name (``X-Auth-CouchDB-Token`` by default) containing the
-token used to authenticate the authorization. This token is an `HMAC-SHA1`
-created from :ref:`secret key <config/couch_httpd_auth/secret>` and
-:ref:`username <config/couch_httpd_auth/x_auth_username>`. The secret key
-should be the same on the client and the CouchDB node. This token is optional
-if the value of the
-:ref:`proxy_use_secret <config/couch_httpd_auth/proxy_use_secret>`
-option is not ``true``. Used for :ref:`api/auth/proxy`.
+.. _config/couch_httpd_oauth:
+HTTP OAuth Configuration
-  [couch_httpd_auth]
-  x_auth_roles = X-Auth-CouchDB-Token
+.. config:section:: couch_httpd_oauth :: HTTP OAuth Configuration
+  .. versionadded:: 1.2
-.. _config/couch_httpd_auth/x_auth_username:
+  .. config:option:: use_users_db
-``x_auth_username`` :: Proxy Auth username header
+  CouchDB is able to store OAuth credentials within user documents instead of
+  config file by using this option::
-The HTTP header name (``X-Auth-CouchDB-UserName`` by default) containing the
-username. Used for :ref:`api/auth/proxy`.
+    [couch_httpd_oauth]
+    use_users_db = true
+  If set to ``true``, OAuth token and consumer secrets will be looked up in the
+  :option:`authentication database <couch_httpd_auth/authentication_db>`.
+  These secrets are stored in a top level field named ``"oauth"`` in user
+  documents, as below.
-  [couch_httpd_auth]
-  x_auth_username = X-Auth-CouchDB-UserName
+  .. code-block:: javascript
+      {
+          "_id": "org.couchdb.user:joe",
+          "type": "user",
+          "name": "joe",
+          "password_sha": "fe95df1ca59a9b567bdca5cbaf8412abd6e06121",
+          "salt": "4e170ffeb6f34daecfd814dfb4001a73"
+          "roles": ["foo", "bar"],
+          "oauth": {
+              "consumer_keys": {
+                  "consumerKey1": "key1Secret",
+                  "consumerKey2": "key2Secret"
+              },
+              "tokens": {
+                  "token1": "token1Secret",
+                  "token2": "token2Secret"
+             }
+          }
+      }
 .. _config/oauth:
-``[oauth]`` :: OAuth Configuration
+OAuth Configuration
-.. _config/oauth/oauth_consumer_secrets:
-.. _config/oauth/oauth_token_secrets:
-.. _config/oauth/oauth_token_users:
+.. config:section:: oauth_* :: OAuth Configuration
-Store credentials within config
+  To let users be authenticated by :ref:`api/auth/oauth` (:rfc:`5849`), three
+  special sections must be set up in the :ref:`configuration <config>` file:
-To let users be authenticated by :ref:`api/auth/oauth` (:rfc:`5849`), three
-special sections must be set up in the :ref:`configuration <config>` file:
+  1. The Consumer secret:
-1. The Consumer secret:
+  ::
+    [oauth_consumer_secrets]
+    consumer1 = sekr1t
-  [oauth_consumer_secrets]
-  consumer1 = sekr1t
+  2. Token secrets:
-2. Token secrets:
+  ::
+    [oauth_token_secrets]
+    token1 = tokensekr1t
-  [oauth_token_secrets]
-  token1 = tokensekr1t
+  3. A mapping from tokens to users:
-3. A mapping from tokens to users:
-  [oauth_token_users]
-  token1 = couchdb_username
-.. _config/couch_httpd_oauth:
-.. _config/couch_httpd_oauth/use_users_db:
-Store OAuth credentials within auth database
-.. versionadded:: 1.2
-CouchDB is able to store OAuth credentials within user documents instead of
-config file by using this option::
-  [couch_httpd_oauth]
-  use_users_db = true
-If set to ``true``, OAuth token and consumer secrets will be looked up in the
-:ref:`authentication database <config/couch_httpd_auth/authentication_db>`.
-These secrets are stored in a top level field named ``"oauth"`` in user
-documents, as below.
-.. code-block:: javascript
-    {
-        "_id": "org.couchdb.user:joe",
-        "type": "user",
-        "name": "joe",
-        "password_sha": "fe95df1ca59a9b567bdca5cbaf8412abd6e06121",
-        "salt": "4e170ffeb6f34daecfd814dfb4001a73"
-        "roles": ["foo", "bar"],
-        "oauth": {
-            "consumer_keys": {
-                "consumerKey1": "key1Secret",
-                "consumerKey2": "key2Secret"
-            },
-            "tokens": {
-                "token1": "token1Secret",
-                "token2": "token2Secret"
-           }
-        }
-    }
+  ::
+    [oauth_token_users]
+    token1 = couchdb_username
diff --git a/share/doc/src/config/compaction.rst b/share/doc/src/config/compaction.rst
index 0393d8c..5e1e10d 100644
--- a/share/doc/src/config/compaction.rst
+++ b/share/doc/src/config/compaction.rst
@@ -10,172 +10,165 @@
 .. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 .. the License.
+.. default-domain:: config
 .. highlight:: ini
 Compaction Configuration
-.. _config/database_compaction:
-``[database_compaction]`` :: Database Compaction Options
-.. _config/database_compaction/doc_buffer_size:
+.. _conifg/database_compaction:
-``doc_buffer_size`` :: Documents buffer size
+Database Compaction Options
-Specifies the copy buffer's maximum size in bytes::
+.. config:section:: database_compaction :: Database Compaction Options
-  [database_compaction]
-  doc_buffer_size = 524288
+  .. config:option:: doc_buffer_size :: Documents buffer size
+    Specifies the copy buffer's maximum size in bytes::
-.. _config/database_compaction/checkpoint_after:
+      [database_compaction]
+      doc_buffer_size = 524288
-``checkpoint_after`` :: Checkpoint trigger
-Triggers a checkpoint after the specified amount of bytes were successfully 
-copied to the compacted database::
+  .. config:option:: checkpoint_after :: Checkpoint trigger
-  [database_compaction]
-  checkpoint_after = 5242880
+    Triggers a checkpoint after the specified amount of bytes were successfully
+    copied to the compacted database::
+      [database_compaction]
+      checkpoint_after = 5242880
 .. _config/compactions:
-``[compactions]`` :: Compaction Daemon Rules
+Compaction Daemon Rules
-Automatic compaction rules definition.
-The :ref:`compaction daemon <config/daemons/compaction_daemon>` compacts
-databases and their respective view groups when all the condition parameters are
-satisfied. Configuration can be per database or global, and it has the following
+.. config:section:: compactions :: Compaction Daemon Rules
-  [compactions]
-  database_name = [ {ParamName, ParamValue}, {ParamName, ParamValue}, ... ]
-  _default = [ {ParamName, ParamValue}, {ParamName, ParamValue}, ... ]
+  Automatic compaction rules definition. The :option:`daemons/compaction_daemon`
+  compacts databases and their respective view groups when all the condition
+  parameters are satisfied. Configuration can be per database or global, and it
+  has the following format::
+    [compactions]
+    database_name = [ {ParamName, ParamValue}, {ParamName, ParamValue}, ... ]
+    _default = [ {ParamName, ParamValue}, {ParamName, ParamValue}, ... ]
-For example::
-  [compactions]
-  _default = [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "23:00"}, {to, "04:00"}]
+  For example::
-Possible parameters:
+    [compactions]
+    _default = [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "23:00"}, {to, "04:00"}]
-- ``db_fragmentation``: If the ratio of legacy data, including metadata, to
-  current data in the database file size is equal to or greater then this
-  value, this database compaction condition is satisfied. The percentage is 
-  expressed as an integer percentage. This value is computed as::
+  Possible parameters:
-    (file_size - data_size) / file_size * 100
+  - ``db_fragmentation``: If the ratio of legacy data, including metadata, to
+    current data in the database file size is equal to or greater then this
+    value, this database compaction condition is satisfied. The percentage is
+    expressed as an integer percentage. This value is computed as::
-  The data_size and file_size values can be obtained when
-  querying :get:`/{db}`.
+      (file_size - data_size) / file_size * 100
-- ``view_fragmentation``: If the ratio of legacy data, including metadata, to
-  current data in a view index file size is equal to or greater then this
-  value, this database compaction condition is satisfied. The percentage is 
-  expressed as an integer percentage. This value is computed as::
+    The data_size and file_size values can be obtained when
+    querying :http:get:`/{db}`.
-    (file_size - data_size) / file_size * 100
+  - ``view_fragmentation``: If the ratio of legacy data, including metadata, to
+    current data in a view index file size is equal to or greater then this
+    value, this database compaction condition is satisfied. The percentage is
+    expressed as an integer percentage. This value is computed as::
-  The data_size and file_size values can be obtained when querying a
-  :ref:`view group's information URI <api/ddoc/info>`.
+      (file_size - data_size) / file_size * 100
-- ``from`` and ``to``: The period for which a database (and its view groups)
-  compaction is allowed. The value for these parameters must obey the format::
+    The data_size and file_size values can be obtained when querying a
+    :ref:`view group's information URI <api/ddoc/info>`.
-    HH:MM - HH:MM  (HH in [0..23], MM in [0..59])
+  - ``from`` and ``to``: The period for which a database (and its view groups)
+    compaction is allowed. The value for these parameters must obey the format::
-- ``strict_window``: If a compaction is still running after the end of the
-  allowed period, it will be canceled if this parameter is set to `true`.
-  It defaults to `false` and it's meaningful only if the *period* parameter is
-  also specified.
+      HH:MM - HH:MM  (HH in [0..23], MM in [0..59])
-- ``parallel_view_compaction``: If set to `true`, the database and its views are
-  compacted in parallel. This is only useful on certain setups, like for example
-  when the database and view index directories point to different disks.
-  It defaults to `false`.
+  - ``strict_window``: If a compaction is still running after the end of the
+    allowed period, it will be canceled if this parameter is set to `true`.
+    It defaults to `false` and it's meaningful only if the *period* parameter
+    is also specified.
-Before a compaction is triggered, an estimation of how much free disk space is
-needed is computed. This estimation corresponds to two times the data size of
-the database or view index. When there's not enough free disk space to compact
-a particular database or view index, a warning message is logged.
+  - ``parallel_view_compaction``: If set to `true`, the database and its views
+    are compacted in parallel. This is only useful on certain setups, like
+    for example when the database and view index directories point to different
+    disks. It defaults to `false`.
+  Before a compaction is triggered, an estimation of how much free disk space is
+  needed is computed. This estimation corresponds to two times the data size of
+  the database or view index. When there's not enough free disk space to compact
+  a particular database or view index, a warning message is logged.
-#. ``[{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}]``
+  Examples:
-   The `foo` database is compacted if its fragmentation is 70% or more.
-   Any view index of this database is compacted only if its fragmentation
-   is 60% or more.
+  #. ``[{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}]``
-#. ``[{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "00:00"}, {to, "04:00"}]``
+     The `foo` database is compacted if its fragmentation is 70% or more.
+     Any view index of this database is compacted only if its fragmentation
+     is 60% or more.
-   Similar to the preceding example but a compaction (database or view index)
-   is only triggered if the current time is between midnight and 4 AM.
+  #. ``[{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "00:00"}, {to, "04:00"}]``
-#. ``[{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "00:00"}, {to, "04:00"}, {strict_window, true}]``
+     Similar to the preceding example but a compaction (database or view index)
+     is only triggered if the current time is between midnight and 4 AM.
-   Similar to the preceding example - a compaction (database or view index)
-   is only triggered if the current time is between midnight and 4 AM. If at
-   4 AM the database or one of its views is still compacting, the compaction
-   process will be canceled.
+  #. ``[{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "00:00"}, {to, "04:00"}, {strict_window, true}]``
-#. ``[{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "00:00"}, {to, "04:00"}, {strict_window, true}, {parallel_view_compaction, true}]``
+     Similar to the preceding example - a compaction (database or view index)
+     is only triggered if the current time is between midnight and 4 AM. If at
+     4 AM the database or one of its views is still compacting, the compaction
+     process will be canceled.
-   Similar to the preceding example, but a database and its views can be
-   compacted in parallel.
+  #. ``[{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "00:00"}, {to, "04:00"}, {strict_window, true}, {parallel_view_compaction, true}]``
+     Similar to the preceding example, but a database and its views can be
+     compacted in parallel.
-.. _config/compaction_daemon:
-``[compaction_daemon]`` :: Configuration of Compaction Daemon
+.. _config/compaction_daemon:
-.. _config/compaction_daemon/check_interval:
+Configuration of Compaction Daemon
+.. config:section:: compaction_daemon :: Configuration of Compaction Daemon
-The delay, in seconds, between each check for which database and view indexes
-need to be compacted::
+  .. config:option:: check_interval
-  [compaction_daemon]
-  check_interval = 300
+    The delay, in seconds, between each check for which database and view
+    indexes need to be compacted::
+      [compaction_daemon]
+      check_interval = 300
-.. _config/compaction_daemon/min_file_size:
+  .. config:option:: min_file_size
-If a database or view index file is smaller then this value (in bytes),
-compaction will not happen. Very small files always have a very high
-fragmentation therefore it's not worth to compact them::
+    If a database or view index file is smaller then this value (in bytes),
+    compaction will not happen. Very small files always have a very high
+    fragmentation therefore it's not worth to compact them::
-  [compaction_daemon]
-  min_file_size = 131072
+      [compaction_daemon]
+      min_file_size = 131072
 .. _config/view_compaction:
-``[view_compaction]`` :: Views Compaction Options
+Views Compaction Options
-.. _config/view_compaction/keyvalue_buffer_size:
+.. config:section:: view_compaction :: Views Compaction Options
-``keyvalue_buffer_size`` :: Key-Values buffer size
-Specifies maximum copy buffer size in bytes used during compaction::
+  .. config:option:: keyvalue_buffer_size :: Key-Values buffer size
-  [view_compaction]
-  keyvalue_buffer_size = 2097152
+    Specifies maximum copy buffer size in bytes used during compaction::
+      [view_compaction]
+      keyvalue_buffer_size = 2097152
diff --git a/share/doc/src/config/couchdb.rst b/share/doc/src/config/couchdb.rst
index d42e5b8..6f3c022 100644
--- a/share/doc/src/config/couchdb.rst
+++ b/share/doc/src/config/couchdb.rst
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
 .. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 .. the License.
+.. default-domain:: config
 .. highlight:: ini
@@ -18,212 +20,181 @@ Base Configuration
 .. _config/couchdb:
-``[couchdb]`` :: Base CouchDB Options
-.. _config/couchdb/attachment_stream_buffer_size:
-``attachment_stream_buffer_size`` :: Attachment streaming buffer
-Higher values may result in better read performance due to fewer read
-operations and/or more OS page cache hits. However, they can also increase
-overall response time for writes when there are many attachment write
-requests in parallel.
-  [couchdb]
-  attachment_stream_buffer_size = 4096
-.. _config/couchdb/database_dir:
-``database_dir`` :: Databases location directory
-Specifies location of CouchDB database files (``*.couch`` named). This location
-should be writable and readable for the user the CouchDB service runs as
-(``couchdb`` by default).
-  [couchdb]
-  database_dir = /var/lib/couchdb
+Base CouchDB Options
+.. config:section:: couchdb :: Base CouchDB Options
-.. _config/couchdb/delayed_commits:
-``delayed_commits`` :: Delayed commits
+  .. config:option:: attachment_stream_buffer_size :: Attachment streaming buffer
-When this config value as ``false`` the CouchDB provides guaranty of fsync call
-before return ``HTTP 201 Created`` response on each document saving. Setting
-this config value as ``true`` may raise some overall performance with cost of
-losing durability - it's strongly not recommended to do such in production::
+    Higher values may result in better read performance due to fewer read
+    operations and/or more OS page cache hits. However, they can also increase
+    overall response time for writes when there are many attachment write
+    requests in parallel.
-  [couchdb]
-  delayed_commits = false
+    ::
-.. warning::
+      [couchdb]
+      attachment_stream_buffer_size = 4096
-   Delayed commits are a feature of CouchDB that allows it to achieve better
-   write performance for some workloads while sacrificing a small amount of
-   durability. The setting causes CouchDB to wait up to a full second before
-   committing new data after an update. If the server crashes before the header
-   is written then any writes since the last commit are lost.
+  .. config:option:: database_dir :: Databases location directory
-.. _config/couchdb/file_compression:
+    Specifies location of CouchDB database files (``*.couch`` named).
+    This location should be writable and readable for the user the CouchDB
+    service runs as (``couchdb`` by default).
-``file_compression`` :: Compression method for documents
+    ::
-.. versionchanged:: 1.2 Added `Google Snappy`_ compression algorithm.
+      [couchdb]
+      database_dir = /var/lib/couchdb
-Method used to compress everything that is appended to database and view index
-files, except for attachments (see the :ref:`[attachments] <config/attachments>`
-section). Available methods are:
-* ``none``: no compression
-* ``snappy``: use Google Snappy, a very fast compressor/decompressor
-* ``deflate_N``: use zlib's deflate; ``N`` is the compression level which ranges
-  from 1 (fastest, lowest compression ratio) to 9 (slowest, highest compression
-  ratio)
+  .. config:option:: delayed_commits :: Delayed commits
+    When this config value as ``false`` the CouchDB provides guaranty of `fsync`
+    call before return :http:statuscode:`201` response on each document saving.
+    Setting this config value as ``true`` may raise some overall performance
+    with cost of losing durability - it's strongly not recommended to do such
+    in production::
-  [couchdb]
-  file_compression = snappy
+      [couchdb]
+      delayed_commits = false
-.. _Google Snappy:
+    .. warning::
+       Delayed commits are a feature of CouchDB that allows it to achieve better
+       write performance for some workloads while sacrificing a small amount of
+       durability. The setting causes CouchDB to wait up to a full second before
+       committing new data after an update. If the server crashes before
+       the header is written then any writes since the last commit are lost.
-.. _config/couchdb/fsync_options:
-``fsync_options`` :: Fsync options
+  .. config:option:: file_compression :: Compression method for documents
-Specifies when to make `fsync` calls. `fsync` makes sure that the contents of
-any file system buffers kept by the operating system are flushed to disk.
-There is generally no need to modify this parameter.
+    .. versionchanged:: 1.2 Added `Google Snappy`_ compression algorithm.
+    Method used to compress everything that is appended to database and
+    view index files, except for attachments (see the :section:`attachments`
+    section). Available methods are:
-  [couchdb]
-  fsync_options = [before_header, after_header, on_file_open]
+    * ``none``: no compression
+    * ``snappy``: use Google Snappy, a very fast compressor/decompressor
+    * ``deflate_N``: use zlib's deflate; ``N`` is the compression level which
+      ranges from ``1`` (fastest, lowest compression ratio) to ``9`` (slowest,
+      highest compression ratio)
+    ::
-.. _config/couchdb/max_dbs_open:
+      [couchdb]
+      file_compression = snappy
-``max_dbs_open`` :: Limit of simultaneously opened databases
+    .. _Google Snappy:
-This option places an upper bound on the number of databases that can be open
-at once. CouchDB reference counts database accesses internally and will close
-idle databases as needed. Sometimes it is necessary to keep more than the
-default open at once, such as in deployments where many databases will be
-replicating continuously.
+  .. config:option:: fsync_options :: Fsync options
-  [couchdb]
-  max_dbs_open = 100
+    Specifies when to make `fsync` calls. `fsync` makes sure that
+    the contents of any file system buffers kept by the operating system are
+    flushed to disk. There is generally no need to modify this parameter.
+    ::
-.. _config/couchdb/max_document_size:
+      [couchdb]
+      fsync_options = [before_header, after_header, on_file_open]
-``max_document_size`` :: Maximum document size
-.. versionchanged:: 1.3 This option now actually works.
+  .. config:option:: max_dbs_open :: Limit of simultaneously opened databases
-Defines a maximum size for JSON documents, in bytes. This limit does not
-apply to attachments, since they are transferred as a stream of chunks. If you
-set this to a small value, you might be unable to modify configuration options,
-database security and other larger documents until a larger value is restored
-by editing the configuration file.
+    This option places an upper bound on the number of databases that can be
+    open at once. CouchDB reference counts database accesses internally and will
+    close idle databases as needed. Sometimes it is necessary to keep more than
+    the default open at once, such as in deployments where many databases will
+    be replicating continuously.
+    ::
-  [couchdb]
-  max_document_size = 4294967296 ; 4 GB
+      [couchdb]
+      max_dbs_open = 100
-.. _config/couchdb/os_process_timeout:
+  .. config:option:: max_document_size :: Maximum document size
-``os_process_timeout`` :: External processes time limit
+    .. versionchanged:: 1.3 This option now actually works.
-If an external process, such as a query server or external process, runs for
-this amount of microseconds without returning any results, it will be
-terminated. Keeping this value smaller ensures you get expedient errors, but
-you may want to tweak it for your specific needs.
+    Defines a maximum size for JSON documents, in bytes. This limit does not
+    apply to attachments, since they are transferred as a stream of chunks.
+    If you set this to a small value, you might be unable to modify
+    configuration options, database security and other larger documents until
+    a larger value is restored by editing the configuration file.
+    ::
-  [couchdb]
-  os_process_timeout = 5000 ; 5 sec
+      [couchdb]
+      max_document_size = 4294967296 ; 4 GB
-.. _config/couchdb/uri_file:
+  .. config:option:: os_process_timeout :: External processes time limit
-``uri_file`` :: Discovery CouchDB help file
+    If an external process, such as a query server or external process, runs for
+    this amount of microseconds without returning any results, it will be
+    terminated. Keeping this value smaller ensures you get expedient errors, but
+    you may want to tweak it for your specific needs.
-This file contains the full `URI`_ that can be used to access this instance of
-CouchDB. It is used to help discover the port CouchDB is running on (if it was
-set to ``0`` (e.g. automatically assigned any free one). This file should be
-writable and readable for the user that runs the CouchDB service (``couchdb``
-by default).
+    ::
+      [couchdb]
+      os_process_timeout = 5000 ; 5 sec
-  [couchdb]
-  uri_file = /var/run/couchdb/couchdb.uri
-.. _URI:
+  .. config:option:: uri_file :: Discovery CouchDB help file
+    This file contains the full `URI`_ that can be used to access this
+    instance of CouchDB. It is used to help discover the port CouchDB is running
+    on (if it was set to ``0`` (e.g. automatically assigned any free one).
+    This file should be writable and readable for the user that runs the CouchDB
+    service (``couchdb`` by default).
-.. _config/couchdb/util_driver_dir:
+    ::
-``util_driver_dir`` :: CouchDB binary utility drivers
+      [couchdb]
+      uri_file = /var/run/couchdb/couchdb.uri
-Specifies location of binary drivers (`icu`, `ejson`, etc.). This location and
-its contents should be readable for the user that runs the CouchDB service.
+    .. _URI:
-  [couchdb]
-  util_driver_dir = /usr/lib/couchdb/erlang/lib/couch-1.5.0/priv/lib
+  .. config:option:: util_driver_dir :: CouchDB binary utility drivers
+    Specifies location of binary drivers (`icu`, `ejson`, etc.). This location
+    and its contents should be readable for the user that runs the CouchDB
+    service.
-.. _config/couchdb/uuid:
+    ::
-``uuid`` :: CouchDB server UUID
+      [couchdb]
+      util_driver_dir = /usr/lib/couchdb/erlang/lib/couch-1.5.0/priv/lib
-.. versionadded:: 1.3
-Unique identifier for this CouchDB server instance.
+  .. config:option:: uuid :: CouchDB server UUID
+    .. versionadded:: 1.3
-  [couchdb]
-  uuid = 0a959b9b8227188afc2ac26ccdf345a6
+    Unique identifier for this CouchDB server instance.
+    ::
-.. _config/couchdb/view_index_dir:
+      [couchdb]
+      uuid = 0a959b9b8227188afc2ac26ccdf345a6
-``view_index_dir`` :: View indexes location directory
-Specifies location of CouchDB view index files. This location should be writable
-and readable for the user that runs the CouchDB service (``couchdb`` by default).
+  .. config:option:: view_index_dir :: View indexes location directory
+    Specifies location of CouchDB view index files. This location should be
+    writable and readable for the user that runs the CouchDB service
+    (``couchdb`` by default).
-  [couchdb]
-  view_index_dir = /var/lib/couchdb
+    ::
+      [couchdb]
+      view_index_dir = /var/lib/couchdb
diff --git a/share/doc/src/config/externals.rst b/share/doc/src/config/externals.rst
index d4a8eab..c05fe05 100644
--- a/share/doc/src/config/externals.rst
+++ b/share/doc/src/config/externals.rst
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
 .. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 .. the License.
+.. default-domain:: config
 .. highlight:: ini
@@ -18,162 +20,160 @@ External Processes
 .. _config/os_daemons:
-``[os_daemons]`` :: OS Daemons
+OS Daemons
-This is a simple feature that allows users to configure CouchDB so that it
-maintains a given OS level process alive. If the process dies for any reason,
-CouchDB will restart it. If the process restarts too often, then CouchDB will
-mark it has halted and not attempt to restart it. The default max restart rate
-is ``3`` times in the last ``5`` seconds. These parameters are
-:ref:`adjustable <config/os_daemon_settings>`.
+.. config:section:: os_daemons :: OS Daemons
-Commands that are started in this manner will have access to a simple
-API over stdio to request configuration parameters or to add log
-statements to CouchDB's logs.
+  This is a simple feature that allows users to configure CouchDB so that it
+  maintains a given OS level process alive. If the process dies for any reason,
+  CouchDB will restart it. If the process restarts too often, then CouchDB will
+  mark it has halted and not attempt to restart it. The default max restart rate
+  is ``3`` times in the last ``5`` seconds. These parameters are
+  :section:`adjustable <os_daemon_settings>`.
-To configure an OS process as a CouchDB os_daemon, create a section
-in your `local.ini` like such::
+  Commands that are started in this manner will have access to a simple
+  API over stdio to request configuration parameters or to add log
+  statements to CouchDB's logs.
-  [os_daemons]
-  daemon_name = /path/to/command -with args
+  To configure an OS process as a CouchDB os_daemon, create a section
+  in your `local.ini` like such::
-This will make CouchDB bring up the command and attempt to keep it
-alive. To request a configuration parameter, an `os_daemon` can write
-a simple JSON message to stdout like such::
+    [os_daemons]
+    daemon_name = /path/to/command -with args
-  ["get", "os_daemons"]\n
+  This will make CouchDB bring up the command and attempt to keep it
+  alive. To request a configuration parameter, an `os_daemon` can write
+  a simple JSON message to stdout like such::
-which would return::
+    ["get", "os_daemons"]\n
-  {"daemon_name": "/path/to/command -with args"}\n
+  which would return::
+    {"daemon_name": "/path/to/command -with args"}\n
-  ["get", "os_daemons", "daemon_name"]\n
+  Or::
-which would return::
+    ["get", "os_daemons", "daemon_name"]\n
-  "/path/to/command -with args"\n
+  which would return::
-There's no restriction on what configuration variables are visible.
-There's also no method for altering the configuration.
+    "/path/to/command -with args"\n
-If you would like your OS daemon to be restarted in the event that
-the configuration changes, you can send the following messages::
+  There's no restriction on what configuration variables are visible.
+  There's also no method for altering the configuration.
-  ["register", $(SECTION)]\n
+  If you would like your OS daemon to be restarted in the event that
+  the configuration changes, you can send the following messages::
-When anything in that section changes, your OS process will be
-rebooted so it can pick up the new configuration settings. If you
-want to listen for changes on a specific key, you can send something
+    ["register", $(SECTION)]\n
-  ["register", $(SECTION), $(KEY)]\n
+  When anything in that section changes, your OS process will be
+  rebooted so it can pick up the new configuration settings. If you
+  want to listen for changes on a specific key, you can send something
+  like::
-In this case, CouchDB will only restart your daemon if that exact
-section/key pair changes, instead of anything in that entire section.
+    ["register", $(SECTION), $(KEY)]\n
-Logging commands look like::
+  In this case, CouchDB will only restart your daemon if that exact
+  section/key pair changes, instead of anything in that entire section.
-  ["log", $(JSON_MESSAGE)]\n
+  Logging commands look like::
-Where ``$(JSON_MESSAGE)`` is arbitrary JSON data. These messages are
-logged at the 'info' level. If you want to log at a different level
-you can pass messages like such::
+    ["log", $(JSON_MESSAGE)]\n
-  ["log", $(JSON_MESSAGE), {"level": $(LEVEL)}]\n
+  Where ``$(JSON_MESSAGE)`` is arbitrary JSON data. These messages are
+  logged at the 'info' level. If you want to log at a different level
+  you can pass messages like such::
-Where ``$(LEVEL)`` is one of "debug", "info", or "error".
+    ["log", $(JSON_MESSAGE), {"level": $(LEVEL)}]\n
-When implementing a daemon process to be managed by CouchDB you
-should remember to use a method like checking the parent process
-id or if stdin has been closed. These flags can tell you if
-your daemon process has been orphaned so you can exit cleanly.
+  Where ``$(LEVEL)`` is one of "debug", "info", or "error".
-There is no interactivity between CouchDB and the running process, but
-you can use the OS Daemons service to create new HTTP servers and
-responders and then use the new proxy service to redirect requests and
-output to the CouchDB managed service. For more information on proxying,
-see :ref:`http-proxying`. For further background on the OS Daemon service, see
-`CouchDB Externals API`_.
+  When implementing a daemon process to be managed by CouchDB you
+  should remember to use a method like checking the parent process
+  id or if stdin has been closed. These flags can tell you if
+  your daemon process has been orphaned so you can exit cleanly.
-.. _CouchDB Externals API:
+  There is no interactivity between CouchDB and the running process, but
+  you can use the OS Daemons service to create new HTTP servers and
+  responders and then use the new proxy service to redirect requests and
+  output to the CouchDB managed service. For more information on proxying,
+  see :ref:`http-proxying`. For further background on the OS Daemon service,
+  see :ref:`externals`.
 .. _config/os_daemon_settings:
-``[os_daemon_settings]`` :: OS Daemons settings
-.. _config/os_daemons_settings/max_retries:
+OS Daemons settings
-``max_retries`` :: Maximum restart retries
+.. config:section:: os_daemon_settings :: OS Daemons settings
-Specifies maximum attempts to run :ref:`os_daemon <config/os_daemons>` before
-mark them halted::
-  [os_daemon_settings]
-  max_retries = 3
+  .. config:option:: max_retries :: Maximum restart retries
+    Specifies maximum attempts to run :section:`os_daemons` before
+    mark them halted::
-.. _config/os_daemons_settings/retry_time:
+      [os_daemon_settings]
+      max_retries = 3
-``retry_time`` :: Delay between restart attempts
-Delay in seconds between :ref:`os_daemon <config/os_daemons>` restarts::
+  .. config:option:: retry_time :: Delay between restart attempts
-  [os_daemon_settings]
-  retry_time = 5
+    Delay in seconds between :section:`os_daemons` restarts::
+      [os_daemon_settings]
+      retry_time = 5
 .. _update-notifications:
 .. _config/update_notification:
-``[update_notification]`` :: Update notifications
+Update notifications
-CouchDB is able to spawn OS processes to notify them about recent databases
-updates. The notifications are in form of JSON messages sent as a line of text,
-terminated by ``CR`` (``\n``) character, to the OS processes through `stdout`::
+.. config:section:: update_notification :: Update notifications
-  [update_notification]
-  ;unique notifier name=/full/path/to/exe -with "cmd line arg"
-  index_updater = ruby /usr/local/bin/index_updater.rb
+  CouchDB is able to spawn OS processes to notify them about recent databases
+  updates. The notifications are in form of JSON messages sent as a line of
+  text, terminated by ``CR`` (``\n``) character, to the OS processes through
+  `stdout`::
+    [update_notification]
+    ;unique notifier name=/full/path/to/exe -with "cmd line arg"
+    index_updater = ruby /usr/local/bin/index_updater.rb
-The update notification messages are depend upon of event type:
+  The update notification messages are depend upon of event type:
-- **Database created**:
+  - **Database created**:
-  .. code-block:: javascript
+    .. code-block:: javascript
-    {"type":"created","db":"dbname"}
+      {"type":"created","db":"dbname"}
-- **Database updated**:  this event raises when any document gets updated for
-  specified database:
+  - **Database updated**:  this event raises when any document gets updated for
+    specified database:
-  .. code-block:: javascript
+    .. code-block:: javascript
-    {"type":"updated","db":"dbname"}
+      {"type":"updated","db":"dbname"}
-- **Design document updated**: for design document updates there is special
-  event raised in additional to regular db update one:
+  - **Design document updated**: for design document updates there is special
+    event raised in additional to regular db update one:
-  .. code-block:: javascript
+    .. code-block:: javascript
-    {"type":"ddoc_updated","db":"dbname","id":"_design/ddoc_name"}
+      {"type":"ddoc_updated","db":"dbname","id":"_design/ddoc_name"}
-- **Database deleted**:
+  - **Database deleted**:
-  .. code-block:: javascript
+    .. code-block:: javascript
-    {"type":"deleted","db":"dbname"}
+      {"type":"deleted","db":"dbname"}
-.. note:: New line (``\n``) trailing character was removed from examples.
+  .. note:: New line (``\n``) trailing character was removed from examples.
diff --git a/share/doc/src/config/http-handlers.rst b/share/doc/src/config/http-handlers.rst
index 7da653d..e4a1f41 100644
--- a/share/doc/src/config/http-handlers.rst
+++ b/share/doc/src/config/http-handlers.rst
@@ -18,324 +18,274 @@ HTTP Resource Handlers
 .. _config/httpd_global_handlers:
-``[httpd_global_handlers]`` :: Global HTTP Handlers
+Global HTTP Handlers
-These HTTP resources are provided for CouchDB server root level.
+.. config:section:: httpd_global_handlers :: Global HTTP Handlers
-.. _config/httpd_global_handlers/root:
+  These HTTP resources are provided for CouchDB server root level.
-:ref:`/ <api/server/root>`
+  .. config:option:: /
+    ::
-  [httpd_global_handlers]
-  / = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_welcome_req, <<"Welcome">>}
+      [httpd_global_handlers]
+      / = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_welcome_req, <<"Welcome">>}
-.. _config/httpd_global_handlers/favicon.ico:
-:ref:`favicon.ico <api/server/favicon>`
+  .. config:option:: favicon.ico
-The favicon handler looks for `favicon.ico` file within specified directory::
+    The favicon handler looks for `favicon.ico` file within specified directory::
-  [httpd_global_handlers]
-  favicon.ico = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_favicon_req, "/usr/share/couchdb/www"}
+      [httpd_global_handlers]
+      favicon.ico = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_favicon_req, "/usr/share/couchdb/www"}
-.. _config/httpd_global_handlers/_active_tasks:
-:ref:`_active_tasks <api/server/active_tasks>`
+  .. config:option:: _active_tasks
+    ::
-  [httpd_global_handlers]
-  _active_tasks = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_task_status_req}
+      [httpd_global_handlers]
+      _active_tasks = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_task_status_req}
-.. _config/httpd_global_handlers/_all_dbs:
-:ref:`_all_dbs <api/server/all_dbs>`
+  .. config:option:: _all_dbs
-Provides a list of all server's databases::
+    Provides a list of all server's databases::
-  [httpd_global_handlers]
-  _all_dbs = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_all_dbs_req}
+      [httpd_global_handlers]
+      _all_dbs = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_all_dbs_req}
-.. note::
+    .. note::
-   Sometimes you don't want to disclose database names for everyone, but you
-   also don't like/want/able to setup any proxies in front of CouchDB. Removing
-   this handler disables ``_all_dbs`` resource and there will be no way to get
-   list of available databases.
+       Sometimes you don't want to disclose database names for everyone, but
+       you also don't like/want/able to setup any proxies in front of CouchDB.
+       Removing this handler disables ``_all_dbs`` resource and there will be
+       no way to get list of available databases.
-   The s`ame also is true for other resource handlers.
+       The same also is true for other resource handlers.
-.. _config/httpd_global_handlers/_config:
-:ref:`_config <api/config>`
+  .. config:option:: _config
-Provides resource to work with CouchDB config :ref:`remotely <api/config>`.
-Any config changes that was made via HTTP API are applied automatically on fly
-and doesn't requires server instance to be restarted::
+    Provides resource to work with CouchDB config :ref:`remotely <api/config>`.
+    Any config changes that was made via HTTP API are applied automatically on
+    fly and doesn't requires server instance to be restarted::
-  [httpd_global_handlers]
-  _config = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_config_req}
+      [httpd_global_handlers]
+      _config = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_config_req}
-.. _config/httpd_global_handlers/_log:
-:ref:`_log <api/server/log>`
+  .. config:option:: _log
+    ::
-  [httpd_global_handlers]
-  _log = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_log_req}
+      [httpd_global_handlers]
+      _log = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_log_req}
-.. _config/httpd_global_handlers/_oauth:
+    .. config:option:: _oauth
+    ::
-  [httpd_global_handlers]
-  _oauth = {couch_httpd_oauth, handle_oauth_req}
+      [httpd_global_handlers]
+      _oauth = {couch_httpd_oauth, handle_oauth_req}
-.. _config/httpd_global_handlers/_replicate:
-:ref:`_replicate <api/server/replicate>`
+  .. config:option:: _replicate
-Provides an API to run :ref:`temporary replications <api/server/replicate>`::
+    Provides an API to run :ref:`temporary replications <api/server/replicate>`::
-  [httpd_global_handlers]
-  _replicate = {couch_replicator_httpd, handle_req}
+      [httpd_global_handlers]
+      _replicate = {couch_replicator_httpd, handle_req}
-.. _config/httpd_global_handlers/_restart:
-:ref:`_restart <api/server/restart>`
+  .. config:option:: _restart
+    ::
-  [httpd_global_handlers]
-  _restart = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_restart_req}
+      [httpd_global_handlers]
+      _restart = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_restart_req}
-.. _config/httpd_global_handlers/_session:
+  .. config:option:: _session
-Provides a resource with information about the current user's session::
+    Provides a resource with information about the current user's session::
-  [httpd_global_handlers]
-  _session = {couch_httpd_auth, handle_session_req}
+      [httpd_global_handlers]
+      _session = {couch_httpd_auth, handle_session_req}
-.. _config/httpd_global_handlers/_stats:
+  .. config:option:: _stats
-:ref:`_stats <api/server/stats>`
+    ::
+      [httpd_global_handlers]
+      _stats = {couch_httpd_stats_handlers, handle_stats_req}
-  [httpd_global_handlers]
-  _stats = {couch_httpd_stats_handlers, handle_stats_req}
+  .. config:option:: _utils
-.. _config/httpd_global_handlers/_utils:
+    The :ref:`_utils <api/server/utils>` handler serves `Futon`'s web administration
+    page::
-:ref:`_utils <api/server/utils>`
+      [httpd_global_handlers]
+      _utils = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_utils_dir_req, "/usr/share/couchdb/www"}
-The :ref:`_utils <api/server/utils>` handler serves `Futon`'s web administration
+    In similar way, you may setup custom handler to let CouchDB serve any static
+    files.
-  [httpd_global_handlers]
-  _utils = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_utils_dir_req, "/usr/share/couchdb/www"}
-In similar way, you may setup custom handler to let CouchDB serve any static
+  .. config:option:: _uuids
+    Provides a resource to get UUIDs generated by CouchDB::
-.. _config/httpd_global_handlers/_uuids:
+      [httpd_global_handlers]
+      _uuids = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_uuids_req}
-:ref:`_uuids <api/server/uuids>`
+    This is useful when your client environment isn't capable of providing truly
+    random IDs (web browsers e.g.).
-Provides a resource to get UUIDs generated by CouchDB::
-  [httpd_global_handlers]
-  _uuids = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_uuids_req}
-This is useful when your client environment isn't capable of providing truly
-random IDs (web browsers e.g.).
 .. _config/httpd_db_handlers:
-``[httpd_db_handlers]`` :: Database HTTP Handlers
+Database HTTP Handlers
+.. config:section:: httpd_db_handlers :: Database HTTP Handlers
-These HTTP resources are available on every CouchDB database.
+  These HTTP resources are available on every CouchDB database.
-.. _config/httpd_db_handlers/_all_docs:
-:ref:`_all_docs <api/db/all_docs>`
+  .. config:option:: _all_docs
+    ::
-  [httpd_db_handlers]
-  _all_docs = {couch_mrview_http, handle_all_docs_req}
+      [httpd_db_handlers]
+      _all_docs = {couch_mrview_http, handle_all_docs_req}
-.. _config/httpd_db_handlers/_changes:
-:ref:`_changes <changes>`
+  .. config:option:: _changes
+    ::
-  [httpd_db_handlers]
-  _changes = {couch_httpd_db, handle_changes_req}
+      [httpd_db_handlers]
+      _changes = {couch_httpd_db, handle_changes_req}
-.. _config/httpd_db_handlers/_compact:
-:ref:`_compact <api/db/compact>`
+  .. config:option:: _compact
+    ::
-  [httpd_db_handlers]
-  _compact = {couch_httpd_db, handle_compact_req}
+      [httpd_db_handlers]
+      _compact = {couch_httpd_db, handle_compact_req}
-.. _config/httpd_db_handlers/_design:
-:ref:`_design <api/ddoc>`
+  .. config:option:: _design
+    ::
-  [httpd_db_handlers]
-  _design = {couch_httpd_db, handle_design_req}
+      [httpd_db_handlers]
+      _design = {couch_httpd_db, handle_design_req}
-.. _config/httpd_db_handlers/_temp_view:
-:ref:`_temp_view <api/db/temp_view>`
+  .. config:option:: _temp_view
+    ::
-  [httpd_db_handlers]
-  _temp_view = {couch_mrview_http, handle_temp_view_req}
+      [httpd_db_handlers]
+      _temp_view = {couch_mrview_http, handle_temp_view_req}
-.. _config/httpd_db_handlers/_view_cleanup:
-:ref:`_view_cleanup <api/db/view_cleanup>`
+  .. config:option:: _view_cleanup
+    ::
-  [httpd_db_handlers]
-  _view_cleanup = {couch_mrview_http, handle_cleanup_req}
+      [httpd_db_handlers]
+      _view_cleanup = {couch_mrview_http, handle_cleanup_req}
 .. _config/httpd_design_handlers:
-``[httpd_design_handlers]`` :: Design Documents HTTP Handlers
+Design Documents HTTP Handlers
-These HTTP resources are provided for design documents.
+.. config:section:: httpd_design_handlers :: Design Documents HTTP Handlers
-.. _config/httpd_design_handlers/_compact:
+These HTTP resources are provided for design documents.
-:ref:`_compact <api/db/compact/ddoc>`
+  .. config:option:: _compact
-  [httpd_design_handlers]
-  _compact = {couch_mrview_http, handle_compact_req}
+    ::
+      [httpd_design_handlers]
+      _compact = {couch_mrview_http, handle_compact_req}
-.. _config/httpd_design_handlers/_info:
-:ref:`_info <api/ddoc/info>`
+  .. config:option:: _info
-  [httpd_design_handlers]
-  _info = {couch_mrview_http, handle_info_req}
+    ::
+      [httpd_design_handlers]
+      _info = {couch_mrview_http, handle_info_req}
-.. _config/httpd_design_handlers/_list:
-:ref:`_list <api/ddoc/list>`
+  .. config:option:: _list
-  [httpd_design_handlers]
-  _list = {couch_mrview_show, handle_view_list_req}
+    ::
+      [httpd_design_handlers]
+      _list = {couch_mrview_show, handle_view_list_req}
-.. _config/httpd_design_handlers/_rewrite:
-:ref:`_rewrite <api/ddoc/rewrite>`
+  .. config:option:: _rewrite
-  [httpd_design_handlers]
-  _rewrite = {couch_httpd_rewrite, handle_rewrite_req}
+    ::
+      [httpd_design_handlers]
+      _rewrite = {couch_httpd_rewrite, handle_rewrite_req}
-.. _config/httpd_design_handlers/_show:
-:ref:`_show <api/ddoc/show>`
+  .. config:option:: _show
-  [httpd_design_handlers]
-  _show = {couch_mrview_show, handle_doc_show_req}
+    ::
+      [httpd_design_handlers]
+      _show = {couch_mrview_show, handle_doc_show_req}
-.. _config/httpd_design_handlers/_update:
-:ref:`_update <api/ddoc/update>`
+  .. config:option:: _update
-  [httpd_design_handlers]
-  _update = {couch_mrview_show, handle_doc_update_req}
+    ::
+      [httpd_design_handlers]
+      _update = {couch_mrview_show, handle_doc_update_req}
-.. _config/httpd_design_handlers/_view:
-:ref:`_view <api/ddoc/view>`
+  .. config:option:: _view
-  [httpd_design_handlers]
-  _view = {couch_mrview_http, handle_view_req}
+    ::
+      [httpd_design_handlers]
+      _view = {couch_mrview_http, handle_view_req}