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[WIKI-UPDATE] XPatchTaskUsage XMLFormsStruts Wed Sep 3 12:00:03 2003

Page: , version: 8 on Wed Sep  3 09:23:42 2003 by StevenNoels

- |{{xpath}}|An xpath expression that specifies the context node for the patch insertion.  __This must return exactly one node.__|
?                                                                                                                             ^

+ |{{xpath}}|An xpath expression that specifies the context node for the patch insertion.  __This must return exactly one node __ and is required even when using {{insert-after}}.|
?                                                                                                                             ^  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

- |{{insert-before}}|(optional) An xpath expression that specifies where in the document the patch will be placed.  If neither this nor {{insert-after}} are specified, the node will be the last child node of the context specified in the {{xpath}} attribute.|
+ |{{insert-before}}|(optional) An xpath expression that specifies where in the document the patch will be placed.  by default, the expression is evaluated relative to the node specified by the {{xpath}} attribute. If neither this nor {{insert-after}} are specified, the node will be the last child node of the context specified in the {{xpath}} attribute.|
?                                                                                                                  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

+ ----
+ !Example
+ Here's an example inserting the {{load-class}} directive ({{web.xml}}) for a database driver in case it doesn't exist already. There's a catch with the {{web.xml}} structure - you have to be rather precise where you insert another {{init-param}} element, since other elements can appear on the same level, and the order is important.
+ {{{<xweb unless="/web-app/servlet/init-param[contains(param-value,'')]"
+       xpath="/web-app/servlet"
+       insert-after="init-param[position()=last()]">
+   <init-param>
+   	<param-name>load-class</param-name>
+   	<param-value>
+     </param-value>
+   </init-param>
+ </xweb>}}}
+ The {{unless}} attribute checks whether there exists an {{init-param}} already referring to the mysql jdbc driver class, the {{xpath}} attribute points to the context (root) node where the {{init-param}} will be inserted, and the {{insert-after}} contains another XPath expression selecting the last already existing {{init-param}}, after which the new one will be inserted. - [SN|StevenNoels]

Page: , version: 5 on Wed Sep  3 09:47:52 2003 by

- Is this possible ?