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Posted to by on 2018/09/26 10:46:59 UTC

carbondata git commit: [CARBONDATA-2966]Update Documentation For Avro DataType conversion

Repository: carbondata
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master d84cd817a -> b3a5e3a8b

[CARBONDATA-2966]Update Documentation For Avro DataType conversion

Updated document for the following features:
1. Avro DataType conversion to carbon
2. Remove min, max for varchar columns
3. LRU enhancements for driver cache

This closes #2756


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: b3a5e3a8bb4b051779f91bca071336703742296c
Parents: d84cd81
Author: Indhumathi27 <>
Authored: Mon Sep 24 23:34:04 2018 +0530
Committer: kunal642 <>
Committed: Wed Sep 26 16:16:02 2018 +0530

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@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ This section provides the details of all the configurations required for the Car
 | carbon.lock.type | LOCALLOCK | This configuration specifies the type of lock to be acquired during concurrent operations on table. There are following types of lock implementation: - LOCALLOCK: Lock is created on local file system as file. This lock is useful when only one spark driver (thrift server) runs on a machine and no other CarbonData spark application is launched concurrently. - HDFSLOCK: Lock is created on HDFS file system as file. This lock is useful when multiple CarbonData spark applications are launched and no ZooKeeper is running on cluster and HDFS supports file based locking. |
 | carbon.lock.path | TABLEPATH | This configuration specifies the path where lock files have to be created. Recommended to configure zookeeper lock type or configure HDFS lock path(to this property) in case of S3 file system as locking is not feasible on S3. |
 | | 512 | CarbonData supports storing data in off-heap memory for certain operations during data loading and query.This helps to avoid the Java GC and thereby improve the overall performance.The Minimum value recommeded is 512MB.Any value below this is reset to default value of 512MB.**NOTE:** The below formulas explain how to arrive at the off-heap size required.<u>Memory Required For Data Loading:</u>(*carbon.number.of.cores.while.loading*) * (Number of tables to load in parallel) * (*offheap.sort.chunk.size.inmb* + ** + **/3.5 ). <u>Memory required for Query:</u>SPARK_EXECUTOR_INSTANCES * (** + ** * 3.5) * spark.executor.cores |
+| | 60% of JVM Heap Memory | CarbonData supports storing data in unsafe on-heap memory in driver for certain operations like insert into, query for loading datamap cache. The Minimum value recommended is 512MB. |
 | carbon.update.sync.folder | /tmp/carbondata | CarbonData maintains last modification time entries in modifiedTime.mdt to determine the schema changes and reload only when necessary.This configuration specifies the path where the file needs to be written. |
 | carbon.invisible.segments.preserve.count | 200 | CarbonData maintains each data load entry in tablestatus file. The entries from this file are not deleted for those segments that are compacted or dropped, but are made invisible.If the number of data loads are very high, the size and number of entries in tablestatus file can become too many causing unnecessary reading of all data.This configuration specifies the number of segment entries to be maintained afte they are compacted or dropped.Beyond this, the entries are moved to a separate history tablestatus file.**NOTE:** The entries in tablestatus file help to identify the operations performed on CarbonData table and is also used for checkpointing during various data manupulation operations.This is similar to AUDIT file maintaining all the operations and its status.Hence the entries are never deleted but moved to a separate history file. |
 | carbon.lock.retries | 3 | CarbonData ensures consistency of operations by blocking certain operations from running in parallel.In order to block the operations from running in parallel, lock is obtained on the table.This configuration specifies the maximum number of retries to obtain the lock for any operations other than load.**NOTE:** Data manupulation operations like Compaction,UPDATE,DELETE  or LOADING,UPDATE,DELETE are not allowed to run in parallel.How ever data loading can happen in parallel to compaction. |
@@ -92,7 +93,8 @@ This section provides the details of all the configurations required for the Car
 | carbon.load.directWriteHdfs.enabled | false | During data load all the carbondata files are written to local disk and finally copied to the target location in HDFS.Enabling this parameter will make carrbondata files to be written directly onto target HDFS location bypassing the local disk.**NOTE:** Writing directly to HDFS saves local disk IO(once for writing the files and again for copying to HDFS) there by improving the performance.But the drawback is when data loading fails or the application crashes, unwanted carbondata files will remain in the target HDFS location until it is cleared during next data load or by running *CLEAN FILES* DDL command |
 | carbon.options.serialization.null.format | \N | Based on the business scenarios, some columns might need to be loaded with null values.As null value cannot be written in csv files, some special characters might be adopted to specify null values.This configuration can be used to specify the null values format in the data being loaded. |
 | | 512 | CarbonData writes every ***carbon.sort.size*** number of records to intermediate temp files during data loading to ensure memory footprint is within limits.When ***enable.unsafe.sort*** configuration is enabled, instead of using ***carbon.sort.size*** which is based on rows count, size occupied in memory is used to determine when to flush data pages to intermediate temp files.This configuration determines the memory to be used for storing data pages in memory.**NOTE:** Configuring a higher values ensures more data is maintained in memory and hence increases data loading performance due to reduced or no IO.Based on the memory availability in the nodes of the cluster, configure the values accordingly. |
-| carbon.column.compressor | snappy | CarbonData will compress the column values using the compressor specified by this configuration. Currently CarbonData supports 'snappy' and 'zstd' compressors. | |
+| carbon.column.compressor | snappy | CarbonData will compress the column values using the compressor specified by this configuration. Currently CarbonData supports 'snappy' and 'zstd' compressors. |
+| carbon.minmax.allowed.byte.count | 200 | CarbonData will write the min max values for string/varchar types column using the byte count specified by this configuration. Max value is 1000 bytes(500 characters) and Min value is 10 bytes(5 characters). **NOTE:** This property is useful for reducing the store size thereby improving the query performance but can lead to query degradation if value is not configured properly. | |
 ## Compaction Configuration
@@ -117,7 +119,7 @@ This section provides the details of all the configurations required for the Car
 | Parameter | Default Value | Description |
-| carbon.max.driver.lru.cache.size | -1 | Maximum memory **(in MB)** upto which the driver process can cache the data (BTree and dictionary values). Beyond this, least recently used data will be removed from cache before loading new set of values.Default value of -1 means there is no memory limit for caching. Only integer values greater than 0 are accepted.**NOTE:** Minimum number of entries that needs to be removed from cache in order to load the new set of data is determined and,for example if 3 cache entries qualify for pre-emption, out of these, those entries that free up more cache memory is removed prior to others. |
+| carbon.max.driver.lru.cache.size | -1 | Maximum memory **(in MB)** upto which the driver process can cache the data (BTree and dictionary values). Beyond this, least recently used data will be removed from cache before loading new set of values.Default value of -1 means there is no memory limit for caching. Only integer values greater than 0 are accepted.**NOTE:** Minimum number of entries that needs to be removed from cache in order to load the new set of data is determined and,for example if 3 cache entries qualify for pre-emption, out of these, those entries that free up more cache memory is removed prior to others. Please refer [FAQs](./ for checking LRU cache memory footprint. |
 | carbon.max.executor.lru.cache.size | -1 | Maximum memory **(in MB)** upto which the executor process can cache the data (BTree and reverse dictionary values).Default value of -1 means there is no memory limit for caching. Only integer values greater than 0 are accepted.**NOTE:** If this parameter is not configured, then the value of ***carbon.max.driver.lru.cache.size*** will be used. |
 | max.query.execution.time | 60 | Maximum time allowed for one query to be executed. The value is in minutes. |
 | carbon.enableMinMax | true | CarbonData maintains the metadata which enables to prune unnecessary files from being scanned as per the query conditions.To achieve pruning, Min,Max of each column is maintined.Based on the filter condition in the query, certain data can be skipped from scanning by matching the filter value against the min,max values of the column(s) present in that carbondata file.This pruing enhances query performance significantly. |
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 * [Why aggregate query is not fetching data from aggregate table?](#why-aggregate-query-is-not-fetching-data-from-aggregate-table)
 * [Why all executors are showing success in Spark UI even after Dataload command failed at Driver side?](#why-all-executors-are-showing-success-in-spark-ui-even-after-dataload-command-failed-at-driver-side)
 * [Why different time zone result for select query output when query SDK writer output?](#why-different-time-zone-result-for-select-query-output-when-query-sdk-writer-output)
+* [How to check LRU cache memory footprint?](#how-to-check-LRU-cache-memory-footprint)
 # TroubleShooting
@@ -212,7 +213,22 @@ cluster timezone is Asia/Shanghai
+## How to check LRU cache memory footprint?
+To observe the LRU cache memory footprint in the logs, configure the below properties in file.
+``` = DEBUG = DEBUG
+These properties will enable the DEBUG log for the CarbonLRUCache and UnsafeMemoryManager which will print the information of memory consumed using which the LRU cache size can be decided. **Note:** Enabling the DEBUG log will degrade the query performance.
+18/09/26 15:05:28 DEBUG UnsafeMemoryManager: pool-44-thread-1 Memory block (org.apache.carbondata.core.memory.MemoryBlock@21312095) is created with size 10. Total memory used 413Bytes, left 536870499Bytes
+18/09/26 15:05:29 DEBUG CarbonLRUCache: main Required size for entry /home/target/store/default/stored_as_carbondata_table/Fact/Part0/Segment_0/0_1537954529044.carbonindexmerge :: 181 Current cache size :: 0
+18/09/26 15:05:30 DEBUG UnsafeMemoryManager: main Freeing memory of size: 105available memory:  536870836
+18/09/26 15:05:30 DEBUG UnsafeMemoryManager: main Freeing memory of size: 76available memory:  536870912
+18/09/26 15:05:30 INFO CarbonLRUCache: main Removed entry from InMemory lru cache :: /home/target/store/default/stored_as_carbondata_table/Fact/Part0/Segment_0/0_1537954529044.carbonindexmerge
 ## Getting tablestatus.lock issues When loading data
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@@ -181,22 +181,31 @@ public class TestSdkJson {
 ## Datatypes Mapping
-Each of SQL data types are mapped into data types of SDK. Following are the mapping:
-| SQL DataTypes | Mapped SDK DataTypes |
-| BOOLEAN | DataTypes.BOOLEAN |
-| SMALLINT | DataTypes.SHORT |
-| INTEGER | DataTypes.INT |
-| BIGINT | DataTypes.LONG |
-| DOUBLE | DataTypes.DOUBLE |
-| VARCHAR | DataTypes.STRING |
-| FLOAT | DataTypes.FLOAT |
-| BYTE | DataTypes.BYTE |
-| DATE | DataTypes.DATE |
-| STRING | DataTypes.STRING |
-| DECIMAL | DataTypes.createDecimalType(precision, scale) |
+Each of SQL data types and Avro Data Types are mapped into data types of SDK. Following are the mapping:
+| SQL DataTypes | Avro DataTypes | Mapped SDK DataTypes |
+| SMALLINT |  -  | DataTypes.SHORT |
+| INTEGER | INTEGER | DataTypes.INT |
+| BIGINT | LONG | DataTypes.LONG |
+| VARCHAR |  -  | DataTypes.STRING |
+| FLOAT | FLOAT | DataTypes.FLOAT |
+| BYTE |  -  | DataTypes.BYTE |
+| DATE | DATE | DataTypes.DATE |
+| TIMESTAMP |  -  | DataTypes.TIMESTAMP |
+| DECIMAL | DECIMAL | DataTypes.createDecimalType(precision, scale) |
+| ARRAY | ARRAY | DataTypes.createArrayType(elementType) |
+| STRUCT | RECORD | DataTypes.createStructType(fields) |
+|  -  | ENUM | DataTypes.STRING |
+|  -  | UNION | DataTypes.createStructType(types) |
+|  -  | MAP | DataTypes.createMapType(keyType, valueType) |
+|  -  | TimeMillis | DataTypes.INT |
+|  -  | TimeMicros | DataTypes.LONG |
+|  -  | TimestampMillis | DataTypes.TIMESTAMP |
+|  -  | TimestampMicros | DataTypes.TIMESTAMP |
  1. Carbon Supports below logical types of AVRO.
@@ -209,12 +218,22 @@ Each of SQL data types are mapped into data types of SDK. Following are the mapp
  c. Timestamp (microsecond precision)
     The timestamp-micros logical type represents an instant on the global timeline, independent of a particular time zone or calendar, with a precision of one microsecond.
     A timestamp-micros logical type annotates an Avro long, where the long stores the number of microseconds from the unix epoch, 1 January 1970 00:00:00.000000 UTC.
+ d. Decimal
+    The decimal logical type represents an arbitrary-precision signed decimal number of the form unscaled × 10-scale.
+    A decimal logical type annotates Avro bytes or fixed types. The byte array must contain the two's-complement representation of the unscaled integer value in big-endian byte order. The scale is fixed, and is specified using an attribute.
+ e. Time (millisecond precision)
+    The time-millis logical type represents a time of day, with no reference to a particular calendar, time zone or date, with a precision of one millisecond.
+    A time-millis logical type annotates an Avro int, where the int stores the number of milliseconds after midnight, 00:00:00.000.
+ f. Time (microsecond precision)
+    The time-micros logical type represents a time of day, with no reference to a particular calendar, time zone or date, with a precision of one microsecond.
+    A time-micros logical type annotates an Avro long, where the long stores the number of microseconds after midnight, 00:00:00.000000.
     Currently the values of logical types are not validated by carbon. 
     Expect that avro record passed by the user is already validated by avro record generator tools.    
  2. If the string data is more than 32K in length, use withTableProperties() with "long_string_columns" property
-    or directly use DataTypes.VARCHAR if it is carbon schema.      
+    or directly use DataTypes.VARCHAR if it is carbon schema.
+ 3. Avro Bytes, Fixed and Duration data types are not yet supported.
 ## Run SQL on files directly
 Instead of creating table and query it, you can also query that file directly with SQL.
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   * Complex Types
     * arrays: ARRAY``<data_type>``
     * structs: STRUCT``<col_name : data_type COMMENT col_comment, ...>``
+    * maps: MAP``<primitive_type, data_type>``
     **NOTE**: Only 2 level complex type schema is supported for now.