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[GitHub] [james-project] chibenwa commented on a change in pull request #359: JAMES-3532 Implement Email/import

chibenwa commented on a change in pull request #359:

File path: server/protocols/jmap-rfc-8621-integration-tests/jmap-rfc-8621-integration-tests-common/src/main/scala/org/apache/james/jmap/rfc8621/contract/EmailImportContract.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,924 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one   *
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *
+ * distributed with this work for additional information        *
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the            *
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance   *
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at   *
+ *                                                              *
+ *                 *
+ *                                                              *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,   *
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the    *
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations      *
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+ ****************************************************************/
+package org.apache.james.jmap.rfc8621.contract
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
+import java.time.ZonedDateTime
+import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
+import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT
+import io.restassured.RestAssured._
+import io.restassured.http.ContentType.JSON
+import net.javacrumbs.jsonunit.assertj.JsonAssertions.assertThatJson
+import org.apache.http.HttpStatus.{SC_CREATED, SC_OK}
+import org.apache.james.GuiceJamesServer
+import org.apache.james.jmap.core.ResponseObject.SESSION_STATE
+import org.apache.james.jmap.core.UTCDate
+import org.apache.james.jmap.http.UserCredential
+import org.apache.james.jmap.rfc8621.contract.Fixture._
+import org.apache.james.mailbox.MessageManager.AppendCommand
+import org.apache.james.mailbox.model.MailboxACL.Right
+import org.apache.james.mailbox.model.{MailboxACL, MailboxId, MailboxPath, MessageId}
+import org.apache.james.mime4j.dom.Message
+import org.apache.james.modules.{ACLProbeImpl, MailboxProbeImpl}
+import org.apache.james.utils.DataProbeImpl
+import org.assertj.core.api.SoftAssertions
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.{BeforeEach, Test}
+import play.api.libs.json.{JsString, Json}
+trait EmailImportContract {
+  private lazy val UTC_DATE_FORMAT = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX")
+  @BeforeEach
+  def setUp(server: GuiceJamesServer): Unit = {
+    server.getProbe(classOf[DataProbeImpl])
+      .fluent()
+      .addDomain(DOMAIN.asString())
+      .addUser(BOB.asString(), BOB_PASSWORD)
+    requestSpecification = baseRequestSpecBuilder(server)
+        .setAuth(authScheme(UserCredential(BOB, BOB_PASSWORD)))
+      .build
+  }
+  def randomMessageId: MessageId
+  def randomMailboxId: MailboxId
+  @Test
+  def importShouldReturnUnknownMethodWhenMissingCoreCapability(): Unit = {
+    val response = `given`
+      .header(ACCEPT.toString, ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER)
+      .body("""{
+              |  "using": ["urn:ietf:params:jmap:mail"],
+              |  "methodCalls": [
+              |    [
+              |      "Email/import",
+              |      {
+              |        "arg1": "arg1data",
+              |        "arg2": "arg2data"
+              |      },
+              |      "c1"
+              |    ]
+              |  ]
+              |}""".stripMargin)
+    .when
+      .post
+    .`then`
+      .statusCode(SC_OK)
+      .contentType(JSON)
+      .extract
+      .body
+      .asString
+    assertThatJson(response).isEqualTo(
+      s"""{
+         |  "sessionState": "${SESSION_STATE.value}",
+         |  "methodResponses": [[
+         |    "error",
+         |    {
+         |      "type": "unknownMethod",
+         |      "description": "Missing capability(ies): urn:ietf:params:jmap:core"
+         |    },
+         |    "c1"]]
+         |}""".stripMargin)
+  }
+  @Test
+  def importShouldReturnUnknownMethodWhenMissingMailCapability(): Unit = {
+    val response = `given`
+      .header(ACCEPT.toString, ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER)
+      .body("""{
+              |  "using": ["urn:ietf:params:jmap:core"],
+              |  "methodCalls": [
+              |    [
+              |      "Email/import",
+              |      {
+              |        "arg1": "arg1data",
+              |        "arg2": "arg2data"
+              |      },
+              |      "c1"
+              |    ]
+              |  ]
+              |}""".stripMargin)
+      .when
+      .post
+      .`then`
+      .statusCode(SC_OK)
+      .contentType(JSON)
+      .extract
+      .body
+      .asString
+    assertThatJson(response).isEqualTo(
+      s"""{
+         |  "sessionState": "${SESSION_STATE.value}",
+         |  "methodResponses": [[
+         |    "error",
+         |    {
+         |      "type": "unknownMethod",
+         |      "description": "Missing capability(ies): urn:ietf:params:jmap:mail"
+         |    },
+         |    "c1"]]
+         |}""".stripMargin)
+  }
+  @Test
+  def importShouldAddTheMailInTheMailbox(server: GuiceJamesServer): Unit = {
+    val bobPath = MailboxPath.inbox(BOB)
+    val mailboxId: MailboxId = server.getProbe(classOf[MailboxProbeImpl]).createMailbox(bobPath)
+    val receivedAt =
+    val uploadResponse: String = `given`
+      .basePath("")
+      .header(ACCEPT.toString, ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER)
+      .body(ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream("eml/alternative.eml"))
+    .when
+      .post(s"/upload/$ACCOUNT_ID/")
+    .`then`
+      .statusCode(SC_CREATED)
+      .extract
+      .body
+      .asString
+    val blobId: String = Json.parse(uploadResponse).\("blobId").get.asInstanceOf[JsString].value
+    val receivedAtString = UTCDate(receivedAt).asUTC.format(UTC_DATE_FORMAT)
+    val response = `given`
+      .header(ACCEPT.toString, ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER)
+      .body(s"""{
+              |  "using": ["urn:ietf:params:jmap:core", "urn:ietf:params:jmap:mail"],
+              |  "methodCalls": [
+              |    ["Email/import",
+              |      {
+              |        "accountId": "$ACCOUNT_ID",
+              |        "emails": {
+              |           "C42": {
+              |             "blobId": "$blobId",
+              |             "mailboxIds": {
+              |               "${mailboxId.serialize()}": true
+              |             },
+              |             "keywords": {
+              |               "toto": true
+              |             },
+              |             "receivedAt": "$receivedAtString"
+              |           }
+              |         }
+              |      },
+              |      "c1"],
+              |    ["Email/get",
+              |     {
+              |       "accountId": "$ACCOUNT_ID",
+              |       "ids": ["#C42"],
+              |       "properties": ["keywords", "mailboxIds", "receivedAt", "subject", "size", "bodyValues", "htmlBody"],
+              |       "fetchHTMLBodyValues": true
+              |     },
+              |     "c2"]
+              |  ]
+              |}""".stripMargin)
+    .when
+      .post
+    .`then`
+      .statusCode(SC_OK)
+      .contentType(JSON)
+      .extract
+      .body
+      .asString
+    val responseAsJson = Json.parse(response)
+      .\("methodResponses")
+      .\(0).\(1)
+      .\("created")
+      .\("C42")
+    val messageId = responseAsJson
+      .\("id")
+      .get.asInstanceOf[JsString].value
+    assertThatJson(response)
+      .whenIgnoringPaths("methodResponses[0][1].oldState", "methodResponses[0][1].newState", "methodResponses[1][1].state")
+      .inPath("methodResponses")
+      .isEqualTo(
+      s"""    [
+         |        ["Email/import",
+         |            {
+         |                "accountId": "$ACCOUNT_ID",
+         |                "created": {
+         |                    "C42": {
+         |                        "id": "$messageId",
+         |                        "blobId": "$messageId",
+         |                        "threadId": "$messageId",
+         |                        "size": 836
+         |                    }
+         |                }
+         |            }, "c1"],
+         |        ["Email/get",
+         |            {
+         |                "accountId": "$ACCOUNT_ID",
+         |                "notFound": [],
+         |                "list": [
+         |                    {
+         |                        "id": "$messageId",
+         |                        "htmlBody": [
+         |                            {
+         |                                "charset": "utf-8",
+         |                                "size": 39,
+         |                                "partId": "2",
+         |                                "blobId": "${messageId}_2",
+         |                                "type": "text/html"
+         |                            }
+         |                        ],
+         |                        "size": 836,
+         |                        "keywords": {
+         |                            "toto": true
+         |                        },
+         |                        "subject": "MultiAttachment",
+         |                        "mailboxIds": {
+         |                            "${mailboxId.serialize()}": true
+         |                        },
+         |                        "receivedAt": "$receivedAtString",
+         |                        "bodyValues": {
+         |                            "2": {
+         |                                "value": "<p>Send<br/>concerted from html</p>\\r\\n\\r\\n",
+         |                                "isEncodingProblem": false,
+         |                                "isTruncated": false
+         |                            }
+         |                        }
+         |                    }
+         |                ]
+         |            }, "c2"]
+         |    ]""".stripMargin)
+  }
+  @Test
+  def importShouldDisplayOldAndNewState(server: GuiceJamesServer): Unit = {
+    val oldState: String = retrieveEmailState
+    val bobPath = MailboxPath.inbox(BOB)
+    val mailboxId: MailboxId = server.getProbe(classOf[MailboxProbeImpl]).createMailbox(bobPath)
+    val receivedAt =
+    val uploadResponse: String = `given`
+      .basePath("")
+      .header(ACCEPT.toString, ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER)
+      .body(ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream("eml/alternative.eml"))
+    .when
+      .post(s"/upload/$ACCOUNT_ID/")
+    .`then`
+      .statusCode(SC_CREATED)
+      .extract
+      .body
+      .asString
+    val blobId: String = Json.parse(uploadResponse).\("blobId").get.asInstanceOf[JsString].value
+    val receivedAtString = UTCDate(receivedAt).asUTC.format(UTC_DATE_FORMAT)
+    val response = `given`
+      .header(ACCEPT.toString, ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER)
+      .body(s"""{
+              |  "using": ["urn:ietf:params:jmap:core", "urn:ietf:params:jmap:mail"],
+              |  "methodCalls": [
+              |    ["Email/import",
+              |      {
+              |        "accountId": "$ACCOUNT_ID",
+              |        "emails": {
+              |           "C42": {
+              |             "blobId": "$blobId",
+              |             "mailboxIds": {
+              |               "${mailboxId.serialize()}": true
+              |             },
+              |             "keywords": {
+              |               "toto": true
+              |             },
+              |             "receivedAt": "$receivedAtString"
+              |           }
+              |         }
+              |      },
+              |      "c1"]
+              |  ]
+              |}""".stripMargin)
+    .when
+      .post
+    .`then`
+      .statusCode(SC_OK)
+      .contentType(JSON)
+      .extract
+      .body
+      .asString
+    val newState: String = retrieveEmailState
+    val importOldState = Json.parse(response)
+      .\("methodResponses")
+      .\(0).\(1)
+      .\("oldState")
+      .get.asInstanceOf[JsString].value
+    val importNewState = Json.parse(response)
+      .\("methodResponses")
+      .\(0).\(1)
+      .\("newState")
+      .get.asInstanceOf[JsString].value
+    SoftAssertions.assertSoftly(softly => {
+      softly.assertThat(importOldState).isEqualTo(oldState)
+      softly.assertThat(importNewState).isEqualTo(newState)
+    })
+  }
+  def retrieveEmailState: String = `with`()
+    .header(ACCEPT.toString, ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER)
+    .body(
+      s"""{
+         |  "using": [
+         |  "urn:ietf:params:jmap:core",
+         |  "urn:ietf:params:jmap:mail"],
+         |  "methodCalls": [
+         |    ["Email/get", {
+         |      "accountId": "29883977c13473ae7cb7678ef767cbfbaffc8a44a6e463d971d23a65c1dc4af6",
+         |      "ids":[]
+         |    }, "c1"]
+         |  ]
+         |}""".stripMargin)
+    .post
+    .`then`()
+    .extract()
+    .jsonPath()
+    .get("methodResponses[0][1].state")
+  @Test
+  def importShouldFailWhenMailboxNotOwned(server: GuiceJamesServer): Unit = {
+    val alicePath = MailboxPath.inbox(ALICE)
+    val mailboxId: MailboxId = server.getProbe(classOf[MailboxProbeImpl]).createMailbox(alicePath)
+    val receivedAt =
+    val uploadResponse: String = `given`
+      .basePath("")
+      .header(ACCEPT.toString, ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER)
+      .body("whatever")
+    .when
+      .post(s"/upload/$ACCOUNT_ID/")
+    .`then`
+      .statusCode(SC_CREATED)
+      .extract
+      .body
+      .asString
+    val blobId: String = Json.parse(uploadResponse).\("blobId").get.asInstanceOf[JsString].value
+    val receivedAtString = UTCDate(receivedAt).asUTC.format(UTC_DATE_FORMAT)
+    val response = `given`
+      .header(ACCEPT.toString, ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER)
+      .body(s"""{
+              |  "using": ["urn:ietf:params:jmap:core", "urn:ietf:params:jmap:mail"],
+              |  "methodCalls": [
+              |    ["Email/import",
+              |      {
+              |        "accountId": "$ACCOUNT_ID",
+              |        "emails": {
+              |           "C42": {
+              |             "blobId": "$blobId",
+              |             "mailboxIds": {
+              |               "${mailboxId.serialize()}": true
+              |             },
+              |             "keywords": {
+              |               "toto": true
+              |             },
+              |             "receivedAt": "$receivedAtString"
+              |           }
+              |         }
+              |      },
+              |      "c1"]
+              |  ]
+              |}""".stripMargin)
+    .when
+      .post
+    .`then`
+      .statusCode(SC_OK)
+      .contentType(JSON)
+      .extract
+      .body
+      .asString
+    assertThatJson(response)
+      .whenIgnoringPaths("methodResponses[0][1].oldState", "methodResponses[0][1].newState", "methodResponses[1][1].state")
+      .inPath("methodResponses[0]")
+      .isEqualTo(
+      s"""[
+           |  "Email/import",
+           |  {
+           |    "accountId":"29883977c13473ae7cb7678ef767cbfbaffc8a44a6e463d971d23a65c1dc4af6",
+           |    "notCreated":{
+           |      "C42":{
+           |        "type":"notFound",
+           |        "description":"Mailbox $mailboxId can not be found"
+           |      }
+           |    }
+           |  },
+           |  "c1"
+           |]""".stripMargin)
+  }
+  @Test
+  def importShouldSucceedWhenMailboxDelegated(server: GuiceJamesServer): Unit = {
+    val andrePath = MailboxPath.inbox(ANDRE)
+    val mailboxId: MailboxId = server.getProbe(classOf[MailboxProbeImpl]).createMailbox(andrePath)
+    val receivedAt =
+    server.getProbe(classOf[ACLProbeImpl])
+      .replaceRights(andrePath, BOB.asString, new MailboxACL.Rfc4314Rights(Right.Insert, Right.Lookup, Right.Read))
+    val uploadResponse: String = `given`
+      .basePath("")
+      .header(ACCEPT.toString, ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER)
+      .body(ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream("eml/alternative.eml"))
+    .when
+      .post(s"/upload/$ACCOUNT_ID/")
+    .`then`
+      .statusCode(SC_CREATED)
+      .extract
+      .body
+      .asString
+    val blobId: String = Json.parse(uploadResponse).\("blobId").get.asInstanceOf[JsString].value
+    val receivedAtString = UTCDate(receivedAt).asUTC.format(UTC_DATE_FORMAT)
+    val response = `given`
+      .header(ACCEPT.toString, ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER)
+      .body(s"""{
+              |  "using": ["urn:ietf:params:jmap:core", "urn:ietf:params:jmap:mail"],
+              |  "methodCalls": [
+              |    ["Email/import",
+              |      {
+              |        "accountId": "$ACCOUNT_ID",
+              |        "emails": {
+              |           "C42": {
+              |             "blobId": "$blobId",
+              |             "mailboxIds": {
+              |               "${mailboxId.serialize()}": true
+              |             },
+              |             "keywords": {
+              |               "toto": true
+              |             },
+              |             "receivedAt": "$receivedAtString"
+              |           }
+              |         }
+              |      },
+              |      "c1"]
+              |  ]
+              |}""".stripMargin)
+    .when
+      .post
+    .`then`
+      .statusCode(SC_OK)
+      .contentType(JSON)
+      .extract
+      .body
+      .asString
+    val responseAsJson = Json.parse(response)
+      .\("methodResponses")
+      .\(0).\(1)
+      .\("created")
+      .\("C42")
+    val messageId = responseAsJson
+      .\("id")
+      .get.asInstanceOf[JsString].value
+    assertThatJson(response)
+      .whenIgnoringPaths("methodResponses[0][1].oldState", "methodResponses[0][1].newState", "methodResponses[1][1].state")
+      .inPath("methodResponses[0]")
+      .isEqualTo(
+      s"""[
+           |  "Email/import",
+           |  {
+           |    "accountId":"$ACCOUNT_ID",
+           |    "created":{
+           |      "C42":{
+           |        "id":"$messageId",
+           |        "blobId":"$messageId",
+           |        "threadId":"$messageId",
+           |        "size":836
+           |      }
+           |    }
+           |  },
+           |  "c1"
+           |]""".stripMargin)
+  }
+  @Test
+  def importShouldFailWhenBlobNotOwned(server: GuiceJamesServer): Unit = {
+    val andrePath = MailboxPath.inbox(ANDRE)
+    val andreId: MailboxId = server.getProbe(classOf[MailboxProbeImpl]).createMailbox(andrePath)
+    val bobPath = MailboxPath.inbox(BOB)
+    val bobId: MailboxId = server.getProbe(classOf[MailboxProbeImpl]).createMailbox(bobPath)
+    val receivedAt =
+    val message: Message = Message.Builder
+      .of
+      .setSubject("test")
+      .setBody("testmail", StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
+      .build
+    val messageId: MessageId = server.getProbe(classOf[MailboxProbeImpl])
+      .appendMessage(ANDRE.asString, andrePath, AppendCommand.from(message))
+      .getMessageId
+    val blobId: String = messageId.serialize()
+    val receivedAtString = UTCDate(receivedAt).asUTC.format(UTC_DATE_FORMAT)
+    val response = `given`
+      .header(ACCEPT.toString, ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER)
+      .body(s"""{
+              |  "using": ["urn:ietf:params:jmap:core", "urn:ietf:params:jmap:mail"],
+              |  "methodCalls": [
+              |    ["Email/import",
+              |      {
+              |        "accountId": "$ACCOUNT_ID",
+              |        "emails": {
+              |           "C42": {
+              |             "blobId": "$blobId",
+              |             "mailboxIds": {
+              |               "${bobId.serialize()}": true
+              |             },
+              |             "keywords": {
+              |               "toto": true
+              |             },
+              |             "receivedAt": "$receivedAtString"
+              |           }
+              |         }
+              |      },
+              |      "c1"]
+              |  ]
+              |}""".stripMargin)
+    .when
+      .post
+    .`then`
+      .statusCode(SC_OK)
+      .contentType(JSON)
+      .extract
+      .body
+      .asString
+    assertThatJson(response)
+      .whenIgnoringPaths("methodResponses[0][1].oldState", "methodResponses[0][1].newState", "methodResponses[1][1].state")
+      .inPath("methodResponses[0]")
+      .isEqualTo(
+      s"""[
+           |  "Email/import",
+           |  {
+           |    "accountId":"29883977c13473ae7cb7678ef767cbfbaffc8a44a6e463d971d23a65c1dc4af6",
+           |    "notCreated":{
+           |      "C42":{
+           |        "type":"notFound",
+           |        "description":"Blob BlobId($blobId) could not be found"
+           |      }
+           |    }
+           |  },
+           |  "c1"
+           |]""".stripMargin)
+  }
+  @Test
+  def importShouldSucceedWhenBlobDelegated(server: GuiceJamesServer): Unit = {
+    val andrePath = MailboxPath.inbox(ANDRE)
+    val andreId: MailboxId = server.getProbe(classOf[MailboxProbeImpl]).createMailbox(andrePath)
+    val bobPath = MailboxPath.inbox(BOB)
+    val bobId: MailboxId = server.getProbe(classOf[MailboxProbeImpl]).createMailbox(bobPath)
+    val receivedAt =
+    val message: Message = Message.Builder
+      .of
+      .setSubject("test")
+      .setBody("testmail", StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
+      .build
+    val blobId: String = server.getProbe(classOf[MailboxProbeImpl])
+      .appendMessage(ANDRE.asString, andrePath, AppendCommand.from(message))
+      .getMessageId.serialize()
+    server.getProbe(classOf[ACLProbeImpl])
+      .replaceRights(andrePath, BOB.asString, new MailboxACL.Rfc4314Rights(Right.Insert, Right.Lookup, Right.Read))
+    val receivedAtString = UTCDate(receivedAt).asUTC.format(UTC_DATE_FORMAT)
+    val response = `given`
+      .header(ACCEPT.toString, ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER)
+      .body(s"""{
+              |  "using": ["urn:ietf:params:jmap:core", "urn:ietf:params:jmap:mail"],
+              |  "methodCalls": [
+              |    ["Email/import",
+              |      {
+              |        "accountId": "$ACCOUNT_ID",
+              |        "emails": {
+              |           "C42": {
+              |             "blobId": "$blobId",
+              |             "mailboxIds": {
+              |               "${bobId.serialize()}": true
+              |             },
+              |             "keywords": {
+              |               "toto": true
+              |             },
+              |             "receivedAt": "$receivedAtString"
+              |           }
+              |         }
+              |      },
+              |      "c1"]
+              |  ]
+              |}""".stripMargin)
+    .when
+      .post
+    .`then`
+      .statusCode(SC_OK)
+      .contentType(JSON)
+      .extract
+      .body
+      .asString
+    val responseAsJson = Json.parse(response)
+      .\("methodResponses")
+      .\(0).\(1)
+      .\("created")
+      .\("C42")
+    val messageId = responseAsJson
+      .\("id")
+      .get.asInstanceOf[JsString].value
+    assertThatJson(response)
+      .whenIgnoringPaths("methodResponses[0][1].oldState", "methodResponses[0][1].newState", "methodResponses[1][1].state")
+      .inPath("methodResponses[0]")
+      .isEqualTo(
+      s"""[
+           |  "Email/import",
+           |  {
+           |    "accountId":"$ACCOUNT_ID",
+           |    "created":{
+           |      "C42":{
+           |        "id":"$messageId",
+           |        "blobId":"$messageId",
+           |        "threadId":"$messageId",
+           |        "size":85
+           |      }
+           |    }
+           |  },
+           |  "c1"
+           |]""".stripMargin)
+  }
+  @Test
+  def importShouldFailWhenNoMailboxes(): Unit = {
+    val receivedAt =
+    val uploadResponse: String = `given`
+      .basePath("")
+      .header(ACCEPT.toString, ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER)
+      .body("whatever")
+    .when
+      .post(s"/upload/$ACCOUNT_ID/")
+    .`then`
+      .statusCode(SC_CREATED)
+      .extract
+      .body
+      .asString
+    val blobId: String = Json.parse(uploadResponse).\("blobId").get.asInstanceOf[JsString].value
+    val receivedAtString = UTCDate(receivedAt).asUTC.format(UTC_DATE_FORMAT)
+    val response = `given`
+      .header(ACCEPT.toString, ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER)
+      .body(s"""{
+              |  "using": ["urn:ietf:params:jmap:core", "urn:ietf:params:jmap:mail"],
+              |  "methodCalls": [
+              |    ["Email/import",
+              |      {
+              |        "accountId": "$ACCOUNT_ID",
+              |        "emails": {
+              |           "C42": {
+              |             "blobId": "$blobId",
+              |             "mailboxIds": {},
+              |             "keywords": {
+              |               "toto": true
+              |             },
+              |             "receivedAt": "$receivedAtString"
+              |           }
+              |         }
+              |      },
+              |      "c1"]
+              |  ]
+              |}""".stripMargin)
+    .when
+      .post
+    .`then`
+      .statusCode(SC_OK)
+      .contentType(JSON)
+      .extract
+      .body
+      .asString
+    assertThatJson(response)
+      .whenIgnoringPaths("methodResponses[0][1].oldState", "methodResponses[0][1].newState", "methodResponses[1][1].state")
+      .inPath("methodResponses[0]")
+      .isEqualTo(
+      s"""[
+           |  "Email/import",
+           |  {
+           |    "accountId":"29883977c13473ae7cb7678ef767cbfbaffc8a44a6e463d971d23a65c1dc4af6",
+           |    "notCreated":{
+           |      "C42":{
+           |        "type":"invalidArguments",
+           |        "description":"Email/import so far only supports a single mailboxId"
+           |      }
+           |    }
+           |  },
+           |  "c1"
+           |]""".stripMargin)
+  }
+  @Test
+  def importShouldFailWhenTooManyMailboxes(): Unit = {

Review comment:
   We do not support it yet for Email/set create. Hence I was reluctant to support here too to be honest.
   I prefer handling this in another issue.

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