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svn commit: rev 54631 - incubator/beehive/trunk

Author: steveh
Date: Mon Oct 11 15:56:26 2004
New Revision: 54631

Adding new documentation targets.

Modified: incubator/beehive/trunk/build.xml
--- incubator/beehive/trunk/build.xml	(original)
+++ incubator/beehive/trunk/build.xml	Mon Oct 11 15:56:26 2004
@@ -1,214 +1,196 @@
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
     Beehive build file.
 <project name="Beehive Build" default="usage" basedir=".">
-    <property environment="os"/>
-    <property file=""/>
-    <!-- Local properties used to specify the installers and the directories into which they should be installed -->
-    <property name="tomcat.installer" location="${beehive.external.dir}/tomcat/"/>
-    <property name="log4j.installer" location="${beehive.external.dir}/log4j/"/>
-    <property name="ant.installer" location="${beehive.external.dir}/ant/"/>
-    <property name="jsr173.installer" location="${beehive.external.dir}/xmlbeans/jsr173_api.jar"/>
-    <target name="bootstrap" depends="ensure.proxysettings" description="Install external dependencies to the installed/ directory">
-        <antcall target="install.deps"/>
-        <ant dir="test/ant" antfile="runTomcat.xml" target="reset.config"/>
-        <!-- 
+	<property environment="os"/>
+	<property file=""/>
+	<!-- Local properties used to specify the installers and the directories into which they should be installed -->
+	<property name="tomcat.installer" location="${beehive.external.dir}/tomcat/"/>
+	<property name="log4j.installer" location="${beehive.external.dir}/log4j/"/>
+	<property name="ant.installer" location="${beehive.external.dir}/ant/"/>
+	<property name="jsr173.installer" location="${beehive.external.dir}/xmlbeans/jsr173_api.jar"/>
+	<target name="bootstrap" depends="ensure.proxysettings" description="Install external dependencies to the installed/ directory">
+		<antcall target="install.deps"/>
+		<ant dir="test/ant" antfile="runTomcat.xml" target="reset.config"/>
+		<!-- 
              in order to run JUnit tests that use the <junit> Ant task, 
              the junit.jar file needs to be available in $ANT_HOME/lib 
-        <copy file="${junit.jar}" todir="${os.ANT_HOME}/lib"/>
-    </target>
-    <!-- ============================================= -->
-    <!--                                               -->
-    <!-- Build targets                                 -->
-    <!--                                               -->
-    <!-- ============================================= -->
-    <target name="clean" description="Clean Beehive">
-        <ant dir="controls" target="clean" inheritAll="false"/>
-        <ant dir="netui" target="clean" inheritAll="false"/>
-        <ant dir="wsm" target="clean" inheritAll="false"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="deploy" description="Deploy Beehive">
-        <ant dir="controls" target="build" inheritAll="false"/>
-        <ant dir="netui" target="deploy" inheritAll="false"/>
-        <ant dir="wsm" target="deploy" inheritAll="false"/>
-    </target>
-    <!-- ============================================= -->
-    <!--                                               -->
-    <!-- Test targets                                  -->
-    <!--                                               -->
-    <!-- ============================================= -->
-    <target name="drt" description="Run the Beehive DRT suite">
-        <antcall target="controls.drt"/>
-        <antcall target="netui.drt"/>
-        <antcall target="wsm.drt"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="controls.drt" description="Run the Beehive/Controls DRT suite">
-        <ant dir="controls" target="drt" inheritAll="false"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="netui.drt" description="Run the Beehive/NetUI DRT suite">
-        <ant dir="netui" antfile="build.xml" target="drt" inheritAll="false"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="wsm.drt" description="Run the Beehive/WSM DRT suite">
-        <ant dir="wsm" target="drt" inheritAll="false"/>
-    </target>
-    <!-- ============================================= -->
-    <!--                                               -->
-    <!-- Installation targets.  These are used to      -->
-    <!-- install external products that Beehive        -->
-    <!-- depends on to build or test.                  -->
-    <!--                                               -->
-    <!-- ============================================= -->
-    <target name="install.deps" description="Ensure that the external dependencies (Tomcat, etc) have been installed locally">
-        <antcall target="ensure.ant"/>
-        <antcall target="ensure.tomcat"/>
-        <antcall target="ensure.log4j"/>
-        <antcall target="ensure.jsr173"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="uninstall.deps" description="Uninstall the external dependencies">
-        <delete dir="${beehive.installed.dir}"/>
-    </target>
-    <!-- ============================================= -->
-    <!--                                               -->
-    <!-- Tomcat                                        -->
-    <!--                                               -->
-    <!-- ============================================= -->
-    <target name="ensure.tomcat">
-        <echo>Ensuring Tomcat present in directory: ${beehive.installed.dir}</echo>
-        <available file="${tomcat.dir}" type="dir" property="tomcat.present"/>
-        <echo>tomcat.present: ${tomcat.present}</echo>
-        <antcall target="unzip.tomcat"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="unzip.tomcat" unless="tomcat.present">
-        <echo>Unzipping Tomcat to directory: ${beehive.installed.dir} from installer ${tomcat.installer}</echo>
-        <unzip src="${tomcat.installer}" dest="${beehive.installed.dir}"/>
-        <chmod dir="${tomcat.dir}/bin" perm="755" includes="**/*.sh"/>
-    </target>
-    <!-- ============================================= -->
-    <!--                                               -->
-    <!-- Log4J                                         -->
-    <!--                                               -->
-    <!-- ============================================= -->
-    <target name="ensure.log4j">
-        <echo>Ensuring Log4J present in directory: ${beehive.installed.dir}</echo>
-        <available file="${log4j.dir}" type="dir" property="log4j.present"/>
-        <echo>log4j.present: ${log4j.present}</echo>
-        <antcall target="unzip.log4j"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="unzip.log4j" unless="log4j.present">
-        <echo>Unzipping Log4J to directory: ${beehive.installed.dir} from installer ${log4j.installer}</echo>
-        <unzip src="${log4j.installer}" dest="${beehive.installed.dir}"/>
-    </target>
-    <!-- ============================================= -->
-    <!--                                               -->
-    <!-- Ant                                           -->
-    <!--                                               -->
-    <!-- ============================================= -->
-    <target name="ensure.ant">
-        <echo>Ensuring Ant present in directory: ${beehive.installed.dir}</echo>
-        <available file="${ant.dir}" type="dir" property="ant.present"/>
-        <echo>ant.present: ${ant.present}</echo>
-        <antcall target="unzip.ant"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="unzip.ant" unless="ant.present">
-        <echo>Unzipping Ant to directory: ${beehive.installed.dir} from installer ${ant.installer}</echo>
-        <unzip src="${ant.installer}" dest="${beehive.installed.dir}"/>
-        <chmod dir="${beehive.installed.dir}/apache-ant-1.6.2/bin" perm="755" includes="**/*.sh"/>
-    </target>
-    <!-- ============================================= -->
-    <!--                                               -->
-    <!-- JSR 173 == this is required by XMLBeans and   -->
-    <!-- needs to be downloaded from the net.          -->
-    <!--                                               -->
-    <!-- ============================================= -->
-    <target name="ensure.jsr173">
-        <echo>Ensuring JSR 173 present in directory: ${beehive.installed.dir}</echo>
-        <available file="${jsr173.jar}" type="file" property="jsr173.present"/>
-        <echo>jsr173.present: ${jsr173.present}</echo>
-        <antcall target="get.jsr173"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="get.jsr173" unless="jsr173.present">
-        <mkdir dir="${beehive.external.dir}/xmlbeans"/>
-        <get dest="${jsr173.installer}" src=""
-             verbose="true" usetimestamp="true" ignoreerrors="false"/>
-        <unzip src="${jsr173.installer}" dest="${beehive.installed.dir}/jsr173"/>
-    </target>
-    <!-- ============================================= -->
-    <!--                                               -->
-    <!-- Proxy Setup Targets.                          -->
-    <!--                                               -->
-    <!-- These settings are used if a proxy needs to   -->
-    <!-- be used when downloading third party software -->
-    <!-- on which Beehive depends.  See BUILDING.txt   -->
-    <!-- for more information.                         -->
-    <!--                                               -->
-    <!-- ============================================= -->
-    <target name="ensure.proxysettings">
-        <echo>Check to see if proxy setup is required</echo>
-        <condition property="proxy.needed">
-	   <and>
-		<isset property="os.PROXYHOST"/>
-	   </and>
-	</condition>
-        <condition property="socks.proxy.needed" value="true">
-	   <and>
-		<isset property="os.SOCKSPROXYHOST"/>
-	   </and>
-	</condition>
-        <antcall target="set.proxy"/>
-        <antcall target="set.socks.proxy"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="set.proxy" if="proxy.needed">
-       <echo>Proxy setup needed.</echo>
-       <echo>Proxy host: ${os.PROXYHOST}</echo>
-       <echo>Proxy port: ${os.PROXYPORT}</echo>
-       <echo>Proxy user: ${os.PROXYUSER}</echo>
-       <echo>Proxy password: ${os.PROXYPASSWORD}</echo>
-       <echo>Non proxy hosts: ${os.NONPROXYHOSTS}</echo>
-       <setproxy proxyhost="${os.PROXYHOST}"
-                 proxyport="${os.PROXYPORT}"
-                 proxyuser="${os.PROXYUSER}"
-                 proxypassword="${os.PROXYPASSWORD}"
-                 nonproxyhosts="${os.NONPROXYHOSTS}"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="set.socks.proxy" if="socks.proxy.needed">
-       <echo>Socks Proxy setup needed.</echo>
-       <setproxy socksproxyhost="${os.SOCKSPROXYHOST}"
-                 socksproxyport="${os.SOCKSPROXYPORT}"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="usage" description="Print the usage for this build.xml">
-        <java fork="no" classname="">
-            <arg line="-projecthelp"/>
-        </java>
-    </target>
+		<copy file="${junit.jar}" todir="${os.ANT_HOME}/lib"/>
+	</target>
+	<!-- ============================================= -->
+	<!--                                               -->
+	<!-- Build targets                                 -->
+	<!--                                               -->
+	<!-- ============================================= -->
+	<target name="clean" description="Clean Beehive">
+		<ant dir="controls" target="clean" inheritAll="false"/>
+		<ant dir="netui" target="clean" inheritAll="false"/>
+		<ant dir="wsm" target="clean" inheritAll="false"/>
+	</target>
+	<target name="deploy" description="Deploy Beehive">
+		<ant dir="controls" target="build" inheritAll="false"/>
+		<ant dir="netui" target="deploy" inheritAll="false"/>
+		<ant dir="wsm" target="deploy" inheritAll="false"/>
+	</target>
+	<!-- ============================================= -->
+	<!--                                               -->
+	<!-- Test targets                                  -->
+	<!--                                               -->
+	<!-- ============================================= -->
+	<target name="drt" description="Run the Beehive DRT suite">
+		<antcall target="controls.drt"/>
+		<antcall target="netui.drt"/>
+		<antcall target="wsm.drt"/>
+	</target>
+	<target name="controls.drt" description="Run the Beehive/Controls DRT suite">
+		<ant dir="controls" target="drt" inheritAll="false"/>
+	</target>
+	<target name="netui.drt" description="Run the Beehive/NetUI DRT suite">
+		<ant dir="netui" antfile="build.xml" target="drt" inheritAll="false"/>
+	</target>
+	<target name="wsm.drt" description="Run the Beehive/WSM DRT suite">
+		<ant dir="wsm" target="drt" inheritAll="false"/>
+	</target>
+	<!-- ============================================= -->
+	<!--                                               -->
+	<!-- Installation targets.  These are used to      -->
+	<!-- install external products that Beehive        -->
+	<!-- depends on to build or test.                  -->
+	<!--                                               -->
+	<!-- ============================================= -->
+	<target name="install.deps" description="Ensure that the external dependencies (Tomcat, etc) have been installed locally">
+		<antcall target="ensure.ant"/>
+		<antcall target="ensure.tomcat"/>
+		<antcall target="ensure.log4j"/>
+		<antcall target="ensure.jsr173"/>
+	</target>
+	<target name="uninstall.deps" description="Uninstall the external dependencies">
+		<delete dir="${beehive.installed.dir}"/>
+	</target>
+	<!-- ============================================= -->
+	<!--                                               -->
+	<!-- Tomcat                                        -->
+	<!--                                               -->
+	<!-- ============================================= -->
+	<target name="ensure.tomcat">
+		<echo>Ensuring Tomcat present in directory: ${beehive.installed.dir}</echo>
+		<available file="${tomcat.dir}" type="dir" property="tomcat.present"/>
+		<echo>tomcat.present: ${tomcat.present}</echo>
+		<antcall target="unzip.tomcat"/>
+	</target>
+	<target name="unzip.tomcat" unless="tomcat.present">
+		<echo>Unzipping Tomcat to directory: ${beehive.installed.dir} from installer ${tomcat.installer}</echo>
+		<unzip src="${tomcat.installer}" dest="${beehive.installed.dir}"/>
+		<chmod dir="${tomcat.dir}/bin" perm="755" includes="**/*.sh"/>
+	</target>
+	<!-- ============================================= -->
+	<!--                                               -->
+	<!-- Log4J                                         -->
+	<!--                                               -->
+	<!-- ============================================= -->
+	<target name="ensure.log4j">
+		<echo>Ensuring Log4J present in directory: ${beehive.installed.dir}</echo>
+		<available file="${log4j.dir}" type="dir" property="log4j.present"/>
+		<echo>log4j.present: ${log4j.present}</echo>
+		<antcall target="unzip.log4j"/>
+	</target>
+	<target name="unzip.log4j" unless="log4j.present">
+		<echo>Unzipping Log4J to directory: ${beehive.installed.dir} from installer ${log4j.installer}</echo>
+		<unzip src="${log4j.installer}" dest="${beehive.installed.dir}"/>
+	</target>
+	<!-- ============================================= -->
+	<!--                                               -->
+	<!-- Ant                                           -->
+	<!--                                               -->
+	<!-- ============================================= -->
+	<target name="ensure.ant">
+		<echo>Ensuring Ant present in directory: ${beehive.installed.dir}</echo>
+		<available file="${ant.dir}" type="dir" property="ant.present"/>
+		<echo>ant.present: ${ant.present}</echo>
+		<antcall target="unzip.ant"/>
+	</target>
+	<target name="unzip.ant" unless="ant.present">
+		<echo>Unzipping Ant to directory: ${beehive.installed.dir} from installer ${ant.installer}</echo>
+		<unzip src="${ant.installer}" dest="${beehive.installed.dir}"/>
+		<chmod dir="${beehive.installed.dir}/apache-ant-1.6.2/bin" perm="755" includes="**/*.sh"/>
+	</target>
+	<!-- ============================================= -->
+	<!--                                               -->
+	<!-- JSR 173 == this is required by XMLBeans and   -->
+	<!-- needs to be downloaded from the net.          -->
+	<!--                                               -->
+	<!-- ============================================= -->
+	<target name="ensure.jsr173">
+		<echo>Ensuring JSR 173 present in directory: ${beehive.installed.dir}</echo>
+		<available file="${jsr173.jar}" type="file" property="jsr173.present"/>
+		<echo>jsr173.present: ${jsr173.present}</echo>
+		<antcall target="get.jsr173"/>
+	</target>
+	<target name="get.jsr173" unless="jsr173.present">
+		<mkdir dir="${beehive.external.dir}/xmlbeans"/>
+		<get dest="${jsr173.installer}" src="" verbose="true" usetimestamp="true" ignoreerrors="false"/>
+		<unzip src="${jsr173.installer}" dest="${beehive.installed.dir}/jsr173"/>
+	</target>
+	<!-- ============================================= -->
+	<!--                                               -->
+	<!-- Proxy Setup Targets.                          -->
+	<!--                                               -->
+	<!-- These settings are used if a proxy needs to   -->
+	<!-- be used when downloading third party software -->
+	<!-- on which Beehive depends.  See BUILDING.txt   -->
+	<!-- for more information.                         -->
+	<!--                                               -->
+	<!-- ============================================= -->
+	<target name="ensure.proxysettings">
+		<echo>Check to see if proxy setup is required</echo>
+		<condition property="proxy.needed">
+			<and>
+				<isset property="os.PROXYHOST"/>
+			</and>
+		</condition>
+		<condition property="socks.proxy.needed" value="true">
+			<and>
+				<isset property="os.SOCKSPROXYHOST"/>
+			</and>
+		</condition>
+		<antcall target="set.proxy"/>
+		<antcall target="set.socks.proxy"/>
+	</target>
+	<target name="set.proxy" if="proxy.needed">
+		<echo>Proxy setup needed.</echo>
+		<echo>Proxy host: ${os.PROXYHOST}</echo>
+		<echo>Proxy port: ${os.PROXYPORT}</echo>
+		<echo>Proxy user: ${os.PROXYUSER}</echo>
+		<echo>Proxy password: ${os.PROXYPASSWORD}</echo>
+		<echo>Non proxy hosts: ${os.NONPROXYHOSTS}</echo>
+		<setproxy proxyhost="${os.PROXYHOST}" proxyport="${os.PROXYPORT}" proxyuser="${os.PROXYUSER}" proxypassword="${os.PROXYPASSWORD}" nonproxyhosts="${os.NONPROXYHOSTS}"/>
+	</target>
+	<target name="set.socks.proxy" if="socks.proxy.needed">
+		<echo>Socks Proxy setup needed.</echo>
+		<setproxy socksproxyhost="${os.SOCKSPROXYHOST}" socksproxyport="${os.SOCKSPROXYPORT}"/>
+	</target>
+	<target name="usage" description="Print the usage for this build.xml">
+		<java fork="no" classname="">
+			<arg line="-projecthelp"/>
+		</java>
+	</target>
+	<!-- ============================================= -->
+	<!--                                               -->
+	<!-- Documentation targets                                 -->
+	<!--                                               -->
+	<!-- ============================================= -->
+	<target name="docs">
+		<ant dir="controls" target="docs" inheritAll="false"/>
+		<ant dir="netui/ant" antfile="javadoc.xml" target="build" inheritAll="false"/>
+		<ant dir="wsm" target="docs" inheritAll="false"/>
+	</target>
+	<target name="copy-to-forrest">
+		<copy todir="site\src\documentation\content\reference" overwrite="true">
+			<fileset dir="controls\build\docs\reference"/>
+			<fileset dir="netui\build\docs\reference"/>
+			<fileset dir="wsm\build\docs\reference"/>
+		</copy>
+	</target>