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Posted to by Emmanuel Lecharny <> on 2007/09/04 00:11:16 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Directory Server 1.5.1 released

The Apache Directory Server community is pleased to announce the release 
of Apache Directory Server version 1.5.1. The release is available for 
download at:


The Apache Directory Project provides directory solutions entirely 
written in Java. These include a directory server, which has been 
certified as LDAP v3 compliant by the Open Group 
and Eclipse-based directory tools (Apache Directory Studio).

Apache Directory Server 1.5.1 is a bug fix release, fixing more than 60 
bugs and adding 40 improvements. .

For more information, see the Apache Directory Server website at:

Changes in this release
Release Notes - Directory ApacheDS - Version 1.5.1
Bugs :
DIRSERVER-169  - Incorrect SearchResult name and &quot;compare&quot; 
failure using CoreContextFactory
DIRSERVER-656  - OSGi Configuration Admin requires AUXILIARY objectclasses
DIRSERVER-751  - Jsvc fails on AMD 64-bit linux machines
DIRSERVER-757  - Attribute 'uniqueMember' allows for any string, not 
just DN
DIRSERVER-766  - uniqueMember attribute compare does not seem to work 
properly (uniqueMemberMatch is not implemented?)
DIRSERVER-778  - Entries cannot be named when mitosis is enabled.
DIRSERVER-853  - Ldap ref values incorrectly handled for referrals
DIRSERVER-855  - Object class &quot;objectClass&quot; is called 
&quot;ObjectClass&quot; in search results
DIRSERVER-862  - Installing 1.0.1 with RPM as root forbid the server to 
be launched
DIRSERVER-865  - errors when importing ACI from LDIF file containing tabs
DIRSERVER-884  - Authorization, Prescriptive ACI Bug - Server start 
fails on bad ACI Entry
DIRSERVER-890  - Syntax checkers are not active
DIRSERVER-891  - ACIItemSyntaxChecker accepts incomplete or invalid ACI 
DIRSERVER-895  - Servers refuse to replicate
DIRSERVER-901  - Cached credentials checking doesn't work with Hashed 
DIRSERVER-902  - Turning on DEBUG logging causes ArrayIndexOutOfBounds 
DIRSERVER-903  - SSHA and SMD5 not supported
DIRSERVER-904  - Adding two schema elements of different type with the 
same OID is allowed, but it should not
DIRSERVER-905  - Schema elements have been block added in system schema
DIRSERVER-906  - Using the textual &quot;entryACI&quot; inside the 
server is dangerous and will lead to errors
DIRSERVER-912  - prescriptivACI OID is not registred in registries
DIRSERVER-916  - SubtreeSpecificationParser and LDAP filter
DIRSERVER-925  - apacheds allows multible structural objectClasses
DIRSERVER-928  - ComparableComparator in shared yeild incorrect results 
when two objects compared are not Comparable
DIRSERVER-929  - Delete operations are not replicated
DIRSERVER-932  - Syntax Entry Attempt Gets Unexpected exception.
DIRSERVER-934  - Controls are not used into Bind request
DIRSERVER-938  - duplicate entries possible as well as null pointer on 
search using custom schema attribute in search filter
DIRSERVER-940  - Operation fails if previous operation occurred in the 
same &quot;millisecond&quot;
DIRSERVER-942  - Server Feezes When Doing
DIRSERVER-943  - Cannot run integration tests on trunk after SASL code 
DIRSERVER-945  - The base DN containing users that can be SASL 
authenticated. searchBaseDn value default to an non existent DN into the 
default ADS
DIRSERVER-951  - Negated filter on indexed attribute doesn't find 
entries without attribute
DIRSERVER-961  - Missing ASL header in classes
DIRSERVER-967  - Creating a subcontext is not possible with only a Name
DIRSERVER-973  - NPE while adding an entry in schema without an 
ObjectClass attribute
DIRSERVER-979  - apacheds-trunk/apacheds/server-main&gt; ./ 
is broken
DIRSERVER-987  - After adding a subentry it is no more possible to 
startup the server
DIRSERVER-988  - Modifications of prescriptiveACIs in Subentries are not 
handled correctly by the Authorization Subsystem
DIRSERVER-989  - allAttributeValues protected item is not handled 
correctly by the Authorization subsystem in Modify operations
DIRSERVER-996  - apacheds-tools 'dump' throws Exception
DIRSERVER-998  - Messages time out if acknowledged too quickly
DIRSERVER-1001 - Changes to userPassword attribute not reflected by 
server immediately, if performed by another user
DIRSERVER-1002 - stopping server without credentials results in NPE 
after server stops
DIRSERVER-1003 - Modifying an entry gives syntax error for 
'entryDeleted' attribute
DIRSERVER-1005 - apacheds-tools: export uses iso-8859-1 charset instead 
of utf-8
DIRSERVER-1006 - apacheds-tools.jar still using commons-logging in 
DIRSERVER-1007 - SimpleAuthenticator rejects cached one-way encrypted 
DIRSERVER-1011 - Rename entry gives LdapNameNotFoundException
DIRSERVER-1013 - Extra RDN attribute created
DIRSERVER-1018 - Linux init script needs message if no instance specified
DIRSERVER-1019 - Using same thread pool for I/O processing and request 
handling causes clients to hang and MINA thread pool depletion
DIRSERVER-1024 - Use maven-remote-resources-plugin to install legal 
files (LICENSE and NOTICE) in all the jar artifacts
DIRSERVER-1027 - Entries must have at least one STRUCTURAL objectClass
DIRSERVER-1029 - LdifReader changetype: modify add modifications 
attribute ID comparisons need to be case insensitive.
DIRSERVER-1033 - Timing dependent failures on BadDnTest
DIRSERVER-1034 - Can't find welcome bitmap with latest NSIS compiler
DIRSERVER-1039 - WIndows installers won't build on Windows
DIRSERVER-1041 - WIndows installer for Server has Suite bitmap on 
welcome page
DIRSERVER-1042 - Installer should require JRE, not JDK
DIRSERVER-1046 - ldifDirectory needs to be relative to instance home

Improvements :
DIRSERVER-246  - The RPM spec for installers is inefficient
DIRSERVER-621  - Adding some JVM parameters for dameon
DIRSERVER-671  - interceptor identifiers as service names: type safity
DIRSERVER-684  - Atomic operation on entries
DIRSERVER-732  - FilterParser initialized for each search
DIRSERVER-749  - fix issues with apacheds RPM to get it working out of 
the box
DIRSERVER-767  - Downgrade WARN to INFO for 'no normailizer' LOG 
messages in BootstrapAttributeTypeRegistry
DIRSERVER-808  - Modify the semantic of LdapDN.toString() method
DIRSERVER-840  - Double modification on a modify ?
DIRSERVER-883  - Improve the way Schema are loaded
DIRSERVER-897  - Support automatic centralized key generation for 
Kerberos principals
DIRSERVER-919  - Automatically reate schema entity containers when new 
schema entry is added
DIRSERVER-920  - Build RPM as non-root user
DIRSERVER-921  - init scripts don't recognize JRE 1.6
DIRSERVER-930  - rpm -e only removes the start shell script
DIRSERVER-933  - Slow searches using a non-indexed attribute in a filter
DIRSERVER-981  - Human Readible  ->>  Human Readable
DIRSERVER-991  - Abstract Stored Procedure Execution Framework used in 
the Trigger Service
DIRSERVER-994  - StoredProcedureGrammar uses direct log4j calls
DIRSERVER-995  - Consolidate slf4j dependency definitions in parent 
pom.xml files
DIRSERVER-1015 - Replace Jsvc/Procrun launchers with Tanuki Wrapper
DIRSERVER-1016 - Add Multi-home data directories (run multiple instances)
DIRSERVER-1025 - Use maven javadoc plugin
DIRSERVER-1032 - Move shared plugin dependencies into project pom.xml
DIRSERVER-1035 - Make deployment autosign and deploy artifacts with gpg, 
generate source attachments and javadoc attachments
DIRSERVER-1038 - Remove self install of Tanuki wrapper
DIRSERVER-1044 - Add ASL 2.0 license to installer artifacts (scripts, 
config, etc.)

New Features :
DIRSERVER-123  - Add support for TCP
DIRSERVER-141  - Add DES3-CBC-SHA1-KD encryption system
DIRSERVER-142  - Add support for AES encryption types
DIRSERVER-145  - Make NTP configurable
DIRSERVER-153  - Make encryption system selection configurable
DIRSERVER-277  - Add SASL GSSAPI (Kerberos V5) mechanism support
DIRSERVER-278  - Add SASL support to LDAP
DIRSERVER-626  - Would like an option allowing attribute id 
case-sensitivity to be preserved
DIRSERVER-765  - Create RPM with jpackage
DIRSERVER-863  - Add SASL DIGEST-MD5 mechanism support
DIRSERVER-864  - Add SASL CRAM-MD5 mechanism support
DIRSERVER-867  - Return populated supportedSASLMechanisms attribute
DIRSERVER-1037 - x86_64 64-bit RPM installer

Tasks :
DIRSERVER-799  - Check attributes syntax
DIRSERVER-1021 - Upgrade from MINA 1.0.3 to MINA 1.1.2 to do away with 
old concurrent jar and use 1.5 classes
DIRSERVER-1028 - Upgrading dependencies and maven plugins

Wishes :
DIRSERVER-763  - Support for migrating from RC1 to 1.0 - 
NullPointerException in
DIRSERVER-977  - Change top level artifactId for apacheds, daemon, 
shared, etc.