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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2022/03/09 06:32:57 UTC

[GitHub] [airflow] jedcunningham commented on a change in pull request #22102: Enhance `db upgrade` args

jedcunningham commented on a change in pull request #22102:

File path: airflow/cli/commands/
@@ -47,8 +53,36 @@ def resetdb(args):
 def upgradedb(args):
     """Upgrades the metadata database"""
     print("DB: " + repr(settings.engine.url))
-    db.upgradedb(version_range=args.range, revision_range=args.revision_range)
-    print("Upgrades done")
+    if args.revision and args.version:
+        raise SystemExit("Cannot supply both `revision` and `version`.")
+    if args.from_version and args.from_revision:
+        raise SystemExit("`--from-revision` may not be combined with `--from-version`")

Review comment:
           raise SystemExit("Cannot supply both `--from-revision` and `--from-version`")
   For consistency?

File path: airflow/cli/commands/
@@ -47,8 +53,36 @@ def resetdb(args):
 def upgradedb(args):
     """Upgrades the metadata database"""
     print("DB: " + repr(settings.engine.url))
-    db.upgradedb(version_range=args.range, revision_range=args.revision_range)
-    print("Upgrades done")
+    if args.revision and args.version:
+        raise SystemExit("Cannot supply both `revision` and `version`.")
+    if args.from_version and args.from_revision:
+        raise SystemExit("`--from-revision` may not be combined with `--from-version`")
+    if (args.from_revision or args.from_version) and not args.sql_only:
+        raise SystemExit("Args `--from-revision` and `--from-version` may only be used with `--sql-only`")
+    revision = None
+    from_revision = None
+    if args.from_revision:
+        from_revision = args.from_revision
+    elif args.from_version:
+        if parse_version(args.from_version) < parse_version('2.0.0'):
+            raise SystemExit("From version must be greater than 2.0.0")

Review comment:
               raise SystemExit("From version must be greater or equal to than 2.0.0")
               raise SystemExit("From version must be 2.0.0 or later")

File path: airflow/cli/commands/
@@ -47,8 +53,36 @@ def resetdb(args):
 def upgradedb(args):
     """Upgrades the metadata database"""
     print("DB: " + repr(settings.engine.url))
-    db.upgradedb(version_range=args.range, revision_range=args.revision_range)
-    print("Upgrades done")
+    if args.revision and args.version:
+        raise SystemExit("Cannot supply both `revision` and `version`.")
+    if args.from_version and args.from_revision:
+        raise SystemExit("`--from-revision` may not be combined with `--from-version`")
+    if (args.from_revision or args.from_version) and not args.sql_only:
+        raise SystemExit("Args `--from-revision` and `--from-version` may only be used with `--sql-only`")
+    revision = None
+    from_revision = None
+    if args.from_revision:
+        from_revision = args.from_revision
+    elif args.from_version:
+        if parse_version(args.from_version) < parse_version('2.0.0'):
+            raise SystemExit("From version must be greater than 2.0.0")
+        from_revision = REVISION_HEADS_MAP.get(args.from_version)
+        if not from_revision:
+            raise SystemExit(f"Unknown version {args.from_version!r} supplied as `--from-version`.")
+    if args.version:
+        revision = REVISION_HEADS_MAP.get(args.version)
+        if not revision:
+            raise SystemExit(f"Upgrading to version {args.version} is not supported.")
+    elif args.revision:
+        revision = args.revision
+    if not args.sql_only:

Review comment:
       if not args.sql_only:

File path: airflow/utils/
@@ -1043,103 +1061,106 @@ def _offline_migration(migration_func: Callable, config, revision):
-def _validate_version_range(script_, version_range):
-    if ':' not in version_range:
-        raise AirflowException(
-            'Please provide Airflow version range with the format "old_version:new_version"'
-        )
-    lower, upper = version_range.split(':')
-    if not REVISION_HEADS_MAP.get(lower) or not REVISION_HEADS_MAP.get(upper):
-        raise AirflowException('Please provide valid Airflow versions above 2.0.0.')
-    if REVISION_HEADS_MAP.get(lower) == REVISION_HEADS_MAP.get(upper):
-        if sys.stdout.isatty():
-            size = os.get_terminal_size().columns
-        else:
-            size = 0
-        print(f"Hey this is your migration script from {lower}, to {upper}, but guess what?".center(size))
-        print(
-            "There is no migration needed as the database has not changed between those versions. "
-            "You are done.".center(size)
-        )
-        print("""/\\_/\\""".center(size))
-        print("""(='_' )""".center(size))
-        print("""(,(") (")""".center(size))
-        print("""^^^""".center(size))
-        return
-    dbname =
-    if dbname == 'sqlite':
-        raise AirflowException('SQLite is not supported for offline migration.')
-    elif dbname == 'mssql' and (lower != '2.2.0' or int(lower.split('.')[1]) < 2):
-        raise AirflowException(
-            'MSSQL is not supported for offline migration in Airflow versions less than 2.2.0.'
-        )
-    _lower, _upper = REVISION_HEADS_MAP[lower], REVISION_HEADS_MAP[upper]
-    revision = f"{_lower}:{_upper}"
+def print_happy_cat(message):
+    if sys.stdout.isatty():
+        size = os.get_terminal_size().columns
+    else:
+        size = 0
+    print(
+    print("""/\\_/\\""".center(size))
+    print("""(='_' )""".center(size))
+    print("""(,(") (")""".center(size))
+    print("""^^^""".center(size))
+    return
+def _revision_greater(config, this_rev, base_rev):
+    # Check if there is history between the revisions and the start revision
+    # This ensures that the revisions are above `min_revision`
+    script = _get_script_object(config)
-        # Check if there is history between the revisions
-        list(script_.revision_map.iterate_revisions(_upper, _lower))
+        list(script.revision_map.iterate_revisions(upper=this_rev, lower=base_rev))
+        return True
     except Exception:
-        raise AirflowException(
-            f"Error while checking history for revision range {revision}. "
-            f"Check that the supplied airflow version is in the format 'old_version:new_version'."
-        )
-    return revision
+        return False
-def _validate_revision(script_, revision_range):
-    if ':' not in revision_range:
-        raise AirflowException(
-            'Please provide Airflow revision range with the format "old_revision:new_revision"'
-        )
+def _revisions_above_min_for_offline(config, revisions):
+    """
+    Checks that all supplied revision ids are above the minimum revision for the dialect.
+    :param config: Alembic config
+    :param revisions: list of Alembic revision ids
+    :return: None
+    :rtype: None
+    """
     dbname =
     if dbname == 'sqlite':
-        raise AirflowException('SQLite is not supported for offline migration.')
-    start_version = '2.0.0'
-    rev_2_0_0_head = 'e959f08ac86c'
-    _lowerband, _upperband = revision_range.split(':')
-    if dbname == 'mssql':
-        rev_2_0_0_head = '7b2661a43ba3'
-        start_version = '2.2.0'
-    for i in [_lowerband, _upperband]:
-        try:
-            # Check if there is history between the revisions and the start revision
-            # This ensures that the revisions are above 2.0.0 head or 2.2.0 head if mssql
-            list(script_.revision_map.iterate_revisions(upper=i, lower=rev_2_0_0_head))
-        except Exception:
-            raise AirflowException(
-                f"Error while checking history for revision range {rev_2_0_0_head}:{i}. "
-                f"Check that {i} is a valid revision. "
-                f"Supported revision for offline migration is from {rev_2_0_0_head} "
-                f"which is airflow {start_version} head"
+        raise AirflowException('Offline migration not supported for SQLite.')
+    min_version, min_revision = ('2.2.0', '7b2661a43ba3') if dbname == 'mssql' else ('2.0.0', 'e959f08ac86c')
+    # Check if there is history between the revisions and the start revision
+    # This ensures that the revisions are above `min_revision`
+    for rev in revisions:
+        if not rev:
+            raise ValueError('unexpected')
+        if not _revision_greater(config, rev, min_revision):
+            raise ValueError(
+                f"Error while checking history for revision range {min_revision}:{rev}. "
+                f"Check that {rev} is a valid revision. "
+                f"For dialect {dbname!r}, supported revision for offline migration is from {min_revision} "
+                f"which corresponds to Airflow {min_version}."
 def upgradedb(
-    version_range: Optional[str] = None, revision_range: Optional[str] = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION
+    to_revision: Optional[str] = None,
+    from_revision: Optional[str] = None,
+    sql: bool = False,
+    session: Session = NEW_SESSION,
-    """Upgrade the database."""
+    """
+    :param to_revision: Optional Alembic revision ID to upgrade *to*.
+        If omitted, upgrades to latest revision.
+    :param from_revision: Optional Alembic revision ID to upgrade *from*.
+        Not compatible with ``sql_only=False``.
+    :param sql: if True, migration statements will be printed but not executed.
+    :param session: sqlalchemy session with connection to Airflow metadata database
+    :return: None
+    :rtype: None
+    """
+    if from_revision and not sql:
+        raise Exception("`from_revision` only supported with `sql_only=True`.")
     # alembic adds significant import time, so we import it lazily
     if not settings.SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN:
-        raise RuntimeError("The settings.SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN not set. This is critical assertion.")
+        raise RuntimeError("The settings.SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN not set. This is a critical assertion.")
     from alembic import command
-    from alembic.script import ScriptDirectory
     config = _get_alembic_config()
-    script_ = ScriptDirectory.from_config(config)
-    config.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', settings.SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN.replace('%', '%%'))
-    if version_range:
-        revision = _validate_version_range(script_, version_range)
-        if not revision:
+    if sql:
+        if not from_revision:
+            from_revision = _get_current_revision(session)
+        if not from_revision and to_revision:
+            raise Exception('unexpected')

Review comment:
       Should probably expand on this a bit more.

File path: airflow/cli/commands/
@@ -47,8 +53,36 @@ def resetdb(args):
 def upgradedb(args):
     """Upgrades the metadata database"""
     print("DB: " + repr(settings.engine.url))
-    db.upgradedb(version_range=args.range, revision_range=args.revision_range)
-    print("Upgrades done")
+    if args.revision and args.version:
+        raise SystemExit("Cannot supply both `revision` and `version`.")

Review comment:
           raise SystemExit("Cannot supply both `--revision` and `--version`.")
   To be consistent with the others?

File path: airflow/cli/commands/
@@ -47,8 +53,36 @@ def resetdb(args):
 def upgradedb(args):
     """Upgrades the metadata database"""
     print("DB: " + repr(settings.engine.url))
-    db.upgradedb(version_range=args.range, revision_range=args.revision_range)
-    print("Upgrades done")
+    if args.revision and args.version:
+        raise SystemExit("Cannot supply both `revision` and `version`.")
+    if args.from_version and args.from_revision:
+        raise SystemExit("`--from-revision` may not be combined with `--from-version`")
+    if (args.from_revision or args.from_version) and not args.sql_only:
+        raise SystemExit("Args `--from-revision` and `--from-version` may only be used with `--sql-only`")
+    revision = None
+    from_revision = None
+    if args.from_revision:
+        from_revision = args.from_revision
+    elif args.from_version:
+        if parse_version(args.from_version) < parse_version('2.0.0'):
+            raise SystemExit("From version must be greater than 2.0.0")
+        from_revision = REVISION_HEADS_MAP.get(args.from_version)
+        if not from_revision:
+            raise SystemExit(f"Unknown version {args.from_version!r} supplied as `--from-version`.")
+    if args.version:

Review comment:
       if args.version:
   Nit: better readability with a couple extra newlines?

File path: airflow/cli/commands/
@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ def connections_add(args):
     # Check that the conn_id and conn_uri args were passed to the command:
     missing_args = []
     invalid_args = []
+    print(args.__class__)

Review comment:

File path: airflow/cli/commands/
@@ -17,15 +17,21 @@
 """Database sub-commands"""
 import os
 import textwrap
+import typing
 from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
+from packaging.version import parse as parse_version
 from airflow import settings
 from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
 from airflow.utils import cli as cli_utils, db
 from airflow.utils.db import REVISION_HEADS_MAP
 from airflow.utils.db_cleanup import config_dict, run_cleanup
 from airflow.utils.process_utils import execute_interactive
+if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
+    pass

Review comment:

File path: airflow/utils/
@@ -1043,103 +1061,106 @@ def _offline_migration(migration_func: Callable, config, revision):
-def _validate_version_range(script_, version_range):
-    if ':' not in version_range:
-        raise AirflowException(
-            'Please provide Airflow version range with the format "old_version:new_version"'
-        )
-    lower, upper = version_range.split(':')
-    if not REVISION_HEADS_MAP.get(lower) or not REVISION_HEADS_MAP.get(upper):
-        raise AirflowException('Please provide valid Airflow versions above 2.0.0.')
-    if REVISION_HEADS_MAP.get(lower) == REVISION_HEADS_MAP.get(upper):
-        if sys.stdout.isatty():
-            size = os.get_terminal_size().columns
-        else:
-            size = 0
-        print(f"Hey this is your migration script from {lower}, to {upper}, but guess what?".center(size))
-        print(
-            "There is no migration needed as the database has not changed between those versions. "
-            "You are done.".center(size)
-        )
-        print("""/\\_/\\""".center(size))
-        print("""(='_' )""".center(size))
-        print("""(,(") (")""".center(size))
-        print("""^^^""".center(size))
-        return
-    dbname =
-    if dbname == 'sqlite':
-        raise AirflowException('SQLite is not supported for offline migration.')
-    elif dbname == 'mssql' and (lower != '2.2.0' or int(lower.split('.')[1]) < 2):
-        raise AirflowException(
-            'MSSQL is not supported for offline migration in Airflow versions less than 2.2.0.'
-        )
-    _lower, _upper = REVISION_HEADS_MAP[lower], REVISION_HEADS_MAP[upper]
-    revision = f"{_lower}:{_upper}"
+def print_happy_cat(message):
+    if sys.stdout.isatty():
+        size = os.get_terminal_size().columns
+    else:
+        size = 0
+    print(
+    print("""/\\_/\\""".center(size))
+    print("""(='_' )""".center(size))
+    print("""(,(") (")""".center(size))
+    print("""^^^""".center(size))
+    return
+def _revision_greater(config, this_rev, base_rev):
+    # Check if there is history between the revisions and the start revision
+    # This ensures that the revisions are above `min_revision`
+    script = _get_script_object(config)
-        # Check if there is history between the revisions
-        list(script_.revision_map.iterate_revisions(_upper, _lower))
+        list(script.revision_map.iterate_revisions(upper=this_rev, lower=base_rev))
+        return True
     except Exception:
-        raise AirflowException(
-            f"Error while checking history for revision range {revision}. "
-            f"Check that the supplied airflow version is in the format 'old_version:new_version'."
-        )
-    return revision
+        return False
-def _validate_revision(script_, revision_range):
-    if ':' not in revision_range:
-        raise AirflowException(
-            'Please provide Airflow revision range with the format "old_revision:new_revision"'
-        )
+def _revisions_above_min_for_offline(config, revisions):
+    """
+    Checks that all supplied revision ids are above the minimum revision for the dialect.
+    :param config: Alembic config
+    :param revisions: list of Alembic revision ids
+    :return: None
+    :rtype: None
+    """
     dbname =
     if dbname == 'sqlite':
-        raise AirflowException('SQLite is not supported for offline migration.')
-    start_version = '2.0.0'
-    rev_2_0_0_head = 'e959f08ac86c'
-    _lowerband, _upperband = revision_range.split(':')
-    if dbname == 'mssql':
-        rev_2_0_0_head = '7b2661a43ba3'
-        start_version = '2.2.0'
-    for i in [_lowerband, _upperband]:
-        try:
-            # Check if there is history between the revisions and the start revision
-            # This ensures that the revisions are above 2.0.0 head or 2.2.0 head if mssql
-            list(script_.revision_map.iterate_revisions(upper=i, lower=rev_2_0_0_head))
-        except Exception:
-            raise AirflowException(
-                f"Error while checking history for revision range {rev_2_0_0_head}:{i}. "
-                f"Check that {i} is a valid revision. "
-                f"Supported revision for offline migration is from {rev_2_0_0_head} "
-                f"which is airflow {start_version} head"
+        raise AirflowException('Offline migration not supported for SQLite.')
+    min_version, min_revision = ('2.2.0', '7b2661a43ba3') if dbname == 'mssql' else ('2.0.0', 'e959f08ac86c')
+    # Check if there is history between the revisions and the start revision
+    # This ensures that the revisions are above `min_revision`
+    for rev in revisions:
+        if not rev:
+            raise ValueError('unexpected')
+        if not _revision_greater(config, rev, min_revision):
+            raise ValueError(
+                f"Error while checking history for revision range {min_revision}:{rev}. "
+                f"Check that {rev} is a valid revision. "
+                f"For dialect {dbname!r}, supported revision for offline migration is from {min_revision} "
+                f"which corresponds to Airflow {min_version}."
 def upgradedb(
-    version_range: Optional[str] = None, revision_range: Optional[str] = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION
+    to_revision: Optional[str] = None,
+    from_revision: Optional[str] = None,
+    sql: bool = False,
+    session: Session = NEW_SESSION,
-    """Upgrade the database."""
+    """
+    :param to_revision: Optional Alembic revision ID to upgrade *to*.
+        If omitted, upgrades to latest revision.
+    :param from_revision: Optional Alembic revision ID to upgrade *from*.
+        Not compatible with ``sql_only=False``.
+    :param sql: if True, migration statements will be printed but not executed.
+    :param session: sqlalchemy session with connection to Airflow metadata database
+    :return: None
+    :rtype: None
+    """
+    if from_revision and not sql:
+        raise Exception("`from_revision` only supported with `sql_only=True`.")

Review comment:
           raise AirflowException("`from_revision` only supported with `sql_only=True`.")

File path: airflow/utils/
@@ -1043,103 +1061,106 @@ def _offline_migration(migration_func: Callable, config, revision):
-def _validate_version_range(script_, version_range):
-    if ':' not in version_range:
-        raise AirflowException(
-            'Please provide Airflow version range with the format "old_version:new_version"'
-        )
-    lower, upper = version_range.split(':')
-    if not REVISION_HEADS_MAP.get(lower) or not REVISION_HEADS_MAP.get(upper):
-        raise AirflowException('Please provide valid Airflow versions above 2.0.0.')
-    if REVISION_HEADS_MAP.get(lower) == REVISION_HEADS_MAP.get(upper):
-        if sys.stdout.isatty():
-            size = os.get_terminal_size().columns
-        else:
-            size = 0
-        print(f"Hey this is your migration script from {lower}, to {upper}, but guess what?".center(size))
-        print(
-            "There is no migration needed as the database has not changed between those versions. "
-            "You are done.".center(size)
-        )
-        print("""/\\_/\\""".center(size))
-        print("""(='_' )""".center(size))
-        print("""(,(") (")""".center(size))
-        print("""^^^""".center(size))
-        return
-    dbname =
-    if dbname == 'sqlite':
-        raise AirflowException('SQLite is not supported for offline migration.')
-    elif dbname == 'mssql' and (lower != '2.2.0' or int(lower.split('.')[1]) < 2):
-        raise AirflowException(
-            'MSSQL is not supported for offline migration in Airflow versions less than 2.2.0.'
-        )
-    _lower, _upper = REVISION_HEADS_MAP[lower], REVISION_HEADS_MAP[upper]
-    revision = f"{_lower}:{_upper}"
+def print_happy_cat(message):
+    if sys.stdout.isatty():
+        size = os.get_terminal_size().columns
+    else:
+        size = 0
+    print(
+    print("""/\\_/\\""".center(size))
+    print("""(='_' )""".center(size))
+    print("""(,(") (")""".center(size))
+    print("""^^^""".center(size))
+    return
+def _revision_greater(config, this_rev, base_rev):
+    # Check if there is history between the revisions and the start revision
+    # This ensures that the revisions are above `min_revision`
+    script = _get_script_object(config)
-        # Check if there is history between the revisions
-        list(script_.revision_map.iterate_revisions(_upper, _lower))
+        list(script.revision_map.iterate_revisions(upper=this_rev, lower=base_rev))
+        return True
     except Exception:
-        raise AirflowException(
-            f"Error while checking history for revision range {revision}. "
-            f"Check that the supplied airflow version is in the format 'old_version:new_version'."
-        )
-    return revision
+        return False
-def _validate_revision(script_, revision_range):
-    if ':' not in revision_range:
-        raise AirflowException(
-            'Please provide Airflow revision range with the format "old_revision:new_revision"'
-        )
+def _revisions_above_min_for_offline(config, revisions):
+    """
+    Checks that all supplied revision ids are above the minimum revision for the dialect.
+    :param config: Alembic config
+    :param revisions: list of Alembic revision ids
+    :return: None
+    :rtype: None
+    """
     dbname =
     if dbname == 'sqlite':
-        raise AirflowException('SQLite is not supported for offline migration.')
-    start_version = '2.0.0'
-    rev_2_0_0_head = 'e959f08ac86c'
-    _lowerband, _upperband = revision_range.split(':')
-    if dbname == 'mssql':
-        rev_2_0_0_head = '7b2661a43ba3'
-        start_version = '2.2.0'
-    for i in [_lowerband, _upperband]:
-        try:
-            # Check if there is history between the revisions and the start revision
-            # This ensures that the revisions are above 2.0.0 head or 2.2.0 head if mssql
-            list(script_.revision_map.iterate_revisions(upper=i, lower=rev_2_0_0_head))
-        except Exception:
-            raise AirflowException(
-                f"Error while checking history for revision range {rev_2_0_0_head}:{i}. "
-                f"Check that {i} is a valid revision. "
-                f"Supported revision for offline migration is from {rev_2_0_0_head} "
-                f"which is airflow {start_version} head"
+        raise AirflowException('Offline migration not supported for SQLite.')
+    min_version, min_revision = ('2.2.0', '7b2661a43ba3') if dbname == 'mssql' else ('2.0.0', 'e959f08ac86c')
+    # Check if there is history between the revisions and the start revision
+    # This ensures that the revisions are above `min_revision`
+    for rev in revisions:
+        if not rev:
+            raise ValueError('unexpected')
+        if not _revision_greater(config, rev, min_revision):
+            raise ValueError(
+                f"Error while checking history for revision range {min_revision}:{rev}. "
+                f"Check that {rev} is a valid revision. "
+                f"For dialect {dbname!r}, supported revision for offline migration is from {min_revision} "
+                f"which corresponds to Airflow {min_version}."
 def upgradedb(
-    version_range: Optional[str] = None, revision_range: Optional[str] = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION
+    to_revision: Optional[str] = None,
+    from_revision: Optional[str] = None,
+    sql: bool = False,
+    session: Session = NEW_SESSION,
-    """Upgrade the database."""
+    """
+    :param to_revision: Optional Alembic revision ID to upgrade *to*.
+        If omitted, upgrades to latest revision.
+    :param from_revision: Optional Alembic revision ID to upgrade *from*.
+        Not compatible with ``sql_only=False``.
+    :param sql: if True, migration statements will be printed but not executed.
+    :param session: sqlalchemy session with connection to Airflow metadata database
+    :return: None
+    :rtype: None
+    """
+    if from_revision and not sql:
+        raise Exception("`from_revision` only supported with `sql_only=True`.")
     # alembic adds significant import time, so we import it lazily
     if not settings.SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN:
-        raise RuntimeError("The settings.SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN not set. This is critical assertion.")
+        raise RuntimeError("The settings.SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN not set. This is a critical assertion.")
     from alembic import command
-    from alembic.script import ScriptDirectory
     config = _get_alembic_config()
-    script_ = ScriptDirectory.from_config(config)
-    config.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', settings.SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN.replace('%', '%%'))
-    if version_range:
-        revision = _validate_version_range(script_, version_range)
-        if not revision:
+    if sql:
+        if not from_revision:
+            from_revision = _get_current_revision(session)
+        if not from_revision and to_revision:
+            raise Exception('unexpected')
+        if to_revision == from_revision:
+            print_happy_cat("No migrations to apply; nothing to do.")
-"Running offline migrations for version range %s", version_range)
-        return _offline_migration(command.upgrade, config, revision)
-    elif revision_range:
-        _validate_revision(script_, revision_range)
-"Running offline migrations for revision range %s", revision_range)
-        return _offline_migration(command.upgrade, config, revision_range)
+        if not _revision_greater(config, to_revision, from_revision):
+            raise ValueError(
+                f'Requested *to* revision {to_revision} is older than *from* revision {from_revision}. '
+                'Please check your requested versions / revisions.'
+            )
+        _revisions_above_min_for_offline(config=config, revisions=[from_revision, to_revision])
+        _offline_migration(command.upgrade, config, f"{from_revision}:{to_revision}")
+        return

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