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Posted to by on 2014/02/13 01:21:43 UTC

fabric commit: updated refs/heads/1993-bigcouch-couch-mrview to 09c9e8c

Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/1993-bigcouch-couch-mrview 32d373975 -> 09c9e8c76

Remove fabric functions replaced by couch_mrview


Branch: refs/heads/1993-bigcouch-couch-mrview
Commit: 09c9e8c7638478cff3604d35a35da4611c1f3437
Parents: 32d3739
Author: Russell Branca <>
Authored: Wed Feb 12 16:21:54 2014 -0800
Committer: Russell Branca <>
Committed: Wed Feb 12 16:21:54 2014 -0800

 src/fabric_rpc.erl | 109 ------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 109 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/fabric_rpc.erl b/src/fabric_rpc.erl
index bc3112d..1d24271 100644
--- a/src/fabric_rpc.erl
+++ b/src/fabric_rpc.erl
@@ -75,20 +75,6 @@ reduce_view(DbName, DDoc, ViewName, Args) ->
     VAcc0 = #vacc{db=Db},
     couch_mrview:query_view(Db, DDoc, ViewName, Args, fun reduce_cb/2, VAcc0).
-calculate_seqs(Db, Stale) ->
-    LastSeq = couch_db:get_update_seq(Db),
-    if
-        Stale == ok orelse Stale == update_after ->
-            {LastSeq, 0};
-        true ->
-            {LastSeq, LastSeq}
-    end.
-maybe_update_view_group(GroupPid, LastSeq, update_after) ->
-    couch_view_group:trigger_group_update(GroupPid, LastSeq);
-maybe_update_view_group(_, _, _) ->
-    ok.
 create_db(DbName) ->
     rexi:reply(case couch_server:create(DbName, []) of
     {ok, _} ->
@@ -260,101 +246,6 @@ reduce_cb(complete, Acc) ->
     {ok, Acc}.
-view_fold(#full_doc_info{} = FullDocInfo, OffsetReds, Acc) ->
-    % matches for _all_docs and translates #full_doc_info{} -> KV pair
-    case couch_doc:to_doc_info(FullDocInfo) of
-    #doc_info{id=Id, revs=[#rev_info{deleted=false, rev=Rev}|_]} = DI ->
-        Value = {[{rev,couch_doc:rev_to_str(Rev)}]},
-        view_fold({{Id,Id}, Value}, OffsetReds, Acc#view_acc{doc_info=DI});
-    #doc_info{revs=[#rev_info{deleted=true}|_]} ->
-        {ok, Acc}
-    end;
-view_fold(KV, OffsetReds, #view_acc{offset=nil, total_rows=Total} = Acc) ->
-    % calculates the offset for this shard
-    #view_acc{reduce_fun=Reduce} = Acc,
-    Offset = Reduce(OffsetReds),
-    case rexi:sync_reply({total_and_offset, Total, Offset}) of
-    ok ->
-        view_fold(KV, OffsetReds, Acc#view_acc{offset=Offset});
-    stop ->
-        exit(normal);
-    timeout ->
-        exit(timeout)
-    end;
-view_fold(_KV, _Offset, #view_acc{limit=0} = Acc) ->
-    % we scanned through limit+skip local rows
-    {stop, Acc};
-view_fold({{Key,Id}, Value}, _Offset, Acc) ->
-    % the normal case
-    #view_acc{
-        db = Db,
-        doc_info = DocInfo,
-        limit = Limit,
-        conflicts = Conflicts,
-        include_docs = IncludeDocs
-    } = Acc,
-    case Value of {Props} ->
-        LinkedDocs = (couch_util:get_value(<<"_id">>, Props) =/= undefined);
-    _ ->
-        LinkedDocs = false
-    end,
-    if LinkedDocs ->
-        % we'll embed this at a higher level b/c the doc may be non-local
-        Doc = undefined;
-    IncludeDocs ->
-        IdOrInfo = if DocInfo =/= nil -> DocInfo; true -> Id end,
-        Options = if Conflicts -> [conflicts]; true -> [] end,
-        case couch_db:open_doc(Db, IdOrInfo, Options) of
-        {not_found, deleted} ->
-            Doc = null;
-        {not_found, missing} ->
-            Doc = undefined;
-        {ok, Doc0} ->
-            Doc = couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc0, [])
-        end;
-    true ->
-        Doc = undefined
-    end,
-    case rexi:stream(#view_row{key=Key, id=Id, value=Value, doc=Doc}) of
-        ok ->
-            {ok, Acc#view_acc{limit=Limit-1}};
-        timeout ->
-            exit(timeout)
-    end.
-final_response(Total, nil) ->
-    case rexi:sync_reply({total_and_offset, Total, Total}) of ok ->
-        rexi:reply(complete);
-    stop ->
-        ok;
-    timeout ->
-        exit(timeout)
-    end;
-final_response(_Total, _Offset) ->
-    rexi:reply(complete).
-%% TODO: handle case of bogus group level
-group_rows_fun(exact) ->
-    fun({Key1,_}, {Key2,_}) -> Key1 == Key2 end;
-group_rows_fun(0) ->
-    fun(_A, _B) -> true end;
-group_rows_fun(GroupLevel) when is_integer(GroupLevel) ->
-    fun({[_|_] = Key1,_}, {[_|_] = Key2,_}) ->
-        lists:sublist(Key1, GroupLevel) == lists:sublist(Key2, GroupLevel);
-    ({Key1,_}, {Key2,_}) ->
-        Key1 == Key2
-    end.
-reduce_fold(_Key, _Red, #view_acc{limit=0} = Acc) ->
-    {stop, Acc};
-reduce_fold(_Key, Red, #view_acc{group_level=0} = Acc) ->
-    send(null, Red, Acc);
-reduce_fold(Key, Red, #view_acc{group_level=exact} = Acc) ->
-    send(Key, Red, Acc);
-reduce_fold(K, Red, #view_acc{group_level=I} = Acc) when I > 0, is_list(K) ->
-    send(lists:sublist(K, I), Red, Acc);
-reduce_fold(K, Red, #view_acc{group_level=I} = Acc) when I > 0 ->
-    send(K, Red, Acc).
 send(Key, Value, Acc) ->
     case put(fabric_sent_first_row, true) of