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[40/51] [partial] incubator-ignite git commit: # ignite-843 Remove node_module
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/bootstrap-less/variables.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/bootstrap-less/variables.less
deleted file mode 100644
index 002be6a..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/bootstrap-less/variables.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,857 +0,0 @@
-// Variables
-// --------------------------------------------------
-//== Colors
-//## Gray and brand colors for use across Bootstrap.
-@gray-base:              #000;
-@gray-darker:            lighten(@gray-base, 13.5%); // #222
-@gray-dark:              lighten(@gray-base, 20%);   // #333
-@gray:                   lighten(@gray-base, 33.5%); // #555
-@gray-light:             lighten(@gray-base, 46.7%); // #777
-@gray-lighter:           lighten(@gray-base, 93.5%); // #eee
-@brand-primary:         darken(#428bca, 6.5%); // #337ab7
-@brand-success:         #5cb85c;
-@brand-info:            #5bc0de;
-@brand-warning:         #f0ad4e;
-@brand-danger:          #d9534f;
-//== Scaffolding
-//## Settings for some of the most global styles.
-//** Background color for `<body>`.
-@body-bg:               #fff;
-//** Global text color on `<body>`.
-@text-color:            @gray-dark;
-//** Global textual link color.
-@link-color:            @brand-primary;
-//** Link hover color set via `darken()` function.
-@link-hover-color:      darken(@link-color, 15%);
-//** Link hover decoration.
-@link-hover-decoration: underline;
-//== Typography
-//## Font, line-height, and color for body text, headings, and more.
-@font-family-sans-serif:  "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
-@font-family-serif:       Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
-//** Default monospace fonts for `<code>`, `<kbd>`, and `<pre>`.
-@font-family-monospace:   Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace;
-@font-family-base:        @font-family-sans-serif;
-@font-size-base:          14px;
-@font-size-large:         ceil((@font-size-base * 1.25)); // ~18px
-@font-size-small:         ceil((@font-size-base * 0.85)); // ~12px
-@font-size-h1:            floor((@font-size-base * 2.6)); // ~36px
-@font-size-h2:            floor((@font-size-base * 2.15)); // ~30px
-@font-size-h3:            ceil((@font-size-base * 1.7)); // ~24px
-@font-size-h4:            ceil((@font-size-base * 1.25)); // ~18px
-@font-size-h5:            @font-size-base;
-@font-size-h6:            ceil((@font-size-base * 0.85)); // ~12px
-//** Unit-less `line-height` for use in components like buttons.
-@line-height-base:        1.428571429; // 20/14
-//** Computed "line-height" (`font-size` * `line-height`) for use with `margin`, `padding`, etc.
-@line-height-computed:    floor((@font-size-base * @line-height-base)); // ~20px
-//** By default, this inherits from the `<body>`.
-@headings-font-family:    inherit;
-@headings-font-weight:    500;
-@headings-line-height:    1.1;
-@headings-color:          inherit;
-//== Iconography
-//## Specify custom location and filename of the included Glyphicons icon font. Useful for those including Bootstrap via Bower.
-//** Load fonts from this directory.
-@icon-font-path:          "../fonts/";
-//** File name for all font files.
-@icon-font-name:          "glyphicons-halflings-regular";
-//** Element ID within SVG icon file.
-@icon-font-svg-id:        "glyphicons_halflingsregular";
-//== Components
-//## Define common padding and border radius sizes and more. Values based on 14px text and 1.428 line-height (~20px to start).
-@padding-base-vertical:     6px;
-@padding-base-horizontal:   12px;
-@padding-large-vertical:    10px;
-@padding-large-horizontal:  16px;
-@padding-small-vertical:    5px;
-@padding-small-horizontal:  10px;
-@padding-xs-vertical:       1px;
-@padding-xs-horizontal:     5px;
-@line-height-large:         1.3333333; // extra decimals for Win 8.1 Chrome
-@line-height-small:         1.5;
-@border-radius-base:        4px;
-@border-radius-large:       6px;
-@border-radius-small:       3px;
-//** Global color for active items (e.g., navs or dropdowns).
-@component-active-color:    #fff;
-//** Global background color for active items (e.g., navs or dropdowns).
-@component-active-bg:       @brand-primary;
-//** Width of the `border` for generating carets that indicator dropdowns.
-@caret-width-base:          4px;
-//** Carets increase slightly in size for larger components.
-@caret-width-large:         5px;
-//== Tables
-//## Customizes the `.table` component with basic values, each used across all table variations.
-//** Padding for `<th>`s and `<td>`s.
-@table-cell-padding:            8px;
-//** Padding for cells in `.table-condensed`.
-@table-condensed-cell-padding:  5px;
-//** Default background color used for all tables.
-@table-bg:                      transparent;
-//** Background color used for `.table-striped`.
-@table-bg-accent:               #f9f9f9;
-//** Background color used for `.table-hover`.
-@table-bg-hover:                #f5f5f5;
-@table-bg-active:               @table-bg-hover;
-//** Border color for table and cell borders.
-@table-border-color:            #ddd;
-//== Buttons
-//## For each of Bootstrap's buttons, define text, background and border color.
-@btn-font-weight:                normal;
-@btn-default-color:              #333;
-@btn-default-bg:                 #fff;
-@btn-default-border:             #ccc;
-@btn-primary-color:              #fff;
-@btn-primary-bg:                 @brand-primary;
-@btn-primary-border:             darken(@btn-primary-bg, 5%);
-@btn-success-color:              #fff;
-@btn-success-bg:                 @brand-success;
-@btn-success-border:             darken(@btn-success-bg, 5%);
-@btn-info-color:                 #fff;
-@btn-info-bg:                    @brand-info;
-@btn-info-border:                darken(@btn-info-bg, 5%);
-@btn-warning-color:              #fff;
-@btn-warning-bg:                 @brand-warning;
-@btn-warning-border:             darken(@btn-warning-bg, 5%);
-@btn-danger-color:               #fff;
-@btn-danger-bg:                  @brand-danger;
-@btn-danger-border:              darken(@btn-danger-bg, 5%);
-@btn-link-disabled-color:        @gray-light;
-//== Forms
-//** `<input>` background color
-@input-bg:                       #fff;
-//** `<input disabled>` background color
-@input-bg-disabled:              @gray-lighter;
-//** Text color for `<input>`s
-@input-color:                    @gray;
-//** `<input>` border color
-@input-border:                   #ccc;
-// TODO: Rename `@input-border-radius` to `@input-border-radius-base` in v4
-//** Default `.form-control` border radius
-// This has no effect on `<select>`s in some browsers, due to the limited stylability of `<select>`s in CSS.
-@input-border-radius:            @border-radius-base;
-//** Large `.form-control` border radius
-@input-border-radius-large:      @border-radius-large;
-//** Small `.form-control` border radius
-@input-border-radius-small:      @border-radius-small;
-//** Border color for inputs on focus
-@input-border-focus:             #66afe9;
-//** Placeholder text color
-@input-color-placeholder:        #999;
-//** Default `.form-control` height
-@input-height-base:              (@line-height-computed + (@padding-base-vertical * 2) + 2);
-//** Large `.form-control` height
-@input-height-large:             (ceil(@font-size-large * @line-height-large) + (@padding-large-vertical * 2) + 2);
-//** Small `.form-control` height
-@input-height-small:             (floor(@font-size-small * @line-height-small) + (@padding-small-vertical * 2) + 2);
-@legend-color:                   @gray-dark;
-@legend-border-color:            #e5e5e5;
-//** Background color for textual input addons
-@input-group-addon-bg:           @gray-lighter;
-//** Border color for textual input addons
-@input-group-addon-border-color: @input-border;
-//** Disabled cursor for form controls and buttons.
-@cursor-disabled:                not-allowed;
-//== Dropdowns
-//## Dropdown menu container and contents.
-//** Background for the dropdown menu.
-@dropdown-bg:                    #fff;
-//** Dropdown menu `border-color`.
-@dropdown-border:                rgba(0,0,0,.15);
-//** Dropdown menu `border-color` **for IE8**.
-@dropdown-fallback-border:       #ccc;
-//** Divider color for between dropdown items.
-@dropdown-divider-bg:            #e5e5e5;
-//** Dropdown link text color.
-@dropdown-link-color:            @gray-dark;
-//** Hover color for dropdown links.
-@dropdown-link-hover-color:      darken(@gray-dark, 5%);
-//** Hover background for dropdown links.
-@dropdown-link-hover-bg:         #f5f5f5;
-//** Active dropdown menu item text color.
-@dropdown-link-active-color:     @component-active-color;
-//** Active dropdown menu item background color.
-@dropdown-link-active-bg:        @component-active-bg;
-//** Disabled dropdown menu item background color.
-@dropdown-link-disabled-color:   @gray-light;
-//** Text color for headers within dropdown menus.
-@dropdown-header-color:          @gray-light;
-//** Deprecated `@dropdown-caret-color` as of v3.1.0
-@dropdown-caret-color:           #000;
-//-- Z-index master list
-// Warning: Avoid customizing these values. They're used for a bird's eye view
-// of components dependent on the z-axis and are designed to all work together.
-// Note: These variables are not generated into the Customizer.
-@zindex-navbar:            1000;
-@zindex-dropdown:          1000;
-@zindex-popover:           1060;
-@zindex-tooltip:           1070;
-@zindex-navbar-fixed:      1030;
-@zindex-modal:             1040;
-//== Media queries breakpoints
-//## Define the breakpoints at which your layout will change, adapting to different screen sizes.
-// Extra small screen / phone
-//** Deprecated `@screen-xs` as of v3.0.1
-@screen-xs:                  480px;
-//** Deprecated `@screen-xs-min` as of v3.2.0
-@screen-xs-min:              @screen-xs;
-//** Deprecated `@screen-phone` as of v3.0.1
-@screen-phone:               @screen-xs-min;
-// Small screen / tablet
-//** Deprecated `@screen-sm` as of v3.0.1
-@screen-sm:                  768px;
-@screen-sm-min:              @screen-sm;
-//** Deprecated `@screen-tablet` as of v3.0.1
-@screen-tablet:              @screen-sm-min;
-// Medium screen / desktop
-//** Deprecated `@screen-md` as of v3.0.1
-@screen-md:                  992px;
-@screen-md-min:              @screen-md;
-//** Deprecated `@screen-desktop` as of v3.0.1
-@screen-desktop:             @screen-md-min;
-// Large screen / wide desktop
-//** Deprecated `@screen-lg` as of v3.0.1
-@screen-lg:                  1200px;
-@screen-lg-min:              @screen-lg;
-//** Deprecated `@screen-lg-desktop` as of v3.0.1
-@screen-lg-desktop:          @screen-lg-min;
-// So media queries don't overlap when required, provide a maximum
-@screen-xs-max:              (@screen-sm-min - 1);
-@screen-sm-max:              (@screen-md-min - 1);
-@screen-md-max:              (@screen-lg-min - 1);
-//== Grid system
-//## Define your custom responsive grid.
-//** Number of columns in the grid.
-@grid-columns:              12;
-//** Padding between columns. Gets divided in half for the left and right.
-@grid-gutter-width:         30px;
-// Navbar collapse
-//** Point at which the navbar becomes uncollapsed.
-@grid-float-breakpoint:     @screen-sm-min;
-//** Point at which the navbar begins collapsing.
-@grid-float-breakpoint-max: (@grid-float-breakpoint - 1);
-//== Container sizes
-//## Define the maximum width of `.container` for different screen sizes.
-// Small screen / tablet
-@container-tablet:             (720px + @grid-gutter-width);
-//** For `@screen-sm-min` and up.
-@container-sm:                 @container-tablet;
-// Medium screen / desktop
-@container-desktop:            (940px + @grid-gutter-width);
-//** For `@screen-md-min` and up.
-@container-md:                 @container-desktop;
-// Large screen / wide desktop
-@container-large-desktop:      (1140px + @grid-gutter-width);
-//** For `@screen-lg-min` and up.
-@container-lg:                 @container-large-desktop;
-//== Navbar
-// Basics of a navbar
-@navbar-height:                    50px;
-@navbar-margin-bottom:             @line-height-computed;
-@navbar-border-radius:             @border-radius-base;
-@navbar-padding-horizontal:        floor((@grid-gutter-width / 2));
-@navbar-padding-vertical:          ((@navbar-height - @line-height-computed) / 2);
-@navbar-collapse-max-height:       340px;
-@navbar-default-color:             #777;
-@navbar-default-bg:                #f8f8f8;
-@navbar-default-border:            darken(@navbar-default-bg, 6.5%);
-// Navbar links
-@navbar-default-link-color:                #777;
-@navbar-default-link-hover-color:          #333;
-@navbar-default-link-hover-bg:             transparent;
-@navbar-default-link-active-color:         #555;
-@navbar-default-link-active-bg:            darken(@navbar-default-bg, 6.5%);
-@navbar-default-link-disabled-color:       #ccc;
-@navbar-default-link-disabled-bg:          transparent;
-// Navbar brand label
-@navbar-default-brand-color:               @navbar-default-link-color;
-@navbar-default-brand-hover-color:         darken(@navbar-default-brand-color, 10%);
-@navbar-default-brand-hover-bg:            transparent;
-// Navbar toggle
-@navbar-default-toggle-hover-bg:           #ddd;
-@navbar-default-toggle-icon-bar-bg:        #888;
-@navbar-default-toggle-border-color:       #ddd;
-// Inverted navbar
-// Reset inverted navbar basics
-@navbar-inverse-color:                      lighten(@gray-light, 15%);
-@navbar-inverse-bg:                         #222;
-@navbar-inverse-border:                     darken(@navbar-inverse-bg, 10%);
-// Inverted navbar links
-@navbar-inverse-link-color:                 lighten(@gray-light, 15%);
-@navbar-inverse-link-hover-color:           #fff;
-@navbar-inverse-link-hover-bg:              transparent;
-@navbar-inverse-link-active-color:          @navbar-inverse-link-hover-color;
-@navbar-inverse-link-active-bg:             darken(@navbar-inverse-bg, 10%);
-@navbar-inverse-link-disabled-color:        #444;
-@navbar-inverse-link-disabled-bg:           transparent;
-// Inverted navbar brand label
-@navbar-inverse-brand-color:                @navbar-inverse-link-color;
-@navbar-inverse-brand-hover-color:          #fff;
-@navbar-inverse-brand-hover-bg:             transparent;
-// Inverted navbar toggle
-@navbar-inverse-toggle-hover-bg:            #333;
-@navbar-inverse-toggle-icon-bar-bg:         #fff;
-@navbar-inverse-toggle-border-color:        #333;
-//== Navs
-//=== Shared nav styles
-@nav-link-padding:                          10px 15px;
-@nav-link-hover-bg:                         @gray-lighter;
-@nav-disabled-link-color:                   @gray-light;
-@nav-disabled-link-hover-color:             @gray-light;
-//== Tabs
-@nav-tabs-border-color:                     #ddd;
-@nav-tabs-link-hover-border-color:          @gray-lighter;
-@nav-tabs-active-link-hover-bg:             @body-bg;
-@nav-tabs-active-link-hover-color:          @gray;
-@nav-tabs-active-link-hover-border-color:   #ddd;
-@nav-tabs-justified-link-border-color:            #ddd;
-@nav-tabs-justified-active-link-border-color:     @body-bg;
-//== Pills
-@nav-pills-border-radius:                   @border-radius-base;
-@nav-pills-active-link-hover-bg:            @component-active-bg;
-@nav-pills-active-link-hover-color:         @component-active-color;
-//== Pagination
-@pagination-color:                     @link-color;
-@pagination-bg:                        #fff;
-@pagination-border:                    #ddd;
-@pagination-hover-color:               @link-hover-color;
-@pagination-hover-bg:                  @gray-lighter;
-@pagination-hover-border:              #ddd;
-@pagination-active-color:              #fff;
-@pagination-active-bg:                 @brand-primary;
-@pagination-active-border:             @brand-primary;
-@pagination-disabled-color:            @gray-light;
-@pagination-disabled-bg:               #fff;
-@pagination-disabled-border:           #ddd;
-//== Pager
-@pager-bg:                             @pagination-bg;
-@pager-border:                         @pagination-border;
-@pager-border-radius:                  15px;
-@pager-hover-bg:                       @pagination-hover-bg;
-@pager-active-bg:                      @pagination-active-bg;
-@pager-active-color:                   @pagination-active-color;
-@pager-disabled-color:                 @pagination-disabled-color;
-//== Jumbotron
-@jumbotron-padding:              30px;
-@jumbotron-color:                inherit;
-@jumbotron-bg:                   @gray-lighter;
-@jumbotron-heading-color:        inherit;
-@jumbotron-font-size:            ceil((@font-size-base * 1.5));
-//== Form states and alerts
-//## Define colors for form feedback states and, by default, alerts.
-@state-success-text:             #3c763d;
-@state-success-bg:               #dff0d8;
-@state-success-border:           darken(spin(@state-success-bg, -10), 5%);
-@state-info-text:                #31708f;
-@state-info-bg:                  #d9edf7;
-@state-info-border:              darken(spin(@state-info-bg, -10), 7%);
-@state-warning-text:             #8a6d3b;
-@state-warning-bg:               #fcf8e3;
-@state-warning-border:           darken(spin(@state-warning-bg, -10), 5%);
-@state-danger-text:              #a94442;
-@state-danger-bg:                #f2dede;
-@state-danger-border:            darken(spin(@state-danger-bg, -10), 5%);
-//== Tooltips
-//** Tooltip max width
-@tooltip-max-width:           200px;
-//** Tooltip text color
-@tooltip-color:               #fff;
-//** Tooltip background color
-@tooltip-bg:                  #000;
-@tooltip-opacity:             .9;
-//** Tooltip arrow width
-@tooltip-arrow-width:         5px;
-//** Tooltip arrow color
-@tooltip-arrow-color:         @tooltip-bg;
-//== Popovers
-//** Popover body background color
-@popover-bg:                          #fff;
-//** Popover maximum width
-@popover-max-width:                   276px;
-//** Popover border color
-@popover-border-color:                rgba(0,0,0,.2);
-//** Popover fallback border color
-@popover-fallback-border-color:       #ccc;
-//** Popover title background color
-@popover-title-bg:                    darken(@popover-bg, 3%);
-//** Popover arrow width
-@popover-arrow-width:                 10px;
-//** Popover arrow color
-@popover-arrow-color:                 @popover-bg;
-//** Popover outer arrow width
-@popover-arrow-outer-width:           (@popover-arrow-width + 1);
-//** Popover outer arrow color
-@popover-arrow-outer-color:           fadein(@popover-border-color, 5%);
-//** Popover outer arrow fallback color
-@popover-arrow-outer-fallback-color:  darken(@popover-fallback-border-color, 20%);
-//== Labels
-//** Default label background color
-@label-default-bg:            @gray-light;
-//** Primary label background color
-@label-primary-bg:            @brand-primary;
-//** Success label background color
-@label-success-bg:            @brand-success;
-//** Info label background color
-@label-info-bg:               @brand-info;
-//** Warning label background color
-@label-warning-bg:            @brand-warning;
-//** Danger label background color
-@label-danger-bg:             @brand-danger;
-//** Default label text color
-@label-color:                 #fff;
-//** Default text color of a linked label
-@label-link-hover-color:      #fff;
-//== Modals
-//** Padding applied to the modal body
-@modal-inner-padding:         15px;
-//** Padding applied to the modal title
-@modal-title-padding:         15px;
-//** Modal title line-height
-@modal-title-line-height:     @line-height-base;
-//** Background color of modal content area
-@modal-content-bg:                             #fff;
-//** Modal content border color
-@modal-content-border-color:                   rgba(0,0,0,.2);
-//** Modal content border color **for IE8**
-@modal-content-fallback-border-color:          #999;
-//** Modal backdrop background color
-@modal-backdrop-bg:           #000;
-//** Modal backdrop opacity
-@modal-backdrop-opacity:      .5;
-//** Modal header border color
-@modal-header-border-color:   #e5e5e5;
-//** Modal footer border color
-@modal-footer-border-color:   @modal-header-border-color;
-@modal-lg:                    900px;
-@modal-md:                    600px;
-@modal-sm:                    300px;
-//== Alerts
-//## Define alert colors, border radius, and padding.
-@alert-padding:               15px;
-@alert-border-radius:         @border-radius-base;
-@alert-link-font-weight:      bold;
-@alert-success-bg:            @state-success-bg;
-@alert-success-text:          @state-success-text;
-@alert-success-border:        @state-success-border;
-@alert-info-bg:               @state-info-bg;
-@alert-info-text:             @state-info-text;
-@alert-info-border:           @state-info-border;
-@alert-warning-bg:            @state-warning-bg;
-@alert-warning-text:          @state-warning-text;
-@alert-warning-border:        @state-warning-border;
-@alert-danger-bg:             @state-danger-bg;
-@alert-danger-text:           @state-danger-text;
-@alert-danger-border:         @state-danger-border;
-//== Progress bars
-//** Background color of the whole progress component
-@progress-bg:                 #f5f5f5;
-//** Progress bar text color
-@progress-bar-color:          #fff;
-//** Variable for setting rounded corners on progress bar.
-@progress-border-radius:      @border-radius-base;
-//** Default progress bar color
-@progress-bar-bg:             @brand-primary;
-//** Success progress bar color
-@progress-bar-success-bg:     @brand-success;
-//** Warning progress bar color
-@progress-bar-warning-bg:     @brand-warning;
-//** Danger progress bar color
-@progress-bar-danger-bg:      @brand-danger;
-//** Info progress bar color
-@progress-bar-info-bg:        @brand-info;
-//== List group
-//** Background color on `.list-group-item`
-@list-group-bg:                 #fff;
-//** `.list-group-item` border color
-@list-group-border:             #ddd;
-//** List group border radius
-@list-group-border-radius:      @border-radius-base;
-//** Background color of single list items on hover
-@list-group-hover-bg:           #f5f5f5;
-//** Text color of active list items
-@list-group-active-color:       @component-active-color;
-//** Background color of active list items
-@list-group-active-bg:          @component-active-bg;
-//** Border color of active list elements
-@list-group-active-border:      @list-group-active-bg;
-//** Text color for content within active list items
-@list-group-active-text-color:  lighten(@list-group-active-bg, 40%);
-//** Text color of disabled list items
-@list-group-disabled-color:      @gray-light;
-//** Background color of disabled list items
-@list-group-disabled-bg:         @gray-lighter;
-//** Text color for content within disabled list items
-@list-group-disabled-text-color: @list-group-disabled-color;
-@list-group-link-color:         #555;
-@list-group-link-hover-color:   @list-group-link-color;
-@list-group-link-heading-color: #333;
-//== Panels
-@panel-bg:                    #fff;
-@panel-body-padding:          15px;
-@panel-heading-padding:       10px 15px;
-@panel-footer-padding:        @panel-heading-padding;
-@panel-border-radius:         @border-radius-base;
-//** Border color for elements within panels
-@panel-inner-border:          #ddd;
-@panel-footer-bg:             #f5f5f5;
-@panel-default-text:          @gray-dark;
-@panel-default-border:        #ddd;
-@panel-default-heading-bg:    #f5f5f5;
-@panel-primary-text:          #fff;
-@panel-primary-border:        @brand-primary;
-@panel-primary-heading-bg:    @brand-primary;
-@panel-success-text:          @state-success-text;
-@panel-success-border:        @state-success-border;
-@panel-success-heading-bg:    @state-success-bg;
-@panel-info-text:             @state-info-text;
-@panel-info-border:           @state-info-border;
-@panel-info-heading-bg:       @state-info-bg;
-@panel-warning-text:          @state-warning-text;
-@panel-warning-border:        @state-warning-border;
-@panel-warning-heading-bg:    @state-warning-bg;
-@panel-danger-text:           @state-danger-text;
-@panel-danger-border:         @state-danger-border;
-@panel-danger-heading-bg:     @state-danger-bg;
-//== Thumbnails
-//** Padding around the thumbnail image
-@thumbnail-padding:           4px;
-//** Thumbnail background color
-@thumbnail-bg:                @body-bg;
-//** Thumbnail border color
-@thumbnail-border:            #ddd;
-//** Thumbnail border radius
-@thumbnail-border-radius:     @border-radius-base;
-//** Custom text color for thumbnail captions
-@thumbnail-caption-color:     @text-color;
-//** Padding around the thumbnail caption
-@thumbnail-caption-padding:   9px;
-//== Wells
-@well-bg:                     #f5f5f5;
-@well-border:                 darken(@well-bg, 7%);
-//== Badges
-@badge-color:                 #fff;
-//** Linked badge text color on hover
-@badge-link-hover-color:      #fff;
-@badge-bg:                    @gray-light;
-//** Badge text color in active nav link
-@badge-active-color:          @link-color;
-//** Badge background color in active nav link
-@badge-active-bg:             #fff;
-@badge-font-weight:           bold;
-@badge-line-height:           1;
-@badge-border-radius:         10px;
-//== Breadcrumbs
-@breadcrumb-padding-vertical:   8px;
-@breadcrumb-padding-horizontal: 15px;
-//** Breadcrumb background color
-@breadcrumb-bg:                 #f5f5f5;
-//** Breadcrumb text color
-@breadcrumb-color:              #ccc;
-//** Text color of current page in the breadcrumb
-@breadcrumb-active-color:       @gray-light;
-//** Textual separator for between breadcrumb elements
-@breadcrumb-separator:          "/";
-//== Carousel
-@carousel-text-shadow:                        0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.6);
-@carousel-control-color:                      #fff;
-@carousel-control-width:                      15%;
-@carousel-control-opacity:                    .5;
-@carousel-control-font-size:                  20px;
-@carousel-indicator-active-bg:                #fff;
-@carousel-indicator-border-color:             #fff;
-@carousel-caption-color:                      #fff;
-//== Close
-@close-font-weight:           bold;
-@close-color:                 #000;
-@close-text-shadow:           0 1px 0 #fff;
-//== Code
-@code-color:                  #c7254e;
-@code-bg:                     #f9f2f4;
-@kbd-color:                   #fff;
-@kbd-bg:                      #333;
-@pre-bg:                      #f5f5f5;
-@pre-color:                   @gray-dark;
-@pre-border-color:            #ccc;
-@pre-scrollable-max-height:   340px;
-//== Type
-//** Horizontal offset for forms and lists.
-@component-offset-horizontal: 180px;
-//** Text muted color
-@text-muted:                  @gray-light;
-//** Abbreviations and acronyms border color
-@abbr-border-color:           @gray-light;
-//** Headings small color
-@headings-small-color:        @gray-light;
-//** Blockquote small color
-@blockquote-small-color:      @gray-light;
-//** Blockquote font size
-@blockquote-font-size:        (@font-size-base * 1.25);
-//** Blockquote border color
-@blockquote-border-color:     @gray-lighter;
-//** Page header border color
-@page-header-border-color:    @gray-lighter;
-//** Width of horizontal description list titles
-@dl-horizontal-offset:        @component-offset-horizontal;
-//** Horizontal line color.
-@hr-border:                   @gray-lighter;
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/404_500_errors.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/404_500_errors.less
deleted file mode 100644
index 15ed6d4..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/404_500_errors.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * Page: 400 and 500 error pages
- * ------------------------------
- */
-.error-page {
-  width: 600px;
-  margin: 20px auto 0 auto;
-  @media (max-width: @screen-sm-max) {
-    width: 100%;
-  }
-  //For the error number e.g: 404
-  > .headline {
-    float: left;
-    font-size: 100px;
-    font-weight: 300;
-    @media (max-width: @screen-sm-max) {
-      float: none;
-      text-align: center;
-    }
-  }
-  //For the message
-  > .error-content {
-    margin-left: 190px;
-    @media (max-width: @screen-sm-max) {
-      margin-left: 0;
-    }
-    > h3 {
-      font-weight: 300;
-      font-size: 25px;
-      @media(max-width: @screen-sm-max) {
-        text-align: center;
-      }
-    }
-    display: block;
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/AdminLTE.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/AdminLTE.less
deleted file mode 100644
index e909e17..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/AdminLTE.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
- *   AdminLTE v2.1.0
- *   Author: Almsaeed Studio
- *	 Website: Almsaeed Studio <>
- *   License: Open source - MIT
- *           Please visit for more information
-//google fonts
-@import url(,400,600,700,300italic,400italic,600italic);
-//Bootstrap Variables & Mixins
-//The core bootstrap code have not been modified. These files
-//are included only for refrence.
-@import "../bootstrap-less/mixins.less";
-@import "../bootstrap-less/variables.less";
-@import "core.less";
-@import "variables.less";
-@import "mixins.less";
-@import "header.less";
-@import "sidebar.less";
-@import "sidebar-mini.less";
-@import "control-sidebar.less";
-@import "dropdown.less";
-@import "forms.less";
-@import "progress-bars.less";
-@import "small-box.less";
-@import "boxes.less";
-@import "info-box.less";
-@import "timeline.less";
-@import "buttons.less";
-@import "callout.less";
-@import "alerts.less";
-@import "navs.less";
-@import "products.less";
-@import "table.less";
-@import "labels.less";
-@import "direct-chat.less";
-@import "users-list.less";
-@import "carousel.less";
-@import "modal.less";
-@import "mailbox.less";
-@import "lockscreen.less";
-@import "login_and_register.less";
-@import "404_500_errors.less";
-@import "invoice.less";
-@import "bootstrap-social.less";
-@import "fullcalendar.less";
-@import "miscellaneous.less";
-@import "print.less";
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/alerts.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/alerts.less
deleted file mode 100644
index d76b4e1..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/alerts.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * Component: alert
- * ----------------
- */
-.alert {
-  .border-radius(3px);
-  h4 {
-    font-weight: 600;
-  }
-  .icon {   
-    margin-right: 10px;    
-  }
-  .close {
-    color: #000;
-    .opacity(.2);
-    &:hover {
-      .opacity(.5);
-    }
-  }
-  a {
-    color: #fff;
-    text-decoration: underline;
-  }
-//Alert Variants
-.alert-success {
-  &:extend(.bg-green);
-  border-color: darken(@green, 5%);
-.alert-error {
-  &:extend(.bg-red);
-  border-color: darken(@red, 5%);
-.alert-warning {
-  &:extend(.bg-yellow);
-  border-color: darken(@yellow, 5%);
-.alert-info {
-  &:extend(.bg-aqua);
-  border-color: darken(@aqua, 5%);
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/bootstrap-social.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/bootstrap-social.less
deleted file mode 100644
index ebfdcbb..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/bootstrap-social.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
- * Plugin: Social Buttons
- * ----------------------
- */
-// Copyright 2013-2014 Panayiotis Lipiridis
-// Licensed under the MIT License
-@bs-height-base: (@line-height-computed + @padding-base-vertical * 2);
-@bs-height-lg:   (floor(@font-size-large * @line-height-base) + @padding-large-vertical * 2);
-@bs-height-sm:   (floor(@font-size-small * 1.5) + @padding-small-vertical * 2);
-@bs-height-xs:   (floor(@font-size-small * 1.2) + @padding-small-vertical + 1);
-.btn-social {
-  position: relative;
-  padding-left: @bs-height-base + @padding-base-horizontal!important;
-  text-align: left;
-  white-space: nowrap;
-  overflow: hidden;
-  text-overflow: ellipsis;
-  :first-child {
-    position: absolute;
-    left: 0;
-    top: 0;
-    bottom: 0;
-    width: @bs-height-base!important;
-    line-height: (@bs-height-base + 2)!important;
-    font-size: 1.6em!important;
-    text-align: center;
-    border-right: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
-  }
-  &.btn-lg {
-    padding-left: @bs-height-lg + @padding-large-horizontal!important;
-    :first-child {
-      line-height: @bs-height-lg;
-      width: @bs-height-lg;
-      font-size: 1.8em;
-    }
-  }
-  &.btn-sm {
-    padding-left: @bs-height-sm + @padding-small-horizontal!important;
-    :first-child {
-      line-height: @bs-height-sm;
-      width: @bs-height-sm;
-      font-size: 1.4em;
-    }
-  }
-  &.btn-xs {
-    padding-left: @bs-height-xs + @padding-small-horizontal!important;
-    :first-child {
-      line-height: @bs-height-xs;
-      width: @bs-height-xs;
-      font-size: 1.2em;
-    }
-  }
-.btn-social-icon {
-  .btn-social;
-  height: (@bs-height-base + 2);
-  width: (@bs-height-base + 2);
-  padding: 0;
-  :first-child {
-    border: none;
-    text-align: center;
-    width: 100%!important;
-  }
-  &.btn-lg {
-    height: @bs-height-lg;
-    width: @bs-height-lg;
-    padding-left: 0;
-    padding-right: 0;
-  }
-  &.btn-sm {
-    height: (@bs-height-sm + 2);
-    width: (@bs-height-sm + 2);
-    padding-left: 0;
-    padding-right: 0;
-  }
-  &.btn-xs {
-    height: (@bs-height-xs + 2);
-    width: (@bs-height-xs + 2);
-    padding-left: 0;
-    padding-right: 0;
-  }
-.btn-social(@color-bg, @color: white) {
-  background-color: @color-bg;
-  .button-variant(@color, @color-bg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2));
-.btn-bitbucket     { .btn-social(#205081); }
-.btn-dropbox       { .btn-social(#1087dd); }
-.btn-facebook      { .btn-social(#3b5998); }
-.btn-flickr        { .btn-social(#ff0084); }
-.btn-foursquare    { .btn-social(#0072b1); }
-.btn-github        { .btn-social(#444444); }
-.btn-google-plus   { .btn-social(#dd4b39); }
-.btn-instagram     { .btn-social(#3f729b); }
-.btn-linkedin      { .btn-social(#007bb6); }
-.btn-tumblr        { .btn-social(#2c4762); }
-.btn-twitter       { .btn-social(#55acee); }
-.btn-vk            { .btn-social(#587ea3); }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/boxes.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/boxes.less
deleted file mode 100644
index dc28d47..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/boxes.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
- * Component: Box
- * --------------
- */ {
-  position: relative;
-  .border-radius(@box-border-radius);
-  background: #ffffff;
-  border-top: 3px solid @box-default-border-top-color;
-  margin-bottom: 20px;
-  width: 100%;
-  box-shadow: @box-boxshadow;
-  // Box color variations
-  &.box-primary {
-    border-top-color: @light-blue;
-  }
-  &.box-info {
-    border-top-color: @aqua;
-  }
-  &.box-danger {
-    border-top-color: @red;
-  }
-  &.box-warning {
-    border-top-color: @yellow;
-  }
-  &.box-success {
-    border-top-color: @green;
-  }
-  &.box-default {
-    border-top-color: @gray;
-  }
-  // collapsed mode
-  &.collapsed-box {
-    .box-body,
-    .box-footer {
-      display: none;
-    }
-  }
-  .nav-stacked {
-    > li {
-      border-bottom: 1px solid @box-border-color;
-      margin: 0;
-      &:last-of-type {
-        border-bottom: none;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // fixed height to 300px
-  &.height-control {
-    .box-body {
-      max-height: 300px;
-      overflow: auto;
-    }
-  }
-  .border-right {
-    border-right: 1px solid @box-border-color;
-  }
-  .border-left {
-    border-left: 1px solid @box-border-color;
-  }
-  //---------
-  //use this class to get a colored header and borders
-  &.box-solid {
-    border-top: 0px;
-    > .box-header {
-      .btn.btn-default {
-        background: transparent;
-      }
-      .btn, 
-      a {
-        &:hover {
-          background: rgba(0,0,0,0.1)!important;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Box color variations
-    &.box-default {
-      .box-solid-variant(@gray, #444);
-    }
-    &.box-primary {
-      .box-solid-variant(@light-blue);
-    }
-    &.box-info {
-      .box-solid-variant(@aqua);
-    }
-    &.box-danger {
-      .box-solid-variant(@red);
-    }
-    &.box-warning {
-      .box-solid-variant(@yellow);
-    }
-    &.box-success {
-      .box-solid-variant(@green);
-    }
-    > .box-header > .box-tools .btn {
-      border: 0;
-      box-shadow: none;
-    }    
-    // Fix font color for tiles
-    &[class*='bg'] {
-      > .box-header {
-        color: #fff;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  .box-group {
-    > .box {
-      margin-bottom: 5px;
-    }
-  }
-  // jQuery Knob in a box
-  .knob-label {
-    text-align: center;
-    color: #333;
-    font-weight: 100;
-    font-size: 12px;
-    margin-bottom: 0.3em;
-  }
-  // Box overlay for LOADING STATE effect
-  > .overlay,
-  > .loading-img {
-    position: absolute;
-    top: 0;
-    left: 0;
-    width: 100%;
-    height: 100%;
-  }
-  .overlay {
-    z-index: 50;
-    background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
-    .border-radius(@box-border-radius);
-    > .fa {
-      position: absolute;
-      top: 50%;
-      left: 50%;
-      margin-left: -15px;
-      margin-top: -15px;
-      color: #000;
-      font-size: 30px;
-    }
-  }
-  .overlay.dark {
-    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
-  }
-//Add clearfix to header, body and footer,, {
-  .clearfix();
-//Box header {  
-  color: #444;
-  display: block;
-  padding: @box-padding;
-  position: relative;
-  //Add bottom border
-  &.with-border {
-    border-bottom: 1px solid @box-border-color;
-    .collapsed-box & {
-      border-bottom: none;
-    }
-  }
-  //Icons and box title
-  > .fa,
-  > .glyphicon,
-  > .ion,
-  .box-title {
-    display: inline-block;
-    font-size: 18px;
-    margin: 0;
-    line-height: 1;
-  }
-  > .fa,
-  > .glyphicon,
-  > .ion {
-    margin-right: 5px;
-  }
-  > .box-tools {
-    position: absolute;
-    right: 10px;
-    top: 5px;
-    [data-toggle="tooltip"] {
-      position: relative;
-    }
-    //float: none!important;
-    &.pull-right {
-      .dropdown-menu {
-        right: 0;
-        left: auto;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-//Box Tools Buttons
-.btn-box-tool {
-  padding: 5px;
-  font-size: 12px;
-  background: transparent;
-  box-shadow: none!important;
-  color: darken(@box-default-border-top-color, 20%);
-  .open &,
-  &:hover {
-    color: darken(@box-default-border-top-color, 40%);
-  }
-  &:active {
-    outline: none!important;
-  }
-//Box Body {
-  .border-radius(0; 0; @box-border-radius; @box-border-radius);
-  padding: @box-padding;
-  .no-header & {
-    .border-top-radius(@box-border-radius);
-  }
-  // Tables within the box body
-  > .table {
-    margin-bottom: 0;
-  }    
-  // Calendar within the box body
-  .fc {
-    margin-top: 5px;
-  }
-  .full-width-chart {
-    margin: -19px;
-  }
-  &.no-padding .full-width-chart {
-    margin: -9px;
-  }
-  .box-pane {
-    .border-radius(0; 0; @box-border-radius; 0);
-  }
-  .box-pane-right {
-    .border-radius(0; 0; 0; @box-border-radius);
-  }
-//Box footer {
-  .border-radius(0; 0; @box-border-radius; @box-border-radius);
-  border-top: 1px solid @box-border-color;
-  padding: @box-padding;
-  background-color: @box-footer-bg;
-.chart-legend {
-  &:extend(.list-unstyled);
-  margin: 10px 0;
-  > li {
-    @media (max-width: @screen-sm-max) {
-      float: left;
-      margin-right: 10px;
-    }
-  }
-/* Widget: TODO LIST */
-.todo-list {
-  margin: 0;
-  padding: 0px 0px;
-  list-style: none;
-  overflow: auto;
-  // Todo list element
-  > li {
-    .border-radius(2px);
-    padding: 10px;
-    background: #f4f4f4;
-    margin-bottom: 2px;
-    border-left: 2px solid #e6e7e8;
-    color: #444;
-    &:last-of-type {
-      margin-bottom: 0;
-    }
-    // Color varaity
-    &.danger {
-      border-left-color: @red;
-    }
-    &.warning {
-      border-left-color: @yellow;
-    }
-    &.info {
-      border-left-color: @aqua;
-    }
-    &.success {
-      border-left-color: @green;
-    }
-    &.primary {
-      border-left-color: @light-blue;
-    }
-    > input[type='checkbox']  {
-      margin: 0 10px 0 5px;
-    }
-    .text {
-      display: inline-block;
-      margin-left: 5px;
-      font-weight: 600;
-    }
-    // Time labels
-    .label {
-      margin-left: 10px;
-      font-size: 9px;
-    }
-    // Tools and options box
-    .tools {
-      display: none;
-      float: right;
-      color: @red;
-      // icons
-      > .fa, > .glyphicon, > .ion {
-        margin-right: 5px;
-        cursor: pointer;
-      }
-    }
-    &:hover .tools {
-      display: inline-block;
-    }
-    &.done {
-      color: #999;
-      .text {
-        text-decoration: line-through;
-        font-weight: 500;
-      }
-      .label {
-        background: @gray!important;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  .handle {
-    display: inline-block;
-    cursor: move;
-    margin: 0 5px;
-  }
-/* Chat widget (DEPRECATED - this will be removed in the next major release. Use Direct Chat instead)*/ {
-  padding: 5px 20px 5px 10px;
-  .item {
-    .clearfix();
-    margin-bottom: 10px;
-    // The image
-    > img {
-      //display: inline-block;
-      width: 40px;
-      height: 40px;
-      border: 2px solid transparent;
-      .border-radius(50%)!important;
-      &.online {
-        border: 2px solid @green;
-      }
-      &.offline {
-        border: 2px solid @red;
-      }
-    }
-    // The message body
-    > .message {
-      margin-left: 55px;
-      margin-top: -40px;
-      > .name {
-        display: block;
-        font-weight: 600;
-      }
-    }
-    // The attachment
-    > .attachment {
-      .border-radius(@attachment-border-radius);
-      background: #f4f4f4;
-      margin-left: 65px;
-      margin-right: 15px;
-      padding: 10px;
-      > h4 {
-        margin: 0 0 5px 0;
-        font-weight: 600;
-        font-size: 14px;
-      }
-      > p, > .filename {
-        font-weight: 600;
-        font-size: 13px;
-        font-style: italic;
-        margin: 0;
-      }
-      .clearfix();
-    }
-  }
-//Input in box {
-  max-width: 200px;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/buttons.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/buttons.less
deleted file mode 100644
index ee161c6..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/buttons.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
- * Component: Button
- * -----------------
- */
-.btn {
-  .border-radius(@btn-border-radius);
-  .box-shadow(@btn-boxshadow);
-  border: 1px solid transparent;
-  &.uppercase {
-    text-transform: uppercase
-  }
-  // Flat buttons
-  &.btn-flat {
-    .border-radius(0);
-    -webkit-box-shadow: none;
-    -moz-box-shadow: none;
-    box-shadow: none;
-    border-width: 1px;
-  }
-  // Active state
-  &:active {
-    -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.125);
-    -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.125);
-    box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.125);
-  }
-  &:focus {
-    outline: none;
-  }
-  // input file btn
-  &.btn-file {
-    position: relative;
-    overflow: hidden;
-    > input[type='file'] {
-      position: absolute;
-      top: 0;
-      right: 0;
-      min-width: 100%;
-      min-height: 100%;
-      font-size: 100px;
-      text-align: right;
-      .opacity(0);            
-      outline: none;
-      background: white;
-      cursor: inherit;
-      display: block;
-    }
-  }  
-//Button color variations
-.btn-default {
-  background-color: #f4f4f4;
-  color: #444;
-  border-color: #ddd;
-  &:hover, &:active, &.hover {
-    background-color:darken(#f4f4f4, 5%)!important;
-  }
-.btn-primary {
-  background-color: @light-blue;
-  border-color: darken(@light-blue, 5%);
-  &:hover, &:active, &.hover {
-    background-color: darken(@light-blue, 5%);
-  }
-.btn-success {
-  background-color: @green;
-  border-color: darken(@green, 5%);
-  &:hover, &:active, &.hover {
-    background-color: darken(@green, 5%);
-  }
-.btn-info {
-  background-color: @aqua;
-  border-color: darken(@aqua, 5%);
-  &:hover, &:active, &.hover {
-    background-color: darken(@aqua, 5%);
-  }
-.btn-danger {
-  background-color: @red;
-  border-color: darken(@red, 5%);
-  &:hover, &:active, &.hover {
-    background-color: darken(@red, 5%);
-  }
-.btn-warning {
-  background-color: @yellow;
-  border-color: darken(@yellow, 5%);
-  &:hover, &:active, &.hover {
-    background-color: darken(@yellow, 5%);
-  }
-.btn-outline {
-  border: 1px solid #fff;
-  background: transparent;
-  color: #fff;
-  &:hover,
-    &:focus,
-    &:active {
-    color: rgba(255,255,255,.7);
-    border-color: rgba(255,255,255,.7);
-  }
-.btn-link {
-  .box-shadow(none);
-//General .btn with bg class
-.btn[class*='bg-']:hover {
-  .box-shadow(inset 0 0 100px rgba(0,0,0,0.2));
-// Application buttons
-.btn-app {
-  .border-radius(3px);
-  position: relative;
-  padding: 15px 5px;
-  margin: 0 0 10px 10px;
-  min-width: 80px;
-  height: 60px;  
-  text-align: center;
-  color: #666;
-  border: 1px solid #ddd;
-  background-color: #f4f4f4;
-  font-size: 12px;
-  //Icons within the btn
-  > .fa, > .glyphicon, > .ion {
-    font-size: 20px;
-    display: block;
-  }
-  &:hover {
-    background: #f4f4f4;
-    color: #444;
-    border-color: #aaa;
-  }
-  &:active, &:focus {
-    -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.125);
-    -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.125);
-    box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.125);
-  }
-  //The badge
-  > .badge {
-    position: absolute;
-    top: -3px;
-    right: -10px;
-    font-size: 10px;
-    font-weight: 400;
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/callout.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/callout.less
deleted file mode 100644
index 6331890..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/callout.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- * Component: Callout
- * ------------------
- */
-// Base styles (regardless of theme)
-.callout {
-  .border-radius(3px);
-  margin: 0 0 20px 0;
-  padding: 15px 30px 15px 15px;
-  border-left: 5px solid #eee;
-  a {
-    color: #fff;
-    text-decoration: underline;
-    &:hover {
-      color: #eee;
-    }
-  }
-  h4 {
-    margin-top: 0;
-    font-weight: 600;
-  }
-  p:last-child {
-    margin-bottom: 0;
-  }
-  code,
-  .highlight {
-    background-color: #fff;
-  }
-  // Themes for different contexts
-  &.callout-danger {
-    &:extend(.bg-red);
-    border-color: darken(@red, 10%);
-  }
-  &.callout-warning {
-    &:extend(.bg-yellow);
-    border-color: darken(@yellow, 10%);
-  }
-  &.callout-info {
-    &:extend(.bg-aqua);
-    border-color: darken(@aqua, 10%);
-  }
-  &.callout-success {
-    &:extend(.bg-green);
-    border-color: darken(@green, 10%);
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/carousel.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/carousel.less
deleted file mode 100644
index 0af39a3..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/carousel.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- * Component: Carousel
- * -------------------
- */
-.carousel-control {
-  background-image: none!important;
-  > .fa {
-    font-size: 40px;
-    position: absolute;
-    top: 50%;
-    z-index: 5;
-    display: inline-block;
-    margin-top: -20px;
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/control-sidebar.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/control-sidebar.less
deleted file mode 100644
index 491a524..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/control-sidebar.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
- * Component: Control sidebar. By deafult, this is the right sidebar.
- */
-//The sidebar's backhround control class
-//This is a hack to make the background visible while scrolling
-.control-sidebar-bg {
-  position: fixed;
-  z-index: 900;
-  top: 0;
-  right: 0;
-  bottom: 0;
-  width: @control-sidebar-width;
-.control-sidebar {
-  .translate(@control-sidebar-width, 0);
-  .transition-transform(@transition-speed ease-in-out);
-//The sidebar
-.control-sidebar {
-  position: absolute;
-  top: @navbar-height;
-  right: 0;
-  width: @control-sidebar-width;
-  z-index: 1010;
-  //Fix position after header collapse
-  @media (max-width: @screen-sm) {
-    top: @navbar-height + 50;
-  }
-  //Tab panes
-  > .tab-content {
-    padding: 10px 15px;
-  }
-  //Open state with slide over content effect
-  &.control-sidebar-open {
-    &,
-    + .control-sidebar-bg {
-      .translate(0, 0);
-    }
-  }
-//Open without silde over content
-.control-sidebar-open {
-  .control-sidebar-bg,
-  .control-sidebar {
-    .translate(0,0);
-  }
-  @media(min-width: @screen-sm) {
-    .content-wrapper,
-    .right-side,
-    .main-footer {
-      margin-right: @control-sidebar-width;
-    }
-  }
-//Control sidebar tabs
-.control-sidebar-tabs {
-  > li {
-    &:first-of-type > a {
-      margin-left: 1px;
-      &,
-      &:hover {
-        border-left-width: 0!important;
-      }      
-    }
-    > a {
-      .border-radius(0)!important;
-      //Hover and active states
-      &,
-      &:hover {
-        border-top: none;
-        border-right: none;
-        border-left: 1px solid transparent!important;
-        border-bottom: 1px solid transparent!important;
-      }
-      .icon {
-        font-size: 16px;
-      }
-    }
-    //Active state
-    &.active {
-      > a {
-        &,
-        &:hover,
-          &:focus,
-          &:active {
-          border-top: none!important;
-          border-right: none!important;
-          border-bottom: none!important;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  //Remove resposiveness on small screens
-  @media(max-width: @screen-sm) {
-    display: table;
-    >li {
-      display: table-cell!important;
-    }
-  }
-//Headings in the sidebar content
-.control-sidebar-heading {  
-  font-weight: 400;
-  font-size: 16px;
-  padding: 10px 0;
-  margin-bottom: 10px;
-.control-sidebar-subheading {
-  display: block;
-  font-weight: 400;
-  font-size: 14px;
-//Control Sidebar Menu
-.control-sidebar-menu {
-  list-style: none;
-  padding: 0;
-  margin: 0 -15px;
-  > li > a {
-    .clearfix();
-    display: block;
-    padding: 10px 15px;    
-    > .control-sidebar-subheading {
-      margin-top: 0;
-    }
-  }
-  .menu-icon {
-    float: left;
-    width: 35px;
-    height: 35px;
-    border-radius: 50%;
-    text-align: center;
-    line-height: 35px;
-  }
-  .menu-info {
-    margin-left: 45px;
-    margin-top: 3px;
-    > .control-sidebar-subheading {
-      margin: 0;
-    }
-    > p {
-      margin: 0;      
-      font-size: 11px;
-    }
-  }
-  .progress {
-    margin: 0;
-  }
-//Dark skin
-.control-sidebar-dark {
-  color: @sidebar-dark-color;
-  // Background
-  + .control-sidebar-bg {
-    background: @sidebar-dark-bg;
-  }
-  // Sidebar tabs
-  .control-sidebar-tabs {
-    border-bottom: darken(@sidebar-dark-bg, 3%);
-    > li {
-      > a {
-        background: darken(@sidebar-dark-bg, 5%);
-        color: @sidebar-dark-color;
-        //Hover and active states
-        &,
-        &:hover {
-          border-left-color: darken(@sidebar-dark-bg, 7%)!important;
-          border-bottom-color: darken(@sidebar-dark-bg, 7%)!important;
-        }
-        &:hover,
-          &:focus,
-          &:active {
-          background: darken(@sidebar-dark-bg, 3%);
-        }
-      }
-      //Active state
-      &.active {
-        > a {
-          &,
-          &:hover,
-            &:focus,
-            &:active {
-            background: @sidebar-dark-bg;
-            color: #fff;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  //Heading & subheading
-  .control-sidebar-heading,
-  .control-sidebar-subheading {
-    color: #fff;
-  }
-  //Sidebar list
-  .control-sidebar-menu {
-    > li {
-      > a {
-        &:hover {
-          background: @sidebar-dark-hover-bg;
-        }
-        .menu-info {
-          > p {
-            color: @sidebar-dark-color;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-//Light skin
-.control-sidebar-light {
-  color: lighten(@sidebar-light-color, 10%);
-  // Background
-  + .control-sidebar-bg {
-    background: @sidebar-light-bg;
-    border-left: 1px solid @gray;
-  }
-  // Sidebar tabs
-  .control-sidebar-tabs {
-    border-bottom: @gray;
-    > li {
-      > a {
-        background: darken(@sidebar-light-bg, 5%);
-        color: @sidebar-light-color;
-        //Hover and active states
-        &,
-        &:hover {
-          border-left-color: @gray!important;
-          border-bottom-color: @gray!important;
-        }
-        &:hover,
-          &:focus,
-          &:active {
-          background: darken(@sidebar-light-bg, 3%);
-        }
-      }
-      //Active state
-      &.active {
-        > a {
-          &,
-          &:hover,
-            &:focus,
-            &:active {
-            background: @sidebar-light-bg;
-            color: #111;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  //Heading & subheading
-  .control-sidebar-heading,
-  .control-sidebar-subheading {
-    color: #111;
-  }
-  //Sidebar list
-  .control-sidebar-menu {
-    margin-left: -14px;
-    > li {
-      > a {
-        &:hover {
-          background: @sidebar-light-hover-bg;
-        }
-        .menu-info {
-          > p {
-            color: lighten(@sidebar-light-color, 10%);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/core.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/core.less
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bc1d7a..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/core.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- * Core: Genral Layout Style
- * -------------------------
- */
-body {
-  min-height: 100%;
-  .layout-boxed & {
-    height: 100%;
-  }
-body {  
-  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-  -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
-  font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
-  font-weight: 400;
-  overflow-x: hidden;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-/* Layout */
-.wrapper {
-  .clearfix();
-  min-height: 100%;
-  position: static;
-  overflow: hidden;
-  .layout-boxed & {
-    max-width: 1250px;
-    margin: 0 auto;
-    min-height: 100%;
-    box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
-    position: relative;
-  }
-.layout-boxed {
-  background: url('@{boxed-layout-bg-image-path}') repeat fixed;
- * Content Wrapper - contins main content
- * ```.right-side has been deprecated as of v2.0.0 in favor of .content-wrapper  ```
- */
-.main-footer {    
-  //Using disposable variable to join statements with a comma
-  @transition-rule: @transition-speed @transition-fn,
-                    margin @transition-speed @transition-fn;
-  .transition-transform(@transition-rule);
-  margin-left: @sidebar-width;
-  z-index: 820;
-  //Top nav layout
-  .layout-top-nav & {
-    margin-left: 0;
-  }
-  @media (max-width: @screen-xs-max) {    
-    margin-left: 0;
-  }
-  //When opening the sidebar on large screens
-  .sidebar-collapse & {
-    @media (min-width: @screen-sm) {
-      margin-left: 0;
-    }
-  }
-  //When opening the sidebar on small screens
-  .sidebar-open & {
-    @media (max-width: @screen-xs-max) {
-      .translate(@sidebar-width, 0);
-    }
-  }
-.right-side {
-  min-height: 100%;
-  background-color: @body-bg;
-  z-index: 800;  
-.main-footer {
-  background: #fff;
-  padding: 15px;
-  color: #444;
-  border-top: 1px solid @gray;
-/* Fixed layout */
-.fixed {
-  .main-header,
-  .main-sidebar,
-  .left-side {
-    position: fixed;
-  }
-  .main-header {
-    top: 0;
-    right: 0;
-    left: 0;
-  }
-  .content-wrapper,
-  .right-side {
-    padding-top: 50px;
-    @media (max-width: @screen-header-collapse) {
-      padding-top: 100px;
-    }
-  }
-  &.layout-boxed {
-    .wrapper {
-      max-width: 100%;
-    }
-  }
-/* Content */
-.content {
-  min-height: 250px;
-  padding: 15px;
-  .container-fixed(@grid-gutter-width);
-/* H1 - H6 font */
-.h6 {
-  font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;
-/* General Links */
-a {
-  color: @link-color;
-a:focus {
-  outline: none;
-  text-decoration: none;
-  color: @link-hover-color;
-/* Page Header */ {
-  margin: 10px 0 20px 0;
-  font-size: 22px;
-  > small {
-    color: #666;
-    display: block;
-    margin-top: 5px;
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/direct-chat.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/direct-chat.less
deleted file mode 100644
index 5db9bb7..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/direct-chat.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
- * Component: Direct Chat
- * ----------------------
- */ {
-  .box-body {
-    .border-bottom-radius(0);
-    position: relative;
-    overflow-x: hidden;
-    padding: 0;
-  }
-  &.chat-pane-open {
-    .direct-chat-contacts {
-      .translate(0, 0);
-    }
-  }
-} {
-  .translate(0, 0);
-  padding: 10px;
-  height: 250px;
-  overflow: auto;
-}, {
-  display: block;
-} {
-  .clearfix();
-  margin-bottom: 10px;
-}, {
-  .transition-transform(.5s ease-in-out);
-} {
-  .border-radius(5px);
-  position: relative;
-  padding: 5px 10px;
-  background: @direct-chat-default-msg-bg;
-  border: 1px solid @direct-chat-default-msg-border-color;
-  margin: 5px 0 0 50px;
-  color: @direct-chat-default-font-color;
-  //Create the arrow
-  &:after,
-    &:before {
-    position: absolute;
-    right: 100%;
-    top: 15px;
-    border: solid transparent;
-    border-right-color: @direct-chat-default-msg-border-color;
-    content: ' ';
-    height: 0;
-    width: 0;
-    pointer-events: none;
-  }
-  &:after {
-    border-width: 5px;
-    margin-top: -5px;
-  }
-  &:before {
-    border-width: 6px;
-    margin-top: -6px;
-  }
-  .right & {
-    margin-right: 50px;
-    margin-left: 0;
-    &:after,
-      &:before {
-      right: auto;
-      left: 100%;
-      border-right-color: transparent;
-      border-left-color: @direct-chat-default-msg-border-color;
-    }
-  }
-} {
-  .border-radius(50%);
-  float: left;
-  width: 40px;
-  height: 40px;
-  .right & {
-    float: right;
-  }
-} {
-  display: block;
-  margin-bottom: 2px;
-  font-size: 12px;
-} {
-  font-weight: 600;
-} {
-  color: #999;
-//Direct chat contacts pane {
-  .direct-chat-contacts {
-    .translate(0, 0);
-  }
-} {
-  .translate(101%, 0);
-  position: absolute;
-  top: 0;
-  bottom: 0;
-  height: 250px;
-  width: 100%;
-  background: #222d32;
-  color: #fff;
-  overflow: auto;
-//Contacts list -- for displaying contacts in direct chat contacts pane
-.contacts-list {
-  &:extend(.list-unstyled);
-  > li {
-    .clearfix();
-    border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
-    padding: 10px;
-    margin: 0;
-    &:last-of-type {
-      border-bottom: none;
-    }
-  }
-.contacts-list-img {
-  .border-radius(50%);
-  width: 40px;
-  float: left;
-.contacts-list-info {
-  margin-left: 45px;
-  color: #fff;
-.contacts-list-status {
-  display: block;
-.contacts-list-name {
-  font-weight: 600;
-.contacts-list-status {
-  font-size: 12px;
-.contacts-list-date {
-  color: #aaa;
-  font-weight: normal;
-.contacts-list-msg {
-  color: #999;
-//Direct Chat Variants {
-  .direct-chat-variant(@red);
-} {
-  .direct-chat-variant(@light-blue);
-} {
-  .direct-chat-variant(@yellow);
-} {
-  .direct-chat-variant(@aqua);
-} {
-  .direct-chat-variant(@green);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/dropdown.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/dropdown.less
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c77287..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/dropdown.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
- * Component: Dropdown menus
- * -------------------------
- */
-/*Dropdowns in general*/
-.dropdown-menu {
-  box-shadow: @box-boxshadow;
-  border-color: #eee;
-  > li > a {
-    color: #777;
-  }
-  > li > a > .glyphicon,
-  > li > a > .fa,
-  > li > a > .ion{
-    margin-right: 10px;
-  }
-  > li > a:hover {
-    background-color: lighten(@gray, 5%);
-    color: #333;
-  }
-  > .divider {
-    background-color: #eee;
-  }
-    Navbar custom dropdown menu
-.navbar-nav > .notifications-menu,
-.navbar-nav > .messages-menu,
-.navbar-nav > .tasks-menu {
-  position: relative;
-  //fix width and padding
-  > .dropdown-menu {
-    > li {
-      position: relative;
-    }
-    width: 280px;
-    //Remove padding and margins
-    padding: 0 0 0 0!important;
-    margin: 0!important;
-    top: 100%;
-    //.border-radius(4px)!important;
-  }
-  //Define header class
-  > .dropdown-menu > li.header {
-    .border-radius(4px; 4px; 0; 0);
-    background-color: #ffffff;
-    padding: 7px 10px;
-    border-bottom: 1px solid #f4f4f4;
-    color: #444444;
-    font-size: 14px;
-  }
-  //Define footer class
-  > .dropdown-menu > li.footer > a {
-    .border-radius(0px; 0px; 4px; 4px);
-    font-size: 12px;
-    background-color: #fff;
-    padding: 7px 10px;
-    border-bottom: 1px solid #eeeeee;
-    color: #444!important;
-    @media (max-width: @screen-sm-max) {
-      background: #fff!important;
-      color: #444!important;
-    }
-    text-align: center;
-    //Hover state
-    &:hover {
-      text-decoration: none;
-      font-weight: normal;
-    }
-  }
-  //Clear inner menu padding and margins
-  > .dropdown-menu > li .menu {
-    max-height: 200px;
-    margin: 0;
-    padding: 0;
-    list-style: none;
-    overflow-x: hidden;
-    > li > a {
-      display: block;
-      white-space: nowrap; /* Prevent text from breaking */
-      border-bottom: 1px solid #f4f4f4;
-      // Hove state
-      &:hover {
-        background: #f4f4f4;
-        text-decoration: none;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-//Notifications menu
-.navbar-nav > .notifications-menu {
-  > .dropdown-menu > li .menu {
-    // Links inside the menu
-    > li > a {      
-      color: #444444;
-      overflow: hidden;
-      text-overflow: ellipsis;
-      white-space: nowrap;
-      padding: 10px;
-      // Icons inside the menu
-      > .glyphicon,
-      > .fa,
-      > .ion {
-        width: 20px;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-//Messages menu
-.navbar-nav > .messages-menu {
-  //Inner menu
-  > .dropdown-menu > li .menu {
-    // Messages menu item
-    > li > a {
-      margin: 0px;
-      //line-height: 20px;
-      padding: 10px 10px;
-      // User image
-      > div > img {
-        margin: auto 10px auto auto;
-        width: 40px;
-        height: 40px;
-      }
-      // Message heading
-      > h4 {
-        padding: 0;
-        margin: 0 0 0 45px;
-        color: #444444;
-        font-size: 15px;
-        position: relative;
-        // Small for message time display
-        > small {
-          color: #999999;
-          font-size: 10px;
-          position: absolute;
-          top: 0px;
-          right: 0px;
-        }
-      }
-      > p {
-        margin: 0 0 0 45px;
-        font-size: 12px;
-        color: #888888;
-      }
-      .clearfix();
-    }
-  }
-//Tasks menu
-.navbar-nav > .tasks-menu {
-  > .dropdown-menu > li .menu {
-    > li > a {
-      padding: 10px;
-      > h3 {
-        font-size: 14px;
-        padding: 0;
-        margin: 0 0 10px 0;
-        color: #666666;
-      }
-      > .progress {
-        padding: 0;
-        margin: 0;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-//User menu
-.navbar-nav > .user-menu {
-  > .dropdown-menu {
-    .border-top-radius(0);    
-    padding: 1px 0 0 0;
-    border-top-width: 0;
-    width: 280px;
-    &,
-    > .user-body {
-      .border-bottom-radius(4px);
-    }
-    // Header menu
-    > li.user-header {
-      height: 175px;
-      padding: 10px;
-      text-align: center;
-      // User image
-      > img {
-        z-index: 5;
-        height: 90px;
-        width: 90px;
-        border: 3px solid;
-        border-color: transparent;
-        border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
-      }
-      > p {
-        z-index: 5;
-        color: #fff;
-        color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
-        font-size: 17px;
-        //text-shadow: 2px 2px 3px #333333;
-        margin-top: 10px;
-        > small {
-          display: block;
-          font-size: 12px;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Menu Body
-    > .user-body {
-      padding: 15px;
-      border-bottom: 1px solid #f4f4f4;
-      border-top: 1px solid #dddddd;
-      .clearfix();
-      a {
-        color: #444 !important;
-        @media (max-width: @screen-sm-max) {
-          background: #fff !important;
-          color: #444 !important;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Menu Footer
-    > .user-footer {
-      background-color: #f9f9f9;
-      padding: 10px;
-      .clearfix();
-      .btn-default {
-        color: #666666;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  .user-image {
-    float: left;
-    width: 25px;
-    height: 25px;
-    border-radius: 50%;
-    margin-right: 10px;
-    margin-top: -2px;
-    @media (max-width: @screen-xs-max) {
-      float: none;
-      margin-right: 0;
-      margin-top: -8px;
-      line-height: 10px;
-    }
-  }
-/* Add fade animation to dropdown menus by appending
- the class .animated-dropdown-menu to the .dropdown-menu ul (or ol)*/ > .animated-dropdown-menu {
-  backface-visibility: visible !important;
-  .animation(flipInX .7s both);
-@keyframes flipInX {
-  0% {
-    transform: perspective(400px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, 90deg);
-    transition-timing-function: ease-in;
-    opacity: 0;
-  }
-  40% {
-    transform: perspective(400px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, -20deg);
-    transition-timing-function: ease-in;
-  }
-  60% {
-    transform: perspective(400px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, 10deg);
-    opacity: 1;
-  }
-  80% {
-    transform: perspective(400px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, -5deg);
-  }
-  100% {
-    transform: perspective(400px);
-  }
-@-webkit-keyframes flipInX {
-  0% {
-    transform: perspective(400px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, 90deg);
-    transition-timing-function: ease-in;
-    opacity: 0;
-  }
-  40% {
-    transform: perspective(400px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, -20deg);
-    transition-timing-function: ease-in;
-  }
-  60% {
-    transform: perspective(400px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, 10deg);
-    opacity: 1;
-  }
-  80% {
-    transform: perspective(400px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, -5deg);
-  }
-  100% {
-    transform: perspective(400px);
-  }
-/* Fix dropdown menu in navbars */
-.navbar-custom-menu > .navbar-nav {
-    > li {
-      position: relative;
-      > .dropdown-menu {
-        position: absolute;
-        right: 0;
-        left: auto;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-@media (max-width: @screen-sm-max) {
-  .navbar-custom-menu > .navbar-nav {
-    float: right;
-    > li {
-      position: static;
-      > .dropdown-menu {
-        position: absolute;
-        right: 5%;
-        left: auto;
-        border: 1px solid #ddd;
-        background: #fff;
-      }
-    }
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/forms.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/forms.less
deleted file mode 100644
index 109235b..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/forms.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
- * Component: Form
- * ---------------
- */
-.form-control {
-  .border-radius(@input-radius)!important;  
-  box-shadow: none;
-  border-color: @gray;
-  &:focus {
-    border-color: @light-blue !important;
-    box-shadow: none;
-  }
-  &::-moz-placeholder {
-    color: #bbb;
-    opacity: 1;
-  }
-  &:-ms-input-placeholder {
-    color: #bbb;
-  }
-  &::-webkit-input-placeholder {
-    color: #bbb;
-  }
-  &:not(select) {
-    -webkit-appearance: none;
-    -moz-appearance: none;
-    appearance: none;
-  }
-.form-group {
-  &.has-success {
-    label {
-      color: @green;
-    }
-    .form-control {
-      border-color: @green !important;
-      box-shadow: none;
-    }
-  }
-  &.has-warning {
-    label {
-      color: @yellow;
-    }
-    .form-control {
-      border-color: @yellow !important;
-      box-shadow: none;
-    }
-  }
-  &.has-error {
-    label {
-      color: @red;
-    }
-    .form-control {
-      border-color: @red !important;
-      box-shadow: none;
-    }
-  }
-/* Input group */
-.input-group {
-  .input-group-addon {
-    .border-radius(@input-radius);
-    border-color: @gray;
-    background-color: #fff;
-  }
-/* button groups */
-.btn-group-vertical {
-  .btn {
-    &.btn-flat:first-of-type, &.btn-flat:last-of-type {
-      .border-radius(0);
-    }
-  }
-.icheck > label {
-  padding-left: 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/fullcalendar.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/fullcalendar.less
deleted file mode 100644
index 5acbb51..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/fullcalendar.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- * Plugin: Full Calendar
- * ---------------------
- */
-//Fullcalendar buttons
-.fc-button {
-  background: #f4f4f4;
-  background-image: none;
-  color: #444;
-  border-color: #ddd;
-  border-bottom-color: #ddd;
-  &:hover,
-    &:active,
-    &.hover {
-    background-color: #e9e9e9;
-  }
-// Calendar title
-.fc-header-title h2 {
-  font-size: 15px;
-  line-height: 1.6em;
-  color: #666;
-  margin-left: 10px;
-.fc-header-right {
-  padding-right: 10px;
-.fc-header-left {
-  padding-left: 10px;
-// Calendar table header cells
-.fc-widget-header {
-  background: #fafafa;
-.fc-grid {
-  width: 100%;
-  border: 0;
-.fc-widget-content:first-of-type {
-  border-left: 0;
-  border-right: 0;
-.fc-widget-content:last-of-type {
-  border-right: 0;
-.fc-toolbar {
-  padding: @box-padding;
-  margin: 0;
-.fc-day-number {
-  font-size: 20px;
-  font-weight: 300;
-  padding-right: 10px;
-.fc-color-picker {
-  list-style: none;
-  margin: 0;
-  padding: 0;
-  > li {
-    float: left;
-    font-size: 30px;
-    margin-right: 5px;
-    line-height: 30px;
-    .fa {
-      .transition-transform(linear .3s);
-      &:hover {
-        .rotate(30deg);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-#add-new-event {
-  .transition(all linear .3s);
-.external-event {
-  padding: 5px 10px;
-  font-weight: bold;
-  margin-bottom: 4px;
-  box-shadow: @box-boxshadow;
-  text-shadow: @box-boxshadow;
-  border-radius: @box-border-radius;
-  cursor: move;
-  &:hover {
-    box-shadow: inset 0 0 90px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/header.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/header.less
deleted file mode 100644
index d2f020c..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/header.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
- * Component: Main Header
- * ----------------------
- */
-.main-header {
-  position: relative;
-  max-height: 100px;
-  z-index: 1030;
-  //Navbar
-  > .navbar {
-    .transition(margin-left @transition-speed @transition-fn);
-    margin-bottom: 0;
-    margin-left: @sidebar-width;
-    border: none;
-    min-height: @navbar-height;
-    border-radius: 0;
-    .layout-top-nav & {
-      margin-left: 0!important;
-    }
-  }    
-  //Navbar search text input
-  #navbar-search-input {
-    background: rgba(255,255,255,.2);
-    border-color: transparent;
-    &:focus,
-      &:active {
-      border-color: rgba(0,0,0,.1)!important;
-      background: rgba(255,255,255,.9);
-    }
-    &::-moz-placeholder {
-      color: #ccc;
-      opacity: 1;
-    }
-    &:-ms-input-placeholder {
-      color: #ccc;
-    }
-    &::-webkit-input-placeholder {
-      color: #ccc;
-    }
-  }
-  //Navbar Right Menu
-  .navbar-custom-menu,
-  .navbar-right {
-    float: right;
-    @media (max-width: @screen-sm-max) {
-       a {
-        color: inherit;
-        background: transparent;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  .navbar-right {
-    @media (max-width: @screen-header-collapse) {
-      float: none;
-      .navbar-collapse & {
-        margin: 7.5px -15px;
-      }
-      > li {
-        color: inherit;
-        border: 0;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  //Navbar toggle button
-  .sidebar-toggle {
-    float: left;
-    background-color: transparent;
-    background-image: none;
-    padding: @navbar-padding-vertical @navbar-padding-horizontal;
-    //Add the fontawesome bars icon
-    font-family: fontAwesome;
-    &:before {
-      content: "\f0c9";
-    }
-    &:hover {
-      color: #fff;
-    }
-    &:focus,
-    &:active {
-      background: transparent;
-    }
-  }
-  .sidebar-toggle .icon-bar {
-    display: none;
-  }
-  //Navbar User Menu
-  .navbar .nav > li.user > a {
-    > .fa,
-    > .glyphicon,
-    > .ion {
-      margin-right: 5px;
-    }
-  }
-  //Labels in navbar
-  .navbar .nav > li > a > .label {
-    position: absolute;
-    top: 9px;
-    right: 7px;
-    text-align: center;
-    font-size: 9px;
-    padding: 2px 3px;
-    line-height: .9;
-  }
-  //Logo bar
-  .logo {
-    .transition(width @transition-speed @transition-fn);
-    display: block;
-    float: left;
-    height: @navbar-height;
-    font-size: 20px;
-    line-height: 50px;
-    text-align: center;
-    width: @sidebar-width;
-    font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
-    padding: 0 15px;
-    font-weight: 300;
-    //Add support to sidebar mini by allowing the user to create
-    //2 logo designs. mini and lg
-    .logo-lg {
-      //should be visibile when sidebar isn't collapsed
-      display: block;
-    }
-    .logo-mini {
-      display: none;
-    }    
-  }
-  //Navbar Brand. Alternative logo with layout-top-nav
-  .navbar-brand {
-    color: #fff;
-  }
-// Content Header
-.content-header {
-  position: relative;
-  padding: 15px 15px 0 15px;
-  // Header Text
-  > h1 {
-    margin: 0;
-    font-size: 24px;
-    > small {
-      font-size: 15px;
-      display: inline-block;
-      padding-left: 4px;
-      font-weight: 300;
-    }
-  }
-  > .breadcrumb {
-    float: right;
-    background: transparent;
-    margin-top: 0px;
-    margin-bottom: 0;
-    font-size: 12px;
-    padding: 7px 5px;
-    position: absolute;
-    top: 15px;
-    right: 10px;
-    .border-radius(2px);
-    > li > a {
-      color: #444;
-      text-decoration: none;
-      display: inline-block;
-      > .fa, > .glyphicon, > .ion {
-        margin-right: 5px;
-      }
-    }
-    > li + li:before {
-      content: '>\00a0';
-    }
-  }
-  @media (max-width: @screen-sm-max) {
-    > .breadcrumb {
-      position: relative;
-      margin-top: 5px;
-      top: 0;
-      right: 0;
-      float: none;
-      background: @gray;
-      padding-left: 10px;
-      li:before {
-        color: darken(@gray, 20%);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-.navbar-toggle {
-  color: #fff;
-  border: 0;
-  margin: 0;
-  padding: @navbar-padding-vertical @navbar-padding-horizontal;
-//Control navbar scaffolding on x-small screens
-@media (max-width: @screen-sm-max) {
-  .navbar-custom-menu .navbar-nav > li {
-    float: left;
-  }
-  //Dont't let links get full width
-  .navbar-custom-menu .navbar-nav {
-    margin: 0;
-    float: left;
-  }
-  .navbar-custom-menu .navbar-nav > li > a {
-    padding-top: 15px;
-    padding-bottom: 15px;
-    line-height: 20px;
-  }
-// Collapse header
-@media (max-width: @screen-header-collapse) {
-  .main-header {
-    position: relative;
-    .logo,
-    .navbar {
-      width: 100%;
-      float: none;
-      position: relative!important;
-    }
-    .navbar {
-      margin: 0;
-    }
-    .navbar-custom-menu {
-      float: right;
-    }
-  }
-  .main-sidebar,
-  .left-side {
-    padding-top: 100px!important;    
-  }
-.navbar-collapse.pull-left {
-  @media(max-width: @screen-sm-max) {
-    float: none!important;
-    + .navbar-custom-menu {      
-      display: block;
-      position: absolute;
-      top: 0;
-      right: 40px;
-    }
-  }  
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/info-box.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/info-box.less
deleted file mode 100644
index 051ef28..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/info-box.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- * Component: Info Box
- * -------------------
- */ {
-  display: block;
-  min-height: 90px;
-  background: #fff;
-  width: 100%;
-  box-shadow: @box-boxshadow;
-  .border-radius(2px);
-  margin-bottom: 15px;
-  small {
-    font-size: 14px;
-  }
-  .progress {
-    background: rgba(0,0,0,.2);
-    margin: 5px -10px 5px -10px;
-    height: 2px;
-    &,
-    & .progress-bar {
-      .border-radius(0);
-    }
-    .progress-bar {
-      background: #fff;
-    }
-  }
-} {
-  .border-radius(2px; 0; 2px; 0);
-  display: block;
-  float: left;
-  height: 90px;
-  width: 90px;
-  text-align: center;
-  font-size: 45px;
-  line-height: 90px;
-  background: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
-} {
-  padding: 5px 10px;
-  margin-left: 90px;
-} {
-  display: block;
-  font-weight: bold;
-  font-size: 18px;
-.progress-description, {
-  display: block;
-  font-size: 14px;
-  white-space: nowrap;
-  overflow: hidden;
-  text-overflow: ellipsis;
-} {
-  text-transform: uppercase;
-} {
-  display: block;
-.progress-description {
-  margin: 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/invoice.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/invoice.less
deleted file mode 100644
index c2bb157..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/invoice.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- * Page: Invoice
- * -------------
- */
-.invoice {
-  position: relative;
-  background: #fff;
-  border: 1px solid #f4f4f4;
-  padding: 20px;
-  margin: 10px 25px;
-.invoice-title {
-  margin-top: 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/labels.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/labels.less
deleted file mode 100644
index 0852eca..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/labels.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * Component: Label
- * ----------------
- */
-.label-default {
-  background-color: @gray;
-  color: #444;
-.label-danger {
-  &:extend(.bg-red);
-.label-info {
-  &:extend(.bg-aqua);
-.label-waring {
-  &:extend(.bg-yellow);
-.label-primary {
-  &:extend(.bg-light-blue);
-.label-success {
-  &:extend(.bg-green);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/lockscreen.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/lockscreen.less
deleted file mode 100644
index db107f6..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/lockscreen.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- * Page: Lock Screen
- * -----------------
- */
-.lockscreen {
-  background: @gray;
-.lockscreen-logo {
-  font-size: 35px;
-  text-align: center;
-  margin-bottom: 25px;
-  font-weight: 300;
-  a {
-    color: #444;
-  }
-.lockscreen-wrapper {
-  max-width: 400px;
-  margin: 0 auto;
-  margin-top: 10%;
-/* User name [optional] */
-.lockscreen .lockscreen-name {
-  text-align: center;
-  font-weight: 600;  
-/* Will contain the image and the sign in form */
-.lockscreen-item {
-  .border-radius(4px);
-  padding: 0;
-  background: #fff;
-  position: relative;
-  margin: 10px auto 30px auto;
-  width: 290px;
-/* User image */
-.lockscreen-image {
-  .border-radius(50%);
-  position: absolute;
-  left: -10px;
-  top: -25px;
-  background: #fff;
-  padding: 5px;  
-  z-index: 10;
-  > img {
-    .border-radius(50%);
-    width: 70px;
-    height: 70px;    
-  }
-/* Contains the password input and the login button */
-.lockscreen-credentials {
-  margin-left: 70px;
-  .form-control {
-    border: 0 !important;
-  }
-  .btn {
-    background-color: #fff;
-    border: 0;
-    padding: 0 10px;
-  }
-.lockscreen-footer {
-  margin-top: 10px;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/login_and_register.less b/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/login_and_register.less
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e7775b..0000000
--- a/modules/webconfig/nodejs/node_modules/admin-lte/build/less/login_and_register.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- * Page: Login & Register
- * ----------------------
- */
-.register-logo {
-  font-size: 35px;
-  text-align: center;
-  margin-bottom: 25px;
-  font-weight: 300;
-  a {
-    color: #444;
-  }
-.register-page {
-  background: @gray;
-.register-box {
-  width: 360px;
-  margin: 7% auto;
-  @media (max-width: @screen-sm) {
-    width: 90%;
-    margin-top: 20px;
-  }
-.register-box-body {  
-  background: #fff;
-  padding: 20px;
-  color: #444;
-  border-top: 0;
-  color: #666;
-  .form-control-feedback {
-    color: #777;
-  }
-.register-box-msg {
-  margin: 0;
-  text-align: center;  
-  padding: 0 20px 20px 20px;  
-} {
-  margin: 10px 0;
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