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Posted to by Doug Davis <> on 2001/08/08 20:41:04 UTC

MU checks

// 1. Check mustUnderstands
SOAPEnvelope env = msgContext.getRequestMessage().getAsSOAPEnvelope();
Vector headers = env.getHeaders();
Vector misunderstoodHeaders = null;
for (int i = 0; i < headers.size(); i++) {
    SOAPHeader header = (SOAPHeader)headers.elementAt(i);
    if (header.isMustUnderstand() && !header.isProcessed()) {
        if (misunderstoodHeaders == null)
            misunderstoodHeaders = new Vector();

This will fault if *any* MU header isn't processed - this
isn't consistent with SOAP v1.1 or v1.2.  Shouldn't we
be taking into account the actor?  (for after the alpha)
