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[CONF] Apache Lucene Mahout > Creating Vectors from Text

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Page: Creating Vectors from Text (

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Mahout-126 has been committed to SVN

Edited by Ian Holsman:

h1. Introduction

For clustering documents it is usually necessary to convert the raw text into vectors that can then be consumed by the clustering [Algorithms].  These approaches are described below.

h1. From Lucene

Mahout has utilities that allow one to easily produce Mahout Vector representations from a Lucene (and Solr, since they are they same) index.

For this, we assume you know how to build a Lucene/Solr index.  For those who don't, it is probably easiest to get up and running using [Solr|] as it can ingest things like PDFs, XML, Office, etc. and create a Lucene index.  For those wanting to use just Lucene, see the Lucene [website|] or check out _Lucene In Action_ by Erik Hatcher, Otis Gospodnetic and Mike McCandless.

To get started, make sure you get a fresh copy of Mahout from [SVN|] and are comfortable building it. It defines interfaces and implementations for efficiently iterating over a Data Source (it only supports Lucene currently, but should be extensible to databases, Solr, etc.) and produces a Mahout Vector file and term dictionary which can then be used for clustering.   The main code for driving this is the Driver program located in the org.apache.mahout.utils.vectors package.  The Driver program offers several input options, which can be displayed by specifying the --help option.  Examples of running the Driver are included below:

h2. Generating an output file from a Lucene Index

java -cp <CLASSPATH> org.apache.mahout.utils.vectors.lucene.Driver --dir <PATH TO DIRECTORY CONTAINING LUCENE INDEX> \
   <--max <Number of vectors to output>> <--norm {INF|integer >= 0}> <--idField <Name of the idField in the Lucene index>>

h3. Create 50 Vectors from an Index 
org.apache.mahout.utils.vectors.lucene.Driver --dir <PATH>/wikipedia/solr/data/index --field body \
    --dictOut <PATH>/solr/wikipedia/dict.txt --output <PATH>/solr/wikipedia/out.txt --max 50
This uses the index specified by --dir and the body field in it and writes out the info to the output dir and the dictionary to dict.txt.  It only outputs 50 vectors.  If you don't specify --max, then all the documents in the index are output.

h3. Normalize 50 Vectors from an Index using the [L_2 Norm|]
org.apache.mahout.utils.vectors.lucene.Driver --dir <PATH>/wikipedia/solr/data/index --field body \
      --dictOut <PATH>/solr/wikipedia/dict.txt --output <PATH>/solr/wikipedia/out.txt --max 50 --norm 2

h2. Background


h1. From a Database


h1. Other

h2. Converting existing vectors to Mahout's format

If you are in the happy position to already own a document (as in: texts, images or whatever item you wish to treat) processing pipeline, the question arises of how to convert the vectors into the Mahout vector format. Probably the easiest way to go would be to implement your own Iterable<Vector> (called VectorIterable in the example below) and then reuse the existing VectorWriter classes:

VectorWriter vectorWriter = SequenceFile.createWriter(filesystem, configuration, outfile, LongWritable.class, SparseVector.class);
long numDocs = vectorWriter.write(new VectorIterable(), Long.MAX_VALUE);

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