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[03/20] incubator-mynewt-site git commit: RedBear Nano2 blinky tutorial, WiFi tutorial with MKR1000, cputime module documentation, and several updates to OS guide by cwanda. Vanity import domain additions by spoonofpower.
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deleted file mode 100644
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-                            <h2 id="run-blinky-from-sram-without-bootloader">Run Blinky from SRAM without bootloader</h2>
-<h3 id="objective">Objective</h3>
-<p>To download an application image directly into the embedded SRAM in the microcontroller and run it without the bootloader. This tutorial describes how you do it on an Olimex STM32 board.</p>
-<h3 id="what-you-need">What you need</h3>
-<li>STM32-E407 development board from Olimex. You can order it from <a href=""></a>, <a href=""></a>, and other places.</li>
-<li>ARM-USB-TINY-H connector with JTAG interface for debugging ARM microcontrollers (comes with the ribbon cable to hook up to the board)</li>
-<li>USB A-B type cable to connect the debugger to your personal computer</li>
-<li>Personal Computer with Mac OS (Mac: OS X Yosemite Version 10.10.5) or Linux box (Ubuntu 14.10: Utopic Unicorn)</li>
-<li>An account on Github repository and <em>git</em> installed on your computer.</li>
-<li>It is assumed you have already installed newt tool.</li>
-<li>It is assumed you already installed native tools as described <a href="../../get_started/native_tools/">here</a></li>
-<p>Also, we assume that you're familiar with UNIX shells. Let's gets started!</p>
-<h3 id="prepare-the-software">Prepare the Software</h3>
-<li>Make sure the PATH environment variable includes the $HOME/dev/go/bin directory.</li>
-<h3 id="create-a-project">Create a project</h3>
-<p>Create a new project to hold your work.  For a deeper understanding, you can read about project creation in
-<a href="../../get_started/project_create/">Get Started -- Creating Your First Project</a>
-or just follow the commands below.</p>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    $ mkdir ~/dev
-    $ cd ~/dev
-    $ newt new myproj
-    Downloading project skeleton from apache/incubator-mynewt-blinky...
-    Installing skeleton in myproj...
-    Project myproj successfully created.
-    $cd myproj
-    $ newt install -v
-    apache-mynewt-core
-    Downloading repository description for apache-mynewt-core... success!
-    ...
-    apache-mynewt-core successfully installed version 0.7.9-none
-<h3 id="create-a-target">Create a target</h3>
-<p>Change directory to ~/dev/myproj directory and define the <em>blinky</em> target inside myproj, using the <em>newt</em> tool. Starting with the target name, assign specific aspects of the project, as shown below, to pull the appropriate packages and build the right bundle or list for the board. For example, we set the build_profile, board support package (bsp), and app.</p>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    $ newt target create blinky
-    $ newt target set blinky build_profile=debug
-    $ newt target set blinky bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/olimex_stm32-e407_devboard
-    $ newt target set blinky app=apps/blinky
-    $ newt target show blinky
-    targets/blinky
-        app=apps/blinky
-        bsp=hw/bsp/olimex_stm32-e407_devboard
-        build_profile=debug
-<h3 id="build-the-image">Build the image</h3>
-<p>Next, let's build the image for the above target. By default, the linker script within the <code>hw/bsp/olimex_stm32-e407_devboard</code> package builds an image for flash memory, which we don't want; instead, we want an image for the SRAM, so you need to switch that script with <code>run_from_sram.ld</code>.</p>
-<p>Afer you build the target, you can find the executable <em>blinky.elf</em> in the project directory <em>~/dev/myproj/bin/blinky/apps/blinky/.</em></p>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    $ cd ~/dev/myproj/repos/apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/olimex_stm32-e407_devboard/
-    $ diff olimex_stm32-e407_devboard.ld run_from_sram.ld
-    (some diff will be displayed)
-    $ cp run_from_sram.ld olimex_stm32-e407_devboard.ld
-    $ cd ~/dev/myproj
-    $ newt build blinky
-    Compiling case.c
-    Compiling suite.c
-    ...
-    Linking blinky.elf
-    App successfully built:~/dev/myproj/bin/blinky/apps/blinky/blinky.elf
-    $ ls ~/dev/myproj/bin/blinky/apps/blinky/
-        blinky.elf      blinky.elf.bin     blinky.elf.cmd  
-        blinky.elf.lst
-<h3 id="prepare-the-hardware-to-boot-from-embedded-sram">Prepare the hardware to boot from embedded SRAM</h3>
-<li>Locate the boot jumpers on the board.</li>
-<p><img alt="Alt Layout - Top View" src="../pics/topview.png" />
-<img alt="Alt Layout - Bottom View" src="../pics/bottomview.png" /></p>
-<p>B1_1/B1_0 and B0_1/B0_0 are PTH jumpers. Note that because the markings on the board may not always be accurate, when in doubt, you should always refer to the manual for the correct positioning. Since the jumpers are a pair, they should move together, and as such, the pair is responsible for the boot mode when bootloader is present.
-To locate the bootloader, the board searches in three places: User Flash Memory, System Memory or the Embedded SRAM. For this Blinky project, we will configure it to boot from SRAM by jumpering <strong>B0_1</strong> and <strong>B1_1</strong>.</p>
-<p>Connect USB-OTG#2 in the picture above to a USB port on your computer (or a powered USB hub to make sure there is enough power available to the board).</p>
-<p>The red PWR LED should be lit.</p>
-<p>Connect the JTAG connector to the SWD/JTAG interface on the board. The other end of the cable should be connected to the USB port or hub of your computer.</p>
-<h3 id="lets-go">Let's Go!</h3>
-<li>Ensure that you are in the blinky project directory with the <em>blinky.elf</em> executable. Run the debug command in the <em>newt</em> tool. You'll see some status messages as shown below. In case you need to halt the debugging session, you can issue an <code>-c "reset halt"</code> command.</li>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    $ newt debug blinky
-    Debugging with ~/dev/core/hw/bsp/olimex_...
-    Debugging ~/dev/core/project/blinky/bin/blinky/blinky.elf
-    GNU gdb (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors)
-    Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-    License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 &lt;;
-    ...
-    (info)
-    ...
-    target state: halted
-    target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread
-    xPSR: 0x01000000 pc: 0x080003c0 msp: 0x10010000
-    Info : accepting &#39;gdb&#39; connection on tcp/3333
-    Info : device id = 0x10036413
-    Info : flash size = 1024kbytes
-<p>Check the value of the msp (main service pointer) register. If it is not 0x10010000 as indicated above, you will have to manually set it after you open the gdb tool and load the image on it. For example,</p>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    (gdb) set $msp=0x10010000
-<p>Now load the image and type "c" or "continue" from the GNU debugger.</p>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    (gdb) load ~/dev/myproj/bin/blinky/apps/blinky/blinky.elf   
-    Loading section .text, size 0x16b88 lma 0x20000000
-    Loading section .ARM.exidx, size 0x18 lma 0x20016b88
-    Loading section .data, size 0x9ec lma 0x20016ba0
-    Start address 0x200004b8, load size 95628
-    Transfer rate: 74 KB/sec, 3825 bytes/write.
-    (gdb) c
-    Continuing.
-<li>Voil�! The board's LED should be blinking at 1 Hz. Success!</li>
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--- a/latest/os/tutorials/eddystone/index.html
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@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
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-      <a href="../wi-fi_on_arduino/">Enable Wi-Fi on Arduino Zero</a>
+      <a href="../wi-fi_on_arduino/">Enable Wi-Fi on Arduino MKR1000</a>
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--- a/latest/os/tutorials/event_queue/index.html
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-      <a href="../wi-fi_on_arduino/">Enable Wi-Fi on Arduino Zero</a>
+      <a href="../wi-fi_on_arduino/">Enable Wi-Fi on Arduino MKR1000</a>
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--- a/latest/os/tutorials/ibeacon/index.html
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-      <a href="../wi-fi_on_arduino/">Enable Wi-Fi on Arduino Zero</a>
+      <a href="../wi-fi_on_arduino/">Enable Wi-Fi on Arduino MKR1000</a>
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index 653adc9..b46e18a 100644
--- a/latest/os/tutorials/nRF52/index.html
+++ b/latest/os/tutorials/nRF52/index.html
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
     <li >
-      <a href="../blinky_sram_olimex/">Run Blinky from SRAM, no bootloader</a>
+      <a href="../rbnano2/">Blinky on RedBear Nano 2</a>
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@
     <li >
-      <a href="../wi-fi_on_arduino/">Enable Wi-Fi on Arduino Zero</a>
+      <a href="../wi-fi_on_arduino/">Enable Wi-Fi on Arduino MKR1000</a>
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@
 <h3 id="objective">Objective</h3>
 <p>Learn how to use packages from a default application repository of Mynewt to build your first <em>Hello World</em> application (Blinky) on a target board. Once built using the <em>newt</em> tool, this application will blink the LED lights on the target board.</p>
-<p>Create a project with a simple app that blinks an LED on the nRF52 board from Nordic Semiconductors.  Download the application to the target and watch it blink!</p>
+<p>Create a project with a simple application that blinks an LED on the nRF52 board from Nordic Semiconductors.  Download the application to the target and watch it blink!</p>
 <p>Note that there are several versions of the nRF52 in the market. The boards tested with this tutorial are listed under "Prerequisites".</p>
 <h3 id="prerequisites">Prerequisites</h3>
@@ -557,11 +557,11 @@
 <li>Have a computer to build a Mynewt application and connect to the board over USB.</li>
 <li>Have a Micro-USB cable to connect the board and the computer.</li>
 <li>Install the Newt tool and toolchains (See <a href="../../get_started/get_started/">Basic Setup</a>).</li>
+<li>Install the <a href="">Segger JLINK package</a> to load your project on the board.</li>
 <li>Create a project space (directory structure) and populated it with the core code repository (apache-mynewt-core) or know how to as explained in <a href="../../../os/get_started/project_create">Creating Your First Project</a>.</li>
 <li>Read the Mynewt OS <a href="../../get_started/vocabulary/">Concepts</a> section.</li>
-<p>This tutorial uses the Nordic nRF52-DK board.
+<p>This tutorial uses the Nordic nRF52-DK board.</p>
 <h3 id="create-a-project">Create a Project</h3>
 <p>Create a new project if you do not have an existing one.  You can skip this step and proceed to <a href="#create_targets">create the targets</a> if you already have a project created.  </p>
 <p>Run the following commands to create a new project:</p>
@@ -666,7 +666,6 @@ Target successfully built: targets/nrf52_blinky
 <h3 id="sign-and-create-the-blinky-application-image">Sign and Create the Blinky Application Image</h3>
 <p>Run the <code>newt create-image nrf52_blinky 1.0.0</code> command to create and sign the application image. You may assign an arbitrary version (e.g. 1.0.0) to the image.</p>
 <div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ newt create-image nrf52_blinky 1.0.0
-newt create-image nrf52_blinky 1.0.0
 App image succesfully generated: ~/dev/myproj/bin/targets/nrf52_blinky/app/apps/blinky/blinky.img
@@ -743,8 +742,8 @@ $
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-    <a href=../blinky_sram_olimex/>
-        Next: Run Blinky from SRAM, no bootloader
+    <a href=../rbnano2/>
+        Next: Blinky on RedBear Nano 2
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@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
     <li >
-      <a href="../wi-fi_on_arduino/">Enable Wi-Fi on Arduino Zero</a>
+      <a href="../wi-fi_on_arduino/">Enable Wi-Fi on Arduino MKR1000</a>
diff --git a/latest/os/tutorials/olimex/index.html b/latest/os/tutorials/olimex/index.html
index 2442556..6988ac5 100644
--- a/latest/os/tutorials/olimex/index.html
+++ b/latest/os/tutorials/olimex/index.html
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
     <li >
-      <a href="../blinky_sram_olimex/">Run Blinky from SRAM, no bootloader</a>
+      <a href="../rbnano2/">Blinky on RedBear Nano 2</a>
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@
     <li >
-      <a href="../wi-fi_on_arduino/">Enable Wi-Fi on Arduino Zero</a>
+      <a href="../wi-fi_on_arduino/">Enable Wi-Fi on Arduino MKR1000</a>
@@ -550,7 +550,8 @@
 <li>Have a ARM-USB-TINY-H connector with JTAG interface for debugging ARM microcontrollers (comes with the ribbon cable to hook up to the board)</li>
 <li>Have Internet connectivity to fetch remote Mynewt components.</li>
 <li>Have a computer to build a Mynewt application and connect to the board over USB.</li>
-<li>Have USB A-B type cable to connect the debugger to your computer.</li>
+<li>Have a USB A-B type cable to connect the debugger to your computer.</li>
+<li>Have a USB Micro-A cable to connect your computer to the board.</li>
 <li>Install the Newt tool and toolchains (See <a href="../../get_started/get_started/">Basic Setup</a>).</li>
 <li>Create a project space (directory structure) and populated it with the core code repository (apache-mynewt-core) or know how to as explained in <a href="../../../os/get_started/project_create">Creating Your First Project</a>.</li>
 <li>Read the Mynewt OS <a href="../../get_started/vocabulary/">Concepts</a> section.</li>
@@ -652,7 +653,8 @@ App image succesfully generated: ~/dev/myproj/bin/targets/olimex_blinky/app/apps
 <h3 id="connect-to-the-board">Connect to the Board</h3>
-<p>Configure the board to bootload from flash memory and to use the JTAG/SWD for the power source. Refer to the following diagrams to locate the boot jumpers and power input select jumpers on the board.
+<p>Configure the board to bootload from flash memory and to use USB-OTG2 for the power source. Refer to the following diagrams to locate the boot jumpers and power input select jumpers on the board. </p>
+<p><strong>Note:</strong> The labels for the <strong>USB-OTG1</strong> and <strong>USB-OTG2</strong> ports on the diagram are reversed. The port labeled USB-OTG1 on the diagram is the USB-OTG2 port and the port labeled USB-OTG2 on the diagram is the USB-OTG1 port.
 <p align="center">
 <img src="../pics/STM32-E407_top_small.jpg"></img>
@@ -667,7 +669,10 @@ App image succesfully generated: ~/dev/myproj/bin/targets/olimex_blinky/app/apps
 <strong>Note:</strong> The markings on the board may not always be accurate, and you should always refer to the manual for the correct positioning. </p>
-<p>Locate the <strong>Power Input Select</strong> jumpers on the lower left corner of the board.  Set the Power Select jumpers to position 3 and 4 to use the JTAG/SWD for the power source. If you would like to use a different power source, refer to the <a href="">OLIMEX STM32-E407 user manual</a> for pin specifications.</p>
+<p>Locate the <strong>Power Input Select</strong> jumpers on the lower left corner of the board.  Set the Power Select jumpers to position 5 and 6 to use the USB-OTG2 port for the power source. If you would like to use a different power source, refer to the <a href="">OLIMEX STM32-E407 user manual</a> for pin specifications.</p>
+<p>Connect the USB Micro-A cable to the USB-OTG2 port on the board. </p>
 <p>Connect the JTAG connector to the JTAG/SWD interface on the board. </p>
@@ -700,7 +705,7 @@ Successfully loaded image.
 The LED should be blinking!</p>
-<strong>But wait...not so fast.</strong> Let's double check that it is indeed booting from flash and making the LED blink from the image in flash. Pull the USB cable off the Olimex JTAG adaptor, severing the debug connection to the JTAG port. Next power off the Olimex board by pulling out the USB cable from the board. Wait for a couple of seconds and plug the USB cable back to the board.</p>
+Let's double check that it is indeed booting from flash and making the LED blink from the image in flash. Pull the USB cable off the Olimex JTAG adaptor, severing the debug connection to the JTAG port. Next power off the Olimex board by pulling out the USB cable from the board. Wait for a couple of seconds and plug the USB cable back to the board.</p>
 <p>The LED light will start blinking again. Success!</p>
 <p><strong>Note #1:</strong> If you want to download the image to flash and a gdb session opened up, use <code>newt debug blinky</code>. Type <code>c</code> to continue inside the gdb session.</p>
 <div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    $ newt debug blinky
diff --git a/latest/os/tutorials/pics/mkr1000-jlink.jpg b/latest/os/tutorials/pics/mkr1000-jlink.jpg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cfa09ca
Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/os/tutorials/pics/mkr1000-jlink.jpg differ
diff --git a/latest/os/tutorials/pics/mkr1000-serial.jpg b/latest/os/tutorials/pics/mkr1000-serial.jpg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f4e3819
Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/os/tutorials/pics/mkr1000-serial.jpg differ
diff --git a/latest/os/tutorials/pics/task_lesson.png b/latest/os/tutorials/pics/task_lesson.png
index 0ecb5e8..4b09506 100644
Binary files a/latest/os/tutorials/pics/task_lesson.png and b/latest/os/tutorials/pics/task_lesson.png differ
diff --git a/latest/os/tutorials/pin-wheel-mods/index.html b/latest/os/tutorials/pin-wheel-mods/index.html
index 92436af..fd0d41c 100644
--- a/latest/os/tutorials/pin-wheel-mods/index.html
+++ b/latest/os/tutorials/pin-wheel-mods/index.html
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
     <li >
-      <a href="../blinky_sram_olimex/">Run Blinky from SRAM, no bootloader</a>
+      <a href="../rbnano2/">Blinky on RedBear Nano 2</a>
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@
     <li >
-      <a href="../wi-fi_on_arduino/">Enable Wi-Fi on Arduino Zero</a>
+      <a href="../wi-fi_on_arduino/">Enable Wi-Fi on Arduino MKR1000</a>
diff --git a/latest/os/tutorials/project-slinky/index.html b/latest/os/tutorials/project-slinky/index.html
index f21fa32..e444ef7 100644
--- a/latest/os/tutorials/project-slinky/index.html
+++ b/latest/os/tutorials/project-slinky/index.html
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
     <li >
-      <a href="../wi-fi_on_arduino/">Enable Wi-Fi on Arduino Zero</a>
+      <a href="../wi-fi_on_arduino/">Enable Wi-Fi on Arduino MKR1000</a>
@@ -311,6 +311,14 @@
+    <li >
+      <a href="../project-stm32-slinky/">Slinky on STM32 board</a>
+    </li>
@@ -500,11 +508,14 @@
 <p>The goal of the project is to use a sample app called "Slinky" included in the Mynewt repository to enable remote communications with a device running the Mynewt OS. The protocol for remote communications is called newt manager (newtmgr). In this tutorial we will create a target for a simulated device and define it with the sample app "Slinky". </p>
 <p>If you have an existing project using a target that does not use the Slinky app and you wish to add newtmgt functonality to it, check out the tutorial titled <a href="../add_newtmgr/">Enable newtmgr in any app</a>. </p>
-<h3 id="what-you-need">What you need</h3>
-<p>1.Personal Computer</p>
-<p>The instructions assume the user is using a Bourne-compatible shell (e.g. bash or zsh) on your computer. The given instructions have been tested with the following releases of operating systems:</p>
+<h3 id="prerequisites">Prerequisites</h3>
+<p>Ensure that you have met the following prerequisites before continuing with this tutorial:</p>
-<li>Mac: OS X Yosemite Version 10.10.5</li>
+<li>Have Internet connectivity to fetch remote Mynewt components.</li>
+<li>Have a computer to build a Mynewt application.</li>
+<li>Install the newt tool and the toolchains (See <a href="../../get_started/get_started/">Basic Setup</a>).</li>
+<li>Install the <a href="../../../newtmgr/installing/">newtmgr tool</a>.</li>
+<li>Read the Mynewt OS <a href="../../get_started/vocabulary/">Concepts</a> section.</li>
 <h3 id="overview-of-steps">Overview of steps</h3>
@@ -515,12 +526,6 @@
 <li>Create a connection profile using the newtmgr tool</li>
 <li>Use the newtmgr tool to communicate with the targets</li>
-<h3 id="installing-newt">Installing newt</h3>
-<p>If you have not already installed <code>newt</code> see the 
-<a href="../../get_started/get_started/">newt installation instructions</a> and ensure newt is installed an in your path.</p>
-<h3 id="installing-newtmgr">Installing newtmgr</h3>
-<p>If you have not already installed <code>newtmgr</code> see the 
-<a href="../../../newtmgr/installing/">newtmgr installation instructions</a> and ensure newtmgr is installed an in your path.</p>
 <h3 id="creating-a-new-project">Creating a new project</h3>
 <p>Instructions for creating a project are located in the <a href="../../get_started/project_create/">Basic Setup</a> section of the <a href="../../introduction/">Mynewt Documentation</a></p>
 <p>We will list only the steps here for brevity.  We will name the project
@@ -574,8 +579,7 @@ is created.</p>
 <h3 id="run-the-target">Run the target</h3>
-<p>Run the executable you have build for the simulated environment. The serial port name on which the simulated target is connected is shown in the output
-when mynewt slinky starts.</p>
+<p>Run the executable you have build for the simulated environment. The serial port name on which the simulated target is connected is shown in the output when mynewt slinky starts.</p>
 <div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    $ ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/sim_slinky/app/apps/slinky/slinky.elf
     uart0 at /dev/ttys005
diff --git a/latest/os/tutorials/project-stm32-slinky/index.html b/latest/os/tutorials/project-stm32-slinky/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d00e7f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/latest/os/tutorials/project-stm32-slinky/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
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+    <li ><a href="../../get_started/get_started/">Basic Setup</a>
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+    <li><a href="
+  ../arduino_zero/
+">Project Blinky</a>
+    </li>
+    <li ><a href="../repo/add_repos/">Work with repositories</a>
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+      <a href="../tasks_lesson/">Tasks and Priority Management</a>
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+    <li >
+      <a href="../wi-fi_on_arduino/">Enable Wi-Fi on Arduino MKR1000</a>
+    </li>
+    <li >
+      <a href="../unit_test/">Write a Test Suite for a Package</a>
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+    <li >
+      <a href="../event_queue/">Events and Event Queues</a>
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+    <li><a href="
+  ../project-slinky/
+">Project Slinky for remote comms</a>
+    <ul>
+    <li >
+      <a href="../project-slinky/">Slinky on sim device</a>
+    </li>
+    <li >
+      <a href="../project-target-slinky/">Slinky on Nordic nRF52 board</a>
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+    <li class="active">
+      <a href="./">Slinky on STM32 board</a>
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+    <li >
+      <a href="../add_newtmgr/">Enable Newt Manager in any app</a>
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+      <a href="../add_shell/">Enable the OS Shell and Console</a>
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+      <a href="../bletiny_project/">BLE app to check stats via console</a>
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+    <li ><a href="../bleprph/bleprph-intro/">BLE peripheral project</a>
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+    <li ><a href="../../../newt/newt_intro/">Newt Tool Guide</a>
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+    <li ><a href="../../../newtmgr/overview/">Newt Manager Guide</a>
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+        <li>&raquo; Slinky on STM32 board</li>
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+                            <h2 id="project-slinky-using-stm32-board">Project Slinky Using STM32 Board</h2>
+<p>The goal of the project is to enable and demonstrate remote communications with the Mynewt OS via newt manager (newtmgr) by leveraging a sample app "Slinky" included under the /apps directory in the repository. In this project we will define a target for the STM32-E407 board and assign the app "Slinky" to it.</p>
+<p>If you have an existing project that has a different application and you wish to add newtmgr functionality to it, check out the <a href="../add_newtmgr/">Enable newtmgr in any app</a> tutorial.</p>
+<h3 id="prerequisites">Prerequisites</h3>
+<p>Ensure that you have met the following prerequisites before continuing with this tutorial:</p>
+<li>Have a STM32-E407 development board from Olimex. </li>
+<li>Have a ARM-USB-TINY-H connector with JTAG interface for debugging ARM microcontrollers (comes with the ribbon cable to hook up to the board)</li>
+<li>Have a USB to TTL Serial Cable with female wiring harness.</li>
+<li>Have a USB Micro-A cable to connect your computer to the board.</li>
+<li>Have Internet connectivity to fetch remote Mynewt components.</li>
+<li>Have a computer to build a Mynewt application and connect to the board over USB.</li>
+<li>Install the newt tool and the toolchains (See Basic Setup).</li>
+<li>Install the newtmgr tool.</li>
+<li>Create a project space (directory structure) and populated it with the core code repository (apache-mynewt-core) or know how to as explained in Creating Your First Project.</li>
+<li>Read the Mynewt OS Concepts section.</li>
+<h3 id="overview-of-steps">Overview of Steps</h3>
+<li>Install dependencies</li>
+<li>Define a target using the newt tool</li>
+<li>Build executables for the targets using the newt tool</li>
+<li>Set up serial connection with the targets</li>
+<li>Create a connection profile using the newtmgr tool</li>
+<li>Use the newtmgr tool to communicate with the targets</li>
+<h3 id="create-a-new-project">Create a New Project</h3>
+<p>Create a new project if you do not have an existing one.  You can skip this step and proceed to <a href="#create_targets">create the targets</a> if you already have a project created or completed the <a href="../project-slinky/">Sim Slinky</a> tutorial.</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ newt new slinky
+Downloading project skeleton from apache/incubator-mynewt-blinky...
+Installing skeleton in slink...
+Project slink successfully created
+$ cd slinky
+$newt install
+<h3 id="create-the-targets"><a name="create_targets"></a> Create the Targets</h3>
+<p>Create two targets for the STM32-E407 board - one for the bootloader and one for the Slinky application.</p>
+<p>Run the following <code>newt target</code> commands, from your project directory, to create a bootloader target. We name the target <code>stm32_boot</code>.</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ newt target create stm32_boot
+$ newt target set stm32_bootr bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/olimex_stm32-e407_devboard
+$ newt target set stm32_boot build_profile=optimized
+$ newt target set stm32_boot
+Run the following <code>newt target</code> commands to create a target for the Slinky application. We name the target <code>stm32_slinky</code>.</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ newt target create stm32_slinky
+$ newt target set stm32_slinky bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/olimex_stm32-e407_devboard
+$ newt target set stm32_slinky build_profile=debug
+$ newt target set stm32_slinky app=@apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky
+<h3 id="build-the-targets">Build the Targets</h3>
+<p>Run the <code>newt build stm32_boot</code> command to build the bootloader:</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ newt build stm32_boot
+Building target targets/stm32_boot
+Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec256.c
+Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_rsa.c
+Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/loader.c
+Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec.c
+Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_validate.c
+Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/mbedtls/src/aes.c
+Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/bootutil_misc.c
+Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/boot/src/boot.c
+      ...
+Archiving sys_mfg.a
+Archiving sys_sysinit.a
+Archiving util_mem.a
+Linking ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/stm32_boot/app/apps/boot/boot.elf
+Target successfully built: targets/stm32_boot
+Run the <code>newt build stm32_slinky</code> command to build the Slinky application:</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$newt build stm32_slinky
+Building target targets/stm32_slinky
+Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec.c
+Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_rsa.c
+Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec256.c
+Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/loader.c
+Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_validate.c
+Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/split/src/split.c
+Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/bootutil_misc.c
+Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/src/main.c
+       ...
+Archiving util_crc.a
+Archiving util_mem.a
+Linking ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/stm32_slinky/app/apps/slinky/slinky.elf
+Target successfully built: targets/stm32_slinky
+<h3 id="sign-and-create-the-slinky-application-image">Sign and Create the Slinky Application Image</h3>
+<p>Run the <code>newt create-image stm32_slinky 1.0.0</code> command to create and sign the application image. You may assign an arbitrary version (e.g. 1.0.0) to the image.</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">create-image stm32_slinky 1.0.0
+App image succesfully generated: ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/stm32_slinky/app/apps/slinky/slinky.img
+<h3 id="connect-to-the-board">Connect to the Board</h3>
+<li>Connect the USB A-B type cable to the ARM-USB-TINY-H debugger connector. </li>
+<li>Connect the ARM-USB-Tiny-H debugger connector to your computer and the board.</li>
+<li>Connect the USB Micro-A cable to the USB-OTG2 port on the board.</li>
+<li>Set the Power Sel jumper on the board to pins 5 and 6 to select USB-OTG2 as the power source.  If you would like to use a different power source, refer to the <a href="">OLIMEX STM32-E407 user manual</a> for pin specifications.</li>
+<p>You should see a red LED light up on the board. </p>
+<h3 id="load-the-bootloader-and-the-slinky-application-image">Load the Bootloader and the Slinky Application Image</h3>
+<p>Run the <code>newt load stm32_boot</code> command to load the bootloader onto the board:</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ newt load stm32_boot
+Loading bootloader
+Run the <code>newt load stm32_slinky</code> command to load the Slinky application image onto the board:</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ newt load stm32_slinky
+Loading app image into slot 1
+<h3 id="connect-newtmgr-with-the-board-using-a-serial-connection">Connect Newtmgr with the Board using a Serial Connection</h3>
+<p>Locate the PC6/USART6_TX (pin 3), PC7/USART6_RX (pin 4), and GND (pin 2) of the UEXT connector on the Olimex board. More information on the UEXT connector can be found at <a href=""></a>. The schematic of the board can be found at <a href=""></a> for reference.</p>
+<p><img alt="Alt Layout - Serial Connection" src="../pics/serial_conn.png" /></p>
+<li>Connect the female RX pin of the USB-TTL serial cable to the TX (Pin 3) of the UEXT connector on the board.</li>
+<li>Connect the female TX pin of the USB-TTL serial cable to the RX (Pin 4) of the UEXT connector on the board.</li>
+<li>Connect the GND pin of the USB-TTL serial cable to the GND (Pin 2) of the UEXT connector on the board.</li>
+Locate the port, in the /dev directory on your computer, that the serial connection uses. It should be of the type <code>tty.usbserial-&lt;some identifier&gt;</code>.</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ ls /dev/tty*usbserial*
+Setup a newtmgr connection profile for the serial port. For our example, the port is  <code>/dev/tty.usbserial-1d13</code>.</p>
+<p>Run the <code>newtmgr conn add</code> command to define a newtmgr connection profile for the serial port.  We name the connection profile <code>stm32serial</code>.  You will need to replace the <code>connstring</code> with the specific port for your serial connection.</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ newtmgr conn add stm32serial type=serial connstring=/dev/tty.usbserial-1d13
+Connection profile stm32serial successfully added
+You can run the <code>newt conn show</code> command to see all the newtmgr connection profiles:</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ newtmgr conn show
+Connection profiles:
+  stm32serial: type=serial, connstring=&#39;/dev/tty.usbserial-1d13&#39;
+  sim1: type=serial, connstring=&#39;/dev/ttys012&#39;
+<h3 id="use-newtmgr-to-query-the-board">Use Newtmgr to Query the Board</h3>
+<p>Run some newtmgr commands to query and receive responses back from the board (See the <a href="../newtmgr/overview">Newt Manager Guide</a> for more information on the newtmgr commands).</p>
+<p>Run the <code>newtmgr echo hello -c stm32serial</code> command. This is the simplest command that requests the board to echo back the
+ text.</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ newtmgr echo hello -c stm32serial
+Run the <code>newtmgr image list -c stm32serial</code> command to list the images on the board:</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ newtmgr image list -c stm32serial
+ slot=0
+    version: 1.0.0
+    bootable: true
+    flags: active confirmed
+    hash: 9cf8af22b1b573909a8290a90c066d4e190407e97680b7a32243960ec2bf3a7f
+Split status: N/A
+Run the <code>newtmgr taskstats -c stm32serial</code> command to display the task statistics on the board:</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ newtmgr taskstats -c stm32serial
+Return Code = 0
+      task pri tid  runtime      csw    stksz   stkuse last_checkin next_checkin
+     task1   8   2        0       90      192      110        0        0
+     task2   9   3        0       90       64       31        0        0
+      idle 255   0    89460    89463       64       26        0        0
+      main 127   1        4       26     1024      368        0        0
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index f7c88aa..6c65af9 100644
--- a/latest/os/tutorials/project-target-slinky/index.html
+++ b/latest/os/tutorials/project-target-slinky/index.html
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
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-      <a href="../wi-fi_on_arduino/">Enable Wi-Fi on Arduino Zero</a>
+      <a href="../wi-fi_on_arduino/">Enable Wi-Fi on Arduino MKR1000</a>
@@ -311,6 +311,14 @@
+    <li >
+      <a href="../project-stm32-slinky/">Slinky on STM32 board</a>
+    </li>
@@ -636,7 +644,7 @@ $
 <h3 id="connect-newtmgr-with-the-board-using-a-serial-connection">Connect Newtmgr with the Board using a Serial Connection</h3>
-<p>Set up serial connection from your computer to the nRF52-DK board (See <a href="../../get_started/serial_access/">Serial Port Setup</a>).  </p>
+<p>Set up a serial connection from your computer to the nRF52-DK board (See <a href="../../get_started/serial_access/">Serial Port Setup</a>).  </p>
 <p>Locate the port, in the /dev directory on your computer, that the serial connection uses. It should be of the type <code>tty.usbserial-&lt;some identifier&gt;</code>.</p>
 <div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ ls /dev/tty*usbserial*
@@ -715,8 +723,8 @@ $
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-    <a href=../add_newtmgr/>
-        Next: Enable Newt Manager in any app
+    <a href=../project-stm32-slinky/>
+        Next: Slinky on STM32 board
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