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[14/46] incubator-metron git commit: METRON-237 Remove metron-ui from the code base. (mmiklavcic via cestella) closes apache/incubator-metron#159
diff --git a/metron-ui/lib/public/vendor/elasticjs/elastic.js b/metron-ui/lib/public/vendor/elasticjs/elastic.js
deleted file mode 100755
index ba9c8ee..0000000
--- a/metron-ui/lib/public/vendor/elasticjs/elastic.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22268 +0,0 @@
-/*! elastic.js - v1.1.1 - 2013-08-14
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2013 FullScale Labs, LLC; Licensed MIT */
- @namespace
- @name ejs
- @desc All elastic.js modules are organized under the ejs namespace.
- */
-(function () {
-  'use strict';
-  var
-    // save reference to global object
-    // `window` in browser
-    // `exports` on server
-    root = this,
-    // save the previous version of ejs
-    _ejs = root && root.ejs,
-    // from underscore.js, used in utils
-    ArrayProto = Array.prototype,
-    ObjProto = Object.prototype,
-    slice = ArrayProto.slice,
-    toString = ObjProto.toString,
-    hasOwnProp = ObjProto.hasOwnProperty,
-    nativeForEach = ArrayProto.forEach,
-    nativeIsArray = Array.isArray,
-    nativeIndexOf = ArrayProto.indexOf,
-    breaker = {},
-    has,
-    each,
-    extend,
-    indexOf,
-    genClientParams,
-    genParamStr,
-    isArray,
-    isObject,
-    isString,
-    isNumber,
-    isFunction,
-    isEJSObject, // checks if valid ejs object
-    isQuery, // checks valid ejs Query object
-    isRescore, // checks valid ejs Rescore object
-    isFilter, // checks valid ejs Filter object
-    isFacet, // checks valid ejs Facet object
-    isScriptField, // checks valid ejs ScriptField object
-    isGeoPoint, // checks valid ejs GeoPoint object
-    isIndexedShape, // checks valid ejs IndexedShape object
-    isShape, // checks valid ejs Shape object
-    isSort, // checks valid ejs Sort object
-    isHighlight, // checks valid ejs Highlight object
-    isSuggest, // checks valid ejs Suggest object
-    isGenerator, // checks valid ejs Generator object
-    isClusterHealth, // checks valid ejs ClusterHealth object
-    isClusterState, // checks valid ejs ClusterState object
-    isNodeStats, // checks valid ejs NodeStats object
-    isNodeInfo, // checks valid ejs NodeInfo object
-    isRequest, // checks valid ejs Request object
-    isMultiSearchRequest, // checks valid ejs MultiSearchRequest object
-    // create ejs object
-    ejs;
-  if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
-    ejs = exports;
-  } else {
-    ejs = root.ejs = {};
-  }
-  /* Utility methods, most of which are pulled from underscore.js. */
-  // Shortcut function for checking if an object has a given property directly
-  // on itself (in other words, not on a prototype).
-  has = function (obj, key) {
-    return, key);
-  };
-  // The cornerstone, an `each` implementation, aka `forEach`.
-  // Handles objects with the built-in `forEach`, arrays, and raw objects.
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `forEach` if available.
-  each = function (obj, iterator, context) {
-    if (obj == null) {
-      return;
-    }
-    if (nativeForEach && obj.forEach === nativeForEach) {
-      obj.forEach(iterator, context);
-    } else if (obj.length === +obj.length) {
-      for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {
-        if (, obj[i], i, obj) === breaker) {
-          return;
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      for (var key in obj) {
-        if (has(obj, key)) {
-          if (, obj[key], key, obj) === breaker) {
-            return;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  };
-  // Extend a given object with all the properties in passed-in object(s).
-  extend = function (obj) {
-    each(, 1), function (source) {
-      for (var prop in source) {
-        obj[prop] = source[prop];
-      }
-    });
-    return obj;
-  };
-  // Returns the index at which value can be found in the array, or -1 if
-  // value is not present in the array.
-  indexOf = function (array, item) {
-    if (array == null) {
-      return -1;
-    }
-    var i = 0, l = array.length;
-    if (nativeIndexOf && array.indexOf === nativeIndexOf) {
-      return array.indexOf(item);
-    }
-    for (; i < l; i++) {
-      if (array[i] === item) {
-        return i;
-      }
-    }
-    return -1;
-  };
-  // Converts the stored params into parameters that will be passed
-  // to a client.  Certain parameter are skipped, and others require
-  // special processing before being sent to the client.
-  genClientParams = function (params, excludes) {
-    var
-      clientParams = {},
-      param,
-      paramVal;
-    for (param in params) {
-      if (!has(params, param)) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      // skip params that don't go in the query string
-      if (indexOf(excludes, param) !== -1) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      // process all other params
-      paramVal = params[param];
-      if (isArray(paramVal)) {
-        paramVal = paramVal.join();
-      }
-      clientParams[param] = paramVal;
-    }
-    return clientParams;
-  };
-  // converts client params to a string param1=val1&param2=val1
-  genParamStr = function (params, excludes) {
-    var
-      clientParams = genClientParams(params, excludes),
-      parts = [],
-      p;
-    for (p in clientParams) {
-      if (!has(clientParams, p)) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      parts.push(p + '=' + encodeURIComponent(clientParams[p]));
-    }
-    return parts.join('&');
-  };
-  // Is a given value an array?
-  // Delegates to ECMA5's native Array.isArray
-  // switched to ===, not sure why underscore used ==
-  isArray = nativeIsArray || function (obj) {
-    return === '[object Array]';
-  };
-  // Is a given variable an object?
-  isObject = function (obj) {
-    return obj === Object(obj);
-  };
-  // switched to ===, not sure why underscore used ==
-  isString = function (obj) {
-    return === '[object String]';
-  };
-  // switched to ===, not sure why underscore used ==
-  isNumber = function (obj) {
-    return === '[object Number]';
-  };
-  // switched to ===, not sure why underscore used ==
-  if (typeof (/./) !== 'function') {
-    isFunction = function (obj) {
-      return typeof obj === 'function';
-    };
-  } else {
-    isFunction = function (obj) {
-      return === '[object Function]';
-    };
-  }
-  // Is a given value an ejs object?
-  // Yes if object and has "_type", "_self", and "toString" properties
-  isEJSObject = function (obj) {
-    return (isObject(obj) &&
-      has(obj, '_type') &&
-      has(obj, '_self') &&
-      has(obj, 'toString'));
-  };
-  isQuery = function (obj) {
-    return (isEJSObject(obj) && obj._type() === 'query');
-  };
-  isRescore = function (obj) {
-    return (isEJSObject(obj) && obj._type() === 'rescore');
-  };
-  isFilter = function (obj) {
-    return (isEJSObject(obj) && obj._type() === 'filter');
-  };
-  isFacet = function (obj) {
-    return (isEJSObject(obj) && obj._type() === 'facet');
-  };
-  isScriptField = function (obj) {
-    return (isEJSObject(obj) && obj._type() === 'script field');
-  };
-  isGeoPoint = function (obj) {
-    return (isEJSObject(obj) && obj._type() === 'geo point');
-  };
-  isIndexedShape = function (obj) {
-    return (isEJSObject(obj) && obj._type() === 'indexed shape');
-  };
-  isShape = function (obj) {
-    return (isEJSObject(obj) && obj._type() === 'shape');
-  };
-  isSort = function (obj) {
-    return (isEJSObject(obj) && obj._type() === 'sort');
-  };
-  isHighlight = function (obj) {
-    return (isEJSObject(obj) && obj._type() === 'highlight');
-  };
-  isSuggest = function (obj) {
-    return (isEJSObject(obj) && obj._type() === 'suggest');
-  };
-  isGenerator = function (obj) {
-    return (isEJSObject(obj) && obj._type() === 'generator');
-  };
-  isClusterHealth = function (obj) {
-    return (isEJSObject(obj) && obj._type() === 'cluster health');
-  };
-  isClusterState = function (obj) {
-    return (isEJSObject(obj) && obj._type() === 'cluster state');
-  };
-  isNodeStats = function (obj) {
-    return (isEJSObject(obj) && obj._type() === 'node stats');
-  };
-  isNodeInfo = function (obj) {
-    return (isEJSObject(obj) && obj._type() === 'node info');
-  };
-  isRequest = function (obj) {
-    return (isEJSObject(obj) && obj._type() === 'request');
-  };
-  isMultiSearchRequest = function (obj) {
-    return (isEJSObject(obj) && obj._type() === 'multi search request');
-  };
-  /**
-    @class
-    <p>The DateHistogram facet works with time-based values by building a histogram across time
-       intervals of the <code>value</code> field. Each value is <em>rounded</em> into an interval (or
-       placed in a bucket), and statistics are provided per interval/bucket (count and total).</p>
-    <p>Facets are similar to SQL <code>GROUP BY</code> statements but perform much
-       better. You can also construct several <em>"groups"</em> at once by simply
-       specifying multiple facets.</p>
-    <div class="alert-message block-message info">
-        <p>
-            <strong>Tip: </strong>
-            For more information on faceted navigation, see
-            <a href="">this</a>
-            Wikipedia article on Faceted Classification.
-        </p>
-    </div>
-    @name ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-    @desc
-    <p>A facet which returns the N most frequent terms within a collection
-       or set of collections.</p>
-    @param {String} name The name which be used to refer to this facet. For instance,
-        the facet itself might utilize a field named <code>doc_authors</code>. Setting
-        <code>name</code> to <code>Authors</code> would allow you to refer to the
-        facet by that name, possibly simplifying some of the display logic.
-    */
-  ejs.DateHistogramFacet = function (name) {
-    /**
-        The internal facet object.
-        @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-        @property {Object} facet
-        */
-    var facet = {};
-    facet[name] = {
-      date_histogram: {}
-    };
-    return {
-      /**
-            Sets the field to be used to construct the this facet.
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {String} fieldName The field name whose data will be used to construct the facet.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      field: function (fieldName) {
-        if (fieldName == null) {
-          return facet[name].date_histogram.field;
-        }
-        facet[name].date_histogram.field = fieldName;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Allows you to specify a different key field to be used to group intervals.
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {String} fieldName The name of the field to be used.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      keyField: function (fieldName) {
-        if (fieldName == null) {
-          return facet[name].date_histogram.key_field;
-        }
-        facet[name].date_histogram.key_field = fieldName;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Allows you to specify a different value field to aggrerate over.
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {String} fieldName The name of the field to be used.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      valueField: function (fieldName) {
-        if (fieldName == null) {
-          return facet[name].date_histogram.value_field;
-        }
-        facet[name].date_histogram.value_field = fieldName;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Sets the bucket interval used to calculate the distribution.
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {String} timeInterval The bucket interval. Valid values are <code>year, month, week, day, hour,</code> and <code>minute</code>.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      interval: function (timeInterval) {
-        if (timeInterval == null) {
-          return facet[name].date_histogram.interval;
-        }
-        facet[name].date_histogram.interval = timeInterval;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>By default, time values are stored in UTC format.<p>
-            <p>This method allows users to set a time zone value that is then used
-            to compute intervals before rounding on the interval value. Equalivent to
-            <coe>preZone</code>.  Use <code>preZone</code> if possible. The
-            value is an offset from UTC.<p>
-            <p>For example, to use EST you would set the value to <code>-5</code>.</p>
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {Integer} tz An offset value from UTC.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      timeZone: function (tz) {
-        if (tz == null) {
-          return facet[name].date_histogram.time_zone;
-        }
-        facet[name].date_histogram.time_zone = tz;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>By default, time values are stored in UTC format.<p>
-            <p>This method allows users to set a time zone value that is then used to
-            compute intervals before rounding on the interval value.  The value is an
-            offset from UTC.<p>
-            <p>For example, to use EST you would set the value to <code>-5</code>.</p>
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {Integer} tz An offset value from UTC.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      preZone: function (tz) {
-        if (tz == null) {
-          return facet[name].date_histogram.pre_zone;
-        }
-        facet[name].date_histogram.pre_zone = tz;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Enables large date interval conversions (day and up).</p>
-            <p>Set to true to enable and then set the <code>interval</code> to an
-            interval greater than a day.</p>
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {Boolean} trueFalse A valid boolean value.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      preZoneAdjustLargeInterval: function (trueFalse) {
-        if (trueFalse == null) {
-          return facet[name].date_histogram.pre_zone_adjust_large_interval;
-        }
-        facet[name].date_histogram.pre_zone_adjust_large_interval = trueFalse;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>By default, time values are stored in UTC format.<p>
-            <p>This method allows users to set a time zone value that is then used to compute
-            intervals after rounding on the interval value.  The value is an offset from UTC.
-            The tz offset value is simply added to the resulting bucket's date value.<p>
-            <p>For example, to use EST you would set the value to <code>-5</code>.</p>
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {Integer} tz An offset value from UTC.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      postZone: function (tz) {
-        if (tz == null) {
-          return facet[name].date_histogram.post_zone;
-        }
-        facet[name].date_histogram.post_zone = tz;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Set's a specific pre-rounding offset.  Format is 1d, 1h, etc.
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {String} offset The offset as a string (1d, 1h, etc)
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      preOffset: function (offset) {
-        if (offset == null) {
-          return facet[name].date_histogram.pre_offset;
-        }
-        facet[name].date_histogram.pre_offset = offset;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Set's a specific post-rounding offset.  Format is 1d, 1h, etc.
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {String} offset The offset as a string (1d, 1h, etc)
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      postOffset: function (offset) {
-        if (offset == null) {
-          return facet[name].date_histogram.post_offset;
-        }
-        facet[name].date_histogram.post_offset = offset;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>The date histogram works on numeric values (since time is stored
-            in milliseconds since the epoch in UTC).<p>
-            <p>But, sometimes, systems will store a different resolution (like seconds since UTC)
-            in a numeric field. The factor parameter can be used to change the value in the field
-            to milliseconds to actual do the relevant rounding, and then be applied again to get to
-            the original unit.</p>
-            <p>For example, when storing in a numeric field seconds resolution,
-            the factor can be set to 1000.<p>
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {Integer} f The conversion factor.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      factor: function (f) {
-        if (f == null) {
-          return facet[name].date_histogram.factor;
-        }
-        facet[name].date_histogram.factor = f;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Allows you modify the <code>value</code> field using a script. The modified value
-            is then used to compute the statistical data.
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {String} scriptCode A valid script string to execute.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      valueScript: function (scriptCode) {
-        if (scriptCode == null) {
-          return facet[name].date_histogram.value_script;
-        }
-        facet[name].date_histogram.value_script = scriptCode;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Sets the type of ordering that will be performed on the date
-            buckets.  Valid values are:<p>
-            <dl>
-                <dd><code>time</code> - the default, sort by the buckets start time in milliseconds.</dd>
-                <dd><code>count</code> - sort by the number of items in the bucket</dd>
-                <dd><code>total</code> - sort by the sum/total of the items in the bucket</dd>
-            <dl>
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {String} o The ordering method: time, count, or total.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      order: function (o) {
-        if (o == null) {
-          return facet[name].date_histogram.order;
-        }
-        o = o.toLowerCase();
-        if (o === 'time' || o === 'count' || o === 'total') {
-          facet[name].date_histogram.order = o;
-        }
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            The script language being used. Currently supported values are
-            <code>javascript</code>, <code>groovy</code>, and <code>mvel</code>.
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {String} language The language of the script.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      lang: function (language) {
-        if (language == null) {
-          return facet[name].date_histogram.lang;
-        }
-        facet[name].date_histogram.lang = language;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Sets parameters that will be applied to the script.  Overwrites
-            any existing params.
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {Object} p An object where the keys are the parameter name and
-              values are the parameter value.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      params: function (p) {
-        if (p == null) {
-          return facet[name].date_histogram.params;
-        }
-        facet[name].date_histogram.params = p;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Allows you to reduce the documents used for computing facet results.</p>
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {Object} oFilter A valid <code>Filter</code> object.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      facetFilter: function (oFilter) {
-        if (oFilter == null) {
-          return facet[name].facet_filter;
-        }
-        if (!isFilter(oFilter)) {
-          throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Filter');
-        }
-        facet[name].facet_filter = oFilter._self();
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Computes values across the entire index</p>
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {Boolean} trueFalse Calculate facet counts globally or not.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      global: function (trueFalse) {
-        if (trueFalse == null) {
-          return facet[name].global;
-        }
-        facet[name].global = trueFalse;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Sets the mode the facet will use.<p>
-            <dl>
-                <dd><code>collector</code></dd>
-                <dd><code>post</code></dd>
-            <dl>
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {String} m The mode: collector or post.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      mode: function (m) {
-        if (m == null) {
-          return facet[name].mode;
-        }
-        m = m.toLowerCase();
-        if (m === 'collector' || m === 'post') {
-          facet[name].mode = m;
-        }
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Computes values across the the specified scope</p>
-            @deprecated since elasticsearch 0.90
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {String} scope The scope name to calculate facet counts with.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      scope: function (scope) {
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Enables caching of the <code>facetFilter</code></p>
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {Boolean} trueFalse If the facetFilter should be cached or not
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      cacheFilter: function (trueFalse) {
-        if (trueFalse == null) {
-          return facet[name].cache_filter;
-        }
-        facet[name].cache_filter = trueFalse;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Sets the path to the nested document if faceting against a
-            nested field.</p>
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @param {String} path The nested path
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      nested: function (path) {
-        if (path == null) {
-          return facet[name].nested;
-        }
-        facet[name].nested = path;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Allows you to serialize this object into a JSON encoded string.</p>
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @returns {String} returns this object as a serialized JSON string.
-            */
-      toString: function () {
-        return JSON.stringify(facet);
-      },
-      /**
-            The type of ejs object.  For internal use only.
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @returns {String} the type of object
-            */
-      _type: function () {
-        return 'facet';
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Retrieves the internal <code>facet</code> object. This is typically used by
-               internal API functions so use with caution.</p>
-            @member ejs.DateHistogramFacet
-            @returns {String} returns this object's internal <code>facet</code> property.
-            */
-      _self: function () {
-        return facet;
-      }
-    };
-  };
-  /**
-    @class
-    <p>The FilterFacet allows you to specify any valid <code>Filter</code> and
-    have the number of matching hits returned as the value.</p>
-    <p>Facets are similar to SQL <code>GROUP BY</code> statements but perform much
-       better. You can also construct several <em>"groups"</em> at once by simply
-       specifying multiple facets.</p>
-    <div class="alert-message block-message info">
-        <p>
-            <strong>Tip: </strong>
-            For more information on faceted navigation, see
-            <a href="">this</a>
-            Wikipedia article on Faceted Classification.
-        </p>
-    </div>
-    @name ejs.FilterFacet
-    @desc
-    <p>A facet that return a count of the hits matching the given filter.</p>
-    @param {String} name The name which be used to refer to this facet. For instance,
-        the facet itself might utilize a field named <code>doc_authors</code>. Setting
-        <code>name</code> to <code>Authors</code> would allow you to refer to the
-        facet by that name, possibly simplifying some of the display logic.
-    */
-  ejs.FilterFacet = function (name) {
-    /**
-        The internal facet object.
-        @member ejs.FilterFacet
-        @property {Object} facet
-        */
-    var facet = {};
-    facet[name] = {};
-    return {
-      /**
-            <p>Sets the filter to be used for this facet.</p>
-            @member ejs.FilterFacet
-            @param {Object} oFilter A valid <code>Query</code> object.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      filter: function (oFilter) {
-        if (oFilter == null) {
-          return facet[name].filter;
-        }
-        if (!isFilter(oFilter)) {
-          throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Filter');
-        }
-        facet[name].filter = oFilter._self();
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Allows you to reduce the documents used for computing facet results.</p>
-            @member ejs.FilterFacet
-            @param {Object} oFilter A valid <code>Filter</code> object.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      facetFilter: function (oFilter) {
-        if (oFilter == null) {
-          return facet[name].facet_filter;
-        }
-        if (!isFilter(oFilter)) {
-          throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Filter');
-        }
-        facet[name].facet_filter = oFilter._self();
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Computes values across the entire index</p>
-            @member ejs.FilterFacet
-            @param {Boolean} trueFalse Calculate facet counts globally or not.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      global: function (trueFalse) {
-        if (trueFalse == null) {
-          return facet[name].global;
-        }
-        facet[name].global = trueFalse;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Sets the mode the facet will use.<p>
-            <dl>
-                <dd><code>collector</code></dd>
-                <dd><code>post</code></dd>
-            <dl>
-            @member ejs.FilterFacet
-            @param {String} m The mode: collector or post.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      mode: function (m) {
-        if (m == null) {
-          return facet[name].mode;
-        }
-        m = m.toLowerCase();
-        if (m === 'collector' || m === 'post') {
-          facet[name].mode = m;
-        }
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Computes values across the the specified scope</p>
-            @deprecated since elasticsearch 0.90
-            @member ejs.FilterFacet
-            @param {String} scope The scope name to calculate facet counts with.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      scope: function (scope) {
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Enables caching of the <code>facetFilter</code></p>
-            @member ejs.FilterFacet
-            @param {Boolean} trueFalse If the facetFilter should be cached or not
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      cacheFilter: function (trueFalse) {
-        if (trueFalse == null) {
-          return facet[name].cache_filter;
-        }
-        facet[name].cache_filter = trueFalse;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Sets the path to the nested document if faceting against a
-            nested field.</p>
-            @member ejs.FilterFacet
-            @param {String} path The nested path
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      nested: function (path) {
-        if (path == null) {
-          return facet[name].nested;
-        }
-        facet[name].nested = path;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Allows you to serialize this object into a JSON encoded string.</p>
-            @member ejs.FilterFacet
-            @returns {String} returns this object as a serialized JSON string.
-            */
-      toString: function () {
-        return JSON.stringify(facet);
-      },
-      /**
-            The type of ejs object.  For internal use only.
-            @member ejs.FilterFacet
-            @returns {String} the type of object
-            */
-      _type: function () {
-        return 'facet';
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Retrieves the internal <code>facet</code> object. This is typically used by
-               internal API functions so use with caution.</p>
-            @member ejs.FilterFacet
-            @returns {String} returns this object's internal <code>facet</code> property.
-            */
-      _self: function () {
-        return facet;
-      }
-    };
-  };
-  /**
-    @class
-    <p>The geoDistanceFacet facet provides information over a range of distances from a
-    provided point. This includes the number of hits that fall within each range,
-    along with aggregate information (like total).</p>
-    <p>Facets are similar to SQL <code>GROUP BY</code> statements but perform much
-       better. You can also construct several <em>"groups"</em> at once by simply
-       specifying multiple facets.</p>
-    <div class="alert-message block-message info">
-        <p>
-            <strong>Tip: </strong>
-            For more information on faceted navigation, see
-            <a href="">this</a>
-            Wikipedia article on Faceted Classification.
-        </p>
-    </div>
-    @name ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-    @desc
-    <p>A facet which provides information over a range of distances from a provided point.</p>
-    @param {String} name The name which be used to refer to this facet. For instance,
-        the facet itself might utilize a field named <code>doc_authors</code>. Setting
-        <code>name</code> to <code>Authors</code> would allow you to refer to the
-        facet by that name, possibly simplifying some of the display logic.
-    */
-  ejs.GeoDistanceFacet = function (name) {
-    /**
-        The internal facet object.
-        @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-        @property {Object} facet
-        */
-    var facet = {},
-        point = ejs.GeoPoint([0, 0]),
-        field = 'location';
-    facet[name] = {
-      geo_distance: {
-        location: point._self(),
-        ranges: []
-      }
-    };
-    return {
-      /**
-            Sets the document field containing the geo-coordinate to be used
-            to calculate the distance.  Defaults to "location".
-            @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-            @param {String} fieldName The field name whose data will be used to construct the facet.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      field: function (fieldName) {
-        var oldValue = facet[name].geo_distance[field];
-        if (fieldName == null) {
-          return field;
-        }
-        delete facet[name].geo_distance[field];
-        field = fieldName;
-        facet[name].geo_distance[fieldName] = oldValue;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Sets the point of origin from where distances will be measured.
-            @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-            @param {GeoPoint} p A valid GeoPoint object
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      point: function (p) {
-        if (p == null) {
-          return point;
-        }
-        if (!isGeoPoint(p)) {
-          throw new TypeError('Argument must be a GeoPoint');
-        }
-        point = p;
-        facet[name].geo_distance[field] = p._self();
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Adds a new bounded range.
-            @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-            @param {Number} from The lower bound of the range
-            @param {Number} to The upper bound of the range
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      addRange: function (from, to) {
-        if (arguments.length === 0) {
-          return facet[name].geo_distance.ranges;
-        }
-        facet[name].geo_distance.ranges.push({
-          from: from,
-          to: to
-        });
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Adds a new unbounded lower limit.
-            @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-            @param {Number} from The lower limit of the unbounded range
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      addUnboundedFrom: function (from) {
-        if (from == null) {
-          return facet[name].geo_distance.ranges;
-        }
-        facet[name].geo_distance.ranges.push({
-          from: from
-        });
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Adds a new unbounded upper limit.
-            @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-            @param {Number} to The upper limit of the unbounded range
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      addUnboundedTo: function (to) {
-        if (to == null) {
-          return facet[name].geo_distance.ranges;
-        }
-        facet[name].geo_distance.ranges.push({
-          to: to
-        });
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-             Sets the distance unit.  Valid values are "mi" for miles or "km"
-             for kilometers. Defaults to "km".
-             @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-             @param {Number} unit the unit of distance measure.
-             @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-             */
-      unit: function (unit) {
-        if (unit == null) {
-          return facet[name].geo_distance.unit;
-        }
-        unit = unit.toLowerCase();
-        if (unit === 'mi' || unit === 'km') {
-          facet[name].geo_distance.unit = unit;
-        }
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            How to compute the distance. Can either be arc (better precision)
-            or plane (faster). Defaults to arc.
-            @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-            @param {String} type The execution type as a string.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      distanceType: function (type) {
-        if (type == null) {
-          return facet[name].geo_distance.distance_type;
-        }
-        type = type.toLowerCase();
-        if (type === 'arc' || type === 'plane') {
-          facet[name].geo_distance.distance_type = type;
-        }
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            If the lat/long points should be normalized to lie within their
-            respective normalized ranges.
-            Normalized ranges are:
-            lon = -180 (exclusive) to 180 (inclusive) range
-            lat = -90 to 90 (both inclusive) range
-            @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-            @param {String} trueFalse True if the coordinates should be normalized. False otherwise.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      normalize: function (trueFalse) {
-        if (trueFalse == null) {
-          return facet[name].geo_distance.normalize;
-        }
-        facet[name].geo_distance.normalize = trueFalse;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Allows you to specify a different value field to aggrerate over.
-            @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-            @param {String} fieldName The name of the field to be used.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      valueField: function (fieldName) {
-        if (fieldName == null) {
-          return facet[name].geo_distance.value_field;
-        }
-        facet[name].geo_distance.value_field = fieldName;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Allows you modify the <code>value</code> field using a script. The modified value
-            is then used to compute the statistical data.
-            @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-            @param {String} scriptCode A valid script string to execute.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      valueScript: function (scriptCode) {
-        if (scriptCode == null) {
-          return facet[name].geo_distance.value_script;
-        }
-        facet[name].geo_distance.value_script = scriptCode;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            The script language being used. Currently supported values are
-            <code>javascript</code>, <code>groovy</code>, and <code>mvel</code>.
-            @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-            @param {String} language The language of the script.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      lang: function (language) {
-        if (language == null) {
-          return facet[name].geo_distance.lang;
-        }
-        facet[name].geo_distance.lang = language;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Sets parameters that will be applied to the script.  Overwrites
-            any existing params.
-            @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-            @param {Object} p An object where the keys are the parameter name and
-              values are the parameter value.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      params: function (p) {
-        if (p == null) {
-          return facet[name].geo_distance.params;
-        }
-        facet[name].geo_distance.params = p;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Allows you to reduce the documents used for computing facet results.</p>
-            @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-            @param {Object} oFilter A valid <code>Filter</code> object.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      facetFilter: function (oFilter) {
-        if (oFilter == null) {
-          return facet[name].facet_filter;
-        }
-        if (!isFilter(oFilter)) {
-          throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Filter');
-        }
-        facet[name].facet_filter = oFilter._self();
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Computes values across the entire index</p>
-            @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-            @param {Boolean} trueFalse Calculate facet counts globally or not.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      global: function (trueFalse) {
-        if (trueFalse == null) {
-          return facet[name].global;
-        }
-        facet[name].global = trueFalse;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Sets the mode the facet will use.<p>
-            <dl>
-                <dd><code>collector</code></dd>
-                <dd><code>post</code></dd>
-            <dl>
-            @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-            @param {String} m The mode: collector or post.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      mode: function (m) {
-        if (m == null) {
-          return facet[name].mode;
-        }
-        m = m.toLowerCase();
-        if (m === 'collector' || m === 'post') {
-          facet[name].mode = m;
-        }
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Computes values across the the specified scope</p>
-            @deprecated since elasticsearch 0.90
-            @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-            @param {String} scope The scope name to calculate facet counts with.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      scope: function (scope) {
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Enables caching of the <code>facetFilter</code></p>
-            @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-            @param {Boolean} trueFalse If the facetFilter should be cached or not
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      cacheFilter: function (trueFalse) {
-        if (trueFalse == null) {
-          return facet[name].cache_filter;
-        }
-        facet[name].cache_filter = trueFalse;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Sets the path to the nested document if faceting against a
-            nested field.</p>
-            @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-            @param {String} path The nested path
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      nested: function (path) {
-        if (path == null) {
-          return facet[name].nested;
-        }
-        facet[name].nested = path;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Allows you to serialize this object into a JSON encoded string.</p>
-            @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-            @returns {String} returns this object as a serialized JSON string.
-            */
-      toString: function () {
-        return JSON.stringify(facet);
-      },
-      /**
-            The type of ejs object.  For internal use only.
-            @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-            @returns {String} the type of object
-            */
-      _type: function () {
-        return 'facet';
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Retrieves the internal <code>facet</code> object. This is typically used by
-               internal API functions so use with caution.</p>
-            @member ejs.GeoDistanceFacet
-            @returns {String} returns this object's internal <code>facet</code> property.
-            */
-      _self: function () {
-        return facet;
-      }
-    };
-  };
-  /**
-    @class
-    <p>The histogram facet works with numeric data by building a histogram across intervals
-       of the field values. Each value is <em>rounded</em> into an interval (or placed in a
-       bucket), and statistics are provided per interval/bucket (count and total).</p>
-    <p>Facets are similar to SQL <code>GROUP BY</code> statements but perform much
-       better. You can also construct several <em>"groups"</em> at once by simply
-       specifying multiple facets.</p>
-    <div class="alert-message block-message info">
-        <p>
-            <strong>Tip: </strong>
-            For more information on faceted navigation, see
-            <a href="">this</a>
-            Wikipedia article on Faceted Classification.
-        </p>
-    </div>
-    @name ejs.HistogramFacet
-    @desc
-    <p>A facet which returns the N most frequent terms within a collection
-       or set of collections.</p>
-    @param {String} name The name which be used to refer to this facet. For instance,
-        the facet itself might utilize a field named <code>doc_authors</code>. Setting
-        <code>name</code> to <code>Authors</code> would allow you to refer to the
-        facet by that name, possibly simplifying some of the display logic.
-    */
-  ejs.HistogramFacet = function (name) {
-    /**
-        The internal facet object.
-        @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-        @property {Object} facet
-        */
-    var facet = {};
-    facet[name] = {
-      histogram: {}
-    };
-    return {
-      /**
-            Sets the field to be used to construct the this facet.
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @param {String} fieldName The field name whose data will be used to construct the facet.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      field: function (fieldName) {
-        if (fieldName == null) {
-          return facet[name].histogram.field;
-        }
-        facet[name].histogram.field = fieldName;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Sets the bucket interval used to calculate the distribution.
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @param {Number} numericInterval The bucket interval in which to group values.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      interval: function (numericInterval) {
-        if (numericInterval == null) {
-          return facet[name].histogram.interval;
-        }
-        facet[name].histogram.interval = numericInterval;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Sets the bucket interval used to calculate the distribution based
-            on a time value such as "1d", "1w", etc.
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @param {Number} timeInterval The bucket interval in which to group values.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      timeInterval: function (timeInterval) {
-        if (timeInterval == null) {
-          return facet[name].histogram.time_interval;
-        }
-        facet[name].histogram.time_interval = timeInterval;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Sets the "from", "start", or lower bounds bucket.  For example if
-            you have a value of 1023, an interval of 100, and a from value of
-            1500, it will be placed into the 1500 bucket vs. the normal bucket
-            of 1000.
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @param {Number} from the lower bounds bucket value.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      from: function (from) {
-        if (from == null) {
-          return facet[name].histogram.from;
-        }
-        facet[name].histogram.from = from;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Sets the "to", "end", or upper bounds bucket.  For example if
-            you have a value of 1023, an interval of 100, and a to value of
-            900, it will be placed into the 900 bucket vs. the normal bucket
-            of 1000.
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @param {Number} to the upper bounds bucket value.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      to: function (to) {
-        if (to == null) {
-          return facet[name];
-        }
-        facet[name] = to;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Allows you to specify a different value field to aggrerate over.
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @param {String} fieldName The name of the field to be used.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      valueField: function (fieldName) {
-        if (fieldName == null) {
-          return facet[name].histogram.value_field;
-        }
-        facet[name].histogram.value_field = fieldName;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Allows you to specify a different key field to be used to group intervals.
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @param {String} fieldName The name of the field to be used.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      keyField: function (fieldName) {
-        if (fieldName == null) {
-          return facet[name].histogram.key_field;
-        }
-        facet[name].histogram.key_field = fieldName;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Allows you modify the <code>value</code> field using a script. The modified value
-            is then used to compute the statistical data.
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @param {String} scriptCode A valid script string to execute.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      valueScript: function (scriptCode) {
-        if (scriptCode == null) {
-          return facet[name].histogram.value_script;
-        }
-        facet[name].histogram.value_script = scriptCode;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Allows you modify the <code>key</code> field using a script. The modified value
-            is then used to generate the interval.
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @param {String} scriptCode A valid script string to execute.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      keyScript: function (scriptCode) {
-        if (scriptCode == null) {
-          return facet[name].histogram.key_script;
-        }
-        facet[name].histogram.key_script = scriptCode;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            The script language being used. Currently supported values are
-            <code>javascript</code>, <code>groovy</code>, and <code>mvel</code>.
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @param {String} language The language of the script.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      lang: function (language) {
-        if (language == null) {
-          return facet[name].histogram.lang;
-        }
-        facet[name].histogram.lang = language;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Sets parameters that will be applied to the script.  Overwrites
-            any existing params.
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @param {Object} p An object where the keys are the parameter name and
-              values are the parameter value.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      params: function (p) {
-        if (p == null) {
-          return facet[name].histogram.params;
-        }
-        facet[name].histogram.params = p;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Sets the type of ordering that will be performed on the date
-            buckets.  Valid values are:
-            key - the default, sort by the bucket's key value
-            count - sort by the number of items in the bucket
-            total - sort by the sum/total of the items in the bucket
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @param {String} o The ordering method: key, count, or total.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      order: function (o) {
-        if (o == null) {
-          return facet[name].histogram.order;
-        }
-        o = o.toLowerCase();
-        if (o === 'key' || o === 'count' || o === 'total') {
-          facet[name].histogram.order = o;
-        }
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Allows you to reduce the documents used for computing facet results.</p>
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @param {Object} oFilter A valid <code>Filter</code> object.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      facetFilter: function (oFilter) {
-        if (oFilter == null) {
-          return facet[name].facet_filter;
-        }
-        if (!isFilter(oFilter)) {
-          throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Filter');
-        }
-        facet[name].facet_filter = oFilter._self();
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Computes values across the entire index</p>
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @param {Boolean} trueFalse Calculate facet counts globally or not.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      global: function (trueFalse) {
-        if (trueFalse == null) {
-          return facet[name].global;
-        }
-        facet[name].global = trueFalse;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Sets the mode the facet will use.<p>
-            <dl>
-                <dd><code>collector</code></dd>
-                <dd><code>post</code></dd>
-            <dl>
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @param {String} m The mode: collector or post.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      mode: function (m) {
-        if (m == null) {
-          return facet[name].mode;
-        }
-        m = m.toLowerCase();
-        if (m === 'collector' || m === 'post') {
-          facet[name].mode = m;
-        }
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Computes values across the the specified scope</p>
-            @deprecated since elasticsearch 0.90
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @param {String} scope The scope name to calculate facet counts with.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      scope: function (scope) {
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Enables caching of the <code>facetFilter</code></p>
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @param {Boolean} trueFalse If the facetFilter should be cached or not
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      cacheFilter: function (trueFalse) {
-        if (trueFalse == null) {
-          return facet[name].cache_filter;
-        }
-        facet[name].cache_filter = trueFalse;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Sets the path to the nested document if faceting against a
-            nested field.</p>
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @param {String} path The nested path
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      nested: function (path) {
-        if (path == null) {
-          return facet[name].nested;
-        }
-        facet[name].nested = path;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Allows you to serialize this object into a JSON encoded string.</p>
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @returns {String} returns this object as a serialized JSON string.
-            */
-      toString: function () {
-        return JSON.stringify(facet);
-      },
-      /**
-            The type of ejs object.  For internal use only.
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @returns {String} the type of object
-            */
-      _type: function () {
-        return 'facet';
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Retrieves the internal <code>facet</code> object. This is typically used by
-               internal API functions so use with caution.</p>
-            @member ejs.HistogramFacet
-            @returns {String} returns this object's internal <code>facet</code> property.
-            */
-      _self: function () {
-        return facet;
-      }
-    };
-  };
-  /**
-    @class
-    <p>The QueryFacet facet allows you to specify any valid <code>Query</code> and
-    have the number of matching hits returned as the value.</p>
-    <p>Facets are similar to SQL <code>GROUP BY</code> statements but perform much
-       better. You can also construct several <em>"groups"</em> at once by simply
-       specifying multiple facets.</p>
-    <div class="alert-message block-message info">
-        <p>
-            <strong>Tip: </strong>
-            For more information on faceted navigation, see
-            <a href="">this</a>
-            Wikipedia article on Faceted Classification.
-        </p>
-    </div>
-    @name ejs.QueryFacet
-    @desc
-    <p>A facet that return a count of the hits matching the given query.</p>
-    @param {String} name The name which be used to refer to this facet. For instance,
-        the facet itself might utilize a field named <code>doc_authors</code>. Setting
-        <code>name</code> to <code>Authors</code> would allow you to refer to the
-        facet by that name, possibly simplifying some of the display logic.
-    */
-  ejs.QueryFacet = function (name) {
-    /**
-        The internal facet object.
-        @member ejs.QueryFacet
-        @property {Object} facet
-        */
-    var facet = {};
-    facet[name] = {};
-    return {
-      /**
-            <p>Sets the query to be used for this facet.</p>
-            @member ejs.QueryFacet
-            @param {Object} oQuery A valid <code>Query</code> object.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      query: function (oQuery) {
-        if (oQuery == null) {
-          return facet[name].query;
-        }
-        if (!isQuery(oQuery)) {
-          throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Query');
-        }
-        facet[name].query = oQuery._self();
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Allows you to reduce the documents used for computing facet results.</p>
-            @member ejs.QueryFacet
-            @param {Object} oFilter A valid <code>Filter</code> object.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      facetFilter: function (oFilter) {
-        if (oFilter == null) {
-          return facet[name].facet_filter;
-        }
-        if (!isFilter(oFilter)) {
-          throw new TypeError('Argumnet must be a Filter');
-        }
-        facet[name].facet_filter = oFilter._self();
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Computes values across the entire index</p>
-            @member ejs.QueryFacet
-            @param {Boolean} trueFalse Calculate facet counts globally or not.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      global: function (trueFalse) {
-        if (trueFalse == null) {
-          return facet[name].global;
-        }
-        facet[name].global = trueFalse;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Sets the mode the facet will use.<p>
-            <dl>
-                <dd><code>collector</code></dd>
-                <dd><code>post</code></dd>
-            <dl>
-            @member ejs.QueryFacet
-            @param {String} m The mode: collector or post.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      mode: function (m) {
-        if (m == null) {
-          return facet[name].mode;
-        }
-        m = m.toLowerCase();
-        if (m === 'collector' || m === 'post') {
-          facet[name].mode = m;
-        }
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Computes values across the the specified scope</p>
-            @deprecated since elasticsearch 0.90
-            @member ejs.QueryFacet
-            @param {String} scope The scope name to calculate facet counts with.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      scope: function (scope) {
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Enables caching of the <code>facetFilter</code></p>
-            @member ejs.QueryFacet
-            @param {Boolean} trueFalse If the facetFilter should be cached or not
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      cacheFilter: function (trueFalse) {
-        if (trueFalse == null) {
-          return facet[name].cache_filter;
-        }
-        facet[name].cache_filter = trueFalse;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Sets the path to the nested document if faceting against a
-            nested field.</p>
-            @member ejs.QueryFacet
-            @param {String} path The nested path
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      nested: function (path) {
-        if (path == null) {
-          return facet[name].nested;
-        }
-        facet[name].nested = path;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Allows you to serialize this object into a JSON encoded string.</p>
-            @member ejs.QueryFacet
-            @returns {String} returns this object as a serialized JSON string.
-            */
-      toString: function () {
-        return JSON.stringify(facet);
-      },
-      /**
-            The type of ejs object.  For internal use only.
-            @member ejs.QueryFacet
-            @returns {String} the type of object
-            */
-      _type: function () {
-        return 'facet';
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Retrieves the internal <code>facet</code> object. This is typically used by
-               internal API functions so use with caution.</p>
-            @member ejs.QueryFacet
-            @returns {String} returns this object's internal <code>facet</code> property.
-            */
-      _self: function () {
-        return facet;
-      }
-    };
-  };
-  /**
-    @class
-    <p>A RangeFacet allows you to specify a set of ranges and get both the number of docs (count) that
-       fall within each range, and aggregated data based on the field, or another specified field.</p>
-    <p>Facets are similar to SQL <code>GROUP BY</code> statements but perform much
-       better. You can also construct several <em>"groups"</em> at once by simply
-       specifying multiple facets.</p>
-    <div class="alert-message block-message info">
-        <p>
-            <strong>Tip: </strong>
-            For more information on faceted navigation, see
-            <a href="">this</a>
-            Wikipedia article on Faceted Classification.
-        </p>
-    </div>
-    @name ejs.RangeFacet
-    @desc
-    <p>A facet which provides information over a range of numeric intervals.</p>
-    @param {String} name The name which be used to refer to this facet. For instance,
-        the facet itself might utilize a field named <code>doc_authors</code>. Setting
-        <code>name</code> to <code>Authors</code> would allow you to refer to the
-        facet by that name, possibly simplifying some of the display logic.
-    */
-  ejs.RangeFacet = function (name) {
-    /**
-        The internal facet object.
-        @member ejs.RangeFacet
-        @property {Object} facet
-        */
-    var facet = {};
-    facet[name] = {
-      range: {
-        ranges: []
-      }
-    };
-    return {
-      /**
-            Sets the document field to be used for the facet.
-            @member ejs.RangeFacet
-            @param {String} fieldName The field name whose data will be used to compute the interval.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      field: function (fieldName) {
-        if (fieldName == null) {
-          return facet[name].range.field;
-        }
-        facet[name].range.field = fieldName;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Allows you to specify an alternate key field to be used to compute the interval.
-            @member ejs.RangeFacet
-            @param {String} fieldName The field name whose data will be used to compute the interval.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      keyField: function (fieldName) {
-        if (fieldName == null) {
-          return facet[name].range.key_field;
-        }
-        facet[name].range.key_field = fieldName;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Allows you to specify an alternate value field to be used to compute statistical information.
-            @member ejs.RangeFacet
-            @param {String} fieldName The field name whose data will be used to compute statistics.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      valueField: function (fieldName) {
-        if (fieldName == null) {
-          return facet[name].range.value_field;
-        }
-        facet[name].range.value_field = fieldName;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Allows you modify the <code>value</code> field using a script. The modified value
-            is then used to compute the statistical data.
-            @member ejs.RangeFacet
-            @param {String} scriptCode A valid script string to execute.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      valueScript: function (scriptCode) {
-        if (scriptCode == null) {
-          return facet[name].range.value_script;
-        }
-        facet[name].range.value_script = scriptCode;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Allows you modify the <code>key</code> field using a script. The modified value
-            is then used to generate the interval.
-            @member ejs.RangeFacet
-            @param {String} scriptCode A valid script string to execute.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      keyScript: function (scriptCode) {
-        if (scriptCode == null) {
-          return facet[name].range.key_script;
-        }
-        facet[name].range.key_script = scriptCode;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            The script language being used. Currently supported values are
-            <code>javascript</code>, <code>groovy</code>, and <code>mvel</code>.
-            @member ejs.RangeFacet
-            @param {String} language The language of the script.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      lang: function (language) {
-        if (language == null) {
-          return facet[name].range.lang;
-        }
-        facet[name].range.lang = language;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Sets parameters that will be applied to the script.  Overwrites
-            any existing params.
-            @member ejs.RangeFacet
-            @param {Object} p An object where the keys are the parameter name and
-              values are the parameter value.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      params: function (p) {
-        if (p == null) {
-          return facet[name].range.params;
-        }
-        facet[name].range.params = p;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Adds a new bounded range.
-            @member ejs.RangeFacet
-            @param {Number} from The lower bound of the range (can also be <code>Date</code>).
-            @param {Number} to The upper bound of the range (can also be <code>Date</code>).
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      addRange: function (from, to) {
-        if (arguments.length === 0) {
-          return facet[name].range.ranges;
-        }
-        facet[name].range.ranges.push({
-          from: from,
-          to: to
-        });
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Adds a new unbounded lower limit.
-            @member ejs.RangeFacet
-            @param {Number} from The lower limit of the unbounded range (can also be <code>Date</code>).
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      addUnboundedFrom: function (from) {
-        if (from == null) {
-          return facet[name].range.ranges;
-        }
-        facet[name].range.ranges.push({
-          from: from
-        });
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Adds a new unbounded upper limit.
-            @member ejs.RangeFacet
-            @param {Number} to The upper limit of the unbounded range (can also be <code>Date</code>).
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      addUnboundedTo: function (to) {
-        if (to == null) {
-          return facet[name].range.ranges;
-        }
-        facet[name].range.ranges.push({
-          to: to
-        });
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Allows you to reduce the documents used for computing facet results.</p>
-            @member ejs.RangeFacet
-            @param {Object} oFilter A valid <code>Filter</code> object.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      facetFilter: function (oFilter) {
-        if (oFilter == null) {
-          return facet[name].facet_filter;
-        }
-        if (!isFilter(oFilter)) {
-          throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Filter');
-        }
-        facet[name].facet_filter = oFilter._self();
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Computes values across the entire index</p>
-            @member ejs.RangeFacet
-            @param {Boolean} trueFalse Calculate facet counts globally or not.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      global: function (trueFalse) {
-        if (trueFalse == null) {
-          return facet[name].global;
-        }
-        facet[name].global = trueFalse;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Sets the mode the facet will use.<p>
-            <dl>
-                <dd><code>collector</code></dd>
-                <dd><code>post</code></dd>
-            <dl>
-            @member ejs.RangeFacet
-            @param {String} m The mode: collector or post.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      mode: function (m) {
-        if (m == null) {
-          return facet[name].mode;
-        }
-        m = m.toLowerCase();
-        if (m === 'collector' || m === 'post') {
-          facet[name].mode = m;
-        }
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Computes values across the the specified scope</p>
-            @deprecated since elasticsearch 0.90
-            @member ejs.RangeFacet
-            @param {String} scope The scope name to calculate facet counts with.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      scope: function (scope) {
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Enables caching of the <code>facetFilter</code></p>
-            @member ejs.RangeFacet
-            @param {Boolean} trueFalse If the facetFilter should be cached or not
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      cacheFilter: function (trueFalse) {
-        if (trueFalse == null) {
-          return facet[name].cache_filter;
-        }
-        facet[name].cache_filter = trueFalse;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Sets the path to the nested document if faceting against a
-            nested field.</p>
-            @member ejs.RangeFacet
-            @param {String} path The nested path
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      nested: function (path) {
-        if (path == null) {
-          return facet[name].nested;
-        }
-        facet[name].nested = path;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Allows you to serialize this object into a JSON encoded string.</p>
-            @member ejs.RangeFacet
-            @returns {String} returns this object as a serialized JSON string.
-            */
-      toString: function () {
-        return JSON.stringify(facet);
-      },
-      /**
-            The type of ejs object.  For internal use only.
-            @member ejs.RangeFacet
-            @returns {String} the type of object
-            */
-      _type: function () {
-        return 'facet';
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Retrieves the internal <code>facet</code> object. This is typically used by
-               internal API functions so use with caution.</p>
-            @member ejs.RangeFacet
-            @returns {String} returns this object's internal <code>facet</code> property.
-            */
-      _self: function () {
-        return facet;
-      }
-    };
-  };
-  /**
-    @class
-    <p>A statistical facet allows you to compute statistical data over a numeric fields. Statistical data includes
-    the count, total, sum of squares, mean (average), minimum, maximum, variance, and standard deviation.</p>
-    <p>Facets are similar to SQL <code>GROUP BY</code> statements but perform much
-       better. You can also construct several <em>"groups"</em> at once by simply
-       specifying multiple facets.</p>
-    <div class="alert-message block-message info">
-        <p>
-            <strong>Tip: </strong>
-            For more information on faceted navigation, see
-            <a href="">this</a>
-            Wikipedia article on Faceted Classification.
-        </p>
-    </div>
-    @name ejs.StatisticalFacet
-    @desc
-    <p>A facet which returns statistical information about a numeric field</p>
-    @param {String} name The name which be used to refer to this facet. For instance,
-        the facet itself might utilize a field named <code>doc_authors</code>. Setting
-        <code>name</code> to <code>Authors</code> would allow you to refer to the
-        facet by that name, possibly simplifying some of the display logic.
-    */
-  ejs.StatisticalFacet = function (name) {
-    /**
-        The internal facet object.
-        @member ejs.StatisticalFacet
-        @property {Object} facet
-        */
-    var facet = {};
-    facet[name] = {
-      statistical: {}
-    };
-    return {
-      /**
-            Sets the field to be used to construct the this facet.
-            @member ejs.StatisticalFacet
-            @param {String} fieldName The field name whose data will be used to construct the facet.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      field: function (fieldName) {
-        if (fieldName == null) {
-          return facet[name].statistical.field;
-        }
-        facet[name].statistical.field = fieldName;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Aggregate statistical info across a set of fields.
-            @member ejs.StatisticalFacet
-            @param {Array} aFieldName An array of field names.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      fields: function (fields) {
-        if (fields == null) {
-          return facet[name].statistical.fields;
-        }
-        if (!isArray(fields)) {
-          throw new TypeError('Argument must be an array');
-        }
-        facet[name].statistical.fields = fields;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Define a script to evaluate of which the result will be used to generate
-            the statistical information.
-            @member ejs.StatisticalFacet
-            @param {String} code The script code to execute.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      script: function (code) {
-        if (code == null) {
-          return facet[name].statistical.script;
-        }
-        facet[name].statistical.script = code;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            The script language being used. Currently supported values are
-            <code>javascript</code>, <code>groovy</code>, and <code>mvel</code>.
-            @member ejs.StatisticalFacet
-            @param {String} language The language of the script.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      lang: function (language) {
-        if (language == null) {
-          return facet[name].statistical.lang;
-        }
-        facet[name].statistical.lang = language;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Allows you to set script parameters to be used during the execution of the script.
-            @member ejs.StatisticalFacet
-            @param {Object} oParams An object containing key/value pairs representing param name/value.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      params: function (oParams) {
-        if (oParams == null) {
-          return facet[name].statistical.params;
-        }
-        facet[name].statistical.params = oParams;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Allows you to reduce the documents used for computing facet results.</p>
-            @member ejs.StatisticalFacet
-            @param {Object} oFilter A valid <code>Filter</code> object.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      facetFilter: function (oFilter) {
-        if (oFilter == null) {
-          return facet[name].facet_filter;
-        }
-        if (!isFilter(oFilter)) {
-          throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Filter');
-        }
-        facet[name].facet_filter = oFilter._self();
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Computes values across the entire index</p>
-            @member ejs.StatisticalFacet
-            @param {Boolean} trueFalse Calculate facet counts globally or not.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      global: function (trueFalse) {
-        if (trueFalse == null) {
-          return facet[name].global;
-        }
-        facet[name].global = trueFalse;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Sets the mode the facet will use.<p>
-            <dl>
-                <dd><code>collector</code></dd>
-                <dd><code>post</code></dd>
-            <dl>
-            @member ejs.StatisticalFacet
-            @param {String} m The mode: collector or post.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      mode: function (m) {
-        if (m == null) {
-          return facet[name].mode;
-        }
-        m = m.toLowerCase();
-        if (m === 'collector' || m === 'post') {
-          facet[name].mode = m;
-        }
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Computes values across the the specified scope</p>
-            @deprecated since elasticsearch 0.90
-            @member ejs.StatisticalFacet
-            @param {String} scope The scope name to calculate facet counts with.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      scope: function (scope) {
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Enables caching of the <code>facetFilter</code></p>
-            @member ejs.StatisticalFacet
-            @param {Boolean} trueFalse If the facetFilter should be cached or not
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      cacheFilter: function (trueFalse) {
-        if (trueFalse == null) {
-          return facet[name].cache_filter;
-        }
-        facet[name].cache_filter = trueFalse;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Sets the path to the nested document if faceting against a
-            nested field.</p>
-            @member ejs.StatisticalFacet
-            @param {String} path The nested path
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      nested: function (path) {
-        if (path == null) {
-          return facet[name].nested;
-        }
-        facet[name].nested = path;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Allows you to serialize this object into a JSON encoded string.</p>
-            @member ejs.StatisticalFacet
-            @returns {String} returns this object as a serialized JSON string.
-            */
-      toString: function () {
-        return JSON.stringify(facet);
-      },
-      /**
-            The type of ejs object.  For internal use only.
-            @member ejs.StatisticalFacet
-            @returns {String} the type of object
-            */
-      _type: function () {
-        return 'facet';
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Retrieves the internal <code>facet</code> object. This is typically used by
-               internal API functions so use with caution.</p>
-            @member ejs.StatisticalFacet
-            @returns {String} returns this object's internal <code>facet</code> property.
-            */
-      _self: function () {
-        return facet;
-      }
-    };
-  };
-  /**
-    @class
-    <p>A termsStatsFacet allows you to compute statistics over an aggregate key (term). Essentially this
-    facet provides the functionality of what is often refered to as a <em>pivot table</em>.</p>
-    <p>Facets are similar to SQL <code>GROUP BY</code> statements but perform much
-       better. You can also construct several <em>"groups"</em> at once by simply
-       specifying multiple facets.</p>
-    <div class="alert-message block-message info">
-        <p>
-            <strong>Tip: </strong>
-            For more information on faceted navigation, see
-            <a href="">this</a>
-            Wikipedia article on Faceted Classification.
-        </p>
-    </div>
-    @name ejs.TermStatsFacet
-    @desc
-    <p>A facet which computes statistical data based on an aggregate key.</p>
-    @param {String} name The name which be used to refer to this facet. For instance,
-        the facet itself might utilize a field named <code>doc_authors</code>. Setting
-        <code>name</code> to <code>Authors</code> would allow you to refer to the
-        facet by that name, possibly simplifying some of the display logic.
-    */
-  ejs.TermStatsFacet = function (name) {
-    /**
-        The internal facet object.
-        @member ejs.TermStatsFacet
-        @property {Object} facet
-        */
-    var facet = {};
-    facet[name] = {
-      terms_stats: {}
-    };
-    return {
-      /**
-            Sets the field for which statistical information will be generated.
-            @member ejs.TermStatsFacet
-            @param {String} fieldName The field name whose data will be used to construct the facet.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      valueField: function (fieldName) {
-        if (fieldName == null) {
-          return facet[name].terms_stats.value_field;
-        }
-        facet[name].terms_stats.value_field = fieldName;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Sets the field which will be used to pivot on (group-by).
-            @member ejs.TermStatsFacet
-            @param {String} fieldName The field name whose data will be used to construct the facet.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      keyField: function (fieldName) {
-        if (fieldName == null) {
-          return facet[name].terms_stats.key_field;
-        }
-        facet[name].terms_stats.key_field = fieldName;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Sets a script that will provide the terms for a given document.
-            @member ejs.TermStatsFacet
-            @param {String} script The script code.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      scriptField: function (script) {
-        if (script == null) {
-          return facet[name].terms_stats.script_field;
-        }
-        facet[name].terms_stats.script_field = script;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Define a script to evaluate of which the result will be used to generate
-            the statistical information.
-            @member ejs.TermStatsFacet
-            @param {String} code The script code to execute.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      valueScript: function (code) {
-        if (code == null) {
-          return facet[name].terms_stats.value_script;
-        }
-        facet[name].terms_stats.value_script = code;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            <p>Allows you to return all terms, even if the frequency count is 0. This should not be
-               used on fields that contain a large number of unique terms because it could cause
-               <em>out-of-memory</em> errors.</p>
-            @member ejs.TermStatsFacet
-            @param {String} trueFalse <code>true</code> or <code>false</code>
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      allTerms: function (trueFalse) {
-        if (trueFalse == null) {
-          return facet[name].terms_stats.all_terms;
-        }
-        facet[name].terms_stats.all_terms = trueFalse;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            The script language being used. Currently supported values are
-            <code>javascript</code>, <code>groovy</code>, and <code>mvel</code>.
-            @member ejs.TermStatsFacet
-            @param {String} language The language of the script.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      lang: function (language) {
-        if (language == null) {
-          return facet[name].terms_stats.lang;
-        }
-        facet[name].terms_stats.lang = language;
-        return this;
-      },
-      /**
-            Allows you to set script parameters to be used during the execution of the script.
-            @member ejs.TermStatsFacet
-            @param {Object} oParams An object containing key/value pairs representing param name/value.
-            @returns {Object} returns <code>this</code> so that calls can be chained.
-            */
-      params: function (oParams) {
-        if (oParams == null) {