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Posted to by Fabrice CANTEGREL <> on 2001/11/15 18:39:03 UTC

tag "message" incoherence


i just write to tell you that it seems there is an incoherence between 
the tag "message" in the struts-bean.tld and the explanation you provide 
I though it was possible to generate a key value by using a property 
value from a FormBean. I've seen in the documentation that it was 
possible. but in the struts-bean.tld, the attribute "key" is mandatory 
and the attributes "name", "property" and "scope" don't exist (in the 
documentation, key is not mandatory and the missing tags exist). In the, it only uses "key" (to generate the call to the 
resource). There are no references to the attributes "name", "property" 
and "scope". We will do a specific tag for our project. But my question 
is: What is wrong? The online documentation or the struts version (1.0) 
we've downloaded and used? If we have the good struts code, will those 
missing attributes be added in the next release?

Thank you. you do an amazing good work.



Integration Center Engineer

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