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Posted to by Craig Russell <> on 2017/08/18 04:08:45 UTC

Agenda pet peeve

This is really trivial, but if a project's report is not received, we should say it's not received.

What we currently say is that it was not submitted, which is probably true but not accurate. The report might have been submitted, email failed, someone sent it to board@ but no one checked it in via whimsy or svn, or any number of obscure technical issues too complex to mention.

So, I'd like to change the messages and minutes:

models/minutes.rb:          [section, title, report, "\n\n       No report was submitted."]
models/minutes.rb:      minutes.sub! /^(\s+)See Attachment #{attach}$/, '\1No report was submitted.'

views/buttons/email.js.rb:        "#{@@item.title} has not yet been submitted for this " +

I notice that there are some tests that expect "submitted". I have not run these tests, but do they need to be changed as well?

Craig L Russell
Secretary, Apache Software Foundation

Re: Agenda pet peeve

Posted by Sam Ruby <>.
On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 12:08 AM, Craig Russell <> wrote:
> This is really trivial, but if a project's report is not received, we should say it's not received.
> What we currently say is that it was not submitted, which is probably true but not accurate. The report might have been submitted, email failed, someone sent it to board@ but no one checked it in via whimsy or svn, or any number of obscure technical issues too complex to mention.
> So, I'd like to change the messages and minutes:
> models/minutes.rb:          [section, title, report, "\n\n       No report was submitted."]
> models/minutes.rb:      minutes.sub! /^(\s+)See Attachment #{attach}$/, '\1No report was submitted.'
> views/buttons/email.js.rb:        "#{@@item.title} has not yet been submitted for this " +
> I notice that there are some tests that expect "submitted". I have not run these tests, but do they need to be changed as well?

Those changes look fine, but I would really like to get to the point
where you could run the tests.

If you haven't done it recently, do the following in the
whimsy/www/board/agenda directory:

$ git pull
$ bundle install
$ rake clobber

Once that is done, you should be able to run the tests:

$ rake test

If this doesn't work for you, please post what error you get.

On the todo list is to figure out what it would take to set up
Continuous Integration tests for this project.  We could start with
the board agenda and add other tools.

> Craig L Russell
> Secretary, Apache Software Foundation

- Sam Ruby