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Posted to by Mansour Al Akeel <> on 2014/03/09 23:02:14 UTC

Wrap persistence calls in a container managed transaction

I have an osgi bundle that load initialization data from other
bundles. When ever another component is started, the data loader
checks to see if a specific file exists and if that bundle has JPA
capabilites. This is done by obtaining EntityManagerFactory for the
loaded bundle.

For example, if bundle A is started, the data loader, gets the
EntityManagerFactory from bundle A, and loads the data from the file.

This has been working fine with App managed persistence:

            BundleContext sourceContext = bundle.getBundleContext();

            ServiceReference<?> emfSr =

            ServiceReference<?> emSr =

// start transaction when RESOUCE_LOCAL

// perform insert/update


The problem is when we have transaction-type="JTA". In this case the
entity manager has to be injected and the container needs to handle
the TX.

I like to get this to work in both cases
(transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL" or "JTA").

Is there a way to gain control of container managed transactions ??

Thank you.