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Posted to by Tracy McGrady <> on 2003/12/02 11:22:57 UTC

Custom Serializer


I'm trying to understand how work the serialization / deserialization mechanisms. So, I've a look at classes in
package org.apache.axis.encoding and its subpackage ser. I've looked classes like Serializer, Deserializer and
their factories, and some of classes like VectorSerializer, BeanSerializer and so forth...

However, I cannot understand how it really works ! 

My problem is the following : 

I've to create a custom serializer (and deserializer), but I don't know how to do ! What are the things to do ?
However I've looked the samples in samples/encoding ... but I still don't undertand ...

Could someone help me, guide me please ?


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build.xml examples available

Posted by Jan Kester <>.

I am learning my way through in Axis; articles, books and examples.
I find that it takes me quite some time to setup ant build files, so I hope
I can help someone else with them as well.
I have one build-file, with a simple server implementation and client class
that allows deploy and run client,
and I have another one that allows to download a wsdl file, and use it with
a client.

Where can I leave these two build examples?

Regards, Jan.