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Posted to by on 2020/12/18 15:10:49 UTC

[trafficcontrol] branch 5.0.x updated: Fix parent.config generation for MSO with required capabilities (#5383)

This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

ocket8888 pushed a commit to branch 5.0.x
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/5.0.x by this push:
     new 983dc07  Fix parent.config generation for MSO with required capabilities (#5383)
983dc07 is described below

commit 983dc0797d83c76273fd66654248501f47f23046
Author: Rawlin Peters <>
AuthorDate: Fri Dec 18 07:15:53 2020 -0700

    Fix parent.config generation for MSO with required capabilities (#5383)
    Server capabilities do not apply to ORG servers (origins), so don't
    check for them.
    (cherry picked from commit df927ac343bab0ded04e06770569604c79c6ae98)
---                          |   1 +
 lib/go-atscfg/parentdotconfig.go      |  20 +--
 lib/go-atscfg/parentdotconfig_test.go | 268 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 274 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 46a253d..b6eb2f4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
 - #5191 - Error from IMS requests to /federations/all
 - Fixed Astats csv issue where it could crash if caches dont return proc data
 - Fixed parent.config generation for topology-based delivery services (inline comments not supported)
+- Fixed parent.config generation for MSO delivery services with required capabilities
 ### Changed
 - Changed some Traffic Ops Go Client methods to use `DeliveryServiceNullable` inputs and outputs.
diff --git a/lib/go-atscfg/parentdotconfig.go b/lib/go-atscfg/parentdotconfig.go
index 56deb3d..082e1a7 100644
--- a/lib/go-atscfg/parentdotconfig.go
+++ b/lib/go-atscfg/parentdotconfig.go
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ func MakeParentDotConfig(
 		parentServerDSes[*dss.Server][*dss.DeliveryService] = struct{}{}
-	originServers, profileCaches, orgProfWarns, err := getOriginServersAndProfileCaches(cgServers, parentServerDSes, profileParentConfigParams, dses, serverCapabilities, dsRequiredCapabilities)
+	originServers, profileCaches, orgProfWarns, err := getOriginServersAndProfileCaches(cgServers, parentServerDSes, profileParentConfigParams, dses, serverCapabilities)
 	warnings = append(warnings, orgProfWarns...)
 	if err != nil {
 		return Cfg{}, makeErr(warnings, "getting origin servers and profile caches: "+err.Error())
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ func MakeParentDotConfig(
 					warnings = append(warnings, "delivery service "+*ds.XMLID+" has no parent servers")
-				parents, secondaryParents, parentWarns := getMSOParentStrs(&ds, parentInfos[OriginHost(orgURI.Hostname())], atsMajorVer, dsRequiredCapabilities, dsParams.Algorithm, dsParams.TryAllPrimariesBeforeSecondary)
+				parents, secondaryParents, parentWarns := getMSOParentStrs(&ds, parentInfos[OriginHost(orgURI.Hostname())], atsMajorVer, dsParams.Algorithm, dsParams.TryAllPrimariesBeforeSecondary)
 				warnings = append(warnings, parentWarns...)
 				textLine += parents + secondaryParents + ` round_robin=` + dsParams.Algorithm + ` qstring=` + parentQStr + ` go_direct=false parent_is_proxy=false`
 				textLine += getParentRetryStr(true, atsMajorVer, dsParams.ParentRetry, dsParams.UnavailableServerRetryResponses, dsParams.MaxSimpleRetries, dsParams.MaxUnavailableServerRetries)
@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ func getTopologyParents(
-		if !hasRequiredCapabilities(serverCapabilities[*sv.ID], dsRequiredCapabilities[*ds.ID]) {
+		if sv.Type != tc.OriginTypeName && !hasRequiredCapabilities(serverCapabilities[*sv.ID], dsRequiredCapabilities[*ds.ID]) {
 		if *sv.Cachegroup == parentCG {
@@ -1136,7 +1136,6 @@ func getMSOParentStrs(
 	ds *DeliveryService,
 	parentInfos []parentInfo,
 	atsMajorVer int,
-	dsRequiredCapabilities map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{},
 	msoAlgorithm string,
 	tryAllPrimariesBeforeSecondary bool,
 ) (string, string, []string) {
@@ -1150,10 +1149,6 @@ func getMSOParentStrs(
 	secondaryParentInfo := []string{}
 	nullParentInfo := []string{}
 	for _, parent := range ([]parentInfo)(rankedParents) {
-		if !hasRequiredCapabilities(parent.Capabilities, dsRequiredCapabilities[*ds.ID]) {
-			continue
-		}
 		if parent.PrimaryParent {
 			parentInfoTxt = append(parentInfoTxt, parent.Format())
 		} else if parent.SecondaryParent {
@@ -1263,7 +1258,6 @@ func getOriginServersAndProfileCaches(
 	profileParentConfigParams map[string]map[string]string, // map[profileName][paramName]paramVal
 	dses []DeliveryService,
 	serverCapabilities map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{},
-	dsRequiredCapabilities map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{},
 ) (map[OriginHost][]cgServer, map[ProfileID]profileCache, []string, error) {
 	warnings := []string{}
 	originServers := map[OriginHost][]cgServer{}  // "deliveryServices" in Perl
@@ -1363,12 +1357,8 @@ func getOriginServersAndProfileCaches(
 					// warnings = append(warnings, fmt.Sprintf(("ds %v has no origins! Skipping!\n", dsID) // TODO determine if this is normal
-				if hasRequiredCapabilities(serverCapabilities[*cgSv.ID], dsRequiredCapabilities[dsID]) {
-					orgHost := OriginHost(orgURI.Host)
-					originServers[orgHost] = append(originServers[orgHost], realCGServer)
-				} else {
-					warnings = append(warnings, fmt.Sprintf("ds %v server %v missing required caps, skipping!\n", dsID, orgURI.Host))
-				}
+				orgHost := OriginHost(orgURI.Host)
+				originServers[orgHost] = append(originServers[orgHost], realCGServer)
 		} else {
 			originServers[deliveryServicesAllParentsKey] = append(originServers[deliveryServicesAllParentsKey], realCGServer)
diff --git a/lib/go-atscfg/parentdotconfig_test.go b/lib/go-atscfg/parentdotconfig_test.go
index be3443b..2c2b342 100644
--- a/lib/go-atscfg/parentdotconfig_test.go
+++ b/lib/go-atscfg/parentdotconfig_test.go
@@ -1253,6 +1253,274 @@ func TestMakeParentDotConfigTopologiesMSO(t *testing.T) {
+func TestMakeParentDotConfigTopologiesMSOWithCapabilities(t *testing.T) {
+	hdr := "myHeaderComment"
+	ds1 := makeParentDS()
+	ds1.ID = util.IntPtr(43)
+	ds1Type := tc.DSTypeDNS
+	ds1.Type = &ds1Type
+	ds1.QStringIgnore = util.IntPtr(int(tc.QStringIgnoreDrop))
+	ds1.OrgServerFQDN = util.StrPtr("")
+	ds1.Topology = util.StrPtr("t0")
+	ds1.MultiSiteOrigin = util.BoolPtr(true)
+	dses := []DeliveryService{*ds1}
+	parentConfigParams := []tc.Parameter{
+		tc.Parameter{
+			Name:       ParentConfigParamQStringHandling,
+			ConfigFile: "parent.config",
+			Value:      "myQStringHandlingParam",
+			Profiles:   []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
+		},
+		tc.Parameter{
+			Name:       ParentConfigParamAlgorithm,
+			ConfigFile: "parent.config",
+			Value:      tc.AlgorithmConsistentHash,
+			Profiles:   []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
+		},
+		tc.Parameter{
+			Name:       ParentConfigParamQString,
+			ConfigFile: "parent.config",
+			Value:      "myQstringParam",
+			Profiles:   []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
+		},
+	}
+	serverParams := []tc.Parameter{
+		tc.Parameter{
+			Name:       "trafficserver",
+			ConfigFile: "package",
+			Value:      "7",
+			Profiles:   []byte(`["global"]`),
+		},
+	}
+	server := makeTestParentServer()
+	server.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("edgeCG")
+	server.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(400)
+	server.ID = util.IntPtr(44)
+	origin0 := makeTestParentServer()
+	origin0.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("originCG")
+	origin0.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(500)
+	origin0.HostName = util.StrPtr("myorigin0")
+	origin0.ID = util.IntPtr(45)
+	setIP(origin0, "")
+	origin0.Type = tc.OriginTypeName
+	origin0.TypeID = util.IntPtr(991)
+	origin1 := makeTestParentServer()
+	origin1.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("originCG")
+	origin1.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(500)
+	origin1.HostName = util.StrPtr("myorigin1")
+	origin1.ID = util.IntPtr(46)
+	setIP(origin1, "")
+	origin1.Type = tc.OriginTypeName
+	origin1.TypeID = util.IntPtr(991)
+	servers := []Server{*server, *origin0, *origin1}
+	topologies := []tc.Topology{
+		tc.Topology{
+			Name: "t0",
+			Nodes: []tc.TopologyNode{
+				tc.TopologyNode{
+					Cachegroup: "edgeCG",
+					Parents:    []int{1},
+				},
+				tc.TopologyNode{
+					Cachegroup: "originCG",
+				},
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	serverCapabilities := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{
+		*server.ID: {
+			ServerCapability("FOO"): struct{}{},
+		},
+	}
+	dsRequiredCapabilities := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{
+		*ds1.ID: {
+			ServerCapability("FOO"): struct{}{},
+		},
+	}
+	eCG := &tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
+	eCG.Name = server.Cachegroup
+	eCG.ID = server.CachegroupID
+	eCG.ParentName = origin0.Cachegroup
+	eCG.ParentCachegroupID = origin0.CachegroupID
+	eCGType := tc.CacheGroupEdgeTypeName
+	eCG.Type = &eCGType
+	oCG := &tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
+	oCG.Name = origin0.Cachegroup
+	oCG.ID = origin0.CachegroupID
+	oCGType := tc.CacheGroupOriginTypeName
+	oCG.Type = &oCGType
+	cgs := []tc.CacheGroupNullable{*eCG, *oCG}
+	dss := []tc.DeliveryServiceServer{
+		tc.DeliveryServiceServer{
+			Server:          util.IntPtr(*origin0.ID),
+			DeliveryService: util.IntPtr(*ds1.ID),
+		},
+	}
+	cdn := &tc.CDN{
+		DomainName: "cdndomain.example",
+		Name:       "my-cdn-name",
+	}
+	cfg, err := MakeParentDotConfig(dses, server, servers, topologies, serverParams, parentConfigParams, serverCapabilities, dsRequiredCapabilities, cgs, dss, cdn, hdr)
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	txt := cfg.Text
+	testComment(t, txt, hdr)
+	if !strings.Contains(txt, "") {
+		t.Errorf("expected parent '', actual: '%v'", txt)
+	}
+	if !strings.Contains(txt, "myorigin0") {
+		t.Errorf("expected origin0 with DeliveryServiceServer assigned to this DS, actual: '%v'", txt)
+	}
+	if strings.Contains(txt, "myorigin1") {
+		t.Errorf("expected no origin1 without DeliveryServiceServer assigned to this DS, actual: '%v'", txt)
+	}
+func TestMakeParentDotConfigMSOWithCapabilities(t *testing.T) {
+	hdr := "myHeaderComment"
+	ds1 := makeParentDS()
+	ds1.ID = util.IntPtr(43)
+	ds1Type := tc.DSTypeDNS
+	ds1.Type = &ds1Type
+	ds1.QStringIgnore = util.IntPtr(int(tc.QStringIgnoreDrop))
+	ds1.OrgServerFQDN = util.StrPtr("")
+	ds1.MultiSiteOrigin = util.BoolPtr(true)
+	dses := []DeliveryService{*ds1}
+	parentConfigParams := []tc.Parameter{
+		tc.Parameter{
+			Name:       ParentConfigParamQStringHandling,
+			ConfigFile: "parent.config",
+			Value:      "myQStringHandlingParam",
+			Profiles:   []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
+		},
+		tc.Parameter{
+			Name:       ParentConfigParamAlgorithm,
+			ConfigFile: "parent.config",
+			Value:      tc.AlgorithmConsistentHash,
+			Profiles:   []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
+		},
+		tc.Parameter{
+			Name:       ParentConfigParamQString,
+			ConfigFile: "parent.config",
+			Value:      "myQstringParam",
+			Profiles:   []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
+		},
+	}
+	serverParams := []tc.Parameter{
+		tc.Parameter{
+			Name:       "trafficserver",
+			ConfigFile: "package",
+			Value:      "7",
+			Profiles:   []byte(`["global"]`),
+		},
+	}
+	server := makeTestParentServer()
+	server.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("midCG")
+	server.Type = "MID"
+	server.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(400)
+	server.ID = util.IntPtr(44)
+	origin0 := makeTestParentServer()
+	origin0.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("originCG")
+	origin0.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(500)
+	origin0.HostName = util.StrPtr("myorigin0")
+	origin0.ID = util.IntPtr(45)
+	setIP(origin0, "")
+	origin0.Type = tc.OriginTypeName
+	origin0.TypeID = util.IntPtr(991)
+	origin1 := makeTestParentServer()
+	origin1.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("originCG")
+	origin1.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(500)
+	origin1.HostName = util.StrPtr("myorigin1")
+	origin1.ID = util.IntPtr(46)
+	setIP(origin1, "")
+	origin1.Type = tc.OriginTypeName
+	origin1.TypeID = util.IntPtr(991)
+	servers := []Server{*server, *origin0, *origin1}
+	serverCapabilities := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{
+		*server.ID: {
+			ServerCapability("FOO"): struct{}{},
+		},
+	}
+	dsRequiredCapabilities := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{
+		*ds1.ID: {
+			ServerCapability("FOO"): struct{}{},
+		},
+	}
+	midCG := &tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
+	midCG.Name = server.Cachegroup
+	midCG.ID = server.CachegroupID
+	midCG.ParentName = origin0.Cachegroup
+	midCG.ParentCachegroupID = origin0.CachegroupID
+	midCGType := tc.CacheGroupMidTypeName
+	midCG.Type = &midCGType
+	oCG := &tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
+	oCG.Name = origin0.Cachegroup
+	oCG.ID = origin0.CachegroupID
+	oCGType := tc.CacheGroupOriginTypeName
+	oCG.Type = &oCGType
+	cgs := []tc.CacheGroupNullable{*midCG, *oCG}
+	dss := []tc.DeliveryServiceServer{
+		tc.DeliveryServiceServer{
+			Server:          util.IntPtr(*origin0.ID),
+			DeliveryService: util.IntPtr(*ds1.ID),
+		},
+	}
+	cdn := &tc.CDN{
+		DomainName: "cdndomain.example",
+		Name:       "my-cdn-name",
+	}
+	topologies := []tc.Topology{}
+	cfg, err := MakeParentDotConfig(dses, server, servers, topologies, serverParams, parentConfigParams, serverCapabilities, dsRequiredCapabilities, cgs, dss, cdn, hdr)
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	txt := cfg.Text
+	testComment(t, txt, hdr)
+	if !strings.Contains(txt, "") {
+		t.Errorf("expected parent '', actual: '%v'", txt)
+	}
+	if !strings.Contains(txt, "myorigin0") {
+		t.Errorf("expected origin0 with DeliveryServiceServer assigned to this DS, actual: '%v'", txt)
+	}
+	if strings.Contains(txt, "myorigin1") {
+		t.Errorf("expected no origin1 without DeliveryServiceServer assigned to this DS, actual: '%v'", txt)
+	}
 func TestMakeParentDotConfigTopologiesMSOParams(t *testing.T) {
 	hdr := "myHeaderComment"