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Posted to by Lior Shliechkorn <> on 2003/05/21 22:40:48 UTC

Question about Connection Pooling and roles

<p>Hi everyone,
I was curious about JNDI and actual roles users play when accessing the database. If I have a user that logs in and can only view and insert into the database, and then a user that can view, insert, and update tables in the database, what is the best way to go about assigning connections to each user.
>From what I've been exposed to, I've seen that some connections, when created for a certain user already have restrictions applied to the user. So do I create two JNDI sources for a user that can get a connection that allows writing to the database, and then one that contains the other restrictions? So one database can pool more admin like connections, and the other can contain restricted connections?
Thanks a lot,

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